JCS Chairman Visits Station Observes Amorkon Force
Panama: The first night of Just Cause To the Page A-2 rescue MALS-24:Training l'itge A !, in a hostile world Page A-4 asketball: Hawaii Marines join best Page 13-1 Vol. 19, No. 12 Published at MCAS Kaneohe Bay. Also serving 1st -- MEH,- Camp H.M. Smith and Marine - Barracks, Hawaii. March 20,1900 SecDef says spending will decrease 22 percent JCS chairman visits Station Observes Amorkon Force. Inform 1ton Approximately 80,000 per- Storage manent civilian employees MAGTIF/MPS retire or resign every year. By 1995, said Secretary However, Sean O'Keefe, capabilities of Defense Dick Cheney, DoD Comptroller won't Story and photo Department of Defense rule out reductions in force, by Sgt. T. Shame spending will be down 22 although the department Percent from 1985. will do what it can to avoid Army Gen. Colin Powell, Such a significant spend- them. Cheney added that Chairman of the Joint Chiefs ing reduction cannot occur, the number one priority is of Staff, toured the Air he said, without reducing keeping a quality force and Station Monday, getting a the number of DoD people, supporting it with the heat close-up view of Station both military and civilian. possible equipment, train- operations and the air/ Payroll and related costs ing and pay. ground punch of the 1st consume almost half of The freeze, in force ME B. DOD's annual pie. through Sept. 30, applies to Gen. Powell has been chair- Cheney, who ordered a 12 civilians in DoD as well as man of the JCS since Octo- percent cut of his own office those outside who seek jobs ber.
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