FREE digital HHoorrssee RReevviieeww & print VOL. 30 • NO. 6 The Mid-South Equine Newsmagazine Since 1992 FEBRUARY 2020 2. February, 2020 • ©Mid-South Horse Review • O N THE C OvER : (photo by Ashley Fant ) february 2020 Integrity, a 2010 Oldenburg (by Cartogran), owned by Horse Review Wolfstone Stables & Sales, Inc., was being shown by Isabel CONTENTS • v OL . 30 • N O. 6 Dlabach in 3’6” Large Junior Hunters at the Kentucky Equus Charta, LLC Horse Park, August 2019. Ashley Fant rode him around Copyright 2019 For the LOVE of Horses the Ky. Horse Park on one of his days off from showing. 6220 greenlee #4 P.o. box 594 Arlington, tn 38002-0594 901-867-1755 PuBLISHER & E DITOR : Tom & Dr. Nancy Brannon STAFF : Andrea Gilbert WEBSITE : E- MAILS : midsouthhorsereview@
[email protected] P. 20 P. 19 P. 16 Barrel racing action at Battle in the Mud knots were the fahion of the Pony and puppy in the winner’s cir - Saddle. ( photo by Nancy Brannon ) day, foxhunting in the Mississippi Delta. cle at MHJA’s New Year Premier Horse ARTICLES & PHOTOS (photo by Tommy Brannon ) Show. (photo by Marie Cobb ) WELCOMED: we welcome contributions features : from writers and horse people, but cannot guarantee KHP L uncHtime Lecture 6 publication or return of Hoof Abscesses 10 manuscripts or photos. mHJA n ew YeAr Premier 16 reproduction of editorial foxHunting in tHe DeLtA 19 content, photographs or advertising is strictly bAttLe in tHe sADDLe 20 prohibited without written permission of the publisher.