Croxley Common Moor Site of Special Scientific interest Local Nature Reserve

Access and Interpretation Report April 2016

Produced by: Countryside Management Service

Produced for: Council

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Contents CONTENTS ...... 3 PURPOSE OF THE REPORT ...... 5 SITE DESCRIPTION ...... 5 CONTEXT ...... 5 TRDC STRATEGIC PLAN 2015-18 ...... 5 OMNIBUS SURVEY 2014/15 ...... 6 TRDC GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE (GI) PLAN, MARCH 2011 ...... 6 TRDC LOCAL PLAN ...... 6 DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION ACT 1995 & 2005 ...... 7 PUBLICISING THE PLAN ...... 7 SUMMARY OF EXISTING ACCESS AND INTERPRETATION ...... 7 GENERAL APPROACH TO ACCESS FOR CROXLEY COMMON MOOR ...... 7 PARKING ...... 8 TEMPORARY CATTLE ENCLOSURES ...... 8 AMENDMENTS TO RIGHTS OF WAY...... 8 CONSENTS ...... 9 ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...... 10 ENTRANCE POINTS...... 11 1. Moor Lane Crossing and ...... 11 2. Mill Lane and the River Gade ...... 12 3. Byewaters Entrance ...... 13 4. Ebury Way East Entrance ...... 14 5. Ebury Way Mid-West Entrance ...... 15 6. Ebury Way West Entrance ...... 16 7. Croxley Business Park Entrance ...... 17 8. Ebury Stile West ...... 18 9. Ebury Stile Middle ...... 19 10. Ebury Stile East ...... 20 WIDER ACCESS SIGNAGE ...... 21 ON THE MOOR ...... 32 29. Benches - Analysis and Recommendations ...... 32 30. & 31. Boardwalks / bridges ...... 33 32. Surfacing Public Footpath 17 ...... 33 INTERPRETATION, OTHER SIGNAGE AND FURNITURE ...... 33 FUNDING...... 34 SUMMARY ...... 34 PROJECT RESOURCE SUMMARY ...... 35 APPENDICES ...... 37 APPENDIX 1: SITE MAP SHOWING ACCESS POINTS, BENCHES AND BOARDWALK LOCATIONS ...... 37 APPENDIX 2: MAP SHOWING THE LOCATION OF WIDER ACCESS POINTS - CENTRAL ...... 38 APPENDIX 3: MAP SHOWING THE LOCATION OF WIDER ACCESS POINTS – EAST ...... 39 APPENDIX 4: MAP SHOWING THE LOCATION OF WIDER ACCESS POINTS - WEST ...... 40 APPENDIX 5: MAP SHOWING SURFACING OF PUBLIC FOOTPATH 17 ...... 41 APPENDIX 6: RIGHTS OF WAY - CROXLEY GREEN MODIFICATION ORDER MAP ...... 42 APPENDIX 7: SPECIFICATIONS ...... 43 APPENDIX 8: PROPOSED WORKS PROCUREMENT ...... 45

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Purpose of the Report To provide an overview of the existing access and interpretation for Croxley Common Moor Site of Special Scientific Interest and Local Nature Reserve. The report then provides recommendations for improving and defining all access points and has been developed to support the delivery of best practice standards for signage, gateways and interpretation. The costs to implement the recommendations have been estimated and potential sources of funding identified.

Site Description Croxley Common Moor is an important open space between and , owned by Three Rivers District Council (TRDC). It is of high conservation value and contains locally rare acid and neutral grassland communities. It is legally protected through a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) designation, which is governed by Natural England. Where the site is not covered by the SSSI designation, it is recorded as a County Wildlife Site. Croxley Common Moor has also been declared a Local Nature Reserve (LNR) in recognition its value for wildlife and for people. The moor is locally valued as a place to undertake a wide range of recreational activities including walking, model-aircraft flying and practical conservation volunteering. It is extensively used by people from the local community and nearby business estates. The moor provides good access links between Rickmansworth, Watford and Northwood via the Ebury Way and is managed jointly by TRDC, the Countryside Management Service (CMS) and the Friends of Croxley Common Moor (FoCCM), a local community group. A local farmer grazes approximately 28 cattle between April and October. The Moor is triangular in shape with the Ebury way forming the southern boundary, the Grand Union Canal and tow path and the River Gade running along the north-west of the site and the Croxley Business Park along the north-east.

Context The following section summarises how this plan is aiming to support the delivery of other relevant plans and strategies adopted by TRDC.

TRDC Strategic Plan 2015-18 The Vision and our Priorities ‘We (TRDC) recognise our increasing duty to promote “greener” ways of delivering services, reducing the carbon footprint of the district, and creating cohesive communities that enable people to live in harmony with each other and with their environment. Finally we also know that crime and the fear of crime are important issues to our residents, along with their future health, well-being and quality of life.’

Within the Safety and Well-being area of activity in this document, TRDC aim to work with partners to make the district a safer and healthier place, providing a safe and healthy environment, and reducing health inequalities. One of the objectives in this section is to: Improve and facilitate access to leisure and recreational activities for adults, which this project will help to deliver.

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Hertfordshire Omnibus Survey 2014/15 The survey contains questions on satisfaction with council services. The results look at TRDC specifically and were derived from 502 telephone interviews across the research period. Within the Executive Summary it is reported that:  84% of TRDC residents reported having used parks and open spaces.  93% of TRDC residents who used parks and open spaces are satisfied with them.

Within the section reporting on satisfaction with Public Services the information above is more detailed, including showing how the responses for this question vary across different sub-groups of the population who have used parks and open spaces within the last year. Residents aged 16 to 44 and those residing in South Oxhey, Croxley Green, Chorleywood North & Sarratt and Abbots Langley & surrounds are significantly more likely to have used parks or open spaces within the last year. However, residents aged 65 and over and those living in the Oxhey Hall and Carpenders Park area are significantly less likely to have done so. Residents in the Croxley Green area had a significantly above average rating (87%) on their use of parks and Open Spaces.

TRDC Green Infrastructure (GI) Plan, March 2011 Part of the vision for GI within the District is to ‘recognise and value GI for people – realising the benefits of ‘low key’ and informal recreation’. Croxley Common Moor is acknowledged as a key GI site. This report supports the realisation of this vision and its delivery will enhance the opportunities for informal recreation. GI aims are also explored in TRDC’s Local Plan as outlined below.

TRDC Local Plan Within the background and context of the Local Plan, one of the points in the spatial portrait of the District states that: The attractiveness of the District as a place where people want to live and work depends in part on the environment. This is affected by landscape, biodiversity and open spaces (Green Infrastructure), as well as heritage. It is very important that these are maintained to sustain the unique character of the area and its attractiveness.

One of the ‘Strategic Objectives’ is: To conserve and enhance the countryside and the diversity of landscapes, wildlife and habitats in the District within a coherent network of Green Infrastructure to support the natural environment and human health.

Green Infrastructure is a Core Policy within the Local Plan. TRDC has stated it will seek a net gain in the quality and quantity of GI, through the protection and enhancement of assets. Priorities for GI focus on conserving and enhancing, amongst others; the corridors of the Rivers Chess, Colne and Gade and the Grand Union Canal; the District’s Sites of Special Scientific Interest, Local Nature Reserves, wildlife sites, key biodiversity habitats, species and areas identified in the Hertfordshire Biodiversity Action Plan and heritage assets and landscape character within areas of Green Infrastructure. Croxley Common Moor is representative of many of these assets and the delivery of this project will deliver a net gain in the quality of the Moor as a greenspace through the improvement of access to the site.

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Disability Discrimination Act 1995 & 2005 The DDA 1995 has had a wide reaching impact. The legislation places responsibilities upon owners of countryside sites and open spaces regarding provision for people with disability as part of a wider Disability Equality Duty for the Public Sector. This legislation has been strengthened by the DDA 2005. This requires public bodies to positively promote disability equality and to have schemes in place and published by 4th December 2006. Such schemes explain how the body will promote equality for disabled people, challenge discrimination and lead to the removal of barriers for all disabled people. The framework for action recommended in this report is based upon the principle of Least Restrictive Access (LRA).

Publicising the Plan We propose that a defined period of publicity is carried out prior to any implementation of the recommended works within this report. This will have several benefits ensuring that proposals;  Enhance and not conflict with the access needs of ground maintenance, grazier access and other management operations.  Give the local community an opportunity to contribute to elements of the scheme e.g. interpretation content.  Provide users with a fundamental understanding of what’s going on, what the outcomes will be and why it’s being done.

Methods  The plan will be circulated to the Friends of Croxley Common Moor, who will be invited to comment on its content.  The plan will be available to view on the CMS and TRDC website.  Notices will be displayed within the notice boards on the Moor, inviting visitors to view the plan on the CMS website, with phone number contact for those without internet access.  A guided walk will be advertised and held on site to highlight the proposed improvements to access to the Moor.

Summary of Existing Access and Interpretation

General approach to access for Croxley Common Moor First impressions of an open space are important and good access and interpretation provision go a long way to set site standards, raise confidence in visitors using the site, raise awareness of the important aspects of the site and enable visitors to navigate the site with ease. Interpretation boards and/or welcome signs should be present at all entrances clearly identifying the site as being ‘Croxley Common Moor; Site of Special Scientific Interest and Local Nature Reserve’ and being owned and managed by Three Rivers District Council. Welcome signs make people feel more confident about using the site, whilst establishing its important conservation status as an SSSI and LNR. As far as is practicable vegetation should be cut back to allow good sight lines across the Moor from each access point.

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The site has been designated as open access land under the CROW act giving the public the right of access on foot across the whole site. A Public Footpath, Croxley 17 runs north/south across the site. This path is well used by Moor visitors and those passing through to reach either Croxley Green to the north or the Industrial Area on Tolpitts Lane to the south. Other, well used paths include that which leads along the south side of the River Gade and ‘desire lines’ between the perimeter access points.

Croxley Common Moor is fenced around the perimeter to allow cattle to graze the site. There are nine public pedestrian access points through the fencing and one vehicle access point at Moor Lane Crossing.

While much of the site is accessible all year round, some paths are inaccessible due to flooding at certain times of the year or after prolonged, heavy rainfall.

Horse riders are able to access the site with permission from TRDC. Riders are asked to sign an agreement to use the Moor appropriately and are then issued a RADAR key, allowing access to three of the gates.

Two fairly old interpretation boards depicting the wild flowers found on the Moor are at the main north (Mill Lane) and southern (Moor Lane Crossing) entrances. These are accompanied by notice boards and leaflet dispensers.

There are 4 benches on site.

Model aircraft flying is permitted on the moor at certain times. A set of byelaws govern this activity.

Parking Croxley Common Moor does not have an official car park. The most convenient access by car, with limited but unrestricted on-street parking, is on Moor Lane Crossing. Weekend visitors to the Moor are requested by signage to use Olds Approach, rather than Moor Lane Crossing.

Temporary Cattle Enclosures In the Habitat Management Plan 2013-2023, there are plans to temporarily exclude cattle by fencing 2 areas of the moor to protect the food plant of an extremely rare moth. Consent for this has been granted from the Secretary of State. These areas will have 2 field gates on each that will be closed for the first 3 months that cattle are on the Moor (June-Aug), and locked open for the remaining 9 months of the year. The areas will have several ‘squeeze’ gaps to allow visitors to pass through them at all times of the year. Interpretation and signage will inform visitors why the area is fenced.

Amendments to Rights of Way A modification order has been confirmed by the Secretary of State to Hertfordshire County Council regarding Croxley Green paths 11, 17, 19, 21, 20 and 22. These paths lie to the north and the east of the Moor and are already used as access into the Mill Lane entrance. Some paths have been made into official Public Footpaths and some Public Footpaths upgraded to Public Bridleways. As a result of this order the County Council’s Rights of Way Department will be looking to upgrade the signage in this area to reflect the new paths and their status. The Countryside Management Service will work with the Rights of Way Officer to ensure the signage includes Croxley Common Moor as a destination,

Page 8 of 45 where appropriate. Where recommendations in the report might be covered by this work (RoW) has been indicated next to the recommendation number.

Consents Hertfordshire Highways Works on the highway, including new flag signs on lampposts and street name signs will require permission from the Hertfordshire County Council’s Network Team

Natural England All works on the SSSI are classified by Natural England as ‘Potentially Damaging Operations’ and as such will require permission from NE.

Environment Agency The River Gade is a main river. Flood Defence Consent must be obtained from the EA prior to doing work on, over, under or near the river.

Planning Inspectorate The works would not require consent under Section 38 of the Commons Act 2006 because they are deemed to facilitate rather than impede access. These works are also small scale in nature.

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Analysis and Recommendations There are five main public entrance points to Croxley Common Moor, along with one more seasonal entrance point. A further three stiles along the Ebury Way allow entrance from this route and an entrance point from Croxley Business Park provides authorised access from the Business Park only. There is also another unofficial entrance from the business park.

Pictures of the entrance points in their existing form are provided below to support the analysis and recommendations that follow.

A map detailing these entrance points, numbered to correspond with this report can be found in the appendices.

The pictures below clarify the different signage terminology:

Cycle route finger post / Public Footpath finger post / Waymark post with waymark cycle route post and flag metal footpath post / footpath disc post and flag

Bespoke waymark sticker Pedestrian flag sign

Heritage name plate / pedestrian name plate

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Entrance Points

1. Moor Lane Crossing and Ebury Way Moor Lane Crossing is the main entrance within the southern boundary of the Moor, providing pedestrian, RADAR key access (a national key scheme where standard keys are available to those with disabilities) and vehicular access. While there is no formal car park for Croxley Common Moor, Moor Lane Crossing provides the most convenient access by car, with limited but unrestricted on- street parking.

Existing Entrance Structures

Signage 1 x interpretation board focussing on wildlife 1 x lockable notice board 1 x 1 cycle route finger post for the Ebury Way 1 x Public Footpath directional finger post 1 x business signpost

Furniture 1 x vehicle gate (small) 1 x RADAR large mobility kissing gate


Recommendation 1a  Renew interpretation panel following TRDC corporate style as used in the Croxley Common Moor information leaflet.

Recommendation 1b  Rationalise notice board, leaflet dispenser, model aircraft byelaws and interpretation panel into one piece of furniture.

Recommendation 1c  Monolith with welcome / designation / ownership info.

Recommendation 1d  Rationalise signage to 1 finger post.

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Recommendation 1e  Remove business sign, if on TRDC land.

Recommendation 1f  Upgrade vehicle gate to standard size 3.6m.

Recommendation 1g  Replace broken kissing gate and review sound proofing options.

Recommendation 1h  Clear back encroaching vegetation to 1m beyond access furniture and ensure fencing is secure.

Decision: Agreed.

2. Mill Lane and the River Gade The main entrance from Croxley Green Village and Croxley Tube Station.

Existing Structures

Signage 1 x interpretation board focussing on wildlife. 1 x lockable notice board 1 x Public Footpath directional finger post 1x leaflet dispenser

Furniture 1 x RADAR large mobility kissing gate Metal fencing

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Recommendation 2a  Re-site kissing gate centrally / replace fencing / resurface and build up ground from bridge to kissing gate and along FP17 as far as current interpretation panel.

Recommendation 2b  As recommendation 1a. Renew interpretation panel following TRDC corporate style as used in the Croxley Common Moor information leaflet.

Recommendation 2c  Rationalise notice board, leaflet dispenser, model aircraft byelaws and interpretation panel into one piece of furniture.

Recommendation 2d  Monolith with welcome / designation / ownership info.

Decision: Agreed.

3. Byewaters Entrance This entrance leads from the relatively recent residential development – the Byewaters Estate. Access is restricted at this point to those who can easily negotiate steps. However, residents are able to access the Moor avoiding steps by following the path along the canal until reaching the Mill Lane entrance.

Existing Structures

Signage N/A

Furniture 1 x medium mobility kissing gate Steps Bridge

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Recommendation 3a  Repair kissing gate latch.

Recommendation 3b  Monolith with welcome / designation / ownership info.

Recommendation 3c  Install pedestrian flag sign with CCM as destination, either fixed to the handrail of the steps or to a new post.

Decision: Agreed. New flag to be agreed with Environment Agency.

4. Ebury Way East Entrance This entrance provides access at the south east corner of the moor from the Ebury Way and Dwight Road. It is rather over-grown with vegetation and not particularly welcoming. There is unrestricted, on-street parking on Dwight Road. Outside normal office hours the road is unlikely to be busy and ample parking available as the road only serves the local industrial estate. There is no indication to potential visitors however, that the moor can be reached from here.

Existing Structures

Signage 1x oak welcome sign

Furniture 1 x medium mobility kissing gate

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Recommendation 4a  Clear back all vegetation up to the large oak between the Ebury Way and the Moor and 2m on the right hand side of the path leading to the entrance. This will allow views from Ebury Way and Dwight Road on to the Moor.

Recommendation 4b  Monolith with welcome / designation / ownership info. Retain original sign.

Recommendation 4c  Affix to the lamppost (no. 21) on Dwight Road a pedestrian flag sign with CCM as destination.

Recommendation 4d  Replace medium mobility kissing gate with large RADAR kissing gate.

Decision: Agreed. New flag requires consent from Hertfordshire Highways.

5. Ebury Way Mid-West Entrance This is a popular access point from the Ebury Way. There is a lot of furniture here, all very dated. The access point is starting to become shaded by the surrounding vegetation. During the wetter months it is only possible to turn right when coming through this gate. This path can get very muddy and pallets and old bits of wood are left by parties unknown to address this informally.

Existing Structures

Signage 1x Information panel

Furniture 2 x pedestrian gates, with fenced area between 1x bench

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Recommendation 5a  Clear back entrance 2-3m either side to allow light into this entrance and views from the Ebury Way on to the Moor.

Recommendation 5b  Replace 2 gates and fencing with large mobility RADAR kissing gate.

Recommendation 5c  Replace sign with a monolith with welcome / designation / ownership info.

Recommendation 5d  Install 30m of boardwalk from this entrance, along the walked path to the higher ground to facilitate access and discourage fly-tipping.

Decision: Agreed.

6. Ebury Way West Entrance This entrance is at the south western most tip of the site and is often very wet during the winter months. Recent habitat improvement works on the moor have opened up this area making the entrance more welcoming. There is the potential for a new path here, which would require the installation of a board walk.

Existing Structures

Signage N/A

Furniture 1 x medium mobility kissing gate

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Recommendation 6a  Upgrade medium mobility kissing gate to large mobility kissing gate.

Recommendation 6b  Install boardwalk (approximately 135m) to allow access / connect to riverside path / create a circular route.

Recommendation 6c  Monolith with welcome / designation / ownership info.

Decision: Agreed.

7. Croxley Business Park Entrance This entrance is used by the employees on the business park. The land on the other side is private and there is no Right of Way.

Existing Structures

Signage N/A

Furniture 1 x pedestrian gate

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Recommendation 7a  Upgrade pedestrian gate to large mobility kissing gate to prevent possible motorbike access on to the moor.

Recommendation 7b  Monolith with welcome / designation / ownership info.

Decision: Agreed. Permission gained from Croxley Business Park. Send specification, gate housing on Moor side.

8. Ebury Stile West Less formal entrance used by visitors from the industrial estate.

Existing Structures

Signage N/A

Furniture 1 x stile


Recommendation 8a  Upgrade stile to medium mobility kissing gate

Recommendation 8b  Clear back encroaching vegetation to 1m beyond access furniture and ensure fencing is secure.

Recommendation 8c  Monolith with welcome / designation / ownership info.

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Decision: Agreed.

9. Ebury Stile Middle Less formal entrance used by visitors from the industrial estate.

Existing Structures

Signage N/A

Furniture 1 x stile


Recommendation 9a  Upgrade stile to medium mobility kissing gate

Recommendation 9b  Clear back encroaching vegetation to 1m beyond access furniture and ensure fencing is secure.

Recommendation 9c  Monolith with welcome / designation / ownership info.

Decision: Agreed.

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10. Ebury Stile East Less formal entrance used by visitors from the industrial estate.

Existing Structures

Signage N/A

Furniture 1 x stile


Recommendation 10a  Upgrade stile to medium mobility kissing gate

Recommendation 10b  Clear back encroaching vegetation to 2m beyond access furniture and ensure fencing is secure.

Recommendation 10c  Monolith with welcome / designation / ownership info.

Decision: Agreed.

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Wider Access Signage 11. End of Ebury Way (Rickmansworth)

Existing Signage

3 x cycle route finger posts for the Ebury Way.


Recommendation 11a  Add bespoke CCM waymark stickers to the Ebury Way signposts at Batchworth roundabout and at Skidmore Way.

Decision: Agreed. Consider banded waymark disc where appropriate.

12. Ebury Way / Towpath Junction

Existing Signage

2 x cycle route finger posts for the Ebury Way, destination Watford 3½ miles.

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Recommendation 12a  Add bespoke CCM waymark stickers to the Ebury Way finger posts.

Decision: Agreed. Consider banded waymark disc where appropriate.

13. Grand Union Canal Towpath / FP 30

Existing Signage

1 x Public Footpath finger post for FP 30.


Recommendation 13a  Add bespoke CCM waymark sticker to metal footpath post.

Decision: Agreed. Consider banded waymark disc where appropriate.

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14. Moor Lane Crossing / Olds Approach Junction

Existing Signage

1 x cycle route finger post for the Ebury Way, showing destination Croxley Common Moor ¼ miles.



15. Moor Lane Crossing / Olds Approach / Tolpits Lane Junction

Existing Signage

1 x cycle route finger post for the Ebury Way, destination Croxley Common Moor ¼ mile, on west corner of junction.


Recommendation 15a  Add pedestrian name plate to the street name sign on the east side of the junction, with CCM as a destination (+distance in mins).

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Decision: Not to be carried forward at present.

16. Dwight Road (west) / Tolpits Lane Junction

Existing Signage



Recommendation 16a  Add pedestrian name plates to the each of the 2 street name signs on either side of the junction, with CCM as a destination (+distance in mins).

Decision: Not to be carried forward at present.

17. Dwight Road (east) / Tolpits Lane Junction

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Existing Signage



Recommendation 17a  Add pedestrian name plates to each of the 2 street name signs on either side of the junction, with CCM as a destination (+distance in mins).

Decision: Not to be carried forward at present.

18. Ebury Way / Tolpits Lane Junction

Existing Signage

2 x cycle route finger posts for the Ebury Way, destination Rickmansworth 2¼ miles.


Recommendation 18a  Add bespoke CCM waymark stickers to the Ebury Way finger posts at each end of the cycle route branch.

Decision: Consider banded waymark disc where appropriate.

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19. End of Ebury Way (Watford)

Existing Signage

2 x cycle route finger posts for the Ebury Way, destination Rickmansworth 3 ½ miles.


Recommendation 19a  Add bespoke CCM waymark stickers to the 2 Ebury Way finger posts on Riverside Rd.

Decision: Consider banded waymark disc where appropriate.

20. Cassio Wharf

Existing Signage

1 x Croxley Green Boundary Walk finger post.


Recommendation 20a  Add bespoke CCM waymark sticker to metal post.

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Decision: Consider banded waymark disc where appropriate.

21. Byewaters / Canal Junction

Existing Signage

Croxley Green Walk flag on lamp post.


Recommendation 21a  Add bespoke CCM waymark sticker to lamp post.

Decision: Consider banded waymark disc where appropriate.

22. Mill Lane North (RoW)

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Existing Signage

Public Footpath finger post for FP 17, including destination ‘Common Moor’.


Recommendation 22a  Replace signpost flag with one that says ‘Croxley Common Moor’. Remove the text ‘cycle track’ from Ebury Way as this could be interpreted that you are able to access the Ebury Way across the Moor by bicycle from here.  Clean the Mill Lane and No Motorcycles signs

Decision: The Hertfordshire Rights of Way Department has agreed to carry out this recommendation.

23. Mill Lane NE Corner

Existing Signage

1 x Public Footpath finger post for FP 17.


Recommendation 23a  Add bespoke CCM waymark sticker to metal post.

Decision: Consider banded waymark disc where appropriate.

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24. Mill Lane SW Corner

Existing Signage

1 x Public Footpath finger post for FP 17.


Recommendation 24a  Replace metal post with wooden waymark post. Add bespoke CCM waymark disc.

Decision: The Hertfordshire Rights of Way Department has agreed to carry out this recommendation.

25. Croxley Tube

Existing Signage

None for Croxley Common Moor.

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Recommendation 25a  Install pedestrian flag sign with “CCM via Mill” Lane as destination (+distance) to the lamp post (no. 298) opposite the Tube Station on Watford Rd.

Decision: Requires Hertfordshire Highways permission.

26. Frankland Road (RoW)

Existing Signage

2x Public Footpath finger post for FP 11/FP22.


Recommendation 26a Add bespoke CCM waymark sticker to the metal sign.

Recommendation 26b Footpath finger post at junction with FP11/FP22 to be replaced with wooden waymark post. Add bespoke CCM waymark disc to post.

Decision: The Hertfordshire Rights of Way Department has agreed to carry out this recommendation. Consider banded waymark disc where appropriate.

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27. Public Rights of Way Croxley Green 11, 19, 20, 21 & 22. (RoW)

Existing Signage

Various waymark posts and finger posts are being installed/replaced as part of Hertfordshire County Council’s approved modification order to Rights of Way in the Croxleyhall Woods area.


Recommendation 27a  Add waymark discs showing CCM as a destination to wooden waymark posts and laminated waymark stickers to metal signs as appropriate.

Decision: Agreed.

28. Watford Section of Ebury Way

Existing Signage

Various cycle route finger posts and signage for the Ebury Way.

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Recommendation 28a  Add bespoke CCM waymark stickers to destination to posts, where appropriate.

Decision: Consider banded waymark disc where appropriate.

On the Moor

29. Benches - Analysis and Recommendations

Existing Structures

There are 4 benches on site, 1 in need of replacement. Older users, young families and people with mobility challenges will benefit from additional resting points and benches along the main paths. The BT Countryside for All Standards and Guidelines recommend resting points at every 100m and Croxley Common Moor falls short of that target. Due to the status of the site as a SSSI and the undulating nature of the terrain this report recommends installing an additional 4 benches as a compromise between the BT standard and the sensitive nature of the SSSI.


Recommendation 29a  Install 5 new benches and replace 1 as shown on Map 1, appendices.

Decision: Agreed.

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30. & 31. Boardwalks / bridges

As well as the recommendation for lengths of boardwalk from the entrances 5 and 6, there are two more on-site locations, recommendation 30 and 31, where smaller sections of boardwalk or bridge-like structures would allow easier all year round access. This would enable more circular walk options around the moor. These two sections are low-lying ditches or wet flushes. Some visitors have been attempting to improve access by placing pallets over the muddy areas, but these look unsightly and are inappropriate on a SSSI. They can also encourage other fly tipping.

Decision: Agreed, with less priority given to the 135m length of boardwalk from entrance 6, as this is the most expensive and other improvements should take priority.

32. Surfacing Public Footpath 17

Public Footpath Croxley Green 17 runs north/south across the Moor. As well as providing good access onto the moor itself, the path provides a connection for many pedestrian commuters between Croxley Green and the industrial units to the south of the Moor. Parts of the path have undergone surfacing works at various intervals. Further works would benefit the site as the volume of foot traffic is causing erosion to a wide area where a surfaced path would limit this. Surfacing the more vulnerable sections of path would also allow easier navigation along this key path for both pedestrians and those using buggies and mobility vehicles. A detailed map of the path can be viewed in appendix 5.

Interpretation, Other Signage and Furniture Recommendation 1a and 2b propose that the two interpretation boards depicting the wild flowers found on the Moor are renewed. The new boards should follow the TRDC corporate style for Local Nature Reserves used in the Croxley Common Moor information leaflet. It is important that the new boards take account of the individual character of the site, include contact details and provide information on features of interest, including the main paths and access points onto the Moor.

To rationalise the amount of furniture on the SSSI, this report recommends that the lockable notice board and leaflet dispenser form part of the same piece of furniture.

There are signs advising model aircraft fliers of the byelaws around this activity. This information could be displayed on the reverse of the interpretation panel to further reduce the number of signs on the Moor.

Waymark discs and stickers would be of the same design. To establish an association with the site it might be appropriate to employ the woodpecker logo favoured by the Friends of Croxley Common

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Moor. This could be incorporated into the directional arrow used to point potential visitors in the direction of the moor.

Decision: Agreed.

Funding TRDC have identified that this project would be eligible for funding from existing Section 106 planning agreements. This however would not cover the full costs of implementing all aspects of the report recommendations. Further funding may be available from landfill communities tax funding.

Summary Implementation of the recommendations contained within the report will enable TRDC to continue to meet commitments made in the Local Plan, increasing access to a wide range of users. The improvements to access and interpretation will also support TRDC to improve on its high score in the Omnibus Survey and more widely promote the availability of this open space to residents of Croxley Green and beyond.

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Project Resource Summary Item Recommendation Description No. Cost/unit £ Cost No. Interpretation 1 1a, 1b, 2b, 2c Design/supply interpretation panel 2 2580 5160 + accessories. 2 1a, 1b, 2b, 2c Install interpretation panel + 2 80 160 accessories. Welcome signs 3 1c, 2d, 3b, 4b, 5c, Design/supply monolith welcome 10 170 1770 6c, 7b, 8c, 9c, 10c post 4 1c, 2d, 3b, 4b, 5c, Install monolith welcome post 10 50 500 6c, 7b, 8c, 9c, 10c Directional signposting 5 1d Rationalise flags to 1 post 1 100 100 6 3c, 4c, 25a Design/supply/install new 3 50 150 pedestrian flag directional sign to existing street furniture, destination CCM. 7 11a (x3), 12a (x2), Add bespoke laminated waymark 31 3.50 112 13a, 18a (x2), 19a sticker with CCM as destination to (x2), 20a, 21a, existing metal signpost. Cost for 23a, 26a, 27a design/supply only. CMS to install. (x10), 28a (x5) 8 24a, 26b, 27a Add bespoke waymark disc with 14 8.90 125 (x10), 28a (x2) CCM as destination to existing wooden waymark post. Cost for design/supply only. CMS to install. 9 15a, 16a (x2), 17a Design and install pedestrian name 5 335 1675 (x2) plate to street name sign or new Ebury Way cycle sign, with CCM as destination and distance.

10 22a Add CCM as destination and 1 0 0 (HCC) distance to flags being updated by Rights of Way.

Access Furniture and Vegetation Clearance 11 1f Supply/install vehicle gate with 1 480 480 3.6m std. Dispose of current gate

12 1h, 5a, 8b, 9b, 10b Vegetation clearance/fence repair 5 100 500

13 4a Extensive clearance to allow views 1 750 750

14 2a Replace RADAR kissing gate & 1 1600 1600 fencing. Supply type 1 granite and

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top dressing to resurface around KG.

15 3a Repair/replace kissing gate latch 1 80 80

16 1g, 4d, 5b, 6a, 7a Replace furniture/gates with large 5 448 2240 RADAR kissing gate

17 5b Replace extensive furniture/gates 1 780 780 with large RADAR kissing gate 18 8a, 9a, 10a Replace furniture with medium 3 480 1440 mobility kissing gate 19 5d Supply and install 30m boardwalk 1 4200 4200

20 6b Supply and install 135m of 1 20980 20980 boardwalk

21 29a Design/supply benches 5 1000 5000 22 29a Install benches 5 90 400

Miscellaneous 23 1e Remove business sign 1 Flytipping – in house 24 30/31 Supply/install small boardwalks 2 1400 2800 25 32 Surfacing of Footpath 17 249m 28 6972

Sub total 57974 10% Contingency 5797

Grand Total 63771

The prices shown are estimates based on similar works undertaken on a variety of Greenspaces in Hertfordshire, carried out by local contractors and projects managed by CMS. Quotes to gauge actual costs will be recruited following community engagement and to inform any funding applications.

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Appendices Appendix 1: Access points, Benches and Boardwalks Key Access Points bench 3 boardwalk entrance Public Rights of Way Bridleway 2 Footpath Informal paths (not Public RoW) General Waymarking Areas non specific way marking Croxley Common Moor 29

32 29 7

4 29 9 10 31 8 1 29 30 5 ¯ 1:3,500

© Crown copyright and database rights 2016 OS EUL 100019606. Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions. You are permitted to use this data solely to enable you to respond to, or interact with, the organisation that provided you with the data. 6 You are not permitted to copy, sub-licence, distribute or sell any of this data to third parties in any form. Appendix 2: Location of Wider Access Points - Central


Key 25 Access Points 22 entrance wider signage Public Rights of Way 23 Bridleway Footpath 3 Informal paths (not Public RoW) 26 24 General Waymarking Areas 27 non specific way marking 27 2 Croxley Common Moor

27 27


4 9 10 8

1 17 27 5 16 ¯ 1:4,500 14

15 © Crown copyright and database rights 2016 OS EUL 100019606. Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions. 6 You are permitted to use this data solely to enable you to respond to, or interact with, the organisation that provided you with the data. You are not permitted to copy, sub-licence, distribute or sell any of this data to third parties in any form. Appendix 3: Location of Wider Access Points - East

Key 20 Access Points entrance wider signage Public Rights of Way Bridleway Footpath Informal paths (not Public RoW) General Waymarking Areas non specific way marking Croxley Common Moor



4 18 ¯ 1:6,000 17 © Crown copyright and database rights 2016 OS EUL 100019606. Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions. You are permitted to use this data solely to enable you to respond to, or interact with, the organisation that provided you with the data. You are not permitted to copy, sub-licence, distribute or sell any of this data to third parties in any form. Appendix 4: Location of Wider Access Points - West

Key Access Points entrance wider signage Public Rights of Way Bridleway 27 27 Footpath Informal paths (not Public RoW) General Waymarking Areas non specific way marking Croxley Common Moor


6 13


11 ¯ 1:4,500

© Crown copyright and database rights 2016 OS EUL 100019606. Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions. You are permitted to use this data solely to enable you to respond to, or interact with, the organisation that provided you with the data. You are not permitted to copy, sub-licence, distribute or sell any of this data to third parties in any form. Appendix 5: Map showing Surfacing of Croxley Green Public Footpath 17

Key 500m Fp 17 distances (10m)

River Gade FP 17 path condition needs surfacing 450m surfaced unsurfaced

400m Potential Surfacing in Metres from Moor Lane Crossing

69 - 86 (17) 109 - 127 (35) 157 - 165 (8) 350m 177 - 185 (8) 256 - 275 (19) 293 - 300 (7) 349 - 385 (36) 401 - 434 (33) 450 - 536 (86)







Moor Lane Crossing


1:1,500 © Crown copyright and database rights 2016 OS EUL 100019606. Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions. ¯ You are permitted to use this data solely to enable you to respond to, or interact with, the organisation that provided you with the data. You are not permitted to copy, sub-licence, distribute or sell any of this data to third parties in any form. SHUHHH SHUPHH SHURHH SHUTHH SHUVHH SHVHHH SHVPHH

x IWSRHH 22222„his2pl—n2forms2p—rt2of2the2rertfordshire2gounty2goun™il2 s @groxley2qreen2IID2IUD2IWD2PHD2PI2—nd2PPA2wodifi™—tion2yrder2PHIH fri ‡ i €—rt2I dle r w— y2I y xfX22€oints2e2E2h2—nd2s2E2v2a2fridlew—y2to2˜e2upgr—ded U ƒ ‡—tford2‚o—d 222222 2222222€oints2f2E2r2—nd2h2E2y2a2fridlew—y2to2˜e2re™orded t

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n —

v pootp—th2to2˜e2re™orded 2 s W t I n 2 i y

— — fridlew—y2to2˜e2 IWRVHH

ƒ w 2 e l l re™ordedGupgr—ded l id e r l — f n — ixtent2of2groxley2†ill—ge2qreen g 2g n io n IHH H IHH PHH wetres fr f 2 idl d ew— n y2II r— q € i ƒ™—le2IXSDHHH pootp—th2IP eppe—rs2on2hw2sheet2nosF2VQ2—nd2VW IWRTHH pootp—th2 „his2m—p2is2˜—sed2upon2yrdn—n™e2ƒurvey2m—teri—l PH with2the2permission2of2yrdn—n™e2ƒurvey2on2˜eh—lf2of pootp—th2QH the2gontroller2of2rer2w—jesty9s2ƒt—tionery2yffi™eF x n—uthorised2reprodu™tion2infringes2grown2™opyright —nd2m—y2le—d2to2prose™ution2or2™ivil2pro™eedingsF groxleyh—ll2p—rm rertfordshire2gounty2goun™ilD2IHHHIWTHT2DPHIH Appendix 7: Specifications

Interpretation Panels Fusilier Combination Display Single Sided to take 1019mm x 722mm graphic panel. Notice Board Window Size: 420mm x 594mm. Back board: Magnetic. Finish: Powder-coat to a non-standard Green: For the current notice boards I have spare front covers. This is useful in case a cover needs replacement (one was smashed once), and also enables me to swap covers when they get dirty (as I've just done this weekend, it's easier to wash them thoroughly at home). Please could you similarly obtain spare covers when acquiring the new display facilities? Waterproof leaflet dispensers 3-4 sheets of A4

Potential Supplier - Fitzpatrick Woolmer.

Entrance Features English Oak ‘Monolith’ signs 350mm x 100mm x 1500mm overall length. 2-way weathered top, engraved legend and motif in filled with colour on one side, supplied in smooth-sanded natural Oak finish. Potential supplier – LANDMARK / Fitzpatrick Woolmer

Vehicle Gates Wooden field gate / Heavy Duty Triangular Vehicle Barrier (LE F010 201610) – 3.6? metre, manufactured from 100mm x 50mm RHS and galvanised. Potential supplier – Centrewire/supplied by contractor.

Kissing Gates Woodstock – Large Mobility RADAR, self-closing and Medium Mobility. Potential supplier – Centrewire/supplied by contractor.

Surfacing Re-surfacing to use granite virgin stone, 50 mm to dust to a finished depth of not less than 75mm, then a well graded granite aggregate 6 mm to dust as surface dressing to a depth of 25mm. Use timber edge boards to retain material. Potential contractor – Maydencroft Rural.

Boardwalk Recycled Posts –100mm x 100mm x 0.6m, pressure treated wooden bearers –150mm x 50mm x 3.6m, pressure treated wooden toe rail –50mm x 50mm x 3.6m, Hi-grip Excel decking boards –145mm x 45mm x 1200mm, coach Bolts – M12 x 180mm, decking screws – 4.5 x 75 mm index decking screws. Potential Contractor – Maydencroft Rural.

Benches Oak self-assembly with backs. Potential supplier – Hertfordshire Timber Supplies. Or Bespoke oak benches to help interpret wildlife. Potential supplier – Dan Cordell

Way Mark Discs Bespoke round (woodpecker logo, with arrow and text CCM SSSI / LNR) plastic 75mm diam 80% recycled 3mm rigid PVC. ½ and ½ mirror image so that beak points in same direction as arrow Potential supplier - Meterosigns.

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Way Mark Laminated Stickers Bespoke round (woodpecker logo, with arrow and text CCM SSSI / LNR) 75mm diam vinyl sticker. ½ and ½ mirror image so that beak points in same direction as arrow

Potential supplier - Meterosigns.

Pedestrian flag sign Standard blue pedestrian flag sign (seeP9). Potential supplier – Morris Gordon.

Pedestrian ‘street name’ sign Details to be confirmed with TRDC – Murrill Construction Ltd.

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Appendix 8: Proposed Works Procurement


Produce draft plan including brief spec and suppliers identified.

Consult with stakeholders

Update plan to include full specifications

Quotes/tenders discussed

Order raised and Contract let Contract supervision

Works confirmed complete to specification

Reporting on progress Payment authorised invoices copied for reporting

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