Minutes of the meeting of Hatton Parish Council held on January 11th. 2011 at Hatton Centre, Station Road Hatton


Councillor C A Thurman.(in the Chair).

Councillors: Mrs S Fowers, Mrs M A Ratcliffe, John Billings, Andrew Billings, T O’Connor, D Taylor, M A Cramp. R E Buxton,

3 members of the public.

Also in attendance: Councillor Mrs J Patten (DCC) and Councillor A Roberts (SDDC)

Minute 1009 Apologies for absence. There were none.

Minute 1010 Declarations of Interest. 1.Councillor Mrs S Fowers declared a PERSONAL interest in Agenda item 8(2) and Agenda item 9 (4) and opted to remain in the meeting.

2.Councillor J Billings declared a PERSONAL interest in Agenda item 8 (2) and Agenda item 9 (4) and opted to remain in the meeting.

Agenda item 8 (2) 9/2010/1080 The erection of extension to existing building with pitch roof. The construction of changing rooms and storage structure at Hatton Sports and Social Club Scropton Road Hatton.

Agenda item 9 (iv) To receive and note Agreement to Affiliate with Hatton Sports and Social Club documents.

Minute 1011 Variations of business. There were none.

Minute 1012 Matters raised in Public speaking

Mr C Naylor reported that on February 7th 2011 a football team from Amsterdam would be visiting Hatton and a match had been arranged.

Police report. PCSO Kerry Waite reported the latest crime stats for Hatton Neighbourhood team will be in Hatton (Coop car park) on February 7th 2011, 7pm to 9 pm. There will be a property marking service available.

County Council report. Councillor Mrs J Patten reported :

1)‘Land grab’ – no progress to report to date.

2) Councillor Mrs Patten had donated a sum of money from Local members’ Community budget to Hatton Friendship Group.

3)To make enquiries re ‘Asset transfer’

4)Big Lottery Fund now available for community groups to apply for funding.

Councillor Mrs Patten left the meeting at 7.25pm.

MinsJAN11 Page 1 District Council report. . Councillor A Roberts reported:

1)Missing grit bin replaced free of charge by SDDC

2) Grit can be purchased from SDDC at £70 per ton. – should be stored under cover.

3)Zebra crossing on Station Road Hatton should be complete and in operation from Sunday (January 16th. 2011.)

Councillor A Roberts left the meeting at 7.15pm.

Minute 1013 Minutes of the meeting held on December 14th 2010

RESOLVED: that the minutes be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

Minute 1014 Chairman’s report. Councillor C A Thurman :

a) Contribution towards computer for Neighbourhood team referred to next meeting.

b) Review of progress to date on Parish Plan. To be discussed at next meeting of the Council. Councillor Thurman requested that all members bring their copy of the Parish Plan to the meeting.

c) Councillor Thurman reported on an informal meeting with Ian Hey (SDDC) Councillor M A Cramp together with the Clerk regarding access to funding for the proposed BMX track. It was agreed that a small working party (consisting of no more than three members) plus Mrs T Croft and John Widdowson from SDDC, should be formed to progress the proposal. Mr Ian Hey had indicated he would be available to give advice if and when needed. – Agenda item for next meeting.

Minute 1015 Planning Applications. RESOLVED: to note the following Planning Applications:

1) 9/2010/1144 Retrospective Application for garage conversion to living accommodation at 10 Yew Tree Road Hatton

2) 9/2010/1090 The erection of extension to existing building with pitch roof. The construction of changing rooms and storage structure at Hatton Sports and Social Club Scropton Road Hatton.

Minute 1016 Report of the Clerk.

1. Letter from Parish Council re unauthorised travellers sites. 2. RESOLVED: that a letter of strong support be sent to Mrs Heather Wheeler MP, the Rt. Hon Eric Pickles MP and copy to Church Broughton Parish Council.

3. To receive and consider request for funding from Youth of Hatton Group for Summer Holiday Provision 2011 RESOLVED: that pending receipt of audited accounts from Youth of Hatton group, a sum of £1,200 maximum be allocated to fund the Summer Holiday provision programme.

MinsJAN11 Page 2 iii) RESOLVED: to note Summer Holiday provision programme for 2011.(see above minute)

iv) RESOLVED: To note Agreement to Affiliate with Hatton Sports and Social Club documents, - awaiting reply from Hatton Friendship Group and Hatton Bowls Club..

Minute 1017 Ward Reports.

Hoon Ward. Councillor A Billings reported Estate agents signs (two) had been attached to the Marston Old Lane street sign resulting in loosening of the sign. Clerk to contact SDDC requesting removal of the signs. Councillor Billings reported there had been a problem with the temporary traffic lights (in use during repair of gas leak on Station Road) resulting in traffic jam during rush hour on January 10th 2011 – reported and lights repaired.

Heath Way Ward Councillor M A Cramp reported that the conifer hedge belonging to 61 Station Road was still over-hanging the jitty and despite repeated requests for the hedge to be trimmed back no action had been forth-coming. It was agreed to ask Councillor Mrs Patten to arrange for the hedge to be trimmed back and the property owners to be charged.

Central Ward Councillor Mrs S Fowers asked when the ‘ School’ sign was to be replaced.

Minute 1018 Finance.

a) RESOLVED: to approve payment of accounts and wages for the period ended December 31st 2010 (as per schedule)

b) RESOLVED: to note the quarterly Bank reconciliation statement.

c) Councillor R E Buxton requested copy of Monthly statement of accounts.

Minute 1019 Items for Information.

RESOLVED: that the following items of information be noted:

1) Letter from Councillor S Spencer (DCC) re former Hatton School Playing Fields RESOLVED: that the Clerk make enquiries regarding ‘community assets’ and any implications (financial or otherwise).

2) Quotation from Plantscape for Summer Floral baskets – 2011 RESOLVED: no action.

3) Environment Agency – Lower River Dove Flood Risk Management Scheme – Environment Impact Assessment – Scoping Consultation Document – and CD Rom.

Minute 1020 Planning decisions.

RESOLVED to note the following:

i) 9/2010/0963/TP Decision on an application for consent to cut down, top, lop, uproot or otherwise destroy a tree or trees protected by a Tree Preservation Order (Section 198) GRANTEDSTC.

ii) 9/2010/0768 The erection of a communal/day room/amenity block at Castle View Uttoxeter Road Hatton Derbyshire. GRANTEDSTC

MinsJAN11 Page 3 Minute 1021 Derbyshire Association of Local Councils.

RESOLVED; that the following be noted:

a) Circ. 55/2010 General – Consultation on Policy and procedures for Electoral Reviews and Principal Area Boundary reviews, - DCC Advice to members of the public in snowy and icy conditions.

b) Circ.58/2010 Future of the Standards Framework for members of Local Authorities in .

c) Circ 59/2010 The Localism Bill.*

Copies of the above are available from the Clerk on request.

Minute 1022 Reports from Representatives attending meetings of Outside bodies. Councillor D Taylor, reported that the Public consultation exercise by Environment Agency was very well attended despite late publicity for the event. Draft proposals for flood defence improvements in Hatton, Scropton and Egginton were available. The next meeting of the Flood Liaison committee is due to be held next month.

Footpath Report. Councillor M A Cramp submitted the Footpaths report as follows:

Work completed since the last report are listed below;

1. FP No2, vegetation has been trimmed back. 2. FP No30, vegetation has been trimmed back, (both by Community Pay Back) 3. FP No 19, stile in Breach Lane has been mended.

Work still outstanding;

1. FP No 2, Finger post needs replacing, Field Ave end. 2. FP No’s 3&7, Finger post needs replacing. A511 end. 3. FP No 5, Conifer hedge still needs trimming back. 4. FP No 14, Stile needs replacing at parish boundary. 5. FP No 20, Stile needs replacing at Parish boundary. 6. FP No 21, Finger post needs replacing. Malthouse Lane. 7. FP No 24, Finger post & stile needs replacing at jct with Hoon path.

Councillor Cramp was thanked for his work as Footpaths Officer.

The meeting CLOSED at 8.25 pm.

……………………………………………………………………. Chairman.

Next meeting Tuesday February 8th 2011 at 6.45pm at Hatton Centre Station Road Hatton.

NB These minutes are subject to approval at the next meeting of the Council.

MinsJAN11 Page 4 Minutes of an Extraordinary meeting of Hatton Parish Council held on January 17th 2011 at Hatton Centre Station Road Hatton.


Councillor C A Thurman (in the Chair)

Councillors: J Billings, M A Cramp, Mrs S Fowers, Mrs M A Ratcliffe, T O’Connor, Andy Billings. R E Buxton Councillor Mrs J Patten (DCC) 14 members of the public.

Minute 1023 Chairman’s opening remarks. Councillor C A Thurman opened the meeting by welcoming members of the public and explaining the meeting had been called to receive any comments or objections from members of the public and members of the Parish Council relating to Planning Application:

9/2010/1090 : The erection of an extension to existing building with pitch roof. The construction of changing rooms and storage structure at Hatton Sports and Social Club, Scropton Road Hatton.

Councillor Thurman confirmed that the freehold and management of the site and buildings would remain in perpetuity with Hatton Parish Council as representatives of the parishioners of Hatton.

Minute 1024 Apologies for absence.

Received from: Councillor D Taylor, Councillor A Roberts (SDDC)

Minute 1025 Declaration of Members Interest. Councillor Mrs S Fowers declared a Personal Interest in Agenda item 4 (see above) and opted to remain in the meeting.

Councillor J Billings declared a Personal Interest in Agenda item 4 and opted to remain in the meeting.

Minute 1026 Planning Application 9/2010/1090

RESOLVED: that the SDDC Planning Authority be informed that the Parish Council, having considered the application, has no objections or comments . This resolution was unanimous..

………………………………...... Chairman.

Minsspecmeet170111 Minutes of the meeting of Hatton Parish Council held on February 8th. 2011 at Hatton Centre, Station Road Hatton


Councillor C A Thurman.(in the Chair).

Councillors: Mrs M A Ratcliffe, John Billings, Andrew Billings, T O’Connor, D Taylor, M A Cramp. R E Buxton,

2 members of the public.

Also in attendance: Burton Mail reporter

Minute 1027 Matters raised in Public speaking Royal Wedding – April 29th 2011. Mrs T Croft is planning a ‘Picnic in the Park’ to mark the event. Time 5pm to 8 pm on the day of the Royal wedding.

Zebra crossing on Station Road now fully installed and working.

Police report. Councillor Thurman welcomed PC Rob Pilkington and PCSO Karen Hyde to the meeting. One crime was recorded in Hatton -stolen number plate.

County Council report.

Councillor Mrs J Patten reports as follows;

1.Council garages and possible encroachment – Field Avenue Hatton. Resident claimed permission had been granted for gates to be erected – SDDC proposing to charge rent.

2.Leylandi hedge Station Rd/Heath Way jitty (61 Station Rd) has now been cut back by the County Council.

3. Asset transfer – former school playing field. If DCC transfer land to Parish Council a local farmer has expressed an interest to cut the field and also take back the land grab on behalf of the Council.

District Council report. . Councillor A Roberts reported:

1. land grab on the Field Lane garage site – resident offered to buy land from SDDC but this was rejected by SDDC. –see minute above (County Councillor’s report – rental now being charged.

2. Councillor Roberts will be in attendance at Planning drop-in meeting at Hatton on March 9th 2011.

3. Electoral boundary changes will be in force for May elections.

4. Central Networks have installed security cameras and a barrier around the electricity poles following the recent burning of the electricity cables.

MinsFEB11 Page1 Minute 1028 Apologies for absence. Councillor Mrs S Fowers (ill) Councillor Mrs J Patten ( DCC ) Councillor A Roberts (SDDC)

Minute 1029 Variations of business.

RESOLVED: that Agenda item 9 (i) be considered as Agenda item (7) ‘To receive and consider a request from Derbyshire Police Safer Neighbourhood Team for a contribution to computer’

Minute 1030 Declarations of Interest. There were none.

Minute 1031 Minutes of the meeting held on January 11th 2011 and January 17th 2011

RESOLVED: that the minutes be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

Minute 1032 Chairman’s report.

a) Cllr Thurman presented a cheque for £150 as a contribution towards a computer for the Police Area team.

b) Cllr Thurman had attended the Etwall Area Team meeting on January 31st 2011 at which the police gave a positive report. There was also a presentation on Children’s centres and questions about re-cycling of plastic waste, finally a presentation on the Budget of SDDC..

c) Next meeting of the Flood Liaison committee will be on February 22nd. 2011- our representative Councillor D Taylor will attend.

d) Cllr Thurman to attend a meeting with Chief Constable at Police HQ on February 9th 2011. and a Joint meeting ( Parish Councils and SDDC) on February 23rd. 2011

Minute 1033 Planning Applications.

SCOW/9/98 Scoping document – environmental considerations. There were no comments from members

Minute 1034 Report of the Clerk.

1. Derbyshire Police Safer Neighbourhood Team

RESOLVED: that a contribution of £150 be made towards purchase of a computer for the Area team. See also minute 1032(a)

2.) Proposed BMX track at Scropton Road Sports Ground Hatton.

RESOLVED: that the membership of the BMX Working Party shall be:

Councillors: C A Thurman (Chairman) M A Cramp, and J Billings, plus Mrs T Croft ( Y O H ) Marc Scott ( SDDC officer) and Mr I Hey (SDDC). Next meeting Monday February 21st 2011 at 10.00am Hatton Centre.

MinsFEB11 Page2 3. Letter from Derbyshire Constabulary -Community Speedwatch – request for volunteers. No members of the Council were available- it was RESOLVED that the request be published in Hatton News seeking parishioners willing to volunteer.

4. Y O H Summer programme 2011.

RESOLVED: that details of the Summer programme arranged for Y O H activities be noted.

5) Changes to Local Planning system.

RESOLVED: to note schedule of ‘drop in’ events in connection with changes to Local Planning .

6) Parish Plan – Progress report.

RESOLVED: that after the Parish Council elections in May the Playing Field committee be responsible for reviewing progress on those Parish Plan initiatives at Scropton Road Sports Ground and Pavilion building.

The Clerk is to seek the criteria and costs for additional street lighting in Hoon ward and Heath Way ward. Councillors Cramp and Andrew Billings will identify the precise locations where additional lighting would be beneficial.

Footpaths are much improved and thanks were expressed to Councillor M A Cramp for his work as Footpaths member.

7) Purchase of road grit. RESOLVED: that one ton of road grit be purchased to be stored at Particle Technology premises by kind permission of Councillor R E Buxton.

8.) Community Asset transfer - former Hatton School Playing Field. RESOLVED: that the Clerk indicate this Council’s interest in the freehold transfer of the land and to request details of terms and conditions and any covenants.

9) Replacement of heaters in dressing rooms at Scropton Road Sports Ground. RESOLVED: that the Clerk obtain three fixed price quotations for supply and fix of heaters.

Minute 1035 Ward Reports.

North Ward. Sutton Lane/ Road junction – dip in road - hazardous during icy conditions – Clerk to contact DCC.

South Ward. Pampas grass overhanging pavement at 2 Marston Old Lane – Clerk to contact Mr Wright requesting the grass be cut back.

Road sign at Marston Old Lane loose in ground – Clerk to contact SDDC.

Minute 1036 Finance.

a) RESOLVED: to approve payment of accounts and wages for the period ended January 31st 2011 (as per schedule)

MinsFEB11 Page3 Minute 1037 Items for Information.

RESOLVED: that the following items of information be noted:

a) DRCC Financial Inclusion leaflet.

b) Have Your say – Derbyshire Constabulary leaflet.

c) Archaeology and Conservation in Derbyshire – January 2011 issue.

d) Amenity Land Solutions – Turf management and Contract services – brochure.

e) Environment Agency –Lower River Dove – Flood Risk Management Scheme – letter copied to members.

RESOLVED: that a letter expressing the Council’s strong support for the proposed scheme be sent to Steve Morley Central Area Manager (Midlands) and the matter of any pledge/contribution be placed on the Agenda of the March meeting of the Council.

f) SDDC ‘Help shape the future of your community’ – and drop-in venues schedule.

Minute1037 Planning decisions.

There were none.

Minute 1038 Derbyshire Association of Local Councils.

RESOLVED; that the following be noted:

1) Circ. 6/2011 General – The Queen’s 2012 Diamond Jubilee, Vacancy for Clerk at Unstone Parish Council and Clerk RFO at Stanton in Peak Parish Council. Diary Date reminders for Training.

2) Circ. 7/2011 General –Revised Venue for Derby Event – Derbyshire Police – Public Engagement Events 2011 Invitation from Chief Constable and Chairman of Police Authority Derby Event Assembly Rooms Tuesday Feb 1st 2011 Police HQ Wednesday 9th February 2011 Looking after War Memorials, Clerk and RFO Vacancies at Dronfield Town Council, Clerk/RFO vacancy at Baslow and Bubnell Parish Council Training date reminders.

Councillor A Billings requested a copy of Circ.6/2011.

Minute 1039 Reports from Representatives attending meetings of Outside bodies.

See Minute 1032 (b) (c) (d)

The meeting CLOSED at 9.10 pm.

……………………………………………………………………. Chairman.

Next meeting Tuesday March 8th.2011 at 6.45pm at Hatton Centre Station Road Hatton.

NB These minutes are subject to approval at the next meeting of the Council.

MinsFEB11 Page4 Minutes of the meeting of Hatton Parish Council held on March 8th. 2011 at Hatton Centre, Station Road Hatton


Councillor C A Thurman.(in the Chair).

Councillors: John Billings, T O’Connor, M A Cramp. R E Buxton, Mrs S Fowers

19 members of the public.

Also in attendance: Councillor A Roberts (SDDC) ,PCSO K Hyde, Burton Mail reporter

Minute 1040 Matters raised in Public speaking

1.Concerns were expressed regarding the possibility of further flooding in Hatton and support was expressed for the proposals of the Environment Agency for further work to be carried out.

2. Question regarding possible development of access road to Nestles site.

Police report. PCSO reported a distraction theft had occurred in Hatton – also Safer Neighbourhoods Partnership are arranging a ‘No cold calling day’

County Council report.

No report – Councillor Mrs J Patten not present.

District Council report. . Councillor A Roberts reported:

a) Salt Brook now cleaned out regularly (flood prevention)

b) Complaint from resident re balls from playing fields hitting conservatory roof – SDDC may help.

c) Tractors using Marston Old Lane creating mud and stones on roadway.

c) Meeting regarding Planning – March 9th 2011 at Hatton Centre.

Minute 1041 Apologies for absence. Councillor Mrs M A Ratcliffe,(ill) Councillor A Billings (work commitments),Councillor D Taylor

Minute 1042 Variations of business. There were none.

Minute 1043 Declarations of Interest. 1.Councillor T O’Connor declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in Agenda item 11b and would leave the room during discussion of this item. Agenda item 11b ) To receive and consider sealed-bid quotations for supply/fix heaters in the dressing room s at Scropton Road Sports Ground.

MinsMAR11 Page 1 2.Councillor R E Buxton declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in Agenda item 11c and would leave the room during discussion of this item. Agenda item 11c c) To consider request from ‘Hatton News’ for a donation of £200. – proposed by Councillor R E Buxton.

Minute 1044 Minutes of the meeting held on February 8th 2011

Amendment: Minute 1027 District Council report – Field Lane amended to read Field Avenue.

Minute 1037 Planning decisions – re-numbered as 1037a

RESOLVED: that with the above amendments the minutes be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

Minute 1045 Chairman’s report.

Councillor Thurman reported on:

i) BMX Working party met with Paula Ashton from Proludic Ltd. on February 21st 2011 at the Playing Fields. Paula took site measurements, listened to proposals from members, and will submit a design and costings for consideration by the Parish Council.

ii)Joint Parish Council/SDDC meeting. New Planning laws do not offer any more safeguards regarding travellers occupying land illegally.

iii) Parish Councils are not subject to capping of the Parish precept.

iv) Safer Neighbourhoods meeting March 2nd 2011. There is approximately £4,000 remaining available. Bids must be in before the end of May.

v) YOH Awards Event. Councillor Thurman will attend.

Minute 1046 Planning Applications.

RESOLVED: that the following applications be noted.:

9/2011/0099 The erection of an extension at 6 Ley Croft Hatton

9/2011/0080 The erection of an extension at 72 Eaton Close Hatton

9/2011/0113 The erection of fence at 16 Yew Tree Court Hatton.

Minute 1047 Report of the Clerk.

a)Report of the Clerk on the Lower River Dove Flood Management Scheme.

Proposal by Councillor C A Thurman (Chairman) that the recommendation in the report be accepted:

‘’Confirming strong support for the scheme and to defer any financial commitments until the new Council is elected in May 2011’

Seconded by Councillor Mrs S Fowers.

For the proposal: Councillors C A Thurman, Mrs S Fowers, and John Billings.

MinsMAR11 Page 2 Against: Councillors R E Buxton, M A Cramp and T O’Connor.

There being an equality of votes the Chairman (Councillor C A Thurman) exercised his right to cast a second and deciding vote for the proposal.

Councillor R E Buxton left the meeting.

b) Derbyshire County Council asset transfer of former Hatton School Playing Fields.

RESOLVED: that the Clerk ascertain

1. whether the land is registered with the Land Registry 2. obtain details of any wayleaves, or restrictions etc on the land. 3. Whether any financial assistance would be available in order that the site is secure. c) Land grab problem is resolved.

Minute 1048 Ward Reports.

Heath Way ward.

.Councillor M A Cramp reported that two further street lights would be required to meet present criteria.

Hoon Ward.

Councillor A Billings reported one additional lamp is required in Church Ave.

School Ward.

Councillors Mrs Ratcliffe and T O’Connor reported problem with ivy growing over bench at Birch Grove/Station Road. Owner of property is dealing with the problem. As the bench is rusty the Clerk is to obtain costs of repainting the bench.

Minute 1049 Finance.

a) RESOLVED:to approve payment of accounts and wages for the period ended February 28th.2011 (as per schedule)

b) Sealed-bid quotations for supply/fix heaters in the dressing rooms at Scropton Road Sports Ground.

RESOLVED: that the quotation of £862 (plus vat) from O’Connor Electrical Ltd. be accepted.

Councillor T O’Connor having declared a personal and prejudicial interest left the room during consideration of this item.

c) Request from ‘Hatton News’ for a donation of £200. – proposed by Councillor R E Buxton.

RESOLVED: a donation of £200 be made to Hatton News.

As Councillor R E Buxton had left the meeting after Agenda item 9 (a) he was not present during consideration of this item.

a) Request for a donation from Disability Derbyshire.

MinsMAR11 Page 3 RESOLVED: that a donation of £100 be made to Disability Derbyshire.

b) Request from Derbyshire Children’s Holiday for a donation.

RESOLVED: that a donation of £100 be made to Derbyshire Children’s Holiday Centre.

Suspension of Standing Orders to consider late item.

c) Request for a donation from Hatton Village Pensioner’s Luncheon Club.

Councillor M A Cramp left the room during consideration of this item.

RESOLVED: that a donation of £150 be made to the Hatton Pensioners Luncheon Club.

Minute 1050 Items for Information.

RESOLVED: that the following items of information be noted:

1. Clerks and Councils Direct – magazine March 2011 edition.

2. Y O H – Summer Programme.

3 The Playing Field – newsletter Winter 2010/11

4. Safer Neighbourhood Report.

5. npower –Proposed Willington C Gas pipe line – additional preliminary consultation under Sect. 42 of the Planning Act 2008

Minute1051 Planning decisions.

RESOLVED: to note the following:

1) 9/2010/0969 The demolition of existing egron tower penthouse and tank enclosure and the erection of replacement penthouse over the roof area accommodating the alteration of existing extract ducts and chimney at Nestle Ltd Marston Lane Hatton GRANTEDSTC

2) 9/2010/1069 Replacement of existing dilapidated agricultural building with new steel framed agricultural building to store implements and machinery at Guinea Farm, Uttoxeter Rd Hatton GRANTEDSTC

3) 9/2010/1144 Retrospective application for garage conversion to living accommodation at 10 Yew Tree Rd Hatton GRANTEDSTC

4) 9/2010/1100 The erection of dwelling at 2 Yew Tree Rd Hatton REFUSED

Minute 1052 Derbyshire Association of Local Councils.

RESOLVED; that the following be noted:

a) Circ.8/2011 General – Clerk’s Day Wed 13 April 2011Edale PC Vacancy for Clerk/RFO

b) Circ 9/2011 General – HMRC Business Education and Support Teams Presentation – What’ New

MinsMAR11 Page 4 for Employers Planning Aid, Local Councils and VAT

c) Circ 10/2011 Annual Parish Meeting.

d) Circ. 11/2011 General Circular – The abolition of the default retirement age, Lower Derwent Flood Management Scheme, Derbyshire Constabulary Annual Parish Council’s Evening 12th.October 2010

e) Circ 12/2011 Training. Power of well-being training 22 June 2011 at The Parish Hall Church Street Ockbrook.

Councillor Mrs S Fowers requested a copy of Circular 11/2011 General Circular.

Minute 1053 Reports from Representatives attending meetings of Outside bodies. There were none.

The meeting CLOSED at 8.05pm.


MinsMAR11 Page 5 Minutes of the meeting of Hatton Parish Council held on April 12th 2011 at Hatton Centre, Station Road Hatton


Councillor C A Thurman.(in the Chair).

Councillors: M A Cramp, Mrs S Fowers, J Billings, A Billings, D Taylor, Mrs M A Ratcliffe, T O’Connor

2 members of the public.

Also in attendance: Councillor Mrs J Patten (DCC) Mrs Teresa Crofts, Burton Mail reporter

Minute 1057 Matters raised in Public speaking

1.Request for any further information regarding the Lower Dove Flood Management Scheme.

Police report. No Police Officer present but latest crime stats on Parish Council website and copied to all members of the Council.

County Council report. Councillor Mrs J Patten reported: 1. Vacancy for school Governor at Hilton Primary School. And John Port School.

2. Theft of drain covers in Hatton and Hilton – police aware.

3. Ponding at junction of Sutton Lane and Derby Road Foston – Mrs Patten will ‘chase’.

District Council report. . No report.

Minute 1058 Apologies for absence. PCSO K Waite, Councillor A Roberts (SDDC)

Minute 1059 Variations of business. There were none.

Minute 1060 Declarations of Interest. There were none.

Minute 1061 Minutes of the meeting held on March 8th 2011 Amendments: in attendance PCSO K Waite (not K Hyde) Minute 1049 Finance : re- lettered Donations d)e)f)

RESOLVED: that the minutes with the above amendments be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

MinsAPL11 Page 1 Minute 1062 Chairman’s report. Councillor Thurman expressed thanks to Councillors: Mrs M A Ratcliffe, R E Buxton and T O’Connor who are retiring from the Council after serving on the Council for a combined total of 32 years.. . Councillor Thurman also expressed thanks to Councillor Andrew Billings for the article recently published in ‘ Hatton News’

Minute 1063 Planning Applications.

RESOLVED: that the following be noted.:

9/2010/1100 The erection of dwelling at 2 Yew Tree Road Hatton : Appeal starting 8 March 2011.

Minute 1064 Report of the Clerk.

1.Councillor Thurman reported on the recent meeting of the BMX Working Party – details of the design were shown to members, Chris Lees of Nestles had promised help with the excavation of the track, and applications for funding were to be pursued with the help of Mr Ian Hey (SDDC)

2. A meeting between Chairman, Clerk and Mr Chris Lees of Nestles took place at the site of the former Hatton School playing fields to discuss secure fencing for the site on its transfer as a Community asset from Derbyshire County Council. Chris indicated that Nestles would assist.

3. Letter from Network Rail regarding erection of a mast for the Railway Communications System RESOLVED: the information be noted without comment.

Minute 1065 Ward Reports. Heath Way Councillor M A Cramp reported that the recent cutting of the grass verges was very unsatisfactory and also the daffodils had been cut down. The Clerk is to write to SDDC.

Minute 1066 Finance.

a) RESOLVED:to approve payment of accounts and wages for the period ended March 31st 2011 (as per schedule)

b) RESOLVED: to note the Bank Reconciliation Report.

c. The Clerk reported the Internal Audit of Accounts for 2010/11 had been completed.

d) RESOLVED: to renew the Annual subscription for membership of DALC in the sum of £598.68.

Minute 1067 Items for Information.

RESOLVED: that the following items of information be noted:

1. NALC booklet ‘All about Local Councils’ 2. Summer Holiday Provision schedule. 3. Parish Council insurance ‘Parish matters.’ 4. DCC SACRE Annual Report 2009/2010 5. Christmas tree installation and Lighting System – a brochure. 6. Derbyshire News for Parish and Town Councils.

7. ‘It Takes all sorts’ booklet from NALC.

MinsAPL11 Page 2 8. SD CVS ‘How to plan develop and fund your local community project. 9. Letters of thanks for donations. 10 Northwest Safer Neighbourhood Team Report .-e mailed to all members.

Minute1068 Planning decisions.

RESOLVED: to note the following:

9/2010/1090/NO The erection of extension to existing building with pitch roof, the construction of changing rooms and storage structure at Hatton Sports and Social Club Scropton Road Hatton GRANTEDSTC

Minute 1069 Derbyshire Association of Local Councils.

RESOLVED; that the following be noted:

a)Circ.13/2011 General – Allotments seminar, Brimington Parish Council – Clerk vacancy.Dalbury Lees Parish Council – Clerk Vacancy,

b)Circ. 14/2011 Consultations Consultation – a code of recommended practice for Local Authorities on Data Transparency. A Community Right to Buy – Assets of Community Value. A Community Right to Challenge.

c) Circ 15/2011 Parish Council and Community Council Clerks PAYE Implementation.

d) Circ. 16/2011 Parish and Town Council Elections.

e) Circ.17/2011 General The Public Forest Estate, Parish Election 5 May 2011 - Important Reminder, Derbyshire County Council – Bringing People Together Promotion,

f) Circ 18/2011 General Market Towns – Finding and bidding for Project Funding successfully -, Employment Briefing, Consultation on the proposed local list of requirements for Planning Applications by Derbyshire County Council, Derbyshire County Council – Corporate Resources Dept. – Training. g) Circ. 19/2011 Good Councillor Guide – 3rd Edition.

h) Circ.20/2011 General – Action for Market Towns Awards – Derbyshire nominations requested, Derbyshire County Council Parish and Town Council Liaison Forum – 14 April 2011 6pm to 8pm County Hall Matlock. Winter Service – Emergency Snow Clearing, HM Revenue and Customs – Employers Workshops.

Councillor M A Cramp requested a copy of Circ.20/2011.

Minute 1070 Reports from Representatives attending meetings of Outside bodies. Councillor D Taylor ( Flood Liaison representative of Hatton Parish Council) gave a detailed report on the Lower Dove Flood Management Scheme. As the Council’s representative on the Flood Liaison committee Councillor Taylor had not been given full information regarding the proposals, especially in regard to financial pledges from local Councils and businesses. However, thanks to working closely with officers from Environment Agency, the closing dates for letter of intent, and pledges had now been obtained. Consequently members of the Parish Council agreed to make a pledge of £2,500, subject to resolution of the Council at the May meeting and the Clerk is to inform the E A immediately.

The meeting CLOSED at 8.05pm.


MinsAPL11 Page 3 Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Hatton Parish Council held on May 10th 2011 at Hatton Centre, Station Road Hatton

PRESENT Councillor C A Thurman (in the Chair)

Councillors: Andy Billings, John Billings Mrs S Fowers, M A Cramp, D Taylor C R Naylor Mrs J Patten (DCC) A Roberts (SDDC)

AGM1/11 Apologies for absence. There were none.

AGM2/11 Minutes of the previous AGM. The minutes of the previous AGM held on May 13th.2010 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

AGM3/11 Election of Chairman of the Parish Council

Councillor C A Thurman was elected Chairman of the Parish Council for the year 2011/12 and signed the Acceptance of Office document.

AGM4/11 Election of Vice Chairman of the Parish Council.

Councillor Mrs S Fowers was elected Vice Chairman of the Parish Council for the year 2011/12 and signed the Acceptance of Office.

AGM5/11 Election of Representatives.

Marston on Dove and District Relief in Need Charity 2) Councillors Mrs S Fowers, M A Cramp.

Parish Councils Liaison committee (2): Councillor C A Thurman and Councillor Mrs S Fowers.

Hatton Centre Management committee: Councillor C A Thurman.

Flood Liaison committee (1).Councillor D Taylor.

Hatton Jubilee Hall Management committee (1): Councillor M A Cramp.

Safer Neighbourhood Partnership: Councillors A Billings and C A Thurman.

Staff/Est./Chairman of Appeals sub. Committee. Councillor A Billings.plus 2 members of Council as and when required.

Finance, Budget control, and Scrutiny Panel Councillors: C A Thurman (Chairman) J Billings, M A Cramp, A Billings, C R Naylor,

Playing Fields Advisory Committee: Councillors John Billings (Chairman) all members of the Parish Council plus representatives of the users of the facility.

...... Chairman.

Agm11 Minutes of the meeting of Hatton Parish Council held on May 10th.2011 at Hatton Centre, Station Road Hatton


Councillor C A Thurman (in the Chair).

Councillors: A. Billings, J. Billings, D Taylor, M A Cramp. C R Naylor Mrs S Fowers

In attendance: Councillor Mrs J Patten (DCC) Councillor A Roberts (SDDC)

3 members of the public.

Minute 011/001 Matters raised in Public speaking. 1. Access to Notice Board - Clerk only 2. YOH – only 3 Monday night sessions this year due to inclement weather 3. Dr. Bike - 34 people attended. 4. Royal Wedding – Picnic in the Park – very successful.

Police Report No Police Officer in attendance. . County Council Report.

Councillor Mrs J Patten reported: 1. Councillor Simon Spencer now Cabinet member for Highways. 2. Pothole on Scropton Road reported. 3. Councillor Mrs Patten now Support member for Education. 4. Ponding at junction of Sutton Lane and Uttoxeter Road Foston – meeting with officers from DCC Highways next week.

District Council Report.

Councillor A Roberts reported: 1. Planning application for development of former Clayton’s site expected within the next 3 months. 2. Complaints received regarding the Zebra crossing installed on Station Road. 3. Network Rail had received planning consent to install mast near industrial site (Jinny Close) for communication between stations and staff.

Minute 011/002 Apologies for absence. There were none.

Minute011/003.Variations of business. There were none.

Minute011/004 Declarations of Interest. There were none

Minute 011/005 Minutes of the meeting held on April 12th 2011. RESOLVED: that the minutes be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

Minute 011/006 Chairman’s report. Councillor Thurman congratulated all those members who were re-elected and welcomed new member Councillor C R Naylor. Future Plans. Councillor Thurman began by expressing the hope that the council’s preferred contractor for the BMX project would be Proludic Ltd. and that the project would be started in the near future subject to obtaining financial support from various sources.

Chris Lees of Nestles. Ltd. had indicated drawings for the proposed covered area at the Playing Field could be done by the company free of charge.

Councillor Thurman promised the council would continue to support the development project at the Pavilion.

Former Hatton School Playing field site. The site would be transferred into the ownership of Hatton Parish Council (as a community asset) by the end of the month and it was confirmed that an offer to secure the site had been received from Nestles Ltd.

Minutes of Hatton PC 10/5/11 Page 1 Minute 011/007 Planning Applications. There were none.

Minute 011/008 Report of the Clerk. 1. Former Hatton School Playing Fields – community asset transfer from Derbyshire County Council scheduled for May 26th 2011. Letter to be sent to Mr and Mrs Batty regarding the trees and shrubs they have planted in the corner of the site abutting their garden The Clerk is to liaise with DCC to confirm that the complete area will be transferred as a community asset.

2. BMX track project.

RESOLVED: that Proludic Ltd. be confirmed as the Council’s preferred contractor. The Clerk is to attend a meeting with Mr Ian Hey (SDDC) regarding grant applications for financial assistance with the project.

3. Lower Dove Flood Management Scheme.

RESOLVED: to confirm pledge of £2,500 towards the project, thus demonstrating the Council’s strong support for the scheme. This was a unanimous decision.

Minute 011/009 Ward Reports

Central Ward. Councillor Mrs S Fowers reported that 2 ‘Cold calling’ signs had been damaged and after she reported the incident to the Police she was informed that no replacement would be provide for at least 6 months.

Minute 011/010 Finance.

a) RESOLVED: to approve payment of accounts and wages for the period ended April 30th 2011(as per schedule)

b) RESOLVED: to note Accounts for year 2010/11 had now been completed and the comments of the Internal Auditor.

c) RESOLVED: to accept the premium of £2,348.27 from Came and Company for renewal of insurance (three year deal)

Minute 011/011 Items for Information.

RESOLVED: that the following items of information be noted:

a) Standing Orders of the Council

b) Financial Regulations of the Council.

c) Model Code of Conduct for Parish Councils.

d) SDDC Chairman’s Charity Classical Concert – St Whystans Church Repton 14 May 2011

e) Schedule of Parish Council meetings for 2011/12

f) North West Safer Neighbourhood Area 1 – meeting Monday 13th June 2011 at 6.30pm Millenium Hall Dalbury Lees

Minute 011/012 Derbyshire Association of Local Councils

RESOLVED: that the following be noted:

1) Circ.21/2011 General –Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations, Abolition of Audit Commission, VAT, Heath and Holmwood Parish Council- vacancy for Clerk, Cemetery Superintendent to Duffield Parish Council,Clerk/RFO vacancy at Pentrich Parish Council

2) Circ.22/2011 –General The abolition of the default retirement age (DRA- update) Wirksworth Town Council- vacancy part- time RFO and Assistant Clerk.Wirksworth TC –part time caretaker, Dale Abbey Parish Council –vacancy Clerk and RFO.

3) Circ.23/2011 – General East Midlands Allotments Officers Forum Clerk/RFO vacancy at Calver Parish Council.

4) Circ24/2011 NALC LEGAL BRIEFING –LO2-11 Future Standards of Conduct of members of Local Authorities in England.

Minute 011/013 Reports from representatives attending meetings of Outside bodies.

Councillor M A Cramp reported on work completed on footpaths, and also work outstanding.

Minutes of Hatton PC 10/5/11 Page 2 Jubilee Hall Management committee had met on 20 April 2011 and 3 May 22011

Meeting of Marston on Dove Charity on April 18 2011.

The meeting CLOSED at 8.30pm.


Minutes of Hatton PC 10/5/11 Page 3 Minutes of the Annual Parish Assembly held on May 17th 2011 at Hatton Centre, Station Road Hatton


Councillor C A Thurman. (in the Chair)

Councillors: Councillors: D P Taylor, C R Naylor, 3 members of the public.

APA1/11Apologies for absence. Received from: John Billings, A Billings, Mrs S Fowers, M A Cramp, A Roberts (SDDC) Mrs J Patten (DCC).

APA2/11 Minutes of the previous APA The minutes of the previous APA held on May 18th.2010 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

APA3/11 Annual Report for 2010/11 Copies of the Annual Report and Financial Report for 2010/11, having been distributed were noted without comment. Copies attached to these minutes.

APA4/11 District and County Council reports. There were no reports submitted to the meeting.

APA5/11 Matters raised by those present. There were none.

The Chairman thanked those who had attended and the meeting closed at 7.15pm.

...... Chairman. Minutes of the meeting of Hatton Parish Council held on June 14th.2011 at Hatton Centre, Station Road Hatton


Councillor C A Thurman (in the Chair).

Councillors: A. Billings, J. Billings, D Taylor, M A Cramp. C R Naylor Mrs S Fowers

In attendance: Councillor Mrs J Patten (DCC) Councillor A Roberts (SDDC)

10 members of the public.

Minute 011/014 Apologies for absence. There were none.

Minute 011/015 Declaration of Members interests. 1. Councillor John Billings declared a PERSONAL interest in Agenda item 7(1) and opted to remain in the meeting. (Bowling Green maintenance contract)

2. Councillor C R Naylor declared a PERSONAL interest in Agenda item 7(1) and opted to remain in the meeting. (Bowling Green maintenance contract)

3. Councillor Andrew Billings declared a PERSONAL interest in Agenda item 6(2) and opted to remain in the meeting. (Hatton Parish Carnival – July 16th 2011)

4. Councillor Andrew Billings declared a PREJUDICIAL interest in Agenda item 7(4) and would withdraw from the meeting during discussion of the item. (To receive and consider any requests for donations)

Minute 011/016 Variations of business. Agenda item 7(2) Council correspondence – procedure.

RESOLVED: that in view of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be excluded from the meeting and are therefore instructed to withdraw from the meeting in accordance with Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) 1960

Minute 011/017 Public Participation 1. Questions re possible future development by Nestles Ltd.

2. Salt Brook needs cleaning out – Councillor D Taylor will contact Environment Agency.

3. Fencing around Bowling Green needs replacing.

4. Concerns re access to former School Playing Fields site from Church Avenue.

5. Removal of ‘Gold Buying ‘ posters.

Police report. No officer was able to be present but latest stats had been sent to all members of the Council and published on the Council’s web site.

County Council Matters. Councillor Mrs J Patten reported: 1.Lighting column on Holme Close would be replaced within the next 2 months. 2.DCC seeking nominations of persons to act as Olympic torch bearer. 3.Mrs Patten would continue to remove any unauthorized fly-posters. 4.Letter to be sent to Highways Dept requesting action with regard to ponding which occurs at Sutton Lane/Derby Road junction.

Councillor Mrs Patten left the meeting at 7.30pm.

District Council Matters.

MinutesofHattonPC140611 Page1 Councillor A Roberts reported: 1. Repairs to the bridge would be completed as soon as possible by Staffs. County Council. This was a Grade 2 listed structure. 2. Road closure –Station Road and side roads – July 16th 2011 from 12.00 noon for approximately 50 minutes during Carnival procession. 3. Councillor Roberts advised that incidents of Dog fouling should be reported- Dog Wardens telephone number 07792576554 or contact Councillor Mrs Patten or Councillor Roberts. 4. Funding is now in place for the Lower Dove Flood Management Scheme and Councillor Roberts expressed thanks for the Parish Council’s help in pledging funds in support of the project. Councillor Roberts left the meeting at 7.30pm to attend Foston and Scropton Parish Council meeting.

Minute 011/018 Minutes of the Meeting held on May 10th 2011. RESOLVED: that the minutes be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

Minute 011/019 Chairman’s announcements.

1. Vacancies on Parish Council. Councillor Thurman announced that six persons had expressed an interest in serving as a member of the Parish Council. Each would be interviewed in private on Monday June 20th 2011 after which a secret ballot would be held.

2. Hatton Carnival would take place on July 16th 2011 and not July 18th 2011 as shown in the Agenda papers.

Minute 011/020 Report of the Clerk.

1.Bowling Green maintenance contract. The Clerk reported that the 3 year contract had expired on March 31st 2011 but had been temporarily extended due to District and Parish Council elections. As the contractor had submitted a new contract for the same price it was recommended that this be accepted as the original contract had been won following competitive tender process.

RESOLVED: that the contract from Vital Turf Management be accepted and to commence from June 1st 2011 for three years at a total cost of £15,365.00 +VAT (as previous contract)

2. Council correspondence – procedure – see Minute 011/012

3. BMX Track . The Clerk had had a meeting with Mr Ian Hey ( Community Partnership Officer) in connection with the application for funding to be submitted to Biffa Ltd.

4. Donation request from Hatton Carnival committee. In previous year’s the Parish Council had made a donation to the Carnival with the exception of 2010 when a decision was deferred. A recent letter from the Secretary of the Carnival committee asked if the Council would consider a donation this year. Councillor C R Naylor proposed £750 be appropriate in view of the enjoyment and entertainment provided for the people of Hatton. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Mrs S Fowers.

RESOLVED: that a donation of £750 (seven hundred and fifty pounds) be made to Hatton Carnival committee.

NB. Councillor Andrew Billings (Chairman of Hatton Carnival committee) vacated the room, and took no part in this item in accordance with his declaration of a prejudicial interest in this matter.

Minute 011/021 Wards Reports. 1. Heath Way Councillor M A Cramp presented a verbal report on the Footpaths within Hatton Parish ( copy to be forwarded to all members.) Dog fouling is a problem within the Ward.

Conifers overgrowing onto pavement outside Granville House Station Road Clerk to write to owners.

Elder bush overgrown in Jitty/Heath Way.

2. Central Ward Councillor Mrs S Fowers reported that a van belonging to resident at 62 Field Avenue was parked almost on the junction of Field Ave. and Heath Way. PCSO to be informed.

Minute011/022 Finance. MinutesofHattonPC140611 Page2 a) RESOLVED: to approve payments of wages and accounts for the period ended May 31st 2011 (as per schedule attached) b) Clerk reported on the constitution and duties of the Finance and Scrutiny Panel.

Minute 011/023 Items for information. RESOLVED: to note receipt of the following items of information:

1. What’s On in and The National Forest. Brochure from SDDC

2.Summer 2011 Activities SDDC programme of events.

3.DALC Circular 29/2011 General Circular –Sport England – Protecting Public Playing Fields, Human Resources Consultancy (LCHR) from Hampshire Assoc. of Local Councils, Clerk/RFO vacancy at Stoney Middleton PC, Clerk/RFO vacancy at Hodthorpe and Belph PC, HM Revenue and Customs Free Employer and Business Advice Open Day

4.DALC Circular 30/2011 Election for Executive Committee 2011-2015

5. DALC Parish Council Representatives on Standards Committee – South Derbyshire Standards Committee appointment of two Parish Council representatives and substitute members.

Minute 011/024 Reports of Representatives attending meetings of outside bodies.

Safer Neighbourhoods partnership. Councillors C A Thurman and A Billings attended this meeting and Councillor A Billings was elected as Vice Chairman for the year 2011/12.

Councillor C A Thurman reported that £4,000 was available for people to apply for small grants – matching funding required.

Minute 011/025 RESOLVED: that in view of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be excluded from the meeting and are therefore instructed to withdraw from the meeting in accordance with Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) 1960

Public part of meeting CLOSED at 8.15pm.


MinutesofHattonPC140611 Page3 NOT FOR PUBLICATION.

Minute011/026 Council correspondence - procedure.

Recently correspondence between the Clerk and Mark Dicken had been copied to the Chairman and Councillor C R Naylor on two occasions. Councillor Thurman stressed that all correspondence regarding Council matters should be to the Clerk alone.

Councillor Thurman emphasised he had no wish to be included in any loop, but in the event of the Clerk’s failure to notify other councillors etc then a letter to the Chairman (and the Clerk) may be appropriate.

After discussions members accepted that this was the best way for all concerned to proceed.

The meeting CLOSED at 8.50pm.


MinutesofHattonPC140611 Page4 Minutes of the meeting of Hatton Parish Council held on July 12th.2011 at Hatton Centre, Station Road Hatton


Councillor C A Thurman (in the Chair).

Councillors. J. Billings, D Taylor, M A Cramp .R Brooks, Mrs S Fowers

6 members of the public .Burton Mail representative.

Minute 011/027 Apologies for absence. Councillor S Watson (work commitments) A. Billings (work commitments) Councillor A Roberts (SDDC) Councillor Mrs J Patten (DCC)

Minute 011/028 Variations of business. There were none.

Minute 011/029 Declaration of Members interests. There were none.

Minute 011/030 Public Speaking. Hedge on Station Road clipped back.

Cost of Bowling Green maintenance.

Police report. No report available.

County Council Matters.

Councillor Mrs J Patten to be contacted regarding broken gate at the Marston end of the Bridle path.

District Council Matters. No report.

Minute 011/031 Minutes of the Meeting held on June 14th. 2011. Amendment to Minute 011/021.to read: Elder bush overgrown in jitty Granville Close /Station Road.

RESOLVED: that with the above amendment the minutes be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

Minute 011/032 Chairman’s announcements. There were none.

Minute 011/033 Report of the Clerk. i) Hatton/ TL Darby FC report. RESOLVED: that the report submitted by Councillor C Naylor regarding the Football clubs be noted. ii) RESOLVED: to confirm terms and conditions for hire of Football pitches remain unchanged and subject to review in November. iii) Transfer of former school playing field site as community asset. RESOLVED that: the Clerk contacts the Parish Council’s solicitor to confirm an Environmental check is not required and to seek from Derbyshire County Council maximum flexibility for use of the land as a community facility. iv) DCC/Community Payback Trust Scheme. RESOLVED: to ask that the following locations/ work be included in the schedule.: a) Trim and cut back grass verges from the bridge to Scropton Old Road and include the triangle. b) Trim and cut back grass verges Station Road from Hassall Road northwards towards Salt Box.

HPCMINSJUL11 Page 1 c) Clean out brook at end of Church Avenue. Minute 011/033 Derbyshire Association of Local Councils. RESOLVED: that the following items of information be noted:

i)Circ.31/2011 General Circular – Cutting Red Tape, Consultation on Regulations under the Sustainable Communities Act 2007,

ii) Circ 32/2011 General Circular – Part Night Street Lighting, Derbyshire County Council Questionnaire, Relaxation of Planning Rules for change of use from Commercial to Residential. NALC’s Communities in Action Conferences – Delivering more for Local People. New Derbyshire Parish Council.

iii) Circ.33/2011 General Circular Derbyshire County Council – Parish and Town Council Liaison Forum, Vacancy for Clerk/RFO at Weston Underwood Parish Council,

iv) Circ.34/2011 Training Additional Courses.

Copy of Circ 32/2011 requested by Councillors Mrs S Fowers and M A Cramp.

Minute011/034 Finance. a) RESOLVED: to approve payments of wages and accounts for the period ended June 30th. 2011 (as per schedule attached) b) RESOLVED: to note the 3 monthly Bank Reconciliation Report. c) RESOLVED: that the fixed price quotation of £1,200 + VAT from Vital Turf Management for trimming Bowls Green hedge (as per the Parish Plan) be accepted. d) Replacement Rotary mower. RESOLVED: that a replacement mower be purchased for a maximum price of £500. e) Derbyshire Wildlife Trust. RESOLVED: that a pledge of £100 be made to the Trust in conjunction with the Trust’s application for grant aid for the River Habitat scheme.

Minute 011/035 Items for Information. RESOLVED: that the following items of information be noted:

a) Planning Application 9/2011/0490 The extension of car park adjacent to the site entrance and relocation of the existing lorry park at Nestle (UK) Ltd. Marston Lane Hatton.

b) SDDC Invitation to Planning Drop-in Event Hatton Centre 3rd August 2011.

c) Clerks and Councils Direct magazine July 2011 issue.

Minute 011/036 Reports of Representatives attending meetings of outside bodies.

Councillor M A Cramp had attended a meeting of the Jubilee Hall Management committee on June 15th 2011.

Councillor D Taylor is to attend a meeting with the Environment Agency.

Minute 011/037 Ward Reports. South Ward.

Councillor J Billings had accompanied the Clerk on a visit to inspect allotment plots. Letters asking plot holders intentions regarding non-cultivation of plots have been sent to 5 persons. Gate needs repair.

The meeting CLOSED at 8.45pm.

HPCMINSJUL11 Page 2 …………………………………………………………………..Chairman.

HPCMINSJUL11 Page 3 Minutes of the meeting of Hatton Parish Council held on September 13th.2011 at Hatton Centre, Station Road Hatton


Councillor C A Thurman (in the Chair).

Councillors: M A Cramp, Mrs S Fowers A Billings, S Watson, C R Naylor, Mrs J Patten (DCC) A Roberts (SDDC)

23 members of the public . Burton Mail representative.

Minute 011/038 Apologies for absence. Councillor R Brooks (on holiday) J Billings (appointment) D Taylor (work commitments)

Minute 011/039 Variations of business. None.

Minute 011/040 Declaration of Members interests. There were none.

Minute 011/041 Public Speaking.

1.Traffic on Station Rd Hatton volume and speed.

2. Questions regarding future developments on the former School Playing Fields site.- formal transfer from DCC as Community Asset not yet finalized

3.Request for dog waste bins on the site.

4.Diversion of Bridlepath.

5. Conifers overgrown on Station Road.

Police report. No Officer present but latest report circulated by e mail to members and published on the Council’s web-site.

County Council Matters. Councillor Mrs J Patten said she had nothing to report to the meeting.

District Council Matters. 1. Councillor Roberts reported that recently two HGVs were stopped on Scropton Road and found to be overladen.

2. There is to be a Bike Run from Swadlincote to County Hall Matlock in aid of Royal British Legion funds ‘Wheels for Heroes’ Date Sunday October 9th 2011.

3. Dangerous tree on Uttoxeter Road Foston (following recent gales) has now been made safe by DCC Highways staff.

4. Councillor Roberts also reported that he had approached local business seeking contributions to the 10% total which has to be raised towards the BMX track – maybe the Carnival committee will also make a contribution. :

Minute 011/042 Minutes of the Meeting held on July 14th. 2011.

Amendment:Minute 011/27 to include apologies from Councillor C R Naylor ( on holiday).

RESOLVED: that with the above amendment the minutes be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

Minute 011/043 Chairman’s announcements. Councillor C A Thurman expressed the Council’s thanks to Mrs Teresa Croft for all the work she does for the Youth of Hatton group and support for the BMX track project.

Chairman also expressed thanks to Mr M Whyman Head Teacher of Heath Fields School for his letter of support for the BMX

HPCMINSept.11 Page 1 project.

HPCMINSept.11 Page 2 Vote of Thanks to the Chairman.

Proposed by Councillor Mrs S Fowers. Seconded by Councillor M A Cramp. For :Councillors S Watson, A Billings One abstention. :

Minute 011/044 Report of the Clerk. a).Report from Mrs Teresa Croft (YOH) regarding plans for celebration of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee 1st to 4th of June 2012 RESOLVED: the report be noted, the Council will support the events, and make sure the Beacon is in working order.

b) Provision of additional street lighting (2) in Hatton.

RESOLVED: to agree in principle to the purchase and installation of one additional street light in Heath Way and one in Church Avenue. Location to be agreed after survey by Councillors A Billings and M A Cramp of local residents in their wards.

c) Provision of grit bin at junction of Marston Old Lane and Station Road Hatton RESOLVED: that the Council obtain a grit bin and contents for this location.

d) DCC consultation’ Improving the way we grit Derbyshire’ roads – we want your views Survey completed and returned. . e) DCC/Parish Council Winter Service Scheme RESOLVED: to note the report.

f) Consultation – Review of Area Forum Boundaries RESOLVED: to note the report.

. Minute 011/045 Derbyshire Association of Local Councils. RESOLVED: that the following items of information be noted and copies are available on request to the Clerk.:

i) Circ.35/2011 Training Circular.-Derbyshire County Training Partnership Training Autumn/Winter 2011/12 Action for Market Towns Finding and Bidding for Project Funding successfully - Derbyshire Event.

ii) Circ 36/2011 General Circular – DCC Winter Service Questionaire. DALC Executive committee, Vacancy for Clerk/RFO at Horsley Parish Council, Vacancy for Clerk/RFO at Pilsley PC, Leics and Rutland Association of Local Councils Chief Officer vacancy. Quick Employment Tips,- Forced Resignations,

iii) Circ.37/2011 General Circular – Localism Bill – Progress so far. Open Public Services White Paper. The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Beacons. Vacancy for Clerk/RFO and Clerk to the Burial Working Group – Wessington PC.

iv) DALC 65th Annual General Meeting Saturday 3 September 2011 Agenda Minutes and Annual Report.

v) Circ 39/2011 General Circular –Associate Membership East Midlands Councils – Introductory Offer. Clerk/RFO vacancy at Stoney Middleton PC

vi) Circ 38/2011 Circular: DALC President..- Nomination Paper.

vii) Circ.40/2011 General Circular DALC AGM’

Minute011/046 Finance.

i) Payment of wages and accounts for the periods ended 31st July and 31st August 2011.(Schedule attached) RESOLVED: to approve payment as per schedule.

ii) Chairman’s Allowance for 2011/12 RESOLVED: the allowance shall be £150 (one hundred and fifty pounds) and payment be approved.

HPCMINSept.11 Page 3 Minute 011/047 Items for Information. RESOLVED: that the following items of information be noted:

i) The Playing Field –Summer edition 2011

ii) North West Safer Neighbourhood Monthly update – e mailed to all members

iii) Royal Horticultural Society –in Bloom campaign.

iv) Planning Application 9/2011/0490 The extension of car park adjacent to the site entrance and relocation of the existing lorry park at Nestle(UK) Ltd Marston Lane Hatton.

v) Planning Application 9/2011/0656 The erection of a conservatory at 8 Appletree Road Hatton.

vi) Planning Application 9/2011/0607 Amended scheme to previously approved Planning Application 9/2011/0205 for the erection of a building to provide Warden’s accommodation and communal facilities for the existing traveller’s site at Caste View Uttoxeter Road Foston.

vii) Planning Application 9/2011/0578 Temporary storage of excavated material on land owned by Nestle (UK) Ltd Marston Lane Hatton.

vi) North West Safer Neighbourhood Area 1 Meeting Thursday 15th September 2011 at 6.30pm Egginton Memorial Hall

Minute 011/048 Reports of Representatives attending meetings of outside bodies.

1. Councillor M A Cramp had attended a meeting of the Jubilee Hall Management committee on July 27th 2011

Minute 011/049 Ward Reports.

Central Ward. Councillor Mrs S Fowers reported that there was a problem with vehicles parking on grass verges in Foston Close making it difficult for emergency vehicles to gain unrestricted access. Councillor A Roberts had been informed and was dealing with the matter.

The meeting CLOSED at 8.45 pm.


HPCMINSept.11 Page 4 Minutes of the meeting of Finance and Scrutiny sub-committee held on October 3rd 2011 at Hatton Centre, Station Road Hatton


Councillors: . A. Billings, J. Billings, M A Cramp. R Brooks C A Thurman, C R Naylor

Minute FSC.011/001 Election of Chairman.

RESOLVED: that Councillor C A Thurman be elected Chairman for the ensuing year.

Minute FSC 011/002 Apologies for absence:

Received from Councillor Mrs S Fowers.

Minute FSC 011/003 Declaration of Members interests.

There were none.

Minute FSC 011/004 Council’s Receipts and Payments - April 1 2011 to 30 September 2011

RESOLVED: that the Report be noted.

Councillor A Billings left the meeting at 7.35pm.

Councillor C R Naylor left the meeting at 8.40pm.

Minute FSC 011/005 Budget 2012/13.

Members considered various proposals for possible inclusion in the Budget for 2012/13 as follows:

Security fencing around former Playing Fields site.

Completion of BMX track.

Secure storage unit(s) for BMX track.

Enclosed area adjacent to MUGA.

Freezing of Parish Precept.

RESOLVED: that the above items be considered in detail at the next meeting of the sub-committee on Monday October 31st .


Minutes of Hatton PC 140611 Page 1 Minutes of the meeting of Hatton Parish Council held on October 11th 2011 at Hatton Centre, Station Road Hatton


Councillor C A Thurman (in the Chair).

Councillors: Mrs S Fowers, J Billings, M A Cramp, R Brooks, Mrs J Patten (DCC)

In attendance: Mrs T Croft (YOH) Burton Mail reporter.

Minute 011/050 Apologies for absence.

Received from: Councillors: A Billings (work commitments) C R Naylor, (work seminar) S Watson (work commitments) D Taylor

Councillor A Roberts (SDDC)

Minute 011/051 Variations of business. There were none.

Minute 011/052 Declaration of Members interests. There were none.

Minute 011/053 Public Speaking.

Mrs T Croft gave a report on the activities and future events of the YOH Group.

Police report. No officer present latest report sent to all members (and Parish Council website) 11 October 2011

County Council Matters.

Councillor Mrs J Patten reported: a) Ponding at Sutton Lane – work to be completed within one month. b) Road surface at Scropton Rd junction and Station Rd – inspection, no major work can be carried out until next financial year.

District Council Matters. No report.

Minute 011/054 Minutes of the Meeting held on September 13th. 2011

Amendment: Minute 011/43 Vote of Thanks to include Mr J Maw Clerk to the Council..

RESOLVED: that with the above amendment the minutes be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

Minute 011/055 Minutes of the meeting of the Finance and Scrutiny sub-committee held on October 3rd 2011.

RESOLVED: that the minutes be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

Minute 011/056 Chairman’s announcements. RBL Remembrance Day Service November 13th 2011 at 9.45am All Saints Church Hatton – Councillor C Thurman (Chairman) will attend and lay wreath.

Minute 011/057 Report of the Clerk Transfer of former school Playing Field from Derbyshire County Council to Hatton Parish Council.

RESOLVED: that Councillors C A Thurman and Mrs S Fowers sign the Transfer Deed on behalf of Hatton Parish Council and to to note transfer is at nil consideration.

HPCMINOCT.11 Page 1 Minute 011/058 Derbyshire Association of Local Councils.

RESOLVED: that details of the Circulars received after publication of the agenda (Oct 3rd 2011) be published in next agenda

Minute011/059 Finance. i) Payment of wages and accounts for the periods ended 30th September 2011.(Schedule attached) RESOLVED: to approve payment as per schedule. ii.) To note Quarterly Reconciliation Report. RESOLVED: that the report be noted. iii) Donation to Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. RESOLVED: that a donation of £75 be made to the Poppy Appeal. iii) Donation to Macmillan Cancer Care Coffee Morning. RESOLVED: That a donation of £100 be made to the Coffee Morning event.

Minute 011/060 Items for Information. RESOLVED: that the following items of information be noted: a) CPRE Booklet - how to respond to planning applications- an 8 step guide. b) Zurich – Schedule Inspection Summary (Children’s Play Area.) c) The Mug Man = price list for Diamond Jubilee Celebration Mugs. d) SDDC - October Half term Provision – October 24th 2011 from 1pm to 3pm. e) Invitation to attend AGM of Citizens Advice Bureau National Forest Centre Bath Lane Moira 20 October 2011 at 11.30am. f) Nomination Forms for Derbyshire Young Achievers Awards 2011 g) Planning Application 9/2011/0786 Retrospective application for the construction of a new car park entrance and a car park annex at Nestle Ltd Marston Lane Hatton.

Minute 011/061 Reports of Representatives attending meetings of outside bodies. Councillor C A Thurman attended the meeting of Safer Neighbourhoods Group Note £4,000 available for grant.

Councillor M A Cramp attended the meeting of the Jubilee Hall Management committee.

RESOLVED: that Councillor M A Cramp be confirmed as the Parish Council’s representative on the Bridle Path Working Party.

Minute 011/062 Ward Reports. Heath Way Ward Street lamps out – reported to DCC. Slabs at entrance to Playing Field in dangerous condition – Cllr Roberts notified. Litter bin outside 33 Heath Way damaged by vehicle.

Hoon Ward. Cllr A Billings to complete survey re additional street light. . Footpath Report. RESOLVED: to note the report by Councillor M A Cramp.

The meeting CLOSED at 8.10pm.


HPCMINOCT.11 Page 2 Minutes of the meeting of Finance and Scrutiny sub-committee held on Oct.31st 2011 at Hatton Centre, Station Road Hatton


Councillor C A Thurman (in the Chair)

Councillors: . A. Billings, J. Billings, M A Cramp. R.Brooks, S. Watson.

Minute FSC.011/006. Apologies for absence.

Received from: Councillor C R Naylor.

Minute FSC 011/007 Minutes of the meeting held on October 3rd 2011.

Minutes were accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman at the Parish Council meeting held on October 11th 2011.

Minute FSC 011/008 Declaration of Members interests.

There were none.

Minute FSC 011/009 Report of the Clerk/RFO

RESOLVED: that the Report of the Clerk/RFO on the Council’s expenditure and receipts for the period 1/4/2011 to 30/9/2011 together with Bank Reconcilliation Report be noted.

Minute FSC 011/010 Parish Precept and charges 2012/2013.

RESOLVED.: to recommend to Parish Council that the Parish Precept for 2012/13 be set at £20,400 (unchanged) and all charges to be as previous year.

Football pitches : £35 per match

Bowls Club: £1,500 per annum.

Allotment plots: £20 per annum.

The meeting CLOSED at 7.15pm.

Date of next meeting: Monday February 6th 2012 at 6.45pm.


Minutes of Hatton PC 140611 Page 1 Minutes of an Extra-ordinary meeting of Hatton Parish Council held on November 15th. 2011 at Hatton Centre Station Road Hatton.


Councillor C A Thurman (in the Chair)

Councillors: J Billings, M A Cramp, Mrs S Fowers, A Billings S Watson, C R Naylor, R Brooks, 29 members of the Public, Burton Mail reporter.

Statement by the Chairman. Councillor C A Thurman. Good evening and welcome to this extra-ordinary meeting of Hatton Parish Council.

Before we begin I wish to say to all present, both members of the Council and parishioners, it is my intention to rigidly follow procedures as laid down in the Parish Council’s Standing Orders, copies of which are issued to every member of the Council on election. All future meetings will be conducted in a similar manner in order to re-establish the Council’s reputation and avoid any repeat of last week’s chaos.

Councillor M A Cramp left the meeting at 6.50pm.

Minute 011/076 Apologies for absence. There were none.

Minute011/077 Declaration of Members Interests. Councillor C R Naylor declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in the matter (Minuted at 011/079)

Minute 011/078 Matters raised in Public Participation. 1. The figures contained in the Clerk’s report considered in respect of the item recorded at Minute 011/079 were challenged..

2 CRB certificate numbers - hire of pitches for Junior teams.

Minute 011/079 Football Pitches.. Hire Charges 2012/13 – (Minute FSC 011/010)

The Clerk/RFO reported on comparative hire of football pitches charges in the area which confirmed that the proposed Parish Council charges (£35 per match) were not out of line with other local football pitch hire charges.

Minute 011/080 A proposal was moved and seconded ‘ That the Football Clubs pay a fee of £25 per match for use of the pitches and dressing rooms at Scropton Road Sports Ground Hatton’

RESOLVED: that the charges for 2012/13 contained in Minute FSC 011/010 of 3/11/11 be confirmed.

(Councillor C R Naylor left the meeting during the discussion and decision on this item)


HPCminsspec151111 Page1 Minutes of a meeting of Hatton Parish Council held on December 20th. 2011 at Hatton Centre Station Road Hatton.


Councillor C A Thurman (in the Chair)

Councillors: J Billings, M A Cramp, Mrs S Fowers, A Billings S Watson,, R Brooks,(arrived late) D Taylor, Councillor Mrs J Patten (DCC) 5 members of the Public, Burton Mail reporter.

Minute 011/081 Apologies for absence. Councillor A Roberts (SDDC).

Minute011/082 Variations of business.. There were none.

Minute 011/083 Declarations of Interest. There were none.

Minute 011/084 .Public Speaking. 1. Cleaning of Portacabin dressing rooms at Sports Ground.

2. Light sensor on MUGA lights.

3 Pitch fees for hire of Football Pitches.

Police Report. No Police Officer present but latest report e mailed to members and on the Council website.

County Council matters. Councillor Mrs J Patten commented on the recent reports in Burton Mail which ‘contained inaccuracies and unfair comments about the Chairman’. Mrs Patten had complained to the newspaper and would do so again if necessary. Councillor Thurman expressed his grateful thanks to Mrs Patten for her action.

Councillor Mrs Patten informed the Council of Derbyshire County Council’s appeal for Community Fire Safety Champions. Leaflet to go in Noticeboard..

Minute 011/085 Minutes of the meeting held on November 8th.2011

RESOLVED: that the minu tes be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman

Minute 011/086 Minutes of the extra-ordinary meeting held on November 15th. 2011

RESOLVED: that the minutes be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman .

Minute 011/087 Chairman’s announcements.

Councillor C A Thurman attended the Remembrance Day Service on November 13th. and laid a wreath on behalf of the Parish Council. Councillor Thurman also attended the Safer Neighbourhoods meeting.

Councillor Thurman received a unanimous Vote of Confidence for his handling of recent meetings.

Minute 011/088 Report of the Clerk.

1. Transfer to the Parish Council of the former school Playing Field site as a Community asset.. RESOLVED: to note the transfer had now been completed and that the deeds had been deposited with Flint Bishop HPCmins201211 Page1 Solicitors for safe keeping (at no cost) together with deeds to Allotments and Hatton Sports Ground.

2. Additional Street lighting (Heath Way Hatton)

The Clerk reported that due to financial constraints Derbyshire County Council is unable to undertake on- going maintenance costs for additional street lighting ,and the Community Safety Team had confirmed that the areas on Heath Way would not meet the guidelines for the County Council to support the future maintenance of additional lighting.

3. Snow Warden Scheme.

1.RESOLVED: to note delivery of snow clearing equipment and safety high vis jackets.

2.RESOLVED: that in order to have Insurance cover for volunteers the scheme must advertise areas to be cleared, carry out training of volunteers and publish schedule when snow clearing is carried out.

3.RESOLVED that operations start at 8am till 11,am and 8pm to 9 pm, daily as necessary.

4. Lower Dove Flood Alleviation Scheme.

RESOLVED: to note payment of £2,500 has been made to the Environment Agency as per Minute 011/008/3

Minute 011/089 Derbyshire Association of Local Councils.

RESOLVED: to note receipt of the following and that copies are available from the Clerk on request.

1. Circ.51/2011 General – Rural Action Derbyshire – Oil Buying scheme,Localism Bill an update,.

2. Circ 52./2011 General- Clerk’s Day 2012 Wednesday April 12 2012 at Lumb Farm Country Club.

3. Circ. 53/2011 General – Advice Derbyshire Conference 2011 ‘The value and future of free advice services’ 15 Nov.2011 DCC Community Response – Severe Winter Weather, DCC Minor Maintenance Scheme.Public Rights of Way.

4. Circ. 54/2011 General – The Future of Standards of Conduct of members of Local Authorities in England – an update.Postal Scam, Vacancy for Clerk/RFO at Stanley and Stanley Common Parosh Council.

5 Circ. 55/2011 General Circular..PAYE Penalties 2010/11, Qualifying Period for Unfair dismissal claims to increase in 2012 and Employment Tribunal Fees to be introduced in 2013 .ACAS guidance on Social Networking, Localism: Local Action in Partnership.

6. Circ.56/2011 NALC Consultations, Community Infrastructure Levy, Local Govt. Pension Scheme,

7. Circ. 57/2011 General Circular – Financial Inclusion in Derbyshire – Future Needs 2012 onwaards.Day conferences Jan 20 2012 and Jan 26 2012.Shaws and Nalc join together to offer substantial discounts to Local Councils, Dalbury Lees PC Vacancy for Clerk/RFO

8 Circ. 58/2011 Derbyshire County Council Parish Liaison

9. Circ 59/2011 General Circular – Localism Bill received Royal Assent,Ballidon and Bradbourne PC vacancy for Clerk/RFO Brailsford and Ednaston PC vacancy for Clerk/RFO

Minute011/090 Finance.

i) RESOLVED: to approve payment of wages and accounts for the period ended 30th November 2011.(Schedule attached)

ii) RESOLVED: that the Parish Precept for 2012/13 be £20,400 (unchanged) and the charges for Football pitches-senior teams shall be £35 per match, Bowling Green fees £1,500 per annum and Allotment plots £20 per annum. NB Precept and charges unchanged from 2011/12

HPCmins201211 Page2 iii) RESOLVED: to approve payment for Christmas tree sited at All Saints Church Hatton on December 3rd.2011.(£110)

iv) To approve payment of £2,500 towards Lower Dove Flood Alleviation Scheme as per Min 011/008/3.

v) RESOLVED: to approve payment for Summer Holiday Programme for 2012 to a maximum of £1,500 and leave arrangements to Mrs Teresa Croft of Y O H group.

Minute 011/091 Items for Information. a) The Playing Field newsletter Autumn 2011

b) Letter from Mr P Johnson..

c) Safer South Derbyshire Partnership update Autumn 2011

d) Community and Planning Briefing Session – letter from SDDC Planning Officer.

e) Northwest Area Safer Neighbourhoods Team update. (Copy to members and web site)

Planning Application 9/2011/0938 The erection of an extension to an existing cattle barn to provide a covered feed and bedding storage area at Poplar Farm 11 Derby Road Foston Derbyshire.

f) Planning Application 9/2011/0925 Engineering works to improve accessibility and safety of the Station Rd/Marston Lane junction, to improve access to the factory (works include the demolition of 6 and 8 Station Rd.) at Nestle Company Limited Marston Lane Hatton

g) Planning Application 9/2011/0967 The erection of an extension to an existing MCC Room and east side air handling unit works at Nestles Ltd Marston Lane Hatton.

Minute 011/093 Meetings of Outside Bodies attended by representative(s) of the Council. Councillor M A Cramp attended a meeting of Marston on Dove and District Charity on November 24th 2011 and the Bridle Path Working Group on November 30th 2011.

The meeting CLOSED at 8.10pm.


HPCmins201211 Page3