Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Date: Monday, 11 September Street, . 2006 Time: 2.00 p.m.


1. To determine if the following matters are to be considered under the categories suggested in accordance with the Local Government Act 1972.

2. To determine any item which the Chairman is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency.

3. Apologies for Absence

4. Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 31st July, 2006 (Pages 1 - 6)

5. Rother Valley South Area Assembly (Pages 7 - 12) - minutes of meeting held on 3rd July, 2006

6. Rother Valley West Area Assembly (Pages 13 - 20) - minutes of meeting held on 24th July, 2006

7. Rotherham North Area Assembly (Pages 21 - 25) - minutes of meeting held on 18th July, 2006

8. Rotherham South Area Assembly (Pages 26 - 32) - minutes of meeting held on 4th July, 2006

9. Wentworth North Area Assembly (Pages 33 - 49) - minutes of meetings held on 8th May and 12th June, 2006

10. Wentworth South Area Assembly (Pages 50 - 58) - minutes of meetings held on 19th April and 3rd May, 2006

11. Wentworth Valley Area Assembly (Pages 59 - 67) - minutes of meeting held on 29th June, 2006

12. Date and Time of Next Meeting - - 16th October, 2006, at 2.00 p.m.

Page 1 Agenda Item 4 AREA ASSEMBLY CHAIRS - 31/07/06


Present:- Councillor Ellis (in the Chair); Councillors Dodson, Hodgkiss, Johnston and Rushforth.

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Davies, Kaye and Swift.


Agreed:- That the minutes of the meeting be agreed as a true record.


Agreed:- That Councillor Hodgkiss be nominated as the Area Assembly Chairs’ representative on the Members Training and Development Panel.


Dave Stockdale, Licensing Manager, submitted a report on the Gambling Act 2005 which required the Council to prepare and publish a Statement of Licensing Policy before it carried out any function in respect of applications made under the Act.

The Policy must be determined with a view to promoting the 3 licensing objectives i.e. preventing gambling from being a source of crime and disorder, being associated with crime and disorder or being used to support crime; ensuring that gambling was conducted in a fair and open way; protecting children and other vulnerable persons from being harmed or exploited by gambling. As from January, 2007, premises and gambling applications would be considered by the Council rather than the Gambling Commission/Magistrates.

The draft Statement was currently out for 12 weeks’ consultation.

Advice was still awaited on the level of fees, administration arrangements, enforcement etc. LACORS and the Institute of Licensing had requested that the transitional date be delayed to enable clear guidance and arrangements to be in place.

Agreed:- (1) That the report be noted.

(2) That Area Assembly Chairs be notified of the timescales when known to enable them to determine whether a presentation was required at their respective Area Assembly meeting.


Page 2 AREA ASSEMBLY CHAIRS - 31/07/06 2

The Head of Neighbourhood Development submitted a proposed agenda for an Area Assembly Chairs Away Day to look at what the new way of working for Area Assemblies would mean for Members.

The 7 Area Partnership Managers would be responsible for overseeing the development of the new way of working for Area Assemblies. Crucial to this was the need to establish joint working arrangements with both staff and Members. The Away Day would be the start of the joint training process and suggested that it consider:-

− Effective meetings − Team working − Partnership working – The Co-ordinating Group − Performance management − The Neighbourhoods agenda – national and local context − Additional development needs − Relationships – with the local community, Council, Rotherham Partnership, external organisation and planning Co-ordinating Group Away Days

Cath Saltis, Head of Scrutiny Services, reported that there would be some common development needs amongst Members as well as individual developmental needs which would involve one-to-one sessions.

With regard to the Area Partnership Managers, it was noted that 5 had accepted posts from the recent recruitment drive. The 2 remaining posts had been re-advertised with interviews being held on 22nd August. There had been no decision made as to which Area Assembly they would be allocated; their skills would be matched to the individual areas’ needs and appointed accordingly.

Agreed:- (1) That the draft agenda for the Away Day with Area Assembly Chairs and Area Partnership Managers be agreed and supported.

(2) That a 12 month training package for Members and staff be developed in partnership with the Member Development Officer, Chief Executive’s Office.

(3) That the Head of Scrutiny Services be invited to the Away Day.


The Head of Neighbourhood Development submitted a draft proposal for the possible reporting structure for Area Assemblies. It was noted that since the agenda had been compiled the structure had been changed and had not been finalised as yet.

The Community Involvement Unit had been charged with the responsibility for rolling out the new way of working for Area Assemblies Page 3 AREA ASSEMBLY CHAIRS - 31/07/06

and ensuring there was an appropriate information flow between the 7 Area Assemblies, the Council and Rotherham Partnership.

The Local Strategic Partnership Board wanted reporting arrangements but would be concerned with performance management rather than minutes of the various Area Assemblies.

Agreed:- That the report be noted.


The Head of Neighbourhood Development submitted a report detailing the official launch of the new Area Assemblies at the Rotherham Show on 9th and 10th September, 2006.

At a recent away day held with key stakeholders it was suggested that each Area Assembly should have its own identity or “brand” so that it was easily recognisable to members of the public and internal stakeholders. One of the ways this could be achieved was by each of the 7 Area Assemblies being assigned a colour whereby all correspondence and literature relating to that specific area was produced in the same colour. Where correspondence or literature was being produced on behalf of all Area Assemblies there would be 1 colour which depicted all 7 with a common logo being used by all.

Radio Sheffield had been approached to interview local people throughout the weekend as they leave the Local Authority tent with the responses being broadcast onto a large screen in the Park and All Saints Square. It had been suggested that all 7 Area Chairs be filmed prior to the Show stating what the new way of working meant for them and the communities they represented.

Discussion ensued on the new logo for Area Assemblies with the following comments made:-

− In favour of colour association − Consideration should be given to the changing of Area Assembly names − Should “Rotherham” be included in the logo? − White on black the preferred option

Agreed:- (1) That the proposed Area Assemblies launch at the Rotherham Show be supported.

(2) That the new Area Assemblies logo be approved.

140. REACHOUT 12 AND 13

Dawn Price, Corporate Consultation Officer, submitted the key findings from Reachout 12 and 13.

Page 4 AREA ASSEMBLY CHAIRS - 31/07/06 4

The make up of the Citizen Panel had been changed to ensure that a more robust mechanism was utilised. It had been increased to 1,750 Panel members with questionnaires being sent out twice a year, July and October. The number of people per Area Assembly had increased to 250 and would be sent to different citizens on both occasions to allow a wider spread of inclusivity.

The findings had been broken down into Area Assembly areas to enable comparison and contrast. A meeting was to be held with the Youth Cabinet to encourage them to submit questions to Reachout.

Discussion ensued on the reports. The following suggestions were made:-

− A breakdown of responses per Area Assembly e.g. a map showing postcodes which had responded − The Co-ordinating Group could feed questions into Reachout on a certain issue that was relevant to their Area Assembly

Agreed:- (1) That the report be noted.

(2) That the results from Reachout 14 be submitted to this meeting.


A document was submitted for information on the Accelerated Improvement Consortium on Neighbourhood Working and Area Governance in the Yorkshire and Humber region.

The Consortium consisted of a series of 4 intensive workshops modelled around practical exercises and interactive group debate. The sessions were held between December, 2005, and April, 2006, and focussed on a range of issues around neighbourhood working, area governance and involved discussions around the role of not just local authorities, but other public sector agencies such as the police and the voluntary sector.

Agreed:- That the report be noted.


Consideration was given to the minutes of the Rother Valley South Area Assembly held on 2nd June, 2006

Agreed:- That the minutes be noted.


Consideration was given to the minutes of the Rother Valley West Area Page 5 AREA ASSEMBLY CHAIRS - 31/07/06

Assembly held on 8th May and 21st June, 2006.

Agreed:- That the minutes be noted.


Consideration was given to the minutes of the Rotherham North Area Assembly held on 16th May and 20th June, 2006.

Agreed:- That the minutes be noted.


Consideration was given to the minutes of the Rotherham South Area Assembly held on 16th June, 2006.

Agreed:- That the minutes be noted.


Consideration was given to the minutes of the Wentworth South Area Assembly held on 3rd May, 2006.

Agreed:- That the minutes be noted.


Consideration was given to the minutes of the Wentworth Valley Area Assembly held on 20th April, 2006.

Agreed:- That the minutes be noted.


Resolved:- That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act (financial information relating to the Council).


The Head of Neighbourhood development submitted a report detailing the budget allocations for each Area Assembly for 2006/07.

Agreed:- That the report be noted.


Page 6 AREA ASSEMBLY CHAIRS - 31/07/06 6


Consideration was given to a recommendation from the recent Children and Young People’s Services Scrutiny Review of Citizenship Education in Rotherham that Neighbourhoods should explore the suggestion of inviting youth groups and School Councils to attend relevant Area Assembly meetings.

Agreed:- That the Head of Scrutiny Services liaise with the Head of Neighbourhood Development to implement this recommendation.


Agreed:- That a further meeting be held on 11th September, 2006, commencing at 2.00 p.m.

Page 7 Agenda Item 5


Minutes from meeting held

Monday 3rd July 2006 at 6.30 pm Dinnington Resource Centre


Cllr. David Davies (Chair) - RMBC Dinnington Ward 4 Councillor Cllr. Iain St John - RMBC, Ward 1 Councillor A Whiteway - KPWCDT A Gilbert - Resident – Wales S. Thompson - APC B Howarth - Anston Resident Rita J Alderton - Anston Parish Council P.A. Davies - Dinnington Town Council PH Blanksby - Wales Parish Council T Stanway - Laughton PC F Darksus - Anston Resident Cllr Jane Havenhand - RMBC Councillor Cllr Jennifer Whysall - RMBC Councillor Brian Cottam - Dinnington Town Council

Together with Sneh Soni - 2010 Rotherham Ltd Andrea Mason - RMBC CPO Paul Rollinson - RMBC CSO (Minutes) Inspector Richard Scholey - SYP Sgt Ken Churms - SYP Tom Scattergood - 2010 Rotherham Ltd Andy Roddis - Streetpride

201. Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Tom Knowles, Alan Yates, Nigel Lee, Ann Britten, Colin Sauage, Councillor Robin Stonebridge, John Palmer, David Hall, Robert Woodhead, Monica Carol, and Ken Ward.

202. Minutes of previous meeting held on 2nd June 2006

Agreed as a true record.

203. Matters Arising from meeting held on 2nd June 2006

Agreed as a true record. The Assembly was made aware of the spelling mistake of Dinnington on the invite sheet.

Page 8

204. Police update

Sgt Ken Churms provided an update from the Police on activity since the previous meeting. This included the following points:

• Damage to a School bus at Doe Quarry Lane. Four people have been interviewed and a confession taken. • Offensive weapons with Court process taking place • Damage to heavy goods vehicle at . • Racially aggravated offences in Kiveton. Two people have been interviewed and will be marked as reprimanded. • Incident at Doleswood Avenue around noise and motoring offences. Police Officers are looking into the cases. Detected driving without documentation and one vehicle seized. • Drug warrant • ABC’s issues on juveniles. There has been three ABC’s issue within school grounds. • Motorcycles within the SNT area. The Police are taking action. Since last Area Assembly 17 motorcycle warnings has been made and 5 motorcycles have been seized. • There have been visits to public houses with Sneh Soni during World Cup. There were no offences detected but showed a Police presence. There is action planned for a public house, in particular the Forge public house in Kiveton. • The Assembly were invited to visit the Police station. • Multi agency work has been taking place at Easter Road. • A mosquito device is planned for the bus station. It omits a high pitch noise that only young people can hear.

Councillor St John welcomed the information and the action taken. The ASB contracts are needed for young people to correct behaviour. An update was provided on the Park Pavilion and a press statement is to be made. The work is to take one year to complete. The Greenlands surgery is to be refurbished.

A question was made about the eligibility of children to pay for damage. The normal process is to claim through their insurance company, however a claim can be pursued through the Court for compensation. This is dependant on the type of case involved.

There has been damage to the Village Hall, but the resident explained the problems being issued a crime number for the insurance. The call was answered quickly on the 01142 202020 number but the problem was contacting the Crime recording Bureau. There is no other way of been issued a crime number. The Police agreed to report back these concerns.

The motorcycle nuisance was reported to be not in a specific area. There have been reported problems at different locations across the Area Assembly. Sue Thompson reported traffic offences from Dinnington to

Page 9

Kiveton with heavy goods vehicles. These issues can be reported to the Police station or to the Neighbourhood Champions / Housing Office.

A report was made regarding an incident where a school pupil left the school bus via the middle doors. This was dangerous as the vehicle was in motion and could have been an incident. An option is to ban the pupils from the school bus. There was a further incident regarding damage to a school bus which the Police are investigating. The buses are equipped with CCTV and the photo’s of disruptive behaviour by pupils has been sent to the parents.

Reference was made to a racial incident. Richard Scholey informed the Area Assembly of the returning Children and Young People Officer who will provide vital links to the School. It was agreed that Sgt Churms provide a report back at the next meeting on these issues with the Wales School bus.

A complaint was made that a heavy goods vehicle that access the Cross Roads at 2.00 p.m. on Monday 3rd June 2006. The vehicle ran through a red light and could have caused an accident. A request was made for a speed camera to be placed at this location. Richard Scholey stated speed cameras allocated through the Safety Camera Partnership but it was felt it would not be justified. Residents were advised to pass on vehicles registrations to the Police.

The Chair congratulated the work done by the Safer Neighbourhood Team.

205. Presentation – Coordinating Groups – Andrea Mason

The Chair explained that following the concerns raised at the previous meeting over the Coordinating Group. A request was made for a presentation on the Rother Valley South Coordinating group to explain how the process works and that this is strengthening the Area Assembly process of representing peoples views.

Andrea Mason gave a presentation on the Coordinating Group for Rother Valley South Area Assembly which included the following points:

The Coordinating group will be made up of three community representatives, two parish council representatives, 2010 Rotherham Ltd, , Business Representatives (Rotherham Chamber) The Primary Care Trust and the Nine Elected members. Streetpride will sit on the group as a co-opted member.

A meeting has been arranged for the 10th August for the Parish Councils to arrange for the representative and how to communicate information back to their Parish Council and other Parish Councils.

Page 10

The Area Assembly will continue to be an open meeting. The Coordinating group will look at the issue raised by the Area Assembly. A task and finish approach will hold partners to account.

Audrey Gilbert expressed concerns at this process, but wanted to be involved in the process and has put her name forward for the Co- ordinating group Community representative.

The Chair stated that this is a trial period and after 12 months the Assembly can review its progress and continue to improve.

This new Area Assembly structure has been discussed at a Network of Partnerships away day. They were apprehensive and did not understand the presentations. The Chair stated this was a reason for the presentation on the Co-ordinating Group by Andrea Mason. So that people understood the changes taking place.

The background to the review of Area Assembly was read out to the Area Assembly. The main problems were around the Area Assembly’s effectiveness and how representative it is of the local area.

206. Election of Community Representations

The following residents were elected to the Coordinating Group as community representatives

Kiveton Park and Wales: Audrey Gilbert Dinnington and Laughton: Darren Crookes Anston and Woodsetts: Beryl Howath

207. Streetpride Report - Andy Roddis, RMBC, Streetpride

The Anston Devolved Budget was signed off by the Area Assembly.

• A report was made of water drainage problems on Rotherham Road. • Work on the grass verges has been delayed due to bad weather • The Shrubs on Wales Road was reported as being dangerous. This issue has been reported twice before. Andy Roddis agreed to contact the Council department again. • A query was made regarding liability on grass verges if a person were to fall and sustain injury. It was believed the responsibility is the Council. • The Assembly was informed that the weeding programme of works is ongoing on pavements.

208. Neighbourhood Managers Report Sneh Soni, Neighbourhood Manager, 2010 Rotherham Ltd.

Page 11

Sneh Soni welcomed the positive comments about the working of the Safer Neighbourhood Team. Officers from 2010 Rotherham Ltd have regular briefings with the SY Police and the Police Station. There is information exchange and action planned. Joint visits have taken place and are working closely with Sgt Ken Churms.

There is an open day on the 18th July to go through the process of Anti- social behaviour. 2010 Rotherham ltd is looking at how it deals with anti- social behaviour, the action it takes and the powers available.

The Assembly was made aware that anti-social behaviour contracts are not only issued to young people. These contracts are not legally binding but the Home Office is reviewing this issue.

2010 Rotherham Ltd staff are working to identify solutions at Green Park Land. There have been visits by the Neighbourhood Champions and Repairs Team Leader and Greenspaces Assistant Manager, Andy Lee. As a result the demolition has been brought forward.

There was a thank you to the people involved in the clean up day on Leicester Road, Dinnington.

2010 Rotherham Ltd are updated their database of tenants. A survey questionnaire is being sent to the 23,000 Council tenants in the next two weeks. All Neighbourhood Champions and Operatives will be asking tenants to complete survey.

The Decent Homes programme of works has been finalised. It was agreed that a representative from Decent Homes be invited to the next Area Assembly to give a presentation on the Decent Homes Programme.

Tom Scattergood explained he has been informed by the contractor that the fencing work will be completed in the 2-3 weeks.

209. Any Other Business

The Chair informed the Assembly that £48,000 has been allocated through the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund. This funding has been allocated £10,000 but £18,000 has to be spent within the Neighbourhood Renewal Area.

A proposal is for safety cameras for the Area Assembly to position at hotspot areas when required. Each camera will cost £20,000. A meeting has been arranged with CCTV Liaison Officer, Local Authority Lighting Officers and Elected Members to look at a way forward.

A resident expressed concern regarding the closure of selected residential Homes in the Area Assembly area. Councillor St John explained the situation behind the closures and the future provision for residential housing in the area.

Page 12

There was further discussion around the sale of Council land for development. A resident asked that the Council consider the community needs and not just market value.

A report was made of a gypsy caravan on Mansfield Road area. The Parish Council had objected in writing. A Council enforcement notice has been issued to vacate within 6 months and highlighting other sites that are available.

210. Date, time and venue of next meeting

Monday 4th September 2006, 2.00 p.m. at the Anston Heritage Centre/Parish Hall.

Page 13 Agenda Item 6

ROTHER VALLEY WEST AREA ASSEMBLY Held at Catcliffe Memorial Hall Monday 24th July, 2006

Present:- Cllr. J Swift Borough Councillor Ward 11(in the Chair) Cllr J Austen Borough Councillor Cllr G Boyes Borough Councillor Cllr. J. Nightingale Borough Councillor Cllr. R. Littleboy Borough Councillor Cllr. A. Jackson Borough Councillor Gordon Payne Treeton Partnership Mick Fellowes Treeton Parish Council Cllr. C. Nuttall Treeton Parish Council Jacqie Gill Treeton TARA Doreen Dean Catcliffe Resident Steve Ruffle Waverley Connects Irene Nightingale Parish Jeff Walker Ulley Parish Council Sermin Mather Henry Boot Construction Gary Holmes Henry Boot Construction Alan Lyne Henry Boot Construction Caroline Simpson Rotherham Primary Care Trust Insp. Richard Scholey South Yorkshire Police

Also Present:- Adrian Cheetham 2010 Neighbourhood Manager Kyley Taylor Neighbourhoods Community Support Officer, RMBC Julie Barnett Community Planning Officer Martyn Weir Streetpride Nigel Cooper RMBC Warden Andrea Lunghi RMBC Warden Martyn Green RMBC Warden Glenn Lamb 2010 Rotherham Ltd.


Pam Horner


Agreed: That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 12th June, 2006 be approved as a true record.

Page 14


Page 2 - Cllr. Swift went through the answers to questions previously raised by Gordon Payne regarding the Co-ordinating Group stating that;-

• Area Assembly meetings will be held every 6 weeks with the Co-ordinating Group meeting being held prior to every Area Assembly. • Representatives must live in the Rother Valley West area. • Representatives will be expected to serve 12 months on the group but this will be reviewed in 6 months. • Cllr. Swift still to look into the question regarding reimbursement of expenses and report back.

Gordon stated that the information needed in order for them to make a decision had not been received until after the deadline date.

Page 3 – Cllr. Swift stated that he had now received a response from Lee Adams regarding the Streetpride Budget. The letter was read out to the meeting a copy of which was available to anyone wishing to receive one.

Page 7 - Cllr. Swift to send an email to 2010 staff thanking them for all their hard work in reaching targets.

Welcome to Julie Barnett, new Community Planning Officer covering Janice Curran’s maternity leave.

81. DECENT HOMES Henry Boot Construction (UK) has been selected as one of four partners to delivery the £272m Decent Homes refurbishment programme for 2010 Rotherham Limited to manage the town's council housing stock. Work is to start immediately on the scheme which will see approximately 22,500 houses in the Rotherham area fitted with new kitchens, bathrooms, central heating, electrical rewires and external repairs during the 2006-2010 period

Gary Holmes, Contracts Manager and colleagues from Henry Boot Construction were invited to the meeting to answer any questions and give a brief outline of the work due to take place on the properties shortly. It was reported that a pilot property in Catcliffe will be taking place next week and cabins have been set up on Nursery Drive. The sites are as follows:-

Site 1 - Catcliffe commencing 21/8/06 Site 2 - Brinsworth North commencing 18/9/06 Site 3 - Brinsworth South commencing 16/10/06

Page 15

A basic outline of the works will be dependant upon survey and as advised by 2010 but will take place over a 4 week period and may include:-

1. New heating system 2. New kitchen/vinyl/tiles/décor 3. Full or partial bathroom/vinyl/tiles/décor 4. Full or partial rewire 5. Fireplace 6. Works to envelope

It was reported that residents can also contact the Resident Liaison Officer for further information on the works to be carried out who will be able to answer any further queries they may have:-

Site 1 - Emma Burns Site 2 - Nicola Loynes Site 3 - To be announced

Leaflets on Henry Boot were made available to the assembly.

The following questions arose following their presentation:-

Q. Henry Boot main contractor, will you be contracting out? A. It was stated that they have more control over works and employ their own joiners and plasterers. Plumbing, painting and electrical work is sublet. Q. Concern expressed about the amount of time it took in other areas and the chaos it caused. A. Phase 2 has more stringent procedures in place to get it right and avoid mistakes experienced previously. Looking to do work in 4 weeks with people living in properties Q. Will carpets be protected? A. Yes, by dust sheets. Q. Will copper piping be left exposed? A. Depending on property and flooring – with wooden floors the pipes can be concealed.

Agreed: that Henry Boot staff be thanked for their informative presentation.


Rother Valley West Neighbourhood Wardens were introduced to the meeting. The wardens will be based at Brinsworth Police Station once refurbishment has taken place. Gary Holmes from Henry Boot Construction offered the wardens use of their facilities until refurbishment of the Police Station was complete. The Neighbourhood Wardens for Rother Valley West are:-

Page 16

Nigel Cooper Andrea Lunghi Paul Beever Steve Kennaway


Martyn Weir the Streetpride Officer reported that he was in the process of getting all the quotations together and will get proposals to Cllr. Swift next week in order for items to be selected.

84. 2010 UPDATE

Due to the success of the temporary youth shelter at Thurcroft funding is now been sought for a permanent youth shelter to replace the temporary shelter. When the renovation of Brinsworth Police station takes place the daily SNT briefings will be moved to the Gordon Bennett Hall at Thurcroft. On 13 July an Area Housing Panel walk about took place in Treeton. Elected Members, Parish Councillors, TARA representatives and Streetpride all attended. A number of projects were identified for the Area Housing Panel to consider funding. A full multi agency and resident walk about took place on 12 July at Duncan and Ellis Street Brinsworth. The residents gave a personal account of what it is like to live on the estate and the issue is to be actioned at the NAG. Final numbers of staff for the Aston CSC have to be agreed by the 16 August so the plans can be submitted by the architects. The Neighbourhood Champions have let 54 properties so far this year and the repairs team has completed 1706 repairs so far

June Performance Report

Quartile Top Quartile Wentworth SouthWentworth Rotherham South Wentworth North Wentworth Rotherham North Wentworth Valley Rother Valley West Valley West Rother Rother Valley South Indicator Description Ltd. 2010 Rotherham All ALMOAll England Top Yorkshire + Humberside

BV66a - % Rent Collected 91.66% 88.74% 92.34% 91.19% 90.31% 93.84% 94.04% 98.41% 98.14% 92.49% BV 66b - % More than 36 3.01% 4.42% 2.36% 3.77% 4.84% 2.32% 2.27% 4.2% 4.05% 3.27% days in arrears BV 66c - % NSP served in 3.26% 3.28% 2.35% 3.69% 2.83% 2.80% 1.29% 20.2% 12.83% 2.88% arrears BV 66d - % evictions due 0.16% 0.06% 0.13% 0.16% 0.06% 0.04% 0.06% 0.27% 0.16% 0.11% to arrears LPSA 72 – Urgent repair 98.06% 99.43% 99.55% 99.38% 99.79% 99.73% 99.82% 98.63% 95.55% 98.93% completions NM 73 – Time taken to 9.57 8.75 8.96 7.73 5.38 9.52 8.47 8.88% N/A 9.07 complete non-urgent Page 17

repairs LPSA 185 – Repairs by 96.53% 98.79% 96.85% 97.85% 99.80% 99.31% 98.29% 97.69% 94.28% 96.50% appointment Average void relet time 8.39 16.19 9.27 14.51 8.40 10.16 7.21 28.29% 33.36% 11.51 BV 212 - (termination)

All targets have been met for the month of June by Rother Valley West individually,4nd 2010 Rotherham as a whole are only off target on the void turnaround time. It must be noted though that 2010 Rotherham is best in class regionally by over 10 days compared to other ALMOs and Councils. The 2006/07 target has been set at 10.50 days by the council. 2010 Rotherham wished to keep last years target of 13 days and look to improve the quality of service provided not just the turnaround time.

Decent Homes



Neighbourhood Champions

Craig Carr - Thurcroft Jill Portman - Brinsworth and Catcliffe Richard Tomlinson - Aston and Swallownest Maria Watts - Treeton, Ulley and Orgreave

2010 Rotherham Surgery dates for July

Treeton, every Thursday 10:30 am Reading Rooms Aston, every Thursday 10:00 am Aston Parish Hall Thurcroft, every Wednesday10:00 am Gordon Bennett Memorial Hall Brinsworth & Catcliffe, Please contact Jill Portman for dates

Meetings and events attended by Rother Valley West Neighbourhood Team

¾ Daily SNT Briefings ¾ Joint Surgeries in Brinsworth, Aston, Thurcroft and Treeton ¾ Thurcroft Action Group ¾ Walkabouts in Brinsworth, Aston, Treeton and Thurcroft ¾ Rother Valley West Neighbourhood Action Group ¾ Aston TARA ¾ RVW Area Housing Panel

Page 19

Useful Contacts

Equalities & Diversity Officer Kate Plant 01709 822264 Mick Fellows Community Capacity Worker 07958525500 Community Planning Officer Janice Curran 01709 721190 Debbie Brashaw Community Development Manager 01709 382121 Steve Ruffle Community Links Officer 0114 2889308 Rotherham Community Safety Unit 01709 822069 South Yorkshire Open Forum 01709 519100 Thurcroft Action Group (TAG) 07736285817 Sports Development Officer 01709 822443 Rother Valley West Area Assembly Office 01709 721190 Neighbourhood Wardens Supervisor 01709 526137 Neighbourhood Manager Adrian Cheetham 01709 823488 Neighbourhood Champion Maria Watts 01709 823431 Neighbourhood Champion Richard Tomlinson 01709 823432 Neighbourhood Champion Jill Portman 01709 823431 Neighbourhood Champion Craig Carr 01709 823432 Neighbourhood Support Officer Pauline Cooper 01709 823433 Neighbourhood Support Officer Louise Staveley 01709 823477


Mick Fellowes reported that a community consultation process was currently taking place throughout Treeton particularly focussing on transport issues and urged people to fill in the questionnaires and return them.

Treeton Gala takes place on 12th August, 2006 from 2.00–4.00 p.m. Request for volunteers.

Ulley Day takes place on 2nd September, 2006 from 1.30 p.m. onwards. Various activities will be taking place and display boards on show.

Gordon Payne gave an update on the Community Connects Project. The project was set up in 2002/03 by Rother Valley West Area Assembly Office and Treeton Partnership who jointly drew up a business plan. The project was aimed at addressing the issues surrounding the development of the Waverley site, some 800 acres of land which was at the time being opencast. The issues included environment, employment, planning, transport, community cohesion, learning and art.

Funding was finally approved in December 2003 and the project started in 2004 with the official launch taking place on 2nd October, 2004. Steve Ruffle was appointed as Project Manager.

Page 20

The time has come for the project to seek further funding and a special meeting of the Steering Group has been called this week. To run the project as it currently operates for 18 months requires £100,000 of funding.

Objective 1 have intimated in principle that they will continue to support the project until their funding runs out in 2008. A business plan has been prepared and is with Objective 1 (some £50,000) but the business plan cannot go to the evaluation stage until the match is in place. UK coal have intimated that they will provide £15,000 of the match. The project is therefore £35,000 short. If match funding cannot be obtained then the £50,000 Objective 1 money will be lost.

Decisions which affect the future of the project will have been made by the time of the next Area Assembly meeting in September.


Agreed:- That the next scheduled meeting be held on Monday, 4th September, 2006, commencing at 6.00 p.m. at Treeton Primary School.

The public will have the opportunity to meet with the Councillors after the Area Assembly meeting.

Page 21 Agenda Item 7

ROTHERHAM NORTH AREA ASSEMBLY TUESDAY 18TH JULY 2006 at 6.00p.m. at the Town Hall, Rotherham

Present:- Uzma Sattar Housing Market Renewal Team Mick Greenwood Streetpride Helen Leigh WCCP Kay Bacon West Central Community Partnership Veronica Seaman Kimberworth Park TARA & Partnership Mark Turner Kimberworth Park TARA David Senior Kimberworth Park TARA & Partnership Barry Kaye RMBC Colin Barron RMBC Terry Sharman RMBC Councillor Aubrey Senior RMBC Michelle Sowray Rotherham Warden Ian Jones Richmond Park TARA S Currie Richmond Park TARA W P Scales South Street Allotments H Phipps Resident Councillor Keith Goulty RMBC B Beeley Friends of Barkers Park Pat Michael RMBC Councillor L Johnston RMBC (Chair) Debbie Marks RMBC Lucy Reader RMBC (Minutes) Jill Jones 2010 Rotherham Ltd Insp. Jim Revitt South Yorks. Police


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Apologies were received from Cllrs. Akhtar and Sheila Walker and Alan Ramsden


(a) South Street Allotments It was highlighted that the users of the South Street Allotments feel that they are not receiving answers regarding the fencing, the fencing is being damaged or people are just climbing over the gate. It would cost £12,000.00 for new higher fence for the allotments.

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Agreed: Pat Michael to send a letter including the photographs provided to progress this issue.

The Chair urged anyone to give her a call at home on 01709 552222 If they have any problems.


Agreed: The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday the 20th June were approved as a true record




An idea was put forward to Streetpride for street lighting which can be controlled to save energy which is currently being utilised by a Council in Essex.


Mick Greenwood updated that he had not received any further details regarding the safer routes to schools budget but will chase this up and report at the next meeting.


Jill Jones updated that the Neighbourhood Champions Action Plans highlighted youth nuisance which was occurring in Greasbrough Park. The bushes around the park have therefore been lowered to increase visibility and hopefully reduce the youth nuisance which is occurring.

Glass recycling facilities have now been provided on Pitt Street.

The proposals for 2010 area housing panel budget of £20,000.00 are :- • Fencing for • Wall Reduction – Robert Street, Masbrough • Electric meter at multi use games area – South Street • Hand Rail • Street Lighting • Community Skips • Fencing on Monks Close • Fencing at Rockingham

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• Tree stumps to be removed at Munsbrough

The items will go to the August meeting for approval and an update will be provided for the Area Assembly at the next meeting.

A request was made for people to be informed how long they will have to wait for the decent homes work to be carried on their house. It was explained that Cabinet approval was being awaited, after that the timescales will be advertised and brought to the Area Assembly.

Clarification was requested re the fencing around the multi use games area on South Street as to whether it could be made higher as balls were constantly being kicked over onto the allotments. It was explained that due to planning restrictions the fence is currently as high as it can go, but it is hoped that a camera could be installed to observe the vandalism which is occurring.

The issue of anti-social noise at Town Lane flats which is being created by a large amount of pigeons was discussed. The netting of pigeons has taken place at Wingfield to address the issue which is also occurring there, long term solutions are currently being considered but any long term solution ideas would be greatly appreciated.

The poor state of repair of the pathways at the back of the flats on Winterhill Road was highlighted and clarification was requested as to if this issue would be incorporated within the environmental part of the decent homes. These form of repairs have to be carried out through capital funding, the issue will be passed forward for consideration.

Can priority be given to provide more energy efficient heating in bungalows and flats to save people money? Combi boilers are now being fitted and energy efficiency advise visits are being carried out.

It was highlighted that the security door is being left open at St John Green Flats however Trevor Wilson is denying that this is occurring.


Uzma Sattar updated that confirmation has been received that Rotherham have been successful in gaining 16.4 million pounds from Transform South Yorkshire and Rotherham also has extra projects in mind just in case other authorities under spend their allocation.


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A presentation was made by Debbie Marks the Community Involvement Manager containing the following points:-

• Why Change? • Feedback told us • So how did we respond • Rotherham Partnership • Membership of the Area Assembly • Membership of the Co-ordination Group • Co-ordination Group will • What’s in it for the local community?

No further questions relating to the presentation were raised.

The Chair highlighted to the members that it was agreed at the last meeting that the community representatives for the Co-ordination Group would be elected at this meeting so the attendees were asked to split into groups of their electoral wards and elect a community representative from their ward to be part of the Co-ordination Group.

Following the group discussions it was agreed that Simon Currie would be the community representative for Rotherham West Ward. Karen Tether was elected as the community representative for the Wingfield Ward. As no one was present from Keppel Ward it was agreed that community groups in the area would be approached via letter to request nominations for the Keppel Ward and then a vote would take place at the next meeting.


(a) Friends of Keppel’s Field

An update was provided from the Friends of Keppel’s Field advertising to everyone that on Sunday the 23rd and Monday the 24th of July a new stock enclosure is being built for the Sheffield Wildlife Trust which will contain sheep, if anyone would like to take part in building the fence everyone is meeting at Keppel’s column at 10am.

A funding bid is being submitted to the Big Lottery Fund to do a business plan and a second which will allow us to carry out a project.

(b) Richmond Park TARA It was reported that Richmond Park TARA are holding a fun day on the 19th August 2006.

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The recent survey on Meadowhall Road with regards to the provision of a zebra crossing near Meadowhall School was reported to be very successful, and the petition will be presented to the Mayor as soon as he is available.

Simon Currie reported that a leaflet explaining Anti-Social Behavior Orders (ASBO) had been developed in conjunction with Safer Rotherham Partnership and this was being distributed within the schools.

(c) Friends of Barkers Park It was updated that the tenders have been sent out for the childrens play area in Barkers Park and there is also a small amount of money available to encourage people to use the park resources, such as a junior bowls club. The activities will be permanent and will hopefully be advertised in the Green spaces booklet and the visitors guide.


The Chair had nothing to report.


Confirmation has been received that the South Yorkshire Strategic Health Authority has completed its consultation on the patient led NHS. The three Strategic Health Authorities have merged to create the Yorkshire and Humber Strategic Health Authority as from 1st July 2006. The configuration for Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) has also been announced. There will be 4 PCTs in South Yorkshire – Banrsley, Doncaster, Rotherham and Sheffield.

Pam Horner from South Yorkshire Passenger Transport has informed us of some changes to bus timetables, the ones relating to this area are routes 43 and 43a where minor changes have taken place with the withdrawing of the early Saturday morning service. Also it is hoped that soon you will be able to send a text message to find out what time your bus will arrive at a specific bus stop .

The Mega Active Summer 06 brochure was made available which advertises activities which are being run over the summer for 5-19 year olds.


It was agreed that Richmond Park TARA would do a presentation at the next meeting on the 15th August 2006.


Tuesday 15th August 2006, Town Hall Council Chamber, starting at 6.00 p.m.

Page 26 Agenda Item 8


Present : Councillor Barry Dodson (Chair), Councillor Rose McNeely, Councillor Shaukat Ali

Also present were :- Garry Kemp Streetpride David Dobbs Valley Community Partnership Andrew Williams 2010 Rotherham Ltd Gill Harrison Rotherham PCT Norman Wright RHAM TARA Mr Fawcus Resident L M Burton Resident C Eyre Whiston Parish Council Margaret Wagstaff Rotherham Warden Simon Paling Rotherham Warden C Booth Neighbourhood Watch Eric Shaw Whiston Parish Council D Straw Whiston Parish Council C Purvis Whiston Parish Council and GAG G Skinner Whiston Parish Council Michelle Hill Safer Rotherham Partnership Danny Willoughby Area Housing “A” Lisa Bond 2010 Rotherham Ltd Diane Kelsall 2010 Rotherham Ltd Mazher Iqbal Canklow Community Partnership Paul Groechel Canklow Community Partnership Sue Jarvis Clifton Bank/Wellgate Terrace Neighbourhood Watch Ian Jarvis Clifton Bank/Wellgate Terrace Neighbourhood Watch Andy Hyett 2010 Rotherham Ltd Ben Duke 2010 Rotherham Ltd Janet Greenwood RMBC – Neighbourhoods Inspector Jim Revitt South Yorkshire Police Moira McGrother Resident Lucy Reader RMBC (Minutes) Diane Owens RMBC


The chair opened the meeting and introduced Garry Kemp from Streetpride, Andy Hyett from 2010, the Community Safety Wardens, Michelle Hill from Safer Rotherham Partnership, Inspector Jim Revitt from South Yorkshire Police, Janet Greenwood the SNT Manager, Councillor Rose McNeely, Diane Owens Community Planning Officer and Lucy Reader Community Support Officer. Page 27


Apologies were received from Councillor Peter Wootton, Councillor Mahroof Hussain, Councillor Clarke, Kath Reeder, Ian Mitchell, Mick Hogard, Stan Crowther, Lynne Hamshaw, Elaine Humphries, Musood Azam, Vanessa Bryan and Richard Maughan.


Agreed: the minutes were approved as a true and correct record subject to the following amendments :-

• Almer Road should be spelt Alma.

• It was explained that the decision to move Area Assemblies back into RMBC's Neighbourhoods was made by Cabinet and not the Audit Inspectors.


a) 201 (f) (06/06/06) Alma Road Junction An update was requested on the planned junction change at the bottom of Alma Road, Garry Kemp highlighted the recent water burst which has occurred on Alma Road and explained that Dave Philips from Network Management is currently assessing the possibilities of further damage done to the road by the water burst before any changes are made to the junction.

b) 201 (e) (06/06/06) Middle Lane alterations Clarification was requested as to whether the plans shown at the last Area Assembly meeting where the same as the plans which have been viewed previously, the chair clarified that the plans were the same.

An attendee was concerned that resident’s views have been ignored and the changes have been imposed upon them.

The chair informed the meeting that there will be a pedestrian crossing by the flats on Moorgate Road, a further update on this issue will be given after the next planning meeting held on the Thursday the 6th July.

c) 204 (06/06/06) Fun Fair It was suggested that the arena in Clifton Park or Thorne Hill Recreation Ground could be possible sites for the fair in the future. d) 204 (06/06/06) Police Dog Page 28

An update was requested on the possibility of purchasing a passive drugs dog, further work was needed to obtain an accurate price but a price would be provided as soon as possible by the Police.

e) 204 (06/06/06) Grave Stones in Moorgate Cemetery An update was requested on the situation of grave stone repairs in Moorgate cemetery. The Chair apologised for not gaining an update from Cllr Ian St John on the matter but would do so for the next meeting.


a) Gully Grates Garry Kemp asked the members of the Area Assembly to look out for people loading Gully Grates into the back of vehicles and if anyone sees this occurring if they could make a note of the vehicles registration number, description of vehicle, time and destination of the offence and let Garry have the details on 01709 822909 it would be greatly appreciated.

b) Fly Tipping It was clarified that if fly tipping is reported with the vehicles registration number, description of the vehicle, date, time and place of the offence then action can be taken against the individual, these sightings should also be reported to Garry Kemp. c) Cambridge Street Bollards It was asked if the bollards were agreed to be installed as part of the Streetpride devolved budget in April 2006, Garry agreed to clarify the matter for the next meeting.


Andy Hyett introduced the new Neighbourhood Champion: Ben Duke who is currently working across the area until he is allocated a specific patch.

Diane Kelsall introduced herself as the Neighbourhood champion for Broom, Broom Valley, Moorgate and Whiston, she previously covered East Dene.

Lisa Bond introduced herself as the Neighbourhood Champion for East Dene.

Andy Williams introduced himself as the Neighbourhood Champion for Herringthorpe and Clifton.

Diane Kelsall was thanked for the hard work which she has carried out in the East Dene area.

Andy Hyett agreed to bring along the other Rotherham South Neighbourhood Champions to a future meeting so they can introduce themselves.

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It was asked if there is a Neighbourhood Champion for the Town Centre, Andy clarified that the Neighbourhood Champion for the Town Centre is Julian Hurley.


Janet Greenwood and Inspector Jim Revitt introduced themselves and presented a presentation which informed on the following points.

• Summary • National context • Safer neighbourhoods • Challenges • What are SNT’s? – Safer Neighbourhoods Teams • Safe theme board framework • Delivery – a typical SNT • How will they improve things • Access • Influence • Interventions • Answers • Community influence cycle reassurance action • Lessons from the pilots • Achievements • Contact Numbers

A number of points were highlighted:

• The Police will feed any recurring incidents into the SNT for them to address. • There have already been 20% more arrests in the past 7 months than in the previous 12 months. • It was emphasised that the SNT is not a rapid response team so in cases of emergency the standard 999 emergency number must be used. • Over the next 12 months the possibility of having one non emergency SNT number for South Yorkshire is being explored. For now each SNT has its own number. • The Police have now employed a “Schools Officer” who covers the 4 Secondary Schools in the area • 4 PCSO’s (Police Community Support Officers) are to be employed for the area and should start work October / November 2006. • PCSO’s can issue disorder tickets which are £80.00 fines for offences such as littering and drinking alcohol in the alcohol free zone. • PCSO’s can detain people to await Police assistance. • PCSO’s can be identified by their uniform which is similar to the Police uniform other than their shirts are blue. Page 30

• PSCO posts are advertised in the Rotherham Star and undergo a selection and interview process. • Funding for the SNT’s will come from the Safer Rotherham Partnership via the Joint Action Group (JAG) and the Neighbourhood Action Groups (NAG’s) • There is an SNT Schools Officer who will be tackling the issues of children hanging around school premises. • The Joint Action Group (JAG) is looking at the policies to prevent children being allowed off schools premises at lunch times

Community input into the SNT / NAG (neighbourhood Action Group)

A discussion was held around this issue. It was highlighted that a successful model was operating in the Rotherham North area. A “Community Safety Forum” has been established, which is attended by representatives from Community Partnerships and other community organisations. This Forum directly feeds issues of concern into and receives feedback from the NAG.

This is a model that we would like to develop for the Rotherham South area. If you would be interested in being involved in this group (which will meet monthly) please contact Diane Owens, Community Planning Officer on 33 6961 or email [email protected]

The Chair thanked Janet Greenwood and Inspector Jim Revitt for their attendance.


a) Dangerous dogs The issue of dangerous dogs was discussed due to residents concerns for people’s safety when dogs are allowed to roam without a lead or muzzel on.

Janet Greenwood explained that within the council’s Neighbourhoods directorate there are dog wardens who can approach dog owners and request them to put their dogs on leads and clean up after them. The Wardens have proved to be a success in Canklow.

b) Roses It was brought to the Chairs attention that RMBC staff are currently removing roses from flower beds, including the flower beds in Boston Castle Park. It was agreed by the Chair that he would contact Green Spaces regarding the issue and also Garry Kemp would look into the issue.

c) Lombard Direct staff parking Cars on residential streets The issue of Lombard Direct staff parking their cars on residential streets is causing residents to have to walk in the road as pavements are blocked by parked cars. Garry Kemp agreed to look into the issue and get the Police involved if necessary. Page 31

d) Oak Road West An update was requested on when Oak Road West would be made a one way street, Garry Kemp agreed to provide to look into the issue for the next meeting.

e) Rotherham South Area Assembly NRF Budget The Chair announced that the Rotherham South Area Assembly has an NRF allocation of £79,977.00. £30,000.00 of which can be spent throughout the whole Area Assembly area whereas £29,000.00 must be spent in the deprived areas. There is also £20,543 allocated to target communities of interest.

The suggestions for how this allocation could be spent were handed out for people to have a look at and it was highlighted that the money needs to be allocated by September. The Chair asked if the ideas of receiving another Warden in the area, a Junior Wardens Scheme, environmental clean ups and the community sports and coaching programme in our area were acceptable.

Information was requested regarding who has put forward these suggestions and what consultation had occurred as it appears we are being told what we can have. The Chair explained that the ideas had come from the results of community planning and consultation. It was asked if tried and tested schemes which have proven to be successful in other areas could be rolled out to our area

The Chair encouraged people to put forward their ideas on how this funding could be spent in the Rotherham South area and explained that the Co- ordinating Group, once formed will oversee the decision making process for what this funding will be spent on. This group will also work on implementing the Area Plan.

It was explained that the Area Plan is a document based on the numerous Community Plans and consultation exercises that have taken place across Rotherham South Area Assembly. This document will go out for consultation over the next few months to ensure that the priorities identified by local residents are still valid, this process will be overseen by the Co-ordinating Group and Area Assembly.

A resident from the Clifton Bank & Wellgate Terrace Neighbourhood Watch Group asked if there was a Town Centre plan. It was explained that there is no “Community Plan” for the Town Centre – there is however Social & Environmental Well-being Strategy being developed for the Town Centre. Diane Owens offered to have a copy of this Strategy sent out to the group and discuss this further with them after the meeting.

Clarification was requested on who decided how much funding each Area Assembly receives. The Chair informed everyone that the Strategic Partnership made these decisions.

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It was asked if this funding was a one off lump sum and what will happen next year. The Chair explained that it is hoped that next year we will receive an increased allocation of funding. It was pointed out that the NRF funding is for two years so could things occur over two years.

f) Co-ordinating Group Clarification was requested on when the Co-ordinating Group will start and who the three community representatives will be. The Chair explained that nomination forms had been sent out to the Area Assemblies mailing list, the ward councillors will then ensure that the candidate chosen is a suitable ward representative.

A requested was made for an advertisement to be made in the local advertiser for the community representatives. The Chair agreed to look into the possibility of doing this.

g) Area Assembly Vice Chair The Chair informed everyone that it has been agreed that the Area Assemblies Vice Chair would be Councillor Rose McNeely. h) Area Assembly Meeting in August The Chair asked attendees of the meeting if they would like an Area Assembly meeting on the 1st of August 2006, in the past due to officers and members being on holiday there has not been a meeting in August.

A vote was taken and 7 members voted to not have a meeting in August and 1 member vote to have a meeting in August. It was therefore agreed that there would not be an Area Assembly meeting until September.

The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the meeting.

214. Next Meeting

Tuesday 5th SEPTEMBER 2006, Town Hall Council Chamber starting at 6.30pm.

Page 33 Agenda Item 9

WENTWORTH NORTH AREA ASSEMBLY Meeting held on Monday 8th May 2006 Brampton Parish Hall at 5.00pm.


Councillor Frank Hodgkiss Ward 7 - Hoober- (IN THE CHAIR) Councillor Alan Atkin Ward 19 – Wath Sid Bailey Brampton Parish Council S Dyson Brampton Bierlow and West Melton Community Partnership Andrew Fawdry RMBC Streetpride Councillor Alan Gosling Ward 19 – Wath Harry Harrison Swinton Resident Andrew laird Local resident Andrew Leigh Neighbourhoods Manager Ian Lomas Wentworth Parish Council and Harley Village Partnership Vince McNeely Miners and Community Welfare Alison Phelan South Yorkshire Police Gillian Picker Barnsley Chronicle David Potts Gillespies Janet Povey Brampton Detached Youth Project Jill Ratcliffe Neighbourhoods Community Support Officer Wentworth North (MINUTES) Councillor Richard Russell Ward 7 – Hoober Councillor Alex Sangster Ward 19 – Wath Tim Simpson Swinton Resident Christine Snaith South Yorkshire Police M Sowray Neighbourhood Warden Melvin Spurr South Yorkshire Police S Sturgess Brampton Bierlow and West Melton Community Partnership Clive Taylor Swinton Resident Harry Tooley Housing Panel Brian Walker Local Resident


Julie Barnett Swinton Partnership Trevor Boulton Manor Farm TARA Barry Deakin HMR Pathfinder Manager Councillor John Doyle Ward 16 – Swinton Peter Drabble Swinton Community Partnership Councillor Jane Hamilton Ward 7 – Hoober Audrey Hart Brampton Parish Council Richard Jackson RMBC Streetpride Councillor Neil License Ward 16 – Swinton Richard Poundford RMBC – Economic Development Services Ted Sandland Swinton Partnership John Smith Manor Farm Tara Gary Sunderland Wath Conference of Churches Page 34

Vicky Whitehead Young People’s Services Councillor Ken Wyatt Ward 16 - Swinton


Agreed: - That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 10th April 2006 be received and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.




Mr Brian Walker stated that following the presentation given by Express Park Developments regarding the Manvers Lakeside Development, he had suggested that a liaison committee be set up to address issues as they arise. He asked that the Area Assembly write to Express Parks and set up such a committee.

Action – Area Assembly to set up Liaison committee.

Mr Vince McNeely informed the meeting that there has been a lot of vandalism in Brampton over the last six months. The door to the rear of the Miners Welfare has been kicked in, goal posts have been smashed up and the tot’s playground has been vandalized. He expressed concern that this could become a pattern of behavior.

Andrew Leigh stated that the issue had not been brought to the attention of the Neighbourhood Action Group (NAG) he added that vandalism is a big issue across the borough which needs to be addressed. People must call the police and have the issue logged.

Mr Harry Harrison asked if it were possible to find out if any prosecutions had arisen from the use of CCTV cameras in Swinton.

PC Melvin Spurr informed the meeting that there are only two people in the control room to watch all the cameras, so would only be watching a specific camera if asked to do so.

Mr Harrison then asked if any Anti-Social Behaviour orders had been served in Swinton.

PC Spurr informed him that ABC’s have been served in Swinton.

Mr Ian Lomas stated that there had been a reduction in the bus service along Harley Road. Two services recently removed are Sheffield to Barnsley and Sheffield to Upton. A number of residents in Harley attend the GP’s Surgery in Hoyland and the reduction in the bus service has made it very difficult for the elderly who now have to take a taxi.

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Councillor Richard Russell stated that Yorkshire Traction has now been taken over and that contacts are being made.


Joanne Martin – Rotherham Primary Care Trust introduced herself and explained how research has shown that patients wanted to be more involved in making decisions and choosing their health care. As a result the NHS is changing to give patients more choice and flexibility in how they are treated. Choose and Book is one of the first schemes to bring about this change, it is a new service that allows people to choose the hospital or clinic they wish to attend and book an appointment with a specialist.

Choose and book was launched in the summer 2004, and is being introduced across England. It will eventually be available to all patients. So from January 2006 when you and your GP agree that you need to see a specialist you will be able to choose from at least four hospitals or clinics at a date and time to suit you.

How it works

Either your GP or a member of the practice team will give you an appointment request letter. This shows your appointment reference number and a list of hospitals and clinics for you to choose from.

Before you make your booking your GP or a member of the practice team will give you a password. This is to ensure that only you or someone you have chosen to act on your behalf can make or change your booking.

Once the appointment is booked you will receive confirmation of the date and time of your appointment, details of the hospital or clinic and any special instructions you will need to know.

For further information please go to

A brief question and answer session followed the presentation and the chair of the Assembly thanked Joanne for her attendance.


The Kabins, Pontefract Road, Brampton

An official launch of the ‘Kabins’ will be held after the works on Pontefract Road have been completed.

A team of the Partnership’s workers, supported by Young Peoples’ Services are now working to ensure that the Kabins are open 4 evenings a week. Further discussions are taking place with Young Peoples’ Services and Healthy Living Centre to provide guidance and support sessions for young people e.g. there is a confidential advice and support session starting next Tuesday from 3.30 to 5.00pm. Discussions are taking place with Chantry YMCA to start a drop-in facility for ‘Young Dads’. Page 36

Lakeside Estate

There have been concerns raised from residents at the Lakeside estate concerning young people’s escalating anti social behaviour. Jill Ratcliffe (RMBC Community Support Officer) recently spoke to the Partnership after a resident had contacted her regarding this. The Partnership emailed the resident to discuss what the Partnership could do to help in this situation and informed the Neighbourhood Warden Team, and Young Peoples’ Services detached youth workers, who work in that area one evening a week.

The Neighbourhood Wardens informed the Safer Neighbourhood Team of the problems, and met some residents from the area. The Anti Social Behaviour team were also involved and high visibility controls in the area were arranged. Most of the activity happened during week commencing Monday April 10th.

Evidence taken during that week showed that some youngsters involved in the trouble were from outside the areas of Brampton and West Melton. No contact has been made with the residents since.

Community Transport

The community transport scheme is becoming more widely used and discussions are taking place with Wath Partnership to develop an extension of this resource into the Wath area. The Partnership will be paid for this service by Wath Partnership helping to sustain the scheme in the area. At present, the finer details of this proposal are still being considered.

Neigbouhood Wardens

Regrettably, the Neighbourhood Warden scheme finishes at the end of May in this area.

Projects and Activities

Summer Sports Programme - Together with Sports and Recreation, (RMBC), Young Peoples’ Services, (RMBC), Chantry YMCA, Brampton Parish Council, and Cortonwood Miners Welfare, the Partnership has developed a ‘Summer Sports’ programme to be held during the summer holidays this year. (Please take a handout.) RMBC are at present printing the programme which will be distributed locally.

Funding success - A relatively new football team in the area, ‘West Bram Turfers’ with support from Partnership staff, have recently been successful in applying for £750.00 from Connexions ‘Grab a Grant’ awards. The award applied for was to extend their weekly 5-a-side football activities at Dearne Valley College which was previously funded through Chantry YMCA. While as a first step, this has been a positive thing in itself, it has also brought together young people from both villages and helped them take responsibility for sustaining their own activity.

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Junior Warden Scheme – a new scheme has been set up in area to start a junior warden scheme. While both West Melton Junior and Brampton Ellis Junior were both contacted only Brampton Ellis has responded and at present 5 young people are in the scheme.

Swimming for over 60s - a new pilot scheme starts on Monday 15th May to encourage over 60s to participate in swimming sessions. Supported by Chantry YMCA, the Project Development / Co-ordinator has networked with Wathwood Mental Health Unit to utilise their swimming pool. At present the scheme is only every other week and for 6 people but it is hoped that it will develop into a weekly, if not twice weekly, session.

‘On 4 Wheels’ - Funding is being applied for to run a new project ‘On 4 Wheels’ to run this summer for young people. Its aim is to promote road safety and is supported by the local Fire Station.

Training – all dates and times to be confirmed. They are all being delivered locally so please contact us or leave a contact number if you are interested in attending any.

Holiday Spanish – Currently running Monday evenings from 6.00pm to 8.00pm (6 week course, 1 already taken place);

Child Protection – an initial 2 hour introduction session;

Disability Discrimination Act – 3 hour session;

Paediatric First Aid – 6 hour session;

Family Learning – 6 hour session;

Activity Workshops – workshops around compiling activities that are both educational and fun for children and young people. Basically being set up to support our trainee Facilitators but open to wider community.

Basic Food Hygiene – 3 hour session;

Projects / activities / training looking to try and provide:

Salsa classes Yoga sessions Makaton (sign language) Stage 2


Andy Fawdry had no update to give as reports taken at the April Area Assembly meeting had been dealt with directly. He informed the meeting that residents of Brampton will be having a clean up around the Chapel on 20th May between 10am and 12.00pm. Anyone wishing to help would be most welcome.

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Andrew Leigh gave the following report:-

Safer Neighbourhoods Teams Update

The Neighbourhood Action Group (NAG) has continued to develop with the NAG taking on the role of the former Safer Estates Meetings. Operations over the last month include visits to approximately 150 properties in Brampton on the 20th April 2006 to collect evidence on Anti Social Behaviour. Partners involved included the Police, Neighbourhood Wardens and 2010 Rotherham Ltd. The reason for the visits was explained and was appreciated by residents.

Joint working is also taking place to take enforcement and preventative action to deter fly tipping such as at Wetmoor Lane, Wath. Partners have continued to monitor Montgomery Square in relation to alcohol nuisance. Alcohol has been confiscated and publicity given by the press to the serving of £80 fixed penalties for adults supplying alcohol to minors.

The Safer Neighbourhood Team telephone line for providing information and reporting incidents in Wentworth North remains 01709 832766.

Neighbourhood Renewal Fund Action Plan 2006-7

The funding allocated to the Wentworth North Area Assembly for 2006 / 7 is £49750. The NRF Board has stipulated that the sum can be spent on four activities. These are employing Neighbourhood Wardens (including on costs), introducing a Youth Warden Scheme £10,000 set up plus £1,000 for projects) Environmental clean up days (revised costs being estimated) and a Community Sports Coaching Programme (£35,000). Any other proposed activities outside of these activities would have to be agreed by the board.

The Neighbourhood Warden Service has agreed to donate uniforms and equipment for a Junior Wardens Scheme costing approximately £2,000 if the junior warden Scheme option is chosen. This will increase the sum available to the Area assembly to £51,750. The cost of the clean up campaigns is being revised to take into account the councils landfill recycling commitments and will be presented to the next meeting.

It s proposed that the Area Assembly agree the following steps for 2006 / 7:- • Employ an additional Neighbourhood Warden. • Set up a Junior Warden Scheme • Defer a decision on the Environmental Clean up days until a fully priced programme can be presented to the Area Assembly.

Decent Homes Update

The Decent Homes contractors for 2006 / 7 onwards have been selected and will be presented to the Cabinet for approval on the 22nd May 2006. If the Decent Homes contractor currently working in Swinton is successful, they will be asked to continue the Page 39

programme for the area to ensure continuity/consistency for the remaining Swinton tenancies.

The programme for Wentworth North remains un-altered from that previously presented to the assembly. The decent homes surveyors have now been appointed; they are Michael Dyson Associates Ltd and Arcus Consulting LLP. The contract states all homes must be surveyed before March 2008. All customers will receive a letter of introduction prior to their home being surveyed.

Anyone requiring further information on the Swinton Decent Homes Programme should contact the Swinton Neighbourhood Office on 01709 570384.

Sheltered Housing Review Update

The current position with sites due for clearance in phase one is:- Albany Road 75% vacant Cherry Tree Place/Fir View 50% vacant Brameld 40% vacant Cliffe Bank 22.5%vacant

The recommendations for phase two were agreed by cabinet on the 3rd May 2006. Discussions are currently taking place whether the funding of ensuing work should be from the Decent Homes Programme or a separate budget. The first round of consultation has taken place with affected residents at Wentworth and Harley and surveys will commence shortly.

Repairs value for money Conference

Workshops are to be held at the Consort Suite: Thurcroft on Friday 12th May 2006 for Councillors, Officers and Tenant and Leaseholder representatives to analyse the recommendations of the Housemark repair service review. Housemark are a nationally recognised benchmarking organization in the repairs and maintenance arena. 2010 Rotherham Ltd commissioned Housemark to review the delivery of the repairs and maintenance service with a view to obtaining a current position on performance prior to the Audit commission inspection.

Housemark undertook the review last November and produced a comprehensive report that detailed 20 value for money recommendations. The workshops will commence at 9.30am and will last until 12.30pm when lunch will be served. The workshops will discuss the value of those options and make recommendations as to the adoption or rejection of each initiative.

Tenants and Leaseholders have you voted yet I!!

Voting for the 2010 Board Tenant Representative closes on the 12th May 2006. Votes must be posted to London by that date.

Page 40

Dates for your diary:

9th May 2006 Brampton TARA starting at 6.00pm in the Chapel, Chapel Avenue, Brampton.

10th May 2006 Oak Road/Trees Estate, Wath Walkabout starting at 10.00am at Fir Close Meeting Hall.

10th May 2006 Wentworth North Area Housing Panel meeting starting at 10.00am at 1 Central Drive, Manor Farm.

10th May 2006, Manor Farm Walkabout, starting at 2.00pm at Central Drive, Manor Farm.

12th May 2006, Housemark repair review recommendations away morning and workshops. Registration 9.00am - 9.30am to be held at the Consort Suite. Thurcroft. (Lunch included)

15th June 2006, 2010 Rotherham Ltd Wentworth North Away Morning (lunch included). Venue to be decided.

Councillor Richard Russell asked how Elected Members were expected to attend future events when no one checks the council diary before booking such events. He stated that Elected Members want to be involved and need to be consulted as events in the council diaries could not be changed.


Planning application submitted for dwellings on Hollogate. A site visit will take place on Thursday to assess access.




Monday 12th June 2006, Wath Montgomery Hall @ 7.00pm.

Page 41

WENTWORTH NORTH AREA ASSEMBLY Meeting held on Monday 12th June 2006 Wath Montgomery Hall at 7.00pm.


Councillor Frank Hodgkiss Ward 7 - Hoober- (IN THE CHAIR) Councillor Alan Atkin Ward 19 – Wath Richard Breese South Yorkshire Coalfield Partnership Andrew Fawdry RMBC Streetpride Councillor Alan Gosling Ward 19 – Wath Councillor Jane Hamilton Ward 7 – Hoober

Harry Harrison Swinton Resident C Hodkinson 2010 Rotherham Ltd G Hydes Local Resident Andrew Leigh Neighbourhoods Manager Councillor Neil License Ward 16 – Swinton D Logan Local resident Ian Lomas Wentworth Parish Council and Harley Village Partnership Jack Peel Local Resident Gillian Picker Barnsley Chronicle Jill Ratcliffe Neighbourhoods Community Support Officer Wentworth North (MINUTES) Kevin Sanderson Acorn’s TARA Councillor Alex Sangster Ward 19 – Wath Melanie Swanwick Wath upon Dearne Community Partnership G Smith 2010 Rotherham Ltd Harry Tooley Housing Panel Brian Walker Local Resident Colette Williams Community Development Manager, 2010 Rotherham Ltd John Wordsworth Local Resident Apologies

Sid Bailey Brampton Parish Council Julie Barnett Swinton Partnership Councillor John Doyle Ward 16 – Swinton Richard Jackson RMBC Streetpride Richard Poundford RMBC – Economic Development Services Councillor Richard Russell Ward 7 – Hoober Ted Sandland Swinton Partnership John Smith Manor Farm Tara Insp S Tattershall South Yorkshire Police Vicky Whitehead Young People’s Services Councillor Ken Wyatt Ward 16 - Swinton


Agreed: - That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 8th May 2006 be received and signed by the Chairman as a correct record. Page 42


With regard to the incidents of vandalism in Brampton only two of the seven incidents had been reported to the police.


1. A Local resident reported that the police had been called following an incident outside the Café-Sport during the football match.

Sergeant Bell stated that this is the only incident that was reported. He had asked the CCTV Controll Room to keep an eye on the crowd, and added that he would also speak to the licensee.

There were no further questions.


Councillor Hodgkiss explained that unfortunately the presentation would have to take place at a future date; he then gave the following statement.

Over the past 12 months 2010 Rotherham Ltd has been responsible for organising the monthly Area Assembly meetings on behalf of RMBC. However, the Council has made a decision to change the role and function of area assemblies “away from simple consultation and information sharing, towards area based co-ordination and delivery of service improvements and regeneration activities”. In order to effect this change a new model has been created which will see area assemblies becoming mini LSPs (Local Strategic Partnerships) overseen by a Co-ordinating Group, made up of members, partners and community reps, and with support being provided from within the Council. This decision reflects the role of the council and elected members as community leaders.

Councillor Hodgkiss thanked Andrew Leigh for all his hard work involving the Wentworth North Area Assembly.


Richard Breese - Strategic Coordinator for the South Yorkshire Coalfield Partnership introduced himself and gave the following presentation:-

South Yorkshire Coalfield Partnership

• Covers Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham • Overview of the Dearne Valley, since the Dearne Valley Partnership Board finished in 2002 • Chaired by Leader of Rotherham MBC • Public, private and voluntary/community sector representatives from 3 LSP’s

Page 43

Role of Dearne Valley in South Yorkshire

• Consolidation of economic progress • New industry that cannot be accommodated in main urban centres • Investment in housing • Transport links to work in main urban centres • Improved environment

Dearne Valley Cross Boundary Issues

• Focus is on strategies for each Borough • Need to connect across Borough boundaries • South Yorkshire Coalfield Partnership wanted to identify priorities amongst cross- boundary issues • Workshop at Dearne Valley College, March, 2005, attended by about 50 people

• Not developing new policies • Working with organisations/partnerships covering Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham • Coordinate actions and policies, where possible • Assisting people into work • 14-19 education • Transport for those without cars • Housing and future of towns in the Dearne • Enhance environmental assets • Business and community voice

Assisting people into work

• Jobmatch links employers to people seeking jobs. Operates in a cross-boundary manner in the Dearne • Pathways to Work, for Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham • Measures to remove barriers preventing people returning to work • More intensive work at local level - subject to funding

14-19 Education and Training • Long term role for Dearne Valley Education Partnership • Dearne Valley as an area for planning investment in 14-19 education • Expanding options for young people

Transport for those without cars

• Dearne Valley recognised as having unique transport problems • ‘Accessibility Planning Strategy’ • Links to other issues, eg access to work, housing market renewal

Housing and future of towns

• Housing Market Renewal - Dearne Valley Axis. Officer group established Page 44

• Settlement structure in Local Development Frameworks, based on previous joint work across the Dearne • Planning policies across Borough boundaries • Yorkshire Forward’s Rural Renaissance programme

Enhance environmental assets

• Dearne Valley Access Audit’ - commissioned by English Nature • Further wetland habitats - top soil removal • Renewable energy - local views

Community/Business Voice

• Community Partnerships, meet together across Dearne Valley. Role of Area Assemblies • Businesses - some initial work towards an Employers Forum

Future actions

• Develop the list of cross boundary issues further • Potential policy directions/projects specifically for the Dearne Valley • Develop consultation mechanisms

Richard then invited questions from the floor.

1. Councillor Alan Gosling asked if local businesses were on board regarding Jobmatch?

Richard informed the meeting that talks are ongoing with employers to establish what their needs are; they are then matched to possible employees. Thereby addressing barriers and matching skills.


Andy Fawdry informed the meeting that during the last month there had been three clean up days in the area. Wath Central Junior School helped to clean up Wath Town Centre and Newhill Park and Swinton Fitzwilliam Junior School helped to clean up the area around the shops on Broadway. Andy stated that all involved had done a wonderful job and thanked the schools for getting involved.

1. Finger post at the end of America Lane pointing in wrong direction - Streetpride champion Brian Walker says he has reported this to the contact centre but would like feedback. Mick Powell.

The sign will be repaired in due course

Page 45

2. Sandygate, priority sign S2504 has been knocked off pole and brought in. Lady who lives nearby says people who come up from town at night jump up and hit the sign, twisting it. When it is reinstated could it be done with two poles to prevent it from being twisted. - from Cllr Atkin-passed to Mick Powell.

The sign will be repaired in due course

3.Wath town centre - Compliant from Cllr Atkin that the shrub beds in Wath town centre have not been cut back this year, particularly outside David Powneys shop on Sandygate and around the Netto areas - Richard Malkin

The shrubs will be cut back by Ringways.

4. 45 Poplar Drive Wath - complaint from Cllr Sangster that Streetpride have been and cut the grass to the rear of the properties and it is very badly done - Richard Malkin.

The grass was revisited by Ringways, who were present along with Cllr Sangster and Andy Fawdry on a walkabout.

5. Wooden bollards recently installed on Fitzwilliam Street Swinton, the second phase installed after the man had finished his drive, have not had white reflectors put on one side- Ted Roebuck.

The reflectors will be installed in due course

6. Brampton Miners welfare - the recently installed recycling site is being misused and people are using the Miners welfare's two paladine bins to tip in - could the paladine bins have new lids put on them - Dale Otter.

Dale Otter has arranged for the bins to be repaired/replaced.


Andrew Leigh gave the following report:-

Safer Neighbourhoods Teams Update

Operation Impact

Operation impact came to Wentworth North on the 25 May, 2006. The purpose of the operation, one of five in May, was to target community/quality of life issues and those individuals suspected of causing problems within the community. It was designed to increase public reassurance throughout the Neighbourhood.

Based at Wath Police Station those taking part in the day included the Police , PCSOs, Drugs Coordinator, 2010 Rotherham Ltd , Environmental Health, Trading Standards, Educational Welfare Officers, Neighbourhood Wardens, Anti-Social Behaviour Unit and Police Specials. Also present representing Local Councillors were Alan Atkin and Allan Gosling along with Page 46

Mrs Irene Hartley for John Healey MR.

During the day: • 13 warrants were executed following the supply of intelligence from the community and partners. There were items found at ten of the dwellings resulting in 15 arrests. • 150 Quality of life questionnaires were completed with residents within the immediate vicinity of the targeted dwellings. The questionnaires were designed to measure quality of life issues, give public reassurance and collect further evidence. • Security packs were delivered to all residents on the following streets off Doncaster Road; Avenue Road, Beech Road, Cart Road and Sandy Mount Road. • 16 Truants were apprehended and returned to school. • The Automatic Number Plate Reader was deployed resulting in 5 Fixed Penalty tickets, Admin 171 t , 6 vehicles that were carrying goods without out certificate of transfer were given 7 days to produce the certificate or receive £300 fine • The OVLA together with PCSO covered the whole area of the SNT and Seized 5 vehicles for expired Vehicle Excise License and one for no insurance • Additional arrest were made including two related to criminal damage at the Swinton Health Centre and others for suspected, burglary, theft, ABH and possession of Heroin.

On the 14 May 2006 the Wentworth North Safer Neighbourhood Team conducted operation caramel across the area Community Police Officers in plain clothes and on mountain bikes worked with the Off Road Vehicle Officer, Park Rangers and others targeting know hotspots for off street motorbike nuisance The day resulted in 10 Admin 171 notices being served. 3 vehicles confiscated 13 ABC arid two arrests for individuals wanted on recall to prison.

Operation Candle

Between the 11 and 1 3 May, 2006 operation candle took place in Swinton The operation was designed to tackle a rising trend of car crime. It resulted in six arrests and helped detect 20 crimes.

Crime stoppers

In Rotherham 1 arrest is made for every 8.2 ca made to Crime stoppers, in comparison to the national average of 1 arrest per 13 calls. In the last year 304 pieces of information were forwarded to the Police via Crime stoppers which resulted in an arrest every week purely as a result of the information supplied by the community to Crime Stoppers.

Consultation event

A Consultation event for the community and partners has been arranged for the 4 July 2006 at Montgomery Hall between 9.00am and 1.00pm. The morning is part of the Safer Neighbourhood Teams commitment to consult with the community to make sure Page 47

we are tackling the right priorities and tackling crime and grime in the most effective way. The Safer Neighbourhood Team telephone line for providing information and reporting incidents in Wentworth North remains: 01709 832766

Decent Homes Update

The Decent Homes contractors for 2006-7 onwards have been selected they are Keepmoat PLC. Connaught. Henry Boot Construction and ROC Building. The contractors are expected to start on site in August /September 2006. An exception to this will be Swinton where Bramall’s who are part of keepmoat PLC are a!ready on site.

The contractors for the windows and doors security package are Yorkshire windows, Anglian Windows and 2010 Rotherham LTD.

The Decent Homes surveyors Michael Dyson Associates Ltd and Arcus Consulting LLP start today. Arcus Consulting LLP will start in Swinton. The survey of the whole borough is now expected to be completed during 2007 and will be combined with a stock condition survey.

Anyone requiring further information on the Swinton Decent Homes Programme should contact the Swinton Neighbourhood Office on 01709 570384.

Sheltered Housing Review Update

Phase I The council is in the process of amending the allocation policy to take into account the isolation and sustainability of the remaining tenancies in those schemes which have been ear marked for disposal. The process, if agreed will tackle the issue of vulnerable customers being left in blocks of flats and schemes where two thirds of the schemes occupants have been re-housed. This will mean they will have an even higher priority and it will enable customers to be housed quicker into safer sustainable communities. A report has already been presented to and accepted at the Neighbourhoods Cabinet, it will be presented to the Scrutiny Panel on the 15th June 2006.

If the report is accepted the remaining residents in the Albany Road scheme would be immediately eligible for additional priority.

Phase 4 It has been agreed to look at non-sheltered bungalows across the borough and consider whether there are any gaps in the service which the Sheltered Review Team may wish to incorporate into a fourth round review.

New Starters & Departures

George Smith started as the Neighbourhood Champion for the FitzwilIiam Estate and Meadow View areas of Swinton and Kilnhurst on the 1st June 2006. George was previously a Neighbourhood Warden Supervisor in Page 48

Wentworth South.

Christine Staniforth started today as the Neighbourhood Champion for the Bow Broom and Bridge areas of Swinton. Christine was previously an Impact Officer with Bernasli Homes. A third officer was due to start next week but has now declined having been promoted by her current employer. It is anticipated that a third Neighbourhood Champion will be employed in the Swinton area within the next four weeks.

On the 1st June 2006 Richard Tomlinson moved across from Swinton to the Aston Office.

Dates for your diary: 13th June 2006 - Brampton TARA at 6.00pm at the Chapel. Chapel Avenue, Brampton.

1 5th June 2006 - Wentworth North Area Housing Panel meeting held at Swinton Civic Centre at 10.00am.

19th June 2006 - Wath Community Partnership AGM at Montgomery Hall at 6.00pm.

28th June 2006 - Fitzwilliam Estate Walkabout with SNT partners starting at 2.00pm from the shops on Calladine Way.

4th July 2006 - Wentworth North Safer Neighbourhood Team Community and Partners consultation event.

8th July 2006 - Wath Town Gala. Town Hall Grounds 12 Noon to 4.00pm.


Planning application submitted for old Travel Agents in Wath to become a Tanning Salon.

Sessions to discuss the M1 and M62 improvements will take place on 15th June at Barnsley Library and 16th – 17th June at Don Valley Stadium. Work is currently underway on the M1 junctions 31 and 32 to increase from 3 to 4 lanes.

Plans for a BMX Track near the site of the old Checkered Flag garage have been passed.

Doncaster Road, Wath upon Dearne. It is proposed that the existing 60mph speed limit be reduced to 40mph, and the 30mph part of the road be extended.


Harley Village Gala – Sunday 16th July 2006

Wath Town Gala – 8th July 2006

Swinton Community Partnership Gala – 8th July 2006 Page 49

Manor Farm – Fun Day – 25th June 2006

Councillor Hodgkiss informed the meeting that the new Customer Service Centre in Swinton would be opening on Monday 26th June 2006.

The Swinton Neighbourhood Office will be closed to members of the public from that date and all Council Services will be accessed via the Customer Service Centre.


Monday 10th July 2006, Swinton Civic Hall @ 7.00pm.

Page 50 Agenda Item 10


Joint Meeting Silverwood / Valley Wards

Wednesday 19th April 2006 At Thrybergh Church Hall


Councillor P.F. Burke (Chair) - Borough Councillor Councillor D. Pickering - Borough Councillor Councillor P. Lakin - Borough Councillor Councillor A. Russell - Borough Councillor Councillor P. Russell - Borough Councillor V. Twigg - Friends of Valley Park J. Rowe - Friends of Valley Park M. Cadman - Thrybergh Forward J. Foxton - Thrybergh Forward V. Burgess - Ravenfield Parish Council A. Lunghi - Neighbourhoods P. Beevers - Neighbourhoods C. Shaw - RMBC Streetpride D. Rowley - Ravenfield Parish Council A. Scholes - Clerk, Ravenfield Parish Council Anita Harrison - 2010 Rotherham Ltd. Nick Chischniak - 2010 Rotherham Ltd. Paul Brewster - 2010 Rotherham Ltd. Andrew Chambers - 2010 Rotherham Ltd. N. Wright - Rotherham TARA W. Winder - Thrybergh Parish Council J. Paine - Resident A. Ward - Resident

Also in attendance were the following young people representing the DTH Partnership Young People’s Forum who had come along to give a video presentation:-

Stacey Mason, Emma Parker, Kirsty Wilcox, Katie Burgin, Jody Parker, Kelly Hopewell, Alex Parker, Keiron Hatfield, Keaton Revel and Domonic Hurley

Along with Julia Massey, Project Manager from the Rotherham Primary Care Trust who had come this evening to do a presentation on ‘Choose and Book’.

Page 51

Video presentation by the DTH Young People’s Forum

Dominic introduced the video which showed the young people consulting around the whole of the Partnership area. It showed what the young people would like to see in their area and the lack of facilities for them at present. The Chair thanked the young people for attending the meeting and for the showing of the video which was very well received.

Presentation by Julia Massey, PCT on ‘Choose and Book’

Julia commenced by stating that ‘Choose and Book’ is about ‘Giving patients a choice she continued and explained the following:-

• What is ‘Choose and ‘Book • Why we have introduced patient choice • How it worked • How to book an appointment • What it means to patients • What is available to help make the choice

The Chair thanked Julia for her presentation.

1. Apologies

Kerry Everson, Glen Tricket, Claire Lewis, Kalpana Desai, Ruth Fletcher- Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Sarah Taylor, Danny Willoughby and Colin Shaw

2. Minutes of the Valley Ward meeting held on 1st March 2006

Approved as a true record

3. Matters arising


4. Minutes of the Silverwood Ward Meeting held on 15th March 2006

Approved as a true record.

5. Matters arising

Minute 82 – Thrybergh Disused Railway Track

The Chair reported that a letter had been sent to the local Member of Parliament John Healey who had referred the matter to the Leader of the Council Roger Stone. The Chair stated that he was in the process of arranging a meeting with the Leader, Elected Members and other interested parties. Page 52

Matters arising cont’d

Minute 90 Social Service Charges

Reference was made to the Social Services Charges and Councillor Pat Russell stated that there were only 13 people in Rotherham which were affected. After discussion it was agreed that David Hamilton be invited to a future meeting to explain these mean tested charges.

Minute 99 Police Update

D. Rowley asked if any information had been received back from K. Churms about seized bikes being recycled. The Chair stated no response had been received and this would be followed up.

Minute 103 – Traffic problem around Ravenfield School

D. Rowley asked if the meeting with relevant parties had been arranged yet? The Chair stated this would be followed up with the Neighbourhood Manager who was arranging the meeting.

Minute 103 – Warden’s Centre, Warren Drive

Andy Chambers stated this matter was being looked at now and Councillor Lakin replied that the Neighbourhood Manager was trying to locate another venue for the 2010 staff and their vehicles.

6. Neighbourhood Manager’s Report

The Neighbourhood Manager’s Report was accepted.

7. Neighbourhood Champion’s Report

The Neighbourhood Champion’s Report was accepted.

8. Neighbourhood Warden’s Report

The Neighbourhood Warden’s Report was accepted. Mr. Scholes stated that if the figures of this report are correct, for a two week period, something drastic needs to be done on a spiralling upward trend.

9. Community Planning Update

The Community Planning Report was accepted.

10. Police Update

Apologies for non attendance received. On other police duties.

Page 53

11. DTH Community Partnership update

This has been covered by the presentation.

12. Valley Partnership update

Mrs. Reeder reported that RMBC have taken away the grant of £400,000 which the Valley Partnership had been given originally which left the Partnership struggling. The Chair stated he would follow this up with RMBC.

13. Streetpride update

Chris Shaw stated the devolved budget meeting was scheduled for Tuesday 2nd May in the Town Hall. Chris also replied to all Streetpride enquires from the last meeting.

14. Questions from the Public

Q. Dave Rowley asked if the information he requested from Sgt. Churms regarding the recycling of off-road bikes could be made available.

A. The Chair stated this would be followed up.

15. Date of next meeting

Wednesday, 31st May, 2006 5.00 pm Thrybergh Church Hall Page 54

Wentworth South Area Assembly – Rawmarsh Ward Meeting Wednesday, 3rd May, 2006 at 4.00 p.m. Dale Road People’s Centre, Rawmarsh


Councillor P. Burke (Chair) - Borough Councillor Councillor G. Whelbourn - Borough Councillor Councillor N. Hamilton - Borough Councillor Jayne Hurley - Neighbourhood Manager Juliet Kripp - Groundwork Dearne Valley D. Brown - Resident D. Greenway - Resident W.J. Darby - Resident D. Matthews - Resident L. Booth - Resident Ruth Fletcher-Brown - Rotherham PCT Chris Shaw - RMBC Streetpride E. Read - Resident P. Woodcock - Resident B. Turner - Resident L. Devlin - Rawmarsh Advocates & Investigators W. Davies-Osborn - Rawmarsh Advocates & Investigators P. Wilson - Resident J. Hawley - Resident G. Smith - Neighbourhood Warden B. Belton - Neighbourhood Warden A. Smith - Resident R. Kearney - South Yorkshire Police S. Tattershall - South Yorkshire Police W. Senior - Neighbourhood Champion N. Phillips - Neighbourhood Champion S. Taylor - Neighbourhood Champion

Before the meeting commenced the Chairman stated with the local elections being held tomorrow he had sought advice from RMBC Legal department about this meeting and had been informed that providing there was no reference, publicity or advertising the meeting could take place. This explanation was put to the meeting and was accepted.

144 Apologies

Andy Chambers, Pam Horner (SYPTE), Mel Durham, Gladys Sherratt, Anita Robinson, Major Keith Hockley Salvation Army, all Borough Councillors – on other duties, Hilary Cahill and John Parks.

The Chair asked if anyone was aware of how Mel Durham was. Liz Booth stated that Mel was still in hospital. It was agreed that a card be sent from this Assembly wishing him a speedy recovery.

Page 55

145 Minutes of the meeting held on 29th March 2006

The minutes were approved as a true record after adding Mrs. D. Brown to those present.

146 Matters arising

Page 3 – Albert Street should read Albert Road

Minute 133

Jayne gave a verbal report on:-

(a) Parking on Grass Verges

Regarding the above complaint Jayne stated that she had sought legal opinion on the issue of parking vehicles on grass verges which was:-

‘To park a vehicle on a grassed verge which is part of the Highway could amount to an obstruction of the free passage along a highway (on foot) – this is an offence contrary to Section 137 of the Highways Act 1980. Also any damage to the Highway could be actionable by the Council as claim in trespass or nuisance against the person who caused the damage.

(b) Mr. L. Devlin complaint

Jayne stated she had sought legal opinion regarding Mr. Devlin’s complaint which was ‘that this issue should not have been dealt with as part of the Area Assembly Forum’ and following the outcome of the Stage 2 Complaint Mr. Devlin had declined to deal with this matter through Stage 3 of 2010’s Complaints Procedure.

(c) Ponding on Haugh Road – Chris Shaw stated that the Highway’s Network Management Group, Streetpride were aware of the issues at this site. The site is very ‘flat’ with no drainage gullies on one side of the road and works to alleviate the ponding would, therefore, have to be substantial including re- profiling of the carriageway and are beyond the scope of current budgets. However, when the road surface deteriorates to the point at which a maintenance scheme is required, this issue will be addressed as part of the scheme.

(d) Former Garage Rawmarsh Hill (Fleetrite)– Jayne had been in touch with RMBC Planning dept. who have advised that this is a commercial site. Planning have spoken to the Manager of Fleetrite and he has agreed the following:-

1. Unauthorised signage has been taken down – now within the permitted number of signs that can be erected.

Page 56

2. There is a verbal agreement regarding the fencing issues where by the fencing is more in keeping with the area by painting it.

3. There is a verbal agreement for the company to have bedding plants to the front of the building. However, it must be noted that Planning are unable to set time restrictions on these issues.

Minute No. 134

Liz Booth stated that the award mentioned in the minutes was the Duke of York Community Initiative Award.

147 Rawmarsh and Parkgate Community Action Group update

Liz informed the meeting that Isobel Riley, Chief Executive 2010 Rotherham Ltd had addressed the last meeting of the group and the next meeting would be held on 17th May when PALS had been invited to talk on their work. Liz also reported on the initiative ‘No Cold Calling Zones Come to Rotherham’ which were the first to be set up in the borough one on Hawley Street and one on Barbers Crescent, Rawmarsh and on Friday, the Mayor of Rotherham would be in Hawley Street, with Trading Standards Officers and representatives from the Safer Neighbourhoods Team to launch the new zones.

148 Rawmarsh and Parkgate Partnership update

Owing to Mel being in hospital there was no report.

149 Community Planning update

Councillor Whelbourn Chair of the Rawmarsh and Parkgate Community Planning Steering group stated that the first meeting of the steering group had been held on 28th April. The Steering Group had identified several issues that needed further information and that the Community Planning Officer has been tasked to gather this information and report back. Councillor Whelbourn will continue to feedback information to the Area Assembly.

150 Neighbourhood Manager’s Report

The Neighbourhood Manager’s report which had been circulated with the minutes was accepted. There were no questions on her report.

151 Neighbourhood Champion’s Report

The reports from Anita Robinson, Nerys Phillips, Sarah Taylor and Wendy Senior were accepted. There were no questions on the reports.

152 Neighbourhood Warden’s update

Period 24.03.06 to 21.04.06. Since the last meeting the unit has dealt with a total of 581 complaints.

Page 57

122 in Rawmarsh/Parkgate/Kilnhurst 78 in Wath/Swinton 127 in Valley/Dalton/Thrybergh 75 in Brampton/West Melton 103 in Canklow/WCC 78 in Thurcroft

Complaints to note:-

207 General Complaints 136 Anti-social Behaviour complaints 27 Syringes disposing of 347 total syringes 90 Fly tipping 34 Defective Street Lights 10 Abandoned Vehicles

Remaining complaints were spread across the areas of Graffiti and environmental issues.

153 Streetpride update

Chris Shaw reported that the devolved budget meeting had been held yesterday and a further meeting arranged for next week when the spending plan should be agreed.

Liz Booth stated she would like to publicly thank Streetpride for putting double yellow lines in front of the ‘Horse and Jockey’ public house and up Hawley Street.

154 Police Report

Inspector Steve Tattersall gave a report on the following:-

• Chesterhill Avenue – cars damaged, wheels slashed • New Meadows, Upper Haugh – stealing from garden sheds • Alcohol taken off youths • Vehicle recovery • Operation Impact • No cold calling Zones • Successful drugs raid on Monkwood Estate • Off road motor bikes

The Chair asked if it would be possible for the Area Assembly to have a breakdown of crime report. Inspector Tattersall stated he would get the figures for the next meeting.

155 Questions from the Public

Q. Dennis Greenway who acted as Chair to the WSAA Community Chest Panel asked if the Community Chest was to be resurrected as there was a bank account for this.

Page 58

A. The Chair explained the position to Dennis and it was agreed that the bank account be left open for the time being.

Q. Councillor Hamilton asked if someone could tell him what the Rawmarsh Advocates and Investigators did and if they were a constituted group.

A. No reply was forth coming from the members present.

156 Date of next meeting - Wednesday, 7th June 2006, 5.00 pm Dale Road People’s Centre

Page 59 Agenda Item 11

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council


Meeting Group: Wentworth Valley Area Assembly

Meeting Date: Thursday 29 June 2006

Meeting Time: 6.30 pm

Meeting Venue: Hellaby Centenary Hall

Acting Chair: Councillor Peter Thirlwall


Graham Bates - Bramley Resident Keith Burrell - Bramley Resident T Bradley - Bramley Parish Council Joyce Miller - Flanderwell Resident Joan Herne - Hellaby Resident Jim Cobb - Hellaby Resident Sandra Clubb - Hellaby Resident J A Clubb - Hellaby Resident Ann Dickinson - Highfield Park/Woodland Gardens Community Assoc. Alice Rodgers - Maltby Environmental Group/Maltby Local History Soc. David Guest - Wickersley Resident Sgt. Glyn Shakespeare - South Yorkshire Police Ayuba Lawan - 2010 Rotherham Ltd. Dawn Thomas - 2010 Rotherham Ltd. Cllr. Lynda Binnie - RMBC, Hellaby Ward 5 Councillor Cllr. Ben Slade - RMBC, Maltby Ward 9 Councillor Cllr. Peter Thirlwall - RMBC, Wickersley Ward 20 Councillor Cllr. Sue Ellis - RMBC, Wickersley, Ward 20 Councillor Shirley Hallam - RMBC, Streetpride Tom Cray - RMBC, Executive Director, Neighbourhoods Judith Coyle - RMBC, Neighbourhood Development Ann Stewart - RMBC, Neighbourhood Development, WVCPO Mick Stowe - RMBC, Neighbourhood Development, WVCPO Sue Weatherley - RMBC, Neighbourhood Development, WVCSO

Page 60

No. Agenda Items Action

1. Welcome and Introductions (and any apologies for absence)

Cllr. Thirlwall explained why he was chairing the meeting today. Apologies were received from Shaz Maxwell, Sam Rowley, Cllr. Glyn Robinson, Cllr. Brenda Billington, Ted Kelsey, Fiona Humpage, Jean Walling, Rev. Lynn Wortley, David Morton, Gloria Martin, Cllr. Sue Ellis, Debbie Marks, Cllr. John Turner, Insp. Richard Scholey, J W Gunn, Mike Brown and Cllr. Amy Rushforth.

At this point Cllr. Thirlwall asked the people present if they had any objections to agenda item 4, the Area Assembly presentation, being moved to after the Streetpride Report, as Cllr. Ellis could not arrive until later. Those present agreed to this.

2. Minutes of the previous meeting (20 April 2006)

The minutes were agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

3)13) – Bramley Traffic Management Scheme – a general discussion took place. A Bramley resident mentioned a meeting had been scheduled for Thursday 6 July, but Mr Wilkinson and Cllr. Smith had withdrawn from the meeting and they wanted to reschedule for Wednesday 5th. Cllr. Smith said if this meeting wasn’t convenient then they could perhaps have a meeting in September. Cllr. Thirlwall explained this was a meeting organised by an Action Group in Bramley which is against the new Traffic Management Scheme. He was disappointed that this meeting was not taking place. It was suggested it could be brought up at the next area assembly meeting or another date around that time. Could something be arranged? The Community Planning Officer stated it was not his role to arrange the meeting as was stated in the previous minutes. Action: Cllr. Thirlwall to have a word with the Chair. PT

4. Correspondence and Handouts

This month’s handout pack contained; a copy of the agenda, the Neighbourhood Manager’s Report, Walkabouts until December 2006, Dalton Parish Council Report, information on First Aid Training for the Elderly, information on Big Lottery Fund – Breathing Spaces

Page 61

No. Agenda Items Action

4. Correspondence and Handouts cont. and a Funding Opportunities sheet with information on funding from Heart Research UK, HBSO Foundation and Nottingham Building Society. If anyone wants any of this information please contact Sue Weatherley

5. Report from 2010 Rotherham Ltd. And Safer Neighbourhood Team Ayuba Lawan, 2010 Rotherham Ltd. And Sgt. Glyn Shakespeare, South Yorkshire Police

Ayuba did a presentation, which is attached.

He explained the Safer Neighbourhood Teams (SNT), Neighbourhood Action Groups (NAG) and Joint Action Group (JAG) structure. He emphasised the need to report incidents to find out where ‘hotspots’ are. The Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) Hotline Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 or 01709 832709. The SNT is just 2 months old. The impact from this way of working should be seen more in a few months time. We need more community engagement, especially on walkabouts. We have already seen a number of successes. We want the community to have confidence in the system.

Ayuba asked if there were any questions:

Q. There is a need to engage with more people in the community, how will this be done? A. There are a number of ways this can be done; through the area assemblies, elected members could raise issues, community groups and individuals. Identify the problem(s), let the Neighbourhood Champions know and they will put on their Neighbourhood Action Plan. Hopefully Ayuba can bring some of the successes back to the next area assembly meeting. Wardens/Police Community Support Officer’s (PCSO’s) to patrol streets. Information can be passed to them. Q. Problem in getting people at grass roots. Need to know how to get to these people. A. Will have to look at ways to deal with your problems. There are only 12 people out of 27,000 in the area. What do the rest do? Q. A Maltby resident tested the system as children were demanding money to clean their car and when told the car had already been cleaned started throwing things over the hedge to try and dirty it. Tried phoning information through to Neighbourhood Champions

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5. Report from 2010 Rotherham Ltd. And Safer Neighbourhood cont. Team Ayuba Lawan, 2010 Rotherham Ltd. And Sgt. Glyn Shakespeare, South Yorkshire Police

but felt wasn’t getting anywhere. Phoned schools and Head Teachers responded straight away. A. When Champions receive information they cannot do anything immediately, but it’s logged and goes to the next SNT which is held daily. Action Groups are to go to all schools. Q. What is the contacting procedure? A. Any problems, phone the dedicated number 01142 202020, if it’s an SNT incident it is tagged to the appropriate SNT. You could also go through the area assembly/community groups, etc. If it’s a continual problem people could report it to elected members. The Neighbourhoods Executive Director said bear with us, it’s a new system. It takes 2 to 3 months to get up and running. It’s not just the police, its 2010, Streetpride, Neighbourhood Wardens, PCSO’s, etc. We’ve had real results in the north of Rotherham, where the system has been running longer. Hope by September we can launch it better. Your local safer neighbourhood team has got a local number (01709 832625). Time will show the power of these teams. NAG's look at the problems, the SNT try to solve the problem. How do we involve you, the community, in these meetings? How do we get round Data Protection? Q. Feedback. Could it be printed in the local notes in the Advertiser? A. The way the system works is that you have a problem, problem acted upon, need to feedback, so come back to you. Make sure we’re listening, give meaningful feedback. Can do some of this through Area Assemblies. Gathering data, one data base, come back to community saying we need your help. Get everyone involved. Q. Bevan Crescent – youths causing problems. Contacted Dawn on a daily basis. Dawn fed information into SNT. Police/ Neighbourhood Champion have been up the area on a regular basis. It’s slowly working, problems are slowing down. A. This is very reassuring. Q. Flash Lane, Bramley – good if it works. Slow response time of Police/Parish Council. Raised problem with Bramley Parish Council for last few years. PC Lindley was doing something. Rubbish/drinks cans. Given numbers of youths selling to young kids but nothing seems to be happening. A. Aware of problems on Flash Lane. Task force has a mandate to work with Bramley Parish Council. It’s on and around a patch of land that might belong to them, trying to find out who it belongs

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5. Report from 2010 Rotherham Ltd. And Safer Neighbourhood cont. Team Ayuba Lawan, 2010 Rotherham Ltd. And Sgt. Glyn Shakespeare, South Yorkshire Police

to for certain. Will report back once we find anything out. Had 2 PCSO’s on Flash Lane (yesterday) knocking on doors asking questions, tonight gone to speak to the kids. We need people reporting. Problems at Youth Club and car park there. Hopefully will have 5/6 PCSO’s in next few months. Police deal with reported crime. When all is up and running you will see a difference. The Neighbourhood Executive Director said this was a classic example of how team will work together. This problem tasks the Parish Council, the Borough Councillors, Licensing, the Police, Youth Service, Streetpride, Shopkeepers, Chamber of Commerce, Anti-Social Behaviour Unit (ASBU), Wardens and the Community. He wants people to let us know if it works. It was pointed out that 99% of kids are good. We need to know why 1% aren’t good. Q. This area has been a problem since 1974, but last 3 years problems have got worse. There’s a lot of old people on Flash Lane and they don’t want the hassle. A. Those kids want somewhere to hang around. We need to engage with these young people. Doing work with youths and Sharon Maxwell (Young People’s Services). Young people scared to come to these meetings as they feel intimidated. Vast majority of kids are good. Q. Representation on presentation does not do it justice. Could you please do larger print and a clearer background? This presentation difficult to read. A. Note has been taken. Also ask that you test the system at Atlas Court (01142 202020).

6. Community Planning Officer’s Report Ann Stewart/Mick Stowe, Community planning Officers, Community Involvement Unit

Met with Young People’s Forum, East Maltby Neighbourhood Renewal Partnership and Maltby Town Council last week to look at updating Maltby Community Plan. Things that have already been achieved include the creation of Cherry Tree Park and the improvements in Coronation Park, the High Street Traffic Management Scheme, traffic calming on Tickhill Road, Addison Road, Morrell Street and Braithwell Road and improvement in street lighting in vulnerable areas of the town. It was surprising to find out

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6. Community Planning Officer’s Report cont. Ann Stewart/Mick Stowe, Community planning Officers, Community Involvement Unit

that the young people’s issues were the same as the adults. The original Community Event was attended by quite a few young people, who went on to help on some of the projects. The updating of the original plan is part of the programme of Community Planning.

Hellaby has held a consultation event and put together their Action Plan. They have received support from the Community Planning team, 2010 Rotherham Ltd and various other agencies. Community Planning is seen as a way forward.

Mick then introduced Ann Stewart and explained that Ann was the other half of his job share.

Q. Will last years work done by Maltby Forum be taken on board? A. We’ll get as many community organisations and groups together as possible. We need to take it all into consideration. Some groups work better together, but we will pull all work together. Q. Community Plan – Maltby Forum was the representative body and custodian of the Community Plan. They have worked hard to get plan moved forward. There is lots of misinformation, the Forum is 100% committed to reform/updating of the plan. A. All information gathered and used. Action: Mick will report back to the next Area Assembly meeting. MS

7. Streetpride Shirley Hallam, RMBC, Streetpride

Sam unable to attend this evening but she has circulated an email to all Elected Members a breakdown of the £17,000 to projects. There is a small amount left.

Q. Would there be money for Bramley Parish Council for hanging baskets. A. Contact Sam re devolved budget. A Borough Councillor said this subject came up during last years devolved budget meetings. They don’t want to provide for just 1 Parish Council. Isn’t this what

the Parish Precepts can be used for? Q. Morthen Road – will speak to Shirley after the meeting. A. That will be OK.

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8. Area Assemblies – A New way of working Judith Coyle, RMBC, Community Involvement Unit, Tom Cray, RMBC, Executive Director, Neighbourhoods

Judith Coyle gave a presentation, a copy of which is attached.

Q. What sort of teeth will the new Area assemblies have? A. In the past Area Assemblies shared information with the communities. The Council looked at them with partners and formalised a partnership delivering local actions (physical improvement, service improvement, etc.). We will be more in tune with the community. We will jointly decide what the issues are, inform the community early and get them involved. They will Assembly will agree a plan to address your priorities. Partners will listen to your consultation. If we don’t deliver hold us to account. We will have a formal partnership between organisations such as Parish Councils, Police, Primary Care Trust (PCT), etc., all working to 1 plan. Bramley Traffic Management Scheme is a good example. If consultation had been done by the new Area Assemblies the Task and Finish Group could have stayed with it all the way through. We need to look at other ways of getting people involved eg telephone interviews, on the net, etc. Changing ways we consult. Police want to see Town/Parish Councils put their names to the new system and visa versa. Q. Asked for a Parish Poll on Hellaby Centenary Hall closure. Been refused though more than 10 people asked for one (which is the required amount). A. Doesn’t work like that. Q. Informative presentation – Themed events, separate or part of the meeting? A. Part of plan of action – the new Area assembly meetings will not be the same as these. Q. 6 weekly meetings. Won’t get a quick response. A. Model working on now. Say themed meeting was on crime, actions would be done after the meeting. Q. Focussed, fast, effective? A. Not going to be the same kinds of agendas. Looking at other ways of getting information across, eg Newsletters on a regular basis, in the press. We’ve got to get better. If you’ve got ideas on how to get message through, let us know. Q. Name people problem relates to. A. Need to know where to go to. Area Assemblies can devolve at this level. 2010/Police have done so. Need to get down as low as possible. Faces – who do I go to? Know who your

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8. Area Assemblies – A New way of working cont. Judith Coyle, RMBC, Community Involvement Unit, Tom Cray, RMBC, Executive Director, Neighbourhoods

Neighbourhood Champion is. Q. Wentworth Valley name doesn’t relate to this area. A. Think of a new name. We’ll take suggestions and look at them. Q. Stop officers using abbreviations and make presentations less boring. Q. Amazed when I found out the name of the Area Assembly and frequency of meetings. More than a month apart and it will be even more difficult to get people to attend. A. If you have a great meeting people will come to it. Q. How do you get people from area only? Themed meetings special. Still need ordinary meetings. A. Going to be other meetings that drive the actions. This makes someone accountable. What/who responsible, what does it deliver. Come back to meeting say it’s done, or it’s not been done. Let’s run it and see how it goes. Q. Community Strategies, develop Neighbourhood Plans and Charters. How do you access and input into them. You need another slide in the presentation. A. Strategies and Plans are available through the Co-ordinating Groups. Up to them to feed them out and include in launch. Charters about standards, Plans about issues. Once it’s agreed as a document that’s what you deliver. One sheet showing plans can go out with minutes. Q. Are they making up our minds for us? A. Community Plans engage with the Community. Some need evaluating. Need to encourage Bramley Parish Council to engage in Community Planning. There are now Charters between Parish/Town Councils and Borough Council. Widening it to more than parishes. Feed information into the system. C. That hasn’t answered my question. Q. People outside the Parish Council, How do they get to know about Community Planning? A. Wickersley in embryonic stage – individuals/groups/businesses. Community Plans your plan. Mick Stowe/Ann Stewart facilitate. In Wickersley Parish Council took lead, everyone invited to the Community Planning Event. If you lived in the Community Planning area word would have been got out to you. C. In Hellaby ordinary people got together with the Community planning Team, Borough Councillors, 2010, PCT, Integrated Development Plan (IDP), etc. We took it on ourselves to let everyone know. A. We want a map of Rotherham showing what we’re doing. We will

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8. Area Assemblies – A New way of working cont. Judith Coyle, RMBC, Community Involvement Unit, Tom Cray, RMBC Executive Director, Neighbourhoods

help, try and negotiate with money we have already budgeted. Q. At times you feel you’re hitting a brick wall. A. You need to know where they’re coming from. Q. How will this relate to Local Development Framework? A. Community Planners have fed in the views of those who attended the meetings.

9. Bramley Parish Council Report

Nothing to report.

10. Dalton Parish Council Report

In handout pack.

11. Maltby Parish Council

Nothing to report.

12. Wickersley Parish Council Report

Teddy Bears Picnic, 12.30 on 15 July, best dressed Teddy. Down the Gorse. Walking in the Gorse, meet at Hail Mary Close, 4 July at 7.00 pm.

13. Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 27 July, 3.30 pm at Maltby Crags School Community Room.

Ann Dickinson asked if she could mention that Maltby and District Poppy Appeal raised £8,426.06 this last year.