School Forum 22 June 2021 6.00 pm Virtual Meeting To all members of the School Forum:- Chair: Mrs Brenda Morley MBE Academy Bec Allott, Richard Booth, Emma Bradshaw, Nathan Cole, Representation (A): Carole Cook, Phillip Hedger, Peter Naudi, Sharon Roberts Maintained School Dr Mary Howard, Jenny Sims, Havard Spring, Emma Walford, Representation (B): Bev Williamson Other Vicki Bell, Jason Pemberton-Billing, Sue Smith, Andrew Representation (C): Theobald Observers (D): Councillor Jenny Batt (Vice Chair of the People Committee) Councillor Jane Pascoe (Opposition Spokesperson for People Committee) This is a public meeting. This meeting will be recorded and made available on the Council’s website. Matthew Stickley Clerk 16 June 2021 Enquiries to: Matthew Stickley, Clerk:
[email protected] Copies of reports may be available in large print on request A G E N D A 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Election of a Chair for 2021-22 To elect a member of the Schools Forum as Chair for the 2021-22 municipal year, the following motion should be moved, seconded, and determined by the Schools Forum: “That NAME be elected as Chair of the Sutton Schools Forum for the 2021-22 municipal year.” 3. Apologies for Absence and Declarations of Interest Quorum: two fifths of total membership. 4. Minutes of the Previous Meeting 1 - 4 5. Urgent Business and Other Matters The Chair will advise of any item to be considered urgently. The forum may also raise matters not covered elsewhere on the agenda. 6. Exclusions Funding 5 - 10 7. Revenue Report and 2020/21 Out turn 11 - 20 8.