ARQ97_libro.indb 28 Hudson Yards Hudson Tower Development Flexibility Culture Keywords Diller Scofidio + Renfro — Rockwell Group , n new Group rockwell ScofiDio +Diller renfro 2017 The SheD y, usa innovation to exist. value foreconomic architectural this produces and transfers the necessary isShed backed and which, in the end, residentialis the tower The which on A t years. years. into of of recent striking most one the project invention, this transforms artistic degrees flexibility the of a center for covering a public square and multiplying elescoping outer shell, capable of elescoping outer capable shell, W ha t is less noticeable,t is however, less 22-11-17 5:23 p.m. ARQ97_libro.indb 29 T with lighting and sound support. support. sound and lighting with projection for abackdrop as serve can façade eastern the programming; outdoor for used be can also that m 1,860 the building, base the over nested is shell the When standing. 2,700 or seated 1,250 of audience an accommodate can that space m 2,715 anearly creates it gallery, adjacent the with combined is hall the When uses. of variety temperature-controlled space that can an serve infinite m a1,600 creates it deployed, When large-scale installations, performances, and events. accommodates that hall avast forms shell The space. event asky-lit and artists, for lab acreative space, arehearsal theater, aversatile space, gallery of levels two includes building base The demand. on footprint building’s the double to plaza adjoining an over deploys that shell outer atelescoping and spaces, support and programming cultural for building base ‘fixed’ eight-level work. multi-disciplinary and art, visual performance, of range broadest the accommodate will design flexible building’s The Group. Rockwell with in collaboration + Renfro Scofidio Diller Two principal components comprise The Shed: an an Shed: The comprise components Two principal invention is an 18,500 m² building designed by by designed building m² 18,500 an is invention artistic for center new York’s New Shed, he 2 p laza will be open public space space public open be will laza 2 , li ght-, sound- and and ght-, sound- 2 c ontiguous with Rockwell Group Rockwell with collaboration in + Renfro Scofidio Diller of Courtesy S. deployed shed - shed Nested elevation. desplegada / -cubierta recogida Cubierta sur. Elevación

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S . South South 22-11-17 5:23 p.m. 29 ARQ 97 — UC CHILE Planta de techo Roof plan S. E. / N. S. Courtesy of Diller Scofidio + Renfro in collaboration with Rockwell Group

Sección transversal - lobby Planta emplazamiento / Site plan Cross section - lobby S. E. / N. S. S. E. / N. S. Courtesy of Diller Scofidio + Renfro in collaboration with Rockwell Group Courtesy of Diller Scofidio + Renfro in collaboration with Rockwell Group


ARQ97_libro.indb 30 22-11-17 5:23 p.m. ARQ97_libro.indb 31 Jaros, Baum &Bolles Baum Jaros, Ubicación / / Arquitectos The Shed Asesoría en prevención de incendios / Thornton Tomasetti Ingeniería y diseño estructural / Construcción / /Client Cliente Location Architects Construction : The Shed : The : 545 West 30 West : 545 : Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Rockwell Group Rockwell +Renfro, Scofidio : Diller : Levien &Company : Levien Engineering and structural design th Street, Nueva York Nueva Street, Fire protetion consultant : : : Presupuesto / reinforced concrete. etfe steel, /Structural armado hormigón Materiales / Su an unknowable future. future. unknowable an open infrastructure that can be permanently flexible for as conceived is Shed The precursor, its Like Fun Palace. programmable to devoted be to building base Shed’s The of bulk the allows This west. the to tower residential the of levels lower the on located are storage, and rooms, dressing spaces, mechanical offices, include which spaces, back-of-house Shed’s The Año de construcción /Construction year construcción de Año Añ : surface /Designed proyecctada perficie o de proyecto /Project year proyecto o de The Shed takes inspiration, architecturally, from the the from architecturally, inspiration, takes Shed The Materials Budget : : Acero estructural, polímero etfe polímero estructural, : Acero us$

2 3.500 ARQ : 2008-2015  / m 2 : 2015-2019 polymer, insulated glass, 18.500 m

s pace for art. for pace 2 , vidrio doble, S. deployed shell Longitudinal section desplegada cubierta Sección longitudinal with Rockwell Group Rockwell with collaboration in + Renfro Scofidio Diller of Courtesy S. nested shell Longitudinal section recogidacubierta Sección longitudinal Rockwell Group Rockwell collaboration with in Renfro + Scofidio Diller of Courtesy

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S S . . 22-11-17 5:23 p.m. 31 ARQ 97 — UC CHILE ckwell Group o R

Sección tipo – carga y descarga / Type section – loading and unloading nfro —

e S. E. / N. S. R Courtesy of Diller Scofidio + Renfro in collaboration with o + i Rockwell Group d Diller Scofi

Sección tipo – simultaneidad de espectáculos / Type section – simultaneous events S. E. / N. S. Courtesy of Diller Scofidio + Renfro in collaboration with Rockwell Group

Sección tipo – espectáculo en plaza cerrada / Type section – event at covered plaza S. E. / N. S. Courtesy of Diller Scofidio + Renfro in collaboration with Rockwell Group

Sección tipo – apertura de plaza pública / Type section – open plaza S. E. / N. S. Courtesy of Diller Scofidio + Renfro in collaboration with 32 Rockwell Group

ARQ97_libro.indb 32 22-11-17 5:23 p.m. ARQ97_libro.indb 33 D book pr design, installationart,mu F Offi of Nothing(Harry Probes (PrincetonArchitecturalPress,2011[1994])andB I MoMA. Hasbeenhonoredwithnumerousawards engaged intwoothermajorprojects:T Line andthetransformationofLincolnCent nside Out:AnArchitecturalAccount( ounded in1981,itspracticespanst i i nt l l ce ledbyElizabethDiller,RicardoSc e . s, includingTheHighLine(PhaidonPress,201

r Scofidio+Renfro H as completedtwoofthelargestiniti N.

Abr ams, 2002). l t i-media performance,digitalmediaand he Damiani, 2013) fi he elds ofarchitecture,urban ofidio Shed, at er campus,andiscurrently i ves inNewYork,theHigh and CharlesRenfro. and theexpansionof and authoredseveral 5) , Flesh:Archit , LincolnCenter lur: TheMaki ectural n g and NewYorkRestorationProject. D Barcelona andthenewheadquartersfor theater, craftsmanship,andtechnology. Cooper Hewitt,Smithsoni Fou Rock and Pleasure:TheArchitectureDesign Angeles). Haspublishedthreebooks:What renovation oftheHelenayesTheater(NewYork); emphasizes inventionand Cr R e o oss-disciplinary architectureanddesign s ckw ign ndation Fightingaids(diffa)and well servesastheChairEmeritusofth

of DavidRockwell,Spectac ell Group an th ought leadershipmergingar Design Museum,Citymeal le byDavidRockwellwithBruceMau, as aboardmemberofthe Cu

War o firm foundedin1984,that f rr e I Rockwell Group.David f…? ent projectsincludet ner MusicGroup(Los Design I TheArchitectureand ndustries Nobu s-on-Wheels, chitecture, Hotel he Rockwell Group Rockwell collaboration with in Renfro + Scofidio Diller of Courtesy Project rendering / proyecto de Imagen 22-11-17 5:23 p.m. 33 ARQ 97 — UC CHILE Exquisite Corpse kwell Group oc R Recently, the Arts section of published “Have You Seen This?,” a series of eight brief

fro — articles on “eight little things – a scene, a joke, a building, en

R a pizza, a dance, a painting, a lyric, a sound – worth your time.”1 The showcased building-thing was in fact

io + not yet a building per se, but “a feat of architectural d engineering”2 on its way to become the newest addition to the series of developments that have sprung following the miraculous green path of the . Michael Kimmelman – the newspaper’s architecture critic –

Diller Scofi delivers an entertaining snippet of what has come to be known as “The Shed,” Diller Scofidio + Renfro’s ds+r( , in collaboration with Rockwell Group) cultural centerpiece proposal for the massive real-estate development that is Hudson Yards; scheduled to open in 2019. More image than text, Kimmelman’s narrative – systematically peppered with numerous gifs and a couple of photos – explains the architectural features of this “faintly quaint, eloquently designed contraption”3 located at the west- bound turn of the High Line onto West 30th Street, between 10th and 11th avenues. As it stands today, an “enormous steel exoskeleton”4 weighing 8 million pounds, the Shed’s most outstanding feature – and the only one so far – is, as Kimmelman writes: a “five-minute ballet on six-foot wheels”5 powered by six 15-horsepower motors, “in effect, a Toyota Prius engine moving a behemoth as finely-tuned as a Formula One car.”6 Far from finished, this “feat of architectural engineering” has captivated media attention since before its construction phase began in 2015. The Shed – previously called “The Culture Shed” – began to be outlined in 2008 as an essential component to the Hudson Yards development plan, and by 2014, had already been transformed into a non-profit organization, complete with Board of Directors and Artistic Director/ ceo7; recently announcing its first visual arts commission by conceptual artist Lawrence Weiner8. While media has indeed focused on the ultimate magic trick that is the gliding steel frame, this element proves only a partial component to the design. The Shed’s “telescoping outer shell”9 performs the now-famous back and forth movement, only to continuously cover and uncover an “eight-level fixed base building for cultural programming and support spaces,”10 thus extending onto an adjoining plaza and “doubling the building’s footprint on demand.”11 In turn, part of this nondescript fixed building is appended or ingrained into , a 70-story also designed by ds+r and Rockwell, and one of many that comprise Hudson Yard’s main development area, currently under construction. The tower’s first floors “contains the building’s [the 34 eight-level fixed building] back-of-house needs,

ARQ97_libro.indb 34 22-11-17 5:23 p.m. ARQ97_libro.indb 35 princeton university,usa estudiante d camil a reyeS e D octorado enA rquitectura discourse. Dismembered from 15 Hudson Yards, th Hudson 15 from Dismembered discourse. ds+r within traction some find however does coverage, to medical devices – that enabled the early trajectory trajectory early the enabled –that devices medical to literature from fashion, to art –from apparatus cultural (1994), Georges Teyssot the reconstructs broader t l b e t portra tower, then why residential 70-story the is Shed op architectura the if interesting: proves both of dissection discursive the Thus, project. architectural asingle fact, in Shed, however, they’re inherently dependent: they are, b w t p t v t p b t m S p – since the construction of Rockefeller Center development, the largest private development in estate real polemic Yards. The Hudson of curiosity architectural only the not is Shed the functioning, started Line High the when 1930s early the in area the populated once have might that structures depot evocative of the possible hangars or freight-train Strangely park. elevated long a1.5-mile to appendix an move. to ability the worldwide: venues cultural Palace, ds+r programming.”1 Yards, has been markedly pointed out by the ecstati the by out pointed markedly been Yards, has s e o g r en Y r m ike Hudson Yards is self-evident, how then do wevalu do then how Yards self-evident, is ike Hudson everberation of video loops, animated 3d animated loops, video of everberation esidential and mixed used space to the city of Ne of city the to space used mixed and esidential owers in the complex, as if attempting to disappear to attempting if as complex, the in owers rendering Digital partial. and fragmented ower, always he Shed as a contemporary piece of architecture? of piece acontemporary as Shed he rea the if words, other In bodies? distinct two as hem Shed’ the back; the in hides it because full, in Shed he accompan that images The viceversa. and tower he ignificant high-rise half, and by extension, from th from extension, by half,and high-rise ignificant ideos and animations avoid a complete view of th of view acomplete avoid animations and ideos nabling the entirety of The Shed to be devoted to to devoted be to Shed The of entirety the nabling state value of a cutting-edge cultural center designe center cultural acutting-edge of value state hed is presented by ds+r by presented is hed y world-famous architects at the core of adevelopmen of core atthe architects y world-famous ork. een evidently less advertised and discussed than the oth are mutually excluding: the tower is commonl is tower the excluding: mutually are oth f published architectural drawings. architectural f published ortray the ghost-like tower as any other of the othe the of other any as tower ghost-like the ortray se really can’t you where astandpoint from ortrayed erhaps inadvertently emphasized by anticipated media if hile focusing on the Shed. The residential tower ha tower residential The Shed. the on focusing hile a illions of square feet of novel retail, commercial retail, novel of feet square of illions edia outlets – as a project in itself, independent fro independent itself, in aproject –as outlets edia tirety of the complex constellation that is Hudson eration that enables – financially, physically – the s advertised s of a building-on-wheels, in the noticeable scarcit noticeable the in abuilding-on-wheels, s of In the introduction to Flesh: to architectural probes introduction the In An outer “shell” that nests, two buildings that spoon, spoon, that buildings two nests, that “shell” outer An 14 The colloquial separation of the Shed from it from Shed the of separation colloquial The has achieved a new desirable trait for for trait desirable anew achieved has 13 2 Op – is currently on the process of addin of process the on currently –is enly referencing Cedric Price’s Fun Price’s Cedric referencing enly – on their website, in multipl in website, their –on 15 This distance This renders an renders , w

e e e y , c s y , s r d m y d e l g e s y ’s e s l t 22-11-17 5:23 p.m. 35 ARQ 97 — UC CHILE of Diller+Scofidio’s work d+s( , Renfro became partner in 2004). Crossing the threshold of well-established recognition after fifteen years of practice, Teyssot’s text returns to the common-place criticism placed on the partnership of a less-than-architectural practice

kwell Group (in the sense of building) by affirming that what can

oc be found at the core of d+s’s architectural projects R – and that they were to be understood as architectural projects in all respects – is the aim “to examine current

fro — architectural practice in order to question accepted en

R values.” (Teyssot, 1994:8). From Rotary Notary and His Hot Plate (1987), to Para-site (1989), Tourisms (1991), and

io + Soft Sell (1993), Teyssot’s argument finds traction in the d particular aesthetics, professional behavior, and discursive incursions of d+s, in which the architects affirm that their multiple architectures are meant to interrogate cultural conventions, rather than enter into a complicitous role by

Diller Scofi sustaining them: “Given the technological and political re-configurations of the contemporary body, spatial conventions may be called into questions by architecture. Architecture can be used as a kind of surgical instrument to operate on itself (in small increments).” (Teyssot, 1994:9). From architecture as an apparatus that deploys and affects a response in the human body, to shifting, interchangeable parts and pieces in architectural bodies, and the obsession with the movement of the body in space, d+s’s historical record might prove an interesting site from where to test the Shed. If architecture can indeed be used to operate on itself, what does the operation performed by the Shed entail? Following this line of thought, Teyssot argued:

The first task architecture ought to assume, therefore, is that of defining and imagining an environment not just for “natural” bodies but for bodies projected outside themselves, absent and ecstatic, by means of their technologically extended senses. (…) The incorporation of technology is not effected by “imagining” a new environment, but by reconfiguring the body itself, pushing outward to where its artificial extremities encounter “the world.” (Teyssot, 1994:16)

If the impossibility of knowing what a cultural center would require from space in 20, 30, or 100 years time16 rendered the sliding movement its architecture’s main goal, how would we describe the potential bodies that will inhabit it? I would say, rather static and holding smart phones in their hands, capturing the finely tuned ballet from a safe distance. This “architecture of infrastructure”17 – as if infrastructure could be void of agency, interests and value – becomes the mechanism through which conventional values are not only embodied but accepted, and once again delivered to the public, through an attractive gif. Movement here is nothing but instrumental. Unlike its imagined idol, the Fun Palace, the Shed will be controlled only by top-down programmatic decisions and have no expiration date18 (except for the end of the renewable 99-year lease on 36 the upon which the development is built;

ARQ97_libro.indb 36 22-11-17 5:23 p.m. ARQ97_libro.indb 37 Notas /Notes Notas 18 17 16 15 13 12 11 10 teyssot /Bibliography Bibliografía itself. discipline the as motionless as images, exquisite of production the to itself lending decades, next York the New of over city the for running-room cultural ample allow surely will that probe surgical ambiguous, of a technologically sophisticated, yet architecturally –ds+r unaltered conceptually remain ‘space’ and ‘culture,’ ‘needs,’ that –assuming future near-and-far the in culture of needs spatial the interrogating By fiction). science that’s but 9 4 3 1 14 8 7 6 5 2

what-the-future-looked-like/32737/1964-fun-palace September 30, 2017, Fun“1964: Palace,” Canadian Centre for Architecture Th Ibi group-05-25-2017/ scofidio-renfro-the-shed-new-york-arts-center-construction-rockwell- May 2017, 25, York,” New in completion towards moves Group Stevens, Philip, “‘The Shed’ cultural venue by by venue cultural Shed’ “‘The Philip, Stevens, infrastructure.” of architecture an was, solution The power. electrical for aneed and capacity, loading structural for aneed sizes, and heights different of space conditioned for aneed be always would there that was of certain be could we that All know. not could simply we that was answer ‘The York. New in briefing press the at Diller Liz said beyond?’, and years, 20 years? 10 next the in like look art will ‘what question, the date. this to online found been have wheels 6-foot the of drawings and tower) Yards Hudson 15 complete the of not Shed, the project/the-shed?index=false§ion=projects&search=shed Shed,”, accessed September 2017, 15, “T Ne Ibi “T Ibi Ibi Ibi shed-arts-center.html?_r=1 com/2017/05/24/arts/design/michael-bloomberg-gives-75-million-to- New York Center,” Times Arts Ki renders and 3 and renders photographs, used only have project the on reported have that outlets media of majority great the and drawings, architectural published D Po “P Ibi Ibi Ibi Ibi Ibi high-line-shed-shell.html?mcubz=0 2017,13, Princeton Architectural Press, c1994. Press, Architectural Princeton architectural probes. Flesh: Scofidio. Ricardo and Elizabeth ille mmelman The Shed Status,” roject he opportunity to design a ground-up building for the arts forced forced arts the for building aground-up design to opportunity he Story,” he d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. e Fun Palace was set to be dismantled after 10 years. years. 10 after dismantled be to set was Palace e Fun ither Diller Scofidio + Renfro’s or Rockwell Group’s webpages have have webpages Group’s Rockwell or +Renfro’s Scofidio Diller ither grebin , Georges. «The Mutant Body of Architecture.» En: Diller, Diller, En: Architecture.» of Body Mutant «The , Georges. r , Elizabeth, Ricardo , Robin, “ Gives $75 Million to Shed Shed to Million $75 Gives Bloomberg “Michael , Robin, New York This?,” You Seen Times “Have , Michael, D an imated videos. Only some general sections (only of of (only sections general some Only videos. imated ’s architecture fixates on the value value the on fixates ’s architecture , accessed September 15, 2017, http:// 2017, 15, September , accessed S cof , May 24, 2017, https://www.nytimes. 2017, 24, , May idio , accessed September 23, 2017, 2017, 23, September , accessed , and Charles Charles , and DS + R an R , accessed , accessed enf ARQ d Rockwell d Rockwell ro New York: York: New , “The , “The , August , August

, 22-11-17 5:23 p.m. 37 ARQ 97 — UC CHILE ckwell Group o R nfro — e R o + i d Diller Scofi


ARQ97_libro.indb 38 22-11-17 5:23 p.m. ARQ97_libro.indb 39 Courtesy of Diller Scofidio + Renfro in Renfro + Scofidio Diller of Courtesy collaboration with Rockwell Group The Shed en construcción / construcción en Shed The under construction © Iwan Baan © Iwan 22-11-17 5:23 p.m.

ARQ 97 — UC CHILE Axonometría detalle de rueda Detalle de rueda en posición Wheel detail axonometric Detail wheel in place Courtesy of Diller Scofidio + © Timothy Schenck Renfro in collaboration with Courtesy of Diller Scofidio + Rockwell Group Renfro in collaboration with Rockwell Group ckwell Group o R nfro — e R o + i d Diller Scofi

The Shed en construcción visto desde la nueva extensión del Highline. Detrás se ve la torre residencial, también parte del proyecto. / The Shed under construction, as seen from the extension of the Highline. The residential tower, which is also part of the project, can be seen behind. © Timothy Schenck Courtesy of Diller Scofidio + Renfro in collaboration with Rockwell Group


ARQ97_libro.indb 40 22-11-17 5:23 p.m. ARQ97_libro.indb 41 Courtesy of Dillier Scofidio + Renfro in collaboration with Rockwell Group Rockwell with collaboration in Renfro + Scofidio Dillier of Courtesy © Timothy Schenck appreciated. be can building same the actually are tower residential the and Shed The that The Shed under construction. View from This north. is one of the few images in which the fact edificio. mismo el realidad en son residencial torre yla Shed The que aprecia se que las en imágenes pocas las de es Esta norte. el desde Vista construcción. en Shed The with Rockwell Group Rockwell with collaboration in + Renfro Scofidio Diller of Courtesy © Timothy Schenck the residential tower. and shell) outer telescoping artistic innovation (with its for center the between fit the south, showing the construction. View from The Shed under residencial. torre exterior telescópica) y la cubierta la (con artística innovación de centro el muestra el calce entre que sur, el desde Vista construcción. en Shed The 22-11-17 5:23 p.m. 41 ARQ 97 — UC CHILE