Journal of Earth Science, Vol. 25, No. 6, p. 1051–1058, December 2014 ISSN 1674-487X Printed in DOI: 10.1007/s12583-014-0488-5

Evolution Characteristics and Influence Factors of Deep Groundwater Depression Cone in , China––A Case Study in Region

Yasong Li 1, 2, Fawang Zhang3, Zhantao Han2, Ping Wang2, Honghan Chen1, Zhaoji Zhang*2 1. School of Water Resources & Environment, China University of Geosciences, 100083, China 2. Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, 050061, China 3. Institute of Karst Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Guilin 541004, China

ABSTRACT: The North China Plain (NCP) is one of the global hotspots of groundwater depletion, groundwater is almost the only source of water for agricultural, industrial and drinking water in this region. After long-term’s over-exploitation of deep groundwater, there appeared several deep ground- water depression cones, such as Cangzhou cone, Dezhou cone, cone, cone, etc., in which the Cangzhou cone is one of the typical cones for its special geography and hydrogeology condi- tions. In this study, the authors intended to analyze the evolution characteristics and influence factors of deep groundwater depression cone in Cangzhou region, especially the No. III aquifer depression cone, which is the main exploitation zone in this region. Analysis of the evolution of the groundwater depres- sion cone of the No. III aquifer group in Cangzhou region showed that this process can be divided into four stages, namely, development, stable development, rapid expansion, and gradual recovery. The shape and evolution characteristics of the depression cone at different stages are described by analyzing the evolution of the -30, -40, and -50 contours of the groundwater table, for example the closed area of water table contour of -50 m has been enlarged from 95 km2 in 1985 to 6 528.5 km2 in 2005. The dominant factors that affect the evolution characteristics at different stages are proposed. The results showed that relatively long dry periods with less precipitation, special geological and hydrogeological conditions, and sharply increased water consumption for industrial and agricultural development are the main factors that cause the formation of deep groundwater depression cones. Meanwhile, an environmental response against groundwater exploitation is presented, and rational solutions are suggested to avert water crisis. KEY WORDS: depression cone, water table contour, groundwater consumption, dynamic monitoring, North China Plain.

0 INTRODUCTION gradually increased. According to statistics, the exploitation of The North China Plain (NCP) is the largest alluvial plain groundwater was 20.609×109 m3 in 2003, accounting for 69.4% and one of the most densely populated regions in eastern Asia. of the total water consumption. Over the past 50 years, Population, economic activity, and agricultural production of the groundwater has played an important supporting role in the area have grown strongly over the last decades, resulting in agricultural and industrial development of the North China Plain, increased water demand (Foster et al., 2004). During the past 50 the North China Plain has been one of the global hotspots of years, excessive groundwater depletion has become a global groundwater depletion (Zheng et al., 2010; Alley et al., 2002). problem, affecting major regions of North Africa, the Middle After long-term’s over-exploitation of deep groundwater, there East, South and Central Asia, North China, North America, and appeared several deep groundwater depression cones, such as Australia (Cao et al., 2013; Wada et al., 2010; Konikow and Cangzhou cone, Dezhou cone, Hengshui cone, Tianjin cone, etc., Kendy, 2005; Shah et al., 2003), such as the regions of south- The maximum buried depth of deep groundwater aquifer has western Great Artesian Basin in Australia and Kansas State in reached 110 m and the areas with buried depth above 40 m have America are both facing the same challenge of sustainable reached 43.1% of the whole region, while the area with pressure groundwater utilization (Rhys et al., 2013; Sophocleous, 2012). bearing water head lower than sea level has reached 87 934.14 In the North China Plain, the exploitation of groundwater has km2, which is 52.6% of the whole, and combined groundwater depression cones have been formed. The phenomenon of Corresponding author: [email protected] groundwater overflow, which was widely distributed in this © China University of Geosciences and Springer-Verlag Berlin region during 50–60’s in the 20th century, has disappeared, Heidelberg 2014 instead that the land subsidence, ground fissure, and seawater intrusion appeared. Manuscript received March 14, 2014. In the past few years, the evolution characteristics and in- Manuscript accepted July 22, 2014. fluence factors of Dezhou cone, Hengshui cone and Tianjin cone

Li, Y. S., Zhang, F. W., Han, Z. T., et al., 2014. Evolution Characteristics and Influence Factors of Deep Groundwater Depression Cone in North China Plain, China––A Case Study in Cangzhou Region. Journal of Earth Science, 25(6): 1051–1058. doi:10.1007/s12583-014-0488-5 1052 Yasong Li, Fawang Zhang, Zhantao Han, Ping Wang, Honghan Chen and Zhaoji Zhang has been reported by previous studies (Yang et al., 2009; Wang 1 GENERAL HYDROGEOLOGY OF THE STUDY AREA et al., 2007; Fu, 2001), but few reports or papers could be seen Cangzhou region is located in the central and eastern parts about Cangzhou cone. This paper was intended to analyze the of Province (Fig. 1). This region is high in the southwest, evolution characteristics and influencing factors of deep low in the northeast, and slightly inclined from west to east and groundwater depression cone in Cangzhou region, by analyzing from southwest to northeast. The ground elevation in the west is monitoring data to find out the formation process of the cone, 15 m a.s.l., and the elevation of the coastal area in the east is which could support important information for agency approximately 2 m a.s.l., with natural gradient at approximately groundwater control. 0.08‰. The geomorphology in the west of Ziya River comprises alluvial and alluvial-proluvial plains, whereas that in the east of Ziya River comprises alluvial, lacustrine, and coastal plains.

Yanshan Mts N 0 80 km Luanhe Beijing River


Taihang Mts aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa Shijiazhuang




N Anyang I

Qingxian Suining Cangzhou Xianxian Xinxiang Haixing Nanpi Yanshan aa I' aaStudy area Lake Dongguang

Mountains (Mts) Wuqiao 0 20 km River I-I' Location of cross section of the Cangzhou region

Figure 1. Location of the study area.

Cangzhou region has a continental semi-arid monsoon cipitation in Cangzhou region has decreased to only 516.3 mm. climate and four distinct seasons, with an annual mean temper- Correspondingly, the surface runoff has drastically decreased ature of 12.2 °C, an extreme minimum temperature of -25 °C, an from 1×109 to 0.18×109 m3. This climate is characterized by extreme maximum temperature of 43 °C, a minimum frost-free spring drought, summer flood, and autumn drought. The drain- period of 210 d, and an annual average water-surface evapora- age system of this region belongs to two major surface drainage tion of 1 794.67 mm. The annual average precipitation is 549.5 systems: the Ziya River and the south canal along the Haihe mm, unevenly distributed in a year, 80% of which falls from River Basin. Most of the rivers in these areas are seasonal. That June to September. However, since the 1980s, the average pre- is, these rivers are dry most of the year, and only a number of

Evolution Characteristics and Influence Factors of Deep Groundwater Depression Cone 1053 which have water during rainy seasons. Dalangdian Reservoir ternary sedimentation is closely related to the basement tectonics started to retain water in 1996 as a source of drinking water for and is controlled by the basement tectonics from the lower the surrounding regions. Pleistocene series to the Holocene series. There are four aquifers in Cangzhou region, in which the The groundwater in this region can primarily be found in Group III of the aquifers is the main groundwater depletion zone the Quaternary unconsolidated formation. The Quaternary for its large amount of groundwater with high quantity. The deep sedimentary thickness ranges from 350 to 450 m with a maxi- groundwater over-extraction depression (Group III of the aquifer) mum thickness of up to 580 m. This formation is additionally in Cangzhou region was formed in the late 1960s (Fig. 2). The characterized by complex hydrogeological conditions and multi- scope of the depression cone was initially small. The extent of layer water-bearing rock series. This region has five aquifer groundwater expansion is gradually increasing because of the groups in terms of geological and hydrogeological conditions. gradual decline in groundwater resources and the growing de- This study focused on the No. III aquifer group, which is the mand for water resources for economic development. The main source of groundwater extraction (Table 1). The buried amount of groundwater extraction has been gradually increasing, depth of the aquifer group base is determined from Q1 to Q4 as which results in continuous expansion and deepening of the deep 40, 220, 420, and 550 m, respectively. In Cangzhou region, the groundwater depression cone (Fei et al., 2009). Currently, the middle-deep layer Q2 is the main layer explored. single groundwater depression cone has evolved from a group of groundwater depression cones located at Cangzhou City, 2 MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY Qingxian County, and Huanghua to one comprehensive regional At present, a number of scholars have researched the deep cone. The continuous decline in groundwater level is causing groundwater overexploitation in Cangzhou region and the en- serious environmental and geological problems, such as land vironmental geological problems caused by such overexploita- subsidence, land cracks, and seawater intrusion. In addition to tion (Lü and Xiong, 2011; Sun, 2011; Xu, 2007; Zhang, 2007; , Tianjin, and Su-Xi-Chang region (, , and Han and Han, 2006; Zhang and Zhang, 2001). However, details Changzhou), Cangzhou has become the fourth region where the on the formation, evolution, and recovery of groundwater de- earth subsidence exceeds 1.0 m. In 2001, the total settlement of pression cones remain unreported. The city geological envi- the subsiding center has reached 2 236 mm (Han, 2012; Shi et al., ronment dynamic monitoring station of the groundwater level of 2008). A total of 42 land cracks have been investigated since Cangzhou region has been working since the 1960s. This study 1976, and the majority of shallow groundwaters have reportedly collected a large amount of meteorological and hydrological been polluted because of seawater intrusion (Zhang, 2013). data, including groundwater dynamic monitoring data, (Jian, Consequently, a large portion of drinking water was influenced 2006, 2001; Zhang and Guo, 1996; Yang and Guo, 1991; Dai by the groundwater level depression. Therefore, the evolution and Liu, 1986; Liu and Liu, 1981), groundwater exploitation characteristics of the deep groundwater depression cone and the 0 20 km dominant factors that affect this course must be analyzed to Plotting scale horizontal propose an exploitation model for the reasonable use of water 120 Renqiu Ziya River Cangzhou Yanshan resources. Such model is important for the sustainable utilization 0 I II of regional water resources and geological environmental pro- -120

(m) tection. -240 III The basement tectonics of Cangzhou region is complex.

The western, central, eastern, and southeastern parts belong to Depth -360 IV four tectonic formations, namely, Jizhong depression, Cangxian -480 uplift, Huanghua depression, and Chengning uplift, respectively. Subordinated swell and sag can be found within the units. Since Water-bearing sand layer Silt Deep groundwater Boundary of aquifer system the Cenozoic Era, sedimentation has dominated this region, in head level which an exceptionally thick Cenozoic formation deposit can be Silty clay, clay Shallow groundwater found. The Cenozoic formation on the subordinated swell is 700 levle to 800 m thick, whereas the depression is 3 400 m deep and has Figure 2. Cross section of the Cangzhou region showing the not yet penetrated the Cenozoic formation. The sedimentary general hydrogeological structure. thickness varies from 2 000 to 2 500 m. In addition, the Qua-

Table 1 Formation group and comparison of aquifer groups

Aquifer System Series Code Aquifer group No. lithology

Holocene series Q4 Shallow freshwater aquifer group I

Upper Pleistocene series Q3 Middle-shallow confined aquifer II Quaternary 2 Quaternary water-bearing Q2 III1 system Middle Pleistocene series Q2 1 rock series Middle-deep confined aquifer III Q2 III2

Lower Pleistocene series Q1 Deep confined aquifer IV

1054 Yasong Li, Fawang Zhang, Zhantao Han, Ping Wang, Honghan Chen and Zhaoji Zhang data, and borehole data from 1963 to 2006, using geological The combination of these cones with the Cangzhou groundwater statistics method to analyse the data. Profile changes in depression cone resulted in a unified cone within the range of groundwater level were determined using MAPGIS. The reduc- -20 m water table contour. This newly combined Cangzhou tion of the groundwater drawdown funnel of evolution was groundwater depression cone caused the cone traits to change analyzed, and the evolution process of deep groundwater de- from concentric regular form into irregular from. pression cones was investigated (Fig. 3). The results showed that The second stage is characterized by stable development the evolution of depression cones can be divided into four stages (1981 to 1995). The increase in the number of deep motor- (Fig. 4). The climate, production, and other aspects of the in- pumped wells gradually slowed down after a period of steep formation were also analyzed to determine the factors affecting rising. In 1986, Cangzhou region had 14 679 deep motor- the evolution of the groundwater drawdown funnel. pumped wells. This number increased to 15 771 in 1990. The total number of deep motor-pumped wells remained at ap- 82o Plotting scale horizontal 1 : 1 000 000 proximately 15×103 to 17×103, and the annual average annual Suning Hejian Cangzhou Huanghua 9 9 3 20 extraction volume remained between 0.44×10 and 0.52×10 m . Jun.,1973 Surface 0 At this stage, the drawdown of the water level of depression centers was 20.42 m, with an annual drawdown of 1.36 m, and (m) -10 l Feb.,1981 the drawdown trend slowed. However, the closed area at the -40

eve 2 l -30 Jun.,1990 m water table contour reached up to 254.4 km because of the Jun., 2004 Jun., 2001

ater planation of groundwater depression cone. No hydraulic con-

w -50 Jun., 2002 Jun., 2003 nection or weak hydraulic connection existed between each Jun.,1996 -70 water-bearing system. However, in regions with groundwater

Ground depression cones, hydraulic connection exists between two or -90 Jun., 2005 more depression cones that are in the same or in different water- bearing systems. This phenomenon is mainly caused by the -110 following process: water influxes from the edge of depression Figure 3. Evolution of groundwater level from 1973 to 2005. cones to their center, going with the evolution of depression

) cones. Thus, two depression cones in the same water-bearing 1973 1979 1985 1991 1997 2003 0 system supply each other with water even when hydraulic con-

20 1976 1982 1988 1994 2000 nection exists between depression cones from different water- depth (m

l 40 bearing systems. Consequently, the groundwater level around eve l 60 the depression cones decreases and planation occurs when the

ater 80 decreasing speed in the center slows down or when the w 100 groundwater level rises again (Zhang and Zhang, 2001). During Stable development 120 Gradual recovering this period, the form and shape of the closed area at the -40 m

Ground Linear drop Rapid development development water table contour revealed that the groundwater depression development cone in Cangzhou region had begun to evolve from a single to a Figure 4. Evolution stage of groundwater depression cones. comprehensive regional depression cone. The third stage is characterized by rapid expansion (1996 to 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 2005). Water demand is continuously increasing because of the 3.1 Evolution Characteristics of Depression Cones rapid development of industrial and agricultural production. The The first stage of depression cones is characterized by lin- sharp increase in agricultural production and rural enterprises ear development (1967 to 1980). Before 1966, industrial and has to be sustained by a large amount of groundwater. In the past agricultural production and urban daily water utilization of decade, the average annual groundwater extraction was Cangzhou region entirely depends on groundwater and a small 0.69×109 m3, the total drawdown of water level of depression amount of shallow groundwater. In response to the low effi- cone centers was 10.56 m, and the annual drawdown was merely ciency of rural agriculture irrigation in rural regions, which 1.06 m. However, the closed area at the -50 m water table con- yields unstable agricultural production, the State Council tour increased from 0. 966×103 to 6.529×103 km2. launched a farmland hydrogeological survey in Hebei Province. Groundwater depression cones expanded to the north of This campaign resulted in the rapid development of motor- Cangzhou region. The average expansion speed at the -70 m pumped wells in Cangzhou region; such development was the water table contour was 3.7 km/a in the north direction and that dominant factor that caused the formation of the groundwater at the -70 m water table contour was 1.4 km/a, which are re- depression cone. After several years, the water level during low spectively 5 and 4 times quicker than that in the south direction. water periods decreased by 52.04 m, with an average annual This phenomenon is primarily caused by the pulling of depres- decrease of approximately 5.38 m. During this period, ground- sion cones in Qingxian, which is located at the northern part of water depression cones were formed in the concentrated water- Cangzhou region, and by the concentration of industries and extraction areas of 14 counties and other regions in which water water resource areas in the northern area. By the end of 2005, the resources are consumed for oil excavation. Meanwhile, depression cones of the No. III aquifer group in Cangzhou re- groundwater depression cones were also formed in Qingxian, gion only existed at the closed area at a depth of >60 m. Cangzhou, Botou, Nanpi, Huanghua, and Dulin water resources. Meanwhile, that at a depth of ≤60 m had drastically expanded

Evolution Characteristics and Influence Factors of Deep Groundwater Depression Cone 1055 into Tianjin City and region of Hebei Province in the age frequency of one time every 4 years. Since the 1980s, this north direction and into Dezhou region of Province city has experienced a relatively dry period with less precipita- and Hengshui region of Hebei Province in the south direction tion, with the average annual precipitation decreasing by ap- (Zhang, 2007). The form of depression cones had evolved from proximately 30 mm. To overcome drought, a large amount of a depression point to a depression basin, and the planation of the groundwater was excavated to satisfy the needs of agricultural depression cones had become more pronounced. production. The fourth stage is characterized by the gradual recovery of the depression cones (2006 to present). In accordance with the 3.2.2 Special geological and hydrogeological conditions National Management Plan on Groundwater Overexploitation, Cangzhou City is located at the downstream of rivers in the the Cangzhou government issued the decision to shut down southern part of Haihe River, which is a famous conflux of self-prepared wells in urban area, which initiated the shutting numerous rivers. Thus, sand particles are smaller, and the speed down of deep groundwater wells. Consequently, privately of groundwater infiltration is relatively slow. The utilization of owned wells in Cangzhou City were gradually shut down. The shallow aquifers is low because they are mainly composed of deep groundwater excavation in the urban area gradually de- salt water. The No. III aquifer group in Cangzhou region is the clined, and the trend of drawdown of groundwater was hindered. main groundwater-extraction source; its water is mainly sup- A total of 282 wells were shut down within three years. By the plied by the western lateral runoff. However, the groundwater- end of 2006, the deep groundwater level of No. III recovered to extraction layer of Baoding region and Hengshui region in the 88 m (Han et al., 2013), and by the end of 2009, the groundwater upper reaches of the river system is consistent with that of levels of Nos. III, IV, and V aquifer groups increased by aver- Cangzhou region, resulting in the closure of the lateral water ages of 13.46, 18.22, and 34.28 m, respectively (Sun, 2011) supply to Cangzhou region. Thus, the deep groundwater in (Table 2, Fig. 5). Cangzhou region cannot be supplied effectively, thereby accel- erating the development of depression cones (Fig. 6). 3.2 Controls on Formation of Depression Cones Groundwater level decline and depression cone formation 3.2.3 Highly increased water consumption of industrial and are mainly due to excessive groundwater excavation. However, agricultural development they are also affected by climatic conditions; agricultural and According to statistics from 1953 to 2005, the irrigation industrial layout; and regional, geological, and hydrogeological area of Cangzhou region increased in 50 years and the food conditions. The primary influencing factors can be described as output increased from 0.546×109 to 3.237×109 kg. The increas- follows. ing number of small and medium enterprises also made indus- trial output turn a hundredfold. The population increased from 3.2.1 Unfavorable weather conditions 3.52×106 in 1953 to 679.36×106 in 2005 (Xu, 2007). Industrial Cangzhou region is featured by arid and semi-arid humid and agricultural development and population increase climate, with uneven distribution of rainfall during the year. The strengthened the excavation of groundwater resources. rainfall throughout the year is drastically unbalanced. According Groundwater extraction in 2005 reached 1.13×109 m3, despite to statistics, Cangzhou City has experienced 13 years of slight the fact that deep groundwater resources that could bear ex- drought or total drought between 1956 and 2003, with an aver- ploitation were only 0.292×109 m3, as determined by a method

Table 2 Evolution of groundwater depression cones (Li et al., 2013)

Time Low stand Annual excavation of Center of depression Depth of Water level Closed area of water table con- groundwater cones groundwater (m) elevation (m) tour (watermark value) (km2) (×109 m3) 1971 22.47 -14.74 Electric power plant of Cangzhou 1975 50.28 -39.68 43.6 (-20) 2.34 From 641 factory to refinery 1980 69.99 -62.27 587.8 (-30) 4.52 From 641 factory to refinery 1985 75.65 -67.93 1 486.2 (-30)1; 4.13 641 factory 456 (-40); 95 (-50) 1990 82.08 -74.36 1 415.20 (-40)2; 3.55 641 factory 309 (-50) 1995 90.41 -82.69 966.0 (-50) 3.75 641 factory 2000 95.17 -87.45 5 712 (-50) 4.8 Dangpanghe of Cangxiang 2005 100.97 -93.25 6 528.5 (-50) 4.6

Note: 1. It is the data in 1984. In 1985, the -30 m water table contour could not be closed yet; 2. Qingxian groundwater depression cone is included, the closed area of which was 476.80 km2.

1056 Yasong Li, Fawang Zhang, Zhantao Han, Ping Wang, Honghan Chen and Zhaoji Zhang

Renqiu Renqiu Qingxian Qingxian

Huanghua Huanghua Cangzhou Cangzhou Xianxian Xianxian Haixing Haixing Botou Botou

(a) (b)

Renqiu Qingxian Groundwater level contour 1985 Huanghua N Cangzhou 1990 Xianxian 1995 Botou Haixing 2000 2005


Figure 5. Change in groundwater level contour from 1985 to 2005 ((a) 40 m; (b) 50 m; (c) 60 m).

Shijiazhuang 3 Hengshui subsiding center reached 2.236×10 mm, and the settlement Ziya River Cangzhou Bohai Sea 0 range of over 2 000 mm covered the entire Cangzhou region (Lü


l -100 and Xiong, 2011). The ground subsidence caused damage of city

eve -200 buildings, pipe deformation, and damage of level points, re-

l -300 sulting in stagnant groundwater and poor drainage. The head of


w water between the deep freshwater aquifer and shallow salt -400 water aquifer made the shallow freshwater infiltrate the deep salt -500 water aquifer, thereby threatening the deep buried freshwater.

Ground -600 Monitoring data analysis showed that the descending of inter- Figure 6. Schematic diagram of groundwater flow net from face between freshwater and salt water was approximately 10 m, Shijiazhuang to Bohai Sea in the condition of exploitation. and that the maximum downing was 30 m (Han and Han, 2006). In certain regions, salinization of deep freshwater prevented it based on the guideline of water resource evaluation. The actual from being utilized. Frequent ground cracks are also conse- deep groundwater extraction amount is exceedingly beyond the quences of groundwater overexploitation. In the last five years, water supply capacity. over 20 cracks were found in Cangzhou, one of which was found in Renqiu and it was 3 m wide and approximately 4 km long at 3.3 Environment Response against Groundwater Overex- its widest point. Large cracks were also found at the ploitation Baiyangdian Lake and the Hutuohe River bank, thereby threat- In addition to the formation of groundwater depression ening flood control. cones, environmental problems such as land subsidence and salt and fresh water interface downing are also caused by ground- 4 CONCLUSIONS water exploitation. Excessive pumping of underground water The North China Plain (NCP) is one of the global hotspots causes a head difference, resulting in the continuous compaction of groundwater depletion. Groundwater is almost the only released water of aquifer roof and floor and the deformation of source of water for agricultural, industrial and drinking water in the aquifer skeleton. Except for land subsidence, groundwater this region. After long-term’s over-exploitation of deep quality decline may also occur because of abnormal iodine- groundwater, there appeared several deep groundwater depres- fluorine ion in the released water. The land subsidence in sion cones, such as Cangzhou cone, Dezhou cone, Hengshui Cangzhou region was identified in 1971, when the settlement cone, Tianjin cone, etc., in which the Cangzhou cone is one of was only 9 mm. By the end of 2001, the total settlement of the typical cones for its special geography and hydrogeology

Evolution Characteristics and Influence Factors of Deep Groundwater Depression Cone 1057 conditions. This study was intended to analyze the evolution Foster, S., Garduno, H., Evans, R., et al., 2004. Quaternary characteristics and influencing factors of deep groundwater Aquifer of the North China Plain: Assessing and Achieving depression cone in Cangzhou region, especially the No. III Groundwater Resource Sustainability. Hydrogeology aquifer depression cone, which is the main exploitation zone in Journal, 12(1): 81–93. doi:10.1007/s10040-003-0300-6 this region. By using geological statistics method and MAPGIS Fu, X. G., 2001. Cone of Groundwater Depression and Its De- to analyse the groundwater dynamic monitoring data, ground- velopment Tendency at Hengshui. Water Resource Protec- water exploitation data, and borehole data from 1963 to 2006, tion, 44(1): 24–25 (in Chinese with English Abstract) the reduction of the groundwater drawdown funnel of evolution Han, Y. X., 2012. 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