Doctor Who “ Season 2, Episode5 “The Rise of Cybermen” Episode 6 “The Age of Steel”

DOCTOR: I told you to keep an eye on her. MICKEY: She's all right. DOCTOR: She goes wandering off. Parallel world, it's like a gingerbread house. All those temptations calling out. MICKEY: Oh, so it's just Rose, then? Nothing out there to tempt me? DOCTOR: Well, I don't know, I can't worry about everything. If I could just get this thing to ( kicks the console.) MICKEY: Did that help? DOCTOR: Yes. MICKEY: Did that hurt? DOCTOR: Yes. Ow. ======DOCTOR: Like I said, parallel world, gingerbread house. We need to get out of here as fast as we can. (There is a beeping sound and everyone stops still, including the policeman.) ROSE: What're they all doing? DOCTOR: They've stopped. (Everyone's ear pod flashes.) DOCTOR: It's the earpieces. Like Bluetooth attachments, but everyone's connected together. ROSE: It's on my phone. It's automatic, look. It's downloading. Is this what they're all getting? News, international news, sports, weather. DOCTOR: They get it direct. Downloaded right into their heads. ROSE: TV schedules, lottery numbers. DOCTOR: Everyone shares the same information. A daily download published by Cybus Industries. (The next download is Joke. The people laugh, then continue about their business.) DOCTOR: You lot, you're obsessed. You'd do anything for the latest upgrade. ROSE: Oi, not my lot. Different world, remember. DOCTOR: It's not so far off your world. This place is only parallel. Oh, look at that. Cybus Industries, owners of just about every company in Britain, including Vitex. Mister 's very well connected. Oh, okay. I give up. Let's go and see him. ======ROSE: You're in charge of the psychic paper. We could've been guests. Celebrities. Sir Doctor, Dame Rose. We end up serving. Did enough of this back home. DOCTOR: If you want to know what's going on, work in the kitchens. According to Lucy, that man over there ROSE: Who's Lucy? DOCTOR: She's carrying the salmon pinwheels. ROSE: Oh, that's Lucy, is it? DOCTOR: Yeah. Lucy says, that is the President of Great Britain. ROSE: What, there's a President, not a Prime Minister? DOCTOR: Seems so. ROSE: Or maybe Lucy's just a bit thick. ======ROSE: They're people? DOCTOR: They were, until they had all their humanity taken away. That's a living brain jammed inside a cybernetic body, with a heart of steel. All emotions removed. ROSE: Why no emotions? DOCTOR: Because it hurts. ======DOCTOR: Hmmm. Central nervous system. Artificially grown then threaded throughout the suit so it responds like a living thing. Well, it is a living thing. Oh, but look. Emotional inhibitor. Stops them feeling anything. MOORE: But why? DOCTOR: It's still got a human brain. Imagine its reaction if it could see itself, realise itself inside this thing. They'd go insane. MOORE: So they cut out the one thing that makes them human. DOCTOR: Because they have to. ======DOCTOR: I'm the Doctor. LUMIC: A redundant title. Doctors need not exist. Cybermen never sicken. DOCTOR: Yeah, but that's it. That's exactly the point! Oh, Lumic, you're a clever man. I'd call you a genius, except I'm in the room. But everything you've invented, you did to fight your sickness. And that's brilliant. That is so human. But once you get rid of sickness and mortality, then what's there to strive for, eh? The Cybermen won't advance. You'll just stop. You'll stay like this forever. A metal Earth with metal men and metal thoughts, lacking the one thing that makes this planet so alive. People. Ordinary, stupid, brilliant people. LUMIC: You are proud of your emotions. DOCTOR: Oh, yes. LUMIC: Then tell me, Doctor. Have you known grief, and rage, and pain? DOCTOR: Yes. Yes I have. LUMIC: And they hurt? DOCTOR: Oh, yes. LUMIC: I could set you free. Would you not want that? A life without pain? DOCTOR: You might as well kill me. ======MICKEY: I know it's not easy with my face looking exactly like Ricky, but I'm a different man. I'm not replacing him. But we can remember him by fighting in his name. With all those Cyber factories out there, do you think they'll be one in Paris? JAKE: Yeah. MICKEY: Then, let's go and liberate Paris. JAKE: What, you and me, in a van? MICKEY: There's nothing wrong with a van. I once saved the universe with a big yellow truck.