Successful Austerity in the United States, Europe and Japan1 Nicoletta Batini a*, Giovanni Callegari b and Giovanni Melina a a International Monetary Fund b European Central Bank Abstract Using regime-switching VARs that embed the response of monetary policy we estimate the impact of fiscal adjustment on the United States, Europe and Japan allowing for fiscal multipliers to vary across contractions and booms. We also estimate ex-ante probabilities of expansions and contractions derived in association with different-sized and different types of fiscal shocks (expenditure- versus tax-based). The main finding is that smooth and gradual consolidations are to be preferred to frontloaded or aggressive consolidations, especially for economies in a downturn facing high-risk premia on public debt, because sheltering growth is key to the success of fiscal consolidation in these cases. JEL Classification Numbers: E62; F41; H30; H63 Keywords: Fiscal consolidation, fiscal multipliers, growth-friendly fiscal policy *Corresponding author at: International Monetary Fund, 700 19th Street, NW, Washington, DC, 20431, United States. Phone: +1-202-623-8568; Fax: +1-202-589-8568. The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the International Monetary Fund (or of its Board) or of the European Central Bank (or of its Governing Council). Work on this paper was done while Giovanni Callegari was an Economist at the International Monetary Fund. E-mail addresses:
[email protected] (N. Batini);
[email protected] (G. Callegari);
[email protected] (G. Melina). 1 We are grateful to Anja Baum, Fabio Canova, Peter Doyle, Paul Levine, Larry Kotlikoff, Julia Scmidt, Anke Weber and seminar participants at the International Monetay Fund, European Central Bank, DIW and University of Surrey for useful comments.