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Rodents in agriculture and forestry

Article · January 2015


2 authors, including:

Grant R Singleton International Rice Research Institute



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B.J. Wood1 and G.R. Singleton2 1Merrivale Research, Exton Lane, Exeter, UK; 2International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Metro Manila, Philippines

Introduction agriculture (broad sense), an overview of which is the theme of this chapter. Rodents occur in virtually every terrestrial Since the previous edition of the book, environment that supports life, be it wild, work in other regions, in particular and agricultural or urban. Many com- ­Africa, has intensified and become access- prise relatively small individuals with the ible to an international audience. There has capacity to multiply rapidly. Generally, ro- been wider awareness of the environmental dents are omnivorous, feeding mainly on factors that regulate population sizes, and plant materials, which may include seeds, how to amend the situation to minimize the leaves, roots, whole young plants, fruit, grain threat, an approach that has crystallized as ‘eco- and tree bark; and tissue, for ex- logically based management’ (EBRM). ample, insects, snails, other invertebrates Much of this is covered in three multiple-­ and the bodies of vertebrates. They may also authored works, all edited by Singleton et al. feed on living plants and , and by (Singleton et al., 1999a, 2003a, 2010a). This scavenging. Some species are fairly restricted chapter aims to be a guide to the recent litera- in diet, but most are quite versatile, and ture. Inevitably, it is selective, with a high pro- some can adapt readily to manufactured portion of the citations from reviews. food products and wastes. Many species are The accounts given are divided by geo- fossorial, nesting and living much of the time graphic region and then further subdivided, in burrows; others live at ground level, pro- in some cases, by specific crop. Ricereceives ­ gressing through tree climbing to completely wide coverage, as justified by its importance arboreal species. Rodents are represented in as a world food source, and because it is un- all climatic zones from arctic tundra to the doubtedly subject to very heavy and not al- equatorial tropics, and they ­include species ways fully recognized losses to rats. that are well adapted to arid conditions. In common with most taxonomic groups, ro- dents show a tendency to having a greater Species Involved number of species in warmer, wetter envir- onments. All of these characteristics pre- Pest species are to be found among the three dispose rodents to live freely in competition major suborders of rodents, the with humans (i.e. to be pests), including (rats, mice, voles, hamsters, gerbils, jirds, mole their role in important depredations in rats), the (the -like

© CAB International 2014. Rodent Pests and their Control, 2nd Ed (A.P. Buckle and R.H. Smith) 33 34 B.J. Wood and G.R. Singleton

­rodents), and the Hystricomorpha (porcu- by far the predominant pests (namely, Arvi- pines, cane rats and other, usually larger, canthis niloticus in the north and Mas- rodents). The species complex infesting a tomys (Praomys) natalensis in the south), particular agroecosystem varies according with just a few others in specific circum- to geographical location and type of habitat. stances. In Malaysia, Medway (1978) listed Broadly, these are temperate, subtropical or 19 species of Rattus, but only four or five tropical, and whether they are wet or arid. have become significant pests of agricul- Whereas there are variations in species be- ture. Some of the non-pest species are now tween the large land masses, there is a ten- assigned to other genera (Payne et al., dency towards analogous types, more or 1985; Francis, 2008). Records from China less closely related biologically, in corres- give 168 species of rodents in 14 families ponding environments. (Wang and Deng, 1984) but only a few have Altogether, relatively few of the large become pests. number of known rodent species have be- In this account, biological names (Eller- come pests. Southern (1979) (citing Morris, man, 1941, 1949) are given, favouring the 1965), mentions 1729 rodent species, but names used in the articles cited. Internet only 125 are reported as pests in this chap- sources, including Wikipedia, have also ter. This rather small proportion applies sometimes been used. Common names are just as much to the tropics as elsewhere. mentioned where they are widely used. The Thus, Delany and Happold (1979) list 240 taxonomic affinities of the rodent genera species in 12 families in Africa, but two mentioned in the chapter are summarized myomorph species (or species groups) are in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1. A listing by suborder and family of the rodent genera mentioned in this chapter.

Suborder Family Subfamily (where relevant): Genus

Hystricomorpha Abrocomidae Abrocoma Hystricidae Hystrix Myocastridae Myocastor Octodontidae Octodon, Spalacopus Thryonomidae Thryonomys Myomorpha Cricetidae Arvicolinae: Arvicola, Myodes (= Clethrionomys), Lagurus, Lemmus, , Neofibre, Ondatra, Pitymys (subgenus of Microtus) Cricitinae: Cricetulus, Cricetus Neotominae: Peromyscus Sigmodontinae: Eligmodontia, Holochilus, Oryzomys, Sigmodon Gliridae Glis, Graphiurus Muridae Deomyinae: Acomys, Uranomys Gerbillinae: Meriones, Tatera Murinae: Apodemus, Arvicanthis, Bandicota, Berylmys, Chiropodomys, Dasymys, Hylomyscus, Lemniscomys, Lophuromys, Mastomys, Melomys, Millardia, Mus, Nesokia, Niviventer, Oenomys, Praomys, Rattus, Rhabdomys, Stochomys Nesomyidae Cricteomyinae: Cricetomys Cannomys, Myospalax, , Sciuridae Callosciurus, Citellus, Cynomys, Eutamias, Funisciurus, Funambulus, Marmota, Paraxerus, Sciurotamias, Sciurus, Spermophilus, Tamias, Xerus Sciuromorpha Geomyidae Thomomys Heteromyidae Perognathus Sciuridae Callosciurus, Citellus, Cynomys, Eutamias, Funisciurus, Funambulus, Marmota, Paraxerus, Sciurotamias, Sciurus, Spermophilus, Tamias, Xerus Rodents in Agriculture and Forestry 35

Incidence of Rodent Problems reserves, limiting growth and, at crucial times, reducing winter survival and nutrient value, In temperate zones, rodent pests of pasture and posing competition with livestock. Field and field crops originate mainly from grass- crops may suffer direct loss of the utilized land species, and those of forestry and or- part (fruit, leaf, corm, etc.), but often the effect chards mainly from woodland species. is indirect (e.g. reduced stature, quality or Numbers tend to be cyclic, increasing in the competitive ability against weeds). growing season and declining in winter. There can be big variations between years. Northern Europe Much the same broad ecotype subdivi- sions occur in warm temperate and subtrop- ical climates, but population fluctuations Rodent outbreaks have been known in Euro- are generally less. Arid conditions may in- pean agriculture from prehistory, and severe volve regular but short and sparse rainy crop damage is still common (see Pelz, 2003 periods. Rodents adapted to arid environ- for reviews; and Jacob and Tkadlec, 2010). ments can be damaging to any crops grown Incidence is strongly cyclic, depending on in them. In the equatorial tropics, the stead- fluctuating environmental factors, with a ier climates tend to be continuously condu- gradation away from locations with more cive to rodent increase. Population numbers marked winters. Rodents sometimes reach may fluctuate in response to rain and crop plague proportions, for example, in Hungary seasons, but in perennial crops tend to- in 1964–1965, the common vole, Microtus wards relative stability. Highland tropics arvalis, caused extensive damage in most share some of the features and species of cultivated fields despite control efforts both subtropical and tropical environments. covering 3.6 million ha, which proved to be Often, certain species become closely too late (Myllymaki, 1979). The most serious associated with particular crops, especially depredators in grassland include M. arvalis those that provide all the requirements for a in east and interior Europe, and the field species to complete its life cycle when the vole, M. agrestis, in north-west Europe (Jacob crop is grown on a large scale. This leads to and Tkadlec, 2010). The former can reach another broad distinction, that between resi- very high populations, recording over −1 dent rodent pests, those of regular seasonal 2000 ha or much more on occasion. M. incidence and those of periodic invasions. agrestis generally occurs at a density of 100– −1 This ecological perspective is evaluated 400 ha . Where their ranges overlap, M. further in the Synthesis section towards the agrestis is mainly a woodland species. The end of the chapter (see also Chapter 1). It is bank vole, Myodes glareolus, across the re- −1 key to evaluating loss potential from a rodent gion, generally peaks at about 100 ha , ex- −1 pest, and to developing control measures ceptionally going to 400 ha . Arvicola terres- and implementing the methodology, which tris is now split into A. scherman, a fossorial is covered further in Chapters 5 and 6. species that increases up to a density of 100 ha−1 in dry grasslands and meadows in central and eastern France and west Switzer- land, but can reach 1000 ha−1, and A. amphi- Temperate Regions – Pasture bius in floodplains in eastern Europe. and Field Crops In grasslands, huge areas may be at- tacked. The rodents cause yield loss, growth Rodents adapted to open environments affect of contaminating weeds, soil contamination pasture in various ways, the most direct being of the cut crop, and reduced quality with an grazing, which cuts back plants and seed- ongoing effect on stock. In field crops, clo- lings, the destruction of roots and the reduc- ver, lucerne, winter cereals and rapeseed tion of seed regeneration. Grazing does not are damaged by voles; the extent of the always give a dramatic impression of loss, damage is highly correlated with rodent but it can be a steady drain on carbohydrate density, and can cover areas of hundreds of 36 B.J. Wood and G.R. Singleton

thousands of hectares. Losses have been re- the common hamster, Cricetus cricetus, se- corded of 80% of lucerne, 50% or more of verely damages cereals (Giban, 1962). The wheat and, exceptionally, have reached Levant vole, Microtus guentheri, is the 100%. Attack may extend to sugarbeet and main rodent pest of field crops in south-east vegetables in peak population years. Europe and the Near East. It is cyclical in Severe damage can be caused to sugar- abundance, reaching plague proportions in beet by the wood mouse, Apodemus sylvat- some years, something that apparently de- icus (Pelz, 1989). This problem arose with pends on the crop seasons. In one case, a the widespread adoption of precision drill- large-scale lucerne planting created after ing of seeds according to final density re- swamp drainage, and thus without marked quirement. The mice detect the seeds by annual or seasonal fluctuation in food smell and dig them out. The problem is abundance for the voles, had regular losses widespread in Germany (Pelz, 1989), in the of up to 50% (Myllymaki, 1979). UK (Anonymous, 1980) and in Belgium Moving eastward, various analogous pest (Moens, 1988). Wide variations in damage species occur. These include M. socialis in occur, with complete resowing needed in the south-west of the USSR, the steppe lem- some years. Serious damage is most likely ming (Lagurus lagurus) to the east, M. grega- either if the crop is sown early or too shal- lis in south Siberia and M. fortis further lowly when the A. sylvaticus population is east. Several ground (Citellus spp.) still relatively high, or when low temperat- assume importance in the steppe region. ures delay germination and seedbeds are These appear to be analogous to the ground dry. It appears to be less related to variations squirrels of the prairies of North America, in population size or any obvious environ- which are discussed later in this chapter. mental factor. In this case, damage control can be achieved by diversionary feeding. Pelleted seeds are applied to the surface and China the mice feed adequately with less expend- iture of energy than by digging up seeds, for Grassland occupies some 2.8 million km2 the brief susceptible period (Pelz, 2003). Le- across northern China, the largest area in thal control, if required, is by use of anti- the world, but it produces only 8% of total coagulant baits, with some attempts to re- domestic meat and 25% of wool needs. Fur- duce population pressure by modifying ther, the ratio of production to unit area in- source vegetation conditions. volved is only 10–20% of that in more devel- Recently introduced species some- oped regions. Much of the limitation is from times cause problems. Examples are two rodent depredation, from particular species species brought to Europe for fur production. in each region, and from pikas (Daurian and The coypu, Myocaster coypus (from South plateau pikas), which are lagomorphs, but America), which escaped into wetland habi- because of their size and behaviour, have tats in Britain, caused extensive damage to been described as ‘honorary rodents’ (Zhang field crops and water systems by its burrow- et al., 2003c). ing, and the muskrat, Ondatra zibethicus In (NE China), Brandt’s (from Canada), behaved similarly in contin- vole, Lasiopodomys (Microtus) brandtii, can ental Europe (Gosling and Baker, 1989). affect up to 20 million ha (75% of the region) (Zhong et al., 1999; Zhang et al., 2003c). There is a clear relationship of increasing Southern Europe and Eurasia numbers to overgrazing. Wild vegetation, a mixture of grasses and some ‘weeds’, support M. arvalis is replaced in southern Europe by a relatively small population of such rodents Pitymys duodecimcostatus and other spe- as Cricetulus barbarensis, Citellus dauricus cies that do similar damage, especially to and the Daurian pika (Ochotona daurica). horticultural crops, but with less frequent These cause losses of around 10–20% of po- or intensive plague cycles. In some regions, tential grass production, and require constant Rodents in Agriculture and Forestry 37

monitoring. However, when grazing is too in- They occur in separate places, with tensive (which is the tendency, in order to try found in lower lying areas, but like Brandt’s to increase current production), the vegeta- vole, both build up in shorter less grassy tion character changes in composition, cover- vegetation, which Fan et al. (1999) refer to as age and height. As the height goes below a vicious circle – the damage further increas- 10–20 cm, the dominant vole species becomes ing the suitability of the grassland for further Brandt’s vole. Once Brandt’s vole popula- build-up. Eventually, this can result in severe tions build up, the depletion of vegetation is erosion and desertification, even contribut- increased, so favouring further increase. The ing to sandstorms at great distances (Zhang vole can eat 40 g of fresh material a day, and et al., 2003c). In a studied area of 3.7 million populations can go to well over 1000 ha−1 ha in Province (Fan et al., 1999), (Zhong et al., 1999), while the complicated about a third was affected by pikas and 12% burrowing systems lead to soil instability. by zokors. An investigation showed that as Numbers can fluctuate considerably between overgrazing occurred, so the population shot years, from both the direct and indirect ef- up, the pika from nothing to 200 ha−1 and the fects of climate variation and the effect of pre- by three to four times up to more than vailing population numbers on future popu- 40 ha−1. The number of pika holes showed a lations (Pech et al., 2003). In more infested clear relationship to decreasing height of years, over 5500 holes ha−1 have been found vegetation, with none at 85 cm, 4 ha−1 at (Zhong et al., 1999), and the relationship be- 70 cm, 25 ha−1 at 9 cm and 43 ha−1 at 2 cm. tween number of holes and increasingly Zokors additionally cause loss by heaping lower height of vegetation is consistent. soil into mounds that can bury the grass. Overall, the increase in livestock grazing Pikas, like the Brandt’s vole, show marked since the 1950s has led to more years when fluctuations in numbers from year to year, the balance of grazing and plant growth fa- whereas the zokor varies less, perhaps be- vour Brandt’s vole, leading to an increase in cause its habitat is more protected from en- the frequency of outbreaks of the vole popu- vironmental fluctuations. lations (Zhang et al., 2003b). On top of this The mechanisms for the increases in are population changes associated with cli- population in these rodents as vegetation mate (Southern Oscillations) – rodent dens- height decreases seem complicated. As popu- ities are higher in an El Niño year and 2 years lations build up, the density of grass de- thereafter, and also in the first year after a La creases, but there are also density-dependent Niña event (Jiang et al., 2011). factors regulating populations. Pech et al. Eventually, damage from loss of vegeta- (2007) examined the rate of recovery of popu- tion and burrowing can be so intense that lations after chemical knock-down of popu- high erosion and desertification occurs. At lations and also the effect of exclusion of this stage, the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones ­livestock from grasslands using fences. Al- unguiculatus) becomes the dominant pest though populations were reduced by up to of overgrazed grasslands; this species is also 90% when chemical control was imple- an important reservoir for human diseases mented in the spring, there was a rapid (Zhang et al., 2003c). population recovery in summer, leading in In Qinghai province (north central the ­autumn to similar population densities China) eastward to Tibet there are about and grass biomass as with the control oper- 140 million ha of alpine meadow, and 20% of ations. The effect of preventing grazing by the area is degraded (Fan et al., 1999). Two large led to better winter survival rodents especially are responsible, the plat- of pikas. In a study of zokors (Fan et al., eau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) and the plat- 1999), grass and sedge yield decreased pro- eau zokor (Myospalax baileyi). They both portionately with increase in density, but compete for livestock grazing, with the total weed yield did not change much. All of the loss broadly estimated at the equivalent of dominant rodents appear to feed on certain 150 million sheep, while their burrowing fur- weeds, which may satisfy some specific diet- ther destroys vegetation and soil structure. ary need. For Brandt’s vole (Pech et al., 2003), 38 B.J. Wood and G.R. Singleton

more open conditions may include easier so- changes, such as increasingly extreme win- cial interaction among voles and less pro- ter to summer differences, and cultural tection for predators. Fruits of the sagebush, techniques like the reduction of flood irriga- Artemisia frigida, feature particularly in their tion that incidentally helps to control bur- overwintering food stores (Zhong et al., rowing species, appear to have the potential 1999). Plateau pikas and plateau zokors are to worsen problems. both considered pests by local herdsmen, but Various studies on rodent management the evidence suggests that overgrazing by in Chinese agroecosystems have been car- yaks and sheep is the main factor influencing ried out (Zhang et al., 1999). In the North meadow grass biomass. Indeed, there is emer- China plain ( and prov- ging evidence that pikas and zokors are key- inces), winter wheat is sown, with maize stone species in these grasslands and play an after harvest, as a summer crop, and with important role as ecosystem engineers (Smith plantings of a range of such crops as ground- and Foggin, 1999; Zhang et al., 2003a). nuts and beans. An important pest is the rat- In summary, for the grasslands of both like hamster, Cricetulus triton. Its burrows Inner Mongolia and the Qinghai–Tibet plat- are a chief source of damage, and control eau, short-term control of the dominant may be practised by digging out the bur- small mammals can be achieved by poison rows – when large stashes of grain may be baiting, but generally, population recovery recovered. Flooding can greatly reduce inci- is rapid. The most sustainable approach is dence; in one district, this species gained to control grazing stock to appropriate in- predominance from the striped field mouse, tensities by fencing and movement restric- Apodemus agrarius, when sprinkler irriga- tion. This allows cover height to go above tion replaced flood irrigation. Novel traps that critical level for expansion of the ro- have been developed. Intensive area-wide dent numbers. Thus, in one trial, Brandt’s baiting can reduce numbers but recovery is voles were at a density of 80–150 ha−1 with rapid, but this can apparently be slowed exclusion from mid-May, but at 500– down by application of chemosterilants 560 ha−1 with the traditional timing from (Chapter 5). In the North loess plain ( mid-June. Very degraded areas can be re- and provinces), the Chinese zokor, stored by poison baiting and then a period Myospalax fontanieri, attacks maize and of severely reduced grazing, such as com- winter wheat. This species is difficult to plete exclusion for one (annual) season and bait or trap, and a method of control by bur- firm limitation for the second. Herbicides row fumigation, or application of ‘explosive can alter the weed balance to disfavour the paper strips’ in burrows can reduce popula- rodents (Zhong et al., 1999). tions, as can the more ecologically based In Xinjiang Province (far NW China), removal of supporting vegetation from the the Xinjiang lemming (Lagurus luteus) is adjacent non-agricultural areas and the plant- the most serious pest of the extensive grass- ing of toxic plants. In the southern part of lands (Zhang et al., 2003c). This fluctuates Inner Mongolia, the Mongolian gerbil will in a fashion associated with lemmings in attack arable crops, doing severe damage to general, reaching very high numbers every cereals and potatoes. 4–5 years, and then dying off. Damage can be severe in peak years, with 2080 holes ha−1 mentioned. North America Arable crops in the temperate zone of northern China suffer severe attack from a About half the world’s known vole species range of rodent species, depending on the are indigenous to North America, and some agricultural practices and the nature of sur- are pests of pasture and field crops. They rounding vegetation. The rodents do dam- are of little importance on the eastern side age by direct feeding, by deep and extensive of the continent, though Microtus pennsyl- burrow systems, and by collecting seeds vanicus, a common forestry and orchard and seedlings for winter storage. External pest, sometimes extends into field crops. Rodents in Agriculture and Forestry 39

Major outbreaks of this and other species, in 2000–2001, reaching densities of over such as M. drummondi have been recorded 40 ha−1. Subsequent overgrazing prolonged in central USA and found to consume more the problem. Attempts at control by baiting herbs on the northern prairies than any spe- were uncoordinated and largely ineffective. cies of large herbivore. In California, M. cal- Prairie dogs (e.g. Cynomys ludovidanus ifornicus and M. montanus become serious and C. gunnisoni) are somewhat bigger, are pests in the peak years of the 4–6 yearly more colonial and do not hibernate. Popu- cycles, spreading into crops from unculti- lations can reach 250 ha−1, although gener- vated grassy patches (Clarke, 1984). They ally 50 ha−1 is considered high. They too burrow in fields of lucerne, eat the leaves, appear to be favoured by the effects of graz- stems and roots of the plants, and leave large ing stock. Several million hectares of range- dead patches. They extensively destroy root land can potentially be infested, but control crops below the ground before the damage measures influence the actual affected area becomes noticeable, and they graze cereals. from year to year. Generally, numbers decline at harvest, with In broad economic terms, about 350 some survival in surrounding source vegeta- Columbian ground squirrels (S. columbianus) tion. In a review of rodent outbreaks in consume as much as one sheep, and about North America, Witmer and Proulx (2010) 200 Californian ground squirrels (S. beecheyi) noted that in Washington State M. montanus are equivalent to a steer. Six of these squirrels and M. longicaudatus build up markedly in in a 0.2 ha pen reduced annual forage pro- no-till agriculture, when residual vegetation duction by 1184 kg ha−1. The Zuni prairie provides food and shelter. They continue to dog, C gunnisoni, can destroy 80% of avail- be active in winter under snow, feeding on able forage and 300 individuals eat as much roots, tubers and grain crops. as a cow (Marsh, 1984). Among extensive Pocket gophers (Thomomys spp.) are damage to other crops, Sauer (1984) found burrowing rodents that reach 15–30 cm in that ground squirrels, predominantly S. beld- length and cause considerable damage to ingi, reduced lucerne crops by an average of rangelands and field crops by feeding, sub- about 1200 kg ha−1 of the first cuttings, or terranean hoarding of plant tissues and soil 25% of the potential yield. Severe damage to disturbance. They are active throughout the cereals also occurs when high populations year and may be considered the most im- spread as grasslands dry up. portant rodent pests in some western states Marmots (Marmota spp.) inhabit open (see, for example Lewis and O’Brien, 1990). woodland or shrub vegetation and become Loss of range vegetation is estimated at up agricultural pests around harbourages such to 20%, but these species need broadleaved as creeks, ravines and other uncultivated food as well as grass to survive. patches. They hibernate and their distribu- Sciuromorphs are more serious pests tion is patchy. In the crop-growing season, than myomorphs in the prairies of Canada individuals can reach a weight of 2.5 kg and down to central and western USA, and also eat about 500 g of green vegetation a day. spread into field and horticultural crops The loss of cereal and forage crops in par- (Marsh, 1984). They are diurnal and tend ticular is compounded by the trampling and to be larger than the myomorphs (range clipping of vegetation not consumed. 400–1200 g), so are more noticeable. Among about 20 species of ground squirrels, Sper- mophilus spp., are the most important. Australia S. richardsonii has been a noted pest for many years (Witmer and Proulx, 2010). The introduced species, Mus domesticus, It reaches a weight of 450 g and lives colo- has become a major problem to agriculture nially in extensive burrow systems. It feeds in South Australia. It erupts in plagues, on a range of crops, and is most successful which occur in years when suitable early when vegetation is of short stature. Thus, summer rains keep soils moist (Brown et al., it built up markedly in a period of drought 2010); see also Chapter 1. 40 B.J. Wood and G.R. Singleton

Temperate Regions – Forestry destruction and seed eating (Gill, 1992a,b). and Orchards These appear to be more ‘normal’ feeding activities. Generally, very young trees have a Rodents cause serious economic losses in for- higher nutritional value than mature trees estry and orchards. The preadaptations re- and are preferred by small rodents, which quired for living in woodland generally lead kill many trees; those that are injured may be to a different complex of species from that oc- weakened, or set back competitively, remain- curring in grassland and field crops. The ing inferior in size and often in shape as worst damage is by bark stripping, either ring well. Golley et al. (1975) quote 78% losses of barking at ground level (mainly by fossorial deciduous seedlings to the yellow-necked species), on the main trunks (ground dwell- mouse (Apodemus flavicollis) in eastern ers) or in the branches (climbers). Complete Europe. Only 6–7% of more mature fast- ringing causes the distal part of the tree to growing trees died, although 48–67% of the die, and when damage is low down this can trees were damaged at the roots by Microtus mean death of the whole tree. Wounds also oeconomus in Poland. Bark is stripped from permit the establishment of bacterial and the branches of older trees and there may be fungal infections, which stunt growth and complete ring barking. Such damage is most flaw the timber product. common where snow cover prevents access The reasons for debarking have been the to seedlings. Root bark may increase in win- subject of conjecture by several authors. ter, and be associated, inter alia, with an in- Such damage to 10–40 year old beech, syca- crease in sugar levels in the bark (Pelz, 2003). more and oak of in Britain by Sciurus caro- Seed depredation is common in forests, linensis has been studied in detail (Kenward, though assessments of its importance vary. It 1989), and seems to have general implica- is most likely to cause economic problems tions. The squirrels strip the bark, scatter it where direct seeding is practised. and then eat the sap-filled phloem beneath. Some tree species are preferred by ro- Damage varies greatly between years but is dents, or are more affected by their damage, not closely correlated with the size of the and some seeds are selected. Thus, rodents population of adult squirrels. It appears that can affect species composition in naturally heavier damage is more likely in years fol- regenerating forests. Rodents also feed on lowing those when a high number of young tree fruits, but this tends to be by species are born and when, in the competition to more associated with field crops than those survive and establish themselves, some dis- adapted to woodlands. cover this food source during exploratory be- After clear-cut logging, there is generally haviour. Trees with a phloem layer thicker a rapid growth in understorey vegetation, than 0.3 mm are mainly affected. Below this which forms suitable conditions for a build-up thickness, there is no further damage after an of rodents. These can pose major problems for initial probing. Phloem is not a rich food newly planted tree stock, especially of sap- source and damage intensity does not correl- lings from nurseries rather than the seedlings ate with food shortage. In fact, from year to that were used previously. Several of the field year, squirrel density appears to be related to rodents of North America, for example, have the amount of seed fall. S. carolinensis is a been implicated (Witmer and Proulx, 2010). fairly recent introduction into Britain, which Attempts at control generally are by poi- has rapidly displaced the native red squirrel, son baiting, but the relationship of other vege- S. vulgaris. It does not cause this tree damage tation to population size indicates the need in its native North America, perhaps be- for greater attention to an ecological approach. cause, in the mainly self-set forests there, trees rarely have phloem layers more than 0.3 mm thick, which appears to reflect an Europe and Asia evolutionary association. Other types of rodent damage to trees Natural woodlands and forest plantations include the grazing of young trees, root are an important resource in much of north Rodents in Agriculture and Forestry 41

Europe. They are damaged by the field vole, its range in Europe, e.g. in Italy (Santini, M. agrestis, and to a lesser extent by the 1987), including in patches where it has re- bank vole, Clethrionomys glareolus. In the cently established itself (Gill, 1992a). vast commercial forests of Fennoscandia, In China, reafforestation with red pine increased losses in recent decades appear to is often impossible owing to damage by the be associated with the replanting of natural grey-sided vole (Clethrionomys rufocanus), woodlands, mostly with coniferous forests, S. vulgaris and the Siberian chipmunk, thus opening up the canopy. Eutamias sibiricus (Deng and Wang, 1984). It can be difficult to get some tree spe- Pallas's squirrel or the red-bellied tree cies established and this has affected for- squirrel, Callosciurus erythraeus, strips estry policy. For example, in Finland in the bark, reduces timber value and often kills 1950s, hybrid aspens were widely planted the exotic conifers planted in place of na- but, because few survived to be harvested as tive species. Squirrel numbers build up in a result of attack by M. agrestis, this practice the spring, when most damage is done, declined. In Scots pines, the voles des- reaching 2.5 ha−1 in forests of the Japanese troyed cuttings from clones intended as cedar, Cryptomeria japonica. Cypress is also seed parents. Vole populations build up damaged, probably by A. agrarius (Howard, through the growing season and collapse in 1985). C. rufocanus causes similar damage winter. They achieve differing abundance in Japan (Nakatsu, 1987). In China, trees from year to year, with a cycle of about commonly are planted to limit erosion, 2–4 years. Forests are Finland’s most im- with some preference for species with a portant natural resource, and the effects of product of commercial value, such as the voles on pines, spruces and birches, the wild apricot, Prunus armeniaca. A study in most important tree species, were investi- north- east China (Hebei Province) (Li and gated between 1973 and 1980 (Teivainen, Zhang, 2003) found establishment to be 1984). About 720,000 ha were reafforested, much restricted by seed predation by a and 90,000 ha of farmland were allowed to large number of rodent species, including revert to forest. Vole damage affected 2100 the white-bellied rat (Rattus confusianus), plantations, or over 7.4 million young trees. A. agrarius, C triton, the grey-sided vole, Although the incidence of damaged trees C. barbarensis, the long-tailed hamster (C. lon- averaged only about 0.2% in reforested and gicaudatus), the chipmunk (Tamias sibiri- 3% in reverted farmland, it rose to 30 or cus), the red-backed vole (C. rutilus), and 40% in individual cases. This discouraged the grey squirrel (Sciurotamias davidianus). the reafforestation of farmland, and be- The field mouse Apodemus( speciosus) was tween 1969 and 1982, 200,000 ha were left commonest, and showed the largest con- fallow and grassy. sumption of seeds in captivity. The apricot Damage from M. agrestis and C. glareo- may be considered for establishment in ex- lus is common in north-west and central isting forest, scrub or open areas. Seed dis- Europe, often extending over several thou- appearance was more complete under can- sand hectares (Golley et al., 1975; Myllymaki, opies with more exposed ground than it was 1979). Moving from this region, M. agrestis in the open with a grass sward. Possibly this is replaced by other species, for example, is because the seeds are harder for the ro- M. oeconomus in Poland, M. socialis further dents to find in a sward, and such areas are east and M. guentheri in the Middle East. recommended for easiest establishment of Other microtine species occur across east- the apricot. ern Asia, as far as Japan. Water voles, Arvi- Among orchard pests, M. agrestis can cola spp., have the potential to attack wood- cause serious economic damage in Swedish lands in the breeding season. Occasional orchards. In central Europe, M. arvalis de- instances of severe damage are reported but barks fruit trees and A. terrestris can inflict these are limited where the ground vegeta- serious damage locally. For example, in tion is kept back. The edible dormouse, Glis what was then East Germany, 650,000 apple glis, damages trees by debarking throughout trees were destroyed from 1958 to 1963. 42 B.J. Wood and G.R. Singleton

In southern Europe, Pitymys duodecim- west, M. pennsylvanicus, M. montanus and costatus attacks apple, peach and cherry or- M. longicaudus are commonest in the north chards, feeding on roots and girdling stems and M. californicus further south, attacking at ground level (Guedon and Combes, 1990). citrus, olive and cherries. The pine vole tunnels under orchard trees and feeds on their roots. Attacked trees North America may suddenly die. If pine voles are con- trolled, meadow voles may replace them. In North American forestry in the east, the Damage occurs every year but uncontrolled meadow vole, M. pennsylvanicus, has a pat- populations typically show 2–4 year cycles tern of occurrence and damage similar to of abundance (Kaukeinen, 1984). High crop that of M. agrestis in Eurasia, but is less im- yields are necessary for profitability, so the portant because reafforestation is mainly by economic damage threshold is low. Even a direct sowing (Myllymaki, 1979). Pocket go- single animal directly under a tree can ren- phers (Thomomys spp.) are the most import- der it non-productive and on, average, dam- ant forestry pests. They chew roots, graze aged trees lose about 40% of their potential and debark conifers, including the aerial production. parts when there is snow cover. In 1988, In the late 1970s, losses in the eastern 64% of forests were reported to be damaged apple crop were estimated at about US$50 by these animals (Borrecco and Black, 1990). million (Seubert, 1984) and, in 1975, about Anthony and Barnes (1983) found correl- 6% of the crop was lost (Kaukeinen, 1984). ations between signs of activity, population Over 50% of orchards in Washington State size and damage to conifers by T. mazama in are regularly damaged by M. montanus. In Oregon and California, and by T. talpoides 1985/6, 82% of apple-bearing and 57% of in Idaho. Other forest rodent pests debark immature trees were damaged in two valleys the aerial parts of large trees; these include comprising 65,000 ha, with large amounts of Sciurus griseus (Baldwin et al., 1987) and bark removed. Vole populations reached ground squirrels. Beavers and porcupines 4200 ha−1, causing losses of about 36% of can cause localized damage, including the the crop in the first year, with an almost destruction of established saplings. Conifer similar value loss for tree replacement. seed predation by Peromyscus maniculatus can adversely affect reafforestation efforts (Sullivan, 1987; Witmer and Proulx, 2010). Other regions Further south, pine forest pests include those of the above groups and the pine vole In Chile, Murua and Rodriguez (1989) noted (Microtus pinetorum), field mice (Peromy- bark gnawing by Eligmodontia typus, Octo- scus spp.) and the hispid cotton rat (Sigmo- don degus, Octodon bridgesii, Spalacopus don hispidus) (Jackson, 1990). Loss esti- cyanus and Abrocoma bennetti among na- mates inevitably tend to be generalized tive and exotic forest trees. Up to 55% of because forests are widespread and diffuse, stems were attacked in over 1 million ha of and the damage potential varies between lo- plantations established from 1974 to 1989. calities and times. An estimate of the cost of annual losses caused by mammals, of which rodents are the most important, was US$1.83 bn in the late 1970s. This broadly Subtropical, Highland Tropical and Arid indicates the significance of rodent damage Regions – Grassland and Field Crops (Seubert, 1984). Throughout North America, microtine In these regions, field crops are grown on a rodents are the most important pests of tem- scale varying from smallholder (village) perate orchards. These include the meadow level to large-scale farms. Often, climate vole in the more northerly areas, and the limitations greatly restrict productivity, pine vole, M. pinetorum, further south. In the particularly in drier areas, where it may be Rodents in Agriculture and Forestry 43

possible to grow crops only at subsistence in Pakistan and northern India. In India as a level, unless irrigation is available. To a whole, several species of rodents occasion- large extent, population fluctuations depend ally feed on crops, but three are recorded as on the vegetation changes brought about by serious: M. meltada, the Indian gerbil (Tat- rainfall seasons and quantities. Numbers era indica) and B. bengalensis (Barnett and and species composition will shade from Prakash, 1976; Chakraborthy, 1992a). Re- wetter to desert zones, while the crops in cords are fragmentary, but losses often ap- irrigated areas within dry zones attract ro- pear to be substantial (Prakash and Ghosh, dent pests. 1992). The large bandicoot rat, B. indica, spreads into crops, although it is mainly a commensal (Chakraborthy, 1992b). Bangla- desh has a short mild winter when various Europe, North Africa and Asia short-term crops can be grown, including wheat, which by the early 1980s had reached There is a broad band of territory south of a planted area of over half a million hec- the European and Asian temperate regions, tares. B. bengalensis and M. meltada cause stretching across North Africa, Asia Minor, losses, with widely ranging estimates, com- Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and south monly around 10% or more – for example, China, in which a range of rodents attacks Poche et al. (1979) recorded losses ranging field crops. In the fertile regions of North from 0 to 30%. Most estimates are for per- Africa, particularly the area around the river centage cut stalks and not for actual yield Nile, the principal rodent pest of agriculture comparisons with and without rat damage. is the Nile rat (Arvicanthis niloticus). This Plants attacked include a range of fruit attacks virtually all crops, including horse and vegetables, and also tropical crops. In beans, soybeans, maize, fruit and veget- the highlands in the north of the subcon- ables, with losses estimated at 0.5–8%. It is tinent, a range of niches is occupied by a serious pest of cereals, particularly wheat, characteristic rodents that will damage and damage in Egypt has been estimated most crop plants (Bhagat and Kaul, 1992; at up to 20%. A conservative estimate Sheiker et al., 1992). The crested porcu- of annual total losses in the early 1980s pine, Hystrix indica, particularly attacks was US$60 million, despite control efforts subterranean crops such as potatoes and (Greaves, 1987). In the eastern Mediterra- root vegetables. The northern palm squirrel, nean area, the Palestine mole rat, Spalax Funambulus pennanti, occurs across the re- leucodon, feeds on the subterranean parts of gion and also has a broad diet of crop plants most crops but, despite its importance as a (Prakash et al., 1992). horticultural pest, detailed quantitative es- In the subtropical area of south China, timates of losses are not readily available. B. indica and Rattus losea are the principal The range of the short-tailed mole rat, Ne- pests of field crops (Deng and Wang, 1984). sokia indica, a mainly subterranean feeder, Rice grown in these seasonal climates can extends from Egypt across to north India in be subject to severe rodent attack (Zhang cultivated fields and orchards (Agrawal and et al., 1999), though this seems less consist- Prakash, 1992). ent than in the equatorial wet tropics. In the The lesser bandicoot rat, Bandicota Yangtze River basin in Hunan Province, the bengalensis, is found from Asia Minor oriental vole, Microtus fortis, overwinters across to the South-east Asian tropics. It can on river islands, and moves out into rice be said to be the most important rodent pest fields as they flood. Damage intensity varies of the Indian subcontinent It attacks a wide between years, and control approaches in- range of vegetable crops, including the clude prediction by trapping, and short vegetative and fruiting stages of cereals, term or even permanent fences and walls. In causing heavy loss, typically 20–40% in the Pearl River delta (Guangdong Province), Pakistan (Greaves et al., 1977). The soft- R. rattoides and B. indica overwinter in furred rat, Millardia meltada, attacks cereals wild vegetation and orchards of banana and 44 B.J. Wood and G.R. Singleton

oranges. They damage rice and various vege- In India, desert rodents move into areas table crops. Poison baiting as the rodents where there is some water (periodic rain or move to the rice can kill them, but even at irrigation) and cause economic loss by feed- 90% elimination, complete recovery occurs ing on seeds, rhizomes, stems, leaves and in 4–6 months. Removal of the ground vege- flowers.Meriones hurrianae breeds through- tation under the orchards gives good con- out the year and is by far the most abundant trol, and this can be extended to the wild in deserts, reaching populations of vegetation by planting orchard trees that 34–510 ha−1 (mean about 290 ha−1). It has have a dense canopy, such as lychee, mango long-term population cycles and annual fluc- and longan. tuations in abundance that appear to be re- Taiwan is notable for its intensive agri- lated to the amount of vegetation available culture, with patchwork multi-cropping for feed and the permeability of soil for bur- ­rather than large monocultures. Mus for- rowing. T. indica shows similar trends and mosanus and A. agrarius are the commonest habits (Barnett and Prakash, 1976). In the rodent pest species in most crops, including North Western Desert, a range of species oc- cereals, vegetables and root crops, whereas curs. In addition to M. hurrianae and T. indi- A. agrarius and R. losea are common in leg- ca, other murids are also frequent, including umes. However, the relative damage by each Rattus meltada, Nesokia indica, B. benga- species has not been well studied, not even lensis and Mus booduga, the squirrel F. pen- whether there is a consistent pattern. From nanti, and the porcupine H. indica. Apart a survey by Ku (1984), a very generalized es- from crop damage, the burrowing habit of timate of potential annual loss was 200,000 t desert rodents intensifies desertification of agricultural product on the island. from erosion by their loosening of soil (Trip- Various gerbillines and jerboas become athi et al., 1992). The heavy pressure they dominant pests in arid or desert environ- exert means that no desert development pro- ments from the west of northern Africa gramme can be undertaken without rodent across to northern India. Damage to mater- management. All vegetable and pasture ials stored underground by both direct feed- plants are at risk at all stages of growth, in- ing and by soil disturbance are commonly cluding as seeds, with a build-up for both reported (Myllymaki, 1979). Shaw’s jird, local crop seasons. With the development of Meriones shawi, damages cereals, in par- desert areas, changes in the rodent fauna ticular, across the whole of North Africa may occur, for example, M. hurrianae is dis- (Greaves, 1987). Loss estimates range from 10 advantaged by soil cultivation or presence of to 100%. This is also the predominant pest of irrigation canals that may favour R. meltada. forage, field crops (including vegetables and In China, M. unguiculatus is the com- groundnuts) and fruit trees (which it will also monest of a number of species inhabiting debark). The population fluctuates, with environments ranging from dry grassland to plague-scale outbreaks every 2–10 years. In desert (Deng and Wang, 1984). It breeds still drier areas, the Libyan jird, M. libycus, throughout the year and, in favourable en- can cause heavy damage to crops. Large im- vironments, may reach numbers of 200– migrations from the desert are found to affect 300 ha−1, although there can be marked fluc- wheat grown under irrigation, and this spe- tuations. cies extends across to the Persian Gulf. Spiny mice, Acomys spp., are also common in the agricultural areas of Egypt, whereas Mus Sub-Saharan Africa musculus has appeared in a similar way in a desert reclamation scheme in Egypt, causing Most literature references for this region are an estimated 19% damage in barley and high to Arvicanthis niloticus (see Fig. 3.1), found losses in such crops as maize, peas, beans and in the Nile valley southward to East African horticultural crops. Tristram’s jird, M. tristra- countries and down to where its mi, becomes important from the eastern range intercepts that of Mastomys (Praomys) Mediterranean to western Iran. natalensis, which inflicts similar damage Rodents in Agriculture and Forestry 45

(Taylor, 1984). Severe outbreaks occur at robusta, Lemniscomys striatus and Aethomys variable intervals, but much of the record is kaiseri. In , a field trial compared the anecdotal (Odhiambo and Oguge, 2003). In- production of maize with and without rodent dividual studies and agricultural records control. M. erythroleucus and Arvicanthis provide some detail in specific cases, though dembeensis were predominant, with Tatera there can be some uncertainty about species robusta, Graphiurus murinus and Mus moha- validity. Mastomys has recently been revised meti together making up less than 17% of from six to nine species (Sicard et al., 1999, captures (Bekele et al., 2003). The propor- citing Lavrenchenko et al., 1988), and Arvi- tions of the rodents involved varied accord- canthus from one to nine (Sicard et al., ing to ground vegetation and trapping 1999, citing Ducroz et al., 1997). For present method. In the rodent-proofed plots, 9.6% of purposes, the name given in the particular planted seeds failed (seed predation or seed- literature cited is used. lings eaten), against 12.6% outside. However, In the higher lands of eastern Africa, the yield was 26% lower without control, sug- dominant cash and food crop is maize, gesting significant ongoing rodent losses to which is subject to heavy rodent attack. maize after the seedling stage. Other cereals, legumes, tomatoes, root crops In Tanzania, the main pest species of and cash crops like cotton and sugarcane maize is M. natalensis. Reproduction con- also can be damaged (Makundi et al., 1999). tinues throughout the year, while popula- Losses have not widely been systematically tion fluctuations are closely linked to the documented but evidently can be severe, annual rainfall cycle (Smythe, 1986; Tel- with grazing leading to total destruction of ford, 1989; Leirs et al., 1997). There are some plantings of wheat and other cereals, marked increases during the main rains in pulses and cotton. The digging up of seeds of March and April, which is linked to the newly sprouted maize, and the cutting down sprouting of the wild grasses and forbs that of young plants, can be particularly serious. constitute the food supply of these rodents. In Kenya, 90% loss can occur over large Populations remain high until December, areas of maize. A trapping project (Odhiambo particularly if the November rain is ad- and Oguge, 2003) found six murids, of which equate for further growth, but they then M. cf. erythroleucus (possibly confused with crash. Annual losses are estimated to be on M. natalensis) is most common (72% of trap- average 15% (Makundi et al., 1991), but in pings), followed by A. cf. neumanni (15%). outbreak years can reach as high as 80%. Other species were M. minutoides, Tatera cf. Losses of 15% would result in loss of an- nual production of greater than 380,000 t, enough maize to meet the annual consump- tion of 2 million Tanzanians (Mulungu et al., 2010). Estimated losses in invasive outbreaks in western Tanzania are 20% for maize, 34– 100% for wheat and 34% for barley (Makundi et al. 1999). Maize is traditionally grown in small plots within fallow land and perman- ent pasture. The factors that lead to popula- tion outbreaks of M. natalensis and keep populations in check in other years are well documented (Leirs et al., 1996, 1997). The spatial distribution of losses at the seedling stage has also been documented, and the re- Fig. 3.1. Arvicanthis niloticus, the Nile or African grass rat. This species is a serious pest of all aspects lationship between the density of rodents of agriculture and has a wide distribution and their damage to maize has been de- throughout much of Africa, with the exception of scribed as sigmoidal, with relatively high the far south where it is replaced by rats of the losses at moderate densities (Mulungu et al., genus Mastomys (Praomys). 2005). The populations of M. natalensis 46 B.J. Wood and G.R. Singleton

would need to be reduced to less than 20 ha−1 America to have a substantial impact on losses (Mu- lungu et al., 2010). The ecologically based In southern parts of North America, extend- approach to rodent management has recently ing into Central America, Sigmodon hispidus been extended to Swaziland and Namibia and Oryzomys palustris become a problem (Belmain et al., 2008; Monadjem et al., 2011; of field crops as well as of some large-scale Mulungu et al., 2011), with a stronger em- tropical crops. Specific problems may arise phasis on postharvest management in arid regions. For example, losses of 5–60% At higher altitudes, grassland is af- of jojoba beans (Simmondsia chinensis) in fected by the zebra mouse, Rhabdomys southern California are caused by pocket pumilio (Makundi et al., 1999), and in mice, Perognathus spp. P. baileyi was at one southern Kenya, maize is predated upon by time the only species capable of surviving on the striped , Xerus erythro- jojoba seeds, but other species have appar- pus. R. pumilio also inhabits the southern ently acquired a similar detoxification mech- part of Africa (Taylor, 1984), and sometimes anism for the cyanogenic glucoside in the reaches high densities in cereal crops, feed- beans. This perhaps happened during a ing particularly on maize cobs. It is also a period when the plants had been neglected as pest of plantations of young conifers in a result of low product prices (Baker, 1990). South Africa. The rodent problem in West Africa (aside from the wet tropical region), is simi- lar to that in East Africa, with marked differ- Subtropical, Highland Tropical and Arid ences in endemic species according to rain- Regions – Forestry and Orchards fall zone. Mastomys huberti and A. niloticus predominate in wetter areas, M. erythro- Forest trees are attacked in this ecotype, al- leucus and T. gracilis where rain is strongly though generally only passing reference is seasonal, and T. petteri in the most arid parts. made in the review literature. Two groups In both East and West Africa, larger ro- can be distinguished: rodents causing simi- dents can be a localized problem, including lar damage to that in temperate regions by porcupines (Hystrix spp.), the grass-cutter debarking, and those that cut down young or greater cane rat (Thryonomys swinderi- plants. Differences in the composition of ro- anus) and the giant rat (Cricetomys gambi- dent communities infesting field and tree anus). crops are less evident than in the temperate In Madagascar (Duplantier and Rakoton- regions. Throughout most of the Asian re- dravony, 1999), all the native rodents have gion, the commonest ‘specialist’ tree dam- disappeared or are restricted to the small re- agers tend to be larger rodents, particularly maining areas of native forest. Among the the porcupines, Hystrix indica and H. sub- ubiquitous introduced commensals, the scristatus. They inhabit rocky or sandy black rat, R. rattus, in particular, has become country but make forays into woodland. the major agricultural pest. In the highland Quite large trees can be ring barked, leading areas, this species has a similar aetiology to their death. Squirrels cause damage to and causes similar crop damage to the range forest seedlings in Bangladesh. In India, of rodent species in Africa in general. large-scale plantations are grown for water- In the arid regions of southern Africa, shed management and forests are planted gerbils (mainly Tatera spp.) cause damage for timber and fuel. The growing points of that is frequently noticeable but only occa- trees are cut and their shapes restricted and sionally severe (Taylor, 1984). The African disturbed by Rattus cutchicus and porcu- striped ground squirrel, X. erythropus, also pines. The desert gerbil, Meriones hurri- occurs in semi-arid areas and causes damage anae, can extend into arid land and affect of fluctuating severity to maize, particularly reafforestation. For example, 20% of trees to the seeds and seedlings; the loss in south- were lost in the Rajasthan Desert up to the ern Kenya averages about 10% (Key, 1990). end of the first year after planting (Barnett Rodents in Agriculture and Forestry 47

and Prakash, 1976). Young trees were com- particular situation, it is extensive and it pletely cut down by Nesokia indica. In the illustrates important features of rodent out- forest plantations in the North Western Des- breaks into which more insight has been ert, debarking occurred on 3–4 year old trees, gained in recent years. This concerns the and some were cut down (Tripathi et al., incidence of periodic but devastating out- 1992), mainly by M. hurrianae, Tatera indi- breaks of rodents in crops grown in the ca and R. meltada, the principal rodents of vicinity of bamboo forest. These forests oc- the desert. cupy vast tracts in tropical highlands, also In Taiwan, squirrels, particularly Callo- extending into temperate climates, on all sciurus erythraeus, cause serious debarking continents. They may be climax vegeta- damage (Kuo and Ku, 1987). In Queensland, tion, or a recurrent stage in the succession Australia, hoop pine plantations are se- that is maintained by slash and burn agri- verely damaged by R. culmorum (Kehl, per- culture. The bamboos can have practical sonal communication). uses and some food value, while the crops There is a group of rodents that inhabit grown seasonally in these localities pro- orchards. They climb the trees to feed on the vide food and cash crops for numerous fruits but do not primarily affect tree growth. towns and villages. Various rodents live in In the Mediterranean region, field-adapted the environment, their populations limited subspecies of R. rattus may do serious dam- by food availability, but periodic synchron- age to fruit trees. In Cyprus, R. r. frugivorus ized bamboo flowering and fruiting (‘mast- debarks carob tree branches in the growing ing’) provides a surge in nutrition that sup- season from March to October. Attack is ports an explosion in rodent pest numbers. mainly on fresh branches, but may include The reproductive biology of bamboo is var- older ones, causing dead patches in trees. ied (Aplin and Lalsiamliana, 2010) and Roughly up to 15% of trees lose 20% of their ranges from species that flower individually crop (Watson, 1951). The same species also and sporadically to those with synchron- damages citrus in Cyprus and other local- ized masting, including ‘semelparous’ spe- ities in the eastern Mediterranean, including cies that grow for long periods, then flower, the Nile basin. In the eastern Mediterranean, fruit and die synchronously. The suddenly the edible dormouse, Glis glis, has a special multiplying rodents spread into the crop- niche as a consumer of olive fruits, causing lands, causing destruction far beyond the an annual loss of 30 t in Iran alone (Greaves, usual levels of 5–15%, and leading to yields 1987). It can also inflict serious damage in of only a fraction of normal or even to total deciduous forest by debarking branches and loss. Historically, this has led to dramatic destroying growing points. effects on the human population, as famine In fruit projects in the North Western and starvation ensue (e.g. World Food Pro- Desert of India, 29% of ripe pomegranates gramme, 2009), as well as the diseases that were eaten by Funambulus pennanti, which such huge and uncontrollable rodent num- also takes other fruit such as grapes and bers can bring. Such events have occurred guavas (Tripathi et al., 1992). This squirrel in various parts of India, Madagascar, Japan, is particularly notable in India, feeding on a Brazil, Chile and Argentina (Jaksic and range of fruits from flowering to maturity Lima, 2003; Sage et al., 2007). (Posamentier and van Elsen, 1984), up into Apart from the losses, there are import- the slopes of the Himalayas (Bhagat and ant implications for rodent agroecology in Kaul, 1992). general. One of the locations best known for these periodic rodent upsurges is the NE ­Indian state of Mizoram, which has over Bamboo Forests in Tropical 9000 km2 of bamboo forest. Among a range Mountainous Regions of bamboo species, Melocanna baccifera (locally called mautak) is predominant over This category has been added since the 85% of the area. The dramatic consequences previous edition, because although it is a associated with its masting (called mautam) 48 B.J. Wood and G.R. Singleton

occur in a cycle of about 48 years, and were any economic cost. Protection by various recorded in 1910–1912 and 1956–1959. An- barriers has not proved useful in face of other species, Bambusa tulda (rawthing) the great pressure of rodent numbers, ex- may predominate, with synchronous mast- cept for some possible help in storage fa- ing and rodent upsurge at about similar cilities. Some farmers in the Chittagong (but out of phase) periodicity (thingtam), Hill Tracts have developed an ‘escape strat- in 1880–1881, 1927–1929 and 1976–1978. egy’ whereby they plant a shorter duration While the earlier records inevitably are an- rice variety once they see the bamboo fruit- ecdotal, in view of the human population ing. This early-maturing variety, however, consequences, they are well documented. has a cost; the yields are generally 50% less Chauhan (2003) reviewed the subject than the late-maturing varieties. So farmers and noted that, at that time, an opportunity may escape high rodent losses to their rice to study a mautam in more detail would be but they have a considerably lower harvest expected in about 2006–2008. This did in- (Belmain et al., 2010). Fortunately, the con- deed take place, with widespread simultan- sequent starvation in the human population eous fruiting moving progressively across was limited in the recent case study, because the forest area from 2006 to 2008 (Aplin and there is infrastructure to bring in essential Lalsiamliana, 2010). Huge amounts of fruit supplies. Even so, this does not eliminate were produced, and rodent populations, the longer term hardships to the farmers, which were clearly feeding on the fruit, which can extend to enforced consumption built up vastly and dispersed widely into of seed that normally would be saved for surrounding cropland, causing intense de- subsequent planting seasons. In some re- struction. Crops were totally lost or reduced gions, where the rodents form a regular or to a fraction of the usual expectation. Those occasional part of the diet, there may be affected included upland rice, maize, and limited compensation. lesser crops such as sugar, beans, oil crops, Various rodent species are associated pulses, , sorghum, etc., plus veget- with these events. In Mizoram and surround- ables for local subsistence. This bamboo ing territories, the commonest species re- forest extends over wide territories with corded is Rattus rattus. This may well cover similar topography west to the Chittagong a complex of taxa, as there is a large range of Hill Tracts of Bangladesh (Ahaduzzaman body features. Other common rodent pests and Sarker, 2010), and south-east into include R. nitidus (the Himalayan rat), R. ex- Myanmar (Htwe et al., 2010), and rodent ulans (the Polynesian or little house rat), outbreaks were recorded from 2007 to 2010. and Mus (the house mouse). Other species The extended time over which the bamboo found include Berylmys spp. (white-toothed masting events occurred, with areas flower- rat), Niviventer fulvescens (spiny rat), R. siki- ing and fruiting at different times, was a sur- mensis, Cannomys badius (), prise, and is the first time it has been so well Mus spp., Chiropodomys gliroides (bamboo documented at a regional scale (Singleton mouse) and squirrels such as Callosciurus et al., 2010a,b). spp. (Aplin and Lalsiamliana, 2010). It is Control may be attempted, systematic- clear from the literature that by far the most ally and jointly, but there seems no realistic serious pests are within the R. rattus com- hope of preventing the extreme losses. Trap- plex, which generally make up somewhere ping and hunting may take huge numbers – around 80% of captured or killed batches. figures of millions of bodies or tails (often in As the masting progresses, rodents will bounty schemes) are quoted in the literature swarm over crop areas, sometimes appear- cited here. Methods to scare rats away – ing to return to harbourage, sometimes dis- patrols, noise, and so on, have no practical persing. Large numbers of ‘mice’ reported effect. Local poisoning projects do not pre- may actually be the young of the predomin- vent overwhelming survival of the pests, ant rats, which increase to high proportions and it is doubtful if even area-wide system- as the populations multiply rapidly (Aplin atic projects could make much difference at and Lalsiamliana, 2010). Rodents in Agriculture and Forestry 49

Further east in the mountainous re- particular characteristics, and they are con- gions of northern Laos, there are extensive sidered individually here. tracts of such forest, in which there is a greater range of bamboo species and more localization of dominance. Masting occurs Rice in different places and with different perio- dicities, but crop loss by rodents can be ex- Importance in South-east Asia treme in some years and at some places (World Food Programme, 2009; Douang- This most important staple grain is grown boupha et al., 2010). throughout the tropics and as a summer crop The link between bamboo masting in subtropical and warmer temperate cli- and severe rodent upsurge is well estab- mates (Maclean et al., 2002). Rice agroeco- lished. Rat populations exist continuously systems are particularly conducive to rodent in the bamboo forests, at populations regu- infestation; for example, rodents are categor- lated by the amount of food available. ized as the number one preharvest pest of Areas of ripening crops only present a rice in Java, Indonesia (Sudarmaji et al., suitable habitat for rodents for short 2010), as among the top three pests in Viet- periods each year, so that opportunities for nam (Huan et al., 2010), and in Philippines rapid population increase are limited. as the number one pest in dry season and Various authors have noted the increase number two pest in wet season rice (Palis in ‘breeding’ or ‘reproduction’ at masting. et al., 2008). Grassland rats are well adapted It would no doubt be more precise to say to rice, and damage can occur from nursery ‘an extension of the breeding season’, plus to harvest. Rice attack is probably is the increased recruitment opportunity. The worst case of rat depredation in crops, threat- massive increase in rodent food over an ening food security on a world basis, particu- extended period leads to the explosion in larly in Asia (Meerburg et al., 2009). Thus, rodent populations and in turn, to the sustainable measures to combat the pests are widespread dispersal of large numbers of vital. In this context a ‘source vegetation effect’ rats – termed ‘rat armies’ in Mizoram (Aplin of possible relevance in control was recog- and Lalsiamliana 2010), ‘rat floods’ in the nized from the 1970s (Lam, 1990; Wood, Chittagong Hill Tract region (Belmain et al., 1990). Intensified work towards more reliable 2010) and ‘ratadas’ (both Spanish and Por- and economic control by better understand- tuguese) in South America (Jaksic and ing the population has been a key Lima, 2003). Equally, as the extra food dis- feature since the mid-1990s. See Singleton appears, so do the excessive rat popula- et al. (2007) for a comprehensive review. tions, themselves subject to starvation that Rice may be grown by direct sowing, or often leaves many corpses in the land- by transplanting from a nursery. As an irri- scape (Sage et al., 2007). gated rice, crop, it is grown in lowland pad- dies bordered by banks (locally called ‘bunds’); it is also grown as rainfed rice in lowland and upland rainfed agroecosys- Lowland Tropics tems; there is also deepwater rice. Although there have been reports of rodent damage Lowland equatorial climates are hot, with- in Bangladesh (Islam et al., 1993), not much out distinct cool periods, and with plentiful is known about the impact of rodents in rain for at least part of the year. Several these systems. From early growth (tillering), commodity crops are grown on a large scale stems proliferate (booting), the panicles that are subject to heavy depredation by ro- form (heading) and ripen, in a growing sea- dents. Detailed investigations have con- son of from 3 to 5 months. Two crops a year tinued in recent years, with some important are often grown in the lowland tropics, advances in ecological understanding and sometimes even three. Figure 3.2 shows the of the approaches to control. Each crop has effect of rat damage at the booting stage. 50 B.J. Wood and G.R. Singleton

particular with open vegetation cover and water courses, and makes incursions from these vegetation sources into rice fields. As the rice grows, it supplies nutrients that can support a rapid and abundant build-up of rat numbers. The population size towards tillering, the time of maximum susceptibil- ity to crop loss, depends largely on the number of rats at the source at the time of planting, and their access to the rice. After harvest, when abundant food is no longer there, the high population may be sustained Fig. 3.2. Rat damage to growing rice at the booting for a period in the straw and stubble of the stage. The rodents have gnawed the bases of the crop (Brown et al., 2006; Jacob et al., 2010), growing tillers to obtain the developing panicles. but then declines to what is supported by Damage done at this stage may not be taken into the source until the next season. The popu- account in damage assessments conducted close to lation dynamics of other rice-field species harvesting because the remnant tissues will have have not generally been studied in such de- rotted away. This leads to underestimation of the tail as those of R. argentiventer, but avail- importance of rat damage to the rice crop, in this case by Rattus argentiventer in Malaysia. able evidence supports a similar build-up from source as more food appears – for ­example, R. tanezumi in Mindanao (Fall, 1977), R. losea in Vietnam’s Red River Delta Rodent species and occurrence (Brown et al., 2005) and B. bengalensis in Many species are known to feed on rice in India (Sridhara, 1992) – and it would be lo- the field, but the worst, and certainly the gical to assume that this generally applies. most intensively studied, is Rattus argen- Rat damage can be categorized as a tiventer (the rice-field rat). It is the domin- continuous threat from season to season ant species in the rice-fields of Indonesia, (‘chronic’) or as episodic and resulting from Malaysia, Vietnam and the southern and occasional population eruptions (‘out- central islands of the Philippines. Further breaks’). The chronic situation is described north in the Malay Peninsula into Thailand, above for R. argentiventer, which rises regu- R. losea (the lesser rice-field rat) and R. rat- larly from populations in source vegetation. tus (a complex of taxa) become common, as Outbreaks are of two main types. One is the does Bandicota indica (the large bandicoot irregular appearance of a big surge in food rat). Eastward into Cambodia, R. argentiventer other than rice. The prime case is in the is common in the south, with B. indica and areas where bamboo masting (q.v.) takes R. exulans (the Polynesian rat), but R. rattus place. The species that build up will attack becomes dominant in northern Cambodia and probably destroy any rice that they and Laos. To the west into Myanmar and find (mainly rainfed in such cases) (Schiller Bangladesh, B. bengalensis, B. savilei and et al., 1999; Singleton et al., 2010a,b). R. rattus become the dominant species in The second cause of outbreaks is when rice fields. Aplinet al. (2003) provide a re- for any reason the rice planting programme view of the biology and of the within a restricted locality is asynchronous. main rodent pest species in agricultural Such practices may be started when there landscapes in Asia and the Pacific. has been disruption to earlier planted crops, as can happen from unusual or extreme cli- Environmental suitability and mate events, in particular heavy rains or a causation of outbreaks delay in the onset of the monsoon rains. Further, paddies may be left uncultivated R. argentiventer naturally inhabits the en- after the harvest, and so a continuous large vironments suitable to rice cultivation, in rat population is sustained by the subsequent Rodents in Agriculture and Forestry 51

volunteer crop. Freshly cut rice tillers at precision because a collection of estimates harvest can quickly regrow if there is suffi- is averaged to a non-rounded figure. Often, cient water available, leading to a ‘volun- the subjective assessments seriously under- teer’ or ratoon crop. Such incidences are estimate true losses. None the less, broad documented for the Philippines and Indo- regional assessments suggest large losses in nesia (Singleton et al., 2010a,b; Sudarmaji all Asian countries and, importantly, very et al., 2010), and for Vietnam (Huan et al., heavy loss, even loss of the complete crop, 2010). When cyclone Nargis struck the Aye- is an ever-present threat. Nationally, this yarwaddy area in 2008, it wiped out exten- may not have a big impact, but for individ- sive rice field tracts. Attempts to make this uals and in districts it can seriously reduce good led to disrupted planting schedules income, production continuity and even ad- which, in turn, extended the breeding sea- equate food availability (Leung et al., 1999; son of Bandicota spp. (Htwe et al., 2013). Aplin and Lalsiamliana, 2010). In Indonesia, There was consequent heavy loss of the for example, 50% loss can be common for crop. The pressure is high on smallholdings an individual farmer; e.g. in 1995, some (most farmers in South-east Asia have less 5225 ha were totally lost (Singleton, 2003). than 2 ha of land) to maximize land prod- In the uplands of Laos, occasional popula- uctivity. This means planting the crop as tion eruptions can place a major strain on early as possible so that the smallholders the food security of families (World Food can generate income and/or plant a third Programme, 2009). crop. Moreover, some of the newer varieties In Indonesia, irrigated rice yields have of rice have markedly shorter growing sea- recently been high, which is attributed to sons, leading to the temptation to have improved agronomic techniques and the interspersed plantings of different periods. use of high-yielding varieties. Yields aver- Thus, with contiguous smallholdings, there aged 4.40 t ha−1 in 2000, progressing to 4.94 can be a high degree of asynchrony, a likely in 2009. Even so, rat damage is a constant cause of rodent problems. drag on yield, with an average 3.5% percep- tibly damaged at harvest (damage has to Review of crop losses equate to at least 10% crop loss before it is noticeable) and 0.02% wipeout. Some years Rat damage is very clearly severe at many and places can be worse, such as West Java times and in many places, but is not easy to in 2008, where over 9% of the crop was re- quantify on an ongoing basis. A key reason corded as damaged, with yield down to is that while the main loss is caused during 1–2 t ha−1 in some trials without rat control the growing phases, vegetative recovery can (Sudarmaji et al., 2010). For other countries disguise the appearance of damage at har- in South-east Asia, Singleton (2003) tabu- vesting. This, though, is when much of the lated losses in various territories, including: assessment tends to be done. Further, some Laos <5% in lowland rice, 10–15% in up- of the production on recovered stems is too land rice and more in outbreak years; Myan- late for the harvest, and early vegetative mar, 5–40% plus outbreaks; Philippines damage may reduce the canopy and so variable, with district losses of >20%; and allow increased weed competition (Wood Thailand, 6 or 7%. Further figures include and Chung, 2003). 20–30% losses in Vietnam (Brown et al., Nationally, loss estimates may depend 2005), and here there is a worsening situ- on farmer surveys and subjective assess- ation as rice planting is intensified. ments – often on a basis of what crop is Another source of crop shortfall is fore- taken without any same-time reference gone planting, which can occur as a result of point to what it could have been. Such rat damage (Singleton, 2003). In Indonesia guides may be useful but can be wildly in- in 1998, a drought disrupted production. accurate, and patchy incidence can further A third crop was planned by the national blur the picture (Barnett, 2001). Even so, government to be planted in an attempt to there is sometimes a spurious impression of compensate for the lost production, but 52 B.J. Wood and G.R. Singleton

­because it was recognizably subject to a at the field scale (single plots of 10–50 ha), heavy rat threat, the area planted to a third on different rice-growing areas of varying crop was considerably less than intended. A yield potential (Liau and Wood, 1978; planned expansion of the rice area in Kali- Wood, 1984a). Yields without this control mantan (Indonesian Borneo) to 900,000 ha (but with ‘usual farmer practice’, if any) was abandoned half way through because of ranged from 1.4 to 4.8 t ha−1, with an arith- attack by rats, and other farmers in the terri- metic mean of 2.5 t ha−1, which, as it hap- tory have given up growing rice. pened, was close to the national average at that time. In the baited areas, the yields Relationship of damage to production were from 2.3 to 6.2 t ha−1, mean 4.4 t ha−1. All of the dead rats found were R. argen- The relationship of damage to crop loss has tiventer. One test area was in a large ‘rice been determined objectively in some trials. bowl’ that ranged from intensive rice plant- Fulk and Akhtar (1981) used a statistical ing only, with narrow bunds and no resi- method to hold tiller density (the main dences, in the north, progressively changing non-rodent factor affecting yield) constant, to a more mixed system with houses and and showed a direct relationship between gardens among the paddies, and broader yield and rodent damage counts made at ­access bunds (‘non-rice land’), in the south. harvest. Using the method in Malaysia, In plots respectively in north, middle and wide damage estimates were reached, from south of this, untreated yields were 4.8, 4.0 2 to 10% in individual fields (Buckleet al., and 2.5 t ha−1, but with rat control, they 1985) to 12–47% in blocks without rat con- were 4.9, 4.7 and 4.9 t ha−1. As well as re- trol (Lam et al., 1990). In Indonesia, the per- vealing the losses to rats, not always obvi- centage of tillers cut by rodents in the ous nor appreciated by farmers, this showed 2 weeks before harvest would need to be the variability of rat incidence, which could multiplied by three (Buckle, 1988) or by clearly be linked to the extent of ‘non-rice four (Singleton et al., 2005) to provide an land’ (a rat source). This margin of diffe- estimate of percentage crop loss. A repli- rence was confirmed by others, e.g. Ding cated trial in the Mekong Delta in Vietnam (1975). Buckle (1988) found increased (Cuong et al., 2003), compared the effect of yields of 4.4 and 3.7 t ha−1 in two seasons rats put into 3 × 3 m enclosures, using two, with second-generation anticoagulant baits, three or four animals for two nights at three against 3.0 and 2.4 without them. Inside crop stages. Tillers damaged at the seedling fenced plots, Lam (1990) obtained yields of stage were respectively 25% (two rats), 38% 4.2 and 4.4 t ha−1 in two localities, against (three rats) and 62% (four rats). Damage at 1.1 and 0.8 t ha−1 outside fences. tillering was 21, 27 and 43%, and at booting An interesting speculation relates to rice was 20, 25 and 27%. This seems to suggest yields after the tsunami of 2004 in the north that damage lessens as the rice grows; how- of Sumatra. The first rice crop afterwards ever, the yield loss against control values produced 4.2 t ha−1, against the usual local (enclosure with no rats) was 0% at the seed- expectation of about 2.6 t ha−1. Severe and ling stage for all rat numbers, but 42, 43 and widespread flooding would severely reduce 53% down at tillering and 52, 59 and 62% rodent densities, and the yield difference at booting (early stage of seed development). (‘Tsunami bonus’) appears to accord with the above differences demonstrated with and Objective assessment of loss without rodent control (Wood, 2006).

Loss assessment can best be done by com- Rat population size paring yield with and without rat damage (Chapter 10). In the Malaysian peninsula in The numbers of R. argentiventer present are the 1960/1970s, an effective way to eliminate hard to quantify objectively. Many authors rats was developed, with attractive anticoagu- note that individuals are difficult to trap, lant baits on a replacement round system. and even more so to re-trap (e.g. Leung A series of ten paired comparisons was done, et al., 1999; Jacob et al., 2003). This makes Rodents in Agriculture and Forestry 53

conventional ecological techniques, with dead rats (although bait shyness means that catch–mark–release/recapture (CMR) methods, they rarely reduce populations to low num- very imprecise (Singleton et al., 1999b). bers); various payment and subsidy issues; Wood (1971), after a period of CMR, took competition from commercial manufactur- the index capture by hunting rats alarmed ers who produce baits for multiple use that by the plough. This indicated 60 rats ha−1 at are less effective in rice fields; and the poi- the end of the growing season. An alterna- soning of non-target animals. Resistance tive index collection can be the corpses from and other sustainability issues arise in the a round of poison baiting after a trapping long term. period. Indirect methods of estimating the EBRM has been particularly developed number of live rats present include activity in rice. The basic aim is to reduce the threat signs such as the number of active burrows. from source habitats, and then to apply ac- In Indonesia, the population during the ceptable and sustainable measures against growing season was estimated at 5–25 ha−1, the post-planting increase. The key compo- rising to over 700 ha−1 at 1–2 months after nents vary according to the specific loca- the harvest. The associated population in a tion, but they generally include: reduce source habitat can be very dense; in the Phil- suitable source habitats (sanitation, neutral- ippines, one estimate was 10,000 ha−1 (Fall, izing burrows, remove excessive ground 1977). Sometimes, the number taken in at- vegetation, reduce bund size as appropriate); tempts at control by killing rats gives an ensure neighbouring crops are synchron- ­impression of the scale of the problem – for ized; community actions to remove rodents example in West Java in one season in 2001, during the 2 weeks after transplanting (or rats removed from two 100 ha blocks were, 4 weeks after seeding). The latter is timed respectively, 8729 and 5429 (Singleton et al., when rats are aggregated in source habitats 2005). More recently, in Indonesia, the num- around the margins of rice fields, and before bers of rats in burrows and straw piles after the main breeding season commences. A co- harvest were estimated at 120–140 ha−1, and ordinated community effort ensures the best the actual numbers caught in large areas in chance of success. four districts were from 34 to 222 ha−1 (total Where rodent losses are typically of 163,645 from 1787 ha) (Leung et al., >10%, as in the dry season in West Java, an 1999). In the Mekong Delta, in a bounty additional element to EBRM is the use of scheme over 22 provinces in 1997, 55 million the trap-barrier system (TBS). Rats are rats were collected (Singleton, 2003). guided to multiple-capture traps along a low fence line. This can take huge numbers Ecological basis of control of rats, e.g. about 44,000 in 200 traps along an 8 km boundary (Lam, 1990; Lam and In attempts at culling, whether by physical Mooi, 1994). A ‘second generation TBS’ or baiting means, in a patchwork owner- lures rats to a ‘trap crop’ planted 2–3 weeks ship by small farmers, control measures re- ahead of the main crop (Singleton et al., quire collaborative coordinated effort. Un- 2003b). Rats are attracted to the earlier fortunately, it is too often delayed until planted crop, and are taken in multiple- damage becomes obvious (Stenseth et al., capture traps. The TBS with a trap crop 2003), which includes late intervention by gives a halo of protection of about 200 m bodies of authority (Huan et al., 2010). By (Brown et al., 2003). In the development this time, the main loss has already oc- trials, three sizes of trap crop plots were curred and the rat population is too widely compared with two replicates. The highest distributed in the agricultural landscape for catch was with the biggest plot (50 × 50 m) effective removal (Brown and Tuan, 2005). with a total of captured rats at tillering, The good results from anticoagulant booting and ripening stages of 1584 rats, baiting (mentioned above as demonstrating against 484 in 30 × 30 m plots, and 567 losses) are rarely adopted by farmers in the at 20 × 20 m. All plot sizes gave a similar field. Negative factors include: farmer pref- yield improvement, averaging 4.72 t ha−1 as erence for acute poisons so that they can see against 4.10 t ha−1 without the TBS. 54 B.J. Wood and G.R. Singleton

In one project, farmers generally agreed Other regions that rats were damaging but varied in their attitudes to the value of cooperation (Sudar- Moving from South-east Asia, rice is also maji et al., 2003), whereas farmer involve- heavily attacked by rats in the Indian subcon- ment is crucial to success (Morin et al., 2003; tinent. Across to the west in Pakistan, B. ben- Palis et al., 2011). As an example, EBRM galensis is the major rice rat. It too cuts tillers, with strong community involvement (com- but losses are compounded by its habit of munity trap-barrier system, or CTBS) was storing food in its burrows. Rat damage has tested in West Java from 1999 to 2002. Yields been a principal reason why the planting of in four villages, each with about 120 ha, rice has not increased in some regions were compared. Two were assigned to EBRM (Greaves et al., 1977; Fulk and Akhtar, 1981). with CTBS, while in the other two, farmers Other common rice-field species are Nesokia made their own decisions (Singleton et al., indica, Millardia meltada and Mus spp., 2005; Jacob et al., 2010). The treatment vil- which appear to eat grain but do not cut down lages took steps to reduce source popula- stems. B. bengalensis responds to the growth tions, with eight 20 × 20 m trap crops for about of rice by increasing its population (Smiet 2 weeks around planting. Yield assessed from et al., 1980), like R. argentiventer, but M. melta- a similar quadrat pattern of transects in each da does not show this response. Investigation village showed a consistent advantage over in fields not considered especially heavily in- the 11 seasons of from 110 to 890 kg ha−1, fested showed a mean population of 55 on total yields of 5.4 to 8.6 t ha−1. Culling rats ha−1, 60% of them B. bengalensis. Damage needs to be intensive and systematic. In one to tillers ranged from 10 to 25% with a yield season, catches from 100 ha were 8729 and loss of 2–43% (mean 19%) (Fulk and Akhtar, 5429, respectively, from the treated vil- 1981). Elsewhere, the application of rat-control lages. In later developments in West Java, measures gave a mean yield increase of 21.4% yields in the Indonesian Center for Rice Re- (with only 3.4% of evident tiller damage) search improved from 3.4 t ha−1 before 1998 (Greaves et al., 1977). to 7–8 t ha−1 from 2006 when TBS was prac- To the east, in Bangladesh, the princi- tised (Sudarmaji et al., 2010). In a parallel pal rice pests are B. bengalensis and B. ind- trial in the Red River Delta of Vietnam, there ica. Economic assessment of loss is limited, was no yield benefit, although the use of ro- but reached 68% in 1987 and 32% the next denticides did decline. This was attributed year (Islam et al., 1993). In 1982–1983, to low rat populations during the trial period counts of stems cut in deepwater rice led to (Singleton et al., 2004; Brown et al., 2005). In estimates of 0.9% loss (Karim et al., 1987), another scheme, in the Mekong Delta, there but excavation of burrows indicated much was a reduction of rat damage from 16 to 1%, bigger losses. There are also acute, sporadic with a corresponding yield increase (as ac- losses associated with the ‘rat floods’ associ- knowledged by the farmers). In the Philip- ated with bamboo masting (q.v.) (Belmain pines, in 2006, strong liaison with farmers, et al., 2010). In 2007–2008, rodent outbreaks and intensive publicity, enabled a coordin- in the Chittagong Hill Tract region led to ated scheme; from farmers’ own assessments, significant reductions in the livelihoods yield improvement was judged to be over of families and increased health issues 10% (Flor and Singleton, 2010). (Ahaduzzaman and Sarker, 2010). The TBS is expensive to set up, and there In India, B. bengalensis is the major rice needs to be evidence of a probable significant rat, with M. meltada and the mouse Mus rat attack. Generally, the dry season is when booduga common as well. B. bengalensis the danger is greatest, hence is the most increases as the rice matures. Two or three cost-effective time. Thus, a good prediction decades ago, rodents were reported to con- system is desirable (Huan et al., 2010). Much sume 10–15% of all grains (Barnett and of the area in the Vietnam irrigated rice areas Prakash, 1976). Various Indian states esti- is subject to heavy flooding in the wet season mate, for rice grown with all watering which ‘resets’ the rat population. methods, chronic loss in the 2–3 to 15% Rodents in Agriculture and Forestry 55

range, and with frequent cases of much ­locality, 85% of rats captured were Holochi- higher damage (Singleton, 2003). Some of lus braziliensis and 13% Sigmodon hispi- these rodent outbreaks, and consequent dus (or S. alstoni)’ and in another, 27% and heavy losses, have been associated with 73%, respectively. Rice grown in areas af- bamboo masting (q.v.) in NE India from at fected by population explosions (‘ratadas’) least the 1980s (Sridhara, 1992). associated with bamboo masting (q.v.) is In China, rats have long been a problem subject to heavy or total loss, like many in rice, but detailed evaluations have not other crops (Jaksic and Lima, 2003). been available. In the period before 1985, In more seasonal climates, where rice is the official estimated loss was 10% (Zhao, grown as a summer crop, it is attacked in 1996). The main species are R. norvegicus, much the same way as in the tropics by spe- R. losea, R. tanezumi ( = R. flavipectus), R. cies similar to those affecting field crops in nitidus, B. indica and the mice M. musculus the area, such as Arvicanthus niloticus and and Apodemus agrarius. Other species may R. rattus in Egypt. also occur as pests. In the Pearl River Delta, the main pest appears to be R. rattoides, which makes incursions into growing rice Sugarcane from other vegetation, including other field crops. One of the ways of reducing the Sugarcane is widespread, growing best in source is to grow trees that shade out the the zone bordering the tropics and subtrop- preferred low vegetation habitat (Zhang et al., ics. It requires good rainfall most of the 1999). In Taiwan, Bandicota nemorivaga, time, but with a dry season for full ripen- R. losea and M. formosanus are common ing. Planting is possible at any time. The and will attack rice. canopy remains open for about 6 months, Reports on rat damage to rice in Africa then progressively closes over. After about are fewer than from Asia, but serious losses 12 months, the cane starts to lodge and a clearly occur. Among several small rodent mat of stalks and leaves covers the ground. species in rice fields in south-west , This provides ideal food and shelter for tiller cutting was mainly by A. niloticus or, small rodents, and is stable in the medium in flooded fields, by the shaggy rat,Dasymys term, until the cane is harvested, after a incomtus (Funilmayo and Akande, 1977). period that varies widely – from 1 to 3 years Tatera kempii also cuts stems, while several in different regions. Rats cause direct loss of species remove seeds, primarily Mastomys cane by eating into the internodes of stand- natalensis, Lemniscomys striatus, Uranomys ing and lodged cane. This permits entry of foxi, R. rattus and Mus musculoides. Some insects and pathogens, and also causes species attack nursery plants, including physiological stress, which reduces the X. erythropus. In general, rice is not seriously weight and sugar content, and may kill the attacked by hystricomorphs, but in West cane. Damage may also come from the eat- ­Africa the grass-cutter, T. swinderianus, can ing of growing tissues, and of underground cut down about 5% of individual plots. parts by fossorial species. Loss relates to the Overall, by comparing places with and with- proportion of damaged canes, but quantifi- out damage, losses to vertebrates were esti- cation is complicated by the time from har- mated at 40%. In East Africa, in Tanzania, vest and other factors. Various ways to esti- M natalensis is the main rodent pest of low- mate losses have been devised (Chapter 10). land irrigated rice (Mulungu et al., 2013); Damaged cane that does not die loses however, estimates of losses to rice caused around 10–20% of its sugar content. The by rodents are lacking. proportion of damaged canes is often high, Again, based on rather sparse reports, a up to 90% or more, with a significant propor- similar situation appears to prevail in South tion dying. In examining a range of findings America. Losses were estimated roughly at from various countries, Hampson (1984) 15% in two studies (Williams and Pereira, found a constant ratio between the propor- 1984; Williams and Vega, 1984). In one tion of canes damaged and lost sugar yield. 56 B.J. Wood and G.R. Singleton

Yield potential varies widely, in the range done too late when damage is already appar- 2–6 t ha−1 sugar, but for each 10% damaged, ent. Limited input of an improved formula- the sugar loss is about 3–4% (mean 3.7%). tion zinc phosphide (which rapidly de- In the Americas, Rattus exulans, R. nor- grades in the field) gives good control based vegicus and R. rattus all occur in cane fields on the ecology. R. conatus and Melomys lit- in Hawaii, the first species being the com- toralis are also recorded as sugar pests, with monest and most damaging. Populations are marked annual variation in losses (Arm- maintained in unplanted areas of natural strong, 1984). vegetation, such as gulches. Breeding can In the Indian subcontinent, sugarcane take place all year round and the rats spread is an important crop subject to heavy rodent into the cane fields as conditions become damage. The commonest culprit is B. ben- suitable (from about the fourth month). galensis, which has caused damage as high Numbers are estimated conservatively to as 63% of canes in Andhra Pradesh (Mohan reach 30 ha−1 (Hood et al., 1970). In the Rao, 2003). In Punjab, R. meltada is com- 1960s, losses were estimated at 40% cane mon, and there are some species particular damaged, with 30% of this dead. Holochilus to certain regions, e.g. Cannomys bradius in sciureus occurs through the north of South Nizoram. The degree of infestation is related America, and is particularly noted in Guyana to the suitability of surrounding vegetation (Bates, 1963). It breeds all year round in to maintain populations, which includes, in vegetation surrounding the fields and spreads the case of Nesokia indica, the range of into young sugar fields. Losses of sugar are other crops that it attacks. Other lesser prob- estimated at about 12%. In Central America, lems in India are from squirrels and porcu- Sigmodon hispidus is the commonest sugar- pines (Srivastava, 1992). In Pakistan, the cane rat, along with Oryzomys palustris, cane crop has an annual cycle (Smiet et al., R. rattus and M. musculus (Romero et al., 1978). 1980). M. meltada breeds all year maintaining The population was estimated at 39 ha−1 and a relatively constant population. B. benga- damage to cane was in the range 2–43%. In lensis increases markedly in mid-year, as Mexico, attacks by S. hispidus start when the sugar grows up. B. indica attacks sugar canes are 12 cm high and worsen as cane is in Bangladesh and N. indica feeds on the toppled, with the rice rat, Oryzomes coues, subterranean parts of plants, causing them to and deer mice, Peromyscus spp., and also die without obvious symptoms (Posamentier recorded; occasionally 90% of canes can and van Elsen, 1984). be damaged (Collado and Ruano, 1963). R. losea and B. bengalensis are serious In Florida, S. hispidus, R. rattus and the threats to sugarcane in China, and in Taiwan, round-tailed muskrat, Neofiber alleni, caused Mus formosanus and Apodemus agrarius are damage averaging 14% over 41 fields, with a abundant in the crop. In Egypt, R. r. frugivorus calculated yield loss 10.8% (Lefebvre et al., spreads into the fields when the canopy is 1978). In Barbados, introduced rat species dense, and Arvicanthis niloticus, a burrow- can cause extensive losses, up to 6% in some ing species, invades from the periphery. years (Taylor, 1972). Damage can reach 40% of canes, with some In north Queensland, cane is attacked cut down completely (Tantawy Omar, 1984). by the grassland rat species R. sordidus and Sugar is not a major crop in Peninsular Melomys burtoni (Smith et al., 2003). The Malaysia but, in pilot projects, an estimated rats build up from source populations in 40% of canes were damaged, with R. exu- the fallow and surrounding vegetation, and lans the commonest species (Wood, 1984a). the cane provides suitable food and ground cover for the burrowing of R. sordidus. Some degree of control is achieved by removing Oil palm the supporting vegetation. The risks of broadcasting second-generation anticoagu- Rat damage was noted on oil palm fruits in lants led to the suspension of this control Malaysia as early as the 1930s, when the in- method; in any case, baiting is generally dustry there was in its infancy. Detailed Rodents in Agriculture and Forestry 57

­investigations began in the late 1960s and ­peninsula. Estimates by CMR techniques in- paralleled the increasing importance of the dicated that populations varied from 160 to crop, which occupies around 4–5 million ha 507 ha−1 (average about 300) at ten loca- in the country, and about the same in Indo- tions. R. tiomanicus inflicts similar damage nesia, with extensive plantings in surround- on palms grown in surrounding territories ing territories and other wet tropical regions in the region. of the world. Field plantings have a life of The rats feed on the oil-bearing tissue, 20–30 years, with an immature period which comprises only a relatively small (open canopy and little or no fruit produc- proportion of the total harvested weight of tion) of about 2–3 years. Palms produce the crop, making yield differences based on bunches at the base of the crown, each car- the weights of harvested bunches too in- rying a large number of tightly packed fruit- sensitive for loss estimates. Instead, esti- lets with a kernel, shell and the palm mates of potential yield loss can be derived oil-bearing mesocarp. Rats gnaw the unripe from the known size of rat populations bunches, even through to the kernels, leav- found in oil palm plantations, average crop ing characteristic scarring, which can be yields and the amount of fruit consumed by distinguished as ‘fresh’ (for 2 or 3 days) (see captive animals (which take it as bulk diet, Fig. 3.3) or ‘old’. Ripe fruitlets detach from although needing a small protein supple- the bunch and rats also feed on those and ment to survive). Estimates derived in this often carry them away. way have indicated losses of about 5% of Detailed ecological studies of rat popu- the average oil yield. This does not include lation dynamics, and control measures detached fruitlets carried away by rats but based on the studies have been reported not eaten, which increases the estimate to as (Wood, 1984b; Wood and Liau, 1984a,b; much as 10% (Liau, 1990). Wood and Chung, 2003). In the 1960s and An R. tiomanicus population in a 100 ha 1970s, Rattus tiomanicus was the only rat block left without control fluctuated grad- captured in oil palms in the Malaysian ually between 200 and 600 ha−1, with three

Fig 3.3. Fresh rat damage to an oil palm fruit bunch in South Sumatra. Oil palm is susceptible to attack by many rodent species. High rat populations may build up as palm stands mature and produce fruit, in particular infestations by Rattus tiomanicus in South-east Asian plantations. Photo credit: Adi Sumantri. 58 B.J. Wood and G.R. Singleton

troughs and two peaks, over a period of et al., 2003c). None the less, since the 1970s, about 20 years. In a neighbouring plot, there owl establishment has become an accepted was near elimination of rats by a technique practice in the region (Duckett, 2011). Vis- of replacement round baiting to full uptake. ible rat damage is regularly reported to be Recovery of numbers followed a sigmoid low where owls are established, with nesting curve, with <10 ha−1 for about 6 months, in- boxes provided at around one per 10–15 ha. creasing rapidly from 6 to 18 months, and There has been little objective comparison then gradually levelling off to the same of actual rat numbers with and without number as in those plots without control owls, nor any comparison with simply stop- (Wood and Liau, 1984a). Various other rat ping rat control. Conversely, there have species predominate in the vegetation types been suggestions that rats became more ser- adjacent to oil palm estates, but among over ious after commencing systematic rat con- 46,000 records of R. tiomanicus captured in trol by baiting, with the implication that the palms, only a few individuals of other some ecological balance factor was dis- species were taken, all just after a control rupted, with prolonged effect (Wood and campaign (viz. R. exulans, 12; and two Chung, 2003). The high population in trial forest species, R. rajah, five, and R. white- plots comparing ‘no control measures’ did headi, ten). not support this, but possibly even plots up Among other species in oil palms in the to 100 ha are too small for any change in region, the rice-field rat, R. argentiventer, equilibrium. The percentage of palms with may occur in younger palms. This is a fos- fresh damage gives some indication of rat sorial species (unlike R. tiomanicus), and incidence, but it is affected by a number of its distribution may be restricted by the other variables. suitability of soils for burrowing. Thus, par- Chung et al. (1995) did find some re- ticular young plantings are affected, and al- duction in rat numbers after 21 months though numbers seem to be in the same with barn owls and without baiting, but the order as for R. tiomanicus, damage is more numbers were not as low as in the baited conspicuous. R. argentiventer is evidently comparison, and there was no comparison less adept at climbing and is replaced as without any active measures. Current obser- palms approach 5 years old, when the fruit vations in this respect are interesting. In bunches are at about 1 m height. North Sumatra, R. tiomanicus was active in R. rattus diardi was known as a com- the 1970s, much as in the Malaysian penin- mensal pest in Malaysia, only seen in the sula (Wood, 1974). Later, infestation caused field near human habitations (Medway, concern and some estates established barn 1978), but from the late 1980s, it began to owls from 1992 (Heru et al., 2000). They appear in oil palms in some localities. By found that damage declined, and is still not chance, one early appearance was in an on- causing concern. However, several other es- going study block without rat control, where tates with no signs of barn owls also have it replaced R tiomanicus over a period of little rat damage. No baiting or other control 2–3 years (Wood and Chung, 1990). Various has been done for some years, and is not at reasons were adduced (see Synthesis). present considered to be necessary. The pre- In 1969, a Far Eastern strain of the barn liminary assessment is that rat populations owl, Tyto alba javanica, was found in a now are generally low in the region, which ­Malaysian oil palm estate (Duckett, 2008). has extensive mature palm areas. Early work showed that it could be estab- In South Sumatra, where oil palm plant- lished in plantations by the provision of ing has expanded in the last two decades, rat nest boxes, and would eat rats and multiply. damage is more evident, and baiting is com- Theory does not well support the likelihood monly practised, under various protocols that a predator such as this would reach an (Sumantri and Wood, 2012). The ecological equilibrium position in which it could keep factors behind these regional differences are its prey continually at a lower (and eco- being investigated, including ground vegeta- nomic) number than it would otherwise be tion and the volume of detached fruitlets left at (Wood, 1985; Lim et al., 1993; Singleton on site. Possibly, populations regulate at Rodents in Agriculture and Forestry 59

lower numbers after a period of no action Lophuromys sikapusi and, in addition, in Ni- (Wood, B.J., Sumantri, A. and Cahyaeiwi, L., geria, Tatera valida, Oenomys hypoxanthus, unpublished). Duckett (2008) notes that, in Praomys morio and Mus minutoides. Lemnis- general, there is a build-up of endemic pred- comys striatus and, the most important, ators after a period with no other control Uranomys ruddi, occur in Ivory Coast (Belli- measures following the establishment of a er, 1965). The hystricomorph, T. swinderi- barn owl population. This may be a key fac- anus, can be quite damaging to young palms. tor but, in light of the reservation about the No reports were found of significant rodent possibility of an equilibration of rats to damage to oil palms in South America. lower numbers that would be likely to result from the presence of large predators such as owls (see above), it seems possible that other Coconuts biotic factors may be involved. The ap- proach to optimizing rat control by further Coconuts are grown in villages and organ- investigation of their ecology fits in well ized plantings. They are important to the with the concept of EBRM, and the eco- economics of many tropical islands, and logical techniques that have developed over some important general advances in field rat the years to monitor populations should en- control originated in coconuts (Smith, 1967). sure good objectivity in these comparisons. Rats climb palms of all ages, and the de- Young palms may be gnawed at the veloping nuts they feed on then fall prema- base by rats before they begin to fruit. The turely. Assessment of actual losses is not pests occasionally penetrate the bud and straightforward, because natural ‘thinning kill the palm. Hystricomorphs are conspicu- out’ takes place, and compensation by in- ous pests at this stage. In the Far East, the creased weight of the remaining nuts is pos- Malayan porcupine, Hystrix brachyurus, sible. In Pacific islands, the palms are attacked can destroy large numbers of palms, though by introduced rat species, which appear to this is usually confined to the locality near have displaced native species such as Rattus its habitat in secondary jungle or scrub. praetor in cultivated areas (Hitchmough, Among sciuromorphs, the red-bellied squir- 1985). R. exulans was probably a very early rel, Callosciurus notatus, is common and introduction by man. R. rattus is the pre- feeds on palm fruit. However, population dominant cause of damage but, where it is densities do not seem to rise sufficiently for absent, R. exulans causes equally severe it to be a serious fruit pest. On one occasion, damage (Wodzicki, 1972). Damage is often young palms in a replanting were heavily very high, typically up to 50% (Wilson, attacked by squirrels (Wood et al., 1970), 1969). Williams (1971) noted losses of 38% in but this has not become a common occur- Fiji, 5–71% in Jamaica and 16–77% in the rence despite the extensive replanting that Ellis Island, but suggested that the actual loss is done after the felling of old palms that do of copra was much smaller due to compensa- support a squirrel population. tory factors. In the Tokelau chain of islands in The oil palm originated in Africa and it the Pacific, a comparison of islands with and is grown commercially both there and in without rat damage shows a much bigger nut South America, as well as in the Far East. In fall in the former, and Wodzicki (1972) con- Africa, heavy rodent damage to fruit can cluded that yield potentials were almost occur (Greaves, 1964), but is much less regu- halved by rats. lar than in Peninsular Malaysia. Young palms In India, Keshava Bhat (1992b) showed are subject to damage by many species (Dela- losses varying between states from 8.7% in ny and Happold, 1979), and rodents are ac- Andhra Pradesh to 50% in the Lakshadweep tual or potential threats in most agricultural Islands. The main species include various situations, often of underrated consequence subspecies of Rattus, in particular R. r. until objective studies are done (e.g. up to wroughtoni and R. r. rufescens in mainland 80% losses were recorded in Nigeria in a India, and R. r. andamanensis and R. hole- year). Common rodent species in Nigeria chu in the Andamans. Squirrels commonly and Ivory Coast are Dasomys incomtus and inhabit palms and evidently feed on the 60 B.J. Wood and G.R. Singleton

nuts, but reference to their economic effects high intensity. For example, in one study a is scarce. Nursery and young field palms loss of 6.8–14.6% (mean 8.2%) was re- may also be attacked by the ground-dwelling corded (Everard, 1964). A range of species rodents, B. bengalensis, B. indica and Tatera was trapped, the commonest being Hylomy- indica. The porcupine Hystrix indica also scus stella and Praomys tullbergi. Other attacks at this stage. species involved in damaging cocoa in West Africa include Stochomys longicaudatus, S. defua and Praomys morio, which, among Cocoa local ground-dwelling rodents, appear to have good climbing ability. Squirrels (e.g. Funis- Cocoa (cacao) is an important export crop in ciurus anerythrus in Nigeria and Paraxerus many tropical regions. Rodents bore into poensis in Ghana) may also be found (Delany the pods, and larger bodied species can take and Happold, 1979), ranging into cocoa whole beans, while small ones may feed from other habitats. Smith and Nott (1988) only on the mucilage that surrounds the recorded losses of a ripe cacao crop caused beans. The proportion of holed pods can be by squirrels exceeding 40% in the island very high, and they become increasingly part of Equatorial Guinea. susceptible to damage as they ripen. The Other territories where rodent damage damage is compounded by ensuing fungal to cocoa is recorded include the West Indies, infection and affected pods are all lost. Re- Pacific islands and South America. Losses ports of systematic investigations are few appear to be in the same broad categories as but, clearly, the amount of damage is very those mentioned above (Taylor, 1972). variable and depends upon the conditions under which the cocoa is grown. Cocoa pods alone appear not to provide a com- Other tropical crops plete diet for rodents (Williams, 1973). The position is affected, therefore, by whether Rodents cause damage to other crops in the cocoa is grown in monoculture (includ- the wet lowland tropics. Both commodity ing under shade trees that do not provide and subsistence field crops may be attacked rodent food), or is grown in mixed culture by species that live in open conditions. with a plant that does provide rodent food Ground-dwelling rats and sciuromorphs (in particular, coconut as shade). feed on groundnuts, maize, , Cocoa grown under coconuts is suscep- yams and other crops. Examples are Xerus tible to attack by both rats and squirrels. In erythropus in Nigeria (Funmilayo and the Pacific islands, up to 60% of pods may Akande, 1977), and the same rat species that be lost (Williams, 1973). In the Far East, attack coconuts in the Pacific islands (Wilson, palm rats and squirrels, in particular Callo- 1972) – which is sometimes severe and, in the sciurus notatus, can cause damage. The lat- latter situation, led to the abandonment of at- ter may cause severe bark stripping of young tempts to grow groundnuts in some localities cocoa plants (Hafidzi, 1982). Pod losses vary (Wilson, 1969). Rodents in India, particularly widely, but reach 90% at times (Han and the squirrel Funambulus pennanti, may re- Bose, 1980; Wood, 1984a). Otherwise, per- move 25% of planted groundnut seeds (Mittal sistent widespread damage is only likely and Vyas, 1992), and the summer crop may be near to borders with crops that support rats, left unplanted. A strong relationship rat activ- e.g. oil palms or rice, where losses may reach ity to the suitability of the surrounding vege- 100%. Heavy losses can occur in India, e.g. tation is noted. All stages of soybean in India from the Western Ghats squirrel, Funambu- are subject to damage, mainly by Millardia lus tristriatus, the south Indian palm squir- meltada, and also by R. rattus and B. benga- rel (F palmarum) and Rattus wroughtoni lensis (Patel et al., 1992). (Keshava Bhat, 1992a; Baco et al., 2010). In eastern Africa, burrowing mole rats Rat damage is common in West Africa, are serious pests of cassava tubers. The although apparently not generally at very planting method can help to reduce attack, Rodents in Agriculture and Forestry 61

and the interplanting of fish bean Tephro( - understand the basic ecology of rodent sia vogeli) has a marked deterrent effect pests, and to incorporate that into manage- (Sichilima et al., 2010). ment practice. We have covered a broad Up to 16% of ripening pineapples were range of cases, and in this section, look for damaged by Bandicota bengalensis and general principles at work. R. rattus in Bangladesh in a range of study plots (Posamentier, 1981). In commercial plantings in India, cardamom seed capsules Essential population ecology are damaged by a range of ground-dwelling rats, gerbils and squirrels (Srihari and Populations of organisms depend on the re- Chakravarthy, 1992), in particular B. benga- sources available. Resources comprise sup- lensis. Seed capsules may be emptied, over port, such as food, shelter and so on, and 12% in the worst cases. The plants too can escape from opposing factors, including be damaged, especially in the young stages. interspecific and intraspecific competition, Among tree crops, coffee is not inten- and antagonists such as predators, para- sively attacked (Posamentier, 1981), but sites, diseases, etc. The balance between berries may be consumed (Barnett and these governs the population size, while the Prakash, 1976) and branches debarked (Wil- potential reproduction rate always tends to son, 1972). Macadamia nuts are eaten by exceed the loss rate. This potential is sup- squirrels in Queensland, and in a series of pressed by the failure of new individuals 21 study areas, the consumption ranged from to become established (recruited) into the 0 to 83% per tree (White et al., 2003). Mean population. This is conspicuously so in loss was significantly higher on plots adja- small rodents because of their fast repro- cent to wider (10 m) strips of grassland ductive rate; for example, in a detailed (9.9%), than where the grass was regularly study of the population dynamics of Rattus cut back (0.8%), with intermediate condi- tiomanicus in oil palm, the potential birth tions within this range. This pointed to habi- rate (from embryo numbers) manifestly ex- tat manipulation as a means of control. ceeds the balanced loss and recruitment Cashew fruit is damaged by a range of rodents rate in a population stabilized at the re- in India (Keshava Bhat, 1992a), in particular source limit (Wood, 1984b; Wood and Liau, by B. bengalensis and Rattus blanfordi. The 1984a,b). young trees in forestry projects and rubber The tendency to over-reproduce has plantings may be lost by rodent grazing various practical consequences. The most throughout this climatic zone and, while the obvious is that a population can build up incidence of damage is sporadic, losses can rapidly as the environmental resource in- be severe where rodent grazing occurs. creases. In rice areas that are seasonal, the Hystricomorphs can damage these crops growing crop provides more food, so that as well as young tree plantations. Generally greater survival of young can occur. There the pattern is for sporadic attack, but with may also be an increase in reproductive po- heavy damage in relatively large patches tential as individual vigour improves, but (e.g. Rhizomys spp. and Hystrix brachyurus the evidence is that the spurt is because of in the Far East, H. indica in the Indian sub- a reduction in the suppression of recruit- continent and Thryonomys swinderianus in ment. Thus, the principal rice rat of South- West Africa). east Asia, R. argentiventer, appears strongly seasonal but, if given a continuous supply of food, continues to reproduce (Lam, 1983). Synthesis Of course, the early build-up depends on the size of the initial population, which Scope may have a seasonal element, depending on the vegetation that was present before the We introduced this chapter by referring to crop was planted and in surrounding areas the increasing appreciation of the need to (the source). 62 B.J. Wood and G.R. Singleton

A second consequence is the rapid re- end-of-season population crashes occur in covery from a control measure, especially if northern latitudes (Batzli, 1975). Some- significant numbers survive it. In the more times, rodents attack unusual crops in out- stable environment of oil palms, the bal- break years, as in the case of Apodemus spp. anced population was regained, after near on orchard trees in the former Yugoslavia total elimination, in about 18 months (Wood (Rowe, 1968). Individual cases, of course, and Liau 1984a). The rodent population in may involve particular complications that grassland in China recovered from effective need to be assessed to determine the factors control within one summer season (Zhong leading to population peaks and mass dis- et al., 1999). persal, e.g. in vole cycles (Ylönen et al., Another consequence is that the most 2003). A by now classic case is the prolific competitive species will prevail and appear rodent upsurge at bamboo masting (Chau- to be the characteristic rat of a particular han, 2003). Populations exist continuously agroecosystem but, where it is absent, other in the bamboo forests, at numbers regulated species can build up and be equally dam- by the (relatively low) amount of food avail- aging. This may be obvious, like the absence able. Ripening crops in the locality present a of R. argentiventer on some Philippine is- suitable habitat for rodents only for short lands, or more subtle, like the replacement periods each year, so the opportunities for of that species as rice planting moves into rapid population increase are limited. At different ecosystems, into Thailand and fur- masting, there is a huge population build-up, ther distant territories. The surprising re- but equally, as the extra food disappears, so placement of R. tiomanicus by R. r. diardii the excessive numbers of rats starve, leaving in oil palm in Malaysia is of relevance here. numerous corpses. At the time, R. tiomanicus had become war- The periodic eruptions described above farin resistant in the locality. Possibly, R. r. may be associated with particular weather diardii could outcompete R. tiomanicus if events, generally unusually wet or dry the gene pool of R. tiomanicus was gener- periods, causing a flush of source vegetation ally ‘weakened’ by the rapid evolution of for the rodent pests. The outbreak years of the resistant strain (warfarin resistance is Mastomys natalensis in Tanzania are clearly known to be associated with physiological related to early rainfall, which gives rise to costs in some populations of R. norvegicus; the build-up of rodents before the crops are see Chapter 9). R. tiomanicus was known to planted (Leirs et al., 1997). Similarly, mouse have developed resistance to first-generation plagues in Australia spread to crops as nat- anticoagulants, and relativities between the ural food supplies increase when suitable species in this respect may be a factor. Per- conditions prevail (Brown et al., 2010). haps more likely is that in palms virtually Variations in rodent outbreak and damage depleted of R. tiomanicus, R. r. diardii had incidence in several crops around the Pa- an equal chance of repopulating the area, cific are attributed to the El Niño and La giving the opportunity for the evolution of Niña climatic events, acting via their effect palm-adapted strains. on the abundance of source vegetation. A further consequence is that surplus The importance of small rodents (mainly individuals may disperse to find a niche in myomorphs) as pests particularly relates to a suitable habitat. Most will perish eventu- the population dynamics that have been dis- ally, but sometimes may first damage crops cussed. In ecological terms, they are r-selected, on which they can feed, but which would that is they possess all or most of the follow- not support population build-up. Dispersal ing characteristics: short generation time, is continuous, but can be especially con- small size, high level of dispersal, low sur- spicuous when environmental support de- vival rates and high fecundity (see Chapter 1). clines rapidly. Rats may then move in no- The females typically start producing litters ticeable numbers, even giving an impression before they are 6 months old and can pro- of invading these incidental crops. Lem- duce eight litters a year, each with between mings (Lemmus spp.), for example, occa- four and 12 young. This accounts for the sionally become agricultural pests when the ­rapidity of population responses to resource Rodents in Agriculture and Forestry 63

changes, as covered above. In the previous Rodent pests are generally indigenous edition of the book, it was noted that much of species, though the foregoing examples in- the early work on the population dynamics clude some that were introduced in the dis- of small rodents was in temperate countries tant past, but which are now well integrated in natural environments where numbers into the native fauna. More recent introduc- tend to be strongly cyclical. Since then, ad- tions have also found niches (e.g. the coypu vances have continued to confirm that simi- and muskrat in Europe), but their initial lar principles apply across the range of eco- hold may be tenuous enough to permit suc- systems, and important practical advances cess in concerted attempts at elimination. in tropical crops are covered here. Note that There is evidence that the rapid loss it is the situations that differ rather than the and increase rates in rodent populations biological responses of the rodents. lead to a slow change in the gene pool of the Dispersing or ranging rodents may population, so that different population regularly penetrate crops that supply bulk levels may occur in response to similar en- food but do not support a resident popula- vironmental situations. The chief experi- tion, if they grow bordering vegetation or mental evidence for this centres on various crops that do so. In Asia, cocoa alongside oil studies of the survival of populations in re- palms (Wood and Chung, 2003) or rice lation to natural food supplies (Spitz, 1967; (Baco et al., 2010) can be very heavily dam- King, 1983), experiments on supplementary aged by rats, although further away from feeding (Taitt and Krebs, 1981; Desy and these crops, it is free of them. Cocoa also Thompson, 1983; Flowerdew, 1987), and may be continually damaged by rats when the slow fluctuation from 200 to 600 ha−1 of the crop is interplanted with coconuts. R. tiomanicus in the rather stable oil palm Grass and sedge in China may sustain eco- environment (Wood, 1984b). nomic damage only when weeds suitable for their feed are present (Zhang et al., 2003c). Further, rodents from source vegeta- Ecology of incidence and control tion may find opportunity to attack crops that are suitable at only certain stages of Rodent pest problems may be categorized their growth (Leirs, 2003). Examples in- as chronic, cyclic seasonal or episodic clude multimammate rats in Africa, which eruptions. Chronic infestation is character- take only newly planted maize seeds and istic of agroecosystems in stable climates then exist on other food until the cobs form without marked crop seasonality, such as (Makundi et al., 1999), or Apodemus sylvat- tree crops in the tropics. Cyclic attacks may icus, which attacks only newly sown sugar- be fairly consistent from season to season, beet seeds (Pelz, 1989). or may vary markedly in intensity. This Larger rodents generally exist in less category shades into the episodic erup- dense populations of longer-lived individ- tions associated with vegetation changes uals. They may have a lower capacity for such as bamboo masting, or from irregular rapid response to environmental change but, weather conditions increasing the favour- nevertheless, population size still is gov- ability of source vegetation. These irregu- erned by resource. The ground squirrels of lar eruptions may be local and serious to North American rangeland build up to high those affected but without large-scale re- populations that exploit the environment to percussions, but there can be a widespread the full, but the increase is over a relatively wipeout, resulting even in human mass long time (Marsh, 1984). Generally, such spe- starvation events (World Food Programme, cies tend to be restricted to more stable en- 2009). vironments. Hystricomorphs also reproduce Control methods also can be categor- slowly and the severe damage that they in- ized as culling (direct killing of existing flict is often due to the large amounts eaten pests), protection of the crop and reducing by individuals. Generally, they inhabit nat- environmental suitability (minimizing the ural vegetation and damage to cultivation is resident and/or source population). Culling sporadic, and mainly around the edges. includes physical methods like trapping 64 B.J. Wood and G.R. Singleton

(live traps, multiple capture, break-back areas. This makes the technique particu- traps, snares), hunting (often with dogs) and larly suitable for extensive plantations with dealing with harbourage, such as burrows, central management. Increasingly, there are by such measures as digging out, fumigating problems from behavioural resistance, in or flooding. Commonly, only a proportion of which usually attractive baits are not ac- the rodents is taken, allowing rapid recov- cepted by rats in the field (Chung, 2011). ery. Timing is frequently unsatisfactory – Protecting the crop may entail attempt- culling is usually in response to obvious ing to scare rats away. Disturbances such as build-up, when damage has already been moving around fields at night, possibly with done and the rats have spread. Baiting pro- dogs, shouting, banging, etc., may help, but grammes may be delayed by organizational are usually in the face of high populations difficulties, including receiving approval and are a losing battle. Desperate rice farm- from the authorities. Small farmers may, in ers are known to resort to crude electric desperation, spread very toxic poisons, in- wires at field margins, even though these cluding insecticides mixed with used en- can be lethal to humans and their draught gine oil, e.g. in rice paddies (Sudarmaji animals (Quick and Manaligod, 1990; Sang et al., 2003). Such methods are disastrous to et al., 2003). Fences can be effective, and are the environment, and most probably they well suited to protecting the early stages in usually have little of the effect intended. For rice, for example, provided the timing is example, Wood (1969) in a replicated plot correct (e.g. dela Cruz et al., 2003). Simi- trial in oil palms. tested the broadcasting of larly, they may be used in temperate field endrin (a highly toxic chlorinated hydrocar- crops against cyclic vole attacks, while pro- bon insecticide). The result was that more tection against voles attacking sugarbeet can rats were found at the post-treatment check. be given by providing alternative food (Pelz, Systematic anticoagulant baiting can 2003). The interplanting of a deterrent crop overcome some rodent pest problems, ef- might also help, such as the fish bean with fectively controlling what would otherwise cassava (Sichilima et al., 2010). have been increases to damaging levels, par- Reducing environmental suitability for ticularly in oil palms. Programmes have rodents and hence the threat that they pose been clearly shown to be effective in rice, has many aspects. The destruction of source but the application of anticoagulant baiting vegetation or harbourage, as around rice is rarely adopted in that or similar seasonal fields, or of food sources within the crop, as crops by farmers in the field. Disincentives in selective weed control in Chinese grass- include preference for acute poisons in land, can have an important effect. The order to see dead rats quickly (though bait early destruction of populations, when they shyness means that they rarely reduce are still limited in number, can reduce populations to low numbers), various pay- threats in seasonal crops, such as flooding ment or subsidy issues and concern about in rice areas or in farmland in the North the poisoning of non-target animals, with China Plain, although it can, by forcing ro- possible implications in conservation issues dents to concentrate on higher ground, (Singleton et al., 2007). Bait suitability can worsen the problem there (Brown et al., be particular to rodent species and circum- 1999). An agronomically based policy, like stance (Zhang et al., 1999). Large commer- stopping flooding, may worsen rodent prob- cial manufacturers often promote their lems, as in the arable crops of northern baits, which are made for multiple feed use, China (Zhang et al., 1999). but which are often less attractive or effect- Ecologically based rodent management ive under field conditions. Anticoagulant (EBRM) is a system that has been formu- resistance and other sustainability issues lated in the last two decades. It covers the arise in the long term, so that effectiveness manipulation of the agroecosystem to min- may suddenly or progressively decline, and imize pest population pressure. The essen- optimal results depend on close and well- tials are to understand the ecology and trained technical supervision over large population dynamics of the pest rodent, Rodents in Agriculture and Forestry 65

and to manipulate the environment in order control on grass biomass, and whether there to keep damaging populations below eco- is compensation in breeding or survival at a nomic levels. Important to the concept is to given population level. minimize the use of chemicals (largely in baiting) and to limit direct killing to what is necessary (Singleton et al., 1999a,b, 2007). Biological control EBRM seeks to avoid adverse side effects, particularly from chemical measures, and to Lists of predators are always interesting. In maximize sustainability. The technique has West Java, for example, there are rat snakes been developed most widely and success- (Ptyas korros, Coluber radiatus and others), fully in rice, where the removal of source the mongoose, Herpestes javanicus, and the vegetation can pay big dividends and the fishing cat (Felis viveriana) (Leung et al., timing of culling is related carefully to crop 1999); in India, there are predators of snakes, circumstance. In oil palms, despite success including raptors and monitor lizards by a baiting protocol based on rat ecology, (Sridhara, 1992). Generally, there is no there is renewed interest in investigating strong evidence that predators can directly the impact of environmental factors on keep rat populations in check (Wood, 1985; population size. Crop management systems Baker et al., 2007). The evidence did not that reduce rat numbers include the control support predator destruction as a cause of of grazing to reduce rodent populations in rodent outbreaks after cyclone Nargis; in- grassland in China, and land ploughing stead, these were attributed to the disrup- against (primarily) M. natalensis in East tion of crop synchrony (Htwe et al., 2013). ­Africa (Leirs, 2003; Massawe et al., 2003). In Barn owls, which are established in several the same category are synchronous crop- oil palm plantations, can be established in ping in rice in the Far East, and adjusting for rice and they eat rats, but there is no evi- the severe attacks by Microtus guentheri in dence yet that they affect population size Israel that occur in lucerne continuously (Hafidzi and Na’im, 2003). planted under irrigation. An interesting ex- Rats are also subject to a wide range of ample of grazing affecting rodent popula- parasites and diseases. At present, a bait tions was that of deer in Britain. In exclos- carrying sporocysts of the protozoan Sarco- ures, there was a marked build-up of usually cystis singaporensis has been developed scarce to absent wood mice and bank voles commercially (Jäkel et al., 2006). Various (Dolman et al., 2010). helminths afflict rodents (e.g. Herawati and Ecologically based systems that do not Sudarmaji, 2003) and might be used in a entail environmental modification include similar way, although they might be less chemosterilization and infection (which species specific than isSarcocystis . both could be based on existing baiting techniques). Fertility control is being tested in the Qinghai–Tibet plateau because kill- ing rodents is counter to local Buddhist Economics philosophy, while the current rodenticide, botulin toxin C, raises considerable concern Even though the understanding of rodent over its safety for non-target species, includ- ecology as the basis for best management ing livestock. Research on pikas has focused practice is increasingly appreciated, it on quinestrol (synthetic oestradiol), levo- needs to be linked closely to the economy norgestrel (synthetic progesterone) and a of control measures (Stenseth et al., 2003). combination of both. Replicated field trials This implies determining both the type and with the placement of baits at burrow en- the cost of interventions. Estimating the trances indicate that quinestrol shows good size of the rodent population is important potential, with effects carrying across two to the ongoing assessment of losses. Live breeding seasons (Liu et al., 2012). Follow-on trapping techniques (CMR) have given work is needed on the effectiveness of valuable insights in short- and long-term 66 B.J. Wood and G.R. Singleton

studies (Aplin et al., 2003). Such investiga- damage can be a useful guide to rodent ac- tions are not always straightforward. Some tivity, as in rangeland, rice, sugarcane, rats are difficult to trap, notablyR. argen- coconuts and temperate trees, and it may tiventer, the most important rice rat in many be possible to correlate the damage to the areas, and it is even more wary of being re- losses incurred (Chapter 10). The destruc- trapped. Estimation by other methods may tion of young trees obviously loses the cost work, as with this species, in which after a of replacement, but there is also a time fac- period of CMR, an index capture was shown tor to maturity. Often, the link between ap- to be possible by hunting, following a parent damage and crop loss is imprecise, plough, or collecting corpses after poison especially where the vegetative part of the baiting (Wood, 1971). plant is eaten, rather than the commercial The number of rodents caught in mass product. Damage may be disguised and hunting or trapping campaigns can give a difficult to measure, and there may be useful comparative indication. Other tech- some plant recovery, but of varying real niques can help, such as the use of tracking impact on yield. Often, large-scale figures boards, or activity signs like the number of are based on an averaging of judgements burrows. With repetition, these can become of varying reliability from area-wide sur- better related to actual loss of crop and veys and questionnaires. It is important to population size, so they give an increas- ­relate observed damage to loss, in order to ingly valuable guide on what control meas- build up a picture over time. This can ures are justified, especially if these are help to emphasize the overall seriousness costly in operational terms. An example is of the problem (e.g. on the North American whether to set up the TBS system in rice prairies). Inaccuracies can multiply in fields. The success of measures applied can such cases and, generally, as knowledge also be judged from such techniques. builds up, earlier estimates turn out to Some caution may be needed about have been conservative; rarely, it may the species and numbers of rodents cap- point the other way, for example, there is tured. These do not necessarily parallel some recent evidence that prairie dogs their ranking as pests. Detailed studies (Cynomys spp.) may improve pasture by usually show that one species is in fact increasing soil organic content and pro- the most common and damaging in a par- moting the growth of new grass more suitable ticular crop situation. In Hawaii, sugar- for cattle (Foster and Hygnstrom, personal cane was found to be attacked by R. exu- communication). The tendency is to under- lans, R. norvegicus and R. rattus, but the rate the effect of animal feeding on plant first is actually much the most damaging productivity. The position becomes even (Lindsey, 1969); similarly, Bandicota ben- more complicated when the effects are not galensis is among several species attack- simply loss of crop but environmental ef- ing rice in Pakistan (Greaves et al., 1977). fects, such as burrowing, that affect drain- Generally, where more than one species is age, erosion, compaction, damage to irri- relatively common, they are filling differ- gation equipment, and so on. Sometimes ent niches. For example, B. bengalensis loss may be less than the perceived plant damages sugarcane in Pakistan, whereas damage, sometimes more, due to variation Millardia meltada appears to be mainly a in recovery potential, time of damage and scavenger (Smiet et al., 1980), and on sug- other complications. This is illustrated arcane in Bangladesh, B. bengalensis by the impact of EBRM in limiting rice feeds on the canes above ground, whereas loss from rat damage, and from the accrual the fossorial Nesokia indica attacks their of evidence that has given a ‘ready reck- subterranean parts (Posamentier and van oner’ for loss at given damage intensities Elsen, 1984). (Palis et al., 2010). The relationship of The key issue is always the value of rat numbers to loss is not necessarily lin- product loss, though quantification is often ear, e.g. in maize in Tanzania (Mulungu vague or subjective. The assessment of et al., 2003). Rodents in Agriculture and Forestry 67

In general, the best assessment of the Where attack is irregular both in time economic impact is a comparison of yields and severity, the potential usefulness of with and without rodent attack. This is forecasting is self-evident. The value of total more feasible in a crop with a measurable loss as around a masting event or some product at a single harvest time, like rice, other cause is obvious as, similarly, is crop and it can be achieved with poison baiting if foregone (i.e. not planted). The only eco- a very effective method is available, or by nomic response is to avoid wasting effort exclosures. The differences reported in rice and, here too, prediction is important. The in South-east Asia can be surprisingly large monitoring of population size would give (Wood, 1984a; Buckle, 1988). Occasionally, an ideal guide to expected loss, but would a natural comparison may be possible, for be costly and require some expertize. Two- example, the change in tree regeneration tiered systems, with general observation patterns during the period when rabbit and more intensive recording at critical populations were severely reduced by myx- times, can be developed in such cases. omatosis (Gill, 1992a). Another approach, Objective studies more often than not where there is variable attack, is to do a re- reveal much higher losses than expected. gression analysis of yields against a meas- Further complications include downgrad- ure of damage. This should reliably indi- ing of the quality as well as the quantity of cate the loss potential so long as no damage crop. The need for complete resowing be- has actually occurred on plots recorded as yond a certain level of damage (for example zero damage. Examples of the use of this in sugarbeet), the cost of replanting trees method are in apples in Washington State and the effect of delays in fruit bearing add (Askham, 1988) and sugarcane in Florida to the economic effect of direct yield loss. (Lefebvre et al., 1978). There are cases where the relationship between damage and rodent density is well worked out. Tanzanian researchers and their Practicalities of implementation overseas collaborators have approached the in the field development of control of M. natalensis in maize through studies of population ecology Farmer attitudes play a big part in crops and density–damage relationships in order grown on a smallholder basis (see Chapter to reduce populations to below 20 ha−1 14). Farmers may be amenable to any re- (Skonhoft et al., 2006). This has led to a pre- commended approach, including area bait- diction model for rodent population dynam- ing programmes, accepting their effective- ics and the economics of control strategies ness but even so expecting campaigns to be for the whole region (Leirs et al., 1996). Even subsidized (Palis et al., 2010). Individual so, more needs to be done to integrate the preferences based on varying degrees of ob- social elements of rodent management jectivity can come into play. Worries may (Makundi and Massawe, 2011), including concern such details as trap theft, and co- better understanding of the knowledge, atti- ordination among fellow growers (Morin tudes and practices of farmers in relation to et al., 2003), and farmers may be imbued with rodent management. country folklore, partial knowledge, reli- In some crops, the product is only a gious or superstitious issues. Despite con- part of the harvested material, and loss, al- vincing trial results in practical conditions, though it might be substantial, is difficult to measures are commonly not adopted in estimate accurately. This is particularly so wide practice. One notable exception is the in some tree crops, where space rules out Mekong Delta in Vietnam, where there is replication of ‘with’ and ‘without’ rodent strong extension support (Huan et al., 2010). plots. In oil palms, the estimated popula- It becomes a question of education and ef- tion size multiplied by the amount eaten by fective communication, underpinned by ex- individuals has been taken to give a reason- tension support (e.g. Flor and Singleton able guide to economic threshold numbers. 2010), and getting the growers involved in 68 B.J. Wood and G.R. Singleton

the trial situations (experiential learning) Competence of personnel (Palis et al., 2010), with coordinated effort to link potential to realization (adaptive Despite the advances in ecological know- management) (King et al., 2003). ledge encapsulated in EBRM, there remains Education can be especially important a shortage of technical support at the field within a complex of small farmers, who level. Courses in crop protection tend to might perceive a benefit from doing nothing concentrate on invertebrate pests, espe- while those around them bear the costs, or cially insects, whereas rodent biology is left alternatively might think that others take to more academic studies that may lack a advantage from what they themselves do. clear focus on practical ecological manipu- Large-scale organizations do not have this lation. All too often, control is equated with problem so much but, even so, knowledge killing, and the bases of EBRM and inte- of best methods through extension training grated pest management (IPM) are left to may be lacking. one side. Improvement in the understand- Idiosyncratic preconceptions, some fact- ing of such matters would result in faster ually based, others more tenuous, may have progress to discovering and implementing to be dealt with in determining policy. This sustainable solutions. is especially the case in rice, which is com- monly grown contiguously by a large num- ber of small farmers (Singleton et al., 2003c). These preconceptions include such beliefs Conclusion as that rodenticides cause rodents to attack with a ‘revenge’ motive (Baco et al., 2010). Rodents can pose major threats to crop Where farmers are well informed and can be ­production, sometimes strikingly obvious, brought into operational planning, success sometimes more cryptic. Awareness of their is more likely to follow (Palis et al., 2011). biology can improve the prospects for their EBRM has progressed in Tanzania (Makun- management. As control practice comes to di and Massawe 2011), but the authors accord more closely with established ecol- stressed that more effort is required to ogy, the two aspects develop in tandem. The understand better the knowledge, attitudes outcome is more sustainable pest control and practices of farmers relating to rodent and more favourable economics. As we management, and the social factors that can have attempted to demonstrate, there is a promote or hinder coordinated communi- constant need to be aware of rodent prob- ty-management actions for smallholder lems and to search for control methods that farmers. This necessity is also recognized in optimize return on the effort and material China (Du et al., 2003). costs involved.


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