Dean E. Vogel, CTA President
Building the Future the High Desert Way: Excellence, Innovation, Equity and Pride (YHU\RQHLV,QYLWHGWRWKH :(/&20(5(&(37,21 IRU )RRG6SLULWV0XVLF 'DQFLQJDQG)XQ RQ )ULGD\1RYHPEHU SP &RKLED%DOOURRP 6SRQVRUHGE\WKH%XVLQHVV3DUWQHUV CALIFORNIA TEACHERS ASSOCIATION Page Welcome Letter . 1 CTA Board of Directors and NEA Directors from California . 2 High Desert Service Center Council Facts . 3-4 General Information . 5-6 Agenda Friday, November 21. 7 Saturday, November 22 . 7 Sunday, November 23 . 8 Your Personal Conference Schedule . 9 Workshops-at-a-Glance. 10 Workshop Descriptions . 11-16 Trainers and Conference Staff . 17 Biographies Dean E. Vogel, CTA President . 18 Eric C. Heins, CTA Vice President . 19 Mikki Cichocki-Semo, CTA Secretary-Treasurer . 20 Joyce Powell, Executive Committee Member, National Education Association . 21 Business Partners. 22 Urgent Care Information . .. 23 EMAC Reception . .. Inside Back Cover Hotel Map . .. Back Cover CALIFORNIA TEACHERS ASSOCIATION Welcome to the 2014 High Desert Service Center Fall Leadership Conference Building the Future the High Desert Way: Excellence, Innovation, Equity and Pride! Welcome to the 2014 High Desert Service Center Fall Leadership Conference. It is a pleasure for our Service Center Council to again host this annual conference! We are excited to join with you to share, learn and teach so that we all may be the most effective education advocates for our members and the communities in which we serve. Prior to 1989, High Desert chapters participated in the San Gorgonio and Sierra Service Centers. However, it became clear that the best way to address the unique needs of our unique region would be to establish our own service center.
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