Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1940-03-21
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llawkeyes Cloudy Today Dla.mondmen Win; Traekmen 10WA-Cloudy loday IUld tomor Lose row, with ~ lonal now In Sec Siories on Page 3 north Ilnd lain or snow In south. 10"' a City', M ornins New.paper FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1940 VOLUME XXXVIII NUMBER 32 I I Reynaud* * * * To* * Head· * * *New *'Crisis' * * * Cabinet* * * * *inlrance3NeutralCraft * * * · -FROM LONDO - -FROM P ARIS- ~ --- Are Damaged; £. Daladier~s . Spring Arrives-~.. Senate Passes , $212,000,000 Abandon One ,Government capa Flow en ~Parity Payments' Farm Bill or Retaliation Raid Quits War Job • Following yh Baul Illfuuretania Farm Belt LONDON, March 21 (Thurs and French Premier May Pride Goeth day) (AP) - Germany's air force Enters Accept War Ministry Perilous S N· hit back la t night in revcngl' lor Before~ Role for War enators lp the tremendous ' POundln, whirl, In Mid~S tream Shakeup British planes dealt out to SyU, The Moral 10 Thi swarming down on a convoy oft By JOHN LLOYD NEW YORK, March ~O (AP)- Economy Bloc Story I : 'Get the Scottish coast, fighting n harsh PARIS, March 21 (Thursday) The 35,739-ton MaUl'etania, fifth baWl' wIth BrItish warship lind (AP) - Persons close to Paul To Know the Dean' largest Uner in the British mer-' Senatoria1 Committee naval planes and dama,ing three neutral Ship. Reynaud said early this morning chant marin~, entered a new and Re tores Items ut that he hoped before the day CHANUTE, Kall., Mar"" 20 Revising its first e timate at the dangerous role as a troop trans- B H L · I casualties e rly today, the Brit was out to I'omplete a new "push (AP)-The young bJtcb hJker pott tonight. Y OU"le egI ator Identified himself as a nlver ish admiralty . aid three neutral the war" cabinet for France and At 7:01 p. m. (CST) , the big ships in the convoy suIfered dam- sity of Kansas studen~ and end the government crisis pre gray-painted .. hip pulled away By RICnARD L. TURNER age nd that on ot thl'm wa brll"ll'ed that he had cut cia ~s WASHINGTON, March 20 (AP) abandoned by its crew. The Ger cipita ted yesterday by the resig 80 be could a.dd an extra. da.y to from the Cunard White Star line -The senate knocked a biG dent man radio bro dcast claims that nation of the cabinet of Edouard his Ell ler vacation. Pier at l4th street, Manhattan. .. I" ed shl __ Tbe motor! t who picked him in the congrc~ ional eeonomy pro- evera convoy ps w",~ Daladier. Few lights showed on oer decks. gram today with a 63 to 19 vote sunk or badly dam ged. UP today a.nd brougbt him here The new government, these from Lu.wrence, the university The Mauretania, a new vessel approving a $212,000,000 ppro-, The abandoned ShlP wa the sources said, likely will go be center, merely smiled. named after ' he famous old Brit- prlaUon for "parity payments" to Norwegian Svinta, of 1,267 tons. fore the chamber of deputies The young man's mouth wlil ish liner that was scrapped after tarmers. Her cr w was picked up by an- years service, was to be follow- Admlnist .. ation senator· and other Norwegian vessel. Friday for a vote of confidence. pOP open when he get back to ot The formation planned by Rey La.wrence and learns who the ed by the Great Queen Mary, others tnlln farming areaR ovel'- The Swedish UtkUppan, 1,599 naud includes virtually all poli man was-Chancellor Deane W. whos:, 81,235 tons ranked her sec- whelmed th<! economy forces. The tons, was hit by an incendiary tical parties, but its final makeup Malott of the university. ond only to the brand new Queen debate fou,d Senator Taft (R- bomb and Ihe Norwegi n Tor... depends Oil the decision of the '------- Elizabeth in the British fleet. Ohio) subjecled to a shorp demo- Ell e, 721 tons, ljkewi. was dam executi ve committee of the so Targets whose hitting would cratlc cro -examination on hi aged. cialist group, called tor late this Iowan Killed . mean an h'on cross and Nazi im- fiscal view;.. Antiaircraft fire from e cort- morning tf) consider an offer to Spring arrived at 12:24 p.m. yes- I ing downstream as the water level - DII;II' 1""'1111 PIlIl/", blf:,J//l'"IJ!, JEFFERSON, (AP)- Lawrence Imortality for the successful Ger- Added to Bill Ing warships damaged one attack- join the cabinet. terday, and a sunny day brought rises from melting snows. This Leonard, 21, delivery man for a man submarine trapshooter, the The parity payment item was ing Heinkel bomber, the admir- Dahdier a Kll1I'pin promises (If warmer weather generaL view ot the rivel' was tive than usual, ~s severnr- thou- grocery store here, was killed yes- passenger liners-turned trall3ports added to the annual appropria- alty aid. Plan ot th fleet all' Much depends on Daladier, aplenty, despite a chilly breeze. taken from the cast bank ot sand student~ departed (or a terday when the motorcycle he weI' gambling on their speed to tion bill Cor the agriculture de- aJ·m, Brltain's naval air force. hit who was Mfered the war min Meanwhile Iowa river began to Iowa river near the City park wcek of vacation in celebration was riding and a Northwestern carry Britain'sth colonial• E troops partmenl which th enate is ex- two other Heink Is and onI one show sign3 of activity. Ice be- bridge. The arrival ot spring p&;~enger train collided al a grade safely into e area o. uropean pected to pass tomorrow. It was occasion two of the British panes istry but whose acceptance is of Easter. not yet official. gan breaking away and mov- found Iowa City a bit more crossing. war. designed tQ restore to farmers a scaUer d ten Heinkel. I Reynaud concluded his lir$t • • • • • • • • • • • !portion ot the purchasing power None of the British warship or night's con ultations abOu.t 2 they enjoyed :Crom 1909 to 1914. planes was damaged, authorities a.m. (7 p.m. CST). ~,i____ An d f St u den t Leave A proposlil b)" Senators Lee (D- ins! t d. 'l'he vigorous Reynaud, moun Farley Enters Race Okla) and BUbo (D-Miss) to in- - - tainee)', world traveler and skilled sure full (:arity with a $607,- Tbls rapid retaliatory action lor doctor of French finance, saLd he 000,000 appropriation was voted tbe lif -hour royal a.lr tor m h would give his definite reply For U. S. Presidency down, 56 to 27. at the nazi &lr b Ie on SyU rved about noon today to President The bill as received :Crom the to h .. leblen repor tht.l th Brlt Albert Lebrun's request that he • senate appropriations committee, ish are ready to pit th~lr .... r fleet form a cabinet. Stanley Scores which recommended the $212,- apillst German .ubmarlne II l" Daladier's government, which Whether F. R. 000,000 parity item, proposed out- and sblpyt.rds In the B ItIe I t.se 11. had prepared the country tor lays of $922,864,000, a sum $208,- The German aecounts 01 wt war after the uneasy Munich U. S. 'Ringside' 968,000 tlreater than the total n\a'bt's raid placed the en of breathing ~peU for which it was Will Compete voted by the hou e. action ott 'capa Flow. A cr one-fourth responsible and then War Critics The parity payments, which man attack on tbis 1 land naval directed the nation through six are In addition to almost $500,- base I t a.turday prcclplta.led and a half months of a con Is Not Clear LONDON, March 20 (AP) - 000,000 in eoil conservation bene- Ihe 45-plane Sylt raids ot Tu~sday flict ot siege, quit this morning. Britain's war secretarY, Oliver nts and 1I0me $90,000,000 in loans nleM and Wednesday momme. The reason was a thick atmos WASHINGTON, March 20 (AP) Stanley, !;rruck out . today at for agrlcu\t.ural activities, were The raid, th ~ bl6rest .Brltaln American "ringside" critics of the phere of dissatisfaction over lack - Postmaster ~ne.. al Farlev's not included in the hou e bill. bas made In this war, brourht of allied action in the struggle statement that he wbs in the British con~tuct of the war, tell Many Items Cut autborllaUve preeU tiona that a with Germany. presidential rl\ce "wit.hout re ing a London luncheon audience The house had, in fact, slashed new pha In Britain's aerial at- Gentle Albert Lebrun, the servation" prompted some legisla that Britons may be willing to scores of items below Pl'e ident tack had been ushered In. Presiden t .)f France, asked Dala tors to predict that PL'esident lcarn to be tough with neutl'als. Roosevelt's budget est I m a I C 5 • Punctua.tlne the darln.. of the dier to form a new government. noosevelt wou Id not seek a thi,'d Many of these the senate com- new British tact! , British tHus But Daladier, smarting under the term - but others were not so mittee restored, and today the today returned 10 tbe cene to hostile refusal by the majority sure. senate approved most ot thes take photo.... apb of tb damare of the chamber of deputies to Farley said at Springfield, J. Cromwell increases in rapid, routine tash- they had done IUld to drop a few vote on H motion of confidence Mass., today that "my name will ion and without debale.