JHipster.NET Release 3.1.1

Jul 28, 2021


1 Big Picture 3

2 Getting Started 5 2.1 Prerequisites...... 5 2.2 Generate your first application...... 5

3 Azure 7 3.1 Deploy using Terraform...... 7

4 Code Analysis 9 4.1 Running SonarQube by script...... 9 4.2 Running SonarQube manually...... 9

5 CQRS 11 5.1 Introduction...... 11 5.2 Create your own Queries or Commands...... 11

6 Cypress 13 6.1 Introduction...... 13 6.2 Pre-requisites...... 13 6.3 How to use it...... 13

7 Database 15 7.1 Using database migrations...... 15

8 Dependencies Management 17 8.1 Nuget Management...... 17 8.2 Caution...... 17

9 DTOs 19 9.1 Using DTOs...... 19

10 Entities auditing 21 10.1 Audit properties...... 21 10.2 Audit of generated Entities...... 21 10.3 Automatically set properties audit...... 22

11 Fronts 23

i 11.1 ...... 23 11.2 React...... 23 11.3 Vue.js...... 24 11.4 Alpha - Xamarin...... 24 11.5 Alpha - ...... 26

12 Deploy 29 12.1 Pre-requisites...... 29 12.2 Deploying to Heroku...... 29 12.3 Databases...... 29

13 MongoDB 31 13.1 Introduction...... 31 13.2 Pre-requisites...... 31 13.3 Difference with SQL databases...... 31 13.4 WIP...... 32

14 Monitoring 33

15 Repository 35 15.1 QueryHelper...... 35 15.2 Add, AddRange, Attach, Update and UpdateRange...... 35

16 Security 37 16.1 JWT...... 37 16.2 Enforce HTTPS...... 37 16.3 OAuth2 and OpenID Connect...... 38

17 Services 41 17.1 Generating Services...... 41 17.2 Extending and Customizing Services...... 41 17.3 Automatic Service Registration In DI Container...... 42

18 Running local Blueprint version for development 43

19 Microservices 45 19.1 Microservices Artictecture...... 46

20 Monolith 47 20.1 Monolith Artictecture...... 47 20.2 Monolith structure...... 48

ii JHipster.NET, Release 3.1.1

Thanks for taking a look at the JHipster.NET documentation. Please use the left hand nav to get around. I would suggest taking a look at introduction first. You can also find lot of information in https://www.jhipster.tech

Introduction 1 JHipster.NET, Release 3.1.1

2 Introduction CHAPTER 1

Big Picture

JHipster is a well-known platform for generating modern application in world. JHipster provides a blueprints system that allows to override the default behavior of the generator JHipster.NET is a blueprint that overrides the back-end part, originally generated in spring boot, by back-end in asp.net core. For the front-end all the common language can be used (angular, react, vue.js). In alpha version we also have the possibility to choose either Blazor or Xamarin for the front. This blueprint is an official blueprint of JHipster official-blueprints

3 JHipster.NET, Release 3.1.1

4 Chapter 1. Big Picture CHAPTER 2

Getting Started

2.1 Prerequisites

As this is a JHipster blueprint, we expect you have JHipster and its related tools already installed: • Installing JHipster

2.2 Generate your first application

Installation of the blueprint npm install -g generator-jhipster-dotnetcore

Call the generator jhipster --blueprints dotnetcore

After running this command you have few questions to answer, as Application name, authentication mode, client framework etc Once it’s done, you can build and run your application. dotnet run --verbosity normal --project ./src/YourAppName/YourAppName.csproj

Your first application is ready and you can now use it with default user like JHipster (admin admin or user user) Ok now you have an application but without entity. JHipster allow you to add entity with cli or with jdl file (add link) JHipster.NET have the same behavior. jhipster entity

Or with jdl jhipster import-jdl my_file.jdl

5 JHipster.NET, Release 3.1.1

You can edit jdl with https://start.jhipster.tech/jdl-studio/ You have now an application with CRUD operations on each new entities with potentially link between entities (one- to-one, many-to-one or many-to-many) Default configurations are availables in the generated project. As an example, a docker compose file is generated with monitoring solutions (influxdb telegraf and chronograf or grafana) The repository : https://github.com/jhipster/jhipster-dotnetcore Sample project : https://github.com/jhipster/jhipster-sample-app-dotnetcore

6 Chapter 2. Getting Started CHAPTER 3


3.1 Deploy using Terraform

Currently supports only monolithic app with SQL Server as database (support for other databases are WIP). Terraform scripts will create Azure App Service, Azure SQL Server

3.1.1 Prerequisites

1. Docker installed with docker-compose and have push access to any of the docker repository like docker hub or Azure container registry. 2. Azure CLI installed on your system. Terraform will require it to authenticate in Azure subscription. 3. Terraform CLI installed on your system.

3.1.2 Steps to follow

1. Execute generate app command and select app as Monolithic with SQL server as database. Select yes to generate Terraform scripts. (default: is No)

use- azure 2. Use docker-compose command to first build the docker image. docker-compose -f docker/app.yml build

1. Tag the image built during the previous step to push to docker repository by using

7 JHipster.NET, Release 3.1.1

docker tag :version/tag

1. Push the image to docker hub or any docker service provider by using docker push :version/tag

Note: The docker image link and its tag will use as input to Terraform variables. 5. In the generated app folder, change directory to the Terraform folder. cd terraform

1. Login into your Azure CLI by using az login

Note: Terraform plan command will work only if the user is authenticated using Azure CLI. 1. Create a file (terraform.tfvars) in the Terraform folder to provide input to the Terraform main script using below content: location="Central US" subscription_id="" mssql_admin_user="dbUser" mssql_admin_password="Password!12" docker_image="a5ingh/jhipster-dotnetcore-sampleapp" docker_image_tag="0.1"

1. Execute below terraform commands (one by one) to create resources (Azure app service, Azure SQL) and deploy as a docker image to app service: 1. terraform init # to initialize terraform. 2. terraform plan -out "MyAppPlan" # can choose any name instead of MyAppPlan. 3. terraform apply "MyAppPlan" # it will create the resources and then provide you the link to your deployed app as output variable. 2. You can use terraform destroy to delete/remove all the created resources once you are done using it.

8 Chapter 3. Azure CHAPTER 4

Code Analysis

4.1 Running SonarQube by script

1. Run Sonar in container : docker-compose -f ./docker/sonar.yml up - 2. Wait container was up Run SonarAnalysis.ps1 and go to http://localhost:9001

4.2 Running SonarQube manually

1. Run Sonar in container : docker-compose -f ./docker/sonar.yml up -d 2. Install sonar scanner for .net : dotnet tool install --global dotnet-sonarscanner 1. Run

dotnet sonarscanner begin /d:sonar.login=admin /d:sonar.password=admin /k:

˓→"YourProject" /d:sonar.host.url="http://localhost:9001" /s:"`pwd`/SonarQube.


1. Build your application : dotnet build 2. Publish sonar results : dotnet sonarscanner end /d:sonar.login=admin /d:sonar. password=admin 3. Go to http://localhost:9001

9 JHipster.NET, Release 3.1.1

10 Chapter 4. Code Analysis CHAPTER 5


5.1 Introduction

CQRS stands for Command Query Responsibility Segregation. You have the possibility to use this pattern thanks to MediatR. When generating your application, you can choose to use CQRS. Enabling it will generate a new layer for your commands and queries called Application.

Namespace.Application Commands - Your commands MyEntity - Your entity MyEntityCreateCommand - A command MyEntityCreateCommandHandler - An handler for your command Queries - Your queries MyEntity - Your entity MyEntityGetQuery - A query MyEntityGetQueryHandler - An handler for your query Namespace.Crosscutting Namespace.Domain Namespace.Domain.Services Namespace.Dto Namespace.Infrastructure

5.2 Create your own Queries or Commands

In order to create your own commands and/or queries you have to create two classes : • A command/query • An handler for it For instance, let’s create a query MyEntityGetQuery.cs:

11 JHipster.NET, Release 3.1.1

namespace MyCompany.Application.Queries { public class MyEntityGetQuery : IRequest { public long Id { get; set;} } }

This Query should have an Id and returns a MyEntity object. Here’s the handler MyEntityGetQueryHandler. cs : namespace MyCompany.Application.Queries { public class MyEntityGetQueryHandler : IRequestHandler { private IReadOnlyMyEntityRepository _myEntityRepository;

public MyEntityGetQueryHandler(IReadOnlyMyEntityRepository myEntityRepository) { _myEntityRepository = myEntityRepository; }

public Task Handle(MyEntityGetQuery request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { return _myEntityRepository.QueryHelper() .GetOneAsync(myEntity => myEntity.Id == request.Id); } } }

Please note that we are using a ReadOnlyRepository rather than a service in order to do the segregation between Commands and Queries. Lastly, create your routing method within your controller :

[HttpGet("my-entity/{id}")] public async Task GetMyEntity([FromRoute] long id) { var result = await _mediator.Send(new MyEntityGetQuery { Id = id }); return ActionResultUtil.WrapOrNotFound(result); }

12 Chapter 5. CQRS CHAPTER 6


When generating an application, you are able to automatically generate Cypress tests.

6.1 Introduction

Cypress is a next generation front end testing tool built for the modern web. It allows to run multiple end to end tests on all your application features.

6.2 Pre-requisites

When generating your application, make sure to check “Cypress” in your optional testing framworks (by pressing the space bar).

cypress- choice

6.3 How to use it

Once your application is generated, you can optionally add some entities, it will automatically generate the corre- sponding tests for your entities. To begin, go to your ClientApp folder: cd src/YourApplication/ClientApp

Then execute one of the following commands:

13 JHipster.NET, Release 3.1.1

npx cypress open or

./node_modules/.bin/cypress open

For futher information you can visit Cypress wiki.

14 Chapter 6. Cypress CHAPTER 7


7.1 Using database migrations

If you had already run the application before creating your first migration, some database tables might be already created automatically on application startup. So you have the options of removing conflicting database tables or editing the migration you just created. If you wish to automatically apply database migrations when the application is started replace method EnsureCreated() by Migrate() at DatabaseStartup.cs file. Be aware of the implications of doing so, such as potential data loss. Currently it is up to the user to create migrations. 1. Add EF Core cli tools Since .Net Core 3.0 the cli tool for was removed from the core sdk so you need to install it globally. You only need to do this once. See Breaking changes included in EF Core 3.0 for reference. dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef

If using Visual Studio follow the documentation on Entity Framework Core tools reference - Console in Visual Studio 1. Create the initial database migration dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate --project YourProject.Infrastructure.csproj --

˓→startup-project YourProject.csproj

1. Update the database dotnet ef database update --project YourProject.Infrastructure.csproj --startup-

˓→project YourProject.csproj

Tips: • Remember to change the connection string to point to your database at appsettings.. • It is a good practice to check your migration files and backup your database before running migrations.

15 JHipster.NET, Release 3.1.1

16 Chapter 7. Database CHAPTER 8

Dependencies Management

8.1 Nuget Management

We have chosen to centralize the c# dependencies. To do this we use a Directory.Build.targets file (you can find it in root folder) This file contains all dependencies with for each one their version. To add a dependency, you need to add it in csproj without the version and add it in Directory.Build.targets with the version example: in csproj

in Directory.Build.targets

8.2 Caution

Visual studio do not manage the nuget with Directory.Build.targets if you add or update nuget by visual studio you need to remove version in csproj and add or update dependency in Directory.Build.targets

17 JHipster.NET, Release 3.1.1

18 Chapter 8. Dependencies Management CHAPTER 9


9.1 Using DTOs

Notice that this blueprint uses AutoMapper to handle dto conversion instead of Java’s mapstruct. Example using JDL: dto * with mapstruct See JHispter’s documentation for more details about using DTOs.

19 JHipster.NET, Release 3.1.1

20 Chapter 9. DTOs CHAPTER 10

Entities auditing

JHipster.Net implement basic Auditing on all the entities you save in the database.

10.1 Audit properties

This blueprint introduce a new base class named AuditedEntityBase that every generated entity will inherit from when we need to add the audit functionality. The properties use to audit entities are : 1. CreateBy : The user who created the initial entry. 2. CreatedDate : The datetime of creation of initial entry. 3. LastModifiedBy : The user who modified the entry last. 4. LastModifiedDate : The datetime the entry was last modified.

public abstract class AuditedEntityBase { public string CreatedBy { get; set;} public DateTime CreatedDate { get; set;} public string LastModifiedBy { get; set;} public DateTime LastModifiedDate { get; set;} }

10.2 Audit of generated Entities

For example, if we have a Task entity and we want to add audit functionality we would inherit from our AuditedEntityBase like that:

public class Task : AuditedEntityBase { public string Title { get; set;} (continues on next page)

21 JHipster.NET, Release 3.1.1

(continued from previous page) public string Description { get; set;} }

Our Task class will have all the audit properties.

10.3 Automatically set properties audit

To automatically set the audit properties, we override the SaveChangesAsync method in our ApplicationDatabaseContext class: public override async Task SaveChangesAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken

˓→= default(CancellationToken)) { var entries = ChangeTracker .Entries() .Where(e => e.Entity is IAuditedEntityBase && ( e.State == EntityState.Added || e.State == EntityState.Modified));

string modifiedOrCreatedBy = _httpContextAccessor?.HttpContext?.User?.Identity?.

˓→Name ?? "System";

foreach (var entityEntry in entries) { if (entityEntry.State == EntityState.Added) { ((IAuditedEntityBase)entityEntry.Entity).CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; ((IAuditedEntityBase)entityEntry.Entity).CreatedBy = modifiedOrCreatedBy; } else { Entry((IAuditedEntityBase)entityEntry.Entity).Property(p => p.

˓→CreatedDate).IsModified = false; Entry((IAuditedEntityBase)entityEntry.Entity).Property(p => p.CreatedBy).

˓→IsModified = false; } ((IAuditedEntityBase)entityEntry.Entity).LastModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; ((IAuditedEntityBase)entityEntry.Entity).LastModifiedBy = modifiedOrCreatedBy; } return await base.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken); }

In our implementation, we use the HttpContextAccessor to get the user name of current user. To have HttpContextAccessor available we just inject it into our ApplicationDatabaseContext class. private readonly IHttpContextAccessor _httpContextAccessor; public ApplicationDatabaseContext(DbContextOptions

˓→options, IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor) : base(options) { _httpContextAccessor = httpContextAccessor; }

22 Chapter 10. Entities auditing CHAPTER 11


When generating an application, you are able to choose between multiple fronts.

11.1 Angular

Angular (commonly referred to as “Angular 2+” or “Angular v2 and above”) is a TypeScript-based open-source framework.

11.1.1 Generate your application

Call the generator jhipster --blueprints dotnetcore and choose Angular

front-choice For further information: Using Angular with JHipster

11.2 React

React (also known as React.js or ReactJS) is an open-source, front end, JavaScript library for building user interfaces or UI components.

23 JHipster.NET, Release 3.1.1

11.2.1 Generate your application

Call the generator jhipster --blueprints dotnetcore and choose React

front-choice For further information: Using React with JHipster

11.3 Vue.js

Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

11.3.1 Generate your application

Call the generator jhipster --blueprints dotnetcore and choose Vue

front-choice For further information: Using Vue with JHipster

11.4 Alpha - Xamarin

With a C#-shared codebase, developers can use Xamarin tools to write native Android, iOS, and Windows apps with native user interfaces and share code across multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

11.4.1 Available features

• Handle registration and connection. • Sidebar menu to navigate through pages. • Entities and users management. • Auto-generated entity models, services, views and viewmodels.

24 Chapter 11. Fronts JHipster.NET, Release 3.1.1

11.4.2 NuGet requirements

• akavache >= 7.1.1 • MvvmCross.Forms >= 7.1.1 • System.ComponentModel.Annotations >= 5.0.0 • System.Net.Http.Json >= 3.2.1 • Xamarin.Forms >= 4.6.0 • Xamarin.Essential >=1.5.3

11.4.3 Why Xamarin

Xamarin allows to take advantage of this blueprint. Indeed, it enables to generate a modern cross platform application with both front-end and back-end in C#.

11.4.4 Generate your application

Call the generator jhipster --blueprints dotnetcore and choose Xamarin


11.4.5 Structure

Any generated Xamarin application is structured as follows client Namespace.Client.Xamarin.Core - Your core application Models Entities - Generated models Services Entities - Generated services ViewModels Entities - Generated viewmodels Views Entities - Generated views Namespace.Client.Xamarin.Android - Your Android application Resources drawable - Contains your images Layout - Contains your layouts Properties Namespace.Client.Xamarin.iOS - Your iOS application Resources - Contains your images (continues on next page)

11.4. Alpha - Xamarin 25 JHipster.NET, Release 3.1.1

(continued from previous page) Properties Namespace.Client.Xamarin.Shared - Shared code Constants - Contains shared constants

11.4.6 Limitations

For the moment, the Xamarin generation has certain limitations : • No Offline mode • No User managment • No validation on entity fields • No translation • No Tests • Only JWT security is implemented

11.5 Alpha - Blazor

Blazor is a free and open-source that enables developers to create web apps using C# and HTML.

11.5.1 Why Blazor ?

Blazor can run your client-side C# code directly in the browser, using WebAssembly. Because it’s real .NET running on WebAssembly, you can re-use code and libraries from server-side parts of your application. (https://dotnet.microsoft.com/apps/aspnet/web-apps/blazor)

11.5.2 Prerequisites

• dotnet5.0

11.5.3 Generate your application

Call the generator jhipster --blueprints dotnetcore and choose Blazor (WebAssembly)

front-choice After that, your application is ready, and you can now use it with default user (admin admin or user user)

26 Chapter 11. Fronts JHipster.NET, Release 3.1.1

Start your application

Run the Backend dotnet run --verbosity normal --project ./src/YourAppName/YourAppName.csproj

Run the Frontend dotnet run --verbosity normal --project ./src/client/YourAppName.Client/YourAppName.


Start your application with Hot Reload

Run the Backend

dotnet watch --project ./src/YourAppName/YourAppName.csproj run --verbosity normal

Run the Frontend

dotnet watch --project ./src/client/YourAppName.Client/YourAppName.Client.csproj run

˓→--verbosity normal

11.5.4 Generate entities

Like the others front technologies you can generate entities for Blazor.

With CLI jhipster entity

With JDL jhipster import-jdl my_file.jdl

11.5.5 Tools

As the project used SASS, to install and consume SCSS third parties libraries like Bootstrap we use Microsoft Library Manager (aka libman) You can find libman configuration in the same directory than the client solution (./src/client/YourAppName.Client) To minify CSS we use Excubo.WebCompiler (aka webcompiler) These two tools are installed during JHipster client generation, and you can find the execution in Client.csproj (./src/client/YourAppName.Client/YourAppName.Client.csproj)

11.5. Alpha - Blazor 27 JHipster.NET, Release 3.1.1

11.5.6 UI components

To speed up our development we use Blazored components like Blazored.Modal or Blazored.SessionStorage. We also use Blazorise which has really interesting components.


For unit test we use the awesome library bUnit. You can find client unit test in ./test/YourAppName.Client.Test

11.5.8 Limitations

For the moment, the Blazor generation has certain limitations : • Only support DTO you can’t use application without DTO • No validation on entity fields (The validation is only on user management part) • No translation • Only JWT security is implemented

28 Chapter 11. Fronts CHAPTER 12

Heroku Deploy

This sub-generator initializes a Heroku .Net 5 app that is ready to push to Heroku.

12.1 Pre-requisites

Before running the sub-generator, you must install the Heroku CLI. You must also create a Heroku account and run: heroku login

Git is also required to deploy to Heroku.

12.2 Deploying to Heroku

To deploy your .Net 5 application to Heroku, run this command: jhipster heroku push heroku main

This will initialize a new Heroku app and git push your application to Heroku. Free tier dynos and database addons are used by the generator. A verified Heroku account might be needed to add some of the resources. This Heroku sub-generator is similar to its Java counterpart. Access the documentation at (https://www.jhipster.tech/heroku/). It might provide helpful insight. But keep in mind that there are some differences between both implementations of the Heroku sub-generator.

12.3 Databases

Currently MySql and PostgreSQL are supported and automatically added by the sub-generator when deploying to Heroku. JawsDB MySQL addon and Heroku Postgres addon are added to the Heroku app using the free tier.

29 JHipster.NET, Release 3.1.1

Since the MSSQL addon is not free it requires manual provisioning. This sub-generator provides instructions on how to manually install the MSSQL addon. Heroku creates an environment variable named DATABASE_URL when using database addons. It contains the fol- lowing structure: dbType://user:password@server-url:db-port/db-name. If DATABASE_URL is present the database credentials are parsed at DatabaseConfiguration.cs to create a properly formed connec- tion string. And it takes precedence over existing connection strings. Notes: The heroku/nodejs buildpack is also added to the Heroku app. It is a pre-requisite to build Angular/React client applications. A package.json is automatically added to the root folder as It’s required by the heroku/nodejs buildpack, otherwise the application deploy will fail. Jincod’s Heroku .NET Core buildpack is used to deploy this .Net 5 application to Heroku.

30 Chapter 12. Heroku Deploy CHAPTER 13


When generating an application, you can choose to use a NoSQL Database thanks to MongoDB.

13.1 Introduction

MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database used for high volume data storage. Instead of using tables and rows as in the traditional relational databases, MongoDB makes use of collections and documents.

13.2 Pre-requisites

When generating your application, make sure to choose “MongoDB” as your database.


13.3 Difference with SQL databases

The main difference with the other SQL databases is that your IDs are handled as string and are stored in ObjectID instead of long. Also, some classes are replaced in order to support MongoDB :

31 JHipster.NET, Release 3.1.1

BaseEntity=> MongoBaseEntity GenericRepository=> MongoGenericRepository ReadOnlyGenericRepository=> MongoReadOnlyGenericRepository FluentRepository=> NoSqlFluentRepository

13.4 WIP

Currently, MongoDB is only used for entities. Users/Accounts are managed with a in-memory Sqlite. This feature is still under development.

32 Chapter 13. MongoDB CHAPTER 14


1. Run container (uncomment chronograf and kapacitor if you would use it): docker-compose -f ./ docker/monitoring.yml up -d 2. Go to http://localhost:3000 (or http://localhost:8888 if you use chronograf) 3. (Only for chronograf) Change influxdb connection string by YourApp-influxdb 4. (Only for chronograf) Change kapacitor connection string by YourApp-kapacitor 5. (Only for chronograf) You can now add dashboard (like docker), see your app log in Cronograf Log viewer and send alert with kapacitor

33 JHipster.NET, Release 3.1.1

34 Chapter 14. Monitoring CHAPTER 15


Creating/Updating entities should be done using the CreateOrUpdateAsync method. Simple queries are possible with the methods GetOne, GetAll and GetPage. Finally, deleting by id is implemented by the Delete method. As with services, repositories classes/interfaces can also be extended by the developer and automatically registered with the DI container.

15.1 QueryHelper

More advanced queries are possible by using the the QueryHelper method to fluently adding filter, order and/or dis- abling entity tracking and seleting results. Example: var page = await _countryRepository.QueryHelper() .Include(country => country.Region) .GetPageAsync(pageable);

15.2 Add, AddRange, Attach, Update and UpdateRange

Add, AddRange, Attach, Update and UpdateRange are repository’s utility methods for the DbSet’s methods and can be used by the developers when doing multiple database operations. Those methods manipulate the change tracker and sets the state of the entitities to Added/Modified/Deleted/Unchanged and do not produce queries if SaveChangesAsync method is not called. Those methods are not async. AddAsync should only be used on special cases. See Microsoft’s documentation here.

35 JHipster.NET, Release 3.1.1

36 Chapter 15. Repository CHAPTER 16


16.1 JWT

You can find the configuration in appsettings.json

"Security":{ "Authentication":{ "Jwt":{ "Base64Secret":


˓→", "TokenValidityInSeconds": 86400, "TokenValidityInSecondsForRememberMe": 2592000 } } },

16.2 Enforce HTTPS

You can enforce HTTPS by setting "EnforceHttps": true in appsettings.Development.json or appsettings.Production.json.

"Security":{ "EnforceHttps": true },

For more details, please see Enforce HTTPS in ASP.NET Core

37 JHipster.NET, Release 3.1.1

16.3 OAuth2 and OpenID Connect

OAuth is a stateful security mechanism, like HTTP Session. Spring Security provides excellent OAuth 2.0 and OIDC support, and this is leveraged by JHipster. If you’re not sure what OAuth and OpenID Connect (OIDC) are, please see What the Heck is OAuth?

16.3.1 Keycloak

Keycloak is the default OpenID Connect server configured with JHipster. To log into your application, you’ll need to have Keycloak up and running. The JHipster Team has created a Docker container for you that has the default users and roles. Start Keycloak using the following command. docker-compose-f./docker/keycloak.yml up

The security settings in appsettings.json are configured for this image. appsettings.json: ... "Security":{ "Authentication":{ "OAuth2":{ "Provider":{ "IssuerUri":"http://localhost:9080/auth/realms/jhipster", "LogOutUri":"http://localhost:9080/auth/realms/jhipster/protocol/openid-

˓→connect/logout", "ClientId":"web_app", "ClientSecret":"web_app" }

Keycloak uses an embedded H2 database by default, so you will lose the created users if you restart your Docker container. To keep your data, please read the Keycloak Docker documentation. One solution, with keeping the H2 database, is to do the following: • Add a volume that will be persisted: ./keycloak-db:/opt/jboss/keycloak/standalone/data • Change the migration strategy from OVERWRITE_EXISTING, to IGNORE_EXISTING (in the command sec- tion) In production, it is required by Keycloak that you use HTTPS. There are several ways to achieve this, including using a reverse proxy or load balancer that will manage HTTPS. We recommend that you read the Keycloak HTTPS documentation to learn more about this topic.

16.3.2 Okta

If you’d like to use Okta instead of Keycloak, you’ll need to change a few things. First, you’ll need to create a free developer account at https://developer.okta.com/signup/. After doing so, you’ll get your own Okta domain, that has a name like https://dev-123456.okta.com. Modify appsettings.json to use your Okta settings. Hint: replace {yourOktaDomain} with your org’s name (e.g., dev-123456.okta.com). appsettings.json: ... "Security":{ (continues on next page)

38 Chapter 16. Security JHipster.NET, Release 3.1.1

(continued from previous page) "Authentication":{ "OAuth2":{ "Provider":{ "IssuerUri":"https:// {yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/default", "LogOutUri":"https:// {yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/default/v1/logout", "ClientId":"client_id", "ClientSecret":"client_secret" }

Create an OIDC App in Okta to get a {client-id} and {client-secret}. To do this, log in to your Okta Developer account and navigate to Applications > Add Application. Click Web and click the Next button. Give the app a name you’ll remember, and specify http://localhost:[port]/login/oauth2/code/oidc as a Login redirect URI. Click Done, then edit your app to add http://localhost:[port] as a Logout redirect URI. Copy the client ID and secret into your application.yml file. Create a ROLE_ADMIN and ROLE_USER group (Users > Groups > Add Group) and add users to them. You can use the account you signed up with, or create a new user (Users > Add Person). Navigate to API > Authorization Servers, and click on the default server. Click the Claims tab and Add Claim. Name it groups, and include it in the ID Token. Set the value type to Groups and set the filter to be a Regex of .*. Click Create.

16.3. OAuth2 and OpenID Connect 39 JHipster.NET, Release 3.1.1

40 Chapter 16. Security CHAPTER 17


17.1 Generating Services

You can use services to move business logic away from controllers. It also allows you to use DTOs. You can generate services using the entity generator: jhipster entity newentity Or by using JDL: service all with serviceImpl except Employee, Job Notice that only the service with interface option (serviceImpl) is enabled on this generator.

17.2 Extending and Customizing Services

One common use case is to customize service classes to suit different business needs. When using the jhipster generator to edit an existing entity or upgrading the generator’s version, changes to the generated service classes might be overwritten. Altough it is possible to make changes directly to generated service classes, It might get tricky keeping track of changes. Optionally, you can extend and customize service classes to avoid service class code overwriting. Example: Add an Author entity with service generation enabled by using the generator’s cli. Then create the following class named AuthorExtendedService.cs: namespace MyCompany.Domain.Services { public class AuthorExtendedService : AuthorService, IAuthorService { public CountryExtendedService(ApplicationDatabaseContext

˓→applicationDatabaseContext) : base(applicationDatabaseContext) { } (continues on next page)

41 JHipster.NET, Release 3.1.1

(continued from previous page)

public override async Task Delete(long id) { // add custom business logic before delete await base.Delete(id); } } }

AuthorExtendedService class will override one specific method of its base class (or more if you wish) adding custom business logic and AuthorExtendedService class will be automatically be registered with the dotnet container. Any code using the IAuthorService dependency will use this class for its implementation. Currently the automatic registration strategy for class/interface is used only for service and repository classes/interfaces and more details are explained below.

17.3 Automatic Service Registration In DI Container

Under the hood this project uses reflection for assembly scanning to automatically register service classes/interfaces with dotnet’s dependency injection container. Implementation details can be found at ServiceStartup.cs file located at src/ProjectName/Configuration/ folder. The following steps are used to automatically register service classes and interfaces: • Scan ProjectName.Domain.Services.Interfaces namespace (at ProjectName.Domain as- sembly) for service interfaces and ProjectName.Domain.Services namespace (at ProjectName. Domain.Services assembly) for service classes. • Find matching classes and its interfaces using the “I” prefix convention for interface name. This step registers the generated service classes/interfaces since they use “I” interface prefix convention, but user-defined ser- vices and interfaces can also be automatically registered using this convention. For example: JobService class matches IJobService interface, EmployeeService class matches IEmployeeService interface, MyNewService class matches IMyNewService interface, etc. . . • Service class names ending with ‘ExtendedService’ have higher priority for registration on the DI container. This is useful to make sure that the class will be registered and will replace any existing DI registrations. For example: if JobExtendedService class is present and implements IJobService, then replace existing registrations.

42 Chapter 17. Services CHAPTER 18

Running local Blueprint version for development

1. Link your blueprint globally cd jhipster-dotnetcore npm link

1. Link a development version of JHipster to your blueprint (optional: required only if you want to use a non- released JHipster version, like the master branch or your own custom fork) You could also use Yarn for this if you prefer cd generator-jhipster npm link

1. Create a new folder for the app to be generated and link JHipster and your blueprint there mkdir my-app&& cd my-app npm link generator-jhipster-dotnetcore npm link generator-jhipster(Optional: Needed only if you are using a non-released

˓→JHipster version) jhipster -d --blueprint dotnetcore

43 JHipster.NET, Release 3.1.1

44 Chapter 18. Running local Blueprint version for development CHAPTER 19


You can also take a look at https://www.jhipster.tech/microservices-architecture/

45 JHipster.NET, Release 3.1.1

19.1 Microservices Artictecture


46 Chapter 19. Microservices CHAPTER 20


20.1 Monolith Artictecture

20.1.1 With JWT


47 JHipster.NET, Release 3.1.1

20.1.2 With identity provider


20.2 Monolith structure

AppFolder docker -> all docker related files src MyApp ClientApp -> all client related files src test MyApp.Crosscuting MyApp.Domain MyApp.Domain.Services MyApp.Dto MyApp.Infrastructure tests -> Server tests

48 Chapter 20. Monolith