Paul Mason | 368 pages | 30 Jun 2016 | Penguin Books Ltd | 9780141975290 | English | London, United Kingdom Postcapitalism: A Guide to Our Future PDF Book

I felt at times as though there was an over-emphasis on feeling over facts in some places- while generally well-supported and referenced throughout, there were occasional glib comments which were unsupported by evidence or slightly misleading not sufficient to derail the main thrust, but jarring. Even more important, spontaneous collaborative production is rising up unlike anything before. Sanders needs to outline a relatively orthodox and prudent foreign policy, which is tough on the human rights abuses of Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, and which recognises the possibility of the US playing a role in stabilising the multilateral order, while simultaneously pursuing its own foreign policy goals. Hidden categories: Use British English from May One weird thing is despite the title, most of the book is actually about the history of and a highly selective one than about a blueprint for a new economic system. The evolution and increasing sophistication of both automation and information technology is said to threaten jobs and highlight internal contradictions in Capitalism which will allegedly ultimately lead to its collapse. Jan 07, Julian Worker added it. He simply unifies some of the most visible ideas of progressivist politics a basic income, the suppression of monopolies, etc. Tommaso Campanella Thomas More. Verso Books. But as a spark to the imagination, with frequent x-ray flashes of insight into the way we live now, it is hard to beat. Information is abundant and information goods are freely replicable. The "Controlled Disintegration" also derailed another major competitor: Third World industrial revolution. But his argument that information technology has halted the march of global capital is less convincing. The episode is seen as a textbook case of what happens with 'fiat money' — that is, money not backed by gold. This article has multiple issues. Views Read Edit View history. Want to Read saving…. He says, "Capital thus works towards its own dissolution as the form dominating production. No transition will ever begin in earnest until we the crowd are able to imagine the world of the future. I really enjoyed reading this and planned to give it 5 stars, but the last chapter fell flat. The talk page may contain suggestions. If owners of capital tried to cut costs by exploiting employees, resistance to wage suppression forced them to pioneer new business models instead. Except that Marx assumes that land has not value and that capital is only stored labour. In spite of the fact that I usually think economics is opaque and boring, I found this book to be positively riveting. The global imbalances, and the risks remaining in the vast debts and currency reserves of major countries. He sees the capitalist logic of production — accumulating in order to accumulate — as being threatened by new vitalities in which socially value stuff is offered up free of charge without any need or desire to accumulate further. From Paul Mason, the award-winning Channel 4 presenter, Postcapitalism is a guide to our era of seismic economic change, and how we can build a more equal society. The Good: I found his summary of historic economic theory to be coherent and clear - showing connections among authors and books I had not previously seen, but make a lot of sense. Both can be measured in terms of the amount of labour time they contain. Just consider it for a second. Sort order. Aug 01, Mick Kelly rated it really liked it. Anti- capitalism Market fundamentalism Marxism Wage slavery. The crisis was simply a feedback signal from the future: we were wrong. The debts of Western households remain unpaid. The dream is that these projects are the vanguards for a whole system of collaborative projects, powered by the voluntary labor of the revolutionary class. These changes will clearly have devastating effects the lives of those that follow us. Marx ended up abandoning this set of thoughts, as they weren't quite relevant in the 19th century, but it seems fairly prescient now. I should have known by the silence on foreign policy in this book and the British mainstream media presence of Mason that something was off, as I had not followed Mason previously. Yet this is something that is already happening but, in large and growing part, on the basis of decidedly non-capitalist principles. Almost unnoticed, in the niches and hollows of the market system, whole swathes of economic life are changing.. How will the reign of fiat money end? There are books we want to read, books we think we ought to read, and books we need to read. The worker has the choice to decide what they consume using their consumption rights. Postcapitalism: A Guide to Our Future Writer

Mason presents a lot of lofty goals—e. If we were producing a product that no one wanted, the value of that product by the pure LTV would be the same as if it were in great demand. Jul 25, Rita Malcata rated it liked it. The Robots A good part of Mason's book in especially the important 5th chapter, "The Prophets of Postcapitalism" is devoted to visualizing what happens in our societies as machines become smarter and more capable to the extent that livelihoods based on unskilled human labor become untenable. In many ways I disagree with the first two parts and agree with the third - but it is reading the first two parts that gives me the most fun - they are a great stimulus to thought. I knew there was stress in the global finance system: I'd reported concerns that a major bank was about to go bust six weeks before it happened. Views Read Edit View history. I'm surprised he didn't commence his cyclical approach with the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. Others propose models to intentionally replace capitalism. See Wikipedia's guide to writing better articles for suggestions. The same goes for Apple and its 99 cent digital music downloads. So we're at a strategic moment, both for the neoliberal model and, as I will show in chapter 2, for capitalism itself. Michael Hudson also details America's dominance of dictating the rules of global money, calling it "Super Imperialism". Consider his argument for writing off debt in the developed world. However unlike Marx postcapitalism would not necessarily be proletarians seizing the means of production. According to Kondratieff the downswing years are marked by working class resistance to the efforts of capitalists to recoup their losses by eating into the gains won in the form of high wages and social policies that provided for the welfare of citizens. How much of this was just riding on the post-WWII production boom that eroded into stagflation? Personally I rather doubt it, as information is no more neutral as a means of production than labour or capital. View all 10 comments. By running government debts close to per cent of GDP, and by printing money worth around a sixth of the world's output, America, Britain, Europe and Japan injected a shot of adrenaline to counteract the seizure. When cost is 0 and supply is infinite, supply and demand is no longer relevant. Aside from the lunacy of such proposals, Mason is right to identify the three biggest threats facing Neo- Liberalism today: global warming, an ageing population and migration. Has the author considered this possibility? I did Astronomy for my first degree and Computing for my masters - so I find the 'hand-waving' pretend maths of e A must-read view of economic history and our economic future. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. This is a zero marginal cost society—products cost nothing, supply is infinite, people work for free—where the boundaries between work and play melt away. After Capitalism. Knowing how to do this involved writing what is effectively a recipe which, having once been written can be used over and over again at no extra cost. But how much is this infotech stage of production actually worth? Moving beyond capitalism, he shows, is no longer a utopian dream. At the heart of this change is information technology: a revolution that, as Mason shows, has the potential to reshape utterly our familiar notions of work, production and value; and to destroy an economy based on markets and private ownership - in fact, he contends, it is already doing so. This one falls in the latter category, along with 's 'This Changes Everything' and George Monbiot's 'Rewilding' - actually, anything by either of these authors. The oceans provide livelihood for tens of millions of us. In other words, our notion of ownership is collapsing, as all knowledge is fundamentally socially owned. I now realize this was not a moment of spineless opportunism; Mason has a history of imperialist views. This article may need to be rewritten to comply with Wikipedia's quality standards. The combined impact of technological progress, policy stimulus and the resilience of the emerging markets has produced a depression much milder in human terms than that of the s. Main article: Socialism. Starting with the Reagan tax cuts in the s we have devolved into a "haves and have nots" society and Trump is dead set on making that even more of a problem so I hardly think this is all the fault of a system which is neither good or bad inherently, it is only as good as we make it. Governments - at state and regional level - will need to take control, and probably ownership, of all big carbon producers. Postcapitalism envisages a much smaller role for markets and a greater role for collaboration. Demographics and Government Debt Mason points out that the world's populations are aging fast. As more evidence of criminality and corruption emerges, there is always this knowing informality among bankers as they break the rules. Plenty of others have done this but most have assumed that somewhere just down the line the system will stabilise and something like the thing intended when Reagan and Thatcher put together their plans for a neoliberal world back in the s will re-emerge. Postcapitalism: A Guide to Our Future Reviews

Tablets and e-books took off. But to recognize human potentials and to seek to embody their development into a set of economic institutions and then to expect those institutions to encourage desirable outcomes is no more than reasonable theorizing. Wonderful book - there is so much I don't know The author thought Marx's critique about eventual demise to be true but not Marx's vision The principles of organizing a society along capitalist lines may have outlived their usefulness. For example, the materials it takes to create a modern jet engine are negligible in cost compared to the value of the information about how to create one. The effect of this was to force capital to find a new model based on higher labour productivity and higher investment. But as a turning point, this is bigger than the s. Shortly afterwards people began demanding the USA should annex Texas. Feels a bit rushed. This is a really interesting, and accessible book about the economy, which focuses on realistic and serious solutions and hope for the Left when it comes to the economy. June Learn how and when to remove this template message. Details if other :. Information has zero marginal cost, as it can be copied infinitely, the only cost involved being the electricity this requires. He emails back: 'Yes, no and yes:. How will we possibly exit from an apparently inevitable conveyor belt to carbon pollution oblivion? Of course, machines have an up-front cost and wear down over time, but what if we had machines that cost essentially nothing and never wore down? Don't w This book was utter drivel. Marx, of course, was also aware of this objection. No transition will ever begin in earnest until we the crowd are able to imagine the world of the future. What to do about the rising number of immigrants threatens many nations. Much to think of for a long time. The answer, basically, is because our planet has to meet several great challenges it never faced before: climate change, ageing, the information network, and massive immigration. Mason traces how neoliberal policies have successfully undermined working-class solidarity by, for example, promoting labour mobility and constraining unions. He draws several outlines of the direction post capitalism will take but he argues it is coming and it will be up to us how we negotiate new methods to cope with automation and the free information economy. Not bad, but eventually overreaching. At times it felt as though the need to replace the old system overrode the need to create a new one, which I believe came through in the writing and accounts for the majority of the issues I had, but the overall piece was illuminating and accessible. Only legal structures prevent everyone with an internet connection being able to listen to practically every song, watch practically every film, and read practically every book ever created. The figure derives from Alfred Marshall's famous economics textbook. But Google can profit off that information because intellectual property laws allow the company to own it and not share it publicly. Just some stuff about stopping climate change, how great Wikipedia is, socializing the financial system, and a caricature of the ruling classes sitting pretty in health clubs around the world. The global imbalances, and the risks remaining in the vast debts and currency reserves of major countries.

Postcapitalism: A Guide to Our Future Read Online

Companies have leveraged technology to create new markets even as other industries dissolved. For the book by Paul Mason, see PostCapitalism. Drucker also argued for rethinking the concept of intellectual property by creating a universal licensing system. For both left- and right-wing economists, the immediate cause of the collapse is seen as 'cheap money': the decision by Western states to deregulate banking and loosen credit after the dotcom crash in Certainly these imbalances lay behind the glut of credit in Western economies. Machines merely transfer their value to the product; only labour adds new value. Like any great novel, this book builds and builds into an explosive climax. Categories : non- fiction books Allen Lane imprint books Books about capitalism Books about economic inequality Books about socialism Books by Paul Mason journalist Books critical of capitalism English-language books English non-fiction books Non-fiction books about the Great Recession. The author furthermore names and places rightly all the major blocks of our puzzle: network against hierarchy, information technology, a world of free products and services, climate change, cleptocracies, demographic issues, how deep transitions are, the works. I really enjoyed reading this and planned to give it 5 stars, but the last chapter fell flat. Moving beyond capitalism, he shows, is no longer a utopian dream. I find it striking that such a book was written by a journalist, in an engagingly journalistic style, rather than an academic or that ambiguous figure in between, a public intellectual. Lacking a gold reserve, the new country promised to pay the bearer of these notes 10 per cent interest a year. The section articulates 'five principles of transition', all envisaged operating through non-hierarchical social networks:. Another Lehman exec is asked: is the tactic legal, do other banks do it, and is it disguising holes in our balance sheet? To avoid these crises, Mason points to some realistic solutions to help set the stage for the Postcapitalist economy, such as getting rid of tax havens and introducting a universal basic income etc, pretty commonsense policies that can help avoid the coming crisis. Thus, these moments of extreme crisis and survival were not evidence of chaos but of order. Moreover, it spends quite a lot of time on history. Despite this, I would still absolutely recommend the book, especially to people such as myse I really enjoyed reading this and planned to give it 5 stars, but the last chapter fell flat. No trivia or quizzes yet. It's fascinating that bogus scholars such as Mr. Information is abundant and information goods are freely replicable. But this did not open the way to the new kind of capitalism that the right wing ideologues who were backing Thatcher and Reagan during the crucial years of the s had hoped, but rather the mere extension of the old long wave on the basis of stagnant wage growth and the atomisation of the working class. Much to think of for a long time. He says, "Capital thus works towards its own dissolution as the form dominating production. But what is transferred from the value of the infotech component if this element itself has, being abundantly available, is effectively free? Only legal structures prevent everyone with an internet connection being able to listen to practically every song, watch practically every film, and read practically every book ever created. The author is on more dubious ground here and is less clear about the future. Lists with This Book. Preview — Postcapitalism by Paul Mason. My understanding of the current state of affairs economical, political and social, was fragmented and emotional. Download as PDF Printable version. If we rewind the tape to New York in September , you can see what was rational about the optimism that drove the boom. . In the book, Drucker estimated the transformation to post-capitalism would be completed in — The possibility that neoliberalism could collapse under its own contradictions was then, and remains now, unacceptable to most. I did Astronomy for my first degree and Computing for my masters - so I find the 'hand-waving' pretend maths of economics a bit tiresome.