The Fisheries of Central Visayas, Philippines: Status and Trends

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The Fisheries of Central Visayas, Philippines: Status and Trends The Fisheries of Central Visayas, Philippines: Status and Trends An Initiative of the Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources 7 in collaboration with the Coastal Resource Management Project of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Regional Development Council of Region 7, Provincial and Municipal Local Government Units of Bohol, Cebu, Negros Oriental and Siquijor. Stuart J. Green Jimely O Flores Joezen Q. Dizon-Corrales Rafael T, Martinez Dino Rafael M. Nuñal Nygiel B. Armada Alan T. White The Fisheries of Central Visayas, Philippines: Status and Trends The Fisheries of Central Visayas, Philippines: Status and Trends Stuart J. Green Jimely O. Flores Joezen Q. Dizon-Corrales Rafael T. Martinez Dino Rafael M. Nuñal Nygiel B. Armada Alan T. White 2004 Printed in Cebu City, Philippines Citation: Green, S.J., J.O. Flores, J.Q. Dizon-Corrales, R.T. Martinez, D.R.M. Nuñal, N.B. Armada and A.T. White. 2004. The fisheries of Central Visayas, Philippines: Status and trends. Coastal Resource Management Project of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources of the Department of Agriculture, Cebu City, Philippines, 159 p. Prepared as a Collaborative Initiative of: Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources of the Department of Agriculture in Central Visayas Coastal Resource Management Project of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Development Council of Central Visayas The Provincial and Municipal Governments of Bohol, Cebu, Negros Oriental and Siquijor This publication was made possible through support provided by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the terms and conditions of Contract No. AID-492-C-00-96-00028-00 with additional funding support for the publication provided by BFAR 7. The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID. This publication may be reproduced or quoted in other publications as long as proper reference is made to the source. Cover photos by Stuart J. Green CRMP Document No. 18-CRM/2004 ISBN 971-92753-7-5 ii Table of Contents Table of Contents List of Acronyms and Abbreviations v List of Tables and Figures vii Acknowledgments xi Foreword xiii Preface xiv Chapter 1 Overview of the Marine Fisheries Management Framework Plan for Central 1 Visayas Introduction 1 Why a Fisheries Management Framework Plan? 1 Fisheries Ecosystem Management 2 Chapter 2 The Geopolitical and Socioeconomic Setting of Central Visayas 5 Socioeconomics 7 Summary 11 Chapter 3 An Introduction to the Marine Fisheries Ecosystems of Central Visayas and 13 Their Habitats The Marine Fisheries Ecosystems 13 The Fisheries Ecosystems within Central Visayas Geopolitical Jurisdiction 13 Summary 21 Chapter 4 The Status and Trends of Commercial Fisheries of Central Visayas 25 Fisheries Production/Landings 25 Commercial Fishing Industry Landings by Province 26 State of Fisheries Ecosystems with Reference to Commercial Fisheries 28 Summary 38 Chapter 5 The Status and Trends of Municipal Fisheries of Central Visayas 43 Introduction 43 Municipal Landings and Fishers 43 Fishing Boats 43 Fishing Gears 45 Major Fishing Grounds 52 Fishing Craft and Fishers 52 Catch Per Unit Effort 57 Issues 60 Summary 66 iii The Fisheries of Central Visayas, Philippines: Status and Trends Chapter 6 Coastal Management in Central Visayas 67 The Change in Policy Environment and Its Implications for Central Visayas 67 Key Coastal and Fisheries Projects 68 National Government Agencies and Their Programs in Coastal and Fisheries 70 Management Regional Alliances/Special Bodies 72 Other Organizations Assisting in Coastal and Fisheries Management 74 Summary 76 Chapter 7 Mainstreaming and Institutionalizing Coastal and Fisheries Management within 77 the Local Government Introduction 77 Benchmarking of LGUs in Central Visayas 78 The Evolving Role of Provincial Governments in Coastal and Fisheries 91 Management Summary 95 Chapter 8 The Private Sector – The Missing Link? 97 The State of the Commercial Fishing Industry in Central Visayas 97 The Policy Environment - a Disincentive to Management 98 Other Private Sector Initiatives in Central Visayas 101 Summary 103 Chapter 9 Fisheries Trends and Management Framework in Central Visayas 105 Introduction 105 Key Trends Common to the Region’s Fisheries Ecosystems 105 Management Implications for the Region 107 Regional Trends 110 The Fisheries Management Framework Plan for Central Visayas 111 Summary and Recommendations 114 Appendices 1 Glossary 115 2 Coastal Resource Management Showcases in Central Visayas 119 3 Inventory of Fishing Gears in Central Visayas 129 4 Fishing Gears in Central Visayas 135 5 Directory of Participants Involved in the Profiling Process 153 Bibliography 155 iv List of Acronyms and Abbreviations List of Acronyms and Abbreviations ADB Asian Development Bank AFMA Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act (Republic Act 8435) AT Agriculture Technician B/M FARMC Barangay/Municipal Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Council BANGON Bohol Alliance of Nongovernment Organizations BAS Bureau of Agricultural Statistics BEMO Bohol Environment Management Office BFAR Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources BMT Bohol Marine Triangle CBRMP Community-based Resource Management Project CELEBOSOLE Cebu, Leyte, Bohol and Southern Leyte Management Council CENRO Community Environment and Natural Resources Office CFVG commercial fishing vessel gear CLEAR 7 Coastal Law Enforcement Alliance in Region 7 CLEC Coastal Law Enforcement Councils CMMO Coastal and Marine Management Office of the DENR CPUE catch per unit effort CRM coastal resource management CRMP Coastal Resource Management Project CVRP Central Visayas Regional Project CVSCAFT Central Visayas State College of Agriculture, Forestry and Technology DA Department of Agriculture DENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources DILG Department of the Interior and Local Government DOTC Department of Transportation and Communication DREAM Project Development of Resources, Education, Awareness and Management DTI Department of Trade and Industry EcoGov Philippine Environmental Governance Project EEZ exclusive economic zone ELAC Environmental Legal Assistance Center ENRD Environment and Natural Resources Division EO Executive Order FAD fish aggregating device FAO Fisheries Administrative Order FRMD Fisheries Resource Management Division of the BFAR GEF Global Environment Facility GT gross tonnage GTZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit ha hectare HDI human development index HP horsepower ICFM integrated coastal and fisheries management ICM integrated coastal management IEC information, education and communication ITD-USCG International Training Division of the United States Coast Guard JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency LGC Local Government Code v The Fisheries of Central Visayas, Philippines: Status and Trends LGU local government unit LOI Letter of Instruction MAC Marine Aquarium Council MAO Municipal Agriculture Officer MARINA Maritime Industry Authority MCDP Marine Conservation and Development Project MCS Monitoring, Control and Surveillance Section of the BFAR MOA Memorandum of Agreement MOU Memorandum of Understanding MPA marine protected area MSY maximum sustainable yield NALECC National Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee NGA national government agency NGO nongovernment organization NIPAS National Integrated Protected Area System NRM natural resource management NSAP National Stock Assessment Project (DA-BFAR) NSO National Statistics Office OBST Olango Birds and Seascape Tour PAMAS Panadtaran Mangrove Association PAMB Protected Area Management Board PAO Provincial Agriculturist Office PCAMRD Philippine Council for Aquatic and Marine Research and Development PCG Philippine Coast Guard PCRA participatory coastal resource assessment PD Presidential Decree PEDO Police Environment Desk Officer PFO Provincial Fishery Office of the BFAR PNP Philippine National Police PNP-MARIG PNP-Maritime Group PO people’s organization PP Presidential Proclamation RA Republic Act RDC Regional Development Council SB Sangguniang Bayan SCORE Siquijor Coastal Resource Enhancement Project SEED Socioeconomic Empowerment and Development SIRMAP Siquijor Integrated Resource Management Project SP Sangguniang Panlalawigan UP University of the Philippines USAID United States Agency for International Development VisSea Visayan Sea Coastal Resources and Fisheries Management Exchange rate: US$1 = PhP55 (as of September 2004) vi List of Tables and Figures List of Tables and Figures TABLES 1 Key statistics on the four provinces of Central Visayas. 7 2 The total population of the provinces of Central Visayas and percent increases 7 since 1990. 3 Socioeconomic indices in the provinces of Central Visayas. 7 4 The total area of the different fisheries ecosystems, including area outside of 13 Central Visayas. 5 Major marine fisheries ecosystems of Central Visayas based on computer- 15 derived model calculating area of marine waters and municipal boundaries and showing management jurisdiction. 6 Area of coral reefs in Central Visayas (based on SPOT satellite imagery) 15 collated by the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan. 7 Areas (ha and km2) of mangroves and of fishponds in mangrove areas in 17 Central Visayas. 8 Percent breakdown by type of the top 10 species of fish caught from 1950 to 29 1980s for which data were available. 9 Total number of municipal fishers in the four
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