I-CON Was a Blast
--- 4 - - VOLUME 33, NUMBER 48 STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT STONY BROOK THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1990 M- Budget Rally Is J990-91 Budget A Real Washout'. Gets Approved By ohn atao A rally to protest a proposed tuition hike, By Mary Dunop parking fees and cuts in the SUNY budget, as lne Polity Senate meeting approved the well as to call attention to the need for the 199;s91 budget last Wednesday night. state to fully fund the university, fell thugh Racieal Boatswain, Polity Treasurer, yesterday despite a promising press confer- explained how the $1,300,000 budget is ence earlier in the day. dispersed to the programs, clubs, college Glenn Magpantay, SASU delegate for legislatures, and referendums. Stony Brook, moderated the press confer- "We expect 9,200 students to pay the ence, attended by student and professional activity fee," said Boatswain. The activity fee nedia. Although student attendance was for next year is $129, and is the revenue for low at the event, the speakers were not the budget discouraged. All of the referendums that were voted on In his opening comments, Magpantay in the recent elections passed. *'he referen- said, "One of the reasons why we are here dums are final. We cannot touch that today at this press conference is to inform money, it is what the general population the press, the students, the faculty, the staff voted on," said Dan Slepian, Polity Vice of this university about what's going on with President. SUNY, what's going on with our university, The senate approved to reduce the col- what we as students, faculty, staff and Marina Sirtis ousxmonf -nuw lege legislatures by $100 each, and Commu- members of SUNY at Stony Brook are going ter College by $200.
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