\ I>VI;KTIMI\«. it VTKK.

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aiiu aurnur B wticnueu, die, uuuuu uu ma mvi i* est notice and In tlie moat substantial manner, at VOLUME XXVII-NO 20 ANN ARBOR, , WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1888. WHOLE NUMBER, 1403. reasonable prices. Music especially bound mor* Offlce-Nos. 41 & 43 Main St. tastefully tban at any other bindery in Michigan*

WIWO\H IIIKIlI'ltiil. rimi r <-n w i x these ruffians, but now was making my TEACHING DRAMATIC ART. CJUNTY AJTD VICINITV. first acquaintance with them. .-• A»RoK'''»iMASDBRV, No. IS meets first »» JOHN lioYI.K O'REII.LY. As they worked, they discussed the sit- The Need of Edncatlng Young Men in Ballad has cleaned np her cemetery. Tuesday of each month. C. E. Hlscock, E. C; John K. Miner, Recorder. Hnwdld lie live, tlilsdeail man here, uation, and how they should dispose of The Principles of Dramatic Art. Peach buds reported very numerous fASHTIIAW CHAlTKIt. NO. 6, It A. M.— With tlie temple at>ove his grave, me. this year. Meets first Moinlnv eaeh month. J. 1.. 11 c 11 ved us u great one, Irom crmlle to bier, " I'll tell yet, Sam'.'' one big fellow ex- To the Editor of the Tribune, (N. Y.) H P.: Z. Koath. Secretary. He was nurgcil In luxory, trained In pride, Ypsilanti is to have a new $25,000 M. svone When the wish washout it WHS gratified; claimed. " Best way is to tie him across Sir: You referred, in a leading editorial E. Church. Without thanks he took, without heed lie tlie rails, and let 'em finish him." a 5 1 article on Wednesday last, to the fact $25 SUITS a specialty. $6 Trousers a Specialty, BUSINESS CARDS. gave; " Yes, that's go ." echoed the party. that the art of dramatic writing has been Chelsea is to expend $100 for fife pro- me common inun was to him a clod " Dead men tell no tales', and lie may encouraged, iu the , during tection tli is year. From whom he was fw f*r a»n demigod. have seen our faces." S o BLITOK, His duties T To see that his reuu were paid the last fifteen years under the Common They go fishing on Sunday over at His pleasure? To know that tlie crowd " Ho! ho! ho! I won't listen to Mich a Law, by what is almost equivalent to In- Whitmore Lake, so said. WAG1TEB & CO., obeyed. plan," said one who seemed to exercise Hi- pulse, If you felt It, throbbed apart, ternational Copyright. American dra- The l'inckney Dispatch has had an egg CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER W lth a seperate stroke Iroiu the people's some influence over them. " We shall matists are now. as you say, in a position S'jXii inches laid ou its table. MERCHAN21 T TAILORS! heart. have enough to answer for before this to command as full and fair remuneration Residence and Shop Hut whom did he love, and whom did he job is finished withous killing him. How for their work as those of Kurope Mrs. Wm. Bill, ot Hamburg, has gone bless T to Omaha, Neb., to visit friends. NO. 85 Hill street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Was the life of him more than a man's or this nail sticks!" he addded with an oath. H iving reached this point, It Is not time Good Workmanship and Honest Goods at Bottom less? "The man who drove these fplkes must Co raise, if possible, the artistic standard Henry Wil-on of Lima, was married AH work promptly exocnieU* and satisfaction I know not. He died. There was none to have meant 'em to stay. Come, mateM of American dramatic work to a plane recently to Estelln Parke, of Owosso. Fit Guaranteed. Prices. guaranteed. blame. And as few to weep; and these marbles He is safe enough, and if we mean busi- worthy of its practical success? 1 do not Ernest Shaver Of Clii-Nca, ha* a book came ness, we must be lively. The train will refer to anything that American dramat- 271 yean old and another 152 years old. CHAS.LTLLEN, For the temple that rose to preserve his be here in twenty minutes, and we have ist- c.in do, or are doing. Our actual name! no time to lose," and at the rail they all products show simply what has been done Milk consumers at Saline have to pay only four cents per quart for the lacteal How did ho live, that other dead man, sprang with a will. in less than two decades, beginning in lark I Light Colored Worsteds for Prince Albert Suits Contractor and Builder, From the Knives apart and alone ? utter hopelessness and without the bene- fluid. AHH great one, too? Yes. this wasone Twenty minutes! What could I hope PUns and Specifications carefully drawn. Who lived to Labor and study and plan; to do to save the train In my condition, fit of tradition or association. But other Mrs. Wfctenmann has returned to the Residence, The earth's deep thought he loved to reveal; with so short a lime? dramatists are to follow us, and it seems Grove bouse, at Whitmore Lake for the SELF-WINDING CLOCKS. He Would Like Bob Lincoln. Hi* banded the hreanls of the land with steel • quite unnecessary that they should wade summer. 46 E. Catherine St., Ann Arbor, Mich. The Ihread of his toil he never broke; The thought of the terrible wreck which He filled the cities with wheels and smoke must result If the derailed train struck through all the ignorance of dramatic Jas. Monoban, of Whitmore Lake, is A Description of the Labor-saying In- laws that blinded us when we lirst began. A writer in the Tribune And workers by day and workers by night, the bridge, made me desperate. Straiiiin? now employed at the bending works in Tention Used in Lar^e Railway gives the following as the answer he re- DR. C HOWELL, For the day was too short for his vigor's flight at the cords which bound my wrists, I Why need they, like us, educate them- Owosso. POWDER Too firm was he to be feeling and giving; selves in those merely rudimentary prin- Offices. ceived from a colored man in Florida on For labor, for gain, was a life worth living. fancied they gave way a little. I re Or. II A. CUT, a former resident ol the Presidential nomination: He worshipped industry, dreamt of her, membcred the trick of the necromancers ciples—the A. B 0 of their profession— PHYSICIAN with which they ought to be familiar from Lima, died iu L ipeer Co., recently, aged It is erroneously supposed by many " Well, we dem down here would like Absolutely Pure. sighed tor her. who free themselves from their bonds by M years. ole Mars Llnktin's son foh to be Presi- This p<,\v l«*r IIPVIT vir!"». A mifvel of partly Potent he grew by her. famous he died for alternately contracting and expanding the outset ? These rudimentary princi- that a self-windiug clock must obtain its her. The editor of the South Lyon Picket dent. Ebery black man in deSouf would OrricK. ROOM 4, MASONIC BLOCK. citr.-ri^'h tind wiioli-Hom^nesp. > 1 or** cronomtcal their muscles, and I lay in silence, work- ples lire absorbed by young dramatists, motive power from electrical action and than the or. iiinv klndf, and ran ol ba —.>I,t in j They say he Improved the world In his time. believes in capital punishment for the thereby be subject to the many objections stan' by de Republican principle (oh him. 1 That his mills and his uih.es were a work ing In a perfect trenzy of excitement until in Europe, merely by contact with their cnnipttltl nwuii ill* in illititiU' HI law Tist.ghort seniors, but that process is as yet impos- fraternity. and hindrances resulting from an entire Ole Mars Oeneral Grant's son would be Office hours: § to 14; 9 to 6 p. m. v i_':jT ilium or oh ephute i> w Ii ,!y in sublime. 1 wag able to tree my hands. In an in- Ko\ vl It K.M. Po« in it Co . ;ix; w.ill Si When he died—the laborers rested and stant my knife was out of my pocket, and sible here. .Mrs. Kill Lenien, of Whitmore Like, dependence on a constant current. mighty popular. We den would all vote N. Y. flghert. for Mars Linkun's or Grant's son. Dar Which was It—because he had lived or died? my feet" free. has (Tone to Owosso, where her husband "The motive power of our clock," said DR. H. R. ARNDT, The simplest laws of dramatic con- has a position. the genial agent of a large concern on wouldn't be no black man In de whole And how KR, Mtogrpe, El. r. In tliu jilace he loved, where a child he ered, tlie whole gang started in pursuit; come critics of the drama. The students (West Huron street, tile "Prof. Nlchol played nioe'.s with the I. O. O. T. lodge of are placed in the top of the case and con- know Grant. Dese Southern people am place") by lelephnu.', No. »:, and will reply /tsar Sirs,—About twn months fl wurkii;; I-VIT> U iy. My ne?ghhon an «]• city. hindered uiy breathing, I was foiced to "unities," but take one of them to the Aldrich of Saline, has disst lved partner- rotates the barrel containing the spring dere buttah from de Norf. De razer-back Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. lo thl** remarkable cnn\ and tti* duvfcfii g MMfl >in* Hr was weak, maybe, but he lost no friend ; stop for a moment to cut it away. While Astor Library; open a volume of old ship, Mi. Burkhardt (ontii uing the bm- one revolution from left to right, and am no good foh poak 'cept foh poah peo- •iiiD call or wriiu to me, or any of my Who loved him once, loved on lo the end. go engaged, thure came a second volley. plays; and ask him to put his finger on u iness. winds up just as much of the spring as ple wat hab to lib on it. Yoh git on de W. W. A A C. NICHOLS, neighbor*. He niourmMl all selfish and nlirewd endeavor; WM. R. KTRPH8N8ON. He never Injured a weak oue—never. Ibis time more successful. I was struck '• Unity." He knows there must be one The Observer says that some of the lias been required to run the clock during porch wid some o' dese heah Southern WlHOBSS^feR P. <>., (i.MoN I OX, N 0, When censure was passed lie was kindly lu the left arm midway between wridt somewhere iu the library, but not being balitte school kills have organized a base the last sixty minutes. The spring barrel peopls in de ebening when dey doan' dumb; and elbow, I should have fainted from a mind-reader like Mr. Bishop, he is not —no, a tin-pan-band, and the Dtuaic is itself carries an arm which slides the know yoh am a northern man and Jes' Till P'.TTKR DRUC AN!) CftKMICAL CO : He wit* never so wise hut a fault would come; lie was never so old that he tailed to enjoy the shock, together with the rough usage likely to find it, even with his eyes open, just heavenly. loose arm from under the projecting arm, let 'em talk, an' it makes yoli hair rise on Rooms Over Ann Arbor Savings Hank, Gfin/!omrrt,— Mr. Win P. ftrtfphdnsan of Ifalfl Tlie games and the dreams he had loved I had previously undergone, but for my yet this young man has a half-written John Monohan of Wliiltnore Lake, thus breaking tbe circuit; the same ac- end. Den in de mawnin' dey meet yoh Ma-onic Temple lilock. COQDt) b-<»ui,'ht h'B »on in town today to l«»l us when a boy. determination to keep up. play at home; or be may be an eager ap- tion is repeated every sixty minutes. To wid a smile ft"' want to tote yoh 'bout de lf« turn, ami toshow u- wh.i Ci noua* Rs«V- He erred, and was sorry; but never drew plicant for the post of dramatic critic. goes on tbe new division of the T., A. A. OA.S or VITALIZED AIR DIBS had flonefo him. Thl* In tb% CAM ret rfwi A trusting heart from tlie pure and true. " Brace up!" I called, as if addressing a tttT '<> von sen)' i'in " aj;o. To look at We were all In his position mice; siml if, sweetness. Doan yoh be'ieb it. Dey am Administered for the p&hrfew extraction of hhn now o»i" would Bnppoat that Chert had neref When friends liok hack from the years to be, companion. " No lime for such foolish- South Lyon Picket. quite apparent how simple and practical teeth. been anything th» muter w th hni,—pfiu-* to '>> (ioil grant they may say such things of me. ness now, Tom. Remember the train ! ' dramatists or critics, we have learned is this device. jes' as sour as eber. Dey got Mars Clebe- in perfect health. We baVfl written and herewhn This I said aloud to myself, for the anything of dramatic art, it was only by Eli Ward of Sylvan, has compromised The invention lies in bringing a motor i:md to come down heah an' make us incloHf wtont his j'.-it't••»• IIH- to say nb»>ut the matter, solitary work of mv nightly lounds had hard labor aud by experimental blun • hU suit against the M. C. II. R., and has t'ink be was miglny good BH foh de O. ML. —wrote ii Juat »« he dictated. drrs, after our "libernl education" was received $l,()00 damages. It was all on and clockwork together in a timepiece, OEAI.Kl'. IN We are Belling quite a quantity of CITTICUUA A BOTTLE OF OIL. given me the habit of lalking to mystlC and is not limited to any particular de- Souf, Dey showed us Missy Clebeland RsKCDiBe and h 'ar notbl g bflt prWi**a tor th>m. for wantof another companion. SnUhed. account of a bad crossing. vice. Experiments prove that a motor as an' eay to us, ain't she sweet. Dey can't We ngurd theCuncrBA HE*Kniw the be#1 m (From The Youth's Companion.) Setting my teeth hard, I overcame the I have referred to "one exception " The Ypsilanti sports are in great glee. constructed for the purose can be run fool us dat way. In de ole days de wim- CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC the m u ket, and Hhall do ail we can io promote iheir inen on de plantation wuz mighty sweet, sale. Vonrp Tri'ly, Wishing lo take the ni"lit train lit the faintiiese, ptugperod to my foot Mnd ran on. among tlie learned institutions of this J/ist Wednesday evening two colored for one year at an expense of less than And Common Coffins. Calls ttttented to Daj si', VKNS Jc HRL'NEK. I soon noticod that the pursuit had ceased. country. That exception is thu Univer- men, Dot Collins und I'M. Saje* had a M rents"; hence a clock may be sealed up but de men men wuzdebils unhung. Dey or Night. Kmhalmlng a Hpeolalty. Hto-e- tad Phaimaciit». siiinll «t iiion (it 15 , and having noth- had hoofs an' horns, foh suah. If we r Either the train-robbers thoughl I was sity of Michigan. During a merely per- prize tijrht there, Hayes being knocked and left to itself for a period of at least roomon K. w"*shin'_ to!i street. Rt Insf to employ my iitieiuion about the done for, or they had returned to their sonal visit to Ann Arbor, last winter, I one year with a certainty of closer time kin hab Mars Linkun's son foh President Cor. Liberty And Fifth. f'CTK i RA kin cure, and CnnculU vi I gi\ I went early to tlie station, and w»t out. we will make ebery vote count. SOAP, prepared from it, externally, and CUUCI'RA nshi ri'il into the wiiitiiig-rooin liy the unfinished work, trusting I should be un- was astonished to find, among the various The neighbors of John Taylor, of during that period than can be secured W. 11. JA'• hour or more of lesure While I was thus deliberating, still run- The lecturer was Professor Alfred Hen- Chelsea has three base ball clubs, one run by the old methods." Sylvan 400 00 Entrance next to National Bank. JSf-Send for "How to Cnr« Skin Dl1 this station I formed one of a Superior 1 0B iron, nuiear it thick, cover it well, rub training and held its due place, with bell was tolled for the death of its donor. Josepph Pray to Tobias Holmes, North- Sneezing Catarrh. crew ot three Bectton men, who had in other courses, in their studies for a de- —Milan Leader. flfd * 13* 50 it on with your palm, so—both rails, The Idea of Co-Operatire Efforts flef The Alttreaalftg iO«ai', ant^jzu. sneeze, the acrid charge ieven miles of track upon our gree. Professor Hennequin does not con- to John Ivory to James Ivory, Dexter,... 1000 000 don't neglect an inch of either. For life Busine°s at the cheese factory is boom- »0U 00 wucry dWcli.ir^es froin th • evea and nor-e, the road, some three hundred miles west of Tom! for life. Think of the men, wo- floe himself, us I lmve said, to the writers Get Homes For the People. Jabob I,utz to John F. l.iit/., I,mil here, in the roughest and most lawless ing and '2,OUO lbs. of milk are dally re- Elizabeth Klsele to Wallbergt Elaele. puinfni lutlammation extendtne to tbe throat, the men and little children upon the train. wno have gone, but discusses the artistic Ann Arbor 100 00 swelling of tbe msctiot lining, catuinjr choking part of tlie Territory. tecelved—a much larger amount than at England has always beeu the great ^ I worked with the desperations of a peculiarities, beauties and defects of the W. B. Smith to A. W. and M. Fellows. 300 «0 Jhe Best and Purest Medicine aenfstione, cough, ringing nol«ei In the head and Our duties were to keep iu thorough 11 vi ii tr French masters of the drama, as corresponding periods of former years.— home of cooperation in every form, aud Ann Arbor . EVER MADE. _ onler the track upon our section, and we drowning man. Upon my knees, the bot- Dundee Reporter. Fred. A. Howlett to M. J. Howlett, splitting headaches-how fimiUar ihof»e symptom- their works appear from time to time in io long ago as 1JJ20 there were associa- Lnydon, 3,500 00 ^ It will drive the Humor fromyour were held responsible to the company for tle under my disabled arm, pouring the yntein, and mak.' yuur fikin are to thousands whn nufft-r periodical Irom head oil, by iiD inclination of my body, Into my Piirls—Augler, Feuillet, Sardou, Dumas, Improvements, are being made every- ions ior building purposes very much on Catherine Wolf et al. to Barbara Wolf, colduor hirtaeD/.i, nnd who live In ignorance of anything that would endanger or delay etc. I found principles enunciated ami he same idea since developed in this Sullne, 5,000 00 eau and smooth. Those right hand, and spreading It upon the where about the village. New paint, new N. Martin to George Noller, Saline.... 51 45 pies and Blotches stanfantout relief. the tnilns while upon it. illustrated by masters, living and dead, outbuildings, new fences and no fences, country. In the beginning the societies IH h mar your beauty r.nis. H. A. Wheeler to Mary A. Deckert, HIM this treatm«mt In caae^ of simple e'a'arrh Our section began at Summit Station, In ten minutes the quirt of oil was ex- which have forced themselves upon my- making the village have a thrilly appeal - were clubs, the existence of which ceased Dexter 800 0U i caused by Imp ^ive- but a tint Ida i <>t u ii.;t tbli remedy will do and ran east ceven miles. Thence to self in the course of my own work, and when the shares of a stated number of Samuel House to Izora O. Manly, Ann ilood, and can In the chronic forms, when* the breathing Is ob- hausted, and as a result I had both rails ance.—Chelsea Herald. Arbor 4,000 00 ovedlnashortl Hrewster's, the next station enst of Sum- which it would have been infinitely val- members matured. The thought of a -tructed by choking putrid muc>>ti(i accomnlatloiia, for quite a distance very well covered A contract has been submitted to the Chas. V. Hicks to Carrie B. Hicks, , If you arc! the bearing effected, smell and ta-te goi e, throat mit, ami liltcen miles distant from it was with it. uable to me to have known beforehand, permanent association took shape in the Lodl 227 00 ^wise and us ulcuruti'd ULII hackinir cuuuh gradu illy fa^teninp nnotliet section e'^ht miles ronjr* City Council by three capitalists of Boston, nethods of shares by series. In 1886 the Elizabeth Kaslwan to Chas. T. East- jtreatl as these young students of the University 800 00 .tself npoii the debilitnU'd system. Then It ia Tlie niuhi duly of a section-hand is not I had worked backwards from the ap- of Michigan do. I also learned many looking to the establishment, mainte- co-operative building associations ot the man, York loodpn thai the marvelloue curative power of SASKOHIJ'C proaching train, and now ro-e to my feet nance and operation of water works in Fannie Henloa to A. II. Roys, Ann .rlfier, KADICAI. cntK in tut!>.-»•* H-etf in iDatantaneooi picas nit. In rain or shine, snow or sleet, things that would be of service to me United Kingdom had a capital of more Arbor 100 01) ujil LTiiteiul rt* |.-i. Core bejrfn« Irom ihtr first ap- tin* seel ion must be patrolled by oue man lit the end of my labor and at the termi- hereafter. Ypsilanti.—Coinmerc.i il. ban $250,000,000. Lewis Fritz by ex'r to John C. Schmld, pllcatton. It i- rapid, radical, permanent, ocon- — who employs In good weather H light nus of the greased rails. There are in Germany what are called Ann Arbor »» 500 00 uinic il. IMM) -nif. The tiain was coming. Now, sir, recurring to what I have said This being leap year the Saline young Lewis Fritz by ex'r to Jacob BaejBler, SANDF'>KD'H KAIUCAL CntE conelsts of one bot- lianil-inr tor the purpose—ihend or our Already the rails were singing with vi above, inasmuch as American dramatic ladies go around serenading their gentle- people's batiks, which are operated very Ann Arbor ... t,000 00 tle of the RADICAL CUBE, one box of CATARHHAL Overland Pullman train. This train literature is established at last on a basis men friends. The editor of the Saline nuch on the saving and loan system and Maria Mulligan to Wm. F. Lodtiolz, SOLVK'.T, aiid one IMFKOVXII INJI AI.KU, tOI 1 .as-i-'l i.vti our section sit midnight, and bration »s the heavy train approached. Ann Arbor 350 00 of financial prosperity, will it not be well Observer was a delighted fortunate in lave been running more than a quarter E. It. Aldrich, to Chas Burkhardt, Sa- uripped in u':« pa ki»L'•. witli trt;tt1<*e and airec- our departure was timed so as to inspect Here they come. How awful the sight tioai*, and eold by ull drn^gi|ts lor $1 ni'w, must in which many young students in the Carpenter Post, G. A. R., is making ex- v by all well-managed roads for the safety bunds, far enough away to spring from that one-tlfth ot the dwelling houses IH will have a salutary effect In checking I medicine. Try ft, »i"» '/ '~J "'/ aL'rt!abU', ir Btanttni-'Ous und inf tllihlt* il before the train could reach me, but so University of Michigan could have ans- tensive preparations again this year for hr sale of one class of adulterated food. Ijronwilll>e witlBfled. ^\ oe »V*. pain -kill inir plu>lcr, especially uilapteil of Its patrons. wered as well as I. If any young man suitable observance of Memorial Day, Philadelphia have been built by the co- Get It of youx Druggist. ^^" %• '/t fn to ralievs Female Piloi Mini Weak- How many of the passengers on the that the head-light would shine upon me in the United States seeks a liberal edu- operative agency, and there is a belief _wo men, named Moon and Akerlll, IDOKTWAIT. GETITATONCE^^ J^ H neaaee. \\ arrfntdd v*i-;ly nupi'rlor to and I could be seen by the engineer, May JiOth. The City Band, Ypsilanti and were arrested for selling adulterated bak- Overland U>-iilght know, or knowing, cation, desiring to become a dramatic Ann Arbor Light Guards, and \V. It. (J., that much of the prosperity and perma- If you are suffering from all other plaaten, nnd tbe mnnt perfi-ct Antidote to " Now for It," I thought. She strikes the ng powder in violation of the State food l v< t I'uin.li (lamination and We&kneaa yet compounded. |>ive a thought to the men who, i-inoe critic in journalism or a dramatic author, are expected to assist. The schools of nency of the Quaker city's population are ner Dlseane, an, and to allow the men to enter. there the oil would have stopped them it cost them 25 cents to buy it of the boy sold by other dealers In the same town ths following first-clans companies, with thlH State, the stockholders are individually liable quite. As it was, the inertia of the cars tbe experimental work which ignorance, ISO, Rochester of 65 and St. Paul of 40. OT«r for an additional amount equal to the stock held by Here they stay until the train comes in composing the train was able to push the occasionally enlightened by genius, can who hooked it out of the croek.—Saline New York real estate has been too high without complaint. The Court held that them. I hereby creating a dunrantee Fund for the sight, then outside, and display their two engine over, sliding the wheels. ()b-erver baking powders were articles of food 160,000,000 Capital and Agttct*. benefit of Depositor of offer them. Our Eastern universities to give the association a chance, but they within the meaning of the law, and the white lights, that the engineer may know But one resource was left, I thought of may well take a suggestion from their We seldom puss along Adams street have existed here for a decade, and spe- HOME INS. CO., of New York. nil is well. Failure to do this would re- it just in time. I stepped as close to the cial efforts are now being made to boom ury found the defendants guilty upon all CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. Western sister. I remalnrespecttully without noticing the two noble elms that the charges. The case had attracted $100,000.00. sult In n report to headquarters, and pos- rails as I dared, and with all my strength arch the entrance to Pierson street, at the them. The territory selected is across NIAGARA. IN3. CO., of New York. sibly in dleoharftt from the service. hurled the empty bottle at tbe head-light. yours BKONSON HOWAUD the North and East rivers, above the much attention from being the first OIRARD INS. CO., of Philadelphia. Three per cent. InteruBt Is allowed on all Savings New Rochelle, April 80, 1888. northeast coiner of Cleary's new college brought under the State Food Adultera- One night it came my turn to run the It struck the glass and shattered it to and wondering who planted them. The Harlem and on Staten island. ORIENT INS. CO., of Hartford. Deposits of one dollar and upward*, according to section. Before starting, it occurred splinters, and the light instantly went tion Act agiinst dealers In Alum Baking the rules of the Bank and internet compounded Dou't Get Caught other day we Inquired of Dr. Rexford i Chicago has one society, the assets of powders. The result of the trial is to COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. acmi-anntirtlly. Money to Loan on unlncnmhered to me that our supply of lantern out. which have reached more than $1,000,000 LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. This spring with your blood full of im- he knew about the planting of them. He class such baking powders as adulterated real estate and other good security. oil at the half-way house was low, so I Then came the welcome signal from said, " Yes, quite well. It was in 1812 or and the surplus derived is something articles of food and to make their sale WASHINGTON FIRE and MARINE, procured and tilled a quart bottle of lard purities, your digestion Impaired, your '49. That was a common, and Yusilantl more than $268,000. An association in of Boston. DIRECTORS: the whistle for breaks, and I wank down appelttc poor, kidneys and liver torpid, illegal. There are many alum baking oil, the kind which Is used for the pur- unconscious. was a small village. We had not much Dayton, O., organized fifteen years ago. powders put up in cans, under some name CHRISTIAN MACK, WM. I). HARKIMAN, pose, put it into the inside pocket of my and whole system liable to be prostrated to occupy our time, and we used to play has nearly 5,000 members, who have in- When I recovered, a moment sufficed by di>eage—but get yourself into good or brand, in addition to those sold In Low as the Lowest, Losses Liber- PT, W. WINES, DANIEL HI8COCK, heavy coat, buttoned it snugly about me, to tell tbe story, and,lproceedlng slowly, ball there a good deal. One day it was vested considerably over $1,000,000. The bulk, the sale of all of which cautious WILLIAM UKDUEL, WILLARO B. SMITH. and started. condition, and ready for the changing proposed to plant trees upon the ground, dividends have aggregated $50,000. The »lly Adjusted and promptly Paid. we soon came to the scene of tbe trouble, and warmer weather, by taking Hood's dealers will probably be unwilling to DAVID RIN8EY. It was a stormy summer's night, as black the rail had been removed and was lying as it was designed for a park; and go we growth in this city was greatly stimulat- continue. C. H. MILLEN. as ink. My car ran smoothly over tbe S irsupariil'i. It stands unequalled for all united iu planting those and a num- ed last year by the passage of an act in OFFICERS: beside tbe track; but, of course, the purifying the blood, giving an appetite, the legislature exempting co-operative nils, und goon I had traveled about ball would-be wreckers had seen by our care- ber of others. Tlie soft maple on tin FOR C. MACK, I*rei>. W. W. WINES, Vice-Pres the distance, and arrived at a bridge and for a general spring medicine. west side of that lot Is one of them. I association capital stock from taxation. Can Anj One Guess It; C. it. HISCOCK.O.mhler. crossing Snake River. Here I dismount- ful approach tlmt their pl'in was spoiled would be impossible to say who planted has 14'vnlut lonl/.ud tbe world ed from tlie cur, aud pushing it ahead of and had decamped. New Orleans Picayune: Blessed is the any particular tree, and Judge Joslyn is Dyspepsia causes depraved blood, The Detroit Journal offers a cash prlre Jams Confections and Preserves clnrliis; the liist half century, me as I passed, I gave tbe structure a With the tools always carried upon a man without influence, for he shall not the only other participant now remain- of $500 to anyone who can oorrectly T oat among the wonders train for such purpose*, we soon replaced which, in time, affects every organ and Manufactured by the Ann Arbor Pre- of f nInventive progfeM la a careful examination, found everything be asked to recommend those unknown ing. We dug a hole near where Mrs. function of the body. As a remedy fo guess the three hottest days of this sum- serving Co., go to k tlint can be per- the rail and proceeded. methohod and lygtem of worwork tlint can be pert all right, and was about mounting my to him for political positions. Canfield's house now is, for water to keep these troubles, nothing can approach mer. The predictions must be mailed to ""BROWN <3c CADY. • form ed nil over ttini - countruntry without separat- Mr again, when I received a violent blow I was carried to the company's hospital the trees alive, and cut a sloping trench the Detroit Journal (one name and ad- ing the workerworkerss frofrom UielUielrr bom.esbom.es.. Pay iiii- Ayer's SarsaparilU. It vitalizes the Sole Agents for Ann Arbor, or to the fac- d tle work; eitiier sex upon the head which stretched me sense- at S , where skilful surgeons did the down into it to dip up the water, and so dress with the three dates on each postal tory Pltt»f|eld. road.South. eriil ; any one can do tlie work; eitiier sex, best th«y could for me, but it was found Bucklen'8 Arnica Salve. blood, strengthens tbe ston.nch, and cor young or old; DO s]'c<-liil ability required. less upon the rails. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, we made them grow." The recollection rects all disorders of the liver aud kid card) before June 1st, and the award will Capital not neederc pear in every Saturday's Issue of the De- need of profitable work iliat can be portance to you, that will start you In busi- from the gang 1 had foiled, to transfer Corns, and all Skin Eruption*, and posi- —sick. troit Journal during the summer. Prof. aone while living at home should at once ness, which will bring you In more money masked men, whom I saw, as well as the tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It it is to be hoped that no vandal such as •jndthslr address to Hallet * Co., Portland, riglit iiwuy tlinn anything else In the world. darkness would penult, at work with Inn me to this point. is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, destroyed the grand oaks of East Cross New Haven News: Always comej t Wiggins, the famous Canadian weather Maine, and receive free, full Information how Grand ovlflt free. Address True & Co., Au- removing one of the rails Just at the en- Now it la time for me to light up the street will ever come near them.—Ypsl- the scratch—a match, matrimonial o prophet, has predicted July !) and 13 and cUhersex, of all ages, can earn from $5 lo ••25 gusta, Maine. or money refunded. Price 25 cents per luntlaD. Auguat 2. P»r day and upwards, wherever they live. trance of the bridge. station, for your train will soon be here. box For Bale by Eberbach & Son. otherwla*. Too are started free. Capital not required. Train-wreckers! I bad heard a great A pleasHiit Journey to you, sir, and no e made over tig la » single day at mishaps, fteod-nlgnt. All succeed. Get four Printing: at tie Courier. deal about the desperate character of EDITORIAL 50TES. GEORGIA Ti. KA$$AS. AN ARMY OF PATRIOTS. The Brighton Citizen comes to ua with In a recent issue the democratic tystem Who would Like to Serye the People 'rices Tumbling and Goods he names of Pattlson & Savory flyine f repression in the southern states was of Washteuaw County as Demo- WEDNESDAY. MAY 16, 1888. t its masthead, and a much improved howu up by giving the vote for con- cratic Officials. Qnfckly «t heet in every way. 'ressmen in Michigan iu comparison with hat for the same officers In South Caro- PRINCE ALBERT SUITS Short advertisements not to exceed three Aeople judge for themselves if everything >y fresh arrivals. It WHS not our inten- \\ 'AN 1 El) ycuiii Kindles to learn drtss inak- ion to give a list of candidates so «00n, Detroit. We Invite «pe- >» ingat Miss Knell's,69 8. Main St. UK* Dan Voorhees has taken the contract s alright in Georgia. tit fearing if delayed much longer the < i;ii attention to IIIIM o prove that Senator Ingalls was, dur- Kansas has seven congressmen to elect; deluge of names would be so great a« to secure good workmen In HIP following ng the war, like himself a traitor and Georgia ten. In Kansas it takes on an entirely overwhelm our columns, we have •.ale. lines: CurpetclcauliiK. garden-plowing opperhead. Pretty big contract Dannie. average 38,954 votes to elect a member of rspudlnR, (•lstern-rleuTiInt; yjirtl-t;r:i(Iim;. mow- ongress; in Georgia 2,754 votes acconi- entur'ed forth this week, though we must READ.THE8S PRICES We have in stock the G-enuine ing and gardening, please leave orders lor \V. If Gov. Swineford and his Alaskan ter- confess with much fear and trembling, B. Johnson & Bros, at P. O. by postal rani or ilishes the same purpose. Is it just, for you know the fellow who asptrei and 5,OOO jard* <;ood Print* at at J. W. Maynard's grocery store. No. 15 Ann itory are responsible for these northwest brother democrats? I>o you really feel «t. Prices moderate. Satisfaction guaran- rinds and ice-laden zephyrs let's bounce wood of it? find? his name left out is fearfully and t l-2c per yard. :i,OOO jard* teed. 103* he governor and sell the territory. Here ure the figures: wonderfully mad about it. If any sneli Choice I»res« Print* at 5c per Wlmt do you say ? there be we ask their pardon, and can EAt ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT.— KANSAS. assure them that the omission was en- yard. 2,00« yards l>rc*a Sa- Houses and lots valued from $1,(KIO to The gambler and saloonist Jerry Fal- tirely unintentional. The most import- E»ii,000 and containing from one-fifth of an lit District—Republican 17.317 Iccn* ul Sc per jard. 25 pieces CLAY WORSTED SUITS ncre to twenty acres—all In the city limits. ey, of Detroit, came out ahead in the Democrat 13,382 ant office in the county is I lie Judge of Ilousese rented on reasonable terms In cen- democratic convention at Grand Rapids, Prohibition, etc 108 Probate, and there are two or three men Ck»od siiiriiiiffM at •»« perjard. tral localities. Farms exchanged for city and elected his men as delegates to M r. .10,S37 who want it bad, but of Course they Can't tO piece* Good Bed Tickings at property. Enquire of.I. I). A. Sessions, At- 3d District—Republican 18,037 in torney and Real Estate Agent, Office over "Cleveland's convention at St. Louis. Democrat 15,416 nil have it. Here goes for the list : IOc, 12 l--2eand 15c. 1OO pieces Express Office, Main St., Ann Arbor. 61tf Prohibition, etc 1,377 JUUGE Ol' PROBATE. The union labor party held a well at- 34,820 Choice Dretfi <«oods at 12 l-2e Win. I). Harriman. of Ann Arbor the present OANING-Money to loan on first-class tended state convention at Lansing last 3d District-Republican 1»,614 per yard. OO pieces Mew Spring Real Estate Mortgage at Current rates of week and elected a complete set of dele- Democrat 15,875 Incumbent, would like a fourth term. Prince Albert Styles L Prohibition, etc 1.-27 .merest. Satisfactory arrangements made gates to attened the national convention of 36,716 I. Willard Babbit, of Ypsllantl, a popular Dreu (Stood! at IOc. 35 piece* with capitalists desiring sucu Investment. he party to be held at Cincinnati soon. 4lhDlstrict-Republican 21,961 and growing man. Wide fttjrlldi Xew Dress <«ood« livery conveyance and transaction In ab- Democrat 15.70B John J. Reblson, of Sharon is not a candidate, stracts of titles carefully examined as to legal Prohibition, etc 1,417 at 25c per yard. 20 pieces 52 These garments are the same effect. Z. P. KINO. Ann Arbor. Gov. Hill, of New York, has again 311,081 but has many friends who would like to • laced himself in an unenviable position 5th District—Republican l».S40 see the dark horse win. inch Ladies Cloths at 5Oc per goods and quality that any- Democrat 12.751 Geo. W. Turn Bull, of Chelsea, eou'il be prf. THE LIVING HEBE A>D IX EXGLANI). >y vetoing the hiffli license bill passed yard. 10 pieces all Wool Black by the legislature. The republicans are Prohibition, etc 4.235 vailed upon to take It, bqt Is modest about Merchant Tailor will charge ••king. l>rc«« floods at :tO, 4O and 5Oc Very much of the free trade cry is willing to go to the people on that record. 6th District—Republican ... 1«,«24 SHERIFF. S-i Democrat 11,3-)9 per yard. 5 pieces Wide Black you $65.00 to $70.00 for. based on tlie argument that even if wajres This i- the « ay the Bancroft Advertiser Prohibition, etc 2,546 It is well known that the present in- are higher in the United States than in ttjm cumbent ot the sherilFs office Is one ot Cashmere* at 5Oc per yard. IO o Knjfland the cost of food and clothes is puts it: 7th District—Republican 34.515 the most genial, companionable ant We have them made equally The local option days have come. Democrat ... • '25,0711 pieces-IN inch Black Henrietta* made so bi^li here by protection that our Beer signs are yanked asunder. Prohibition, etc 1,880 pleasant gentlemen who has held the workmen cannot save any more out of a office for a long time, but he is too strong at 75c, §1 and $1.25. Big Drive CD as well, trimmed just as fine, But eider hard has left the bum Q weeks wages. It is claimed that more One chance to go to thunder. a democrat to go back on his party prec- in 52 Inch Silk and Wool Dress can be saved in London out of $7 ">0 per Total vote «».« head. It is curiously and singularly con 9th District—Republican None per yard. 5 pieces Lace Stripe The Only Strictly One-Price Clothiers in Ann Arbor. Soda, starch, blue 0 1% 8 1$ Democrat 2,355 the field with him for a secoud term. Candles 0 1 2 2 structed. It is decidedly modern la ar- 2,3a REGISTER OF DEED8. Curtain Scrim at 8c per yard. Kerosene (X gal. fort- chitecture, being unlike anything In the 10th Dlstr't—Republican None Michael Seerey, of Ann Arbor, the presen night) ..." 0 3 6 S peninsular stale In that line. It is quite Democrat 1,014 efficient deputy would be glad to have hi. We show the Best Value in Cur- CoaKl cwt.) 1 3 81 44 \M party promole him. lieer (3 pints) 0 10>/£ -'I 21 a striking head however, and we admire Capt. Chas. IT. Manly, of Ann Arbor. Charlli tain Laces at 15, 20 and 25c per Shoes for family 18 -il 25 it. Total vote *• got all the glory he wanted up at Lansing — THE — Kent 5 6 187 188 Average for each district *,7t and now would like something with money yard. |; Clothes for man 1 0 •"> - The democratic students have a large In other words, it takes 38,954 votes ii In It. IOO pairs Lace Curtains at #1, Do. wife and children... 2 0 » fl Kansas to have the same influence ii Jas. L Stone, of Ann Arbor. "Genial Jim' School fees 0 4 8 Cleveland club and the Prohibitionist has been a faithful laborer in the ranks lo $1.25 and $1.5O a pair. 1O. do/. HMTBRFERICR CO. •*•*•? Provident club 1 6'.^ 3S B national affairs that 2,754 votes have ii also have a large organization among the these many years, and now would like t • will furnish - Medical attendance 0 .'! 6 6 students. 8o as far as political parties gi Georgia. Improve his penmanship on the records large White 4prons at 25c each. Is it not rotten ? Is it not disgraceful He has an extensive acquaintance anil lot. Totals £1 '•) 8'AtnSR »6 72 honors are about even, except that th of friends. He lives in the second ward, too 50 do/, Fancy Border Hand- OF ANN ARBOR AND WASHTENAW COUNTY. Left from $7 60 14 78 republican club appears to have the most How long would such a thine be toler S. Willard Beakes. Editor of the Areus Ditlereuce in favor of New York, 64c. enthusiastic and live membership. ated In any northern state? The north Good man, capable, efficient, and jus kerchiefs at 3 for lOe. 15 do/en As will he noticed in another column of this paper, It is also true that a man can clothe ern "t>loody shirt" must not wave, bu suited to the work. But he ha* got a har Lndic* Jersey Vests at 25c each. let the republicans ot the south attemp row to hoe to get there In the con vent ion. I have bought the interest of Mr. J. Koch in the ftw- himself in Xew York as cheaply as h A democrat, masquerading under th Barney Kirk, of YpHilantl will be there wit 200 large Silk Parasols at $1 can in London, and figures are given to name of " A Republican," writes to th to exercise their rights as American citl both feet, and several delegates niture business of Koch & Sailer with the intention to prove it, of goods that can be bought ii Detroit Free Precs scolding about Gen zens, and the southern bloody shir Andrew J. Warren, of Saline. and «1.25. Ladle*) Muslin Draw- stock at any time. These figures care Alger's candidacy. Had the writer beet waves quickly, and it is on the backs o K. M. Cole of Superior. ers at 25, 39 and 50c a pair. carry on Furniture business at the same place with fully prepared and sworn to, knock tlie a republican he would have found soinr southern republicans m ide red by thei Jas. M. Kress, of ltrlduewatcr. full as large assortment of goods as the old firm ever argument out of the free traders entirely other source of publicly expressing hi own blood. Several towns not reported. ITIiiHlIn ClicmUc* at 25, 39 and We quote the table of prices compared: sentiments than in the Free Press. It is of such outrages, as the abov COUNTY TREASURER. 5Oc each. Ladic* .\ight Dresses canied. 1 shall make every effort to always have on New York London price figures conclusively prove that the nort For this office the contest is either nar at 25, :i», 5O and 75c. Childrens price. £ 8. d. The Hillsdale Leader has got the righ justly complains. Let the southern state rowed down to a few, or else the bashful hand the best assortment and latest designs of Bed- One overcoat $ 6.00 1 15 0 % 8. end of the argument, sure: "The Tal have representation according to th ness of candidates have not allowed thei White and Colored Dresses at room, Parlor, Dining, Library and Office furniture and one umbrella 1-25 7 6 1.H7 votes polled, with a free ballot and a fai Two hats 1.60 S 0 1.2. Sycamore of the Wabash, has apolo to speak tip. 25c- 300 Boys Shirt Waists at especially for the spring trade my stock is most com- iitn-silk hid 2.60 7 6 187 gized tor his indecency in the U. count, and there will be no north and n< Will Miller, of Ann Arbor, alderman ofth Delivered to One suit week day clothes.. 6.00 2 0 0 KI.U) Senate the other day. Now let liin south in this country. Until that tim 4lh ward, and a "slick" political worker. 25 and Me. Big Bargains iu plete and certainly will enable any one to make a suit- Oue suit Sunday clothes... 8.00 2 10 » 12.M there will be. Four pair socks 60 3 apologize to the loyal people of the conn Gas. Brehm, of Ann Arbor. The present de Black Silks at 50, 75c and |1. 2.6 try for his dirty coppcrheadiam and dis puty. (ins. doesn't talk much but lie hus Any Part of the City ! able selection. 1 also make to order in all kinds ol One pair shoes 2.50 10 way of getli ng there J list the same. Three hig drive* In Jerseys at Repairing shoes 1.30 ti 1 loyalty during the war." FROM THE PEOPLE. FOB SEASON OK USB, Two undershirts 100 5 U George Mann, of Lodi, who Is the present su wood, Desks special patterns in Desks, Book Cases, Hal'ceof-faults undercloth's 2.50 pervlsor of his township. Mr. Mann ha 75c, $2 and $1.25. We show the 25 lbs. daily (except Sundays) $2,00 per Mo, Tup flannel shirts 2.00 6 'i.k There is one thing the republican na Another Friendly Word to Farmers. lost his left arm, but he proposes to hug he*t Bargains iu Hosiery at lOe, Cabinets, Tables, Mantels, Dressers, Chiffoniers, and Four collars 40 1 .a tlonal convention at Chicago will do wel nomination close. •' " (4) per Week, $1.75 " " .4 will guarantee satisfaction. Manufacturing Furnitme Twopaircufls :w 1 to adopt in its platform, and that is , Farmers never know how much gooi Jacob Blrklc, of Ivxll. Also a onn-armei 15c and 25c. Ion can save " " (3) " '• $1.50 " " Necktie 25 man. Having lost Ills right arm. He buy " " (2) " " $1.00 " " i otton, buttons, etc X 10 .25 strong plank in opposition to the crush stock there is in a county until some fai Kloves with his friend Mann, mentioned Money Trading at myself I can fill any desired style of Sofa, Hooker, ing monopolies known as " trusts." A, draws it out unless there is a motive out above. Ho lias held several township Hotels, Kestaurants. and Butchers will be Total 19 10 $44.9 the advocate of the best interests of th side of premiums. These seldom pay fo offices, and wants to get there just as muc supplied by the ton or hundred. Lounge, Easy or Meception Chair. In J)rapery I people, the republican party can no time and trouble. Little differences o , as the rei»t. PROSECUTING ATTORNEY. D. F. SCHAIRER'S. OFFICE: 28 S. MAIN ST., carry an extensive line of Turcomans, Madras, Tap- There may be some great and urgent cal afford to overlook this subject. opinion should not abate the interest, am r for the students of the university to burlesqu every person should go in to win and no As the swallows come in tbe eprln W c are always the cheapest. K. V. HANGSTBKIKK, Manager. estry, Crete, Silk, and Lace Curtains. Hoping to Ui« CliVcftRo Kepubllcaa convention. It is o Perhaps Capt. Geo. W. McBride, o time, darkening all the earth by thei * piece with the "straw vote" so far as it ha allow themselves to become soreheads, i numbers, so hover the aspirant* for iui receive a share of your kind patronage I remain iv- any value, and it provokes the enmity of th Grand Haven, might be induced to giv the judges happen to pass by their stock bitter partisans of the different candidate a chapter from the life of that mucl and give a premium to something the position: spectfully, and of the Democrats who will be apt to con abused(y) " loylist" Dan Voorhees. It i know to be Inferior. Set not your hear Michael J. Lehman, of Chelsea, is suppose Are you Interested? sider the university as a Republican hotbed to have a mortgage on the ollice. and it may Influence their voles on the ap understood that he commanded a com on premiums, but on having a fine dis proprlations. It will make no friends for th pany that helped save Voorhees from th play mid a good time. Breeders of fin Thos. D Kearney, of Ann Arbor. Is one < -THE — university and Is likely to make enemies.— righteous wrath of indignant people stock should take occasion at the fairs t< the rising young attorneys of the count MARTIN HALLER, Detroit Evening Journal. once, at a fair down in Indiana. let their neighbors see what they hav with husis of friends and would make The Journal is usually broader than th and enough of it to form a reliable judg goon prosecutor. SUCCESSOR TO above indicates, and it is astonishing ti The Republican National Convention Frederick Plstorlus. of Ann Arbor will d IE will be composed of 822 delegate?, as fol ment. It is the very best and cheapes find such an opinion expressed in its col advertisement they can have. Bring vide the German strength wlih Mr.Lehman Will sell at KOCH <& HALLER, umns. What possible harm can come from lows: them in fresh from the pastures and le Frank Jones, of Saline, is a live lawyer, an the action of these students in holdini Delegates-at-large .. 16 would keep things moving. District delegates 65( the people see what blood does unde This is the TOP of the GF.XUIXH 52 SOUTH MAIN &L 4 WEST LIBERTY STREET. a mock convention and casting ballots fo Terrl torlal delegates 1 farm conditions and without pampering Orla B. Taylor, of Sylvan, has not been an their choice as presidential candidates nounced as a candidate, but there are inan Pearl Top Lamp Chimney. District of Columbia delegates The farmer will buy good stock when he For the accomodation of my customers repairing of furniture of all kinds On the contrary not one of the young knows what It is and what it will do, jus obances for a bright fellow to lake advai men present but gained in the experience It will require 415 votes to noininati tageofablg fight, and come in as a com All others, similar are imitation. will be atended with care. the candidate. as he will buy a mower or binder when promise. PI 111 MOTH It was not intended as a straw, or to ha? he has seen it tested. The breeder doe .This exact Label any "influence" with the party. Th Frank Joslyn, of Ypsllantl, would make On THURSDAY, MM. 14th, 188M, at Tills being leap year a woman is lirs not get half the good out of the count, good man for the place. object was for experience and the ohjec in the field for the presidential nomina fair that he might; neither does the far is on each Pearl 10 o'clock, p. m. on the Premise?. That was attained. John V. Sheehan, of Ann Arbor, Is probably Top Chimney. well-knowu furra known as the tion. At the national convention of the mer. The way to keep the horse jockey as well fitted for the place as any younj THEY HAVE COME! Equal Rights party, held at Des Moines in their place, and to banish the faker tnetn In the county, and his friends will b A dealer may say Iowa, yesterday, Belva Lockwood wa and the gamblers is to make the fair sr THE IRISH VIEW. present In the convention. and think he has MILLARD FARM nominated for president, and Alfred H interesting in other respects that tin Patrick 8. Purtell, of Northfleld. [This 1 Mr. Patrick Ford, the editor of the Love, of Philadelphia, for vice-president management can afford to correct the* probably a mistake.] others as good, Irish World, one of the most influeiitia Does Belva love Alfred • That's the abuses and still make it pay its own way Michael J. Martin, of Ann Arbor. BUT HE HAS NOT. papers in the country, in a recent inter question. F. B. BRAUN. Kzra H. Norris, of Ann Arbor seeks a thin Insist upon the Exact Label and Top. Four Hundred and Twenty-Seven Acres view on the political situation gave the term. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. MADE ONLY BY Situated one mile southwest of Manches- following idea?, and as, from his position There is a man who could be nominate! The U. or M. at Washington. For Circuit Court Commissioners ant 6E0. A. MACBETH & CO., Pittsburgh, Pa. ter, Washtenaw Co., Mich. he knows what he is talking about it can »nd elected President of the Unitei Coroners the present Incumbents, (baring not but have great weigh',: State by merely saying he would accept On Thursday evening of last week oc Dr. Jenkins, of course) will undoubted!] This farm is under a perfect state of cultiva- " How are the Irish on the question ol but having a brother who aspires to a curred the annual banquet of the Wash be renomimited. NOTICE. tion and has a hot>-yard of twenty-five acre*, the tariff?" nomination, he is loyal to that brother ington Alumni Association of the U. o This is as complete a list as we h"ve which brings a handsome income In Itself. and will not listen a moment to the prop- M. There were about 100 graduates been able to obtain up to date. W The following stock and all articles pertain- " Nine out of ten Irishmen are protec- ing to the running of file farm will also go to SPRING STYLES! osition. Who is it? Wm, Tecumpsel present, and Senator Thos. "W. Palmer hope none have got away. the purchaser: tionists. It would be ftrange, indeed, il Sherman, the grand old leader who presided. The Detroit Tribune corres they felt otherwise. Under the blighting ThLatee rsprin on gw racee shals occul probablr at they Mendopgive the, 40O Kln't'i>. l'.uc« and Lambs, 6 influence of British free trade Irish in- marched from Atlanta to the sea. pondent gives the following information Mich.republica, Drivinn candidatesg Park o.n the 23, 24 and 2"> The Ann Arbor Preserve and lin.Ni->., 1 tin if and 25 Mead Stock- dustries have withered and perished ant Michigan university seems to be turn- inst, and all the editors of the state have Hteera. CARPETS, UTTCS <& MATTHTGS, Ireland has been made the poorest anil In last Thursday's Detroit Tribune wa ing out its full share of statesmen, for tickets for the gate, grand stand and The buyer will also be entitled to all the 1 the following dispatch: there are now two senators and 11 con- PicHing Factory leg to draw the growing crops, consisting of most wretched country in all Europe.' quarter-stretch. The Mendon people lire <>r» Acre* 3'.!udge Beakes was this inscription: "H. A "candy kitchen' where all kinds of given in the right direction. Always The Importance of purifying the blood can- INSURANCE can afford to be without it. Nout but old and flrst-class Insurance .1. Beaks. Entrance next door. candy will be made " to order," will be a push up-hill—few people need a pusli 1UAL ESTATE and LOAX AGENCY SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST Companies represented—with Insurance cap- not be overestimated, for without pure blood No more trouble by using city ital of $10,U0O,(JOO. Rates as low as any other About a year after Judge Beakes very attractive feature of the strawberry down hill. Don't be afraid of your OF muscles and sinews; they were given you you cannot enjoy good health. insurance com pany aud losses promptly jwm. death this inscription remained. At tlii^ and ice cream festival at the M. E. At this season nearly every one needs a water for hot water circulation. White Wheat Flour! Office over American Express office, M*'" time the writer—whose office faced on hutch Thursday eve, May 24. lo use. Dont't be afraid of your hands; A.W. HAMILTON Otiborn'k Cold l»u»i Flour, street, the opposite side of the corridor—saw they w«re meant for service. Don't be good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich Can be used in any stove. Ask Vnn Arbor. Mich. The weather has been anything but the blood, and we ask you to try Hood's Office, No. 2, First Floor, Hamilton Block. Buckwheat Flour, Corn meal, workmen taking away the door referred afraid of what your companion may say. Karsa your stove dealer for Hut/.el's Water to, in connection with the work of raz- loetlcal for the past few days. Sunday Don't be afraid of your conscience; it Parllla. It strengthens Parties desiring to buy or sell Real Estate Feed, Etc., t snowed, and Monday it snowed. Tues- will find it to their advantage to call on me. ing the building and the question arose will never reproach you for a good deed and builds up tlie gyStem_ Back. At Wholesale and Retail. A general stock of STARB¥SMALL FRUIT NURSERY. lay morning ice formed quite thick, but creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, I represant ISflrstdass Fire Insnranoe Com- In his nuncl, '"Where now is 'next door,' —but push with all your heart, might All kinds of he south winds came to the relief of the and soul, whenever you sec anything or while It eradicates disease. The peculiar panies, having an aggregate capital over |80,- Mason & Davis Go's, ranges for with Judge Beakes ? " And the queries >eople yesterday a. m. It didn't last were at once written in the form they anybody that will be better for a good, combination, proportion, and preparation 1)00,000. sale at C. Eberbach are provided with GROCERIES aii PROVISIONS appear in the initial poem of this book." ong however, and this morning ice ong, strong, determined push. of the vegetable remedies used give to Kates Low. Losses liberally adjusted and Constantly on hand, which will he sold on as oi med out-of-doors, though we have had reasonable terms as at any other NURSERY STOCK! Hood's Sarsaparilla pecul- T If calf promptly paid. our improvement. Local interest also attaches to another Push! It is just the word for the rt house In the city. no white frosts. Fruit is injured iar curative powers. No * " IISGIT I also Issue Life and investment PollcleH In from Kllwauger and Barry. Orders must be poem, called "Old Gray Rock," suggested omewhat but not to any great extent it rand, clear morning of life; It is just the Everybody call and examine this Cash paid for BUTTKR, BGGS, and COUNTRY by a sermou delivered by Rev. Dr. W. other medicine has such a record of wonderful the New York Mutual Life Insurance Com- sent early. s thought. word for strong arms and young hearts; pany, Assetts, $75,000.00. Persons desiring Ac- PRODOCB generally. Goods delivered to any W. Ramsay, July 1883 in Detroit. It is a t is just the word for a world that is full cures. If you have made up your mind to useful invention. PEARS k GRAPES A SPECIALTY. buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be Induced to cident Insurance, can have yearly policies part of the cliy withont extra charjte. book of poems showing the I rue gift of Remember the Indianapolis excursion )f work as this is. If anybody is la 1 take any other instead. It is a Peculiar written for them or Traveler's Coupon Insur- RINSEY &SEABOLT. Wines and Syrups. Sweet Hed Horoe-mKd verse and they breathe a lofty inspiration over the T. A. A. & N. M. Ry, May 28 rouble, and you see it don't stand back, ance Tickets issued at Low rates. Money to Wine. Sweet White Martna Grape Wine, withal. Mr. llowell lias had the work and 29th. Round trip $7.55. Through nish! Medicine, and Is worthy your confidence. Loan at Current Kates. Office hours from 8 a HTJTZEL & CO., especially adapted to Invalids. gotten out for his friends and neighbors oach from Ann Arbor. The public In- If there is anything good being done Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggists. in. to M m. and 2 to 5 p. m. PLYMOUTH ROCK & BRAHM* EGGS tor a dollar per volume. His address Is vited. Tickets good until June 4th, re- Prepared by c. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Plumbers mid 8teamftttert. 28 Buhl Block, Detroit. n any place where you happen to be, ALEX. W. HAMILTON, IE. ZB^TTIR, timing. A. J. PAISLEY, Agent. push!—Sel. 100 Doses One Dollar The Ann Arbor Courier. Hamilton Rlock. ANN ARBOR, - - MICH. $1.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. WEST HURON STREET, PERSONALS. UNIVERSITY ITEMS. be continued and m cratlc party pledged Itself to support that Hon. D. Cramer wears an Alger hat. Next week Tuesday the Glee Club is t Issue and correct existing abuses and the Judge Kinne la holding court at ti ig lit Ypsilanti. democratlo party has failed to do so. The WEDNESDAY, MAY It), 1888. Adrian. democratic president pledged himself not to T. N. Jayne will edit this year's Coin be a candidate for second term but the Mack & Schmid Geo. J. Johnson, of Albion, is visiting mencement Annual. trleiidN or The Caartor, wh» have fever of offlce has overcome his weak scruples at D. C. Fall's. The Theodore Thomas orchestra can and compelled him to make sweeping re- baH|tt(>HM at the Probate Court, will movals from offlce. The offlces of the federal . ,,,,.«»»• requeHt Judge Harrlau to D. C. Fall, who has been on the sick not be secured for the com me nee men government have been used to promote parly list for a few days is about again. conceit. purposes. " •end their Printing to thin office. 8. America should opon her ports to In- W. H. Allison, of Detroit, was out Sui - A summer course in materia medic dustrious workmen of all nations, but should HEADQUARTERS!! HEADQUARTERS!! day with bin wife, seeing his father. for the Homoeopathic department i no longer be the reoeptacle of paupers and criminals of all Europe. Congress should LOCAL. Mrs. W. W. Watts is in Grand Rapids being talked of. adopt measures to purify the stream of Im- Offer Special visiting his sister, Mrs. Ella Powers. The University ball club will play ii migration. 8. We unqualifiedly condemn the In- Geo. C. Mahon expects to remove to Bay City to-morrow, in Saginaw, Friday dustrious workmen of Intimidation and Detroit with his family next month. and with the Ca^s Club in this city Sat fraud practiced on the voters of the soutnern WHOLESALE JLleace. but my health Is bully. The plans for heating the new school JAMES O. BLAINE. building arrived yesterday. iroving, and she intends going to St. ahead of any in this country in this re- Jttul soon, to pass some time with a sister. pect. The convention then closed its work, Merchant H. C, mdrich of this city has and everybody present went home feel been drawn a- a U. S. juror. E. B. Stillman, editor of "The Bee" at The action of the Medical Association at ng that they had seen a pretty fine Jack Loney 1ms moved into the Detroit fefferson, Iowa, called last Friday nioin- Cincinnati last week, appointing a com- iniialion of a red hot political conven- ng. He stopped off on his way east to mittee to urge upon all medical colleges, Ion. M,mrogre£8 at Grand Hapids. came to him unsolicited, and from the Hmi. Clins S Gregory, of Dexter, has >lder practitioners, among whom there ire State, and several thousand dollars lifi-n chosen H member of the democratic were none from this college. The Dr. f this amount was made up from the •tateotntral committee. Garden sass continues sassy in price s to Ije congratulated. iftsof school children of the State, thus jecause the weather continues so sassy. laking it especially appropriate that the The Goods have been Dr. Ramsey's subject at the Methodist /The Ypsilanti Sentinel dryly remarks: lonument this year should be decorated K|iisco|i il church next Sabbath evening, A dramatization of Haggard's "She" 1 The University has lost two valuable y the children of the children who will be seeu at the grand opera house selected with the great- THE $5 SUIT IS WONDERFULLY CHEAP! will he Religion In Basinet*. men, in the death of Prot. Dunster, last elped to build it twenty-two years ago. Attorney Cliaa. Swift, son of Judge iiy :Hst. week, and the resignation of Prof. Hen- The Michigan Press Association meets Swit'. was In the city yesterday prosecut- We learn that Mr. Sti fhVt has sold out neqiiin, who lays down the birch to devote n Detroit May 29, 30 and 31, and on the est care and represent iiiir a Bohemian oat note tase. s Imzaur to Mr. Adams hi- former part- ilmwlfto dramatical composition. He norning of Tuesday, May 29, the editor And looks as well as many suits at $10. Splendid Cashmere Suits ler in the busiuess. would probably like to become a second Up to this noon the County Treasurer f the COUHIKU will leave his home for the prevailing styles $7.50, $8.00, $8.50, $9.00, $10.00 and $12.00. These are great value. Wheat Is on the up grade the market Shakesuere, and have some future Don- >etroit, and will willingly carry the had received $20,300 liquor tax money, nelly discover a cipher in li is writings to one-half of which goes to the county. >rice now being 88 (it 90c. Oats are «j|!- hildren's gifts of flowers, together with and fashions for the Nothing equal to them in the city. The garments are cut, made and ng at 36 (<* 38c; Com 60 @ 05c. jrove that Judge (Jooley wrote his plays, le name and addresses of the deno s, The ChautMiqua circle of this city ex- is a secret history of the working of the hich will be published in the Detroit trimmed in the latest styles, and fit to perfection. Workinemen will pects to meet with the Dexter circle on Walter Toop is to occupy A. R. Halls' liter*tilte commerce commission. "Etli- Spring and Summer old bakery on N. Main St. Residents otirnal of May 30. Friday evening of next week, if nothing cated cusses" will want something to do After serving their purpose during the find our $1.25 pantaloons wear even too long. happens. hereabouts will be glad to learn of the hree hundred years hence, as well as Season. act. ay to decorate the monument, the flow- Supervisor Gardner reports 34 deaths, now, and it isn't too curly to lay out their rs will be distributed by the Detroit "0 births, 464 people liable to military Rev. J D. Schultz, of Augusta, and John obs." onrnal in the hospitals, ami among the duty, mid 2S old soldiers in the 1st and Schumacher of this city, have gone to ck of Detroit, and among the children JAMES R. BACH, Grand Rapids to attend the Prohibition A dispatch to the Chicago Inter Ocean f the Home of the Friendless, and In '.id wards. convention. rom Rockford III., says: The trustees FIUE AND LIFE The names of Lewis T. ttessler of this of the Rockford Seminary have elected 11 the various orphan asylums and char- city, ami Joel \v. French of Ypsilanti, J. P. Wood of Chelsea, has received Hiss Anna B. Gelston, of Ann Arbor, table institutions. etters patent upon a cream testing churn, The children are therefore invited to A.X..NOBI.E, NOBLE ALWAYS HAS BARGAINS! are among the. last list of original invalid and has assigned one-half thereof to >rineipal of the seminary. Hiss Gelston atner bouquets of wild flowers, and A.L.KOBLE, pensioners. s a graduate of the Michigan University ake them, together with a card bearing Jeo. P. Glazier of the same place. class of'bl in the scientific course. Since The agent who has just completed the Young ladies dressed to represent the M donor's name aud address, to the train ranvass for the new city directory informs ler graduation she has taught at Wellesly n the morning of Tuesday, May 29, See his drives in Suits. Servic- lift that it shows a population of over 10,- seasons will be one of the attractions of College. By the advice of the trustees of No. 16 East Huron Street, Leading Clothier and Hatter, he strawberry and ice cream festival fhere, in the baggage car, or in a special Leading Clothier and Hatter, 000, in Ann Arbor. Wellesly she has been traveling in Eng- ower offering car, arrangements will be able Suits for Men only $4, iven at the M. E. church Thursday eve, and and studying at Oxford University. Opposite Cook Mouse. Ten First-Class Com- Bishop Perry, of Iowa, will preach a May 24. rovlued for their reception and trans- special sermon at Hobart Guild in St. She has just been offered the chair of ortation. Soldiers' wives and friends, panies represented. $5 and $6. Andrew's church next Friday evening, Washtenaw Chapter, R. A. M. has re- English at Wellesly. Miss Gelfton was nd school teachers are requested to as- at 7:30 o'clock. All invited. ceived an invitation from Mt. Vernon sent here by President Angell, of Michi- ist in receiving and forwarding the flow Assetts Over $25,000,000. Jhapter, at Dundee, and exemplify the gan University." Miss Gelston's many is. Who will assist in this work ? Send Frank Desmond and John Younar were Roya! Arch work, on the evening of the riends here will congratulate her upon I your names. •nut to die Ionia house of correction by 24th. The invitation will be aceepted. he success site has attained. Justice Pond, for 90 days each, last Fri- The services of the Chequamegons has day, for stealing a watch at Ypsilanti. been secured for the grand minstrel show Marriage Licenses. The Cheiiiiamegons are on the boards to be given June 1st for the benefit of TIIK MOCK CONVENTION. THE 80RG PAINTING CO. for a concert at Saline, on Saturday the gymnasium. They will also play for Perhaps one of the very best political So. Aos. eveninjf. May 26th, to be assisted by the the Saline High School commencement, disciplines the student* ever h;id, was the 6. Wm. Paulson, Ann Arbor 27 Have reopened the old Establishment of Albert Sorg's and are inimitahle and only Jus. E. Harking of June 28 and 29. VIoek Republican National Convention Alma Cook, Ann Arbor 18 tills city. That colt, with a birth mark on its leld iit the opera house on Friday eveii- 7. I.ouU Lyinan Burton, Ypsl'anti 20 ready to do Rev. W. C. Allen, formerly pastor of ng last. It had been determined upon a Frances Harriet Cheeves, Ypsilanti . 23 ip, which Dr. Dell exhibited to so many sufficient length of time to have each of tlie Webster Congregational church, now wondering scientific and unscientific 18. Adam Schauer. Ypsilanti M of En»t Tawas, occupied his old pulpit he states represented by a thoroughly people, turned out to be like unto the organized delegation. Just half the Ann M. Foemer, Ypsilanti 18 last Sabhath morning, and at Dexter in 9. Qeo. W. Kishpaugb, Clinton 29 the evening. Jardiff giant. It was one of Dell's sells, number of delegates whicli a slate is en- and it worked well. itled to in the national convention was LaurSchooa Simmonsl and, MilaFinen Moneys. 28 The body of Solomon Jeffords, father A large audience enjoyed the exercises ixed upon as the representation, and of Col. U. H. Jeffords who was killed of the Cocker League at the Methodist very delegation was full. Their seats In The following apportionment of prim- ANY KIND OF WORK OPTICIANS, during the war, was brought to Dexter church Monday evening. Prof. Demmon the hall being designated by printed ry school interest funds and fine moneys for burial Tuesday. He had lived there Dlacards. Probably the most consple- In the line of Fainting, Graining, Kalsomining, Paper many years. las no sympathy with the Bsconian As- as been received by County Clerk H >w- sumption. Prof. Trueblood's readings ious was the Texas boys wi'li their broad ett: Hanging, Decorating, Glazing, Sign Writing, etc. Dealer in 45 SOUTH MAIN STREET Qeo. Miller has been chosen as a dele- were simply first-class. iriin hats, but the most influential was gate to the State convention of German New York, witl. its 30 votes east solidly Jfo. Appor- fine paints, 0ils,Varnishes, Glass, Wall Paper and Window Shades. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Workinifinen's Aid Societies, which is to The manner in which Mrs. E. Royer 'or its candidates. Vhl'n tionm't Mon'y meet at Suginaw, .June 12th, by the Ann ias improved her premises at the corner The proceedings were opened by Mr. ALBERT SORG, MANAGER, Arbor society. of Division and Annsts. is worthy of Dewey, who officiated asehuirman of the Ann Arbor City $S>5!) $1952 04 54 F5 J±2 JorthOeld &8 7 20 What means that large aud motley LOOK OUT FOR tie had been working on a farm and had There will be no Cleveland there. 'Itts field- 318 20(1 88 5 89 Ann Arbor, Michigan, under the firm dent of Albany, N. Y., were sent to jail 309 throng, fcf Justice Pond Monday, for 20 and 15 started to come home on the evening There will be no Cleveland there, 4alem aw «4 ...... or partnership name of Koch & Haller In Washington City—oh, what a great pity!— Saline 40K % That with a rush now surge along j •days respectively, for being found drunk previous. An inquest was held, and a There'll be no Cleveland there. 457 38 12 86 was dissolved on the fifteenth day of on the streets. verdict rendered tliatdeath resulted from There will be no Democrat there. 350 231 00 6 50 March, A. D. 1888, by mutual consent. It is the people rich and poor, convulsions caused by brights disease. There will he no Democrat there, Superior 35K 236 2- 6 64 Card* are out announcing the marriage In Washington City—oh, what a Krent pity!— iylvan 708 4«7 28 13 13 All debts owing to the said partnership Looking for bargains at Qoodyear'8 Store. Webster 188 121 M 3 49 NEW GOODS! «n Wednesday, May 30th, of Dr. Arthur The change of time on the M. C. R. R-, There'll be DO Democrat there. 724 8 20 are to be received by said Martin Hal- Buyer of Oregon, to Miss Kate Frances A Republican will be there, York 477 84 And are there auch great bargains there, whicli took effect last Sunday is quite Ypsilanti Town 803 199 98 5 >i- ler and all demands on the said partner- OeHe, of this city. The ceremonies will be pleasing to Ann Arbor people on one ac- A Republican will be there. Ypsilanti City 1714 1131 24 81 71 In the President's chair, where all is lair, ship are to be presented to him for pay- That folks go rughiug through the air? performed at St. Andrew's church with a count There is a train In the morning A Republican will be there. reception following at Prol. Morris'. at 8:08 going east, giving people who ment as he is authorized to settle all Yes, bargains never seeu before, Total.... 13183 S8700 78 $220 41 List Saturday the mill pond at Corn- want to go into Detroit an op|>ortunlty (" America.") debts due to and by the firm and he will Are always found at Goodyear's Store. well's dam was perceptibly lowered. J. to do so without having to lose their Ho nay we all of us. be found at the place of business of said 1 Knowlton pulled out a 3'<> lb. fish. breakfast or the train. Our mail from So say we all of us. late firm where he will continue the And can yon till me neighbor, pray, the east, however, is a little later. A cor- So say we all. CIRCUIT COUKT. A black bass at that! And Knowlton is same business. What kiiu! of goods he sells that way ! Sawyer's partner! You need not expect rected time care will be found in the After this the name of J. W. Me Bride to see Siwyer any more until he catches proper place. was presented as permanent chairman, The following cases have been disposed JOHN KOCH, Yes; finest drugs for one and all, Wines & Worden's a 4 pounder. Monday evening at the Cocker League and upon assuming the honors ol the of up to this noon: MARTIN HALLER. And choicest bric-a-brac for the wall. Washtenaw oiinty was represented at entertainment a large audience filled the position gave the audience some words ol Chas H. Kempf vs. Qeo. Oesterlo et al. truth aud encouragement. He asserted Foreclosure. Decree and order of sale grant- Dated, Ann Arbor, Mich., March IB, 1888. Well gracious goodness this is too soon. the State Convention by the following lecture room and listened to an interest- that the progressive element of this ed, the sale to take place alter Feb. 1st, 1889. s'aunch Republicans: J. T. Jacobs, R. ing discussion of the Shakespeare-Bacon In the matter of the petition of Horace And does he also sell fine perfume ? nation was in the republican party; a Booth for discharging a mortgage, petition henipf, Wm. Judson, A. W. Wilkinson, controversy by Prof. I. N. Demmon who party whose corner stone was education, As will be seen from the above, I will Ah yes, the nicest stock in town, DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY, H M. Holmes, John Ferdon, J. E. Beal, showed by quotations from contemporar- granted. carry on furniture business in the same M. C. L«Beau, H. S. Boutelle, C. Spen- morality and elevatioii of the tinman Chas. M. Davis vs. Johu P. Wagner. Dis- iHiililinj: No. 52 8. Main and No. 4 West At prices that are clear way done. ies and friends of the great dramatist that family while opposed to them was the continued on paymeut of defendant. Costs cer. J. B. Wortley, AV. M. Osband, Wm. Shakespeare in all probability wrote the same old democratic party believing in to be taxed. Liberty St., and woulil therefore respect- TRIMMINGS, CARPETS, Umphell, J. Cook, Myron Cady, J. plays which have been ascribed to him Chas. Kalmbach vs. John Warner. Plain- fully ask the people of Ann Arbor and Well great the joy there is in knowing, subjugation and opposition to progress Washtenaw County to conrey their kind v: Beemis. for nearly three centuries. Prof. True- There is more money invested in school tiff given tlvedays In which to file and serve And I think now I will be going! blood gave some readings from Macbeth a declaration, and 20 days to tile plea. Costs patronage bestowed on to the old tirm, On the 23d day of May, next week houses and education in the State ol to be taxed, Including $15 attorney's fee. For there are many things I need, Wednesday, the Ann Arbor Art Club is and Twain which were highly appre- over to me. I shall try my utmost to Michigan alone than in the whole solic JohnW. Cowan vs. Jeremiah W. Daley. prove worthy of the confidence placed in GLOVES, MATS, m Klve it* annual exhibition at the La- ciated. southf The hope ol the nation was ii Foreclosure. Decree and order of sale And of your warning I'll take heed. aits 8 Library building. There will bo at the republican party. granted. me. Very Respectfully, There will be an adjourned meeting 03 MARTIN HAIXER. least 100 picture* In the exhibit consisting held on Monday, May 21st, at 2 o'clock Alter choking the necessary clerki and Abram Gorslln vs. DeWltt Bncklin. Tried, Very well, indeed, with you I'll go, "f several "studies" of much merit. To argued and submitted. Deolsion not given. p. m., in the agricultural room of the secretaries, I he following platform was Henry Llescmer vs. Oeo. aud Fred Alber. For there's some goods I want yon know, defray expenses a small admission fee of Washtenaw Co. Agricultural and Horti- adopted : 15 cents will be charged. It will be well • <1 line wheat note. CET THE BEST We'll join the crowd that throngs the MATTINGS, »>r the people to encourage these workers. cultural Society. All are cordially In- The republican students of the University Chas. E. Davis vs. John Wagner. Bohem- vited, and the board of managers and de- of Michigan, in convention assembled, repre- ian oat note. Judgment of non suit for de- door, ' I'py have some excellent pictures to ex- senting a" sections of the United States, fendant with costs to be taxed Including full FIRE INSURANCE! partment superintendents are especially makes the following declaration of prlncl And get our goods at Goodyear's Drug" "ihit, and deserve your good will and urged to be present as one of the duties attorney trial fee. Plalntlft to have until and many new novelties too numerous to VJ>od word-. I)10D |n UIKI iook over tne P Friday morning to make notice to set the $29,000,000. store. to be performed at this meeting is the T We denounce the principles of the tame aside. display. democratic party, us set forth In the presi- 1 Becnrlty held for (he protection of the policy mention. Our stock is inside the store free selection of judges for all those classes dent's message, as dangerous to the indus- Chas. M. Webb vs. Chas. and FredDetendiiiit. Albers holders. The demoerata of Chelsea are sailing that require any degree of skill or trial Interest* of the country. Red line wheat note. On trial. ' along very tranquilly now. There are especial knowledge to award the 2 The republican party adheres to the deny the signature to this note. A, DeFOREST. from dust and dirt. Call and see. doctrine of protection as announced In the 'wo members of the party up there who premiums properly. There are always Wm. J. Scanlan Hppturs at the opera CHRISTIAN MACK Fire Insurance want a county ofllce, viz : Michael J men to be found in every community Pl*tfOWhen1tnle republican party assumed house May 24th. Represent* the following flrnt-clMi companies, of Plate Glass Insurance. I'elmian prosecuting attorney, and Tim- that are fitted by nature and education in control of the ttovernment It found the which one. the ^Ktna, ha» alone paid $5«,000,000 lire othy McKone, sheriff. It would kill off nation plunged In civil strife. Its credit in. Two tramps refhsed to plead guilty to losses iu 8lxty-flve years: Steam Boiler XTO. 20 SOUTH MAIN ST. a greater or less degree to award pre- paired and Its treasury empty. During *4 .Etna, of Hartford $ 9,192,044 ooth to come to the county convention miums in this class or in that class, and it years of rule It brought the war to a success- being drunk yesterday before Justice wthey agreed that they should hold a is the part of wisdom that they be sought ful close, raised the credit and left a surplus Frueauff, and were ordered discharged. Franklin of Philadelphia 3,118,713 INSURANCE! Utmocratic caucus of all the electors of out early and absolutely engaged to act 4 We hold the democratic administra- The T., A. A. & N. M. Uy. Co. oiler Qermania, N. Y 2,700,729 »ie township oi tuat faith and have then tion responsible for the accumulation of the German American, N. Y 4,009,908 Lowest Rates, Honorable Adjustments u in the awards of such classes as they are surplus when It should be applied to the excursion rates to most all points in Kan- $5,OOO REWARD Piso's ItPinedy for Cutarrh is the »clde which they should support in tin fitted for. No system of judging de- coast defense, Internal improvement*, edo sas, Nebraska, Iowa etc., at one fare for London Assurance, London... 1,416,788 aud Losses Promptly Paid. Best, Kosiefit lo't'ar, and CUeapeat. flinty convention. In this scheme Leh Mieliiifan F. & M., Detroit... 287,008 pends for success upon the number, bin Ml U the round trip good going May 22d and man came out ahead, and he then and 5 Vecnmlemn the compromising of the N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,596,07(j REAL ESTATE RENTS almost entirely upon the quality of its majority of the democrats In the house o returing in 30 days from date of sale. «»ere named his delegation. And now A. J. PAISLEY, Ag't. National, Hartford 1,774,505 SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO COLLECTION ne 0 1 judges Complaints that have been representatives In surrendering to a major- OF RENTS AND MANAGEMENT OF REAL ES- Hi'-t "i 11 t i> f Nirilllf. • CATARRH ' H; . ' <>f war has bowed his head, hung Phoenix, Brooklyn 3,759,030 Brain and Nerve foodi Sohl by ilniitglsLi or sent by mall. U sounded so loud within the past year wil ity of the ex confederates, to prevent the TATE INTKRKSTS KOR NoN-RE8IDENT«. EN- P his arms and accoutrements, and I pa-sageof the Tax Refunding Bill Workingmen who want durability, Lottei liberally adjusted and promptly paid. TIBE HATISPACTION TO OVKIRS QL'ARAN- Contains no Opium or Mor4 [ SOc. K. T. lluzWtmc, Wurreii. Pa. resting for the conflict at the county con hardly be repeated if proper care is exer 8 Vfe favor the enactment of llbera comfort and cheapness ought to come to Policies issued at the lowest rate* or premium. TEBD. l>hine. cited tliis season in the selection aiu pension laws for the benefit of Injured veter A. L. Noble's and see his pantaloon*. 1191tf Sold by Druggists. Sample Bottles Free mention. securing of competent Judges aus, widows an.I orphans. A. DeFOKKBT were killed at Bradner, O., on tim 10th b,y Messrs. Strnnjr, Osborne, Halloweli and Griffln were selected as delegates-at-large SIBERIA. Celery and Coca, the prominent In- a tree falling on them. gredients, ate the best and mrest Summary of the Week. THE Department of Agriculture at Wash to Chicago. The sentiment of the conven- ft* ••crat* Revealed-Genrc* K-i.nn Nerve Tonics. It strengthens and Rich and Poor, tion was decidedly in favor of Blalue. , Wonderful Journey- quiets the nervous system, curing THE NEWS FROM ALL PARTS. ington in its crop report on the 10th say that the winter wheat crop has decreasec THE Michigan Union Labor party met at MOST interesting conlrl Nervous Weakness, Uysteria. Sleep- Prince and Peasant, the Millionaire and Lansing on the !>th and chose delegates to lessness, Ac. Day Laborer, by tbeir common use of in condition greatly. Pennsylvania shows bution to secret History CONGRESSIONAL. a decline of 4 points, New York 16, Ohio 12 the National convention who favor General will bo the illustrated pa- AN ALTERATIVE. this teroftdy, attest, tlie world-wide rep- IN tbe Senate on the 7th the Railroad Land Weaver for President pers ou "Siberia and tha 'ame's Tt drives out the poisonous humors of Michigan VI, Indiana «, Illinois 7, Missour utation of Ayer's Pills. Leading phy- Forfeiture and the Bureau of Animal Industry Kxilo System," by George fi the blood purifying and enriching it, THE State Temperance convention in ses sicians rftromineiul these pills for bllli wore turthor considered. The Chinese 2, Kansas 3. Tho goneral average is re and so overcoming (hone diwr'es duced 9 points, from. 82 to 73. sion at Atlanta on the 9th decided to nomi- Kennan, which begia in resulting from impure or Impover- Stomach and Liver Troubles, Costive- treaty was ra titled. A bill was Introduced ap- nate Prohibition candidates in every coun the taay Century maga- ished blood. neas. Biliousness, and Sick Heaiht. h.- propriating H,000,000 to provide more efficient ON the Nickel-Plate railroad at Winslow zine. They will embody t he mail service between the United States and ty in Georgia pledged to vote for statutory LAXATIVE. also, for Rheumatism, Jaundice, ami Riding, Ind., sixtoen cars were blown off results of what is bo Central and South America and the West In- their wheels during a tornado on the 11th prohibition. lieved to bo the first sue Acting mildly but surely on the bowe'.* Neuralgia. They lire sugar-coated ; con- dies. Petitions from Illinois citizens were and at Wanatah, Ind., roofs, chimneys IN Vermont on the 10th the Democrats oissful attempt by a corn it cures habitual constipation, and Time table taking effect May I3th, 1888 tain no calomel ; are prompt, but mild, presented farorlntr the r»r airm pension bill nominated O/.ro Meaeham for Congress in petent, Investigator to make elery promotesaregularhabit Itstrength- fences and trees suffered severely. ens the stomach, and aids digestion. in operation ; and, therefore, the very and opposing the admission of Utah — In the the First district and George W. Smith in a thorough study of the Central Standard Tlae. House the Ku cr and Harbor bill (120,000.000) UNKNOWN persons on the 11th stole from Russian exile system. Bo- DIURETIC. best medicine for Family I'se, as well as a hotel at Lexington, Ky., the cash-box the Second district. for Travbfers and Tourist*. was passed—yeaB. 161; nays, 69. A bill was In ON the loth the Tennessee Democrats met fore undertaking his ardu In Its composition the best and mnet troduoed to amend the Clvli-Serrloe Uw, mak- owned by William Hiley, the Chicago book lous journey of I5,OOT miles active diuruti<-sof the Materla.Medics CHICAGO TO DETROIT. " I have derived great, relief from ing eligible for appointment without being re- maker, which contained about $8,000. at Nashville and selected delegates-at are combined if lentlfk'&lly with other in the interest of Tht (,*»«»< effective remedies for diseases of tho Ayer's Pills. Five years ago I was quired to pass the civil-service examination all MRS. ANNTVKR, of Wabash, Ind., over large to the St. Louis convention as follows ry, Mr. Kennan, author oi (abound k p kidneys It can be relied on to givo taken so ill with honorably discharged Federal soldiers and sail- A. M. Looney, John R. Godwin, H. H. In Ttnl Life in Siberia, etc., had spent foul quick relief and speedy cure. ii

one hundred years old, fell down cellar on li Ace . : Sun . ors of the late war. tho 11th. rci-civint; probably fatal injuries gersoll and John C. Brown. The platforn years in Russia and Siberia, was thorough Haudredflof tontimonialn have been received STATIONS. \ indorses President Cleveland's Aministra Iy conversant with the people and tho Ian from peraoDB who Uuvtt ufl**d this remedy with •x. ior. Rheumatism A mil. was passed in the Senate on the 6th THIIITY stores and dwelling! and the gas For The NERVOUS remarkablH lieoelit. beudforclrculan*. cirinc tion and favors his renominution. guage, and had reached the conclusion tha' lull particulars. >• H that I was unable to do any work. I Increasing the pension of soldiers for total dis- Works at Hot Springs, Ark., weredostroyed the Russian Government had been misrci> took three lioxcs of Ayer's" Pills and ability to I. >' per month. A memorial was pre- bv flro on tbe I lth, causing a loss of $150, VERMONT Democrats met at Moutpeller The DEBILITATED Frlc« $1 00 Bold r-> Drngglati o* *f sented from the New England Methodist con on the 10th tuid nominated G. C. Schutleff resented, and that tho exile system of Sibe- A il uI was eutirely cured. Since that time I 000. WELLS, RICHARDSOK, , CO., Prop's A.a. )•. x P.M. a. M ference protesting agalntt any treaty that ria was not so terrible as was supposed. A am never without a box of Chest pill>." IN U train collision ou the 11th on the he for Governor. The following delegates-at Knowing that Mr. Kennau held these The AGED. BURMNOTON. VT. Chicago.. Lv. 5 00 oon 8 10 4 40 I'eter Christensen, Sherwood, Wis. precludes Chinese ministers of the Gospel or large to the National convention were views, the Russian Government gave him Kalamaxoo... 10*2 133 6 5S »s Chinese delegates to religious conventions com- high Valley road near Ithaca. N. Y., sever Battle Creek.. 11 15 9 16 7 33 "Ayer's Pills have been in use in my al passengers were badly hurt. chosen: W. H. H. Bingham, J. D. Hanra every facility for a thorough I Akron a few days since, to witness this ex- ing into the country. The Railroad Land Forfeit- han, J. H. Senter and Martin Goddard Jackson. 1 20 4 16 8 48 ft % family upwards of twenty years and ure bill was further considered. Mr. Voorhees MEMORIAL DAIT was generally observed ISSPKCTIOW OF MISES AMI) PRISONS WOOD Vs. STEEL. periment. A piece of ash, such as is used Grass Lake.... 1 43 .. . st 55 "M 5i • ^* Whloh l» the Stronsrer In Proportion to o 1] have completely verified all .that is apologized for h.s harsh language during the in thoSouth on the 11th. The platform indorses President Cleve- of Siberia—the most thorough that had | in the Buckeye machine, was placed in a (hulsea 2lii • • . ., 10 li claimed for them. In attacks of piles, land's Administration and urges his re ever been made by a traveler. Armed with Weight—A Simple »nil Interesting Dexter •> 17 11)24 r „ recent speech made by Mr. Ingails — In the Experiment. clamp along with a piece of steel of eo,ual 7«S from which I suffered many years, they Biruumis entered tho Pratt Nationa election. letters from the Russian Minister of tho Delhi Mills... '65 House the Mills Tariff bill was further dls Bank at Pratt. Kan., on the 11th, while thi The relative weights of wood and steel In length, the same a^ tl u-ed in all steel Hin- afford greater relief than any other cussed. Interior and other high officials, Mr. Ken- ' ders. The steel weighed just twice as much Ann Arbor.... 2 M "b 80 HMO 80( •ii- medicine 1 erer tried."—T. F. Adams, officers wore at dinner, and stole $4,016. THK Democrats of Maryland convened at nan went every where, inspectingminesand proportion to their strength is u matter Ypallanti 300 5 45 »63 10 S3 »« Baltimore on the 10th and elected A. P. as ihe wood, and vet the steel invariably Wayne June 60S ia Holly Springs, Texas. THI Railroad Land-Grant Forfeiture bill and Himi water at Hock Island and Moline prisons, convict barges and hospitals, and which probably nol one oui of one hundred 11 11 » *• yielded and bent its the pressure was brought Detroit.,*Ar. 4 10 6 4.1 10 46 11 f0 »« 1f7 " I have used Ayer's Pills for a num- International Copyright bill were paiaed In III., had on the 11th caused damage amount Gorman, Garmou H. Hunt, L. V. Mangli traveling- with chained exiles along tha readers hn- ever had occasion to investigate. the Senate on the 9th In the House the man and John B. Brown as delegates-at- great Siberian road. He made the intimate If the conundrum were propounded i down. The wood was scarcely out of line, »t.Thoman...... 1106 Iff) 12 10 12 4" ber of years, ami have never found any- ing to about $100,000 and at Galena nearly and when the clamp was removed it sprung Falls View. 459 J Ml Tariff bill was further discussed, Mr. Butter- large to the St. Louis convention. The personal acquaintance of more than three "Which is the stronger—Wood or Steel?" 9 M thing equal to them for giving me an all the streets were navigable by boats. hack to its original shape. Not so with the N. Knlls 2 21 6 0S ... worth (O.> speaking against the measure. platform indores the President's Adminis- hundred exiled "liberals" and Nihilists, ninety-nine out oi g hundred would be 4 35 3«T appetite and imparting energy and WOODWAHH'X coffin factory at Owosso, many of whom wrote out their histories tor Steel. It not only bent under the pressure RufTilo 7 15 726 5 65 strength to the system. I always keep A mi.i. was passed In the Senate on the 10th tratiou and instructs the delegates to cast his use. Tho actual facts, as revealed by likely to answer thai steel possesses, greater to pay 129,000 to persons who aided in suppress- Mich., was destroyed by rlre on tho 11th their votes solidly for his renomination. strength in proportion to weight than doe of the clump, hut remained bent when the them in the house."—R. D. Jackson, Loss, $100,000. Over seven thousand caskets this searching investigation, were far re- | clamp was taken oil'. This, it is claimed, la DETROIT TO CHICAGO. Wilmiugton, Del. ing Indian hostilities In Nevada, In 1800. BiMs moved from Mr. Kennan's preconceived wood. Experiments have recently been were reported to prevent tho employment of were burned. THE Democrats of the Fiftn Ohio district a clear illustration of ideas, as this thrilling narrative of fifteen c M = " Two boxes of Ayer's Pills cured me Dunixu the seven days ended on the 11th on the 10th renominated George E. Seney the difference between alien labor on public works, and the Pension- months' privation and adventure will show. B is of severe Appropriation bllL Adjourned to the Mth. there were 198 business failures in the for Congress. As is already known, the publication of wood and steel frame || In the House the bill appropriating 13,500,000 United States, against 15fi the previous COMMODORE NORMAN W. KITTSON, one Mr. Kennan's preliminary papers has re- Hinders. When an u Headache, to supply the deficiency in the appropriation seven day*. of the wealthiest men In the Nerthwest, sulted in bis being placed all -steel machine is J I! 3 from which I was long a sufferer. — for the payment of army and navy pensions to died suddenly on a railway train near Rob hroiifrht in to sharp con- 5 B IT was announced on the 11th that Dr. ON TUB BLACK LIST 3 N Emma Keyes, Hubbardston, Mass. Invalid windows, minor children and de- Arthur Spahn would establish a hospita erts, Wis., on the 10th while returning by the Russian Government, and copies ol tact with some unyield- I A.M. p.« P.M. p1 " * ' "Whenever I am troubled with con- pendent relatives and aurvivers of the war of at San Antonio, Tex., for the treatment o from Philadelphia to his home in Minneap- Tht Century containing them have the ob- ing obstacle, its frame A M r. M stipation, or suffer from loss of appetite, 1812 was passed. The Tariff bill waa further olis. He was seventy-five years of age. is liable to spring, and Buffalo 1280 USo 705 10 00 wb hydrophobia by the Pasteur method. jectionable article torn out by the custom N. fall" li 15 K si 1 4$ Ayer's Pills set me right ajj;ain. " — A. J. discussed. IN the First district of Tennessee the Re- officials before being allowed to enter the when once sprung its 966 THE Senate was not In session on the 11th. A CYCLONE passed south of Freeport, 111. St.Thomas... 42U 11 10 106 640 Riser, Jr., Rock House. V;i. publicans on the 10th nominated Alfred A. Czar's dominions. u-efulnes> is at an end. AM A. M. P. M. P M. P.M. p H In tbe House Mr. Scott (Pa.) made a long on the 11th, demolishing the brewery "Iexpected, of course," says Mr. Ken- It cannot be straight- 730 1 20 400 "Ayer's Pills are in general demand buildings of Haegele & Roth, causing a Taylor for Congress. Detroit....Lv. 9 10 8U0 1011 among our customers. Our sales of speech in favor of the Mills Tariff bill, and nan, in a recent interview, " to be put on ened w ithoiit resort to Wayne Jane. 811 9 5S I.I 445 83i< 10&5 them exceed those of all other pills com- Mr. Clear da.) spoke against the measure. loss of $10,000, and ruining the brick resi THK Michigan Democrats met at Grand the Russian black list. I am only thankful the shop for repairs. Yp«ll»ntl .... 8 -'13 1017 2 12 6 is 900 1118 bined. We have never known them dence and barns of William Brockhausen Rapids on tho 10th and chose J. M. Weston, that I succeeded in crossing the frontier A wood frame is not Ann Arbor... B50 10 40 2 34 580 HIS DOMESTIC ft few rods distant, causing an equal loss. George L. Yaple, M. H. Chamberlain and with all my material and papers coming tint Delhi Mill- .. 9 Oil 542 fail to give entire satisfaction." — tfius affected. If bent DextLT 908 650 9 44 Wright & Hannelly, San Diego, Texas. AsTHtKE was begun on tho 8th at the REV. GEORGE McDurriK (colored), a mar Peter Whita as delegates-at-large to the way. I. became satisfied before I Kot hull under n \ iolent strain, Chelsea 9 W «0fi 10 00 Pratt mines, at Birmingham, Ala. One ried man, who murdered another negro who National convention. The resolution* it al once springs back Gr»«s Lake... Hi: 10 25 thousand men were out. was courting a woman of whom McDuffie adopted indorse the administration of to it^ original shape. Jackson 10 13 ii'45 sti 710 10 rJ> 12 M Ayer's Pills, WILLIAM SHOWERS, aged seventy years, was enamored, was hauged on the 11th at President Cleveland and his tariff policy, At the first glance it Battle Creek.. 1209 i •.'» 4 3H 8K2 1427 !*t Would seem that a Steel K'ilanmziM). 13 50 2i>4 5 15 9 45 1 «> 3«7 PREPARED BT who was under sentence of death in the jail Greensboro, da. and favor his renomination. Chicago...Ar. 6 10 i. In 9 311 700 745 at Lebanon, Pa., for the murder of his two THB Mississippi river at Quincy, 111., was WILLIAM SI-BSCER, aged seventy-six Binder is lighter than Pr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. grandchildren, made his escape on the 8th. a wood frame, and that O. W. KUUGLBS, H. W. HAYga, ten miles wide on the 11th. The farms years, and Mrs. Mary Shaw, aged seventy- G. P. AT. A item Art., Ana Arbor. Sold by all Dealers in Medicine. MRS. WILLIAM WEBB and her babe were across in Missouri were inundated to the two years, were married at Shelbyville, 111., it puagtBgcd gtatter Chicago. burned to death on the 8th by the explosion bluffs and an immense amount of damage on the 11th. Tho groom has been married strength. Hut it is an of a lamp at their residence at Fort Edward, had been done to the crops. four times and the bride five times. made in Ohio wliirb show that wood weigh- instance in wliich appearances are deoep N. Y. THE New York Legislature adjourned To.'edo, Aon Arbor & North Mlchlui TEN persons were seriously injured on ing only half aa raueh as steel will, when tive. A pii-ceof steel one loot long and a half Railwaj. * Miss NORA HATWORTH, of Logansport, the 11th in a smash up at the entrance o sine die on the 11th. put under pressure, stand a gieoter strain inch scjimrc, weighs double, as much as a Ind., was fatally burned on the 8th by her Bergen Hill tunnel, near Jersey City, N than sU'ol. The Ulbstration Oil this WWB piece of seasoned ash one foot long and I;', TIMB SCHEDULE. fOU.WEfG.Vf clothes catching fire at a stove. J.. and two of them were expected to die. FOREIGN. shows a piece of wood and a piece of steel, inches square. In others words the steel, in To take eflVct at 12 o'clock, noon, on Sun- THE cut worm was appearing in great JAMES T. HINMAN, who was assistan AT a Nationalist meeting in Sligo, Ire (the latter weighing ju>t twice ;h tnuch a- proportion to bulk, is fifteen and one-eighth day, October 9th, 1887. land, on the Sth resolutions were passed numbers in the Ohio valley on the 8th, postmaster of Grand Rapids, Mich., anc the former), under equal pressure, and in times as heavy as the wood. A steel frame Trains run by Standard Time. causing farmers serious apprehensions. wan indicted in 1876 for stealing $1,34$, was condemning the Pope's i>olitical interfer •"-T* BOARDING A CONVICT BAROB. every tnstejice the steel yields and is bent of a machine which is one-fifteenth as large AT Gresham, Pa., on the 8th three burg arrested in Donaphin County, Kan., on the euce and pledging allegianoe to Parnell's through Siberia that I should never be per- out of line. Any one can make this exper- IS a wood frame, weighs exactly the same leadership. mitted to go there again, and that after the GOING NORTH. lars entered the house of Mrs. Mary 11th, after having been a fugitive thirteen publication of my papers no other foreigner iment. The device is extremely simple. as the wood, lint even with this difference Reynolds, who was alone, but she defended years. CRICKETS were devastating Algeria on would be allowed to make investigations and yet it illustrates an Important point in size, the wood has four times the strength. I i the Sth, entirely destroying vegetation. with which every Intelligent farmer should These are simple problems which every herself with a hatchet so effectually that Miss ELLEN B. MINER, an insane patient there, and I lost no possible opportunity to h p»PRICE's she killed one of the trio and put the others of the Harrison County (O.) Asylum, com Their dead bodies were creating a pesti secure accuracy and thoroughness. I familiarize himself, especially as there seems farmer can solve for himself. He need not Kl'VI KINS. to flight. lence and interfering with the running of brought back more than fifty pounds of to bo a disposition on the part of some man- accept the. word of any man whose interests mined suicide on the Uth by jumping from trains between Constantine and Batna. notes, papers and original documents, many ufacturers to change from wood to steel and would be subserved by having him believe ft' THE powder-house of the Colby mine at theroof to the ground, a distance of sixt> of the latter from secret Government iron. We are indebted to Ueasrs. Aultman, one way or the other. ' Make the test your- A. H. p • P. «.|A.». Bessemer Mich., blew up on the 8th, killing ADVICES of the 10th from British Colum- Toled.i :, ia S 15 6 25 5 M feet. archives, besides five or six hundred fools- Miller & Co., of Akron, Ohio, for the ac- self, and when an agent comes to you with Mniilialtan Junctnii 6 401 « It two men and fatally wounding five. bia say that a fire at Ononac destroyed cap pages of manuscript, prepared for me 5 20 i to CREAM THE Southern Baptist convention met in 1,005 houses and thirty lives wei-e lost. companying illustration. It was the pleasure a denial of this proposition, you can talk Alexis 5 27 666 ROBERT O. HUL and David Vincent were annual session in Richmond on the 11th. by political exiles In all parts of Siberia, and Haumria .... t j;t 7 23 ARCHBISHOP LYNCH died at Toronto, Ont., of a representative of .this paper, while in intelligently from personal knowledge. 5 45 hanged in Philadelphia on the 8th for mur- IN Washington on the 11th the Senate covering the most noteworthy episodes of Monroe Junction li 112 4 06 7 61 H ID on the 11th, of congestion of the lungs. He their lives. I can regard the black listing, Dundee B 10 4 12; •> US der, Committee on Privileges and Elections de- therefore, with a certain degree of compla- Azalia 4 I«; 8 20 an THK High-License bill passed by the New cided that Senator Turpie, of Indiana, was was the first Archbishop of the archdiocese 6 26 of Toronto, being consecrated November 20, oency. Tbe stable-door is locked, but the Milan ti 35 4 B K 35 IK) York Legislature was vetoed by Governor entitled to his seat. borse has been stolen—and I've got him." Uraulu ii 50 4 43 8 66 1859. Plitstield lu on Hill on the 9th. 7 0U 4 H 9 0055 10 11 JOHN DILLON, the Irish member of Par Mr. O. A. Frost, artist and photographer, Ann Arbor 7 15 5 101 . 15 PORTIONS of Northern Ohio were swept PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. accompanied Mr. Kennan, and it is expected I,,-in;i I 11 M liament who was among the most active in 7 n 5 30i 9 ISO 111 by a cyclone on the 9th, farm buildings be CONORESSMAN OUTHWAITE was renomi that the results of his work will form the Whitmore Luke 6 1A Ho.12 carrying out the plan of campaign and in 7 «r . II ing wrecked and fences, shade trees and natod on the 8th by the Democrats of the most interesting series of pictures of Rus- Unwell 8 30 8 28 li SO advising tenants against the payment of Durand - 5 ID orchards leveled. No loss of life was re sian and Siberian life and scenery eve/ UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CEOCRAPHY OF THE COUNTRY WILL OBTAIft a 30 7 £) » 3U p. Thirteenth Ohio district at Lancaster. Cornnna 9 .'5 M ported. rent, was convicted in Dublin on the 11th. toade. MUCH USEFUL INFORMATION FROM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OF THE 7 40 1U 35 .... THE Colorado Prohibition convention met Ow.ersons were killed and many injured. best medical book published, 100 pajres, Mt. Pleasant Ar 13 30 10 30 K 0U tinguishod statesman was delivered by large to the Cincinnati convention. P. M. r. M.IP. H. AI>VICES from Paris say a steamer was elegant colored plates, will he sent you Robert G. Ingersoll. THE New Hampshire Republicans met in Its superior excellence proven In mlllionslof A PIRE on the 9th on Catoctin mountain sunk in the Seine on the 11th and fourteen on receipt of three 2-eent stamps lo pay GOING SOUTH. homes for more than a quurter of a century. It Concord on the Sth and solwtcd National lives were lost. po-tujfe. Address A. P. Boston, Mass. isusedby the Unlteii.SuUesgovernmeul. En- near Middletown, Md., destroyed much delegates who go to Chicago uninstructed. dorsed by the heads of the Great. Universities valuable timber. The platform denounces the Adminstration ADVICES of tho 11th from Rio Janeiro 14 8°5 II BH the Strongest, Purest, and most Healthful. THE Mississippi river was still rising on stute that the Brazilian Chamber of Depu- Dr. Price's the only Baking l'owder that does at Washington for its tariff policy, its ties has passed a bill for the immediate STATIONS Bo III not contain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Sold the 9th, causing serious damage and great pension policy, and its "pretense" of civil only in cans. alarm at Dubuquo, la., and other points. service reform, and denounces the Demo abolition of slavery. SOME DOCTORS \ A. M. r. u PUICG BAKIXG POWDER CO., The Galena river had flooded part of Ha (•ratio party for identifying itself with the Mt. Pleasant I.v NKW YORK. CHICAGO. ST. I.OtTIS. LATER NEWS. honestly admit that they can't cure 8 4(1 6 80 1 30 lena. 111. interests of the liquor doalors throughout Rheumatism and Neuralgia. Others Alma M 15 7 20 2 20 THE Illinois Supreme Court on the 9th the country. THE record of t>.e buse-bull «-lul>s in the •ar they can but—don't. Ath-lo- B|. Louis 11 :v 7 27 2 28 denied a hearing in the cases of tbe Chi National League for the week ended on the ItliMca 12 25 7 41 246 THE Republicans of Michigan held their pho-ros says nothing but—caret. Owot»po Jnnction 4 00 8 5' 4 02 cago "boodlers," Messrs. Van Pelt, Och» State convention at Grand Rapids on the 12th was us follows: Chicago (games That's the secret of its success. i >WMi>) 4 08 9 I 408 Leyden and Wasserman, and they would 8th and elected Robert E. Fraser, J. K won), 18; Boston, 18; New York, 11; De- Years of trial have proved it to be Corunna 4 25 908 4 IS have to serve out their sentences of two troit, Id; Philadelphia, 8; Pittsburgh, 7; a quick, ta/e, ture cure. Durand 5 16 93U 43C Bois, W. Q. Atwood (colored) and F. B Ilowcll 7 40 10 * years each in the penitentiary. Dunston as delegates aHarge to the Na- Indianapolis. ">; Washington, S. Conoord,». H.. 8ept. 8,1«7 s M I (« In my own family Athlorhoro* wu used Whitmore Luke Kx 11 Oil 6 16 THK old employes of the Reading (Pa.) tional gathering in Chicago. The resolu- DIRTOS'S steel works at Taoouy, Pa., Iceland II 14 6 Ml railroad who struck and were discharged tions declare for the protection of Amer- were destroyed by fire on the l: was struck by a falling tree, which killed amounted to 1.9 per cent. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS trict of Illinois on the Sth renominated J. H. St. Joseph and Kansas City, in Missouri; Leavenworth 10 20 Ar South Lyon Lv. 6 00 both himself and his horse. • Rowell for Congress. ELEVEN business houses in Blunt, D. T., and Atchison, in Kansas; Minneapolis and St. Paul! in Bates and Bxounion Tiokete will be furalaaed Connections: At Toledo, with railroad • lnif 4 Northern K. K.. isd Madison County, Ind., and his hired man, THE Republican State convention of Wis- were causing much distress and loss of Mich. A. L Dlv. of Grand Trnnk Ry. At Him- contains no Opium or daft property. THE CHICAGO, KANSAS & NEBRASKA R'Y erous drug. Can be taken Mr. Treat, were burned to death in their consin was held at Madison on the 9th CEST.UISQIS ban; with M. A. Line Division Grand Trunk B'r. gy any one at any time beds early on the morning of the 10th. Fire ZEPHYR DAVIS, the young negro who (CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE) At Howell with Di-lroit, Lnnsing A Norlhern R'j. Governor Rusk was urged for President, M Durand with Ch cago A Grand Trnnk ITj an« The latest and best DIB- cuught from the stove. and a platform demanding a protective murdered Maggie Gaughan, a working girl, MANUFACTURKRS OF Xxtends west and southwest from Kansas City and St. Joseph to Fairbury. rorerr for HEADACHE. Nelson, Horton, Topeka, •RHIBKBIHHHPI Hering-ton, HutchinsoL, Delroit, Grand lint en 4 Milwaukee R'v. At Ufcot- NEBVOISNK8R. SPASMS. Ar the session of the Supreme Lodge tariff was adopted. Senator J. C. Spooner, was hanged in the county jail in Chicago IO Junction with Detroit, urand U«yen A Mllwaa. Wichita, Caldwell, and all W.1 tl J J |\T^ points in southern Nebraska, kee K'y and Mchliran Central R. K. Ai St. LOQ|I SLEEPLESSXES8. Kris Knights of Honor at Cleveland, O., on the H. C. Payne, H. O. Fairchild and H. C. on the 12th. interior Kansas and beyond. BkT^ ^ . I \ M Entire passenger equipment SKXIAL WEAKNES8, am 10th L. A. Grata, of Tennessee, was elected Adams were chosen National delegates, A TRAIN on tho Southern Pacific road was with Detroit. Lanslig A Northern R. B. and *tgl NEW Ol'S DISEASES. of the celebrated Pullman ^.*J p I manufacture. Solidly bal- n«« Villi-T A St. Louis h'j. At Alma with Detfoil, Supreme Dictator. and Henry C. Payne, of Milwaukee, was wrecked on the 12th near Gila, A. T., and lasted track of heavy steel MaUiMHaHlHBMI rail. Iron and stone bridges. jonslmr A Northern R>. At Mt. Pleasant «k> Flint A Pi.re Marquette R'y. Sold by Druggists. Sample Bottles fret ED BARRETT was burned to death on the elected chairman of the new State Com throe persons were killed and fourteen oth- All safety appliances and modern improvements. Commodious, well built 10th at Henry Grove, Tex., in a fire that de- niittee. ers seriously Injured. stations. Celerity, certainty, comfort and luxury assured. H. *. ASULKY, General M»nai:»f. IIIMII RewRewardea d are tliose who read stroyed twelve dwellings. GEORGIA Democrats convened at Atlanta BY the collapse of a building on the 12th W. II. BENNETT, A. J. PA1SIKY. and then act; they will find THE dam at Hamlin, Mich., went out with at Wilkesbarre, Pa., on the roof of which THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE TJTPUT Ythis an on the 9th and chose as delegate-at-large to Is the favorite between Chicago, Rock Island, Atchison, Kansas City, and Min- Ben'l. IW. A Ticket Agent. Local AIML ILlUUlJ 1 honarTabla e employment thai will the flood on the 10th, and two million feet the National convention Pope Barrow, F. two hundred persons were gathered to wit- W nonntt takInlre them from their homes neapolis and St. Paul. The tourist route to all Northern Summer Resorts. Its and families. Tbe profits are large and uure of logs in Hamlin lake went into Lake G. Dubignon. Albert Cox and Washington ness a ball game, a number of persons were F.UKNITITRE. Watertown Branch traverses tbe most productive lands of the great "wheat and E-taic of Henry Colclazer. for every Industrious person, many have Michigan, carrying with them seventeen Dessau. The platform indorses the admin- badly injured, four of them fatally. dairy belt" of Northern Iowa, Southwestern Minnesota and East-Central Dakota. ^iTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Wubwow made and are now making several hundred homes along the stream. istration of President Cleveland, and tho THE Emperor of Brazil and King of Wur- The short line, via Seneca and Kankakee, offers superior i dollars a month. It 1H easy for any one to THE house in which General Grant was At a session of the Probate Conn for the Cout; make $5 and upwards per day, who la willing delegates were instructed for him. temburg were both dangerously ill on tha facilities to travel between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafa- ol Waghtenaw, holden at the Prohat: Office, lm tk* to work. Either sex, young or old; capital born at Point Pleasant, O., will be taken to JOHN R. GORDON, chairman of the State 13th. yette, and Council Bluffs, St. Joseph, Atchison, Leaven- >lty ol Ann Arbor, on Tueisday, the twinty- not needed; we start you. Everything new the Cincinnati Centennial Exposition for Democratic Central Committee of Indiana, J. LUSK & Co., of San Francisco, oper- worth, Kansas City, Minneapolis and St. Paul. RELIABLE ourth day of April, in the year one thousand eUhl No special ability required, you, reader, can For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or any desired information, I hundred and eighty eight.Pre»ent,Wllliaml>.H«rrt- do It as well aa any one. Write to us at once one hundred days. died on the 9th at Greencastle, of pneu- ating the largest establishment in the world CASHIER H. F. ROTCE, of the Willimantie apply to any Coupon Ticket Office in tho United States or Canada, or address, man, Jud((e of Probate. for full particulars, which we mall free. Ad- monia. for canning fruits and vegetables, made an iND In the matter of the estateof Henry CnleliMr.d*- dress Hilnson A Co.. Portland, Maine. E A (Conn.) Savings Institute, was arrested on REV. DR. LYMAN ABBOTT, of New York, assignment on the 12th. The liabilities E. ST. JOHN, - - HOLBROOK, eased. William W. Whedon the admlnluaw the loth on the charge of embezzling $35,- QQan»ral Manaeor. ILL was on the 9th called to the pastorate of were estimated at $200,000. O«n'l Ticket * Puu'r A«ent. of said estate, comes luto court and rtpr«n»» 000. REPORTS of the 12th from Berlin agreed 11.1.. bat he Is now prepared to render hit ioal tc Plymouth Church, in Brooklyn. count as such administrator. License. As explosion of natural gas in St. Paul's THE President on the 9th nominated Rob- in representing that the general condition WIND-MILLS. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THE IMPROVED PANTALOON Thereupon It la ordered, that Friday, tk« Episcopal Cathedral at Buffalo, N. Y, on ert B. Roosevelt, of New York, to be Min- of the Emperor showed some improvement. eeventh day of May next, at 10 o'clock In tie f«»- So for as the consumption of liquor i- the loth caused a fire which speedily de- ister resident to the Netherlands, and Law- CARRIER-PIGEONS are to be used by the Are now prepared to manufacture Hchool noon, be assigned lor examining and illowlif concerned, we do not suppose that it stroyed the building. The loss was about and t'lmrch Furniture, and Opera itch account, and that the hi Irs at law of Mid tt- son V. Moore, of Texas, to be Consul at signal service as a means of bringing eased, and all other persons Interested la uM makes much difference whether there are $150,000. Several other explosions also oc- Lyons, France. weather reports from the Bahamas to Key lhius.- Chain, Lawn Settees, state, are required to appear at a ceecloD of «M a thousand or two thousand rum curred, creating a panic. THE Republicans of New Jersey met at West. Camp Tables and the ourt, then to be holden at the Probate Vttct, l« shops in a town. We do not snpjoe OFFICIALS in Chicago of the Burlington Trenton on the 9th and selected Senator IT was announced on the 12th that a reign i-STAID le city of Ann Arbor, in said conuty, and ••«» & Quincy railway stated on the 10th that anse, if any there bo, wuy the said account «io»l« that anybody suffers much thirst, even if Sewell, ex-Congressman Brewer, G. A. of terror existed in Chambersburg, Ind., not be llowed. lie lives in ii town where no liqaor "is, the recent strike of engineers on their road Halsey and Senator Griggs as delegates- on account of the use of dynamite by TRIUMPH WIND-MILL And it ic further ordered, that said admlnli'nlor providing there are rum.shops in an ad- cost tho company about $2,000,000. at-largo to the National convention. A whisky men against leading Prohibition- ive notice to the persons interested In said eatat*. i the pendency of said account, aud the beard f joining town. Hence, so far as consump- IN a fit of jealousy on the 10th Charles strong protective platform was adopted, ists. Several buildings had been blown up. The best and simplest and most reliable tion goes, we doubt If hijrh license or lo Turner, a Pittsburgh (Pa.) merchant, shot and the delegates were instructed to sup- MOBE than four thousand immigrants ar- hereol, by causing a copy of this order to b« !<<">• In use. Repairing done on short llshed in tneAntiArborC<»«rtef pr1rt»a cal option does as much as the friends of his wife dead and then killed himself. port William Walter Phelps for President. rived in New York on the 12th. and circulating in soid county, two sncc«»l« these measures usually think. But both IN a quarrel on tho 10th at UaldweU, Tex., TnE Democratic State convention of Ala- TnERK was no session of the United notice. Also dealers In weeks previous to said day of hearing. are unmistakably useful in anotherdirec- Ben B. Hunt, a prominent saloon-keeper, (Atruecopy.) WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, bama, held on the 9th at Montgomery, re- States Senatu on the 12th. In the House JndBe of Probate. rection. One of the very worst evil* of shot and killed Deputy-Sheriff Jack Parr nominated Governor Seay by acclamation. the time was occupied in discussing tbo PUMPS, CYLINDERS, PIPES, ETC. WM. G. DOTY, Probate Register. H00-14M. the rum-shop is its political power; and and a negro named Sandy Davis. KANSAS Republicans held their State Tariff bill, and it was decided to continua TANK8 MADE TO ORDER. Patented Deo. SSth, 188O the lower its character the greater is its HENHY MOROAN and his ten-year-old son convention on the 9th at Wichita, and the debate until the 19th. power in this respect. The fewer the CO rum-shops the less political power they LADDERS, PKACH BOXES, BERRY A Narrow Escape. The tired feeling and loss of appetite Walking advertisements for Dr. Sage's EVERY PAIR WARRANTED NOT TO RIP. oe PAINT exert; and local option utterly destroys Mrs. L. S. Pickerel., of Middlebury, are entirely overcome by Hood's Sarsa- Catarrh Remedy are the thousands it has CRATES, By n.inr fOIT A CO*S OIP-fOiT RrCfiT Pi this power In the community in which cjred. Paint Friday, run it to Church Sunday ElfB' it exists. The richer class of liquor deal- Ind., had a very narrow escape from trie parilla, the peculiar medicine. Try it Fashionable Sh.ules: Uack M*rooa. Vernulioo 1 In fact, any article made to order. The Best is Always the Cheapest. Blue. Yellowl, O, Olive e LakeLake, , BreBrewstes r »nd Wajej r ers are always in favor of high license, iiini assy him. For years she was sub- and see. CO G NNo Varni*rmuVi f necessary. IMIM*i k»" because it gives them something of a mo- ject to headache, palpitation, spinal pain, New Haven News: A postern gate— HOOSIER MANUFACTURING CO., FORT WAYNE, IND. ill. ">hU»." One Co*t and Job is dome- nopoly. They do not much care what sleeplessness and nervous prostration. Philadelphia Cull: Going out with the that of a crab. that license is. They will pay it with For three years she had convulsions, NO. 33 N. FOURTH STREET, N.B.-8ee that our Trad© Mark ia on each pair of Overalls YOUR BUGGY tied—the wedding party leaving the Danville Breeze: No woman is truly and that our Name is Stamrjed on the Buttons. pleasure, knowing that the higher it is often as many as fifty in a night. Able church. "well bred" until she can make "good Up top for Chairs, Lawn Seat*, Saih. Fl<**« physicians failed to help her. At last ANN ARBOR, MICH. Pots, Baby Carriages, Curtain Poles, Furniture the greater number of small places will Burlington Free Prese: The home- bread." _^^__ Front Doors. Storefronti. Screen DOOM, »*»»• be closed up which will give them a bet- after taking that wonderful remedy, Dr. M.tnlr-s. Iron Fences n> f.ict ererythlnf. J«* Miles' Restorative Nervine for six weeks stretch, at this season of the year, Is gen- the tiling for the Ladies to ute about the hou« ter chance. But in the better class of erally limited to the carpet. Just Harried. TJPTU places there is not so much political she was entirely cured. It is a recent How loving they are; this is nhvnys a LUMBER! discovery by one of the greatest of living EOAN'S IMPERIAL TRUSS. FOR ONE DOLLAR work done as there is in the lower places, sure sign. After the tirst vear sometimes Spiral Spring, graded from I to « n unc uuL^ because there Is not the incentive and be- phyfici.ins, and is working wonders. Don't Experiment. it don't hold good. WlJen Charles pounds In pressure. cause their chief customers are not men Trial bottle free at Eberbach aud Son's LUMBER! You cannot afford to waste time in ex- comes home to you grouty and cross, WORN DAY AND NIGHT, who can be to easily led. Drug Store. ^___^_^_ snapping and snarling, unable to relish A Concentrated Liquid Extract of by an Infant a week old, or an perimenting when your lungs are in dan- adult 80 yearn. CO ArCOlfe you •S to PainHONESTt Ihia ye«rt If ». *>£ i Ihe nice dinner you have cooked, and LUMBER! ning water or bemint 1whtr Therefore, while we believe that no ger. Consumption always seems at first- MALT and HOPS. Ladles Trusses a perfection. for the tame money (or nearly so) you can P ^"!* Danville Breeze: A "straight flush"— feels us if there was a ton of pig iron in 'Enclose stamps for testimonials (1)11 A (O*H rtKK P4hT that Uw«rra»t*« » thinking person can reach any other con- only a cold. Do not permit any dealer to If you contemplate building, call at o bean HUM-ST. I.KMIMt LI^SKKD-OIL Til" ft tbe maiden's cheek that is not painted. iis stomach, he IB troubled with dyspep- of cores, etc. and free froni water and benrine. PCM^,*** clusion than that the liquor traffic is the impose upon you witli some cheap imita- MANUFACTURED BY SPECIALTY DE»'T hants t most serious curse of the world mid that New Haven News: A marine acci- tion of Dr. King's New Discovery for sia, and Sulphur Bitters is the only medi- FERDON EOAN IMPERIAL TRUSS CO., ii? cine that will cure him. ANN A KM.in, MICH. braml and Uk« no olbrr. Merchants h^nanr% ?j« the world would be better off without it, dent—when a schooner contains more Consumption, coughs and colds, but be PHIL. BEST IlKEWING CO. >t are our agents and authored by ui. in ""»"•* S SI beer than foam. U> warrant It lo1 trnlilt ir i & \fcAll!* *•'!» *lOAT»«r ^ - high licenseisof benefit and ought not to sure you get the genuine. Because he can CO tI atesTKAKt StyI whl h use1 d(OATS in th.e th EaseOu rt Sh.«1noww be becow**« »« "*** .jj make more profit he may tell you he has Yonkers Statesman: You can gener- MJ popula h WestW , and up witith ththe «•»» be dispised when prohibition Is out of Aids Digestion. Try this d of HOMiST PAI*T and you w" the question. If a wild beast cannot be A Sound Legal Opinion, something just as good, or just the same. ally tell a tree by its bark. Especially is CO never regret it. This to the wise U su»c killed, it is better to break one of its E. Bainbrldge Mundy, Esq., County Don't be deceived, but Insist upon getting this so of the dogwood tree. Cures Dyspepsia. PSO'S CURE FOR legs if that be possible. That will make Atty, Clay Co., Tex., gays: "Have mad Dr. King's New Discovery, which is guar- Strengthens the System, HOUSE PAINT jj it less dangerous. Electric Bitters with most happy results. anteed to give relief in all Throat, lung Learned Professors Say. Corner Fourth anrd Depot 8w., and go Piso's Cure for Con- sumption is also the best My brother also was very low with mala- and chest affections. Trial bottles free at The most serious diseases of the heart, our figures for all kinds of Restores Sound, Hi fit siting rial fever and jaundice, but was cured by Eberbach's drug store. COIT'S FLOOR PAINT? Never had a preparation a more ap- says Prof. Da Costa, may occur without Sleep. Paint that nevei propriate name than Ayer's Hair Vigor. the timely use of this medicine. Am any symptoms. Prof. Trousseau, of Cough Medicine, te n veck. • satisfied Electric Bitters saved his life." 'aris, states that death from heart disease If you have a Cough Next time i *ll When the capillary glands become en- Mr. D. L. Wilcoxson, of Horse Cave, BoBton Commercial Bulletin: "ThisIs PriceJ.es* to Xtimiiifj Mothers. •without disease of the feebled by disease, age, or neglect, this a backward spring" said the young lady s usually caused by congestion of the LUMBER! •« ft ruck «*er Ky., adds a like testimony, saying: He Lungs, a few doses are all iwearln;. dressing imparts renewed iife to the as she adjusted the wires to her bustle. ungs, liver, stomach or kidneys, from We manufacture our own Lumber and you need. But if you ne- Try it^nd scalp, »o that the hair assumes much of positively believes he would have died, mperfect circulation of the blood. Dr. Becomniciidttd by Eniinont Physicians. >c convinced WONT DRY STICKY had it not been for Electric Bitters. Danville Breeze: The man who snid xuarautee glect this easy means of Uiles' New Cure for the Heart is the O its youthful fullness and beauty. but two heads were better than one safety the Blight Cough This great remedy will ward off, as atest and most reliable remedy for this VERY LOW PRICES FOR SALE BY ALL nr>IJCCl«TS. may become a serious well as cure all Malarial Diseases, and for • ever had a boil. othors.whov.ish to examine lttle understood but grave disease. It X^Give ut a call and we will make It to Tour matter, and several bot- Boston Post: All the world may be a all Kidney, Liver and Stomach Disorders New Orleans Picayune: Death Is like • as cured thousands of cases. Don't fs.il Intercut, at our large and well graded atock fully ADVERTISERS , paper, cr obtain estimates tles will be required. THIS PAPER stage, but the fare is not particularly n advertising tpicewhtn in Chicago, will find it on file at Newspaper Advertising Hands unequaled. Price 50c. and $1, at a fly in search of a bnld head. It loves a o try It. Ask for testimonials. Sold at •uitalna our awertion. Telephone ConnoctloM 6treet).wbereadver.r cheap. Eberbach & Son's. shining mark. Eberbach and Son's Drug Store. with Office. 5 to 49 Randolph St.. fk|ka« a VUAUfta* CONSUMPTION Using contracts may r.l K.KKCH Supc. JAMKS TOLBKRT, Prop tt i.Ad,.,t,™gAg..1c> ul LORD tt THuMjldl 1>« made for It In NEW YORK.