Garvicin KS, a Bacteriocin with Wide Inhibitory Spectrum and Potential Application

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Garvicin KS, a Bacteriocin with Wide Inhibitory Spectrum and Potential Application Philosophiae Doctor (PhD), Thesis 2018: 4 Thesis 2018: (PhD), Doctor Philosophiae Norwegian University of Life Sciences Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) Thesis 2018: 4 Hai Chi Hai Garvicin KS, a bacteriocin with wide inhibitory spectrum and potential application Garvicin KS, et bakteriocin med bredt hemmespektrum og potensiell anvendelse Hai Chi Garvicin KS, a bacteriocin with wide inhibitory spectrum and potential application Garvicin KS, et bakteriocin med bredt hemmespektrum og potensiell anvendelse Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) Thesis Hai Chi Norwegian University of Life Sciences Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science Ås, 2018 Thesis number 2018: 4 ISSN 1894-6402 ISBN 978-82-575-1494-5 Contents Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................................................... i Summary ..................................................................................................................................................... iii Sammendrag ............................................................................................................................................... vi List of papers included in this thesis ...................................................................................................... viii 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... - 1 - Bacteriocins from Gram-negative bacteria ...................................................................................... - 2 - Bacteriocins from Gram-positive bacteria ....................................................................................... - 3 - Mode of action ..................................................................................................................................... - 6 - The structural gene of LAB-derived bacteriocins ........................................................................ - 7 - Immunity protein protects bacteriocin producer ......................................................................... - 7 - Transport of bacteriocin from the cell .......................................................................................... - 8 - Identification of receptors of LAB-derived bacteriocins ............................................................. - 9 - Applications and future perspectives .............................................................................................. - 10 - Food preservation ......................................................................................................................... - 10 - Clinical application ....................................................................................................................... - 11 - Bacteriocins produced by Lactococcus garvieae ............................................................................. - 12 - 2. AIMS OF THE STUDY ................................................................................................................ - 13 - 3. MAIN RESULTS .......................................................................................................................... - 15 - 4. DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................................ - 21 - 6. REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. - 26 - Acknowledgements The work presented in this thesis was carried out at the Department of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences from 2012 to 2018 with financial support from the China Scholarship Council and East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Science (2016M03). First, I would like to thank to my main supervisor, Prof. Helge Holo, for all his outstanding supervisions, endless encouragements, patience and inspirations. Your door is always open for me. Your valuable advice and ‘tricks’ make all my work interesting and effective, which leads new idea to my project, as well as my scientific views for the future. Thank you for providing me with more spaces and freedom to let me understand and recognize who I am and what I could do. I have to admit, I could not complete my Ph.D. without you. I also would like to thank my co-supervisor Dr. Cathrine Arnason Bøe for her great supervision, smiles during Western-blot. Your amiability and attitudes to people are unforgettable. I also would like to thank Prof. Dzung B. Diep for offering me the opportunity to work with nice people around in the group. I have learnt what I should do and what I should not do from you. The memories working with you would be valuable for rest of my life. Many thanks to Dr. Ibrahim Mehmeti, Cyril Frantzen and Dr. Juan José Jiménez Martinez. You are always supportive and nice to me. The communications with you not only help my work, but also make my life colorful in Norway. I am also grateful to Dr. Kirill Ovchinnikov for contribution to the project, and Linda Godager, May-Britt Hovet for the technical supports. i Special thanks to Mr. Svein Thalberg, Dr. Karen Eg Taraldrud and Mrs. Kari Elise Moxnes for your supports. Your supports and helps draw me out from my tough time, without that I might end up with nothing. Your helps will be membered forever. I also would like to express my gratitude to all my past and present colleagues and officemates for making me enjoyable time in the lab. At last, I am deeply grateful to my parents and my wife for your endless love and supports. I think I am the luckiest person in the world to have you. No words could describe how much I love you. You mean everything to me. ᡁ⸕䚃ˈ ᷌ᛘ൘䘉ˈаᇊՊѪᡁ傴ۢⲴʽྲ 㠤᝸⡦䘏⇯㠓˄1955 ᒤ 3 ᴸ 16 ᰕ-2015 ᒤ 2 ᴸ 15 ᰕ˅ Ås, Jan. 2018 Hai Chi ii Summary In this study, we screened for bacteriocin producer(s) from a large collection of bacterial isolates (over 1800) obtained from raw milk using a panel of indicator strains of different bacterial species and genera. Fourteen isolates with a broad inhibition spectrum were found and identified as Lactococcus garvieae (10 isolates) and Enterococcus faecalis (4 isolates). Due to the identical characteristics (such as fermentation capacity, inhibitory spectrum and genetic profile) of ten L. garvieae isolates, further analysis on one out of ten isolates of L. garvieae was carried out. The bacteriocin producer showed a broad inhibition spectrum, against many important problematic bacteria of genera Listeria, Bacillus, Staphylococcus and Enterococcus, as well as Gram-negative bacteria of Acinetobacter genus. The purification of bacteriocin from L. garvieae was carried out using cation exchange followed with reverse phase chromatography. The N-terminal amino acid sequencing was done by Edman degradation, and was confirmed by the whole genome sequencing. The whole genome sequence results showed that the bacteriocin (termed as garvicin KS) consists of three similar leaderless peptides of 32 to 34 amino acids. Moreover, the whole genome sequencing demonstrated that it contains structural genes followed with an immunity gene and an ABC- transporter gene. Based on a protein BLAST searching, a four-peptide bacteriocin produced by S. aureus A70 and an unannotated a three-peptide putative bacteriocin produced by B. cereus showed similar homology to garvicin KS. The synthesized peptide confirmed that the bacteriocin requires an equal amount of all three peptides for its activity. Both purified and synthesized garvicin KS showed the same broad inhibition spectrum, indicating that garvicin KS is a promising bacteriocin with potential applications in medicine and food industry. iii In order to have a comprehensive understanding of the mechanism of action of garvicin KS, the whole genome sequencing method was used for the identification of putative receptor of garvicin KS. Garvicin KS resistant mutants of Lactococcus lactis IL1403 were isolated, and six out of them with the highest resistance levels were subjected to the whole genome sequencing. The results of whole genome sequencing showed that all six mutants contained the mutation within the same gene, encoding for phage shock protein C (PspC), an integral transmembrane protein. A pspC knockout mutant exhibited increased resistance levels as compared to the wild type strain, and complementation with pspC restored the sensitivity to garvicin KS in garvicin KS resistant mutants. Interestingly, the mutants also lost sensitivity to LcnG, a bacteriocin that uses undecaprenyl pyrophosphate phosphatase (UppP) for its activity. Cloning of pspC in Lactobacillus sakei also conferred sensitivity to LcnG. Binding assays were performed to study the binding of different bacteriocins to cells. The mutants showed less binding to garvicin KS and LcnG than the wild type. No difference was observed between wild type and mutants binding to nisin. The mutants and wild type checked by immunoprecipitation showed no binding to nisin. However, binding to both the bacteriocins (LcnG and garvicin KS), as complete bacteriocin or as individual subunits, was demonstrated by immunoprecipitation, indicating that PspC might act as a receptor for these bacteriocins. We also evaluated the activity of garvicin KS, alone and in combination with other antimicrobial agents, against important pathogens from Gram-positive and Gram-negative pathogenic
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