Sept. 24Th Inc
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NASHUA WINNER OF THE FUTURITY OCToalOR 9, 1954 FOURTH DAY SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER24, 1955 ISSION .k-s-_'I"Y T· u Cot.L. Chairman "'r~ C_ l.......:' _. C missioner Lm~ A.. S _ Co issioner H-.i.AST J. n.:....a1 S~CTelar)' WESTCHESTER RACING J03~ P. P ~_ Co' n.sel ASSOCIATION All races are gaverned by the RGL£- .DO REGCLATlOSS of the STATE RACJ.YG COJHlIS::IO.Y DOUBLE ON FIRST AND SECOND RACES 1. Final decisions of the Racing Of'fici.al5;upon the running and results of races shall be concl..sivc. 2. Rulings of the Stewards of the with regard 0 the award of purse money WINDOWS OPEN 12:00 - CLOSE 1:05 made uUer the result has been declared "Official"' shall in no way atreet the mutuel pay-aIY. 3. Payment all winning tickets shall be made onls upon presentation apd surrender of such tickets. ~uch tielters must be presented for payment before Apnl 1st of the $2 DAILY DOUBLE TICKETS SOLD IN yeul' following the year of IHir('lluH'. 4. Hold pari-mutuel tickets until result is "Official.H "lien a result is "Official;"' Grandstand Area CASHIER'S WINDOWS 46 to 82· tllat word shall lJe tlaslletl on tile Hesult Eoard and shall signify that lhe placing of the hor:-les if; !ina! ill so far us tile ray-off is concerned. Mezzanine Area CASHIER'S WINDOWS 225 to 238 '5 In the event of a foul bt:ing claimed, the \yol'd "Objection" shall be flashed forth- with Oil the ne!iult Hoard and llllllouncement thereof made on the public address system. Lower Club House Area CASHIER'S WINDOWS 416 to 430 .If all objection to a horse which has won or which has becn placcd second or third Upper Club House CASHIER'S WINDOWS 504 to 509 in a racc Is sustained, he is liisllllulitied and the other horses shall take places acconlln~~ly. 6, Mutilated Pari-Mutuel tickets or those whose validlly is questioned, shall be $10 DAILY DOUBLE TICKETS SOLD IN suiJll\itted to the New York St,lte Tax Commission for inspection, and the ruling of said Grandstand Area CASHIER'S WINDOWS 7 to 9 Commission thereon shall be final and conch:sive. 7. The Pari·Mutucl Machine'S will be locked by electrical control immediately upon Lower Club House Area CASHIER'S WINDOWS 411 to 418 the ollleial post-tillle uf each race. The Association is not responsible for sales not completed before the machines are 10c'kt!(1. 8. Boolullaldng. or belting other than through the Pari-Mutuel system is strictly prohibiled. Doo]tmal,ing is a misdemeanor under the l)enal Law, and is punishable by fine or illllirisonlllent or bolh_ 9. Minors are not Ilel'luitted to purchase Pari-Mutuel tickets. 10. Refunding money. If a horse be excused from racing for any reaSOn whatsoever after tile belLin;.;: thereon has begun, Ule money bet Oil that horse shall be refuncied; ~x('eflt tllat whell the horse is part of an entry or Ule "field." there shall be no refund, prodded l.hat the eutry or the "field:' as the case may be, has at }('ast one actual starter. If it be determined by the Stewards of the ·Meeting that a horse has been ore,ented from radng hecause of the failure of the stall door of the starting gate to open, the money bet 'on that hOI'se shall be refuwied; excePt that when the horse is part of an entry or the "field." there shall be no refund. pro\-ided that the entry or the "field," as the case may lJe, has at least one actual startel'. nPlOUGliBRE~ RACINGASSOCIATIONI o refunds of money paid for Pari-)lutuel tickets to be made as directed by the R.-Ies and ne~ulations of the Commission, shall be malle except upon the presentation NOTICE and surrender of such tiel,ets. 11. Photo Finish. When "PHOTO" appears on the Result Board, there will be a .short dela)' In postln,g" the "Official" result to 2110w the Judges to inspect photograph AQUEDUCT tickets may be cashed at the previous day of the finish. The camera is used as an aid to the Placing Judges in arriving at windDws located in Grandstand Mezzanine section (West. a decision. 12. The IOField." Wh('n n}Gre than twel-re (12) horses, representing twelve (2) End) from Sept. 21st to Sept. 24th inc. separate Interests, are starlers in a race. all horse..s in excess of ele\'en (11) interests shilll he ~"oullt'd in the betting- as the "Field." Windows will be open from 12.:05 to 3:05. 13. III all races, except SWEEPSTAKES, 'With fi-re or more separate entries _which start, Uadng Associations shall pro\"ide win. place and show pools; in all races with or by registered mail ONLY (full value declared) to f(\llr (4) separatc entries whirh start. they shall pro.ide win and place I~ools: in rares of three (3) or two (2) separate entries which start. ther shall pro-ride only a win Jlool: ano pari-mutuel ticl,et!; shall be sold accordinglY; pro,toed. howe\·er. that in QUEENS COUNTY JOCKEY CLUB s\\"cepstn!{cs with less than four (4) separate entires which start. Racing Association ma.y, at their option, provide that there shall be no betting; and in such cases an 250 Park Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. ndditional rate with betting' shall be added to the program. 14_ If an error be made in posting the nay-off it shall be corrected promptly and only the l:orrcct amounts shall be raid; and if it be inwossihle to correct the posted pay-all, <:ol'fccl1on shall be made orally by the public ad<lr('ss srstem. SARATOGA TICKETS TO 15. POSITIVELY NO TlCI<ETS EXCHANGEO. THE SARATOGA ASSOCIATION 250 Park Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. DAILY DOUBLE RULES 1. No hurdle or steeplechase shall be included in the Daily Double Pool. 2. 'fhe Daily Double is not a parlay and has no conneetiOD With or relation to the JAMAICA TICKETS TO lwol shown on the totalizator board. METROPOLITAN JOCKEY CLUB 3. In order to win a Daily Double. it is necessary for the pu haser of a Daily Double tid,et to select the winners of each of the two races speciflE'd for he Daily Double. If Room 1350, 60 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N. Y. eiUle.' of his selections fails to win, his contract is -raided. e:s:cept as hereinafter pl'oYidert_ 4. Rntries and fields are coupled in the Dally Double on the first and second races. In thc e\'ent that part of the entry or "field" is srratched and there is at least one PLEASE DO NOT DESTROY OR DISCARD PARI- starter in the entry or the "field," as the case mar be, there shall be no refund. 5. The paY-olf shall he posted ,after the pool closes and before the race rompleting :MUTUEL TICKET UNTIL RESULT IS OFFICIAL AND the Daily Double has been run, except in the event of a dead heat in the first half of the DailY Double, when the p05ting of the pay-olf may be de felTed until the race rom- ,YOU ARE CERTAIN IT HAS NO VALUE. CONSULT pletin~ the Daily Double has been run. MUTUEL INFORMATION CLERK IN ANY CASE OF 6. The Daily Double pools on the first and second races shall be calculated and distrIbuted as follows: DOUBT REGARDING YOUR PARI-MUTUEL TICKET. FIRST RACE .•.•.• 1:15 P.M. SECOND RACE (FIRST HALF OF DAILY DOUBLE) (SECOND HALF OF DAILY DOUBLE) CLAIMING Purse $4,()()(). For maidens two years old. 113 lbs. Purse $3,800. For three-year-olds and upward. ~,OOO. Three-year- oIds, 120 lbs.; older, 126 Ibs. 3 lbs. for each $500 to $7,000. Non-winners SIX FURLONGS. MAIN COURSE ot two races since July 30 allowed 3 lbs.; ot a race since August 27 or two since June 11, 6 lbs. (Races when entered to be claimed tor $6,000 or less not considered.) Track Record: Roseben (5), 12£ lbs.; October 16, 1906; 1 :22 Morning Line & Jockey Scale Wt.: 3-;-r-olds, 120 Ibs.; older, 130 lbs. GEORGE D. WIDENER jf.' F: MULHOLLAND 15-1 WILLY SCHWAB EUGE.."~ JACOBS Light blue, dark blue hoops, d rk blue cap LIght blue, red stripe, quartered cap 8-1 Ray William DEPARTURE 118 Mikkonen WILEU 114 Boland- B.c.2, Eight Thirty-Chaste'1:;ady y Sir Ga ahad 3rd (p. p. 1) 1 Br.g.4, By Jimminy-Sun Mixa by Sun Briar 1) S7,000 (p. p. RALPH M. HOLT - FRED~ - ~S W. C. STEPHENS 5-1 - R. DE STEFA1'lO 12-1 ue, old rose sho Ider straps, old rose sleeves, Maroon. black sash, maroon sleeves. black hoops, blue an old rose cap Eddie black cap Conn Arcaro McCreary NALUR 118 DECK CHERRY 111 ___ Ch.c.2, Nasrull~ urline B. by Alibhal (p. p. 2) 2 B.g.3, Top Deck-Cheroplay by Cherokee S7,500 (p. p. 3) l'mNI-EE (f." ARNSTEIN A. G. ROBERTSON - GILBERT GAY OWNER 12-1 Green, white hoop, red cap 5-1 3 Heliotrope, brown sleeves and cap Eugene Ted Rodriguez INDIAN LAND 117 Atkinson 3 B.:rtt~zaFI!f§Janushia by Turkhan 118 (p. p. 4) B.h.6, Tintagel-Indian Song by Cherokee $7,000- (p. p. 5) - WARBERN STABLES A. G. ROBERTSON - GUILFORD DUDLEY, JR. J.