Year 7 Autumn Term 100% Sheet Servite Heritage Source of Revelation Key words and people Salvation History. Salvation history is the story of God ​ Community - a group of people with shared and the story of man. Rooted in Abrahamic Tradition, ​ ​ values salvation history is the story of how we are saved Relationship – state of connection between at through the redemptive action of Jesus Christ. ​ Bible- Christian Source of Revelation. A library of least two things or beings ​ Heritage – tradition that connects to the past books. ​ 8 Servite Values - see box below Old Testament- refers to the canonical books of the ​ ​ Servites- Servants of Mary- Religious Order Hebrew Scriptures. A different translation for "Old ​ ​ ​ founded in 1233 Testament" would probably be "Old Covenant" as it Catholic – universal and faith community refers to the covenanted time prior to the coming of ​ ​ Friar – member of a religious male community Christ. ​ ​ Mary – Theotokos Mother of God New Testament- the collection of the books of the Bible ​ … ​ St Hugh – that were produced by the Early Christian Church, St Juliana - Servite Founders comprising the Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, ​ St Manettus- Feast Day 17th February and Revelation. ​ Mother Philomena- Covenanted people Christ Key words and people Christmas Narratives- Infancy stories of Jesus ​ Covenant – a sacred promise or agreement Incarnation- Jesus Christ is the self-revelation of God. ​ ​ Revelation - God making himself known to us God entering human history by becoming one of us. ​ Sacred – holy, blessed, blest Theotokos – Mother of God ​ ​ Descendent - descending from an ancestor Annunciation – Angel announcing God’s plan to Mary ​ ​ Faith - complete trust or confidence in someone Immaculate Conception – Mary is the immaculate ​ ​ or something. conception. She was conceived without sin to be the Abrahamic Tradition – monotheistic traditions of ​ Theotokos – hence her Assumption (she didn’t die) to Judaism, Christianity and Islam Heaven. Salvation- , the act of saving or protecting from The Second Adam – Christ is the Second Adam as he ​ ​ ​ harm, risk, loss, destruction, fulfils God’s plan for our redemption through his death Abraham – father of Monotheism (one God) ​ and resurrection. Jacob -Son of Isaac (12 Sons=12 tribes of Israel) Redemption - being saved from sin. ​ ​ Moses – leader who freed Hebrew people from Paschal Lamb/Passover Lamb – Christ is the lamb of ​ ​ slavery in Egypt. Received the 10 God whose blood takes away the sin of the world Commandments.

Year 7 Spring Term 100% Sheet Life of Christ Early Church Key words Key words Soteriology- theory of Salvation. All the major Commission - the instruction, command, or role given to the ​ ​ ​ world religions have a soteriological base. Apostles Resurrection- Christ rising from the dead - Catholics are taught that Peter was the ​ ​ first Pope and that there has been a succession, of Popes that Apostles- the first 12 followers of Christ followed Peter. ​ Disciples- all followers of Christ Pentecost- Greek word means "50th day." Feast celebrated ​ ​ fifty days after Easter Sunday, the coming of the Holy Spirit Gospels- four books of the Bible that contain on the Apostles and their followers, and the beginning of ​ details of the life of Jesus Christ. their ministry. – Letters of the Early Church Evangelisation- spreading the Gospel Good News ​ ​ Persecution- Hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of ​ Judaism- originated in the Middle East over race or political or religious beliefs; oppression. The Early ​ ​ 3500 years ago. Moses was the main founder Church faced religious persecution in Rome. but Jews trace their history back to Abraham. Martyr- a person who is killed because of their religious or ​ other beliefs e.g. St Paul. Key people Sacraments Key words and concepts Sacrament- an outward sign of an inward grace freely ​ bestowed by God. There are 7 in the Baptism – Initiation into faith community and removal of ​ Original Sin Reconciliation/confession – sacrament of forgiveness and ​ healing of broken relationship with God Eucharist/Communion- the Sacrament where Catholics ​ receive Christ's Body and Blood through the mystery of transubstantiation so that they are nourished spiritually and brought closer to God. Confirmation- the last of three initiation sacraments for ​ Catholics, the other two being Baptism and First Holy Communion. Full membership into the community Marriage-lifelong commitment before God and community ​ Ordination- priesthood ​ Sacrament of Sick- to help those near or at the point of death ​

Year 7 Summer Term 100% Sheet

Mission of Church Mission of Church Key words Church- the universal Body of Christ (not just a building) ​ Mission- to spread the Good News Key people ​ Golden Rule- ‘treat others as you would Mother Teresa- was the founder of the Order of the ​ ​ ​ wish to be treated’ Missionaries of Charity, a Roman Catholic congregation of Eucharistic Final Commendation- to ‘ go in women dedicated to helping the poor. Considered one of the ​ peace and love and serve the Lord’ greatest humanitarians of the 20th century, she was Social Justice- justice in terms of the canonized as Saint Teresa of Calcutta in 2016. ​ ​ ​ ​ distribution of wealth, opportunities, and Jean Donovan- 3 Dec 2010 - she was a modern-day martyr, ​ ​ privileges within a society. losing her life while caring for the poor in the midst of El Rights- a moral or legal entitlement to have Salvador's bloody civil war ​ or do something. Oscar Romero- Responsibility- The state or fact of having a Romero was the voice of the voiceless poor. A life ​ duty to deal with something or of having lived out in El Salvador, a Catholic country named after Christ control over someone. the Saviour. A marksman’s bullet killed him in the middle of mass on March 24, 1980.

Love and Serve Project Research Key words CAFOD- the official Catholic aid agency for ​ England and Wales, CAFOD was born when ​ ​ the National Board of Catholic Women organised the first Family Fast Day. Laudato Si –‘On Care for Our Common Home’, the encyclical letter of Pope Francis. Key people Cardinal Basil Hume- The archbishop of ​ ​ Westminster from 1976 to his death 1999 Pope Francis- born Jorge Mario Bergoglio, ​ ​ ​ ​ he was elected Pope on March 13, 2013 and is the first Latin American to lead the ​ ​ Roman Catholic Church as well as the first
