236 ST. NEOT. . [KELLY'S

Wall Letter Boxes, at. Treverbyn Vean, cleared at 4.40 children; average attendance, 100; Lewis Chalice, p.m. week days only; Ley, cleared. 11.5 a.m. week days master only This school is controlled by the & Dis­ trict Education Committee; John Strong, Barn street, Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1872, for 250 Liskeard, clerk PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Gerry Peter George, colt breaker · Olliver Charles, assistant overseer, Cocks Mrs. Treverbyn Vean Hamley Irwin, farmer, Berrydown i Lampen Dobson Mrs. E. Berry Down house Ha11nley John Charles, mason 'Olliver John & Sons, farmers Grylls !Horace Bere J .P. Lewarne Hancock Samuel H. farmer, Little I Olliver Nicholas C. farmer, Searles Grylls Mrs. Lewarne Hammett down Majendie Rev. Wm. Richard Stuart Harper Cha.rle.s, farmer, Lord's waste Opie John, farmer & shopkeeper M.A. The Vicarage Harris William H. farmer, Lantewey Palk Joseph, farmer, Wortha Marshall Lewis Oarrington, Tremad­ Henwood John, carpenter, Ley Pa.rkyn Matthew,farmer,Harrowbridge doc Higgins Frank, farmer, Hill Town ?arkyn William, farmer,Ha.rrowbridge Wilkinson Rev. Lewis M.A. (curate) Higgins Thomas Henry, farmer, Pascoe Edward, draper & grocer COMMERCIAL. Lower Langdon Penna Samuel, farmer, TC!dda park Arthur Sophia (Mrs.) & William, Hobbs John, farmer, Lord's waste Pollard Wm. John, farmer, Meadows farmers, Lestow Hooper James, farmer, Hulker Retallack Chas. frmr. Higher Dreynes Beswetherick Joseph H. farmer, West Hooper Thomas, farmer, Boys house Rowe Joseph, farmer, Tredinnick Kellowtown Hooper Thos. farmer, Dewey meads Rowe Jsph. Burnett, frmr.Linkindale Bligh Oliver, boot ma. & Post office Hooper William, farmer, Pinnocks hl Rowe Richard, fall"'ller, Polmenna Bligh Richard Davy, boot maker Hooper Wm. John, farmer, Long lake Rundle Charles, Carlyon Arms Bray John, farmer, East Drayne·s Hoskin Edwd. W. farmer, Netherton St. Cleer Co-operative Society Lim. Bray Wm. farmer, St. Luke1s Hoskin Joseph, :£armer, Littleworth (Joseph Toms, sec) Broad Richard, grocer Keast Thos. & Chas. frmrs. Lantrays Sanders Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Tre- Broad Richard, head gardener to Mrs. K east Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer, Har- maddock Cocks, Treverbyn Vean rowbridge Sleeman & Sons, farmers, Lamelgate Bunt Petherick, farmer, Woodland Keast William, farmer, Mennaglaze Spare Joseph, farmer, South Dreynes Cawrse Ch!llrles, farmer, Penkestle Keat Wm.Hy.miller,Ashford water mls Stephens Thos. farmer, Searles down Cawrse Charlotte (Mrs.), frmT.Newtn Kelly Harry, farmer, Higher Trenant Stone Andrew, farmer, High Bowden Cawrse George, farmer, Luna Kent Edward, blacksmith, Ley Tamblyn William, farmr. Tredinnick Cawrse John, farmer, Hobbs Kent John, farmer, Tredarrup Verran William, farmer, Bowden Cawrse Joseph, butcher & farmer, Kent Joseph, farmer Draynes Warne Abraham, farmer,Searles dwn West Lewarne Kent Josiah, farmer, Great Fawton & Warne Wm. Andrew, farmr. Pengelly Cawrse Roger, farmer, Trevina Tamar Weary William, farmer, Trethewy Chapman James, farmer, Carpuen Kent Robert, farmer, Halfway house "''hell Richard, Halfway House P.H Church Institute (Lewis Chalice, sec) Lang George, farmer, Coliford Wherry John, farmer, Gt. Hammett Cock Christopher, miller (water), Lawry Horace, farmer, Tremorcom Wilcocks Joseph, miller (water), Painter's bridge Lawry John, blacksmith Town mills Oollins William, farmer, Lord's pa!rk Lesbirel Hannah (Mrs.) & Son, frmrs. Williams Hart, shopkeeper Colwell Sidney, frmr.East Kellowtown Wenmouth ·wills Ja.rnes, farmer, Gillhouse Crago Richard, farmer, Hall Lillicrap John, farmer, Gt.Treverbyn Wills Richard, farmer, Mennaridden Deeble Richard R. farmer, Gazeland Marten Simon, London P.H Wills Richard J. farmer, Gillhouse Deeble Wm. Rd. faTmer, Parson's pk NichoUs Jas. Moyes, frmr.Stockhouse Wills Thomas, farmer,Coombe house Denning Thomas, farmer, Stuffole Northcott Thomas, sen. carpenter \Vilton James, blacksmith, Treverbyn Fice Thos. miller,Treverbyn water ml Northcott Thomas, jun. carpenter Wilton Richa,rd, farmer, Pinnocks hill Ford Joseph, nurseryman & seeds· Northey Jsph. farmer, Harrowbridae Woolridrge Samuel, farmer, New close man, Fawton " Warden Geo. farmer, Mindies down

NEWLYN. or St. East, with a part of the where divine service is held every Thursday evening. hamlet of Mitchell, is a large parish and village situated In the village is a W esleyan Methodist chapel, and there in an elevated position, commanding a fine prospect, 4 are others at Michell, Rejerrow, and Kestle Mill, in this miles south-south-east from station on the Great I parish. A cemetery of one acre was formed in 1882 at WesteTn (Cornwall Minerals) railway, 10 north from a cost of £250, and is under the control of the parish and 8 south-west from St. Columb, in the Mid council. An addition to the churchyard adjoining this division of the county, hundred and petty sessional divi­ cemetery has also been laid out and duly consecrated ; the sion of Pydar, union and county court district of St. land was given by C. H. T. Hawkins esq. of 10 Portland Columb Major, rural deanery of Pydar, archdeaconry of Place, W. The baronial mansion of was formerly Cornwall and . The church of St. the seat of the A.rundell family, barons .A:rundell, of Tre­ Newlyn is a venerable cruciform edifice of stone in the rice, and for some time the residence of Sir John Arnndell Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave of six bays, kt. M.P. for Cornwall and subsequently for the borough of transepts, south aisle, south porch with parvise and a , who was present with Queen Elizabeth at Til­ lofty embattled western tower with pinnacles, contain­ bury Fort in 1588, and in r646, at the advanced age of ing 5 bells: beneath the east end of the south aisle 87, bravely defended Pendennis Castle against the forces is the burial place of the Arundells of Trerice, wherein of the Parliament: of the original house, erected in 1572. many of that family are interred: against the wall a large portion is still standing, but the rooms on the above is a mural monument of marble to Lady Mar­ north side. becoming dilapidated, have been pulled down, garet Arundell, 1691, with a well-executed bust, and the to the great disfigurement of the structure. The estate family arms : there are piscinre in the chancel and of Degembris was purchased from the Tregians, of Gol­ south transept, and the rood stairs remain in the north den, in the reign of J ames I. by the A.rundells, from wall : in the chancel there are memorial windows to whom it has since passed, with other estates, into the the Rev. James· Jenkin Keigwin B.A. a former curate, possession of Sir Charles Thomas Dyke Acland bart. of d. 1829, and Mary Ann (Richards), his wife, d. 1839; Killerton, Exeter. Tresillian House, the seat of Richard the Rev. T. H. Britton M.A. vicar here 1856-80 and Miss Gully Bennet esq. D.L., J.P. was purchased from the Britton, his· daughter, and to Mr. G. G. Bullmore, for Davies family by a Mr. Gully, from whose family it passed 30 years churchwarden, and a memorial brass to the Rev. in marriage to an ancestor af the present inheritor: the James Jenkin Keigwin mentioned above: in 18•83 the manor of Trerice was formerly vested in the Arundells of church was completely restored under the direction orf Mr. Lanherne, and afterwards became the property of Lady J. D. Sedding, architect, at a oost of £2,500, when the Augusta Clifford. The manor of Oargoll, according to chancel was refloorPd with marble anrd Portland stoQne, a the Domesday Survey, was anciently attached to the rood .screen of carved oak erected as a memorial of Arch­ priory of . The Bishops orf Exeter formerly had bishop Benson's connection with the diocese, the interior a palace here. The lords of the manor and principal land­ reseated with oak benches, and the Norman font reno­ owners are Sir Charles Thomas Dyke Acland bart. Vis­ vated and adorned with marble shafts; the church was re­ count Falmouth K.C.V.O., C.B. the Ecclesiastical Com­ opened Dec. 27, in the same year; a new organ was pro­ missioners, R. Gully Bennet esq. D.L., J.P. and Mrs. vided in I893 at a co~t of 1.,250: there are 350 sittings. HEywood Johnstone, of Trewitham, Probus. The lay The register o.f baptisms dates from the year 1560; impropriators of the· rectorial tithe rent-charge, com­ burials and marriages, 1559. The living is a vicarage, mut€d at £757, and of 1II acres of rectorial glebe, are net income £312, with residence and about II acres of now the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, to whom the glebe, i~ the gift of the Bishop of Truro, and held since great tithe reverted on the death of Mr. Heywood John- 1903 by the Rev. Isaac Broad-Eade, who is a surrogate. : stone. The soil varies ; subsoil, clay. The chief crop3 There is a Mission room at Trr.varthian gate, seating 45, ' are wheat, barley and turnips. The area is 8,363 acres