CEU eTD Collection

C ONFESSIONAL In partial fulfillment for T , RITE

MISSIONARY AND EDUCA HE WAY WAY TO CONVERT THE R Supervisor EDEMPTORIST Central European University Department of History s:Riedl, Matthias Olha Pushchak Olha Budapest, Hungary Submitted to th 2013 F By ATHERS e degree of Master of Arts





C - 1939) HURCH

E E ASTERN CEU eTD Collection w mad be not may instructions such with accordance in made copies Further made. copies such any of part a form must page This librarian. the from obtained be may Details Library. European accordan in only made be may part, or full in either process, any by Copies Author. the with rests thesis this of text the in Copyright Statement Copyright of itn emsin f h Author. the of permission ritten

ce with the instructions given by the Author and lodged in the Central the in lodged and Author the by given instructions the with ce i

e without the without e CEU eTD Collection problematic. society, Ukrainian Galician and church ma these of Analysis the Mission, the about Redemptorists Belgian by written letters upon mostly draws research This pol ed the represent to Redempt are research this of objectives The ecumenical plan ofAndrei Sheptytskyiand a reunite projectto theEastern the in Redemptorists the of role the analyses study This East. the toward mission the set and people l approach to instrument an as used was Rite Eastern The II. War World the of beginning the until 1913 in arrival their from in Mission Redemptorists’ Rite Eastern the with deals thesis This Abstract itical discourse rss n h cnet f ethno of context the in orists

of the population. of the terials shows that shows terials primary sources: the chronicles, visitations of visitations chronicles, the sources: primary

- the Redemtorists were successfully integrated into the Uniate Uniate the into integrated successfully were Redemtorists the ofsinl iuto i Wester in situation confessional but their mission in the Orthodox Vol Orthodox the in mission their but ii

ctoa ad isoay ciiis of activities missionary and ucational

eor ad ulc statements. public and memoirs Urie n ter oe in role their and Ukraine n and Western Church. h yn the monasteries, the monasteries, the ia

a mc more much was

ocal CEU eTD Collection me suppor the appreciate I Finally likeAlso Iwould totake tothankAnikó theopportunity Molnár forher assistance andjudicious advice. language mistakes checking andclosely the texts. the to due are thanks Special KADOC Archive andwelcomedme inLeuven inthe monastery inBrussels. who CSsR Zymak, Oleh to grateful am I Also the of to myalways ready questions. torespond Archivist the from received I help who CSsR, Pikh, the Ruslan Redemptorists of for Province gratitude sincere my express to like would I and spend theirpr Christianit of History the researching in me engaged who University, Prof. to thanks my owe I Also mycomments topic. on remarks and to due are thanks my addition, In advice.comments, and suggestions me helping continuously Ri Matthias Prof. supervisors my to thanks special my give I this writing in me guided and helped who those thesis. all to gratitude deepest my express to like would I Acknowledgments




work ecious time themain discussing andproblemsecious raised questions inthe thesis.

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CEU eTD Collection Bibliography Conclusions Chapter 5Redemptorists inmissionary work Chapter inWesternengagement Ukraine 4Educational of Redemptorists Chapter3 Redemptorists inpoliticaldiscourseInterwar of Ukraine.The Ukrainian Chapter religious innationalawakening 2The and Easternrite Ukrainians belongingof ChapterFramework 1Theoreticalhistoriography and overview Introduction 1.2. 1.1. 5.3. Ukrainians missionaries’ eyes. through the 5.2. Missionarynewspapers and letters in reports 5.1. The andprocessionsCross order ofmissions the with 4.4. The Seminary 4. Implementation4.2. of theproject 4.1. The project Juvenate 3.2. FrancBonneand theUkrainian Xavier Diplomatic Mission 3.1. Redemptorists facing political challenges 2.4. 2.3. Themonastic communities reformation of 2.2. The roleGreek ofthe 2.1. R 3. Academic thedailyand schedule program

eligious ofthe identities andnational population Andrei Sheptytskyi Redemptorists’ mission andthe Redemptorists’ historiography overview modernismCatholic andnational awakening Ukrainians of




...... - Catholic clergy Catholic ......

...... Table of Contents of Table





...... iv



in Galicia. Precedence ofthe Rite






...... - Polish conflictPolish ......




75 72 67 60 55 55 53 46 45 43 43 32 30 30 22 20 17 14 14 11

8 8 1

CEU eTD Collection mother country. 1 time same the at and thrilling most the always are beginnings the shows, history post the during Church Catholic Greek underground the of support strong formed institutions educational its period, interwar the in society and conditions Church Catacomb the the of activity Eastern the 1913, the from activities, missionary of years hundred a After politics. mass and secularisation of a was Redemptorists Ukraine. Western in Redemptorists withthe Vatican,seems,it toreligious it only. was limited not but,as activities Redemptorists the was motivati a Redemptorists Galicia of province Habsburg the of started work accepted. theirnot practiced Redemptorists missionary The orofficially Redemptorist evangelizing at aimed people ill with work Introduction

I refer to the word “Province” as a Redemptorists’ administrative unit used to denote a separate separate a denote to used unit administrative Redemptorists’ a as “Province” word the to refer I - Province. Thi has congregation or order monastic Every The The ons to establish the establish to ons s work is intended to provide a short but multipartite review of the Mission implemented by implemented Mission the of review multipartite but short a provide to intended is work s Ukrainian Mission was called called was Mission Ukrainian missionaries

Congregation in Ukraine during Soviet time was very limited and performed secretly in secretly performed and limited very was time Soviet during Ukraine in Congregation re - rite Redemptorists became an integral part of religious life in Western Ukraine Western in life religious of part integral an became Redemptorists rite

the focus the ,

peculiar etc. For Redemptorists it is the work for the redemption, in other words, activities words, other in redemption, the for work the is it Redemptorists For etc. ’ program of a spiritual crusade aimed to convert the Eastern Church and reunite and Church Eastern the convert to aimed crusade spiritual a of program n conversion. and

cieywre n uoeadoesa, hr etr hitaiy was Christianity Western where overseas, and Europe in worked actively

of the thesis the central place is given to the analysis of the of analysis the to given is place central the thesis the of “

case of extending missionary work that wo that work missionary extending of case Ukr

until 1990 until ainian M ainian , which nowadays constitute nowadays which , “vice h ceto o te Lviv the of creation The

- en a ii pr o te ahlc hrh rm 1732, from Church Catholic the of part vivid a Being P ission . rovince The congregation The ” in 1913 in ” ” 1

its its

until 1938 and stayed under under stayed and 1938 until key goals. It can be youth work, medical help, help, medical work, youth be can It goals. key .

“The way to convert the Eastern Church” Eastern the convert to way “The became a powerful force for the Church Church the for force powerful a became s

Western part of Ukraine, of part Western vice

a cohort of priests who were a were who priests of cohort a - Province uld react to various challenges various to react uld the -

a Sve ea Bt as But, era. Soviet war

supervision of the Belgian Belgian the of supervision 1

of einuulyi one in usually region in hlegn. This challenging. the t he Eastern parthe Eastern ir

reasons and reasons in 1913. 1913. in Eastern arrival in arrival .

- The rite As CEU eTD Collection 18 the of end till times the ancient the from Ukraine of History the of ( “Ruthenian” 19 the of end the till although Galicia, in dialects use vernacular Slavic mostly Eastern spoke and will tradition church Christian Eastern I the to adhered who Galicia, people of group the of to referring region the of population Catholic Greek the Roman the with 4 equality the emphasize to movement was name new Austria the in notes, Church Magosci P. Catholic R. As Teresa. Maria Empress the by Vatican. 3 case. latter “m”in the meaninglowercase the and former “M”the case for upper 2 existenc The Rome. with unity the with combined traditions rite Eastern its of because Redemptorists for useful and unique as treated (Ruthenians) 19 the of half second the Greek The period. interwar the during life political the in congregations religious st this Ukraine, Western the of challenges fu power Church Catholic the of tendencies a was work missionary Their Wars. World two the between Europe Eastern in place very in1920andbecame popular took missions actual first The seminary. school and aestablished high and educating missionaries, local pr Redemptorists’ whichas enabled well existence ashinderedMission. their those which their research Greek short and Mission general Redemprotists’ between the confusion avoid To As my study is focused on the 20 the on focused is study my As - Catholic church shares the same rite with the Orthodox Church while being in communion with Catholics and the and Catholics with communion in being while Church Orthodox the with rite same the shares church Catholic

The study o study The the of agendas various the on view comprehensive a take to attempts also work This This name was given to the Un the to given was name This

. aims to uncover the uncover to aims r

ther east. This thesis also contributes to a better understanding of national and political political and national of understanding better a to contributes also thesis This east. ther ruskyi 4

s fco o self of factor a as ). In ).

jc. o nbe long a enable To oject. interwar period in Eastern Europe Eastern in period interwar f the particular case of the Redemptorists sheds a light on a wider religious wider a on light a sheds Redemptorists the of case particular the f Yakovenko Natalia, Natalia, Yakovenko - Hungary which also resulted resulted also which Hungary th d eaie te oil naeet f h Greek the of engagement social the examines udy

the beginning of 20 of beginning the first part of the Redemptorists’ story in Ukraine and reconstruct the events events the reconstructand storyUkraine Redemptorists’ the in of part first th

- e of such ecclesiastical community proved that it is possible to belongto to possible is it that proved communityecclesiastical such of e century processes, when modern Ukrainian national identity became dominant among among dominant became identity national Ukrainian modern when processes, century iate Church, existing on the Ukrainian lands from the Berest Union in 1596, in 1774 1774 in 1596, in Union Berest the from lands Ukrainian the on existing Church, iate -

ifrnitn ad ainl eogn. u ti Cuc ws also was Church this But belonging. national and differentiating to establish a Catholic congregation in E in congregation Catholic a establish to Narys Istorii Ukrainy z naidavnishykh chasiv do kincia XVIII stolittia (Sketch stolittia XVIII kincia do chasiv naidavnishykh z Ukrainy Istorii Narys among - th em n pwru msinr porm hy ok ae of care took they program missionary powerful and term

century they were usually designated designated usually were they century

the population. the th

in century was of particular im particular of was century 2

. the In order to get a full picture of the situation in situation the of picture full a get to order In

growth of the role the clergy played in the national national the in played clergy the role the of growth th

century) -

term missions conducted in conducted missions term

, Kyiv, 1997. 1997. Kyiv, , h mdr ehi nm “kana” when “Ukrainian” name ethnic modern the


y h taiinl tnc name ethnic traditional the by

astern rite and spread it spread and rite astern - ahlc lry n the and clergy Catholic n outcome of numerous of outcome n portance for Ukrainians for portance - Catholic Church Catholic the area, I use I the area, the

proces 3

in s s

CEU eTD Collection ofPolish end 5 and confrontation Greek towards Orthodox and national Catholics the of relations the of actors main the as Poles and Ukrainians between interrelations they Galicia conflicts national and confessional intense very of time challenges. local with dealing and success the on depended East the toward Congregation the of expansion and actions further as formation and waters 1 in Uniate Church. authorities Russian and Polish ethno The approach goal, houses six Ga Gree Ukrainian the by inhabited predominantly were that and State Polish the into incorporated were War World First the after that provinces imperial who,intheiropinion,were“bridge”neede Orthodox, outto and misled toreach a as Church this use to Redemptorists inspired and rite Eastern the keeping while Church Catholic the

Pea licia, Bukovina, Pidliashia, Kholm and Kholm Pidliashia, Bukovina, licia, 913 till 913 ce of Riga (Treaty of Riga) was signed on the 18th of March 1921 between and Soviet Russia and signified the the signified and SovietRussia and betweenPoland 1921 March wasof the on 18th signed ofRigaof Riga) ce (Treaty

novd conflic involved eepoit s Redemptorists Chronologically my study covers study my Chronologically th to geographically limited is research my of scope The n Vlyi. ainl n rlgos dniis ee fe mxd and mixed often were identities religious and National Volhynia. and Orthodox Orthodox - - viz. in Zboiska, Holosko, Ternopil, Stanislawiw, Kovel and Lviv (the latter from 1937). from latter (the Lviv and Kovel Stanislawiw, Ternopil, Holosko, Zboiska, in viz. confessional relations in Volhynia were complicated were Volhynia in relations confessional

Soviet War. Soviet the beginning of the of beginning the


s n ld o srn cutregt opsto ad hatred. and opposition counterweight, strong a to led and ts t f et h yn o ia r

hmevs t h cmn t Galicia to coming the at themselves

and Pidlasha, territories taken by Poland according to the Peace the to according Poland by taken territories Pidlasha, and

n atmt t propagate to attempts and

World War War World

the period from the foundation of the Redemptorists’ Mission Redemptorists’ the of foundation the from period the Volhynia II in 1939. For the Mission it was a period of testing the testing of period a was it Mission the For 1939. in k - 3 The researched p researched The C .

The Redemptorists established on these territories these on established Redemptorists The a hlc n Otoo believers Orthodox and tholic - , Catholics as religious an religious as Catholics foremost in foremost rhdx o Ctoiim dslcn the displacing Catholicism, or Orthodoxy wi th the clash of clash the th , ose former Austrian and Russian Russian and Austrian former ose eriod can be also described as the the as described also be can eriod

the forme the a t mv further move to was d conversion. d r Habsburg province of province Habsburg r tagonists. contested; religious politics of politics religious

wl lo a the at look will I namely ,

sometimes north

of of Eastern Riga.

The and 5

CEU eTD Collection G the role the rite, Eastern the of importance key the in Ukraine, processes building nation the through Going Galicia. in arrived they when faced Redemptorists historiograph of overview the and framework theoretical a provides chapter first The life. social in involvement their and goals missionary with conducted they activities intend I content ethno problematic identified they how Catholics, Roman and the Orthodox the especially people, local approached boys. for school and retreats missions, conducted Ukraine. Western in locals with work a by compromised was Church Eastern the convert to Mission planned their combined and Sheptytskyi Andrei missionaryagendas of project the supporting actively were Redemptorists ethni the Redemptorists of role and place exact the was implemented. was project this successfully congrega religious include and Metropolitanate Ukraine Western to mselves in Ukraine, how they “pictured” and presented Ukrainians and how they adjusted to the the to adjusted they how and Ukrainians presented and “pictured” they how Ukraine, in mselves The second chapter gives a historical background and contextualises the situation which the the which situation the contextualises and background historical a gives chapter second The this Through Conclusions. the and chapters five Introduction, an of consists research The they as population the of problems national and social the to links many had Redemptorists Tracing

ad eiiu cnlcs n atr Europe Eastern in conflicts religious and c

the history of the Ukrainian Mission Ukrainian the of history the

to show different show to - Therefore confessional and political situation. political and confessional , along

from the beginning as beginning the from with the engagement the with in my research I will also observe and analyse how Redemptorists Redemptorists how analyse and observe also will I research my in other religious rituals, served parishes and even taught in a boarding boarding a in taught even and parishes served rituals, religious other

aspects of the Redemptorists’ M Redemptorists’ the of aspects part of of part T his thesis his ’ Mission ’

in political and national conflic nationaland political in 4 Sheptytskyi ,

in it atv sca life social active into tions as Redemptorists have called their missionary trip missionary their called have Redemptorists as

is aimed is

”. in Western Ukraine and how and Ukraine Western in

eec hptei o ti wr i that is work this of hypothesis Reseach ’s project to renew monastic life in the the in life monastic renew to project ’s to give an answer to a question: “what question: a to answer an give to reek y. ission in Ukraine, the varieties of of varieties the Ukraine, in ission -

Catholic clergy played in this this in played clergy Catholic ts .

Also it seems it Also

il show will adapted was it to it was adapted


how how

CEU eTD Collection o part small English. in occasionally and Ukrainian in sometimes Latin, or Dutch French, in handwritten Rome. in Redemptorists the of Archive General the from copies some contains correspond photographs, documents, of collection the holds Lviv in archive The level. file the on cataloged and Leuven in KADOC in deposited is Archive archives and documents Ukrainians had onthem attitu Redemptorists’ the to devoted also is part This station.missionary the of priority top the Vaticanwasthe with Church Orthodox the reuniteand Russia how shows chapter The period. interwar the in led they missions and retreats trai institut taught, they years 23 for where Lviv, near Zboiska, Seminary. called institute theological a and Juvenate the were they inRedemptorists’ mission theperiod of 1913 and Ukraine Western Ukraine. in of arrival Redemptorist project social the and process

found ion thefocusis in ofthe forth The sources The c final The institutions educational the to connected inalienably is Ukraine in Redemptorists of history The third The in Lviv and Belgium, which have recently been classified and renewed. The Flemish Belgian Flemish The renewed. and classified been recently have which Belgium, and Lviv in ed f

and completely maintained in the first half of the 20 the of half first the in maintained completely and hs dcmns ae been have documents these the documents on the public discourse. Most of them of Most discourse. public the on documents the

chapter sheds light on the role played by Redemptorists in the political discourse in discourse political the in Redemptorists by played role the on light sheds chapter hapter

used in the research consist of the Redemptorists’ correspondence, Redemptorists’ the of consist research the in used represents the political situation in the area and the principal obstacles for the for obstacles principal the and area the in situation political the represents issionaries and its expression in short reports inshort andexpression its orissionaries letters toBelgium.

is devoted to the the to devoted is

ch apter. Andrei

prepared for publishing later this year in the anniversary anniversary the in year this later publishing for prepared -

1919 eepoit’ isoay ok ih oa pol, the people, local with work missionary Redemptorists’

Sheptytskyi . 5

de towards the local population and population local the towards de ne mmis n dgtl neves As it Also interviews. digital and memoirs ence,

e ad ruh u teenage up brought and ned this chapter chapter this The The th Juvenate Juvenate

century. Among those institutions institutions those Among century. were found in the Redempt the in found were explains the context context the explains wa Most of the sources are sources the of Most the big plan to convert to plan big the s a boarding school in school boarding a s

the impression the


- boys. internal internal Only a Only This This orist of of CEU eTD Collection publicatio for written were they as and official the letters. private both include I abroad. confreres the and Province Lviv the from missionaries and Belgium. impossibility on stress a with money, and 1938 and texts available eight of analysis rem financialsituation, functions, priests’ of characteristics and personnel vice Ukrainian the in life of details the s the of overview critical occurred visits making of P usuallymaking chroniclers howoften what were towrite decisions and it a mostly events, not the with filled themselves, Redemptorists by written were chronicles These Kovel. the electronic collection of this version Lev Ivan by translated Ukraine, in Congregation the of foundation the about letters of collection the include will anthology The Ukrainian. into translated and anthology rovince written by Redemptorists assigned for this task this for assigned Redemptorists by written rovince The third group of sources which I use in my thesis is the correspondence b correspondencethe is thesis my in Iuse which sources of group third The A two are There ohr ore f nomto is information of source nother

common features will be present be will features common

general Letters sur L’Ukraine sur Letters ot iios msin ad biographies. and missions visitors, bout pov

chronicles available about the Redemptorist houses in Zboiska, Holosko, and and Holosko, Zboiska, in houses Redemptorist the about available chronicles erty, search for a n a for search erty, ituation in the Province. the in ituation

once in two years. They contain personal characteristics of priests and and priests of characteristics personal contain They years. two in once

– f h vice the of

the reports of 1922, 1924, 1926, 1928, 1930, 1931, 1930, 1928, 1926, 1924, 1922, of reports the i Blin aaie ad oras bu msinr wr of work missionary about journals and magazines Belgian in n

collected by Bohdan Kurylas are valuable and exclusive sources exclusive and valuable are Kurylas Bohdan by collected .

- h rprs f iiig sp a visiting of reports the ed in this study. Often reccuring topics are topics reccuring Often study. this in ed Province. Usually they consist of three main chapters chapters main three of consist they Usually Province. ew placement, positive feedback positive placement, ew - rvne o e eaae fo te mother the from separated be to province Visitations provide a rich source of information about information of sourcerich a provide Visitations 6

by hr wr n rgltos n eodn, so recording, on regulations no were There

the Belgian Province. Usually this practic this Usually Province. Belgian ytskyi, CSsR. In this work I refer to refer I work this In CSsR. ytskyi, ecifi .

arks and comments. From theFrom comments.and arks

hue r h woe vice whole the or house c

on missionary work, but work, missionary on etween the superiors superiors etweenthe

1932 the lack the es on es - - rvne in province 1933, 1936 1933, the the of space of main – e a -

CEU eTD Collection the East of Europe Sheptyt P topics, the for source valuable daily andinvolvement insocial work life, life their and politics. their in faced Redemptorists problems many upon light sheds collection The abroad. Redemptorists h memoir The skyi olish and Russian persecutions of Ukrainian Catholics, Catholics, Ukrainian of persecutions Russian and olish

during and after the War. Bonne’s argument was that the missionof the that was Bonne’s argument War. the after and during

will d will

rsne t Pope to presented second second o better ofthe with thecreation Ukrainian state. chapter as it sheds light upon many important important many upon light sheds it as chapter Benedict

V y ahr on o 30 on Bonne Father by XV 7

n the and

th and actively discussed actively and the clergy, metropolitane metropolitane clergy,

of March 1920 is a a is 1920 March of Catholic Church in ChurchCatholic CEU eTD Collection 6 missionar cent the at work missionary put who Liguori, Alphonsus by 1732 in founded congregation religious the are means that missionaryreligious congregations transit countries. European in central quite stayed and position their lose not did religions public that claims He practices. religious of decline the to equal is secularization and a status, its endangered society. modern guidelinesin new the regarding modernists the of leadership spiritual The “isms”. other of dozen a and secularism liberalism, as modernity of challenges 20 the in Church Roman the to belong Redemptorists new the of edge the on experienced had theapproaches outlines Also it and analyze stated inthe introduction. usedtounderstand theproblems topic. the on historiography the of overview the and paper the of framework theoretical a of consists agencies, and questions multiple poses and research Chapter 1TheoreticalFramework historiography and overview

Jose Casanova, Jose er

ion f hi atvte. As activities. their of The h The in called was Church The the analysis h of Mi the of analysis The

work. y rm rdtoa t secular to traditional from istory of missionary work in Europe has many different aspects a aspects different many has Europe in work missionary of istory

the strategy admitted by the Redemptorists inorder the strategy by tocomplete Mission. Redemptorists the admitted the Public religions in the modern world modern the in religions Public 1.1. th

isoay metho Missionary etr ws on truh rpd eid f hne ad dutet o such to adjustment and changes of period rapid a through going was century

Catholic modernismCatholic and awak national lthough a Spanish scholar Jose Casanova dou Casanova Jose scholar Spanish a lthough istory of the Church in modern times shows the changes that this institution changes institution thatthis showsthe times the inmodern Church istoryof to

ot isoay congregatio missionary most so o Esen ie eepoit i Urie es h ts o this of task the sets Ukraine in Redemptorists rite Eastern of ssion question ,

- ahlc C Catholic s n Dcrn o S. lhnu wr a te er of heart the at were Alphonsus St. of Doctrine and ds scey doe society a bu te esn f hs M this of reason the about

and , (Chicago, 1994). (Chicago,1994). , epoch epoch

also playan activerole inmodern society. hr wr mn deba many were there uc. osraie n t esne nttto, the institution, essence its in Conservative hurch. 8

– nt oe t rlgos adheren religious its lose not s

h 20 the Various challenges of the Church au Church the of challenges Various

s Redemptorists ns, th

century 6

ening Ukrainians of This statemen This sin s ission, bts that modernization of society of modernization that bts tes .

s rlgos congregation religious a As mn mdrit ad anti and modernists among potn ad impeding and upporting nd actors. Redemptorists actors. nd

r dvtd o active to devoted are t articulates that in the in that articulates t ce, ce,

even This chapter This chapter


thority thority , it it , -


CEU eTD Collection 11 1989). Alberta, 10 9 1596. in Union emphasi Brest the at founded wass 8 7 Greek substantial Greek the of understanding the of life social and religious combine to keen very was R activities his and discussed often been included which strategy, an set Eastern to order of in example made was terms spiritual and intellectual administrative, in it strenghtening by Andrei I researcher 20 Greek the and movement national Ukrainian the between relation socio in part taking by priests, the for education the of improvement the including evolution of process huge a through to has everyone “follow by Christ Congregation, preachingandretreats”. ofpoormissions theWord Godinaform tothe of the of Constitution the in stated is it As charisma. Redemptorists’ Liliana Hentosh, LilianaHentosh, Greek Ukrainian van Statutes of the Lviv ofthe Statutes

obert Zaycev, Oleksandr, ed. ed. Zaycev,Oleksandr, Paul Robert Magocsi, ed., ed., Magocsi, Robert Paul th

century Lysyak - . Magosci . ze the equal rights with the Roman the with rights the equal ze ritual. the of latinization tolerate not did and Church Catholic iin Hnoh nlzs h atvte of activities the analyzes Hentosh Liliana 1913 In Sheptytskyi s


of Ukrainian nation Ukrainian of

has been has –

- Rudnytsky Vatykan i vyklyky modernosti (The Vatican and the challenges of the modernity), the of the challenges and Vatican (The i vyklykymodernosti Vatykan Catholic (Uniate) Church (Uniate) Catholic eepoit jie t joined Redemptorists , Bohachevska , - Province ofthe Re Province , -

political events, creating new brotherhoods and congrega and brotherhoods new creating events, political in the f the in 10

Natsionalism i religia ( i religia Natsionalism ie ahlc hrh o ohr C other for Church Catholic rite

researched by many scholars many by researched Sheptytskyi Morality and Reality. The Life and Times of of Times and Life The Reality. and Morality , Yaroslav Hrycak, Natalia Yakovenko, Yaroslav Hrycak, etc. , the - ield of modernization and concludes that the decision to reform the Church the reform to decision the that concludes and modernization of ield Catholic Church’s mission and task will be analyzed based on Magosci’s Magosci’s on based analyzed be will task and mission Church’s Catholic

hrhseggmn i sca n oiia issues. political and social in engagement Church’s - alism studies alism Homiak, demptorists, 002. demptorists,

- Catholic Church inGalicia. Church Catholic a a tog deet f epn te atr rt taiin in traditions rite Eastern the keeping of adherent strong a was –

is the Eastern Rite Catholic Church in a full communion with the Holy See. It See. Holy the with communion full a in Church Catholic Rite Eastern the is h name The he “Nationalism and religion”) and “Nationalism

were Uliana Uliana Ukrainian and Ukrainian socio Ukrainian and epy nlzd y historians by analyzed deeply

“Greek Koshetar, 9 . For this research I used the works of works the used I research this For . t

e m he Greek - ahlc ws curd n 74 y ai Teei to Theresia Maria by 1774 in acquired was Catholic” hurches both white and black black and white both etropolitan

etc, - Catholic Catholic

Andrei Sheptyts’kyi Sheptyts’kyi Andrei 9 but all of them agree that that agree them of all but , . (Lviv, 2011), (Lviv,2011),

- Andrei - political thought political Catholic Church Catholic e 11

Church f h Hlc Metropolitanate Halych the of

The purity of the rite was very was rite the of purity The Sheptytskyi 124. tions. 8

, clergy.

nri Kravchuk, Andrii which

(Edmonton: University of of University (Edmonton:

(Lviv, 2006), 189 2006), (Lviv,

i proaiy has personality His T

J he on ohn His position and position His


h question of the of question the eve of the of eve the d peculiar a ad - Paul

Sheptytskyi outstanding outstanding

also 7

Himka - going 190. P aul

, ,

CEU eTD Collection 14 425 2011): (June 13 352. (Lviv, 4. VOl 2003), eds, O., period. Interwar in the Poland Church in 12 etc territorial linguistic, religious, occupational, identities: coexisting many among Lian Jews. populationwhichconsbigidentification national of challengethelocal of work from the 18 missionary on teaching Church the in prevailed and dominant rather became abroad evangelization recapture to Catholics by attempts and parishes countryside Europe’s in tours “preaching meaning and its into added time through evolved “mission” term the of meaning the that indicates Kollman Paul process. non among project evangelization an labeled term 16 the in appeared “mission” term the of sense modern The name. his in preach to disciples his sends Jesus when passage Latin from comes “mission” wordThe people. with contactdirect offeredthey as engagement social processof the its with Orthodox the convert to strived and rite C Greek the of identity the Greek the of latinization further of tendency no was there that confirms Stępień Stanislaw Church. Orthodox and for important

hurch and unio Liah Greenfield, LiahGreenfield, Missiology” and ofMission Origins “At Kollman,the Paul o Identity Ritual of theIssue Byzantinization: and Occidentalization Between Stępień, Stanislaw Having a great and farsighted plan o plan farsighted and great a Having Eastern the took missionaries the project: ideal an was regard this in mission Redemptorists’ parts of Europe lost to Protestantism” to lost Europe of parts - Catholic Church in the interwar period. period. interwar the in Church Catholic

missio Greenfelf specifies that national identity is always a contested phenomenon, as it it as phenomenon, contested a always is identity national that specifies Greenfelf – the 458; 431. 458; Nationalism: five roads to modernity to roads five Nationalism: n th

Greek and means “the act of sending” and is used in the Latin translation of the Bible i Bible the of translation Latin the in used is and sending” of act “the means and with Rome throughwith Rome

th century.

century commenced by the founder of The Society of Jesus Ignatius Loyola. The Loyola. Ignatius Jesus of Society The of founder the by commenced century

- Catholics in general, as it w it as general, in Catholics - Catholic Church and Church Catholic

Kovcheh. A Scholarly Journal of Church History Church of Scholarly Journal A Kovcheh. the Greek Catholics. f missionary work missionary f

(Cambridge, 1992), 581. (Cambridge,1992), 13 believed in a possible conversion of R of conversion possible a in believed

(Orthodoxy in this in (Orthodoxy help. Apostolic missions were a significant factor in factor significant a were missions Apostolic help. 10 , Journal of theAmer of Journal , Sheptytskyi -

as an evidence of evidence an as C rsin a hristians 12


represented a universal conception of conception universal a represented the Redemptorists faced in Ukraine a a Ukraine in faced Redemptorists the d a lne t te colonialisation the to linked was nd

ican Academy of Religion of Academy ican case). This shift of meaning to the to meaning of shift This case). the isted isted

Gydziak B., Skochylias I., Turij Turij I., Skochylias GydziakB., Unity between Unity o f Ukrainians, Poles and f Ukrainians, Poles f the Greek Catholic Greek f the 14 . In the Ukrainian the In . ussian Orthodox ussian , Vol. 79, No. 2 No.2 79, , Vol. the Catholic s one is n the n -

CEU eTD Collection 17 16 ( – of studies more are there 15 publications existing the Among topic. the on studies of wave new a g contemporary The Ukraine. in Redemptorists the of history p a is history their researching 1.2. against nationalism warandsupported the militant rightself for ofnations There Europe. Eastern t of politics compromissary in operation the to approaches different had not is Ukraine in nationalism to clergy a asse needs theoretical which problem another constitutes nationalism of perception religious and nationalism of nationalism. of form religious distinctively a posit to is approach fourth interpen of modes specify to and nationalism, of part as religion nationalism as race, and ethnicity with along phen nationalism, analogous and religion treat to is first The nationalism. and factors and se 1,12% and Ruthenian, - severance. i of contest the case Krakow,1989

Approaches Four Nationalism: and Religion RogersBrubaker, LilianaH 42%, and Jews Jews and 42%, Kr 1910

zysztof ,

Redemptorists have been working in Ukraine for one hundred years already. Although Although already. years hundred one for Ukraine in working been have Redemptorists h Redemptorists’ to According Te ttsia ifre t te oil n eooi hsoy f aii: ouain n aii i 1857 in Galicia in population Galicia: of history economic and social the to informer statistical [The entosh, entosh,

Zamorski According to the last Austrian cen Austrian last the to According - ), 92. ),

rved as a criterion forcriterion as nationalrved a identification. its origin, its power, or its distinctive its or power, its origin, its ssment. The clash between nationalism and Christianity as well as the attitude of of attitude the as well as Christianity and nationalism between clash The ssment. mn. h scn i t seiy as n hc rlgo hls xli tig about things explain helps religion which in ways specify to is second The omena. Vatykan i vyklyky modernosti (The Vatican and the challenges of the modernity, the of the challenges and Vatican (The modernosti i vyklyky Vatykan

, -

Informator statystyczny do dziejow spoleczno dziejow do statystyczny Informator 11%

Rogers ette i presented is dentities -

German. f h pplto of population the of istoriography ov he Vatican noting that Pope Benedict XV (1914 XV Benedict Pope that noting Vatican he Brubaker, there are four possible approaches to the question of religion of question the to approaches possible four are there Brubaker,

a r ticular 15

oh h rlgos eogn ad agae wr determinative were languages and belonging religious the Both ly challenging project as there is not much historiography on the the on historiography much not is there as project challenging ly yet studied fully studied yet through the rivalry between the Churches and national national and Churches the between rivalry the through sus (1910), sus erview

Galicia; 11

character in particular cases. particular in character


Nations and Nationalism, 2011. Nationalism, and Nations

Roman Catholics made 47%, Greek 47%, made Catholics Roman 9 of 59% . Catholic Churches of different nationalities different of Churches Catholic . -

gospodarczych Galicji: ludnost Galicji w Galicji ludnost Galicji: gospodarczych

eneration of the Redemptorists carries out carries Redemptorists the of eneration etration and intertwining. Finally the Finally intertwining. and etration the ouain pk Pls, 40% Polish, spoke population 16 oe ets point Hentosh fore The - 1922) expressed his views his expressed 1922) - identification. Christian understanding Christian

15 The third is to treat to is third The -



- latach 1857 latach Catholics s

to - 1910]

the the -

CEU eTD Collection 18 national groups the of because point and issues political the to refers often He chronicles. mission the using Redemptorists of work apostolic and missionary on moder until newcomers the from Redemptorists Latinand local giv he Eastern of Province Canadian the of growth and foundation the about information detailed the with readers the Cathol Eastern the about of archivist an and historian a is and Ritua “Rite Laverdure Paul of book The Canada. in mission Redemptorists’ the on studies more are aspolitical issues well as n the interwar peri dissertation his In regard. this on theEastern period interwar The Ukraine. in out pointed who themselves, period Church Underground the during survival Redemptorists’

Period from Period l” is a thorough research of the mission of Eastern of mission the of research thorough a is l” es a good description of Ukrainian emigrants’ life and the tensions between the Redemptorists the between tensions the and life emigrants’ Ukrainian of description good a es McConvery Eastern of branch Ukrainian the While - Rite Redemptorists emphasizing the issues of conversion to the Eastern rite. At the same time same the At rite. Eastern the to conversion of issues the emphasizing Redemptorists Rite 1946 till 1991. till 1991. 1946 - - similatiry of the national confrontation and fighting for fighting and confrontation national the of similatiry years inthe 1913 Redemptorists rite . rite bishops. rite bishops.

od and provides many provides od and

s stu ’s

icism and Ukrainian Greek Ukrainian and icism

s y n h Rdmtrss n Ireland in Redemptorists the on dy

ational discourse period. and confessional ofthe interwar out the part Redemptorists played in them. in played Redemptorists part the out

topics of apostolic work and explored biographies of some Redemptorists some of biographies explored and work apostolic of topics

Bubniy illuminates the growth and development of the Congregation in Congregation the of development and growth the illuminates Bubniy remains

Redemptorists Province in Canada. His research is a significant work work significant a is research His Canada. in Province Redemptorists - sided view sided


less researched topic alt topic researched less - rite Redemptorists in Galicia is less investigated, there investigated, less is Galicia in Redemptorists rite n flourishing of the Province. Besides that he focuses he that Besides Province. the of flourishing n

12 on the Province. But the author left aside most of the asideauthor of most left But the on theProvince. - - 1939 on the Ukrainian landsha Ukrainian 1939 onthe Catho

- rite Redemprorists in Canada in Redemprorists rite lic Church in particular. The author provides author The particular. in Church lic

rsns fl pcue f h Irish the of picture full a presents hough the work of Mykh of work the hough 18 witn y h Redemptorists the by written , state state The Irish case is important is case Irish The independence s to be mentionedin tobe s

. Paul Laverdure Paul

between two between a ilo


here CEU eTD Collection themselve “handbooks” Redemptorists for and population the of status social Redemptorists’ foundation. their expand to order in used methods the and territory new a to coming missionaries foreign the of stories gi and Redemptorists rite “ t of beginnings the and origins the Przyczynek mis do historii These studies provide aprovide studies These is Sadowski Maciej ehd t cnet people. convert to methods h mi faue f hs suis s h epai o te miss the on emphasis the is studies these of feature main The ve an ve i a Polish Redemptorist Polish a j

ludowychredemptorystow wPolsce”. thorough exe he Polish Province and a study of the missionary activities entitled activities missionary the of study a and Province Polish he mplary for the sources used for analysis. All of them include the include them of All analysis. for used sources the for mplary present

substratum s

as they shed agenerations lightofRedemptorists onpast social social h eitn rsace as poie nomto o the on information provide also researches existing The 13 , who contributed a solid research on the history of of history the on research solid a contributed who , conflicts. for the research of the Ukrainian branch of Eastern Eastern branchof Ukrainian the researchof the for

hs bos lo eoe oe ot of sort some become also books These

oay ok n the and work ionary .

CEU eTD Collection 20 Pre University 19 church than identity national of marker a as important less seemed language “Ruthenian that states was, and b through two the Poles” and Ukrainians construction of modern identity. national m traditional powerful a as served difference. national the marked religious centur nineteenth the of crisis identity the of resolution the and exacerbation others from separating and 2.1. of the 20 Ukraine and religious between correlation Catholic instrumen an as John John Chapter 2 R - - Paul Himka, Himka, Paul Himka, Paul eligious and national identities of the identities national the and of population eligious Himka The o case unique The

along with the new tendencies new the with along nationalities th congregation itnto was distinction elonging to elonging as Ostap Sereda claims, “the primary source of ethno of source primary “the claims, Sereda Ostap as

century. Greek Cath Greek ss,1999). notes Religion and Nationality in Western in Ukraine Nationality and Religion Western in Ukraine Nationality and Religion o ntoa self national of t

The EasternriteThe national in awakeningreligious and

that “ that

. the

A 20 olic f eepoit. T Redemptorists. of the of both Although . ey iil fco i dfeetaig kanas from Ukrainians differentiating in factor visible very f the Ukrainian Greek Ukrainian the f Greek i togr ht ethnic that stronger n Galicia division by rite eventually became the line of demarcation between demarcation between line of eventually the byrite division became n Galicia C Hma ons u that out points Himka . hurch hurch

- Catholic Church Catholic h reason The belongingUkrainians of - ainl identi national in Galicia in eemnto ad to i msinr atvte of activities missionary in tool a and determination re o a ehi iett, u i ws lo sd ae fr the for later used also was it but identity, ethnic an of arker

in monastic life monastic in

his wa played a significant role in the process of nation building nation of process the in role significant a played l n otn rae te ot iil dvso ln and line division visible most the created often and al

- chapter C s Catholic C Catholic . fication hurches in 14 The

the , 28. , (Montreal, Kingston, London, Ithaca: Mcgill Ithaca: London, Kingston, (Montreal,

power of religious rite seems rite religious of power

of “it [the [the “it show

onay ewe the between boundary


were Catholic, difference difference Catholic, were the Greek the hurch shows how the Eastern rite was used was rite Eastern the how shows hurch people living people s


the Galicia. PrecedenceRite Galicia. the of - C confessional identification”. Also he Also identification”. confessional uc] i cnrbt t bt the both to contribute did hurch] ucin f h Esen ie in rite Eastern the of function -

Catholic C Catholic on the territory of Western of territory the on hurch y” w rites two the 19 .

of the rite the of Poles to be determinant be to

hs rvs that proves This in the beginning the in .

was rite Church - the Q uenn’s uenn’s

divided Roman simply


CEU eTD Collection 24 23 Studies Ukrainian 22 Studies 21 Eastern Uniate four in conflict the Orthodox studied Skinner Barbara ethnicity. and confession between correlation the of question Christianity”, a “border between ideological Easternand Western systems”. the ter this that states and lands Ukrainian Western the on concentrates than deeper accordingrite tothe identification national the with overlapping popula practiced population Ukrainian of Christianity.Western Easternand of contact direct regionahavethiswe in as complicatedissue confessiona the that states Hrytsak Yaroslav Christianity. Western and Eastern of “border” the marks also rite The Eastern). and (Latin rite the by distinguished Catholics were Poles and Ukrainians Both Ukrainians. with practitioners rite Eastern the Ukraine at the same time ritual”. Chris Yaroslav “ 1860s, the in Galicia Eastern Austrian in Shevchenko Taras of Cult Emerging Sereda, Ostap Chris Orthodox and Catholic world” Catholic and Orthodox

”, 40, No.1 (Spring 2006): 24. (Spring2006): No.1 40, ”,

Hann, Christianity’s Internal Frontier, Frontier, Internal Christianity’s Hann, in osse o Roman of consisted tion Hann, Christianity’s Internal Christianity’s Hann, 21 T Chr John ,

he statement that practicing a certain ri certain a practicing that statement he It is very true, as It true, very is Hrytsak, Hrytsak, assures that religion played an important role in this process because of the identificati the of because process this in role important an played religion that assures is fr example, for , - Paul Hann , Vol. 33/34 Vol. 33/34 Issue, 1/2 . “

H Himka, ow Sissi Became Sissi ow also - practicing

notes that the differences between Western and Eastern Christianity are much are Christianity Eastern and Western between differences the that notes an outstandingan researcherof

a h cnrs bten rtsats ad Catholicism. and Protestantism between contrast the certain person might be bilingual be might certain person

Frontier, were contested and intersected.were and contested ,

( - - a Ruthenian Queen: Some Peculiarities of the Peasant Worldview Peasant ofthe SomePeculiarities Queen: Ruthenian a 24 2008/2009 European rite. Latin of believers Catholic , he calls these lands a “frontier zone between Eastern and Western and Eastern between zone “frontier a lands these calls he , the Today Anthropology 9.

atr rt i te Greek the in rite Eastern ), ), c 233.

ountries. ountries. and resulted in the fact that both religious identities identities religious both that fact the in resulted and te defined a person’s national belonging leads us to the the to us leads belonging national person’s a defined te ietfcto i Austr in identification l


the relations between religion and betweenreligion relations the , Vol. 4, No. 3 (Jun., 1988): No.1988): 3 (Jun., Vol. 4, , Calling the Greek the Calling but cannot belong to two religious gro tworeligious cannot to belong but

ritory is a “special fragment of both both of fragment “special a is ritory - Catholic Church and the Polish Polish the and Church Catholic hs t Thus - ian ian Catholic Church “Eastern in “Eastern Church Catholic

Galicia became a very very a became Galicia i dvso ws often was division his 9. 9. Canadian Canadian


n h rsac he research the In - ”


American Slavic American Journal of of Journal 22

on of on Most u

ps in -

CEU eTD Collection 1867 28 Central of Catholics Greek “ identity”) national 27 26 295p 2009, DeKaalb, Russia, and Ukraine,Belarus, 25 intelligentsia inthe 19 nation the in except resources human ha nobility the as clergy the by exclusively nearly formed was intelligentsia the Galicia in that is situation Ukrainian the of uniqueness Ukr differentiated thus and Polonisation Greek the case latter the In Austria. under those and Empire Catholics Roman discrimination adherence. national and religious their of essence church. local role. important most the played Ukrainian yet formed not were identities national the when period partitions. Polish wer territory the on identities confessional distinctive 18 the in Orthodox ri Greko Turiy, Oleh te but C but te Skinner, Barbara, The West The Skinner,Barbara, eighteenth in conflict Orthodox Uniateand Church: the of Eastern front Western The Skinner,Barbara, John O - 1900”, 1900”, e Try te itra o te hrh n Ukraine in Church the of historian the Turiy, leh - Paul ik nts h dfeec bten h rl rlgo pae fr kanas in Ukrainians for played religion role the between difference the notes Himka atholic in doctrine in atholic

– Canadian Slavonic Papers, Revue Canadienne Slavistes, des Canadienne Revue Papers, Slavonic Canadian Himka, Himka,

- Greek building process building Little details details Little

f h blees and believers the of Kovcheh. A Scholarly Journal of Church History. Volume 4: The Ecclesial and National Identity Identity National and Ecclesial The 4: Volume History. Church of Journal Scholarly A Kovcheh. 26 - . Catolytska Cerkva ta ukrainska natsionalna identychnist (“The Greek (“The identychnist natsionalna ukrainska ta Cerkva Catolytska 27 “

Priests and Peasants: The Greek Catholic Pastor and the Ukrainian National Movement in Austria, Austria, in Movement National Ukrainian the and Pastor Catholic Greek The Peasants: and Priests

- th

Catholic from a Roman Roman a from Catholic

th - etr udr h ifune of influence the under century Eastern Europe Eastern

century for ern front of t of front ern

such ” the clerical circles. That is why it is important to define the role the define to important is it why is That circles. clerical the 25

because t because

Skinner wer Usually people we people Usually d as

led be plnsd since polonised been already he Eastern Church, heEastern e ” ch


practically exclusively Greek ( eacy f h Uniate the of ierarchy urch decorations or the form of a religious service service religious a of form the or decorations urch 2003

he only group of educated Ukrainians educated of group only he ainians from the Roman Catholic Polish population Polish Catholic Roman the from ainians claims that claims ): 69. ):

Catholic Pole. Pole. Catholic

16 What kept this barrier even stronger was stronger even barrier this kept What re closely attached to the rite and traditions of their of traditions and rite the to attached closely re 226. the

e resulted from the Uniate/Orthodox conflict and conflict Uniate/Orthodox the from resulted e the

Uniate identity became quite distinct from the from distinct quite became identity Uniate also , was a a was , Western Christianity. Christianity. Western

Vol. 21, Vol. C lis th claims, - In uc fo ter fih broth “faith their from hurch ahlc hrh a i opsto to opposition in was Church Catholic

the everyday life the differences in rite in differences the life everyday - Catholic priests.Catholic oml odrie ht s that borderline formal

No. 1 (March 1979): 3. (March 1979): No. 1 17 at th

ifrne n h rt i the in rite the in difference century, - Catholic Church and Ukrainian Ukrainian and Church Catholic who actually who lo h tik that thinks she Also and - century Poland, Poland, century

ther the became the became 28 formed the formed prtd a eparated wr no were e a frequent a . er” of Also t Also Russian Russian


– if the if

the he s

CEU eTD Collection Vol 29 a “inaugurated and nationalism romantic of ideas the accepted they clergy, the of exclusively almost as Ukrainians on influence strong a had Enl Austrian that out points also Magosci province. the of activities national and cultural Greek a some through Also language. Catholic the already, mentioned was it as Firstly, Galicia. ro social the of change the enabled which preconditions important movement. national stay Polish revolutionary leadershi the century, the nineteenth the of to rest the for opposition Understandably, and Habsburgs the to devotion intensified clergy higher Catholic Greek after movement, especially national tothePolish hostile and seminarianswere treated supported Habsburgs the Generally, see. metropolitan so establis the was them Uniate Among church. the of affairs the in improvement radical introduced II Joseph and Theresa Maria emperors no was there Uniate the of condition the that observes Himka Ukraine. 2.2. John - ald Barbareum) called . 8, No. 3/4 (December 1984). (December No. 3/4 8, . ed absolutely loyaled t The role of the Greek the roleof The - Paul - ahlc ret a fud Tee eom cue a togr novmn o te lry n the in clergy the of involvement stronger a caused reforms These found. was priest Catholic Oleh Turiy Oleh step a were rulers Austrian the of reforms The them s , secondly, the education of the clergy became accessible and and accessible became clergy the of education the secondly, ,

Himka, “ Himka, as an obstacle for the separatist movement of the Poles. Poles. the of movement separatist the for obstacle an as

seminary The The

claims that the enlightened politics of the Austrian government was one of the most most the of one was government Austrian the of politics enlightened the that claims

Greek Catholic Church and National Building in Galicia 1772 in Building Galicia National Churchand Catholic Greek Another . o theAustrian Empire had and

o te clergy, the for

- Catholic clergy Catholic

mnsrtv cags n h srcue f h church the of structure the in changes dministrative Galician the of 1808, in reestablishment, the was change important hing of the seminary for Greek for seminary the of hing

in particular, it formed the intelligentsia. Although it consisted it Although intelligentsia. the formed it particular, in and h pltcl infcne f h rlgos itnto b its by distinction religious the of significance political the

h piss ee o euae eog. h Habsburg The enough. educated not were priests the 17 C

uc ws omly qaie wt te Roman the with equalized formally was hurch

towards antipathy ofrule. tothePolish period the C ainl ntaie o Uriin as Ukrainians of initiatives national hurch in t in hurch

the renewal of of renewal the le of the Greek the of le - Usuallythe Catholics in Lviv and Vienna (the Vienna Lvivand in Catholics o te re Ctoi Church Catholic Greek the of p he 18 he - 1918 th ” a done was the the ,

the the century was very poor: poor: very was century Harvard Ukrainian Studies, Ukrainian Harvard Greek Catholic priests Catholic Greek 1848 Ukrainian Church in Church Ukrainian - Catholic Church in Church Catholic



in the native native the in e tp of type new ightenment

they The 29 -

CEU eTD Collection lan and literature whichUkrainian promoted rulers, Austrian and Russophiles 31 15. 1989), Alberta, 30 So areas. rural the reach not could ideas their and cities the in gathering were usually they as regard this in disadvantage a had activists political the Even cities. than rather villages in present mostly population, awakening. national of process the started actively and of the 19 essentia an became education popular to was task This read. to learn could people priests’ where meeting the lead and books the the find clubs, reading the organize education, about Talking villages. the in cooperatives and clubs reading priests two of example an an peasantry the for wrote brings who Kachala Stepan He and Naumovych Ivan enlighteners villagers. the for information the deliver” “to priests the Prosvita’s wherethe letter some read or advice give help, will who those as priests their on relied absolutely people that say to exaggeration an not h priests the activism. educational and national include also and religious than more particularly T role significant a played has Hroch Miroslav theorist the Galicia.” in awakening national “Prosvita” is a cultural Ukrainian organization founded in 1868 in Galicia as a counterbalance ofanti counterbalance inas a Galicia in 1868 founded organization Ukrainian cultural a is “Prosvita” ed., Magocsi, Robert Paul he exact role of the clergy in establishing Ukrainian identity Ukrainian establishing in clergy the of role exact he

nation building process is generally accepted for Eastern Europe. A Czech h Czech A Europe. Eastern for accepted generally is process building nation the It is important to note that the clergy accepted the idea that their duties are more than religious than more are duties their that idea the accepted clergy the that note to important is It lry a ta “hi” n ewe ta cnetd h itlieti ad h mse of masses the and intelligentsia the connected that between in “chain” that was clergy th


important for thi for important ad

direct contact with people, they were also counselors, teache counselors, also were they people, with contact direct


intelligentsia worked on the publication of books and new ideas and sent them tosent andideas new and books of publication the on intelligentsiaworked Morality and Reality. The Life and Times of Andrei Shep Andrei Timesof Lifeand The Reality. and Morality

argues that one of the features of the “small” nations is tha is nations “small” the of features the of one that argues s

or s research. s i

n the “national awakening”. awakening”. “national the n

document 30 But i But l component of the pastoral activity pastoral the of component l t is important to note that the idea that the clergy plays a part in part a plays clergy the that idea the that note to important is t

Step by step by Step s .

Himka indicates that th that indicates Himka 18

the clergy accepted the idea that their duties are duties their that idea the accepted clergy the T he priests he The Ukrainian case only proves this theory. this proves only case Ukrainian The and guage learning. learning. guage the is

process ha process were very close to the Ukrainian the to close very were national movement in Ukraine is Ukraine in movement national tyts’kyi

Besides serving in the church, the in serving Besides

of priests in the second half second the in priests of (Edmonton: University of of (Edmonton: University rs and advisers. It will be will It advisers. and rs


its roots in the cities, the in roots its istorian and political and istorian d established many established d - Ukrainian politics of politics Ukrainian t the clergy there clergy the t - CEU eTD Collection 35 34 33 32 radicals the priests until “prepare” and hadtowait people only could then and priests the between appeared which antagonism intellectual anti published and consumption. clubs reading and villages the in confrontation encouraged intellectuals radical The institution. clerical anti an into evolved and interests peasant think for forum the became often to clubs reading the more, began Even peasants familiarized Intellectually priest. previthe the question andindependently of authority the on limitation e priests’ the of some involved result generally peasantry the by knowledge secular of acquisition the unexpected: completely The teachers. their against turned peasants the nineteenth national the of step defines first He the awakening. on only important were priests the that emphasizes He process. this joined thenation” peasants clubs, reading joining “by that concludes Himka clubs. reading the in gathering were people educational the with consequences some brought city and village peasantry” the to intelligentsia the “deeply intelligentsia Therefore clergy. the the on depended” that states Himka villages. the in information the spreading population, Ibid Ibid Ibid John , , , 13 10 - 9 Paul Himka, Himka, Paul . Although this initiative was good it did not end well for the priests. Himka sees a bit of irony in in irony of bit a sees Himka priests. the for well end not did it good was initiative this Although

. .

- century terms terms century 35 Trying to answer the question why it it why question the answer to Trying Religion and Nationality in Western in Ukraine Nationality and Religion 33 . I. statement this depicts think

aim had a very positive effect on the society: instead of drinking in local taverns taverns local in drinking of instead society: the on effect positive very a had aim

t s te rets itrcl iso i te village” the in mission historical priest's “the as it -

was to replace itself with properinstitutions. with itself replace to was

32 .Truly, the special mission of being a connecting link between the between link connecting a being of mission special the .Truly, ously unquestioned moral and intellectual authority of their pastor. pastor. theirauthority intellectualof and moral unquestioned ously he

concludes: “The priesthood, the priesthood, “The concludes: . For example, C example, For . - lrcl rcue ad eidcl fr peasant for periodicals and brochures clerical

accurately 19

, 6. , happened

the pict the hurch brotherhoods founded brotherhoods hurch , their parishioners. He states that the that states He parishioners. their ik dcae te cnmc and economic the declares Himka ure of theure 19 of 34 n, was the natural bridge from from bridge natural the was n,

What happened after was thatwasafter happenedWhat they uainl ciim was activism ducational work withthem. - th

o u ti i grand in this put to century situation.

between pastors between

in this period this in

- CEU eTD Collection 43 1987), Studies Press, 36 Resurectionists 1842 This change concequencesfor had religious tremendous lifesociety. inUkrainian monastery a have they because communities round intensive an ran they more, Even structure. their in included were they contrary the on anymore, cities the of outskirts the on not 20 The life. social the in involved more became congregations monastic of most 1891, in XIII Leo Pope the by issued encyclical an Novarum, w renewed successfully monasticism. the L 2.3. the masses clergy “ the among work titanic the through story: this in paradox a finds Turiy agree. scholars Greek the of anti promoted and masses the over tutorship clerical the by offended old Ruthenianviews secular than rather states thattheintelligentsia radicalHewas newly ideas. formed Greek Ivan L.Rudnytsky Ivan ook

einn of beginning The reformationThe monasticcommunities of , ing

- Catholic Church did Church Catholic o counterbalance to Himka bring Himka at congregations religious the with happening was story similar A the and movement national Ukrainian the between interrelations the that notes also Rudnytsky with one's own hand” bro with one's own

closer closer - Catholic clergy was limited in time: there was no way for it to keep the top position, position, top the keep to it for way no was there time: in limited was clergy Catholic Ruthenian monastic lif monastic Ruthenian

were engaged in missionary work and schooling. Some of the members were o were members the of Some schooling. and work missionary in engaged were at , Essays in modern Ukrainian history history Ukrainian modern in Essays the what was going was what 6. s

an example of the of example an 20 th hile

century h stain n etr Urie t h ed f h 19 the of end the at Ukraine Western in situation the not have a “happy ending” as the clergy supported more conservative and conservative more supported clergy the as ending” “happy a have not

fw new few a ke the position and authority position ke the church. ofthe

of parish life activities and activities life parish of n my notice may one on e experienced e with these institutions institutions these with attempt of R of attempt th

century monasteries have changed their essence, the essence, their changed have monasteries century ones were founded. founded. were ones

just near the parish and provided more services around. services more provided and parish the near just (

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Ukrainian Instituteof Canadian Canada: Alberta, Edmonton, 20

a completely new epoque, some epoque, new completely a h rdcl hne fr h Hlc M Halych the for changes radical the

esurectionists, a Polish religious order founded in founded order religious Polish a esurectionists,

in t in became more important than other church other than important more became he la he olwn te ietvs f Rerum of directives the Following st decades of the 19 the of decades st - clerical the turn of the 20 the of turn the



of of . The leading role leading The . th the

th century

etropolitane ord century th

f “Greek f ers were ers century y were y The . and .

CEU eTD Collection 39 38 37 Jesuits the as order the of polonisation and latinization of process the saw reform this c highly though completed was project (1882) his pro SylvesterDobromyl.who was metropolitan Butimplement the reform Sembratovych, inthe to protested Przemysl of bishop the example, for action, this against were bishops the of some Even Ukrainian the by accepted not Roman The solution. the business this for Usually reforms. the provide reforms some of need in stood and decline deep a in was order the words, other In etc. drinking with problem the discipline, the of level low the concerning reports the concerning 19 the of half second the in urgent very was order life. monastic Kievanfrom Rus roots its takesand Basil afternamedst. activities of end the in Congregations Latin towards attitude negative a Such 1880. in Galicia in work to permitted harmony” than rites the between friction more the because that noted Lviv, of metropolitane the Sembratovych, seminary. and clergy own their have they claimed who bishops Ruthenian by perceived emper rite.” Ibid John As a result of participating in Bulgarian mission Bulgarian in participating As of result a the 19th the , 37

- 68. Paul Himka, Himka, Paul or. The aim was to “establish a boarding school for Ruthenian youth”. Ruthenian for school boarding a “establish to was aim The or.

- n o te igs mnsi Greek monastic biggest the of One P P hy lo atd o ok ih aii’ pplto ad requested and population Galicia’s with work to wanted also They

ope Leo XIII declared that the reform of the Basilian order has to be led by the Jesuits. This Jesuits. the by led be to has order Basilian the of reform the that declared XIII Leo ope

olish views, did not haveobjections. any views, did olish in the area

etr ilb hne eyso when soon very changed be will century rbes f icpie n sotg o vctos Tee ee ay opans and complaints many were There vocations. of shortage and discipline of problems Religion and Nationality in Western in Ukraine Nationality and Religion .

- But firstly,But theexisting congregations were tofacereforms. a process long of Catholic Catholic

O s, who saw a danger of “Latinizing innovations” through this process. this through innovations” “Latinizing of danger a saw who s, rder of Jesuits seemed to be the only option although this decision wasdecision this although onlyoption the be to seemed Jesuits of rder riticized by the Ruthenian national activists and clergy who in who clergy and activists national Ruthenian the by riticized .

- Catholic orders orders Catholic . 39 In the Apostolic Constitution “SIn theApostolic Constitution


order consists exclusively of Poles “it will produce will “it Poles of exclusively consists order D help of help

th espite , 67. ,

etr a i ws inld y aiu petitions various by signaled was it as century more religious orde religious more

hs omns h eurcinss were Resurrectionists the comments, these other monastic congregation monastic other n Gal in . The questi The icia The need to reformTheto need was r s started s 38 on was how and where to where and how was on

the This idea was negatively was idea This h permission the ingulare Preasidium” aiin Order. Basilian

active missionary active ,

invited for this for invited s

could be the be could the Basilian Basilian the

famous forfamous f the of

t is It CEU eTD Collection 41 Alber 40 developme cultural educational, the with simultaneously worked He years. thirty than more tactics. this of S Greek the of identity new butinstitution spiritual that notes Turiy clergy. the that agree them of all but historians, has personality His Metropolitanate. the Eastern rite Andrei prayers Ukrainian under population polonised the unite to order in pie popular through organized was activism the Basilianthe reformed magazine the attention our to brings Himka instance, For awakening. national taken Basilian over by monks. o periodic anti action ppos John ed., Magocsi, Robert Paul uppressing the R the uppressing - esnr, hc icue sm ise o Rtein ainl oeet Aohr om f the of form Another movement. national Ruthenian of issues some included which peasantry, Ukrainian dimension. dimension. Ukrainian ta, 1989): 1989): ta, - Paul Himka, Himka, Paul ition ,

A new era started in 1901 in started era new A views suspicious the Despite were Polish themselves. Truly, Magosci reports, that the reform was carried u carried was reform the that reports, Magosci Truly, themselves. Polish were Sheptytskyi als .

40 2.4. n h Dboy monastery the in

31. The reform of the female Basilian female the of reform The , This mission became a new program and made the essence of his apostolic service for service apostolic his of essence the made and program new a became mission This

he became the ofthe bishop became Greekhe

Religion and Nationality in Western in Ukraine. Nationality and Religion ussophile movemen ussophile Andrei , joined the congregation the joined ,

O at the same time time same atthe Morality and Reality. The Life and Times of Andrei Sheptyts’kyi Sheptyts’kyi Andrei Timesof Lifeand The Reality. and Morality rder. This paper was anfor Thiswasaformatrder. in exampleofthe paper simple religious booklets

- Sheptytskyi ahlc hrh s Ctoi, u as a kana Ntoa institution. National Ukrainian a also but Catholic, a as Church Catholic h fc that fact The Andrei


Sheptytskyi , Sheptytskyi

t and keeping the purity of the the of purity the keeping and t h nwy eomd aiin atvl jie i te rcs of process the in joined actively Basilians reformed newly the

fe be dsusd n hs ciiis epy nlzd by analyzed deeply activities his and discussed been often Andrei involved in social processocialin involved

and the Redemptorist the and

h Pls Jsis etoe a ue irr o Ukrainian of library huge a destroyed Jesuits Polish the ty ty ugss ht h mns ee rtgnss f national of protagonists were monks the that suggests

of St. Basil St. of –


the Basilians promoted promoted Basilians the t O

ook was very keen to combine religious and social life of life social and religious combine to keen very was 22 rde - Catholic ChurchCatholic

the task to turn the church back to it to back church the turn to task the r was led by the metropolitan Sembratovych and Sembratovych metropolitan the by led was r

. Ver .

was assigned as Metropolitan of the Halychthe of Metropolitan asassigned was y shortly after the change the after shortly y s s es. ’ mission 41 .

. At the same time a young count, young a time same the At . His view and activities shaped the shapedviewactivities and His Eastern Eastern the Latin tradition of devotions devotions of tradition Latin (Edmonton: University of of (Edmonton: University

rite were the instruments instruments the were rite “Misiona nder an intense an nder r” published by published r”

from L from s duties as a as duties s nt, defense defense nt, atin atin to CEU eTD Collection poverty. oftheir because 47 46 Magocsi, Robert Paul 45 v Halychyni idea” “RuskaNarodna “admixtures”. Latin all from rite the “cleanse” claime he Rome, with Church Orthodox the unite Greek to the order In in borrowings. rite of sorts Eastern all against pure a keeping in interested particularly was he Also Rome. t unite to was him, to according which, Ukrainians for given mission special 44 43 (2002 No. 1/4 26, 42 the Anthony. from St. of times and Athon mountain roots the taking life monastic Eastern traditional true the monastic orderStudite. of Theodor Orthodox.” the among directly itself, presented opportunity the if and home at both work ecumenical for prepare rite. Eastern advised metropolitane the Church Catholic the join to wished who those to suggestions rite. Eastern the keeping while conv was He Churches. Western terms of social ideals”. in divided and principles ethical of loss the by threatened society a in role unifying a play “…could territory” lost the regain to try not would clergy “the that stated and affairs social in position chief the the over take should people lay that declared t on suggestions and reflections His intelligentsia. Ukraine. in movement Western national the of leadership the personalized he soon and rights, social and national of T a of idea the pioneering was Terletskyy, Volodymyr father 1850s, of activists religious and national first the of One Liliana Hentosh, LilianaHentosh, Andrew Andrew Liubomyr Husar, “Sheptytskyyi and ecum and “Sheptytskyyi Husar, Liubomyr here were many candidates, who would like to live the monastic life but they were not accepted to the existing orders orders existing the to accepted not were they but life monastic the live to like would who candidates, many were here The new order was order new The Sheptytskyi Sorokowski, “The Lay“The Sorokowski, CatholicGalicia” Greek in Intelligentsia Clerical Lay and “The Sorokowski, 45 Sheptytskyi

hs oiy nprd i t him inspired policy This - 2003):264. 2003):264. Vatykan i vyklyky modernosti (The Vatican and the challenges of the modernity), the of the challenges and Vatican (The modernosti i vyklyky Vatykan

(Edmonton: University of Alberta, 1989), 189. 1989), Alberta, of University (Edmonton:

Sheptytskyi a tkn pr i te ovle o ta tm process time that for nouvelle the in part taking was


concentrated a lot of this effort on the priests and monks, “who he wished to wished he “who monks, and priests the on effort this of lot a concentrated

supposed to supposed and Clerical Intelligentsia in Greek Catholic Galicia”, 264. CatholicGalicia”, Greek in Intelligentsia Clerical and ”,


Ukraina Moderna Ukraina

inced that reunification of the Orthodox Church with Rome is possible is Rome with Church Orthodox the of reunification that inced a cnend ih h rltos ewe te lry n secular and clergy the between relations the with concerned was That is why he was very was he why is That 46

enism”in enism”in accept boys despite their financial status financial their despite boys accept

O stap stap o renew some forgotten traditions of Easten chuch chuch Easten of traditions forgotten some renew o

Also p Also Morality and Reality. The Life and Times of Andrei Sheptyts’kyi, ed. ed. Sheptyts’kyi, Andrei of Times and Life The Reality. and Morality

Sereda, Sereda, 4/5 4/5 42

( opular now national patriotism facilitated the revival the facilitated patriotism national now opular but at the same time he emphasized that Chris that emphasized he time same the at but 23 his topic are found in one of his pastoral letters. He letters. pastoral his of one in found are topic his 2000

“ Aenigma Ambulans: o. Volodymyr (Ippolyt) Terletsky I I Terletsky (Ippolyt) Volodymyr o. Ambulans: Aenigma ):


keen keen - 88.

about the conversion of Russia. Giving Russia. of conversion the about he Eastern Church (meaning (meaning Church Eastern he

Harvard Ukrainian Studies Ukrainian Harvard studi - Catholic tradition and defend and tradition Catholic

– t d, the Creek the d, es

47 dialog of Eastern and and Eastern of dialog ’

to 186 oatre o the on monasteries be the imitators of imitators the be - 189. 189. - - Catholics had to had Catholics

Orthodox) with with Orthodox)

o keep to , Vol. Vol. , tianity – ed the the

it CEU eTD Collection Romae, 51 Halychyna. in Salesians ofthe branch Ukrainian Peremyshl of Eparchy Greek the the of traditions from and rite the maintain to permission with Ukraine in work their establish to theGene and Pope the requested who Marmagi Francesco rev. Poland of Nuntio Apostolic the by 1930 in initiated was mission Salesians The rite. Eastern the in innovations any uproot and church Uniate the widen to was Polish the in Albertyn, in 1923, in started project Jesuits’s The Salesians. and Jesuits 50 Greek the if Identity National period” Interwar the in Poland in Church 49 ed. Sheptyts’kyi, Andrei 48 t to spreading in interested also were Redemptorists Roman a Congregation, Originally Catholic Church. Catholic the to people convert and missions conduct to aiming were “Savio means and “Redemptor” Latin the from comes it as congregation the of accent missionary the emphasise to acquired was “redemptorist” name The people. outcast most the St.Alf by (Italy) introduced priests from whoworked tothe Redemptorist Belgium Ukrainian emigrants. for few a implemented was life monastic congregation contemplative rather were they work, missionary team. missionary strong a needed Galicia. of foundation the with Sheptytskyi workshopsan andserved educational asthe local centre for people. prayer. of self simple, a living were Studites The tradition. monastic historical the in interestof S Ann “ fe ivtn te eepoit Settki lo ae i besn ad emsin o te onain f Eastern of foundation the for permission and blessing his gave also Sheptytskyi Redemptorists the inviting After tanislaw tanislaw Redemptorists” in Redemptorists” Slusarczuk Slusarczuk ( The Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists) was founded in 1732 in Skala in 1732 in founded was (Redemptorists) Redeemer Holy Most the of Congregation The p The 1987 49

Sheptytskyi Stępień, “Between Occidentalization and Byzantinization: the Issue of Ritual Identity of the Greek Catholic Catholic Greek the of Identity Ritual of Issue the Byzantinization: and Occidentalization “Between Stępień, Shep

) . wante

uaim f oatc ie s tpcl etr of feature typical a is life monastic of luralism – tytskyi onsus Liguori with a purpose to carry out missionary activity among the poorest and poorest the among activity missionary out carry to purpose a with Liguori onsus

Sirka d to develop the practices of both Eastern and Western Western and Eastern both of practices the develop to d New Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. XII, (1967): 161 (1967): XII, Vol. Encyclopedia, Catholic New Paul Robert Magocsi, Paul Robert

, had a of reuni vision had

provided them with the land in Sknyliv and bu and Sknyliv in land the with them provided Settki n dcto ad hlnrp” in Philantropy” and Education in “Sheptytskyi Catholics of Central of Catholics the

ee sent were Studites was initiating initiating was Studites

Neither Neither Kovcheh. A Scholarly Journal of Church History. Volume 4: The Ecclesial and and Ecclesial The 4: Volume History. Church of Journal Scholarly A Kovcheh.

o ve, oten tl, o td wt te aein i odr to order in Salesians the with study to Italy, northern Ivrea, to

(Edmonton: University of Alberta, 1989), 272. 1989), Alberta, of University (Edmonton:

er ltr we h vstd h Cnrs i Cnd ad was and Canada in Congress the visited he when later, years

- Eastern Europe Eastern ti Basilians Basilians ngHoly Eastern withthe the Church 24

nor Studites were that numerous or numerous that were Studites nor the the

( 2003 mrec o sm Ltn ogeain in congregations Latin some of emergence ): 95. ): - 164; Boland, Boland, 164; s. oaiy n Raiy Te ie n Times and Life The Reality. and Morality

His 48 the the

state. The main charisma of the Jesuits Jesuits the of charisma main The state. te poet f h rnwl of renewal the of project other i lt a monastery, where they led they where monastery, a lt Roman A dictionary of the Redemptorists, the of dictionary A ur” church

51 - e l of all he

C ral Prefect of the Salesians Salesians the of Prefect ral See. To enable this heenable Tothis See. . Thus Redemptorists Thus . atholic - Catholic Church. Catholic - e simultaneously he managing life full life managing

50 aimed to to aimed C uoe and Europe

hurch. As As hurch.

organize a a organize B - oys rite rite do of of

CEU eTD Collection 54 578. Kanadu, v pereselencev galycyiskyh opyt XIX rubezh (reluguoznyi spustia let 300 Unia: to “Brestskaja themselves Dmitriev, Mikhail opposed actions. clearly their they when church Orthodox join to immigrants Catholics the for problem a constitute not did and self Orhodox that claims He Uniates. and Orthodox both by owned be 53 52 f reasons few a determines He people. approach easily could and speakers native were ones former the as Reddemptorists, for easy not was priests Orthodox with rivalry in working with identified were Catholics Roman while Ruthenians, therefore in componenent Confessional Ruthenian. a contrad a see not did upon based of immigrants was confession. of change not is church Orhodox the Greek that C any by pressured not were emmigrants Galician settlement new the of Canada. M scholar Russian The The Canada this for volunteered who Delaere, archdiocese. and 1898 in Brussels retold. shortly be to has and importance of storyis This half of the18thcentury. m first The particular. in Europe Eastern Mikhail Dmitriev, “Brestskaja Unia: 300 let spustilet Unia:300 “Brestskaja Dmitriev, Mikhail to claimed building church a about Alberta Star, town in court the of sittings of materials the uses studyDmitriev his For hurch designates their personal prefer personal their designates hurch Paul Laverdure, Laverdure, Paul

re was a problem problem a was re A new “branch” of Eastern of “branch” new A 52 – . Very soon he realised that the mission was possible only with a transition to the Eastern rite. Eastern the to transition a with only possible was mission the that realised he soon Very .

a result of the Eastern rite shared in Uniates with Orthodox. Identical equation of equation Identical Orthodox. with Uniates in shared rite Eastern the of result a - - XX vv.)” Confraternitas Festschift in honor if Iaroslav Isaievych Krykun M, O.Sereda eds, (Lviv eds, O.Sereda M, Krykun Isaievych Iaroslav if honor in Festschift Confraternitas vv.)” XX C atholics are Orthodox, as it followed the Eastern rite. Therefore they believed that joining that believed they Therefore rite. Eastern the followed it as Orthodox, are atholics As the Redemptorists had an interest in the work with emigrants, in 1899 in emigrants, with work the in interest an had Redemptorists the As Redemption and ritual: the Eastern ritual: and Redemption iction in being an Orthodox Gree Orthodox an being in iction

with the with asked Belgian Redemptorists as missionaries to work among immigrants in his in immigrants among work to missionaries as Redemptorists Belgian asked

wides th ikhail ree factors: they considerefactors: they ree - project, went on a mission to minister to the Galician emigrants in emigrants Galician the to minister to mission a on went project, rite Redemptorists emerged before the First World War in Canada. in War World First the before emerged Redemptorists rite pread conversion of Ukrainian Greek Greek Ukrainian of conversion pread

Dmitriev studies this problem and states that in the circumstances thatthe problem in this andstates Dmitriev studies ence. “The decisive argument for immigrants was a conviction a was immigrants for argument decisive “The ence. onasteries appeared in the Habsburg monarchy in the second the in monarchy Habsburg the in appeared onasteries a this case dominates over the ethnical. They were Orthodox were They ethnical. the over dominates case this … - riteRede 585. 585. 53 25

Dmitriev concludes that religious self religious that concludes Dmitriev

mptorists of North America, 1906 1906 America, North of mptorists k

- Archbishop Langevino Archbishop C atholic” and this was also connected to being to connected also was this and atholic” - d themselves opposed to Roman toRoman opposed themselves d conscious ness was identical to te greek te to identical was ness the the Poles n, hrfr ter hie of choice their therefore one, -

Catholics 54 . f Winnipeg was visiting wasWinnipeg f the rites was determinant in in determinant was rites the

Ivan Patarak adds that adds Patarak Ivan – or


the problems with problems the

i nto Orthodox in Orthodox nto Yorkton, 2007. Yorkton, Father - id entification – - 2006 catholic one catholic C atholics,

Achille - 2007):


CEU eTD Collection (Redemptorist Ukrain of 59 life religious nauky akademia”:Istorychni “Ostrozka and social in Redemptorists 58 LvivGreek 1913 latach w (grekokatolickiej) Lwowskiej Metropolii w wschodniego was project this implemented who priest work to supposted were Redemptorists project, his 57 ed. Sheptyts’kyi, Cana in Ukrainians of 56 life religious nauky akademia”:Istorychni “Ostrozka and social in Redemptorists 55 provincia with meeting Ste de Van Provincial with acquainted well and native speakers be would origin by Ukrainians emigrants. Ukrainian with work to missionaries more invite Galicia in signed. and pl missionary a found which to had to Redemptorists according contract the years three In 1910. in (Canada) Montreal in Congress the during protecting rite, and culture their nationa Roman against prejudices Roman trust not do Ukrainians that claimed Delaare Canada for bishop immigrantsUkrainian for mission 9 on approved poor knowledge Ukrainian. of and citizenship Belgian rite, Latin the to belonging Ukrainians: by Redemptorists of perception the to According Lanvergain. Adelarde archbishop the from 1898 in out came Canada in monastery a found to initiative The in Canada” in Ukrainians and “Sheptytskyi Kazymyra, Bohdan Ivan Ivan Ivan Bubnii, Mykhailo, Mykhailo, Bubnii, aaa, Cy Ocv eepoytv hromadsko u Redemptorystiv Otciv “Chyn Paratak, aaa, Cy Ocv eepoytv hromadsko u Redemptorystiv Otciv “Chyn Paratak, The idea to invite Belgian Redemptorists to Galicia came to metropolitane metropolitane to came Galicia to Redemptorists Belgian invite to idea The in this Taking - . He did everything possible to enable the project the enable to possible everything did He . Catholic Catholic 59 s of the Eastern rite in the Lviv Greek Lviv the ritein Eastern the sof

Father Paul Rober Paul th

ac 10 b Pu X. Pius by 1906 March Metropolitanate eepoyt Sinh orau Lisi Hreko Lvivskii u obriadu Shidnoho Redemptorysty

Akhil Dela Akhil to e n t Magocsi, ls of many provinces where the Ukrainian M Ukrainian the where provinces many of ls

e conside

to Lviv in July in Lviv to –

Catholic chuch in result of the continuous fight with Catholics at home for home at Catholics with fight continuous the of result in chuch Catholic


in 1913 in

e ration Delaere petitioned for a transfer to the Ukrainian rite and was was and rite Ukrainian the to transfer a for petitioned Delaere ration

(Edmonton: University of Alberta, 1989), 338. 1989), Alberta, of University (Edmonton: , Vol , Vol , re was re 57 .

Father In discussions with In discussions . 11, . 11, . 11, the - 1939”) l self one more one

( ( 1912 to meet to 1912

atr rt. o ti rao h ee taeld ih father with travelled even he reason this For rite. Eastern Ostrog, 2008 Ostrog, 2008 Ostrog, cilu Delaere Achilleus 56 - Catholic Metropolitanate in 1913 in Metropolitanate Catholic with the emigrants, who were li were who emigrants, the with , ( -

acement in Galicia for Eastern rite Ukrainians, was ready was Ukrainians, rite Eastern for Galicia in acement identification. hs hy ucsfly hne ter ie n satd a started and rite their changed successfully they Thus Tuchów, 1998 Tuchów, as n Canada in ians

26 person person - - relihiynomu zhytti ukrainciv v Kanadi” (“The Order of the the of Order (“The Kanadi” v ukrainciv zhytti relihiynomu the of Order (“The Kanadi” v ukrainciv zhytti relihiynomu

): ): ): 120. 121 And Sheptytskyi Morality and Reality. The Life and Times of Andrei Andrei of Times and Life The Reality. and Morality - ), . interested in interested 122. 122.

da 58

Bubnii 20 rei

”) ”) to - – 26. 26.

Sheptytskyi 1939. Naukovi zapysky Natsionalnoho universytetu universytetu Natsionalnoho zapysky Naukovi universytetu Natsionalnoho zapysky Naukovi become real, as after a while he c he while a after as real, become - ,

aoysi Mtooi v 1913 v Mytropolii Katolytskii Mykhailo

(Redemptorists of the Easte the of (Redemptorists about a nomination of a of nomination a about ission was particularly discussed. discussed. particularly was ission ving in very poor conditions. The first The conditions. poor very in ving the

- - 1939”),( Lviv, 2003) 1939”),( Lviv, Catholic bishops, as they have they as bishops, Catholic , CSsR. Redemptoryści obrządku obrządku Redemptoryści CSsR. , foundation of the of foundation . In May 1913 he went for a for went he 1913 May In . Andrei ,


Sheptytskyi - rn rite in the the in rite rn 99 rokah. 1939


Ukrainian ould ould

CEU eTD Collection 2001 61 paganand spirituality withpoor countries countries various of monasteries of worldview catholic deep a was Bak Roman Redemptorists, Ukrainian concerns prevent will nations Polish and Ukrainian discussio Secondly, candidates. suitable have not does enough, strong not provinceis this Firstly, reasons. two to due is it that responds implemen not was it. weakening without province the of people few totakeclaimed Belgianispossible awayopinion bestit that his candidatefor in provinceas isthe this a rich and biggest the of one was province this of Western Ukraine. E time that From Ukrainian. learn work missionary the do and people local the with work to order In in. settle to them helped and protector their as acted He living. for house first a with them provided where Region, Lviv the in village small a Univ, in settled and Ukraine Western to others that th restored. be will Union Church the Ukrainians through that believed he Also

Roman Bakhtalovs’kyĭ, Bakhtalovs’kyĭ, Roman ), 65. ), The reason why the Belgian province was chosen to give to chosen was provinceBelgian the why reason The that, Following

n the provincials came to a conc a to came provincials the n e UkrainianM ig h poet o xad eepoit msin o kana lns Delaere lands, Ukrainian to mission Redemptorists expand to project the ting

Apostol z Apostol t is it on the eve on the World War I, 21 I, War World the on eve the on religious orders religious ission wasission necessary for even thesakeof eas o a tog niah bten Poles between antipathy strong a of because ie

dnann astern Belgians ia nashykh chasiv spohady ; chasiv nashykh htalovskyi, later shares his opinion in the memoir stating that it that stating memoir the in opinion his shares later htalovskyi,

- and rite Redemptorists became an integral part of the religious life religious the of part integral an became Redemptorists rite lusion that missionaries from Belgium from missionaries that lusion

that resulted in a huge growth of monastic vocations and vocations monastic of growth huge a in resulted that “ enabled the possibility to send plenty of mis of plenty send to possibility the enabled est

communities o communities 27 Answering the question why rather Polish Province Polish rather why question the Answering ” .


n ssiin fo bt sides both from suspicions and st

, (“The modern Apostle of unity, memoirs”), unity, Apostleof (“The modern , August 1913, eight Belgian monks Belgian eight 1913, August f Rede f

the they also had to change their r their change to had also they

start of a Ruthenian mission is that is mission Ruthenian a of start the mptorists in the world. the in mptorists Canadian M Canadian

n Uriin. uig the During Ukrainians. and 60

So, he was he So, –

Andr foreigners for both for foreigners ission. ei .

One of the the of One

Sheptytskyi sionaries to sionaries convincing

Delaere arrived ite and ite

( Lviv, Lviv,

CEU eTD Collection 64 Schrijvers 63 62 the Itwas monastery. 1 villageZboiska, in a house in year few a In life. spiritual their renewing and U completed. Dieu!” vive saying letter, neig their from clothes the borrow to have they sometimes church a visit or confession a to go to want people some when that example, an brings H people. local of economics the ruined has and money of value the Redemptorists of mission loc The sphere. economic in damages and losses various caused war the Secondly, missionaries. the to granted be could help no and Belgium in monastery the with communication no was there Alliance Triple and Antante between Belgium of citizens the in obstacle unexpected and huge a was war The Josep unsuccesful st Mykhailo J. written by letter God”A beto but glory whomcommitted, we are to thepeople that misery same wethe have “thesedays A kraine.

letter written by J. Sch writtenJ. by letter f etme 11 ad tre rcntuto wrs o dut h bidn t te ed o the of needs the to building the adjust to works reconstruction started and 1919 September of h Schrijvers was younger and younger was Schrijvers h Despite these problems Redemptorists managed to continue the mission and stayed in in stayed and mission the continue to managed Redemptorists problems these Despite Father , 2 decembre 1920, 1920, decembre 2 , 64

Bubnii, CSsR. Redemptorysty Shidnoho obriadu Shidnoho Redemptorysty CSsR. Bubnii, .

They conducted many missions and retreats for for retreats and missions manyconducted They l 63

attempts to learn the language he had to give up and return back to Belgium. Belgium. to back return and up give to had he language the learn to attempts : “nous sommes redu sommes “nous :

Emil Emil hs ttmn sos h etuis ad srn ble ta te iso wl be will Mission the that belief strong a and enthusiasm the shows statement This

– V rijvers, rijvers, first

nesree ws sind o e spro o te omnt bt after but community the of superior a be to assigned was anderstraeten hc was which Stanislawow

official monastery of the future Lviv Province of Eastern rite Redemptorists. rite Eastern of Province Lviv future the of monasteryofficial in danger in l epe ee ey or bg euir lse wr ptig h whole the putting were losses pecuniary big poor, very were people al 2 decembre 1920. Stanislawow 1920. decembre 2

the the suburbs of Lviv. suburbs of

its a la meme misere que le peuple auquel nous auquel peuple le que misere meme la a its , KADOC, Leuven. Leuven. KADOC, , otl t te asug country Habsburgs the to hostile . more skilled skilled more Father hbors as they might not have it have not might they as hbors

Schrijvers in his letters notes that the war has influenced has war the that notes letters his in Schrijvers s

Andrei in learning in ...35 28 They moved to the new and spacious building on the on and building spacious new tothe They moved

, KADOC, Leuven. Leuven. KADOC, , Ukrainian mission Ukrainian -

37. Sheptytskyi

the .4. languages

local population caring about the peoplethe about caring population local

granted the Redemptorists the new the Redemptorists the granted e stresses e Bcue f h mltr actions military the of Because . and and . First of all, the monks were monks the all, of First . . 62

became the next superior next the became But then he concludes the concludes he then But

the ab the

nous devouons,mais nous solute poverty and poverty solute Father .

CEU eTD Collection and sent were copies The Congregation. the Brendan, of patron a as regarded 65 n UkrainiansWestern Ukraine. andin Poles the into involved became unintentionally but Russians, and Ukrainians Greek the use to planned “bridge” and congregation Holy Most of (Redemptorists), the Redeemer Galicia. in Ukrainians Greek the of traditions the was of activism The life. religious the their influenced movement national and nationality influenced often structure well as movement national confessional their of development the the and nationality peoples’ of construction interconnected: were processes both that say clergy 19 the of half second the in life priest’s village the of feature typical a was movement re the Organizing activists. lay by over taken was it before activ bythe accelerated was awakening Ukrainiannational the that doubt Nobodymay socio in part taking by priests, the a through going was Church Greek case,the 19 too. I t was named after the icon of the of icon the after named was t This is a fourteen century icon which came into possesion of the Redemptorists in 1866 in Rome. Since that the icon was was icon the that Since Rome. in 1866 in Redemptorists the of possesion into came which icon century fourteen a is This th

Notably, century one cannot forget to observe the observe to forget cannot one century the

truly To conclude, when thinking about the national identity of Ukrainians in the in Ukrainians of identity national the about thinking when conclude, To

Redemptorists in Ireland in Redemptorists culmination of the national and religious movement. He demonstrated a readiness to connect to readiness a demonstrated He movement. religious and national the of culmination played a signific a played

this iconis this atr rt ih h ahlcCuc n Galicia. in Church Catholic the with rite Eastern –

Catholic Church played a tremendous role in the processthe of in role playedCatholictremendous Churcha

One of his projects was to found a new new a found to was projects his of One worshipped and Eastern inboth Western Christianity. - Catholic Church as an instrument for missionary work among the Orthodox the among work missionary for instrument an as Church Catholic - , Chapter 2 Chapter , ahlc hrh wi Church Catholic huge process of evolution including the improvement of the education for for education the of improvement the including evolution of process huge ant role as promoters of secular enlightenment in Galicia. Also we may we Also Galicia. in enlightenment secular of promoters as role ant

Our Lady of Lady Our - oiia eet, raig e bohrod ad congregations. and brotherhoods new creating events, political ,

section “Furnishing thesection“Furnishing church”.

issues with the with issues P erhetual help erhetual th the challenges of of challenges the th 29

which ading clubs and taking part in part taking and clubs ading

worshipped in each monastery. In In monastery. each in worshipped 65 religious identification religious

as the whole mission was devoted to it to devoted was mission whole the as By changing their rite Redemptorists rite their changing By

would work with would work the religious congregation of of congregation religious e ntoa aprtos of aspirations national new the toa cnlc between conflict ational

nation the Andrei

second half of the the of half second . In the Ukrainian the In . ism of the clergythe of ism

local population al th

building. The century.

the Sheptytskyi McConvery, McConvery,

national as their as T the he

CEU eTD Collection 67 Ukra of History 66 the 1 Re People’s Ukrainian Western the proclaimed Ukrainians while Bukovyna, independence interpr Ukrainian Jews. situation 3 The Chapter3

.1. facing challenges Redemptorists political Map from Map Hrycak, Yaroslav st

Ukrainian etations of November 1918 The breakdown of the of breakdown The

on the terri the on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Ukrainian_People's_Republic ine. Formation of the Modern Ukrainian Nation, 19 Nation, Ukrainian Modern the of Formation ine. polie i Jnay 98 Pls eadd h triois f atr Glca and Galicia Eastern of territories the demanded Poles 1918. January in proclaimed ,

Redemptorists inpoliticaldiscourse Interwar of Ukraine. f h Wlo’ saeet bu te ih o ntos o self for nations of right the about statement Wilson’s the of - Narysy z istorii Ukrainy zistorii Narysy Polish conflict over the control of the eastern part of the province produced different different produced province the of part eastern the of control the over conflict Polish tory of former Austrian province of Galicia, populated by Ukrainians, Poles and Poles Ukrainians, by populated Galicia, of province Austrian former of tory

- Polishconflict 66 .

Habsburg Map 1. WesternMap 1. People’s Ukrainian Republic , Formuvannia modernoi Ukrainskoi natsii XIX natsii Ukrainskoi modernoi Formuvannia monarchy


n 191 in

th - 20 8 th

caused huge impediments in the political the in impediments huge caused century)

, (Kyiv, 1996). 95. 1996). (Kyiv, , - XX stolittia. (Sketch of the the of (Sketch stolittia. XX 67 public on these lands on lands these on public


eemnto and determination CEU eTD Collection 70 69 nowadays until timesearliest the 68 movement” that notes Jóse by headed government Polish The nations. the between compromise of idea the on built rather was program. federalist (ii) regarding policies. assimilation for Redemptorists. missionary the complicated and clergy the of confrontation the increased factor This Catholics. Greek Church: Catholic the of branches two by represented Pol the into Galicia Eastern include and arguments his on agree to decided committee the result, a As Pospolita. Rzecz former the of traditions countries on Paris in Conference National natio intercrossed the of fullness Ukrainian the of culmination a was war the that believes Hentosh Polish the and independence of act the national Zashkilniak, Andrii Andrii Zashkilniak, Zashkilniak, Andrii Liliana, Hentosh, f Piłsudski followed the radical scheme. Even r Even scheme. radical the followed Piłsudski f h stain fe te eet f kanas i nt rn ay lentvs u further but alternatives any bring not did Ukrainians of defeat the after situation The Polish - - democrats who negatively treated negatively who democrats

eortc at, a a rtgns o asmltr pltc ad dlgt t te Peace the to delegate a and politics assimilatory of protagonist a was Party, Democratic in which he requested including Galicia and Galicia including requested he which in national minorities. minorities. national

s h Greek the as it was treated negatively by the government. To weaken To government. the by negatively treated was it

oiia leaders political Vatykan i vyklyky modernosti…, modernosti…, i vyklyky Vatykan

Mykola Krykun, Krykun, Mykola

Istoria Polshchi Istoria

n cn ifrnit bten w apoce o te oih newr state interwar Polish the of approaches two between differentiate can One The first was more radical and meant complete assimilation, while the second the while assimilation, complete meant and radical more was first The the the - ahlc C Catholic ), 18 (


th Bohdan , 451. ,

f Galicia, of Istoria Polshchi: vid naidavnishykh chasiv do nashykh dniv (History of Poland: from from (History Poland: of dniv nashykh chasivdo naidavnishykh vid Polshchi: Istoria of nal conceptions in the region. the in conceptions nal 2002), 2002), January 1919. He prepared a memorial to the leaders of E of leaders the to memorial a prepared He 1919. January

uc bcm “imy dniid ih h Ukraini the with identified “firmly became hurch Buduro 442. ish state. ish - kana Wr omne i Nvme 1918. November in commenced War Ukrainian

438. 438. Ukrainian national move national Ukrainian as wycz defines them as (i) program of incorporation and incorporation of program (i) as them defines wycz ahina cam, consisted claims, Zashkilniak

70 31

Another point is that the two sides of the war were war the of sides two the that is point Another

eligious policies served nationalistic served policies eligious Volhynia - ahlc wr sadn aant Roman against standing were Catholics 69

to the Polish state referring back to the the to back referring state Polish the to

Roman Dmovskyi, a leader of Polish of leader a Dmovskyi, Roman – ment, so Polish activists opposed activists Polish so ment,

the Ukrainian national aspect in aspect national Ukrainian the Polish conflict and showed the showed and conflict Polish mostly mostly f deet of adherents of

aim an national national an 68 s. Himka s.

uropean Liliana project

CEU eTD Collection http://www.cssr.com/english/whoarewe/constitutions.shtml 74 73 72 71 Ukraine is He Ukraine”. 3 in politicaldiscourses. involved get to them allow not did Congregation the of Statutes and Constitution the although area, the inf to Pope, the to subjects Redemptorists, R the of plan great realiz the in obstacles additional create could which conflict the with preoccupied seriously anything. change not could he situation this in But Metropolitane. the besides supporters, or options any have leavin of thinking were Redemptorists enmity” and hatred opposition, found Redemptorists unbearable existence their made Poles and deportation, Province, Belgian the with remembers, contact no having money, without Left them. despised and hated citizenshi Belgian Austr started, War the when that remembers memoir revindication supported Poles the churches the LilianaHentosh, . Constitutions of the Congregation of the M ofthe Congregation the of Constitutions 4 Vol.1. surin l’Ukraine Lettres 1922 Boer, writtenFather by Lettre nous“Al’Ukraine”, Jon 2. Franc Xavier Bonne and the Ukrainian the and Diplomatic Mission 2. Franc Bonne Xavier - Paul Himka, Himka, Paul sal Rdmtrss ee to refer Redemptorists Usually was Redemptorists of mission the reason this For s of the early years, Father Boer in Boer Father years, early the of s

and Poland in the beginning of the 20 the of beginning the in Poland and One of the ways to ways the of One

they faced real poverty. Austrians set limits for their work, Russian work, their for limits set Austrians poverty. real faced they –

conversion conversion Vatykan i vyklykymodernosti Vatykan

Western Ukraine between the Wars the between WesternUkraine a bright example of a foreigner missionary foreigner a of example bright a p. During the occupation of Galicia, Russians would like to get rid of them, Poles Poles them, of rid get to like would Russians Galicia, of occupation the During p.

mn ui i Otoo Russia Orthodox in curia oman 74 The mainagentFranc was project ofthis father of Ort

bring a solution into the conflict the into solution a bring h odox/Greek ost Holy Redeemer. Redeemer. Holy ost g or finding an extra support. In Ukraine Redemprorists did not did Redemprorists Ukraine In support. extra an finding or g the the … , 455 , … hi confrere their orm the Apostolic See about the current political situation in situation political current the about See Apostolic the orm a 1922 a Rus , 400. 400. , - th - Catholic churches ones. Catholic Catholic into 456. as ee suspicious were ians implemented or movement sophile


letter describes realities of the previous situation. He situation. previous the of realities describes letter 32


72 y and served as a representative of the Ukrainian the of representative a as served and y

It does seem that facing this negative treatment,negative this facing that seem does It Bonne as “the Belgian who fell in love with with love in fell who Belgian “the as Bonne . ” 73 h rprs n concludes and reports he ,

t s xcl ti factor this exactly is It

who got involved got who n was to appeal to the Vatica the to appeal to was t ay o accomplish to easy ot o

- f Xavier

h mns bcue f their of because monks, the - 5 .

Bonne. in s threatened s

the conflict between conflict the 71

h poes of process the . ht motivated that ealn the Recalling “Everywhere n, as it “was it as n, ation of the of ation them with

he CEU eTD Collection 81 afterthe Polish and during Republic People’s 80 79 544. 1969), 78 77 identity”. national Ukrainian a and rite Catholic Greek the accepted had Redemptorists, other whoseveral “like one, 76 Syberia. 75 an interpret army Halych Ukrainian of obligations the took Bonne Ternopil, say could Bonne Father that adds vocation defens in rose always remembers, his to devoted man, energetic “an as views. 1918. was Bonne with February acquaintance in Ternopil in Archduke) the of right the (on Bonne Ar the below photo the In Habsburg. von Wilhelm to close so priest Redemptorist a place and acquaintance this make to Sheptytskyi by planned been have might Ukraine”. in companion “Catholic and “chaperone” his became and Sheptytskyi Metropolitan Lypynskyi and Vyshyvanyy, Vasyl as Ukraine Ter in priest his hampered war The rite. the with acquainted get and language the learn to priests first the among was He mission. Ukrainian the Congregation Brug in 1882 in born was He Vatican. the to mission Republic’s People’s It was the Entente’s mission under the lead of general Bartelmi. ofgeneral the lead missionunder was Entente’s It the Doroshenko, Dmytro UHA Ibid. Beshley TimothySnyder, was dep Gromnytskyy, Father settled, was whereFatherBonne in Ternopil, ofthe church priest parish The

– In the memo the In

Ukrainska Halytska A Halytska Ukrainska B

ohdan, Podvyzhnyky ohdan,

er and Dmytro Doroshenko. Doroshenko. Dmytro and nopil.

during the peace the negotiati during of Redemptorists in 1908. T 1908. in Redemptorists of The Red Prince Red The 75 Moi spomyny pro nedavnie mylule 1914 mylule nedavnie pro spomyny Moi ir

uig ht ie e established he time that During s of Doroshenko, there are there Doroshenko, of s rmia (Ukrainian Galician Army) was the Ukrainian military force of the West Ukrainian Ukrainian ofthe West force military Ukrainian Army)the was Galician rmia(Ukrainian beforehand planned ChynuNaisviat , (New York, 2008), 105, 127. Describing father Bonne, Snyder refers to him as to the himas to to Snyderrefers Bonne, Describing father 127. 105, 2008), (New , York,

of special importance special of e of Ukra of e things which things

- Ukrainian War. War. Ukrainian h laes of leaders the ons in ons in on ws nrdcd o ihl vn Habsburg von Wilhelm to introduced was Bonne v yatishogo Izvbavytelya v Izvbavytelya yatishogo hree year hree inians in inians Kh

movem Ukrainian pr Ukrainian

odoriv passages about Father Bonne. He describes the priest priest the describes He Bonne. Father about passages 33 ” s later s

- Ternopil and “too bravely scourged bravely “too and Ternopil 78 1920 My memoirs of the recent past 1914 past recent the of memoirs My 1920 were they that suggests and the

I hs emn Fte Bne Doroshenko Bonne, Father sermons his In . co e 81 nt to Canada so he stayed working as a parish parish a as working stayed he so Canada to nt tc wt te rhue Wilhelm Archduke the with ntact . Also he worked as an assistant to as . Alsohe worked

kana nationali Ukrainian he v he iests would not dare to say a say to dare not would iests hue i te etr i vstn father visiting is center) the (in chduke olunteered to go to Galicia and work for work and Galicia to go to olunteered

Ukra 80

chaplain and chaplain i ni , Ternopil, 200 Ternopil, 77

e hs ii poe ta the that proves visit This s , Belgium and joined the the joined and Belgium , t oeet Viacheslav movement st after that he that after adherent 4 ,



1920 Russians”. He He Russians”. orted to to orted loud. s in political in s

known , the foreignthe , (Munich, , served as served by the the by

79 After 76

in It CEU eTD Collection Ukraine of Life National the in Fathers Basilian in More patriot. affairs social in involvement and Hispersonality See. Apostolic UNR to missionof Diplomatic the was join heto asked 1919 In militaryevents. of centre a rite) (Eastern Great the Basil St. of Congregation jointhe to decided Jan fr Canada to rreturning After Rome. from rite the chanfe to permissioin to go and priest a become to Gal desided Canada, in immigrants with working Redemptorists and Basilians some Father by is inspired priest affairs diplomatic to devoted a of example Another 14 on Bonne his Father obligationsto mission.transferred the He lead to assigned wasa Tyshkevych Mykhaylo 1919. November in only implemented was mission the problems some to Due Pope. 82 Petr secretary See. Apostolic of the Archduke) February 1918 inTernopil. religious Redemptorists were activities able todedicate themselves sphere. inapolitical minister. affairs In October 1918 The pope’s Nuntio arrived Nuntio pope’s The 1918 October In ca t lan kana ad ok ih kanas n aaa I 11 h wn t Ui ad n 91 eevd a received 1911 in and Univ to went he 1910 In Canada. in Ukrainians with work and Ukrainian learn to icia, i nx “hlegn msin ws o ev a a eeae f h Uriin iso t the to mission Ukrainian the of delegate a as serve to was mission” “challenging next His 1. Pic. o Karmanskyi o Shkarabiuk, Petro. Petro. Shkarabiuk, The Archduke Wilhelm von Habsburg (in the center) visiting father Bonne (on the right right the (on Bonne father visiting center) the (in Habsburg von Wilhelm Archduke The 82

oe f hs afis a b qaiid a qualified be can affairs these of None It was the s the was It nd had to go back to Galicia for his novitiate. Meanwhile the war started and he found himself in the in himself found he and started war the Meanwhile novitiate. his for Galicia to back go to had nd

f h scey e eiae hmef ie aohr xml o a oiial ivle priest involved politically a of example another gives himdelf dedicated he society the of . econd mission organized by UNR and consisted and UNR by organized mission econd The first The

oahi hn ti Vsla u asoanm zyt Ukrainy zhytti natsionalnomy u Vasylian Otsiv Chyn Monashyi private ) (Lviv: Misioner, 2005). (Lviv: Misioner,

to Kyiv and organized the first Ukrainian apostolic mission to the to mission apostolic Ukrainian first the organized and Kyiv to

audience with the Pope took place on 22 on place took Pope the with audience 34

Yosafat Jan. He was a French Canadian, who being who Canadian, French a was He Jan. Yosafat s th

missionary work and shows that besides besides that shows and work missionary

of February 1920. 1920. of February

of Father Bonne and his and Bonne Father of

( Monastic Order of of Order Monastic


of February of -

CEU eTD Collection authorities Polish The Ukraine. to go 85 not did he government, Polish the visit objected from protest and complaints the to due as long 84 Vatican1918 the Italy and in Republic People’s the Ukrainian missionof 83 of the UkrainianUniate help the with it convert and Russia to out reach to Redemptorists of attempts missionary the means he himself spero”. convertendum Orientem Pope the by worded Ukrainians, of mission unique a for hope constant Pope’s the and Vatican, the and metropolitans Kyiv between relations close the affirm blessing 13 the and fatherSchrijvers hissec tobe 1920 February of event the to refers He Ukrainians. to extended already Pope the hand helping the for peo Ukrainian for refuge last the as Pope the to given is memoir the document, the of beginning the at stated is it As War. World First the after lands Ukrainian Western on situation incorporated chapter. inthis details, important many encloses 1920 in Bonne Father by Pope the to delivered and written Memoire on the the second audience the when 1920,

Bonne, Memoire presente a Sa Saintetele Sa a presente Memoire Bonne, Hentosh, Liliana, Vatykan i vyklyky modernosti, 308, 311. Unfortunately, this diplomatic mission’s initiative did not last last not did initiative mission’s diplomatic this Unfortunately, 311. 308, modernosti, vyklyky i Vatykan Liliana, Hentosh, ooyv V Dpoayha ilit kanki aoni epbiy Iai t Vtkn 1918 Vatykani ta Italii v respubliky narodnoi Ukrainskoi dialnist Dyplomatychna V, Solovyova rendering Apostolic See to have constant diplomatic relations between Ukraine and Vatican. Als Vatican. and Ukraine between relations diplomatic constant have to See Apostolic th Introducing the problem, Bonne refers to the times of King Danylo, who reigned in Galicia in Galicia in reigned who Danylo, King of times the to refers Bonne problem, the Introducing the on Focusing Bonne for aim key The

century and received a crown from the Pope Innocent IV in 1263 as a sign of recognition and a and recognition of sign a as 1263 in IVInnocent Pope the from crown a received centuryand to defend Europe from the Ottomans. Bonne continues to itemize other historical events which events historicalother itemize to continues Bonne Ottomans. the from Europe defend to ator’s interference in Galicia. Eastern ator’sinterference

Bonne presented the political and religious situation in Ukraine. in situation religious and political the presented Bonne of medical help medical of , when ,

the Pope appointed Giov appointed Pope the Church, butsuddenly by political conflicts. stopped the “ Mem an ttmns f h dcmn gvs bte isgt no h political the into insight better a gives document the of statements main

oire” thePope. handed was to from the Red Cross Association Cross Red the from in this mission mission this in 85 retary

This phrase, as Bonne stresses, was never as urgent as now. By this By now. as urgent as never was stresses, Bonne as phrase, This Pape Benoit XV KADOC in Leuven, in KADOC XV Benoit Pape

and allocated significantand material funding

was to demand a diplomatic representative of Ukraine at Ukraine of representative diplomatic a demand to was anni Genokki to be an Apostolic an be to Genokki anni 35

83 - 1920) Ucrainica Polonica vol.1 (2007), 170. (2007), vol.1 Polonica Ucrainica 1920)

for the needs of Ukrainian army. Ukrainian of needs the for : Pr o, e Rtei totum Rutheni, mei vos, “Per .

On ple. Bonne gives thanks gives Bonne ple.

. 84 30 visitator for Ukraine for visitator


of - 90 (Diplomatic 1920.

March during March o he insisted insisted he o h 16 the

th The

of CEU eTD Collection and 87 in house printing Basilians’ 86 the destroyed who Poles the of hatred and rudeness toward army, Polish and clerics politicians exaggeration document the the objective how judge cannot I it. in believe fully to person neutral are to population wish Ukrainian the the and humiliate army the of rudeness The actions. their of criticism sharp and state Polish toward rite. Latin accept to refuse Polish was government the of aim The opinions. minority just were those that notes but chauvinism, Polish against women killing and burnin stop wouldnot and limits armyno Polish had everyThe dying day. were where people camps, concentration to clergy and intelligentsia Ukrainian deport and imprison to them forced Poles, imperialism” “Polish assimilation. from protection efficient most Greek whole the as imp Polonisation, of acts the of examples many brings He selfishness. national by ruled and “blinded” be themselves number of priestsand Galicia in send missionari Church Catholic the with union the towards sheep” “his leading is who hero true a as reverence, great with memoir the in pictured is latter The etc. Greek the destroy

Ibid. Ibid. Ibid.

Although Bonne never mentions the Redemptorist mission in Ukraine, he informs about the the about informs he Ukraine, in mission Redemptorist the mentions never Bonne Although let Poles states, he Unfortunately, side. Polish the from persecutions the with continues Bonne of list the gives Bonne s take place there, but the character of the Memoire shows a detailed account detailed a thecharacter shows Memoire of the there, place but s take , according to him, to according , risonment oftheGreek - Catholic Church and forcing people to Orthodoxy, the exile of Andrei Sheptytskyi Andrei of exile the Orthodoxy, to people forcing and Church Catholic - with Catholic Church with its Eastern rite, as they were aware of the fact that it is the is it that fact the of aware were they as rite, Eastern its with Church Catholic

children. Father Bonne brings examples from the newspapers which protest protest which newspapers the from examples brings Bonne Father children. 87

The wording of the documents shows Bonne’s personal negative attitude negative personal Bonne’s shows documents the of wording The


Russian accusations of the clergy during the occupation, the plan to to plan the occupation, the during clergy the of accusations Russian

to destroy Ukrainian culture, humiliate and p and humiliate culture, Ukrainian destroy to

- o rgty n i dti dsrbd that described detail in and brightly so Catholic clergy.seenan priestsforCatholic wereobstacle The as Poles .

86 . Sheptytskyi’s plan, according to Bonne, was to raise the raise to was Bonne, to according plan, Sheptytskyi’s . es to convert more people into Catholicism. Catholicism. toconvertes more into people 36

a Bne eie te oiis of politics the defines Bonne as , they ersecute those who those ersecute is and whether any whether and can convince a a convince can of oppos of

gvillages ition ition CEU eTD Collection 90 89 88 scholar Ukrainian A reasonable. very seemed Church the of Head the to appeal E in conflict the of sides both Besides state. Ukrainian new the toward Entente the of attitude the change could and scene international the on Republic the of position the strengthen to promised Vatican the with relationships closer The too. influence traditionsthenational on Greek belonging Catholic ofUkrainians. of the of polonisation of plan minori a implemented elites Polish that claiming Pope the to words sending side” their of interests the “vindicated leaders religious the result; no had letters o solution peaceful a for asking Lviv, in archbishop and Sheptytskyi metropolitane the to letters his in evidenced as events, of course the in interested very was XV Benedict Pope fact, In East. the in Catholicism of spread the ruins theUkrainian nation. which imperialism”, “Polish stop will Pope the past, the in like that, hoping place, supporting and help the Republic recognizestheAp nation.adds He that catastrophe Ukrainian for the an and Ukraine of future the about concerned very is Republic, People’s Ukrainian the of supposed toprovoke of a thePope. reaction cinema. a the confiscated Liliana Hentosh, LilianaHentosh, Liliana Hentosh, LilianaHentosh, Benoit SaintetePape le Sa a presente Memoire Bonne, ties and did not tolerate Uniate missionaries in the Kholm region and Volhynia alluding to the to alluding Volhynia and region Kholm the in missionaries Uniate tolerate not did and ties On the other side, the Ukrainian People’s Republic had its interest in the in interest its had Republic People’s Ukrainian the side, other the On Vatican regarding ofrelevant thepolitics questionthe wasto The of truly theUkrainian solution appea the Concluding 88

Surely t Surely printing machines, made a sports gym in the seminary building and turned a chapel into chapel a turned and building seminary the gymin sports a made machines, printing Vatykan i vyklyky modernosti (The Vatican and the challenges of the modernity), the of the challenges and Vatican (The i vyklykymodernosti Vatykan Vatykan i vyklyky modernosti (The Va (The modernosti i vyklyky Vatykan he fact of ruining the sacred places puts the Poles in a very bad perspective and is and perspective bad very a in Poles the puts places sacred the ruining of fact he

l, Father Bonne explains that the diplomatic Mission, as a representative a as Mission, diplomatic the that explains Bonne Father l,

sen aii blne t te ahlc hrh teeoe the therefore Church, Catholic the to belonged Galicia astern

tican and the challenges of the modernity), the of the challenges and tican .


f the conflict. Unfortunately, Hentosh notes, the notes, Hentosh Unfortunately, conflict. the f óe Bilczewski Józef 90

ostolic See as See thebest ostolic

237. 237. 89 Diplo 240. Yaroslav Settki was Sheptytskyi .

matic unavoidable te Latin the ,

Popenko mission

CEU eTD Collection b edited documents 93 92 (2007):150. 91 usin call some help, they C nuntio Apostolic the monsignor to arguments his present to Galicia in work missionary of years six the after Deerfield (MA) Bonne. Father about something know they whether asking Amer in monasteries Redemptorist to sent General the from letters few a are There Redemptorists. Ukra for priest parish a as worked he ask immediately but himself justify not reaction Bonne’s Congregation. the in allowed be not should which Bo about Redemptorists says He Bonne. against campaign Congregatio Peopl mission diplomatic the for finances no were pro Therefore quite served a themission diplomatic few tasks. Polish the of politics the affect could Vatican the that believes rightly

atholics Lettre written by Father Jansens on 24 on Jansens writtenFather by Lettre LilianaHentosh, Yaroslav e’s After stating the goal of the Redemptorist mission, Father Jansens informs the Pope that Polish that Pope the informs Jansens Father mission, Redemptorist the of goal the stating After Jansens Father 3 his stopped officially Bonne Father .3

Popenko, Popenko, R unfor . Ratti and give a andcopyRatti tothe Pope. Redemtprorists’ documents ontrial Redemtprorists’ documents epublic ad mgae o h States. the to emigrate and n tunately . y Ivan Levytskyi) Vol.2, 54 Vol.2, yLevytskyi) Ivan Vatykan i vyklyky modernosti (The Vatican and the challenges of the modernity), the of the challenges and Vatican (The modernosti i vyklyky Vatykan

Mykhailo Tyshkevych Tyshkevych Mykhailo . . 92

is an author of another of author an is e i nt oe ak o Galicia, to back come not did He do not do n’ pltcl novmn camn ta msinre beca missionaries that claiming involvement political nne’s to

question, instead of seeing us as coworkers of a great project, they see us as us see greatthey project, a of coworkers as seeing us question, instead of

understand the idea and impede the whole project. “I project. whole the impede and idea the understand th

of October 1919. 1919. ofOctober –

holova dyplomatychnoi misii UNR u Vatykani uVatykani misii UNR dyplomatychnoi holova - ed that 61. 61. na imgat i te tts hvn ltl cnat with contact little having States, the in immigrants inian for his release from the Congregation the from release his for

oohno interp Doroshenko

diplomatic “

complain and and h eeis f Ukraine of enemies the Zbirka documentiv ed. by Ivan Levytskyi ( Collection of Collection Levytskyi ( by ed. Ivan Zbirkadocumentiv 38 stopped its functioning with the exile of U of exile the with functioning its stopped

t s ucin o 1 on functions ent to the Pope in 1919. in Pope the to ent

He died on 21 on died He

u rqetd emsin o leave to permission requested but rets this act as a result of the Polish Polish the of result a as act this rets to this this to st

” st f oebr 91 a there as 1921, November of

of November 1941 in South South in 1941 November of was straightforward, he did he straightforward, was informed Ucrainica Polonica Ucrainica - ahlc government. Catholic . For the rest of his life his of rest the For . 93

327 It is his first chance first his is It nstead of giving us giving of nstead h Gnrl of General the

me politicized, politicized, me

krainian vol.1 vol.1

ica, ica, the 91

CEU eTD Collection 95 94 Rede of about the country’s future. evan to it Ukraine in task main whose citizen Belgian a from coming is patriotism this that note to important is It Ukrainians. for freedom and conditions giv wa they whatever them with do others so pious, too” Ukraine poor our for rights “resurre state’s Polish the see to happy is he contrary, addsUniv. Jansens that thekiller fatherwasas and a criminal. treated prepa to aim the with Zboiska in living first the Fatherwas who Kinzinger, of oppression and arrest the to attention draws also He army. Polish the join to forced were Ukrainia the injured, or killed were people many how indicates He population. Ukrainian the of oppressions it”, he reports. g Polish the by attacked often was Zboiska controllers. tram or guards forest as job profitable a have to forbidden espec people, local convinces and rite” dirty “this leave to them advises and fathers attacks clergy Polish The Roman of refusal fatherland” their of enemies the

Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. es an impression of a person’s clear political position and shows his desire to constitute equal life equal constitute to desire his shows and position political clear person’s a of impression an es al ottnig ulc iue, o on h Ltn ie As Jnes oe ta Uriin are Ukrainians that notes Jansens Also rite. Latin the join to figures, public outstanding ially

Father Van de Male in his memoir his in Male de Van Father the on Poles, of enemy an not is he that saying himself clears Jansens conclusion the In and persecutions Polish of facts and evidence more presents Jansens letter, the Continuing mptorists in Ukraine was paralyzed by Polish gove Polish by paralyzed was Ukraine in mptorists n trade system was destroyed, money from Ukrainian banks had been stolen and Ukrainians and stolen been had banks Ukrainian from money destroyed, was system trade n

- Catholic archbishop of Lviv to agree on Eastern on agree to Lviv of archbishop Catholic

95 94 , he complains he , . The problem according to him is that Ukrainians are very kind and kind very are Ukrainians that is him to according problem The .

“My experience in Ukraine” narrates how sometimes work sometimes how narrates Ukraine” in experience “My overnment. T overnment. nt, but this has to be stopped. stopped. be to has this but nt, .

39 Then he bri he Then

ction”. But, he continues he But, ction”. gelize people, but turns out to be more passionate more be to out turns but people, gelize hey r n ment, police and even Latin cl Latin even and police ment, “worked with their hands and feet to ruin to feet and hands their with “worked ngs a list of the evidence, including the including evidence, the of list a ngs - rite Redemptorists’ settling in Lviv. in settling Redemptorists’ rite re the building for his confreres in confreres his for building the re

The , Redemptorists’ house in house Redemptorists’

This personal statement personal This saying “I demand equal demand “I saying ergy, which which ergy, CEU eTD Collection 99 98 97 Fathers Redemptorist 96 Vice Ukrainian the docum those among claims similar notice may one chronicles, monastery oppo actively so was Charnetskyi of appointment The interests. national Ukrainian of defenders and actors turned them of some East, the convert to came who missionaries, from mission. their in troubles and obstacles unexpected faced Redemptorists result a As intolerance. and misunderstanding serious of period a through going of Galicia outsideforCh theEastern keep thepurity theunityCatholic of rite butwork of him with work who Redemptorists other and Charnetskyi bishop that declared and side Sheptytskyi occasion. that on dissent alarm the giving was press bi the circumstances “the complicated”. that notes also reporter the But area. the religious thorough his with who bishop a see Galicia beyond be to Charnetskyi Bishop Ukra the From attention. Greek says Male, de Van disregarded example, government For Vatican’s. than decrees Warsaw followed rather Pastoral letter of letter Pastoral Nyva “Various” Section in Ukraine”) in experience (“My v Ukraini perezhyvannia Moi Male, Vande Mavrykiy sedseen because assecret he Sheptytskyi’s was agentaof Ukrainian promoter and separatism. -

vol. 2, 2, vol. Catholics Catholics oig rm esnl elrtos to declarations personal from Moving were Ukrainians and Poles that shows situation, the of complexity the all signifies conflict This

prepared a prepared a 1931 97

Andrei was negatively perceived by the Polish side. Ukrainians on the contrary were happy to happy were contrary the on Ukrainians side. Polish the by perceived negatively was Another article gives a review of press reactions to the appointment and states that the that states and appointment the to reactions press of review a gives article Another , in i.e. beyond Galicia, Poland in living

Nyva 75 , 1906 1906 , - - province in Galicia in province 76

Sheptytskyi, Section “Various” Section Sheptytskyi, Vol 1, 1 1, Vol ; pastoral letter where he refuted the arguments and presumptions from the Polishpresumptions from the and arguments refuted the he where letter pastoral Nyva –

1956 1956), (Yorkton, 1956 i aia’ asg o Charnetskyi of assign Vatican’s in esae Nv i i cer ht h appoint the that clear is it Nyva newspaper nian

an an vol.3, 931, 931, 34

psoi amnsrtr o al h Greek the all for administrator Apostolic


- 120 ,

. done by Father Provincial of Belgian Province Province Belgian of Provincial Father by done

297. - missionary work will restore spiritual and moral life in life moral and spiritual restore will work missionary

Nyva h pltcly eae rcrs n iiain and visitations in records related politically the 40

So, unexpectedly their role was slightly changed: slightly was role their unexpectedly So, Vol 4, 4, 1931, Vol 98

Volhynia. In reaction to these quite scandalous writings scandalous quite these to reaction In

o b to

154 e Apostolic Apostolic e 96 - 156

This event certainly deserves morecertainlydeserves event This .

hp il ok n r very are in work will shop Jubilee Book of the Eastern Rite the of Book Jubilee - straight ents Catholics living in Poland Poland in living Catholics m administrator for all the the all for administrator n o te Redemptorist the of ent urch. . From the visitation of visitation the From into active political political active into 99

Van De Steene De Van that Polish Polish

the CEU eTD Collection 102 to tried police 101 Polish diocese, Lviv the 100 of village a in , in month last “Again, conflict: continues. chronicler the building, Polish that Following gate. entrance Redemptorists of rite was Eastern the of purity the keeping why explains and picture overall the to color more adds suggestion rit Byzantine the to are we connected how show biritualism example, For peop Ukrainian Redemprotists therefore worrying, always alternative hadofan tothink placement a and unpleasant been the have both must by clergy negatively Catholic and treated Orthodox and confreres Polish by unrecognized Being mission. Ukrainian out” us “drive they case people. Latinize and us envies who clergy, become possibly might we soon as concerns, political from continues, Redemptorists] us “treat Poles the him, to According side. Polish the from trials and problems the of difficulties to 1922 in month a during

Chronicle Zboiska 1923 Zboiska Chronicle w house This Archiveof General The note from 2 from note The th Also a priority task for the mission. for a priority task

the Poles write about us in papers, papers, in us about write Poles the as granted granted as which e le dislike, because, he says, we will aut will we says, he because, dislike, le as enemies” because because enemies” as visitator visitator The 101 the the

n ook ad ae h sg “oih ad n h hns f uhnas o the on Ruthenians” of hands the in land “Polish sign the made and Holosko in refore the visitator suggests visitator the refore Uk Lviv Province of CSsR, Lviv, ofCSsR, Province Lviv to Redemptorists by Sheptytskyi in 1923. 1923. in Sheptytskyi by Redemptorists to - 30, KADOC, 30, nd . information abou information rainian Redemptorists face in Galicia in face Redemptorists rainian 100

warns that Ukrainian Redemptorists should ne should Redemptorists Ukrainian that warns rmtd y oe shoul Poles by promoted of October 1923 informs us that some Polish people came to the new house new the to came people Polish some that us informs 1923 October of

This statement reveals that the situation was on the ed the on was situation the that reveals statement This rvks ainlsi tikn aog epe liig th claiming people among thinking nationalistic provokes


of evangelizing of In February 1924 another record concerning the Ukrainian the concerning record another 1924 February In

oie ae o erh hte w hv dcmns o the for documents have we whether search to came police t the political conflicts become conflicts political the t

create obstacles for our work, work, our for obstacles create

Visitation nd program.nd buy 41 , f course of e, nt “bl not d

Ukrainians who are agai are who Ukrainians ing or ing omatically become suspicious looking suspicious become omatically

1922, 1922,

build Fond 1, Inventory 6, File1. 1,6, InventoryFond enemies of Ukrainians too, especially the especially too, Ukrainians of enemies n or mission our ind

the visitator gives a detailed description detailed a gives visitator the n lcs hr i i practic is it where places in ing

a house outside of Poland just in just Poland of outside house a s ver support or develop things develop or support ver quite explicit quite but we but ”; nst

eepoit hv to have Redemptorists the the ge of suspending the suspending of ge

Polish rule. So rule. Polish have to stay away stay to have . When it comes it When . t e ed to tend we at Esen rite [Eastern

for them for ed - Polish .

This , he , .

CEU eTD Collection 105 104 103 were Redemptorists that evidence us gives experiencingobstaclesa int few quite This reports. visitation and chronicles monastery a submitted complicated Jansens Father help. of request of a oppressions expressed Russian and and Ukrainians Polish of cases various stated which document thorough a presented i and violence the against rise and voice their bring to decided community the of members the of some this of result a As question. into existence its put even and mission Redemptorists’ the for problem hastened of thefoundation seminary inUkraine. circumstances these Eventually Galicia. in stay to had and country the leave to permission a get not it. getting without returned but prize reduced the for ask to Warsaw to went Charnetskyy Father month next The Poland. from disposition better a forwait and Galicia in stay to had they reason Forthis not. were Ukrainianstudents p student reduced usual the refused were Belgium in studying for go to applied who students four that informs 1925 of chronicle the from notes The abroad. go to needed passports denied left successfully.” ended and the mission they world, whole the in God of word the When spread could mission Catholic Galicia. that replied Kinzinger Father in preach to allowed not were priests Belgian that announcing mission the prevent jsie Fte Bne edd Uriin ilmtc iso t te psoi Se hr he where See Apostolic the to mission Diplomatic Ukrainian a headed Bonne Father njustice.

Ibid. Ibid. Chronicle Zboiska 1923 Zboiska Chronicle

umn u tee ouetre i i c is it documentaries these up Summing problem Another

iuto cetd y h Poles the by created situation

- 30, KADOC, 30,

ih h gvrmn apae hn kana eepoitsuet were students Redemptorist Ukrainian when appeared government the with 104

The pr The oblems with passports continued from 1931, when students could students when 1931, from continued passports with oblems heir missionary project. 103

As te rsne f oiia dsubn i ntd n the in noted is disturbing political of presence the Also . er ta te Ukrainian the that lear, 42 105

- Polish conflict conflict Polish og ttmn aot a about statement long rice, while other other while rice, designate a d CEU eTD Collection Fathers Redemptorist Rite Eastern the of 107 106 missionaries.future Redemptorists fee a pay to note to important monasti to them boys trainintroduce andeducate and could theywhereboarding school, own recruit to proj this toward needed step A candidates. fathers the Therefore life. local the to adjusting and language the learning from few are laborers number 4 and ofthese analyze context educational thehistorical structures. institutions these of functioning the of chronology the resume will I chapter this In teachers. of staff timetabl the Juvenate, in routine daily the about information exclusive memoires their From Kozovyk. Ivan father and fo three the Galicia in settling after soon very missionaries bi priority top the was missions Leading actions. further required and Ukraine Chapter 4 .1. The Juvenate project .1. project TheJuvenate g project requires a big team, big a requires project g Ludovic Letter written in 1922, by Kinzi writtenin 1922, Letter the n the In successfully was Galicia in mission Redemptorists’ shows, chapter previous the As

of missionary workers and cited and workers missionary of

VanGanzenwinkel Belgian province due to the to due province Belgian rmer students of Juvenate: Iva Juvenate: of students rmer

ol atn the attend could 1922

called Educational of Redemptorists engagement Western in ”

(Luke 10, 2) 10, (Luke that the boys w boys the that

107 l

te t t to etter

“Juvenate”, was to educate and bring up a new generation of Redemptorists Redemptorists of generation new a up bring and educate to was “Juvenate”, Clearly, one has to take to Clearly,has one ,

The Junior seminary Junior The nger,

e ein ofee Father confreres Begian he 106

col n lae after leave and school the question how to get new vocations became a central issue for the for issue central a became vocations new get to how question the .

Lettres surl’Ukraine Lettres

ere not obliged to become monks; become to obliged not ere , 1906 1906 , The missionaries could not rely on the availabili the on rely not could missionaries The ect was to get in contact with young boys through establishing their establishing through boys young with contact in get to was ect wartime and the and wartime –

1956 ( 1956 n Shukh, Volodymyr Stashchyshyn, known as brother Ilarion, brother as known Stashchyshyn, Volodymyr Shukh, n the Holy Bible to state that “ that state to Bible Holy the - juvenate of Redemptorist fathers in Western Ukraine in in Ukraine Western in fathers ofRedemptorist juvenate Yorkton,1956 care of a vocation to develop it. In this situation students Insituation this it. develop to vocationa of care

in August 1913 August in and the interwievs with other Redemptorists other with interwievs the and 43 , Vol. Vol.

I. I. complicated political situation, problems with problems situation, political complicated rdain Te e am f ht schoo that of aim key The graduation. ed.

), Kin

262. Bohdan sne described tsinger .

For this chapter I used the memoirs of memoirs the used I chapter this For

Kurylas,( task for the R the for task

anybody t e, the order of prayers and the and prayers of order the e, he harvest is plentiful, but the but plentiful, is harvest he Mons, 1998), Mons,


the situation with the the with situation the edemptorists, but as but edemptorists, ty of the newcomers the of ty


4. ents were able were ents

Jubilee Book Book Jubilee established c life. Itis life. c I drew drew I , the l, local – a

CEU eTD Collection 112 111 110 109 Fathers Redemptorist 108 juvenist country”. poor this of “conversion the for work of spirit a in them asile un trouver pourraient pervertis pour etdevenirleurFoi et deleurefreres. vertuleurunjourles missionaires encore non gens jeunes les ou juvenat de espece une catholique D andsituation would expla Schrijvers Ukraine. Western in station Missionary such establish to decided priests Belgian vocations local with situation the improve Redemptorists inthe future. sch R Yorkton in founded was institution school resembling classes had also candidate 1868 from Starting Redemptorists. by Father a Juvenate call Redemptorists sometimes Therefore missionary school prayer. and work daily the see could they life, of way monastic the to used get to opportunity perfect a had congregation the join to wished who t Rdmtrss Tahn i ti sho ws oe xlsvl b Rdmtrss T etr this enter To Redemptorists. by exclusively done was school this in Teaching Redemptorists. ite n cte eoain nvrel j vuri prei a fo a parvenir voudrais je universelle desolation cette ans CSsR, Bubnii, Mykhailo Letter written in 1922, by Kinzi writtenin 1922, Letter decembre 1920, 15 Schrijvers, writtenJ. by Letter “ Novak, H. ool, boys had to belong to the E the to belong to had boys ool, To the missionaryschool the To

F etil te eepoit had Redemptorists the Certainly instit these of aware Being Fr in Redemptorists by founded was school boarding first The s, were supposed to become missionaries, preachers and the bearers of religious life in Galici in life religious of bearers the and preachers missionaries, become to supposed were s, rancois Masson in 1858. Teenage 1858. in Masson rancois Juvenate Juvenate ins their decision reasoning decision their ins 109 , 1906 1906 , 108 . Similar projects were accomplished in accomplished were projects Similar . –

help to gather younghelp gather to the futurefor work: people missionary


a missionary high school o missionaryschool high a

Redemptorysty Shidnoho obriadu u Lvivsk obriadu Shidnoho Redemptorysty – ”

1956 ( 1956 Le 110 voix de Redempteur de voix nger,

Yorkton, 1956 Yorkton,

Lettres sur l’Ukraine sur Lettres ution astern rite, be healthy and be willing to join the congregation of of congregation the join to willing be and healthy be rite, astern s, knowing the principles of their of principles the knowing s,

lot a

), f Redemptorist fathers in Canada, in in Canada, in fathers fRedemptorist n h lte t Blin ahr fte Provin father fathers Belgian to letter the In

boys lived in separate houses and gathered for lectures led lectures for gathered and houses separate in lived boys

that the school was needed to improve the poor educatio poor the improve to needed was school the that

268. Stanislawow

No.2, Vol No.2,

f xettos f h gauts te wne t raise to wanted they graduates; the of expectations of

s lived in the same house with their tutors, where they where tutors, their with house same the in lived s 44 , Vol. Vol.

.6 (1921), .6 – , KADOC, Leuven. Leuven. KADOC, , I. I.

a center of of center a ed. ii Hreko other Bohdan

176. dr u on u clee entirement college un moins au nder - Katolytskii Mytropolii... Katolytskii

Redemptorist missionary stations. A stations. missionary Redemptorist

Kurylas, (Mons, 1998), Kurylas,(Mons, the the 112 ench and Swiss Provinces, by by Provinces, Swiss and ench Canadian Province of Eastern of Province Canadian

Jubilee Book of the Eastern Rite Rite theEastern of Book Jubilee

h st The functioning and planning to planning and functioning 111

dns uuly called usually udents,


7. school

cial Joseph Joseph cial

in their in nal a -

CEU eTD Collection 117 Fathers Redemptorist Rite Eastern the of 116 115 114 113 car in students of group first the welcomed they construction the finish to managed had Redemptorists pag s Calendar, Redemptorists’Daily donations. generous succ very was Schrijvers of project fundraising work as a one area. living a became floor second the roof new a kitchen afor basement the adapt and floor top the up build to decided had priests therefore students, the for place enough not was there 4 at least followers onehundred toensure inorder Ukraine. conversion the of have to has missionary “Each missionaries. more of preparation active and missions new for called and of constitute freedom not does the government of “Antireligious views. deprived religious but religious be to considered they which of population the Ukraine, abroad further and .2. Implementation of the project ofthe .2. Implementation

byKinzi 1922, writtenin Letter Letter written in 1922, by Kinzi writtenin 1922, Letter Ludovic Bubnii Ibid, their house. their ts with their parents on the narrow road surrounded by the whitethorn trees. Everybody was admired admired was Everybody trees. whitethorn the by surrounded road narrow the on parents their with ts e 82). wr cletd y ahr crjes n Belgium. in Schrijvers Father by collected were s 7 h inauguration The The - , – floor block, it had two full floors and a ground floor. a floors and twofull block, had it floor Mykhailo

8. VanGanzenwinkel

juvenate was planned to be suited in Zboiska, as there were no more houses available. But available. houses more no were there as Zboiska, in suited be to planned was juvenate . I . n the letter to the confreres father confreres the to letter the n , CSsR. , I ter ln Rdmtrss oe to hoped Redemptorists plans their In .

116 Redemptorysty Shidnoho obriadu Lvivskii u obriadu Shidnoho Redemptorysty

, f h sho ws lne t b clbae i Spebr 1922. September in celebrated be to planned was school the of

h ifrain bu te ueae a as publish also was Juvenate the about information The The Jun The nger, nger,


114 l’Ukraine sur Lettres uggesting Lettres sur l’Ukraine sur Lettres ior seminary ior , 1906 1906 ,

Also the loft was used, af used, loftwas the Also

1956 ( 1956 , 20 teenage boys teenage 20 ,

support support - juvenate of Redemptorist fathers in Western Ukraine in in Ukraine Western in fathers ofRedemptorist juvenate Yorkton,1956 ess Kinzin , 45 ,

Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. for for Boer describes how the boys were coming on the on coming were boys the how describes Boer

ful works by that time and on the 1 the on and time that by works

I. I. the Ukrainian Project. Ukrainian the I. I. and ger ed. ed. ),

from peasants’ and petty officials’ families officials’ petty and peasants’ from

Father 262. Bohdan notes that even though the building looked building the though even that notes Hreko Bohdan 115 ay eeatr i Blim a made had Belgium in benefactors many ter adding a few extra layers of bricks andlayersbricks extra of few addinga ter ped h msinr wr on work missionary the spread

The funds to completeconstruction the funds to The

h scey claimed society” the - Katolytskii Mytropolii..., Katolytskii

1998), Kurylas,(Mons, Kurylas, (Mons, Kurylas,(Mons, a Ganzenvinkel Van 113

Seatcmn o the on attachment (See 1998),


6. 6.

42. 42. 4. st oe ta the that notes

of September of

Jubilee Book Book Jubilee d n the in ed

De 117


Boer The

CEU eTD Collection 123 122 Reedemer”) Holyof the Most Order 121 File2., Inv. 1 5, Lviv,Fond ofCSsR, Province 120 119 118 Ukrainia the because functioning school the of organization the in faced 4 ju zloty 30 was fee tuition The blankets. two and interview. Ukrainian religion, about couldSheptytskyi use thesupport of school thenewpaper. in their advertise to clergy the brothers”. lost the of salvation the for work to East the of space endless and Ukraine Great to departments their lau and Galicia “cross to able become and missions with acquainted get life, monastic of taste a get education,theyget as youngsters will experiencevaluablefor a Itbe will Congregation”. flagthe of the youngpeop encourages and Juvenate the of inauguration a Redemptorists’ on thefaçade“ saying view the by .3. Academic program and the daily the .3. and schedule Academic program venate the equivalent

Bubnii, Mykhailo, CSsR. Mykhailo, Bubnii, Zloty ofIvan Memoires Nyva, 4 Vol Ibid Shukh, Ivan, Mij Pobut u himnazii u Pobut Mij Ivan, Shukh, , 6. The director of the juvenate, father juvenate, the of director The questions the of consisted They examinations. the pass to obliged was one juvenate the enter To on note The –

Polish currency. currency. Polish 119 121 formed by Andrei by formed , he says he ,

- It is important to add that the newspaper was newspaper the that add to important Itis Also everybody had to have two changes of clothes, four sheets, two pairs of shoes, socks shoes, of pairs two sheets, four clothes, of changes two have to had everybodyAlso 5, (May, Year 17, 122 17, Year (May, 5, ppeal to to ppeal Kozovyk in in Kozovyk

: “The house was just behind the turning; it had a Redemptorists’ coat of arms sign sign arms of coat Redemptorists’ a had it turning; the behind just was house “The : this event is left in the Ukrainian the in left is event this


in goods. Redemptorysty Shidnoho Redemptorysty ith ith the

n M and H Podvyzhnyky

Sheptytskyi. Sheptytskyi. Ukrainian clergy and youth”. and clergy Ukrainian im is plentiful redemptio isplentiful im

, ed. ed. , - - 1923), 197. 197. 1923), yuvenati oo. Redemptorystiv u Zboiskah u Zboiskah u Redemptorystiv oo. yuvenati 123 ath. Beshle


2. Chynu Naisviat Chynu y

, B

rm 91 hr i n mninn o te xm bt f an of but exams the of mentioning no is there 1941 From Probabl



obriadu obriadu

( Ternopil, 200 Ternopil, 122 y this explains the content of the note. Redemptorists note. the of content the explains this y 46

v u Lvivskii Hreko u

fe ised of instead Often Van Ganzenwinkel Van yatishogo Izvbavytelya v Izvbavytelya yatishogo n

” ne 118 le (boys) and priests to think of joining “under joining of think to priests and (boys) le wspaper

Church . In the note the supervisor informs about the about informs supervisor the note the In

4), 4), 257. - -

Katolytskii Mytropolii Mytropolii Katolytskii sponsored and represented a view of view a represented and sponsored



amn prns broug parents payment , -

mentions mentions 1931, Ukra n boarding school where the where school boarding n [“A Cornfield”] titled “The titled Cornfield”] [“A


ni General Archive of the Lviv the of Archive General

(“The Ascetics of the Ascetics of (“The the difficulties they difficulties the ..., 69.

t o the to ht nch

CEU eTD Collection 1938. 127 126 384. 2010), culture, (Stanford, political Habsburg phantasyin 125 Fathers Redemptorist Rite Eastern the of 124 wished the congregation. tojoin k Redemptorists program standard the Besides school. other any join could reason they then because some juvenate for who students those for good particularly was It gymnasiums. design be would system school the and Polish to changed be would teaching of language the that meant basically It 1938. of report wereconcernedabout the na 1938. in 2485 to 1928 in 1635 from numbers: in speaking bigger, much getting was schools bilingual of number the time same d was number in presented As shortened. sharply was schools Ukrainian of number the result, Grabski biling was ledunder careBel the of Po fut ept Ludovic General Archiveof General in Magocsi, 46.2 No. numberthe table from The waslaw i The lish government was leading was government lish ure missionaries of Ukraine would Ukraine of missionaries ure

intensive Greek and Latin courses to enable the continuation of the theology studies for those who those for studies theology the of continuation the enable to Latincourses and Greek intensive

a sys ual ed the program in the way it was the most resembling the model of teaching in other schools and schools other in teaching of model resemblingthe most the was it waythe in program the ed n tep o pls amnsrto t tk oe te ueae s etoe i te visitation the in mentioned is juvenate the over take to administration polish of attempt An a replace to was politics assimilatory the of feature One 125

VanGanzenwinkel , a la a , tem with a dominance of Polish language. The reform happened in 1924, 1924, in happened reform The language. Polish of dominance a with tem ssued by Stanislaw Grabski, a Polish minister of education in Wolf, Larry, The idea of Galicia: history and historyand ofGalicia: Larry,Theidea Wolf, in of education minister Polish a Grabski, Stanislaw by ssued ecreased w, according to which Ukrainian school had to be switched to switched be to had school Ukrainian which to according w, the the

Lviv Province of CSsR, Lviv, ofCSsR, Province Lviv

a few times: from 2,426 in 1922 to 352 Ukrainian 352 to 1922 in 2,426 from times: few a adjusted according to the Polish model. To solve this problem this solve To model. Polish the to according adjusted ,

126 The Junior seminary Junior The tional assimilation of theirtional assimilation children.

gian priests, it was a Ukrainian educational institution. gian wasUkrainian it a priests, educational institution. Surely for Ukrainians it was a clear sign of Polonisation, of sign clear a was it Ukrainians for Surely

127 assi , 1906 1906 ,

milation policies, milation

be formed was a was formed be –

1956 (Yorkton, 1956 1956), A : the land and and land the Ukraine: of history A - juvenate of Redemptorist fathers in Western Ukraine in in Ukraine Western in fathers ofRedemptorist juvenate

Fond 1, Inv. 6, file 12. file Inv. 12. 6, 1, Fond 47

relations were not easy. Although the Juvenate Juvenate the Although easy. not were relations “ thorn in the eyes of Polish people Polish of eyes the in thorn


Canonic visitation in Galicia 18.10 18.10 in CanonicGalicia visitation kana sho system school Ukrainian itspeople schools in Galicia, but at the at but Galicia, in schools a , 637. , bilinqual system. As a As system. bilinqual Magocsi’s hd o ev the leave to had s

, the priests had priests the ,

therefore Jubilee Book Book Jubilee ” u t Lex to due

. study, the study, 124 –

with As the As


they a CEU eTD Collection 200 Ternopil, 134 133 Lviv, CSsR, 132 131 Rede 130 1979 129 4. 1975), (Yorkton, 128 addstudents sometimes thattheywere bitafraid a by little habits. ofthemand their surprised h he everything students with shared He jokes. tell to liked and kind was teacher and priest this that saying interview, the in Lemishka Mykhaylp students for open and friendly being as father this describes He advice. could he because Bakhtalovskyy, Roman father professor stricte were usually Belgians that 1939. Church for needed was French Church Fre time, the at language state a was which Polish, Ukrainian, Greek, ancient Latin, H and Math sciences, natural religion, gymnasiums Stepan Memoires of Ivan Kozovyk in Kozovyk ofIvan Memoires Ibid. Kurchaba withFylymon Interview Ibid, uPobut himnazii Mij Shukh,Ivan, Bakhtalovskyi Roman , mptorists’ gymnasium mptorists’ 18. 10. - Belgian teacher Belgian Edu the to according organized was program school The

Slavonic Bakhtalovskyi, Bakhtalovskyi, s

Fond 7. 7. Fond as 4, 4,

255 although it was run completely by the Redemptorists. the by completely run was it although - more Slavonic was thelanguageSlavonic ofevening prayers.

. .

l lnug sil wr ue i patc: hooia tpc wr ra i Latin, in read were topics theological practice: in used were skills language All lenient.

, Otets Joseph Schrijvers iz Solodkoi Dolyny Dolyny iz Solodkoi Schrijvers Joseph Otets , Zhyttya Vasylia Vsevoloda Velychkovskogo (“The life of Vasylii (“The life of Velychkovskogo Vsevoloda Vasylia Zhyttya - s juvenate in Zboiska”), in juvenate the

used a 2 a used 131 furt


For example one of the students, Fylymon, particularly liked a Ukrainian a liked particularly Fylymon, students, the of one example For her studies in Belgium, and German was used during the occupation in occupation the during used was German and Belgium, in studies her - 15.01 1993 15.01 yuvenati oo. Redemptorystiv u Zboiskah u uZboiskah Redemptorystiv oo. yuvenati 5 y r with the grading and discipline and grading the with r - , B point ohdan, P ohdan, soy Besides istory.

assessment system. assessment Velykosilky


odvyzhnyky ac 48 a cessib П d.

– 133

s , Chynu Naisviat Chynu

1 eciig oe ega poesr former professors Belgian some Describing uet wr oblig were tudents – ly (“Father Schrijvers from the Sweet Valley”) Sweet the from Schrijvers (“Father


explain everything and was hap was and everything explain - 129 130


An interesting observation of Shukh is Shukh of observation interesting An ,

2. 1925 , 128 v cational plan of other schools or or schools other of plan cational

yatishogo Izvbavytelya v Izvbavytelya yatishogo General Archive of the Lviv Province of Province Lviv the Archive of General while while

The program included teachi included program The - 1931 . - 132 Vsevolod Velychkovskyi” Vsevolod he characterised he ed to learn six languages: languages: six learn to ed

(“My life in the the life (“Myin

Also he mentions Father mentions he Also nch, German and German nch,

Ukra 134 py to g to py Ukrainian i

, ni

), 05. 05. , ive ive ng

CEU eTD Collection 137 136 Zboiska”), in monastery the and 135 walk a take could students the fair, was weather the If break. longer a was there lunch After twice. wer hour Mass. a and lesson spirituallong 15minutes a of consisted which chapel the in prayer the following 6am, at off went usually alarm the that note students former supplication and Mass daily a was there afternoon,Also daily. the lessons five in making lessons 2 and morning the in lessons three were There Sunday. was off day only they we summertime in months two and holidays winter of month full one had students Hereby May. of 18 till lasted semester visitator, th from sitting

Shukh, Ivan, Mij Pobut uPobut himnazii Mij Shukh,Ivan, something. provide to whenGod asks person a forma of prayer, is Supplication Juvenate Redemptorists’ the (“About uZboiskah Redemptorystiv monastyroo Yuvenati Pro Volodymyr, Stashchyshyn, The dail The 1 the on began year academic An Pic. 2. re goingtheirre families hometo e intended fo intended e Josef e the leftto right: Zboiska. The visitation of theJuvenate of The visitation Zboiska. Schrijvers, y schedule of the Juvenate was quite intensive. There were lessons six lessons were There intensive. quite was Juvenate the of yschedule

th r the preparation f preparation the r

of December and the second started on 20 on started second the and December of

Mykolai Boels, Charnetskyi, Van Albien Biesen Achille

General Archive of the Lviv Lviv the Archive of General

- yuvenati oo. Redemptorystiv u Zboiskah u uZboiskah Redemptorystiv oo. yuvenati Vasyl Velychkovskyi, . 135 o


a 45 minutes long lesson. The same sequence sequence same The lesson. long minutes 45 a st

f etme ad osse o 2 eetr. h f The semesters. 2 of consisted and September of 49 Province of CSsR, Lviv, ofCSsR, Province

in Josef Deweerdt 1926. The professors and the visitator are Theandthevisitator professors 1926. 137

After that they had had they Afterthat th


of January and lasted until the end the until lasted and January of

, Louis Louis

- Fond 6, Inv.8, File 16. File16. Inv.8, 6, Fond 1931 . 136 Van ,

3. Describing the timetable the Describing

breakfast. Next half an Next breakfast. G .

anzenvinkel, father

days a week, the week, a days was

repeated repeated , when , irst irst - ,

CEU eTD Collection 141 140 gymnasium Redemptorists’ 139 ( Beshley Bohdan ed. Reedemer”) Holy ofthe Most ofthe Order 138 morning physicalandany work. exercises were notallowed todo les sport the volley playing and Lviv near Briukhovychi in forest the to walks the remembers Stashchyshchyn Volodymyr students, former the of One football. we students Thursday Every bed. to going were all chapel wasimportant visitor some told and students greeted provincial The unexpected. always and discipline. home outside.

Stashchyshyn, Volodymyr, Pro Yuvenat i monastyr Yuvenati Pro Volodymyr, Stashchyshyn, 75 uPobut himnazii Mij Shukh,Ivan, in Kozovyk ofIvan Memoires be th ok ie n bg hall big a in time work

Anniversary Then students had dinner, a short walk and walk short a dinner, had students Then Pi quiet. Also he remembers evening remembers he Also quiet. 138 c. 3. 140

fe to feno lsos n p and lessons afternoon two After os a a eaie fet n tdns health. students’ on effect negative a had sons

Zboiska. The visit of Juvenatethe by the Metropolitane Ivan Kozovyk note Kozovyk Ivan



Andrei Ukrainian - juvenate in Zboiska”), in juvenate




Rite - yuvenati oo. Redemptorystiv u Zboiskah u uZboiskah Redemptorystiv oo. yuvenati . e s that priests never forced anybody to study; it was enough to sit still sit to enough was it study; to anybody forced never priests that s y supervising A

, Redemptorists

Podvyzhnyky . His visit isdocumented. Hisvisit 4

- ball in the monastery yard. But he notes that the absence ofabsence the that notes he But yard.monastery the in ball visits of fr Provincial Joseph de Vocht saying that it was it that saying Vocht de Joseph Provincial fr of visits –

5. oo Redemptorystiv uZboiskah, Redemptorystiv oo

1906 Chynu Naisviat Chynu eaaoy ras tdns a su had students breaks reparatory

eepoit a awy peet hr ad et the kept and there present always was Redemptorist 50 - time to play games play to time

1981 Ternopil, 200 Ternopil, ed .Lukie Don v 141 e on o a three a on going re yatishogo Izvbavytelya v Izvbavytelya yatishogo

Sheptytskyi e ert suet dd o hv any have not did students regrets He 4),

i n thepicture from 1932.

1925 259. 259. some

( Jorkton, 1982 Jorkton, prayer night the After . - 4 1931 .

(sitting in the center) in 1932 captivating stories. captivating

(“My l (“My -

), hour ife in the the ife in Ukra pr olwn the following pper


i ni – hike hike

147. (“The Ascetics (“The

or played played or

Another Another s

in the in

CEU eTD Collection Christianity. 149 148 1934 147 146 145 1934 144 8 143 142 F qualification ordination. his after taught teach to R able taught Velychkovskyy were and Zboiska in lived who monks few a this solve To professors. enough not were there as year, next the manage to how yearjuvenatethat everyconfirming and the for somestudentsdecide of thenovitiate. tostay fact the constitutes visitator the 1934 of visitation canonical the of report while performing infl director. the fear and possible. as long as position this a made visitator the Also subordinates. his towards objective Europe in schools the was he th ather Lviv, CSsR, Lvivof Province Archive ofthe General VanGanzenwinkel Archive ofthe General Apostol z Roman, Bakhtalovs’kyĭ,

Deacon is an assistant of the priest at the altar during the religious service. From The Blackwell dictionary of Eastern ofEastern dictionary Blackwell The From service. religious the during theat altar priest the of is an assistant Deacon CSsR. Mykhailo, Bubnii, CSsR. Mykhailo, Bubnii, Lviv, ofCSsR, Province Lviv Archive ofthe General July uenc . .

1936 Bilcke to teach M teach to Bilcke When the next year the number of students doubled, which doubled, students of number the year next the When Congregation. the joined juvenists Seven 1928. in place took graduation first The monk Belgian a was juvenate the of director The e on the students. the on e



s : ctor of of ctor Father

142 functions of a superior of the monastery in Zboiska. ofa thefunctions superior in monastery of , Ludovic, , . Duringthe .

Lviv Province of CSsR, Lviv, CSsR, Lvivof Province 144 the the De

Redemptorysty Shidnoho obriadu Lvivskii Hreko u obriadu Shidnoho Redemptorysty Lvivskii Hreko u obriadu Shidnoho Redemptorysty

usic and usic

e eie ta a iiao sae ta fte VanGanzenwikel father that states visitator a that Besides juvenate for 17 years 17 for juvenate ert o Mt ad P and Math for Weerdt

Besides being director, being Besides iin U ligion, The Junior seminary Junior The The

ie dnann 143 1936 Ar ega poic as he also province Belgian

In other visitation there is a note saying that students respect, love respect, students that saying note a is there visitation other In riin Hsoy n G and History krainian, ts, Father ts, ia visitation nashykh chasiv ; spohady chasiv nashykh - juvenate…,

Delforge to be a spiritual father and father spiritual a be to Delforge Fond 1, Inv. 6, File 10, Canonic visitatioin in Galicia in Canonic visitatioin File10, Inv. 6, 1, Fond File10, Inv. 6, 1, Fond . Fond 1, Inv. 6, File 11, Canonic visitatioin in Galicia in Canonic visitatioin File11, Inv. 6, 1, Fond

He was well acquainted with the with acquainted well was He he was described as judicious as described was he

he taught German and Latin and from 1927 till 1939 till 1927 from and Latin and German taught he 51 hysics,

265 Father Father -

266. , ( pd n sn fv mns ih teaching with monks five sent and lped eography. note suggesting that father should stay in in stay should father that suggesting note Lviv, 2001 Lviv,

148 VanGanzenwikel. De

- - Canonic visitatioin in Galicia in Canonicvisitatioin Katolytskii Mytropolii.., Mytropolii.., Katolytskii Mytropolii..., Katolytskii .

was great news, a problem arose problem a news, great was itr o Ltn n A and Latin for Zitter o example For 145 ), Father


– of new vocations from the from vocations new of

74. , perfect in discipline and discipline in perfect,

yoa Kopyakivskyy Mykola ,

structures of Catholic of structures the director recruited director the , Father

Staying until until Staying deacon 84.

82. had


5 5 20 149

147 th th pologetics positive a - - 146 th 9 9

th th June Vasyliy

June June June n the In 1939, ,



CEU eTD Collection USSR. until of thebreakdown 1946 155 154 153 152 151 150 while for Ukrianian publicit quite a rather was it themselves students the for vocations, th th proved is This program.full academica qualifiedprovided withand staff it supplied and school the in conditions learning good create to managed Redemptorists the that add to necessary year every grew congregation the Namely vocations. new of source a and people young many form to place a was institution educational this as Congregation was renewedplaces, not institution after the this Underground period other the Unlike building. the leave to soldiers by forced were Redemptorists when 1945 in closed escape. to had monks the and confiscated were houses Redemptorists 6 all 40s of end the by and war the During Canada. P to sent were students the of W invaded ArmyIt had theRed when who democracy” Soviet. states that the of Union Soviet the in Redemptorists of situation Vasyl andKuz Volodymyr Malanchu (1929 Kraevskyi Volodymyr Lemishka, Mykhaylo Bakhtalovskyi, Roman Redemptorists: Juvenate the of staff teaching the join could they R students. of socius a became edemptorists who edemptorists e visitations and memoirs o memoirs and visitations e

The Greek The C. vs.USSR Latin for an acronym C.Ss.R. is Bubnii Dol Solodkoi iz Schrijvers Josephp Otets Roman, Bakhtalovskyi, Shukh,Ivan, o u u the up sum To a with article an In , Mykhailo - Catholic Church existed only in underground conditions through the Soviet times after the Psevdo Sobor of Sobor the Psevdo after Soviettimes the through conditions underground in only existed Church Catholic SsR Perpetual Help July 1949, 283 July 1949, Help Perpetual SsR Mij Pobut uPobut himnazii Mij , CSsR. ,

had been had

154 e fact se

Redemptorysty Shidnoho obriadu Lvivskii u obriadu Shidnoho Redemptorysty

The Juvenat The

was a national Congregatio Sanctissimi Redemptoris Sanctissimi Congregatio s studying in seminary in Beauplateau (B Beauplateauin seminary in studying clever f



former students. former - juvenati…, the juvenate juvenate the 150 lish Redemptorists House of Studies in Tuchow, some others flew to flew others some Tuchow, in Studies of House Redemptorists lish

rdal te teachi the Gradually title title k e partially functioned through World War II and was completely was and II War World through functioned partially e 152 .

7 “ -

285, 285, , .... ess C.Ss. versus U.S.S.R.

11. 11. achievement achievement a pae a iprat oe in role important an played had KADOC Leuven. Leuven. KADOC

For the Redemptorists this school was a “pool” of new of “pool” a was school this Redemptorists the For 151 52

. In 1931 of the ten t ten the of 1931 In yny, –

hv t cm t ko te lbry and “liberty the know to come to “have Ukrainian by supplemented was staff ng a Ukrianian school in t in a Ukrianianschool with the arrival of the of arrival the with

Hreko 1979 05. –

Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer. Redeemer. Holy Most the Congregationof prestigious R. - Katolytskii Mytropolii..., Mytropolii..., Katolytskii 153 , 155 elgium). So, having this education having this So, elgium). 18. A ato ifrs bu the about informs author An ”

in 1990s.

eachers five were Ukrainian were five eachers n hg qaiy education, quality high and estern Ukraine in 1939 most estern in1939most Ukraine

the development of the the of development the he Polish state. he Polish

new rough

83 graduates. It is It graduates. -

84. 84.

reading of readingof



CEU eTD Collection 159 158 157 156 academies, mission of practice the explores McConvery work. missionary and elocution on emphasis The preaching. for training and stu in emphasis a be to supposed future a for important were subjects Those sociology. and history house in “ Latin, in exams their pass to them allowed and remembers, But Belgians. the than better even Latin knew students Ukrainian him to According Ukrainians. his (Belgium). Beauplateau the souls. work for of thesalvation imit to order in obedience and poverty chastity, in live to obituary an vows, first the with ended which regime strict and life spiritual intensive extra of year a novitiate, in pursued was informs McConvery system. formation 4 .4. TheSeminary

Ibid. Ibid. Kurchaba withFylymon Interview of Making “TheSection XIII, Chapter Convery Mc

i nte

h porm osse o dgai suis mrl t moral studies, dogmatic of consisted program The to students the sending were Redemptorists Ukraine, in Seminary a for place no was there As long a was missioner a of making The ve. e oe ta te tde were studies the that notes He rview. Beauplateau large;was livedthere. around people sixty

it was difficult t difficult was it dies was laid to moral theology, the key discipline and main instrument for a confessor confessor a for instrument main and discipline key the theology, moral to laid was dies very fe i satd n h Jvnt bt any rm h nvtae n seminary. and novitiate the from mainly but Juvenate the in started it Often

that this process this that

intelligent, well intelligent,

Bishop o read and make notes in French in notes make and read o

15.01 1993. 15.01 Fylymon Kurchaba gives Kurchaba Fylymon 156

- usually prepared and more educated that the local parish priests. parish local the that educated more and prepared

a missioner” missioner” a lasted seven or eight years. The spiritual familiarization spiritual The years. eight or seven lasted

- term process, but a central aim of the Redemptorist Redemptorist the of aim central a but process, term until their French gets better” gets French their until ed n ai ad i nt osiue polm for problem a constitute not did and Latin in held 53


. Regardi . voice heology, Bible studies, canonical law, law, canonical studies, Bible heology, 158 reminiscences about studying about reminiscences . -

production missionary ng this the professors were kind were professors the this ng when students had to deliver deliver to had students when 157

a nee fr future for needed was h sae, s e was he as states, he , . He also tell also He . ate Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus ate s

there in there that the that 159

, he , The CEU eTD Collection 1906 Fathers, Redemptorist Rite Eastern the 161 160 missionary activities corrections. to it give sermons, own his write con its have the Shchudlo. followed missionaries” “veteran afterwards. of comments the community, whole the of presence in sermon a

Mykhailo missioner”. ofa Making “TheSection XIII, Chapter Convery Mc conclusion in order to evoke thoughts evoke to order in conclusion The He explains that a that explains He Shchudlo, Misionerskyi vyshkil otsiv Redemptorystiv (Redemptorists Missionary training) in training) Missionary (Redemptorists Redemptorystiv otsiv vyshkil Misionerskyi Shchudlo, 160

firmation from the Bible and citations from holy Fathers. holy from citations and Bible the from firmation Redempto 161

Also there onhearing were trainings.confessions workshops of and voice

aig hs riig n big t es tit yas o years thirty least at being and training this Having

which be will discussedchapter. indetail inthe next rist s’

tl o wiig sro is sermon a writing of style

good sermon is like a building, it it building, a like is sermon good o i poesr to professor his to -


,(Yorkton, 1956), about conversion about 54

hc ad hn rewrite then and check 289

described in detail by Father Mykhaylo Mykhaylo Father by detail in described - in people’s minds people’s in 290. 290. consists consists

A future missionary w missionary future A of

d a the was ld the introduction, thesis and thesis introduction, . Every statement must statement Every . hm nldn the including them precondition

Jubilee Book Jubilee as asked asked

of of of to CEU eTD Collection Forces Social 163 435. 162 Redemptorists’ in popular also are Retreats life. Christian true a to people of round delivered (cycle)a ofpreachers few the ina aim offull homilies by certain conversion placewith work and structure. its their in used missionaries Redemptorist scheme the of understanding better a get to aims study This participants. the of practices and beliefs religious deepens which experience” transformative a “is short a that shows collect they data the missions, of practice modern the analyze authors the Although Vaisey. Stephen and Trinitapoli Jenny scholars American the to according population commi individual as life religious 5 on theirand correspondence letters toBelgium. with i deals and society Ukrainian the chapteron Redemptorists Belgian of impressions this subjective Also reports. Redemptorists’ and newspapers Ukrainians of materials the evaluate Redemptorist’s a of heart will chapter this vocation, the at is work missionary First as So, order. world. the over religious all stations a missionary start to short on him work their prompted concentrated actually Redemptorists Liguori, Alphonsus founder, the by the sharing .1. ofmissions Theorder

Jenny Trinitapoli, Stephen Vaisey, The Trans The Vaisey, Stephen JennyTrinitapoli, Ormerod, Neil

Using the definition the Using important as play experiences collective that decision a to come have Sociologists called so The the attitude to the

faith of the Church, is a permanent task of Redemptorists of task permanent a is Church, the of faith 88(1) (2009): 88(1) I dentity and mission in Catholic organisations, Catholicorganisations, in mission dentity and Chapter 5

missio Dei missio

the 121 121 present local generalthe andarea population religious results the for using life inthe –

of a Ukrainian Redemptorist, Father Roman Bakhtalovskyy, mission is a is mission Bakhtalovskyy, Roman Father Redemptorist, Ukrainian a of 146.

and processions with the Cross the with processions and , the religious mission aimed to evangelize or convert non convert or evangelize to aimed mission religious the ,

Redemptorists workmissionary in the form and structure of some missions in missions some of structure and form the mns Short tments. formative Role of Religious Experience: Th Experience: ofReligious Role formative

- em isos ae priual wrig fet on effect working particularly a have missions term - 55 em isos n tl whi Italy in missions term

The Austrailian Catholic Record Catholic Austrailian The

162 . The understanding of this task this of understanding The . e CaseofShort e Ukrainian vice Ukrainian

practice but differ from from differ but practice e lo pedn their spreading also le ts backwardness based backwardness ts , Vol. 87 Issue87 4 Vol.

- - Term Missions Term ter - believers by by believers m mission mission m - Province a

( 2010 role in in role ): ): 163


CEU eTD Collection 168 167 166 165 164 fact area”.respect inthis absolutely that “theis absent of notion of problem the explains He streets. the on could they time that for because missions. Ukrainian in central quite became village fo that notes Collet Hubert icons, and flags holding Ukrain for practice new a lively very usually was procession this that note priests Belgian cros wooden huge a mission. stayed which Help, Perpetual of Lady there Also Communion. first the for preparation as well c often people same the as content different have must they but evening, the in and afternoon morning, prea pa missionaries The youngnuns, etc., while priests mission people, as such audience certain a for aimed are and priest one by performed are former the because missions, a

me more than once than more me ih ret gave priest rish Ibid. Ibid. “ “ Analecta Dolyny, Solodkoi iz Schrijvers Joseph Otets Roman, Bakhtalovskyi, Stanislawiw Cebliw ching to the missionaries the to ching

Th last missions Usually

”, ”,

e final day finale ( 1925 1920 ” , 1927, Holosko. a letter written by fr Collet. P.115 writtenfr Collet. letter a by Holosko. 1927, , ), ), a letter writte letter a 19 sal wn i gop o to preachers. two of groups in went usually

- hm ky o h cuc. hs s rte smoi at f iig l pwr of power all giving of act symbolic rather a is This church. the to key a them 20. 20.

, are b men by carried s, –

a day. There wa There day. a

Sunda as Te aietto consisted manifestation The ians. people we people n by Kinzinger. P.86 nKinzinger. by r the reason of novelty in the region, the processions around a city/town or city/town a around processions the region, the in novelty of reason the r ed . Then the first homily started. Every day there we there day Every started. homily first the Then . y

as usual as ten days st days ten

forget their difficult life and be happy by fi by happy be and life difficult their forget emrhn wtotay re,snig eiiu songs. religious singing order, any without marching re s a special homily special a s

ih iig h cos er h church the near cross the fixing with

n h cnrl lc dcrtd ih lwr fr h whole the for flowers with decorated place central the on wa

maintaining the order with a large a with order the maintaining arting on Saturday evening and ending on the next Sunday. next the on ending and evening Saturday on arting - s assigned for t for assigned s 88. s are and aimeda larg for mixed



Collet guesses that people like people that guesses Collet wa -

119. fo

s a special service of posting an icon of of icon an posting of service special a s 05. 1979. 05. wa which procession, cross he r men and women, delivered separately, delivered women, and men r

f h mse o pol, oe f them of some people, of masses the of hn hy ca they When 168

nd majestic, maybe because it was a was it because maybe majestic, nd

, 352. 352.

e o a to me lling churches and singing singing and churches lling

number of people and the and people of number er audience.er

re three homilies: in the in homilies: three re r n ct square. city a on or

hrh entrance church d

manifestati s 164 a walk with walk a


Father Our

165 on as as


CEU eTD Collection Belgique), 173 172 http://www.scborromeo.org/prayers/soc.pdf upon. meditated and recalled Jesusare passionof the in events traditional fourteen prayer, 171 170 169 consider Redemptorists them of Most yearconductRedemprotists every areawere coming from those to limited not are mission a in participate who people Also mission. actual the after time some out carried S st people all which during hymns short singing with prayer a akaphistus, repentance, public services: and timetable same the keeping Belgium, in as way tations of the Cross the of tations EasternChristianity of dictionary Blackwell The “ “ Inthis Lent. during Friday each isprayed normally Cross, the of the known Way as also Cross, Stations ofthe The specified. isyear not thevenue and The Cebliw Aperçu historique Aperçu n rpr aot h woe kana Msin witn in written Mission, Ukrainian whole the about report a In same the in planned were missions the that explains Kinzinger Father 1920 from letter the In

45 ”, ”, - 1920 52. that particular village or town, but the whole neighborhood includi neighborhoodwhole the but town, or village particular that

, Letter written Letter Kinzinger. , by

to listen. to listen. ” , Report writtern by Father Schrijvers Father by writtern Report ,


and praying for the dead. the for praying and Pic. 4.

A photo of aprocessionA photoof ledby t ed

From From

approxi ed

Lettres sur l’Ukraine sur Lettres the photo the as successful. Reporting on the success of Ukrainian Catholic Ukrainian of success the on Reporting successful. as , ed. Ken ed. , mately35 - archive of the Lviv Province. Province. Lviv the of archive 172 10. Parry,(1999), 57 Lettres sur l’Ukraine sur Lettres

There was also a practice of renewing a mission, a renewing of practice a also was There -

40 missions and the same number of retreats.of numberthesame and missions 40 , Vol. Vol. and, I. I. he Redemptoris ed.

n oor f h Theotokos the of honour in Bohdan , 1938 Vol. Vol. I. I.

Father Schrijvers states that that states Schrijvers Father Kurylas, (Mons, Belgique), Belgique), (Mons, Kurylas, ed. Bohdan ts ng other villages in the in villagesngother 169

Kurylas, (Mons, Kurylas,(Mons,

form of of form 170 86 the , - 88. 173

CEU eTD Collection life. social ofChurch approach their in followedRedemptorists by the and Sheptytskyi Andrei in involvement and sphere public st in the position active in Church’s envisages role the and organization social economics, 175 174 unity one for only not but devotion, together them bringing people, mobilizing of act an extent certain a to was cross witha procession among The (ifOrthodox). withRome unite to valuesencouraging Christian and uneduc of groups to coming were actively used inthe ch a as Ukrainians of importance the s who XIII, Leo Pope by formulated was idea This East”. the to out reach to Ukrainians through and a canunity slogannarrowedphrase:Ukrainiansstart “From The ofhisposition to be withRome. to Easte the bring and population Orthodox the convert to mission Ukrainian the of plan apostles”. the for waiting are people of “millions where Russia, to invited mis about requests their sending Argentin and Brasil in Ukrainians with work who priests as well As neglected. were Czecho in priests Canada, in counts He requests. and initiatives of plenty on us informs author the was the a taskfor congregation. toppriority dream VIII Clemens and of 100,000 souls to delegation: Belgian first the to str given were which tasks key three defines Schrijvers mission

engthen, improve and renew the Ukrainian Catholic Church Catholic Ukrainian the renew and improve engthen, Ibid. Pope Leo XIII also formulated the Social doctrine of the Catholic Church and the Vatican’s position on the poverty, poverty, the on position Vatican’s the and Church Catholic the of doctrine Social the formulated also XIII Leo Pope

The key idea of these missionary activities seems to serve educational functions; Redemptorists functions; educational serve to seems activities missionary these of idea key The S chrijvers’ report ends with a with ends report chrijvers’ –

a religious community and a political one too. one political a and community religious a for a possible national propagandapossiblenationala for

excommunicated from and theChurch Sheptytskyi

- -

Slovakia, also Orthodox people from people Orthodox also Slovakia, to unite East with West with th with West with East unite to

project of ecumenical policy.project of sionaries. Then the author expresses the hope that soon they will be will they soon that hope the expresses author the Then sionaries. ated village people and were enlightening them, teaching the main main the teaching them, enlightening were and people village ated ain link ain g lobal

statement formed as a question “Where are we needed?” needed?” we are “Where question a as formed statement in the process of reunion with the Orthodox Church Orthodox the with reunion of process the in ate in 1891 in the encyclical encyclical the in 1891 in ate . United in a coherent group people felt themselves likethemselves felt peoplecoherent groupa in United . 58

to help in the realization of the Popes’ Leo of thePopes’XIII to helpinthe realization e help of Ukrainians. Thus missionary work work missionary Thus Ukrainians. of help e

Probably Redemptorists were not pursuing not were Redemptorists Probably 175 ;

to work for the conversion and “return” and conversion the for work to

Volhynia ’s Mission in the world. in the Mission ’s eu Novarum Rerum , who used to be in Union but Union in be to used who , 175 174

These directives were taken by taken were directives These

h msinr sain in station missionary the This hope indicates a big a indicates hope This

175 a rn Churches to Churches rn . This document document This .

e oe, are notes, he religious tressed

and CEU eTD Collection 177 Belgique), 176 the to nation and but mission, faith”. Catholic acknowledging and nation priests wereonthechurch outside preaching territory. s very so came also villages neighboring the 1927 September process. building national and religious both as procession the saw Redemptorists that of citizens. a into society rural traditional the transferred step by step and manifestations political i objectives national

Ibid. “

AStanislawiw Redemptorists as much

Father Jansens nation and acknowledging faith. Catholic conclud Jansens the Father with sang and prayed hours. three who for streets the on walking were Ukrainians men, 30 by carried cross, wooden thousand kilos 500 priests, 20 than More people. of religiosity the imp very looked all they jackets, sheepskin in men women, clothes national colorful Wearing area. this in gathered Ukrainians of Thousands the from phrase inquisitive very A

27 -

30. drawing attention to this passage one may one passage this to attention drawing gether. This connection suggests that the national the that suggests connection This gether.

”, ”, Letter written by father Jansens in 1929, in Jansens writtenfather by Letter

these n iso to pae n Stanyslawiw in place took mission does hide not as Church. thesuccessconverting in totheCatholic people

xrie, b exercises,

s ht 0 huad kanas ee nnmul paig o their for praying unanimously were Ukrainians thousand 20 that es

h is excitement that is excitement t t em that seems it ut oon it was clear that the church was too small, therefore the therefore small, too was church the that clear was it oon 1929 177

e obvio He 176 letter letter 59

Lettres sur l’Ukraine sur Lettres

ressive under the sun. Even more impressive was impressive more Even sun. the under ressive

about the mission in Stanisla in mission the about Ukrainians also . sy nepes t s sces f h whole the of success a as it interprets usly hi mtos were methods their ahr asn sae ta t that shares Jansens Father notice that he that notice manifestation was positively viewed by viewed positively was manifestation

were , Vol. Vol. “ unanimously praying for their forunanimously praying their I. I.

puts the two notions of faith of notions two the puts ed. Bohdan encouraging wiw

Kurylas, (Mons, Kurylas,(Mons,

conscious e epe from people he On 19 On gives an idea idea an gives

the future future the - 29

group th

of CEU eTD Collection 178 and celibacy of propaganda the on feedback negative even or neutral rather publishing position overall their on depending differ political its to perspective. another from work 5 regardRedemptorists inthis wentfurther offeringmobilization much of by form a new to attention mobilization. mass of type modern a of example an giving were they processions public affirming and doctrines particular mobilization .2. Missionary reports in.2. ne Missionary reports

John - Paul Himka, Himka, Paul The notes about missionary activities in the local newspapers shed a light on the Redemptorists’ the on lighta shed newspapers local the in activities missionary about notes The o By

i ti wy hr wr “ecig pol hw hns hud e oe B prea By done. be should things how people “teaching” were there way this in , lny xmls f edn gop o tetia pas raie b prs priests. parish by organized plays theatrical or groups reading of examples plenty gnzn tee aiettos eepoit wr gvn a eape f mass of example an giving were Redemptorists manifestations these rganizing “ orientation Pic. 5.FatherPic. theleft)Kovalyk inMykhashiva (on leadingmission 1937. in Religion and Nationality in Western in Ukraine. Nationality and Religion Himka

” studies how Church activities were used for na for used were activities Church how studies , th

erefore t erefore I wspapers and letters and wspapers t is important to note that often often that note to important is t he he .

rel For exam For iability of the of iability 60

ple the Ukrainian paper “Dilo” [ “Dilo” paper Ukrainian the ple


sources can be questioned be can sources a paper portrayed a mission according mission a portrayed paper a tional mobilization, mobilization, tional – “A Deed” “A

a mission.

as they quite they as

bringing foreign ] ching



CEU eTD Collection Church. 182 181 180 179 mission the lead to allowed already were Redemptorists Ukrainian th in and Sterniuk Peter Apostles st. of church Korba, and Porodko Fathers simultaneously peopleis verya formission. village thesuccess truly and impressive affirms of walk. cross final a in participating people thousand eight around counts He people. Gavryluyk and Bour De cross procession remembers manifestation” religious huge a into turned cross a with walk 10 area”. cross a with walk public the that villages their and missionaries the of success the on notes short includes usually Stanislawiw, Redemptorists. “Nyva” called Ukraine, in life social and religious the to dedicated paper monthly Ukrainian another time same the At missionaries.

th A previous mission in Lviv took place 4 place took Lviv missionin Aprevious (“Missions”) “Misii” YuriyVanchytskyi Nyva Nyva

of November of 179

, Vol 12, Vol , , A mission in Lviv conducted in 1935 in conducted Lviv in mission A Redemptorists Two 1931. from report a in documented is Pobuzhany, in led mission, Another report In a short

Vol 11 Vol mission of 14 of mission without mentioningwithout experiences any negative

T he same walk is mentioned in a report from 1929 when for ten days from 30th of October toOctober of 30th from days ten for when 1929 from report a in mentioned is walk same he -

12 (192 12 (1929), (1929),

182 Nv Zorya” “Nova

as the most vivid memory vivid eventas ofthe themost . The mission took place from 21 from place took mission The . Tasiuain hrh y eyhosy ad oay. t s ot t note to worth is It Kovalyk. and Velychkovskyi by church Transfiguration e R 5), 401 5), edemptorists from Stanyslavov led missions led Stanyslavov from edemptorists

180. 180. - 24 November 1925 November 24 in “Nyva” in “Nyva”

– - saying

403. conducted a 10 a conducted

“ Nw Star”] New [“A [“A Cornfield”] Cornfield”] [“A ht nbd hs en eoe uh rlgos aietto i our in manifestation religious a such before seen has “nobody that titled “ titled - 14 of October 1924 in the main Greek main 1924in the ofOctober 14 Nyva Nyva A m Vol. Vol. , led by Redemptorists by led , - a msin rahn he oiis d homilies three preaching mission, day is of particula of is 7 ission in T in ission - 8 , (1931), (1931),

Ukr a contains mainly positive positive mainly contains 61 st

. April in St. George’s cathedral it was headed by headed was it cathedral George’s St. in April

. 302 180 iin ae o rlgos topics religious on paper ainian sinev” a parish priest Father Loshynskyy statessinev” parishFather priest a


r importance as it was led in three churches three in led was it as importance r

n Pu b Ftes a Dn Bosch Den Van Fathers by Paul and ,

was very successful very was in Pykulovychi in - , as previously a Ukrainian priest priest Ukrainian a previously as , Catholic cathedral Catholiccathedral

h uhr onigt the to pointing author, the oe o msin ld by led missions on notes -

Borshchovychi 181 –

iyt mse of masses to aily . He . St. George’sSt. acceptance in the in acceptance

This number of number This

ulse in published adds about a about adds

. “A . that and –

CEU eTD Collection 186 185 work. missionaryparish and their theycombined 184 183 Redemptorists presumablyawarewere ofthat Communion. the received and “back” converted were all while a after but mission, the to coming resisted people a Orthodoxy 1922 to converted had priest parish In experiences. missionary Th some Pidmonastyr. village attention populated Ukrainian readers’ visited Redemptorists to brings Vocht, De Father author, on results some of insight an gave 1925 of issue The “Analecta”. periodical missionaries. th likely, Very representative, missionaries the greeted village whole the reporter, the to According village. description a contains Hleshchava in mission a on note short Andrei Sheptytskyi interested missionary ofthis was inthe continuation project that means city,which the in house the Metropolitanethe from got Redemptorists the mission this after with characterized and people of procession. filled completely were Belgian a with accompanied always was one werethe granted Redemptorists Analecta Zoria Nova “Various” Section oe eot o msinr wr o Uriin tto ae ie t te Redemptorists’ the to given are station Ukrainian of work missionary on reports Some Zorya” “Nova In

(1925), (1925), 20. 183

04.06, Year VIII, Vol. 40, (1933), (1933), 40, VIII, Year Vol. 04.06,

186 The mission in the city was particularly important as it was populated with mixed groups mixed with populated was it as important particularlywas city the in mission The by the head librarian head the by s ecmn ws ie t so ta al h sca srt ae ap t me the meet to happy are strata social the all that show to aimed was welcoming is

n hs case this In Nyv


Vol. 4 Vol. –

there are also short reports on missions and missions on reports short also are there

camd ul, s h nt says note the as full”, “crammed t h vlae nrne Also entrance. village the at - 5 (1935). 5

h frt mrsin n h msinre pae a eiie role decisive a played missionaries the on impression first the - floor house and a small church in Lviv on 30 Zyblykevycha street in 1937, where 1937, in street Zyblykevycha 30 on Lviv in church small a house floor and a less a

near the near

religiosity missionary 7 .

fter the war and “infected” people. Therefore firstly many many firstly Therefore people. “infected” and war the fter .

library library 62 . . According to the to According . The results were results The

and in front of the church by a parish priest. parish a by church the of front in and w s waiting as hy ee greeted were they Te at a ws eiae t te cross the to dedicated was day last The .

f h wloig missionaries welcoming the of

o them for e situation situation e satisfactory; newspaper newspaper gratitude the missionary field. The field. missionary the 10 men 150 : in Lviv.in

to the missionaries. A missionaries. the to there “ reporter

a nt good not was therefore 184 y h village the by riding

the churches the


n the and

” horses

o the to years s a as 185

CEU eTD Collection 95. 189 188 Fond 187 very a gives too mission the in interested joke people the that states He community i remarks Bakhtalovsky enthusiasm, fo responsible was Charnetsky request this Christian. a become and Judaism from convert to wish his expressed and Zboiska in monastery the to came Kumer, Joseph Jew, a when case a remembers Bakhtalovskyy conversion, their considered still Redemptorists as memoirs or reports their probably that insight an gives passage This w accident an was there example, for conversion; a of thinking also were Jews some that states also He fence. the behind of inside come to them to listen to wanted also Poles as church the of outside preach to had missionaries

“ Ibid. Valley”), Sweet fromthe Schrijvers (“Father Dolyny Solodkoi iz Schrijvers Josef Otets Bakhtalovskyi, Roman

Lubinci a .6. akad oil ru, with group, social backward Inv

A o mention a is there every time antisemitism, Catholic sharedtraditional Redemptorists the people, Jewish and Polish Ukrainians, of number equal an with town a Mykulynci, In .1 thin passage from Father Kinzinger’s Father from passage ” d File d .


aot h wle, hc wr cmn ot rm frs bcue f hunger of because forest a from out coming were which wolves, the about d n striking n h ws ditd o ie n h mnsey o a while a for monastery the in live to admitted was he and king of converting of king themtoo. complete confusion. 2. a letter written letter a Kinzinger by t .3.

ith a youngma a ith the Greek the iso ws o oua, ht e that popular, so was mission a

image of the mission the of image , the tone of writing shows rather negative attitude. Redemptorists treated Jews Jews treated Redemptorists attitude. negative rather shows writing of tone the , . 189 - Catholic Church Catholic

Except f Except i r his Christian learning and approached this this approached and learning Christian his r n who was beaten by fellow Jews after he jo he after Jews fellow by beaten was who n 188 . aig teto t te eih tiue the attitude, Jewish the to attention paying

n neet in interest an notntl, h Jw iapae oe day one disappeared Jew the Unfortunately, or Lettres sur l’Ukraine sur Lettres

the as some type of a show that show a of type some as letter . The author adds that some of the Jews were standing were Jews the of some that adds author The . unsensitiv from 1921 from aig ht t ol b a rlne project. prolonged a be would it that saying 63 e Jw wr cmn t lse and listen to coming were Jews ven

oe ised f eiis eoin However devotion. religios of instead money e ,

comparison of Jews with wolves, this phrasethis wolves, with Jews of comparison Vol. Vol. d eserves I. I. ed. Bohdan

particular attention particular 187 nobody wanted to miss to wanted nobody

The pries The

Kurylas, Kurylas,

ni hs baptism his until ined the cross procession. cross the ined rcs wt a great a with process

(Mons, Belgique), (Mons, eepoit were Redemptorists ts took into account into took ts

but did not want not did but


in this regard. this in n lf the left and e adds he f

05. 1979. 05. Father .

. Jews in Jews – Surely Father Father

, 89 s if as

that -

CEU eTD Collection 192 Churches. Western and 191 190 to According War. the before visit to managed Redemptorists territory easternmost the was It Galicia. were permitted. rite. Latin a practicing without Catholic a being of example of conclud he immediately, “ours” be will they it, do we When removed. temporarily be to has saints Latin of commemoration communion, everyday Heart, Sacred the of cult the example, practiced Therefore rite. Latin of reminders some or contradictions, notice not do theythat religiosity exterior in one like look to only word, the of sense full a in not schysmatic a be to clarifies, amon schysmatic a and Jews among Jew a Greeks, among Greek a be to Paul: St. of principle simple a by directed be to has one because efforts enough make to bothered nobody one Rome, “schysmatics” convert and impress to how not protest themission conflict, Polish before. months two bot by attended and successful of out just church curiosity the to coming be could them of some and visitors the by intrigued were people

“R ofthesplit Eastern a of1054, the Schism to referred Catholics name, this Giving Christians. Orthodox are “Schysmatics” Analecta h prt o te atr rt wa rite Eastern the of purity the éve ét realité”, realité”, ét éve One of the missions was missions the of One as Orthodox The very was Poles and Ukrainians of number equal an with town a Borshchiv, in mission The .

y Uni by (1925), ut ae dacs o hm Ad f hy r sil o cnetd h sy, ht means that says, he converted, not still are they if And them. to advances make must suggests

22. 1930 ts hc wr aatd rm h Ltn ie ut e ihrw fo uae For usage. from withdrawn be must rite Latin the from adapted were which ates


by Boer, byBoer, h at of fact The .

a task force task a that the Poles treated the Redemptorists as neutral side i side neutral as Redemptorists the treated Poles the that Lettresl’Ukraine sur

h national groups despite the fact that Poles had a separate mission just mission separate a had Poles that fact the despite groups national h

held in the village Vasyliv, next to the border with Russia north of north Russia with border the to next Vasyliv, village the in held the

were often at the center of the reports. reports. the of center the at often were cuily motn fr h Rdmtrss h ue i a an as it used who Redemptorists the for important crucially s Polish participation in the mission the in participation Polish 191 . He thinks that in order to bring them to the union with union the to them bring to order in that thinks He . , Vo 64 l. I. I.

ed. ed. Bohdan o hs esn an reason this For

Kurylas, (Mons, 1998), (Mons, Kurylas, , notwithstanding Ukrainian notwithstanding Father De Boer reflects on on reflects Boer De Father g schysmatics. But, he But, schysmatics. g he he n this conflict this n y Latin “borrowings” Latin y

77 es rituals all suggests, - . 81. 81. 192

The question The

and did and - CEU eTD Collection 195 194 193 was missionary a of task first the key some understand not did people as misunderstanding, a of result a actually was problem main the that states reporter The Zhyzhkovych. Father by led mission the after Kraska t of conversion the on reports Kinzinger Father population. Orthodox mainly Vol town. or village one in population Catholic some tha bythe simplified be should communion giving of procedure the wasconversion giv to able not were they that regrets He confess. to wanted and homilies missionary the visited who people, Church. missi the of desire main the expresses Redemptorists reunited. be will brothers divided day, one that suggests he Finally coexist. rites and confessions different where natio many by wanted land the land, bordering the was it as situation this of uniqueness the observes eve when was him for moment memorable A procession cross the of description the preach families. Jewish m the by given numbers the

“ Ibid. “Wasyliw” t during theRussianoccupation Cebliw protestant te Comm them e

Some of the mission the of Some Orthodox encountered they missions the during sometimes that recollects Kinzinger Father in the church and school buildings because of the lack of space. He puts peculiar attention on attention peculiar puts He space. of lack the of because buildings school and church the in

194 ”, ”,

1920 .

onig u te ecfl on wl o te he cnesos ne te ed f the of lead the under confessions three the of walk joint peaceful the out Pointing 1920

not practiced as it often turnedoften it aspracticed not a letter written letter a Kinzinger. by 193 her Kinzinger

Father Kinzinger reports of s of reports Kinzinger Father esies were spread. Often they faced a problem with a mixed Orthodox and Greek and Orthodox mixed a with problem a faced they Often spread. were esies

no, nes hy eid their denied they unless union, .

Lettres sur l’Ukraine sur Lettres s were initiated by initiated were s sinre, h vlae numbered village the issionaries,

to give a talk and clarify the terms. The priest notes that people did people that notes priest The terms. the clarify and talk a give to they were allowedthey wereOrthodox togivethe absolution true [sic!] . He says that Uniates, Catholics and Orthodox were taking part. part. taking were Orthodox and Catholics Uniates, that says He . Lettres sur l’Ukraine sur Lettres , Vol. Vol.

the converted into apostates. Therefore Father suggested Thereforesuggested apostates.Father converted into the Sheptytskyi yoy a cyn ot “Glory out: crying was rybody h uch uch I. I. yn 65 ed. ia

large masses of faithful faithful of masses large

onaries to reunite the Orthodox with the Catholic the with Orthodox the reunite to onaries

Bohdan at. u aohr rbe ws ht individual that was problem another But faith. was the most difficult place as it consisted of a of consisted it as place difficult most the was , Vol. I. ed. I. Vol. , like a mission in Lviv or in Kyivci, where where Kyivci, in or Lviv in mission a like ,

Kurylas, (Mons, 1998), Kurylas,(Mons,

6 Uits 35 Catholi 315 Uniates, 862 Apostolic See. A curious note is addedis note curious A See. Apostolic Bohdan

Kurylas, and says that says and wo parishes Dubno and Dubno parishes wo

82 religious

to Jesus Christ”. He He Christ”. Jesus to (Mons, - 85.

1998 cs and a few a and cs

notions. So, notions. they had to had they ), ), 86 - 88. . 195


- CEU eTD Collection 200 199 198 Book 197 196 rep the and sources Redemptorist the in stories success the of reliability place. a leave and shoes” their from dust the off “shake si the If on. going s to curious always were who children, forbade and sermons the attend to refused people wh villages some were reaction their country”. Asian or and Pillashya and 1925 presumablytoo. missionaries rite Eastern to Latin from belonging population catholic study in given numbers the because people village and class middle intelligentsia, by equally admired were missions the that states Schudlo Redemptorist gave theexplanationshegained automatically overall favor. the when But clergy. Orthodox the by maintained was Kinzinger, to according confusion, This Latin. U a become Latin a and Catholic a being between distinguish not

Bubnii Dilo Oleksandr Mykhailo “ En

of the Eastern Rite Redemptorist Fathers, 1906 1906 Fathers, Redemptorist Rite theEastern of the newspaper “Dilo” publishes “Dilo” newspaper the , 17.02 Vol. 35 Vol. 35 17.02 , Volhynie” However the missions were no were missions the However of method The , Mykhailo Schudlo, Misionerskyi vyshkil ottsiv Redemptorystiv (Missionary training of the Redemptorists) in in Redemptorists) ofthe training (Missionary Redemptorystiv ottsiv vyshkil Misionerskyi Schudlo, Zaycev, ed. Zaycev,ed. niate they had to get a second baptism, drop their national identity an identity national their drop baptism, second a get to had they niate preaching’s to the missionry activities can activities missionry the to .

16.06.1927 16.06.1927 , CSsR. ,

tu “give them up as a prey for French and Belgian missionaries, as if it is some African African some is it if as missionaries, Belgian and French for prey a as up them “give 199 ( ation was not changing in a couple of days, missionaries had no other choice but to but choice other no had missionaries days, of couple a in changing not was ation 1925

n the and Natsionalism i religia ( i religia Natsionalism “Dilo” S o ). Redemptorysty Shidn Redemptorysty t.Alphonsus was novelty for Ukraine and quick and Ukraine for novelty was t.Alphonsus

on Religion and nationalism in Interwar Ukraine shows the growth of Greek of growth the shows Ukraine Interwar in nationalism and Religion on

rpld oh er ad id and mind and heart both grappled built barricades and did not let Redemptorists come in. In some other cases other some In in. come Redemptorists let not did and barricades built


was a secular paper and and paper secular a was

diminution Lettres sur l’Ukraine sur Lettres

is a result of pastoral work of Greek of work pastoral of result a is

a claim that priests leave their parishes in Holmshchyna, Polissa Holmshchyna, in parishes their leave priests that claim a t welcomed everywhere so much. so everywhere welcomed t “Nationalism and religion”) and “Nationalism oho obriadu Lvivskii Hreko u obriadu oho

f ai rite Latin of -

1956 be explained with th with explained be , (Yorkton, 1956), , (Yorkton, 66

, Vol. I. ed. I. Vol. - presented the view of lay inteligentsia, therefore inteligentsia, lay of view the presented rite practitioner. They beli They practitioner. rite practitioner 200 therefore

Bohdan hs nomto cnet te general the contests information This ,

295. (Lviv,2011), - Katolytskii Mytropolii Katolytskii eir anti eir

s Kurylas, (Mons, 1998), (Mons, Kurylas, . 198 rmtd conversions” promoted ly gained its popularity. Father Father popularity. its gained ly - orts in religious newspapers. religious in orts

In the issue of 17 of issue the In - 196 Catholic bi Catholic clerical position. clerical hs shift This

102 - 107. eved that in order to to order in that eved d change the rite to to rite the change d


shops, clergy and clergy shops,

135 f confessional of

109 - ee what ee 136.

th Also there Also -

112. Jubilee Jubilee February



wa The s - CEU eTD Collection 202 201 young generation. toward Ukrainian the Belgiansfelt superior Moreand older experienced between distinction the that proves This place. take always not does it that implying sermon, a for prepared are Ukrainians if only true is pri Belgian the to missionaries in observation little other their problems. w dealing of incapable and advanced less as Ukrainians treated Redemptorists that shows phrase Congregation vis the as population population. the towards attitude patronizing the to insight an Kolomya stereo East. the Belgium. share they Sometimes Ukrainians. with Redemptorists 5 support from their anti rather was and Ukrainians of conversion global the of idea the support not did intelligentsia local that suggests activists lay by activities missionary the of assessment Negative .3. Ukrainians through the .3. the Ukrainiansthrough

Visitation Visitation types in the Congregation will givetypes intheCongregationdisplay a will better ofthisphenomenon. itation of 1926 states that states 1926 of itation It is known that known is It from visitation canonic the of text main the to inserted note capturing A S uch

But some of their statements surprise with with surprise statements their of some But It is reasonable that a that reasonable is It the locals the

of1926, of1922, ls every close

the one, which lacks a good lead and lead good a lacks which one, the eas “tucns, s t em, s o tpcl o ti [kana] nation” [Ukrainian] this for typical not is seems, it as “staunchness, because

Fond 1, 1, InventoryFile3. Fond 6, 1, InventoryFile1. Fond 6, side slowed downthe andrendered Mission impossible. it

have primitive Christian traditions but are very abandoned. very are but traditions Christian primitive have

the missionaries always went in a pair of a Ukrainian and a Belgian priest. Belgian a and Ukrainian a of pair a in went alwaysmissionaries the a cnat ih h lcl ouain aiiae a etr aiirzto of familiarization better a facilitated population local the with contact day this regard is from the report and states and report the from is regard this

ests. The visitator explains it wi it explains visitator The ests. s Westerners, Redemptorists came to Galicia with their perspectives of perspectives their with Galicia to came Redemptorists Westerners, s missionaries’ eyes t he the the sup ervisors ervisors Belgian and Ukrainian Redemptorists Redemptorists Ukrainian and Belgian

should 67

a basic knowledge. basic a

. o


d be strict be

th i ipesos n etr ad eot to reports and letters in impressions eir

th the language issues but adds but issues language the th thinking. eepoit prl tetd h local the treated partly Redemptorists er that the population prefers Ukrainian prefers population the that

and Another striking example from example striking Another better better A few examples few A

check 201 a sil ut strong. quite still was - 1922 informs that informs 1922 clerical. The lack of of lack The clerical.

This pos This

candidates to the to candidates of of In report the ition gives ition orientalist

. that this that 202

This One One ith in

CEU eTD Collection 205 204 203 environment. Ukrainian to fits perfectly St.Alphonsus by and designed missions Europe of and type the Ukraine that decides Western in Redemptorists rite Eastern of work apostolic the on reflects of their poverty and primitiveness. fever wa cabbage. and rice except o misery financial but country, rich resources natural use to inability food, of absence life, of conditions so with people, these of poverty extreme the emphasizes often he gettingLatinthe Easternand Alphonsian traditions. rite, butrequired toknow spirit” Alphonsian and Rome in study to Redemptorists young some send to good be would it vice the is Church Catholic these endangeredin of spirit the that warns reporter the directives: similar gives visitation another institutions” Latin our of mentality adopting slow and “unsteady are who Ukrainians, of character and situation manage can Ukrainians until pass, to have still years “many that declares and expectations his expresses visitator the 1930, from

Letter written by Schrijvers on 19 on writtenSchrijvers by Letter 1, InventorFond of1936, Visitation Visitation s no harvest to collect. Besides that, he notes, many suffer from va from suffer many notes, he that, Besides collect. to harvest no s 205 ahr odn uya, h eio o “etr fo Urie ad e ix u Redemprte du viox Le and Ukraine” from “Letters of editor the Kurylas, Bohdan Father Ukrainians describing When locals. of topic the on attention his focuses often Schrijvers Father . - Province to supervise the supervise to Province Therefore

of1930, 203

and besides that, there is antipathy coming from the Polish clergy side. A side. clergy Polish the from coming antipathy is there that, besides and in his opinion it it opinion his in f Ukrainians, informing that people never eat meat and do not have any proper food, proper any have not do and meat eat never people that informing Ukrainians, f

Fond 1, 1, InventoryFile5. Fond 6, , he concludes, he , [

Ukrainian . 204

The reason The This phrase shows that shows phrase This



h msin y hmevs epann i wt a ifcl financial difficult a with it explaining themselves” by mission the

of May 1914. ofMay1914. yFile11. 6, mixed conditions, therefore it is important to to keep a few Belgians inBelgians fewakeep to to important is thereforeconditions,it mixed

Redemptorists have an additional task to help these people to get outget to people these help to task additional an have Redemptorists mission, the Juvenate and Juvenatethe mission,

is being mismanaged

Lettresl’Ukraine sur that a that fter the war, nothing w nothing war, the fter it . In a letter titled “Poor Galicia” he emphasizes the emphasizes he Galicia” “Poor titled letter a In . 68 was not enough for a good missionary good a for enough not was

the , Volume 2, 7 Volume , 2, Student’s House. He also suggests that suggests also He House. Student’s . H . e ypty e ons u bad out points he sympathy me – rious diseases, like typhus and typhus like diseases, rious -

e notes that Ukraine is a very a is Ukraine that notes e as planted on fields and there and fields on planted as 9. 9. “to sink to the Roman [Latin] [Latin] Roman the to sink “to

conclusion of conclusion

to belong to belong to ur” ur” CEU eTD Collection 207 1956), in abroad) and Ukraine in Redemptorists 206 Ukrainians about metaphors them. with share to have missionaries the misery the and people these for God to grateful is he that states he they how does He use. of out taken are chalices and ornaments adds, he parishes, many In poverty. severe this from suffer also churches the that is him for important extremely also is what But winter. in hav not might they as neighbors their from clothes borrow to have they sometimes church a visit or confession a to go to want people some when that example, an brings and poverty absolute the stresses He people. local of economics the ruined of value the influenced has war the that states He war. the after Galicia in situation continents. spirituality “Ukrainian still the he praises Redemptorists, the among opinion common a probably was which discipline”, of lack and stereotype. a just be might so text, statement strong This emotional over as defects discipline. eliminates and order and discipline as such tendencies E of combination harmonic a is spirituality Ukrainian by reader, unfamiliar to surprisingquite sounds it Although s, s kan i stae o te ed the on situated is Ukraine as ast,

Letter writtenby Letter workof missionary (A naskytalshchyni v ta Ukraini Redemptorystiv otsiv pratsia Misiina Bohdan, Kurylas, St. St. 207 194. Alphonsus ‘The isth ofUkraine” Angel the describes Schrijvers Joseph mission, Ukrainian the of superior the by written letter the In

disappeared 206

Josef Josef ,


Schrijvers : were stolen or sold by priests by sold or stolen were : s accusing Ukrainians in being uncivilized is not supported not is uncivilized being in Ukrainians accusing

to psychologic . In his reflections during the walk around the monastery building in Univ, in building monastery the around walk the during reflections his In .

, 2 decembre 1920, Stanislawow, KADOC Stanislawow,KADOC 1920, decembre 2 , Jub a cmiig Erpa” n “sa” aus n jiig two joining and values “Asian” and “European” combining as ” e title of a memoire written bye SchrejversFather ofa title Joseph written memoire But the quote also shows that in spite of Ukrainian “emotionality Ukrainian of spite in that shows also quote the But ilee Book of the Eastern Rite Redemptorist Fathers, 1906 1906 Fathers, Redemptorist Rite the Eastern of Book ilee al ofSlavic people: mechanisms e f h cniet Te eepoit isr i te western the in insert Redemptorists The continent. the of ge e them. Also people live in huts, their children run barefoot barefoot run children their huts, in live people Also them. e 69

– two different worlds: European West and Asian and West European worlds: different two

remained ananswered. remained

his argument is that the spirituality the that is argument his

But concluding his letter, his concluding But by any examples in the in examples any by t ad h lc of lack the and ity -


oe n has and money , , (Yorkton,

, filled with , filledwith , not explain not

developed CEU eTD Collection 1998), (Mons, 209 208 service separate a concerning is a example, For legacy. Eastern the valued Redemptorists much how clear rite.Byzantinepure in songsand traditions life” his of part is it Liturgy, his by lives Ukrainian “a because Mass, rite sat to enough not is it that realized They Ukrainians. traditions. o desire Carpathians in house mountain or couples in boys and girls village pages: cover the of appear themselves Ukrainians work. missionary “mother the future passUkraineand of are nicetiescultur notacquainted ofthe with the very not are building this of stones the like though Even Ukraine You, constant weather resistance tobad somehow toUkraine: similar findsit he a gives he

“ “ left Une vocation schismatique vocation Une L’ange de l’Ukraine L’angede t em ta Rdmtrss ae o full a to came Redemptorists that seems It sen Belgians costumes, national Ukrainian the by Animated His observations onUkrainiansare anddramatic, sentimental very was he trulyconcerned about n h p the in f - rvne ad post and province” the the

very very 10 missionaries to missionaries are , - 16. ooo o te ttt o Li vice Lviv of Statute the of rotocol specific comparison. Impressed by the gigantic building constructed building gigantic the by Impressed comparison. specific

a great nation great a A ” longside

Lettres sur l’Ukraine sur Lettres ” , Letter written by Father Boer in 1928. in1928. Boer writtenFather by Letter , ed

present the the present

ionate about past. its h pcue o th of pictures the to the Icon of Our Lady Our of Icon the to

hm n ae o a aedr ih hr dsrpin ad eot on reports and descriptions short with Calendar a of pages on them ,

like this sac this like , Vol. Vol. curio

From the noted discussion on some liturgical questions, i someliturgicalquestions, on discussion noted the From (See appendix B appendix (See I. I. red and irrefrangible building irrefrangible and red ed. u e, buttheye, golden are s nature s Bohdan e Juvenate, other monasteries, Ukrainian icons and and icons Ukrainian monasteries, other Juvenate, e 70

understanding of of understanding isfy one isfy - rvne eepoit. qeto rie is raised question A Redemptorists. Province

of Perpetual help. help. Perpetual of Kurylas, (Mons Kurylas, of foreigners and a particula a and foreigners of delicate or refined, your people, oh Ukraine, oh people, your refined, or delicate Lettresl’Ukraine sur

on the page the on ’s

religious needs by celebrating a Latin a celebrating by needs religious , 1998), 1998), , - t hearted! itrs f kanas o their to Ukrainians of pictures h rl o te Eastern the of role the


The resolution shows that it that shows resolution The

particularly inquisitive case inquisitive particularly which resists time changes. time resists which 209 65 ). These ). , - 208 . Therefore they kept all kept they Therefore . Vol. I. ed. I. Vol. 74. embroider

pictures show the show pictures r interest in local local in interest r Bohdan for centuries in centuries for ed

hrs old shirts,


rite to to rite t ist CEU eTD Collection 210 poor andcountry mismanaged time every reports, and letters the in seen be can “orientalism” This societies. th in curiosity their attitude; locals. of culture backward the at hint and lifeto the poor conditions of Butthings confreres inBelgium. point alsothey they sharedoften withthe populati religious a into The preaching. of method their in popular quite became and people local by welcomed were they usual as that prove reports The short with Ukraine Western of territory the covering confidently but Easternand Orthodox rite in worshipped is icon this as Theotokos, Suffering the to prayer existing already use to decided was

Statute The overview of the missionary work of Redemptorists shows that shows Redemptorists of missionarywork the overview of The on is on s of Redemptorists 1934, KADOC, KADOC, 1934, sofRedemptorists

well and national national and - observed, their delight with Ukrainian costumes and traditions traditions and costumes Ukrainian with delight their observed,

Russia procession with the Cross was the highlight of a mission and often turned often and mission a of highlight the was Cross the with procession e Ukrainian traditions reminds traditions Ukrainian e

sa the At manifestation. with undisciplined people with undisciplined 210 . eepoit tet them treat Redemptorists


e ie Redem time, me .

one of of one the Westerners’ interest in primitive primitive in interest Westerners’ the - term, mostly successful, missions. successful, mostly term, p

ih a with oit’ feedback torists’

th e Congree referring

somewhat were among the first the among were gation was slowly slowly gationwas

to Ukraine as a as Ukraine to

n h local the on patronizing the

CEU eTD Collection “separa were Univ, nearLviv the life, social in involvement Church’s the Metropolitane by Invited particular. in missionaries Redemptorist and congregations, religious and people lay by were taken rolessame the agents: different rather by led was th leading was clergy white the Whileclerics. the of engagement religious and social the merging of process the on view better a thesis who saw Church this bridge as o conversion a the towards missionaries, Catholic for interest peculiar of also was Ukrainians, of mostly consisted which Church, of tool strong a West also became rite the hand other the on distinction, national for instrument an was it hand, one the on If too. perspective another from used was rite Eastern the ends, two has stick every o determining in factor key a Greek was theChurches Orthodox in practiced rite Eastern The rite. the of difference the by caused Ukraine rites Christian of the supporting elementsMission and obstacles the observe to me enabled perspectives different from Mission the at confront religious and political by down slowed was Orthodox the compli more but Conclusions ern missionaries who saw it as a potential for converting the East of Europe. The Greek The Europe. of East the converting for potential a as it saw who missionaries ern Sheding I The T n th n he Redemptorists’ plan to improve the religiosity among the locals and to convert those who who those convert to and locals the among religiosity the improve to plan Redemptorists’ he e researched e missionary project of project missionary ted from the “flock” by the Orthodoxy required major human resources. After the First the After resources. human major required Orthodoxy the by “flock” the from ted

in 1913 ih o te oe f h ceg i te ainl dniiain f Ukrainians of identification national the in clergy the of role the on light cated than originally expected. As noted in the research hypothesis, t researchhypothesis, the in noted As expected. originally than cated .

and actors

Religious belonging Religious .

area we deal with th with deal we area


e process of national construction in the 19 the in construction national of process e the Redemptorist Fathers in Ukraine seems to have been successful successful been have to seems Ukraine in Fathers Redemptorist

was often a measure of the national identification national the of measure a often was Redemptorist e

“border” 72

ne’s belonging to the Ukrainian nation. But as But nation. Ukrainian the to belonging ne’s

of Christianity and observe a crucial differe crucial a observe and Christianity of f missionaries came to Ukraine and settled in settled and Ukraine to came missionaries the Orthodox people. Orthodox ations in Western Ukraine. Looking Ukraine. Western in ations Sheptyts th

century, the 20 the century, kyi

, who propagandized who , he plan to convert to plan he - ahlc and Catholic in Western in

gives this this gives th - Catholic

century nce nce CEU eTD Collection authority.with his to attempt an and patriotism initiat political into engagement in part take and aware fully become to Redemptorists enabled Juvenate the in teaching and retreats and missions servin people, local with life common the Living population. the toward position own their influenced and defined sphere social the in relations active and contact Everyday involv were but agenda national any have not did themselves Redemptorists Surely afterwards. opposition strong and greater plan success complete a of impression an gives participants of number growing reli promoted of day final the on held usually event, This cross. wooden a with mission of andpart the filled withhomilies Thememorable confessions. most con enabled theologycontinuous practice witha o continue missionary missionary. a become to how trainings and studies continuing were Congregation, the school Those life. monastic the to adjustment plus education solid a offered 1 in established and Juvenate the called school, The school. high a of project the on working started they Lviv, near Zboiska in house new a received they when War, World The conflict between Ukrainians and Poles grew into a into grew Poles and Ukrainians between conflict The f The fident outreaches with missionary programs. Short programs. missionary with outreaches fident “ irst missions took place in 1920 in place took missions irst

to reach and convertand Russia to reach gious devotion among the people and people the among devotion gious h pltcl n ethno and political the ed in the social life and could not avoid national issues in their missionary work. work. missionary their in issues national avoid not could and life social the in ed

d for six or seven years in the Seminary and included an intensive study of moral moral of study intensive an included and Seminary the in years seven or six for d get the Pope involved in the conflict and conflict the in involved Pope the get ives. The mission favored by father Bonne is a vivid example of his of example vivid a is Bonne father by favored mission The ives. f sermon writing and delivery. - ainl icus o itra pro ad eutd n their in resulted and period interwar of discourse national ”

was not fulfilled. not was

when a few Ukrainian priests joined the Congregation and Congregation the joined Ukrainianpriests few a when 73

set an example of a joint joint a of example an set


term missions were strictly planned and planned strictly were missions term victory

the mission, served many functions: functions: many served mission, the

922, welcomed teenage boys and boys teenage welcomed 922, to

for improve matters of Ukrainians of matters improve

of the missions a missions the of Poles Poles - te aihs conducting parishes, the g leavers who wished to join to wished who leavers - public scheme was a schemewas procession the manifestation war of 1918 of war

The training of a of training The lthough thelthough - . 1919 The it CEU eTD Collection confreres in to able were and period Church Catacomb the survived who missionaries of cohort robust a formed Ukraine in Redemptorists of group this research, this throughout noted As II. e and successful exceptionally became and niche right the found approach their that demonstrates Redemptorists of case The times. modern in congregations religious polit protestortheUkrainianthe Polish lack the ofsupportVatican. clergy and from the Answeri situation. the affect to way their was Pope the to reporting and complaints Making Ukraine. of patriots Belgian stop not counter This government. cl otaitos n etr Urie ti tei erce te nweg o te atc of tactics the of knowledge the enriches thesis this Ukraine, Western in contradictions ical hp ta b veig h Msin f eepoit i te otx o rlgos n socio and religious of context the in Redemptorists of Mission the viewing by that hope I was Galicia in Redemptorists the of presence The

Independe nt Ukraine. nt - position passed on the relations with the Roman the with relations the on passed position ng the question why their initiatives failed ultimately, one may allude to allude may one ultimately, failed initiatives their why question the ng


clearly ncouraging on the eve o eve the on ncouraging

counte - r Catholic confreres, but did but confreres, Catholic - rise rdcie o h Polish the to productive

n a

w eeain of generation ew f World War World - CEU eTD Collection Analecta (Romae)1923, 1925, 1929,1931, CSsR, Ukrainian n UkrainianLviv 1925. daily“Dilo”(“The paper Deed”), 1924, 1937, 1939. Ukrainian ContemporaryPress Published F F Fond Fond Fond Fond documents Fond Manuscripts ond ond I.

4 Huizen en gemeenschappen (Houses and communities) Inventory gemeenschappen en4 Huizen communities) and (Houses 10 3 Bestuur (Governance) 358 Interviews7 6 Personal dossiers 5 Monasteries (Inventory1 Visitations Files 1 6, Romae, 1923. et RegulaeConstitutiones subtitulo Congregationis Saterdotum Bo unity, memoirs”), Bakhtalovs’kyĭ, z Apostol Roman, 3. 2. 1. Archival Sources

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. d

Lviv, 2001.

- olic Documentation andLeuven,olic Documentation Center, Research Belgium) Belgische Provincie van de congregatie van de Allerheiligste Verlosser, Allerheiligste de van congregatie de van Provincie Belgische

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nashykh spohady ; chasiv


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- III , -

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XX vv.)” in vv.)” XX 1979) Redemptorysty Shidnoho obriadu u Lvivskii Hreko Lvivskii u obriadu Shidnoho Redemptorysty Podvyzhnyky

re Ctoi Cuc ad ainl ulig n aii 1772 Galicia in Building National and Church Catholic Greek

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- (“The 1918, - , CEU eTD Collection

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: 119 330. Ken, ed., Yorkton, -

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aolv “ Yaroslav, P P in

P - aul aul ” 127 aul ,


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rendan, R R

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R 2010 obert, obert, .

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1929 The Turn to the Right: The Ideological Origins and Development of Ukrainian of Development and Origins Ideological The Right: the to Turn The All Almost in FlightsIcarian Rus’: Galician Nationalityin of Construction “The h uiestt “srza kdma:soyhi nauky akademia”:Istorychni “Ostrozka universytetu oho ay itri kan. omvni mdro Uriso nti XIX natsii Ukrainskoi modernoi Formuvannia Ukrainy. istorii Narys

): Peasant the of Peculiarities Some Queen: Ruthenian a Became Sissi How

– . The Redemptorists inIreland Historical Atlas of East of Atlas Europe Historical Central Piedmont GaliciaUkraine's as Ukrainian of nationalism: roots The


, isoayhg col fRdmtrs ftes n aaa” In Canada.” in fathers Redemptorist of school high missionary a (ed.) Boulder Essays History inModern Ukrainian (Ann 109 Arbor 1999), - 439. inian Studies inian Morality and reality: the life life the reality: and Morality


1 980 .

– , Vol. 33/34 Issue, Vol.33/34 1 458. 77

- 164 , 1851 - – . rite Redemptorists of North America, 1906 America, North of Redemptorists rite

1956 - - 2011 relihiynomu zhytti ukrainciv v Kanadi” v ukrainciv zhytti relihiynomu , Yorkton, 1956. , ( , Journal of the American Academy of of Academy American the of Journal , ,

2008/2009 Seattle, Edmonton , , n tms f nri Sheptyts'kyi Andrei of times and

Oxford, Oxford, Blackrock, 2012. The Austrailian C Austrailian The

1993 1999 ). , .,




nelcul ad the and Intellectuals 1956, Yorkton, 1956. Yorkton, 1956, .

Vol , .

atholic Record atholic 11, . , , Naukovi Naukovi ( Toronto Ostrog, Jubilee th - - 20 XX th – , ,

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(History ofPoland: from the nowadays earliest times until Andrii, Zashkilniak Zaycev,ed., Oleksandr, Galiciain1857 Galicia: in population 1857 latach w Galicji Zamorski of Short Case The Experience: Religious of Role Transformative “The Stephen, Vaisey, Jenny, Trinitapoli, Europe. Eccle The identity”) 4: Volume History. national Ukrainian and Church Catholic Turiy, Lviv, 2003 Greek the if Identity National and Ecclesial The 4: Volume Interwarperiod. the in Poland in Church Catholic Greek the Identityof Ritual Issueof the Byzantinization: and BetweenOccidentalization S Stępień, Studies Galicia”, Catholic Greek in Intelligentsia Clerical and Vatican”), Lay “The Sorokowski, the and Italy in Republic People’s Ukrainian Ucrainica Polonica vol.1(2007): 159 the of mission (“Diplomatic 1920) (1918 Vatykani ta Italii v respubliky narodnoi Ukrainskoi dialnist Dyplomatychna V, Solovyova Snyder, Prince:of a Timothy,The the Red secret Habs lives Warszawa 1815 Galicia Tadeusz Śliwa eighteenth Barbara, Skinner, Moderna Halychyni Sereda, 1860s”, the in Galicia Eastern AmericanCanadian Slavic Studies Austrian in Shevchenko Taras of Cult “Emerging Ostap, Sereda, Polonica (“ Yaroslav Mykhailo Tyshkevych Mykhailo lh “ Oleh, XXVI (1

- Ostap Lviv, Term Missions”, Term Missions”,

, vol.1 (2007):150 4/5 2000, P. 87 4/5 2000,P. Kr oek, Mkal Tyshkevych “Mykhailo Popenko, , - Galicia), in idea national Ruthenian and Terletsky Volodymyr (Father ” .

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1979 zysztof, - 1918) ( Kśiłgeoaoik w aij (1815 Galicji w grekokatolicki Kościół , Aenigma Ambulans: Aenigma 2003 Greko . -

4), (2002 4), h Wes The , ):

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Natsionalism ireligia ( Natsionalism – - - – itra ocoa Polsce, w Kościoła Historia 88.

85. Social Forces -

- 1910 (The statistical informer to the social and economic history of of history economic and social the to informer statistical (The 1910 159 the head of the diplomatic mission of UNR in the Vatiacan”) the in UNR of mission diplomatic the of head the 2003): 261 en rn o te atr Cuc: nae n Otoo cnlc in conflict Orthodox and Uniate Church: Eastern the of front tern

sial and National Identity if the Greek Catholics of Central of Catholics Greek the if Identity National and sial .

, 40,No. “ - 169. o. Volodymyr (Ippolyt) Terletsky (Ippolyt) Volodymyr o. - Istoria Polshchi Istoria - 290. 1910

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ooa ylmtcni ii UR Vatykani” u UNR misii dyplomatychnoi holova

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ed. , DeKalb, 2009 989). - ), Lvi),

1918) bur

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“h Greek (“The

146. - gospodarczych Galicji: ludnost Galicji: gospodarczych



“Ruska Narodna idea” v idea” Narodna “Ruska ,

(Lviv, 2011). - Harvard Ukrainian Harvard Catholic Church in in Church Catholic o. 2 Vol. - ” Eastern Europe. Eastern

“h Greek (“The , Poznań Poznań , Ucrainica Ucrainica

- Ukraina Eastern

– - -

CEU eTD Collection

2010) Wol of the History ofUkraine fromtheancient theend times ofthe till 18 Natalia Yakovenko Ukraine in Ganzenwinkel Van f f, Larry, The idea of Galicia: history and phantasy in Habsburg political culture, (Stanford, (Stanford, culture, political Habsburg in phantasy and history Galicia: of idea The Larry, f, .

Jubilee Book of the EasternRiteRedemptoristFathers, 1906 Jubilee Book , Ludovic, , Narys Istorii Ukrainy z naidavnishykh chas naidavnishykh z Ukrainy Istorii Narys

h Jno seminary Junior The 79

- ueae f eepoit ahr i Western in fathers Redemptorist of juvenate iv do kincia XVIII stolittia (Sketch stolittia XVIII kincia do iv th

century) -

1956 , Kyiv, 1997. , Yorkton, 1956.

CEU eTD Collection liquidation. 1939 1939 (1 Sheptytskyi. 1937 1934 region.and Polissia 1931 1927 Velyke,Lviv. near 1923 1922 Porodko we 1921 1920 1920 1920 1919 1918 populatedBukovyna territoriesHalychyna,Zakarpattia. of and 1918 1918 1918 1914 Bonne Fathers Emile 1913 givea placementEastern forsummer residence theinhis rite inUniv,ne Redemptorists 1913 Redemptorist missioners. 1910 1906 1901 Delaere imm gowith Slavic assigned wasand toCanada to work 1898 uncertain politicalsituation). 1787 Redemptorists inVienna. 1785 1732 -

1919 ,Jacobus The Redemptorists’ SeminaryZboiska. isopened in Bishop Mykolai visitator Charnetskyifor appointed is the UniatesinVolyn, as Apostolic Lemko (September) settledinKovel Redemptorists received(November) Redemptorists from their the inHolosko Metropolitane forth house 1 threeIvan FatherRomanBakhtalovskyi,Father firstBala students Ukrainian and Volodymyr (30 (28 placeThe took firstZboiska mission in (1 (18 (October) Fatherin Zboiska, Kinzinger houseLviv. settledina new near TheIt 1939. Statewas Secondtill Polish announced. lasted (28 (21 (January) Father SheptytskyiGeneral and ofRedemptorists inRome visited offered Superior to Andrei Ukrainians Sheptytskyi Canad in visited FatherAchille Delaere receivedread to rite. theEastern the in permission theMass Bishop Andrei becameLviv the Sheptytskyi ofthe Metropolitane Metropolitanate. In oftheBonifasresponserequest archbishopof tothe San Clement moved northward Father extendednorth theCongregation House oftheAlps, Hofbauer established of Clement LiguoriThefounded Redemptorists were by AlphonsusScala,Italy. inthetownof small The was istemporarily1945 it Juvenate partlyFrom thefunctioning final closed. until 1942 to Appendix A st The first house in Lviv 30ZyblykevychastrThegranted first house inon toRedemp is st

st of September) SecondWar started. the World

of September theinaugurationof theJuvenate

th th st th th of September) community Zboiska. the whole movedto

nt to study in Beauplateau, studynt to Belgium. in

of August)grouparrived Belgian Redemptorists first inUkraine. Among of the them of March)Bonne Father presented the“Memoir”XV. Benedict toPope of of October) Ukrainian People’s Republic w of the Warbegan. FirstJune) World


Polish Janssens January) the new house property inStanislawowredemptorists’ January) becomes thenew

- Ukrainian War , Francis

, Josef , Josef VandenBosshe

to Warsaw, Poland (Hewas from in1808duetothe exiled Warsaw Schrijvers

, Hector , and Brother Alphonsusand ,

80 C (Volyn)

hronology a and got Easternriteand a acquainted withthe

Kinzinger as proclaimed,as consistingof Ukrainian

igrantsUkrainians). (mostly ,Franc

Adelard Langevin Adelard

- - Xavier Modest torists bytorists Andrei

Smets. Smets.

FatherAchille ar Lviv.ar

CEU eTD Collection girl. Photo 2 (below):AUkrainian (Hope,Faith Love) and Photo girlsin national 1Ukrianian costumes. (above):ThreeILiubov. Nadia Vira, (publishedinBelgium,Mission inFrench and Dutch) Appendix B

Fragments oftheRedemptorists’Fragments Calendar w


ith pictures from theUkrainian from pictures ith

CEU eTD Collection Photo Zboiska 5: The Juvenate in Photo 3: InCarpathi ans. ans.


hoto 4: An old couple. 4:couple. hoto An old costume house. atraditionalvillage and Photo boy thenational A Ukrainian in 6: