VALENTINO BUCCHI AWARD “Words and Music for the Peoples' Unity”

35th Edition YEAR 2012

International Competition Composing in the year 2012


Rome, November 2012

The Valentino Bucchi Foundation Via Ubaldino Peruzzi, 20 - 00139 Roma Tel/fax (0039) 0687200121 e-mail: [email protected] website:


1 “Words and Music for the Peoples' Unity”

International Competition 35th edition - 2012

The 35th edition of the international Valentino Bucchi Award and the International Meetings Festival will be held in in November 2012.

International Competition Composing in the year 2012

The Valentino Bucchi Foundation officially announces an international composing Competition:

“Composing in the year 2012”

The Competition is divided in three Categories.


Art. 1 (Categories) The international Competition “Composing in the year 2012” is divided in the following categories:

A Category: Composition for voice and instruments. From one solo instrument and voice to a maximum of seven instruments and voice.

2 The choice of the instrumental and voice part is free. Each performer can use other instruments during the composition (for example: , Bass Clarinet and/or Piccolo Clarinet). There’s a freedom of choice regarding the text, but it will have to be ideally related to the following topic: “Words and Music for the Peoples' Unity, the Solidarity and the Living Together”.

B Category: Composition. From two to seven instruments, including necessarily the Harp and/or the . Each performer can use various instruments during the composition (for example, see the previous Category A).

C Category: Composition for solo instrument. A composition for solo Harp or for solo Piano is required .

For all Categories: electronic instruments are not admitted. For all Categories: the original music sheet and all the copies must be written exclusively on paper size A4 (cm 21x29,7). Disk or tape recordings will not be considered valid.

Art. 2 (Participants) The A Category of the Competition is exclusively reserved to born after the 31st of December 1978, from every Country. The B and C Category are for composers from every Country, without age limits. Each candidate can join more than one Category of the Competition. Art. 3 (Enrollment procedures)

3 To join the Competition for all Categories, the candidates will have to send their compositions and the request to participate duly filled, within October 31st 2012 to:

Segreteria dei Concorsi internazionali Premio Valentino Bucchi anno 2012 “Il Comporre nel 2012”- Composizione Fondazione Valentino Bucchi Via Ubaldino Peruzzi, 20 - 00139 Roma.

a) The candidates have to send six copies of the composition with the following informations (on each copy): candidate’s first name and surname; date and place of birth, nationality; title; ensemble of instruments and duration of the composition. For A Category, the candidates have to indicate also the name of the Author of the lyrics.

b) All participants will also include a declaration, under their own responsibility, stating that: 1) the compositions are unpublished and have not been awarded; 2) the compositions will not be used, under no circumstance, from the registration in the Competion and until the end of the Bucchi Competition (e.g. in other competitions, for public performances or publications, etc.); 3) the compositions have not been presented in any previous edition of the Valentino Bucchi Award; 4) if the composition would be among the winners, the winner himself - within four months from being informed by the Jury's decision - will provide, free of charge, the music sheet and the separate parts of the composition to Valentino Bucchi Foundation, for an eventual performance or publication, according to the Foundation's demands.

c) The candidate's artistic and study Curriculum vitae have to be enclosed in three copies. One passport-size photo, with the candidate's name and surname clearly stated and one more photography of any size, by the candidate’s choice. Each photo must be printed on photographic paper.

d) The candidates can request the return of the composition’s copies sent, except for two of them, which will be included in the Foundation’s Minutes.

4 The candidates have to print, fill and send the application form, (enclosure A). The form is enclosed and it is an integral part of this Competition announcement (see at the end of the document, pag. 19, 20 and 21).

Art. 4 (Competition's Jury) The Jury will be composed of composers and personalities from Italian and international music world. The Jury itself will choose its President in the opening session and he/she cannot assume the same position in other Commissions of the V. Bucchi Award 2012. The Jury's judgement is final.

Art. 5 (Prizes) The Competition awards a first Prize for each Category, that cannot be divided.

A Category 1° Prize: a scholarship-reimbursement of Euro 2,500.00 will be awarded and along with the publication of the work by Valentino Bucchi Foundation.

B Category 1° Prize: a scholarship-reimbursement of Euro 2,500.00 will be awarded and along with the publication of the work by Valentino Bucchi Foundation.

C Category 1° Prize: a scholarship-reimbursement of Euro 2,500.00 will be awarded and along with the publication of the work by Valentino Bucchi Foundation.

In addition are provided: only a 2° Prize (scholarship-reimbursement) of Euro 1,500.00 only a 3° Prize (scholarship-reimbursement) of Euro 1,000.00

5 The Jury has the right to award the above prizes only to the first two most noteworthy compositions of all Categories, among those that have not won the first Prize.

The regulations of the publication of the first Prize winning compositions are described under art. 7 of the present Regulations.

The Valentino Bucchi Foundation reserves the rights of the eventual first performance of the winning compositions. The Valentino Bucchi Foundation may allow performances, audio and video recordings, ecc. free of charges – and also the participation without cost to concerts, Radio and Television broadcasts, etc. – of the winning pieces and of those receiving a Merit Value or an Honorable Mention. Should excessive financial or organizational difficulties arise during the Competition, the performance or in the publication of the winners works, the Valentino Bucchi Award and the collaborating Institutions will take no responsibilities.

Art. 6 (Prize-giving) The Jury reserves the right not to award any prize. The Jury may also give a Merit Value or an Honorable Mention to any competitor, if not among those awarded a prize mentioned under art. 5.

Art. 7 (Obligations and Incompatibility) In case the first Prize winner is already under an exclusive contract with another publisher, it will be the ’s responsibility to obtain a copyright release to allow any publication of the awarded work by the Valentino Bucchi Foundation. The first Prize winners cannot join any future edition of the same composing Competition in the Valentino Bucchi Award.

Art. 8 (Amendments to Regulations) The Competition Management reserves the right to modify the present Regulations, in a case of absolute necessity.

6 Art. 9 (Acceptance of the rules present in the Regulations) The request to participate in the Competition implies the acceptance of all the rules of the present Regulations by the candidate.

Art. 10 (Competent Forum) Should the interpretation of the Regulations be contested, the Italian text is definitive. The Forum of Rome has jurisdiction of any legal issues.

Hereunder The application form-Enclosure A

7 (EnclosureA)

INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION 35TH Composing Competition - “Composing in the year 2012”

Application Form


First name and surname


Date and place of birth……………………………………………


Home address…………………………….Country…………………………….

Home telephone and/or Mobile ………………………… fax*…………………. e-mail…………………………………………………….

National insurance number…………………………………..


Please indicate the Category or Categories in which you want to participate …… …. ….

Modality of payment of the entrance fee……………………………

For more than just one Category*………………………………….

Title of the piece……………………………………………………

Title of the piece……………………………………………………

Instruments involved (Categories A and B)………………………………………………………

Instruments involved (Categories A and B)*…………...………………......

Duration……………………….Number of Pages…………………………

Duration……………………….Number of Pages………………………….

Author of the Lyrics (Category A)…………………………………………… (*is optional).

8 Foreseen Statements pursuant to art. 3(b):

First Statement……………………………………………………..………………………………………

Second Statement…………………………………………………………………………………………….

Third Statement……………………………………………………………………………………………..

Fourth Statement…………………………………………………………………………………………….

The possible request of return for the composition copies pursuant to art. 3(d).


The following documents must be enclosed with the compositions and the application: a) a receipt proving that the Competitions entrance fee of Euro 80,00 (or Euro 120,00, if joining more than one Category) at the participant’s own charge, has been paid through national or international postal money order, issued to: Fondazione Valentino Bucchi, Via Ubaldino Peruzzi 20 - 00139 Roma.

From : to Poste Italiane account n. 35177005, IBAN code IT12 Z076 0103 2000 0003 5177 005.

From abroad: to Poste Italiane account n. 35177005 IBAN code IT12Z076 0103 2000 0003 5177 005 BIC/SWIFT BPPII-TRRXX, CIN Z ABI 07601 CAB 03200 account number 000035177005.

Only in extraordinary cases, bank or postal cheques will be accepted. In this case the amount of the fee is Euro 100,00. The fee is not refundable. b) Artistic and study Curriculum vitae in 3 copies. c) One passport-size photo with the candidate’s name and surname, clearly stated and one more photo of any size by the candidate’s choice. Both photos must be printed on photographic paper. Applicants who wish their compositions returned at the end of the Competition (except for two copies, which will remain in the Foundation's archives) must also include a sum of: Euro 25,00, if from within the European Union; Euro 30,00, from all other European Countries; Euro 40,00, from any other Area. Such sum, to cover mailing charges, must be sent together with the participation request and it is not refundable.


Final Statement

The undersigned states to have read and understood the Regulations and agrees to be bound by them, moreover abides by specific publication rules about awarded works foreseen by the Valentino Bucchi Award under art. 5. The undersigned is furthermore bound to participate, free of charge, to all the cultural and artistic events organized by Valentino Bucchi Foundation, during the entire period of the Valentino Bucchi Award 2012.

