(Projects funded under the Call 2014 onwards must use this format) LIFE Project Number LIFE15 NAT/DK/000948 Mid-term Report Covering the project activities from 01/09/20161 to 31/12/2020 Reporting Date2 15/04/2021 LIFE PROJECT NAME or Acronym Actions for improved conservation status of The thick shelled river mussel (Unio crassus) in Denmark Data Project Project location: Project start date: 01/09/2016 Project end date: 31/12/2021 Extension date: 31/12/2023 Total budget: 2,077,261 € EU contribution: 1,246,356 € (%) of eligible costs: Data Beneficiary Name Beneficiary: Contact person: Ms Sofia Mulla Kølmel Postal address: Rådmandshaven 20, 4700, Næstved, Denmark Telephone: 45-55886153 E-mail:
[email protected] Project Website: www.uclife.dk 1 Project start date 2 Include the reporting date as foreseen in part C2 of Annex II of the Grant Agreement This table comprises an essential part of the report and should be filled in before submission Please note that the evaluation of your report may only commence if the package complies with all the elements in this receivability check. The evaluation will be stopped if any obligatory elements are missing. Package completeness and correctness check Obligatory elements ✓ or N/A Technical report The correct latest template for the type of project (e.g. traditional) has been followed and all ✓ sections have been filled in, in English In electronic version only Index of deliverables with short description annexed, in English ✓ In electronic version only Mid-term report: Deliverables due in the reporting