ChurchChurch HistoryHistory ChurchChurch HistoryHistory

IntroductionIntroduction toto ChurchChurch HistoryHistory st rd TheThe AncientAncient ChurchChurch AD 11st-3-3rd centuriescenturies th th TheThe RiseRise ofof ChristendomChristendom AD 44th-5-5th centuriescenturies th th TheThe EarlyEarly MiddleMiddle AgesAges AD 66th-10-10th centuriescenturies th th TheThe AgeAge ofof CrusadesCrusades AD 1111th-13-13th centuriescenturies th th TheThe RenaissanceRenaissance AD 1414th-15-15th centuriescenturies th ConquestConquest andand ReformationReformation AD 1616th centurycentury th th TheThe AgeAge ofof EnlightenmentEnlightenment AD 1717th-18-18th centuriescenturies th TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution AD 1919th centurycentury th TheThe ModernModern AgeAge AD 2020th centurycentury st TheThe PostmodernPostmodern AgeAge AD 2121st centurycentury ChurchChurch HistoryHistory

IntroductionIntroduction toto ChurchChurch HistoryHistory st rd TheThe AncientAncient ChurchChurch AD 11st-3-3rd centuriescenturies th th TheThe RiseRise ofof ChristendomChristendom AD 44th-5-5th centuriescenturies th th TheThe EarlyEarly MiddleMiddle AgesAges AD 66th-10-10th centuriescenturies th th TheThe AgeAge ofof CrusadesCrusades AD 1111th-13-13th centuriescenturies th th TheThe RenaissanceRenaissance AD 1414th-15-15th centuriescenturies th ConquestConquest andand ReformationReformation AD 1616th centurycentury th th TheThe AgeAge ofof EnlightenmentEnlightenment AD 1717th-18-18th centuriescenturies th TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution AD 1919th centurycentury The American Revolution (well, the end of the Revolution) TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution EverythingEverything startedstarted changing—andchanging—and quicklyquickly 17821782 FawcettFawcett wrotewrote “Blest“Blest BeBe thethe TieTie thatthat Binds”Binds” JohnJohn FawcettFawcett beganbegan pastoringpastoring smallsmall WainsgateWainsgate BaptistBaptist ChurchChurch inin WestWest YorkshireYorkshire inin 1764,1764, butbut waswas thenthen offeredoffered thethe largerlarger andand moremore prestigiousprestigious Carter'sCarter's LaneLane BaptistBaptist ChurchChurch inin LondonLondon inin 17721772 SinceSince hehe onlyonly mademade £25£25 aa yearyear atat Wainsgate,Wainsgate, hehe andand hishis wifewife acceptedaccepted thethe offeroffer outout ofof handhand He preached a farewell sermon, loaded up all of the couple's belongings into wagons, and prepared to leave The people of his church gathered around to say good-bye, tearfully begging them to stay Crying, his wife turned to him and said, “Oh John, John—I cannot bear this.” “Neither can I,” he replied, “and we will not go. Unload the wagons and put everything as it was before...” TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution EverythingEverything startedstarted changing—andchanging—and quicklyquickly 17821782 FawcettFawcett wrotewrote “Blest“Blest BeBe thethe TieTie thatthat Binds”Binds” JohnJohn FawcettFawcett beganbegan pastoringpastoring smallsmall WainsgateWainsgate BaptistBaptist ChurchChurch inin WestWest YorkshireYorkshire inin 1764,1764, butbut waswas thenthen offeredoffered thethe largerlarger andand moremore prestigiousprestigious Carter'sCarter's LaneLane BaptistBaptist ChurchChurch inin LondonLondon inin 17721772 SinceSince hehe onlyonly mademade £25£25 aa yearyear atat Wainsgate,Wainsgate, hehe andand hishis wifewife acceptedaccepted thethe offeroffer outout ofof handhand HeHe askedasked thethe churchchurch ifif theythey mightmight givegive himhim aa raise,raise, toto approximateapproximate thethe Carter'sCarter's LaneLane salarysalary butbut theythey didn't,didn't, soso hehe stayedstayed therethere forfor thethe nextnext severalseveral decadesdecades anyway...anyway... atat £25£25 aa year...year... TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution FunkyFunky littlelittle teachingteaching moment—moment— ToTo commemoratecommemorate thethe decisiondecision toto stay,stay, FawcettFawcett wrotewrote thethe wordswords toto “Blest“Blest BeBe thethe TiesTies thatthat Bind”—Bind”— Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love; The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above. Before our Father’s throne We pour our ardent prayers; Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one Our comforts and our cares. We share each other’s woes, Our mutual burdens bear; And often for each other flows The sympathizing tear. When we asunder part, It gives us inward pain; But we shall still be joined in heart, And hope to meet again. This glorious hope revives Our courage by the way; While each in expectation lives, And longs to see the day. From sorrow, toil and pain, And sin, we shall be free, And perfect love and friendship reign Through all eternity. TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution EverythingEverything startedstarted changing—andchanging—and quicklyquickly 17821782 FawcettFawcett wrotewrote “Blest“Blest BeBe thethe TieTie thatthat Binds”Binds” 17831783 Mt.Mt. LakiLaki eruptederupted IfIf you'llyou'll remember,remember, thethe volcanovolcano onon thethe IndonesianIndonesian islandisland ofof KrakatoaKrakatoa eruptederupted inin 535535 ThatThat eruptioneruption waswas significantsignificant enoughenough thatthat itit affectedaffected weatherweather patternspatterns aroundaround thethe worldworld andand ultimatelyultimately broughtbrought aboutabout thethe GreatGreat PlaguePlague thatthat devastateddevastated EuropeEurope TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution EverythingEverything startedstarted changing—andchanging—and quicklyquickly 17821782 FawcettFawcett wrotewrote “Blest“Blest BeBe thethe TieTie thatthat Binds”Binds” 17831783 Mt.Mt. LakiLaki eruptederupted IfIf you'llyou'll remember,remember, thethe volcanovolcano onon thethe IndonesianIndonesian islandisland ofof KrakatoaKrakatoa eruptederupted inin 535535 InIn 1783,1783, aa volcanovolcano eruptederupted onon IcelandicIcelandic Mt.Mt. LakiLaki shootingshooting lavalava intointo thethe skysky inin fountainsfountains three-three- quartersquarters ofof aa milemile highhigh (NOTE: Laki is estimated to have produced around 3½ cubic miles of lava during its eight months of activity) 2 (NOTE2: It also produced clouds of deadly hydrofluoric acid and sulfur dioxide, dumping 8 million tons of poisonous hydrogen fluoride intointo Iceland'sIceland's ecosystemecosystem and 120 million tons of sulfur dioxide—which is more than three times the total annual European industrial pollution output today) This was very, very bad... TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution EverythingEverything startedstarted changing—andchanging—and quicklyquickly 17821782 FawcettFawcett wrotewrote “Blest“Blest BeBe thethe TieTie thatthat Binds”Binds” 17831783 Mt.Mt. LakiLaki eruptederupted IfIf you'llyou'll remember,remember, thethe volcanovolcano onon thethe IndonesianIndonesian islandisland ofof KrakatoaKrakatoa eruptederupted inin 535535 InIn 1783,1783, aa volcanovolcano eruptederupted onon IcelandicIcelandic Mt.Mt. LakiLaki shootingshooting lavalava intointo thethe skysky inin fountainsfountains three-three- quartersquarters ofof aa milemile highhigh Ash,Ash, sulfur,sulfur, andand saltpetersaltpeter poisonedpoisoned thethe grassgrass andand thethe water,water, killingkilling largelarge numbersnumbers ofof livestocklivestock butbut stillstill moremore dieddied fromfrom fluoridefluoride poisoningpoisoning andand fromfrom inhalinginhaling volcanicvolcanic hairhair whilewhile theythey ateate (NOTE: Volcanic hair—or “Pele's hair”—is comprised of sharp, thin filaments of basaltic glass that are formed when a lava fountain spews liquid basalt into the air, which is then quickly cooled by the time it falls to the ground) In the end, 50% of the cattle and horses, and 80% of the sheep in Iceland all died TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution FunkyFunky littlelittle teachingteaching moment—moment— RightRight inin thethe middlemiddle ofof thethe first,first, scariestscariest partpart ofof thethe eruption,eruption, parishparish priest,priest, locallocal farmer,farmer, andand towntown doctordoctor JónJón SteingrímssonSteingrímsson ofof thethe villagevillage ofof KlausturKlaustur heldheld aa churchchurch serviceservice AsAs thethe lavalava creptcrept closercloser andand closercloser toto thethe town,town, hehe encouragedencouraged hishis congregationcongregation toto staystay wherewhere theythey werewere andand trusttrust inin God'sGod's provisionprovision ratherrather thanthan runrun Preaching what became famous as the eldmessa (or “fire sermon”), Steingrímsson called on people to pray for deliverance and wait on God Miraculously, the lava just stopped before it touched the edge of town, and no one was even singed They praised God and erected a chapel in Jón Steingrímsson's memory But more to the point, the sermon encouraged the faith not only the people of Klaustur, but all of Iceland TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution EverythingEverything startedstarted changing—andchanging—and quicklyquickly 17821782 FawcettFawcett wrotewrote “Blest“Blest BeBe thethe TieTie thatthat Binds”Binds” 17831783 Mt.Mt. LakiLaki eruptederupted IfIf you'llyou'll remember,remember, thethe volcanovolcano onon thethe IndonesianIndonesian islandisland ofof KrakatoaKrakatoa eruptederupted inin 535535 InIn 1783,1783, aa volcanovolcano eruptederupted onon IcelandicIcelandic Mt.Mt. LakiLaki shootingshooting lavalava intointo thethe skysky inin fountainsfountains three-three- quartersquarters ofof aa milemile highhigh Ash,Ash, sulfur,sulfur, andand saltpetersaltpeter poisonedpoisoned thethe grassgrass andand thethe water,water, killingkilling largelarge numbersnumbers ofof livestocklivestock butbut stillstill moremore dieddied fromfrom fluoridefluoride poisoningpoisoning andand fromfrom inhalinginhaling volcanicvolcanic hairhair whilewhile theythey ateate ButBut LakiLaki affectedaffected moremore thanthan justjust IcelandIceland Sitting in France, Ben Franklin noted that all of Europe was covered in a dark, thick, dry haze, and weather conditions were messed up around the world when the winds blew south 23,000 people died in England due to fluoride poisoning—and another 8,000 died that winter due to the record-setting cold temperatures Egypt lost 1/6 of its population due to the resulting famines Throughout the northern hemisphere, crops withered and refused to grow TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution EverythingEverything startedstarted changing—andchanging—and quicklyquickly 17821782 FawcettFawcett wrotewrote “Blest“Blest BeBe thethe TieTie thatthat Binds”Binds” 17831783 Mt.Mt. LakiLaki eruptederupted IfIf you'llyou'll remember,remember, thethe volcanovolcano onon thethe IndonesianIndonesian islandisland ofof KrakatoaKrakatoa eruptederupted inin 535535 InIn 1783,1783, aa volcanovolcano eruptederupted onon IcelandicIcelandic Mt.Mt. LakiLaki shootingshooting lavalava intointo thethe skysky inin fountainsfountains three-three- quartersquarters ofof aa milemile highhigh Ash,Ash, sulfur,sulfur, andand saltpetersaltpeter poisonedpoisoned thethe grassgrass andand thethe water,water, killingkilling largelarge numbersnumbers ofof livestocklivestock butbut stillstill moremore dieddied fromfrom fluoridefluoride poisoningpoisoning andand fromfrom inhalinginhaling volcanicvolcanic hairhair whilewhile theythey ateate ButBut LakiLaki affectedaffected moremore thanthan justjust IcelandIceland Sitting in France, Ben Franklin noted that all of Europe was covered in a dark, thick, dry haze, and weather conditions were messed up around the world when the winds blew south 23,000 people died in England due to fluoride poisoning—and another 8,000 died that winter due to the record-setting cold temperatures Egypt lost 1/6 of its population due to the resulting famines The Mississippi froze at New Orleans, and ice formed in the Gulf of Mexico TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution EverythingEverything startedstarted changing—andchanging—and quicklyquickly 17821782 FawcettFawcett wrotewrote “Blest“Blest BeBe thethe TieTie thatthat Binds”Binds” 17831783 Mt.Mt. LakiLaki eruptederupted IfIf you'llyou'll remember,remember, thethe volcanovolcano onon thethe IndonesianIndonesian islandisland ofof KrakatoaKrakatoa eruptederupted inin 535535 InIn 1783,1783, aa volcanovolcano eruptederupted onon IcelandicIcelandic Mt.Mt. LakiLaki shootingshooting lavalava intointo thethe skysky inin fountainsfountains three-three- quartersquarters ofof aa milemile highhigh Ash,Ash, sulfur,sulfur, andand saltpetersaltpeter poisonedpoisoned thethe grassgrass andand thethe water,water, killingkilling largelarge numbersnumbers ofof livestocklivestock butbut stillstill moremore dieddied fromfrom fluoridefluoride poisoningpoisoning andand fromfrom inhalinginhaling volcanicvolcanic hairhair whilewhile theythey ateate ButBut LakiLaki affectedaffected moremore thanthan justjust IcelandIceland Sitting in France, Ben Franklin noted that all of Europe was covered in a dark, thick, dry haze, and weather conditions were messed up around the world when the winds blew south In all, at least 6 million people died worldwide as the result of the eruption of Mt. Laki Historically, this also led to more civil unrest inin FranceFrance asas commoncommon peoplepeople facedfaced deathdeath by starvation while the nobles feasted and finalized Britain's decision to pull out of its war with its colonies in America TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution EverythingEverything startedstarted changing—andchanging—and quicklyquickly 17821782 FawcettFawcett wrotewrote “Blest“Blest BeBe thethe TieTie thatthat Binds”Binds” 17831783 Mt.Mt. LakiLaki eruptederupted TreatyTreaty ofof ParisParis endedended thethe RevolutionaryRevolutionary WarWar EconomicEconomic andand ecologicalecological pressurepressure forcedforced EnglandEngland andand America—alongAmerica—along withwith France,France, Spain,Spain, andand thethe DutchDutch Republic—toRepublic—to sitsit downdown andand makemake peacepeace andand America'sAmerica's biggestbiggest allyally atat thethe bargainingbargaining tabletable waswas EnglandEngland EveryoneEveryone wantedwanted peacepeace exceptexcept SpainSpain (who was holding out for Gibraltar, and wasn't willing to play nice with England until they got it back for themselves) TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution EverythingEverything startedstarted changing—andchanging—and quicklyquickly 17821782 FawcettFawcett wrotewrote “Blest“Blest BeBe thethe TieTie thatthat Binds”Binds” 17831783 Mt.Mt. LakiLaki eruptederupted TreatyTreaty ofof ParisParis endedended thethe RevolutionaryRevolutionary WarWar EconomicEconomic andand ecologicalecological pressurepressure forcedforced EnglandEngland andand America—alongAmerica—along withwith France,France, Spain,Spain, andand thethe DutchDutch Republic—toRepublic—to sitsit downdown andand makemake peacepeace andand America'sAmerica's biggestbiggest allyally atat thethe bargainingbargaining tabletable waswas EnglandEngland EveryoneEveryone wantedwanted peacepeace exceptexcept Spain—soSpain—so theirtheir ally,ally, FranceFrance (who was struggling with social unrest at home and unwilling to keep fighting) TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution EverythingEverything startedstarted changing—andchanging—and quicklyquickly 17821782 FawcettFawcett wrotewrote “Blest“Blest BeBe thethe TieTie thatthat Binds”Binds” 17831783 Mt.Mt. LakiLaki eruptederupted TreatyTreaty ofof ParisParis endedended thethe RevolutionaryRevolutionary WarWar EconomicEconomic andand ecologicalecological pressurepressure forcedforced EnglandEngland andand America—alongAmerica—along withwith France,France, Spain,Spain, andand thethe DutchDutch Republic—toRepublic—to sitsit downdown andand makemake peacepeace andand America'sAmerica's biggestbiggest allyally atat thethe bargainingbargaining tabletable waswas EnglandEngland EveryoneEveryone wantedwanted peacepeace exceptexcept Spain—soSpain—so theirtheir ally,ally, France,France, camecame upup withwith aa planplan thatthat wouldwould makemake everyoneeveryone happyhappy Working from the previous boundaries, the American colonies would gain their independence,independence, whilewhile BritainBritain retainedretained control of the territories Spain would gain territories in the south that they would use to govern the indigenousindigenous IndianIndian populationspopulations America decided that France's plan sounded a lot like Spain came out ahead... so we made a new plan with England as our ally TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution EverythingEverything startedstarted changing—andchanging—and quicklyquickly 17821782 FawcettFawcett wrotewrote “Blest“Blest BeBe thethe TieTie thatthat Binds”Binds” 17831783 Mt.Mt. LakiLaki eruptederupted TreatyTreaty ofof ParisParis endedended thethe RevolutionaryRevolutionary WarWar EconomicEconomic andand ecologicalecological pressurepressure forcedforced EnglandEngland andand America—alongAmerica—along withwith France,France, Spain,Spain, andand thethe DutchDutch Republic—toRepublic—to sitsit downdown andand makemake peacepeace andand America'sAmerica's biggestbiggest allyally atat thethe bargainingbargaining tabletable waswas EnglandEngland EveryoneEveryone wantedwanted peacepeace exceptexcept Spain—soSpain—so theirtheir ally,ally, France,France, camecame upup withwith aa planplan thatthat wouldwould makemake everyoneeveryone happyhappy Ironically, England was up for helping out America, since they'd been getting very frightened by how chummy we'd been getting with France British Prime Minister William Petty realized that it would be in Britain's best interests to placate America rather than France and Spain so they agreed to a remarkably generous plan, hoping to make an economic ally out of America in the long run TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution FunkyFunky littlelittle teachingteaching moment—moment— Actually,Actually, wewe needneed toto amendamend thisthis mapmap justjust aa smidgeysmidgey bitbit England,England, Spain,Spain, andand RussiaRussia allall claimedclaimed thethe PacificPacific NorthwestNorthwest (and,(and, toto bebe honest,honest, theythey allall hadhad precedentsprecedents thatthat gavegave themthem thethe legallegal rightsrights toto dodo so)so) TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution FunkyFunky littlelittle teachingteaching moment—moment— Actually,Actually, wewe needneed toto amendamend thisthis mapmap justjust aa smidgeysmidgey bitbit England,England, Spain,Spain, andand RussiaRussia allall claimedclaimed thethe PacificPacific NorthwestNorthwest And,And, technically,technically, VermontVermont wasn'twasn't partpart ofof thethe UnitedUnited StatesStates VermontVermont waswas itsits own,own, sovereignsovereign statestate untiluntil 1791,1791, justjust hanginghanging outout andand printingprinting itsits ownown money,money, makingmaking itsits ownown laws,laws, etc.,etc., untiluntil theythey realizedrealized thatthat theythey werewere aa veryvery littlelittle nationnation stuckstuck betweenbetween twotwo veryvery bigbig superpowers...superpowers... TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution EverythingEverything startedstarted changing—andchanging—and quicklyquickly 17821782 FawcettFawcett wrotewrote “Blest“Blest BeBe thethe TieTie thatthat Binds”Binds” 17831783 Mt.Mt. LakiLaki eruptederupted TreatyTreaty ofof ParisParis endedended thethe RevolutionaryRevolutionary WarWar EconomicEconomic andand ecologicalecological pressurepressure forcedforced EnglandEngland andand America—alongAmerica—along withwith France,France, Spain,Spain, andand thethe DutchDutch Republic—toRepublic—to sitsit downdown andand makemake peacepeace andand America'sAmerica's biggestbiggest allyally atat thethe bargainingbargaining tabletable waswas EnglandEngland EveryoneEveryone wantedwanted peacepeace exceptexcept Spain—soSpain—so theirtheir ally,ally, France,France, camecame upup withwith aa planplan thatthat wouldwould makemake everyoneeveryone happyhappy Ironically, England was up for helping out America, since they'd been getting very frightened by how chummy we'd been getting with France So, thanks to trying to mess with everyone else to help their ally, Spain, France ended up with almost no net gains whatsoever, with an economy that was on the brink of disaster, and a populace that was rioting in the streets for bread... TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution EverythingEverything startedstarted changing—andchanging—and quicklyquickly 17821782 FawcettFawcett wrotewrote “Blest“Blest BeBe thethe TieTie thatthat Binds”Binds” 17831783 Mt.Mt. LakiLaki eruptederupted TreatyTreaty ofof ParisParis endedended thethe RevolutionaryRevolutionary WarWar 17841784 JohnJohn WesleyWesley ordainedordained ThomasThomas CokeCoke JohnJohn WesleyWesley waswas leadingleading aa growinggrowing evangelisticevangelistic groupgroup withinwithin thethe AnglicanAnglican ChurchChurch whowho werewere derisivelyderisively calledcalled thethe MethodistsMethodists (NOTE: John is the skinny, snarky, preaching Wesley brother—not to be confused with the plump, jovial, hymn-writing brother, Charles) TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution EverythingEverything startedstarted changing—andchanging—and quicklyquickly 17821782 FawcettFawcett wrotewrote “Blest“Blest BeBe thethe TieTie thatthat Binds”Binds” 17831783 Mt.Mt. LakiLaki eruptederupted TreatyTreaty ofof ParisParis endedended thethe RevolutionaryRevolutionary WarWar 17841784 JohnJohn WesleyWesley ordainedordained ThomasThomas CokeCoke JohnJohn WesleyWesley waswas leadingleading aa growinggrowing evangelisticevangelistic groupgroup withinwithin thethe AnglicanAnglican ChurchChurch whowho werewere derisivelyderisively calledcalled thethe MethodistsMethodists ByBy 1784,1784, thethe MethodistsMethodists foundfound themselvesthemselves moremore andand moremore atat oddsodds withwith thethe AnglicanAnglican hierarchyhierarchy ForFor instance,instance, hehe askedasked thethe BishopBishop ofof London,London, RobertRobert Lowth,Lowth, toto ordainordain somesome ministersministers toto preachpreach inin AmericaAmerica LowthLowth declined,declined, sincesince AmericaAmerica waswas aa nationnation ofof upstarts,upstarts, andand becausebecause ordainingordaining moremore MethodistsMethodists wouldwould justjust givegive thethe movementmovement thatthat muchmuch moremore cloutclout TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution EverythingEverything startedstarted changing—andchanging—and quicklyquickly 17821782 FawcettFawcett wrotewrote “Blest“Blest BeBe thethe TieTie thatthat Binds”Binds” 17831783 Mt.Mt. LakiLaki eruptederupted TreatyTreaty ofof ParisParis endedended thethe RevolutionaryRevolutionary WarWar 17841784 JohnJohn WesleyWesley ordainedordained ThomasThomas CokeCoke JohnJohn WesleyWesley waswas leadingleading aa growinggrowing evangelisticevangelistic groupgroup withinwithin thethe AnglicanAnglican ChurchChurch whowho werewere derisivelyderisively calledcalled thethe MethodistsMethodists ByBy 1784,1784, thethe MethodistsMethodists foundfound themselvesthemselves moremore andand moremore atat oddsodds withwith thethe AnglicanAnglican hierarchyhierarchy soso WesleyWesley decideddecided toto ordainordain hishis ownown bishopsbishops TheThe firstfirst oneone thatthat hehe ordainedordained waswas Dr.Dr. ThomasThomas Coke,Coke, who'dwho'd beenbeen overseeingoverseeing thethe MethodistMethodist ChurchChurch inin IrelandIreland sincesince 17821782 (NOTE: Wesley never used the term “bishop,” since he thought it was un-Biblical—he preferred the word, “superintendent,” since it conveys the same meaning as “ἐπίσκοπος”) 2 (NOTE2: Quietly, by ordaining their own “superintendents” like this, the Methodists were tacitly breaking away from the Anglican authority structure and morphing intointo theirtheir own,own, independentindependent church)church) TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution EverythingEverything startedstarted changing—andchanging—and quicklyquickly 17821782 FawcettFawcett wrotewrote “Blest“Blest BeBe thethe TieTie thatthat Binds”Binds” 17831783 Mt.Mt. LakiLaki eruptederupted TreatyTreaty ofof ParisParis endedended thethe RevolutionaryRevolutionary WarWar 17841784 JohnJohn WesleyWesley ordainedordained ThomasThomas CokeCoke JohnJohn WesleyWesley waswas leadingleading aa growinggrowing evangelisticevangelistic groupgroup withinwithin thethe AnglicanAnglican ChurchChurch whowho werewere derisivelyderisively calledcalled thethe MethodistsMethodists ByBy 1784,1784, thethe MethodistsMethodists foundfound themselvesthemselves moremore andand moremore atat oddsodds withwith thethe AnglicanAnglican hierarchyhierarchy soso WesleyWesley decideddecided toto ordainordain hishis ownown bishopsbishops TheThe firstfirst oneone thatthat hehe ordainedordained waswas Dr.Dr. ThomasThomas Coke,Coke, who'dwho'd beenbeen overseeingoverseeing thethe MethodistMethodist ChurchChurch inin IrelandIreland sincesince 17821782 CokeCoke waswas thenthen sentsent toto AmericaAmerica toto ordainordain thethe leadlead pastorpastor there—Francisthere—Francis Asbury—whoAsbury—who hadhad stayedstayed inin AmericaAmerica duringduring thethe RevolutionRevolution toto continuecontinue thethe MethodistMethodist outreachoutreach ministryministry Asbury even reached out to his carriage driver, freed slave Harry Hosier Hosier later became a preacher in his own right—the first African-American to preach to a white congregation TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution EverythingEverything startedstarted changing—andchanging—and quicklyquickly 17821782 FawcettFawcett wrotewrote “Blest“Blest BeBe thethe TieTie thatthat Binds”Binds” 17831783 Mt.Mt. LakiLaki eruptederupted TreatyTreaty ofof ParisParis endedended thethe RevolutionaryRevolutionary WarWar 17841784 JohnJohn WesleyWesley ordainedordained ThomasThomas CokeCoke JohnJohn WesleyWesley waswas leadingleading aa growinggrowing evangelisticevangelistic groupgroup withinwithin thethe AnglicanAnglican ChurchChurch whowho werewere derisivelyderisively calledcalled thethe MethodistsMethodists ByBy 1784,1784, thethe MethodistsMethodists foundfound themselvesthemselves moremore andand moremore atat oddsodds withwith thethe AnglicanAnglican hierarchyhierarchy soso WesleyWesley decideddecided toto ordainordain hishis ownown bishopsbishops AtAt thethe ChristmasChristmas ConferenceConference inin Baltimore,Baltimore, CokeCoke ordainedordained AsburyAsbury andand 1212 otherother ministersministers (NOTE: The Conference was not appreciated in England for two reasons— 1) It was in flagrant disregard to the order of Bishop Lowth, with the Methodists believing they even had the right to hold a Conference 2) Coke preached an ordination message where he argued that only Godly men should be bishops, commenting on the sorry state of the bishops in the Anglican Church) TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution EverythingEverything startedstarted changing—andchanging—and quicklyquickly 17821782 FawcettFawcett wrotewrote “Blest“Blest BeBe thethe TieTie thatthat Binds”Binds” 17831783 Mt.Mt. LakiLaki eruptederupted TreatyTreaty ofof ParisParis endedended thethe RevolutionaryRevolutionary WarWar 17841784 JohnJohn WesleyWesley ordainedordained ThomasThomas CokeCoke JohnJohn WesleyWesley waswas leadingleading aa growinggrowing evangelisticevangelistic groupgroup withinwithin thethe AnglicanAnglican ChurchChurch whowho werewere derisivelyderisively calledcalled thethe MethodistsMethodists ByBy 1784,1784, thethe MethodistsMethodists foundfound themselvesthemselves moremore andand moremore atat oddsodds withwith thethe AnglicanAnglican hierarchyhierarchy soso WesleyWesley decideddecided toto ordainordain hishis ownown bishopsbishops AtAt thethe ChristmasChristmas ConferenceConference inin Baltimore,Baltimore, CokeCoke ordainedordained AsburyAsbury andand 1212 otherother ministersministers (NOTE: The Conference was not appreciated in England for two reasons) Immediately following the end of the Conference, Asbury went back to circuit riding and preaching, arguing that an ordination by man shouldn't significantly change the active ministry of an ordination by God (NOTE: Under his superintending, the church in America grew from 1200 to 214,000 members...) TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution EverythingEverything startedstarted changing—andchanging—and quicklyquickly 17821782 FawcettFawcett wrotewrote “Blest“Blest BeBe thethe TieTie thatthat Binds”Binds” 17831783 Mt.Mt. LakiLaki eruptederupted TreatyTreaty ofof ParisParis endedended thethe RevolutionaryRevolutionary WarWar 17841784 JohnJohn WesleyWesley ordainedordained ThomasThomas CokeCoke JohnJohn WesleyWesley waswas leadingleading aa growinggrowing evangelisticevangelistic groupgroup withinwithin thethe AnglicanAnglican ChurchChurch whowho werewere derisivelyderisively calledcalled thethe MethodistsMethodists ByBy 1784,1784, thethe MethodistsMethodists foundfound themselvesthemselves moremore andand moremore atat oddsodds withwith thethe AnglicanAnglican hierarchyhierarchy soso WesleyWesley decideddecided toto ordainordain hishis ownown bishopsbishops AtAt thethe ChristmasChristmas ConferenceConference inin Baltimore,Baltimore, CokeCoke ordainedordained AsburyAsbury andand 1212 otherother ministersministers (NOTE: The Conference was not appreciated in England for two reasons) Immediately following the end of the Conference, Asbury went back to circuit riding and preaching, arguing that an ordination by man shouldn't significantly change the active ministry of an ordination by God He also ordained 700 new ministers, including Richard Allen—the first African-American pastor in the TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution EverythingEverything startedstarted changing—andchanging—and quicklyquickly 17821782 FawcettFawcett wrotewrote “Blest“Blest BeBe thethe TieTie thatthat Binds”Binds” 17831783 Mt.Mt. LakiLaki eruptederupted TreatyTreaty ofof ParisParis endedended thethe RevolutionaryRevolutionary WarWar 17841784 JohnJohn WesleyWesley ordainedordained ThomasThomas CokeCoke 17851785 NorthwestNorthwest IndianIndian (Little()Turtle) WarWar brokebroke outout LittleLittle TurtleTurtle (actually, his name—“Mihšihkinaahkwa”—means “Painted Turtle,” but the history books call him “Little Turtle,” so we'll go with that) TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution EverythingEverything startedstarted changing—andchanging—and quicklyquickly 17821782 FawcettFawcett wrotewrote “Blest“Blest BeBe thethe TieTie thatthat Binds”Binds” 17831783 Mt.Mt. LakiLaki eruptederupted TreatyTreaty ofof ParisParis endedended thethe RevolutionaryRevolutionary WarWar 17841784 JohnJohn WesleyWesley ordainedordained ThomasThomas CokeCoke 17851785 NorthwestNorthwest IndianIndian (Little(Little Turtle)Turtle) WarWar brokebroke outout LittleLittle TurtleTurtle waswas thethe chiefchief ofof thethe MiamiMiami tribetribe ofof thethe OhioOhio territoryterritory (which was known as the “” at the time, since it was on the northwestern edge of America's lands) TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution EverythingEverything startedstarted changing—andchanging—and quicklyquickly 17821782 FawcettFawcett wrotewrote “Blest“Blest BeBe thethe TieTie thatthat Binds”Binds” 17831783 Mt.Mt. LakiLaki eruptederupted TreatyTreaty ofof ParisParis endedended thethe RevolutionaryRevolutionary WarWar 17841784 JohnJohn WesleyWesley ordainedordained ThomasThomas CokeCoke 17851785 NorthwestNorthwest IndianIndian (Little(Little Turtle)Turtle) WarWar brokebroke outout LittleLittle TurtleTurtle waswas thethe chiefchief ofof thethe MiamiMiami tribetribe ofof thethe OhioOhio territory,territory, andand hadhad looselyloosely alliedallied withwith thethe BritishBritish duringduring thethe RevolutionaryRevolutionary WarWar TheThe biggestbiggest problemproblem withwith Britain'sBritain's dealdeal withwith AmericaAmerica isis thatthat nono oneone toldtold thethe IndiansIndians aboutabout itit Suddenly,Suddenly, allall ofof thesethese AmericanAmerican settlerssettlers movedmoved intointo thethe OhioOhio territory,territory, hopinghoping toto expandexpand theirtheir newnew country—andcountry—and therethere werewere peoplepeople alreadyalready therethere who'dwho'd mademade theirtheir ownown dealsdeals withwith EnglandEngland (back(back inin 1768)1768) LittleLittle TurtleTurtle broughtbrought thethe OhioOhio andand otherother tribestribes togethertogether intointo aa looseloose confederacyconfederacy toto fightfight thethe AmericansAmericans andand keepkeep themthem easteast ofof thethe OhioOhio RiverRiver TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution EverythingEverything startedstarted changing—andchanging—and quicklyquickly 17821782 FawcettFawcett wrotewrote “Blest“Blest BeBe thethe TieTie thatthat Binds”Binds” 17831783 Mt.Mt. LakiLaki eruptederupted TreatyTreaty ofof ParisParis endedended thethe RevolutionaryRevolutionary WarWar 17841784 JohnJohn WesleyWesley ordainedordained ThomasThomas CokeCoke 17851785 NorthwestNorthwest IndianIndian (Little(Little Turtle)Turtle) WarWar brokebroke outout LittleLittle TurtleTurtle waswas thethe chiefchief ofof thethe MiamiMiami tribetribe ofof thethe OhioOhio territory,territory, andand hadhad looselyloosely alliedallied withwith thethe BritishBritish duringduring thethe RevolutionaryRevolutionary WarWar SinceSince mostmost ofof thethe armyarmy hadhad disbandeddisbanded afterafter thethe War,War, LittleLittle Turtle'sTurtle's confederacyconfederacy diddid veryvery wellwell toto beginbegin with—theywith—they wonwon battlebattle afterafter battlebattle ButBut then,then, GeneralGeneral GeorgeGeorge WashingtonWashington sentsent warwar herohero “Mad”“Mad” AnthonyAnthony WayneWayne westwest toto dealdeal withwith thethe problemproblem usingusing aa special,special, reorganizedreorganized armyarmy brigadebrigade calledcalled thethe “Legion“Legion ofof thethe UnitedUnited States”States” (NOTE: He was called “Mad” because of his unorthodox tactics and colorful personality —inin otherother words,words, WayneWayne would'vewould've beenbeen aa modern American movie action hero) TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution EverythingEverything startedstarted changing—andchanging—and quicklyquickly 17821782 FawcettFawcett wrotewrote “Blest“Blest BeBe thethe TieTie thatthat Binds”Binds” 17831783 Mt.Mt. LakiLaki eruptederupted TreatyTreaty ofof ParisParis endedended thethe RevolutionaryRevolutionary WarWar 17841784 JohnJohn WesleyWesley ordainedordained ThomasThomas CokeCoke 17851785 NorthwestNorthwest IndianIndian (Little(Little Turtle)Turtle) WarWar brokebroke outout LittleLittle TurtleTurtle waswas thethe chiefchief ofof thethe MiamiMiami tribetribe ofof thethe OhioOhio territory,territory, andand hadhad looselyloosely alliedallied withwith thethe BritishBritish duringduring thethe RevolutionaryRevolutionary WarWar SinceSince mostmost ofof thethe armyarmy hadhad disbandeddisbanded afterafter thethe War,War, LittleLittle Turtle'sTurtle's confederacyconfederacy diddid veryvery wellwell toto beginbegin with—theywith—they wonwon battlebattle afterafter battlebattle ButBut then,then, GeneralGeneral GeorgeGeorge WashingtonWashington sentsent warwar herohero “Mad”“Mad” AnthonyAnthony WayneWayne westwest toto dealdeal withwith thethe problemproblem TheThe confederacyconfederacy waswas brokenbroken atat thethe BattleBattle ofof BrokenBroken TimbersTimbers inin 1794,1794, whenwhen ShawneeShawnee chiefchief BlueBlue JacketJacket waswas defeateddefeated byby WayneWayne Little Turtle was forced to sign the in 1795 to finally end the decade-long war (NOTE: The Revolutionary War had only been eight years long...) TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution EverythingEverything startedstarted changing—andchanging—and quicklyquickly 17821782 FawcettFawcett wrotewrote “Blest“Blest BeBe thethe TieTie thatthat Binds”Binds” 17831783 Mt.Mt. LakiLaki eruptederupted TreatyTreaty ofof ParisParis endedended thethe RevolutionaryRevolutionary WarWar 17841784 JohnJohn WesleyWesley ordainedordained ThomasThomas CokeCoke 17851785 NorthwestNorthwest IndianIndian (Little(Little Turtle)Turtle) WarWar brokebroke outout LittleLittle TurtleTurtle waswas thethe chiefchief ofof thethe MiamiMiami tribetribe ofof thethe OhioOhio territory,territory, andand hadhad looselyloosely alliedallied withwith thethe BritishBritish duringduring thethe RevolutionaryRevolutionary WarWar SinceSince mostmost ofof thethe armyarmy hadhad disbandeddisbanded afterafter thethe War,War, LittleLittle Turtle'sTurtle's confederacyconfederacy diddid veryvery wellwell toto beginbegin with—theywith—they wonwon battlebattle afterafter battlebattle ButBut then,then, GeneralGeneral GeorgeGeorge WashingtonWashington sentsent warwar herohero “Mad”“Mad” AnthonyAnthony WayneWayne westwest toto dealdeal withwith thethe problemproblem TheThe confederacyconfederacy waswas brokenbroken atat thethe BattleBattle ofof BrokenBroken TimbersTimbers inin 1794,1794, whenwhen ShawneeShawnee chiefchief BlueBlue JacketJacket waswas defeateddefeated byby WayneWayne Little Turtle was forced to sign the Treaty of Greenville in 1795 The army built a new fort nearby—which Wayne then named after himself (NOTE: , ) TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution FunkyFunky littlelittle teachingteaching moment—moment— TheThe NorthwestNorthwest IndianIndian WarWar waswas importantimportant forfor severalseveral reasons—reasons— 1)1) ItIt waswas thethe firstfirst militarymilitary engagementengagement ofof thethe fledglingfledgling AmericanAmerican nationnation (and(and thethe biggestbiggest issueissue thatthat PresidentPresident GeorgeGeorge WashingtonWashington hadhad toto dealdeal withwith onceonce hehe tooktook officeoffice inin 1789)1789) (and(and yet,yet, oddsodds are,are, mostmost ofof youyou havehave nevernever eveneven heardheard ofof it)it) TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution FunkyFunky littlelittle teachingteaching moment—moment— TheThe NorthwestNorthwest IndianIndian WarWar waswas importantimportant forfor severalseveral reasons—reasons— 1)1) ItIt waswas thethe firstfirst militarymilitary engagementengagement ofof thethe fledglingfledgling AmericanAmerican nationnation 2)2) ItIt mademade warwar veteransveterans outout ofof severalseveral peoplepeople whomwhom we'llwe'll hearhear aboutabout againagain soon—soon— chief , young Lieutenant , Lieutenant (and his scout, a very young ) TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution FunkyFunky littlelittle teachingteaching moment—moment— TheThe NorthwestNorthwest IndianIndian WarWar waswas importantimportant forfor severalseveral reasons—reasons— 1)1) ItIt waswas thethe firstfirst militarymilitary engagementengagement ofof thethe fledglingfledgling AmericanAmerican nationnation 2)2) ItIt mademade warwar veteransveterans outout ofof severalseveral peoplepeople whomwhom we'llwe'll hearhear aboutabout againagain soonsoon 3)3) InIn thethe TreatyTreaty ofof Greenville,Greenville, thethe UnitedUnited StatesStates governmentgovernment agreedagreed toto provideprovide protectionprotection andand federalfederal oversightoversight ofof IndianIndian lands,lands, includingincluding annualannual giftsgifts andand subsidiessubsidies ThatThat soundedsounded reallyreally goodgood atat thethe time,time, butbut itit alsoalso createdcreated thethe precedentprecedent forfor thethe BureauBureau ofof IndianIndian Affairs,Affairs, which—thoughwhich—though itit diddid provideprovide aa numbernumber ofof goodgood thingsthings forfor thethe tribestribes overover thethe years,years, andand diddid havehave somesome trulytruly positivepositive agentsagents workingworking inin itsits ranks—essentiallyranks—essentially relegatedrelegated NativeNative AmericansAmericans toto reservationsreservations andand controlledcontrolled theirtheir cultureculture forfor centuriescenturies toto comecome TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution FunkyFunky littlelittle teachingteaching moment—moment— TheThe NorthwestNorthwest IndianIndian WarWar waswas importantimportant forfor severalseveral reasons—reasons— 1)1) ItIt waswas thethe firstfirst militarymilitary engagementengagement ofof thethe fledglingfledgling AmericanAmerican nationnation 2)2) ItIt mademade warwar veteransveterans outout ofof severalseveral peoplepeople whomwhom we'llwe'll hearhear aboutabout againagain soonsoon 3)3) InIn thethe TreatyTreaty ofof Greenville,Greenville, thethe UnitedUnited StatesStates governmentgovernment agreedagreed toto provideprovide protectionprotection andand federalfederal oversightoversight ofof IndianIndian lands,lands, includingincluding annualannual giftsgifts andand subsidiessubsidies 4)4) TheThe TreatyTreaty alsoalso gavegave GeneralGeneral AnthonyAnthony WayneWayne andand hishis LegionLegion aa greatgreat dealdeal ofof powerpower inin thethe OhioOhio territoryterritory asas thethe militarymilitary authorityauthority overover thethe wholewhole region,region, whichwhich waswas essentiallyessentially underunder martialmartial law—turninglaw—turning thethe LegionLegion intointo aa professional,professional, standingstanding armyarmy So the very concept of a standing army in the United States—which had originally planned to simply have militias to be called upon when fighting a foreign foe—was devised as the direct result of the Northwest Indian War TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution EverythingEverything startedstarted changing—andchanging—and quicklyquickly 17821782 FawcettFawcett wrotewrote “Blest“Blest BeBe thethe TieTie thatthat Binds”Binds” 17831783 Mt.Mt. LakiLaki eruptederupted TreatyTreaty ofof ParisParis endedended thethe RevolutionaryRevolutionary WarWar 17841784 JohnJohn WesleyWesley ordainedordained ThomasThomas CokeCoke 17851785 NorthwestNorthwest IndianIndian (Little(Little Turtle)Turtle) WarWar brokebroke outout 17871787 TheThe UnitedUnited StatesStates ratifiedratified thethe ConstitutionConstitution