NEW LOOK PARADE presented at the viewing stand. IMPORT ANT NOTICE ST. PATRICK'S DAY All Clubs, Associations and Firms are asked to compete. Names of Of late many of the items for public­ The parade this year, will leave participants must be given to Peig ation in the Newsletter are coming from Greenfield Shopping Centre Lynch (Parade Secretary), 69 May­ in after the given date. This causes at 11 o'clock sharp. It will enter nooth Pk., phone 286110, before problems in trying to get the paper the Square on the left hand side, 6th March. out on time. We would earnestly ask everybody sending in articles past a viewing stand which will WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES be erected at the FAMOUS THING, to please hand them in on or before Telephone: the closing date otherwise we regret go right to O'Brien's Supermarket, Congratulations to the following, where it will turn and march back we cannot guarantee inclusion / in next issue. 2 576/2 12 down the Mani St., thus passing Anthony & Kay Edwards, the viewing stand for the second Rd., their first on 5th February. time. The St. Mary's Brass & Reed DAVIS SECURITIES Band will then fall out, but continue Mr. & Mrs. John Kelly, Ladychapel, to play at the stand, while the on 24th February. We specialise in Domestic & o o parade will continue down to the Com mercial Alarm Systems. College gates. APRIL ISSUE Full 12 Month Warranty Average 3-bedroomed semi £360 This year there will be the added All items for inclusion in the next F or free Security Survey EE T LL attraction of perpetual awards for issue of the Newsletter should be Telephone 242279 E the best exhibits, which will be handed in on or before 11 th March. L MA YNOOTH SHOPPING CENTRE o o * The Family Shoe Store * Stockists of all leading brands: Clarkes, Start-Rite, K, Dubarry. Sarah Large tection of James, Tuf, etc. SPRING COLLECTION SUPER SELECTIONS Good U d Cars BOYS & GIRLS FIRST COMMUNION & CONFIRMATION SHOES IN STOCK always in 5t k OUTSTANDING VARIETY AND CHOICE 0169 MAYNOOTH LABOUR BRANCH Confusion: Local Election: British Newpaper: s a really heartening sight on 31st January last to see' the large number Through the columns of your mag- erested people who attE:nded what we may now call the initial meeting azine, which acts as a forum for 8 new Community Organisation. It bodes well for the success of the political news and comment,1 wish ;e that so much interest was shown and,if the same interest continues, to reply on behalf of my Branch ~w organisation should be highly successful. to the attack by local Fianna Fail hose who were not present at the meeting, we would say that, at Cumann P.R.O. on our Party in onclusion of the meeting, by consent of all those present, an ad hoc your last issue. ittee was formed with instructions to arrange, within three months, Iwish to assure your reders that 1e proper election of Representatives from every area of the district there is no confusion as alleged on the new Community Organisation. After the election it will be within our Party. There are healthy he new elected representatives to draw up their own constitution, differences of opinion, on various You may wonder that we refer all the time to the 'new organisation'. issues which are openly debated is deliberate as it will be the duty of the new body to name itself). and decided by Democratic Means. ver, the main thing is that each and every area in the district will In Labour, we are all invididuals its own representative or representatives on the new body. with minds and opinions of our re a little proud that our suggestion, of a few months back, that a own, but we do have a common Community Council, or similar body, was necessary in the town,if we political philosophy which forsees o look afer our own interest in Local Government or Central Gover- the development of a fairer, more for that matter. It is, of course, easy to make suggestions, so the just society with the elimination honour must go to Cllr. E. Stagg who, we like to think, took us at of poverty, with work for all who .lOrd and went ahead and organised the matter. He, through his Party are capable and with services for ne, organised the initial meeting and, it is to his eternal credit that those who require them. THINKING OF REPLACING 'eks no kudos for himself or his Part for their efforts. He arranged On the postponed Local Elections, neeting and has gracefully retired after that. We thank him on our we, as a Branch, are disappointed our behalf. that the election will not take 'e thanks is also due to Celbridge Community Council, Clane Community place as scheduled, as we are WHY NOT. CONSULT IRELAND'S· ,i1 and Leixlip Council of Residents' Associations who sent Represent- confident of increased support, to assit us in the formation of the new Body. Our main thanks is arisIng from the constant hard NO.. 1 WINDOW REPLACEMENT " Representatives themselves who, came to the meeting at considerable work of our Local Representatives lenience to themselves and gave us their invaluable help and advice. for this community. However, the point must be made that this Inderstand that the ad hoc committee is proceeding with the work is the thirteenth time that such WE OFFER YOU THE : is expected that details will be available very soon as to the proposed e I e c tions have been postponed Iral districts, election system, etc. and, when our new Community Organ- and more often than not the post­ 10 YEARS THE FIELD 1 is elected we trust everybody will give it their fullest co-operation. ponment was by a Fianna Fail Minister and Government. It smacks of the most base political opportun­ ism for Fianna Fail to now 'cry FOR FREE wolf' in the matter. Labour in Maynooth are ready and anxious RING DUBLIN 319826 or ieOSAm UA for a further electoral contents J. BUCKLEY and are confident of the outcome. Or Our SALES REP.. STEVE Phone: 286202 Cheap jibes re 'British Newspapers' \1 A Y N () 0 T H we treat with the contempt they at 500099 deserve. In conclusion, would urge the Fianna Fail P.R.O. and his co-work­ FREE WATCH RADIO OR CALCULATOR WITH PETROL ers to concentrate on working in the interest of the local comm­ DETAILS IN SHOP unity and to join us in that work. Pat Moynan Branch Secretary. GARDENING SEASON IS NOW HERE ONION SETS 60p FLOWER & VEGETABLE SEEDS 38ppkt. SNOOKER for ADULTS GARDEN TOOLS, FLOWER POTS, SEED TRAYS If you are interested in the abOVE game come to a meeting in the FERTILIZERS, MOSS PEAT, POTTING COMPOST Geraldine Hall LAWN SEED etc. on Monday 12th March at 9pm.

2 3 )SCO YOUTH CLUB So successful was this venture that LABOUR PARTY NOTES we are told on good authority that ADVICE SERVICE leclan Quigley came to offer approaches have been made to The A.G.M. of the Branch was held Madam Eilis to start a ballet group about the adult snooker club. Councillor Emmet Stagg wiil be on 3r9 February. The large atten­ S 55'· I:bE4INER5 in Maynooth. We -know of course O'BRIENS SHOPPltfGCENTRE, MAYNOOTH tell me he is the only one in attendance at Caulfield's Lounge dance reviewed the activities during in Maynooth who wishes to this would leave Mrs Fegan without every Saturday from 4 to 6pm. 1983 and discussed the major achieve­ PROFESSIONAL DRY CLEANING looker in the Geraldine again. her right-hand man (7), but knowing ments which included, 's advice I am following. Mrs Fegan, we are sure she would He is also available at his own home, 1. The Tony Smith Memorial Walk, OF 1 advertisement in the News­ not stand in the way of Madam Lodge Park. Srtraffan, every Saturday which raised £1,023 for the Old call a meeting in the Geraldine Eilis, when the culture of Maynooth night. Folk's Committee. TEXTILES, SUEDES, FURS, LEATHERS ake it from there. Perhaps is at stake. 2. The improvement in the Labour_ lults may not read the Youth If requested, Councillor Stagg, will Party service which is' operating ALSO lotes and that makes sense Indoors the club is still very busy. attend meetings of ReSidents Assoc­ on a weekly basis. • Tournaments for darts, pool and iations, Sports Clubs and oher volun­ 3. The increase in the circulation PILLOVAC - PILLOW CLEANING SERVICE snooker are on the way. Finals to tary organisations, to assist and of Kildare Labour News, which is lub has been very busy since be played before Easter. Outdoor advise them with problems and prog­ now delivered free' of charge tet. lonth. Naturally all joined in activities have already started but rammes. 4,000 homes in North Kildate. In of Don Bosco's night in are not yet in full swing. Remember 4. The involvement of our Branch organised this weekly activity. also to erect bollards at the corner 'arish Hall bn january 27th, what we said. This is not just going in the setting~ up of a committee Our forthcoming Annual Conference to be just a week-day club but of 1 Leinster Cottages & 28 Leinster was a great success. Our Next month we will be able to to form a Community Council for - will be held in f,pril and t~e Branch Cottages. Both will be erected as nd girls got a great reception. we must also follow into Saturday tell you more about our Summer Maynooth.. v has submitted this motl,on:- "That The following officers were electeg soon as possible. lirls gave a great sing-a-Iong and Sundays. Week-end camping programme. Don't forget we need Conference herewith instructs the for 1984:- Chairman, Larry O'Brien; mance and had the house on the mountains, canoeing on our more supervisors. Paul Hand has members of the Labour Party in Vice-Chairman, John McGinley; Sec­ Cllr. Stagg has asked that the road . with them. own canal (both of these activities now joined our band, the more the Dail Eireann to withdraw, their sup­ retary/P.R.O., Pat Moynan; hreasurer, outside the Post Primary School have already started), five-a-side merrier. Eileen Ruddy was on duty port from and participation in, the .pave Moynan; Magazine Committee, be repaired and that the area be 1ale members of our club we football matches (just as soon as on Valentine's day and celebrated Coalition Government forthwith." landscaped, also that the public stole the whole show. They the weather settles), trips to the by bringing down a beautiful heart­ John McGinley, Dave Moynan, Mick Proposed extention to Laraghbryan lights in the area be repaired. These the Bru Bosco Gerry Ballet theatre, ice-skating. You name it, shaped to members, many of whom Quinn and BridieoO'Brien. Cemetery. are broken in Carton Court, Maynooth under the direction of Madam we are going to have it all, when were dressed for the occasion. Fintan In his address to the A.G.M., Cllr. Cllr. Stagg has been informed that Park, Rail Park, Greenfield Driv.e, O'Malley. Wardrobe Mistress it comes to youth. Don Bosco is Ruddy had also come on our team Stagg congratulated the members Kildare Co. Co. has acquired 5 acres Greenfields and Leinster Park. ileen Ruddy, ballet shoes (Doc a hard task master. Remember always starting this week. Fintan has already for their high level of activity on of land for this purpose. The scheme s & football boots) supplied what he said, "All you need for contributed to us by making some behalf o( the community during is only in the plannig stage which Following representations the potholes 1e boys themselves, material me to lave you , is to be young." 'Top of the Chart' tapes greatly the yaer and particularly for taking involves the actual burial area as on Convent Road were repaired he Tu-tus was supplied by appreciated by the members. the initiative in calling the meeting We hope to run a Sponsor Swim well as car parking space for mour­ and also the footpath between Straf­ Fegan, Country Shop, music to set up a Community Council. to make our funds keep stretching. The Youth Club members were very ners and visitors. fan Rd. and the Bridge, but asked :he Nutcracker Suite and the Thirty voluntary organisations had The large snooker table is going upset and sad for Margaret Molloy that the last piece' from Old Rail were actually machined in delegates at this meeting and a to put a big hole in our funds, and her family. We extend our deepest Cllr. Stagg has asked that the road Park Lane to the Bridge now be eraldine. members of the Ballet steering committee was set up to which since the last Newsletter, sympathy. They say you were one serving the Council houses at Straffan undertaken. were declan Collins S.D.B., organise the election of a Community have been reduced to around £500. of the nicest supervisors Margaret Council within 3 months. All sections Rd. be put in a proper state of Dowling, Michael McNamara, and hope to see you back soon. We will have our own first disco repair and that The Square be repaired Planning Applic~tions. :; Healy, Robbie Thompson, should fully support their efforts, on Saturday 24th March and hopefully urgently. 9th January; by' J. Buckley, for Hair- k Conway, Alan Cleary and he said. Stressing the importance an adults dance sometime after Club Bosco has come to stay and dressing Salon. )'NeiII. of community service, Cllr. Stagg Easter. to grow in Maynooth. said that he would continue to be Ki.1dare Co. Co. has agreed to erect 15th January, by L.G. Fusciardi, available to the people in the area 'Stop Signs' at the junction of Buck­ Main St. for. change of use from shop to restuarant. every Saturday in Caulfield's Lounge ley's Lane and Double Lane and and he thanked the mambers who RELAX IN MAYNOOTH'S NEWEST RESTUARANT ~m~~~~~:!)00mm00mm0mm000m0000m'~0mm~m000'

~ ~TOUNGLI E THE SQUARE,' ~ The Coffee ttchen 0. -.I. MAYNOOTH. ~ MAYNOOTH SHOPPING CENTRE ~ GBOUTIQ E TEto 285378 ~ COFFEES SALADS SNACKS ~ ~ CHIPS BURGERS PIES SOUPS ~ NOW IN STOCK - BEAUTIFUL RANGE OF ~ CHICKEN PASTRIES ~ COMMUNI?N})RESSES, HEAD-DRESSES, TIARAS, BAGS, CAPES etc. ~ ALSO BOYS COMMUNION OUTFITS ~ SPECIAL CHILPREN'5 MENU HOT LUNCHES fROM 12.30 - 2pm. ~ CONFIRMATION DRESSES & SUITS NOW IN STOCK kJ Selr-Service Salad Bar Try our new 100$ Pure Beerburgers ~- ~ J.... 1 DEPOSIT SECURES ANY ITEM Ir~ TAKE AWAY ORDERS SUPPLIED ~_ SPRING,. ~~C;ES IN LADIES & CHILDRENS WEAR ARRIVING DAILY ;~ ~0m0mmmm~m0mmm0m00m0m00m0mmmm000~~0m~_ 4 5 \ND BULLETIN one 'Christmas Box' they wouldn't trument to be presented to the those who supported last year's want. We will try to visit Carton present Band and may, in fact, pencilled in dates for Wexford show will convince you that you in June, Wicklow .. , July and Cel­ lologies to all regular readers Court in the early part of Christmas even be the first ever presented Treasurer: Elaine Bean can expect a most entertaining bridge in September, as well as the 'Bulletin' who were disappint­ Week next. to any Maynooth Band. Needless Committee: Grainne Farrell, Willie evening. Come along and enjoy your­ the normal park recitals for Dublin last month. I was working from The Square was once again the to say, with the cost of instruments Boyd,John Boyd, Tina Lettis, Patricia selves. and Dun Laoghaire County Councils 1948 calendar and I missed the place to be on New Year's Eve these days, we wouldn't mind having Dempsey, Cliff Murphy, Kevin Boyd. Following the recent return of in June, July and August. As you itorial deadline. With three months and despite the rain, the revellers, a press full of inscribed instruments. Still in January that was the ex-member and brass player extra­ can see there's not much room w to catch up on, I suppose and the Gardai, turned out in 'force'. Do I hear any offer? month! That was! -We headed there for late arrivals so please should straight away get on with Thanks mainly to the loyal boys Our Annual General Meeting, which over to Straffan Community Hall ordinaire, Mick Murphy, another was also held in January, was very eontact the Secretary, without e job of bringing you up to date. and girls in the Band, this has to perform 'live' on Donncada 0 'prodigal son' has returned to the well attended and resulted in a further delay, if you wish to engage :st, I want to go back to last been a long standing tradition in Dualing's Sunday Afternoon Chat fold. Seamus Nevin, who played couple of Committee changes. the Band icember and the Christmas Carols the town. A tradition, I'm sure show on Radio 1. We must have a real cool clarinet with the Band between now and the The outgoing Chairman, Michael end of September. 1ere, one again, you were absolute- which is the envy of other larger sounde.d reasonably well as he for many years has once again Dempsey handed over the Chair I think I've just about said enough magnificent in your support. towns in the County. Hopefully, has invited us to do another show joined the ranks of blue. We are to his namesake Michael, who has for this month. See you in April. ~, like our . friends, in the folk with the continued help of the with him from Celbridge in Sept- delighted to have them back and previously held the office for a oup, were also very much under Band and restraint from the revel­ ember. This, of course, was not the same goes for all former mem­ number of years, Mick reverting e control of the metoer .... , met­ lers, this tradition will continue the first time for the Band to bers - the town is full of them Tel. 287311 to his old role as vice-Chairman. r ..... , aw, heck, the weatherman for many, many years. be represented in a radio broadcast. - who would like to rejoin. The much easier to spell. As a result Another change saw the outgoing door is always open, there's no January turned out to be a most Not too many moons ago, Cliff Iristmas Eve found us in New Treasurer, Noel Kearns, handing shortage of uniforms, no matter successful month, beginning with Murphy and Paddy Boyd were eenfield playing carols at a time over our 'overdraft' to Elaine Bean, how big you may be, and with LTD. the official presentation of the new members of an all-Ireland Military len Santa Claus had already who becomes the Band's first Lady the help of the Lions' Club there'll trombone by the Maynooth/Kilcock Band formed for a special recording Treasurer. We are completely be no shortage of instruments. We always keep a large selection t out on his rounds. Our apologies and shortly afterwards Paddy re­ Lions Club. To confident that she will use her parents whose children may presented us in an all-Ireland Brass You are all welcome to drop in 01:- ********************** say that we were delighted with obvious charm to good effect on ve been kept up late because Band in a similar broadcast. May­ to a very comfortable Band Hall the new trombone, which cost our Bank Manager whenever the NEW & USED CARS f,t TRUCKS the Band. Our apologies also nooth band has more strings to any Monday or Thursday night. £500. would be an understatement. need arises. The full Commiotte the residents of Carton Court it's harp than you would think. Finally, can I mention once again The Committee Members' of the for 1984 is: TRACTORS'" AGRICULTURAL ho once again missed out on So much for the past, now to just how to go about engaging Lions' Club, who made the presen­ President: Paddy Dunne. Ir carol playing it's nothing the Band. All letter should be sent tation, were treated to a short deal with the future. The big Han. vice-Presidents: Rev. Fr. F. to the Han Secretary, her name EQUIPMENT Irsonal, we can assure you. We musical recital, followed by some event in March being the Annual O'Higgins and Phil Brady. and address are given above, giving most made it to your Estate light· refreshments which, we hope St. Patrick's Day Parade. For Chairman: Michael Dempsey, as much notice of your event as is year, but if our collectors were accepted as a token of our many years now, we have pleaded l}ome and see for yourself Vice-Chair.: Mick Dempsey. possible Rome was not built Id knock on your doors at 10 appreciation of their generosity. for a little help in organising this Han. Secretary: Cissie Dempsey, in a day. There's nothing so frustrat­ clock on Christmas Eve, they The trombone, which was suitably very worthwhile event. Regretfully Dillon's Row. ing as to receive a word-of-mouth auld be perfectly entitled to inscribed,is certainly the first ins- with very little success. This is message or telephone call a day a once-a-year Parade which, with a little community spirit, could or two before an engagement expect­ be turned into quite a spectacle ing the Band to turn out at the for the people of Maynooth. A drop of a hat it just cannot Main Ford Dealers meeting to elect a Parade Com­ be done. We are already preparing our Summer Programme and have mittee has been arranged for the end of February, so perhaps by Heating ~ Plumbing Contractor Telephone: 286371 the time this appears in print we may at last see a proper Parade Committee for the first time. Please give this event your fulle£t support.



The vacuum appliance for cleaning solid fuel cookers SOUND SYSTEMS for MUSICALS &DRAMA and open grates etc. ~ OUTDOOR SYSTEMS for all FIELD EVENTS Hours of Opening ELECTRONIC TIMING UNITS AVAILABLE

- ::; :I~=S. :~ ;:E~ :o;:~: ~~;ER:- 6- 7pn~~~J!!d PUBLIC ADDRESS and BACKGROUND MUSIC for FACTORIES, GARAGES, HOTELS, SHOPS, CHURCHES. Maintenance Enquiries Welcome

6 7 NOTES FITZGERALD & HARTE LTD. MAYNOOTH GOLFING SOCIETY. General Services Officers elected for the coming The A.G.M. was held on Tuesday GROW YOUR OWN VEGETABLES THIS YEAR Season: 7th February in the I.C.A. Hall at President: John Carey. START NOW WITH Chimney Cleaning - C/H Boilers, Brush/Vacuum 8.15pm. Cllr. Patsy Lawlor, Chair­ Captain: Sean McKeown. person of Kildare Co. Co., chaired SEEDS, ONION SETS, SEED POTATOES & PLANTS Gutters Cleaned V .Captain: ~os.P. Murray. 'the meeting. Our two T.D.'s Bernard FROM Secretary: Eamonn P. Ledwith Also Painting & Decorating l Durkan and Alan Dukes, Minister Treasurer: Thos. Sheehan. for Finance were also in attendance. Committee: Edward P. Kavanagh, Estimates Free William Ledwith, Tony Dunning, The Chairman's, Secretary's and James Ryan, James J.Downey, William Treasurer's reports were read out Th Moore and Thos. Fay. and then the following officers were Agents for Fitted Kitchens & Built-in Furniture The Committer would like, on behalf elected for the next year:- Chairman, of the Society, to extend their Senan Griffin; Vice-Chairman, Paul sympathy to the family of Seamus McCarthy; Secretary, Clare Cullen; Call to: 657 or 777 St. Patrick's Park, Celbridge, Co. Kildare Moore on their recent sad bereve­ I t Branch Organiser, Michael Gaffney; Tel: 271587 ment. Joint Treasurers, Paul Sherlock & Outings Booked for the Season. Margaret Howe; P.R.O. Andree Eddery; March 3rd. Headford Golf Club, Asst. P.R.O. Gerry Smith; Recruitment (Kells) . LEGE GREEN RESIDENTS ASSOC. of the year. His first venture is Officer, Tom McMullon • a Ladies & Gents Badminton session May II - 13th, Talbot Hotel - Golfin Cllr. Lawlor congratulated the incom­ - Rosslare - Wexford. association has expressed at on Thursday nights. He was pleased ing officers and said that Maynooth June 23rd, Athlone Golf Club Dublin Road, Maynooth meetings to date, an interest with the first nights turnout and is a very strong branch in the County July 21 st, Ardee Golf Club. the whole community rather than hopes for ongoing interest. and that Fine Gael in Kildare has (Just across from O'Sriens Shopping Centre) September 22nd, The Heath Golf our own estate. With this in Caroline Lynch, P.R.O. a very strong representation in the Club (Captains Prize) d, two representatives from College 44, College Green. Dail and County Council. October 6th, Edenderry Golf Club een atended the recent Maynooth November 3rd, Tullamore Golf Club n m unity Council meeting, these Cllr. Lawlor is going forward for ROSES, SHRUBS, TREES, MOSS PEAT (President's Prize). 19 Martin Dolphin (Vice-Chairman) AMERICAN TEA PARTY nomination in Goff's on March 11 th FERTILIZER & SUNDRIES Membership fees are due on or Richard McDonnell (a non-com- for the European elections and May­ ALWAYS IN STOCK before March 3rd. tee member). We hear there The P. LA of the Posr Primary nooth Branch wish her every success. Anyone wishing to join the Society a good turn out from all sectors School wish to remind parents and She has been a member of the STOCKISTS OF TIRCONNELL QUARTZ can obtain a proposal form from Maynooth. Lets hope that the friends of the Annual American County Council for 10 years and SUITABLE FOR PATIOS,CRAZY PAVING any Committee Member. ture gets off the ground. Certainly Tea Party, which will be held in is currently the only woman represen­ FIREPLACES etc. E.P. Ledwith, Hon. Sec. continued support will be given. St. Mary's Hall on Saturday 31st tative there. She is Chairperson March. Music by Dermot Whelan. of the County Council this year For Quality, Value, Advice, and Service, You wont do better. were pleased to note that a Tickets £4. Dancing 9-2. Meal served SYMPATHY. and is also Chairperson of the County ion put forward concerning traffic sharp at 9pm. Tickets available Sincere sympathy to the daughters Committee of Agriculture and Kildare ts at Bond Bridge, has now been from the school or from the com­ and relatives of the late Margaret V.E.C. Opening Hours: epted for implementation by mittee. Admission by ticket only. Reilly, formerly of Mooneycooley, Alan Dukes, Minister for Finance, lar~ Co. Co. This bridge has Guaranteed a most enjoyable night. Maynooth, who died recently in spoke about the budget and answered MONDAV - SATURDAY 10 am - 5 pm 1 ~ nightmare for drivers & pedes- Please be seated by 8.45pm. Londan. questions from branch members 1S alike and although major work about it and other matters. the first time, we have appointed the original development in Maynooth 1eeded to make the bridge safe, ~'-'>~()~U;~<·'~"lIfl<>~W.W~·'~<<>~i<>.<·'~<"~'-"~<"~i.,j11ft:Uj?lfti" .i>''''~<,j~ a Recruitment Officer, Tom McMullon, has still to be taken in charge and lights along with a raised foot­ T.D. extended a who is well known to many people this now depends. on a final inspection. Jge should ease the situation' vote of thanks to Patsy Lawlor around the town. The next meeting Kildare Co. Co. also advised that he interim. ~ E oR RoR y e l for chairing the meeting and to will be held on Tuesday 6th March where money is provided for Amenity Alan Dukes for his dissertation on at 8.30pm in the I.C.A. Hall. Grants it has been the practice the sports scene, the streets A.A.Val.A. g the budget. to assist both the Royal Canal Amen­ lue has started and unfortunately Following representations by Bernard ity group and the Inland Waterways the aptly named 'Roosters' of TEL: (OU 285251, ALSO (OU 285201 New members are always welcome Durkan, only Cluain Aoibhinn of Assoc. in their work to restore both lege Green, participation has in the branch and this year, f(~r_ canals. 3d. They were beaten by Bally­ In and drew with the combined AUCTIONEER VALUER AND ESTATE AGENT :on/Ructs team. However despite WASTE DISPOSAL temporary set-back, training MAIN STREET, MAYNOOTH, CO. KILDARE on and morale is high. ALL TYPES OF INSURANCES ARRANGED are pleased to announce a new -*********** ReIlt-a·- kip tion to the Residents Committee, AGENT FO'R :- the form of Paddy McGovern. IRISH PERMANENT BUILDING FROM JAMES O'HAGAN, STRAFFAN jy's title is Sports & Social Officer, j he will be responsible for organ- PHON E :- 288420 our sports and social events NOTES. • Cebruary meeting was well Buil In Repairs ded. A team from the "Vanit) N ewsagents • ~oniect:ioners • Tohacconists Jill TYPES OF i" Salon, the Mall, Maynooth, Boys Grey Check Jacket suitable present - one expert spoke for confirmation, worn once, selling ROOF AND PLUMBING REPAIR WORK CARRIED OUT ~air Care" and the other two reasonable. Contact Margaret Bean, Greenfield Es1a1e~ Maynoo1h ALSO CHIMNEY CLEANING SERVICE l demonstrated professional Main St. ,-up. Guild members aired Small fridge in perfect working ESTIMATES FREE *** PROMPT ATTENTION , problems and these were CARDS MAGAZINES order, selling reasonabl. Contact ered with expertise. Margaret Bean, Main St. MATT MULLIGAN. KILCOCK. Phone 287317 competition was a "Pork 'n TAPES STATIONERY White lace Dress size 10-12, suitable n" dish; and it was judged for Debs Dance, selling cheap in Lady Wanted to do housework 3 1r. Horan (a qualified chef). BOOKS TOYS perfect condition. Phone 285298 hours 2 mornings per week. Phone comm,ents on the dishes were Tiled fireplace as new, can be seen 286107. BRU BOSCO GERALDINE YOUTH CLUB helpful. The winner was Mrs. OPEN EVERY DAY 7.30 am TO 8 pm at Buckley's Shop, Main St. Progressive 25's has started again lyle, with Mrs. Brady second Mini 1000 for sale, excellent condition. in Keane's Lounge, Kilcloon, every Parish Hall April 24th Mrs. Farrell third. Price £1,950 o.n.o. Phone 285349. Tuesday night. Play all night for Doyle now represents Maynooth Electric Organ (never used) Casio £1.50. In aid of Kilcloon School :ounty Level and we all hope in future, £2. would be charged BIRTHDAY GREETINGS. 405, cost £489, sell for reasonable Building Fund. DISCO COMPETITION will win there too. for loans of any I.C.A. equipment offer, 2 year guarantee. Contact Karate Suit fit 14 yr old. Apply Prizes for 1st, 2nd &: 3rd. confectioner, Mr. Liam Reilly (boilers,cups, saucers, etc.). This To: Margaret Bean, Main St. Thomas Bean, Main St. nded the meeting also. He is to cover possible damage, chipping Shirley Cummins 20 -on Feby House to Let in Kerry, 3 bed holiday Toyota Hiace Van for hire with ALL WELCOME . been unable to come in January of delph, etc. 12th. home, available June, near Ring driver. Phone 271627 . RECENT MARRIAGE Jdge the 'Slice of Christmas Next meeting will be held on March Ian Cummins, Newtown, -21 -on of Kerry, fully furnished, reasonable Ladies Navy Blazer (Andre Daval) 1st. Don't forget the fish dishes, ~'competition. He has samples March 17th. rent. For further details Phone 286676. size 16, as new, bargain for quick The marriage took place of Pamela :akes with slight faults so that ladies. James O'Brien, Newtown - Chiropodist Mrs Maureen McLoughlin, sale. Phone 288548. O'Neill, Greenfield and Albert Doyle, ~ould compare them with a 12 - on March 13th. late of O'Connell St. Dublin, now Italian Moccasin Shoes ladies black Drumconrath Co. Meath, in the Car­ ect example of rich Christmas Mark O'Brien, Newtown, - available at Main st. on Thursday all leather, size 4, as new, cost ~. Both he and Mr.Horan were ENGLISH COURSES 13 - on 22nd March. 10.30 to 1pm. and 2pm. to 4pm. £35.50, will sell for £25 or nearest melite Church, Kensington, London ~rous with their time in answering FOR SPANISH STUDENTS Sinead Cummins, Newtown 2 For appointmeAts Phone 285326. offer. Phone 286596. on 8th December 1983. Pamela is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph :cooking queries. Ages. between 16 and 20 - on 25th March. Typing Done C.V.'s, thesis and legal Woman Available reliable mother O'Neill, Greenfield. The honeymoon first round of the B.I.M. Fish Courses start 1st July Edward Quinn, Greenfield - work etc. Reasonable, please ring willing to look after children. For was spent in Scotland. 1petition will be run off at for six weeks 12 - on March 29th. 281622 after 6.30pm. further details Phone 286676. March meeting. So ladies, do Host Families Required Patricia Quinn, Greenfield - Kind Reliable Person required to Water Heater electric over sink. g an entry to the meeting. (full board) March 29th. mind 2 children in the children's Phone 285298. was a pity there were only Phone 045-32392 Gerard McTernan, Grenfield home, Monday to Friday 8.30 - EXCLUSIVE or seven bacon dishes in Feb­ between 8.30 &: 9.30 Mon-fri 7 - 7th March. 3.30pm. Phone 285313 after 7pm. LADY AVAILABLE to do House-work, COMMUNION DRESSES ry. After all, the object of or write to Una Cosgrove Nocholas Farrell (Snr.), O'Neill Woman Wanted to do light housework mornings one week, afternoons next exercise is to improve the 4, McElwain Terrace, Newbridge. Park, - March 30th. and look after 2 children during week, or mind child in her own VEILS, HEADRESSES king skills you already have, Mandy Brady, Clock House - school hours, Monday to Friday. home. Call 845 Old Greenfield. PINAFORES etc. let's have at least 2D fish dishes 16 March 30th. Non-smokers only. Contact Hardimans, .t time. Dublin Rd . Phone Gina 242277 i. Vera Carroll has had to resign post as Arts Promotor, as she I her family have left the area. rs.Carroll was an enthusiastic .ld Member and we shall miss , help. Dur good wishes go with '. Diu Dnd and m s. Joan Shannon has stepped Specialists in Diamond Mounting and Setting o Vera's shoes and lost no time organising rehearsals for the Repairs & Remounting carried out in our own Workshops eanora" entry. She now has Engagement Rings We stock a very fine selection of Neck Chains l "Pride of Erin" licked into Wedding Rings Discs lpe; and it will go on show in Dress Rings Crosses wbridge on February 23rd. Signet Rings Opening Hours Ear Rings ood luck to Joan and all those Trophies Mon, Tue, Wed, Watches dng part. Medals Sat, 10- 6pm. Have your choice e Guild members decided that, Tankards Late opening 9c.. t Yellow Charms Thur, Fri 10-9pm. 9ct White FOR BEST DRINKS AND DELICIOUS PUB GRUB Charm Bracelets 18ct Yellow White BRADY MAYNOOTH, CO. KILDARE. Phone: 286225 SOUP,5ANDWICHES,COFFEE,MEAT PIES ALWAYS AVAILABLE' Lounge Bar, C.l.E. Bus Stop,

10 1 1 The committee is at present carrying 4. Greenfield. 14. Outlying District 'C' This committee has met on a couple out a survey of the area, to deter­ Greenfield; Greenfield Cottages; Dowdstown; Taghadoe; Windgates; of occasions since. Two sub-com­ mine how' many eligible voters there [ [il Greenfield Celbridge Rd; Greenfield Newtownmacabe; Johninstown; Graigue­ it mittees were set up. One to draw sallach; Roosk; Smithstown; Cowans­ are in each section, as this will Straffan Rd; Greenfield Housing up a constitution and the other Scheme; Greenfield Private Sites. town; Bryanstown South; Kealstown; decide the numbers of seats in each to decide the electoral areas. After area also. a meeting on 31st January, called The members of the committee Graiguelin; Derrinstown; Donaghstown; much discussion, the folloeing boun­ Rowanstown. Emmet Stagg and the Labour are, 5. Kingsbury. T. McMullon, 63 Cluain Aoibhinn. daries were proposed. :ty, of representatives from various It is hoped that by the' time the Aidan Flood, 16 Greenfield Dr. 15. Outlying District '0' bs and associations in the area, 6. New Greenfield. next Newsletter is printed, a lot Maura Cullen, Laraghbryan. 1. East Town. Cormickstown; Crinstown; Laragh was agreed that a Community Maynooth Pk; Laurence's Ave; Green­ of the basic work wil have been Main St. from Convent to Post Office; Demesne; Treadstown; Ballycurraghan; uncil was needed in Maynooth. Ben Daly, Mariaville. field Dr; Straffan Way. done and it hoped that the format Leinster Cottages; Buckley's Court; e meeting had already heard John Read, 86 Rail Pk. The Maws; Laraghbryan East; Laragh­ of the election will have been dec­ Presentation Convent; Double Lane; m T. Cotter of Celbridge Com­ Bridie O'Brien, Leinster Cottages. 7. Rail Pk. bryan West; Timard. ided. It is vitally important that Convent Lane; O'Neill Pk; Dublin nity Council, Tony McEvoy of Patrick Lynch, 69 Maynooth Pk. everyone realise the great need Rd; Leinster Pk; Doctor's Lane; Ine Community Council and John Patrick Boyd, The Green. 8. Carton Court. 16. Outlying District '[' to have a Community Council in East Square; Coates Lane; Dillon's Mahon of Leixlip Combined Resid­ Patrick Power, 51 Greenfield Dr. Crew hill; Mariaville; Moyglare; Bryans­ our area. A body that will speak Row. 9. College Green. :s Associations on the aims of N. Brennan, College Students. town North; Ballymagillin; Barrocks­ with one voice for all of us and j need for a Community Council. R. McDonald, College Green. town; Old Graigue; Killeaney; Owens­ in fact have a hand in all decissions Ted Kelly, Main St. 2. West Town. 10. Cluain Aoibhinn. town; Moygaddy. affecting us. Main St. from Ulster Bank to College; :er a question and answer session Marie Dempsey, 549 O'Neill Pk. West Square; School Lane; Pound 11. Newtown. committee was elected to arrange Representative from Dev. Assoc. 17. Hostels Please give this committee and Lane; Parson's St; Mill St; The Harbour. , setting up of a Community Coun- eventually the Community Council 12. Outlying District 'A' within three months. There are two maps in this Newsletter your full and unqualified support. 3. St. Patrick's College. Old Carton; Carton Demesne; Catherins­ which show roughly the areas listed town; Kellystown; Blakestown. above. If anyone does not agree BIRTHS. with these divisions or feels that 13. Outlying District 'B' the boundaries should be different, To Shirley and Ian Cummins, New­ Old Rail Pk; Donaghmore; Barrogstown; would they please get in touch town, a daughter - sister for Sinead. Barrogstown East; Barrogstown West; with any member of the committee Kilmacredock Upr; Kilmacredock and make their views known. Lr; Ballygoran; Moneycooly; Griffinrath; Toolestown; 'Corbally.


12 13 giving you a picture this month And the runners-up were, TO ALL TALENTED UNDER SIXTEENS. to colour. Send your entries to Leo Andrew Ashe, Grenfield. McGlynn, 857 Greenfield or John Steplien King, Greenfield. The recent successful Schools' Read, 86 Rail Pk. on or before Richard Scanlon, Moneycooley. Concerts show that we have a 11th March. NSi Niall Eddery, 85 Maynooth Pk. wealth of young talent here in Till next month, Cheerio and God Michael Meally, 1 Rail Pk. Maynooth and, for those of you MONUMENTAL MASONS PHONE: 286156 Bless you all. Clare Devaney, 19 Greenfield Dr. who are looking for another oppor­ The winners of last month's compet­ Padraig Corcoran, 44 Laurence Ave. tunity to display your genius, why ition were, ALL TYPES OF GRAVE MEMORIALS UNDERTAKEN not enter the Maynooth Junior Hilary Kehoe, 52c Maynooth Pk. Talent Competition, which is being Tara Boyd, 9 The Green. held at the end of April, in the SUPPLIERS OF BEST QUALITY FUNERAL WREATHS ALL SIZES Padraic Quinn, Laragh. Parish Hall. Padraig Hogan, 70 Maynooth Pk. There will be two sections in the To enter for the competition, you Stephen Brennan, 61 Cluain Aoibhinn. contest - under 12 on 1st January The competition is confined to child­ should write down your name and ren residing in' the Maynooth Postal ) Children, 1984 and over 12 and under 16 address, date of birth, telephone District. month we said that this column on 31st July 1984. There will be number (if you have one) and, never received any letters from 3-8EO., SEMI.DETACHED HOMES 1st, 2nd -and 3rd prizes in each most important of all, what you Iren during all the years it had BEECH HOMES section, the best individual and are going to play, sing, or whatever, printed and that we thought COURT OWN RD. KILCOCK group entries and, in addition, and drop them in to John Read, did not care. Well you have there will be a single award for MAYNOOTH NEWSLETTER ·£27, 0 (inc. all usual appointments) the most outstanding act in each 86, Rail Park; Ted Kelly, Main ed us wrong. We received many ADVERTISING RATES Section. Street, or Leo McGlynn, Greenfield, 'rs asking us to continue, espec­ SHOWHOllSES open Sunday, 3.00-5.30 p.m.; or ********** PHONE 280156/282144 Depending on the response, the not later than 31st March. In the with the colouring competition. £1.25 per Column Inch competition may be held over a case of a group entry, you should , are a few of the letters we £10.00 per Third Page number of nights and it is hoped give all the above details of each • £16.00 per Half Page to select the Maynooth Community member of the group. . Newsletter, £30.00 per Full Page entral Please remember that, if you want eating ervlce Games Variety Team from the se don't stop 'Kiddies Corner.' talent available. So remember, to take part, enter now,as absolutely will write to you. Here are All enquiries to "The Editor" you have two chances to win a no entries will be accepted' after ew jokes to keep kiddies happy. 86 Rail Park, Maynooth. trophy and to get on the Community the closing date. Games Team. Why did the Kerryman bring ler to bed? To see what length he slept. il Fired Boilers Burners

If three Santas came to your Serviced Repaired , which would be the Kerryman? The one with the Easter Eggs. aintenance of all Radiator What did the monkey say when threw a clock at his master? Type Systems -ime flies. nk you from, in, Padraic, Deirdre, 1da Quinn. Dermot Domestic & Industrial 24 Hour, 7 Day 0, Emergency Service eally enjoy the Kiddies Corner. if ReqUired. ove colouring the pictures and do my sisters. I would miss it ou did not have it again. ") from Clare Devaney. Contact: r Editor, 'ould like Kiddies Corner continued suse it is interesting, even if Dermot Bradley, NAME ______do not enter, to read the names the winners and when we don't 49 Cluain Aoibhinn, j the picture in, we still enjoy ADDRESS. ______luring it. Maynooth, Irs Thankfully, Paula Eddery,. AGE ______(X. Co. Kildare.

,r that how could we not keep DB column going. We are again Tel. 01 285387 14 POST PRIMARY SCHOOL :ENT DEATHS the All-Ireland Finals. These are just some of the achievements of UNIT 7 The 7th Annual Debs Ball took place NOW IS THE TIME 'pest sympathy to the following, our students over this and last year, Maynooth Shopping Centre on Friday 10th February in the Hotel Daughters & family of the late Stop Smoking, Over/eating but there have, of course, beenmany Keadeen. It surely must be regarded " Margaret Reilly, Greenfield Insomnia, Stress, etc. other notable successes over previous as the social night of the year. J died in England and was the NEWS AGENT • TOBACCONIST years. Our 60 boys and girls of the L.C. low of the late Johnny Reilly. TOYS C. Collins, C.H.P. A.M.A.H.P. '84 Class, resplendent in their evening Ardfield House, Leixlip Road. I Congratulate the students concerned' (Proprietor: HENRY CAHILL) wear, were presented with scrolls ~ Wife, family, relatives & friends Lucan. Phone 280017 and the achievements of our students to mark the occasion. Mr. Cummins the late John Molloy, Mill St. By Appointment only. are all the more creditable when C.LO. Co. Kildare in his address one remembers that the Post Primary wished them well in the future· ~ Daughters, relatives & friends Britains Robert Hayden, is captain of the School in Maynooth accepts all Paper-Mate and encouraged them to continue the late Annie Burke, O'Neill Buddy L Kildare Vocational School Gaelic students from the catchment area Sheaffer with their studies so that they will Colibri Lighter Fisher-Price team which is currently contesting regardless of their social standing be prepared for the economic upturn Telstar Quarts Watches Corgi the Leinster Semi-Finals. Maynooth or ability. , when it comes. e relatives & friends of the late Post Primary won the Co. Champion­ se Waldron, Leinster Cottages. ship Senior Gaelic competition already Bouquets were presented to Patricia Watch & Calculator Batteries Mr. T. Ashe, Principal, in his address, this year. McGarry, Chairperson P.P.U. and Fitted said that in the thirteen year history e Daughters, relatives & friends In Badminton, two of our students Catherine Heslin. A silver tankard of the school, it has made a notable the late Annie McGuire, Dillon's were selected to represent Leinster was presented to Dominick Nyland can tribution to the education and ad. in the U/15 competitions and one as an appreciation for all their help BIRTHDAYS social development of Maynooth of them, Mark Burns, had been in organising the Debs Ball. The ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. and to its inhabitants. Not alone -I Oonagh Murray, Laurence Ave. selected to play for Ireland at this Debs marked the occasion by presen­ have the students of the school the death of her brother Declan February. level. ting a perpetual shield to Mr. Ashe distinguished themselves academically Jm Lucan. GRAHAM: The husband and relatives 5th Jacque line Higgins, Greenfield, and his staff for all they have done and have gone on to get the highest of the late Nan Graham, Moyglare, her 21st from her Parents, Brother For the second successive year, for the students in the school over of qualifications over a wide area Ie Husband, family, relatives & wish to thank most sincerely all & Sister and many friends also to two of our students, Robert Whittaker the years. but also in tha area of sports and iends of the late Violet Fitzgerald those who sympathised with them her boyfriend Mark Howlett, Castle­ and Declan Doyle, won a major in their recent sad berevement. cultural activities, they have excelled. ee Cusker), Brownstown, Kilcloon. town, Leixlip, his 221st on March 9th. prize in the Aer Lingus Young Scien­ A special thanks was extended to Those who attended removal 10th Gerry Coyne, Dunboyne Rd. tist Competition, and two of our Mr. Coughlan and his hard working of the remains, Mass and funeral, He went on to say our athletes 1e Wife, family, relatives & friends 11th Kevin Galligan, Maynooth Pk. Leaving Certificate students, Leslie committee, all of whom helped to those who sent Mass cards and have dominated school track & field the late William (Bill) Maguire, 24th Mrs Lorrie Farrelly. Newtown. Dan i e Is & John Drennan, reached make the night such an outstanding floral competitions in Kildare and reached 1e Grange, Kilcock. tributes. Especially the kind 27th Thomas Bean, Main St. the Leinster Finals of the Bank success. Also a special word of a new height last year, when one neighbours who rallJed round so of Ireland debating competition. thanks to all who donated spots of our students, Mairead Noonan, o Arthur Carney, Main St. on the wonderfully. Special word of thanks March. Hopefully they will be as successful and those who helped in any way to Fr. McGinnity, Maynooth College, 2nd Pat Begley, Castletown; James took first place in the All-Ireland ~ath of his brother Patrick, Leixlip. as our representative last year, to make this night such a success. Fr. S,tanley, C.c. Kilcioon,Fr. Coughlan, Laragh. 800m. Another of our students, Thomas Keanem who went on to o Rev. Fr. Supple, P.P. on the Supple,P.P., Fr. Coogan C.C. and 5th Jason O'Keefe, Greenfield, from 8ath of his mother Mrs. Mary Eliz­ Dr. Maurice Cowhey, Maynooth. your loving Nanny & Granda in En­ beth Supple of Dublin. We trust this will be accepted field, your Aunties, Uncles & Cousins by all in grateful appreciation. in Kilcock and especially from your The holy sacrifice of the Mass, Mum & Dad, sisters Siobhan & Sandra, Keenest Prices Excellent Choice will be offered for their intentions. Greenfield; Collette Edgar, New Zea­ land, formerly Collette O'Sullivan, Quality Food Safe Parking O'Neill Pk., from her Brother, Sisters and many friends. Dublin Range of Food at Better Prices nearer Home 7th Rose Bean, Rye View; Martin Donnelly Jnr, Newtown. (All under one Roof) Murphy 10th Agnes Boyd, Greenfield. 11th Brian Murphy, Leinster Pk; PHONE 045 91391 Celine Galligan, Maynooth Pk; Emma Undertakers Cassidy, Dunboyne Rd. , 12th Betty Begley, Pound St. IE 14th Miriam Higgins, Greenfield. COMPLETJ: FUNERAL SERVICE*****. TO' MAYNOOTH AND .SURROUNDING, 16th Mrs Mary Waldron, Leinster Cts. 17th Mrs Katie Morgan, Sacred Heart 5 I c tr AREAS FOR MANY YEARS: PHONE -- NAAS C0451 91391 Residence, Sybil Hill, Raheny. 20th Denise McCarron, Greenfield. MAYNOOTH DAY OR NIGHT. 21st Sharon Murphy, Coneyboro. 22nd Toni Read, Rail Pk; Fr. Paddy ***** Monaghan, Greenfield. WATCH OUT FOR GREAT NEW FREE DRAW 24th Mrs Lavin, Old Carton; Trevor LOCAL AGENT PADDY DESMOND, MAIN STREET, MAYNOOTH Cassidy, Dunboyne Rd. STARTING SOON PHONE 286366 26th Kevin Tracey, Greenfield. 30th Mrs Lily Dowling, Greenfield; GREAT PRIZES TO BE WON Nicholas Farrell, O'Neill Pk. Third bus (length swimmers) leaves ~NA FAIL NOTES at 5.15 on Saturdays. SeOSAm UA bUACAttA CAULFIELDS our last monthly meeting, Gerry J, BUCKLEY Now that we have three sessions dy told us that C.l.E. had stated Phone: 286202 in Stewarts, we can take on new they could not improve the "I A Y NOOT H members. If you are interested get BAR & LOUNGE luency of the local rail service in touch with Susan Igoe, phone FOR il the Howth/Bray electrified 285497 or Carmel Buckley, Newtown. ns are started, and rolling stock SPECIAL OFFER ON TOOLS Now is the time to get ready so QUALITY & COMFORT )resent on those trains are released. FREE 10ft. STANLEY TAPE (R.R.P. £10.91) as you can really have fun in the WITH EVERY £35 WORTH OF TOOLS SWIMMING CLUB water during the holidays. MAYNOOTH Power said that the garda strength Maynooth will be increased by 3 TRAY TOOL BOXES £8.95 5 TRAY TOOL BOXES £10.55 For the older members don't forget Cheers children. At long last we garda from 16th February, brin­ Community Games will soon be here. are all back under the one roof ~ the force up to one sergeant There is an official event through PAINT DEPARTMENT Stewarts, and that Eddie Innes has Congratulations to these and to I five gardai. The County Council WHITE ON SPECIAL OFFER to national level for boys and girls promised us more time come Easter. the other competitors who repres­ ised that they do not have the 1 ltr VALSPAR EMULSION £3.35 - GLOSS £3.85 under 17, which means that all It really has been messy these past ented our club as well. ances to become involved with 2V2 ltr VALSPAR EMULSION £1.45 - GLOSS £8.95 swimmers who wish to, may take couple of terms. Sometimes adults College in providing a swimming 5 ltr VALSPAR EMULSION £13.85 part in CQmmunity Games from the can be more troublesome than child­ Three days after Christmas, the II, gym and other facilities. age of 6 to 17. We hope this news ALSO IN STOCK ren, did you know that? hardy ones were off again in the SADOLIN, YACHT VARNISH, RONSEAL and that 5.15 swim on Saturdays Leinster Juvenile Championships in 'ry Boylan said that as a result FRENCH POLISH, SCUMMBLE, TEAK OIL will bring back our old and much You never got your Christmas party Whitehall Road, Terenure. resulte a motion by Fianna Fail councillors, valued swimmers. or your swimming awards, but that from there were:- jare Co. Co. has asked its legal for pedestrians, the Council would does not mean you are not going U/15 Boys Singles, Runner-up Mark 'lartment to take action against hope every member in the club have to build a footpath and the Ann & Liam Higgins, Laragh, a son. to, so get moving and listen well Burns. U/15 Boys Doubles, Runners-up lerants parking between Maynooth said a little prayer for Mrs Margaret meeting felt that if the Council to what Chalky has to say. I am Mark Burns & ThomAS Ashe. U/15 . Get ready for the swimming they had to pay more for them float, you know we never miss a In early December, many of our achievement. Congratulations all. than at first envisaged. year in the parade. Now everybody promising young players took part CLINIC take note of the new times for in the Westside Tournament. The Shortly after, the Dublin Open Cham­ COUNCILLOR G. BRADY TENTS FOR SALE At each meeting we have a guest, the rest of the term:- following were the successful ones:­ pionships were held in Terenure who speaks on a topical subject. First bus leaves at 4 o'clock on U/16 Boys Singles, Winner Dudley College. Dudley O'Donnell was success­ Councillor G. Brady will Large Selection Anyone interested in the politics of Saturdays. O'Donnell. U/16 Boys Doubles, Winners ful in all three under twelve events. attend at a clinic every of Fianna Fail and think they might Dudley O'Donnell & Keelan Loughnane. Congratulations Dudley. Mark Burns Friday Evening New & Ex-Hire Tents to join our Cumann, are welcome Fully Guaranteed Second bus leaves at 4.30 on Satur­ U/12 Girls Doubles. Runners-up Siob­ & Thomas Ashe have been selected 7pm - 9pm to come along to our meetings. At last years Prices days. han Kearins & Catherine Ashe. to play on the Leinster U/15 Team. at Main Street, Maynooth. You can sit there and listen or Congratulations to both and the you can get involved in our discus­ best of luck in your games. Patrick Kane, Robertstown, Naas. he Council are at long last going sions, which are wide ranging. Any Phone, 045-60509. ) take in charge, Greenfield Estate subject that needs to be discussed On behalf of the junior Badminton nd that a final inspection will will be discussed. Club, I extend sincere sympathy e carried out in Cluain Aoibhinn Our next meeting will be on Tuesday MULLIGAN'S to Fr. Supple on the death of his College Green and hopefully these 11 th March, in the I.C.A. Hall. mother. Sincerest sympathy is also states will be taken in charge Liam McNamee, P .R.O. Marie & Jim Brady, Kilcock Rd., OF extended to the Kennedy Family lortly as well. a son. on the trajic death of their daughter KILCOCK Grainne. Grainne was a popular he meeting was told that in order RECENT BIRTHS Deirdre & Gerry McDonald, Greenfield, member of this club and will be J make the bridge at Cluain Aoibhinn Top Quality Garden Sheds well remembered for her co-operation Congratulations to the following, a daughter. 3fe, it would cost over £500,000. and good sportsmanship. may she .s a temporary measure, lights would Poultry Houses Angela & Kevin Galligan, Maynooth rest in peace. e erected at a cost of £13,000. Maureen & Bernard Mulligan, Doctor's Pk., a daughter. INTERLAP FENCING order to make the bridge safe Road, a son. The Club members extend deepest Dog Kennels sympathy to Mrs Margaret Molloy and family on the death of her BARBERSTOWN MAYNOOTH PHONE: 281461 Da n i elL 0 9 a n Phone 287397 husband John Molloy. May he rest in peace. co nt r act 0 r MACHINE TURF: BRIQUETTES: COAL: SAND: GRAVEL ETC. DELIVERED AT KEENEST PRICES FOR QUANTITIES 19 to J{)e Nevin and Tom Claffey Committee member. £100. Jim Downey, c/o Doss. CtlmA\nn lBtcteA\s 5A\et for refereeing these games. As everyone is aware, this is the Ticket No.I.£50.Kevin Connolly, The Committee and Selectors would mAS rl tlA\15-C Centenary year of the G.A.A. and c/o J. Nevin. Ticket 242. like to thank all players who took to mark the occasion, the Club £20. Martin Keely, c/o. K.Flood, SENIOR FOOTBALL LEAGUE. part in the tournament. It would intend to :Oold some special activit­ Ticket 47. Div. 3. appear that there will be plenty proved to be a great success with ies. More word of these will be £5 each: of competition for places in the some great games being played givern at a later date. John Stahan, Ticket No. 63 4.3.84. Maynooth v. Straffan Senior team this year. Training by the teams involved. The G.A.A. Kildare County Board Bernie & Kevin, c/o. T.Fay. Ticket away, at 3 p.m. has star ted and we would like In the first round Ballygoran beat has decided to have an open draw ·210. 11.3.84. Maynooth v. Celbridge to see a full turnout every Tuesday The Roost,while Puck's/Carton for the Championship this year. Patk. McGovern, 63, College Gn. Home, at 3 p.m. and Thursday night at 8 p.m. .A.A. NOTES. drew with The Roost. The draw This special championship is for Ticket 247 . 18.3.84, Maynooth v. Balymore at Moyglare Road under the wathch­ put Puck's/Carton into a semi-final the Peter Delaney Cup. Peter, Next Draw 24th February. JOTBALL LEAGUE FIXTURES 1984 away, at 3 p.m. with Ballygoran with Puck'/Carton ful eye of Roscommon star foot­ who passed away recently, was 1.4.84., Maynooth v. Kill - Home, needing to win for a place in the baller, Gerry Connellon. for a long number of years con­ mior League at 3 p.m. final, while Ballygoran were already As well as fielding Senior and Junior nected with Maynooth Club and 7.4.84 Maynodth v Ardclough 15.4.84, Maynooth v. Ardclough, in the final. Ballygoran, having teams the Club wi! be fielding the Kildare County Board. Maynooth under-age teams and if there is O'NEILLS ome,at 715sharp Away, at 3 p.m. looked the strongest team in the are dpe to play the winner of MAIN STREET, MAYNOOTH 4.4.84 Maynooth v. Milltown 22.4.84, Maynooth v. Nurney, Home, anybody interested in helping out Allenwood and Clongorey in the tournament were in for a shock Phone: - 286255 away, at 7.15 p:m. at 3 p.m. as a young and eager Puck's/Carton with these teams, please contact first round of this Championship. 5.84 Maynooth v. Nurney - home, any member of the Committee. 29.4.84, Maynooth v. Milltown went on to win their place in Maynooth plays Straffan in the FOR QUALITY MEATS •30 p.m. Away, at 3 p.m • the final. Also if there are any footballers first League game of the Season .5.84, Maynooth" v. Celbridge 6.5.84., Maynooth v. Ellistown The final was played on Sunday between the ages of 15 and 18 on 4th March, in Straffan at 3 way, at 7.30 p.m. yrs., interested in playing Minor Away, at 3 p.m. 12th and again this young Puck's/ p.m. and the following Sunday CRaM ABU fOOTBALLERS ;.5.84, Maynooth v. Caragh - Home, Date to be fixed, Maynooth v. Carton team never gave up the football,please contact M.Gillick, they play Celbridge, at home at t 7.30 p.m. Castlemitchell Home, time to P. Tobin or T. O'Flaherty. 3 p.m. chase. At full time the scores were The only surviving member of the 2.5.84, Maynooth V. Kilcullen befixed.. In order to raise much needed level at I - 8 each, so extra time Don't forget the Hitching Post 1913-14 team, is the Mascot, Baby lome, at 7.30 p.m. Bye in League. was need to decide the issue. finance, the Committee has organised Night Out on March 16th. Fulham, now better known as" Christie 9.5.84, Maynooth v. Cappagh, Date to -be fixed Maynooth v. a Night Out in the Hitching Post Tommy O'Flaherty P.R.O The first half of the extra time (Bob) Lovely, Main St. There is Away, 7.30 pm. Sallins - Home, time to be fixed. on Friday 16th of March, with top still saw the teams level with a photograph of the team to be .6.84, Maynooth v. St. Kevin's, Centenary Club Championship artist, Larry Hart,who will be backed CRaM-ABU G.A.A. CLUB. Puck's/Carton scoring 3 points seen in Caulfield's Bar and Christie lome;" 7 :.30 p.m. 1st Round: Maynooth v. Allenwood by the popular Champign. Tickets 300 Club Draw Result to Ballygoran's I goal. In the second is sitting between two of his cousins, 2,6.84 Bye in League or Clongorey Monday 15th May are £2 and can be had from any hal f, however, Puck's/Carton got for the Month of January. Tom and Christie McGee. emi-final and final dates to be at7.30 p.m. The Club has just run on top" and went on to win by ixed. off its Street League Tournament, 6 points, the final score being )Iease note: Starting times in using it as a warm"er-up -for forth­ 3 - 14 to 2 -]1. The winning team \pri! 7.15 p.m. sharp and in May coming League, which starts on was present with its trophies in Ind June 7.30 p.m. sharp. March 4th. This Steet L_eague the Roost after the game. The Club return their sincere thanks CURTAINS & HOUSEHOLD SPECIALISTS UNIT 9 HAYNOOTH SHOPPING CENTRE

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An Ulster Bank Cheque Book is the safe and convenient Limited Stock way to handle money. It is easy to open an account. Just call to your local branch of Ulster Bank at Main Street. Maynooth. You'lI get a friendly welcome. Phone 286362. 285323 or 285249. SELECTION OF CURTAIN MATERIALS

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20 1 PHONE • (045) 69131 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 1l1l1l1l1l1l1l1l1l1l1l1l1ltl STAPLESTOWN, LARGE SELECTION FOR GOOD QUALITY OF Enda Gleeson - 2nd Voc. Schools, 3rd allschools and Helen Tracy TREES SHRUBS FRUIT TREES HEDGING WEDDING ALBUMS TO CHOOSE FROM 4th Voc.Schools have all figured vlaynooth athletes have been, as on all winning teams, while Susan ROCK PLANTS ROSES CONIFERS HERBACIOUS Jsual, very much to the fore at Breslin completed the team in ,even Championships recently. the Kildare All-schoopis. Nuala AT REASONABLE PRICES The All-Ireland under 10,12,14,16, The continuation of the Leinster Noonan was first in Kildare Voc. Special offer Junior and Mens' over 40 were In the Boys u.IO there were out­ Championships brought further titles Schools and 2nd in Kildare AIl­ on Conifers & Leyland Cypresses held in Kilcock a short time ago and medals to the Club with individ­ standing performances from Fergal schools, with Ida Fagan 3rd in and we had sOll)e excellent per­ ual awards going to Michele Ennis Walshe,2Sth, and Austin Noonan U.14 and they were joined by Connie formances from several competitors (1st in U.1l Girls); Grainne Farrelly 31st in a field of ISO. In similar F lanagan and Caroline Corbett on a very difficult course. Grainne (1st in U.IS Girls); Fiona Lalor 300 Club Results sized fields we had U.12 Boys Gavin to take 1st Team in both, while SOCCER NOTES Farrelly was our only individual (3rd in U.13 Girls). Both Michele Congrats to the winners and espec­ Callaghan 73rd and Anthony Smith Nuala completed the U.IS Team medalist on the day, taking silver ially our £500 Super-Prize winner 94th; U.14 Boys Thos Breslin 17th, and Grainne won these titles with scoring in South Leinster tests. January 3rd. Glen Abbey Cup. May­ ,in the Girls U./16, with another Mrs P. Tracey, The Green, Mavnooth. Frank Desmond 44th, Darragh Callag­ strong front running tactics for Shelley Breslin was also to the nooth 0, Colepark 2. This game one of her excellent performances Week 31, Nov 16th. £100 G. Durack. which both are now well noted. was played in very poor conditions _ though this was one of the very han S4th and Paul Stynes lIOth;U.16 fore taking 1st in Voc. Schools Fiona's bronze coupled with the Carton. £10 , Main St: Boys Pascal Ennis 60th. Senior Girls and P. Ennis was 4th and the lighter Maynooth' team could rare occasions when she had to fact that Club and County also week 32, Nov 23rd. £100 J. Byrne, In the Junior Mens' Event Liam in U.IS Boys. In the All-schools not cope with the heavier opposition concede the gold. took bronze meant that she has c/o W. Saults. 0 Ann Carey, Main McNamee had a great run to finish Pascal Ennis took 3rd place in and so made their exit from this' The Maynooth U'/14 Girls took SL taken a maximum of 6 medals particular competition in the 4th 1st Club in 19th and played a major part in the U.IS Boys with K. Fagan 7th. the gold medals for for this years campaign, having Week 33, Nov 30th. £100 T. Connolly, Kildare taking inter-County bronze, Dessie Calaghan was 4th Boys round. their event,through Fiona Lawlor already taken individual (gold) c/o Manor Mills. £10 Mary Holmes, while we also had good perform­ in U.14. while K. Breslin and C. 6th, Paula Kelly 9th, Aida Gleeson Club and County in U.14. On these Rail Pk. ances in the Vets. 0.40 - though O'Donnell were included in the 1Sth January. Chapelizod 1, Maynooth lith and Nuala Noonan 31st and U.13 teams she was joined by Paula Week 34, Dec 7th. T. McGovern, no medals from Noel Farre!ly winning Senior Boys Team. 6. The Saturday team continued these four were joined by Sharon Kelly, Emer Farrelly and Sharon Greenfield. £10 B. McCaul, Rail ISth, Paddy Power, Pearse Breslin The Club has yet another active their quest for league honours with Ennis 38th to help Kildare to County Ennis and Jenny Byrne. Pk. and Tom Purcell. month ahead,with glory to be sought a very easy victory over Chapelizod. Gold. From a field of 140, Helen The Girls U.lI also took Club Bronze Week 3S, Dec 14th. £100 Dodo Murray, The Junior Ladies were also in at its own promotion, at Moyglare T. Moore 2, P. Doyle 2, N. Farrell Treacy, 4Sth and Jenny Byrne and joining M.Ennis on this team O'Neill Pk. £10 Mrs Dumbrell, Rai! form with fine performances from on F eby 26th. Further All-Ireland and N. Boyce were the marksmen. 67th also had excellent performances. were Carmel Noonan, Lisa McClos­ Pk. Gillian Deane, who finished Sth sessions at Moyne and Killarney The U.12 Girls were not to be keyu and Catherine Gleeson. Week 36, Dec 14th. Mrs Waters, and was supported by Mary Farrelly, as well as the next stages of the 23rd January. Conway Cup. Harelawn denied their piece of glory and The Ladies Junior Team of G. c/o Bingo. £10 P. Linnane, c/o Patsy McCloskey and Michele I