...,.. Progressive Dance Party deejay-Jimmy Remington $1 Well, $1 Beer

Austin's Originall0e drink night deejay -Scooter



OPEN I A.M. i Jlrlll~N IPAGETED29 \AI- A Y E N I E S DAILY I l7~~I'D'S r. FUN 0 I N G

11 TWT NEWS Gay Pride Week in Dallas. Houston. Lubbock & San Antonio . 23 COMMENT Letters to the Editor BACK BAR NOW OPEN 29 HIGHLIGHT United Way Denies AIDS Funding bV Michael 8. Wilson. M.Ed. 32 NEWSTALK BOAT Lobbyist Bettie Naylor & BOAT President B.K. Brittain bV Chuck Patrick 39 BOOKS Murder is Murder is Murder by Samuel M. Steward Reviewed bv David Fields AT 2PM EVERY DAY 43 VINYL FLASH "Cccon't You See (E=tended Re-mi=)" ... bV Mardi Coleman 46 MOVIES Secret Admirer Reviewed bV 0. Flores Alvarez Ptizzi's Honor (Jack Nicholson & Kathleen Turner) Reviewed bV Horrv Deutsch TEXAS BEST D.J.'S 50 SHOWBIZ Ufeforce. Schwarzenegger. Leader of the Pock ... bv Jock VOf5i 54 BACKSTAGEOpus 1. Poet Richard Howard. Turtle Creek Chorale ... bV Rob Clark FROM 2PM-2AM 58 AAT Tom liddell's "Series in Black" bvMltcheliM. Bartlow 62 HOT TEA Monica Lane Wins Miss Austin & Tierra Mikels Wins Miss Abilene . EVERYDAY 71 SPOATS Houston's Walk for Unity & Dallas's Bowling Champs. 76 COVEA/PHOTO ESSAY Derf Capel. Mr. MetroHouston Photographs bV Carl Davis 83 STAASCOPEEntrance of the Sun Into Cancer bV Milton von Stem STEAK NIGHTS ON THE PATIO 95 CLASSIFIEDWant Ads and Notices S4 INCLUDES 8 OZ. RIBEYE, BAKED POTATO AND SALAD 111 CALENDAASpecial One-Time Only & Non-Profit Community Events WEDNESDAY-7PM TO 9PM 113 THE GUIDE Texas Business/Club Directory

TWT (This Week in Texas) is published by Texas Weekly Publishing Co .• at 2205 Montrose. Houston, Texas 77006, phone: (713) 527-9111. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWT or of its staff. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization in articles or advertising in TWT is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of said person or organization. Subscription rates: $66 per year, $44 per half year. Back issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders. Copyright © 1985 by Texas Weekly Publishing Co. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of -AND COMING SOON TO BRYAN COLLEGE STATION any advertisement, news, article or feature, copy or photograph from TWT is specifically prohibited by federal statute.

TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 PAGE 7 DALLAS 53.101 sn .~ ~ THIS WEEK IN TEXAS TEXAS I NEWS Weekly <;:Irculatlon: 20.000 across the street in LaFayette Park. "It HOUSTON OFFICE (713) 527-9111 TOP started around 8 a.m. and continued un- 2205 Montrose - Houston. Texas 77006 til the trial was over," plaintiff Don ••• CITIE$ Baker observed. DALLAS OFFICE (214) 521-0622 D/FW Metro 949-2353 The Texas Human Rights Founda- 3920 Cedar Springs tion, the organization which has fund- Dallas. Texas 75219 --DALLAS TOP 21.06 ed the effort to free 1 million Texas PUBLISHER/EDITORChuck Patrick DONATION LIST FEATURESEDITOR/ART DIRECTOR Blase DiStefano homosexuals, reported to TWT NEWS ASSISTANTSTO THEART DIRECTOR DALLAS - The city of Dallas single- that the hearing went well. "Our at- Rob Clerk, Corlos Palma. Fred Hinton handedly raised more money during torney Jim Barber of Dallas presented TEXAS ENTERTAINMENTEDITOR Rob Clark NATIONAL SHOWBIZ EDITOR Jack Varsl 21.06Awareness Day than any other ci- our points with expertise," THRF presi- NEWS/SPORTSEDITOR Chuck Patrick ty in the state of Texas, tabulations by dent, Tom Coleman, reported after the ART EDITOR Mitch Bartlow 'the sponsoring organization, Texas trial. "Of course a decision is not ex- THEATREEDITOR Billie Duncan Human Rights Foundation, revealed. pected for a few months at the POETRYEDITOR O. Flores Alvorez CONTRIBUTING EDITORS 21.06 Awareness Day was held on Sun- earliest." O. Flores Alvarez. Mordl Coleman. day, June 9 to raise both money and Most of the issues heard at last Mon- Horry Deutsch. Bannle DombroskI. David Fields. Weldon Grohame. Crlstopher Hart. consciousness prior to the June 17 day's hearing dealt not with the issue Hollie Hollister. Brian Keever. George Klein. hearing in New Orleans on the famous of homosexuality but rather with two Dean Malone. Babble R. Mona. James Marvin. Milton von Stern. Steve Vecchlettl Don Baker case. standing technicalities: did district at- ADVERTISING ART DIRECTOR Mitch Bartlow City-by-city totals, ranked by order torney Danny Hill have the jurisdiction GRAPHIC ARTISTS released to TWT NEWS by THRF, were: and right to appeal, and did Jim Mat- Rob Clark. Fred Hinton. Carlos Palma. Hek Cavazos. 1st-Dallas $3,101.50; 2nd-Austin tox have the right to dismiss the case? Lucian Rlnando. Jay Verdon $1,110_19; 3rd - Fort Worth $1,000; "It appears to me that there is some TYPOGRAPHERS Tobl Chapman. J Adrian. B. Steele 4th-EI Paso $930; 5th-Houston division of opinion among the 16 STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERS $463.70 and 6th-San Antonio $100. judges," Coleman told TWTNEWS, after Scott Taylor. Jim Hamilton. Oscor Mendiola. Michael McKinney. Scot Roberts. Dick Peoples of THRF said the fi- attending the hearing. Hollie Hollister. Blase DiStefano gures were subject to some increase Both Barber and Baker reaffirmed STATEWIDEDISTRIBUTIONSteve Miles as his report was conclusive only that they are committed to taking the RECEPTIONISTS Dallas-Steve Miles through last weekend, only one week issue to the U.S. Supreme Court if their Houston-Rob Cox after 21.06 Awareness Day. efforts failed in New Orleans this past 1 SALES The tentative state total was Monday. EXECUTIVESALES MANAGER $6,705.39. Plaintiff Don Baker remind- Jim Veteto ed TWT NEWS that most of the donated AHRC MEETSWITH Advertising rates ore available on request by tele- phoning the salesperson In your nearest city. from money would be used to educate the COUNCILWOMAN lOam-5pm. weekdays. general public about discrimination DEADLINE FOR ALL ADS: against Texas homosexuals. SAN ANTONIO - The city coun- Friday. one week prior to publication. cilwoman who vowed "to clean up the AUSTIN 21.06 HEARING downtown area" and to close a down- Scott Taylor. . (512) 926-0253 DAllAS town because she found the Alan Gellman. . (214) 521-0622 AND PRAYER VIGIL 200 block of Broadway to be "very FORTWORTH NEW ORLEANS - The long- frightening," met with members of the Steve Miles. .. (Metro) 949-2353 HOUSTON/GALVESTON awaited hearing in the Baker vs. Wade Alamo Human Rights Committee. The Scot Roberts. . . (713) 527-9111 case overthe unconstitutionality of the councilwoman of concern was Maria SAN ANTONIO/CORPUSCHRISTI Tim Ramm. . (512) 822-9213 Texas 21.06 penal code was held last Berriozabal. Monday morning at the Federal Ap- AHRC president, Clark Niblock, said CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Dallas Bureau-Steve Miles peals Court, District began at 10:15 the meeting was intended to "discuss Houston Bureau-Scot Roberts ." p.m. and was over around 11:30 p.m. greater input by the gay community in TWT MAGAZINE Whife the hearing was in progress the operation of San Antonio city Texas Weekly Publishing Co. before all 16judges-not just three like government." He said they also dis- last time-a prayer vigil was held cussed housing and job discrimination

PAGE 10 TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 PAGE 11 directed at gay San Antonians because NEWS/Austin. "In addition to STD of their sexual orientation. testing for gonorrhea and syphiUis, we Niblock told TWT NEws/San Antonio offer educational information on all that AHRC intended to meet with other types of STD's, counseling on safe sex local and state officials as part of a con- practices, referral for diagnosis and tinuing dialogue on gay and lesbian ci- treatment, and will have the HTLV-3 an- ty concerns. tibody test upon request." In the next few months AHRC will be meeting with other interested coun- HOUSTON MAYOR AT cilmembers. Further attempts have been made to set up a private meeting BUSINESS GUILD with the mayor, Henry Cisneros. "It is HOUSTON - This city's mayor, anticipated that a meeting day will be Kathryn Whitmire, is to be the guest- set sometime after the mayor returns of-honor speaker at the monthly from Japan," Niblock stated. meeting of the Montrose Business In order to better meet the needs of Guild next Wednesday evening, June the San Antonio gay population, AHRC 26. She is expected to speak about her has undertaken the task of writing, highly-publicized upcoming campaign printing, and distributing an anon- for reelection against former Mayor ymous discrimination survey. Louis Welch. Locally, the results of the survey will The guild will meet at Birraporetti's be used to convince politicians and of- Restaurant, 1997 West Gray, in the se-' ficials that discrimination does exist in cond floor banquet room. Proper attire San Antonio in the areas of employ- is requested, Brian Keever of TWT NEWS/ ment, housing, and government Houston advised. agencies. Reservations are suggested. Cost is "The resu Its of the su rvey wi II be for- $17.50 per person. To R.S.V.P.,contact warded to the National Gay Task Force coordinator Bruce Wooley (713)529- for documentation purposes," AHRC 8484 by 5 p.m. this Tuesday, June 25. stated. Seating is limited. The survey will be available at the Dinner at eight is preceded by a 7 bars and during Gay Pride Week. p.m. hour, Keever said. "Come by and bring a friend," he reminded. AUSTIN'S NEW STD AND HTLV-3 TESTING ALLIANCE MOVES TO AUSTIN - A new screening pro- NEW FT. WORTH HOME gram begins here in the Oapltol City FT. WORTH - The Tarrant County next Thursday, June 27, sponsored by Gay Alliance continues to search for a the Travis County Health Dept. It is to suitable new home in Fort Worth. be staffed by volunteers from the gay "With great reluctance, TCGA had its community of Austin. last meeting at the Lambda Gay Com- In the past, such screening efforts munity Center on May 2," it was ex- have traveled the bar circuit from week plained. "With great financial hardship, to week, but this time will haveonly two Lambda operated the 2412 Lipscomb bases. property for over a year and had done On alternating Thursdays, the clinics absolutely everything possible to make will be held at the People's Communi- it a success. Widespread support from ty Clinic at 408 W. 23rd from 7 to 9 p.m. the gay community, however, was lack- ::A':":::::::::::U':j' ::::::::::('::::::::::~::::::::::I:::::::::I'::::I:: and the Club Austin at 308 W. 16th from ing, so their loss is also our loss," 9 to 11 p.m. ...::::...... ::::::::::: ...... ::: ::::::::::'::::::::::::::1::::::::::: ::::::::: :\J':: ::. TCGA explained to TWT NEws/Fort ) "With the exception of July Fourth, Worth. :::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::: So::::::::::::::.:::::::::::.:::::::::.:::::.:: we will run the program through the As a result, the Alliance will not meet summer," Wes Hodgson told TWT this month or publish its monthly news- 404 Colorado 512'473'2501 TWT JUNE !11- JUNE 27 1985 PAGE 13 letter this June. TCGA is not taking the HOUSTON BAR month off, however. Because of the Fourth of July holi- OWNERS MEETING day, the next meeting of the Alliance HOUSTON - Nearly 100 insuffi- will be delayed to Thursday, July 11. cient customer checks were discuss- "We will mail the July TCGA newslet- ed by bar owners at the June 12 terearly so that you will all haveour new meeting of the Houston Organization meeting location in time for the July of Bar Owners. HOBO members have meeting," newsletter editor, F. Roper, been feeding the data into a com- advised. puterized list for over two months. "I wish more bars would call me with FRYE JOINS LEAGUE their customers' hot checks so bar- OF WOMEN BOARD tenders don't have to cover out of their own pockets," Ed Monigerof EJ's said. HOUSTON - Long-time gay com- Moniger added that he thinks munity activist, Phyllis Frye, took a distributing the hot check list is help- giant leap forward for human rights in ing curb the problem. this city last week when she was ap- Another concern of HOBO is the pointed to the board of directors of the funding of the KS/AIDS Foundation. League of Women Voters of Houston. HOBO president, Alan Pierce, advised "The Houston League has always that a committee of bar owners was been warm to me," Frye explained to meeting with the Foundation and TWTNEWS/Houston. "They accept me would report at the July meeting on as a mind, a bundle of energy and con- their findings. "HOBO wants to clarify cern. My being a transperson has never in our minds where the money is going been a big deal with the League." and to erase any doubts about how the The appointment takes on added im- money is used," Pierce stated. portance when it is remembered that The meeting was held at the Chafing the League was instrumental in keep- Dish who provided a distinctive buffet. ing the city lob-protection ordinance in "The next meeting will be July 10 at place during the heated gay rights EJ's, beginning at 2 p.m." HOBO told referendum on January 19. "They took TWTNEWS/Houston. a lot of heat for that," said Frye. "But the issue was jobs and discrimination. ALAMO CITY PRIDE "I wish more folks would support the League with their dues, even if they PARADE SUNDAY choose to be inactive members of the SAN ANTONIO - This city's Gay Houston chapter," Frye added. Pride Week celebration began last Sun- Frye's position is to be marketing day on Father's Day and continues director as she'll coordinate and ex- through this Sunday, June 23, the day pand sales of league pamphlets and of the big Gay Pride Parade. handbooks. "They all know of my suc- San Antonio's pride parade will begin cess with my Amway distributorship so at noon. Grand marshal is to be LGRA they figured it would transfer over to lobbyist, Shelia Cheaney of Austin. market director," she said. The parade begins at Crockett Park Frye is remembered for spear- from Cypress and North Main Street heading the movement to repeal Hous- and marches to Dewey, left on Dewey ton's outdated cross-dressing or- to San Pedro Park. The parade is ex- dinance. This August will mark the fifth pectedtotakeaboutanhou~ anniversary of the demise of the After the parade winds up in the park, dinosaur-of-a-Iaw which forbade men to the annual Gay Pride Picnic will begin. dress up as women-even on Hallo- It's expected to last until4 p.m. as gay ween-making gays open for quick ar- and lesbian San Antonians celebrate rest and a night in jail. "Alive With Pride In '85."

PAGE 14 TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 PAGE 15 LUBBOCK PRIDE WEEK AWARDS LUBBOCK - Gay Pride Week in this city culminates this Saturday, June 21 with awards and a dinner dance. The six-day celebration began last Sunday with a Father's Day kickoff at Stubbs park. The Rev. Troy Perry of Los THIS SUNDAY Angeles was on hand to speak at the JUNE 23 pride picnic, Kelley Jennings reported to TWT NEWS. ~# _.,,1,_ ."., _."I,_.,,1, _."., _,., _.,,1,_.,,1, ~# Pride week also included a disco -;, ;,.." ,.." ,.." ,.." ,.." ,.." ,.." ,.." -;- skate night last Monday at Carlisle Roller Rink and a recreation night last Thursday, June 20, at Davis Park on "*GERDA'S GIRlS_~ Nashville Avenue. The celebration was - #~ organized by Student Services for Les- -~# (# #, IN . -;, bians/Gays and Friends of Texas Tech UniversIty. The week-long celebration ends this i}- GREASE -!.-} Saturday, June 21, with a gay pride din- ner and dance at the Heritage Ballroom .)(.- VAAIETY-COMEO~ Y-OANCE-AEVUE .)(. in the Hilton Inn. Cash bar opens at 7:30 ~~ SHOW STAATSAT 8PM #_~ p.m. followed by a buffet dinner. "Following the dinner there will be award presentations for Man of the i} i} i} i} i} i} i} i} i} i} Year, Woman of the Year, and our ser- -PLUS- vice awards," Jennings explained. Rev. . FAEE SUNDAY BUFFET 5-7PM Lawrence Hemp will speak. "It all climaxes with a pride dance until 2 a.m.," coordinatorof tickets, Eddie Lee, advised TWT NEWS. VIGIL & BIG EVENT TUESDAYS' TUES & THUAS TOP DALLAS PRIDE DALLAS - Pride I events in Dallas hit a fevered pace this week as the June BEER C&W DANCE celebration revs up to the metroplex theme, "Growing With Pride." Pride I BUST LESSONS began on June 2 and will continue 6PM 8:30PM through July 14,Alan Ross of the Pride Steering Committee confirmed. Here are this week's highlights as up- dated to TWT NEws/Dalias by Ross and his staff. This Saturday is Gay Day at Six Flags, Don Doggendorf reported. Later Judy Small will be in concert at the First 9150 SOUTH MAIN-HOUSTON-666-3464 Unitarian Church, beginning at 8 p.m. A dance is to follow the concert, Little Feather Productions said.

PAGE 16 TWT JlINE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 PAGE 17 National Gay Pride Week begins this because of its appeal to a broad sec- sunday, June 23, as Dallas joins the na- tion of the community, its tie-in with im- tion in celebration with the first official portant patriotiC holidays like Flag Day oak Lawn Quiche-Off, starting at 1 p.m. and the Fourth of July and to provide utRN110 1~RN"~ ~; at the Gay Community Center, Later, at an impressive backdrop for this year's Fair Park Hall of State, the Gay Aca- Gay Pride Parade." demic Union of North Texas presents The Flag Day-to-Independence Day cotillion, an original and exciting project is also intended to compliment drama produced for Pride I, in the lower the state's 150th birthday as ses- auditorium. quicentennial flags are now fJying The incredible PBS-TV program, along Westheimer, Ford explained to Silent Pioneers, a profile on elderly TWT NEWS/Houston. gays and the new organization SAGE, will be presented this Tuesday night, HOUSTON PRIDE WEEK June 25 at 9:30 p.m. on KERA-TV,Chan- ne113. UNDERWAY " . Next Wednesday, the film entitled HOUSTON - The 10 days of Houston -l Before Stonewall will be shown at the Gay Pride Week are under way. It all Downtown Public Library at a cham- began this past Thursday, June 20, with pagne reception. a kickoff celebration at Kindred Spirits. I A truly moving highlight of Pride I oc- Turnout was excellent. curs next Thursday night, June 27. It's On FridaY,June21, the Greater Mont- a candlelight observance in commem- rose Business Guild will host a recep- UN oration of the 16th anniversary of the tion in the Tower Theatre lobby from Stonewall riot-the roots of national 7-10p.m. That evening, Mary's will com- 1"l GRt;·lO_tA \1" Gay Pride Week. The observance, spon- memorate the sixth anniversary raid. fOR "OUR (Ot&t,t&UEOSU"ORt sored by DGA and Caven Enterprises, This Saturday MCCR hosts a recep- starts at 9 p.m. in the 4001 parking lot. tion at the Westin Oaks Galleria at 7 Later, at 10:00 p.m., the Big Event, a p.m. Writer Armistead Maupin will be live variety show, plays at the Round- at the "Tale of Our City" dinner. Tickets Up. Club ownerTom Sweeney said the are $25, MCCR advised TWT NEWS/ • All BIllS PAlO fiN flOOl110NflL1\\1111'1 event benefits Pride events and the Oak Houston . • pOOLS NEW flPflII1\11\EN1SWILL Lawn Counseling Center's AIDS The second annual Walk For Unity S1 Project. will be Sunday, June 23, beginning at • \4011UBS OPEN 1\\E flll WEE\{IN JUL'I 1 p.m. in Cherryhurst Park.The five-mile • U)£IGI41 AOOtA SELEC110NSNOW fI'iflILflBLE FLAGS GO UP fundraiser benefits three charities. S Later at 4 p.m., the annual deejay ON WESTHEIMER spinoff begins at Kindred Spirits. "We HOUSTON - Appropriately en Flag hope to have up to 15 deejays partici- Day, last Friday, June 14, a corridor of pating," organizer Ram Rocha of Down- patriotic flags was hoisted on the light beat Records advised TWT NEWS. :~:::J~~:i'lloODpoles along this city's gay way, Weekday activities include the fifth Westheimer Road-the street for this annual Montrose Art Alliance get- year's reversed-direction Gay Pride together at Fieldstone Gallery, starting Parade on Sunday, June 30, starting at at 7:30 p.m. on Monday. Tuesday is 5:30 p.m. Theatre Alive Day.Wednesday is TGRA The flag project was created by a Day with rodeo videos at the Ripcord, generous donation from Cody R.Zinn, steak night at the Barn and BRB, plus operations supervisor of the Black- dancing and clogging. ,."1 eyed Pea Restaurants and coordinated The National Day of Remembrance by Stan Ford, co-chair of Houston's is set for Thursday night at MCCR, 6130 S.w. ,...... r @ .".,- JIOIISfO'""OUS,Otll~fI.P' Gay Pride '85 committee. beginning at 7:30 p.m. The event com- GR'I RVl'lp··'- Zinn told Ford that "the Black-eyed memorates the anniversary of the (OtAtAUtl\''I Pea decided to underwrite the project Stonewall riots, the roots of gay' pride.








PAGE 21 PAGE 20 TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 \\WI · ~ ?ItdU u fPuu«i. ~ ~ ___-~~~~(OMMENT In this column readers exchange ideas with other readers and with our editor In a public forum. tfJ,~~ Address all letters to: Comment, TWT, 2205 Montrose, Houston, rexas 77006. All letters become the property of TWTand must be signed (if you don't wIsh your name printed, please specify). And PLEASE keep your letters short. @eel Flag Pride P.W.A.'s to which you have contributed. 74e~~~~ I sincerely'hope you will reconsider DearTWT: your position so one day all people may On Flag Day, June 14, I participated in reach their true potential as they are. ';iteM de taIeHu Df ~'4- one of the most exciting projects to date Robert Snellgrove In my term as co-chair of Houston Gay Houston, Texas Pride Week. With the underwriting of the Editor- Theabove letter was sent to the Drs. ~~ Black-eyed Pea Restaurants through the O'Brien on May 23 after Houston's gay rights help of Cody R. Zinn and with the help of job-protection referendum went down to a Bruce Herman of International Flag Co. s-to-t defeat. When contacted by TWT for a I and my friend Gilbert, we were able to line reply, the O'Briens said they wished to make ~~7~4~4~a. the parade route with 10b American and no comment at this time. ~~~7p. Texas flags which will stay up through July Fourth. Colt 45's for Women 1100'111~, ~, 7au Half of the flags have been paid for by the Black-eyed Pea Restaurants-and now Dear TWT: ( f4. ~ 4, tfoIIu. S4,4) I would like to ask everyone reading this The board of directors, volunteers and to do two things. staff of the Houston Area Women's First, I'd like you to go with as many Center wish to thank all of the members friends as you'd like to take, and eat at of the Colt 45's for the $800 contribution the River Oaks Black-eyed Pea, and on the from the recent Colt-45 sponsored "Casi- comment book by the register, please no Night" held at Just Marion and write, "Thank you, Cody, the flags look Lynn's. It is very difficult to raise money great." these days, and the funds raised by the Secondly, I'd like you to think of a Colt 45's are indeed welcome and will be friend who you'd like to honor and send a put to good use. donation to GPW to help place a flag in We particularly want to thank all the their name. In next week's lWT we will list members who contributed clothing-and all those patrons. This will help insure the other items to the Women's Center's continuation of important projects next newly opened Thrift Shop. Our Thrift year as we salute Texas's Sesqui- Shop, located at 416 McGowen, provides centennial. Send donations to: GPW clothing and other needed items to the Committee, P.O. Box 66821, Houston, residents of our shelter for battered 77266. Your contribution is tax deductible. women and their children. The items not Stan Ford, Co-chair used by shelter residents are sold with Houston Gay Pride Week the proceeds going to the Women's Houston, Texas Center's various programs. We truly appreciate the Colt 45's for Referendum & Doctors their support. [Drs. O'Brien:] Special thanks to Just Marion and Richard and Robert, due to your Lynn's for the donation of the use of the facility for "Casino Night." contribution to the campaign to deny all In humankind, citizens of Houston equal protection under the law, I will no longer require your Nikki Van Hightower, Ph.D. services. Executive Director, Women's Center Houston, Texas For medical doctors to contribute to an organization which distributed misin- formation on A.I.D.S. is beyond my com- Candlelight Vigil prehension. As a volunteer in patient DearTWT: services of the KS/AIDS Foundation, I see I wish to express my appreciation and and hear of the isolation experienced by thanks to all who helped with the

PAGE 22 TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 PAGE 23 preparations and also to those who stop by and visit with us be dressed as a attended Houston's recent Candlelight female. We are not concerned with how Vigil for those who had died of A.I.D.S. good or bad they look. We do not care if There is no doubt that there is a need they can pass or not. All of us started out for involvement in meeting this crisis, as novices at one time. No one will be and with the many caring people coming ridiculed or made fun of. However, since forward, i,t is being dealt with. we are a non-sexual group we would After meeting expenses from dona- prefer not to have men dressed as males, tions received, the amount of $325.14 is as we do not allow this at our regular being sent to the Mobilization Against meetings either. A.I.D.S. Committee for the continuance of Should someone desire to contact us, their lobbying efforts. but for whatever reason be unable to Thank you for your coverage before come that evening, they may also write to and after the event. us at our post office box #190335, Jack Jackson Houston 77090, or contact me directly at C.H.E.lKS-AIDS one of the clubs where I may be doing a Houston, Texas show. Pride is something that everyone should Transvestites Meet have-in their home, their job, but Dear TWT: - especially in themselves. We want to help Our group is the local chapter of Trl-Ess others like ourselves develop that pride. in this area. It is a social, nonsexual Jackie Thorne transvestite organization. We exist to give Corresponding Secretary ,',:.:-: »>:-:-: ... '.... «««< ..... TV's a place to go while dressed, where ...... The Society for the Second Self ...... they can meet and talk with others who Gulf Coast Transvestite Chapter II i ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: share their desires and interests in the Houston, Texas feminine side of their personality. YOl,!have been most kind to list for the last several months our group in your From Don Baker publication under Houston organizations. DearTWT: As a result we have had several inquiries I want to write to thank you and the to our organization from people who staff of TWT for the extensive coverage you weren't aware of our existence. This has have given the 21.06 case recently. Your assisted us in our goal to serve as a - publication is a vital link in our effort to support group. keep our community informed on the We have made arrangements to use the progress of the case. meeting room of Dignity Center at 3217 Our success depends on the support Fannin this Friday night, June 21, for an (financial and otherwise) of lesbians and open meeting where some of our mem- gay men all across the state. Your effort bers will be present to meet and talk with to communicate this is appreciated. (JAY!JIISPANICCAUCUS interested individuals. This will be in Don Baker, 21.06 Plaintiff presaus conjunction with other organizations' Dallas, Texas activities during Gay Pride Week, although not' an officially sanctioned function by Softball Ball !Their Seventh Anniversary the Gay Pride Week Committee. Although DearTWT: we are not a specifically gay organization On behalf of the Montrose Softball (Jay Pride Week Celebration (we don't ask since we consider a per- League I wish to thank those in our gay son's sexual preference to be a private community of Houston for their support of With matter), we find that we are more readily the MSL "Soft Ball" on June 9 at accepted among the gay community. Cer- Numbers. tainly we are so classified by so-called We had a good turnout and a great l' 90sejp !JJand "straight" society. Therefore, we party. Thanks to you, our league was able fndogJune28th Barn. -tam. acknowledge a large debt of gratitude to to raise money that will send our the gay community .... championship team to the Gay Softball N{Jchey Dia saunon: 2103 N.Main Accordingly, we wish to offer this World Series in Milwaukee. We will be !J/{JuJt{Jn.!k:taJ opportunity to the transvestite culture in proud representatives of Houston and our the Houston area. We will be at the community. meeting room on the second floor from 7 Herb Muenchow ADMISSION $8 to 10 p.m. Friday evening. Our only President, MSL request is that anyone who would like to Houston, Texas "1II.f

PAGE 24 TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 PAGE 25 The Finale Group presents

SUNDAY: JUNE 23RD COCO'S ?AJ!93@cb @(J!)~ Celebrating Houston's Pride !?(J?17I1(ff~ ~~ry@~ WITH COCO, Sunday June 30, 1985 THE PINK LADIES & GUESTS at Numbers 300 Westheimer • Houston, Texas immediately following the parade music by Jimmy Spaulding $5.00 cover

an MGF. Inc. production \\WI _ HIGHLIGHT u NIT E 0 W o E N E s A • I • o • s F u N o I N G Editor: The following letter was sent to Bet- No reason was given by United Way ty S. Beene, executive director of United Way to the KS/AIDS Foundation of Houston, of the TexasGulf Coast, after Michael Wilson, Inc. forthe denial of funding. This point president of the KSIAIDS Foundation of was reiterated in your statements to the Houston, learned that the foundation would be denied funding by United Way. press this past week (e.g. Houston Chronicle, June 06, 1985,Section 1, Page Dear Ms. Beene: 1and 12).However, in this same article, I am deeply disappointed to learn of reasons for denial of funding were pro- United Way's decision not to grant the vided for several other "less-contro- $149,066 in funding for AIDS-related versial" agencies, including the Cease educational and social service pro- Fire Club, Stroke Groups of Houston, grams of the KS/AIDS Foundation of and the USO.Therefore, I feel the obliga- Houston, Inc. The foundation is the on- tion to respectfully request that United .':4 Special Thanks to the Texas Renegade > ly agency in this region of the country Way provide the KS/AIDS Foundation lor a great Party, and to all those providing these unique and essential with the reason for our denial of re- who showed their support." services to the community. Since it ap- quested funds. pears that AIDS will unfortunately con- As the June 06,1985 Houston Chroni- tinue to be "the number one health cle article says, "Several United Way HOME0(S ~ priority in the nation," according to sources, all members of committees, Secretary of Health and Human Service said they were told the AIDS founda-

THE Margaret Heckler, and will apparently tion's application was rejected on TEXAS continue to widen in its scope to political grounds .... It might have a RENEGADE become a disease of which no one is negative impact on fundraising efforts free of risk during the next five to 10 next year.... The AIDS Foundation's ap- years (without appropriate and timely in- plication was one of the most profes-

THE THE tervention), we certainly plan to reapply sional United Way has ever received." SUNDANCE MONTROSE for the United Way support for our pro- Also, in the current United Way Health CATTLE COMPANY CLOGGERS grams again next year. Priority Report, both disease prevention OPEN 7AM MONDAY-SATURDAY 710 PACIFIC, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77006 (713)528-9427 TUJT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 PAGE 29 '" and long-term indigent care programs aredescribed as being of major concern in our community for United Way fund- ing. NEW-TUESDAYS CRUISE IN In previous talks with KS/AIDS Foun- dation board members, you had vowed SALLY'S - that our application for funding would receive "due process" within United GOES COUNTRY Way. In light of the above allegations 9PM-2AM TO and associated rumors, I think perhaps it would be most appropriate for United HAPPY HOUR PRICES Way to provide us and the community ALL DAY with the real reason for the denial of AIDS-related funding. TEXAS STYLE BARBECUE I would also like to repeat the 6PM TO MIDNIGHT ~rl'l~ KS/AIDS Foundation of Houston's ear- lier offer to provide an in-service on the ~ AIDS epidemic and its impact on Hous- ton to the board, staff, and volunteers of the United Way. It might be that a great deal of misinformation about the YOU STILL HAVE A FRIENDLY disease and its spread might be to blame for Influencing United Way's NEIGHBORHOOD BAR ON FUN FITZHUGH! decision. The effectiveness of our disease prevention programs and the importance of expanding them to the general population of Houston as well OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK as explanation of the cost-effectiveness of our social service programs could on- ly serve to convince United Way of the NEVER A COVER urgency for funding such AIDS-related activities in our city. After all, we are all ESPIRIT HAPPY HOUR 2·8PM DAILY "people helping people." In conclusion, it is my hope that the DE city of Houston can soon begin to separate bigotry and discrimination HARDCORE! FRANK CAVEN, DENIS WEIR AND THE from serious health issues as well as SAM-EVERY MANAGEMENT AND STAFF OF LIFTERS WISH remove politics from AIDS. This must SATURDAY happen in the very near future. Other- A BON VOYAGE TO OUR GOOD FRIENDS wise, the poster hanging in the lobby of AND NEIGHBORS AT DALE'S CREWS INN the United Way offices of the front page of the November 27, 1932, Houston Chronicle, stating "Inasmuch as ye did it not unto the least of these, ye did it not unto me," may ring a sad requiem for Houston as it faces what Dr. James Curran of the Centers for Disease Con- ~~sUn~ trol has called "the most important new ~r.' ~ public health problem of the century." Sincerely yours, ~ Michael B. Wilson, M.Ed. 2828 RIO GRANDE • 478-8782 PreSident and Executive Director 3215 N. FITZHUGH • DALLAS • 559-0669 KS/AIDS Foundation of Houston, Inc. ------~\W,~------

TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 I TUJT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 PAGE 31 PAGE 30 t\8ij ~Y--I-I4'-f.J.... NEWSTALK by Chuck Patrick

Iyorganized until last fall. Bunch, did the kinds of pressure on members of the bar owner members get their money's legislature. It was kind of a surprise to worth in this first yearout into the everybody to find out that there's still Our Gay Bar Lobby legislative arena? that much sentiment for prohibition in The Bar Owners Association of Texas BRITTAIN - We all got more than Texas! An End·of·the·Session Interview With our wildest expectations. And 99% of BRITTAIN - During the session we our success was made possible got lots of phone calls from bar owners because we were lucky enough to be who were concerned about protecting able to hire Bettie Naylor, an experienc- their businesses and their gay ed lobbyist. As our executive director, customers, too. It wasn't too long ago she represented us superbly in the that we only had a handful of gay bars legislature. The contacts she had made in Texas. As recent as the late 60s, there during previous sessions proved was only one bar in Texas where same- invaluable. sex dancing was allowed-the 01' San NAYLOR - Thank you, Bunch. I Antonio Country, Hap Veltman's club. want everyone to know that this was the So it has only been in the last 15-18years most difficult session I have ever had that' gay bars have made great strides to go through. You see, I had to learn forward so gay rights organizations about the liquor industry in a hurry. could move forward. Had some of these Heretofore, I had been a gay rights lob- liquor bills passed, gay rights would byist for LGRA, not a gay bar lobbyist. have been shoved back in time. We were Because of the conservative mood of surprised at how close we came to that. the legislature this session, it made it People are attacking us on all fronts- very difficult to achieve some of our through our sexuality, through our goals so our gay bars could continue to health-AIDS, through the sale of function the way they have been. They alcohol in our bars and through the BETTIE NAYLOR and B.K. BRITTAIN wanted to remove beer busts, happy courts-21.06. It's all coming together BOAT Lobbyist BOAT President hour and other drink promotions. against us at this time. BRITTAIN - And Bettie nearly "There's still much sentiment for prohibition single-handedly defeated those bills Last week's TWT NEWSTALK guests were Shelia Cheaney and Pat Cramer, the lobbyist and in Texas." -Naylor co-chair of our gay rights lobby, known officially as the Lesbian/Gay Rights Advocates. because of her contacts with the right TWT - As always, none of our This week's TWT NEWSTALK guests are the lobbyist and president of our gay bar lobby, known people. officially as the Bar Owners Association of Texas, a.k.a. BOA T. TWT - You talk of a conservative freedoms come cheap. How did the Yes, this year on Capitol Hill in Austin, we-for the first time-had two lobbyist groups mood at the Capitol. Is there a move BOAT budget hold up during its first working to protect the rights and businesses of gay and lesbian Texans-a gay rights lobby afoot to take Texas back to the days ofl year? and a gay bar lobby. prohibition in the 30s? BRITTAIN - Very fine. We operated This week's edition of TWT NEWSTALK takes place in the downtown offices of BOA T, where at about $15,000 under budget. When a we gathered with lobbyist Bettie Naylor and president, BK "Bunch" Brittain. "We operated BOA T in its first year at few bars got together here in Austin last ~5,OOO under budget." -Brittain August, they decided to contribute all at once, so it was very hard to keep NAYLOR - You might have thought together a budget of around $75,000 in C];T - With the 140-day 69th· ses- track of. Part of the problem was Gover- that such a thing couldn't exist, but it the first year. After our first eight sion of the Texas Legislature now in the nor Mark White. He has no written pro- did. The MADD mothers are a strong ex- months, in which time we budgeted history books, how would you sum up gram. We're all just supposed to be able ample. They're very organized. I'll have around $50,000for first year start-up, we the situation from January to May, 1985? to read his mind. to commend them for the effort they put find that we have spent only about NAYLOR - Chuck, it was azoo.I've TWT - So the first session for the together. This allowed the prohibition- $35,000.So we are delighted that we ac- never been through anything like it BOAT lobby was a tough one. To set the ists in Texas to identify themselves to complished our goals on about $15,000 before. Most of the legislation we had stage, this was the first year for a bar the Mad Mothers Against Drunk Drivers. less than we had earlier thought would to deal with came in the last 30 days, owners lobby, as BOAT was not official- They came out in great force and put all, be the bare minimum BOAT could oper------~TnW~T'"JU"N~E~2~'~-~J~umN~E~2~71'9~8Bs51~JUNE2'-JUNE27'985 PAGE33 PAGE32 ate on. the drinking age raised to 21 and to get TWT - And all this was done in just the open container law revised so you your first year. couldn't drive down a Texas highway BRITTAIN - It's nothing short of drinking a beer-something that's been miraculous that we achieved so much a Texas tradition, even in the movies. SO soon, because it usually takes They concentrated thei r efforts more on anywhere from two to five years for a these two laws. Early on they realized new lobby group to have any impact there was a lot of opposition to whatsoever. As an example, note the eliminating happy hour as it would have Associated Clubs of Texas which has meant a terrific loss in liquor tax revenue been operating close to 10years. BOAT to the state-a state which needs more achieved more in its first year than ACT money now than ever before. has in a decade. TWT - Didn't Representative "BOA T achieved more in its first year than Ramon Martinez of Houston introduce ACT has in a decade." -Brittain a laundry list of legislation that was troublesome? TWT - Bettle, let's talk a little about NAYLOR - Yes, he came to this ses- some of the accomplishments which I sion with a number of problems in his know didn't come easy. district. He came loaded with 12 NAYLOR - Before I get into that I bills which he hoped would deal with the want to say that I couldn't have done it problems these bars caused in their alone. All the work that some of our neighborhoods. Of course we were all members did was instrumental. And you aware that he does have some serious must remember that they're all busy problems in his district. But, in writing businessmen and women who took his legislation, he wrote it in such a way time out from their clubs to come to all that it would have had a detrimental ef- the meetings. I'm talking about Jim fect in our bars where such problems "Polock" Roberts in Corpus Christi and don't exist. At one point we all threw up Dallas, Charles Armstrong in Dallas, our hands, 'cause trying to deal with his Randy Speights in Austin, Bob Bona- venture out in EI Paso, BillY Ray Hill up "City councils would have to approve liquor in Fort Worth, Doc Joe Johnson in license renewals." -Naylor Waco, Ed Moniger down in Houston, bills seemed monumental. One of his Doug Richardson over in San Antonio bills would have suspended your liquor and Kay Ford with our women's bars. license if there had been two acts of They came to the legislature when it violence in your bar in a short given time. was necessary and made phone calls to But acts of violence were not defined. legislatures when bad bills were pend- Another would have required local city ing and all the other important things councils to approve bar permits. He also they did. I want them to know that I per- wanted to raise the after hours fee, have sonally appreciate their efforts. They are warning signs in two languages posted, to be commended. have metal detectors installed so guns TWT - Let's talk about the bill which would easily be found and shortening would have outlawed happy hour, beer the distance bars could be from busts, and the like. schools, churches and the like. NAYLOR - Chuck, it was no easy BRITTAIN - And the city of Houston task to get the members of the hired a firm to the tune of $75,000to lob- legislature into a position so they by these laws. One of these laws would wouldn't vote for these bills to outlaw have required bars to meet off-street these longtime liquor specials. Soon parking requirements when their license after the session began, the MADD came up for renewal. Montrose bars mothers realizedthey were going to lose would have had to close. that battle, so they kind of backed off. TWT - Do you remember about how But they continued to push hard to get many bills concerned you?

TLUT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 PAGE 35 NAYLOR - At one time I.counted medically considered pubic hairs. of our Liaison Committee, has met with that I was watching about 70 bills. I had TWT - Another ridiculous foray in uention. to keep my eye on all of them as most the House-which had it been left in the a rWT - Bettie, where does the new the heads of all the departments of would haveaffected us directly. The one bill-would have meant that no one with drinking age law stand? TABC and has received incidents of how which would have been most detrimen- a mustache could be in a bar. NAYLOR - As we record this inter- we can help our bars. TABC has now, tal to gay bars was introduced by NAYLOR - Right. So it was deleted vieW,the governor has the bill on his as a result of this effort, agreed to hold Representative Bob Eckles of Houston. before it was sent on to the Senate. desk and has just signed it. So begin- meetings in various cities with our The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commis- Another one of my concerns was the ning September 1, 1986, you'll have to member bar owners and to sion wanted it passed, because they had dramshot bill which would have made be21years old to drink in a bar in Texas explain TABC laws. This means our bars lost a court case in Houston because bartenders and club owners liable and or buYany alcohol. It's written into the won't be picked on as much. the judge determined that the TABC did held responsible if a person they serv- laW,however, that it reverts back to 19 NAYLOR - Between now and the not have jurisdiction to close down the ed became so drunk he caused a traffic if any state proves in court that the law time the next session begins in 1987, baror to determine what was "lewd con- accident. There were three bills in- requiring all states to raise the drinking Jim Roberts of Dallas will be working duct." The lewd conduct definition in troduced on this. I was worried that they age is unconstitutional. out a plan to increase our membership, the Texas penal code did not carry over might be disguised. But by working BRITTAIN - There are a few states because we're going to have a tougher to give TABC the authority to enforce closely with the chairman of the already testing this. One is Michigan. time in the next session. Legislation will a law which would close a bar because Jurisprudence Committee, the dram- NAYLOR - A lot of states like Texas be written between now and the next it featured male or female dancers. shot angle was knocked out. The law felt coerced into raising the drinking age session to change various areas of Because of this, TABC asked Eckles to for fear of losing federal highway fund- TABC. Frank Caven of Dallas is working introduce legislation that would add a "... MADD Mothers, Doctors Against AIDS and prohibitionists." -Brittain ing. So this will be tested in court "rABe realizes our gay bars have always definition of "lewd conduct" to the somewhere. And the federal govern- been our country clubs." -Naylor TABC code. It said there could be no de- was too broad sweeping, not specific ment may back off, because there are on research about changing the way li- viant sexual intercourse or stimulated enough as to who was responsible or other things they may want from the quor taxes are collected. Right now it's sex in a bar or the exhibition of genitals, who was to pay the court costs. Al- states and not get cooperation on buttocks or pubic hair. Now of course though it never got out of committee, because they had to raise the drinking by the drink. A better way would be to charge by the bottle when it is purchas- this would have left gay bars as open we're going to have to watch it very age when they didn't want to. ed from the wholesaler. Florida already targets of harassment and closure by closely for the next session. It could TWT - So there still is the outside the TABC. It would have meant that eventually pass in Texas. possibility that the drinking age in Texas does it this way. So our work is cut out male go-go dancers could not be on BRITTAIN - It already has passed in may not go to 21 next year. Bettie, after for us in 1987, and we must get ready now because the Sunset Commission stage-even contests like Mr. Texas Utah. They've made some arrests which dealing so closely with TABC during is conducting its review of TABC dur- which show men in swimsuits and fan- have recently been upheld. Here in this past session, what do you think ing this interim between sessions. tasy skits. We would have been wide Texas, a bar in Conroe and Gilley's in TABC's opinion of gay bars is? TWT - So, if we thought the 1985 open for troubles with the law. People Pasadenahaveboth lost cases over this. NAYLOR -Ithinktheyfeelwehave would have been taken to jail. Bartenders were convicted for selling come a long way and that our bar session was severe, 1987 looms even more ominous. Likely it will set the li- TWT - If I recall correctly, that bill drinks to an intoxicated person. A bar owners are determined to build and quor standards for decades to come. came down to the last minute and just in Corpus Christi is also in court. All operate clean, well-lighted clubs. TABC BRITTAIN - And not only that, but narrowly missed being embarrassing. three of these cases in Texas are still realizes that our gay bars have always we also know we're going to be attack- "... Voting on the floor of the House over under appeal. It's only a matter of time been our country clubs. Goodness the words, 'pubic hair.' " -Naylor before some type of law will be passed ed again by the MADD mothers, doctors "Beginning September 1, 1985, you'll have so bars won't encourage people to get against AIDS groups and prohibition- NAYLOR - It was kind of funny the [to be 21 to drink .... " -Naylor drunk. The best way we can help this is ists. way it happened. It all came down to to monitor our own clubs rather than knows how we would have all met or ex- NAYLOR - So, just because the voting on the floor of the house about havethe law do it for us. BOAT members pressed our sexual preference without legislature has adjourned, it doesn't the words "pubic hair." The legislatures, will let the lawmakers know we are them. They also realize that we are tak- mean our work here at BOAT has ad- of course, got a few chuckles out of it. cooperating on the matter so drunk driv- ing responsibility for ourselves and will journed. We now prepare for the next An amendment was offered on the floor ing can be cut back. fight for our rights-even form our own onslaught, because when the Texas to take the two words out of the bill. Yes, Legislature is in session, nothing is safe NAYLOR - You see, one of the gay bar lobby. TABC does not want to there was a vote in the legislature over see our gay bars go out of business. or left sacred. pubic hair. things which BOAT, as an associated group, wanted to do from the outset was They also know that we contribute a lot TWT - Amen! Bettie and Bunch, BRITTAIN - The reason why it was to take the initiative in risk management of tax money to the state revenue. In thank you for taking time here at the deleted was because of the definition working with TABC, we at BOAT have BOAT office in Austin to bring us all up of pubic hairs. Simply put, they're the of bars. We know what that involves. We must train bartenders and bar employ- been able to get a lot of concessions for to date on the 69th session which just hairs that come out and start to grow at our club members. concluded this past May. Simply put-it puberty. Mustaches and beards are ees how to detect intoxicated patrons and how to handle them with minimum BRITTAIN - For instance, Joe was a job well done, especially since it Johnson of Waco, who is the chairman was BOAT's first year. \\11.1 PAGE 36 TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 PAGE 37 TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 ..


Toni's letter to Michael gets sent around SECRETMMI RER so that Michael's father thinks it came to him from his night college teacher, who Reviewed by 0_ Flores Alvarez thinks it came to her from Michael's father. And when Michael's mother and Learning Young the night college teacher's cop husband read it, everyone is sure that everyone else is having an affair. Secret Admirer stars C. Thomas There's a problem with parents who Howell (The Outsiders) as Michael, a are supposedly very happily married but 17-year-old who gets a passionate, un- are ready to jump into bed with any old signed love letter and goes through body who writes them a sexy letter. Then some pretty stupid motions trying to . those same parents, who got so turned find the right "secret admirer." on by this steamy letter, don't object If teenage sex movies are supposed when they find out that their kids are to show teenagers what to expect as really sending these X-rated missals. they become young adults, Secret Ad- There is also something wrong in the mirer is a lesson in what not to do. message when two sets of parents Michael is blind to the wonderful catch their kids in a car at lover's point friend he has in Toni-the girl who real- with half their clothes off (remember ly loves him-and is instead cross-eyed those 16-year-old tits?), and all the in love with Deborah Anne Fimple. parents are concerned about is the kids Deborah Anne (Kelly Preston), by the catching them in the same position. way, just happens to have the biggest The only time the writers Jim Kouf 16-year-old tits in America. and David Greenwalt hit anything near Michael also has some raunchy the truth was when Michael and friends that keep doing "bop her in your Deborah Anne don't make love for the van" jokes. Ha. Ha. Really high comedy, first time, because, "Oh, it hurts." guys. Yeah, Deborah Anne, it does hurt. There is a to Secret Admirer- And believe it or not, half-thought-out everyone's parents get in the act, and sex movies aimed at teenagers hurt, too.

TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 ,\II? PAGE 49 PAGE 48 TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 Iy recorded by Tina Turner. A touching finale to the show is the appearance of Ellie herself, singing a medley of her classics and a new tune called "We're Gonna Make It (After All)." You can ex- pect every drag queen in the country to be ransacking Leader of the Pack for material during the next few months. LONE STARS - I'm sure you'll agree that any reputable encyclopedia of Texas history should inform us on everything we ever wanted to know r _ " about such legendary figures as Sam Steve Railsback in Lifeforce. Houston, Colonel Travis, Santa Anna, Red Sonja, I was somewhat taken aback and Farrah Fawcett-right? And a real- because I figured it just had to be the ly up-to-date encyclopedia might also in- life story of a bitchy drag queen I met clude an entry on film director Tobe last year in Lubbock. It turns out I wasn't IDOL CHATTER - Although the Hooper, who was born in Austin in 1943 too far wrong: Red Sonja is actually Beach Boys have made a few decent and later was to achieve international about a demure farm girl who gets real- records in the last decade, it's been notoriety with his shocking Texas ly P.O.ed and turns into a female Chainsaw Massacre. The mere credits eons since they have produced anything doesn't have to wait for Motown or any- Conan-sword and all! Are you still as good as their new single "Getcha one else to tell her story. Leader of the for that 1974 festival of gore knocked reading? Anyway, the "Sonja" character Back," which is currently in the national Pack, amusical based on hercareer, has around ten years off my life, but I still originated ih a story by Conan's creator, Top 40. The boys were always heavily· entertained Broadway audiences for a have to congratulate the man for per- Robert E. Howard, a Texas-born writer influenced by wall-of-sound expert Phil couple of months now, despite enor- manently curing my addiction to rancid who committed suicide in 1936. You Spector, and "Getcha Back" is the best mous hostility from New York critics popcorn. Tobe Hooper's post-Chainsaw won't be surprised to learn that Arnold Spector imitation since last year's (most of whom are Civi I War veterans). work includes the acclaimed 1979 TV- Schwarzenegger is the star of th is th ing, "Don't Answer Me" by the Alan Parsons Never mind the critics-the 2-record film Sa/em's Lot, the 1982 feature but unfortunately he doesn't have the Project. Incidentally, "Getcha Back" cast album, just released by Elektra/ Poltergeist, and bless his heart he even title role. I'd love to see him as a demure was co-written by Terry Melcher-the Asylum Records, is dynamite! Like had the guts to direct Billy Idol in the farm girl. '\&Ir son of Doris Day! ... More Relativity: Dreamgir/s, this new musical was stag- video for "Dancing With Myself." This Ronnie Spector, ex-wife of Phil and ex- ed by Michael Bennett, but where the summer, our goosebumps will be given lead of his Ronettes, has her best shot Supremes rip-off suffered from a most- an aerobic workout with Tobe's latest in years on the soundtrack for Just One ly lackluster score, Leader of the film, Ufeforce, a big budget sci-fi/hor- of the Guys. Ronnie, who turns 40 this Pack-on record at least-vividly ror film which-and this should tell you year, sings "Tonight You're Mine Baby" recreates the innocent fun of "Da 000 what to expect-was originally called in that same Lolita voice that made her Ron Ron," "Chapel of Love," and of Space Vampires. The cast of Ufeforce one of the most distinctive vocalists of course the title tune among others. is headed by still another former Texan, the early sixties. You may recall that Leader of the Pack features some in- Steve Railsback, the remarkable actor Ronnie married her producer (Phil) in the teresting cast members. Dinah Manoff, who portrayed Charles Manson in TV's late sixties and then entered a long real-life daughter of actress Lee Grant, He/ter Ske/ter and starred in the title role period of forced retirement and seclu- plays "Young Ellie"; Patrick Cassidy of the 1980feature The Stunt Man. With sion. But Ronnie may have the last (brother of David and Shaun?) plays special effects by John Dykstra (Star laugh-she's helping Motown put to- songwriter Jeff Barry; and the great Wars)and a story designed to chill even gether a film based on her life. Poor Phil. Darlene Love, another survivor of the the most jaded horror fans, Ufeforce is ... Ellie Greenwich, who co-wrote the Phil Spector era, plays herself and gets guaranteed to perk up early summer. It Ronettes' "Be My Baby" and scores of to sing "River Deep, Mountain High"-a opens around June 28.... When I first other girl group tunes of the sixties, Greenwich/Barry/Spector song original- heard that there was a new film called

PAGE 50 TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 r-. \.J 1- ww The Actresses I BACKSTAGE - by Rob Clark Chorale will conclude its gala "Fifth An- '•• ApO .• 6. .•••.• 4' ,,~•. t.. niversary Season" with a concert at the .~ •• 464·4 9,,·4 .~. t •• 4 ."0 ••• 4 .. " Majestic Theatre in Dallas next Friday, ~" A • •• It.• 4 ••'44 .'4 <0 V •. " 6& 'CI' • " and Tapelenders locations. 6 •••· ••.• t>·(I.pVqq·6.666644· ." .. The featured work of the evening will (J V • 4 b "" &. V 6 6 A ~ 4 •. " 4 4 ".4 '" • ..,~ 6 e " " .. be "Seasons of Change" by Dallas com- b6~A::4",446'04 " ~" p04 4.'0'''0 " ... poser Gerald Near. Commissioned with 03: f r> IV •. ~ ·.. funding from the City Arts Program, •" ••••••• <4 ",...... , '" .. '" ~ .0 II> '9 II> ' Parks and Recreation Department, City 116" l7 . f>: " ... of Dallas, the five-movement work for ., "..•• 0. 4" : 4 : " " men's chorus and piano will receive its ••. ~Vb"'4Vl> .." ." world premiere under the direction of 6 :.. V : : : '" ~ " .. Michael Crawford, musical director for ,. 4 6 ., the Chorale. The original text is by 4 0' 11 A b " .. " Dallas poet Mark Franklin Miles. Other 4"f>4". • 4 e- ·.... works on the program include composi- t> •. 4 'Q' to. 4 " •• ~ Q .4 . tions by Randall Thompson, a selection oG V 6 6. <0 .. ... ~ b .. of western songs, and "Invocation" by e v b b '" &...... 4 0. •. 'CI' ~ " " Claude Debussy, with Karl Dent, tenor ... 0> V" 4 (J •• •. ".00 b .• 64 .. .. ~ oCjIb<24",6t1> oe " soloist. .... •• A • ,,".. ~ :~1>.(Jb'9": " HOUSTON SYMPHONY PR -- We bP(J~ •• b°4' .... I> •• . welcome our friend Cynthia Lewis as b 'l' .".4" 1>9.,-,..6 Houston Symphony Orchestra. Ms. 9 •. " 04~"'f>" ••. ". 611''' 4- p. • Lewis comes to us after doing PR for the Dallas Opera since 1980.Welcome night. Featured that evening will be fOllowed by discussion." Many of aboard, Cynthia! C];XAS SHOW CIRCUIT - Rave re- black jack, horse races, roulette, bingo, Howard's poems deal with gay people THEATRE -- Since our dahling Ms. views are in for BarbaraAmoral after she door prizes and other games of chance. andtheir lives. The public is invited to Duncan is performing Belle of Amherst sang at the grand opening of Austin's There will be happy hour prices at the the reading/discussion and admission on some Indian reservation in Some- new West End recently. Barbara bar all evening. ISfree. where, Texas (I swear it's true!), I'm go- performed show tunes from such hits Poet Richard Howard will be the The very popular Montgomery, Plant ing to give you a quick rundown on what as Cabaret, Evita and Cats, along with guest speaker at the June membership ~Stritch are now appearing at Rascals plays are where. Billie will elaborate others. We'll be hearing more from this meeting of ALGPC this Tuesday, June In Houston, with Marsha Carlton more on them when she returns to girl! 25 at 7 p.m. at the County Court of LaW Showcasing this Monday, June 24. civilization. Here goes: Miss Camp America presents #2, Travis County Court House at 11th TheOutlaws in Houston presents the Diversity Theatre performs Jane "Casino Carnival" Friday, June 21 at and Guadalupe in Austin. "Howard is a mUSicof Mariachi De La Guera this Sun- Chambers' Last Summer at B/uefish 2143 Westheimer (Steven's of HOlly- Pulitzer Prize winner and authorof eight dayfrom 7-9 p.m. Okay, Steve and Ron Cove at Kindred Spirits in Houston this wood) in Houston. Admission is free to books," said Roy Harbison of ALGPC. ' .. get out your sombreros! Tuesday, June 25 at 8 p.m. Tickets are the party which rolls from 8 p.m. to mid- "He'll do some readings of his poetry TURTLECREEK - The Turtle Creek $3. 7PA~G~E~5~4~------~------~T~W-T-J-U-NE--2l----JIU-N~E-21-JUE~2-7N-E129~8571985 PAGE55 The Pocket Sandwich Theatre in Dallas is currently showing Nec-ing every Friday and Saturday at 11:15 p.m. both nights. Tickets are $5. Call (214) 821-1860for information. TheActresses will be on Main Street Theatre's stage in Houston through June 28 every Thursday, Friday and saturday at 8:30 p.m. ~. 69 HOURS A WEEK OF HAPPY HOUR PRICES 7AM until BPM • MONDAY thru FRIDAY Mimi Stebenne and Joshua Brownstone in Anywhere But Here at Theatre Southwest. and ~ Houston's Theatre Southwest is cur- TUESDAYS .. rently showing Anywhere But Here. 7AM tillMIDNIGHT • Watch Billie's column for details, or call (713)747-3816. Stages Repertory Theatre wi II present ",I Snoopy!! as the opening of its inaugural ***** .. season of "Early Stages." The show F"I-SAT-SUN-MON opens June 27 and plays through Au- 25¢ BEER BUST " .J"NI 21-22-23-24 TUISDAY, JUNI 25 gust 18.Stages is located at 3201 Allen MONDAY thru FRIDAY THI BIG SIND OFF Parkway(one block west of Waugh Dr.). ~ • IfAPPY HOUR 50t WILL & Bill); For information, call (713)527-8243. NOON till7PM pll day/all night FRII CHAMPAGN. Theatre Three in Dallas is pleased to and all night long announce two special Saturday after- MONDAYS .• noon matinees during the run of .. Anything Goes. On June 22, Theatre NOON tillMIDNIGHT Three will present its popular "Miser • • Matinee," when tickets are $5 each. And, new this season, the "Gee, I 220 AVONDALE Almost Missed It" matinee is set for HOUSTON I June 29; tickets are $9. Both matinees 3220 NORTH FITZHUGH, DALLAS 526-9320 areset for 3:30 p.m. For details on night • ; Shows and times, call (214)871-3300.~\IIJ' . :.. TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 PAGE 57

AUSTINteaCIOUS - Michael Roach, a WJ1 hot 46-year-old gay father of four won the Crossing's Handsome Daddy contest on Father's Day. There was an on-rush of I HOT TEA 28 entries, allover 35.... They've finally named the hardcore sunrise Saturday M "Gremlins" who wiggled the audience crowd at Dirty Sally's, "Espirit de Hard- into a frenzy. Vanessa Casti swept both corp." said Pig Paws.... Brad LaMour best evening gown and sportswear. Tina has joined Gregg in the daytime cruise Renee won Miss Congeniality. bar at Larry Armstrong's new Backstreet. A highlight of the evening was the triumphant return of former Miss Gay Texas, Sabrina DeLorean who scooped TEXAS TELETYPE - On the road up a heap of tips and applause. In the across Texas with the CRUISE CAMERA: CRUISE CAMERA photo below, highly shown above are (l-r) John Bent and popular Tommie Ross crowns her suc- Frank Caven, traveling from JR's/Dalias to cessor whose amazing interpretations of JR's/Houston, taking care of business.... NEW ORLEANS TEA - At the Mr. The CRUISE CAMERA has also just returned Gulf Coast contest, a most talented man from Rainbow Connection in Longview from Dallas, Ken Wimberly (see photo), were (l-r) Chuck and Tony are the sponsored by 4001, won the 1985 title. daytime bartenders at the popular club. Ken is shown on stage at the Bourbon ... Rico's decorated their patio (see Pub accepting his trophy from another above) for their 21.06 Awareness Day Dallas hunk, Keith Mitchell, Mr. All beer bust and barbecue. "No, we didn't America. have a watermelon bust for Charley Meyers," said owner Rico .... All Austin Guild bars are getting set for the ninth annual Fourth of July picnic at City Park on Lake Austin. Details next week in HOT TEA.... And now Scott Taylor's ... And always on the road is male Question of the Week: Who are dancer Hunter (see below). Not only is Willhemina Humberburg, [olene Hunter a former TWT cover boy but he Yorkowitz and Golda Postenstein? Why, was also the first runner-up at the Mr. the Pink Ladies of Coco's Fabulous Fifties Longhorn Male Dancer-of-the-Year con- Revue at Oz, of course .... And in the Grace Jones are trulv amazing and test at the Pub in Abilene. CRUISE CAMERA photo below are (l-r) Dan, gracefully believing. If Grace looks a little Hunter is shown here strutting his Matt and Warren at the June 9 grand shocked in this photo it's because the opening of Jim Smith's West End Pub. winner's announcement came as a stuff at the club which sponsored and MISS GAY HOUSTON - After two Even songstress Barbara Amarol was severe surprise. As emcee Brandi West discovered him, the Crossing.of Austin. nights of pageantry at the Copa, only six there to offer show tunes and soak up put it, "It cracked faces." But not a soul points separated the top three: Rachel the crowded merriment of Austin's said Grace didn't deserve to win! Masters (I) of Doc Johnson's Tallulah's in newest gay bar with restaurant. Waco won first runner-up; Studio 13 star, RIDDLE OF THE WEEK - Dateline Amazing Grace (c), sponsored by Dallas: Not knowing that Ray Cooper's Rosewood Estates, surprised all including new car used only diesel gasoline, his herself to wi n the 1985 title; and Socca lover, little David Hilzendager, filled it up Simone (r), also of Studio 13, rounded with unleaded. Of course, the car came out the winning threesome. Waco's Miss to a stop about a block later. And just Masters (see below) won best talent and like in the movies, a big burly man came best production with her authentic M-G- along to help. Or, at least, it seemed that way at first until he hit David in the head, robbed him and tried to steal the car. To make matters worse, it was Ray's birthday, but the whole incident was foil- ed when the thief couldn't get the car started. Yeah, diesel! SIX FLAGS GAY DAY - This Saturday, Happily the car is back at Oak Lawn June 22, DGA presents Gay Day at Six Records and, 18 stitches later, David is Flags, a Pride I event. It all starts at 10 back at work inside. Go by and buy a a.m. as Dallas pride takes over the record. It'll make Ray feel better about amusement park. his car and David feel better about his head. QUICHE OF THE WEEK - Dallas epicurians are invited to bring their favorite quiche recipe fully prepared, ready to eat, to the DGA Quiche Cookoff this Sunday, June 23, 1 p.m. at the Gay community Center, 3920 Cedar Springs. "All entries must be named," Davie Jones reminded. A distinguished panel will judge Best Classic Quiche, Most Gay o~Er06q' Correct Quiche and Most Unusual Quiche. Entries will be sold by the slice. ,kC.:

MONDAY·SATURDAY '\ GET YOUR WATER SPECIALS \VOLLEY BALL TEAM TOGETHER AND 7AM·10AM SIGN UP NOW! EARLY BIRD SPECIf'LS VAllEY TEA - The beautiful Nina 75¢ BLOODYS - ~AMES BEGIN SAT., JULY 6 Jackson relinquished herMiss Rio Grande BULLSHOfs Valley crown to McAllen's EOY, Takesha PRIZES TO BE More (above) at Bumpers. First runner-up ANNOUNCED was Freida Andrews and second runner- up was Eva Nicole Chante, The winner is shown with pageant owners (l-r) Farrah, George and Gino. CRUISE CAMERA photo by TWT'S Tim Ramm. Coming next to the Valley is the Miss International City Pageant which will be held at Valentino's in Brownsville on June 28-29, announced Shady Lady. HOUSTON HOteaLiNE - Light seems to be the key word for Beaches which grand opened last week in the 2700 Albany entertainmentplex. Three even- ings of searchlights led the way at night and three days of sunlight led the way during the afternoons for sunbathers to Beaches' pool all weekend long. Very busy, indeed .... Speaking of new clubs, expect Brad Bradshow, a.k.a. Rita Boulevard, to open up Rituz on Long Point Blvd. by August. ... A new C&W club, Texas Renegade, hung their colors upstairs at the Barn last Saturday as 150 people and 12 clubs welcomed the new social club. Jim Lambert, president, was joined by 10 charter members .... Diva Hair and Electric Beach double grand Open June 28.... On Friday, June 28, the Gay Hispanic Caucus presents Baile '85 at Noche y Dia Ballroom as a color- ful gay pride dance event. Ole. ...

TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 PAGE 65 Speaking of gay pride, to clear up confu- PARTY OF THE WEEK - Dateline ... Who takes all. of the photos for sion, yes, there will be two after-the- Houston: No sooner had the city Alice's fabulous gossip column? Hand- parade events on Sunday, June 30. recovered from HOBO Night Out at 22 some photographer Michael McKinney HGPC will present After Dark in Spotts bars last Friday than along came your (see self-portrait below). Whenever you Park with fireworks and beer. lilt's a par- basic private party for 2,000 at Rich's last see him be sure to smile-you could be ty and dance, not a rally, to celebrate Monday. It was the ninth annual June- in HOT TEA next week. our 10th anniversary," caucus prez, Sue teenth Blowout '85 and CRUISE CAMERA Lovell stressed. Also after the parade, the photos in next week's HOT TEA will tell Mardi Gras Finale collective will present the festive tale. Eight searchlights led the the Bravo party at Numbers with deejay way for out-of-town party. travelers .... Jimmy Spaulding. The Finale group told Some may still be there! HOT TEA, 'There will be a $5 cover SAN ANteaONIO - Make plans to be charge at the door with no advance at this Sunday's Gay Pride Parade which ALICE DOES DALLAS - Generous ticket sales.II starts at 1 p.m. from Cypress and North Dallas bar patrons donated over $3,000 NAME DROPPER - Dateline Main, up to Dewey, and culminates in during the statewide 21.06 Awareness Houston: Ray Denis, formerly of Mary's, San Pedro Park for the gay pride picnic. Day which means Dallas single-handedly is now managing the Chicken Coop, It's Alamo pride .... The Club can be netted nearly half the statewide total. keeping Ray still on Westheimer .... proud of its weekly AIDS benefit shows Over $500 of that Dallas total was raised Gerda's punk girlfriends star in Grease, a every Thursday as owner Jim Smith re- at 4001's Great Beer Pour-Off between musical comedy revue, this Sunday night mains dedicated to the formation of the Alice of TWT (I) and Melba of the Voice. at the Ranch .... Ms. Pauline is back new San Antonio AIDS Foundation, Who raised the most money? No com- WISH OF THE WEEK - Get well from the Gulf Coast at Tim's dining room a.k.a. SMF. $317 was raised last week ment! ... The Turtle Creek Chorale wishes to Joe Elliott, owner of Jugs, Crib making life festive for all.customers .... thanks to all who attended. In a sidestage presents "Texas Countdown ... 150," a and North 40 in Dallas, who suffered a Earl and Willis of Baja's, a.k.a. jv's. are note, after the benefit, "No, Tina Flame concert at the Majestic Theatre at 8: 15 heart attack last week. "She's alive and well in New Orleans getting set did not threaten Erica with a butcher's p.m. next Friday, June 28. Tickets are recuperating at home and doing much to open their new Praline Cookie Com- knife" ... On June 10, the Copa pulled available at all Ticketron Outlets, the better," said Marci Fordenhaus. Knowing pany by August in the French Quarter. out all the stops for their Spring Prom Crossroads Market and Tapelenders .... Joe's determination and grit, it's only a ... Sweet Savage whirled onto the Copa Night as everyone flashed back to The United Sovereign Court will hold its matter of time until this human dynamo stage last Sunday night as the surprise yesteryear's music and memories .... annual coronation at the Holiday Inn on is back on the scene. guest from San Antonio and literally stop- Sam of EI Jardin is off to Vegas, again- Regal Row on July 13. They will also ABILENE TEA - Miss Gay Abilene: At ped the show with her high energy non- but this time to take a gamble on marry- sponsor a benefit show at the High the Walnut Street Pub, Tierra Mikels stop twisting and dancing .... And the ing off his sister. Yes, his real sister.... Country on June 27. "For additional in- (kneeling) of San Angelo was crowned monthly poolside resident appreciation Happy first anniversary to Randy Cunniff formation call (214)398-2967," reported the 1985 winner. In the CRUISE CAMERA party at Rosewood Estates (see photo and Snuffy's Saloon-a red hot bar .... Pat Coomey and Lou Velvet. ... Linda's photo are (l-r) Jessica Welles of EI Paso below) last Sunday was the biggest and Changez will hold a benefit show next Surplus on Maple Ave., a long-time TWT who was first runner-up; Lynn ill best ever. It looked like gay day at Monday night for 3-year-old Rachel who supporter, celebrated its 4th anniversary Christopher of Ft. Worth, who is a former Waterworld. Songstress Kim Yvette spark- is in need of a heart and lung operation. last weekend. That's Linda (r) pictured city titleholder; Tish of EI Paso, who was ed up the day with a poolside perfor- ... And TGRA will hold a benefit show below with her friendly manager Teddy. third runner-up; and Monique Loren of mance. this Saturday, June 22, featuring your favorite Mustangs at the Country Corner r , Midland, who was second runner-up. Saloon. The CRUISE CAMERA was at the Photo by Fred Carnes .... Incidentally, Corner for their Memorial Day benefit to the Pub raised $500 at the recent benefit film leek and Khristill Baloo. Incidentally, for the Taylor County Human Society. July 1 will be One-On-One day as the Corner will be one year old on July 1. Photos by TWT'S Tim Ramm. • 4

PAGE 67 CORPUS TEA - The 1985 Miss Cor- pus Christi winner is Tanya Roberts. Con- sistency and timeliness catapulted Miss Roberts into the winner's spot. Shanna Roberts and LaVonne Jacobs were first and second runners-up. FACE OF THE YEAR - Dateline San Antonio: Cortney Balboa (I) is the new Face of the Year. The winner is shown with the Galleon's manager, Keith Morris. Incidentally, Tiffany Clark, a.k.a. Carrie, was chosen Face of the Month. "W

PHOTO OF THE WEEK - Dateline Dallas. Perhaps this CRUISE CAMERA snap- shot taken at the Boxxoffice should be entitled (I-r) Hamhock and Pollock! Is it Mona and Jim, Denis and Frank, or Dale and Howard? Only Charles Armstrong, who was among the first to sneak preview the event, knows the answer of who was prone on the pool table during after hours after the bartenders drag show. CRUISE CAMERA photo by Papa Joe or Roy Hall. \1AfI I SPORTS A STEAL! said. Players are asked to sign in at 11:30a.m. Matches will begin at noon. Through five weeks of play, these are the top teams as released to TWTSPORTS: 1111 The top two teams stay undefeated as JR's claims the top spot for the third week, with Bacchus a close second. The Ranch Hands fell this week at the hands of the 611 III. The Brazos River Cowboys won their first match this week by overpowering the Rancheroos in June tzactton, WALK FOR UNITY GAY SPORTS DAY HOUSTON - One of the big events of this city's Gay Pride Week will be the second an- HOUSTON - With Gay Pride week solid- nual Walk for Unity, a five-mile walk through ly under way in this city, the annual Gay Pride Montrose, beginning at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Games unfold on several fronts this Satur- June 23. Registration will begin at 1 p.m. in day, June 22-softball, tennis and bowling. the park which is both the starting and end- It all begins with a Sunbelt Singles Cham- ing point. It is expected to conclude around pionship Bowling Tournament from 11 a.m. 6 p.m. to 2 p.m. at Post Oak Lanes. Later at 7:30p.m., Every person who walks will receive a free there will be a Fun in the Dark Doubles Walk for Unity T-shirt if they have a sponsor- Tourney. "You can check in at 6 p.m. at Post ship of $20 or more, walk chairman Clayton Oak Lanes," MSA's Steve Stepleton said. Munger said. Awards will be given for the Registration will be this Friday night at 8 p.m. most money raised. at the Briar Patch. The sporting event will be a benefit for The Houston Tennis Club will host the Oak three organizations who will divide the money Lawn Tennis Association of Dallas at the fifth raised equally. The beneficiaries are annual Texas Cup Tennis Challenge at Homer Houston's Gay Switchboard, Montrose Clinic Ford Tennis Center in MacGregor Park, and Montrose Counseling Center. "All dona- beginning at 9 a.m. Also on Gay Sports Day, tions are tax deductible," Munger assured FrontRunners third annual Bar To Bar Fun TWTSPORTS. Run will be held. It starts at noon at the Bring a friend, Tan for free. Galleon and visits 10 bars. .1 BAR TO BAR RUN Also on Gay Sports Day, softball games I will take to the ball diamond at Levy Field as HOUSTON - June is to be a busy month the Dallas All Stars of the Oak Lawn Softball It would be a crime to skip out on an offer like this. for FrontRunners with three events. The third Association will pit their all stars against the You and a buddy can try out EuroTan's famous UV-A annual bar-to-bar fun run, the gay pride run all stars of Houston's Women's Softball in New York City and women's night with tanning beds for one low price. Thirty minutes in a League and the Montrose Softball League. FrontRunners, Rick Porter advised TWT Games start at 3:15 p.m. EuroTan tanning unit is equal to a day at the beach. SPORTS. But without the risk of burning or peeling. You see, This year's bar-to-bar fun run will begin at MSL SOFTBALL t we've virtually eliminated the nasty UV-B rays that I the Galleon with stops at men's and women's clubs. The run is very informal and non- HOUSTON - The Briar Patch continues damaged the skin and enhanced the gentle, tanning members are encouraged to join in. to rule the roost in the Montrose Softball i1;: UV-A. Our convenient hours let you get your gorgeous Contact runner Joe (713)520-8019 for League,still the only undefeated team in both tan even when the sun isn't shining. So, if you're chain- details. "The run will be held during Gay Pride divisions. If the team continues its winning ed to your job, stop by after work. But remember to Week on Sports Day, Saturday, June 22. It streak, it'll be a fitting tribute to its founder, starts at noon." the late Jerry Kauffman for his team to earn bring a friend. Then you can tan scot-free. the right to represent Houston in this year's Gay World Series. BILLIARD PRIDE In last Saturday'S games Sally's rolled over HOUSTON - During Gay Pride Week on Ray'S 25-5, the Voice won two games from ~ Gay Sports Day this Saturday, June 22, the the Mine 11-4and 6-3, and Rich's edged the MSA Billiard League will hold a pride tourney Barn 11-10. On Sunday the Patch defeated The Suntan Store. at Ray's Five and Dime. "Call league secretary Rich's 10-1,the Galleon beat the Mine 14-7, Dennis Lord (713)660-6752for details," he and Sally's slashed the Barn 15-0. 3701 Montrose, Houston 529-5100 4012 Cedar Springs, Dallas 522-5810 TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 PAGE 71 101 Schilling, Baytown 428-2895 Here are the standings through last With one season away, along comes the weekend as released to TWTSPORTS by MSL's summer session which is now under way at Mark Conner. Bronco Bowl. After three weeks of play in the Gulf Coast Division: 1-Briar Patch (13'()), 10-week summer session, these are the top 2-Rich's (7-7),3-Ray's (6-8) and 4-Barn four teams as scored by OLBA's Jim Beck (4-8).Bayou City Division: 1-Voice (11-3),2- for TWTSPORTS: 1-Atta Girls (8.()),2-Pin Me Sally's (8-4),3-Galleon (2-11)and 4-Mine Downs (8'()), 3-Bowling Bags (7-1) and (2-12). 4- Tin Pin Bailers (6-2).Butch Lee won both This Saturday the MSL will host the All- high game (236)and high series (620)in June Stars from Dallas as a part of Gay Sports Day 17 action. - during Gay Pride Week. The Women's Soft- ball League will also host their counterparts from Dallas. Four games will be played star- ting at 3:15 p.m. This Sunday, June 23, MSL play continues with games beginning at 6:30 p.m. All games will be played at Levy Field (Richmond at Eastside).

OLBA Division C champs: Smooth Rollers (I'r) Ed Huckfeldt, Joe Sanders, Gregg Seiter and Jere Davis. TWT SPORTS photos by Michael McKinney.

OLBA Division A champs: Crews Inn (I'r) Jackie Baker, Don HOUSTON BOWLING Ellis, Wesley Reed and Charles Wilson. HOUSTON - In the MSA Monday night bowling league, Jim Woods won high game DALLAS WI N N ERS (221)and Gerald Hagan took high series (629) DALLAS - The Crews Inn, What the Big at Stadium Lanes on June 17. Here are the Boys Eat and Smooth Rollers won their top three teams in the three divisions. respective divisions in the just-concluded Division A: 1-Ball Boys, 2-Flaunt Its and Oak Lawn Bowling League, receiving cham- 3-Ray's Five and Dime. Division B: 1-EJ's pionship awards at the OLBA awards Boys, 2-Mary Pop-Pins, and 3-KoTexans. ceremony held at Spaghetti Warehouse. Division C: 1-Cokettes, 2-Boys-R-Us and 3-EJ's Men. In the Thursday night league, the top three are 1- Thursday Nite Trix, 2-Dynasty and 3-Jerry's Briar Patch Kids. Sterling Tinsley won both high game (220)and series (580)in men's competition while Pat DeCarlo won both high game (210) and series (528) for women. In the Baby Jane League, the top three teams through June 13 are: 1-Hit the Gas, Baby Jane, 2-tie between Golden Girls and But ya are, Blanche and 3-S0PE Sisters .. "June 20 marked the leagues first position round night to obtain top three standings," Dennis Urusky reported. "July 7 will be the date for our barbecue and pool party," he told OLBA Division B champs: What Big Boys Eat (I-r) Keith PovlslI,Bob Calderon, Barry Adkins, John Williams and Harry TWT SPORTS. "All Baby Jane league members Sutton. and their guests are invited."

TUiT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 PAGE 73" ONLY

Didyou know for only $30 a month you can belong to RTNESS EXCHANGE? JOIN NOW AND PAY NO STARTUP FEE!!!

The mld·season top team In Austin's Gamblers League: The Oz team (I·r) Katherine York, Louis Arebalo, Tim York, Joe York and Bill Huber. TWT SPORTS photo by 'Scott Taylor.

AUSTI N BOWLI NG AUSTIN - The Gamblers Bowling League has concluded its current season, "We will likely suspend for the summer and hopeful- ly resume in the fall," Bobby Archer, league president, announced, After 28 weeks of ac- tion the following standings were reported to TWT SPORTS. Top ten teams: 1-0z (701/2-371/2),2- Lady Longhorns (68-40), 3-Crossing #1 (63-45), 4-Dorothy's Twisters (60-48), 5-Easy Pieces (59-49), 6-Waterlooloos (531/2-501/2), 7-Red River Belle (52-56), 8-Attitudes (43-61), 9-Uncle Charlie's 2 (41-67) and 10-Barbella (40-64). Male high games-Steve Davis (246), Frank I~ Garrham (226), Bill Huber (222) and Jim \ Wilson (222). High series: Wilson (627), Rick Sigman (562) and Steve Davis (551). At FITNESS EXCHANGE we offer: Female high games: Janet Proulx (204), Marie Herndon (203) and Yolanda Guerrero safely tan you in just 25 minutes. • A program tailored to your individual (202).High series: Marie Herndon (572), Guer- needs with counseling and supervision. • AEROBICS-high energy classes with rero (559) and Katherine York (494). • NAUTILUS-dOuble lines of the finest onvsi- outstanding instructors! Showcase Entertainment cat development equipment available. • A dazzling display of Free weight, OUTDOOR TREKS OLYMPIC,and UNIVERSALequipment. • HEARTMATE-state of the art computerized HOUSTON - This month marks the first 7 Days a Week bikes that test your fitness level. • A CLEAN, comfortable facility that includes anniversary for this city's new Outdoor • SUNTANA-the U.V.A.tanning beds that saunas, whirlpool, and great music' Group, leader Dennis Milam announced. And i.,~ the anniversary month is full of outdoor treks. ~f Let us show you how our program can work for you and why our reputation has Last weekend, the group went to En- been built on some of the finest bodies in Texas. Chanted Rock, Pedernales Falls and through 'I the Guadalupe River State Parks in the hill country. HURRY, OFFER ENDS JUNE 30TH!!! This weekend, June 14-16, the guys are river rafting near New Braunfels. Then on June 18, a potluck dinner will be held. The anniversary party is slated for Saturday, June 22. I HOUSTON DALLAS 2900 Richmond ~ffirne'SJS 26150aklawn "Because of Gay Pride Week, all outdoor (MEN ONLY) events will be suspended June 23-30 in order to celebrate pride," Milam told TWT SPORTS. PHONE 524-9932 \eXOHrA'lf16e PHONE 526-1220 fUj;: " .•" -- ...•. - -- ._-- ,w,------PAGE 75 NAUTILUS FOR MEN AND WOMEN \\\011 L...------...J-= (OVER/PHOTO ESSAY

Dertls a 24-year-old Libran, originally from Ohio who moved to Florida before taking up residence in Houston about three years ago. He attended Ohio State University and the University of Houston where he majored in design. DERF Hisfavorite hobbies include lifting weights, bicycling, dancing, jogging and outdoor activities. He and his 7-month-old dog, Bucko, love to run in the park. How did he come to name his dog, Bucko? "I named him after an ex- lover," Dert quipped. Incidentally, our cover boy is also one of the PlaySafe Mates, featured CAPEL as Mr. April, in the KS/AIDSFoundation 1985 Calendar. As Dert says in the Playsafe Calendar, "I'll bet I can match you stroke for stroke and inch MR. M~lROHOU510N'85 for inch when it comes to playing safe."


Norma Kristie, Inc. Presents HOUSTON 1985 Nothing Sacred GAY PRIDE WEEK MR. BAY ALL-AMERXCAN CONTEST Cards • Gifts • roo-- T-SHIRTS · Accessories DXSCOVERV. XNC. 1021 JESSXE ROAD LXTTLE ROCK. ARKANSAS ""e'e Ie brat i"g You,r Life Style" ~~ ('\ Gay p'ride Week '85

if T-Shirts Avail1able , j I , • JULY 12. 1985 Open: Mon.-Sat. THRU ,'- 'v-_ 11am-9pm JULV 14.. 198:5 -...... ".::--- Sunday ••\I••••h~_-•• • ••• y •• 1pm~7pm For More 1401 WestheHnerl'HGuston Information 526·2731 (on. the c~rve)

$3000 Contact: WINNER Norma Kristie, Inc. 58.00 GPW T-Shirt $1000 P.O. Box 4699 (indicate S· M • LG • XL) Ii,. 1st RUNNERUP Little Rock, AR 55.00 GPW Visors "I, $1.00 GPW Buttons 72204 $5.00 GPW Posters I" $500 (available at Dramatika) 2nd RUNNERUP (501) 562-8641 GPW Items ! (501) 225-1300 NOW ON SALE IN HOUSTON AT: NOTHING SACRED, BARN, MARY'S IJ CLUB HOUSTON, KINDRED SPIRITS, EAGLE LEATHERS,UNION JACK'S, WILDE 'N' STEIN, DIVA, 611, MARION at LYNN'S, BACK POCKET (BRB) """"" \ and at TWT OFFICE. or, order by mail ~' Sendto !I, GAY PRIDE WEEK P.O. BOX 66821

I HOUSTON, TEXAS 77266 Include Sl for postage.

PAGE 60 TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 I TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1965 PAGE 61 Montrose Softball League and Women's Softball League WEDNESDAY 26 WII& Levy Field (Richmond at Eastside) 3:15 pm WSL All-Stars vs Dallas All-Stars 4:15 pm MSL All-Stars vs. Dallas All-Stars TGRA Day ~ 5:15 pm WSL All-Stars vs. Dallas All-Stars 4-9 prn, Rodeo Videos at the Ripcord 6:15 pm MSL All-Stars vs. Dallas All-Stars 6-9 pm, Steak Night at the Barn and Metropolitan Community Church Brazos River Bottom of the Resurrection 9 pm, Dancing, clogging, show and "A Tale of Our City" Dinner games at Brazos River Bottom with Armistead Maupin 7 pm, Westin Oaks Galleria. Tickets $25." • v~ • THURSDAY 27 SUNDAY 23 National Day of Remembrance! 7:30 prn, Metropolitan Community ~t]J~ -- Church of the Resurrection Walk for Unity 1919 Decatur Gay Switchboard, Montrose Clinic, Montrose Counseling Center 5-mlle fundraising walk thru Montrose • begins 1:00 pm at Cherryhurst Park FRIDAY 28 ~ D.J. Spinoff 4:00 pm, Kindred Spirits Gay Hispanic Caucus "Balle-'85" ~~~\!I~ ~~~~ ~~~f!)~ 8:00 pm, Noche y Dia Ballroom • 2106 N. Main SI. $8_" cover (fl C!) []) ~ U' C!) ~ MONDAY 24 • SATURDAY 29 Montrose Art Alliance "5th Annual Men and Women Together" 7:30 pm, Fieldstone Gallery, Montrose Symphonic Band 1776 Montrose with George Greanias, "Still Quartet," GAY PRIDE WEEK and MCCR Choir "Pride, Freedom and Joy Concert" • 8:00 pm, Lanier Middle School, JUNE 20-30 2600 Woodhead at Westhelmer II'!' TUESDAY 25 SATURDAY 22 • THURSDAY 20 "Theatre Alive" Diversity Theatre's production SUNDAY 30 Gay sports Day '85 of Jane Chambers' Kick Off "Last Summer at Bluefish Cove" Glty Pride Parade Kindred Spirits "Sunbelt Singles Championship" 5:30 pm Kindred Spirits 8:00 pm Bowling Tournament Bagby to Waughcrest 8:00 pm - Tickets $3." at the door 11 am - 2 pm, Post Oak Lanes then up Waugh Drive to Spotts Park • "Fun In the Dark Doubles No-Tap" FRIDAY 21 Bowling Tournament • After Dark in the Park 7:30 pm - 10 pm, Post Oak Lanes G.P.C. 10th Anniversary Celebration Sponsored by Montrose Sports Association For more information Spotts ParklWaugh at Memorial Drive, Salute to Business contact the Gay Switchboard immediately following the Parade Greater Montrose Business Guild Houston Tennis Club Hosts at 529·3211 $5." Tower Theatre Reception Lobby Oak Lawn Tennis Assoc. 5th Annuai Dancing plus Free Beer Westheimer at Yoakum 7-10 pm "Texas Cup Tennis Challenge" 9 am, Homer Ford Tennis Center, 6th Commemoration of the Raid on Mary's MacGregor Park • Come get arrested for the misdemeanor FrontRunners 3rd Annual Houston Gay Pride Week '85 Corporate Sponsors of our choice • Brlarpalch· Oramalika • Dignily/Houllon. International Flag Company· Speedy Prinling Service at Texas. The Montrose Voice. Mary'sjNaturallyj 8:00 pm, at Mary's (Naturally) "Bar to Bar Fun Run" • Montrose Art Alliance. This Week In Texas. Montrose Symphonic Band· Rosewood Estates. MetropolUan Community Church of the Resurrection Begins 12 Noon at the Galleria • Gay Hispanic Caucus· Phyllis Frye. Independent Products Distributor. Kindred Spirits. Montrose Mining Company. J.R:s • Houston Forum • and visits ten bars DALLAS BARS-BATHS ©1985 BY TWT MAGAZINE. THIS MAP MAY NOT BE PRODUCED WHOLLY OR IN PART WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE PUBLISHER


Friday, June 21 • WOMEN'S POTLUCK SUPPER-Call 528·4233 for information. • Sponsored by DGA's Women Together. • GOSPEL CONCERT at the Metropolitan Community Church-7:15 pm. ~/)-<0. Guest: The Reverend Delores Berry . .(~ Friday, June 21 • "NORMAN, IS THAT YOU?" at the Gay Community Center-8:00 pm. ""'b thru Presented by You & Me Productions. Benefits: Dallas Gay Alliance and Pride 111:85. 00, Tuesday, June 25 Tickets: $7-Crossroads Market, 521·8919. 0.( Friday, June 21 • "COTILLION" at Fair Park Hall of State, lower Auditorium-8:05 pm, Sunday Matinee '1~ thru 3:05 pm. Presented by the Gay Academic Union of North Texas. Sunday, June 23 Tickets: $5, $4 and $3-Crossroads Market, 521·8919. Saturday, June 22 • GAY DAY AT SIX FLAGS-Call 528·4233 or 521·8919 for information. Sponsored by the Dallas Gay Alliance. • JUDY SMALL IN CONCERT at the First Unitarian Church-8:00 pm. Dance to follow concert. Presented by Little Feather Productions. Tickets: $12-Crossroads Market and Paperbacks Plus, or call 941-9303. Sunday, June 23 • NATIONAL GAY PRIDE WEEK begins. ~ iQ • WORSHIP SERVICES at Metropolitan Community Church-10:30am/12:30pm/7:15pm UJ • 1ST ANNUAL OFFICIAL OAK LAWN QUICHE-OFF at the Gay Community Center- 1:00 pm. 2«: S Sponsored by and a benefit for the Dallas Gay Alliance. Call 528-4233. ~ Monday, June 24 • OLSB 5TH BIRTHDAY PARTY/RAFFLE DRAWING at 4211 Cedar Springs-7:00 pm. Benefit for the Greater Dallas Music Foundation/Oak Lawn Symphonic Band. ~ Aaffle Tickets: $100-Through OLSB members, or call 960-1927. Tuesday. June 25 • "SILENT PIONEERS" Film on KEAA·TV, Channel 13-9:30 pm. 'REf:K BLVD PBS profile of elderly gays, rescheduled by Channel 13 for Gay Pride Week. Wednesday, June 26 • "BEFORE STONEWALL" Film at Downtown Public Library-Call 528·4233. Champagne reception. Benefit for and sponsored by the Dallas Gay Alliance. • PEOPLES SOVEREIGN COURT SHOW at Texas Territory-10:00 pm. Benefit for the Oak Lawn Counseling Center. Thursday, June 27 • STONEWALL DAY OBSERVANCE at 4001 Parking Lot-9:00 pm. Sponsored by the Dallas Gay Alliance with Caven Enterprises. Candlelight Observance of 16th Anniversary of Stonewall. • LIVE VARIETY SHOW at the Round-Up Saloon-10:00 pm. A Dallas Tavern Guild Benefit for Pride 111:85Events and Oak Lawn Counseling Center/AIDS Project. Friday, June 28 • "TEXAS COUNTDOWN" Concert at the Majestic Theatre-8:15 prn. Presented by the Turtle Creek Chorale. Saturday, June 29 • RAZZLE DAZZLE DALLAS at the Dallas Convention Center, West LObby-9:00 pm. Disco, Casino, Cabaret, Bazaar, Food and Beer. Tickets: $20 from June 1-23, $25 from June 24-29. Area merchants. Sunday, June 30 • GAY PRIDE SPORTS DAY at Griggs Field-12:00 noon. Sponsored by the Oak Lawn Softball Association. Benefit for Pride 111:85. • NATIONAL GAY PRIDE WEEK ends. Friday, July 12 • BRANDING IRON CLUB CELEBRATION-7th Anniversary-Community Events. thru For additional information, call 286-9478. Sunday, July 14


Pride 111:85Events for Dallas' Gay Pride are funded through the efforts of the Dallas Tavern Guild, and coordinated by the Pride 11I:85 Steering Committee.

1'- ...J TelttllFreedom'tlrtlde - September 22

TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 PAGE 93 \VII ------CLASSIFIED TWT Classlfleds rates: Per word-.65¢; Centering-.85¢; All caps-$1.00; Screened ads-$5.00; Bold Ah type-double price; special highlights-$5.00. Visit or mail to TWT Classff/ed; 2205 Montrose, Houston, Texas 77006,(713)527-9111, or 3920Cedar Springs, Dallas, Texas 75219, (214)521-0622. No ads accepted by phone. Ad copy and payment must reach TWT office by 12 noon the Monday preceding publication. Ads receiv- ed after the 12 noon cut off will be placed in the following weeks issue. TWTplaces ad in proper category. Include area code in te/ephone number. TWTis not responsible for errors after first insertion. Acceptability of ad content subject to the discretion of TWT. " ALL ADS MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE_ All Texas checks must include Texas Driver's License number. Out-ot-state ads must be paid by money order or cashier's check; not a personal check. No exceptions. Thank you.

FOR RENT/LEASE Houston. Montrose. Unique apts. available Montrose and Heights areas. One month's rent move in. We Houston. S. Gessner/Bellaire, 2-bedroom 2-baths offer some units all bills paid. Call G.I.C. at studio. 1280 sq. feet, 2O-foot-ceiling, loft bedroom. (713)523-4403. Thanks Also spacious 1-bedroom. 780 sq. feet. Many walk- in closets. Beautiful views. Pool, laundry, quiet. Bills Houston. 4014 Graustark 2-1. (713)666-0397. paid. Free cable TV. (713)771-0249. The Encore Committee is proud to announce that just over $20,000 was raised Memorial Dallas. Bluffview, 5 room house - 211, CAlH, hard- Dallas. CEDAR CREEK, one month free, an innova- wood floors, fireplace, washer/dryer, ref-freezer, Weekend for the KS/AIDS Foundation, of Houston. Why the success? Because gay busi ness tion in adult living. (214)528-4560. garage, fenced yard, lawn equipment. (214)526-4049. owners, managers and employees pulled together and the gay community backed them up. Houston. Montrose/Rice/Medical. Unique 2-bedroom Austin. House hunting in Austin? I've got houses, With such a unified spirit, Houston, there's no end to what you can do! 2V2-baths studio. 1200 sq. feet. Bedrooms upstairs. condos, apartments and duplexes all over the city. French windows & doors, Skylight, patio, ceiling Personalized service, no fees. Call Chip Tate The list of key Encore supporters is long, and we hope we haven't forgotten anyone. First, fans, pool, quiet, secure. Bills paid. Free cable TV. (512)443-2212. there were the following businesses and their employees: (713)523-5028. Dallas. Beautiful townhouse. McKinney/Hail St. area Barn, Brazos River Bottom, Choices, Club Laradon, Dirty Sally's, E.J.'s, Galleon, Hooters, Dallas.Oak Lawn. 2 bedroom, 1V2 bath, studio apart- Smail complex, 211V2, 2 Fireplaces, spiral staircase, JR's, Just Marlon & Lynn'S, Kindred Spirits, Mary'S, Montrose Mining Co., Numbers, Odds ment, WBFP, fenced patio, central alc, 1,000 sq. ft., X-large closets. Great patiO with trees, pool, hot tub, covered parking, no pets, references. $450 plus elec- fountain. $865Imo. Paul (214)522-2442. 'n' Ends, Rascals, Ray'S Five & Dime, Rich's, Ripcord and Venture-No tric. 4224 Rawlins. By appointment. Call Dr. Ruther- Austin. Available July, southwest 3 bedroom, 2 bath Union Jack, Appearances Clothing, Eagle Leathers and Critters sold tickets (printed by ford (214)528-0207. duplex apt. $200 deposit. $475 monthly. House of Coleman) and T-shirts (printed by TNT Shirts, which still has a few shirts available.) Dallas. (512)442-1154. Eagle Leather's Mr. Southwest Drummer Contestants touted the Encore theme throughout QUIET COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE Houston. Montrose: Free Month. Huge 2 bedroom TOWN PARK APARTMENTS duplex, sun porch, full paneling, air, appliances, their four-day contest, also a benefit for the Foundation. Marsha Carlton donated her perfor- 929 Shadyside Lane carpet, washer/dryer, cable, porches. $350 water mance for the final evening at Rich's. Nestled between two parks, convenient to White paid. (713)526-1144. Rock Lake. On Bus Line. 211 $425 bills paid. Room- For the Encore Party, Frank Collins and his Numbers employees were, as usual, incredibly mates & pets welcome. Houston. Montrose. One bedroom apartment. Ceil- (214) 327·3711 or 327·7555 ing fan, vanity. $225/mo. One month free! supportive. Jimmy Spaulding donated his music in memory of Doug Williams. The Delia (713)864-0225, evenings 5~919. Stewart Dance Company again contributed their time and talents. The bright lights were Dallas. Oak Lawn. Room for rent, kitchen prlviledges. $60 per week. No drunks or drugs. Houston. Northeast Montrose, well appointed 1 produced by Lone Star Laser. The food came from Biehl Catering, the flowers from Pluccus (214)528-9319. bedroom duplex. Just remodeled $375lmo. plus utilities. Deposit. Call (713)522-2235. (grand opening soon), Unique Floral Inc. and Enchantments. Houston. Montrose eff. furnished or unfurnished To get the word out, Sam Immordino, in affiliation with Malcolm Landry Associates, and starting at $751wk. or $260/mo. AI (713)526-1586. Houston. MontrOse/Greenway Plaza Small garden complex, pool, one and two bedrooms available. Montrose Computer Services gave computer time for the mailing lists. Carol McConnell Houston. From $275. (713)524-0492. MONTROSE and One-hour Bargain Signs produced the signs and banners. Houston. Montrose. Nice one bedroom apt. Small Special pledges were made during the weekend from Ray's Five and Dime, Entourage I QUIET APARTMENTS adult complex. Landscaped courtyard. Security gate, cable & laundry room. $275 + util. Also a cute effi- I, French Quarter ($1,(00) and Mardi Gras Madness ($2,150). Mary Davis 8r!dJ.V. Davis donated I Eff. from $260 - Bills Paid ciency. Ask about this week's special. 425 Emerson. a bundle of food from JV's to the MCAdory Social Services Center (McAdory House). 1-BR from $300 - Plus Bills (713)880-8022. Billy Threatt gave uncountless hours toward the production of every facet of the Encore 1-BR from $300 - Bills Paid Houston. Montrose/St. Thomas. Small attractive Featuring cable, pool, security, mini blinds. All quiet adult complex. Extra nice 2 bedroom apt. land- Weekend. complexes. scaped pool, covered parking, cable & laundry. $350 And finally, a special thanks ... to every one of you who patronized the above + elec. Gas paid. Also a 1 bedroom, $295. 1401 Kipl- (713)526-1586 ing. (713)880-8022. establishments during the weekend. We hope you will COntinueto remember their generosity. The Wes Co. For future events, we welcome your ideas and encourage you to join the fun and work Houston. Garden apartment. Security, deck, parking, living kitchen. (713)668-1463. with us. Please feel free to approach us at any time, call the Foundation, or mail in the forI}} Houston. Exceptional Montrose carriage house apt. (713)520-8197. Houston. Attractive, convenient neartown, 1 below. bedroom apartment. Extra closet space, laundry Thank you, Houston. You can certainly be proud. Houston. Montrose/Greenway Plaza. Small garden room, off-street parking. $32O/month. $150 deposit. Name _ complex, pcol, one and two bedroom available. Hazard at Westheimer. (713)520-9009. From $275. (713)524-0492. Address _ Houston. Lease/Sale. 3/211, appl., fp., cf., fenced Dal/as.Oak Cliff. 1/1 bills paid. Near Stephens Park. yard, hot tub available, plus more. 29O-Jones Rd. Phone# _ $375. (214)331-4188. Collect after 6 p.m. (817)921-6664-Jeff. o Please put me on your party mailing list. o Yes, I will help with the next event. TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1965 PAGE 95 Mail to KS/AIDS Foundation, 3317 Montrose, Box 1155, Houston 77006. Houston. Heights-one bedroom apartment in love- Houston. Two bedroom apartment in a fourplex, ly courtyard setting. Jacuzzi, mini-blinds, patio. hardwood, lots of windOWS, large kitchen. $3OO/mo. One month free! (713)864{J225, evenings METROPOLITAN MANAGEMENT. (713)520-9768. 862-3155. Houston. Small quiet apartment community on a Houston. Heights roommate. $175.00, bills includ- dead end street, we have one bedroom apartments ed. Furnished, unfurnished bedroom, pool. some with carpet, some hardwood, about 750 (713)868-4150. square feet. Only $275. METROPOLITAN MANAGE- MENT (713)520-9768. Houston. Houston. House for rent. Two bedroom, den, GREENSPOINTI dishwasher, disposal, fireplace, separate large din- NORTH BELT Ing area. $600. METROPOLITAN MANAGEMENT. (713)520-9768. H·2 carport townhouse, private patio, all ap- pliances, WID connections, 1000 sq. ft. $325 w/1st Houston. Duplex at 511 Polk. One bedroom, great mo. free. back yard, hardwood floors. $300. METROPOLITAN MANAGEMENT (713)520-9768. (713)520-9242 Houston. 511 West Bell. Lovely one bedroom apart- Houston. Montrose. Large 2 bedroom, 2 bath. ment. Central air, enclosed balcony, hardwood Private pool and patio. Has all appliances plus Ice floors, dishwasher, dtsposal, $350. METROPOLITAN maker. Covered parking. 4-plex. Central heat/air. All MANAGEMENT (713)520-9768. bills paid. $600.00 mo. 1524 Indiana. Day Houston. Garden Oaks: Duplex, 2-1-2 detached, new (713)668-2376 (Darrell), Night 524-2853. kitchens, redone Interiors, hardwoods. Gary Houston. 1 bedroom cottage, patio, $275 mo. (713)880-5174. (713)529-7071. Houston. Treehouse condo, reduced. Garden Oaks Houston. Montrose, large efficiency, patio, $275 mo. area. With heated pool & formals. Gary (713)529-7071. (713)880-5174. . Houston. Montrose. Quiet condo. 1/1, WID, cable, Houston. Bellaire. House Inside loop, 2-1-1, ap- pool, shaded entry deck, security gate. Low bills. pliances, $395. Lease purchase possible. $375. (713)522-8799. (713)524-0000. Houston. We have office space at 2600 and 4500 Houston. Large 2 bedroom, 2nd floor, covered park- Montrose, from $200 to $700, utilities paid. Ing. Westheimer near Dunlavy. $320.00 First month, METROPOLITAN MANAGEMENT (713)520-9768. 1/2 rent. (713)52EH>804. Houston. One bedroom apartment, very close to Houston. Galleria area. Eff., one and two bedroom downtown, central air, turquoise carpeting, cable, apts. Rent & deposit specials if you mention the poot, sauna, METROPOLITAN MANAGEMENT TWT ad. One block from Westheimer. Jamaican (713)520-9768. Apts. (713)963-8221. Houston. Woodland Heights. Very large two Houston. IDEAL LOCATION: 2 bedroom, 2 bath bedroom apartment. Central air, covered parking, townhome. Garage parking, swimming pool. $750 pool, cable, sauna METROPOLITAN MANAGE- mo. includes utilities. (713)524-8028. MENT (713)520-9768. Houston. Heights. 2 story garage apt. 2 bdnn, 2 Houston. Near downtown. 202 West Drew, lovely bath, ceiling fans, mini-blinds, washer and dryer, one bedroom, fully carpeted, turquoise appliances, cable, $375 + utilities. Available July 15. covered parking, central air. $300.00. (713)861-5888 after 7:00 pm. METROPOLITAN MANAGEMENT (713)520-9768. Houston. Heights. Large two bedroom, two bath Houston. Nice one bedroom In a fourplex. Hard- $375. One bedroom $275, & small efficiency garage wood floors, track lighting, central air, covered park- apt. $175. Call Blake (713)436-4662. ing. METROPOLITAN MANAGEMENT (713)520-9768. Houston. Houston. 400 Bomar, large one bedroom, in a fourplex. Hardwood, sun room, fireplace, lots of win- CREATIVE RESTORATIONS dows, one month free. METROPOLITAN MANAGE- MENT (713)520-9768. Small complexes of MONTROSE, unique one and Houston. Studio or small office space. About 650 two bedrooms, some with hardwood floors, mini square feet located at 4506 Montrose. blinds, track lighting, all with appliances. Starting METROPOLITAN MANAGEMENT. Only $250.00 $260 per month. (713)520-9768. (713) 521-2742 Houston. 1744 West Alabama, great townhouse for "FLAT TO LET" rent 2-21/2, two car garage, microwave, built-in security system, cable $750 with lease option. METROPOLITAN MANAGEMENT. (713)520-9768. Houston. Montrose-River Oaks Center. One Houston. 2603 Commonwealth, nice one bedroom, bedroom apartment. Small but cute. $25O/mo. One hardwood floors, track lighting, mini-blinds. Ask month free! Marianne (713)864'()225. about special. METROPOLITAN MANAGEMENT Houston. Garage apt. Close to town. Parquet floor- (713)520-9768. Ing, ceiling fan, window units, appliances. Owner Houston. Very large studio style 2 bedroom den, pays water and gas. $300 mo. $200 dep. about 1200 square feet, all hardwood. Only $525. (713)523-8515. 1407 RICHMOND • 1917 GESSNER • 4009 HOLLISTER METROPOLIT AN MANAG EM ENT (713)520-9768. Houston. Heights. Popular area. Totally renovated Houston. We have two efficiencies left in our duplex. 1-1-1 each. Central AlH, new appliances. 8 2509 BROADWAY (IN GALVESTON) building at 5220 Caroline. METROPOLITAN ft. privacy fence, deck. $89,5OO-some financing. VISIT OUR NEW LOCATION AT 10863 KATY FRWY . MANAGEMENT. (713)520-9768. Doughtie & Associates. (713)523-8515. / • EXCEPT GESSNER TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 PAGE 97 Houston. Montrose. 2 bedroom, 2V2 bath Houston. Montrose. Stately tum of the century redo. townhouse. QUiet, secure location convenient to Owner Is very anxious and will look at any offer. In- downtown, Medical Center and Rice. All appliances cludes 2 rental units. Assumable VA. AckerlBlum plus microwave, washerldryer, ceiling fans, and Inc. (713)529-8660. cable. $750 per month. (713)520-8300. Houston. Montrose. Two bedroom, 1 bath duplex for HELP WANTED rent. Newly remodeled. Hardwood floors, Austin. Exceptional part-time Income! Escorts, com- washerldryer, microwave. $45O/mo. after 6 p.m. Rick panions, models, masseurs. TEXESCORT. Toll-free (713)528-7858. dial (512) 950-1088-tone-then dial 283-270. Houston. MONTROSE. Heart of Montrose. One and Dallas. two bedrooms starting at $225.00. Small communi- Art Sales ty. SOHO (713)528-5151. Retail Full-time professional, highly motivated, ag- Houston. MONTROSE. Downtown or Medical gressive and creative. Sales experience a must. Workers dreams. No more traffic. One and two Call Gallery Graphlks. (214) 363-4438. bedrooms available. SOHO (713)528-5151. IIII! Houston. MONTROSE. Contemporary apartment. Dallas.********************Exceptional part-time income! Escorts, com- Large windows viewing downtown Houston. Mon· panions, models, masseurs. TEXESCORT. TOil-free trose and West Gray location. SOHO. (713)528-5151. dial 950-1088-tone-then dial 283-270. Houston. MONTROSE. Spacious 2·1 with lovely Dallas. Dallas' Landscape Design Co. needs crew hardwood floors. Modern kitchen. Ready to move leader. Mature, self-motivated, your landscape ex- In. SOHO (713)528-5151. perience a plus. Must have large truck. Call David Houston. MONTROSE. Adorable one bedroom for appointment and interview. (214)991-34098 apartment. Private fenced back yard. Fully carpeted a.m. to 5 p.m. and new appliances. SOHO (713)528-5151. San Antonio. Exceptional part-time Income! Escorts, Houston. MONTROSE. Enjoy Inner City living: companions, models, masseurs. TEXESCORT. ToII- Beautiful one and two bedroom apartments in a free dial 950-1088-tone-then dial 283-270. lovely garden complex. Carpet, mini blinds, lots of Texas. closet space, appliances, pool, laundry, covered We are now forming an organization to promote parking. One bedrooms $210.00, two bedrooms, health, fitness and prosperity In the gay com- $299.00. (713)528-7186 SOHO. munities of Texas . Houston. Greenspoint-2I2I2 home for rent, great • Excellent Income potential. for roommates or couple, extras. (713)583-2919. • Liberal bonus plan . • Opportunity for financial independence Houston. Montrose. Cool off with our June special. Even working part-time! Efficiencies with bills paid. $2751mo. Sparkling pool, Excellent ground floor opportunity. Come join one month free! Marianne, (713)864'{)225. this exciting group! Call now! (713)523-7711. FOR SALE Houston. Part-time movers. (713)630-6555. Houston. For sale. Sofa & love seat. Good condi- Dallas. Full time opening at pet shop. Lots of tion. $250. (713)860.{)222 before 2:00 p.m. aquarium and store cleaning, plus customer Houston. Southdown-Must sell immediately! 3/212 sales. Experience helpful, but will train. Apply in pool, fireplace. Motivated owner will accept highest person, 4416 Lemmon. reasonable sealed bid through Sunday 6/23. Houston. (713)436·1241. All Star News & Video Houston. Help Wanted for Gashler & Clerk Apply In person at 1407 Richmond. Must be 8USINESS COPIER mature, dependable and require periodic Lanier/3M Business Copier with Supplies polygraphs. Excellent condition, Dallas. with full maintenance agreement. SMYTH BROS. Call Scot at (713)527-9111 for information. Shoe sales, full time and part time help. Dallas' Houston. Queen Size Ethan Allen Cannonball Head- Finest Shoe Salon. Must be fashion conscious, board wlfoot, rails and slats. $285.00 (713)783-8997. self-motivated and reliable. High earning poten- tial, depending on your ability to sell and service Houston. our customers. Call (214)385.{)652. Ask for Bob. SMART PEOPLE ARE BUYING NOW! Houston. Full time hairdresser needed for posi- Houston homes are sporting the lowest prices in tion in very established but small and exclusive three years! Interest rates are the lowest in five River Oaks salon. Must have cllentelle. Great years! working atmosphere, group Insurance offered, and high commission paid. Call Debl at Hairitage DON'T YOU BE LEFT OUT! CALL ACKER-BLUM & (713)522-7839. ASSOCIATES TODAY! (713)529-8660. WE SELL Houston. Doorman needed 4 nltes per week at HOMES!. Galleon. Contact Bill (713)522-7616. Houston. Montrose. Townhouse. Large 2·1 V2-1. ·3 stories with balconies at rear. Santa Fe in Houston. WORK WANTED Zoned air and heat. Two available. 115K. Jim Houston. Bauknight, realtor. (713)529-0165. As -Experienced & charming. Private Houston. Montrose: Call Acker-Blum for information parties or in tavem. (713)222-6717-Legit calls only. on this corner 4 units. Close to everything, owner Please leave message. finance, ACker-Blum Assoc. (713)529-8660.

TUJT JUNE 21" - JUNE 27 1985 PAGE 99 of the Mustang Club of Houston. ~ ~E_GAl NOTICE He Is survived by his mother, Mrs. Dorothy Con- Texas. orlyof Deer Park;a brother and sister-In-law,Mr. and BEWARE Mrs. Wesley Conerly of Deer Park; a sisster and brother-In-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morgan of Galena Park; his two very close friends, Hal Scroggins and David Rohrer of Houston; and a number of aunts, uncles and cousins.

I, Pedro Tijerina, wish to let it be known to the Gay Community on this day, June 21, 1985 that Bill Pi- CITY WIDE DELIVERY nyon (above),is not a responsible person to himself or his creditors. He has been known to use people 7 DAYS A WEEK and has left many unpaid debts. Be aware of this man In any dealings that may arise, be it legal, finan- PHONE ORDER SERVICE 7AM-7PM cial or personal. CREDIT CARDS BY PHONE OBITUARIES Houston. Paul D. Castro, 31, died Saturday, June 8, 1985,at his residence In Califomla Former resident WIRE SERVICE of Houston, resident of San Francisco, Califomia for Danny was well loved by everyone and will be the past two years. Member of Our Lady of Fatima remembered always. Catholic Church. Survivors: Parents, Mitchell and "DANNY WE LOVE YOU" (512) 271-3643 Faye Castro, ,both of Houston; numerous other In lieu of flowers, the family request that dona- relatives. Rosary was recited on Tuesday, June 18, tions be made to the American Cancer Society in 1985,Forest Park Lawndale Funeral Chapel. Funeral the name of Danny Ray Conerly. With your help, we IN HISTORIC KING WILLIAM DISTRICT Service was Wednesday, June 19, 1985.Forest Park will be able to conquer this dreadful disease. Lawndale Funeral Chapel with the Rev.Peter Hamet officiated. Interment Garden of Gethsemani. Houston. Dennis Sylvester, 39, left us Monday, June 10th in a sudden battle with pneumonia. He Is survived by Anthony Ogden, his lover of 3V2 years, and his mother Joyce, along with twelve brothers and sisters, all from Ohio.

For all who knew Den a memorial service is to be held at MCCR, Sun., June 23 at 1:30 p.m. In memory of Dennis, donations may be made to MCCR. Houston. DANNY RAY CONERLY On June 6, 1985, Danny Ray Conerly died of Leukemia in a local hospital. Danny was born on June 13, 1952 in Gatesville Texas. Danny had been at home with his friends and family until the very end, fighting every minute of everyday to live that day to the fullest. Danny will be remembered by all his friends and family as a person who put everything he had into whatever he did. Danny was also a former member

nDT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 PAGE 109 , """" \ijW ALCOHOLIC? _CALENDAR FRIDAY - JUNE 21 4y~ (BA) Lambda: Mtg., 7:30p (OA) Fair Park Hall: GAUNT -Cotilllon, 8p (OA) Women Together. Pot Luck Supper If you want to drink, (PN) Agape MCC: Prayer Ser. 7:30p that's your business. (HO) Gay Pride Week (See ads for more Inlo) ,R~~~~$~+ (HO) Mont. Coun. Ctr.: "Worried Well" mtg., 7p (HO) Steven's 01 Hollywood: MCA "Casino Nlte," If you want to stop, ~ ,\..~ ~~6+C5 8p lO:30PM, JUNE 22 STARRING that's ours. -..J SATURDAY JUNE 22 ~~~~#~.s~4, (AU) Lambda: Garage Sale (HO) A.I.D.S. Support Group: Mtg. 11a·12:15p, RON SIOUX, TRACY. ROBBIE (HO) CCF: Services, 6:30p ~~~~y (HO) FrontRunners: Bar Run, noon ROBERTS. CANOl LOVE, SUNDAY - JUNE 23 MISS ALABAMA, CRYSTAL Lambda (AB) EMCC: Services, 11a & 7p RAE, NIKITA ROSS .~ t: (AM) MCC: Services, 11a & 7p group of ~'Y "-.CJ ~ (AR) MId-Cities MCC: Services, 11a & 7p Alcoholics Anonymous (AU) Dignity: Pot Luck Supper -PLUS GUESTS- +'" ~ (AU) Lambda: Garage Sale ERIKA LANE at MGM 4525 McKinney, Dallas, Texas (AU) MCC: Services, 11:30a (214) 487·7667 ~+~ (CC) MCC: Services, 5p (OA) DGA: Oak Lawn Quiche-Olf, 1p ~~ ~- (OA) FUC: Mtg., 7:30p (OAl Holy Trinity: Service, 11a ~~~s,,~" (OA KNON: Lambda Weekly, noon (OA) MCCD: Services, 10:30a & 12:30p, 7:15pm paid for by gay and lesbian members 'b VIDEO SCREENIN GOF (OA) UCC: Services, 11a (PN) Agape MCC: Services, 11a & 7p \. (GA) MCCG: Services, 11a ~ (HO) CCF: Services, 10:45a (HO) Bering Mem. Ch.: Servo 10:50a (HO) MCCR: Services, 10:45a & 7:15p THE HOLE'S (HO) Mont. Ch. 01 Christ: Services, 12:30p ST. PATRICK'S (HO) Pentacostal Ch.: Servo 11am "MARIACHI (HO) Pres. Cntr: Parents FLAG, Mtg. SUNDAY SUPER DAY (LU) MCC: Servo 11a, 7p SUMMER SHOW HI-HEEL (Temple/Killeen) HMCC: Serv., 7:30p DeLa PARTY MONDAY - JUNE 24 (AU) Lambda: Gay Men's, 8p JUNE 23 8PM (HO) Bering UMC: Mont. Singers, 6p GUERA" STARRING •...... (HO) Fieldstone Gallery: "An Evening of the Arts," OUR SHOW DIRECTOR -- Mont. Art Alliance, 7:30p 7-9PM PLUS (Hal Gay Fathers 01 Hou.: mtg, 8p MONICA KRISTI (HO Integrity: Eucharist & Mtg., 7:30p MARIACHI LIVE BAND TUESDAY - JUNE 25 PLUS (OA) Crews Inn: Closing Party (OA) Grace Fellowship/Oak CIII: Mtg., 7:30p VICTORIA WES (OA) MCC: Oak Lawn Band Rehear. 7p (DE) GLSSG: Mtg. FRIDAY NIGHTS AARON DAVIS (GA) KSiAIDS Fo.: mtg., 7:30p MISS (HO) HAGLES: Mtg., 7:30p RON SIOUX'S TALENT AND (HO) Lutherans Concerned: Mtg. MARISSA (SA) MCCSA: Services, 7:30p SE.A.RC~ WEDNESDAY - JUNE 26 Mld·Cltles MCC: Service, 7:30p ,ABAMA'S Lambda: mtg., 7:30p MCCA: Services, 7:15p Ch. 9: LesJGay Focus: 9p MCCD: Services, 7:15p CCF: Services, 7:15p HOLE Greater Mont. Bus. Guild: Mtg., 7p MCCR: Services, 7:15p • HOUSTON· MCC: Servo 7p WEDNESDAYS THURSDAY - JUNE 27 109 TUAM • 528-9128 Gay & Lesbian Young Adults: Mtg., 7:OOp BEAUMONT'S HOTTEST Grace Fellowshlp/N. Dal.: Mtg., 7:30p DRINK SPECIALS Midway Hills Ch.: Turtle Creek Chorale, 7:30p KPFT (FM 90.1): Gay Hadlo, 7:30·9:00p "lJIr

PAGE 110 TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 PAGE 111 \\!Vi ------JHE GUIDE TEXAS ORGANIZATIONS AUSTIN COUNSELING (Area Code: 512) B,O,A,T, , , , ,720 Brazos 51. #602/78701, , , ,(512)472.3333 Brighter Day Counseling Ctr.. ' .. , ..... , ... , ,451.1763 Lesbian/Gay Dem, of Texas (Dallas),P,O,64493.(214)821-4838 Menefee, Michael C.2525 Waliingwood Dr. #401476.5419 L.G,R.A. (Gay Lobby) , , , , . , , ,Box 822, Austin, TX 78767 Waterloo Co, Center, .. 6901 N. Lamar #109 . , ,452·5966 NGAYA (Nat'l Gay Alliance for Young Adults)P,O, 190968 AUSTIN DOCTORS (Area Code:512) , , , , , , , , , , . , , , , , , , , ... , ... , Dallas/75219'()968 Richardson, Phillip C" MD #7 Medical Arts Sq. 472'()223 Rural Coalition, Waller·Zanghl .Box 611 . Blum, Tx. 76627 Smith, Thomas H., MD .. #7 Medical Arts Sq, .. 472'()223 Texarkana Co-Op ".3407 Garland Ave,fTexarkana 75502 AUSTIN ORGANIZATIONS/HELPLINES (Area Code:512) (501)772·1660 Adventuring Outdoors Club ", .. ""."", .. 467.8203 Texas Gay Rodeo Assoc. , , , ,P,O, 66973#1194, Houston Affirmation Gay & Lesbian Mormons ... , ... ,,835.2235 " , , " , "" Houston ,,"''',,'' (713)526.5001 Austin AIDS Prolect . , ,6901 N. Lamar #111 , .. 452.9550 Texas Lesbian/Gay Student Organ, Coalition, , , , , , , , .. Austin Pride Week Task Force P.O. 2619/78768 P,O, 275, UT Union Bldg" Austln/78712 (512)441.3678 AI·Anon-Lambda " ... 5518 Burnett Rd. " 441.8591 Texas Republican Alternative Cornrn. ,,"",'" Alcoholics Anon.-Lambda .. 5518 Burnet Rd 451.3071 P,O, 1077, Austln/78767 ",.,"',",., (512)453.5028 American Gay Atheists, , , .. , , ... P,O, 8644/78713 ABILENE CHURCHES (Area Code: 915) Austennls , . , , ,2003 Glen Allen #101/78704 Exodus MCC "",1925 Coliins/P,O, 2473 ... , ,673-4134 Austin Gay Nudists, , .. , , .. , ... , . , . P.O. 496361/78765 ABILENE CLUBS (Area Code: 915) Austin Lambda .. " 7115 Burnett Rd. #120 , ... 458-8050 Walnut 51. Pub, , , .. , , ,4th & Walnut, , , . , ... 677.2522 Austin Les/Gay Pride Week Task Force P.O, 13303/78711 AMARILLO CHURCHES (Area Code: 806) Austin VD Screening & Clinic 15 Waller" .469.2070 MCC "","", ,2123 5, Polk 51. .",'" " .. 383.()Q84 Classic Chassis Car Club., "" .. ".", .. 451.2329 AMARILLO ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 806) Dignity of Austin . , .... P,O. 2666/78768 .. , ... 472.3462 AA (24·hours) """."",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,373-6025 Family & Friends of & Gays. , , , .... , . , , ,328-3830 Crisis Intervention"", .. """""., ... , .. 376-4251 Gayllne """"" P.O, 8559/78712 .""., 477-6699 Positive Image, , ... , .. ' , ... ,P,O. Box 2342/79105.2342 Gay Fathers """" P.O, 5455/78763 .. , , ,458-6544 ARLINGTON BUSINESSES (Area Code: 817) Gay/Les, Law Students Assoc. UTr727E, 26thI78705!476-5031 Gasplpe 111" .. ,,1407 N, Collins", ... (metro) 461-7711 Gay Nurses Alliance .. , , .. , , , .... 2206 Newfleld/78703 ARLINGTON CHURCHES (Area Code: 817) Gay and Lesbian Students Association. , .... ,P,O, 275, Mld·Clties MCC, ... , ,401 Lillard, ..... (metro) 265.5454 , " " .. , . "UT Union Bldg... , , .. " " .472.9193 ••• ARLINGTON CLUBS (Area Code: 817) HIli Co, Leatherman. , P.O. 595, Manchaca, rx. 78652 651/Arllngton "", .. 1851 W, Division ..... , .275.9138 Hotllne·MH/MR (24 hrs.) , ... ,', ... ,', .. .472-HELP ~ Tarrant County Mining Co.... 735 N, Collins .. ,265-6448 Lesbian/Gay Political Caucus. P.O, 822178767 ,474·2717 ARLINGTON ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLINES(AreaCode: 817) Lesbian/Gay Speakers Group,. 7115 Burnett Rd. #120 ., G.OAT, of U.T,A, "" P.O. 120231 .... (metro) 265-4639 " , , " " , 458-8050 Gay/Les, Assoc. of UTA UTA Sta, Box 1934877 661.3012 Republican All. comm.s.o. Box 1077178767.1077453.5028 ••• Texas Gay Rodeo Assoc P.O. Box 9536 #334/78766 Lambda AA" , 401 Lillard", 861.8260 Tarrant County Gay Alliance , , , .926.8242 Women space . , , .2330 Guadalupe, , 472.3053 UTA Comm. serv, Cntr. (psychiatric help) 273.2165 AUSTIN RESTAURANTS (Area Code: 512) Zardl's .. , .. ,", .408 East 6th 51. .. ,",., .. 476.7845 ~Uhlt¥ 1W~1t~ 1J)~~Ii)t¥ AUSTIN ADULT BOOKSTORES (Area Code: 512) AUSTIN THEATRES (Area Code: 512) - Mr. Vldeo·UT , 1910 Guadalupe 473.()407 Safe Sex Players, , . , , .1202 Garden SI. , , , , . ,474'()164 ~(!)(!!)@l11(!)~ Ms. Video.",,,,,,, 718 Red River" .. " .. ,,478.()243 Zachary Scott Theatre .. P,O, Box 244/78767 .. 476'()594 Oasis Bookstore, , ,9601 N. 1-35 835·7208 Varsity Theatre, , ... , .2042 Guadalupe. , ... , ,474-4351 River City Downtown"" ... 505 E. 6th , .472-1452 BAYTOWN ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code 713) River City Newsstand .. 8004 Research Blvd 45g.8274 Baytown Lambda Group"., , 427.1378 River City University " .613 W, 29th 477'()457 BEAUMONT CHURCHES (Area Code: 409) AUSTIN BATHS (Area Code: 512) Golden Triangle Church of Christian Falth786-3845/866.7189 Club Austin. , , 308 W. 16th , 476.7986 BEAUMONT CLUBS (Area Code: 409) AUSTIN BUSINESSES/SERVICES (Area Code 512) Copa 304 Orleans 832.4206 Encore Jewelers, , 2442 Highland Mall 451'()520 BEAUMONT ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 409) High Style Clothiers ,' .525 E, 6 .. , 480-8305 Lambda Group AA6950 College, Unit G866·7189/722.7319 • Meyer Electric, 500 So. Congress #142 .. , ,476.1755 BROWNSVILLE CHURCHES (Area Code: 512) Mike Copenhaver Real Estate,." , .441.()491 MCC 124 Paredes Line Rd 943-4467 Taylor, Scott (photography) , , , 926'()253 BROWNSVILLE CLUBS (Area Code: 512) TWT Magazine "" ... " , , , .. 926'()253 Valentino's Old Hghwy 77 " .. ,,542·9777 AUSTIN CHURCHES (Area Code: 512) BRYAN/COLLEGESTATION ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLINES Affirmation (Mormon), , , , , , .. 835-2235 (Area Code: 409) Church of Christ , " , ,', .472.8042 AA Lambda Group, , , , .. ,(College Sta,). , , , , . ,866.7189 Dignity/Catholic Gays" P.0.2666178768 472·3462 Altematlve News & Views 701 Gaytha Gir. #Gm801 775-1797 Lesbian & Gay Unitarians", "., .454.2441 Gay Student Services, .. ,P,O. 8109177884 '" ,775.1797 MCCA " ,., P.O. P.O, 18961/78760 443·3332 Carltas MCC """""'" .401 E, 31st(Bryan) 775·7219 Oasis Ministry, .. 1700 E, 12th 51. ".441·9191/834·8357 CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCH (Area Code: 512) MCC .",.".,.,,1705 10th SI. ""., ... ".854.4069 AUSTIN CLUBS (Area Code: 512) CORPUS CHRISTI CLUBS (Area Code: 512) Austin's Alternative. , , ,5500 So, Congress .. , .440'()777 Hidden Door, , , . , , ,1003 Morgan Ave, , .. , , , .862.0183 Back Street 611 E, 7th , 477-3391 Leopard Club ., , , ... 1214 Leopard SI. .. " .. ,884.()OQ7 Boathouse .. , , , , , 407 Colorado , ,474.9667 Other Door.""." 1911 So, Staples""." ,862.()Q42 Crossing .. , , .611 Red River .. , , 476.3611 CORPUS CHRISTI ORGAN!ZATIONS/HELPLINES Dirty Sally's , , , , .2828 Rio Grande ,478-8782 (Area Code: 512) Hall's .. , 404 Colorado , . , , , .473.2501 Alpha Plasma Center, , .. ,3105 Ayers 51. , .. , .883.2640 La Leona, " . " . , , " " " . " " " " 1203 Chlcon Corpus Christi Gutter League ..... , .. " .. ".993.5079 Oz , , , 705 Red River , .. , 478-6806 Corpus Christi Sports Committee ",.862·5209/883.7087 Rico's Rock 'n' Roll 505 E. Third 480'()225 Gay Alcoholics Anon, .,' ,3125 Horne Rd. '., ,991-4506 Uncle Charlie's ., ,.,1301 Lavaca ,474-6481 Gay Bartenders Assoc. , , . 1515·B Ocean Dr, , .. 862'()183 West End Pub ,."", 1112 W. 6 477.3424 Helpline .... , , , ... , , , .. , . , , , , . , . , .. , , . , ... 882.8255 Zardl's. , ' .408 6th SI. . , , . , 476.7845 Parents & Friends of Lesbians & Gays, . , .(Vel)937.2311

PAGE 113 Lifters 3215 N. Fitzhugh 559.()669 Alcohol Treatment Center .... 3949 Maple .... 559-4350 Memorabilias 3908 Cedar Springs 522-6601 DALLAS ATTORNEYS (Area Code: 214) Moondream 3913 Cedar Springs 528-4098 Branding Iron Club. P.O. 190471175219.286-94781528-3646 Day, Kim K 1309 Main *1112 742·2281 Memorabilias Boutique ..... 3109 Regan 521-8217 No Name Bar 2513 N. Fitzhugh 826-3200 Cliff Dwellers Social Club 321 N. Zang 943-0069 Mockingbird Paint & Body .6650 Harry Hines .358-4155 Koss, Gregory 4503 Lemmon 559-4760 North Forty Saloon 6316·Denton Dr 350-6327 Community Arts Found 3331 Knight #0 521-2037 Newton, Sandra G. (C.P.A.)3636 Lemmon Ave.,H450526-6292 Kowalski, John 3131 Turtle Creek H222 526·9699 Old Plantation 3911 Cedar Springs 949-2398 Community Bookstore .. 3930 Cedar Springs .. 521-8919 Oak Lawn Records 3810 Congress #121 521.fJ350 Nelson, M. William 4514 Cole Ave., *652 828-8052 Patrick's 2629 Oak Lawn 522-5481 Community Productions .... 3331 Knlght·D 521-2037 Stewart & Solomon 3500 Oak Lawn H400 521·3604 Off the Street 3921 Cedar Springs 521-9051 Round·Up Saloon 3912-14 Cedar Springs 522-9611 Community Resource Center/Gayllne 748-6790 Private Moments Dept. 6913527Oak Lawn, No. 116175219 DALLAS BATHS (Area Code: 214) Sundance 4025 Maple 526-9345 Concemed Amer JPreservlHuman Rights 233-3100 R.J. Productions 824-3533 Club Dallas 2616 Swiss 82,.,990 Tex's Ranch 4117 Maple 526-9302 Contact-Dallas Telephone Counseling 361-6624 Midtowne Spa.. . 2509 Pacific 821-8989 Sera Florist 2640 Fitzhugh 826-3503 Throckmorton Mine Co 3014 Throckmorton .. 521-4205 Dallas AIDS Prolect P.O. 191374 522-6900 Southwest Equipment Leasing (Auto) 461·55()() DALLAS BUSINESSES/SERVICES (Area Code: 214) Unicorn 4125 Lemmon 521-4666 Dallas Alternate 748-6790 Tapelenders 3910 Cedar Springs 528-6344 Abler Movers 1-800·222·1537x2746;(metro) 265·4463 Wild Crowd 2515 N. Fitzhugh 826.()916 Dallas Altematlve Businessmen's Assoc.522-84771522.()098 AccountingfTax Tom Nast 941·4384 That Special Blend 3833 Cedar Springs 522-3726 DALLAS COUNSELING (Area Code: 214) Dallas Emergency 744-4444 TWT Magazine 3920 Cedar Springs 521.()622 B & W Liquor 4015 Lemmon Ave 526·5820 Corley, Andre C.S.W 357·2371 Dallas Fun Club 696-5129 Community Bookstore 3930 Cedar Springs Union Jack 3918 Cedar Springs 528-9604 Dalre, Harold, L.P.C 521·1278 Dallas Gay Alliance P.O. 190712175219 528-4233 DALLAS CHURCHES (Area Code: 214) Continental Ins. Servo 698-5582 Julian, Debra, M.S 844·8757 Dallas Gay Archives 3930 Cedar Springs Crestmont Apts 3328 Cedar Plaza 521·2851 Abundant Life Church of Truth. P.O. 683175221.826-7671 Morris, Vicki L., R.N., M.SW 631-5217 Dallas Gay Black Coalition P.O. 190712 528-4233 Affirmation (Methodist) 948-1546 Crossroads Market 3930 Cedar Springs 521·8919 Park Cities Counseling .. 5327 N. Central at Airline #318 Dallas Gay & Lesbian Engineers & Scientists . Doty, Fred (C.W. Entertainment) 840·6501 Bethany Presbyterian Church 528-4084 ...... 526-3374 ...... P\O. 17298 Ft. Worth/76102 861-1291 Eagle Leathers 4025 Maple Ave 528-4620 Church of Christ (support group) 691-1179 Turtle Creek Clinic 2601 Welborn 522-1407 Dallas Girth & Mirth P.O. 190611175219-0811 ...... 4117 Maple Ave 528-4620 First Unitarian Church of Dallas 4015 Normandy Oak Lawn Counseling Ctr 5811 Nash 35,.,502 Dallas Motorcycle Club P.O. 190525175219 826-4528 ..... 2515 N. Fitzhugh 824·9158 Grace Fellowship in Christ Jesus P.O.29729175229243-2924 Whole Woman Center ... P.O. 140504175214 324-8751 Deaf Action Center 521.fJ407 .... 3136-B Routh 871·7658 Holy Trinity Community Church 4402 Roseland 827-5088 DALLAS DOCTORS/DENTISTS (Area Code: 214) Dignity/Dallas Inc P.O. 190133175219-0133 942·9321 ...... 125 N. Marlboro 941-7500 MCC.Dalias 2701 Reagan 526-6221 Community Medical Clinic.3906 Lemmon H210.528-3030 Drug Treatment Clinic .... 401 Exposition 826-8030 Oak Lawn Christian Center 3920 Cedar Springs528-4233 EuroTan 4012 Cedar Springs 522-5810 DeBrucque, Dr. D.D.S 3608 Howell 522-2000 Emergency (Christian Scientists) ... P.O. 2878175221 . Oak Lawn Church of Religious Science349-83701744·5554 G.L.I.C.-Gay Life Insurance Co ..... P.O. 670717175367 Page, John, D.D.S.. 3404 Greenville (by appt.) .826-1415 Evangelicals Concerned (DIFW Chapter) . G.T. Videos. . . . . P.O. 740277f75374'()277 DALLAS CLUBS (Area Code: 214) Saginaw, Michael, D.P.M. (foot sp.).3409 Oak Lawn #116 .... Box 532332 Grand Pralriel75053 642-3185 Gammage Insurance SW (Mike Richards) 352-8003 Boxxoffice 3414 Kings Rd 521·3474 .. 526·5051 and 5934 Royal Lane H250 .. 369-5619 Friends & Relatives of Gays 844-8757 Gaspipe #1 4435 Maple 526·5982 Buddies 3224 N. Fitzhugh 526'()527 DALLAS FITNESS CENTER (Area Code: 214) Gay Academic Union of N. TX. P.O. 2402175221 821-5833 Gasplpe H2 9191 Forest Lane #5 699-3955 Club Delman 3319 Raleigh 521'()202 American Gym 2021 Abrams 826-7669 Gay Cable Network ... 3203 Hudnall #1135 528-7485 Hair Revue 2525 Wycliff 522-6481 Crews Inn 3220 N. Fitzhugh 526·9320 Fitness Exchange 2615 Oak Lawn #101 526-1220 Gay Hispanic Coalition of Dallas . High Voltage 4008 Cedar Springs 522-5800 The Crib 6844 Twin Hills 691-2907 ...... P.O. 190902175219 324-5220 J&M Residential Cleaning 343-8219 Eighth Day 2509 N. Fitzhugh 827·3765 Gay & Lesbian Jews of the Metroplex.827-91611942-1599 4001 4001 Cedar Springs 522-4001 Jim Richardson & Assoc. (real estate) .. 3615 N. Hall .. DALLAS ORGANIZATIONs/HELPLINES (Area Code: 214) Gay/Lesbian Young Adults 3920 Cedar Springs 528-4233 ...... at Lee Park 521·3000 Hidden Door 5025 Bowser 526·9211 AfflrmatlonlMethodlst 528-4913 Gayllne P.O. 190835 368-6283 Judith Anderson (financial plannlng)29OOTurtle Creek H230 Hideaway 4144 Buena Vista 559-2966 AfflrmatlonlMormon 559-3353 Gay Mensa 522-3867 ...... 521-6736 High Country 3121 Inwood 351·2278 AIDS Hotline 351-4335 Gay Overeaters Anonymous 948-3640 J.J.'s 1909 N. Henderson 824·1691 Lobo Bookshop ... 4008 "C" Cedar Springs 522·1132 Alcoholics Annonymous (Dallas Lambda AA) 487·7667 Gay Parents ...... •...... 357-3379 Lone Star Donut Shop 2630 N. Fitzhugh 724·1790 Jugs 2812 N. Henderson 823.()746 ...... (Together Group) 298-32971941.()492 Gay Unitarians ...... •...... 528-3990 Mark's Mirror & Glass 4313A Gilbert 521·1319 JR's 3923 Cedar Springs 528-1004

SERVING THE HOUSTON COMMUNITY FOR 11 YEARS Posters For Sale Of The comdmurity Internationally Known \)''4.:a~0 rn,8, Ica ~~0 . \'a ~\, 0.\ \..o.'tl clnlc V1>.\"C ~\\()\\le~ \)' '4-.1>.~0 ~~~0 'tl Discreet & Personal Care r" 0.\ \..0- . \1>. by oppolntrnent only V1>.\"C ~\\()\\le~ \)' '4-.1>.~0 ~~0 • General Medicine . \1>.~\, 0.\ \..O-'tl • Discreet, confidential V1>.\"C ~\\()\\le~ \)' '4-.1>.~0 individualized • Diagnoses and treatment TEXAS GENTLEMEN ~~~0 'tl of sexually transmitted . \1>. r" 0.\ \..0. Choose from: Randy • 0.]. • Frane • Craig diseases. V1>.\"C ~\\()\\le'l ~ . 1 of 4 individual Color Posters or Office Hours $5.00 lor. 1 Black & White Group Poster by AppOintment Send Cashier's Check or I TEXAS GENTLEMEN 3212 Smith, Suite 102 3906 Lemmon Ave. • Suite 210 Dallas, Texas Money Order payable to P.O. Box 19407 526-7911 Houston Austin, Texas 78760 24 Hours Answered (214) 528-3030 (Telephone answered 24 hours a day) Allow 4-6 weeks for Delivery.

TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 PAGE 115 TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 PAGE 114 Gay Volleyball Assoc 5~ THRF P.O. 190712175219 FORT WORTH CHURCHES (Area Code: 817) Tramps 627 Winnie 763-1247 Greater Dallas Info & Referral Service 747-3711 (Texas Human Rights Foundation) Agape MCC 4615 S.E. Loop 820 535-5002 GALVESTON ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 409) Herpes Help Hotline ., ... MIW/F-7·11p 742·9888 T.R.A.S.H. of America P.O. 36235 522-6484 FORT WORTH CLUBS (Area Code: 817) K.S./A.I.D.S. Foundation of Galveston 765-7626 Imperial Court of Dallasl0650 StepplngtonI75230373-6771 Turtle Creek Chorale P.O. 190806175219 368-5500 651 Club 651 S. Jennings 332-0745 Metropolitan Community Church 1824 Broadway765-7626 Violence Against Gays NGTF Hotline 1-000-221-7044 Integrity (D/FW) 521-6018 Copper Rail 321 Collard 538-3814 Lambda AA 763-1401 Interdemonlmatlonal-Study Group (GLCF of Sherman/Denl· Women Together P.O. 190712175219 528-4233 The Lumber Company 700 S. Jennings 332-0192 HOUSTON ADULTIVIDEO BOOKSTORES (Area Code: 713) The Other Place 2OO Vacek 335-1901 son) ... 2424 Hwy. 75N ... Lot 27, Sherman, Tx. 75090 DALLAS RESTAURANTS (Area Code: 214) N. All Star News "1407 Richmond 524.2120 FORT WORTH ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLINES Ladles & Men Bowlers of Dallas Assoc 526-7453 Bronx 3835 Cedar Springs 52Hi821 All Star News 10883 Katy Frwy 464-7131 (Area Code: 817) Lambda AA (gay/lesbian AI·Anon) 487·7767 Crackers 2621 McKinney 827·1660 All Star News 6318 Gulf Frwy 645-3432 Center for the Community 659 So. Jennings/76104 Lambda Narcotics Anon 699-9306 Hunky's 4000 Cedar Springs 522·1212 All Star News ··· 4009 Hollister 939-0112 Cowtown Leathermen P.O. 3494 457·1884 Lawyer Referral 745-1227 Lone Star Donuts 2630 N. Fitzhugh 824-1790 Asylum 1201 RIchmond . Crisis/Suicide Intervention (24 hours help) 336-3355 Lesbian/Gay Democrats of Texas . P.O. 64493 .821-4838 Mother Lode Rest. & Saloon Cedar Springs Ballpark 1830 W. Alabama . Dallas Gay Lesbian Engineers & Scientists . Live & Let Live Group (AA) 521-1706/522·3015 Pappy's 3851 Cedar Springs 521·9474 Big City News & Video 10105 Gulf Frwy 947-8999 ...... P.O. 172981Ft. Worth 834-6693 Lutherans ConcemedP.O. 881, Bedfordl76021 (817)595-1176 Peppi no's Too 3326 Fitzhugh 521-4560 Gessner News 1917 Gessner 461.5509 Dlgnlty/Ft. Worth 4503 Brldgest 283-6588 Metroplex Republican P.O. 191033175219 521·9638 Puerto Vallarta 2525 Wycliff 522·9173 Kirby NewsNldeo 3115 Kirby Dr 524-4214 Ft. Worth Gay Pride Assoc. P.O. 3235176113294-24471877-4419 Narcotics Anon 699-9306 Wok Restaurant 4006 Cedar Springs 528-0000 Mangum Rd. News 38237 Mangum Rd 956.2991 N.O.W. Lesbian Rights 3108 Routh St. 742-6918 Ft. Worth Sports Assoc 246·3573 Stadium Bookstore 4629 W. 34th 683.1886 Oak Lawn Block Assoc P.O. 190408175219 DALLAS THEATRES (Area Code: 214) Gay Hotline 926·3521 Studz News 1132 W. Alabama . Oak Lawn Bowling Association Jim 528-2963 Granada 3524 Greenville Ave 823-9610 Imperial Court·Golden Lion 870-1384 HOUSTON ADULT THEATRES (Area Code: 713) Oak Lawn Country Cloggers 526-6486 Inwood Theatre 5456 Lovers Lane 352-6040 Lambda AA 332-3533 French Quarter 3201 Louisiana 527-0782 Oak Lawn Softball Assoc 522·9204 Star Garden .12205 Colt Rd. (Podrlta Center) .991-STAR Longhorn Bowling Assoc Doug/Joan 731·9474 HOUSTON ATIORNEYS (Area Code: 713) Oak Lawn Symphonic Band 960-1927 DENTON ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 817) Longhorn Imperial Council 625-8739 Green, Bill (24 hours) 266·1004 Oak Lawn Tennis Assoc 6036 Blrchbrook 11128175206 GLAD (Gay/Lesbian Assoc. of Denton) .... P.O. Box 951 Lutherans Concerned P.O. 881, Bedford 76109 .595-1176 Norman, Kyle 900 Lovett, 11206 (24 Hour) 524-4345 ...... 526-5717 ...... 387-6216 National Lambda P.O. 11193176109 O'Kane Patricia 3212 Smlthlll02 526-7911 Parents Anonymous (Gay Parents Only) 264-1108 Gay/Lesbian Student Support Group . T.C.G.A. Legal Defense Fund 294·2447 HOUSTON BATHS (Area Code: 713) Peoples Sovereign Court P.O. 35532 528-9247 .... P.O. 10072 NT Stat.l76203-0072 565-9773 Tarrant Co. Gay Alliance 336-6242 Club Houston 2205 Fannin 659-4998 Police Harassment Reporting 528-4233 EL PASO CLUBS (Area Code: 915) T.G.R.A (Gerald Ford) 429-1465 Mldtowne Spa 3100 Fannin 522·2379 Presbyterians for lesbian/Gay Concems 823-2317 Old Plantation 219 S. Ochoa 533-6055 V.D. Clinic 1800 University 870-7223 Plgasus 1314 Rosalie at Caroline 524·PIGS Pride III 3920 Cedar Springs 528-4233 San Antonio Mining Co 800 E. San Antonio .. 546-9903 W.A.D.s 7405 Gaston Ave 737-6084 HOUSTON BUSINESSESISERVICES Razzle-Dazzle Dallas, Inc 3527 Oaklawn 11300I75219 EL PASO ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 915) GALVESTON ADULT VIDEO BOOKSTORES (Area Code: 713) ...... 82&{Jm Alpha Plasma Center 720 Texas Ave 532·5322 (Area Code: 409) A·Bug·Man (Pest Control) 228-4626 Safeplace-Dallas .... 3527 Oak Lawn /1385 .... 698-3483 Dlgnity/EI Paso P.O. Box 26523 All Star News 2509 Broadway 474·5863 Academy 2030 Westhelmer 526-0929 SMU-Gay/Lesblan Student Org. . P.O. 1636175275 Gala EI Paso P.O. 5659/79955 544·7475 GALVESTON BUSINESSES (Area Code: 713) Advance Travel 10700 NW Fwy 682·2002 STD Clinic 1936 Amelia Ct. 92().7950 Gay Switchboard P.O. 5659 584·3822 TWT Magazine (713)527·9111 AIDS Medical Insurance 550-0617 Suicide & Crisis Center 828-1000 FORT WORTH BUSINESSES (Area Code: 817) GALVESTON CLUBS (Area Code: 409) All American Ball Bond Co 24 Hr 633-0630 Texas Gay Rodeo Assoc. (Dallas) . Abler Movers .•...... (metro) 265-4463 Kon-Tlkl . 2011 Market. 763-9031 Appearances Oeans/sportswear)l340 Westhelmer521·9450 . c/o DGA .. 3920 Cedar Springsl75219 .522·9455 Off Hours 5332 Birchman 737·7777 Mary's II 2502 QV2 St. 763-9435 Basic Brothers Clothing 1220 Westhelmer 522·1626 Texas Sidekicks (cloggers) 264-0400 TWT Magazine (metro) 949-2353 Robert's laFitte 25th & Q St. 765·9092 Bolton Studios, Inc 6601 Kirby 668-1788 Texas Show Directors Assoc 526-0690 Yours Truly 3408-A Camp Bowie .... 334-0122 SPS Club 2214 Mechanic .763·9334 Diva Hair 3503 Montrose

'• CLUB SAN ANTONIO " A MAN'S FACILITY" • ~o.,_.," 1 "San Antonio's Finest" 24 Hours


INTERNAL MEDICINE Write or call for brochure AT


TELEPHONE (713) 5215-7600

""Very Popular" ACCEPTING APPOINTMENTS Membership 1802 NO. MAIN Bob Damron's BooR '85 BEGINNING JULY I, 1965 Required 735-2467

PAGE 117 PAGE 116 TUJT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 TUJT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 Downbeat Records 2111 Richmond 523-8348 Aytz Chayim ..... 1840 WestheimermOO6 728-5181 Outlaws, The 1419 Richmond 528-8903 Adventist Gays 2615 Waugh Drive 11167/77006 Eagle Leathers 1022 Westhelmer 522-0651 Bering Memorial UMC 1440 Harold 526·1017 Ranch 9150 S. Main 666-3464 Affirmation-Morman 1713 Westhelmer 116040/77098 1544 Westhel mer 524·7383 Chapel of the Woodlands. 7500 Pinemont#503 .460-1712 Rascal s 2702 KI rby 524-6272 ...... 568-1413 Electric Beach , 3503 Montrose Church of Christ 777·9286 Ray's Five & Dime 911 W. Drew 520-6176 AIDS Foundation .. 3317 Montrose, Box 1155 .. 524·AIDS EuroTan 3701 Montrose 529-5100 Church of Christian Faith .. 1840 Westheimer .. 529-8005 Rich's 2401 San Jacinto 650-0769 AIDS Hotline c/o Switchboard 529-3211 For U Bee Pollen 960-1697, 946-5622, 850-7448 Community Gospel Center .. 3207 Montrose .. 521-0511 Ripcord 521·2792 American Gay Atheists P.O. 66711177266 527·9255 Francisco's H!jIr 901 Richmond 523-0438 First Unitarian Church .... 5210 Fannin St. 526·1571 Studio 13 1318 Westhelmer 521·9030/521·9041 American Leathermen 528-8528 Greenway Place Apts 3333 Cummins Lane .. 623-2034 MCCR 1919 Decatur 861·9149 The 611 Hyde Park at Stanford 528-9079 Astro Rainbow Alliance for the Deaf 924·5074 Hair Plus by Don 2017 Westhelmer ..... 526-HAIR New Freedom Christian Church 829 Yale177oo8 863-8377 Twlns 2053 Wlrt Rd 827·1113 · 845-0074 (TTY)I924-5074 (TTY & Voice) Hair Replacement by E. Prichard, Inc.9014 Richmond Ave. Presbytery of New Covenant (Pres. Clr.) .... 41 Oakdale Venture-N 2923 S. Main 522-0000 Baby Jane Mixed League (Bowling) Mark 790-0330 ...... 782·9691 ...... 526·2585 HOUSTON COUNSELING (Area Code: 713) · or Dennis 974-6186 He & She Productions .... 2205 Montrose 523-5293 St. Stephens Epls. Ch 1805 W. Alabama Fabre Clinic 526·2320 Bayou B'lu Singers 2029 Singleton 868-3084 Kwlk·Kopy 3317 Montrose 522·1896 The Little Church 704 Fairview 522·7695 Gonzales, A.; MSW, CSW 527·9302 CHE P.O. 3045m253 680.3346 Leather by Boots 711 Fairview 526·BOOT HOUSTON CLUBS (Area Code: 713) Hewes, Ted, MSW. (psychotherapy) 665-0496 Choices Unlimited (Lesbian Social Group) 529-3211 Leather Locker 2503 Stanford 524·7355 Bacchus 523 Lovett 523-3396 Hinkle, David, MD; Kingan, Peter, MH; Treese, Gary, MSW CLEIS (Lesbian Mothers) c/o Dignity 473-3708 Mad Elegance 3939P Montrose Blvd 521'()705 Barn 710 Pacific 528-9427 (Psy. & Family Therapy Center)34oo Montrose #501 Colt 45's 528-9192 Missouri Street Collectibles .. 1006 Missouri .. 526-3663 Beaches 2700 Albany 524-6969 ...... 522·9816 Committee for Public Health Awareness P.O. 3045/77253 Montrose Venture Wholesale .2205 Montrose .527-0686 Brazos River Bottom 2400 Brazos 528-9192 Montrose Counseling Ctr. (psychotherapy & alcoholism) Conroe Area Lesbians 756'()354 Movemasters 1925 Westhelmer 630-6555 Briar Patch 2294 Holcombe 665·9678 treatment) 900 Lovett #203 529-0037 Crisis Hotline 228-1505 RMS Automotive 1759 West helmer 529-5855 Chicken Coop 535 Westheimer 526·2240 Professional Counseling Services 523-7239 Dlal·A·Gay·Athelst 527.9255 Record Rack 3109 S. Shepherd 524·3602 Choices 1-45 N.!Holzworth Exit 350-0471 Wm. Scott & Assoc 900 Lovett 529-1913 Diana Foundation 2700 Masonl77006 Ron's Hair & Skin Care ... 1310 Hawthorne 521-3000 Club Laradon Greens. Rd.II-45 443-6566 HOUSTON DOCTORS/DENTISTS (Area Code: 713) Dignity (Catholic Gays) P.O. 66821177266 523-7644 Ron's Hairlines (hair replacement) Copa 2631 Richmond 528-2259 Butler, Ron DOS 812 Hawthorne 524-0538 Dignity Center 3217 Fannin 528-0111 ...... 10700 Richmond 11267 974-6699 Dirty Sally's 220 Avondale 529-7525 Herpes Clinic 1-800-423'()2oo Events Unlimited (Finale Group) 520-8818 Rosewood Estates .6130 SW Fwy @ West park . 780-7010 Eddington's 6121 Hillcroft 981-6121 Johnson, Dr. (optometrist) .. 4709 Richmond .. 961·9705 Family Connection (youth shelter) 523-6825 Ruhlman Design 2205 Montrose 527·9698 E/J's 1213 Richmond 527·9071 Jones, Marilyn K. DDS .. 4242 SW Frwy., #214 .. 622-3333 Friends of Lesbians & Gays (FLAG) 464-6663 R.W. Key & Lock Co 1612 Westhelmer 526·2657 Exile 1011 Bell 659-0453 Martin, Dr. Jerry (Chiropractor) ..... 3233 Weslayan #191 Gay Archives of Texas 802 Westhelmer 529-7014 24·hour emergency 522·1615 Galleon 2303 Richmond 522·7616 ...... 963-0080 ext. 1 Gay Fathers of Houston P.O. Box 66973 #162 77006 Same Day Moving Co 529-2217 Hole (Miss Alabama) 109 Tuam 528-9128 Martinez, Steve MD 2801 Ella Blvd. #G .... 868-4535 · 627·11581721·3327 Specs Unlimited 4709 Richmond 961·9705 Hooters 2212 Converse 521·2310 Montrose Clinic 803 Hawthorne .... info-528-5531 Gay Hispanic Caucus 868-5252 TNT Shirts 2400 Taft 522-0986 JR's 808 Pacific 521·2519 ...... business-528-5535 Gay Political Caucus (P.O. 66664, HoiJston 77266) TexEscort (models/escorts/masseurs) 524·9511 Just Marlon & Lynn's 817 Fairview 528-9110 Smith, Bruce W., DDS ..... 1006 Missouri ..... 529-4384 ...... 521·1000 Travel Consultants 529-8464 Kindred Spirits 4902 Richmond 623-6135 Strauss, Gerald Z., MD .. 12 Oak Tower #1330 .. 877-8805 Gay Rights A.C.L.U P.O. 66644mOO6 TWT Magazine 2205 Montrose 527·9111 Mary's 1022 Westheimer 528-8851 HOUSTON FITNESS CENTERS (Area Code: 713) Gay Rights National Lobby 521'()196 TWT Graphics (Art, Design, Typesetting) 527·9111 Mldnlte Sun 534 Westheimer 526·7519 Fitness Exchange 2900 Richmond 524·9932 Gay Switchboard .... P.O. 66591/77266-6591 529-3211 Union Jack 1212 Westhelmer 528-9600 Montrose Mining Co 805 Pacific 529-7488 Jim's Gym 607 Westhelmer 528-5467 Greater Montrose Business Guild 63O'()309 Wilde & Stein Books ..... 1103 California 529-7014 Mother Lode Cafe and Saloon ... 804 Pacific 523'()511 HOUSTON ORGANIZATIONs/HELPLINES (Area Code: 713) Gulf Coast Transvestite Chapter P.O. 90335/77090 HOUSTON CHURCHES (Area Code: 713) Numbers 300 Westhelmer 526-6551 A Capella Chorus (Church of Christ Gays) 777·9286 c/o J. Thorne Bx. 42888 #175m042 Affirmation-Mormon .... 1713 Westhelmer 116040/77089 Odds & Ends 3012 Milam 528-6988 ACLU 1236 W. Gray 524·5925 Herpes H.E.L.P. Hotline 996·9414

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PAGE 118 TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 TWT JUNE 21 - JUNE 27 1985 PAGE 119 Homophile Interfaith Alliance ... 729 Manor ... 523-6969 Parents and Friends of Lesbians & Gays LUBBOCK ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code:806) SAN ANTONIO ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 512) Houston Area Gay & lesbian Engineers & Sclentists524-7496 ...... Houston 464-6663 Dignity/Lubbock P.O. 10752179417 763-9155 Alamo Human Rights Comm 656.1487 Houston Community Clowns 862-8314 Paz y Llberacion ..... P.O. 600063177260 862·1476 IntegritylW. Tex. (Eplscopalians)Box 10752179417839-2809 Alcohol Counseling 227 Guilbeau 226.9241 Houston Data Professionals 523-6922 Pentecostal Family of Montrose 668-0259 Lubbock Gay Alliance .... P.O. 64746179464 796·2403 Alcohol Counseling & Detox MHMR 421 6th SI. 225-4227 Houston Gay Health Advocates 790-9448 Project FOOD (KS/AIDS Foundation) 524-2427 MCC 7516 Ave. H, Suite C/79404 745-3599 Alpha Plasma Center 302 S. Flores 224.1749 Houston Gay Prlde Week Committee .. P.O. 66821177286 Revista Paz y Llberaclon P.O. 6000631/77260 Student Services for Les/Gays P.O. 53702179453 742-4384 Church Theatre 1150 S. Alamo 224-4085 Rice Gay/Les. Support Group(c/o Gay Switchboard) 529-3211 McALLEN CLUBS (Area Code: 512) Counseling (Toby Johnson, PhD) 1616 San Pedro #10 732-4000 ::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::c~:~: ~~~ Seth Network (Houston) .... Calamus Garm .... P.O. 240 P.B.D.'s Disco ..... Ware Rd. © Daffodil ..... 682-8019 Crisis Hotline (10a·10p) 733-1111 ...... Camden, Texas 75934 MIDLAND/ODESSA CHURCH (Area Code: 915) Houston Gay Student Assoc 521·2237 Crisis Hotline (24 hrs) 227-4357 Shantl (AIDS Peer Counseling) P.O. 3045-77253 Free to Be (AA)2812 S. Industrial Loop (Midland)697-6385 Houston Health Depl. ... 1115 N. McGregor 222-4201 Detoxification Center 622 Dolorosa 225-5461 Texas Gay Rodeo Assoc P.O. 86973 #1194 .. 526-5001 MCC .. 2812 S. Industrial Loop, Midland, P.O. 1152179702 Houston North Professionals P.O. 3840 Humblem347 821-7126 Drug Abuse MHMR 3721A S. Presa SI. 533-9156 Texas Human Rights Foun 626-1200/961·9858 ...... 687·2027 Houston Outdoor Group Ken Moore 522-0699 Fiesta Run P:O. 169672178280-3272 Unitarian Gay Men's Group 526-1571 NACOGDOCHES ORGANIZATION (Area Code: 409) Houston Tennis Club Rich 524-2151 Forward Foun., Inc. (community education) 224-7683 Women's Encounter Group. P.O. 920952 #262177292-0952 GLAS (Gay/Lesbian Association of Students) . Ingersoll Speakers Bureau (Gay Atheist) . P.O. 391177401 Gay Switchboard 733-7300 Women's Lobby Alilance ..... 4 Chelsea ..... 521-()439 Stephen F. Austin Univ., Box 5613 75962560-9606 Integrity Houston P.O. 66008177~ 528-2850 Helpline (Drug Abuse Central) 225-4066 HOUSTON RESTAURANTS (Area Code: 713) NEW ORLEANS ACCOMODATIONS (504) Interact P.O. 16041177022 529-7014 Integrity r ••••• P.O. 15006/78212 734-0759 Charlie's Restaurant 1102 Westheimer 522,3332 New Orleans Guest House .1118 Ursulines SI. .586·1177 Lambda AA 1312 Wyoming 225-5611 Lambda Alanon 521·9772 Chapultepec 813 Richmond 522·2365 NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Las MujereslWomen's Center 822-8444 Lambda Center For Alcoholics .. 1214 Joanne .. 521·9772 Eddington's 6121 Hlllcrofl 981-6121 Nat'l Gay Health Ed. Foundation .. P.O. 764, NYC 10036 Lutherans Concerned P.O. 290008178520696-0307/734-0759 Lesbian/Gay Resource Servo U of HP.O. 309/77004749-1253 House of Pies 3112 Kirby 528-3816 · ., .. , (212)563-6313 Mustang Club, Inc P.O. 12551178212 Lutherans Concerned for Gay People. 521-08631686-4931 ...... 6142 Westheimer 782·1290 Gay Rights National Lobby P.O. 1892, Washington, DC 20013 Parents of Gays " 736.7647 Men Against Deception P.O. Box 541871/77254 285-1304 Mother Lode Cafe & Saloon ... 604 Pacific 523-0511 · (202)546·1801 River City Stompers 732.5649 Montrose Area NOW P.O. 96714177213 .... 451·5413 Rascals 2702 Kirby 524-6272 Hispanic United Gays Uberado 5619 14th Ave. #1·C Runaways (Youth Service Project) 299-7660 Montrose Art Alliance 4307 MI. Vernon #20/77006 Tim's Coffee Shop 1525 Westheimer 529-2289 ...... Brooklyn, N.Y. 11219 San Antonio Gay AlilanceP.O. 12063822·2989 or 826-4284 Montrose Co. Cloggers 456-8861 HOUSTON THEATRES (Area Code: 713) Human Rights Campaign Fund . San Antonio Chamber of Commerce (referrals) .227-8181 Montrose Guest Recovery House 401 Avondale 524-8813 Alley Theatre 615 Texas 228-8421 . P.O. 1396, Washington, DC 20013 .(202)546·2025 San Antonio F;ree Clinic .. 1136 W. Woodlawn .. 733-0383 Montrose Sports Assoc (Director) Nick 777·1823 Diversity Theatre 2600 Hopkins © Pacific 526-5062 Lambda Legal Defense 132 W. 43rd NYC 10039 San Antonio Plasma Servlces112 Auditorium Clr.223-2958 · Billiards Jack 528-4409 Greenway III Hwy. 59 © Buffalo Spdwy 626-0402 · (212)944·9488 The Bridge (youth shelter) .. 806 Wilson Blvd 734·9532 · Monday Nite Bowling .... Mark 686·7013 Jones Hall 526·1709 National Assoc. Gay & Lesbian Democratic Clubs ..... V.D. Testing (Healthline) 222.1810 ... Mixed Bowling Mlke Weikert 973-1356 River Oaks W. Gray & Shepherd 524·2175 1742 Mass Ave SE, Washington, DC 2IXXl3(202)547-3104 SAN ANTONIO PRIVATE CLUB (Area Code: 512) · Pool League Debbie 973-1356 Tower Theatre 1201 Westheimer 522·2452 National Gay Rights Advocates . Executive Health Club 723 Ave. B 225-8807 · Racquetball Richard 562·7648 KEY WEST, FLORIDA GUEST HOUSES (305) 540 Castro, San Francisco, CA 94114(415)863-3624 SOUTH PADRE ISLAND ACCOM. (Area Code: 512) · Recreational Softball Eddie 774·5264 Garden House Guest House. 329 Elizabeth SI. .296-5368 National Gay Task Force 80 5th Ave., NYC 10011 Lyle's Deck (guesthouse) ... 120 E. Atol SI. ... 943-3632 ...... Volleyball Ray 523-9572 LONGVIEW CHURCHES (Area Code: 214) · (212)741·5800 TEMPLE/KILLEEN CHURCH (Area Code: 512) .... Women's Bowling Lynne 686·1938 Faith Community Church .. 1116 S. Mobberly .. 757·7338 MCC P.O. 1112 443-3332 Montrose Soflball League 524·3144 LONGVIEW CLUB (Area Code: 214) ODESSA CLUBS (Area Code: 915) WACO CLUBS (Area Code: 817) Montrose Symphonic Band P.O. 6861317726&0613527·9454 Rainbow Connection .. 2110 S. Eastman Rd ... 757·5593 Nlte Spot 8401 Andrews Hwy 366-6799 Hush 2812 N. 19th 757'()()77 Operation Documentation 521-1000 LUBBOCK CLUB (Area Code: 806) Scandals 608 W. 10th 337·9736 Tallulah's North 5th © Jefferson 753-9189 SAN ANGELO CHURCH (Area Code: 915) Outdoors Gays (hiking, camping) 697·9553 Lubbock Mining Co ..... 1806 Clovis Hwy ..... 744-0131 MCC P.O. 367 942-8115 SAN ANGELO CLUB (Area Code: 915) Phase III 10 North Taylor 942·9188 SAN ANGELO ORGANIZATION (Area Code: 915) Gay Angelo Students (GAS) .P.O. 60963176906 .942·8115 SAN ANTONIO BATHS (Area Code: 512) Club San Antonio 1802 N. Main 735-2467

SAN ANTONIO BUSINESSES (Area Code: 512) Boone Tex Productions .1814 McCullough #3 .734-8216 ~ Bullfrog Construction 231·2072 .~ Bexar Florist 733 So. Alamo 271·3643 Kevin Wagner Unique Cards/Gifts 1900 San Pedr0733-3555 Malcolm Carroll Antiques .... 312 N. Presa 271-3222 STEVE D..MARTINEZ, .M.D. Martha's Hair Design 10710 Perrin·Beitel 653-1688 Leather Works Etc 6726 San Pedro 822-3744 On Main 2514 Main 737·2323 Rick Vela (Realtor) .. 5735 Babcock .. 735-48231696-7200 TWT Magazine P.O. 12885178212 822·9213 f Video World 1802 N. Main 736-9927 Video World 6724 San Pedro 826-9057 INTERNAL MEDICINE SAN ANTONIO CHURCHES (Area Code: 512) INFECTIOUS DISEASES Community of SI. Francis .... 332 Wilcox 923-2286 Dignity (CatholiC Gays) ... P.O. 12484178212 349-3632 SEXUALLYTRANSMITIED Integrity P.O. 15006 734-0759 MCCSA 107 S. Pine 271·7353 DISEASES River City Living Church311 Melrose PI.822·1121/734-0377 AIDS/KS DIAGNOSIS SAN ANTONIO CLUBS (Area Code: 512) Ab's Westernaire 622 Roosevelt 532'()()15 Badlands (enter thru Snuffy's) .820 San Pedro. 224·7739 SAME·DAY APPOINTMENT Bonham Exchange 411 Bonham 271·3811 OPEN MON.·FRI.9·5PM Changez 7040 San Pedro 826-0648 Club, The 1720 N. Main 225-7570 MON., WED., FRt EVENINGS Country Corner Saloon .. 101 Fredericksburg .. 732-0259 Copa 1430 No. Main 225-7330 AND SATURDAYMORNINGS Crew 309 W. Market 223-0333 Downtown SA 240 Broadway 223-7159 BY APPOINTMENT EI Jardin 106 Navarro 223-7177 Galleon 330 San Pedro 225-2353 2801 ELlA BLVD., SUITE 6 Noo Zoo 10127 Coachllght 341-4778 HOUSTON, TX. 77008 (713)868-4535 Snuffy's Saloon 820 San Pedro 224·7739 2015 Place 2015 San Pedro 733-3365 SAN ANTONIO COUNSELING (Area Code: 512) X•••• Menefee, Michael .... 7979 Broadway #103 . , .. 821·5905 "--


or both for $110 Sunday, June 23rd Cherryhurst Park ,_ To order by mail. send cashier's check. money order. or your VISA. MasterCard or Registration 1:OOPM - Walk Begins 2:00PM' American Express card number (with expiration date). plus a statement that you are over 21 to the address below. Indicate whether you need VHS or Beta formats and BENEFITTING EQUALLY: enclose $3 shipping for one tape. $4 for both Gay Switchboard of Houston, Montrose Clinic, tapes. To get our complete catalog and to be placed Montrose Counseling Center on our mailing list. send $1. plus your name. address. and a statement that you are over 21 SPONSORED BY THEDIANA FOUNDATION to Dept. T. at the address below. Co-Sponsors: Alcon Lightcraft, Appearances, The Barn, Brazos River Bottom, The Briar Patch, CEJ Enterprises, Critters, ~EaIOXN, Gee-Rod Investments, House of Coleman, Kindred Spirits, iIiIEXF;TESS 1 =.1_ Mary's, The Ripcord, Bruce Smith, D.D.S. HOW IT WORKS: 1. Collect money from your friends and associates. BlJOU VIDEO SALES (Checks made to Walk for Unity are preferable.) 2. Bring the money you've collected with you to the Walk. TilE ~11t((I!()E() EXPERTcf 3. Join the festivities and walk the short, five mile walk with us. --1349 N.Wells,Chgo, IL60610-- 4. You can sign up on the day of the Walk at Cherryhurst Park. Walk with your friends or with some new ones. To charge tapes by phone, call 1·800·~J2·7111 Free "WALK" T-Shirt to all $20 + sponsorships. Prizesawarded to all winners at end of the Walk. (In II/inois, call 1-800-572-2369) Forfurther information,cali Houston'sGay Switchboard at (713)529-3211.