Faculty of Law Newsletter Summer 2013 University of Otago OTAGOLAW IN THIS ISSUE Greetings from the Dean 1 Inaugural Award of the Otago Law Alumni Scholarship 1 Staff News 2 Research in the Faculty 6 Alumni Stories 9 Undergraduate News 15 Postgraduate News 22 Conferences 23 Art Exhibitions 23 From the New Zealand Law Foundation 25 Faculty Visitors 25 CoT NTaC US To Share your stories with Otago Law alumni and friends you can contact the editor: Ruth Molloy
[email protected] + 64 3 479 3781 Join us on Linkedin http://tinyurl.com/otagolawalumni Join us on Facebook and like our page www.facebook.com/otagolawalumni GREETINGS FRoM THE DEAN OTAGO LAW aLUMNI SCHoLaRSHIP We offer our heartfelt thanks to those of you have already contributed so generously to the Otago Law Alumni Scholarship. The Faculty is delighted to announce that the first scholarships have been awarded for students to study law in 2014. The recipients are: Caitlin Casey Jessica Todd Emma Toseland From Jessica Todd Dear Otago Law alumni The 140th year of New Zealand’s first Law Faculty has been a good one for our students and for my colleagues. The great “I cannot wait for strength of the Faculty is that is draws students from all over the first semester New Zealand to study Law. This builds a wonderful spirit of collegiality and life long friendship. My colleagues and I to begin and this delight every time we meet and hear from our alumni. There new chapter of is something magic about the friendship and bonds we form my life to unfold” having gone through the Otago Law Faculty experience.