NEXUS University of at Santa Barbara Vol. 57, No. 43 Thursday, November 11,1976 Redcurbing May Limit Torres Parking Space By Randi Mayem community aims. I don’t know of any The I.V. and Santa Barbara County I.V. apartment or residence that can Planning Commissions have requested accommodate everyone,” Kaskey that redcurbing of the North side of El continued. Colegio be approved by the County In accordance with the Planning Traffic Committee to force students to f ommission request last April, Francisco use new Francisco Tones (F.T.) parking Torres restriped the parking lot to create spaces. additional spaces. Dev Vrat of the Santa Francisco Torres General Manager Barbara Planning Department, however, Anthony Kaskey believes the recent recorded an average of 50 open spaces in restriping of F.T.’s parking lot has solved the northwest comer of the lot, while the parking problem. “We don’t feel that cars daily line El Colegio, which is closer we have a parking problem anymore. It’s to the dormitory elevators. Because the VISITORS AND RESIDENTS o f Francisco Torres may be parking elsewhere if been resolved as best as possible,” he said. south side of El Colegio was recently the north side of El Colegio is redcurbed, as requested by the County Traffic “Last year the Planning Commission redcurbed. cars now extend along the Commission. almost requested that we pave the playing north side past Camino Corto. Photo by Mitchell Goldberg field which seems to me to be against Vrat hopes the Traffic Committee will approve, by next week’s Planning Commission meeting, a parking zone Limiting Offshore Oil Development along the north side between midnight and 6 a m

“1 don’t feel that the county taxpayers Goal of County Sup's. Oil Co. 's Meeting should subsidize parking for private By Steve Maurer Calling the current regulatory processes the beginning of an attempt to coordinate development,” Vrat said. “The street The County Board of Supervisors a “grey area of the law,” Supervisor the many regulatory agencies involved in parking in I.V. is a result of poor planning approved last Monday a proposal by Frank Frost said that the scheduled oil production. and is no excuse for continued poor County Environmental Coordinator meeting is intended to result in an planning. I don’t believe that paving the Albert Reynolds, to schedule a meeting agreement which would “cause the least Describing the state administration as playing field is the answer, but better use between representatives of the oil possible damage to the environment!” “environmentally conscious,” Frost said of the existing lot is.” industry and ' local and national Frost explained that the current that the state agencies “will go along with The original Francisco Torres government officials. division of jurisdictions, including the proposal to meet with the oil development plans, approved by the An initial meeting, tentatively set for Santa Barbara County, the Lands companies.” He projected that this first County Board of Supervisors in 1965, Dec. 9, will attempt to reach • an. Commission, the Air Resources Board, meeting might not be the last of such required 737 parking spaces. 159 spaces agreement on a plan to stem the current and the Coastal Commission “all have the meetings. were deferred until Francisco Torres was growth of oil processing plants, storage right to say no to ARCO.” He added, “occupied,” at which time there would He supports the proposition of tanks, tanker loading terminals and “The meeting might very well speed up be a re-examination of parking needs. installing a super tanker terminal at the pipelines along the coast. the decision on the oil and gas processing The area where the 159 deferred spaces mouth of the Santa Maria River, saying, According to Reynolds, one way to plant at Ellwood.” would have been constructed is presently “the people in that area like the oil accom plish th e slowdown of oil Frost said that the current plan to a grassy area used for volleyball and industry.” He continued, “If the ofl paraphernalia would be to merge the transport the oil from the platforms to basketball. According to Vrat, however, development is consolidated it won’t be facilities of the separate oil companies. the market via tankers would be “a th e condition was filed away and so bad.” This, however, might be seen as a direct violation of state and federal forgotten until the reopening of violation of the anti-trust law. laws.” He suggested that a multi-company Francisco Tones last year. Assuming that Jack Hundley, offshore operations owned pipeline be the answer. Frost stressed that putting the terminal parking facilities were sufficient, 200 manager, said that a merger should not be in Long Beach would “add to the already parking stickers were over-issued. considered a violation if it is proposed by Hundley said that he would like to see poor air quality of that area.” He I.V. Planning Director Larry Kimmett the federal' govemment.He further stated the Dec. 9 meeting consolidate the discounted the possibility of a terminal at wrote to the Planning Commission last that this proposal was not submitted on regulatory review and permit processes Avila Bay saying, “Look at any February, requesting that the problem be the initiative of the oil companies which are currently controlled by several oceanographic chart of the area, it’s too studied. He reported that cars often lined involved. seoarate agencies. This, he said, might be shallow for an adequate terminal.” (Please turn to p. 16, col 1) Open Space Acquisition Priority for Park, Ree District By Glen Granholm The Park and Recreation Board of Directors will spend most of the available Funds Available for Direct Land, $ 1.5 million to acquire open space. On November 4, 1976, local voters Building Construction Purchases approved an as yet unsold park bond issue giving $1.5 million to the Parks and $1 million, or ninety percent of the total existing open space in I.V. could be Recreation District. bond money, will be used to purchase purchased with the bond money. Funds would be available only for open space land. A new type of park will be developed direct land purchases and development The board plans to use the remaining on open space land, according to Carter materials. Maintenance and employee ten percent of the money to purchase a Ray, general manager of the I.V. Rec and costs would not be covered by the bond commercial area building for use as a Park District (IVRPD). Ray indicated money. crafts center facility, to minimally that along with parks which will include A tax rate ceiling exists which limits develop open space lands acquired and to community gardens containing native th e park district’s ability to raise provide for legal and financial incidentals. plants, barbeque pits and farming areas, necessary funds for maintenance The park district has conducted there will also be Block Parks. These expenditures. Since the district has used numerous surveys in an attempt to leam parks will be developed and maintained up most of its allotted maintenance where Isla Vistans want their parks by neighborhood volunteers. Since park budget, the majority of new land located. The recent trend has been the and district water would probably be purchased must be relatively maintenance desire among citizens to see more parks unavailable to these areas, they would free. established in densely populated areas have only limited facilities. Ray pointed In April of this year, the district issued rather than along the beach bluffs. The out that neighborhood residents could do CARTER RAY - I.V. Recreation an official statement which stated that board estimates that one third of the (Please turn to p. 16, col. 1) and Park District General Manager. PAGE 2 DAILY NEXUS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11.1976

CONVICTED KILLER GARY GILMORE HAS URGED the Pitfalls of Women's Liberation Utah Supreme Court to reverse its stay of execution and let him die before a firing squad. He told the court yesterday that he had received a fair trial and a proper sentence. The 35 year-old man said he accepted the sentence and wished it carried out as Hit by 'Hard' Feminist Lawyer scheduled Monday morning. No one has been executed in the U.S. since 1967. By Martine White does believe in the necessity of between the ages of 9 and 13. “When a woman reaches teaching that principle to high She speculated that these women THE BORDER BETWEEN SOUTH-WEST AFRICA AND middle-age and the kids have school students. may be following the example of ANGOLA has been closed. Angolan and Cuban troops shut the gone, she finds herself alone with “Where are women in the their peers “who are not placing border to prevent more persons from fleeing to the South the washer, the dryer and the courts?” Haffner asked their lives secondary to those of African-controlled territory. About 8,000 refugees have fled the television. She doesn’t want to rhetorically. “They’re in their children.” fighting between Marxist and Pro-Western forces in Southern stay home but, that woman, at divorce.” Women are not Haffner, however, contends Angola. 45 — you’d want her to become a “choosing” issues to bring up she that the recent changes in divorce clerk at K-Mart?” questioned noted, unles they are law, such as no-fault divorce, BARGAINERS FOR HUGHES AIRWEST and its mechanics Carol Haffner, a private attorney “wellrfinanced fanatics or have have actually been a setback to union have resumed contract negotiations in a final attempt to in Ventura County. backing...from groups such as the many women. “The changes,” avert a strike threatened for midnight Sunday. The main issues Reputed as being a “hard” ACLU.” she said, “are assuming that are wages, work rules and conditions. women’s lawyer, Haffner spoke Frustrated in her attempts to women are out there earning, but at the campus Women’s Center fight for women’s rights, Haffner many are not. It’s an illusion, it’s ZAMBIAN PRESIDENT KENNETH KAUNDA and four other la st week on, “Is Women’s turned to divorce proceedings. an absolute illusion!” frontline African leaders have taken a stand in support of the Liberation Hurting Women in the The need in this area is Equal division of community Black Nationalists who are now negotiating a move to Black rule Courts?” She attracted a mixed tremendous, she said, citing a property is clearly advantageous in Rhodesia. The five of them met in Tanzania over the weekend audience of nearly 60, which Ventura County study which for women, she said. “It is giving and issued a communique calling on the white Rhodesian responded enthusiastically to her “ determ ined that there are them a recognition of their government to meet the demands of the black guerrillas. plea for women’s independence more...divorce actions filed than contribution to the marriage.” in both financial and all other actions combined — But, both assets and debts are THE MOROCCAN GOVERNMENT HAS EMBARKED ON A employment situations. including criminal.” divided equally. “This is unfair to CAMPAIGN to persuade some 230,000 Moroccan-born Jews to Haffner stressed early Haffner described most oif her the woman who has not earned return from Israel, France, the U.S. and other countries. The preparation and training before clients as secretaries and nurses. and is going to start out low on government has promised to help find jobs for all Jews of marriage, to prevent being caught They are in the classic female the wage scale,” Haffner Moroccan origin, or assist them in re-establishing small in the “no skills” job trap later in stereotyped roles...pulling in a criticized. “He may have a GS businesses. life. She whimsically referred to a very small percentage o f the (Government Service) 11 — but friend’s suggestion to have the income stream.” Through she may start out with a GS 3!” THE U S. CATHOLIC BISHOPS CONFERENCE HAS VOTED following grafitti be scrawled in marriage she asserted, they If a wife takes custody of the to call for new Panama Canal Treaty negotiations. At a women’s rest room of every high merely traded home life children, Haffner remarked, she Washington meeting yesterday, the bishops supported a pact to school. “You shall spend 25 years situations going from parental will receive child support (half of give Panama more control over its territory. of your life in the job market” support to spousal support. the husband’s salary). Some While Haffner does. not Surprisingly, Haffner said that spousal support may also be PERU’S MILITARY GOVERNMENT DEVALUED ITS condone writing on the walls, she many of her clients haye children CURRENCY yesterday for the 12th time in seven weeks. Peru’s (Please turn to p.13, col.l) Central Bank says the adjustments are aimed at making Peruvian products more competitive abroad. Private bankers say the nation is suffering from a balance of payments deficit that could Your family and friends can run to $500 million this year. buy anything you can give SENATOR ABRAHAM RIBICOFF RECOMMENDS that th em . . . President-Elect Carter appoint Secretary of State Kissinger as a special envoy to negotiate peace in the Middle East. Ribicoff said Except a Picture of You. Kissinger is the only world statesman who maintains the trust of Call or Come by both Arab and Israeli leaders. The Portrait Store Building 434 (Behind Storke Tower) —Anne Reach / 685-1084 All photogrpahy 100% »atlsfictlon guaranteed

The Dally Nexus Is published by the Press Council and partially funded through the Associated Students o f the University of California, Santa Barbara, Monday through Friday during the regular college year (except examination periods) and weekly during the summer session. Second Class Postage paid at Santa Barbara, C A . and additional mailing offices. , Mall subscription price: $12 per year or $5 per quarter, payable to the Dally Nexus, Thomas M. Storke Student Communications Building, P.O. Box 13402, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA 93107. c ■> Editorial offices: 1035 Storke Bldg., Phone 961-2691. Kairdesigning Advertising offices: 1053 Storke Bldg., Phone 961-3828. Gayle Kerr, Advertising Manager-. Representative for National Advertising: N .E A 3 ., 360 Lexington Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10017. Printed by the Campus Press, Goleta, Ca. 93017.


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FREE DICTIONARY — American Heritage Dic­ tionary 832 pages, Illustrated, 55,000 Entries — For everyone attending one of these free meetings, while the supply lasts. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 11,1976 DAILY NEXUS PAGE 3 In The Lower Depths, Gorky attac k s the false hopes of Jmmy Carter Has Royal Shakespearean Jones happiness through simple faith in dreams. “Gorky’s plays,” said Jones, Replaced Wax Ford Lauds Russian Playwright Gorky “have no stereotype heroes.” In his play Enemies, for example, (ZNS) — Madame Tussaud’s By Dorothy James misunderstood, Jones believes. intelligensia, Jones recounted, often “shortsidely summarized as Wax Museum in London wasted David Jones of the Royal He said that people often supporting the human factor, a clash between worker and little time. Shakespeare Company connect Gorky with Lenin, rather than the revolution. He factory owner,” Gorky faithfully Just four hours after the introduced one of his literary misinterpreting him as a second later exiled, fleeing to the United portrays conflicting interests, results of last week’s presidential colleagues to his Main Theatre Chekov. In addition, he is an States for a time, which alienated Jones said. “He is not a election reached England, the audience Tuesday. The subject of enigma to the Marxist who tries what he termed, “the dust bin of propagandist,” he added. wax image of Gerald Ford was Jo n e s’ lecture was Russian to pigeonhole him into the Europe.” “ Even characters who are carted away and replaced by a playwright Maxim Gorky, whose category of “ propagandist, Despite the hardships of attacked are given speeches which Jimmy Carter likeness. “love for the individual, and revolutionary writer.” Gorky’s times, he continued to reveal inner character, and lead According to museum officials, impatience with the mainstream But Gorky, the author of 20 find hope in humanity, Jones the audience to sympathize with Ford’s waxed head “was removed of society,” has made the gifted plays, was better known than said, adding that Gorky’s plays them.” from the exhibition” and placed artist one of the least understood Gorky in 1906. His plays were typically have an “overall moral “I love even those who are in a storeroom also occupied by playwrights of the century. known to an intellectual drive for reform.” The Lower repulsive to me,” Gorky once the wax portrait of Richard Jones has directed four of audience. But with the Bolshevik Depths, perhaps the best known wrote. Jones said that Gorky, Nixon. Gorky’s plays in the last five revolution, Gorky, a Marxist, of Gorky’s plays, conveys, in who studied people like books, years, attempting to bring the condemned Lenin and his reign Jo n e s’ words, “the limitless consistently maintains four wrote “fanfares for the twentieth little known playwrignt to the of terror. Throughout the bloody potential of man’s fantastic qualities in his plays: “A vivid century.” Gorky who, “wouldn’t •public eye. Gorky is years Gorky fought for the reality.” presentation of man, beyond all sacrifice his feelings of a moral judgement; a belief in humanity to a revolution,” tried man’s ability; portraying men to become, “a human being, not Goleta Water Board Working to with a combination of love and a machine for manufacturing hate; and writing that presents a anger and hate.” specific time in history.” “For the past 30 years I have Jones said Gorky’s plays and been walking in streets like a Establish Allocation Priorities works will not be forgotten. stranger,” Gorky wrote in his While the Goleta Valley Water from the lake during wet years, Wyner said. Gorky’s plays offer marvelous later years. Jones’ hope now, as a Board works toward the future with the emphasis switching to “I’m really looking forward to portraits of a society at a turning director reviving Gorky’s works, extablishment of additional water wells during dry years, Wyner him being a supervisor and giving point. Unlike Chekov, who Jones is that if the artist returned here supplies for the valley, it is explained. Operating the lake at this cause a push from the said wrote “elegies for the today, he would no longer feel a already deciding who should get lower levels than at present inside,” he said. nineteenth century,” Gorky stranger. that water. would allow retention of more W yner,a UCSB political science Although there are no rain water and prevent excess professor, is one member of a Crime Prevention Urged immediate plans for lifting the spillage over the dam, he said. sub-committee preparing a report The valley gets 75 percent of its on priorities of different The UCSB Police Department urges everyone to support This is the second o f a two-part water from the lake. Wyner said categories of water users. The Crime Prevention and Operation Identification. Don’t become a series. that the system could produce 25 board hopes to establish which victim of Burglary or Theft. Secure your residence and mark to 33 percent more water over a users should get additional water your valuables. present moratorium ori new decade than the present system when it becomes available. For students, faculty and staff at UCSB, the Campus Police water hookoips, the board is of operating the supplies Categories of users may include will upon request, conduct a Security Survey of residences in working oh a system of priorities separately. The plan could be persons wishing to expand LV., Goleta and Santa Barbara free of charge. to establish which users would im plem ented as early as six businesses. Let us help you. Call for your survey at 961-2433. months from now if the County receive more water in the future. s \ The board is considering a Board of Supervisors requests the r a it w o s o r t h e G o l e t a L ib r a r y * system of conjunctive uses of change from the federal Pre-Vets — Pre-Meds present water sources to increase government, which owns the the supply, said board member lake, h^gaid, adding, ‘That is a BOOK. Alan Wyner. The plan would very b f g ^ .’aS jtlp 4 lM B 9 ift^ C A B has many provide for coordinating the use The election of William 'SALE volunteer positions available in of water from the valley’s two Wallace, current president of the NOVEMBER II -14.1476 water sources, Lake Cachuma and board, to the county board of Mu l ti-Purpose Room 5 ground water wells, he said. supervisors will help the chances Saus- More water would be used for implementation of the plan, GOLETA L IBB ART F ri pm- Nw 12 Veterinary Medicine F00 NO. 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Mark I M” Shod Intermediate Weekend, tun skier. Soft to hard Expanded sidecut $168 150.160. Advanced moderate speed. packed for increased 170. 180. moderate aggressive­ stability. 190 ness Lightweight, easy turning. 1020 State St. Between Carrillo H ours: & Figueroa 9 6 6 - 0 0 7 7 Daily 10-6 The Field Honse O LIN SKIS Fri Eve TU 8 Free city parking Sunday 11-4 esL1976 behind store La Cumbre Plaza ■ Gift Certificates Available. (next to Robinson's) T u - T h u r s . 10- 6, Mon.* Fri. till 9. Sat. till 6, Sun. 12-4 PAGE 4 DAILY NEXUS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11,1976 The English Dept. Student Reps Get Verbal Gruel Diet By R. Brandts In their recent opportunity “to take some responsibility in who their next chancellor will be,” student representatives came up with nothing other than the same old dog biscuits that they’ve been expected to eat since they first arrived at UCSB: “academic excellence” and “administrative leadership.” Such abstract gibberish has been the “uji,” the common verbal gruel, that faculty and students have learned to survive on — with little or no bitching. A bland intellectual diet. Implicit in these repeated pretentius and published phrases is the originators’ assumption that without them there would be a popular demand for intellectual bungling and budgetary mismanagement. Perhaps the students who met with the Chancellor Search Committee at a breakfast, then a coffee hour, STUW OF 'BAB»' WITH HAND GRENADE next a lunch — all after a dinner the night before — strangely associated the rich food they had in their mouths with some substance in the vocabulary they were acquiring from the big boys. letters What irritates me about this critical transition time at UCSB is the absence of any penetrating analysis of what the situation Strong and Cohens Should Resign really is; or to be unmistakeably critical, why have so many articulate and perceptive individuals as the scholars and creative Editor, Daily Nexus: allowed only these candidates to smart enough to save the students persons of the University taken such a mute standing in this I believe i t ’s time Mr. Steve politically promise riches in the cost of a recall election, they important decision — at least in public? I happen to know that in Cohen, Ann Strong, and Randy exchange for votes??? Why didn’t will resign on their own the many midnight snacks that I have partaken in, there is Cohen take a good look at the big Ai N egratti ask these recognizance of administrative always a very animated and energetic cluster of academic voices number of votes that got them “candidates in the crowd’’ to save interference. Of course, if they naming both disappointments and dreams about their elected. They won their their rhetoric for the candidates’ still insist they won the election professional lives. But in the morning, things quiet down. Uji respective seats by a mere 35,19 forum, when all persons running fair and square, the recall special time again. and 155 votes over their could have equal time? election will provide needed jobs In the editorial “ Language: the Place to Begin” (3 November opponents who were not so to students willing to sit at the 1976), The Times welcomed the efforts of the fortunate as to be able to address Steve Cohen says, “Students tables and watch their worlds University of California to reverse the trend of the “steady a captive audience of 800 are smart enough to see the pass by. deterioration of student skills in reading and writing.” I. as a athletes. Was it mere fortune political games being played.” If taxpayer and as a father of two university age children, would shining down on them that Mr. Cohen and Ms. Strong are Rich Zimmerman welcome a similar reversal at the other end of the hierarchy. If the community expects stpdents to practice a prose style above "bunny English,” I’m sure that administrators in their pursuit of UNICEF Thanks Local Business “excellence” should have a similar expectation placed on them. Then the faculty, students, parents — even the administrators Editor, Daily Nexus: Interns for U N IC E F Davirro’s Sandwich and I s I a V ista ’s and UCSB’s Six-Pack Shop themselves — might find the campus a far happier place than it continues to be. The lingua franca of UCSB academic fundraising for UNICEF was a Our thanks to: Skip and Perry’s Pizza achievement will surely crush the lively spirit of anyone who is success: collections from Sylvester Lechuger’s Green truly interested in discovery about himself or the world around trick-or-treating, proceeds from Linda Borsodi, all the members Stand Pumpkins! - on Hollister him, past or present. In a conversation just last Monday, a the A.S. dance and donations of “Lady Luck,” and our friends Inner-Plant-A-Terrarium from local businesses amounted at Borsodi’s Coffee htouse. Artist’s Response Gallery promising young faculty member whose discipline is 6ne of the to more than two thousand Anna Fontana at Campus Photo Safeway in Goleta exact sciences (for his protection I withhold names), told me dollars. We appreciate everyone’s Joseph Kempf’s Haircutting IV Bookstore - selling UNICEF that “I could never be an administrator; I just couldn’t get myself to talk like that. I just coujdn’t say those things.” help and support, and would like European Autohaus Christmas and greeting cards especially to thank the business The Ocean Toad Rentals Etc. We both agreed that bulletins, reports, surveys, summaries, owners and business groups of Sunburst Market SOS memoranda and the like that come from the Ad Building, while Isla Vista and Goleta for their, IV Hairstylists UCSB Arts and Lectures close to being literate, are best classified as anti-literate. donations of money, goods, and Pruitt’s Market Ticket Office The official prose of UCSB has the rhythm, cadence, diction, services. Embarcadaro Company AS Bikeshop and sentence structure of a mechanic’s manual. In a copy of the Richard Kopcho and La J ¡cora Leather Guild Vice-Chancellor’s address to the academic senate (“Program and Quality Changes at UCSB,” Oct. 15, 1976), smuggled to me Darcy Black Rusty’s Pizza New York Hero House by a faculty informant, I found English usage far below any level DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau of “excellence” that I expected as a teacher of freshman composition. The grim report approached embarrassingly close to standards I became familiar with when teaching English as a foreign language. The feeble repetition of the meaningless sounds (now a part of the vocabulary of student leadership) combined with the dependence on a form of the verb “to be,” the passive voice, or some other copulate produced a chill in me as I witnessed this powerful man’s language and thought in action. I did the only thing I could do under the circumstances: I corrected the damn thing, just for the hell of it. In fact, since this man loves statistics, I counted all the verbs in the main predicates of all sentences in the writing and found that over seventy-five percent of them were copulative, “to be” forms, or in the passive voice. When I told another friend about my little research, he said, “Bob, those guys live in the passive voice.” As I listened to this witty insight, I remembered the Vice-Chancellor’s sentence on page ten where he talks about the sacking of DAILY NEXUS assistant professors: “It can be expected that the rate of non-promotions...” Doug Amdur Tom Bolton "the pursuit of knowledge is, I Students of style know about these rhetorical devices, the Editor-tn-Chief Managing Editor think, mainly actuated by love o f realities they conceal. And unless someone ddes something — power." speaks up, at least — about the present pattern of events and the Becky Morrow Laurie Ban k Bertrand Russell language surrounding the “search,” the next UCSB chancellor News Editor Editorials Editor Will be of the Same ilk as the last; and he will surround himself with men whose literary talents and values will reflect his own Opinions expressed are the individual writer's and do not necessarily represent those of the Daily Nexus, UCSB Associated Students, or the UC Repents. Cartoons represent the opinion of the tastes. If nothing’s done, I suggest, get ready: they’re warming individuals whose names appear thereon. Editorials represent a consensus viewpoint of the Daily up the uji; for as Professor Fingarette, one of the searchers in the Nexus Editorial Board. All items submitted for publication become the property of the Daily administrative wilderness, pointed out, “substantive matters are Nexus. We welcome contributions from alternative viewpoints. still confidential.” > . , . , „ \ \c (Interested persons can find the corrected copy of the Vice-Chancellor’s address on file at The English Department, 5892 Hollister, Goleta.) PAGE S


THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11,1976 ‘The Ritz’: A Bad Homosexual Joke By Kathy Lanzarotta of a fading Maña don has If you can imagine a bad gay gathered to pay its last respects joke that lasts an hour and a half, (plenty of Italian-Catholic jokes then you’ve either got a good here). imagination or you’ve seen ‘The In what is supposed to be a Ritz.” This homosexual farce, funny (!) deathbed scene, Papa’s the unfortunate result of director final instructions to his weeping Richard Lester’s collaboration children are to “get” his with playwright Terrence son-in-law: a garbageman from McNally, was a Broadway hit last Cleveland (Jack Weston). At the season but suffered greatly in the funeral, this innocuous stooge transition to film. gets the general drift and decides Now granted, New Yorkers are to make himself scarce for a a kinky bunch and not everyone while. As luck (and the director) shares their affinity for male would have it, he stumbles onto steambath humor. But Lester and the Ritz, a hotel-steambath for McNally could have conceivably hip homosexuals. brought this off with more Weston wanders through the success by using just a little taste lavish set like a fat, balding Alice ' GA Y TIMES”at the homosexual bath house in Robert Lester’s new farce, “The Ritz.” and discretion. After all, a movie in Wonderland populated by that seems intent on offending as Wesson Oil freaks and “chubby you like?” variety, while Lester Mothers-in Law.” Rita Moreno the gay with a heart of gold. many people as it possibly can in chasers,”- secure in the knowledge includes a scene with a plays a Puerto Rican night-club Unfortunately, these minor the first ten minutes is generally that his blood-thirsty relatives homosexual lying in bed listening singer, and speaks almost successes are hardly enough to not going to win a whole lot of would never look for him here. to taped male orgasms. unintelligibly. When she can be salvage the film. points with viewers. So naturally, guess who shows As if it didn’t have enough understood it’s not much better; The career of Richard Lester The funniest thing about “The up? troubles, the film is marred by her sense of humor is restricted has always had its up and downs, Ritz” is the five-second opening The confrontation between inferior acting in most of the to such brilliant witticisms as ranging from the high-water mark shot of a lava lamp gracefully •straights and gays in an leading roles. Weston contorts his “Oh chit!” of “A Hard Day’s Night” through undulating to solemn classical environment dominated by the face in what passes for Some of the minor characters, such disasters as “Petulia” and music (the sublime meets the lafter could have been both sanctimonious horror, but however, could have been truly “How I Won the War,” and banal). As soon as the story interesting and funny, but “The doesn’t know how to do much funny with better lines and bouncing back with the excellent attempts anything more complex Ritz” manages to be neither. else. Kaye Ballard, as his coarse, direction: Paul B. Price as the “Three (and Four) Muskateers.” th an th is, it goes steadily McNally’s gags consist chiefly of loud wife, should be permanently detective with a face like Robert Now, with ‘The Ritz” to his downhill. It seems that the family the “Hey Big Boy, see something banished to reruns of “The Redford, a body like Jack La discredit, he will just have to Lane, and a voice like Mickey redeem his good name all over A “Pointless” “Hit and Run” Mouse; or F. Murray Abraham as again. o* .ffid&iq i o 32£q ¿tint .i Slams Into Madrid Park It’s All a , By Tom Berm hi-jinx and harmony for the Hits such as “Fry Me a Liver” Everything from Be-bop to amphitheater’s midday crowd. and “The Girl with Emphysema” Lay “ The Wager” Bluegrass was performed A parody of the Pointer went totally unrecognized. Their By Gary Saunders Saturday afternoon in I.V.’s there, weaving that proverbial Sisters, Bermuda Schawartz and current hit “Are You Going to Drama takes on its powerful Madrid Park. The Pointless Sisters web of carefully checked her two sisters began by boogie Drug Me Tonight” left the crowd role as audience transifxer and emotions and tensions until along with The Hit and Run woogiedngthe crowd with musical in a coma of laughter. Swing Band provided some tantalizer in Mark Medoffs finally, in a series of exquisitely selections from the 20’s and 80’s. Lacking any sense of “The Wager,” ending a UCSB portrayed confrontations, the continuity, their mock act and run this weekend in the Studio webbing tears, and souls are jive is indeed pointless, but kinda’ Theater. Medoff has written a laid bare. fun. contrived, yet ultimately “The Wager” would not The real professionals playing hard-hitting, tongue-in-cheek w ork without several finely Saturday were The Hit and Run satire of human morals and honed characterizations, and Swing Band. Poised and talented, misplaced dignity, which works the superb overall control they draw their tunes from the as an outrageous labyrinth of obviously exercised by director deep musical wells of the 30’s the mind, playing games with Don Boughton, a member of and 40’s. Their ability to the audience as well as the the Dramatic Art Department transform old classic tunes into characters. faculty. modem npbeat tempos brings The script seems initially Boughton’s talents are them their success. contrived in its use of a fairly evident by the very fact that Billy H oliday songs are cliche plot line, but grows to the usually noticeable soulfully sung by the lovely maturity in the development of heavy-handedness of a Velma Lee, whose strong stage richly complex character­ o m niscent director pushing presence and dynamic motions izations, all knit together by around wax-figure actors, is cany the show. Accompanied by th e love/need games people absent from this production. the grassroot guitar picking of play. The wit of MedofTs cleverly Catalina Eddie, old Bob Will’s The story begins with a bitter and comedic dialogue is tunes such as “Smoke, Smoke, simple, albeit devious wager: so carefully timed, the Smoke That Cigarrette” really do Leeds (Kip Baker), an movement and action so start smoking. emotionless grad school perfectly executed, that the Colonel Cosmos provided the student, bets his macho-jock tone of the story is admirably foot-stomping fiddle playing on roommate, Ward (Keith natural and meaningful. “ D on’t Let Your Deal Go Lindsey), that he could not Baker etches a profoundly Down.” Swinging and swaying he m ake love to Honor (Mary disturbing portrait of the cold, pairs up with Professor BoFiddle Hunt), without inciting her cynical John Leeds. His who provides a bopping bass. naive Phi Beta Kappa husband performance moves slowly and Saturday’s show was free freak (G regory Welch) to murder subtley from his role as fun. These two acts were only COLONEL COSMOS with some “down home” fiddle playing. him. ringleader of the match, to a upstaged by Saturday night’s full The action takes off from Photo by Tom Barru moon. (Please turn to p. 7, coL4) PAGE 6 DAILY NEXUS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11,1976 ‘Rock and Roll Heart’ And‘Big Beat’ Head List Of New Album Releases

pyschological-split well. Against a Big Beat super-cool beat reminscent of early sixties Sparks jazz, with a little Dixieland sax thrown in, Columbia Records Sparks new release, "Big Beat. ” Lou Reed’s new release, “Rock and Reed delivers a'com ic satire of his Sparks is one of the few remaining Roll Heart. ” antithesis, a hometown boy who’s never bands to combine a sense of humor with a whole the lyrics are not quite as clever learned to swing. “I never taken intelligence and a touch of class. The as “Kimono” or “Propaganda,” but the Rock and RoD Heart drugs...N ever danced on a bearskin double entendres in the lyrics plus the old Sparks spirit still remains. Lou Reed rug...I’ve been true to my wife and its just peculiar melodies are both an integral One of the highlights of the album, “I Arista Records been too much!” Reed sings stylishly. part of the Sparks sound. Bought the Mississippi River,” has some Ron and , the nucleus of particularly interesting arrangements. For his debut on Clive Davis’ Arista Reed is again playing his guitar, with Sparks, began their career with the Los Jeffrey Salen breaks out of his R ecords, Lou Reed has released a only adequate results. The arrangements Angeles-based Half-Nelson. Two albums chord-progression rut for some nice solo surprisingly optimistic musical statement, on this album, a blend of light jazz and and a new band later, they released breaks. “Rock and Roll Heart.” But the album rock, indicate a greater change of heart “,” their first major “Fill-er-up” is a 50’s style Elvis still bears an unmistakable characteristic however. album. The Sparks tradition carried on imitation about a gas-guzzling auto. of Reed’s work - schizophrenia - and it for the two ensuing albums, Complete with echoing vocals and On “You Wear It So Well,” “Ladies is indeed a palatable piece. scalular bass runs, it is not just another Pay,” and ‘Temporary Thing”, Reed “Propaganda” and “Indiscreet.” Now, the Brothers Mael have deposited their British “I’m in love with my car” routine. momentously builds up a potential Since his days w ith the Velvet band on their native English soil and Ron’s witty lyrics emerge in powderkeg of emotion without ever Underground (seems like ions ago), Lou formed an American version of Sparks. “Everybody’s Stupid,” a song dealing exploding. It is apparent here that he is Reed has been one of rock’s longstanding “Big Beat,” the new album, is a fresh with frustrating romantic blunders, that is more concerned with the flavor of his symbols of alienation, decadence and direction for the Maels. Gone are the destined to become a Sparks classic. new music rather than the impact. These despair (or simply as rock’s number one frenetic, high-pitched vocals that have The album closes with “White Women” are savory songs. junkie, depending on your point of view). become a Sparks trademark. Instead, the and “I Like Girls,” two moderately Reed is generally hailed'as a “rock and new album leans more towards the ealier chauvinistic songs. “White Women” is Through all the “good time music,” roll animal,” but the'rock here is more Half-Nelson sound. punctuated by a pulsating drum beat, and though, Reed remains unpretentious. On Drummer Hilly Boy Michaels and Russell actually strays into a high falsetto humane than Reed’s usual savagry. the title track, the album’s raunchiest cut, bassist Sal Maida support the bottom end for part of the lyrics and backing Reed lavs down his cards. The melody The album opens with. “I Believe in isn’t especially good, but the lyrics are of Sparks extremely well. Unfortunately, “ooh’s”. An appropriate finish to the album, “I Like Girls,” features some Love,” a mildly rocking dedication to ultimately characteristic of Lou Reed: “I g u itarist Jeffrey Salen is a fairly “Love, Good Times, Good Time Music — ■ unimaginative player. He lacks the backing hom arrangements, faintly don’t like opera/I don’t like Ballet/ And originality and distinctiveness of his reminiscent of “Looks, Looks, Looks,” Rock ‘n’ Roll...” What follows Nou-way French movies just drive me predecessors, Trevor White and Earl from “Indiscreet.” throughout most of the album is just that away/I guess I’m just dumb/‘Cause I Mankey. Although not the most sensational _ — good time rock and roll... knows I’m not smart/But deep down As per usual, composed the Sparks release, “Big Beat” is nonetheless inside, I gotta rock V roll heart.” The most engaging cut on the album, entire album, without even a token a fine effort. “Sheltered Life,” exhibits Reed’s - BEN KAMHI composition from lead singer Russell. As — Joni Steshko '77 (B uoib re m ewô I ______^ ^ b u lica Have You Decided Club Yet If You Want Seniors The 1977 La Presidents Have you made The Editorial Staff is currently your Cumbre? deciding on which clubs/ Let us help you decide. Come organizations to include in the down to the La Cumbre office 1977 LA CUMBRE. If you wish Senior Portrait (Storke Bldg. Rm. 1041) and your club to be considered, look through past editions and stop by the office, Storke Bldg. appointment yet? especially the 1976 edition Rm. 1041 and see either It's not too late. just off the press. Marsha Graham or Tomas Machin. Appointments can be made at Subscriptions are $12.00 and "The Portrait Store" can be obtained at "The (next to the Student Services Portrait Store", AS Cashiers They Have (3rd floor UCen), The Nexus' Office) or by calling 685-1084 Ad office (Storke Bldg. Rm. Arrived!! between 8 - noon, 1 - 5. 1053), and The La Cumbre All those persons who have patiently Office. and diligently waited for their 1976 • J (i La Cumbre can stop their waiting by coming to Storke Bldg. Rm. 1001 between 10-2. (Please bring receipts or I.D.) Books not picked up by Wed., Nov. 17, will be mailed home. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 11,1976 DAILY NEXUS PAGE 7 From Red to White Hot It’s A Game: “The ’ (Continued from p.5) marriage. Gato Barbieri in Concert confused participant Although Lindsey’s overwhelmed by the portrayal of Ward seems at By Ben Kamhi rhythm ic attack which more stylized now, and less development of the precedings. times over zealous, and Welch’s During a two-show stop-over in complimented Barbieri’s abstract than it has been in the Mary Hunt is likewise cuckolded husband is often too Santa Barbara last Friday, virtuosity. Purdie kept pounding past. His music has acquired a Baker’s perfectly matched meek, their talents as actors saxophonist Gato Barbieri out rolls, each more intricate sleek polish which replaces the opponent in the proceedings. nevertheless carry them demonstrated his wizardry, th an the previous one. While natural tarnish of Latin soul. The Her cold and tortured, yeta through in even synch with the turning the impulse of Latin soul bassist Eddie Riveria and spiritual essence remains, but the continually proud, Honor does rhythm of the entire into some amazing music. Gato Cachette on congas elaborated on new design exhibited during this credit to stifled rebellion production. was great. But his performance the rhythmic structure of the number is not entirely fitting, nor inherent in the woman’s character. was not wholly satisfying — the piece, Purdie was responsible for terribly exciting. The space in the Dramatic Barbieri’s coolness was also The pawns in this all too real cat was just a bit too cool. the elegant punctuation of A rt D e p artm en t’s versatile Originally booked to play at Barbieri’s phrasing. somewhat distressing. He left the chess match seem to be Ward, Studio Theater is utilized to its stage after an all-too-brief sixty and Honor’s husband Ron. the Arlington Theatre with When audible, keyboardist utmost, as the games of these minutes, and returned reluctantly Their pitiful struggle for Lonnie Liston Smith, Barbieri’s Eddie Martinez supplied some characters are played out in the about ten minutes performances were shifted to the interesting arrangements: possession of Queen Honor is structure and atmosphere of a later to deliver an encore El Paseo restaurant when Smith Unfortunately the single column portrayed in the conflicting heated boxing match. Designer demanded by the audience’s egos of Ward’s ridiculously cancelled. But that venue PA and uninspired mix-down Leland Strasburg deserves the persistance. Barbieri ended the overeager, yet failing provided a club atmosphere and prevented him from coming merit for both the show effortlessly, without ever jockishness (he couldn’t be a intimacy more conducive to the through clearly — when he did uncomfortably scraggly evening’s overall success. come through. really attempting to give Santa basketball star, so he’s getting a apartment these grad students Greeted by standing-room-only Guitarist Joe Caro earned his Barbara his best. graduate degree in physical call home, and the dull, overly audiences, Barbieri’s performance keep too, though little more. He It was the aura surrounding education), and Ron’s vain warm lighting which adds an consisted primarily of material provided the necessary rhythmic Gato Barbieri — the saxophonist’s attempts to maintain his appropriately uneasy touch to from his latest release, Cattente. thrust but shined only demeanor — that created the intellectual dignity when faced the mood in which the His version of Carlos Santana’s occasionally on solos and leads atmosphere, not the quality of with the reality of a dying audience views the action. “Europa” served as a warm-up during trade-offs with Barbieri. th e music. Barbieri’s music is exercise, exciting the crowd with For the most part, he tamely irrepressible, and he may well be sax lines more spicy than echoed Barbieri’s improvisations, incapable of actually delivering a S an tan a’s guitar licks on the with-much less feeling than the bad performance. But Friday original. saxophonist evokes. night he was only fulfilling By the time Barbieri moved on Barbieri’s rendition of Marvin contractual obligations. He Color to “Fireflies,” he was coaxing Gaye’s “I Want You” epitomizes reserved emotional fortitude for a senuous progressions out of his th e saxists current mood. His more prestigious club, or a more free-form third-world sax-work is lucrative concert. O cir M a n Flint sax, and constructing chromatic James Coburn layers of sound, varying in Lee J. Cobb intensity from red to white hot. With his sax lines simmering, and Tickets to Events Sold at UCen the addition of some occasional As a special service to students, and with the cooperation of verbal jazz, Barbieri’s spontaneity the University Center, tickets to Arts and Lectures events will be FILM at the SANTA BARBARA MUSEUM of ART _ created a celebrative mood, and available in the UCen Information Booth two weeks 1130 STA TE STREET Q 963-1364 □ DONATION $1.00 » sustained it throughout the set. before the following Fall performances. Note that tickets will be Fri. 7:30pm □ Sat. 1:30 & 7:30pm □ Sun. 1:30, 7:30 & 9:30pm S “ Los Desperados” followed, picked up and returned to the Arts and Lectures Box Office one with B arbieri more soulfully working day before each event: sporting a south-of-the-border MEL HOWARD IN ASSOCIATION WITH FEDER*ICQ RODRIQUEZ beat. Drummer Bernard Purdie, a EVENT TICKETS ON SALE PRESENTS talented R&B veteran, led the (Inclusive dates) Joan Miller & The Chamber Arts/Dance Players “ WHAT IS GESTALT?” , Concert Performance: Saturday, Nov. 2 f t __ .Nov. 8-Nov. 18 Pallet ‘'Nacional “ EVERYTHING IS AWARE Toshiko Akiyoshi/Lew Tabackin Big Band PROCESS”, a~n d Saturday, Dec. 4 ...... Nov. 18-Dec. 2 “MADELINE’S DREAM” all cFestivales de^spana show Fritz Peris, the founder Because Concert Series events are frequently sold out, we are of Gestalt Therapy, on camera saving students 100 good seats for each concert. These are leading unrehearsed group available now and will be held for students up to one week sessions. Dr. Peris discusses and before each event. illustrates the use of the here Arts and Lectures Box Office hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and now as a key to the (Single admission film tickets, available at the door only.) therapeutic process in Gestalt Therapy. He also demonstrates the techniques he developed for working with dreams and Community Affairs Board presents re-intergrating disowned parts of the human personality. osxxsxxsxxxS! Skip’s Pizza WOODY Free Delivery ALLEN 9 6 8 - 1 0 9 5 DIANE KEATON “LOVE and THREE PERFORMANCES DEATH” T U E SD A Y N O V . 1 6 8pm:

'A JACK ROLLINS-CHARLES H JOFFE PRODUCTION W E D N E SD A Y NO V. 17 »».■«.*? P.«.. Produced by C H A R L E S H. JO F F E Written and Directed by W O O D Y AL L E N PGlPMBroU.6UttUlg3U66KTB LOBERO THEATRE United Artists 33 EAST C A N O N PERDIDO SANTA BARBARA.CAUFORNIA 93101 Friday, November 12 31.25 TICKETS: $10j00. *7.50. $5.00 Campbell Hall 7:00 & 9:00 p.m. Spatial Studant Discount Wad., 6 p.m„ $5 ANY SEAT PAGE I DAILY NEXUS THURSDAY, NOYER Boston

Russ and Ron Mael, above, cavo wails with Boston below.

Barry Goudreau o f Boston.

By Darron Sayre th a t unforeseen difficulties will arise, TONIGHT! 8:00 pm Robbed of making a dramatic entrance elementary matters such as mike levels Arlington Theatre because of audio difficulties which delayed should be taken care of before the show the opening of the show (and occassionally and not inflicted upon the audience and Reserved seating 8.50 - 7.50 - 6.50 re-surfaced during it), Boston nonetheless the band. made an impressive debut at the Arlington M ost o f B o sto n ’s eleven song set Tickets available at: MUSIC GALAXY • 5 points Center for the Performing Arts Saturday TURNING POINT - Downtown, State at 101 consisted of numbers off their album of TICKET BUREAU (Bennett’s Music) Downtown n ig h t. P erform they did, relentlessly the same name. Appropriately enough, their MORNINGLORY MUSIC - Ista Vista flooding the audience with a torrent of show opened with “Rock & Roll Band, All TICKETRON Outlets including Seats - high energy Rock and Roll which, although we’re just a little ol’ band from Boston” Ventura, Oxnard, Santa Maria sometimes deafening, was of such high sort of number which, while a little cliche, calibre that this miscalculation could be serves as a fine introduction to the group. a pemabo/caUtope presentation easily overlooked. Following a forgettable song they moved However, the production aspect cannot immediately into “” be so easily dismissed. At best it was and established themselves with the New Directions In Jazz unprofessional, and at worst unbearable. audience. More than anything else, this The perform ance was punctuated by song propelled them into the forefront of piercing blasts of feedback, often occurring American rock. The.blend of acoustic and during beautifully synchronized guitar electric qualities, coupled with impeccably solos, destroying the mood while throwing soaring harmonizations and guitar everyone off-beat. Vocals were missed as orchestrations, all combined to produce technicians fumbled trying to decide upon what may be the best rock single of the a proper level. While it is understandable year.

^IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIItlllllUllllllinillllllMimHIIIIIIIIIMHIIIIIIIIimilillllllllllllllllllllHHIIIMIIIIIIHIIIIIIItlll! Gallery C FESTIVAL of MUSIC § Selected pieces from the first prize winner will be Also opening the 16th are | Center Gallery’s self image awarded a one woman show ' shows in the South and West = competition will be on display Winter quarter. Galleries. Paintings by Helen «it************* § at the gallery through Nov. 19. Pashgian, a Pasadena painter Gary Burton Quartet jjj “Best of Show” was awarded Art studio pre-enrollment working in cast resin, will go on = by juror Paul Prince to David begins next week in Rm. 1316 view in the South Gallery. with Pat Mothony | Applegate for his of the Arts Building as follows: 1 “Self-Qestruction No. 1 and Seniors Nov. 15 tWJHgUB* CAUTO»«A Él f No. 2.” M-Z '•. -ikWrtaire!' iiarsT” '-■ ' »-.’di «aì!” sa 8:30-11:30 sii| Z*Ü ìfelirjyp u D ire ctio n s I Artists with pieces in the A-L 1:30-4:30 1 show should pick up their work with John Abercrombie § on Nov. 19 or 20 at the gallery. Juniors Nov. 17 § The “Space” show, M-Z 8:30-11:30 Eberhard Woborfr 1 originally scheduled for the A-L 1:30-4:30 1 week of the 15th, has been C o lo u rs 1 canceled due to lack of entries. Sophomores Nov. 19 = *************** ■ itrvtvt, X fflWRSF-* : ; ..A**** •* 8:30-11:30 RalphTowner - solo guitar I A juried women’s art show I will continue at the UCSB Freshmen Nov. 19 plus duots with | Women’s Center through Dec. 1:30-4:30 *************** 1 10. Works by Helen Siegel, p M f I mmsrmtotjmMwm m nmmmsmB | Lorraine Serena and Linda With remodelling completed, ■ H i i rrvm ¿j Eborhard Weber & Gary Burton I Reeves were awarded first, the Main Campus Gallery will # *UMI TifiMTlKYl I f M iJum» wrtiw* * 1 second and third places by open Nov. 16 with “The Flute 1 jurors Irma Cavatt and Priscilla and the Brush,” a collection'of mm TOMORROW NIGHT) Friday, Nov. 12 - 7:30 pjn. I Bender-Shore, while honorable Indian miniature paintings j Arlington Theatre 1 mentions went to Doris from the Mogul period. A reserved seating SS.50 — 7.80 — 8.S0 “N5814904," a mixed-media work by ( I Moriion and Brenda reception will be held from Tickets on sale at Music Galaxy, Turning Point, Momlnglory Music and display in the UCen Gallery. all Ticketron locations. | How-Wilson. Helen Siegel, as 5-7:30 pjn. - ' a pemabo presentation (Éttm* II; suaesaasuMM PHWUlllllMUHIIIUUBIIIUUiWIUliyiWI^BHWHIIIIliWIIIWMMIMIIIMMlWHSIIIIIItlWWUllUIIIIIIIIIMIIIIMIIIMIIIMIIMMIIMlWMMUIIIIIUUMIIIMMMIIIUUIMMMIMIIMIISIIItWMIWWSliHllllliWWIMIMlIMMa , NOVEMBER 11,1976 DAILY NEXUS PAGE 9

X-RATED! No one under 18! "Alice in Wonderland" Sparks "Flesh Gordon" MAGIC LANTERN ~ a». TWIN THEATRES upp*' i+ft comer o* I*’« Villa MO F '■"Percederò Dei None Dennis Hopper rMad Dog Morgan" "Boy and His Dog" (R)

Arlington Centerl CALL For thXformmg A•• ~ -* TONIGHT'S PROGRAM )ve, cavort on stage and , Photos by Matt Pfeffer Sean Connery 'The Next Man" (R|| James Caan f f'Killer l Elite"

1 wm> Russ Mael works up a sweat while singing with Dustin Hoffman Sparks at the Arlington. 'Marathon Man"(R) “More Than a Feeling” first introduced as it is in the studio. Extending into th e audience to the remarkable octaves usually reserved for Freddie sorry, no passes combination of (the band’s i Mercury or Robert Plant, his voice cuts leader) and . The twin sharp, bdt lacks the power and control of leads were able to replicate the dazzling the former two. precision of the recorded guitar B o sto n ’s stage presence is subdued, STARTING FRIDAY! orchestrations with stunning effect. indeed they seemed rather bewildered to Sometimes complementing each other, but be there at all, but, gratefully, they also Charlton Heston more often, synchronized, their guitars lacked the arrogance displayed by many /fi resembled Brian May at his best. other bands and appeared to be enjoying 2 Minute Having proven their capabilities and the show as much as the audience. W arning' potential with “More Than a Feeling” and sorry, no passes other songs, they too often regressed to Their set was short; after one encore simpler hard rock and common themes, they left despite a clamoring audience and which, while always played well, can be a long ovation. Jack Weston obtained from dozens of other bands. -Surprisingly, Sparks was included on the The musicianship was tight and crisp bill as the opening act; surprising because "The Ritz" (R) throughout. Fran Sheehan’s restrained bass Sparks is top bill in Los Angeles, and not and ’s strong drumming long ago one of the biggest bands in Jack Lemmon provided a good, steady backbeat for the England. They seemed the most surprised guitars and vocalist, Bradley Delp. Delp’s of anyone, rushing through their nine song Prisoner of 2nd Avenue1 range is extensive, and he is one of the very set with an indifference equalled only by few rock singers whose voice is as good live the audience. i S m n n a Woody Alen "LOVE AND iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiimiiiiMiiiiiiMiiiitiiiiniiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiL1 riviera ry Circuit MOVIE PALACE DEATH* “Souls and Spirits: Indigenous opened Tuesday at the College from Nov. 16 to Dec. 24. "BANANAS" of Creative Studies Gallery. Gabrielson’s paintings 1 9hb 6188 Ritual in Highland Indonesia” I any will open in the West Gallery. The meditative paintings on depicting visions of everyday 1 ____ (PG) paper will remain at the gallery life in the U.S. have recently 1 *************** through Nov. 28. been labelled “ L.A. Wit.” *************** Paintings by Marvin' Hardin Turrell will produce a = Bernard Venet, originally large-scale “Light Space” for 1 "FREEWHEELING" CALIFORNIA cwtfiMWMCMB CAttFOBNIIA scheduled to speak tonight at the exhibition. He is also 1 psg* tw : .« íT» i ffÄ rr • 1 8:00 in Ellison 1930 as a guest currently constructing a “Sky 1 "LEGEND OF BIG FOOT" of Creative Studies, has Piece” in crater northeast of 1 ¡jS* i canceled his appearance. Check Flagstaff, Arizona. (G) **4************ S s»-- « w ith the college for new speaker schedules. Entries are being accepted 1 *************** fpr the “1977 Ceramic § ¡ÄS The Contemporary Graphics Conjunction” exhibition held §} WALT DISNEYS ¡ff I Center of the SB Museum of annually at the Long Beach 1 ■ ,«*»»> ■jMSp "G u s" Tyi -j Art will continue an exhibition Museum of Art. David Furman, 1 IË&I g ñ L ... of recent etchings and life-size Assistant Professor of ceramic § n Peter Pan" (G) body prints by George Segal and glass art at Pitzer College, 1 until Dec. 3. will jury the show. *************** Children $1.00 i ü i i Ä i Artists may submit any 1 Paintings by Katherine Gring number of works, though there 1 are on display at the Isla Vista is a $4 entry fee for each piece. 1 m ß:** ** JÉWEj»: y *«* Artist Response Gallery. Entries will be accepted by 1 "MASSACRE AT wSEBm**** *»>t i *************** mSrnrnrnm* 3SMM slides only. Deadline for s CENTRAL HIGH" BIB James Turrell and Walter entries is January 17, 1977. I Gabrielson will each hold one For more information contact 1 ork by Gail Hester Weinstock, is currently on "ALOHA, BOBBY man shows at the Arco Center Barbara Hendrick at the Long 1 Photo by Eric Woodbury for Visual Arts in Los Angeles Beach Museum. AND ROSE" (R) iHtmiiiiiiiHHMnmiMinHuiuiniiiiiiHwiiuiiHiHiiimimumiiiuiinuumuutHmiiHimwmflmmiiniHiHMiwnmimffliu iSfAS PAGE 10 DAILY NEXUS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11,1976 Robert Palmer’s Blue-Eyed Soul Breaks with Third Album By Ben Kamhi emphasis on disco music’s Through the Alley, for his first With the rise to fame of Boz incessant motion. On stage the LP. So he rounded up some of Scaggs, the Average White Band, orchestration is synthesized, but New York’s best R&B musicians KC and the Sunshine Band and in the studio the arrangements — Cornell Dupree, Richard Tee Hall and Oats,—to name a few, call for large string sections — 32 and Bernard Purdie, along with blue-eyed soul has become a very pieces on his second LP, Pressure English rocker Stevie Winwood — real phenomenon on American Drop. for the project. With the aid of record charts. Palmer relies on a musical base the Meters and Little Feat’s England’s latest entry in white that reaffirms his priorities — Lowell George, Palmer completed soul, Robert Palmer, will appear movement over m elody. the album at Allen Touissant’s in concert in Campbell Hall on According to Palmer, “All of my Sea-Stone Studios in New Dec. 1. On three albums Palmer’s new tunes begin as bass lines. The Orleans, cutting most of the subtle approach has distinguished rhythm is most important, so I songs, including Little Feat’s him from the other forerunners work from the ground up.” “Sailin’ Shoes” on the first take. in his field. During a performance, Palmer Pressure Drop was partially Boz Scaggs’ soul evolved from uses his rough, throaty voice to recorded in Baltimore, with Little his background in Texas and push the music’s momentum Feat coalescing Palmer’s Chicago blues. KC and the along with the melody . blues-funk further. The album Sunshine Band are recognized as Though the end product was finished in Los Angeles with the irritating epitome of sometimes bears the earmark of a a session crew that included synethesized disco. Hall and Oats “pop hit,” Palmer’s brand of soul Feat’s guitarist and keyboardist are Philadelphia’s first white boys has an element of funky blues Paul Barrere and Bill Payne, and to inherit the city’s R & B legacy. uncommon to most blue-eyed Motown veterans James Jamerson ROBERT PALMER — Britain’s entry in soul will appear in And the Average White Band was soul singers. This tendency is on bass and Ed Green on drums. concert at CampbeU Hall on Dec. 1. Britain’s first really successful more recognizable on his first Gene Page,. Barry White’s modem soul with the more guitarist Peter Gage persuaded soul band. two albums then it is on the last arranger, is responsible for the bluesy R&B that first influenced him to help start a jazz-rock While P a lm e r ’s style release, Some People Can Do final touch of soul on that album him. ensemble called Dada. The nine synthesizes many of these What They Like. — the 32 piece orchestration. At age IS, Palmer was hooked man Dada boiled down to elements, the bulk of his W hen Palmer signed with Palmer’s zealous affinity for on Otis Redding’s Bayoo blues. Vinegar Joe, in which Palmer inspiration, at least vocally, in 1974, he was stylized studio techniques is Marvin Gaye and James Brown played guitar and shared the lead comes straight from Otis allowed to recruit sessionmen equally apparent on his third were influential in the Yorkshire vocals with Gage and Elike Redding. Palmer places heavy Carte Blanche for Sneakin ’ Sally release. But he is still combining boy’s style too, but it was Brooks. But after nearly a decade Redding that inspired Palmer to of touring, Palmer decided that make a career of music, and he he needed more room to develop Greeks Schedule Disco Dance learned to play harmonica, guitar, his interest in R&B and struck ' bass and various percussion out on his own. Disco Night is returning to Salvation Army, Phi Eta Si will But this project is expected to be instruments with enough After three solo albums, UCSB. On Saturday, Nov. 20, collect the food donations and more successful than last spring’s proficiency to join England’s Palmer is now ready to contend A.S. Concerts and the Phi Eta Si distribute them to needy families somewhat experimental disco. Mandrakes. Then Alan Brown, with topsellers on the American Fraternity will co-produce a disco for Thanksgiving dinners. The leader of one of the island’s first pop and soul charts. But it’s benefit in the main lobby of the monetary proceeds will be used Phi Eta Si promises the best hom bands, asked him to join up about time that Billboard started UCen. to purchase additional food and available dance music, with as a vocalist. Palmer stayed with a separate chart for white boys Admission will be $1 or two to cover the overhead of fraternity members spinning the Brown for a year and a half when who play that funky music, cans of food and fifty cents — an producing the dance. discs. The A.S. Concerts sound This page and the following half age are paid for by A.S. Concerts. odd entrance fee indeed. But This Thanksgiving benefit is system, generally used for with the assistance of the local Concerts’ second disco dance. Campbell Hall, will be utilized for the dance, as will professional lighting. Concerts Coupon Want to get rid of those old cans of tomato paste? Don’t pass up this chance to clean your Please indicate three acts in third floor of the UCen. Make each category which you would cu pboards. Attend the Disco your own suggestions for benefit, Nov. 20. li ke to see in concert at UCSB, Stadium acts, but please, be and return the coupon to the reasonable. A.S. Concerts office on the



Joan Armatrading Brothers Johnson Hoyt Ax ton Charlie Daniels Band Stanley Clarke Electric Light Orchestra Commander Cody Arlo Guthrie Ry Cooder Waylon Jennings England Dan & Kinks John Ford Coley Gordon Lightfoot John Fahey w/ Ozark Mountain Robbie Basho Daredevils Herbie Hancock Lou Reed Mark/Almond Band Rufus Les McCann The Sylvers Leo Sayer RALPH TOWNER (front) and GARY BURTON (rear) — two o f the ECM recording artists who will Tower of Power McCoy Tyner appear at the Arlington Theatre this Friday night. The Gary Burton Quartet with guitarist Pat Metheny War and bassist Steve Swallow, is headlining the ECM Festival o f Music. Jack De Jonnette’s Directions, with Tim Weisberg Jesse Colin Young guitarist John Abercrombie and bassist Ron McClure, and bassist Eberhard Weber’s Colour’s with Tony Williams Lifetime drummer Jon Christensen and saxophonist Charlie Mariano, will also play. Towner is scheduled to play a guitar solo, in addition to duets with Abercrombie, Weber and Burton? Tickets for tomorrow night’s show will be available at the box office. [Biiaisrti tfiiugno iT'aiitriTtoc’j ailT.'Xvr lew THURSDAY, NOVEMBER i f , 1976 DAILY NEXUS PAGE 11

PACIFIC PRFSENTATIQ g •t*4 CONCERTS hfìftt Noon Concert Concert Ushers Wanted • 0*1 Today at 12 UCen A S. Concerts is now recruiting number of positions are also the event. Campbell hall a crew of student volunteers to available for work during stadium Admittedly the pay is not ’ ÎM1 » CAfctfttltliUA- * Activities proudly presents I uji th e Reverie Rhythm work as ushers. productions. While the work is good, but ushers do see the shows I ÜÜP1 Students are needed to work at not “steady” in the normal sense, free, which is always nice. If Rockers in the first noon both concert and lecture events the A.S. ushers will be requested you’re looking for a way to get concert of the year. The in C am pbell Hall and in to w ork during all shows, involved in A.S. Concerts, start on Thursday, Nov. 18. If rock band will perform in R o b ertso n Gym. A limited regardless of personal interest in opportunity is knocking. And you’re interested, call the AJS. being an usher is as good as Programming Office, 961-3556, the UCen lobby. Obviously, putting up posters, if not better. and schedule an appointment there will be no admission Interviews for applicants will with Andy Weintraub. fee. CONCERTS CALENDAR Today, Nod« Reverie Rhythm Rockers UC en L obby 8 p .m . G eorge Carlin Arlington Theatre

F n . N ov. 1 2 ECM jazz Festival featuring Arlington Theatre the Gary Burton Quartet, jack Oe jonette,,s D ir e c tio n s , Eberhard * Weber’s Coulours, Ralph | | | j j | | | | T ow ner

Sat. Nov. 13 Maria Muldaur Arlington Theatre john Mayall

Be Bop Deluxe with Angle, County Bowl Van Haleri, Atomic Kid ■■ N ov. 1 6 7C'l Margaret Sloan, lecture Campbell Hall '^ 2

N ov. 1 8 John Klemmer Arlington Theatre

N ov. 2 3 Chuck Mangione Arlington Theatre - Esther Satterfield

D e c .1 , Robert Palmer Campbell Hall I MARGARET SLOAN - co-founder and associate editor o f MS. ij f Tom Waitts Arlington Theatre magazine will speak on “Sexism and Racism in America,'” next JeandLuc Ponty Tuesday in Campbell Hall at 3 p.m. Sloan is also the founder o f the national Black Feminist Organization and the first Feminist School Jimmy Cliff Campbell Half for girls. ______D ec. 3 Muldaur, Mayall & Hicks at Arlington The smooth and sultry vocals Sharing the spotlight will be o f Maria Muldaur will be John Mayall, one of the original spotlighted at the Arlington founders of the English blues Theater Saturday, November 13, scene. Throughout his long and at 8 p.m. Joining the Muldaur illustrious career he has tro u p e will be the British introduced such artists as Eric bluesmaker, John Mayall and Clapton,. Harvey Mandel and special guest star Dan Hicks. Mick Taylor to the pop scene. A An interpretive singer, Maria MARIA MULDAUR blues harmonica player without Muldaur’s talents touch upon rival, Mayall can be counted on JOHN MA Y ALL country, jazz, blues, gospel, and to add some guitar and keyboards p o p music. Her v o ic e , to his soul stiring vocals. The Joan Miller and Chamber/Arts/Dance Players will be on campus enthusiasm, genuine charm, and The country swing tunes of Nov. 19-20. taste in the selection o f her Dan Hicks will help get this material, promise to add to an evening started. “Canned Music” exciting show. or otherwise, Dan Hick’s Dancers to Hold Lecture Saturday’s concert will appearance is always welcomed probably feature some spirited A free lecture demonstration The residency is co-sponsored here in Santa Barbara. cuts from her latest album will be featured by Joan Miller by the committee on arts and “Sweet Harmony.” Since A star studded billing, Maria and the chamber arts/dance lectures and the UC intercampus recording her first solo album in Muldaur, John Mayall and Dan players on Friday, November 19, cultural exchange committee. September of ‘73, Maria has been Hicks promise an evening of full a t 3 p.m. The concert Tickets for the concert credited with 3 successful entertainment. If you can, try performance by the company will performance are available in the albums. and catch them! be Saturday, Nov. 20, at 8 p.m. arts and lectures box office and Both events are in Campbell Hall. the UCen information booth. IMNÊfeÎliMs Papa Doo Run Run Rides Into SBCC V V Ï IH U fW U i* By Scott Davis that reflects the fun to be had in California. A wise man once said, “Rock and roll is here to The five guys (Jim Shippey on drums, Don Zirilli stay.” Rock and roll will definitely be in town on on keyboards, Jim Rush on bass, and Mark Ward Saturday, November 13 at 8:30 when RCA and Jim Armstrong on guitars) have played recording artists Papa Doo Run Run and Jan and extensively throughout California, including shows Dean’s Dean Torrence perform for a dance/concert at Disneyland and Magic Mountain. Last spring they in the Santa Barbara City College Gym. had a memorable show at UCSB where nearly 1000 Papa performs a number of 60’s surf-rock tunes people danced to Papa who were accompanied that and some original material with very “tight” vocal night by Dean Torrence and ’ lead and instrumental parts. They recently took the singer, . Dean will be returning to Santa Beach Boys’ “” and, under Barbara for the show at SBCC. the guidance and management of Dean Torrence Also joining Papa for the evening of 60’s music and former Beach Boy, , they will be a UCSB based band called the Reverie brought it back into the top ten in many California Rhythm Rockers who are beginning a British rock cities. Hie band is currently at work on an album revival with their repertoire of predominantly SURF’S UP AT SBCC when Papa Doo Run Run plays their night Beatles music. •. , gig, that will contain predominantly original material b » W < M I I < I ...... PAGE 12 DAILY NEXUS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11,1976 Arts & Lectures Fall Events—

The Committee cm Arts and Lectures would like to have suggestions from UCSB students for performing arts events, and are providing the suggestion form below for this purpose. Please fill out form, clip, and send via campus mail to Arts and Lectures, or, better yet, drop by and see us in Building 402. Concerts ...... Dance events . Theater events J a z z ...... Special events ...... A&L events attended in the p a s t...... ; ......

Comments ...... Check if UCSB student ( ) Other ( ) ...... Where do you hear of A&L events? Nexus ( ) Display ad ( ) Radio ( ) Brochure ( ) Poster/flier ( ) Word of Mouth ( ) Other ..


I. to r.: Peter Maxwell Davies, Director; G a ry Kettel, percussion; Stephen Pruslln, keyboards; Judith Pearce, flutes; Duncan Druce, v io lin ; Mary Thomas, soprano; Alan Hacker, clarinets; and Jennifer Ward Clarke, cello.

Photo: Nicolette Hallett

TONIGHT — The Fires o f London, directed by Peter Maxwell Davies, will combine the best o f two worlds - music and theatre — in their presentation o f Miss Donnithome’s Maggot, based upon Charles Dickens’ Miss Havisham: and Missa Super L ’Homme Arme, using a traditional medieval song as a foundation and embellishing with concepts from Joyce’s and Homer’s Ulysses. Both works were DISTANT THUNDER, the sound o f a storm and the approach composed by Peter Maxwell Davies. Tickets are available in the Arts and Lectures Box Office on o f war unsettle an Indian village in the Santa Barbara premiere o f campus. The event is co-sponsored by the University’s Committee on Arts and Lectures and the UC Satyajit Ray ’s newest film next Wednesday, November 17 at Intercampus Cultural Exchange Committee. 7:30 p.m. in Campbell Hall.

THURSDAY RECITAL: Program of solos and ensembles featuring students from Music Department; 4:15 p.m., Lotte Lehman Concert Hall. TICKETS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE IN ARTS AND MSUCI THEATRE: Fires of London, eight-member English group performing two works combining LECTURES BOX OFFICE, OPEN 9 A.M. TO 4 PJVf. music and recitation; 8 p.m., Campbell Hall. Admission $4.50 general, $3.50 UCSB faculty and staff, $2.50 students, or Concert Series ticket. THEATRE: “The Wager” by mark Medoff; Studio Theatre, 8 p jn. Tickets are_$2 and $ 1 students.

FRIDAY THURS. NOV. 11 FIRES OF LONDON LECTURE: “Medicine Men,” by Alexander Comfort, human biologist and author; 3 pjn., Ellison 8 PM CAMPBELL HALL (Concert Series) Hall, Rm. 1910. CONCERT: UCSB Flute Choir, conducted by Burnett Atkinson, Lecturer in Music; 8 p jn ., Lotte Lehmann Concert Hall. THEATRE: “The Wager” by Mark Medoff; Studio Theatre, 8 pjn. Tickets are $2 general and $1 students. FRI. NOV. 12 MEDICINE MEN 3 PM. ELLISON 1910 SATURDAY (Lecture, Alexander CHILDREN'S THEATRE: “P.T. Bamum and General Tom Thumb at the Great American Museum,” Comfort) presented by the UCSB Department of Dramatic Arts, adapted and supervised by Marie Starr, Lecturer in Dramatic Arts, directed by graduate student Carol Appleyard, music by undergrad Michael Sandwick; 11 a.m. and 2 pjn., Main Theatre. Admission $ 1 general, 75 cents children 12 and under. FILMS: “On the Waterfront,” 6:30 and 10:30 p.m.; ‘The Wild One,” 8:30 p.m., Chemistry Bldg., Rm. 1179. Admission $ 1. (Sponsored by I.V. Food Co-op) SUN. NOV. 14 THE MOTHER & THE THEATRE: “The Wager” by Mark Medoff; Studio Theatre, 8 p jn. Tickets are $2 general and $1 7:30 PM CAMPBELL HALL WHORE students. (European Cinema)

SUNDAY FILM: “The Mother and the Whore” (1973), directed by Jean Eustache; 7:30 p.m., Campbell Hall. Admission $1.50 general, $1.25 UCSB faculty and staff, $1 students, or series ticket. (Recent European Cinema Series) WED. NOV. 17 SOCIAL INNOVATIONS 3 PM PHYSICS 1610 NEEDED FOR TUESDAY A SUSTAINABLE LECTURE: “The Theology of Disclosure,” by Peter Berger, visiting sociologist from Rutgers SOCIETY (Lecture, John University; 8 p.m., Physics 1610. Plat, Regents’ Lecturer)

WEDNESDAY LECTURE: “Social Innovations Needed for a Sustainable Society,” by Regents’ Lecturer John Platt, social philosopher and Associate Director, Mental Health Research Center, Ann Arbor; 3 pjn WED. NOV. 17 DISTANT THUN- Physics Bldg., Rm. 1610. 7:30 PM CAMPBELL HALL DER(Six by Ray) FILM: “Distant Thunder” (1972), directed by Satyajit Ray (S.B. premiere); 7:30 pjn., Campbell Hall- Admission $2 general, $1.50 UCSB faculty and staff, $1 students. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11,1978 DAILY NEXUS PACE 13

Haffner also spoke of the r o c s T ' Haffner on Women's Lib urgent need for courts to deal more effectively, with the TODAY (Continued from p. 2) recalling her experiences in I.V. QUAKER DISCOVERY GROUP: There, will be a husbands of “battered wives.” provided for two or three years; seeking credit which proved to be meditation and discussion at the URC, 7-8 p.m. “The courts must bear down WOMEN’S CENTER: “Fragile: Handle with Care”, a film and this is determined by the wife’s disillusioning. When she applied more in these situations,” she discussion on child abuse led by Jeanette Keiper, Director of health, age, capabilities and job for a “small business loan,” recommended. Child Abuse Listening Meditation Center, will take place at noon opportunities. Haffner was denied credit in the campus Women’s Center — Bldg. 513. “But this woman will take any because she could not produce An active member of the E.S. UNDERGRAD STUDENTS ASSOC.: There will be a soccer job because die needs the business records for the last three National Organization for match with E.S. students and friends at 4:30 p.m. on the soccer income,” Haffner noted. “And if years. Womem (NOW), Haffner is also field. she has a lot of energy she will go Haffner found applying as an the Ventura representative to the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE COLLEGE ORGANIZATION: There to school and work too.” This individual much easier, but when state NOW on issues concerning will be a Thursday evening testimony meeting from 7-8 at the often results in a feeling of she relied on community women’s legal rights. She was URC. “guilt,” she explained, as the property, such as wages to fired from a law firm last year for HILLEL: Learn about Martin Buber and Jewish Mysticism at the striking on “Alice Doesn’t Day,” URC, 777 Camino Pescadero, at 7:30 p.m. Don Singer will be mother spends less time with her establish her credit rating, leading the discussion. Everyone welcome. children. She may also feel information regarding her spouse but has since managed to build GAY PEOPLE’S UNION: For a coffeehouse and social evening reluctant to share in the was obligatory. up a private practice. in Santa Barbara. Come to the GPU trailer (across from the Old h u sb an d ’s savings, especially Frustrated, she' noted that a Gym) for the address, directions and time. stock, since she did not jobless male friend with a law She sees her feminist role as UCSB PRESS COUNCIL: There will be a meeting at 6 p.m. in contribute financially. “This degree had applied at the same being a rational one. “Using the The Press Council Office, SH 5515. woman,” Haffner said, “must do bank three years earlier. He courtroom to facilitate our gains UCSB COLLEGE REPUBLICANS: A general meeting will be what she needs to do without obtained a mortgage for over in total liberation... We -must held at 6:30 p.m. in UCen 2294. Mike Wooton, Cong. thinking of guilt problems.” $30,000 based only on his destroy the illusion in the court Lagomarsino’s campaign manager, will speak. For more info, call It is rare that women do not earning potential. “I had to show of us being out to grab a bigger Reynold or Matt at 968-0352. records for three years!” she said. piece of the pie.” PRAXIS: The first post election meeting will be held at the I.V. seek custody of their children, Planning at 7:30 p.m. Discussions will concern consumer and but Haffner pointed out that whale conferences and the future. “sometimes it is an extremely realistic decision.” When both TOMORROW parents are willing to “fight to PHILOSOPHY CLUB: The movie, “The Wizard of Oz” will be the death” for custody, Haffner Deadly French Wine shown in Chem 1179 at 6,8 and 10 p.m. lamented, “nobody wins and the WOMEN’S CENTER: “Dharrma and the Role of Women”, a children lose.” (ZNS) — The French Wine scandal has barely died down when group meditation and advanced lecture for those practicing TM, According to Haffner, more reports now show that imported wine drinkers may be imbibing will be held at noon at the UCSB Women’s Center, Bldg. 513. deadly asbestos particles with their fermented grapes. Everyone welcome. and more fathers are winning Pacific News Service reports that many of the less expensive KCSB-FM: Friday night at midnight, Rich Zimmerman presents custody cases. Haffner criticized an undercurrents solid gold weekend on stereo 91.5. Every other judges as often being “very red wines, imported into the United States from France, contain song from mignight till dawn will be one of those bitchin’ groovy middle-class. Some think you up to 40 million asbestos fibers per liter as a result of asbestos numbers that you popped your zits to. Requests will be taken. need an air-conditioned room filtering. COLLEGE OF LETTERS AND SCIENCE: Friday, Nov. 12 is with a color TV for proper child The U.S. bans asbestos filtering for all domestic wines, but the the deadline to drop a class or change your grading option. It care.” She called the situation a regulation does not cover imported foreign wines. must be in by 5 p.m. in the Registrar’s Office. social injustice. “This woman Pacific News quotes one cancer specialist Dr. Lorenzo Tomatis HILLEL: Meet Hillel’s new rabbi! Rabbi Dan Dorfman will meet who has donated her life to her of the International Agency for Research on Cancer, as stating students for lunch on the patio outside the UCen Cafe at 12:30 marriage for 16 years will be that such high levels could be extremely dangerous to p.m. He will> also be available all afternoon for private winedrinkers. discussions. penalized to the utmost for Such brands as Beaujolais Villages and Cores Du Rhone HILLEL: Shabbat services with Rabbi Dan Dorfman begin ’at it...divorce, loss of her kids...” 6:30 p.m. with a potluck dinner following. (Dormies can bring Haffner also spoke briefly on contain asbestos. fruit or juice.) There will be Israeli folkdancing following dinner. the new credit laws and problems faced by “ battered wives,” 7lhe Philosophy Club Presents BOMS THE WIZARD OF OZ ICE CREAM 5749 Calle Real ~ Nltely til l l . F r l & Sat tllMIdnlte , a t eeeeeeeeeeceeeeee«aeee»ee Fri. IMov. 12 Chem 1179 6 J ,1 0

FALAFEL NOW OPEN TUES, WED, THURS ll:30am-10:Q0pwi Adults $1.00 Children 50° An exotic experience in | Friday A Saturday 11:3 0 am -ll:00pm Sunday 5:30pm-10:00| the garden of Eden, Ooaed Monday 879 Embarcadero del Norte. I.V. 968 -5 600 Homemade old world style vegetarian Italian foods at reasonable prices. Beer & Wine. Heineken on Tap

FOOD TO GO. 6527 M A D R ID IN I.V. 968-1912

928 Embarcadero del Norte Isla Vista, Ca 93017 685-3071 6575 Seville, Isle Viste PAGE 14 DAILY NEXUS THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 11,1976 Gymnastics Coach A rt Aldritt; m m y n e m j s Building a Program for UCSB By Stan Rogers holding their competitive own. A ld ritt’s gymnastics SIPOCTS Before the arrival of Art Aldritt though, adds the background is extensive. A Aldritt to UCSB, gymnastics bolstering backbone to the team former top gymnajst at existed at the gym class level. with his experience and guidance. Cal-Berkeley, he was everything due merit (Aldritt was Western years as Secretary Treasurer, two That was twelve years ago. Since from a Northern All-Around Region Coach of the Year in years as vice-president and this then Art Aldritt, as gymnastics Champion and Junior Olympics 19 7 0 ) and insuring that year as president. coach, has helped transform P.A. All-Around Champion at intercollegiate gymnastics gymnastics classes into a Fremont High School in Oakland. programs are informed, “The reason I got involved,” competitive intercollegiate While at Cal he garnered the He has been involved with the said Aldritt, “is because I wanted program. P acific A ssociation A.A.U. N.A.C.G.C. for six years. Three to do something for the sport.” It was not easy, then or now. All-Around Champion^ and "We’re doing the best we can competed in two NCAA T h a n k s to y o u Proctor & with limited resources,” said the gymnastics Championships. 41 year-old mentor, who has After college, Aldritt coached It works... Gamble been known to pluck gymnasts gymnastics at Capuchino High out of his P.A. classes. “I hate to School in San Mateo where he Paper Products deny any individual the right to had a fairly successful team. He FOR A ll OF US compete. If he is willing to work forged the gymnastics program Company and has potential we won’t cut there in much the same manner him,” said Aldritt. as he did here at the University — This is not to say that the from scratch. After seven years at Oxnard, California gymnastics team is composed of the high school level Aldritt came will be interviewing on Aldritt’s P.A. class pluckings. to UCSB. Thursday, November 18, Most are experienced, capable Aside from coaching, Aldritt 1976 for technical athletes. Mike Saski, and serves as the President of the manufacturing management. returning lettermen Kevin National Association of College BS or MS in E E , Eckhart, Pat Dean, John Hesse, Gymnasitcs Coaches. Some of its United WUy Chem E or ME. and returning captain Steve Rowe functions include providing All Sign up at Placement Center ; form the nucleus of this year’s American recognition for advertising contributed for the public good. j ; An Equal Opportunity Employer l , COACH ART ALDRITT team. They are capable of gymnasts, awarding coaches their SS3

FRIENDS F nonsmoker to share roam $82 prlv 1970 Maverick $1595 top condition to s t & Found 7:00 p.m., Thurs. URC Building owner 6710 Sab Trade B 968-5649 see at 4913 Inwood Place Santa eves. Barbara weekends & evenings. c A R T DEPT. STUDIO M USICIAN S-Can you play & sing L O S T : New pair of Nike Budapest P R E -E N R O L M N T W 77 SR N O V . 15 guitar or organ? Can you arrange Our need: 3rd m roommate to share 1971 VW Camper-rblt. eng. new volleyball shoes. If found please call M-Z 8:30-11:30, A-L 1:30-4:30, JR music or lead others in song? If room In quiet, spacious 2 bed Michelin tires, am/fm cass. mech. Linda Volga 968-3376. NOV. 17 M-Z 8:30-11:30, A-L Interested In part-time work. Call townhse In IV . Nonsmoker serious great. $2600 - 968-4016. 1:30-4:30, SO NOV. 19 8:30-11:30 968-6800.______student. $85, 968-2648. L O S T : A dear plastic I.D . case near FR 1:30- 4:30 CLASS LEVEL AS '71 Mazda new engine still under Campbell Hall. Desperate. Reward O F W ’77. OVERSEAS JOBS — Furnished lbdr. Bel-AIre apt. to warranty, new1 tires $1600 call Call Carol 685-2840. Summer/year-round. Europe, S. share. sub-lease Cordoba Rd. 962-9798 after 10 p.m. ______Anacapa Is camping trip on Nov. Am er., Aust. Asia, etc. All fields, 685-1439.______L O S T - A wallet In vicinity of library. 13-15. Our 1st trip was a giant $500-81200 mo. Expenses paid, '|v :;4 Bicycles ) If found, call 733-4228. Ask for success! Join us on this one, $34 Ind sightseeing. Free Info. Write: Inti. M F rmte, free rent exch for Joanne. boat trip & some food. For Info Job Center,. Dept. CW Box 4490. cleanlng/cooklng, prefer speech contact the Ree Office at 961-3738. Berkeley, Ca. 94704. therapy student, Strok victim, Thor Santa Barbara-Goleta’s new Raleigh FOUND: A money order. Claim It at SSHaa«j™g¡ aft 7, 685-1604, 6510 Madrid N o.3. dealer. Expert adult repair and the cashiers window In UCen. service. Life Cycles. 4423 Hollister Personals For Rent 2F want to sublease our room in F 964-6026. Torres for W/Spr. Q. 685-2908. L O S T : Cat male black and white has 685-2191 Pam or-Sue. half a black moustache. lVr years. R.A. One bedroom apt to sublet available For sale 25” Men’s frame Raleigh Call 968-5969 R EW A R D . Thanks for everything Nov. 20. 6690 Abrego No. 40 or Call Grand Prlx $85 Good Cond. Call We love you 968-2188. For Sale Seth 685-3533. Villa Marina Girls LOST: A calculator In front of For rent one bedroom $155 for male For sale 23” Centurion LeMans 10 Physics 1640. Please call 968-4674. or female, single or share 685-1667 Must sell beautiful man’s ring 4ct. speed excellent operating cond. $70 R EW A R D 5 dollars. Aladdin Sane won’t be there but 40 evenings near beach. green Aust. fire opal set In silver Vtpr. 968-3051 ask Brian. thieves will be. Cartoons free from at $60 685-2649. LOST: Man’s ring, gold with Jade R H A Wed. Nov. 17 at 9 p.m. In D L G . Allegro 21” ten-speed, campy D. Dog All Baba. Looking for clean creative, fun-loving stone. Considerable sentimental student to share 2 br apt starting STEREO C O M P O N E N T S Major components with Dura Ace brakes. value. R EW A R D 961-2382 ask for wntr qtr. One block from beach & Brands Car Tape Plyrs Headphns Superb cond. $375. Phone eves. John Igaz. T o the squirt campus. $125 Josh 968-4311. Crtrdgs Ty p w rtr Whls Price 968-1324 968-9904 Happy Birthday Ron J 5-7 p.m'. m mm. I W ILL PAY $60-80 for return of my Love from 2 of the 5 Jerks- lB d r Furn to sublease for Wtrt Spg turquoise necklace, it was a very CC & DG qtrs, $175 mo. New furn and carpets. B O O K S ! Backpacking-Massage-VW special gift. Please give It back. Anne Mary 968-8370.______repalr-cookbooks-homesteadlng NEW 685-3171. T o our Omega men WORLD RESOURCE 6578 Trlgo. Down Jackets & sleeping bags 40% The Owl song was great Room available Nov 5 In 4 Bdr off. Buy now while it’s hot, Don’t LOST: Calculator SR 51A Texas The game taught us facts Goleta house. M or F Big yard $110. Down sleeping bag $40, 2 pair Catch Cold. 968-2174. Instruments w/blk leath. case But next time you R.F. us Call Lisa, Jim or Brian 964-3487. women’s ski boots size 7, 9Vr $25, REWARD PLEEZ Call Jlni Leave home your exlax good condition 968-6305. insurance ^ 3 8 1 . Love the sisters of X£2 R o o m fo r rent for female at i Fountalnbleau for Winter and Spring 2 J B L (L-16) Speakers 1 yr. old Ex. Blmba, R.B.B., Lit’ Les & Hellon quarters for Information call Lauren INSURANCE! I Special Notices j sounding; Very efficient $150 call AUTO-MOTORCYCLE Thanks for caring & being there. Melster at 968-5282. Mark at 685-1887. Love T L Z 25% off If G PA Is 3.0 or better. Farmers Insurance 964-1 ai 6. Learning French can be a long and I F to rent half dbl. rm. at Francisco Sony 8 track tape deck recorder U.S. p a in fu l process but with total Judy Torres. Wlntr/Sprlng Qtrs. Meals Inc. diver alum tank & reg with press, Immersion In France It requires only You turn me on. Would you 685-1297. gauge cheap 968-6561. 8 wks to obtain fluency and 14 wks like to have an affair? to achieve fluency at the French Room available at Francisco Torres Dave Bancroft Players special 4 3/4M $18: Hm o nda 350r Good condition University level. Program run In for 2M. Wlnter/Sprlng Qtrs. Jet Fins $15: Universal loadmaster A $375/offer. Ask for Gary 961-2205. cooperation with the University of M ARTA-another year gone by but 685-2050. backpack near nu $55: Call Sue aft 5 Caen. Sessions Include family living you are as ageless as the stars In 968-4932. and 30 hr. Instruction a wk. 74 Suzuki lOOc.c. Enduro brand new heaven. Happy - from your _ Roommate Wanted ) 3000mi gets 115 mpg Hurry! Leaving Enrollm ent open to determined amigo Mike Silvelra DA KIND ZAPATOS reg $14 only beginners and' near beginners. Call area best offer call after 5 p.m. $5 double decker sandals what a steal 966-4801 on any day. 963-4958. Natalie F wanted to share rm $68 mo. near Bruce 968-54471 How about cocktails at Cold Spring campus, Q U IE T can move In Dec. 1' HONDA 350 CB Call Sue 968-6241. Jerry Garcia Band In Concert at the Thurs. afternoon? Wollensak 8075 8-trk rec/play Dolby EXCELLENT CONDITION $450 Plsmo Beach Theatre. , Info and The big ‘M’ & Suz $275/best Sherwood 7300 40 w/rms MUST SELL 968-0117 Tickets-Momlnglory Fem ale roommate wanted avail. $270, 967-1792. Helpline offers phone counseling info Xmas vacation $75 targe duplex t , Sijry^es Offeied- p Acupuncture therapy workshop 10 S. referrals 24 hrs. 968-2556. Garet or Georganne 968-9382. Oxacan sweaters a.m.-10 p.m. Nov. 13 Tal Chi All types $25.00 Academy, lunch-dinner notes/charts L O N E L Y ? Feel bad? Need someone Female wanted to share attractive 2 Call Howard 687-6261 Private Voice Lessons-accompanlst $20.00. Call for resv. 968-2012. to talk to? The Human Relations bedroom apt with high beam celling. provided. Stanton Carey, M.A. Music. Center has trained staff counselors Non smoker & grad student 968-3716. Hand Drawn Biorhythm charts. A Mon-Frl. 961-3922 or come by 6586 preferred. Call Jill 964-3177 after great Christmas present (even for Madrid Rd. 3:30. Wanted: Campus rep. to sell Ski yourself) 968-2857 Save this adl Package 10% Comm. Contact (209) F wanted 4 bdrm Got house. Fncd 1964 VW Van-camper Int-excel cond 753-2311 Bear Valley. See what was happening In I.V . 1 ^B usiness Pcfsonarflll yard, garage, sunny, nice people except blown eng. $500 or best off-Cal I 968-8683 6-10 p.m. UCSB 1,000 years ago: “The Cave $108.75/mo. 966-3597. Reports, thesis, manuscripts. Minor Paintings of the Chumash” will be Texas Instruments— BUSINESS 63 VW camper ex condition $1300 editing. Reasonable, satisfaction showing Frl., Sat., Sun. nights 7,8 & A N A L Y S T Is herel T ry It at the Isla Rm available In IV apt M or F. Move guaranteed. 467-0343. 9 P.M. 6771 Sabado Tarde I.V....A Vista bookstore 968-3600. In Nov. 15. Pool, laundry close to or best offer Call 968-2471 or film by Firelight. campus $120. 685-3114. 968-6475. Guaranteed weight loss 10-29 lbs. 30 AUTOJVIECHANICS CLASS (ADVANCED) WOMEN’S days. Safe nutritious. No drugs Winter qt to share room In 2 bedrm Best reasonable offer takes Itl 1974 Basic course for men & women. S E X U A L IT Y Group — Tues. eves. $2470 685-2396. duplex Ife blk from beach. Prlv owner VW Bug 17,000 miles AM /FM . Practical and enjoyable. $18 5:15-7:00, Nov. 16, 23, & 30. With pets O K no deposit. Call 968-7083 968-6039. One Owner. Must sell. 966-7400. Carle Ramey M A, M F L , exp. Sex BIG BOOK SALE-Nov. 5-13, 1012 M W F after 6 or anytime weekends. State. 10-5 Mon.-Sat; 10-3 Sun. Therapist. $20 — limited to 7. Fam. 68 Volvo 142S, two-door. Needs QUALITY TYPING Ed. 8t Counseling Center 967-4557. Benefit Planned Parenthood. U> M/F needed to rent dbl rm at 6688 engine work. Must sell now. $350. Del Playa N o. A $150, $75 to share Stan Carey, 968-3716. KINKO'S COLD SPRING TAVERN Work Wanted avail 11/15 968-9902. 6550 Pardall 968-4457 $3.95 Dinner Specials Weeknites I D I F for Wnt/Spr to share rm In 2 1971 Volvo 142E overdrive air R E M O V A L S : I quickly remove Lunch, dinner, cocktails, Work study people needed for sect, bdrm apt 1 blk from campus. excellent running condition new unwanted items from garages or apts. entertainment nltely on San Marcos and admin, wqrk at IV Youth Project N on-sm oker $85/month. Call paint. Must see and drive. Asking Small fee Call 963-6457, Pass, 967-0066. $3-3.50/hr. 968-2611. $3,000 966-7288, .967-1612...... 968-011)4. ,r CCPnt, ,pAR49i,15>‘" ” V*,V, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 11.1976 DAILY NEXUS PAGE 15 Four Women Poloists Competed in A A U Finals groups and an AAU team in every city. Their team’s average age was Gaucho Women Play probably early to mid 20s. On the other hand, we have had very little exposure throughout the Water Polo in Hawaii country. Even the men’s teams have trouble getting exposure. By Kevin Hicks two top American' teams, Also, the average age of our team Though there is no women’s Fullerton and Merced, combined was 19 or 20.” waterpolo in'the summer to play the first international Though still relatively Olympics, that didn’t stop the game ever for the United States. unknown, Jacobsen claimed that women from having a major meet Actually, it was more a case of women’s water polo is a rising of their own. From Aug. 18-20, th e All-American team against sport. 11 women’s waterpolo teams met the Australians, because nine of “We have a lot of plans for the in Oaju, Hawaii, at the University the 11 girls from the Fullerton future,” said Jacobsen. “We want of Hawaii, to participate in the a n d Merced teams were to have international meets with MEMBERS OF THE UCSB WOMEN'S WATER POLO TEAM who AAU Senior Outdoor Water Polo All-Americans. Dickinson and more countries getting involved. went to the AAU Championships last summer in Hawaii are, from Championships. Jones played on this team. We are changing the rules to left to right, Robin Linn, Barbara Jones, Jennie Jacobsen and Dion Two of these teams, Fullerton T h e United States Dickinson. make our game closer to the type Photo by Matt Pfeffer a n d Merced, both from overwhelmed Australia, 7-3, in that the men and international California, had members of the th e first game, but th e teams play.” and the outdoor championship not yet an intercollegiate sport. UCSB women’s waterpolo team Australians came back to win the At a recent convention for which most of the west coast Though the girls play for the among them. Robin linn, a second international match w om en’s w ater polo, several teams play. The combination of UCSB team, it is in no way freshman who will be joining the against the All-Tournament team. changes and suggestions were the tournaments would enable connected with the AAU. UCSB team this year, played for The final score was 6-5. Eleven of proposed. Two large international more teams to participate. Few Teams associated with the Fullerton, which won the t h e 1 9 girls on the meets were planned for 1978. teams participate now, but the AAU compete mainly during the championship. All-Tournament team were first They will be held in Berlin and combination of meets would summer to avoid competition Dion Dickinson, junior, or second team All-Americans. Houston. There is a possibility bring the east and west coast with the NCAA. The teams are Barbara Jones, junior and Jennie Jones commented on the that an international meet will be teams together and create the made up of players who live in Jacobsen, senior, played for the difference between the Australian held in California in 1979. possibility of having qualifying the area. This is the case with Merced team, which finished and American teams. “The Also, the present system of rounds. The enlargement of the Linn. She has been active in the third behind the Australian A ustralians have an excellent national championships might be championship might also bring AAU water sports since she was national team. women’s water polo program. changed. Currently two are held more exposure to the sport. 10. She lives in the Fullerton area After the national meet, the T hey have teams for all age during the year. One is an indoor Women’s water polo, which and was recruited to play there. championship in which most of begins in the spring, started three Innertube Poloists Invade the Pool: the east coast teams participate years ago at UCSB. However, it is Basketball Game Next Wednesday the UCSB Banucci's Down Dirty Gallon in Finals Basketball team is hosting the National Basketball Team of By Jennie Jacobsen the Republic of China in an An abundance of innertubes floated in the UCSB campus pool exhibition game in Rob Gym at last Saturday and Sunday, as the Intramural Innertube Water 8:00 pan. Polo Tournament took place. The single elimination competition with a consolation bracket saw a participation of 24 teams in A, B and C leagues. “A” league championships were won by the Banucci’s 14-5, in (Cont. from page 14) a very physical game with the Dirty Gallon. Banucci players included Dion Dickinson, Carole East, Barbara Jones, Mike 3 Kelley, Billy Martin, Sandy Neilson, Kevin Palmer (goalie), Joan P Y R A M ID POWER is real. Pyramids focus cosmic energys and have been Russell, Mike Russell and Gregg Wilson. In the consolation proven to stlm. plant growth and bracket for the “A” league, Blackwater came out on top 23-18 M A N Y other uses. Free demo, with against the Sinking Boobs. high quality pyramids 685-2842. The Banucci “C” team defeated Titanic 28-13 in the “B” ACADEMIC RESEARCH PAPERS Thousands on file. Send $1.00 fori league finals. In the consolation round Banucci “B’s” beat B.T.B. your 192-page, mall orders catalog. 11322 Idaho Ave., No. 206 H. Los (Beat the Banucci’s) 12-9. Angeles 90025 (213) 477-8474. Boobtubes won the “C” league, defeating the Slicks 27-4. The IN THE CHAMPIONSHIP BANUCCI VS DIRTY GALLON GAME, Independent outscored the Rootbeer Floats 14-10, to take the Dave Dougherty o f Dirty G allon is guarded by Mike Russell o f the I jB lPhotogabtiv ) consolation game. BanUCCis. Photo by Chris Price S NïûstonHMacinrïdvvhît« i s s r — K Santa Barbara innertubers have shown a growing interest in Printing and Processing Randle Photography this sport, which originated at UC Davis seven years ago. 1924 De La Vina 962-1902 The Banucci’s are working on hosting an innertube DYNAFLOII MOTOR tournament in January, hopefully attracting many schools and 1 TffML raising money for the women’s water polo team. FILTER *9.99 1 EUROPE-ISRAEL-AF RICA Student flights year round. ISCA w/trade-in of any other fiber 1609 Westwood Blvd. No. 103 LA Ca. 90024 (213) 826-5669 Reg. *19.98 - S A V E *9.99 826-0955. A.S. TRAVEL Low cost travel for studenti & -D£//VA\_V1S. CRITTER CENTER PET SHOP « non-studenti. Charter! to NYC a («Minia.aio Europe, orlent, Hawaii, & Mexico FAIRVIEW SHOPPING CEN I ER International ID Hostel Cardi. I SANTA BARBARA f}ÌH ÌÉ fllÌÌtt■ f i . GOLETA UCen 3167 ______M W FlO -0 0 - 1 :QO 605 State Lltf.W .l.HilItt«!¡S ty 5968 Hollister GOLETA • 964-3117 iaÚaMKMsMáll c 3 Expert Typing. Manuscripts Dissertations, Theses, Resumes, etc Reasonable rates. 962-9723.

Intelligent, professional typing Superior quality. Love's Typing * 968-6891 * 7-9 A.M.; 6-11 P.M.

GALAXY TYPING & TUTORING - Spacy work for a universe of needs! Kinko's 685-2352. gives you 1 TYPING MY HOME FAST, ACCURATE, REASONABLE 24-hour service t 968-6770 THE ALTERNATIVE on Kodacolor i ~ BM typing service 968-1055 processing I c Miscellaneous I Accepting wind Instrument student! tor fall enrollment. All ages and and prints levels. M A In music and teaching 968-1055 cred. 25 years exp. 964-5319.

' pXO’pt %V***Pl< holidays Happiness Is A Tuned Plano KINKO'S 6bhO PARDALL ROAD GOLETA CA Robert Ballenger 6549 PARDALL ROAD I SU VISTA 964-5319 PAGE 16 DAILY NEXUS THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 11,1976 U.S. Implicated in Thai Stick-up Chancellor Selection

(ZNS) — A researcher at Defense Department documents, purchases possible, the Pentagon Dr. Herbert Fingarette, UCSB faculty member of the Chancellor Princeton University’s Center of many of them through the has granted Thailand more than Search Committee, will be in Ellison 6843 on Friday from 1 pan. to International Studies reports Freedom of Information Act, $70 million in credit purchases 4:30 pjn. and on Tuesday November 16, at the same time. He will that, just prior to the recent which reveal a massive effort by over the past three years. speak with anyone who wishes to present their views on the selection military coup in Thailand, the Pentagon officials to supply Thailand reportedly also received of a new Chancellor. United States dramatically counter-insurgency and anti-riot an additional $81 million in During any other afternoon next week, Fingarette can also be increased its weapons and gear to the Thai military surplus military equipment reached by phone, at 965-2294. He will also receive, written counter-insurgency aid to the hierarchy. recently under the U.S.’s excess communications, addressed to him at the Philosophy Department, at military and police forces in He quotes one Pentagon report defense articles program, any time during the next two weeks. Thailand. showing that U.S. military aid to including 25 helicopters and 15 Undergraduate rep Jody Graham can be contacted through the AJ5 The researcher, Michael Klare, Thailand, which averaged $6 observation and utility planes. Office in UCen. Graduate rep Russ Turner can be contacted through states that the step-up in UJS. million a year in the early 1970’s, According to Klare’s study, the G.S A. Office. military aid in Thailand seems jumped to $89 million last year. Thailand’s police have also been almost identical in pattern to He reports that Thailand’s making substantial purchases of what happened in Chile just 1976 military purchases from the U.S. arms and riot-control before a military junta there UJS. alone exceed its total orders equipment since 1973. Some of WANTED: overthrew and killed Salvador for similar equipment during the the recent purchases include 20 Allende. preceding 25 years combined. Cadillac-made armored cars and Sacramento Klare says he obtained UJS. Klare adds that to make 684 Smith and Wesson revolvers. Park and Recreation District Correspondent Applications are now being (Continued from p. 1) election in 1975 gave the board mbney. With Judy Evered and accepted for the position of their own block park watering permission to use the monev, it Carmen Lodise supporting the Sacramento correspondent. with hoses from their own yards. did not force them to do so. At establishment of the new parks, a Anyone with an interest in He stressed that this would be an present, two of the five board 3-2 edge favoring bond snending journalism and statd govern­ entirely voluntary type of members are opposed to using will exist when the new board project. bond dollars. ment is urged to apply. You members take office m must be available to work full­ December. time from January 1 - June 30, Technically, the park board Of three newly elected 1977. has not used any of the available members, only Bruce Murdock is Ray said that the board of bond money. Though the opposed to spending the bond directors will most likely vote to For more information and an accept the bond money in the application contact: beginning of January. If so, the El Colegio Parking bonds will be sold and would Doug Amdur, The Daily Nexus become available at the. end of Storke Building (Continued from p. 1) February, and th e lan d students from bringing their cars Completed applications must be received by Friday, Nov. 19,1976. El Colegio where I.V. school to school, and re-striping the acquisitions will be made children crossed and that cars existing lot. sometime next summer. parked in red zones, to avoid having to park a quarter to a half mile away, were often towed. “Now that Francisco Tones Although the redzoning on the has redone the parking lot, all DO YOU HATE RAPIDOGRAPHS ?? South side of El Colegio and that is needed is further construction of a sidewalk were regulation of street parking that sufficient to protect school will force residents to use the children, it adds to the lot,” Vrat said. “No one is ^ SHEDTLER - congestion on the North side. considering paving the playing The Santa Barbara Planning field.” Commission contacted Francisco Torres management and Kaskey T h e County Traffic MARS replied in a letter proposing that Department will study the the previous mistakes be proposal and report back to the corrected by issuing decals to Planning Commission at the Nov. 4-PEN SET bonafide residents only, deterring 17 meeting. Drop Deadline Nears .\PV

This Friday is the last day for Letters and Science students to drop classes or change their grading option. Petitions may be picked up in i ¡ a M M i G H H the Registrar’s office and must be filed by 5 pjn. Reg. 26oo Dropping classes requires the signature of the professor, while a MARS-700 TECHNICAL PENS change of grading option only requires the student’s signature. A $3 guarantee fast, troublefree drawing and are fee is charged for both options. ideally suited for tracing, lettering and sketching with drawing Inks and wrttlnglnks. Designed primarily for board and desk use, M A R S -7 0 0 functions on the refutable cartridge principle. The Ink Is contained In an ------LIFE CYCLES' airtight unbreakable cartridge, which Is easily refilled. 1. A Bicycle Shop providing the unique Each pen is furnished with barrel, cap and atmosphere of being small and personal. pocket clip — the result being a perfectly > 2. O nly two employees, insuring thorough balanced, time-saving tool that is easy and quality control. convenient to use. 3. Specializing In complete maintenance and INSTANT STARTING repair of all European makes and models of A unique polyethylene seal built Into the cap . cycles. of the pen ensures a completely airtight seal 4. Same expert repair of all Japanese, Mexican, and American made bicycles, when the pen Is not In use. This, plus a drop including Schwinn. of water Into the cap’s hygrocell, will 5. No repair too small or too large. maintain humidity around the point thus insuring Instant starting at all times. We offer two (only two) factory trained mechanics who. assemble, repair, and maintain your bicycle as if it were their own. We are also an authorized distributor of R A L E IQ H bicycles, the world's oldest and most respected name in bicycles. Individual Pens also on Sale at 4 100 off reg. price The quality and precision of our mechanics is so unbelievable that we felt you must experience it yourself to believe it. So, for two weeks only, Thursday, Oct. 28 through November 11, we are offering an A S T O U N D IN G S P E C IA L c o c o t t e 1/2 off on all labor If your bicycle needs repairs or amply routine maintenance, BRING THIS AD in for your 1/2 price discount on the labor of the South Coast’s finest bicycle mechanics. 65S3 Pardall Rd. y j i f w a i s i a visT a Isla Vista LIFE CYCLES Sale ends 4423 Hollister A vs. 964-3026 (Katty-cornsr from Sunburst) Nov. 19th OPEN W EEKDAYS 9 to 8, Saturday 9 to 6 bo ok sto re