Curriculum Vitae: Carlos Gradín January 2021

Personal data:

• Gradín Lago, Carlos M. • Spanish citizenship (, , ).

Current position

• Resident Research Fellow at:

United Nations University, World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER). Katajanokanlaituri 6 B, FI-00160 Helsinki, Finland.ín

Emails: [email protected] ; [email protected] Website: Profiles: Linkedin , ORCID, RePEc , EconPapers, Google Scholar, SSRN

Main responsibilities at UNU-WIDER:

Current Working Programme:

• Projects o Changing Nature of Work and Inequality o “World Income Inequality Database” (WIID). • “Visiting PhD Fellows” and “Visiting Scholars” programs. • 2019 WIDER Summer School.

Past Work Programme:

• Projects: o “Inclusive growth in Mozambique - scaling-up research and capacity” project. o “Inequality in the Giants (Mexico, Brazil, India, China, South Africa)”. o “World Income Inequality Database” (WIID). • “Visiting PhD Fellows” and “Visiting Scholars” programs.

Previous appointment (on leave of absence since January 2017):

• Full Professor in the Department of Applied Economics at Universidade de Vigo, Galicia, Spain ( since June 2012.


• Research Groups and networks: o EQUALITAS ( o Global Labor Organization (GLO) ( o Economics, Society and Territory (ECOSOT) ( o ECOBAS (

Other appointments:

• 2000-2012: Department of Applied Economics, Universidade de Vigo, Associate Professor. • 1997; 1998-2000: Department of Applied Economics, Universidade de Vigo, Lecturer. • 1992-1997: Department of Economics, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, Research scholarship and Assistant professor. • 1991-1992: Department of Economic Analysis, Universidade de Vigo, Spain, Assistant professor.


• PhD in Economics, 1999, International Doctorate in Economic Analysis (IDEA), Departament d’Economia i d’Història Econòmica, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and Instituto de Análisis Económico (IAE, CSIC): “Essays on Polarization Measurement”. Supervisor: Joan M. Esteban (IAE-CSIC, Spain). • Master’s degree in Economic Analysis (Magister en Análisis Económico, 2-year degree), 1994, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. • Bachelor Degree in Economics (Licenciado en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales – Economía, 5-year degree), 1991, Universidade de Vigo.

Language skills

• Spanish and Galician (native). • English and Portuguese (working languages). • French (basic).

Research interests

• Economics of inequality, poverty, mobility, and polarization. • Between-group inequality: gender and ethnic economics. • Unemployment, discrimination, segregation, living conditions. • Inequalities in developed and developing countries.

Publications (Complete updated list at

1. Gradín, C. and S. Schotte, “Implications of the changing nature of work for employment and inequality in Ghana”, WIDER Working Paper 119/2020. 2. Gradín, C., F. Mambo, Y. Paris, and R. Santos, “Unequal expectations: Gender inequality in salary expectations of university students”, WIDER Working Paper 78/2020. 3. Gradín, C., “Changes in inequality within countries after 1990”, WIDER Working Paper 78/2020. Background paper for Chapter 6 ‘Inequalities’, in Shaping the Trends of Our Time, Report of the UN Economist Network for the UN 75th Anniversary.


4. Gradín, C., “Occupational gender segregation in post-apartheid South Africa”, forthcoming in Feminist Economics. 5. Gradín, C., “Inequality by population groups and income sources Accounting for inequality changes in Spain during the recession”, forthcoming in Review of Income and Wealth. 6. Gradín, C., M. Leibbrandt, and F. Tarp (editors), Inequality in the Developing World, Oxford University Press, in press (estimated March 2021). 7. Gradín, C. and B. Wu, “Income and consumption inequality in China: A comparative approach with India”, China Economic Review 62: 1-25, 2020. 8. Gradín, C., “Quantifying the contribution of a subpopulation to inequality: An application to Mozambique”, Journal of Economic Inequality 18: 391-419, 2020. 9. Gradín, C., “Segregation of women into low-paying occupations in the United States”, Applied Economics, 52(17): 1905-1920, 2020. 10. Gradín, C. and F. Tarp, “Introduction to Special Issue on: Inequalities in the Least Developed Countries – Some Lessons from Africa”, South African Journal of Economic, 87(2): 87-90, 2019. 11. Gradín, C. and F. Tarp, “Gender inequality in employment in Mozambique”, South African Journal of Economic, 87(2): 180-199, 2019. 12. Gradín, C. and F. Tarp, “Investigating growing inequality in Mozambique”, South African Journal of Economics, 87(2): 110-138, 2019, 13. Gradín, C., “Occupational segregation by race in South Africa after apartheid”, Review of Development Economics, 23(2): 553-576, 2019. 14. Gradín, C., C. del Río and O. Cantó, “Poverty over time: Empirical findings”, in C. D'Ambrosio (ed.), Handbook of Research on Economic and Social Well-being, Edward Elgar. 2017 15. Gradín, C., C. del Río and O. Cantó, “Measuring employment deprivation in the EU using a household-level index”, Review of Economics of the Household, 15(2): 639- 667. 16. Gradín, C., “Race, Ethnicity, Immigration, and Living Conditions in Costa Rica”, Review of Income and Wealth, 62, Supplement 1, S90-S119, 2016. 17. Gradín, C., “Poverty and Ethnicity in Asian Countries”, in J. Silber and G. Wan (eds.), The Asian “Poverty Miracle”: Impressive Accomplishments or Incomplete Achievements? Edward Elgar, 2016. 18. Gradín, C., “Why is income inequality so high in Spain?”, Research in Labor Economics, 'Inequality around the World', edited by L. Cappellari, S.W. Polachek, and K. Tatsiramos, 44: 109-177, 2016. 19. Gradín, C., “Poverty and Ethnicity among Black South Africans”, European Journal of Development Research, 27: 921-942, 2015. 20. Gradín, C., “Rural Poverty and Ethnicity in China”, Research on Economic Inequality, 23: 221-247, 2015. 21. Gradín, C., O. Alonso-Villar, and C. del Río, “Occupational segregation by race and ethnicity in the US: Differences across states”, Regional Studies, 49(10): 1621-1638, 2015. 22. Gradín, C., C. del Río and O. Cantó, “Unemployment and spell duration during the Great Recession in the EU”, International Journal of Manpower, 36(2): 216-235, 2015. 23. Gradín, C., “Race and income distribution: Evidence from the USA, Brazil and South Africa”, Review of Development Economics, 18(1): 73-92, 2014. 24. Alonso-Villar, O., del Río, C. and C. Gradín, “Occupational segregation of Hispanics in U.S. metropolitan area”, Applied Economics, 45(30): 4298-4307, 2013. 25. Gradín, C., “Conditional occupational segregation of minorities in the U.S.”, Journal 3

of Economic Inequality, 11(4): 473-493, 2013. 26. Álvarez, G., C. Gradín and M.S. Otero, “Self-employment in Spain: Transition and earnings differential”, Revista de Economía Aplicada, 62(21): 61-69, 2013. 27. Gradín, C., “Race, poverty, and deprivation in South Africa”, Journal of African Economies, 22(2): 187-232, 2013. 28. Gradín, C., “Occupational Segregation of Afro-Latinos”, Research on Economic Inequality, 20: 63-90, 2012 (2012 winner of the IPUMS-International Research Award). 29. Gradín, C., Del Río, C., and Cantó, O., “Measuring poverty accounting for time”, Review of Income and Wealth, 58(2): 330-354, 2012. 30. Alonso-Villar, O., del Río C., Gradín, C., “The extent of occupational segregation in the US: Differences by race, ethnicity, and gender,” Industrial Relations, 51(2): 179- 212, 2012. 31. Gradín, C. and Cantó, C., “Why are child poverty rates so persistently high in Spain?”, The Manchester School, Special Issue on Low Pay, Low Skill and Low Income, 80(1): 117-143, 2012. 32. Gradín, C., “Poverty among minorities in the United States: Explaining the racial poverty gap for Blacks and Latinos”, Applied Economics, 44(29): 3793-3804, 2012. 33. Cantó, C., Gradín, C. and Del Río, C., “La pobreza crónica, transitoria y recurrente en España”, Revista de Economía Aplicada, 20(58): 69-94, 2012. 34. Del Río, C., Gradín, C. and Cantó, O., “The measurement of gender wage discrimination: The distributional approach revisited”, Journal of Economic Inequality, 9(1): 57-86, 2011. 35. Gradín, C., del Río, C. and Cantó, O., “Gender Wage Discrimination and Poverty in the EU", Feminist Economics, 16(2): 73-109, 2010. 36. Gradín, C., “Why Is Poverty So High Among Afro-Brazilians? A Decomposition Analysis of the Racial Poverty Gap”, Journal of Development Studies, 45(9): 1-38, 2009. 37. Gradín, C. and Del Río, C., “Aspectos distributivos de las diferencias salariales por razón de género en España: un análisis por subgrupos poblacionales”, Hacienda Pública Española/Revista de Economía Pública, 189(2): 9-46, 2009. 38. Gradín, C., Cantó, O. and Del Río, C., “Inequality, poverty and mobility: Choosing income or consumption as welfare indicators”, Investigaciones Económicas, 32(1): 1-31, 2008. 39. Del Río, C., Gradín, C. and Cantó, O., “Pobreza y discriminación salarial por razón de género en España”, Hacienda Pública Española / Revista de Economía Pública, 184(1): 67-98, 2008. 40. Cantó, O., Del Río C. and Gradín, C., “What helps households with children in leaving poverty? Evidence from Spain”, Research on Economic Inequality, 14: 1-29, 2007. 41. Esteban, J., Gradín, C. and Ray, D., “An Extension of a Measure of Polarization, with an application to the income distribution of five OECD countries”, Journal of Economic Inequality, 5(1): 1-19, 2007. 42. Cantó, O., Del Río, C. and Gradín, C., “Poverty Statics and Dynamics: Does the accounting period matter?”, International Journal of Social Welfare, 15(3): 209-218, 2006. 43. Gradín, C. and Rossi, M., “Income distribution and income sources in Uruguay”, Journal of Applied Economics, 9(1): 49-69, 2006. 44. Cantó, O., Del Río, C. and Gradín, C., “La Evolución de la pobreza estática y dinámica en España en el período 1985-1995”, Hacienda Pública Española / Revista de Economía Pública, 167(4): 87-119, 2003. 45. D’Ambrosio, C. and C. Gradín, “Income Distribution and Social Exclusion of


children. Evidence from Italy and Spain in the 1990s”, Journal of Comparative Family Studies, special issue Families and children’s inequalities, 34(3): 479-495, 2003. 46. Gago, A., Cantó, O., Del Río, C., and Gradín, C., “La política fiscal en España durante el periodo 1982-1996”, Hacienda Pública Española, “Historia de la Hacienda en el Siglo XX”, 253-288, 2002. 47. Gradín, C., “Polarization and Inequality in Spain: 1973-91”, Journal of Income Distribution, 11(1-2): 34-52, 2002. 48. Otero, M. S. and Gradín, C., “Segregación ocupacional en España: una perspectiva territorial”, Hacienda Pública Española, 159(4): 163-190, 2001. 49. D’Ambrosio, C. and Gradín, C., “Polarización intergeneracional y exclusión social de los niños en España e Italia”, in Labeaga, J.M. and Mercader-Prats, M. (ed.), Desigualdad, Redistribución y Bienestar: Una aproximación a partir de la Microsimulación de Reformas Fiscales, Colección Estudios de Hacienda Pública, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, Madrid: 97-129. ISBN: 84-8008-088-4, 2001. 50. Gradín, C., “Polarization by Sub-populations in Spain, 1973-91”, Review of Income and Wealth, 46(4): 457-474, 2000. 51. Gradín, C. and Rossi, M., “Polarización y Desigualdad Salarial en Uruguay, 1986- 1997”, El Trimestre Económico, 267(3): 421-443, 2000. Book reviews 1. Gradín, C., “Maria Cancian and Sheldon, Danziger (Eds.): Changing Poverty, Changing Policies. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2009. 422 pp”, European Sociological Review, 27(3): 416-417, 2011.

Books and reports 1. Gradín, C. and C. del Río, “El desempleo de inmigrantes, mujeres y jóvenes”, in J. Ruíz-Huerta (ed.) 1º Informe sobre la desigualdad en España, Fundación Alternativas, Madrid, 135-191, 2013. 2. Cantó, O., Gradín, C., and del Río, C., “La dinámica de la pobreza en España: cronicidad, transitoriedad y recurrencia”, in Ayala, L., Desigualdad, Pobreza y Privación, Fundación FOESSA. ISBN: 978-84-8440-486-6. Madrid, 2009. 3. Cantó, O., Gradín, C., and del Río, C., “Cambio laboral y pobreza: pobreza y mujer”, in Ayala, L., Desigualdad, Pobreza y Privación, Fundación FOESSA. ISBN: 978-84- 8440-486-6. Madrid, 2009. 4. Gradín, C. et al., “Capítulo 2: Desigualdad, pobreza y privación”, in Renés, V. (Ed.), VI Informe FOESSA sobre exclusión y desarrollo social en España, Fundación FOESSA. ISBN: 978-84-8440-490-3. Madrid, 87-171, 2008. 5. Gradín, C., “Análisis territorial de la distribución de la renta”, in Meixide, A. (ed.), Plan Estratégico de la provincia de A Coruña, 2007-2013, Deputación Provincial da Coruña, de Compostela, 65-79, 2007. 6. Gradín, C., Del Río, C., Cantó, O. and Azpitarte, F., A Pobreza e a Exclusión Social en Galicia, Vicepresidencia da Igualdade e do Benestar, Xunta de Galicia, 2006. 7. Gradín, C., Del Río, C. and Cantó, O., La distribución de la renta en Galicia: análisis por áreas territoriales, Centro de Investigación Económica y Financiera (CIEF)- Fundación Caixa Galicia, Santiago de Compostela, ISBN 84-96494-59-4, 2006. 8. Gradín, C., R. Arévalo, and M.S. Otero, Elementos Explicativos de la Distribución de la Renta en Galicia: Género, Mercado de Trabajo y Vivienda, Instituto de Estudios Económicos de Galicia P. Barrié de la Maza - Fundación P. Barrié de la Maza, A Coruña, ISBN: 84-9752-11-1, Spain, 2003. 9. Gradín, C. and C. del Río, Desigualdad, Pobreza y Polarización en la Distribución de la Renta en Galicia, Instituto de Estudios Económicos de Galicia P. Barrié de la


Maza - Fundación P. Barrié de la Maza, A Coruña, Spain, ISBN: 84-89748-82-9, 2001.

Other publications 1. Del Río, C., Gradín, C. and Cantó, O., “Desigualdad y Pobreza en Galicia”, in González-Laxe, F., Proyecto Galicia – Economía, Hércules de Ediciones. ISBN: 978- 84-92715-28-2178-221 and 978-84-92715-27-5, A Coruña, 178-221, 2011. 2. Del Río, C., Gradín, C. and Cantó, O., “La distribución de la renta en Galicia en el marco de la Eurorregión”, Papeles de Economía Española, Economía de las CC.AA., nº 22, Galicia y Norte de Portugal, 241-251, 2007. 3. Gradín, C., “Determinantes socioeconómicos da lingua: o caso do galego”, Revista Galega de Economía, 16(1): 151-172, 2007. 4. Del Río, C., Gradín, C., and Cantó, O., “A discriminación da muller no mercado de traballo e os seus efectos sobre a pobreza”, Adminsitración & Cidadanía - Revista da Escola Galega de Administración Pública, “Políticas de Igualdade e de atención á dependencia”, 1(3): 31-56, 2006. 5. Gradín, C., Del Río, C. and Cantó, O., “Desigualdade, Pobreza e Territorio en Galicia”, Informe de Coxuntura da Economía Galega, 4º Trimestre, Centro de Investigación Económica y Financiera (CIEF)-Fundación Caixa Galicia, 39-46, 2006. 6. Gradín, C., Del Río, C. and Cantó, O., “Aspectos conceptuales en la medición de la desigualdad y la pobreza económica”, SEMATA - Ciencias Sociais e Humanidades (ISSN: 1137-9669), 16: 59-78, 2004. 7. Gradín, C., “A pobreza nas comarcas de ”, in Lago, S. and Vaquero, A. (ed.), A Economía de Ourense a debate, Facultade de Ciencias Empresariais de Ourense, Universidade de Vigo. ISBN: 84-688-5674-9, Ourense, 63-76, 2004. 8. Gradín, C. and Del Río, C., “A distribución da renda en Galicia: balance das tres últimas décadas”, Revista Galega de Ciencias Sociais, 1: 41-56, 2003. 9. Gradín, C. and Del Río, C., “Desarrollo social y económico para luchar contra la exclusión”, in Millán, J. C. (ed.), La protección social como instrumento para promover la inclusión, Consellería de Asuntos Sociais, Emprego e Relacións Laborais, Dirección Xeral de Servicios Comunitarios e Inclusión Social. ISBN: 84- 932482-6-6, A Coruña, 175-213, 2003. 10. Gradín, C., “A pobreza na comarca de Vigo”, in Vázquez, X. H. (ed.), Vigo: Economía e Sociedade, Edicións Xerais de Galicia. ISBN: 84-9782-047-9, Vigo, 333- 353, 2003. 11. Cantó, O., Del Río, C. and Gradín, C., “Il sostegno ai nuclei familiari derivante dai vari strumenti agevolati: confronto fra la Spagna e altri paesi dell’Unione europea”, en Atella, V. (ed.), Sesto rapporto sulla distribuzione e redistribuzione del reddito in Europa, 2000-2001, Consiglio Nazionale dell'Economia e del Lavoro (CNEL), Documenti 21, Ch. 8, 313-348, Roma, 2002. 12. Gradín, C., “Polarización y Desigualdad en Galicia y España, un Análisis Comparativo”, Revista de Estudios Regionales, 59(1): 45-68, 2001. 13. Gradín, C. and Otero, M.S., “Participación Laboral Femenina en España: Efectos sobre la Desigualdad en la Renta Familiar”, Ekonomiaz, 47, II/01: 226-247, 2001. 14. Cantó, O., Del Río, C. and Gradín, C., “La situación de los estudios sobre pobreza y desigualdad en España”, Cuadernos de Gobierno y Administración, 2, Pobreza y Desigualdad en España: enfoques, fuentes y acción pública, 25-94, 2000. 15. Gradín, C., “Análisis de la bipolarización en España por comunidades autónomas, 1973-90”, in Caramés, L. (ed.), Gasto público autonómico, Colección Monografías, 19, Escola Galega de Administración Pública (EGAP) - Xunta de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela , 373-395. ISBN: 84-453-2669-4, 2000.


16. Gradín, C., “A polarización e a desigualdade na distribución da renda en Galicia”, in Jordán, M. and Fernández, X. (ed.) Desenvolvemento e globalización, Iº Congreso de Economía de Galicia, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 161-178. ISBN: 84-8121-765-4, 1999.

Didactics 1. Vicens, J. A., Gibert, M. D. and Gradín, C., Las Cifras de la Desigualdad. Guía Didáctica, Editorial Octaedro and INTERMON, Barcelona. ISBN: 84-8063-227-5, 1996. 2. Vicens, J. A., Gibert, M. D. and Gradín, C., Las Cifras de la Desigualdad. Cuaderno de Trabajo, Editorial Octaedro and INTERMON, Barcelona. ISBN: 84-8063-229-5, 1996.

Stata modules

• Software components provided by Boston College Department of Economics in its series Statistical Software Components at: Polarization (ER, RQ), Poverty (POVTIME), Segregation (SEGREGATION), Unemployment (UNEMP).

Research grants

• “World Income Inequality Database (WIID)”, UNU-WIDER. • “Changing Nature of Work and Inequality”, UNU-WIDER]. • “Inequality in the Giants (Mexico, Brazil, India, China, South Africa)”, UNU- WIDER. • “Inclusive growth in Mozambique - scaling-up research and capacity”, UNU- WIDER. • ECO2016-76506-C4-2-R “Inequality, segregation and social exclusion: understanding the roots and consequences”, 1/2017-12/2019. Project coordinated with Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness). Main researcher: C. del Río (U de Vigo). [Role as researcher] • GRC2015/14 Program for the consolidation of competitive research units – Competitive research groups, EA7 research group, 1/2015-12/2018. (Regional Government - Xunta de Galicia). Main researcher: Coral del Río. [Role as Researcher] • AGRUP2015/08 Program for the consolidation of competitive research units – Strategic research consortia, Economics and Business Administration for Society 1/2015-1/2017 (Regional Government - Xunta de Galicia). Main researcher: Carlos Hervés (U de Vigo). [Role as Researcher and Member of the directing committee] • ECO2013-46516-C4-2-R/ECON “Poverty, inequality, and segregation: new methods, new evidence”, 1/2014-12/2016. Project coordinated with Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness). [Role as Main researcher] • CN 2012/178 Program for the consolidation of competitive research units – Groups with potential growth, EA7 research group, 6/2012-10/2014. (Regional


Government - Xunta de Galicia). Main researcher: C. del Río (U de Vigo). [Role as Researcher] • ECO2010-21668-C03-03 “Measurement of social exclusion and wellbeing: labor market, poverty dynamics, and wealth”, 1/2011-12/2013. Project coordinated with Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness). Main researcher: C. del Río (U de Vigo). [Role as Researcher] • 10SEC300023PR “New approaches to the analysis of exclusion in the labor market”, 12/2010-12/2013 (Regional Government – Xunta de Galicia). [Role as Main researcher] • Contract with referential research groups, 9/2009-9/2012 (University of Vigo). Main researcher: C. del Río (U de Vigo). [Role as Researcher] • SEJ2007-67911-C03-01/ECON “Social exclusion in Spain and in the EU: wealth distribution, income dynamics and the labor market”, 10/2007-09/2010. Project coordinated with Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Ministry of Education and Science). Main researcher: O. Cantó (U. de Vigo). [Role as Researcher] • SEJ2004-07373-C03-02/ECON, and PGIDIP05PXIC30001PN “Labor market and social exclusion in Spain and in the EU”, 12/2004-12/2007. Project coordinated with Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Ministry of Education and Science; Regional Government - Xunta de Galicia; University of Vigo). [Role as Main researcher] • 2006/33 Program for the consolidation of competitive research units in humanities and social sciences, EA7 research group, 12/2006-12/2012. (Regional Government, Xunta de Galicia). Main researcher: Coral Del Río (U de Vigo). [Role as Researcher] • “Social polarization as the effect of structural adjustment in Argentina”, 1/2007- 1/2008 (Spanish Agency of International Cooperation, AECI; Universities of Vigo and General Sarmiento). [Role as Main researcher] • “Labor market, poverty and gender: New approaches”, 1/2002-12/2004 (Women’s Institute; University of Vigo; Xunta Galicia). Main researcher: Coral Del Río (U. of Vigo). [Role as Researcher] • “Income distribution in Galicia” 6/1999-6/2000 (Xunta de Galicia). Main researcher: Coral Del Río (U. of Vigo). [Role as Researcher]

Research contracts

• “The Asian ‘Poverty Miracle’: Impressive Accomplishments or Incomplete Achievements?”, 11/2012-8/2013, Asian Development Bank. [Author of Background paper, Consultant] • Fundación Alternativas, 1st Report on Inequality in Spain, 2013. [Chapter coauthor] • FOESSA, VI FOESSA Report on social exclusion and development in Spain, 2008. [Background paper and Chapter coauthor] • “Measurement and characterization of poverty using information about households’ income and wealth: A comparative analysis of Spain and the US”, 10/2009-09/2010. (Spanish) Institute for Fiscal Studies, IEF. [Main researcher]


• “Distributive aspects of gender wage discrimination in Spain during 1995-2002”, 10/2006-09/2007. (Spanish) Institute for Fiscal Studies, IEF. [Main researcher] • “Geographical analysis of income distribution in Galicia”, Deputación de A Coruña, 2007. [Author of Report, main researcher] • “Poverty and social exclusion in Galicia (2nd Social Inclusion Plan)”, 06/2006-09- 2006. Xunta de Galicia. [Co-author of Report, Main researcher] • Income distribution in Galicia (1999-2004): Analysis by geographical areas”, 3/2004-3/2005 (Centro de Investigación Económica y Financiera - Fundación Caixa Galicia. [Co-author of Report, Main researcher] • “Methodological aspects of poverty dynamics: from income to expenditure as wellbeing indicators”, 7/2002-6/2003 (Spanish) Institute for Fiscal Studies, IEF. Main researcher: Olga Cantó. [Researcher] • “New approaches to poverty analysis: from statics to dynamics”, 10/2001- 6/2002 (Spanish) Institute for Fiscal Studies, IEF. Main researcher: Olga Cantó Sánchez. [Researcher] • “Income distribution in Galicia”, 1999-2002, Instituto de Estudios Económicos de Galicia - Fundación P. Barrié de la Maza). [Co-author of 2 Reports, Main researcher] • “New approaches to the measurement of polarization: theory and applied aspects”, Instituto de Estudios Económicos de Galicia / Fundación P. Barrié de la Maza, 1997-1998, Main researcher: Joan M. Esteban. [Main researcher]

International Consulting

• Background paper “Poverty and Ethnicity in Asian Countries”, within “Addressing Knowledge and Statistical Gaps in Relation to Poverty Reduction, Inequality, and Inclusive Growth” contract, Asian Development Bank, 2013-14. • Course on “Income Distribution Analysis using STATA” in “Strengthening the capacity of Ministry of Labour, Social Solidarity and Family of Romania in the field of social assistance and services”, with Bernard Brunhes International - BPI Group for the European Commission, 2008. • Course on “Income Distribution Analysis using STATA”, MECOVI Program (World Bank and Central Bank of the Dominican Republic), 2004. • Courses on “Income Distribution Analysis using STATA”, Network on Inequality and Poverty (NIP: LACEA/IDB/WB/UNDP): Costa Rica 1998, 2003, Panama, 2000, 2001.


• IPEA and ENCE/IBGE, 2019 (hosts: Pedro Silva and Carlos Leites) • Beijing Normal University, 2018 (host: Li Shi) • Indian Statistical Institute, 2016 (hosts: Satya Chakravarty and Nachiketa Chattopadhyay). • Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit (SALDRU), School of Economics at the University of Cape Town (Cape Town, South Africa), 2013 (hosts: Murray Leibbrandt and Patrizio Piraino). • Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias Económicas (IICE), Universidad de Costa Rica (San José, Costa Rica), 2013 (host: Juan Diego Trejos).


• Laboratório de Análises Econômicas, Sociais e Estatísticas das Relações Raciais (LAESER), Instituto de Economia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), 2012 (host: Marcelo Paixão). • Department of Labor Economics, Industrial and Labor Relations School, Cornell University (Ithaca, NY, US), 2008 (José Castillejo Fellowship, host: Francine Blau). • Institute for Labor Studies (IZA, Bonn, Germany), 2007 (DAAD fellowship). • Universidad del Pacífico (Lima, Peru), 1995 (INTERCAMPUS Fellowship, host: Gustavo Yamada). • Other short visits: Goteborg University (Sweden), Universidad de la República (Uruguay), Universidad Externado de Colombia, CEPS/ISNTEAD (Luxembourg), Universidad General Sarmiento (Argentina), El Colegio de México and Universidad de las Américas (Mexico), Universidad de la Habana and Universidad de Oriente (Santiago de Cuba).

Conferences, Seminars and Workshops

• Attended several conferences from the main international associations in related areas: Econometric Society, Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ), International Economic Association (IEA), International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW), Population Association of America (PAA), Asian Population Association (APA), Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA), European Economic Association (EEA), Society of Labor Economists (SOLE), European Association of Labour Economists (EALE), European Society of Population Economics (ESPE), International Atlantic Economic Society (IAES), Nordic Network in Development Economics, Association of Southern European Economic Theorists (ASSET), Spanish Economists Association, Association of Social Economics. • Attended several conferences from different international institutions: NIP-LACEA-RIDGE, ICRIER-IARIW and World Bank, Institute for Human Development and World Bank, Asian Development Bank, UNU-WIDER, LIS, IBGE-IARIW, STATA, EUROSTAT, OECD-IARIW, LoWER, LivinTaX, Centre for International Capital Markets (London Metropolitan University). • Invited presentations in international workshops: IAS-Fudan University, ESCAP-Social Division meeting about “Strategic Dialogue on Poverty and Inequality” (Bangkok, Thailand), “Engagement on Strategies to Overcome Inequality in South Africa” (Pretoria, South Africa), ADB Workshop on “The Untold Story of Poverty Reduction in Asia" (Chongqing, China; Manila, Philippines), Research on Ethnic Disparities (Beijing), Income Polarization: Measurement, Determinants and Implications (Israel), Economía de la desigualdad y la pobreza (NIP, San José, Costa Rica and Panamá). • Presentations at seminars in: IPEA-Rio de Janeiro, IPEA-Brasilia, CEEG-Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (Maputo, Mozambique), LISER (University of Luxembourg), THEMA (París), GREQAM (Marseille), IZA (Bonn), Industrial and Labor Relations School (Cornell University), Southern Africa Labour Development Research at Cape Town University (SALDRU), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,


Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Universidad de la República (Montevideo), Universidad General Sarmiento, CEDES (Buenos Aires), Universidad de Oriente (Santiago de Cuba), Universidad de las Américas (Puebla, México), El Colegio de México (México DF), and several Spanish universities. • WIDER-DESA Workshop. • HDRO-LIS-WIL-WIDER Workshop.

Teaching/administrative experience

• Graduate level: o ‘Inequality and Growth’ (with Hélène Latzer), Master 2 ‘Development Economics’ - Université Paris 1 Panthéon. o Economic Development (jointly with other WIDER researchers), Master in Development Economics, Helsinki Graduate School of Economics, Helsinki. o “Income Distribution” at Universidade de Vigo: Master in Economics, Master in Gender, Master in Statistics. o “Poverty” at Universidade de Santiago de Compostela: Master in Population and Migration. o “Public Sector Economics” at Universidad de la Habana: Master in Economics. o “Income Distribution” at Universidad de la República: Master in Economics. o Member of the Academic Committee for Master/Doctorate, Universidade de Vigo. • Undergraduate level (Universidade de Vigo, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona): Income Distribution, Public Economics, Public Sector Economics, Taxation, Econometrics, and Statistics. • Vice-Dean of International Relations, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Vigo, 2003-2007.


• Interuniversity Doctoral Program in Economic Analysis and Business Strategy (Universities of Vigo, A Corunna and Santiago de Compostela). • Supervised thesis: Francisco Azpitarte, “Essays on well-being: the distribution of wealth”, European Doctorate, Universidade de Vigo (jointly with C. Del Río and O. Cantó), 2009. Current position as Research Fellow at the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, The University of Melbourne.

Recent Courses attended

• XII Summer School on Public Economics, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Atlanta, September, 2016. • X Summer School on Public Economics, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Atlanta, July, 2014. • X NIPE Summer School on The Discrete Choice Models, Professor William Greene (New York University), NIPE, Faculdade de Economía, Universidade de Minho, June, 2013.


• Spring Course on Labor Econometrics, Professor Thomas Lemieux (University of British Columbia), GEMF, Faculdade de Economía, Universidade de Coimbra, March, 2011.



American Economic Review, Applied Economics, Development Policy Review, Development Southern Africa, Economic Record, Economics (e-journal), Ekonomiaz, Environment & Planning C: Government & Policy, Estudios Sociales, Estudios de Economía Aplicada, Eurasian Economic Review, European Journal of Development Research, European Journal of Economic and Social Systems, Feminist Economics, Hacienda Pública Española - Revista de Economía Pública, Historia Agraria - Revista de Agricultura e Historia Rural, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, International Journal of Manpower, Investigaciones Económicas, Investigaciones Regionales, Journal of Development Studies, Journal of Economic Geography, Journal of Economic Inequality, Journal of Economics and Statistics, Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, Journal of Public Economics, Labour Economics, Middle East Development Journal, Oxford Development Studies, Population Research and Policy Review, Public Finance Review, Research on Economic Inequality, Retraite et société, Review of Income and Wealth, Review of Black Politcal Economy, Review of Development Economics, Review of Economics of the Household, Revista de Economía Aplicada, Revista de Estudios Regionales, Revista Internacional de Sociología, Schmoller's Jahrbuch, Social Choice and Welfare, Spanish Economic Review, World Economy, World Development.

Research projects

• African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) Biannual Research Workshop, November 23-27, 2020. • African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) / Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) - UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Research and Innovation Partnership Programme for Capacity Building. • African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) - Centres of Excellence (CoE) for Poverty and Inequality. • AFD/EU Commission ‘Research Facility on Inequalities’. • Israel Science Foundation. • Universidad de la República (Montevideo, Uruguay). • Spanish Agency of Research Evaluation (Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Prospectiva, Programa Plan Nacional I+D, Spain). • Research grants in Economics, Ramón Areces Foundation (Spain). • Andalusian Knowledge Agency (Spain).

UN Reports

• 2019 Human Development Report, UNDP • World Social Report 2020, UNDESA