Well, we’re a lot like most families! John Butler was known around Sydney as The Carmelite. Some of us are young, some old, and a lot in between. The Carmelite have been in Australia since Who are the 1881. There are Carmelite Friars [priests and brothers] and lay men and women who follow Since then we have been supporting people on Lay ? the Carmelite way in their daily lives [Lay their spiritual journey in parishes, schools, retreat Carmelites] as well as sisters and . houses, spirituality centres and in Zimbabwe, Indonesia and now East Timor. The Carmelite Way is marked by prayer, community and action. Our relationship with God leads us to build communities of mutual support and inspires us into actions which nurture, support and help people to develop their lives. We are inspired by the Old Testa- The first Carmelites who came to Australia ment prophet, . were two Lay Carmelites, James Dempsey and John Butler. They arrived in 1802 having In quiet moments, Elijah discovered been transported to Sydney for their alleged the presence of God within himself involvement in the Irish Rebellion of 1798. and found the ways to allow God’s love to meet concrete human needs. Both became significant members of the He gave food to a starving widow and her son. He fledgling colony. During the years when there raised a young man from the dead and gave him were no priests in the Colony, Dempsey’s house back to his family. He led the people of Israel to a became the centre of Life. rediscovery of God in their lives.

For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; Contemplative prayer, in my opinion, it is a simple look turned toward is nothing else than a close sharing heaven, it is a cry of recognition between friends; it means taking time and of love, embracing both trial frequently to be alone with him who and joy. we know loves us. St Therese of Lisieux St Teresa of Avila Mary also inspires us as a woman Lay Carmelites are called to live in the presence • To be a Lay Carmelite is to respond to a call who met the challenges of her of the living and true God. They look for from God. Discernment is important. Is a life without losing faith in God. every possibility and occasion to reach person’s desire to be a Carmelite also God’s She cared for her family, worried divine intimacy. desire for them? about her son, lost him for three days and, grief-stricken, watched Lay Carmelites are constantly open to a • Most often, discernment takes place with a Lay him die. She was also there, praying with the transformation of mind and heart. Carmelite community, however people who are disciples at Pentecost – the mother of a new unable to be physically present at community Lay Carmelites discover that they are brothers family of faith and love. meetings are able to become Distant Members. and sisters and bring to all the news that we Over the centuries many other are children of the one God. They become • Within each community, a member is Carmelites have also inspired us. enthusiastic about the great works God appointed to the role of Formator. This involves People like St performs. accompanying the enquirer in the process of and Teresa of Avila who showed discernment. Lay Carmelites look for hidden signs of God us how to search for and discover and cultivate the seeds of justice, honesty, • For enquirers who are isolated by distance or God’s heart within our own. sincerity, courtesy and strength of spirit. other circumstances, the National Formator Others like Therese of Lisieux who showed us accompanies the person either by phone, email Lay Carmelites discover that they, like Mary, how to live with simple good-heartedness and or post. are called to sing the wonders that the Lord generosity. has performed in their lives; • After a period of initial discernment, the Closer to our own day Blessed enquirer may then request to be received into to welcome the Word, to be open to it and , martyred in the the Order; after a further time of discernment, to embrace it fully; concentration camp at Dachau the person may then move through the processes of First Profession and Final during World War II for his that like Elijah, they are ready to defend the Profession. This usually takes about five years. stance against Hitler’s National rights of those who are downtrodden, to Socialism. leave everything to go into the desert where they will discover the true and living God. INITIAL CONTACT FOR LAY CARMELITES Elijah declared at his appearance: Interested in finding out more about Lay Carmelites live a life of prayer, focused on “As God lives in whose presence I The Lay Carmelites? a personal dialogue with the Lord. They are stand!” This living in the presence of Contact Gabrielle Fogarty centred on the Eucharist and the Liturgy of [email protected] God, this placing himself before the the Hours. Phone: 0409 327 563 face of God is a characteristic which “Every Lay Carmelite is like a spark of love the children of Carmel have inherited Interested in finding out more about thrown into the forest of life: they must be able from the great Prophet. the Carmelite Friars? to enflame anyone who approaches them.” Contact Fr Paul Cahill, O.Carm. From the Rule of Carmel Bl Titus Brandsma [email protected]