PARLIAMENT of NAURU DRAFT HANSARD Seventeenth Parliament First Sitting of the First Meeting Tuesday, 28Th August 2007 Mr Speaker, Hon
Error! No text of specified style in document. Tuesday, 28th August 2007 PARLIAMENT OF NAURU 1 PARLIAMENT OF NAURU DRAFT HANSARD Seventeenth Parliament First Sitting of the First Meeting Tuesday, 28th August 2007 Mr Speaker, Hon. Ludwig Scotty, M.P., took the Chair at 10.00 a.m. and read Prayers. The Chairman of the House, Mr. Frederick Cain, took the Chair and read Prayers. Mr. Chairman: Good morning Members and welcome to this inaugural sitting of the Seventeenth Parliament. Let me first of all congratulate you all on your recent election as Members of this august House and I trust that most of you have recovered from your week-end celebrations and ready to tackle the tasks ahead of you. We will now commence our business in accordance with our programme and I shall commence first with the Proclamation of the Speaker which reads as follows, and I quote - ‘Whereas the Sixteenth Parliament of the Republic of Nauru was dissolved at the end of the 26th day of July 2007; And Whereas by a Writ issued by the Speaker by and with the advice of the President and dated the 20th day of July 2007, the Speaker appointed the twenty-fifth day of August 2007 for the holding of a General Election of Members of Parliament in accordance with the advice of the President; And Whereas I have received the Return of the said Writ notifying me that the said General Election was duly held and of the names of the persons elected thereat; I, Valdon Dowiyogo, in accordance with the advice of the President do appoint and proclaim that the Seventeenth Parliament of Nauru shall meet at Parliament House at the hour of ten o’clock on the morning of Tuesday, 28th August 2007 and shall proceed to transact the following business, namely – First, the election of a Member of Parliament to be Speaker of Parliament; Secondly, the election of a Member of Parliament to be Deputy Speaker of Parliament; And in that order before the transaction of any other business; Parliament must at its first sitting thereafter elect a Member of Parliament to be President of the Republic.
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