
Laboratory of Toxicology Department of Forensic Medicine University of Helsinki Finland


Application of LC-TOFMS and LC-CLND to Biofl uids and Seized Material

by Suvi Ojanperä

To be publicly discussed, with the permission of the Medical Faculty of the University of Helsinki, in the auditorium of the Department of Forensic Medicine on January 9th, 2009, at 12 noon.

Academic dissertation To bon April 1st 2012, at 12 noon.

Utopia 2012 Supervised by: Dr. Ilkka Ojanperä Department of Forensic Medicine University of Helsinki Finland

Dr. Anna Pelander Department of Forensic Medicine University of Helsinki Finland

Reviewed by: Dr. Pertti Koivisto Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira Finland

Dr. Pirjo Lillsunde National Public Health Institute Finland

Opponent: Prof. Heikki Vuorela Division of Pharmaceutical Biology Faculty of Pharmacy University of Helsinki Finland

ISBN 978-952-92-4937-4 (paperback) ISBN 978-952-10-5181-4 (pdf) Yliopistopaino Helsinki 2008 CONTENTS



ABSTRACT ...... 7

1. INTRODUCTION ...... 9


2.1. Forensic and clinical analysis ...... 11

2.1.1. Areas of analysis ...... 11

2.1.2. Specimen considerations ...... 11

2.1.3. Sample preparation ...... 12

2.1.4. Analytical techniques ...... 13

2.2. Analysis without primary reference standards ...... 15

2.2.1. Availability of standards ...... 15

2.2.2. Identifi cation by accurate mass measurement ...... 16

2.2.3. Isotopic pattern in identifi cation ...... 18

2.2.4. Quantifi cation ...... 18

2.3. Liquid chromatography – time-of-fl ight mass spectrometry (LC-TOFMS) ...... 20

2.4. Liquid chromatography – chemiluminescence detection (LC-CLND) ...... 22

3. AIMS OF THE STUDY ...... 24


4.1. Reagents ...... 25

4.2. Reference standards and materials ...... 25

4.3. Study subjects ...... 25 4.4. Methods ...... 25

4.4.1. Sample preparation ...... 25

4.4.2. LC-TOFMS ...... 26

4.4.3. LC-CLND ...... 27


5.1. Urine drug screening by LC-TOFMS ...... 28

5.1.1. High-throughput screening based on accurate mass...... 28

5.1.2. The effect of isotopic pattern in screening analysis ...... 33

5.2. Analysis of street ...... 37

5.3. Quantifi cation of drugs in blood by LC-CLND ...... 40

5.3.1. Basic lipophilic drugs ...... 40

5.3.2. Tramadol and metabolites ...... 44


7. CONCLUSIONS ...... 51



This dissertation is based on the following fi ve articles, which are referred to by Roman numerals I- V in the text:

I. Pelander A, Ojanperä I, Laks S, Rasanen I, Vuori, E. Toxicological screening with formula- based metabolite identifi cation by liquid chromatography/time-of-fl ight mass spectrometry. Anal Chem 2003;75:5710-8.

II. Ojanperä S, Pelander A, Pelzing M, Krebs I, Vuori E, Ojanperä I. Isotopic pattern and accu- rate mass determination in urine drug screening by liquid chromatography/time-of-fl ight mass spectrometry. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom 2006;20:1161-7.

III. Laks S, Pelander A, Vuori E, Ali-Tolppa E, Sippola E, Ojanperä I. Analysis of street drugs in seized material without primary reference standards. Anal Chem 2004;76:7375-9.

IV. Ojanperä S, Tuominen S, Ojanperä I. Single-calibrant quantifi cation of drugs in plasma and whole blood by liquid chromatography – chemiluminescence nitrogen detection. J Chromatogr B 2007;856:239-44.

V. Ojanperä S, Rasanen I, Sistonen J, Pelander A, Vuori E, Ojanperä I. Quantifi cation of drugs in plasma without primary reference standards by liquid chromatography – chemiluminescence nitrogen detection: application to tramadol metabolite ratios. Ther Drug Monit 2007;29:423-8.


ADC analogue-to-digital converter APCI atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation CAD charged aerosol detection/detector CID collision induced dissociation CLND chemiluminescence nitrogen detection/detector CNS central nervous system DAD diode array detection/detector EI electron ionisation EIC extracted ion chromatogram ELSD evaporative light scattering detection/detector ERETIC electronic reference to access in vivo concentrations ESI electrospray ionisation FTMS Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance FWHM full width at half maximum (resolution) GC gas chromatography/chromatograph HRMS high-resolution double-focusing magnetic-sector mass spectrometry IDA information dependent acquisition IP information point LC liquid chromatography/chromatograph LLE liquid-liquid extraction LOD limit of detection log D logarithm of distribution coeffi cient (octanol/water) log P logarithm of partition coeffi cient (octanol/water) LOQ limit of quantifi cation MALDI matrix assisted laser desorption/ionisation MRM multiple reaction monitoring MS mass spectrometry/spectrometer MS/MS tandem mass spectrometry/spectrometer NMR nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry/spectrometer ppm parts-per-million PRS primary reference standard(s) QTOF quadrupole time-of-fl ight RRT relative retention time RSD relative standard deviation RT retention time SFE supercritical-fl uid extraction SPE solid-phase extraction SPME solid-phase micro-extraction TIC total ion chromatogram TOF time-of-fl ight WADA World Anti-Doping Agency


Laboratory investigation in the absence of primary reference standards is often required in forensic and clinical drug analysis for the following reasons. The standards for new drugs, metabolites, design- er drugs or rare substances may not be obtainable within a reasonable period of time or their avail- ability may also be hindered by extensive administrative requirements. Standards are usually costly and may have a limited shelf life. Finally, many compounds are not available commercially and some- times not at all. A new approach within forensic and clinical drug analysis involves identifi cation based on accurate mass measurement and quantifi cation with a specifi c detector possessing equimolar re- sponse to nitrogen. Formula-based identifi cation relies on the fact that the accurate mass of an ion from a chemical compound corresponds to the elemental composition of that compound. Single-cal- ibrant quantifi cation is feasible with a nitrogen-specifi c detector since approximately 90% of drugs contain nitrogen. For qualitative analysis, reversed-phase liquid chromatography coupled with time-of-fl ight mass spectrometry (LC-TOFMS) was applied with an electrospray ionisation (ESI) source operated in posi- tive ion mode. Two types of TOFMS instrumentation were in use, applying an m/z range of 100-750 (Applied Biosystems Mariner) or 50-800 (Bruker micrOTOF). For quantitative analysis, liquid chroma- tography coupled with chemiluminescence nitrogen detection (LC-CLND) was applied using caffeine as a single secondary standard. A method was developed for toxicological drug screening in 1 ml urine samples by LC-TOFMS. Sample preparation consisted of enzyme hydrolysis of glucuronide conjugates and subsequent solid- phase extraction on a mixed-mode sorbent. A large target database of exact monoisotopic masses was constructed, representing the elemental formulae of reference drugs and their metabolites. Iden- tifi cation was based on matching the sample component’s measured parameters with those in the database, including accurate mass and retention time (RT), if available. In addition, micrOTOF applied SigmaFitTM, a numerical value for isotopic pattern match. Data post-processing software was devel- oped for automated reporting of fi ndings in an easily interpretable form. For routine screening prac- tice, a SigmaFit tolerance of 0.03 and a mass tolerance of 10 ppm were established. Differences in ion abundance in urine extracts did not affect the accuracy of the automatically acquired SigmaFit or mass values. The limit of detection, determined for 90 compounds with Mariner, was <0.1 mg/l for 73% of the compounds studied and >1.0 mg/l for 6% of the compounds. Seized drug samples were analysed blind by LC-TOFMS and LC-CLND, using a “dilute and shoot” approach, and results were compared to accredited reference methods. In the quantitative analysis of amphetamine, heroin and cocaine fi ndings, the mean relative difference between the results of LC- CLND and the reference methods was 11% (range 4.2-21%), without any observable bias. The mean relative standard deviation for three parallel LC-CLND results was 6%. Liquid-liquid extraction recoveries for basic lipophilic drugs were established by LC-CLND in blood specimens spiked with the respective reference substances. The mean recovery by butyl chloride-iso- propyl extraction for plasma and for whole blood was 90 ± 18% and 84 ± 20%, respectively. The validity of the generic extraction recovery-corrected single-calibrant LC-CLND was then verifi ed with profi ciency test samples. The mean accuracy was 24% and 17% for plasma and whole blood samples, respectively, and the maximum error was 31% for both specimens. All results by LC-CLND fell within the confi dence range of the reference concentrations. To demonstrate the method’s fea- sibility, metabolic ratios for the drug tramadol were determined in a pharmacogenetic study setting. Four volunteers were given a single 100 mg oral dose of tramadol, and a blood sample was collected from each subject one hour later. Extraction recovery estimation was based on model com- pounds chosen according to their similar physicochemical characteristics (RT, pKa, log D). The mean differences between the results of the LC-CLND and the reference method for tramadol, O-desmeth- yltramadol and nortramadol were 8%, 32% and 19%, respectively.

7 The LC-TOFMS method allowed effi cient urine drug screening with an automated target database reverse search, based on exact mass, isotopic pattern, and RT. The hit lists generated from complex data were simple and minimised the need for interpretation. Isotopic patterns, expressed as SigmaFit, revealed the true-positive fi ndings and yielded on average 12% fewer false-positive entries than using accurate mass only. The automated acquisition of correct SigmaFit values and accurate masses were proven over a wide dynamic range, the mean mass error being only 2.5 ppm by micrOTOF. The combination of LC-TOFMS and LC-CLND offered a simple solution for the analysis of scheduled and designer drugs in seized material, independent of the availability of primary reference standards. In blood specimens, LC-CLND analysis, corrected for extraction recovery, produced suffi ciently accurate results to be useful in a clinical context.


Pharmaceuticals and drugs are an omnipresent The effi cient operation of forensic and clini- factor of modern society, having connections cal laboratories is dependent on having an ex- to the economy, pharmacotherapy, substance tensive collection of PRS on illicit and therapeu- abuse, drug enforcement and crime. A number tic drugs and their metabolites, as well as pes- of scientifi c and business areas are dedicated to ticides, household and industrial chemicals and the analysis and control of drug-like substanc- other toxicologically relevant compounds. The es. Forensic toxicology is a science that gener- number of substances required can range from ates chemical and toxicological evidence for the a few hundred to a few thousand entries. So far, administration of justice mainly in the following no domestic or international body has been able areas: post-mortem toxicology related to cause- to provide the laboratories even with the most of-death investigations, driving under the infl u- important substances, not to mention regular- ence of alcohol or drugs, drug-facilitated and ly updating them with recently launched drugs. drug-related crime, and drug testing at work- Unfortunately, it is the task of the individual lab- place. Forensic analysis of seized drugs is one of oratories to acquire the reference substances in the duties of criminalistics and customs labora- one of the following ways: purchasing them from tories. Doping control in sports concerns sub- commercial producers, requesting them as a gift stances on the prohibited list of the World An- from pharmaceutical companies or from anoth- ti-Doping Agency (WADA). In clinical toxicology, er laboratory or scientist, or producing them by the focus is on the diagnosis and treatment of purifi cation from seized materials. Synthesizing the poisoned patient. All of the above disciplines substances in the laboratory itself is only reason- involve similar target substances and related an- able in isolated cases. The purchase price for a alytical methodologies. The techniques increas- drug metabolite can be EUR 1500-2000 for 50 ingly common in current drug analysis are based mg, and due to administrative requirements, the on liquid chromatography (LC), which allows the average delivery time for a reference substance is separation of a wide range of drugs, including one to three months. In some cases, the material polar and involatile compounds, and mass spec- is not available at all. trometry (MS), which allows identifi cation based Current progress in instrumental analysis on molecular mass and characteristic fragmenta- promises to play a prominent role in compen- tion (Van Bocxlaer 2005, Maurer 2007). sating for the availability problems of reference Chemical analysis measuring indirect observ- standards. While nuclear magnetic resonance able properties relies largely on the use of refer- spectrometry (NMR) is too complicated for prac- ence standards. Analytical methods that are “ra- tical analytical toxicology, certain forms of MS tio-based”, i.e. require instrumental comparison technology offer a straightforward route to what with calibrants of a known quantity of the ana- is a fundamental property of every molecule: ac- lyte, use high-purity, well-characterised primary curate molecular mass. Several MS techniques, reference standards (PRS) or species as their basis including magnetic sector MS, Fourier transform for calibration. These standards can be used ei- ion cyclotron resonance MS (FTMS) and time-of- ther directly or through gravimetrically prepared fl ight MS (TOFMS), are capable of performing calibration solutions (May et al. 2000). Second- accurate mass measurement (Bristow and Webb ary reference standards are calibrated by com- 2003). From suffi ciently accurate mass, a molec- paring with PRS using a high precision compara- ular formula can be generated that, in turn, al- tor and making appropriate corrections for non- lows the assignment of candidates for substance ideal conditions of measurement. While the re- identifi cation. LC coupled with electrospray-ioni- quirement for using PRS is obvious in quantita- sation orthogonal-acceleration TOF (LC-TOFMS) tive analysis, these standards are the preferred is a particularly promising technique in the accu- reference in qualitative analysis, too. rate mass determination of components of com-

9 plex mixtures (Fang et al. 2003). nitrogen (Taylor et al. 1998). This is particularly Quantitative analysis requires an LC detector valuable in human toxicology and forensic sci- capable of producing a more consistent response ence since approximately 90% of drugs contain over a broad range of structures than the custom- nitrogen. ary UV detector. Universal LC detectors include The present thesis investigates the use of LC- the evaporative light scattering detector (ELSD) TOFMS for the identifi cation and LC-CLND for (Yurek et al. 2002) and the corona charged aer- the quantifi cation of drugs and metabolites in bi- osol detector (CAD) (McCarthy 2005). Chemilu- ofl uids and seized material, especially emphasiz- minescence nitrogen detection (CLND), however, ing analysis without PRS. The results are evaluat- represents a unique approach for quantifi cation ed in the contexts of forensic and clinical toxicol- of nitrogenous substances without PRS, because ogy and criminalistics. the detector possesses an equimolar response to


2.1. Forensic and clinical drug two hours. Therapeutic drug monitoring refers analysis to the quantitative analysis of patient plasma lev- els in order to achieve optimal drug therapy and 2.1.1. Areas of analysis avoid overdose (Saint-Marcoux et al. 2007). The diversity of application fi elds and goals suggests that there is no single method or tech- Comprehensive screening analysis plays a key nique best able to deal with all forensic and clini- role in various fi elds of toxicology and forensic cal drug analyses (Smith et al. 2007). Neverthe- science (Maurer 2004). Optimal analytical per- less, apart from target analyses dedicated to in- formance is required in post-mortem toxicology dividual key substances, a general objective has laboratory practice related to cause-of-death in- always been to develop comprehensive and uni- vestigations because of the wide scope of rel- versal analytical methods producing maximum evant toxicants, the multitude of specimens, information in a single run (Drummer 1999). sometimes severely putrefi ed, and the complex- However, the choice of method is fundamentally ity of interpretation issues (Kugelberg and Jones dependent on the specimen to be analysed and 2007, Drummer 2007). High demands are al- on the sample preparation involved. so placed on clinical forensic toxicology, which covers the investigation of the toxicological as- pects of violent crime, drug-facilitated crime, 2.1.2. Specimen considerations child welfare, drug use and drug traffi cking (Le- Beau 2008). Identifi cation and quantifi cation of a wide variety of scheduled drugs in seized ma- The reliability and relevance of analytical toxicol- terial is a duty of forensic science and customs ogy results is determined by the nature and in- laboratories (Pihlainen et al. 2003), with a strong tegrity of the specimens submitted for analysis current emphasis on drug profi ling (Weyermann (Flanagan et al. 2005). Screening analysis is of- et al. 2008). ten performed in urine, because the time-win- Controlling driving under the infl uence of al- dow of detection is longer in urine than in blood. cohol or drugs (Walsh et al. 2004) is limited to A sole urine sample may suffi ce in some areas of agents that impair driving performance, yet this analytical toxicology, such as in drug testing and involves a large variety of substances. Doping clinical toxicology. Blood concentration refl ects control in sports focuses on the substances on best the acute action of a substance, and con- the prohibited list of the WADA and is contin- sequently, extensive compilations of therapeutic, ually challenged by the emergence of new po- toxic and lethal drug concentrations have been tential doping agents (Thevis et al. 2008). Drug published for blood, plasma and serum (Schulz testing at the workplace, military, prisons and and Schmoldt 2003). Blood sampling is neces- schools (Lillsunde et al. 2008) is usually restricted sary if the level of intoxication is to be studied. to illicit drugs, such as amphetamines, , Lipophilic compounds exist in urine mainly cocaine, heroin and phencyclidine, with supple- as metabolites, which are more hydrophilic than mental therapeutic drugs that have the poten- the parent compound and thus more readily ex- tial for abuse, such as . Medical creted via the kidneys. Phase I metabolism com- treatment of poisoned patients at the emergen- monly involves oxidation, reduction and hydrol- cy department would also benefi t from a com- ysis, while phase II metabolism involves conju- prehensive drug screening service (Fabbri et al. gation reactions, especially glucuronidation and 2003), but toxicological analysis in hospitals is sulphation. For hydrophilic compounds that are usually limited to rapid immunoassay techniques, not metabolised, the concentrations are usually due to the time requirement of approximately high in urine. A cut-off concentration differenti-

11 ating a positive from a negative fi nding should ness (Vistoli et al. 2008). Summarising from sev- be specifi ed particularly for drugs-of-abuse in eral sources, an average range of properties for a drug testing programs (Lillsunde et al. 2008). Ex- target compound of drug analysis can be estab- act urine drug concentrations usually have a very lished: it is a nitrogenous, basic compound with limited interpretative value, except at the vicinity a molecular mass ranging 150-500, lipophilicity of the cut-off value. The cut-off is an administra- as log P ranging 1-5, and water solubility of 50 tive value not necessarily equal to the analytical mg/l at pH 6.5 (Moffat et al. 2003, Baselt 2004, limit of detection (LOD) or limit of quantifi cation Vistoli et al. 2008). (LOQ). The cut-off value established will subse- Direct determination of drugs by chromato- quently determine the time-window of detection graphic analysis is usually impossible due to the after drug exposure (Reiter et al. 2001, Verstra- complexity of the sample, which often demands ete 2004). a sample preparation step that is time-consum- Although blood and urine are the most im- ing, tedious, and frequently neglected. Com- portant specimens for toxicological drug analy- pounds possessing phenolic or alcoholic hydroxyl sis, other materials, such as hair, saliva, sweat groups exist in urine as conjugates, making a hy- and meconium are also commonly used (Dolan drolysis step necessary prior to extraction. These et al. 2004). In post-mortem toxicology, the vitre- compounds include many toxicologically impor- ous humor is a good alternative to urine, which tant drugs, such as opiates, benzodiazepines and is not always available. Saliva is now extensively cannabis. Enzyme hydrolysis is commonly used, used in the control of driving under the infl uence because acid or base hydrolysis, though rapid, of drugs due to the non-invasive sampling proce- requires harsher conditions and also produces dure. Hair is another popular material, especially unwanted reactions. Several sample prepara- in clinical forensic toxicology. Drugs incorporated tion techniques are used for drug analysis, in- in the hair can reveal past drug use even after cluding liquid-liquid extraction (LLE), supercriti- several months. cal-fl uid extraction (SFE), solid-phase extraction (SPE), solid-phase micro-extraction (SPME), liq- uid-phase micro-extraction, and use of restrict- 2.1.3. Sample preparation ed access materials (Wille and Lambert 2007). Screening for hundreds of basic drugs necessi- The standard handbook on analytical toxicology tates a general, universally applicable extraction by Baselt (Baselt 2004) covers approximately 600 method, instead of a series of selective target relevant organic toxicants, of which about 80% methods adjusted for individual compounds. For contain nitrogen. Major drugs of abuse that do quantitative analysis in blood, conventional LLE not contain nitrogen are few; they include gam- obviously still provides the most robust perform- ma-hydroxybutyrate and cannabinoids. Sample ance, while simple protein precipitation prior to preparation for drug screening usually involves LC analysis has also been found useful (Pragst et division of the analytes into basic and acidic frac- al. 2004, Flanagan et al. 2006). SPE is more ame- tions. The basic fraction contains the most im- nable to automation, but it has a higher number portant, toxicologically relevant classes of drugs of variables to be optimised, which may result and pharmaceuticals, especially substances that in poor quantitative precision. SPE is particularly act on the central nervous system (CNS), such well suited for urine, in which cells and proteins as , , benzodi- are not a problem. For applying reversed phase azepines, and stimulants. Important car- or mixed mode sorbents that combine reversed diovascular drugs are also mostly basic in nature, phase and ion exchange, SPE is a good choice in including adrenergic beta-blocking drugs, an- comprehensive urine drug analysis (Decaestecker tiarrhythmics and calcium channel blockers. In et al. 2003). SPME has been found to be effec- scientifi c drug discovery, general structural de- tual in various target analyses (Pragst 2007), and scriptors have been associated with drug-like- SFE is particularly suitable in cases involving ex-

12 traction from hair (Brewer et al. 2001). identifi cation purposes, great attention has to be Direct on-line injection methods offer the paid to the accuracy and precision of retention advantage of reducing sample preparation steps parameters. An LC identifi cation system based and enabling effective pre-concentration and on a 1-nitroalkane retention index standard scale clean-up of biological fl uids. These methods in- was described for 383 toxicologically relevant volve restricted-access materials and other au- compounds using a reversed-phase column (Bo- tomated on-line SPE procedures. Emerging au- gusz and Erkens 1994). Another index stand- tomated extraction-phase technologies include ard series involved drug substances as secondary molecularly imprinted polymers, in-tube solid- standards (Elliott and Hale 1998). The identifi ca- phase microextraction, and microextraction in tion power of UV spectra and retention index, a packed syringe for more selective extraction applied separately, was low, but increased sub- (Mullett 2007). Seized samples often contain a stantially when the two parameters were used high proportion of the active substance and con- in combination (Maier and Bogusz 1995). A very sequently do not necessarily require concentrat- comprehensive LC-DAD method, relying on rel- ing sample work-up. However, LLE procedures ative retention time (RRT), included 2682 sub- are useful in separating impurities and adulter- stances (Herzler et al. 2003). Although the use ants from active substances (King et al. 1994). of RRT alone produced unsatisfactory identifi ca- The success of a particular extraction method tion results, 1619 substances (60.4%) were un- very much depends on the subsequent analysis ambiguously identifi ed by their UV spectra only. method, and this is especially true in bioanalysis, This rate was increased to 84.2% by the combi- where endogenous background and matrix ef- nation of spectrum and RRT. The authors con- fects are a major concern. cluded that LC-DAD is one of the most reliable methods for substance identifi cation in toxico- logical analysis. 2.1.4. Analytical techniques During the past two decades, LC-MS has gained increasing success in analytical toxicolo- In qualitative drug screening, techniques based gy. Most of the methods developed at the begin- on gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC- ning were target analyses for a limited number MS) have long provided the best and most cost- of analytes, typically for a drug and its main effective performance. This is largely due to the metabolites (Hoja et al. 1997). Comprehensive reproducible nature of the electron ionisation screening methods started to appear in the sci- (EI) MS spectrum, allowing the construction of entifi c literature only ten years ago for pesticides spectral libraries in-house or on an interlabora- (Slobodnik et al.1996) and drugs (Marquet et al. tory basis. Several extensive EI-GC-MS libraries, 2000). Several types of LC-MS techniques have containing thousands or hundreds of thousands been applied to drug screening, notably based of spectra, are commercially available to facili- on single or triple quadrupole, ion-trap and time- tate broad-scale screening for organic low-mo- of-fl ight (TOF) mass analysers (Maurer 2004). lecular-weight compounds, including drugs, de- Utilisation of low-resolution MS techniques signer drugs, poisons and pesticides. GC-MS has requires that either the target analytes’ spectra been referred to as “the gold standard” of tox- have been recorded in the spectral libraries used icological analysis. This honour is mainly due to or the analyst possesses the respective PRS for the strength of GC-MS in confi rming urine im- direct comparison. MS fragmentation patterns in munoassay results for drugs of abuse. GC-MS (Peters et al. 2003) and ion-trap multi- LC combined with diode array UV detection ple LC-MS (Kölliker and Oehme 2004) have been (LC-DAD) is a standard technique in therapeu- described to aid the structural elucidation of am- tic drug monitoring, and it has also been found phetamines, but this approach is overly com- to be useful in comprehensive drug screening. plicated for everyday forensic casework. Newly In the development of UV spectral libraries for developed software can predict mass fragmen-

13 tation from chemical structure according to dif- sis, but problems may arise with variable back- ferent ionisation techniques and fragmentation ground noise, resulting in diffi culties in setting rules (Stranz et al. 2008), but these programs are the abundance threshold for acquisition. not routinely used. The reproducibility of LC-MS/MS spectra be- Comprehensive library-based screening tween various brands of instruments has often methods have been developed by using single been questioned. Several methods for stand- quadrupole LC-MS with collision-induced disso- ardising libraries of spectra have been investi- ciation (CID) taking place in-source (Weinmann gated between various brands or techniques, et al. 1999, Rittner et al. 2001, Saint-Marcoux et including triple quadrupole instruments (Ger- al. 2003). Typically, spectra obtained at positive gov et al. 2004), hybrid quadrupole/ion-trap in- and negative polarity were created simultane- struments (Mueller et al. 2005) and many types ously at a high and low orifi ce voltage, showing of LC-MS/MS instruments (Bristow et al. 2004). extensive and weak fragmentation, respectively, In a recent interlaboratory study, the spectra of and the spectra were summed at both polarities 48 compounds were recorded on eleven mass to produce informative spectral libraries. As sin- spectrometers, including six ion-traps, two tri- gle MS methods suffer from lack of specifi city in ple quadrupoles, a hybrid triple quadrupole, and distinguishing co-eluting substances, much em- two QTOF-MS instruments (Hopley et al. 2008). phasis should be put on chromatographic reso- The reproducibility of the product ion spectra lution. In addition, there may be diffi culty in har- was increased when considering the tandem-in- monising the CID conditions for producing re- time instruments and the tandem-in-space in- producible spectra (Bogusz et al. 1999). struments as two separate groups. A more lim- More reliable identifi cation can be obtained ited screening library was proposed for LC-MS/ by LC coupled to tandem MS (MS/MS) with triple MS identifi cation using instruments of the same quadrupole (Gergov et al. 2000, Weinmann et al. type from different manufacturers (Hopley et al. 2000), hybrid quadrupole/ion-trap (Marquet et 2008). Both MS/MS product ion spectra and in- al. 2003), or hybrid quadrupole/TOFMS (QTOF- source-CID-MS spectra have been made com- MS) technology (Decaestecker et al. 2004). This mercially available, but thus far they have found is due to the fact that the LC-MS/MS product ion little use compared to the success of EI-GC-MS spectra generated by these techniques are less libraries. dependent on sample composition and experi- Another mode of analysis within LC-MS/MS mental settings. However, the product ion scan that has been applied to screening analysis is approach requires the choice of a limited number multiple reaction monitoring (MRM). It is a more of ions to be monitored in the fi rst quadrupole, sensitive mode of operation and amenable to which makes a separate survey scan necessary to quantifi cation, but there is also a technical lim- select the ions (Gergov et al. 2001b). Informa- it to the number of target compounds that can tion dependent acquisition (IDA) is an interesting be monitored by MRM-type experiments, which approach in comprehensive screening analysis by hinders the utility of this approach in compre- LC-MS/MS. It consists of three steps – acquisition hensive screening. A qualitative screening meth- of survey data, selection of the parent ions of in- od for up to 238 drugs has been published us- terest by abundance, and monitoring the prod- ing MRM (Gergov et al. 2003), but usually MRM uct ion spectra – all in a single run. IDA was fi rst methods comprise much fewer compounds. described using a QTOF-MS instrument, without The advantages and disadvantages of LC-MS actually utilizing accurate mass measurement, screening methods are much related to the com- however, (Decaestecker et al. 2000, Decaesteck- monly used ionisation techniques, atmospher- er et al. 2004), and later applied by others using ic pressure chemical ionisation (APCI) and elec- quadrupole/ion-trap instruments (Marquet et al. trospray ionisation (ESI) (Fenn et al. 1990, Bru- 2003, Mueller et al. 2005). A major advantage ins 1991). Both are soft ionisation techniques of IDA is high specifi city and selectivity of analy- that do not produce much fragmentation. Vol-

14 atile buffers are required for chromatography, graphic data are available for common drugs which limits the optimisation of separation by (Herzler et al. 2003, Moffat et al. 2003), prob- the modifi cations of mobile phase. Neither tech- lems arise when rare and new substances ap- nique is universal for all types of compounds, al- pear on the continually changing drug scene. though ESI possesses a broader applicability in The term designer drug originated in connection drug analysis due to its suitability for polar com- with the epidemic of unscheduled fentanyl ana- pounds. Unfortunately, there is always the risk of logs in California during the 1980s (Henderson detrimental ion suppression, particularly with ESI 1988). Stricter analog legislation in the US since (Dams et al. 2003), and consequent false nega- 1986 probably prompted the relocation of de- tive fi ndings in comprehensive screening analy- signer drug production, largely to Europe. The sis, where matrix effects cannot be controlled for following chemical classes are prominent among the numerous target compounds included in the the drugs encountered: amphetamines (Peters et screen. al. 2003), fentanyls (Ohta et al. 1999), pipera- Simultaneous screening and quantifi cation is zines (de Boer et al. 2001, Peters et al. 2003), viable mainly when using techniques allow quan- pyrrolidinopropiophenones (Springer et al. 2003) titative calibrations to be performed only infre- and tryptamines (Shulgin 2003). quently, i.e. on a weekly or monthly basis, such Another area of research that suffers from as by GC with nitrogen-selective detection (Ras- the lack of PRS is metabolite analysis. With many anen et al. 2003) or by LC with diode-array UV drugs, such as heroin and cocaine, the metabo- detection (Pragst et al. 2004). A limit of 100-200 lites are the main proof of illicit drug intake (Jones compounds is the maximum in such methods in et al. 2008). In blood, the ratio of parent drug to order to maintain both qualitative and quantita- metabolite is instrumental in estimating the time tive precision in practical work. Evidently, preci- of administration, in differentiating between acute sion of the chromatographic retention parame- vs. chronic exposure and in studying pharmacoge- ter plays a more prominent role in GC- and LC- netic aspects. Metabolite fi ndings in urine are also based methods than in the MS-based methods helpful in confi rming drug screening results. Find- discussed above. For analytic techniques that ing a metabolite in hair can verify that the corre- need quantitative calibration in each sequence sponding drug has been ingested, if external con- of runs, especially GC-MS and LC-MS, the meth- tamination had been suspected instead. ods used have typically consisted of only 10-20 PRS for certain drugs and metabolites are compounds. However, a quantitative method has available from commercial, governmental and in- been developed for up to 100 pesticides in food ternational sources. However, their delivery time with triple quadrupole LC-MS/MS, using a sim- is lengthy, normally ranging from several weeks plifi ed calibration scheme (Ferrer et al. 2007). to several months. Moreover, the cost of stand- ards is further increased by the extensive admin- istrative requirements imposed on the importa- 2.2. Analysis without primary tion or exportation of controlled substances. In reference standards many cases, PRS are not commercially available. The considerable effort required for synthesising PRS in-house is justifi ed in important research- 2.2.1. Availability of standards oriented projects. This is exemplifi ed with the Analysis of drugs is hindered by the lack of read- synthesis of amphetamine impurities for the de- ily available PRS, which are required when using velopment of a harmonised method for profi ling techniques in which identifi cation and quantifi - amphetamines (Aalberg et al. 2005) and with cation are based on comparison of chromato- the synthesis of steroid metabolites for predict- graphic retention, spectra and detector response ing the metabolic patterns of new derivatives of between the analyte and the standard. While anabolic androgenic steroids for doping control extensive collections of spectral and chromato- purposes (Kuuranne et al. 2008).

15 Apart from designer drugs and metabolites, could be deduced (Beynon 1954). Mass accura- it may even be problematic to acquire a PRS for a cy is the difference between the theoretical val- newly launched prescription drug because of the ue of the mass of an ion and the mass measured ever-increasing cost of drug development and using a mass spectrometer. The resolving power the subsequent reluctance of the manufacturer of a mass spectrometer is defi ned as the capacity to release the standard. Forensic and toxicologi- to separate ions of adjacent m/z, and resolution cal investigations are by nature prone to produce is the measure of the separation of the two mass undesirable results by revealing trends of poison- spectral peaks. Resolution is usually defi ned in ings that may threaten the market share of the one of two ways, depending on the mass spec- drug. The history of forensic toxicology recog- trometer being used (Figure 1). The 10% valley nises a number of prescription drugs that have (intensity) defi nition used with magnetic sector been found to be associated with abuse or an instruments states that two peaks of equal inten- excess of fatal poisonings, such as dextropropox- sity are considered to be resolved when they are yphene (Hudson et al. 1977), (Stead separated by a valley, which is 10% of the height and Moffat 1983), tricyclic antidepressants (Hen- of each peak. The defi nition used with quadru- ry 1989), buprenorphine (Tracqui et al. 1998), pole, Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance, venlafaxine (Koski et al. 2005) and tramadol (Tjä- ion-trap and time-of-fl ight mass spectrometers is derborn et al. 2007). based on a peak width measured at 50% peak height (full width at half maximum or FWHM), producing a value approximately double that cal- 2.2.2. Identification by accurate culated using the 10% valley defi nition (Bristow mass measurement 2006). The better the accuracy, the less the am- biguity in molecular formula determination. In the 1950s, Beynon explained for the fi rst time With increasing m/z, the number of formulae fi t- that if the mass of an ion from a chemical com- ting a measured molecular mass will increase un- pound is determined with suffi cient accuracy, til it becomes impossible to obtain an unambigu- the elemental composition of that compound ous result (Webb et al. 2004) (Figure 2).

10% valley definition FWHM definition

50% intensity ǻm/z

10% intensity

m1 m2 m1

Resolution= m1/(m2-m1) Resolution= m1/ǻm/z

Figure 1. Two ways of defi ning the mass resolution: the 10% valley defi nition and the full width at half maximum (FWHM) defi nition.

16 160 140 120 100 80 60 300 Da 40 600 Da 20 1000 Da 0

Number of elemental formulae 0123456 Mass accuracy (ppm)

Figure 2. Relation of mass accuracy and the number of possible elemental formulae at three dif- ferent molecular weights.

For many years since the discovery of the ac- tory comparison where both of the participating curate mass concept, measurements were only laboratories using triple-quadrupole instruments carried out using magnetic-sector MS. The avail- reported a mean measurement accuracy of <2 ability of such measurements was limited due to ppm (Bristow and Webb 2003). the cost and complexity of the instrumentation Recently, a novel hybrid mass spectrometer and the need for considerable expertise to acquire was described. It couples a linear ion-trap mass and interpret the spectra (Bristow 2006). Already spectrometer to an orbitrap mass analyser via a in the 1970s, accurate mass was utilised for moni- radio-frequency-only trapping quadrupole with toring specifi c compounds in environmental and a curved axis. The instrument provided high res- biological samples with packed-column (Kimble olution and high-accuracy mass measurements, et al. 1974, Ehrenthal et al. 1977) and capillary within 2 ppm using internal standards and with- column GC coupled to high-resolution double- in 5 ppm with external calibration (Makarov et focusing magnetic-sector MS (GC-HRMS) (Burl- al. 2006). However, the total MS cycle time was ingame 1977, Lewis et al. 1979). Still today, the highly dependent on mass resolution; i.e., the GC-HRMS technique is in use in certain demand- higher the mass resolution, the higher the cycle ing applications, such as in investigating human time. For example, a mass resolution of 100,000 exposure to dioxins and PCB compounds (Tuomis- (FWHM) resulted in a cycle time of about 2 s. to et al. 2006). Using the peak matching mode, This excludes the use of ultra high-performance an accuracy of <1 ppm can be achieved, but the LC separations, because there will not be enough reference mass should be as close as possible to data points over a chromatographic peak (Ho- the analyte mass, thus excluding broad-spectrum genboom et al. 2008). mass screening (Bristow and Webb 2003). The ultimate mass measurement technique Single-quadrupole and triple-quadrupole MS is FTMS, which provides very high mass accura- are inherently low-resolution instruments. How- cy (<1 ppm) and mass resolving power (Amster ever, accurate mass measurements (<5 ppm) can 1996, Marshall et al. 1998, Bristow and Webb be obtained after careful calibration in a narrow 2003) as well as high sensitivity in the attomole m/z range and when no unresolved interferenc- and even in the zeptomole range (Belov et al. es are present at the masses of interest (Tyler et 2000). The high mass accuracy of FTMS has been al. 1996). This was emphasised in an interlabora- used for several years for the accurate mass tag

17 strategy in proteomics to detect proteins using an abundance of 55% of the 12C peak (Bristow exact masses of protein tryptic digests (Smith et 2006). The calculation of abundance patterns re- al. 2002). Results obtained in toxicology have sulting from the combination of more than one shown that very accurate masses can dramatical- polyisotopic element becomes more complex. ly improve confi dence in identifying compounds Matching of the theoretical calculated isotop- using a database search (Ojanperä et al. 2005). ic pattern against the measured pattern plays a Accurate mass determination with moderate- key step in revealing the correct elemental com- ly good resolution became feasible on a routine position from a mass spectrum (Rockwood and basis with the development of orthogonal accel- van Orden 1996). The idea was discovered years eration TOFMS analysers (Dawson and Guilhaus ago and has proven useful for structure elucida- 1989), and modern instruments can readily be tion using low-resolution mass spectra (Kavan- combined with LC using an ESI ion source (Mir- agh 1980, Tenhosaari 1988, Palmer and Enke gorodskaya et al. 1994). Affordable benchtop 1989). However, prior to the present thesis, the LC-TOFMS instruments have found widespread use of isotopic patterns as a numerical identifi ca- use in the analysis of small molecules, such as in tion parameter has not been investigated in the drug bioanalysis (Zhang et al. 2000a) and in high- context of drug screening. throughput screening for combinatorial chemis- try libraries (Fang et al. 2003). Emerging TOFMS technology, resulting in continual improvements 2.2.4. Quantification in mass accuracy, resolution and other analyti- cally important features, has greatly diminished While qualitative analysis without PRS can lean the development of magnetic-sector MS (Guil- on accurate mass measurement, spectral and haus et al. 2000). A key concept of the present chromatographic libraries and ultimately on NMR thesis involves a LC-TOFMS urine drug screening spectrometry, quantifi cation has been very much method that essentially relies on accurate mass dependent on PRS. Thus, maintaining an up-to- measurement combined with an automated for- date collection of hundreds of standards is a te- mula-based target database search (Gergov et dious and expensive duty of forensic and clinical al. 2001a). A detailed discussion of LC-TOFMS is laboratories. Determination of blood drug con- included in Section 2.4. centrations is a necessity for the evaluation of whether a person has been under the infl uence of a substance. In forensic science, quantitative 2.2.3. Isotopic pattern in information on the purity of illegal drugs is used identification for various purposes, including valuation for sen- tencing, profi ling and sample comparison, in ad- In addition to accurate mass, isotopic pattern dition to use in studies on the economics of the is a property that can be utilised in substance illicit market (King 1997). identifi cation. Many elements have typical iso- There are few analytical techniques capa- tope patterns, allowing the number of possible ble of accurate quantifi cation without PRS. An elemental formulae to be reduced. The follow- important approach is quantifi cation by proton ing elements have distinctive patterns: chlorine counting with NMR. The electronic reference to (35Cl:37Cl ~ 3:1), bromine (79Br:81Br ~ 1:1) and access in vivo concentrations (ERETIC) method in sulphur (32S:33S:34S ~ 100:1:4). The carbon iso- NMR was introduced as a way of determining tope ratio (12C:13C ~ 100:1.1) can be used to cal- absolute concentrations (Barantin et al. 1997). culate the number of carbon atoms in the mol- An artifi cial radio frequency reference ERETIC ecule. An ion containing 10 carbon atoms will signal produced with rigorously controlled pa- have a 13C isotope peak with an abundance of rameters is added to the observed NMR sample 11% of the 12C peak and an ion containing 50 spectrum. This eliminates handling and contami- carbon atoms will have a 13C isotope peak with nation issues associated with internal standards,

18 allowing quantifi cation of protons with respect where standards were less representative (Fang to the ERETIC signal. High accuracy and precision et al. 2000), and reduced ELSD response was ob- was obtained with the ERETIC method in NMR, tained from low-molecular-weight compounds referred to as a “gold standard” of quantifi ca- (Hsu et al. 1999, Fang et al. 2001). ELSD was tion (Lane et al. 2005, Lane et al. 2006). How- found to normally bias toward the underestima- ever, this technique is beyond the scope of most tion of chromatographically resolved impurities, forensic and clinical laboratories. resulting in an overestimation of analyte purity In GC, the concept of effective carbon (Lane et al. 2005) number is a model by which the fl ame ionisation Another universal detector, the corona response of compounds can be predicted, and charged aerosol detector (CAD), was fi rst devel- it has been utilised for cannabinoids (Poortman- oped in 2004 (Paschlau 2005), but little critical van der Meer and Huizer 1999) and ampheta- scientifi c literature is available on this instrument mine-type compounds (Huizer et al. 2001). Us- yet (Gorecki et al. 2006, Brunelli et al. 2007). In ing individually selected secondary standards for LC coupled to corona CAD, the mobile phase each type of stimulant, the error of prediction is nebulised with nitrogen and the droplets are was generally less than 5% (Huizer at al. 2001). dried, producing analyte particles. A stream of In combinatorial chemistry related to drug nitrogen becomes positively charged as it pass- discovery, the characterisation of synthesis prod- es a high-voltage platinum corona wire, and this ucts, without possessing PRS, has become feasi- charge is transferred to the opposing stream of ble via utilisation of special detectors, such as the analyte particles. The charge is then measured evaporative light scattering detector (ELSD) (Fang at a collector, generating a signal with an inten- et al. 2000) or the chemiluminescence nitrogen sity that is proportional to the quantity of an- detector (CLND) (Taylor et al. 1998, Yurek et al. alyte. Corona CAD is more sensitive than ELSD 2002, Yan et al. 2003). ELSD (Ford and Kennard and has a wider dynamic range; it also allows 1966) is an excellent quantitative detector when the use of a wider variety of mobile phases and calibrated in an analyte-specifi c manner. LC-ELSD buffers. However, as with ELSD, the response de- detects all compounds that are less volatile than pends on the composition of the mobile phase, the mobile phase, and it is commonly used for with higher responses observed at higher organ- compounds without a UV chromophore, such ic contents (Zhang et al. 2008). In LC applica- as carbohydrates, lipids and polymers. ELSD can tions, a technique called mobile-phase compen- therefore offer advantages over conventional UV sation can be used to solve this problem (Gorecki or refractive index detection, particularly for gra- et al. 2006). A separate pump is required to com- dient separations. The general detection mech- pensate the organic content in the mobile phase anism of ELSD involves a three-stage process: by delivering exactly an inversed gradient prior to nebulisation, evaporation, and detection. The the detection. As long as the compounds are non- aerosol formed enters a heated evaporator tube, volatile, the response factors obtained on corona where the mobile phase is evaporated, leav- CAD are uniform independently of their nature, ing a dry particle plume. The dry particles com- which opens the door to quantifi cation of uniden- ing out from the tube are irradiated by a light tifi ed species or single-compound calibration. source, and the scattered light from the parti- CLND is a detector that has already achieved cles is detected. The quantity of light scattered an established position in the science of drug dis- by the particles is dependent on the concentra- covery due to its equimolar response to nitrogen- tion of the analyte, and the ELSD response is re- containing compounds, allowing the detector to lated to the absolute quantity of the compound be calibrated by a single secondary standard (Yan independently of its optical properties (Zhang et 1999). The detector is thus a promising alterna- al. 2008). Careful choice of standards could limit tive for managing with the challenges of forensic errors to 10–20% for limited sample sets (Kibbey and clinical drug analysis. A detailed discussion 1996). However, larger errors occurred in cases of LC-CLND is included in Section 2.5.

19 2.3. Liquid chromatography – time- applications involving TOFMS is due to the emer- of-flight mass spectrometry (LC- gence of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisa- TOFMS) tion (MALDI) and the rediscovery of the orthogo- nal acceleration concept (Guilhaus et al. 2000). TOFMS has been commercially available since the Off-axis or orthogonal acceleration TOFMS of late 1950s, following the publication of the de- ions from continuous ion beams has been known sign later commercialised by the Bendix Corpora- since the 1960s. It was only in the late 1980s and tion (Wiley and McClaren 1955). The TOFMS is an early 1990s that the current range of TOFMS in- attractive instrument due to its potentially unlim- struments with greatly improved resolving pow- ited m/z range and high-speed acquisition capa- er and mass accuracy was developed (Dawson bilities. However, there were several physical and and Guilhaus 1989, Guilhaus et al. 1997). The technical limitations to the early TOFMS instru- key features enabling accurate mass measure- ments that limited their resolving power (FWHM ment include high effi ciency in gating ions from 300) and mass accuracy (Guilhaus et al. 1997). an external continuous source (e.g. ESI, APCI), The initial spatial, temporal, and velocity distribu- simultaneous correction of velocity and spatial tions of ion populations can broaden the distribu- dispersion, and increased mass resolving pow- tion of ion arrival times, hence greatly reducing er (Bristow 2006). The digital electronics revolu- resolving power. This has an effect on mass ac- tion has supported TOFMS more than MS tech- curacy as there is a high probability that interfer- nologies more heavily reliant on analog signal ing ions will not be resolved. Three major techno- processing (Guilhaus et al. 2000). In this disser- logical developments have resulted in TOFMS be- tation, TOFMS refers to orthogonal acceleration coming capable of accurate mass measurement: technology unless otherwise stated. A schematic the refl ectron, delayed extraction, and orthogonal presentation of orthogonal acceleration TOFMS acceleration (Bristow 2006). The rapid growth of is shown in Figure 3.

beam optics

oa pulser Ion source detector

ion mirror Figure 3. A schematic presenta- tion of an orthogonal acceler- ation (oa) time-of-fl ight mass spectrometer (TOFMS).

20 LC-TOFMS enables accurate mass determi- its abundance. New generation TOFMS instru- nation of components of complex mixtures to ments use detection systems based on analog- be performed in a routine manner (Chernushev- to-digital converters (ADC). An advantage of this ich et al. 1997, Guilhaus et al. 1997, Eckers et technology is a much increased ion-abundance al. 2000). In the fi eld of drug discovery, the de- dynamic range for accurate mass measurement. velopment of combinatorial chemistry created a An alternative approach that still employs time- need for rapid characterisation of the complex to-digital technology is to defocus the ion beam, mixtures that are generated by synthesis (Yurek resulting in reduced abundance at the detector. et al. 2002). Two MS techniques, LC-FTMS (Fang Therefore, higher analyte concentrations and et al. 1998) and LC-TOFMS (Fang et al. 2002), hence higher ion abundance can be measured made feasible accurate mass measurement of at the optimum ion abundance for the detector even thermally unstable and higher-molecular- (Bristow et al. 2008). mass compounds. Currently, LC-TOFMS is the The development and commercialisation most cost-effective technique for performing of hybrid QTOF-MS used a similar approach to accurate mass analysis of small molecules on a orthogonal acceleration TOFMS (Morris et al. routine basis (Balogh 2004). In addition to high 1996, Chernushevich et al. 2001). In a recent mass accuracy (<5 ppm), the benefi ts of TOFMS evaluation of a modern QTOF-MS instrument include good mass resolution (FWHM 10,000), applying ADC technology, mass measurement wide mass range, and fast mass spectral acqui- accuracy remained stable, within ±0.0015 m/z sition speed with high full-scan sensitivity — all units, over approximately 3-4 orders of magni- attributes being superior to those obtained with tude of ion abundance. In MS/MS experiments, a scanned quadrupole. Today, the mass accuracy similar mass accuracy to single MS was obtained of TOFMS is comparable to that of much more for product ions using only one calibration pro- expensive accurate-mass instruments (Stroh et cedure. However, it was slightly reduced at low al. 2007), and the mass resolution can exceed ion abundance (Bristow et al. 2008). These fi nd- 60,000 FWHM. ings suggest that QTOF-MS is an equally feasible LC-TOFMS-based accurate-mass methods instrumentation for drug screening based on ac- have already found extensive use in many facets curate mass measurement. of analytical research, for example, in the struc- Current TOFMS instrumentation has been ture elucidation of metabolites (Zhang 2000b, equipped with isotopic pattern match algo- Nassar et al. 2003, Leclercq et al. 2005), pesti- rithms as a part of the molecular formula gen- cides (Maizels and Budde 2001), steroids (Nielen eration capabilities, providing an exact numeri- et al. 2001, Nielen et al. 2007), and unknown cal comparison of theoretical and measured iso- compounds in environmental water (Ibanez et al. topic patterns as an additional identifi cation tool 2005). Notably, comprehensive screening analy- for accurate mass determination. In a preliminary sis had not been realised until the studies of this study, this function was found to facilitate urine thesis, mainly due to limitations in data acquisi- drug screening in distinguishing between com- tion and processing capabilities. Recently, how- pounds with adjacent molecular masses (Laks et ever, an analogous multi-residue monitoring ap- al. 2004). Later, it was shown that isotopic pat- proach involving in-source CID has been pub- tern match can also be successfully used with lished for the analysis of pesticides and their deg- MS/MS experiments using a QTOF-MS instru- radates in food and water samples (Ferrer and ment (Bristow et al. 2008). Thurman 2007). For drug screening purposes, it is very impor- tant to be able to measure the accurate mass of the sample components in an automated man- ner, without successive dilutions of the sample or tedious optimisations for each ion depending on

21 2.4. Liquid chromatography and was subsequently refi ned and described in – chemiluminescence nitrogen its current form in 1992 (Fujinari and Courthau- detection (LC-CLND) don 1992). A schematic of the CLND principle is shown in Figure 4. Oxidation of the nebulised Chemiluminescent reactions have a history of LC mobile phase by combustion in a high-tem- over one hundred years, and analytical applica- perature furnace converts all nitrogen-contain- tions of chemiluminescence began to be used in ing compounds, except for N2, quantitatively the 1970s. The chemiluminescent reactions be- into . The dried gas is passed into a tween ozone and various molecules have been chamber where it reacts with ozone, which re- exploited for detection of olefi ns, ozone, nitric sults in the conversion of nitric oxide to excit- oxide, other nitrogen oxides, organosulphur ed-state nitrogen dioxide. The substance subse- compounds, and a variety of other organic com- quently emits chemiluminescent light upon re- pounds. NO+O3 chemiluminescence forms the laxation. The light amplifi ed by the photomulti- basis of a large number of these applications. plier tube is proportional to the moles of nitro- At fi rst, many of the applications were analys- gen present in a fraction analysed. All mobile- ers for a specifi c compound or reaction without phase components must be free of nitrogen to chromatographic separation. Later, these tech- keep the baseline noise to a minimum, making niques were applied to the development of spe- acetonitrile, ammonium salts and nitrogenous cialised selective detectors (Yan 1999). LC-CLND bases incompatible with CLND detection (Zhang was fi rst described in 1988 (Robbat et al. 1988), et al. 2008).

Figure 4. A schematic presentation of a chemiluminescence nitrogen detector (CLND) for liquid chromatography (LC).

22 Recent improvements in CLND instrumen- cent can result in signifi cant errors using CLND. tation, including nebuliser design and ceramic To increase quantifi cation accuracy, it was pro- pyrotube, have improved the robustness of the posed that a secondary dilution of the surrogate technique and its applicability for routine analy- reference standard solution should be used for sis. In addition, when coupled with an UV detec- the quantifi cation of low-level impurities (Liang tor, CLND can be used to determine relative re- et al. 2008). sponse factors for any nitrogen-containing com- Single-calibrant quantifi cation by LC-CLND pound (Liang et al. 2008). Response ratios be- is straightforward in relatively simple materials tween CLND and UV detection (Nussbaum et requiring no extraction, such as combinatorial al. 2002) and between CLND and MS detection chemistry library products (Corens et al. 2004, (Deng et al. 2004) have been measured in order Letot et al. 2005) or nitrogen-containing anions to extend the concentration range of N-equimo- in seawater (Lucy and Harrison 2001). Howev- lar quantifi cation by LC-CLND. er, there are currently very few LC-CLND applica- Originally, CLND was reported to possess tions for biological samples. In the experimental an LOD of 0.1 ng nitrogen, a nitrogen/carbon methods presented for rat bile and urine (Taylor selectivity of 107 (Yan 1999) and, over a linear et al. 2002), dog plasma and urine (Deng et al. range of 2 orders of magnitude, an equimolar 2004) and microsomal incubations (Edlund and response with ±10% average error for the com- Baranczewski 2004), sample preparation relied pounds studied (Taylor et al. 1998). It was also on protein precipitation followed by direct LC found that the sole exception to equimolar re- injection omitting the extraction step. In meth- sponse of the CLND arises from chemical struc- ods involving protein precipitation, the occasion- tures containing adjacent nitrogen atoms. A pro- ally necessary freeze-drying may result in losses posed guideline was that the response should be of volatile analytes. A benefi t from an extrac- 0 when adjacent nitrogen atoms are connected tion step would be a cleaner chromatographic by a double bond and 0.5 when adjacent nitro- background and easier sample concentration, gen atoms are connected by a single bond. Later but quantifi cation without PRS presumes known studies have shown that CLND response is high- extraction recoveries. An SPE method has been ly structure dependent in compounds with adja- reported for the determination of imidacloprid cent nitrogen atoms connected by a single bond. in fruit and vegetables with a relatively constant Substitutions on the nitrogen atoms or atoms extraction recovery, but the study utilised CLND nearby in the molecule can increase the CLND solely as a nitrogen-specifi c detector without response to approach a value higher than the taking advantage of the N-equimolar response predicted value 0.5 (maximal value 0.82/nitrogen (Ting et al. 2004). atom). Without substitution, much lower values CLND is a particularly attractive detector in than predicted (minimal value 0.0-0.08/nitrogen the quantitative analysis of drugs, metabolites atom) were obtained. Thus, a structurally simi- and designer drugs in forensic and clinical con- lar calibration compound should be used for this texts without PRS, due to its specifi city and equi- class of compounds in the quantitative analysis molar response to nitrogen. The LC version of using CLND (Yan et al. 2007). the detector is more useful than the GC version, The CLND linear range of two orders of mag- because it allows detection of a wide range of nitude was found to be insuffi cient in some ap- compounds without derivatisation. A major chal- plications of pharmaceutical analysis, when the lenge is the development of sample preparation impurities are present at much lower levels than procedures that can minimise excessive back- the surrogate standard. The common practice of ground noise and compensate for varying ex- direct conversion of area percent to weight per- traction recoveries.


The aim of this thesis work was to investigate how the qualitative and quantitative analysis of drugs in forensic and clinical contexts may be best performed without the necessity of possessing the re- spective primary reference standards (PRS).

Specific aims of the studies were:

I To develop and evaluate an automated LC-TOFMS method for urine drug screening, essentially based on accurate mass measurement and reverse search using a large target database of monoi- sotopic masses.

II To add isotopic pattern comparison as a new identifi cation parameter to the LC-TOFMS meth- od.

III To apply LC-TOFMS to the identifi cation and LC-CLND to the quantifi cation of drugs in seized ma- terial as a novel approach for instant substance characterisation without PRS.

IV To develop an LC-CLND method for the quantifi cation of basic drugs in plasma and whole blood without PRS.

V To evaluate the feasibility of the LC-CLND method in a pharmacogenetic context by studying plas- ma tramadol metabolite ratios without PRS.


More detailed descriptions of the materials and were obtained from the National Bureau of In- methods are presented in the original publica- vestigation, Finland. tions (I-V).

4.3. Study subjects 4.1. Reagents Case urine samples were collected at autopsies Water was Direct-Q 3 purifi ed (Millipore, Bed- for qualitative LC-TOFMS experiments (I, II). In ford, MA, USA). LC mobile phase components, the LC-CLND study involving tramadol (V), blood and acetonitrile, were HPLC grade from samples from the volunteer subjects were col- Rathburn (Walkerburn, UK). Jeffamine D230 and lected in EDTA tubes one hour after administra- analytical grade solvents, n-butyl chloride and tion of 100 mg of tramadol hydrochloride orally, , were from Fluka (Buchs, Swit- and plasma was separated by centrifugation. zerland). β-glucuronidase was from Roche (Man- nheim, Germany). Other chemicals and reagents were analytical grade from Merck (Darmstadt, 4.4. Methods Germany), J.T. Baker (Deventer, The Netherlands) and Sigma-Aldrich (Steinheim, Germany). Isolute 4.4.1. Sample preparation HCX-5 (100 mg) mixed-mode solid-phase ex- traction (SPE) cartridges were from International In LC-TOFMS urine screening experiments (I, II), Sorbent Technology (Hengoed, UK). urine samples of 1 ml were hydrolysed with β- glucuronidase for 2 h at 56oC in a water bath. As an internal standard, 10 µl of dibenzepin (10 µg/ml in methanol) was added to the hydrolysed 4.2. Reference standards and samples. The extraction was performed accord- materials ing to International Sorbent Technology appli- cation note IST 1044 A (IST 1997), with minor Tramadol and its metabolites were a kind gift modifi cations. The pH of urine samples was ad- from Grünenthal GmbH (Aachen, Germany). justed between 5 and 7 with 2 ml of 0.1 M phos- Caffeine standards were purchased from Ultra phate buffer (pH 6). The SPE cartridge was con- Scientifi c (Wesel, Germany) and from Sigma- ditioned with 2 ml of methanol and equilibrat- Aldrich (Steinheim, Germany). Other drug ref- ed with 2 ml of water and 3 ml of 0.1 M phos- erence standards were obtained from various phate buffer (pH 6). After sample addition, the pharmaceutical companies. Certifi ed reference cartridge was washed with 1 ml of phosphate serum samples for drugs were purchased from buffer and with 1 ml of 1 M acetic acid, and af- LGC Promochem (Teddington, UK). Reference ter both washing steps, dried under full vacuum whole blood samples for drugs were from the for 5 min. The acidic-neutral fraction was eluted Nordquant profi ciency test program (Oslo, Nor- with 3 ml of ethyl acetate-hexane (25+75, v/v). way), involving 13 participants. Pooled blank hu- The cartridge was dried for 2 min and washed man plasma was obtained from the Finnish Red with 3 ml of methanol. After drying for 2 min, Cross Blood Service, and blank whole blood was basic drugs were eluted with 3 ml of ethyl ace- bovine blood from an abattoir. Blank urine was tate-ammonium hydroxide (98+2, v/v). After ex- from various volunteer donors. Seized samples traction, the acidic and basic fractions were com-

25 bined and evaporated to dryness at 40oC. The 4.4.2. LC-TOFMS dried sample was reconstituted with 150 µl of acetonitrile-0.1% formic acid (1+9, v/v). The mass analyser in studies I and III was an Ap- For the analysis of seized street drug sam- plied Biosystems (Framingham, MA, USA) Mar- ples (III), the material, which in all cases was in iner TOF mass spectrometer, equipped with a solid form, was homogenised and 1-4 mg was PE Sciex (Concord, ON, Canada) TurboIon Spray dissolved in methanol to obtain a stock solution source and a 10-port switching valve. The neb- of 1 mg/ml. For identifi cation, the stock solution uliser gas (N2) fl ow was 0.7 l/min, the curtain gas was diluted 1:100 with methanol-0.1% formic (N2) fl ow was 1.2 l/min, and the heater gas (N2) acid (1+9, v/v). If MS response was low with the fl ow was 8 l/min. The spray tip potential of the dilution of 1:100, the stock solution was used for ion source was 5.5 kV, and the heater tempera- identifi cation instead. For quantifi cation, three ture was 350ºC. Spectrum acquisition time was dilutions were made separately from the stock 2 s, and the m/z range recorded was 100-750. solution: 1:2 with methanol-0.1% formic acid Daily instrument tuning and three-ion mass scale (1+1, v/v), and 1:10 and 1:100 with methanol- calibration was performed with 1.0 µg/ml Jef- 0.1% formic acid (3+7, v/v). famine D-230 solution in acetonitrile-0.1% for- For the LC-CLND quantifi cation of drugs in mic acid (1+1 v/v) by infusion injection. The the- plasma and whole blood (IV) to a 5 ml sample, oretical exact m/z values for the calibration ions 2 ml of 1 M TRIS buffer (pH 11) was added. pH were 191.17544, 249.14731, and 317.25917, was adjusted to 10 by 5 M sodium hydroxide. Af- and a minimum resolution of 5,000 was used ter addition of 10 ml of n-butyl chloride-isopro- in the calibration. Automated post-run internal panol (98+2, v/v), the sample was shaken for 30 mass-scale calibration of individual samples was min in a rotor shaker. Following phase separation performed by injecting the calibration solution in by centrifugation (10 min at 4000 rpm), 7.5 ml the beginning of each run via a 10-port switch- of the organic layer was transferred into another ing valve equipped with a 20 µl loop. The liq- test tube and evaporated to dryness at 40ºC un- uid chromatograph in the LC-TOFMS system was der a gentle stream of nitrogen. The residue was an Agilent Technologies (Waldbronn, Germany) reconstituted with 100 µl of methanol-0.1% for- 1100 series instrument, comprising a vacuum mic acid (1+1, v/v), and after vortexing and cen- degasser, autosampler, binary pump, column ov- trifugation, the supernatant was transferred into en and diode array detector (I, III). an autosampler vial for LC-CLND analysis. In the isotopic pattern experiments (II), the For the LC-CLND quantifi cation of trama- mass analyser was a Bruker Daltonics (Bremen, dol and its metabolites (V), 10 µl of the internal Germany) micrOTOF mass spectrometer standard solution (0.1 mg/ml of dextropropoxy- equipped with an ESI source and a 6-port di- phene in methanol) was added to a 5 ml sam- vert valve. The instrument was operated in posi- ple to yield a concentration of 200 µg/l. The ex- tive ion mode using an m/z range of 50–800. traction procedure was similar to that in study IV The capillary voltage of the ion source was set with the following exceptions: the volume of n- at 4,500 V and capillary exit at 90 V. Nebuliser butyl chloride-isopropanol (98+2, v/v) was 7 ml, gas fl ow was 1.6 bar and dry gas fl ow 8 l/min. and 5.5 ml of the organic layer was collected. Drying gas temperature was set at 200ºC. Trans- The evaporated residue was reconstituted with fer time of the source was 38 µs and hexapole 75 µl of methanol-0.1% formic acid (2+8, v/v). RF was 75.0 Vpp. Summation of spectra was In all quantitative studies, caffeine stock so- 10000. Instrument calibration was performed lutions were diluted with water to obtain the cal- externally prior to each sequence with sodium ibration standards (III, IV, V). formate solution, consisting of 10 mM sodium hydroxide in isopropanol-0.2% formic acid (1+1, v/v). The theoretical exact m/z of the calibra- tion ions were 158.9464, 240.9671, 362.9263,

26 430.9138, 498.9011 and 566.8882. Automated channel gradient pumping system, column oven post-run internal mass-scale calibration of indi- and diode array detector. The nitrogen-specifi c vidual samples was performed by injecting the detector was an Antek (Houston, TX, USA) 8060 calibrant at the beginning and at the end of each CLND. The detector was interfaced with a com- run via a 6-port divert valve equipped with a 100 puter using an HP (Agilent) analog to a digital µl loop. Calibration was performed based on cal- converter. LC-CLND data were processed using ibrant injection at the beginning of the run. The HP Chem Station A.06.01 software (Agilent). liquid chromatograph in the LC-TOFMS system For the CLND analysis, oxygen fl ow was 250 was an Agilent Technologies (Waldbronn, Ger- ml/min, helium 50 ml/min and make-up helium many) 1100 series instrument, comprising a vac- 50 ml/min. Ozone fl ow was 25 ml/min, and fur- uum degasser, autosampler, binary pump, and nace temperature was 1050ºC. The photo multi- column oven. plier tube voltage was set at 750 V and the am- Chromatographic separation in both LC- plifi cation factor was 25. TOFMS systems was performed with a Phenom- External calibration in all quantitative studies enex (Torrance, CA, USA) Luna C-18(2) 100 × 2 was performed at the beginning of the data ac- mm (3 µm) column and a 4 × 2 mm precolumn quisition sequence with caffeine standards, us- in gradient mode at 40ºC. The fl ow rate was 0.3 ing calibration points at 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 3.0, 10 ml/min. The mobile phase components were 5 and 30 ng of nitrogen per injection. The curve fi t mM ammonium acetate in 0.1% formic acid and was linear with R2 >0.997. acetonitrile. The proportion of acetonitrile was LC separation was performed in gradient increased from 10% to 40% in 10 min, to 75% mode at 40ºC using a Phenomenex (Torrance, in 13.50 min, to 80% in 16 min, and held at CA, USA) Luna C-18(2) 100 × 2 mm (3 µm) col- 80% for 5 min. Equilibrium time was 6 min and umn, equipped with a 4 × 2 mm precolumn (III, injection volume was 10 µl. V) and a Phenomenex (Torrance, CA, USA) Gemi- ni C-18(2) 150 × 2 mm (3 µm) column, equipped with a 4 × 2 mm precolumn (IV). Mobile-phase 4.4.3. LC-CLND components were 0.1% formic acid and metha- nol. Diode array detector signal was recorded at LC-CLND analysis was performed with a Hewlett- 230 nm, and peak controlled spectra were re- Packard (Agilent) 1090 series liquid chromato- corded at 210–400 nm (III, IV, V). graph equipped with an autosampler, three-


The main results of the studies are described in er drugs and pesticides. In addition to monoiso- this section, more detailed results can be found topic mass, the database included the following in the original publications I-V. data for each compound: name of compound, molecular formula, RT if available, and a 3-5-dig- it compound code. The code specifi ed the com- 5.1. Urine drug screening by LC- pound group, the number of compounds in the TOFMS group, and the ordinal number of the compound in the group. The chemical and pharmacologi- cal properties of the compounds included in the 5.1.1. High-throughput screening database varied greatly, but the majority of the based on accurate mass (I) entries represented basic drugs that could be obviously ionised with ESI in the positive mode. Gergov et al. reported a concept for urine drug For 392 compounds, a PRS was available to the screening by positive electrospray ionisation authors and the corresponding LC RT could be LC-TOFMS with an automated target database determined. The remaining database entries in- search based on molecular formulae, relying on volved mainly drug metabolites reported in the the assumption that tentative identifi cation of scientifi c literature, and for these entries, only drugs in urine is viable without PRS by use of the exact mass without an RT was included in exact monoisotopic masses and metabolite pat- the database. Both RT and MS ionisation data terns from the literature (Gergov et al. 2001). were recorded by running mixed reference stand- The present study evaluates this LC-TOFMS (Ap- ard solutions containing 8-10 substances each at plied Biosystems Mariner) based screening meth- a concentration of 1 µg/ml in acetonitrile-0.1% odology to the full with a series of urine samples formic acid (1+9, v/v). Seven substances were ex- taken at autopsy and shows its scope and limi- cluded from the database, i.e. ethyl parathion, tations in forensic toxicology practice. The meth- methyl parathion, cyclothiazide, dichlorprop, od relied on a large target database of exact mo- MCPA, ibuprofen and γ-hydroxy butyrate, be- noisotopic masses representing the molecular cause they did not ionise under the conditions formulae of reference drugs and their metabo- used. Nine substances – acetazolamide, apronal- lites. Identifi cation by reverse search was based ide, chlorpropamide, chlorthalidone, felodipine, on matching sample components’ measured pa- , , salicylamide and sulthia- rameters with those in the target database, in- me – had low ionisation effi ciency, and thus high cluding accurate mass and RT if available. Data concentrations were required to obtain suffi cient post-processing software was developed for au- ion abundance. tomated reporting of fi ndings in an easily inter- To study the precision of RT and RRT, three pretable form. The screening method was vali- repetitive runs were performed within one week, dated by measuring the precision of LC RT and and the set of three runs was repeated two times LODs for representative compounds. In addition, at one-month intervals. Relative standard devia- the fi ndings from autopsy urine samples were tion (RSD) values for RT and RRT were calculated compared with those obtained by a GC-MS ref- from these nine parallel runs. For RRT calcula- erence method. tions, dibenzepin was added to each reference A target database was constructed, includ- standard solution as an internal standard. Mean ing 637 monoisotopic masses for the protonated RSD for RT and RRT was 0.50% and 0.65%, re- molecules of toxicologically relevant therapeu- spectively. Repeatability of RT and RRT proved tic drugs, drugs-of-abuse, metabolites, design- to be of the same magnitude, therefore RT was

28 chosen to be the LC identifi cation parameter as blank urine samples with drugs and metabolites it is simpler to manage. Recalibration of RT val- in decreasing concentrations, starting with an in- ues was required at approximately six-month in- itial concentration of 0.1 mg/l. If a compound tervals, mainly after changing to a new chroma- was not detectable at 0.1 mg/l, the concentra- tographic column. Although RRT use could have tion was increased until a suffi cient response facilitated the recalibration procedure, more was obtained. Three parallel analyses were per- than one internal standard might have been formed at the LOD level, and a compound was needed due to the large polarity scale of the an- considered detected if it was reported in the re- alytes and the batch-to-batch variability of sorb- sults report in all three cases. The criteria for re- ent materials. porting included a 30 ppm mass tolerance, a Table 1 shows the LOD for 90 representa- ±0.2 min RT window and a minimum peak area tive substances. LOD was determined by spiking count of 500.

Table 1. Limits of detection (LOD) and retention times (RT) for 90 com- pounds in urine by LC-TOFMS

Compound RT (min) LOD (mg/l) Acebutolol 7.42 0.01 Alprenolol 10.51 0.01 Amiodarone 16.33 10.0 12.99 0.02 Amphetamine 3.12 0.1 Atenolol 1.59 0.1 Benzoylecgonine 6.63 0.5 Betaxolol 10.78 0.01 Bisoprolol 9.61 0.02 Buprenorphine 11.64 0.2 13.12 0.02 Carvedilol 12.36 0.1 Celiprolol 8.88 0.02 Chloroquine 2.94 0.2 13.59 0.1 Chlorprothixene 13.81 0.5 Cisapride 11.98 0.5 Citalopram 11.44 0.02 Clomipramine 13.97 0.05 14.43 0.2 2.63 0.01 Clozapine 10.73 0.05 Cocaine 8.36 0.02 Codeine 2.47 0.05 Dextropropoxyphene 12.99 0.02 16.04 0.01 Diltiazem 11.74 0.02 Dixyrazine 13.55 0.1 11.51 0.02 Ethylmorphine 5.11 0.05 15.04 0.05 13.60 0.2 Flupentixol 14.61 2.0 Fluvoxamine 12.83 0.05 Glibenclamide 16.80 0.01 Glipizide 15.01 0.1 Hydrocodone 3.94 0.1 10-hydroxycarbamazepine 9.78 0.1 Indomethacin 16.79 0.5 Ketoprofen 15.44 1.0 Levomepromazine 13.06 0.05

29 14.29 0.2 LSD 9.25 0.02 Maprotiline 12.86 0.1 MDMA (ecstasy) 4.18 0.05 Methadone 13.11 0.01 Metamphetamine 3.78 0.01 Metoprolol 7.52 0.02 Mianserine 11.12 0.02 11.17 0.05 Moclobemide 5.89 0.01 6-monoacetylmorphine (MAM) 3.63 0.05 1.49 0.2 Nicotine 1.07 0.5 Nizatidine 1.47 0.02 Norcitalopram 11.25 0.05 Norclomipramine 13.78 0.1 Nordiazepam 15.04 0.1 Norflunitrazepam 13.81 0.2 Normianserine 11.00 0.05 Nortriptyline 12.77 0.05 3.29 0.05 Orphenadrine 12.10 0.05 13.91 0.1 Oxprenolol 9.06 0.1 Paracetamol 2.44 >50 Paroxetine 12.36 0.5 Perphenazine 13.62 0.5 Phenazone 7.32 0.05 Phencyclidine 10.00 0.01 Phenytoin 13.27 >50 Pindolol 4.47 0.5 Practolol 1.91 0.05 Promazine 12.17 0.1 Propranolol 10.35 0.01 Quinine 7.36 0.1 Ranitidine 1.73 0.05 9.63 0.02 Selegiline 6.27 0.1 Sotalol 1.69 0.5 Sulpiride 1.96 0.01 14.51 0.5 Timolol 7.11 0.02 Tramadol 7.45 0.01 13.25 0.1 Venlafaxine 9.42 0.01 Verapamil 13.03 0.02 Warfarin 16.13 0.02 9.02 0.01 7.34 0.2

A mixed mode SPE sorbent combining cat- mol and phenytoin were not detected even at a ion exchange and hydrophobic interaction was concentration of 50 mg/l, because of their low chosen for extraction. A short carbon chain C4 SPE extraction recovery and poor ionisation in provided the cleanest analytical background, the positive mode. For acidic compounds, neg- yet good recoveries. LOD in urine was ≤0.1 mg/ ative ionisation would presumably provide low- l for 66 of the 90 compounds studied, and only er LODs. However, the concentrations of acidic fi ve compounds had an LOD ≥1 mg/l. Paraceta- drugs in biofl uids are normally higher than those

30 of basic drugs (Baselt 2004), and consequent- with molecular mass of ≥200 Da and mass error ly, the present method also allows detection of ≤20 ppm were considered true positive fi ndings many acidic drugs. Generally, the LODs obtained if a parent drug and at least one metabolite were with the present method were higher than those reported. For entries with molecular mass <200 reported with MRM target analyses by LC-MS Da, the mass error tolerance was 30 ppm. En- (Van Bocxlaer et al. 2000), but at the same level tries were considered as false positive fi ndings, if as in other screening applications (Gergov et al. the mass criteria were met but without metabo- 2000, Thevis et al. 2001). lites being reported and with a negative GC-MS Fifty authentic autopsy urine samples were screen. The total number of compounds identi- analysed by the LC-TOFMS method, and the re- fi ed by LC-TOFMS was higher than by GC-MS. sults were compared with a reference GC-MS However, some acidic compounds, such as ibu method applying comprehensive commercial profen and valproic acid, were not detected by spectrum libraries. Figures 5a and 5b show an LC-TOFMS as they were not ionisable in positive LC-TOFMS total ion chromatogram (TIC) and a ESI, and therefore they were not included in the corresponding results report list for an autopsy database. Seven caffeine fi ndings were missed urine sample. Compounds marked bold in Fig- by LC-TOFMS, mainly due to the low mass and ure 5b are considered as true positive fi ndings poor peak shape of caffeine, resulting in a mass in the report. The number of true positives, false error higher than 30 ppm. The false positive fi nd- positives, false negatives and unidentifi ed com- ings, such as meclozine, amitriptyline and dex- pounds (not included in the database) by LC- tropropoxyphene, were apparently endogenous TOFMS are shown in Figure 6. For compounds components from autopsy urine samples with with an RT available, this classifi cation was based unresolved adjacent molecular mass. on the following criteria. Entries in the report


T0.25 100 6.0E+4






% Intensity % T15.72 40 T9.54

T7.45 30 T14.79

T15.43 T8.94 20 T1.31 T2.37

T3.72 T11.60 T13.12 T14.05 T17.39 T16.64 10 T8.01 T9.19 T10.11 T12.91 T4.18 T11.03 T14.54 T16.50 T3.16 T8.23 T11.28 T12.41 T13.48 T17.21 T1.88 T6.06 T5.11 T6.74 T17.85 T0.85 0 0 0 3.8 7.6 11.4 15.2 19.0 Retention Time (Min) Figure 5a. A total ion chromatogram of a solid-phase extracted autopsy urine sample acquired by LC-TOFMS.

31 Sample ID: 4551 Mass List Used: C:\Mariner\Program\screening\TOFseu070307.xls Acquisition Date: Sep 02 02:02:00 2008 Set File Used: C:\Mariner\Program\screening\APScreen.set Report Date: 9/2/2008 09:39

RT exp d RT Compound RT [min] [min] [min] Err [ppm] Err [mDa] Peak Area Mass Found Ref. Mass Formula Reg. No. NORDIAZEPAM 15,08 15,16 -0,08 -9,6 -2,6 2349,4 271,0659 271,0633 C15H11N2OCl 154 OXAZEPAM 14,05 14,01 0,04 -8,2 -2,3 5041,9 287,0605 287,0582 C15H11N2O2Cl 155 DIAZEPAM 16,07 16,17 -0,1 -12,6 -3,6 908,4 285,0825 285,0789 C16H13N2OCl 1341 15,18 15,31 -0,13 -4,6 -1,4 11083,5 301,0752 301,0738 C16H13N2O2Cl 1343 CAFFEINE 4,22 4,2 0,02 -17,1 -3,3 4316,5 195,091 195,0877 C8H10N4O2 1451 CODEINE 2,37 2,29 0,09 -3,4 -1 16648,6 300,1604 300,1594 C18H21NO3 1831 NORCODEINE 2,16 2,06 0,11 -19,1 -5,5 562,2 286,1492 286,1438 C17NH19O3 1832 4-HYDROXYPROPRANOLOL 12,63 0 12,63 -12,7 -3,5 1318,2 276,1629 276,1594 C16H21NO3 2144 NORHYDROCODONE 2,16 0 2,16 -19,1 -5,5 562,2 286,1492 286,1438 C17H19NO3 2932 HYDROXYCLOMIPRAMINE 11,03 0 11,03 -0,9 -0,3 633,1 331,1575 331,1572 C19H23N2OCl 3633 NORCLOBAZAM 14,05 0 14,05 -8,2 -2,3 5041,9 287,0605 287,0582 C15N2H11O2Cl 3832 P-HYDROXYNOREPHEDRINE 1,31 0 1,31 21,3 3,6 973,3 168,0983 168,1019 C9H13NO2 3933 NORALPRENOLOL 4,08 0 4,08 -17 -4 2127,2 236,1685 236,1645 C14H21NO2 7633 P-HYDROXYPHENYTOIN 14,86 0 14,86 25,7 6,9 2029,7 269,0852 269,0921 C15H12N2O3 7942 M-HYDROXYPHENYTOIN 14,86 0 14,86 25,7 6,9 2029,7 269,0852 269,0921 C15H12N2O3 7943 3,4-DIHYDRODIHYDROXYPHENYTOIN 12,95 0 12,95 -5,8 -1,7 1002,5 287,1043 287,1026 C15H14N2O4 7944 TRAMADOL 7,41 7,37 0,04 5,1 1,3 52180 264,1945 264,1958 C16NH25O2 8861 O-DESMETHYLTRAMADOL 3,72 3,56 0,16 -3,7 -0,9 6501,2 250,1811 250,1802 C15H23NO2 8862 NORTRAMADOL 7,59 7,48 0,11 -19,3 -4,8 2236 250,185 250,1802 C15H23NO2 8863 O-DESMETHYLNORTRAMADOL 4,08 3,88 0,2 -17 -4 2127,2 236,1685 236,1645 C14H21NO2 8864 NORMEDAZEPAM 11,7 0 11,7 -21,4 -5,5 795,5 257,0895 257,084 C15H13N2Cl 9466 HYDROXYMETHYLTOLBUTAMIDE 16,07 0 16,07 28 8 1772,3 285,0824 285,0904 C12H16N2O4S 9533 DINORVENLAFAXINE 3,72 0 3,72 -3,7 -0,9 6501,2 250,1811 250,1802 C15H23NO2 9844 DINORVENLAFAXINE 7,59 0 7,59 -19,3 -4,8 2236 250,185 250,1802 C15H23NO2 9844 NORATROPINE 12,63 0 12,63 -12,7 -3,5 1318,2 276,1629 276,1594 C16H21NO3 10432 ZOLPIDEM 8,94 8,92 0,02 0,4 0,1 7891,4 308,1756 308,1757 C19H21N3O 10941 2-QUINIDONE 3,4 0 3,4 -15,7 -5,4 1409,4 341,1913 341,186 C20H24N2O3 12132 3-HYDROXYQUINIDINE 3,4 0 3,4 -15,7 -5,4 1409,4 341,1913 341,186 C20H24N2O3 12133 QUININE 7,2 7,17 0,03 -8,8 -2,8 7547 325,1939 325,1911 C20N2H24O2 12231 3-HYDROXYQUININE 3,4 0 3,4 -15,7 -5,4 1409,4 341,1913 341,186 C20H24N2O3 12232 2-HYDROXYQUININE 3,4 0 3,4 -15,7 -5,4 1409,4 341,1913 341,186 C20H24N2O3 12233 NORPROPAFENONE 2,37 0 2,37 -3,4 -1 16648,6 300,1604 300,1594 C18H21NO3 12933 INDOMETHACIN 16,85 16,93 -0,08 5,1 1,8 785,4 358,0822 358,0841 C19NH16O4Cl 13231 HALOPERIDOL REDUCED 15,72 0 15,72 6,3 2,4 4908,6 378,1607 378,1631 C21H25NO2ClF 13654 DINORACETYLMETHADOL 7,23 0 7,23 28,1 9,2 1260 326,2023 326,2115 C21H27NO2 15243 3-METHYLNORFENTANYL 1,38 0 1,38 -10,2 -2,5 6546,6 247,183 247,1805 C15H22N2O 15522 METHOXYTADALAFIL 16,25 0 16,25 26,1 10,2 1107,9 392,1502 392,1605 C22H21N3O4 16433 RIVASATIGMINE METAB2 11,03 0 11,03 -22,4 -3,7 882,1 164,1107 164,107 C10H13NO 17033 NORDIHYDROCODEINE 14,79 0 14,79 -4,2 -1,2 10135,7 288,1606 288,1594 C17H21NO3 17222 NORSIBUTRAMINE 8,94 0 8,94 12 3,2 705,1 266,1638 266,167 C16H24ClN 17432 2C-O-4 11,81 0 11,81 -22,8 -5,5 558,1 240,1649 240,1594 C13H21O3N n/a IP 11,81 0 11,81 -22,8 -5,5 558,1 240,1649 240,1594 C13NH21O3 n/a EMM 11,81 0 11,81 -22,8 -5,5 558,1 240,1649 240,1594 C13H21O3N n/a MEM 11,81 0 11,81 -22,8 -5,5 558,1 240,1649 240,1594 C13NH21O3 n/a DIBENZEPIN 9,4 9,31 0,09 -14,7 -4,4 4058,2 296,1801 296,1757 C18H21N3O n/a BISOPROLOL 9,54 9,52 0,02 -6,1 -2 44628,6 326,2346 326,2326 C18NH31O4 n/a AJMALINE 8,01 0 8,01 -0,1 0 565,4 327,2067 327,2067 C20H26N2O2 n/a AJMALINE 9,54 0 9,54 -0,1 0 2509 327,2067 327,2067 C20H26N2O2 n/a MECLOZINE 15,72 15,56 0,16 22,4 8,8 2069,9 391,1848 391,1936 C25H27N2Cl n/a

Figure 5b. A results report list generated by the analysis macro program for the autopsy urine sample of Figure 5a. Entries in bold are considered true positive fi ndings.

32 9 8 33 Correct findings by LC-TOFMS

False positives by LC-TOFMS

False negatives by LC-TOFMS

Unidentified by LC-TOFMS


Figure 6. Compounds detected by LC-TOFMS and compared by GC-MS from 50 successive autopsy urine samples. Unidentifi ed compounds are those not included in the LC-TOFMS database.

Identifi cation based solely on accurate mass sentative autopsy urine samples: combination of at the present level of mass accuracy was consid- accurate mass and isotopic pattern, and accurate ered insuffi ciently reliable, allowing only tenta- mass only. The number of entries in the result re- tive identifi cation of metabolites without a PRS. port list and the proportion of true positive fi nd- However, the combination of accurate mass, me- ings were studied. tabolite pattern, and available RTs proved to be The database was based on that used in feasible. The LC-TOFMS method described has study I, but it was extended to include 735 en- been in daily routine use for four years, and all tries. From the data acquired by LC-TOFMS, the parts of the procedure, from sample preparation automated database search reported hits with- to data analysis, have complied with the high- in a selected retention time window, peak ar- throughput screening concept. ea, mass tolerance and isotopic pattern match. A post-processing script created extracted ion + 5.1.2. The effect of isotopic pattern chromatograms (EIC) of the expected MH ions for each compound of the database within a in screening analysis (II) -3 very narrow m/z window (±3×10 ). On these, trace peak detection was applied, and a MS The effect of isotopic pattern determination in spectrum was created for each chromatographic combination with accurate mass was evaluated peak. Each MS spectrum was associated with a for identifi cation in LC-TOFMS screening. The distinct substance in the database and a Sigma- principle of the LC-TOFMS method was similar Fit (isotopic pattern match) was calculated. This to that described in the previous study (I), but a included generation of a theoretical isotope pat- new generation TOFMS analyser (Bruker micrO- tern and calculation of a match factor based on TOF) with improved performance was used. The the deviation from the measured ion abundanc- instrument allowed measuring a numerical value es. Final sorting and scoring of the result list was TM for the isotopic pattern match, SigmaFit , as a performed by an MS Excel script based on RT, new identifi cation parameter together with the mass error tolerance, SigmaFit and peak area. accurate mass on a routine basis. Two identifi ca- An example of measured and calculated isotopic tion procedures were compared with fi ve repre- patterns is shown in Figures 7a and 7b.

33 Intens. +MS, 11.9-12.0min #(1205-1217) x105 a




2 326.1730

327.1770 0 324 325 326 327 328 329 m/z

Intens. C20H21F1N2O1, M+nH ,325.17 x105 b





2 326.1743 327.1773

0 324 325 326 327 328 329 m/z

Figure 7a ja 7b. Measured (a) and calculated theoretical (b) isotopic pattern of citalopram.

Five parallel runs of each solid-phase-extract- exceeded by only one true positive entry, repre- ed autopsy urine samples were performed by LC- senting hydroxyalprazolam. This was a false neg- TOFMS. For data handling, two data processing ative by procedure A. In this case the SigmaFit software settings were used. In the fi rst proce- value was as high as 0.5 in all fi ve parallel runs dure (procedure A), identifi cation was based on because of a co-eluting matrix compound with both accurate mass and isotopic pattern, with a an adjacent molecular mass. The mean of the SigmaFit upper limit set at 0.03 and a mass error mass error absolute values was 2.51 ppm (medi- tolerance set at 10 ppm. In the second procedure an 2.17 ppm), corresponding to 0.65 mDa (me- (procedure B), identifi cation was based on accu- dian 0.60 mDa), and the range was from -4.90 rate mass only, with a SigmaFit upper limit set at to 9.80 ppm. The mass accuracy or SigmaFit was 1.0 and a mass error tolerance set at 10 ppm. not affected by ion abundance or the concentra- In both procedures, the minimum area count tions of the detected compounds. was set at 50,000 and a retention time window TIC and EIC for a urine sample are shown in of ±0.3 min was used for those compounds for Figures 8a and 8b, respectively, and the corre- which retention time was available in the data- sponding results report list is presented in Figure base. The entries in the results report lists by pro- 8c. The compounds highlighted by the software cedure A and procedure B were compared, and are those for which RT, SigmaFit and mass er- the fi ndings were classifi ed as true positive, false ror were within the pre-selected limits. The com- positive and false negative fi ndings. The refer- pound codes facilitated the interpretation of the ence list of true positive fi ndings was based on fi ndings by connecting parent compounds with the laboratory’s established methods of investi- their metabolites (see Materials and Methods). gation and case background information. The lengths of the results report lists by pro- The mean SigmaFit value for the true posi- cedure A and procedure B are compared in Fig- tive fi ndings was 0.0066 (median 0.0051). The ures 9a and 9b. The false positive entries were selected SigmaFit tolerance value of 0.03 was mainly metabolites of compounds for which an

34 Time [min] 18 16 34 14 ed entries are those for 33 32 12 31 30 29 28 10 27 26 25 24 23 22 8 16 19 21 15 14 18 20 17 13 12 11 10 9 8 6 1451 M+H+2141 M+H+2144 M+H+ C8H11N4O25022 M+H+ C16H22N1O28921 M+H+ C16H22N1O38922 M+H+ C8H10N1O2 C17H20N3 231966 303507 C16H18N3 61809.5 145553 7 30 7670258 10 1195411 5 20 13 10432 M+H+10433 M+H+10941 M+H+ C16H22N1O314353 M+H+ C17H24N1O414354 M+H+ C19H22N3O199999 M+H+ C23H28F1N4O3 61809.5 C23H28F1N4O3 62961.8 C18H22N3O1 92475.3 87417.6 87417.6 11 14 717680 24 25 26 27 7 4 6 code PseudoM formula area Cmpd An extracted ion chromatogram generated by the post-processing 5 2 4 3 2 1 Figure 8b. Figure software, showing the target compounds found in autopsy urine sample of Figure 8a. 0 5 6 4 2 0 x10 Intens. T im e [m in ] 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 A total ion chromatogram of a solid-phase extracted autopsy urine A results report list for the autopsy urine sample of Figures 8a and b generated by post-processing software. The highlight 2 T IC +A ll M S 306.17 1.70 0.0076 8.049 0 8.05 ATROPINE-N-OXIDE 427.214427.214 0.34 0.34 0.0130 0.0130 9.269 9.269 0 0 9.27 7-HYDROXYRISPERIDONE 9.27 9-HYDROXYRISPERIDONE 0 195.0877260.1645276.1694 -0.44152.0706 0.39 0.0017266.1652 0.72252.1495 0.0095 -5.71 4.303276.1694 0.0066 1.46 10.667 0.0043 1.06308.1757 0.0124 7.113 0.72 10.49 2.285 4.1 0.0124 0.0066 8.067 0.12296.1757 7.646 0.18 2.33 PROPRANOLOL 0 0.2 0.0032 7.113 CAFFEINE 7.95 3.13 -0.05 PARACETAMOL 9.268 7.11 4-HYDROXYPROPRANOLOL 0 0.0248 0.12 0 9.11 9.628 7.65 NORMIRTAZAPINE 7.11 NORATROPINE 0.16 ZOLPIDEM 9.41 0.22 DIBENZEPIN 6 Figure 8a. Figure sample acquired by LC-TOFMS. 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 m/z (theo) err [ppm] sigma meas rt rt (theo) delta rt substance Figure 8c. Figure which retention time, SigmaFit and mass error were within the pre-selected limits. x10 In te n s.

35 RT was not available in the database due to a mass adjacent to dibenzepin. lack of reference substances. The number of A mass tolerance of 10 ppm and a Sigma- false positives and the capability of detecting Fit upper limit of 0.03 proved to be appropriate substances at trace levels is a compromise, and values for identifi cation. Isotopic pattern match in practical work, it is important to optimise the clearly decreased the number of false positive sensitivity of the LC-TOFMS method. Procedure entries on the result report lists. This was ob- A, based on accurate mass and isotopic pattern, served especially with concentrated and putre- produced 61% true positive fi ndings. Procedure fi ed urines, but also with relatively clean sam- B, based on accurate mass only, produced more ples. Very constant SigmaFit and mass error val- false positive fi ndings and the proportion of true ues were obtained for true positive fi ndings. The positive fi ndings was 49%. The false negative present LC-TOFMS method allowed the use of fi ndings in procedure A represented hydroxy- a narrower mass window than in the original (see above) and dibenzepin in both method (I), in which a mean mass error was 7 procedures. The latter was due to a co-eluting ppm and a mass tolerance of 30 ppm was used. doxepin N-oxide peak, possessing an molecular

a Procedure A (ǻppm=10, ı =0.03)


45 True positives False positives False negatives 83

b Procedure B (ǻppm=10, ı =1)


True positives 72 False positives 84 False negatives

Figure 9a ja 9b. Lengths of the results report lists by LC-TOFMS using procedure A, utilising SigmaFit and accurate mass (a), versus pro- cedure B, utilising accurate mass only (b). The false positive entries were mainly metabolites for which retention time was not available in the database.

36 Isotopic pattern determination is not a new 5.2. Analysis of street drugs (III) invention; it has been previously used in sub- stance identifi cation already in 1980s by using Twenty-one seized street drug samples were ana- low resolution MS (Kavanagh 1980). Isotopic lysed qualitatively by LC-TOFMS (Mariner), using pattern has proven useful for confi rming com- the method described earlier (I), and quantifi ed pound identity and facilitating chemical structure by LC-CLND using caffeine as single secondary characterisation by mass spectrometry, because standard. The sample preparation procedure was it is information-rich and almost independent of kept simple and rapid, comprising only dilution. instrument type and ionisation technique (Rock- The results were compared with those obtained wood et al. 2003). The present thesis is the fi rst by accredited reference methods (see original to utilise isotopic pattern determination in com- publication). The LC-TOFMS database consisted prehensive LC-TOFMS screening analyses based of 735 compounds, including therapeutic drugs, on a target database search. Use of isotopic pat- drugs-of-abuse, metabolites and designer drugs. terns clearly improved the performance of the Identifi cation of designer drugs was based on ac- method, but false positives report entries were curate mass only, because the corresponding PRS still produced for compounds for which PRS were were not available. Table 2 shows the results ob- not available. Hence, the combination of accu- tained by LC-TOFMS and LC-CLND, compared rate mass and isotopic pattern provides a meth- with those of the reference methods. od for tentative identifi cation, which should then be confi rmed with other methods.

The logo of the Department of Forensic Medicine designed by Professor Kari Suomalainen.

37 Table 2. Identifi cation of seized samples by LC-TOFMS and quantifi cation by LC-CLND

Sample Compounds identified by LC- Mass error Compounds identified by C (%) RSD (%) C (%) Relative TOFMS by reference methods by By by reference difference (%) LC-TOFMS LC-CLND LC-CLND methods between (ppm) methods 1 amphetamine -14.8 amphetamine 23 4.3 22 4.5 2a heroin -8.6 heroin 2.5 16 2.4 4.2 6-monoacetylmorphine (MAM) -5.7 6-monoacetylmorphine (MAM) amphetamine -24 amphetamine 4.4 5.8 4.9 -10 chloroquine -9.9 chloroquine 3.1 2.9 desethylchloroquineb acetylcodeineb 3 amphetamine -9.0 amphetamine 49 2.5 42 17 4a amphetamine -7.6 amphetamine 8.1 14 8.8 -8.0 cocaine 5.6 cocaine 21 2.2 24 -13 lidocaine -2.5 lidocaine piracetamb cinnamoylcocaineb 5 5-methoxy-N,N- -5.1 5-methoxy-N,N- 120 4.7 dimethyltryptamine dimethyltryptamine 6 5-methoxytryptamine 1.2 5-methoxytryptamine 97 0.12 7 amphetamine -3.2 amphetamine 69 0.51 8 4-iodo-2,5- 7.8 4-iodo-2,5- 79 6.1 dimethoxyphenethylamine dimethoxyphenethylamine 9 cocaine 3.4 cocaine 72 3.7 benzoylecgonine (minor -5.3 NRc component) ecgonine methyl ester (minor -10.0 NR component) 10 5-methoxy-N,N-di- 6.5 5-methoxy-N,N-di- 2.2 5.3 isopropyltryptamine isopropyltryptamine 11 heroin 7.6 heroin 62 5.9 6-monoacetylmorphine (MAM) -3.7 6-monoacetylmorphine (MAM) (minor component) (minor component) 12 5-methoxy- -3.8 5-methoxy- 0.4 19 alphamethyltryptamine alphamethyltryptamine 13 N,N-dipropyltryptamine 5.5 N,N-dipropyltryptamine 74 4.6 14 2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine -1.0 2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine 53 7.0 2,4,5-trimethoxy- 1.2 NR phenethylamine (minor component) 15 MDMA (ecstasy) 5.9 MDMA (ecstasy) 19 0.76 16 4-hydroxy-N,N-di- -3.2 4-hydroxy-N,N-di- 59 7.2 isopropyltryptamine/ / isopropyltryptamine/ / 4-hydroxy-N,N- -3.2 NR 59 dipropyltryptamine 5,6-dimethoxy-N-isopropyl-N- -3.0 NR methyltryptamine (minor component) 17 amphetamine -9.2 amphetamine 38 0.34 41 -7.3 18 amphetamine -8.7 amphetamine 27 4.5 25 8.0 19 amphetamine -15.6 amphetamine 11 7.5 14 -21 20 amphetamine -11.3 amphetamine 33 4.1 28 18 21 amphetamine -12.9 amphetamine 17 7.4 18 -5.6

a Mixture of two samples b Not included in LC-TOFMS mass library c NR, not reported

Identifi cation of the active compounds in the additional techniques should be used for identi- street drug samples was straightforward since fi cation. In sample 9, the reference method was the number of drug-like components in the sam- not able to identify benzoylecgonine and ecgo- ples varied only from one to fi ve, and the sam- nine methyl ester, but these entries were obvi- ple matrix was relatively simple compared to the ously true positive fi ndings as by-products of co- biological material. An example TIC is shown in caine. The additional compounds found by the Figure 10. The LC-TOFMS results report listed on- reference methods, such as desethyl chloroquine ly one entry per detected mass, except for sam- (sample 1), acetylcodeine (samples 1 and 11), pi- ple 16, in which two entries of identical molec- racetam (sample 4) and cinnamoylcocaine (sam- ular formula were listed. Based on the accurate ple 4), were not included in the LC-TOFMS da- mass of the protonated molecule, identical mo- tabase. In sample 14, a trace of 2,4,5-trimeth- lecular formulae cannot be differentiated, and oxyphenethylamine was detected by LC-TOFMS

38 and interpreted as a true positive fi nding, since the caffeine response curve, and the drug con- the compound was structurally related to the centrations were calculated using the ratio of ni- main fi nding of 2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine. trogen content and molecular mass of the com- In sample 16, the small peak of 5,6-dimethoxy- pound. An example LC-CLND chromatogram of N-isopropyl-N-methyltryptamine was considered a seized sample is shown in Figure 11. Quantita- a false positive fi nding. The mean and median of tive results by reference methods were available the absolute values of the mass errors between for 11 sample components of the 32 identifi ed calculated and measured mass were 7.2 and compounds. The mean relative difference be- 5.9 ppm, respectively, but for one low-molecu- tween the results by LC-CLND and the reference lar-weight amphetamine, the mass error ranged methods was 11%, and the range was 4.2-21%. from 3.2 to even 24 ppm. A mean RSD of 6% was obtained for three paral- The identifi ed components were quantifi ed lel LC-CLND analyses. In sample 5, the amount of using the single-calibrant LC-CLND method. 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine was as high Three parallel analyses in three dilutions were as 120%, possibly because of co-elution with a performed, and the concentration was calcu- matrix component. This co-elution was not de- lated from the dilution, in which the peak area tected by LC-TOFMS, but the UV chromatogram was within the range of the caffeine calibration indicated a fronting peak with a UV spectrum standards. The amount of nitrogen per injected identical to the main peak. sample component was calculated directly from


T8.50 6.4E+4 100 cocaine






50 % Intensity

40 amphetamine


T1.38 20 lidocaine


0 0 0 3.8 7.6 11.4 15.2 19.0 Retention Time (Min) Figure 10. LC-TOFMS total ion chromatogram of a seized street drug sample, obtained after a sim- ple dilution

39 ADC1 A, ADC1 (001-0201.D) mV 160 1.472 1.976 1.472 1.976

140 amphetamine 1.221 120 1.221 cocaine 100 6.639 6.639 1.106 80 1.106 3.707 3.707 60


20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 min Figure 11. LC-CLND chromatogram for the sample of Figure 10, obtained after a simple dilution

The present approach combining LC-TOFMS plied prior to chromatography. Analysis without and LC-CLND was an extremely quick and PRS necessitated the estimation of the mean re- straightforward way of analysing drugs in seized covery of extraction for basic lipophilic drugs in material. The sample compounds were identifi ed plasma and whole blood by using representa- properly by accurate mass measurement, provid- tive model compounds. The validity of the estab- ed that the corresponding entries were included lished mean extraction recoveries was verifi ed by in the database. The same precautions concern- analysing six profi ciency test samples by the sin- ing identifi cation apply here as mentioned in the gle-calibrant LC-CLND method. previous studies (I, II). LC-CLND is an effectual LLE recoveries with butyl chloride-isopro- tool for the quantifi cation of substances in pow- pyl alcohol for basic lipophilic drugs were de- dered samples, which generally do not require termined from blood specimens spiked with the advance extraction and purifi cation. Criminalis- respective reference standards. The study was tics laboratories would evidently increase their carried out with 33 drugs, representing antide- throughput by using fewer and more effi cient pressants, , antipsychotics, cardio- methods, such as the present two, instead of ap- vascular drugs and opioids (Table 3). The drug plying a range of dedicated target methods. was considered basic and lipophilic if the com- pound’s calculated log D value (octanol/water) at the extraction pH of 11 was greater than 1.5 5.3. Quantification of drugs in and an aliphatic amino group was present in the blood by LC-CLND molecule. Amphoteric drugs were not analysed in the study, except for pentazocine, which, de- spite containing a phenolic hydroxyl group, is suffi ciently lipophilic to be extracted outside of 5.3.1. Basic lipophilic drugs (IV) the optimal pH. The recoveries were determined at two concentrations, 0.2 and 1.0 mg/l, repre- Quantifi cation of basic lipophilic drugs in blood senting therapeutic and toxic levels, respective- specimens was studied by LC-CLND, based on ly. Particularly low dose-drugs were not includ- the detector’s equimolar response to nitrogen, ed in the study. The recoveries were determined and by using caffeine as a single secondary by LC-CLND in four parallel analyses spiked with standard. Because of the complexity of the bio- the PRS in a regular manner. The mean extrac- logical matrix, an extraction procedure was ap- tion recoveries in plasma at 0.2 mg/l and 1.0 mg/

40 l levels were 88 ± 16 and 92 ± 16%, respective- whole blood were 90 ± 18 and 84 ± 16%, re- ly, and in whole blood 80 ± 17 and 87 ± 16%, spectively. The RSD of four parallel injections was respectively. The grand mean extraction recover- below 15%. ies based on concentrations in both plasma and

Table 3. Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) recoveries with butyl chloride-isopropyl alcohol for basic lipophilic drugs from blood specimens.

Compound Log D Recovery of extraction Plasma Whole blood 0.2 mg/l RSD 1.0 mg/l RSD 0.2 mg/l RSD 1.0 mg/l RSD (%) (%) (%) (%) Amitriptyline 4.91 78 3 79 8 84 5 66 9 Aripiprazol 5.59 87 4 100 3 68 6 61 14 Bisoprolol 2.13 - - - - 89 11 95 2 Chlorpromazine 5.19 51 12 107 2 103 5 98 2 Citalopram 2.50 102 7 87 11 97 4 85 4 Clomipramine 5.51 96 2 95 3 62 4 94 7 Clozapine 3.48 96 4 80 5 85 4 72 10 Desipramine 4.04 98 6 95 5 75 10 81 8 Dibenzepin 1.76 57 5 99 6 70 3 82 10 3.66 98 3 97 2 68 4 98 1 Fluoxetine 4.04 64 9 118 5 71 2 86 14 Fluvoxamine 3.10 108 3 58 10 116 11 111 6 Imipramine 4.79 90 2 116 1 82 4 99 10 Levomepromazine 4.93 89 3 96 3 42 10 38 14 Methadone 4.19 99 2 98 3 88 9 86 11 Metoprolol 1.78 86 14 69 8 88 9 98 2 Mianserine 3.67 68 1 85 9 72 11 61 10 Mirtazapine 2.75 - - 68 8 72 9 Norcitalopram 3.13 92 6 98 2 105 5 112 3 Norclomipramine 4.77 97 5 96 5 74 10 88 9 Normethadone 2.76 88 2 101 2 97 2 95 7 Nortramadol 1.88 98 2 91 3 99 3 102 1 Nortrimipramine 4.38 99 5 102 4 72 9 99 3 Nortriptyline 5.61 109 5 82 5 89 4 92 7 Pentazocine 3.58 - - - - 76 4 68 9 Promazine 4.62 66 5 72 7 47 5 78 7 Propranolol 3.09 96 4 93 6 98 9 98 8 1.57 96 2 97 4 70 12 104 4 Thioridazine 6.11 57 9 47 11 63 6 84 11 Tramadol 2.49 101 5 94 8 93 9 109 2 Trimipramine 5.14 85 3 121 5 68 4 73 17 Venlafaxine 2.90 - - - - 95 5 94 1 Verapamil 3.89 110 3 99 3 65 5 93 4 Mean 88 5 92 5 80 6 87 7 Median 94 4 96 5 76 5 92 7

41 The validity of the single-calibrant LC-CLND plasma and whole blood was 19 and 17%, re- method was studied by analysing profi ciency spectively. The standard score (z-score) indicates test samples, without PRS, using the universal how many standard deviations an observation is extraction recoveries established (90% for plas- above or below the mean, allowing comparison ma and 84% for whole blood) (Figure 12a and of observations from different normal distribu- 12b). Based on eight determinations in plasma tions. Based on the profi ciency test results, the and 12 in whole blood samples, the mean ac- z-score of the single-calibrant LC-CLND method curacy in plasma and whole blood was 24 and was better than one (excellent) in plasma for two 17%, respectively. The maximum error was 31% out of eight substances and in whole blood for for both specimens. Repeatability was studied by nine out of 12 substances. The z-score was bet- performing four parallel analyses: the RSD for ter than two (good) for all results.

a 600

500 g/l)

ȝ 400

300 LC-CLND 200 Reference

concentration ( concentration 100


Doxepine/2 Imipramine/1 Imipramine/3 Desipramine/1 Amitriptyline/2Nortriptyline/2 Nordoxepine/2Desipramine/3

42 800 b 700

g/l) 600 ȝ 500 LC-CLND 400 Reference 300 200

concentration ( concentration 100 0

Citalopram/1 Citalopram/2 Citalopram/3 Amitriptyline/1 Methadone/1 Amitriptyline/2 Methadone/2 Amitriptyline/3 Methadone/3

Dextropropoxyphene/1 Dextropropoxyphene/2 Dextropropoxyphene/3

Figure 12a ja 12b. LC-CLND results obtained without primary reference standards for plasma (a) and whole blood (b) profi ciency test samples. Error bars for the reference values represent 95% confi dence limits.

The butyl chloride-isopropyl alcohol extrac- added to the extraction solvent to improve the tion method yielded relatively clean extracts, re- recovery of polar compounds. Emulsion forma- sulting in low background noise in the LC-CLND tion was observed in individual cases, especial- chromatograms (Figure 13). Butyl chloride was ly with plasma samples, and the phenomenon chosen as an extraction solvent based on its was found to signifi cantly affect the recoveries proven applicability to basic lipophilic drugs in of the late-eluting, mostly lipophilic compounds. analytical toxicology. Recognised already in the In cases where visible emulsion formation was 1970s (Siek 1978), butyl chloride has been found observed, the sample preparation was repeated. to provide clean and effi cient extraction with a For reducing emulsion formation, samples were list of recoveries from an aqueous buffer at pH 9 extracted in a rotary shaker instead of a vortex (Demme 2003) reported for over 200 toxicologi- mixer. cally relevant substances. Isopropyl alcohol was

ADC1 A, ADC1 (SOILE\010-1101.D) mV 2 9.863 2.422 1.932

120 1 34 20.203 23.829 11.098 100 80 5 12.814

60 13.140 11.797 6.942 5.047 24 985 22.012 2.875 20.942 13.587 40 23.409 24.587 22.421 19.561 20 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 mi DAD1 A Si 230 10 R f 550 100 (SOILE\010 1101 D)

Figure 13. LC-CLND chromatogram for a whole blood profi ciency test sample after liquid-liquid extraction, showing caffeine (1), citalopram (2), dextropropoxyphene (3), methadone (4) and am- itriptyline (5).

43 Effi cient LC separation plays a key role in LC- mining the tramadol metabolite ratios and the CLND analysis. The chromatographic separation CYP2D6 genotypes for each study subject. was developed for basic lipophilic compounds, The extraction recoveries were determined without optimising the resolution for any par- for the three analytes (tramadol, O-desmethyl- ticular set of compounds. As the mobile phase tramadol, and nortramadol) for the two model must be volatile and free of nitrogen, the reper- compounds for extraction (venlafaxine and ke- toire of suitable buffers was limited, and metha- tobemidone) and for the internal control (dextro- nol was used instead of acetonitrile. Overall, the propoxyphene) in four parallel analyses of plas- study was limited to drugs for which no co-elut- ma spiked at concentrations of 0.05, 0.15 and ing compounds from the matrix were detected, 0.50 mg/l. The structures of the compounds and and hence clomipramine and norclomipramine, their log D values (octanol/water) at different pH for example, were excluded from the plasma values are shown in Figure 14a and b. The model analyses. compounds with chemical properties similar to The present study was the fi rst to apply LLE tramadol and its metabolites were used for es- in a single-calibrant LC-CLND analysis. The re- tablishing the extraction recoveries from plasma. peatability of the LLE method was found to be Venlafaxine, as a basic compound possessing a suffi ciently constant for forensic and clinical toxi- tertiary aliphatic amine group, represented tra- cology purposes. In the methods published earli- madol and nortramadol. Ketobemidone with a er, protein precipitation has been used in sample tertiary aliphatic amine group and a phenolic hy- preparation (Deng et al. 2004). However, during droxyl group is amphoteric and represented O- the development of the present method, both desmethyltramadol. Dextropropoxyphene was protein precipitation and the SPE approach pro- used as an internal control to monitor the qual- duced unsatisfactory results, even when using ity of sample preparation and chromatography; automatic sample preparation. LC-CLND func- however, it was not used to correct the results. tioned well with LLE-treated biological samples, The standard deviation (SD) of day-to-day reten- and even after thousands of injections, no major tion times over a three-week period was below maintenance operations were needed. 0.03 min. High caffeine concentrations were found to interfere with nortramadol under the present chromatographic conditions, and conse- 5.3.2. Tramadol and metabolites (V) quently the study subjects were advised to re- frain from consuming caffeine for two days be- The opioid analgesic drug tramadol was taken as fore sampling. The LOQ for tramadol, nortrama- an example of the use of the single-calibrant LC- dol and O-desmethyltramadol was 15, 15 and CLND method in a clinical context. After a sin- 30 µg/l, respectively. These limits were suffi cient- gle dose of 100 mg tramadol to four volunteers, ly low for analysing the compounds at therapeu- tramadol and its two main metabolites, O-des- tic concentrations, although the required plasma methyltramadol and nortramadol, were quan- sample volume was as high as 5 ml. The LOQs tifi ed from plasma samples without PRS by LC- obtained were at the same level as those report- CLND, applying the extraction recoveries ob- ed for GC-MS (Goeringer et al. 1997), but not as tained with model compounds. The study was low as with LC coupled to fl uorescence detec- applied to a pharmacogenetic setting by deter- tion (Rouini et al. 2006).



1.48 OH 0.98 OH

O pH 7 14 CH3 O pH CH3 7 14

-0.59 -1.08


H 3C LogD O 2.91

CH 1.88 3 N CH3 OH

pH -0.19 7 14




LogD LogD 1.43 OH 1.43 CH3 N OH H3C O 0.52 0.45

pH pH 7 14 7 14

-1.31 -1.52

Figure 14. Structures and predicted log D values at different pH using ACDLabs 8.0 software: Ba- sic analytes, tramadol and nortramadol, and their model compound venlafaxine (a); Amphoteric analyte O-desmethyltramadol and its model compound ketobemidone (b).

The mean extraction recoveries for tramadol, and nortramadol analysis, and the recovery of nortramadol and O-desmethyltramadol were ketobemidone (30%) was used for correcting 88%, 95% and 32%, respectively, with an RSD O-desmethyltramadol analysis. The LC-CLND re- between 11 and 14%. The mean extraction re- sults were compared with those obtained by a coveries for the model compounds, venlafaxine GC-MS reference method (Figure 15). The mean and ketobemidone, were 89% and 30%, re- difference between the results of the two meth- spectively. The single-calibrant LC-CLND analysis ods for tramadol, nortramadol and O-desmeth- of the study subjects’ plasma samples included yltramadol was 8%, 32% and 19%, respectively, the following procedure: the recovery of venla- and the range was 0-60%. These values repre- faxine (89%) was used for correcting tramadol sent typical method-to-method differences, and

45 the mean values are similar to or only slightly phenotype with one or two functional genes. A higher than the bioanalytical within-method vali- correlation between the number of functional dation criteria of 15-20% for accuracy and preci- genes and the tramadol/O-desmethyltramadol sion (Shah et al. 2000b). Despite of the relatively plasma metabolite ratios was found in the study, high differences between LC-CLND and GC-MS despite the small subject pool. The metabolic ra- results, the magnitude of the results was similar. tios obtained for extensive metabolisers were, ir- The cytochrome P450 (CYP) isoenzyme CYP2D6 respective of technique, comparable to the range has been shown to convert tramadol to O-des- reported earlier (Borlak et al. 2003). The present methyltramadol, while CYP3A4 is believed to study shows that single-calibrant LC-CLND can convert tramadol to nortramadol (Paar 1992). be used to provide metabolic ratios of tramadol CYP2D6 is generally polymorphic, and it has im- and other substances within therapeutic drug plications for tramadol/O-desmethyltramadol ra- monitoring and toxicology, if model compounds tios. Figure 15 shows the number of functional are used to establish the extraction recoveries. A CYP2D6 genes of each of the four study sub- disadvantage with biological samples is the lim- jects. Subject 1 had an ultrarapid metaboliser ited sensitivity of the detector, for which a 5 ml phenotype with active whole gene duplication, sample volume was required. and subjects 2-4 had an extensive metaboliser

0,9 0,8 0,7 0,6

0,5 GC-MS 0,4 LC-CLND 0,3 Log(tramadol/

-desmethyltramadol) 0,2 O 0,1 0 0123• Number of functional genes

Figure 15. The number of functional CYP2D6 genes and the corresponding metabolite ratios measured by LC-CLND and GC-MS.


The following three dimensions can be associ- sations, including WADA, the International As- ated with the quality of the outcome of foren- sociation of Forensic Toxicologists, the Centre for sic and clinical drug analysis: 1) qualitative anal- Veterinary Medicine of the US Food and Drug ysis should cover a wide spectrum of toxic and Administration, and the European Union (EU). abused substances with a high degree of relia- Very detailed rules are presented in EU Commis- bility, 2) quantitative analysis should measure the sion Decision 2002/657/EC implementing Coun- quantity of the relevant substances with reason- cil Directive 96/23/EC, concerning performance able accuracy, e.g. differentiating therapeutic, of analytical methods and the interpretation of toxic and lethal concentrations, and 3) the anal- results for laboratories involved in animal and ysis should be completed within an acceptable meat residues analyses (European Union 2002). period of time. Unequivocal determination of the For instance, MS techniques measuring specifi c identity of compounds is of crucial importance in ions were valuated according to the number of forensic science and toxicology because of legal information points (IP) related to the technique. consequences, and failure in analysis may lead Interestingly, LC-MS was given an IP of 1.0 for to overturning of court convictions and a loss of an ion (or a precursor ion) and 1.5 for a prod- confi dence in the laboratory (Hibbert 2003). In a uct ion, but for high resolution LC-MS, these clinical context, incorrect analysis may result in a values were 2.0 and 2.5, respectively. The RRT misdiagnosis and costly unnecessary treatment, criteria for LC were <2.5%. To attain the mini- or worse, in the lack of necessary treatment. mum requirement of 4.0 IPs, at least two low- There is no general agreement on how a suf- resolution MRM ion transitions are required or fi cient level of certainty should be achieved in one at high resolution. A proposal to specify and the qualitative bioanalysis of drugs. In his polem- change these rules has been recently published, ical review, de Zeeuw concluded that substance stating that at least three TOFMS ions would be identifi cation is a neglected and misunderstood required versus four low-resolution MS ions in domain in analytical toxicology and suggested order to achieve the minimum of 4.0 IPs (Nielen rapid and concerted actions to improve gener- et al. 2007). However, these considerations can- al knowledge, to defi ne uniform strategies in not be directly extended to analysis without PRS, the analytical approach and in the interpreta- in which the chromatographic identifi cation pa- tion of results, and to set up and maintain suit- rameter is missing. able banks of reference substances and compu- The LC-TOFMS methods presented in this terised databases to allow unambiguous identi- thesis were the fi rst to involve accurate mass- fi cation (de Zeeuw 2004). The information pow- based identifi cation against a comprehensive da- er of different analytical techniques has, in fact, tabase in a high-throughput manner in biologi- been discussed (Hartstra et al. 2000) using sev- cal samples. Although some LC-TOFMS screen- eral mathematical approaches, such as mean ing methods have been published earlier (Zhang list length method, discriminating power (Mof- et al. 2000a, Maizels and Budde 2001, Nielen fat et al. 1978) and information content (Mas- et al. 2001), those methods were limited to a sart 1973). But these theoretical considerations, low number of substances and lacked the da- though valuable in themselves, give little practi- ta processing properties necessary for high- cal advice for judging the validity of a particular throughput analysis. The success of the present result in a particular case. An extensively cited methods was based on the unique approach of review by Rivier (Rivier 2003) is more practical- a post-run reverse target database search (Ger- ly oriented and brings together detailed guide- gov et al. 2001a), optimised extraction and chro- lines and requirements for chromatographic and matography, and the improved properties of the spectrometric techniques from different organi- modern orthogonal acceleration TOFMS analys-

47 ers, featuring accurate mass analysis over a wide es. They used capillary electrophoresis (CE) for dynamic range. From the vast amount of full- separation, and utilised a subset of the large spectrum data gathered during an LC-TOFMS PubChem Compound database (National Insti- run, relevant information can be retrieved imme- tutes of Health, USA) as a reference database diately, or afterwards if a new question is posed. (Polettini et al. 2008). This database contains ap- Hence, although clearly being target screenings, proximately 50,500 compounds, including bio- the present methods possess similar potential for logically active small molecules, pharmaceutical systematic toxicological analysis as those that and illicit drugs, pesticides and poisons. The av- involve the IDA approach (Decaestecker et al. erage number of hits with identical chemical for- 2000). When LC-TOFMS analysis is based on ac- mula was 1.82 ± 2.27, with a median of one curate molecular mass, isotopic pattern, metab- and range from one to 39. However, the prob- olite pattern and chromatographic RT, very reli- ability of a search retrieving different entries with able identifi cation is obtained, fulfi lling the re- identical was higher than with quirements of confi rmation analysis. However, if smaller databases. The authors acknowledged the appropriate PRS is not available, the result that additional information, such as history or should be considered tentative and confi rmed circumstantial data, concomitant presence of by another independent technique. The current parent drug and metabolite, selective sample developments in QTOF-MS technology obvious- preparation, liquid chromatographic retention, ly allow an analogous screening procedure to and CE migration behavior, must be used in or- be developed, but include an additional confi - der to tighten the focus of the search. dence level for identifi cation of unknown com- Kind and Fiehn studied accurate mass meas- pounds based on CID and fragmentation predic- urement and isotopic pattern in the fi eld of me- tion (Sweeney 2007, Hill et al. 2008, Stranz et tabolomics (Kind and Fiehn 2006). Metabolomics al. 2008). tries to identify and quantify all metabolites in a Some scientists think that the chances of given biological context. Generating more than fi nding the identity of an unknown compound 1.6 million molecular formulae in a range of 0- increase with the total number of reference 500 Da while strictly observing mathematical spectra in the database (Aebi and Bernhard and chemical rules, they concluded that a mass 2002). Thurman et al. proposed a scheme for us- spectrometer capable of 3 ppm mass accuracy ing LC-TOFMS with a very large database search and 2% error for isotopic abundance patterns for pesticide residues in tomato skins (Thurman outperforms mass spectrometers that have less et al. 2005). The method fi rst involved initial de- than 1 ppm mass accuracy as well as hypotheti- tection of a possible unknown pesticide in ac- cal mass spectrometers with 0.1 ppm mass accu- tual marketplace vegetable extracts by using ac- racy that do not include isotope information in curate mass and by generating empirical formu- the calculation of molecular formulae (Kind and lae, then searching either the Merck Index data- Fiehn 2006). This fi nding, though based on a dif- base on CD (10,000 compounds) or the ChemIn- ferent analytical context, supports a greater sig- dex (77,000 compounds) for possible structures. nifi cance for isotopic pattern determination, as Subsequently, an ion-trap MS instrument was was also found in the present thesis. required to measure MS/MS spectra, followed In forensic and clinical drug analysis, the use by fragment ion identifi cation using chemical of accurate mass measurement with very large drawing software and comparison with accu- databases may be feasible in instances where rate-mass ion fragments. Finally, verifi cation was much effort and time have to be put into solving performed with authentic standards, if available. a single important case. However, high-through- Based on the three examples provided, the ap- put screening that focuses on the prevalent proach is innovative, but rather laborious. drugs and poisons, as described in this thesis, Polettini et al. further extended the approach has shown its applicability in practice. In Finland, of LC-TOFMS screening with very large databas- roughly 80% of fatal poisonings are due to only

48 20 different drugs. The use of very large databas- tion because of the lack of volatile, nitrogen-free es necessarily results in a number of false posi- bases. The organic phase was generally metha- tive fi ndings that require extra resources in terms nol or isopropyl alcohol since acetonitrile cannot of interpretation and time-consuming confi rma- be used with LC-CLND. However, when using tion analyses. isopropyl alcohol, the back-pressure can rapidly Despite the immense value of reliable broad- increase too high, particularly when small par- spectrum identifi cation, many application are- ticle size LC columns are involved. Trifl uoroace- as are essentially dependent on quantitative re- tic acid has been used as an organic modifi er in sults, threshold values or cut-off limits (Wennig the LC for improving the separation of carboxy- 2000). The performance of single-calibrant LC- lic acids, and it was also found to provide more CLND has been extensively studied in terms of effi cient mass transfer of basic compounds with linear range, accuracy and reproducibility. The amine groups, resulting in reduced peak tailing linear range for diverse compounds via fl ow in- (Chan and Fujinari 2004). Mobile phase fl ow rate jection ranged from 0.05 to 5 mM nitrogen, and in LC-CLND should be less than 0.4 ml/min (Nus- the absolute response exhibited an average er- baum et al. 2002). Because of the limitations de- ror of <10% among the compounds (Shah et scribed above, the optimisation of LC separation al. 2000a). In another study, the response was is challenging. In the present thesis, chromato- found to be close to quantitative, depending graphic optimisation software, particularly Dry- on structures, with a variation of 10-20% when Lab, were used to facilitate LC method develop- compounds contained isolated nitrogen atoms ment for separating basic lipophilic drugs. How- (Yan et al. 2007). Regarding compounds with ever, the separation is always a compromise be- adjacent nitrogen atoms connected by a single tween the run time, sensitivity and resolution. bond, e.g. triazoles or pyrazoles, the CLND re- Sample preparation for LC-CLND bioanalysis sponse was highly structure-dependent. In these is a demanding task. A complex biological ma- cases, a structurally similar calibration compound trix does not allow samples to be injected directly should be used in quantifi cation. The day-to-day into the system, and all sample preparation pro- reproducibility of calibration curves remained cedures necessarily affect the recovery of drugs. constant at least for 15 days (Bhattachar et al. Protein precipitation with methanol has been 2006), and the long-term reproducibility based used in an LC-CLND analysis of plasma and urine on indole calibrant peak area proved to be ap- samples (Deng et al. 2004). In the present the- proximately ±10% (Lane et al. 2005). Anoth- sis as well, protein precipitation was investigated er study indicated that the caffeine calibration during the method development stage, but the curve was stable for longer than one week of analytical background from the matrix was too continuous use, but the use of a control sample high and prevented sensitive detection. SPE has of caffeine within a sample set was recommend- been applied only in a single report, for the de- ed (Corens et al. 2004). These fi ndings suggest termination of imidacloprid in fruits and vegeta- that LC-CLND analysis is feasible in the combina- bles (Ting et al. 2004). The extraction recovery torial chemistry environment. The studies of the for various sample materials was relatively con- present thesis widened the scope of LC-CLND to stant at 90% with an RSD of only 8%, but CLND biological material, showing the robustness of was used solely as a nitrogen-selective detector. the method with more diffi cult samples. Here, In bioanalytical method validation, extraction re- calibration was performed at the beginning of covery has not been among the validation pa- each run, and the standards were included again rameters regarded as essential as long as the da- at the end of each sample set for controlling the ta for LOQ or LOD, precision and accuracy (bias) stability of calibration. are acceptable (Peters et al. 2007). This is due Nitrogen specifi city limits the use of mobile to the fact that an internal standard, preferably phases in LC-CLND analysis. Reversed phase LC deuterium-labelled, compensates for the chang- at acidic pH has been commonly used in separa- es in recovery. Single-calibrant LC-CLND applied

49 to bioanalysis sets new challenges for developing for simultaneous identifi cation and quantifi ca- robust extraction methods with high precision, tion may be an obvious idea. This has indeed as well as for the prediction of extraction recov- been realised in combinatorial chemistry (Yurek eries based on the analyte structure. et al. 2002), where the amount of sample and The time factor – the third dimension of the concentration of analytes are usually suffi - quality – presumes that at least the preliminary ciently high. In forensic science, too, the com- results of an investigation are completed within bination of these instruments appears promis- a reasonable period of time, which varies from a ing for analysing seized drugs and even impu- few hours in clinical toxicology to a few weeks in rity profi les. However, the sensitivity of CLND is forensic science. It is well understood that rare considerably lower than that of TOFMS, and this research chemicals for basic research must often may cause incompatibility problems in bioanaly- be solicited from a colleague scientist, but this sis, as shown earlier (Deng et al. 2004). In addi- should not be the case with offi cial forensic and tion, CLND is perhaps too complex to be used clinical work. While the search for an organisa- solely as a nitrogen-selective detector without tion willing to provide professional laboratories utilizing its N-equimolar response. A feasible ap- with a rapid access to PRS of drugs is underway, proach in bioanalysis would involve quantitative the laboratories are obliged to develop analysis analysis by LC coupled with diode-array UV de- methods that are less dependent on the refer- tection (Pragst et al. 2004), exploiting the stable ence standards and capable of producing time- calibration properties of the technique, and add- ly analytic results with reasonable certainty. The ing CLND to the system in cases where PRS are present study has introduced the performance of not available. This would allow, for example, the one such method involving the combined use of determination of important metabolites togeth- LC-TOFMS and LC-CLND. er with their parent drugs, which would signifi - Combining LC-TOFMS and LC-CLND by split- cantly facilitate the interpretation of forensic and ting the mobile phase fl ow into both detectors clinical cases.


Urine drug screening for drugs by positive ion er drugs without PRS, with practically unlimited LC-TOFMS, based on a large target database of potential for updating the target database with exact monoisotopic masses, metabolic patterns, new compounds. Possessing equimolar response and LC retention times, if available, proved to be to nitrogen, LC-CLND allows quantitative analy- feasible in forensic toxicological practice. The iso- sis of drugs without access to PRS. topic pattern (SigmaFit) was taken into use for The mean relative difference between results the fi rst time as part of a routine MS database of LC-CLND and the reference methods was only search, and matching of the theoretical calcu- 11%, suggesting that the accuracy of quantifi - lated isotopic pattern against the measured pat- cation is appropriate for use in forensic science tern further improved, revealing the correct mo- (III). lecular composition from a mass spectrum. The Single-calibrant LC-CLND analysis proved to automated acquisition of correct SigmaFit values be feasible for basic lipophilic drugs in plasma and accurate masses were proven over a wide and whole blood samples in a toxicological con- dynamic range, the mean mass error being 2-3 text following establishment of the mean extrac- ppm. The data obtained in this study justify the tion recovery. The results obtained by LC-CLND use of the limit values of 0.03 and 10 ppm for without PRS deviated on average 20% from the SigmaFit and mass tolerance, respectively. The certifi ed reference values of profi ciency test sam- present approach makes tentative identifi cation ples. As exemplifi ed by the analysis of tramadol possible in urine drug screening without imme- and its main metabolites, LC-CLND was capa- diate need for PRS. Additional proof can be ob- ble of producing clinically relevant concentration tained from the interpretation of MS spectra af- data down to therapeutic levels in 5 ml plasma ter CID experiments (I, II). samples. Further attention should be paid to de- Qualitative analysis by LC-TOFMS followed veloping generic extraction methods with steady by quantitative analysis by single-calibrant LC- recovery and utilisation of model compounds for CLND allowed the instant characterisation of recovery prediction (IV, V). seized material for both scheduled and design-


This work was carried out at the Laboratory of Toxicology, Department of Forensic Medicine, Univer- sity of Helsinki, during 2003-2007. I wish to thank Professor Erkki Vuori, Head of the Department of Forensic Medicine, for his encouraging attitude towards me and for providing superb working facili- ties in a top-quality laboratory. Financial support from Helsinki University Research Funds is also grate- fully acknowledged. I express my deepest gratitude to my main supervisor, Docent Ilkka Ojanperä, for the primary ide- as of the thesis and for orienting me to scientifi c thinking. His support and advice in written reporting has been invaluable. I warmly thank my second supervisor, Dr. Anna Pelander, especially for her guid- ance and instructions concerning the technical performance of analytical instrumentation. I sincerely thank the two reviewers of this thesis, Docent Pirjo Lillsunde and Docent Pertti Koivisto, for their constructive comments on the manuscript. I am grateful to Soile Tuominen for her excellent technical assistance in LC-CLND experiments, and to Dr. Ilpo Rasanen and Dr. Johanna Sistonen for their collaboration in GC-MS and pharmacoge- netic experiments, respectively. I also thank Elisa Ali-Tolppa, Dr. Ilmari Krebs, Dr. Mathias Pelzing, Dr. Erkki Sippola and all of the personnel of the Laboratory of Forensic Toxicology. All friends and relatives are thanked for empathy and emotional support. My warmest thanks for everything go to my family, Ilkka and Aino, and to the expected baby for giving an impetus to fi nally complete this thesis during my nursing leave.

Helsinki, November 2008

Suvi Ojanperä


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