Admission & Opening Times International Visitors

Individual rates (All prices include VAT.) Castle & Gardens Gardens only Une journée passionnante pour toute la famille... Découvrez l’histoire 2014 Adult £15.50 £13.00 C’est dans ce château romantique du 13ème siècle, entouré d’un double fossé, qu’Anne , la fascinante seconde femme d’Henry VIII et mère de la reine Elizabeth Ière passa son enfance. Le corps Senior Citizen £13.25 £11.25 de garde et les murs rideaux ont été construits en 1270 et le manoir de l’époque Tudor fut ajouté dans The childhood home of l’enceinte du château par la puissante famille Boleyn. Aujourd’hui ses splendides salles lambrissées Child (5-15) £8.70 £8.20 contiennent de beaux meubles, tapisseries, antiquités et une importante collection de portraits Tudor. Family Ticket* £39.70 £34.20 Explorez les jardins Découvrez les pittoresques allées du parc boisé et les jardins primés. Emerveillez-vous devant le Audio Tours £3.75 available - English, French, German and Dutch mur de style pompéien et les statues classiques du jardin italien ; admirez les topiaires inspirées des *(2 adults/2 children or 1 adult/3 children), not applicable to groups. pièces géantes d’un jeu d’échecs et respirez le parfum de plus de 4 000 roses dans le jardin des roses typiquement anglais. Vous pourrez ensuite vous reposer près de la loggia spectaculaire qui surplombe Buy an Annual Pass and get unlimited entry for 12 months! le lac de 15 hectares avant d’explorer les cascades, les grottes et les fontaines. Profitez des attractions Annual Passes can be purchased on arrival or online. Entrance to the Miniature Les enfants pourront se défouler sur l’aire de jeux aménagée tandis que les visiteurs de tous les âges essaieront de retrouver leur chemin dans le labyrinthe aquatique et le labyrinthe de haies d’ifs vieux Model Houses Collection and most special events are included in all ticket prices, de 100 ans. Vous trouverez sur place une fascinante collection de maisons miniatures et vous pourrez except for chargeable events*. Group rates and Private Castle or Garden guided louer des barques au hangar à bateaux de l’époque edwardienne (jours fériés et weekends d’avril à group tours are available. Please telephone in advance +44 (0)1732 861701. octobre quand le temps le permet). Regimental Museum of the Kent & Sharpshooters Yeomanry is housed within the castle. Admission is included in the Castle Ticket, but on busy days, throughout the season, access may not be possible. Ein ereignisreicher Tag für die ganze Familie Entdecken Sie die Geschichte OPENING TIMES In diesem romantischen Wasserschloss verbrachte Anne Boleyn ihre Kindheit, die intrigierende zweite Frau von Henry VIII und Mutter von Königin Elizabeth I. Das Pförtnerhaus und die Fassaden wurden Gardens open 10.30am Castle opens 12 noon im Jahr 1270 erbaut, während das Herrenhaus der Tudors innerhalb der Schlossmauern von der 15th February - 24th December 2014 mächtigen Familie Boleyn hinzugefügt wurde. Heute sind in den vertäfelten Räumen erlesene Möbel, Wandteppiche und Antiquitäten sowie eine bedeutende Portraitsammlung der Tudors zu sehen. EARLY SPRING SEASON Entdecken Sie die Gärten 15th - 23rd February: Daily Erkunden Sie die malerischen Parkwege und die preisgekrönten Gärten. Bestaunen Sie die pompeijische Wand und die klassischen Statuen im italienischen Garten; bewundern Sie die riesigen 26th February - 30th March: Wed - Sun Topiari-Schachfiguren und atmen Sie im Garten, der als Inbegriff eines englischen Rosengartens Last admission 4pm Final exit 5pm gilt, den Duft von mehr als 4.000 Rosen ein. Entspannen Sie dann an der atemberaubenden Loggia mit Blick auf den 15 Hektar großen See, bevor Sie sich die Wasserfälle, die Grotten und die MAIN SEASON Springbrunnen anschauen. 31st March - 24th October: Daily Genießen Sie die Attraktionen Während sich die Kinder auf dem Abenteuer-Spielplatz so richtig austoben, können sich die Besucher Last admission 4.30pm Final exit 6pm jeden Alters der Herausforderung stellen, sich in dem Water Maze (Wasser-Labyrinth) und dem 25th October - 2nd November: Daily 100 Jahre alten Yew Maze (Eiben-Labyrinth) zurecht zu finden. Schauen Sie sich die faszinierende Last admission 4pm Final exit 5pm Sammlung an Miniatur-Modellhäusern an, oder mieten Sie ein Boot am Bootshaus aus der Zeit Edwards VII (nur während der Urlaubszeit und an Wochenenden von April bis Oktober, sofern die WINTER SEASON Wetterverhältnisse es zulassen). 5th November - 28th November: Wed - Sun Last admission 3pm Final exit 4pm 29th November - 1st January: See website for opening times Een dag boordevol plezier voor het hele gezin... Ontdek de geschiedenis Het romantische 13de-eeuwse kasteel met dubbele gracht was de plek waar Anne Boleyn haar jeugd HOW TO FIND US doorbracht, de fascinerende tweede echtgenote van Henry VIII en de moeder van Koningin Elizabeth A1(M) M11 I. Het Poorthuis en de gordijngevels zijn gebouwd in 1270, terwijl het machtige geslacht Boleyn A12 binnen de kasteelmuren het herenhuis van Tudor toevoegde. Vandaag de dag bevatten de prachtig M1 M25 A127 gelambriseerde kamers schitterende meubels, tapijten, antiek en een belanghebbende verzameling portretten van Tudor. M40 Southend-on-Sea Verken de tuinen LONDON A13 Ontdek al wandelend het schilderachtige parklandschap met bekroonde tuinen. Geef uw ogen de M4 Sheerness koste bij de Pompejische muur en de klassieke beeldhouwkunst in de Italiaanse Tuin; bewonder het Rochester Heathrow Airport A20 Margate gigantische schaakspel van in vorm gesnoeide struiken en adem de geur in van meer dan 4.000 rozen A2 A21 M20 in de authentieke Engelse Rozentuin. Rust dan uit in de adembenemende loggia terwijl u uitkijkt over M3 het meer dan 15 hectare grote meer, voordat u de watervallen, grotten en fonteinen gaat bekijken. A249 M26 M2 Ramsgate Geniet van de attracties M23 M25 A25 Kinderen kunnen zich helemaal uitleven in de avonturenspeeltuin, terwijl bezoekers van alle leeftijden Sevenoaks Maidstone A252 Canterbury de uitdaging kunnen aangaan om hun weg te zoeken door de Water Doolhof en de 100 jaar oude Edenbridge A26 A2 M20 Taxushagen Doolhof. Er is een betoverende verzameling Miniatuur Modelhuizen en er zijn boten Gatwick Airport Tonbridge A264 te huur bij het boothuis uit de tijd van koning Edward (april-oktober: in schoolvakanties en in het Crawley Ashford Dover weekend als het weer het toelaat). East Tunbridge A21

A24 Folkestone A23 Wells Hever Castle GrinsteadA2 For more information please call +44 (0)1732 865224 2 A 259 or visit our website BY ROAD - Hever Castle is located 30 miles from Central London. 3 miles SE of Edenbridge, off the B2026, between Sevenoaks and East Grinstead. Exit M25 Email: [email protected] junctionsA27 5 or 6. 30 minutes from Gatwick.Hastings 1 hour from Heathrow. 1.5 hours Hever Castle & Gardens, Hever, Nr Edenbridge, Kent TN8 7NG from Folkestone and Dover. © 2013 Hever Castle Ltd. Designed by Jo Mew Creative - BY RAILBrighton - London Victoria/LondonEastbourne Bridge to Edenbridge Town (3 miles from castle - taxis available) or Hever Station (1 mile rural walk from castle - no taxis). Hever Castle & Gardens, Nr. Edenbridge, Kent TN8 7NG Calendar of Events 2014 - visit for the latest event details A GREAT Day Out The Snowdrop Trail at Half Term Edwardian Life FA NEW Summer Jousting Tournament Country Life at the Castle February 15th - 28th (weather dependent) May ½ Term 24th - June 1st July 19th & 20th, 26th & 27th, September 12th, 13th & 14th Follow a trail of thousands of delicate Experience life in a grand country August 9th & 10th, 16th & 17th, Celebrate the very best of rural living snowdrops starting to emerge from residence in the early 20th century 23rd, 24th & 25th, 30th & 31st in the heart of the glorious Kent their winter hibernation - the first sign with fun for all the family. Meet The summer season of jousting countryside. Demonstrations from Anne Boleyn at Hever Castle that spring is just around the corner. characters from the Edwardian tournaments begins. The brave Knights skilled craftspeople, Patchwork and Living with Birds FA NEW era with activities for children and of Royal England return to battle it out Quilting Exhibition, including children’s A permanent new exhibition looking at the traditional games to enjoy. Come along at the annual Jousting Tournament. Sit and Sew and Adult Beginner’s February ½ Term 15th - 23rd life of Anne Boleyn and the connection to in Edwardian costume, there is a prize Witness spectacular displays of action, workshops. Local craft and food stalls her childhood home, Hever Castle will be Come and learn about birds and for the best dressed. stunts, falls and fights in an authentic and art and photography displays. nesting as we give birds a home during Hever’s Home Front FA arena complete with Royal Box. Halloween FA opened during 2014. The exhibition in the National Nest Box Week. Various NEW Medieval Weekend with Jousting Castle’s Long Gallery brings 16th century activities including bird box building*, June 21st - 22nd October ½ Term Hever Castle vividly to life with costumed bird spotting trail around the grounds Step back to the 1940’s as re-enactors July 26th - 27th FA NEW 25th - November 2nd figures illustrating three key events in and a bird craft workshop. show what it would have been like to Come along and try on a suit of Treat the children to a spine-tingling programme of entertainment this Half Anne’s life at the Castle. Mother’s Day FA NEW live and work in the country during armour, dress up as a knight or princess, the Second World War. Workshops then witness the spectacular jousting Term with prizes for the best Halloween March 30th costume. Halloween themed craft Anne Boleyn Discover History & activities show children what it tournament where the real knights will Spoil Mum on Mother’s Day would have been like as a child at the entertain you. workshops, activities and a spooky with a memorable family day trail to follow in the grounds. Experience 700 years of history at the romantic time. Visit the tea dance tent, where Knights & Princess School out. Craft workshop and cupcake FA NEW double-moated 13th century castle once the traditional afternoon tea will be served - School Holiday Fun Christmas FA childhood home of Anne Boleyn, the intriguing decorating* for young visitors to alongside swing dance displays, and November 29th - December 24th make that special gift to take home. July 28th - September 3rd second wife of Henry VIII and mother of classes for all ages. Enjoy displays of Capture the spirit of Christmas Queen Elizabeth I. The Gatehouse and curtain Celebration menu in the restaurant. period model aircraft, including a Learn what it was like to be a knight or a princess, children of all ages may take with a day that casts a magic spell walls were constructed in 1270 with the Tudor Easter FA grounded life-size spitfire. Peruse the part in a series of hands-on activities on all the family. Decorated Castle manor house being added within the castle April 5th - 21st vintage stalls & get your hair done rooms, welcoming log fires and 1940’s style! So why not come along and learn about what life was really like Henry V111 walls by the powerful Boleyn family. Today its Family entertainment throughout in medieval times. twinkling Christmas trees. Father splendid panelled rooms contain fine furniture, the Easter holidays with a host of in 1940’s style dress and really enter Christmas will be visiting again, Paws at the Castle FA tapestries, antiques and an important collection activities including an Easter hunt, the spirit of the era. relaxed Christmas shopping in the of Tudor portraits. craft workshop and Easter bonnet Hever in Bloom August 2nd - 3rd gift shops and delicious festive food competition. Spring bulbs and June 23rd - 29th Following the success of our first Dog in the restaurants. As dusk falls, the Explore the Gardens blossom burst into life in the Show, this year we’re going bigger and gardens are magically lit creating A celebration of our quintessential stunning illuminated displays. Discover the magnificent award winning gardens, plus seasonal home cooked English gardens bursting with one better. This year it’s all about dogs with food and hot cross buns in the jobs and how our canine friends help us Dates for the Diary: gardens. Marvel at the Pompeiian wall and of the finest displays of roses and restaurant. Event supported by today. Displays and entertainment from classical statuary in the Italian Garden; summer blooms in the Garden of Aston Martin Car Club - June 29th Lindt chocolate. all types of working dogs, including a admire the giant topiary chess set and inhale England. The rooms of the castle A display of modern and classic Award Winning Gardens Long Bow Archery Display will have an abundance of flowers water event in the lake and of course Aston Martins. the fragrance of over 4,000 roses in the the fun dog show competitions with quintessential English Rose Garden. Then April 12th - 13th and floral displays with tours of the Veteran Car’s - July 23rd gardens for visitors wishing to learn awards for the winning dogs. relax by the breathtaking loggia overlooking Bow archery displays from The Lovingly restored veteran/vintage cars. more about the history of our award Tudor Living and Jousting the 38-acre lake before exploring the cascades, Fraternity of St George with winning gardens. Festival Theatre* (Two Sisters’ Lawn) grottoes and fountains. techniques dating back to medieval August 23rd - 25th times. There will be practice Hever Bastion - Castle Triathlon Tudor encampment, re-enactments, The 2014 Summer Season runs from displays, traditional morning musters Iron man distance and stalls with more thrills and spills late May - end of August, packed with Enjoy the Attractions shows for all the family and all tastes. and speed shooting at marks around from our brave knights competing in Children can let off steam in the adventure Sunday July 13th Anne Boleyn by Howard Brenton the Hever Estate. this year’s Jousting Tournament over playground while visitors of all ages enjoy The ultimate triathlon challenge George’s Marvellous Medicine May Day Festival FA NEW the Bank Holiday. King Henry VIII’s Bedroom the challenge of finding their way through and what could well become known by Roald Dahl The Annual Hever Triathlon the Water Maze and 100 year old Yew Maze. May 3rd - 5th as the toughest long course in the The Pirates of Penzance There’s a fascinating collection of Miniature Traditional celebrations to welcome UK. See website for further details September 27th - 28th by Gilbert and Sullivan Model Houses. Boat trips and rowing boat hire in the spring. Join the Lord and Lady Open to all; See website for further Alice in Wonderland The Masters of the House are available from the Edwardian boathouse of the May as they dance around the details Sing the Musicals (holidays and weekends April - Sept weather Maypole, meet the mythical Green Man from folklore, and follow Jack- Last Night of the Hever Proms permitting). For accessibility information in-the-Green in a customary May please visit our website For full details and to book tickets Day procession through the grounds visit or See our timeline for more historical as he wakes up the gardens. call +44 (0)1732 866114. Jousting at Hever Castle information at *Please note that some activities are chargeable. For further details on all the Events at Hever Castle please check the website. Event information is accurate at the time of printing. Please check details before travelling. Hever Castle reserves the right to close all or part of the castle and grounds and to change or cancel events. In the event of adverse weather, please check for the latest update on +44 (0)1732 865224 or go to FA FAMILY ACTIVITY TUDOR PORTRAITS AWARD WINNING GARDENS FAMILY ATTRACTIONS CORPORATE & PRIVATE EVENTS STAY IN A CASTLE WEDDINGS “Hever Castle, once the home of • Tudor, Italian, Rose • Yew Maze & Water Maze The Castle, Astor Wing and Exclusively located in the Castle’s Set in magnificent grounds and that great figure of Tudor history, • Herbaceous Border (open April - Oct weather permitting) Guthrie Pavilion are all available Astor Wing, 18 exquisitely gardens historic Hever Castle Anne Boleyn, now has one of the • Rhododendron Walk • Rowing boat hire for residential and day conferences, refurbished en-suite bedrooms are provides the most romantic of best collections of Tudor portraits • Azalea Spring Garden (open weekends & holidays product launches, private dining now available for luxury 5 star Bed wedding venues. Tailored packages April - Sept weather permitting) after the National Portrait Gallery” • Loggia & Nymphs’ Fountain and parties. For further information and Breakfast accommodation. Many for wedding ceremonies and • Adventure Playground ...David Starkey • Grottoes, Water Features visit our website or call feature 4-poster beds and roll-top receptions in a choice of locations. • Miniature Model Houses • Blue Corner & Sunday Walk +44 (0)1732 861800. baths. Visit our website or call Visit our website or call • Lake Walk +44 (0)1732 861800. +44 (0)1732 861800.


WHICH KNIGHTS DO YOU SUPPORT - THE RED OR THE BLUE? GOLF CLUB OPEN-AIR THEATRE SHOPPING EATING Enjoy a round of golf in the Enjoy a summer evening at the Festival Browse and be inspired in the The award winning Guthrie inspirational setting of Hever Castle’s Theatre with a picnic or light supper JOUSTING TOURNAMENTS Hever Shops, offering a wide Pavilion and Moat Restaurants 250 acre, 27 hole course. The at the Guthrie Pavilion Restaurant selection of exclusive and offer morning coffee, freshly recently refurbished clubhouse before taking your seat in the covered bespoke gifts, children’s toys, prepared lunches and has breathtaking views over the auditorium to enjoy the performance. July 19th & 20th, 26th & 27th, books, gardening products and sandwiches, delicious cakes surrounding countryside. Visit estate grown garden plants. and hot and cold drinks. Visit or call or call +44 (0)1732 866114 August 9th & 10th, 16th & 17th, +44 (0)1732 700771. for more information. 23rd, 24th & 25th, 30th & 31st