South West Bath & North East Somerset
Archaeological Investigations Project 2008 Post-determination/Research South West Bath & North East Somerset Bath and North East Somerset (E.47.3254/2008) ST75006500 Parish: Bathampton Postal Code: BA1 2JY THE OCTAGON CHAPEL AND MOON AND SIXPENCE YARD, BROAD STREET The Octagon Chapel and Moon and Sixpence Yard, Broad Street, Bath, Bath and North East Somerset: Archaeological Watching Brief Report Higgins, N Oxford : Oxford Archaeology, Report: 3349 2008, 46pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Oxford Archaeology The watching brief revealed deep deposits of post-medieval made ground and 18th and 19th century structures. [Au(abr)] Archaeological periods represented: MO, PM OASIS ID: oxfordar1-57194 (E.47.3255/2008) ST77816799 Parish: Batheaston Postal Code: BA1 7ES 50 NORTHEND BATHEASTON 50 Northend, Batheaston, Bath and North East Somerset. Archaeological Watching Brief Bennett, J Cirencester : Cotswold Archaeology, Report: 08150 2008, 12pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Cotswold Archaeology An archaeological watching brief was undertaken during groundworks associated with the erection of two semi-detached dwellings and the conversion and extension of existing buildings to form four one bedroom flats at 50 Northend. A stone pathway and soakaway were uncovered. These could not be dated directly, but were likely to be associated with the 19th-century buildings on the site. No features or deposits of earlier date were identified. [Au(abr)] Archaeological periods represented: UD OASIS ID: cotswold2-46781 (E.47.3256/2008)
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