BOG STANDARD Sponsored by Highland Home Centre Delivered Free, £1 in shops Boat of Garten’s Community Newsletter Issue No. 52 Autumn 2016 Image: Tennis – Garten Shield competitors – winners Josh Barclay-Watt & Scott McKenzie BOG STANDARD - AUTUMN 2016 I sometimes have quite a short memory, which is very handy when considering these last couple of weeks, as the weather has been glorious, therefore as far as I am concerned the summer of 2016 has been a scorcher and shall always be remembered so!! It’s not just holiday makers that have swelled the population of the village this year, we have been paid a visit by pirates too (argh walk the plank) who entertained everyone with their circus skills and antics! Did you also hear about the ‘felted cow’ on the loose? It was thankfully captured just in time for the Grantown Show, where various members of the village put on a spectacular show with loads of entires, others have been running walls, off to Peru, counting Caper and so much more, all inside this action packed issue. As always don’t forget to let me know of anything you think should be included that’s been missed out, would be of interest to readers or might be new to the village, you can email any articles for inclusion on the address below (deadline for winter issue 11 November). All Articles & News:Cath Wright, Editor All Advertising:Jackie Wilson email:
[email protected] email:
[email protected] 2 Craig view, Deshar Road BOG Standard is published by the Community Council, which appoints the Editor and underwrites the costs not covered by advertising.