How to Improve Affiliate Conversions in Facebook Ad Traffic Campaigns

By Monica

How to Improve Affiliate Conversions in Traffic Campaigns // Bonus © Monica Louie, LLC

If you see that no one is clicking on an affiliate link, change up how you introduce the affiliate.

● Can you share a success story to show how the product works? ● Do you need to explain more about what the product does? ● Can you add a special offer? (By using my link, you’ll save an extra $50!) ● Conversely, does your mention of the affiliate appear too “salesy?”

If you see that people are clicking, but no one is converting, there might be several reasons for this.

● Does the affiliate have a less than stellar landing page? ● Is there a confusing onboarding process? ● Are there too many barriers to getting the conversion? ● Do only “qualified leads” count? What requirements denote a qualified lead? Are there too many hoops to go through to become a qualified lead?

Keep the user experience in mind.

In my experience, most of the clicks from an ad occur in the Facebook mobile news feed. Pull up the blog post on your phone to make sure it’s optimized for mobile users.

Verify how the blog post appears on mobile.

Think about how the person viewing the blog post sees your content on a mobile device or phone.

● Are there distracting pop-ups that you can’t close?

How to Improve Affiliate Conversions in Traffic Campaigns // Bonus © Monica Louie, LLC

● Is it hard to read your content? ● Is your content scrollable and scannable?

Does it take a long time to get the main point of the article?

You want white space and short paragraphs with headers and bullet points when appropriate. Lists are easy to consume on mobile. Also, how fast does your website load? If your website takes too long to load, readers can get impatient and click the back arrow.

Are your affiliate links long enough to easily click on mobile?

Use phrases instead of single words when inserting links. (This is also super important to do in your email newsletters as more and more people are reading emails on mobile devices.)

Are there distracting links that lead to content outside of your website?

If you’re paying for traffic, don’t send that traffic to other websites. Keep the traffic on your own site -- unless they result in an affiliate commission for you!

Are there any other distractions that can make it hard to consume content on a mobile phone?

Sometimes a blog post that does great in the search engines will not have the greatest format for Facebook ads. If you want to drive traffic to a lengthy blog post, that may not have the best mobile user experience. Consider writing a shorter version specifically for use with Facebook ads.

Find out more about how to flourish with Facebook ads, over at ​

How to Improve Affiliate Conversions in Traffic Campaigns // Bonus © Monica Louie, LLC