May - June 2016


One Faith Inside

2016: Discipleship

ARTICLES 4 Kingdom Loyalties | Israel Steinmetz t 7 Lifeless | Ronald L. Gallagher

8 Two Things Too Wonderful | Calvin Burrell

12 Uphold the Faith! | Max Morrow

15 The Bird and the Call | Barry Mauldin

18 When Faith Falters | R. Herbert

20 Of Darkness and Life | Caitlin Meadows

23 The Twins of Titus

24 From Faith to Faith | Jason Overman

Scripture quotations DEPARTMENTS Unless otherwise noted, scripture taken from the New King James Ver- sion. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All 3 First Word — Disciples Indeed! rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are from the Holy Bible, New 11 Questions & Answers International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by 16 Sing a Hymn of . . . — Whaid Rose Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Scripture taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 17 Poetry — Randal G. Nicolli 1960,1962,1963,1968,1971,1972,1973,1975,1977,1995 by The Lockman 22 Poetry — Carol L. MacKay Foundation. Used by permission. Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from The Holy Bible, English 27 Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publish- ing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights 30 International Congress — Outreach in South reserved. America King James Version (KJV): Public Domain 31 Last Word — One Faith and This Life Scripture quotations noted (NET) are from the NET Bible®, New English Translation copyright © 1996 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. Net Bible® is a registered trademark the Net Bible® logo, service mark copyright © 1997 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved. COG7 IN ACTION Have you visited us on Facebook yet? Be sure to 28 Publications, Spring Vale, and more “like” us! (

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2 • Bible Advocate® - First Word

BABible Advocate® Disciples Indeed!

A publication of the hat should believers believe? That’s the question this Bible Church of God (Seventh Day) Advocate just begins to answer. Jesus said, “If you abide in My This magazine is published to advocate word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the the Bible, represent the Church, and W glorify the God of grace and truth. truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:31, 32). We of faith can start here. When I was about nine, I learned I had Cherokee blood in me. This Volume 150 • Number 3 news excited me so much, I had to demonstrate to my cousins how © Copyright 2016 by the Church of God (Seventh Day) Indians lived off the land. With sincere confidence, I went out to the All material in this issue is subject to U.S. flower garden, dug up an onion, and made a peanut butter sandwich and international copyright laws and may with it. My cousins were duly impressed. not be reproduced without prior written approval. Permission may be obtained by Now, I knew nothing of Cherokee cuisine. My young faith was writing the editor. misguided. I didn’t even know the difference between an onion and a The BIBLE ADVOCATE (ISSN 0746-0104) is tulip bulb, so I got sick. The moral of the story? Truth and error are real. published bimonthly by Bible Advocate Press, 330 W. 152nd Ave., Broomfield, What we know, or don’t know, does matter. And the object and con- CO 80023. Periodicals postage is paid at Broomfield, CO, and at additional offices. tent of faith is as important as faith itself. Subscription is free to any who ask. When Paul wrote of “one faith,” he was well aware of the many : Send address changes to Bible Advocate Press, Box 33677, Denver, faiths on hand. In fact, there was a Roman goddess of faith named CO 80233-0677. Fides (Latin for faith), and her likeness was on many coins of the time. But neither hers nor even the Jews’ religion, closer to home, was the Bible Advocate Press faith the apostle preached and staunchly defended against corruption Jason Overman: Editor (Galatians 1:8, 14, 23). Sherri Langton: Associate Editor Given so many faiths to mislead, it is little wonder that of the seven Keith Michalak: Director of Publications, ones Paul mentions in Ephesians 4:4-6, his concern for “the unity of graphics the faith” is what he returns to just a few verses later. It is a unity not Sylvia Corral, Américo López: Translation fully reached but a unity, and faith, located in the “knowledge of the Hope Dais, Martha Muffley: Son of God” and the “fullness of Christ” (v. 13). Proofing, clerical The church today has yet to attain this unity of faith. The Center for the Study of Global Christianity estimates there are 41,000 Christian Subscriptions and Orders Bible Advocate Press denominations.* Even if most of these represent organizational distinc- P.O. Box 33677 tions rather than doctrinal differences, this number nevertheless re- Denver, CO 80233-0677 phone: 303/452-7973 flects the tragic fragmentation of the Christian faith. fax: 303/452-0657 This BA celebrates the one faith — our faith — and challenges believ- e-mail: [email protected] orders: [email protected] ers who would be “disciples indeed” to contend not only for it but also for its unity — our unity! As Paul Notice: Send all address changes and insists, “Stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striv- other correspondence to the address above. ing together for the faith of the gospel” (Philippians Publications Agreement No. 40042428 1:27). Cover photo: @ Jamiko1— — Jason Overman The Bible Advocate Online appears at * htm. Web accessed 3-10-16.

May - June 2016 • 3 [Peacemaking]

Christians, violence, and the cross of Christ. by Israel Steinmetz

ietrich Bonhoeffer begins his classic Life Together Dwith these words: It is not simply to be taken for granted that the Christian has the privilege of living among other Christians. Jesus Christ lived in the midst of his enemies. At the end all his disciples deserted him. On the Cross he was utterly alone, surrounded by evildoers and mockers. For this cause he had come, to bring peace to the enemies of God. So the Christian, too, belongs not in the seclusion of a cloistered life but in the thick of foes. There is his commission, his work.1 Bonhoeffer goes on to discuss the privilege and responsibility of Christian fellowship, but he could have written the entire book on our call to live “in the thick of foes,” joining Jesus in bringing “peace to the enemies of God.” This is the calling of all those who would follow Jesus in Kingdom life, death, and resurrection. Nev- ertheless, this calling has often proved difficult for Christ’s fol- lowers to answer. Loyalties Peter and the sword Jesus spoke a blessing on peacemakers (Matthew 5:9) and taught His followers to willingly endure physical assault, theft, and compelled servitude from evildoers (vv. 38-41). He taught forgiveness (18:21-25) and active

@ Louai— love for enemies (Luke 6:27-36),

4 • Bible Advocate® - demonstrating kinship with God, humanity’s greatest spiritual en- wounds you were healed. . . . “for He Himself is kind to un- emies. In His public humiliation, To sum up, all of you be grateful and evil men” (v. 35). His unjust crucifixion, His will- harmonious, sympathetic, Peter heard this teaching but, ingness to lay aside force, Jesus brotherly, kindhearted, and like many of Jesus’ followers, proclaimed in deed what He had humble in spirit; not returning evil for evil or insult for insult, couldn’t accept it. On the night spent His ministry proclaiming but giving a blessing instead; of Jesus’ arrest, Peter drew a in word: His was a gospel and a for you were called for the sword in self-defense against an kingdom of peace. Those who very purpose that you might unjust police force. Jesus’ rebuke would be citizens of His king- inherit a blessing. For, “The echoes through history: “Put dom would follow His example, one who desires life, to love your sword back into its place; loving and forgiving those who and see good days, must keep for all those who take up the mistreated and murdered them. his tongue from evil and his sword shall perish by the sword” lips from speaking deceit. He (Matthew 26:52). Peter and the cross must turn away from evil and Later, standing before Pilate, do good; He must seek peace Eventually, Peter understood Jesus explained, “My kingdom is and pursue it (2:21-24; 3:8-11). what he failed to grasp that night not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My ser- vants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the The citizens of this kingdom were Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm” (John 18:36). Here Jesus proclaimed not not to use violence as did the citizens only a reality that defined but also an imperative that guided of this earth. In fact, they were to His kingdom and its citizens. His kingdom was not of earthly “ overcome violence with love. origin. It had no geo-political interests to protect, no physical borders to defend, no human army to deploy. It was an oth- At last Peter realized the in the Garden of Gethsemane. erworldly kingdom that would solution to violence and killing Later, he would write to Chris- advance, not through physical is not violence and killing, but tians — those who “reside as conquest but through the power peacemaking and self-sacrifice. aliens” (1 Peter 1:1) — in a world of the Spirit, good works, and He recognized that Jesus’” loving bent on violence and revenge: the proclamation of a gospel of sacrifice, at the hands of violent peace. The citizens of this king- For you have been called and evil men, was the only righ- dom were not to use violence as for this purpose, since Christ teous answer to violence and also suffered for you, leaving did the citizens of this earth. In evil. Nearly two millennia later, you an example for you to fact, they were to overcome vio- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. put it follow in His steps, who com- lence with love. this way: mitted no sin, nor was any deceit Jesus backed up His words found in His mouth; and while The ultimate weakness of with the most painful of deeds. being reviled, He did not revile violence is that it is a descend- Contrary to Messianic expec- in return; while suffering, He ing spiral, begetting the very tations, Jesus didn’t conquer uttered no threats, but kept thing it seeks to destroy. through physical warfare. Rather, entrusting Himself to Him Instead of diminishing evil, it He delivered the decisive blow who judges righteously; and multiplies it. Through violence to sin and death through self- He Himself bore our sins in you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor sacrifice (Colossians 2:13-15). In His body on the cross, so that establish the truth. Through His greatest moment of physi- we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His violence you may murder the cal weakness, Jesus conquered

May - June 2016 • 5 hater, but you do not murder you will heap burning coals on (Ephesians 6:10-17). As Christ’s hate. In fact, violence merely his head.” Do not be overcome ambassadors taking the message increases hate. . . . Returning by evil, but overcome evil with of loving reconciliation to the violence for violence multi- good (Romans 12:14, 17-21). world, we must do so peacefully plies violence, adding deeper Reflecting on the realities of (2 Corinthians 5:14-21). darkness to a night already Jesus’ kingdom, Paul reminded Life in Jesus’ kingdom invites devoid of stars. Darkness can- the Corinthians that though “we us to abandon the temporal not drive out darkness: only walk in the flesh, we do not war light can do that. Hate cannot hopes and security, pride and drive out hate: only love can according to the flesh, for the braggadocio, of our earthly king- do that.2 weapons of our warfare are not doms. It compels us to reject the of the flesh, but divinely power- call of our earthly kingdoms as Paul acknowledged how con- ful . . .” (2 Corinthians 10:3, 4). they seek to enlist us in their end- trary this rejection of violence This reality went beyond forbid- less wars for land and power and was to the world’s way of doing ding Christians from engaging in liberty. Life in Jesus’ kingdom things. The world believes in ven- violence to forbidding them from calls us to embrace an eternal geance, an “eye for an eye,” self- engaging in violent speech, ma- hope and advance a kingdom defense, proportional response, nipulation, and intimidation. that is secured by peace — a and war. In instructing the Ro- hard-fought peace won through loving our enemies, doing good to those who are evil, and when In His unjust crucifixion, His necessary, dying in the process. The gospel of peace is the sto- ry of a God who became human willingness to lay aside force, Jesus to die for His enemies. It is the story of a kingdom that rejects self-preservation, vengeance, proclaimed in deed what He had spent violence, killing, and war in favor “ of self-sacrifice, forgiveness, heal- His ministry proclaiming in word. ing, life, and peace. If we are to be citizens and ambassadors of this kingdom, we must not only preach the gospel of peace but also live it. BA mans to cast off the shape of the world and be transformed into Kingdom peacekeeping the image of Christ, he wrote This is the radical nature of Israel Steinmetz is these words: Christ’s kingdom. Even our” words dean of Academic Bless those who persecute — to say nothing of our bod- Affairs for LifeSpring you; bless and do not curse. . . . ies — should not be instruments School of Ministry. Never pay back evil for evil to of violence. Rather, they should He and his wife, anyone. Respect what is right be instruments of grace (Ephe- Anna, and their seven in the sight of all men. If pos- sians 4:29), particularly in our children live in San Antonio, TX. Scrip- sible, so far as it depends on interaction with non-Christians ture quotations are from the New you, be at peace with all men. (Colossians 4:5, 6). And here we American Standard Bible. Never take your own revenge, discover the heart and logic of beloved, but leave room for non-violence in the kingdom of the wrath of God, for it is writ- 1. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together, God. The kingdom of God is ad- ten, “Vengeance is Mine, I will trans. John W. Doberstein (New York: repay,” says the Lord. “But if vanced through the spiritual war- Harper & Row, 1954), 17. fare of a people wearing spiritual 2. Martin Luther King, Jr., Where Do We your enemy is hungry, feed Go from Here: Chaos or Community? him, and if he is thirsty, give armor, their feet shod beautifully (Boston: Beacon Press, 2010), 64-65. him a drink; for in so doing with the good news of peace

6 • Bible Advocate® - Lifeless Leftovers @ Glenda Powers—

leftovers of a man whose life would change the by Ronald L. Gallagher world forever. The Roman soldiers laid claim to Jesus’ clothes even while He was still alive, a common practice t’s intriguing how God often avoids details that at the time. One of the rewards for those who en- many would have chosen to include, and inserts gaged in torturing people to death was the right to Iothers that seem to be oddly incongruent with claim their garments, along with whatever else they their surroundings. For instance, He restricted most might have had with them. In Jesus’ case, four sol- of the horrific details involved with Jesus’ crucifixion diers wanted the garment. Tearing it apart to divide to the private screening room of our imagination. it didn’t make sense, so they decided to cast lots to Avoiding gory descriptions of physical torture, He see who would win it. The hardened soldiers appar- chose instead to disrupt our focus and include the ently expressed no hesitation in conducting their following: selfish, heartless game in the shadow of the very cross that would take His sinless life in exchange for Then the soldiers, when they had crucified their own. In the midst of His agony, they saw value Jesus, took His garments and made four parts, to each soldier a part, and also the tunic. Now the only in what was His, but not in Him. tunic was without seam, woven from the top in The soldiers weren’t the last ones to see value one piece. They said therefore among themselves, in Jesus’ personal property. Centuries later, Holly- “Let us not tear it, but cast lots for it, whose it shall wood produced The Robe (1953), a fictional movie be,” that the Scripture might be fulfilled which says: following the path of the robe after the Crucifixion “They divided My garments among them, and for and its impact on those who possessed it. The writ- My clothing they cast lots.” Therefore the soldiers ers attributed mystical power to the garment that did these things (John 19:23, 24). miraculously transformed the lives of those who had Attention is moved unexpectedly to Jesus’ gar- contact with it. ments, the only physical remnants of His ministry. More recently, another Hollywood movie was It was a meager legacy as far as material things are conjured up about an item Jesus used at least once, concerned, but one that was nonetheless a real and though no evidence exists that He actually owned personal part of His life. His robe accompanied Him it. That story revolved around the cup He used in everywhere. It adapted to His frame, moved as He His final Passover meal with the disciples. Dubbed moved, went where He went, and stood where He the Holy Grail, the cup was endued with the power stood. Perhaps Jesus was wearing that very robe to transmit eternal life to whoever drank from it. But when He called Lazarus back to life, cursed the fig in the end, no one managed to acquire eternal life, tree, and cast those demons out of Mary Magda- nor even pretend it. lene. Such is Hollywood’s “take” on stuff left behind But once taken from Him, the robe was just by Jesus. Nothing of any eternal spiritual value is to empty cloth; no power resided in it —­ just the dead continued on page 26

May - June 2016 • 7 [New covenant]

Examining God’s way with His people and the way of a man with a maid. by Calvin Burrell

ith the earth’s billions all having their opinions and Wpeculiarities, we should be grateful for agreeable people. Thank heaven for any agreement that adds to the total tonnage of precious peace on earth. Cel- ebrate those folks who agree to disagree and who find grace to do it without being disagreeable. More important than people’s position is their disposition. And no station in life is better suited to prove our disposition than matrimony. If we humble our- selves at home first, we get more grace to avoid offense in other venues too. In this way, Jabez’ prayer “that I may not cause pain!” (1 Chronicles 4:10) is an- swered in us. A wise and long-wed wife gave away the secret of her mari- tal bliss like this: “When we got married, I settled on ten things Two that I’d always forgive my hus- band for — no fuss and no spite on any of those ten.” The women present eagerly asked about the items on the list, and she replied: “To tell the Things Too truth, I never got around to writ- ing them down. But every time he did something I didn’t like, I just said to myself, Lucky for him, that’s one of the ten.” A happy marriage is the union Wonderful of two good forgivers. This can happen when a man and woman wed based on the agreement “to love and to cherish, so help @ Macrowildlife— us God.” On the contrary, when

8 • Bible Advocate® - two people marry with a con- phasis was given to obligations The first oath tells the truth tract in mind and a set of rules in and expectations — the laws that of this and any other agreement hand, bliss is unlikely. Marriage God and Moses announced and worth its salt: It has substance, ordained and blessed by God is that the people agreed to obey. character, and obligation. Rather rarely a contractual agreement. This is obligation, and the Mosaic than written on stone, the It is rather a covenantal link of covenant is largely an obligatory “laws” and “ways” of this oath enduring love and forgiveness, covenant. are grafted into our very souls bringing horizontal happiness to With this background, we through the Spirit. Living in spiri- the home that has it. can better appreciate the Bible’s tual harmony with them is not premier agreement: the new cov- just obligatory; it is our deepest Links of faith enant. It was prophesied by Jer- desire. An obedient life raises the emiah (31:31-34), mentioned by level of present blessings prom- As with a man and his maid, the Lord Jesus and sealed by His ised through the covenant. covenants between Yahweh God blood (Matthew 26:27, 28), and The second oath tells the and His people are not much like repeated and explained in the grace of this agreement. If the a business contract either. In- New Testament letters of 2 Cor- “laws” and “ways” of Oath #1 stead, they are faith agreements inthians (3), Galatians (4:21-31), are violated, bringing conviction in which God says He will be our and Hebrews. of sin, the mercy of the Lord God and we will be His people. The core link of Bible cov- endures forever to those who Those who hear and agree re- spond in kind: “Yes, Lord, You are our God, and we will be Your people.” This is relationship. Sev- eral such covenants between hu- mans and their Creator are found This is the new covenant in Christ: a in the Bible. Prominent among these early mind-and-heart relationship with God, a in the Book are His agreements with Noah, Abraham, and the na- tion of Israel through Moses. In high faith standard to live for, and a loving, each case, these covenants were “ not negotiated treaties between accepting forgiveness when we fail. two parties, as if God and man were equals. Instead, they origi- nated with the greater Party and were revealed to the lesser. enants — “I will take you as My fear Him in obedient trust. When With Noah and Abraham, people, and I will be your God” we fail to please the Lord in all God’s covenant consisted largely — punctuates our faith songs our ways (Oath #1), we have of His spoken vows: I will never like a refrain (Exodus 6:7; et al.). only to confess it and reassure again destroy the earth with a ” What a sweet sound it is to those ourselves with His promise of flood (to Noah, in Genesis 9); who know the precious prom- pardon (Oath #2; see also 1 John I will bless you and make your ises, the divine oaths, the “I wills” 1:8—2:2). name great; I will give you land of the promissory new covenant! and a seed; I will bless all fami- This is the new covenant They are two: lies of the earth through you (to in Christ! Its beauty lies in its Oath #1: I will write My laws, Abraham, in Genesis 12, 15, 17). unbroken good favor and in its My ways, on your hearts so you This is promise, and covenants agreeable simplicity. Consider will know Me and want to please like these are promissory cov- what we have in the three full Me in all your ways (Hebrews enants. paragraphs above: a mind-and- 8:7-11; 10:16). In God’s agreement with heart relationship with God, a Oath #2: I will forgive your national Israel, much more em- high faith standard to live for, and sins (8:12; 10:17).

May - June 2016 • 9 a loving, accepting forgiveness agreement. And we soon learned when we fail. what pleased the other and what didn’t — the “laws” and “ways” of When Links of love a happy home. Can two walk together ex- Bred, born, and brought up in cept they be agreed? Over the Faith Came a household of faith, I enjoyed years, my essentially agreeable advantages and benefits that wife has grown in expressing her exceed my count. Chief among own views and desires openly them are, first, that Christ drew and confidently, even when they me to the Father’s bosom by differ from mine. That’s been cords of covenantal faith and Throughout Scripture, good for both of us! When we’ve baptism while I was a teenager, faith has always been the disagreed on a dozen details, and second, that my wife drew premier attribute of God’s we’ve always agreed to keep on me to hers by cords of covenant- people (Genesis 15:6; Ha- walking. al love and marriage a few years bakkuk 2:4; Hebrews 11). Similarly, I’ve learned that So it’s surprising to read in walking with other Christians Galatians 3, long after fa- doesn’t require us to agree on all ther Abraham, about faith’s points. At home and at church, coming: Too wonderful it what’s needed most is common, “But before faith came, new covenant faith in Jesus as we were kept under guard Savior and Lord and agreement by the law, kept for the faith is that we are God’s to walk together. The diversity which would afterward be this allows is, for me, more won- revealed. . . . But after faith beloved and that derful than if our thoughts and has come, we are no longer opinions were carbon copies. under a tutor” (vv. 23, 25). “ Too wonderful it is that we This faith is clearly not He is ours — one are God’s beloved and that He general faith in God but a is ours — one faith; that he who special faith that names and faith. finds an excellent, prudent wife narrates a special person gets favor from the Lord, that she and event: Christ, God’s Son becomes the crown and glory sent (v. 24; 4:4). of her husband; that I am my later. Both these blessings are “The faith” come and beloved’s and my beloved — a forms of intimate relationship too revealed, a faith that is a life good forgiver — is mine (Proverbs wonderful to tell. the law pointed to but could 12:4; 18:22; 19:14b; 1 Corinthi- One of these is living by faith; not provide (3:12, 19-22), is ans 11:7; Song of Solomon 6:3); the other is living in love. Neither the gospel story itself. This is ” and that by new covenant faith in relationship began through the the faith Paul preached after Jesus’ blood, we come to know letter of a signed contract but persecuting (1:23) and the the one great Forgiver and Lover through the promise of a shared story at the core of this faith of our souls. spirit. Since that spring day in is embedded all through On these, may we all agree! BA 1966 when Barbara and I agreed his letter to the Galatians: and vowed before God and wit- “Christ . . . crucified” (2:20; nesses, I have been her husband 3:1; 5:11, 24; 6:12, 14). Calvin and Barb and she has been my wife — the Jesus and the cross is Burrell live in essence of our covenant. No list the faith! And we enter Stayton, OR, and of rules established our union. His faith, His story, only will celebrate their Rather, we promised a love-pact: fiftieth wedding “through faith” in Him to have and to hold in every cir- anniversary on (3:26). cumstance until death ends the May 29. — BA

10 • Bible Advocate® -

@ Ricardoreitmeyer— Questions & Answers

Bible says there is “one faith” (Ephe- His work is revealed in us; we are justified from The sians 4:5). Is it really that simple? our sins; salvation comes to us and to our How can we know if we have it? Why is faith so household; we truly live; all things are possible important? to us; and we have victory over the world, the flesh, and the Devil (Genesis 15:6; Mark 9:23; John 6:28, 29; Acts 16:31; Romans 1:16, 17; 5:1; text you cite lists faith among seven Ephesians 6:16; Philippians 3:9; 1 John 5:4). The ones that help define our unity in Faith in Christ is so important to God that He Christ: one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, has made it the single door by which we may one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of enter into His favor and be saved. Without faith, all. All of these can be known and embraced at everything is sin to us, and there is no way we a basic level. Each also invites us to dig deep, can please God (Romans 14:23; Hebrews 11:6). reach high, and explore widely in the rich and How do we know if we truly believe? It is good inexhaustible storehouses of our Father’s Word to ask, because not everything that goes under and world. the heading of faith is faith indeed. A true and liv- Speaking simply, “one faith” may point to the ing faith in God is sufficient for salvation for sure, empty-handed and truehearted response of but there is a false and dead faith that saves no the humble soul casting itself on the mercy of one. Many will say, “Lord, Lord” in that day but be God through Jesus Christ, bringing us heaven’s turned away because Jesus never knew them. favor and the Spirit’s comfort. No other response What is the difference between saving faith promises so rich a result as this. and false faith? The real kind includes 1) accep- But that’s not all. “One faith” also refers to all tance of the basic truths of the gospel — faith’s the beliefs and practices Christians take from mental component; 2) trust in the person of the Word and Spirit of God. This bird’s-eye view Christ as Savior to forgive — faith’s spiritual com- of faith is seen in Jude 3, where we are urged to ponent; and 3) choice to follow and obey Jesus as stoutly defend the faith once delivered to the Lord — faith’s volitional (or decisive) component. saints. In this broad sense also, there is only one Three components; only one faith. faith. If we don’t have it, here’s how we can get it: Back in Ephesians 4, Paul goes on to write Hear God’s voice. He speaks in His written Word, “till we all come to the unity of the faith” (v. 13), in the natural world, and through His people. conceding that Christians had not yet come to If the seeds of belief don’t sprout and grow, we perfect unity in all aspects, intricacies, and nu- may humble ourselves by asking God to reveal ances of the one faith. Nor have we in 2016. Himself and give us the gift of faith. Many can tell Let’s grasp the importance of faith here and how that prayer has been answered for them. now: When we have it, God counts us righteous; — Elder Calvin Burrell

May - June 2016 • 11 [Doctrine] Uphold the Faith!

@ Balazs Toth—

it’s perfectly understandable that Commandments is fundamental. Reflections on the you ask, “What do you mean?” Holiness is still the aim of every As I write this article, I mean a believer. The hope of life eternal distinctives of CoG7 beliefs. system of beliefs. I have in mind on the earth-made-new contin- by Max Morrow that faith Jude wrote about ues to be central. “which was once for all delivered Some of the distinctive beliefs to the saints.” It’s the faith for of the Church of God (Seventh which I “contend earnestly,” in Day), which we believe are the words of Jude — the faith that among “the faith which was has survived centuries of testing once for all delivered to the aith is such a weighty biblical and numerous attacks in efforts saints,” are being tested: namely, word that when we speak of to destroy it. divorce and remarriage, tithing, Fit, some explanation is in or- clean and unclean meats, obser- der for the listener to know what vance of extra-biblical holidays, we mean. Faith can refer to belief Our distinctive faith and participation in military or trust in God or to a set of reli- Details of that faith have combat. The generations that gious teachings or doctrines (i.e., varied, but essentially what the have gone before set the stage the Christian faith). Faith “is the apostles believed and taught is for those of us who follow and, substance of things hoped for, what members of the faith be- in many instances, they suffered the evidence of things not seen” lieve and teach today. The same severely to preserve what they (Hebrews 11:1) and it was “once God is supreme. The atoning — and we — believe. “Hold fast,” for all delivered to the saints” sacrifice of Jesus Christ remains the writer of Hebrews said: “Let (Jude 1:3). the only means of salvation. The us hold fast the confession of our So when I write about faith, eternal moral law of the Ten hope without wavering, for He

12 • Bible Advocate® - who promised is faithful” (He- the tithes into the storehouse, all kinds of four-footed animals of brews 10:23). that there may be food in My the earth, wild beasts, creeping The truths God established house . . .” (Malachi 3:8-10). Ad- things, and birds of the air. And a in the Scriptures are worthy to mittedly, these verses come from voice came to him, ‘Rise, Peter; be preserved. So in abbreviated the law of the old covenant. Did kill and eat.’ But Peter said, ‘Not form, let God’s Word speak to God change His position? so, Lord! For I have never eaten your heart regarding these teach- Under the new covenant, anything common or unclean’” ings.* Paul wrote, “Do you not know (Acts 10:11-14). Divorce and remarriage. that those who minister the holy From childhood and even for Divorce results from sin and is things eat of the things of the perhaps a decade or more after never God’s perfect will. “The temple, and those who serve the death of Jesus, Peter had Lord God of Israel says that He at the altar partake of the offer- never eaten anything unclean. hates divorce, for it covers one’s ings of the altar?” This is the old Did he not know that Jesus did garment with violence . . .” (Mal- covenant practice. “Even so the away with that law about un- achi 2:16a). Jesus added, “I say Lord has commanded that those clean meat — if He had? Appar- to you that whoever divorces his who preach the gospel should ently not. New Testament writers wife for any reason except sexual live from the gospel” (1 Corin- like Luke, John, and Paul carry immorality causes her to commit thians 9:13, 14). Even so means forward food commands from adultery; and whoever marries a “just like” or “in the same way.” the Old Testament and/or speak woman who is divorced commits Gospel workers, like the Levitical the familiar language of holiness adultery” (Matthew 5:32; 19:9). From God’s perspective, di- vorce is loathsome and involves violence. Don’t do it! Jesus’ own teaching in the Gospels is equally severe. In Matthew, Jesus per- The truths God established in mits divorce only under cases of unfaithfulness by a spouse. Else- where in the Gospels, He offers the Scriptures are worthy to be no exception at all (Mark 10:11, 12; Luke 16:18). This should preserved. cause us to take our marriages, “ and their dissolution, with the utmost seriousness. Tithing. “And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of priests, are to get their support and the unclean (Acts 15:20, 26; the tree, is the Lord’s. It is holy from what is brought to God’s 1 Corinthians 6:9-20; 2 Corin- to the Lord” (Leviticus 27:30). storehouse. thians” 6:11-18; Revelation 2:14; “Will a man rob God? Yet you Clean and unclean meats. 18:2, 4). Meats intended for con- have robbed Me! But you say, To the people of Israel, God sumption by humans have been ‘In what way have we robbed gave this instruction: “These are sanctified by the word of God You’? In tithes and offerings. You the animals which you may eat (1 Timothy 4:3-5). are cursed with a curse, for you among all the animals that are on Extra-biblical holidays. “’Do have robbed Me. . . . Bring all the earth: . . . whatever divides not learn the way of the Gen- the hoof, having cloven hooves tiles; do not be dismayed at the * Editor’s note: For fuller treatment on and chewing the cud — that you signs of heaven, for the Gentiles each of these distinctive faith posi- may eat” (Leviticus 11:2, 3). In are dismayed at them. For the tions, see This We Believe: The Teach- the vision Peter had of “a great customs of the peoples are fu- ings of the Church of God (Seventh Day). Order online at sheet . . . descending to him and tile; for one cuts a tree from the let down to the earth. In it were forest, the work of the hands of

May - June 2016 • 13 the workman, with the ax. They Jesus calls us to support a gos- decorate it with silver and gold; pel-oriented, non-violent lifestyle: they fasten it with nails and ham- Turn the other cheek, go the sec- mers so that it will not topple” ond mile (Matthew 5:39, 41). (Jeremiah 10:2-4). Though not limited to the Contend for the faith Christmas tree, this passage Generation after generation, surely includes it. Notwithstand- the saints of God have contend- ing the observer’s intention, ed for the faith “once delivered.” Since its behind idols is demonic influ- The need is no less today. As publication a number of years ence (1 Corinthians 10:20), faithful children of God, we must ago, This We Believe has been a and extra-biblical holidays like “hold fast,” remembering who trusted source for CoG7 mem- Christmas, Easter, and Hallow- established that faith. The admo- bers. It develops and defends een are steeped in symbols of nition of 2 Corinthians 13:5 fits each of the twelve points in the pagan worship and superstition. us as well as it fit early Christians Church’s Statement of Faith, God’s people have “one faith” using Scripture as its only au- to whom Paul wrote: “Examine and should have nothing to do thority. yourselves as to whether you are with the trappings of others It has been said that, in ad- in the faith. Test yourselves. Do (Ephesians 4:5-8). Pagan converts dition to a Bible and a good you not know yourselves, that were quick to turn from their hymnbook,­ all Christians Jesus Christ is in you? — unless superstitious practices and tradi- should own a book that ex- indeed you are disqualified.” plains the main teachings of tions (Acts 19:18, 19), and Paul We need to check ourselves! Scripture and of the church they belong to. Make sure you have a copy of This We Believe in your personal library! Cost is $10. Order through As faithful children of God, we the online store (, e-mail ([email protected]), phone (303-452-7973), or regu- must “hold fast,” remembering who lar mail (Bible Advocate Press, P.O. Box 33677, Denver, CO established that faith. 80233). “ Also . . . Hot off the taught the early church to keep press, Getting We are most assuredly in Christ themselves separate from forms a Handle on while He is in us, and we just of worship that mixed true with Worship, the as surely are “in the faith” now new book by false (2 Corinthians 6:16, 17). in 2016, by the grace of God. Whaid Rose Participation in military com- ” Let’s preserve that faith for every and Israel bat. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. generation following — till Christ Steinmetz, is He said, “Peace I leave with comes! BA available for you, My peace I give to you . . .” order. (John 14:27). He taught His fol- Cost $12.99. Books can be lowers, “Love your enemies, ordered either through Amazon Max Morrow is a bless those who curse you, do ( former editor of good to those who hate you, and ting-Handle-Worship-Responding- the Bible Advocate Simplicity/dp/0997268905/) or pray for those who spitefully use and now pastors in using the CreateSpace e-store you and persecute you” (Mat- Owosso MI. (https://www.createspace. thew 5:44). Satan promotes war, com/5979603). while God promotes peace.

14 • Bible Advocate® - The Bird and the Call @ Johan63—

I detached the hose from the wall and placed the by Barry Mauldin exposed end into a . Failing to coax the bird into the bag, I held the bag in one hand and activated the switch with my other. A sudden burst scratching noise from the utility closet broke of air pushed the trapped bird into the sack. through the quiet dawn hours, awakening me We too need a “sudden burst” of motivation. But A in the adjacent bedroom. Investigating, I dis- how do we get started? Finding motivation is not covered the curious commotion was coming from always simple. We may have self doubts within or behind the clothes dryer. Then I heard a faint chirp distractions without. However, at times someone or — a bird! The little fellow had slipped down the something comes along and challenges us. Great roofline vent pipe and become trapped. He scurried people can cause us to evaluate ourselves and push helplessly back and forth along the flexible hose at- us to do more. But can a little bird? taching the vent to the dryer. The troubles of life can make finding motivation God’s wake-up call can happen in a curious difficult, trying our faith. Peter refers to it as being manner as well. If not curious, it at least varies for “grieved by various trials” (1 Peter 1:6). Trials may each person. It might be a sermon or a dramatic make us hesitant. If we push forward, despite our life event that awakens us. For me, it was a bird in struggle, these trials reveal the genuineness of our my clothes dryer. I didn’t know it at the time, but faith (v. 7), just as gold is proven by the fire that my experience with that bird would teach me much removes impurities. We would love it if there were about God’s call. an easier way, but the tough stuff drives us to cry Paul writes to the Ephesians that we are all in the out for help and humble ourselves to completely same condition: dead in our trespasses (Ephesians depend on God. 2:1). Through Jesus Christ, God has made each one I took the sack outside to free the bird. After his of us alive. God’s workmanship brings something long ordeal, I assumed he would be stunned or dis- dead to life. The purpose of His creation — you and oriented, perhaps even injured. So I placed him in a me — is good works (Ephesians 2:10). Therefore, remote spot to allow him a private convalescence. Paul’s admonishment is to walk worthy of the call- When I turned the sack over, to my astonishment, ing to which we are called (Ephesians 4:1). With the bird flew off the moment after his feet touched this admonishment, though, sometimes we need the ground. In seconds, he was high in the air, mov- motivation. ing quickly out of sight. The bird didn’t hesitate. He I left home that morning, unsure what to do with immediately embraced the freedom afforded him. this stuck creature, so I called my property manager I was the one stunned and motionless, not the to handle it. However, when I returned home in bird. In an instant, I understood something about the evening, I could still hear the desperate chirp. I myself: I too tend to hesitate. I realized that I could knew I needed to remove this poor animal from his be doing much more with myself. Perhaps I had prison. continued on page 27

May - June 2016 • 15 Sing a Hymn

of Providence God moves in a mysteri- ous way/His wonders to by Whaid Rose perform;/He plants His footsteps on the sea,/And Where is history going? Do the details of our lives count as part of that history? Are our individual stories all there is, or is there a big rides upon the storm. story, a grand metanarrative? We derive from Scripture that there is a big story, that God is writ- Deep in unfathomable ing its chapters, and that it includes even the minutest details of our mines/Of never failing individual lives. Theologians call this providence, the classic Christian skill,/He treasures up His doctrine that affirms God is active in all the affairs of this world, super- bright designs,/And works intending all things according to His divine purpose, for His glory. His sovereign will. Many hymns express this truth, but none more specifically and col- orfully than William Cowper’s “God Moves in a Mysterious Way.” God reveals Himself, but He reserves part of Himself, veiled in mystery (Ro- Ye fearful saints, fresh mans 11:33). We learn to live with God’s unknown. What unsettles us courage take,/The clouds is the part we know, His “mysterious ways.” ye so much dread,/Are God’s ways frustrated Job (3:1), angered David (Psalm 13:1), and filled with mercy and drove Habakkuk up the wall (1:13). But as their stories illustrate, one is shall break/In blessing on never closer to God than in the crucible of suffering. Joseph seemed your head. to know that intuitively. Thus his paradoxical reply to his brothers: “You meant evil against me; but God meant it for good” (Genesis 50:20). This puts life’s trials in hopeful perspective, bolsters faith in a world Judge not the Lord by falling apart. When we bury our loved ones despite earnest prayers; feeble sense,/But trust when natural disasters devastate the poorest countries, compounding Him for His grace;/Behind poverty and human suffering; when believers struggle to survive while a frowning providence/He the ungodly prosper, providence gives us firm standing. hides a smiling face. Cowper (England, 1731-1800) grasped this truth through personal experience. His profile includes lifelong depression, bereavement over His purposes will ripen his mother’s death when he was six, as well as the deaths of four sib- lings, abortion of his marriage just days before the wedding, several fast,/Unfolding very suicide attempts, and years in an insane asylum. But during his time in hour;/The bud may have that asylum, Cowper wrote this hymn. There, living between hope and a bitter taste,/But sweet despair, he glimpsed this beautiful truth. will be the flower. God is working all things for our good (Romans 8:28). Someday, with clearer vision, we’ll praise Him for the pattern He has planned. Blind unbelief is sure to Meanwhile, we pray like David, “Teach me Your way, O Lord . . .” err,/And scan His work in (Psalm 27:11). He’s not running for President; He is sovereign. History vain;/God is His own inter- is His-story, and, as the saying goes, “There’s no maverick molecule in His universe.” preter,/And He will make This reassuring perspective inspired a hymn writer while in an asy- it plain. lum. May it inspire Christians to live confidently in a broken world.

16 • Bible Advocate® - Forgiveness Heaved by the seething lake, Rising with each rippling flex Of its restlessness, Then diving, Smashing into the next, I sweat my faith Into this hearty yet unchartered boat. Plodding through swell Upon raging swell, Lashed by spray, I glance at last Up from this blinding hell To see the craggy shore And, high above, The summit Of miraculous Ascent. Randal G. Nicolli May - June 2016 • 17

@ Ilfede— [Encouragement]

When Faith Falters

@ Philcold—

Those are inspiring and en- surprised that two such persons Timely lessons from couraging words — as long as were Moses and Peter. our faith is doing well. But every Moses and Peter. disciple of Jesus Christ comes to Moses at Meribah by R. Herbert realize that our faith, just like our At one point during the Isra- love or any other spiritual qual- elites’ wanderings in the wilder- ity, doesn’t always run at 100 ness, the community had no percent operating potential. In water, and the people rose in he book of Hebrews con- fact, occasionally we may even opposition to Moses and Aaron. tains some of the Bible’s experience a failure of faith in At Meribah, God told the two Tmost encouraging state- some aspect of our lives. The leaders to take the staff from ments regarding faith, but it also shadow of doubt may fall on us the holy place in the tabernacle contains some cautions. One of only for a while, but for some, and “Speak to that rock before those is found in Hebrews 10:38, even a temporary failure of faith their eyes and it will pour out which quotes Habakkuk: “Now can become a matter of lasting its water” (Numbers 20:8). Then the just shall live by faith; but if discouragement. Moses and Aaron gathered anyone draws back, My soul has It doesn’t need to be that way. the people in front of the rock. no pleasure in him” (NKJV). The There are clear biblical examples When Moses struck the rock writer of Hebrews then contin- of servants of God whose belief twice with his staff, water gushed ues, “But we do not belong to “cracked” temporarily, and yet out (vv. 10, 11). those who shrink back and are those individuals went on to be But God was angry with destroyed, but to those who have listed in the Bible as examples of these leaders for the way they faith and are saved” (v. 39). true and lasting faith. You may be

18 • Bible Advocate® - handled the situation. Though “Lord, if it’s you . . . tell me book of Acts to see that Peter the account does not say exactly to come to you on the water.” went on to great acts of faith af- why, the fact that Moses struck “Come,” he said. Then Peter ter these failures (3:1-10, et al.). the rock twice indicates he may got down out of the boat, have doubted when nothing hap- walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he Investment of faith pened at first. Wavering, he hit saw the wind, he was afraid The God who knows our the rock again. Numbers tells us, and, beginning to sink, cried hearts knows that our faith, like in fact, that the incident involved out, “Lord, save me!” Imme- that of Moses and Peter, can and a failure of faith on Moses’ part: diately Jesus reached out his certainly does waver at times. “And the Lord said to Moses and hand and caught him (Mat- But if we regularly walk in the Aaron, ‘Because you did not be- thew 14:28-31). way of belief and seek His help, lieve in me, to uphold me as holy the Bible makes clear that, just in the eyes of the people of Is- as He does in every other aspect rael, therefore you shall not bring of life, God looks at the overall this assembly into the land that I picture of our faith, beyond any have given them’” (v. 12, ESV). isolated failures. Put simply, God So in God’s estimation — not does not balance the ups and ours — Moses’ faith faltered and downs of our faith like a check- temporarily failed. But this did book. He helps us grow faith like not mean that Moses needed to God is a savings account. Even after we be replaced or that his potential experience a temporary setback, for faith-based service was gone. keeping track of God still desires to strengthen God continued to do great things and develop our faith according through Moses’ leadership. to His purpose. When we turn to Hebrews 11, our victories of It’s one of the most encourag- we find Moses is given a place of “ ing things we can learn about distinct honor in the great Faith the path of faith every disciple Hall of Fame. That inspiring chap- faith — not our must walk: If we keep with it, our ter assigns six specific acts of faith will grow in a cumulative faith to Moses (vv. 24-28), but his manner (2 Thessalonians 1:3). failing of faith at Meribah is not failures. We must heed the biblical warn- mentioned. This should teach us ings against losing faith, but if we that God, who inspired the writer do not give up, faith will grow of Hebrews, is keeping track of through time. And the more our victories of faith — not our we grow in faith, the more faith failures. Peter’s faith was good to a grows in us. BA point, but then it cracked under Crumbling rock the strain, as anyone’s” might un- Another, and better known, der those circumstances. Yet al- R. Herbert (a pen name) holds a example of this principle is the though Jesus mildly rebuked him, Ph.D. in ancient Near Eastern and apostle Peter. We all know the saying, “You of little faith . . . why biblical studies and has served as an story, told in three of the Gos- did you doubt?” (v. 31), this was ordained minister and church pas- tor. He writes for several Christian pels. The disciples were crossing not the end of Peter’s disciple- venues and for his websites Living the Sea of Galilee in a small boat ship. We know that Peter’s faith and TacticalChristianity. wavered and cracked again at when Jesus appeared to them, org. Scripture quotations are from Jesus’ betrayal (John 18), but we standing on the water. At that the New International Version, unless point, Peter exceeded his own know equally that Jesus contin- otherwise noted. level of faith development and ued to work with him (21:15-17). asked Jesus: And we have only to read the

May - June 2016 • 19 [Sanctity of life]

@ Romanruzicka—

ringe or with machine-operated to describe abortion, they are de- 1 Persons, politics, and the suction.” The other option is cried as fear-mongers. But what dilation and evacuation (D&E), other word can better describe challenge of abortion. which, according to Planned willingly stopping an innocent by Caitlin Meadows Parenthood, is completed when heart from beating? “Medical instruments and a suc- This issue goes far beyond tion machine gently empty your semantics. Ultimately, abortion is uterus.”2 Planned Parenthood an issue of sin. For our voices to bortion. It is a word that po- explains that during a D&E, a be heard in the abortion conver- larizes people and politics. It woman in her second trimester sation, we must reach the hearts Amakes one group of people may require an abdominal shot of people by revealing to them feel empowered and another feel “to make sure that the fetus’s the heart of God. As 1 John 4:8 disgusted. For many, it is a word heart stops before the procedure says, God is love. In His love, He that brings confusion. begins.”3 made His law clear regarding What does abortion mean? How is it that in our civilized murder: It shall not be commit- According to Merriam-Webster. society, so many can read these ted (Exodus 20:13). com, the simple definition is “a definitions and explanations of medical procedure used to end a abortion, including phrases like Politics of sin pregnancy and cause the death “cause the death of a fetus” and In 1973, the United States of a fetus.” The Planned Parent- “make sure the fetus’s heart Supreme Court ruling of Roe hood website provides explana- stops,” and not feel disgust? v. Wade made abortions legal tions of in-clinic abortions. One How has this practice become throughout the nation.4 This option is aspiration, defined by so widely accepted, when its became a turning point in Ameri- Planned Parenthood as “A pro- proponents and practitioners can culture. Numerous women cedure that ends pregnancy by openly admit that it is the volun- interpreted it as empowering, emptying the uterus with the tary ending of human life? When feeling that the right to choice gentle suction of a manual sy- Christians use words like murder they claimed was finally validated

20 • Bible Advocate® - by law. Conversely, conserva- legality, but even if Roe v. Wade prevent continued abortions? His tive thinkers and Christians were were overturned, the problem light. As Christ’s followers and devastated by this ruling. While would not be solved. The prob- ambassadors, we are His light. the secular world applauded lem is sin and darkness. The We cannot allow our contempt women for their newfound free- only solution to sin and darkness for abortion to become con- dom, Christians recognized the is the Light of the world, Jesus tempt for the ones receiving, per- consequence would be countless Christ (John 8:12). forming, and promoting abortion. unborn lives snuffed out by the Christ was crucified and rose choice of their own mothers. As Politics of light again for them too. Steven Ertelt put it in his January Each of us was lost in the dark- In response to the Roe v. 2015 article, “The ness of sin at one time, but Christ Wade ruling, Christians have blood of more than 57 million shone His light on us and eradi- spent the last forty-three years aborted babies represents an cated darkness. He desires to marching, picketing, protesting, enormous stain on our national do the same for all who support and voting against abortion. Pro- conscience and a heavy burden abortion, and particularly for the lifers have utilized the Internet on our hearts.”5 women who have had abortions The horror of abortion is, at its root, the result of sin. The fact that such a practice can not only become lawful but also become For our voices to be heard in the a law so desired by citizens, is a result of sin. When separated from God, darkness takes over, abortion conversation, we must reach and even the most deplorable acts are praised. “The way of the the hearts of people by revealing to wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble” (Prov- “ them the heart of God. erbs 4:19). Psalm 82:5 speaks of rulers and governments: “They know not, neither will they understand; and social media to speak truth they walk on in darkness: all the or are considering aborting their about the sanctity of life and foundations of the earth are out unborn child. He pours His love engage in thoughtful debate of course.” As with the legalizing for these people into us through with those who identify as pro- of abortion, a government not the Holy Spirit (Romans” 5:5) choice. While all these efforts are submitted to God rules its land so that they can learn of Him noble, there is another perspec- in darkness. It is incapable of through us. Genuinely loving tive to be considered. Instead understanding truth, and thus, them with Christ’s love is the first of attempting to overturn Roe v. its sin-directed laws destroy the step we take in shining into their Wade, we can turn our focus to foundation of its nation. darkness. shining Christ’s light on the dark- This is what has happened Several years ago, I was ness causing such mayhem. in the United States. Mother is trained as a crisis pregnancy Jesus declared, “I am come a pitted against child. Wrong is de- counselor at the local Pregnancy light into the world, that whoso- clared right. The worth of human Resource Center. During training, ever believeth on me should not life is measured by time and con- the PRC taught us to advocate abide in darkness” (John 12:46). venience. Sin destroys millions of for the mother before advocating Women with unwanted preg- unborn lives in this age and even for her unborn baby. The point nancies desperately need His more lives (those of abortion’s was not to neglect her baby light. The secular world desper- supporters) eternally. but to first address the mother’s ately needs His light. What is We can attempt to address needs in hopes that she would desperately needed in order to the abortion issue by arguing its willingly protect her baby.

May - June 2016 • 21 It was made clear to our train- lives of their mothers that we are contemplating it in the pres- ing group that women facing shine the light of Christ’s love ent. crisis pregnancies need to know into their darkness by seeking • Converse with abortion sup- that they are not alone. They be- them out in their distress, caring porters in a way that showcases lieve the lie that it’s either them for them in their need, and dem- the gospel. or their baby; it cannot be both. onstrating and speaking the gos- • Donate time, money, and If a woman doesn’t feel support- pel of Jesus Christ to their hearts. resources to local pregnancy re- ed by Christians, she will turn to We do this in faith that He is able source centers. a place where she will feel sup- and willing to give each woman • Donate time, money, and port. Organizations like Planned her own faith in Him. We do this resources to reputable Christian Parenthood are designed to by His grace that enables us to adoption agencies. make women feel valued, vali- reach her, love her, and guide • Begin a church outreach dated, and cared for. We can her out of darkness and into His fund/ministry to draw in and as- question the sincerity of these transforming light. sist women in crisis pregnancies. organizations, but mothers with We can take practical steps These are just a few of the crisis pregnancies rarely do. individually and as churches to many ways to reach women af- combat abortion by first minister- fected by unwanted pregnancies. Politics of love ing to mothers: As with all things, we must begin • Pray for women who have by aligning our own hearts and It is imperative to the lives of chosen abortion in the past or minds with Christ and pray to be the unborn and to the eternal used to shine His light into dark- ness. When we hear and read the word abortion, may our dis- Ambient Joyful Noise gust be accompanied by love as we seek to shine brightly for our I wait on words, King. BA wait for a whisper, wait for a sly elbow nudge Caitlin (Stacy) to point out a profound peace Meadows is assistant within the quotations of a boisterous conversation. editor of EQUIPmaga- But all I hear are library coughs and sputters, paper and lives with shuffling, her husband, Adam, in Hudsonville, MI. the rattle of ball bearings, and forced-air Scripture quotations are from the heat blowing dust off my flat, sensible shoes. King James Version. And just as the refrigerator kicks in, there’s the nudge.

These annoying distractions are Maslow’s hierarchy 1. of needs: abortion/in-clinic-abortion-procedures. Web accessed 3-3-16. shelter, food, clothing. 2. Ibid. As I wait on words, 3. Ibid. 4. I am grateful for His provisions: Web accessed 3-3-16. clothes flapping on the line, 5. Steven Ertelt, “57,762,169 Abor- tions in America Since Roe vs. Wade caesar salad on the table, in 1973” (January 21, 2015), www. shingled roof overhead, and abortions-in-america-since-roe-vs- knowledge that the right words will come wade-in-1973. Web accessed 3-3-16. stringing along in good time. Carol L. MacKay

22 • Bible Advocate® - The Twins of Titus The Essential Characteristics of our “Common Faith” - Two by Two To Titus, a true son in our common faith: Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior (1:4).

Two of a Kind: the Source and Center of the Faith

God our Savior mentioned three times: 1:3; 2:10; 3:4. Jesus Christ our Savior, also three times: 1:4; 2:13; 3:6. Two Bookends to Titus: It’s all about the Faith

Salutation Benediction “Paul, a bondservant of God and an apostle of Jesus “All who are with me greet you. Greet those who love us Christ, according to the faith of God’s elect . . .” (1:1). in the faith. Grace be with you all. Amen” (3:15). Two Sides of the Faith: Sound Doctrine and Good Works

. . . the acknowledgment of the truth which accords with godliness (1:1).

Truth, right belief, is essential to the faith. Soundness, or Godliness, right behavior, is essential to the faith. Good whole and healthy teaching, is found in Titus five times, works, or that holy living that accords to the truth, is also more than any other epistle of Paul. Be sound in doctrine, mentioned five times in little Titus, more times than in in the faith, and in speech (1:9, 13; 2:1, 2, 8). any other New Testament book (1:16; 2:7, 14; 3:3, 14). Two by Two: a Well-Ordered Faith for the Whole Church

Leaders and Laity, Men and Women, Old and Young (2:1-10) Two Foundational Faith Texts: Grace that Brings Salvation

For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared But when the kindness and the love of God our Savior to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and which we have done, but according to His mercy He godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope saved us, through the washing of regeneration and and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus renewing of the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us Christ, who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior, that having from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own been justified by His grace we should become heirs ac- special people, zealous for good works (2:11-14). cording to the hope of eternal life (3:4-7). Two Divine Acts of the Faith: Twin Graces of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

Grace of God appears and teaches (2:11, 12) Grace of Jesus Christ redeems and purifies (v. 14)

Grace of Holy Spirit regenerates and renews (3:5) Two “Appearings” of Christ: Living the Faith in Between

First, past appearing of Christ (2:11) Second, future appearing of Christ (2:13) — BA

May - June 2016 • 23 [All Scripture]

From Faith to Faith @ Sebcz—

This first thought is justified. of God is revealed from faith to Contemplating the faith Numerous New Testament faith.” Paul calls on Habakkuk verses point us in this Reforma- 2:4 to clinch his point as the pas- prior to my own. tion “justification by faith” direc- sage ends: “The just shall live by by Jason Overman tion. Ephesians 2:8, 9 is a classic faith.” Amen! example: “For by grace you have But I’m older now, and age been saved through faith, and gives rise to second thoughts — that not of yourselves; it is the or at least other thoughts. It’s not or many years, when I gift of God, not of works, lest at all that I have found something thought about faith, I anyone should boast.” else, something other than faith Fthought of it primarily in Is there any other orientation, — much less, that I have found terms of my own faith, my appro- other than faith, by which I can something more, in addition to priate response to God’s free gift stand in relationship to the God faith. Rather, as I have matured in of grace — a faith like Abraham’s, of my salvation? No! As the apos- my faith and understand my own a faith prophesied by Habakkuk, tle Paul insists in Romans 1:16, need and limitations, as I’ve stud- a faith without which it is impos- 17, the gospel “is the power of ied and learned, I see that my sible to please our God (Romans God to salvation for everyone faith itself requires a faith greater 4:16; Genesis 15:6; Habakkuk who believes.” And by this gos- than, and prior to, my own. 2:4; Hebrews 11:6). pel of Christ, “the righteousness

24 • Bible Advocate® - God’s faithfulness fundamentally faithless because steadfast love and faithfulness . . .” of sin. (Exodus 34:6, ESV) — and sung From faith to faith. It’s an What then is to become of us? by David: “but I will not remove interesting phrase. What does The good news of the gospel is from him my steadfast love or be it mean? The NIV interprets it that God’s faith can be counted false to my faithfulness” (Psalm more than translates it: “Faith on. He acts. And it is exactly His 89:33, ESV). from first to last.” That is a pos- faithfulness that is at work to sible rendering, and certainly save in the “faith of Jesus Christ” From Old to New true in any case. But what is the (vv. 21-26). The faithful God of covenant nature of this faith, or who is its This viewpoint highlights a and community is found through- subject? Surely Paul is not say- little-appreciated fact about the out the Bible, from His own peo- ing that the gospel of Christ, the Greek word pistis. Both faith ple at Sinai (Deuteronomy 7:9) to power of God unto salvation, the (trust) and faithfulness (trustwor- His people in Zion (1 Corinthians righteousness of God revealed thiness) are within its semantic 1:9). Significantly, His faithfulness all comes down to my faith from range. It is like two sides of a is often found in Old Testament first to last, as if my faith is the coin: The thing trusted in must texts that celebrate the righteous- beginning and end of faith itself! itself first be trustworthy. Of ness of God that brings His salva- I think N. T. Wright, following course, God’s faith does not in- tion, the very same themes used James Dunn’s detailed and per- dicate His trust in us but rather suasive argument,1 is right when in Romans 1:16, 17: he writes in his Romans com- mentary: . . . its most natural mean- ing is “from God’s faithfulness The “faith of God” is prior to all. It is to human faithfulness.” When God’s action in fulfillment of the covenant is unveiled, the fundamental faithfulness it is because God is faithful to what has been prom- that undergirds the covenant and ised; when it is received, it is received by that human faith that answers to the revelation “ creation itself. of God in Jesus Christ, that hu- man faith that is also faithful- ness to the call of God in Jesus the Messiah.2 His trustworthiness. And our faith I have not hidden Your righ- indicates empty-handed trust in In other words, God’s own teousness within my heart; I faithfulness is in view with the Him, as well as that faithfulness have declared Your faithful- first of Paul’sfaiths . This is a pro- that follows from being in rela- ness and Your salvation; I have tionship with Him. not concealed” Your lovingkind- gression “from [God’s] faith to [our] faith.” Notably, Paul’s next The “faith of God” is prior to ness and Your truth from the reference to faith in Romans is all. It is the fundamental faithful- great assembly (Psalm 40:10). of “the faith of God” (Romans ness that undergirds the cov- This is personal for David. 3:3, KJV). Paul asks rhetorically, enant and creation itself. Often God’s righteousness is His faith- “Does the unbelief, or faithless- paired with God’s “steadfast fulness to save: “Hear my prayer, ness, of the Jews nullify God’s love,” it is celebrated throughout O Lord, give ear to my supplica- faithfulness?” Paul adamantly re- the Old Testament as essential tions! In Your faithfulness answer plies: God forbid! Human beings, to the character of God, as told me, and in Your righteousness” as Paul has already concluded in to Moses — “The Lord, the Lord, (Psalm 143:1). Paul quotes the chapter 1 — and even God’s own a God merciful and gracious, next verse in Romans 3:20: “For people, Israel (in chapter 2) — are slow to anger, and abounding in in Your sight no one living is

May - June 2016 • 25 righteous” (v. 2). What have we He as representative man reveals without His faith? the faithful response of humanity Lifeless Leftovers But the revelation of God’s toward God. And here is where continued from page 7 righteousness is not just personal my faith is born: in Him! but cosmic. The prophet Isaiah Paul said it: It is from faith to be gained by anything material virtually equates God’s righteous- faith, it is by faith from first to that the Son of God might have ness with His salvation, which last, because faith is a word that left behind or had contact with. will act for the whole world: binds God and man together The power is in Him, not in the “Thus says the Lord: ‘Keep jus- through Christ in covenant rela- stuff. tice, and do righteousness, for tionship. In light of this, our own Why do we exhibit such a My salvation is about to come, efforts and works are truly of no tendency to attach more value and My righteousness to be re- avail at all, for if we are not “of to things associated with Jesus vealed’” (Isaiah 56:1; cf. Psalm faith,” we are apart from God than we do to Him? Exhibitions 98:2, 3). and Christ. But when we are of devotion and allegiance to the Of course, Paul sees all of this “of faith,” then we are united in buildings we call churches seem Scripture pointing toward Christ them and participate with them more prevalent than personal (Romans 1:1, 2). This saving in the faith that defines them, submission to the One who righteousness of God is His faith- and us. founded the church. We seem to fulness that is revealed in Jesus I am crucified with Christ: be more comfortable in venerat- Christ. After Romans 3:3, Paul’s nevertheless I live; yet not I, ing the rituals we have declared next reference to faith is found in but Christ liveth in me: and holy than in striving for personal verse 22 of the same chapter and the life which I now live in the holiness itself. And we’re more is a reference to the “faith of Je- flesh I live by the faith of the ready to attach great value to sus Christ” (KJV). Here Paul says Son of God, who loved me, the Book in which His Words are again, much as David does, that and gave himself for me (Gala- written than to embrace and ap- God’s righteousness is revealed, tians 2:20, KJV). ply the meaning of those words a righteousness that brings salva- Today I rejoice knowing that to our lives. tion “through the faithfulness of faith is a much bigger word than The woman who received Jesus Christ for all who believe” I first thought. Much more than healing because she touched the (vv. 21-26, NET). just me! Because before there hem of Jesus’ garment didn’t get In Romans 3 alone we see this was my faith, there was His faith, it from the material she touched beautiful progression from God’s the faith of God that was embod- with her hand. Jesus didn’t re- faith (v. 3) to Jesus’ faith, which ied in my Lord, Jesus Christ. It is mark to His disciples that He finally leads to our own faith and their faith, the faithfulness of the felt some power leak out of belief in their faithful work (v. Father and Son, that I think about His robe. Transforming power 22). The mediating faith of Jesus most these days. For their faith is comes through touching Him, stands between the faith of God what makes my faith possible. BA not through superstitious attach- and the responding faith of man, ment to the things around Him. reinforcing the centrality of Jesus Personal faith is the only effective Christ in God’s saving and recon- 1. James D. G. Dunn, Word Biblical Com- means of doing that. mentary: Romans 1-8, 38A (Dallas: ciling work of love. Word, 1988), 38-49. Ignoring the One on the cross 2. N. T. Wright, Romans, NIB Vol. X while gambling over lifeless left- (Nashville: Abington Press, 2002), overs didn’t end at Calvary. As Covenant relationship 425. it was then, it’s still a game that Jesus is not only the “author allows no winners. BA and finisher” ofour faith but also the author and finisher of faith itself (Hebrews 12:2). The faith- Ronald L. Gallagher fulness of Jesus Christ reveals, writes from Mechan­ on one hand, God’s faithfulness icsville, VA. toward man. On the other hand,

26 • Bible Advocate® - Mail Bag The Bird and the Call continued from page 15 been spiritually asleep that morn- Congratulations on the lat- ing the bird visited me. I needed est BA, which is a tremendous to put my focus on the Lord and issue. I was happy to see that move forward. you were able to use “The Gospel I soon found the motivation According to Prayer” [p. 20], and to make more of an effort in my send my thanks for the excellent spiritual life. I made morning Bi- editorial and layout work done ble study part of my regular rou- on it. I particularly enjoyed [Jason tine and took a more active part Overman’s] article on baptism in my church’s worship team. I [“Baptism Through the Bible,” p. even decided to tag along with 24] (I had never thought about the John-Isaiah connection in this some others to our local minis- regard), and I liked Sherri Lang- try training classes (then called Baptism blessings ton’s article, too [“Preparing for Ministries Training System, later This current issue of the Bible the Plunge,” p. 7]. LifeSpring). Before long, I was Advocate [March-April] with its R. H. given opportunities to preach, emphasis on baptism is prob- E-mail both in my local church and then ably the best one in the years as a guest in other area congre- I’ve received it. The timing could Spiritual food gations. As I put forth the effort, not have been better, as it added Thanks BA for the spiritually I saw growth in my spiritual life. encouragement to my upcom- filled magazine. I learned a lot Additionally, I felt stamina from ing baptism. “Come to the Birth” from it. I was deeply touched of the Holy Spirit. [Dorothy Nimchuk, p. 22] was of Laurie Crowson’s “Adorned in What might God use in your particular interest because in it Love” in the November-Decem- calling? The first step is to wake I could see myself: from the first ber 2015 issue [p. 14]. up. Then take action. Blessings baptism, through years of low E. S. and opportunities can be missed times, and back into the hand of Bayugan, The Philippines if you do not answer this call. God with His grace and mercy. I We all need a nudge from time like the part about how Satan has Very thankfully receiving your to time when we find ourselves had failures, yet he never gives wonderful Bible Advocate maga- stuck in place. It can come in un- up trying to abort our Christian zine and am being fed by its rich usual ways — even through a visit experience. But thank God that food! Kindly do continue to send He is still in the business of de- from a wayward bird. BA it very regularly. Thankfully greet livering souls from the clutches the dear one who has paid my of sin. subscription. Barry Mauldin pas- D. G. M. P. S. tors the Claremore, Eureka, SD Raju, India OK CoG7. He also works for Oklahoma Finished reading the BA, and State University as this issue meant a lot to me. Want to donate to the a web application Dorothy [Nimchuk’s] article re- BA? It’s easy! developer. minded me of myself. I was stuck in the birth canal for years, too, • Go to and and am rejoicing in what God has click on “Donate.” done for me. Her article helped • Write a check payable me to understand my life before I to Bible Advocate and came back to the Lord. mail it to P.O. Box 33677, S. L. Denver, CO 80233. Denver, CO

May - June 2016 • 27 CoG7 In Action

Calendar Roy Leonard Keim May 27-29 – Spring Vale Acad- 1932-2016 emy Graduation Weekend, Brother Keim (83) of Huntsville, Texas, Owosso, MI passed away at his home on January 31. May 27-30 - #yMinistry16 Young Born October 13, 1932, to Simeon and Adult Retreat, Hawkins, TX; Katherine Keim, Roy was one of eleven chil- information and online regis- dren. After graduating high school, he joined tration at http://yministry16. the Army and later served in the National; contact Jacqui Guard. During this time, he married his sweetheart, Shirley Melgoza (210-900-9889) Cummings. He attended universities in four different states and June 3-6 - Men’s Retreat, Still Midwest Bible College in Stanberry, Missouri, where he received his credentials as pastor for the General Conference. Waters Prairie Retreat Center, Roy served as a teacher and pastor in many states and in Alfred, ND; guest speaker: Lo- Canada. He also served the students of Spring Vale Academy in ren Stacy; contact: Stephen J. various capacities over many years. Kyner ([email protected]) Roy is survived by his wife, six children, fourteen grandchil- September 12-17 - North Ameri- dren, and two great-grandchildren. can Ministerial Council meet- ing in Ridgecrest, NC

Springfield, Illinois, has been chosen as the site of the 2017 Biennial Convention.

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28 • Bible Advocate® - Colombia: When the Spirit Works by Jamin Teran

We’ve all read Acts 2, where the Holy Spirit moves Peter to share the gospel with a large crowd. No matter their origin or language, they all heard the message. The result? “Those who accepted his message were bap- tized, and about three thousand people wanted to hear more. filled with awe at the many won- were added to their number that God’s formula succeeded: ders and signs performed by the day” (v. 41, NIV throughout). 200 Bibles, 41 SHINE team mem- apostles.” We too saw the work Something similar happened bers, seven special cases chosen of the Holy Spirit. At the end in Bogotá, Colombia, February for treatment, five days, three of the week as we sang “Shine, 7-13. marriages, and one Holy Spirit Jesus, Shine” together, we were When SHINE members travel who sealed God’s work. Despite in awe and filled with wonder at to different countries, we rely on Zika virus warnings, a history of what had just happened in Co- the Holy Spirit to help us con- drug dealers in the region, and lombia. nect to the community. At the Colombia’s violence, ministry Keep SHINE in your prayers as beginning, everyone has a hard was not deterred. the new mission unfolds for the time adapting to the needs and Acts 2:43 says, “Everyone was glory of God. environment of the site. But as the Spirit works, we start speak- ing the language of God. Carl Palmer During a mission, team 1939-2016 members serve in their fields of Elder Carl Palmer (77), who served a expertise: doctors, nurses, den- lifetime in the Pacific Northwest, died March tists, pastors, etc. Each speaks 24. He was a beloved son — one of thirteen a language that must be heard children — to Luvelt and Bernice Palmer, a by someone in need. During devoted husband to RowEna for 53 years, a the week, many people come, faithful father to David, Carla, and Karen, and hoping to find a solution to granddad to their nine children. their physical and emotional As a gentle and godly shepherd, Carl believed a pastor should problems. All team members are join in people’s lives, not just address them from a pulpit. He ready to speak God’s language was always there for them. As a wise student-teacher of Scrip- to impact lives. ture, he championed justification by faith — salvation through The result of this year’s SHINE the grace of God alone, received by faith in Jesus Christ alone. mission? We met the needs of As a Church administrator, Carl built harmony and fellowship 3,429 people! Every day the pa- among members, leaders, and churches with his genial man- tient count increased so much, ner — especially when opinions varied. God has greatly blest the the clinic had to extend its hours. home and Church families of Carl Palmer through his humility, Evangelism services were packed. integrity, and legacy. The gospel was preached, and

May - June 2016 • 29 International Congress

@ Pariwattip—

Outreach in South America Colombia November 27 - December 2, 2015, Jose Forero and the Church in Bogotá, Colombia, were blessed by a visit from IMC Zone 3 Representative Jorge Gillig from Argentina and Marcos De Melo from Uruguay. Activities included teaching on Sabbath, national board meeting on Sunday morning, cou- ples meeting on Sunday afternoon, and a trip to Sol de Justi- cia on Monday. The Church greatly appreciated the brothers’ visit, motivating members to remain strong in the Lord.

Sol de Justicia (Sun of Justice) Located in a busy region of Bogotá, this daycare ministry of the Church completed its first year of service to poor, dis- placed, and highly vulnerable families. Thirty-two children be- tween the ages of three and eight regularly receive care and en- joy learning about the Bible. Forty-five families have also been visited, many of whom have received the gospel. The Church has successfully involved its members in evangelism and ser- vice, with twelve volunteers preparing food and cleaning and ten teachers volunteering from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. They also have the assistance of two volunteer dentists. More information: sol-; “Corporación Sol de Justicia” (Facebook). Venezuela Continuing from Bogota, Jorge Gillig and Marcos De Melo met with Jose Caballero and the Church in Vigia, Venezuela, December 2-6. Activities included visitation and prayer with local families and attending family and youth workshops. On Sabbath, time was spent in worship that included a second local congregation. Messages were provided on “The Good News of the Kingdom” and “A God Who Lifts the Broken.” The Church in Vigia greatly appreciates the IMC for the stimulation and refreshment brought through Jorge Gillig and Marcos De Melo and the support provided for their local outreach efforts through the Cristo Viene ministry. — Bryan Cleeton

30 • Bible Advocate® - Last Word

One Faith and This Life

hether in New Testament Greek or pres- The third commentator acknowledged these ent-day English, the word faith has dif- two possible interpretations, that either one Wferent possible meanings. What did the might have been intended by Paul when he apostle Paul mean by faith in his beautiful state- wrote one faith, and that he (the commentator) ment of Christian unity? He wrote, “There is one couldn’t be sure whether Paul meant one, the body and one Spirit, just as also you were called other, or both. in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, I relate to the third commentator. I can make a one baptism, one God and Father of all who is good argument for either position of the first two over all and through all and in all” (Ephesians 4:4- commentators precisely because both aspects 6, NASB throughout). of our one faith — our faith about Christ (and the In my search for Paul’s meaning, I consulted things flowing from that) and our faithin Christ three respected Bible commentators regarding (and the things flowing from that) — are biblical one faith. The first insisted that Paul was speaking and important. They set us apart from those who of the entirety of Christian beliefs and practices. choose to follow other belief systems concerning Paul intended, according to this source, to use God or choose to deny God altogether. faith in the same way that Jude used the word Last week as my wife, Karen, and I read the Bi- when he wrote, “Beloved, while I was very dili- ble together in our morning devotions, we came gent to write to you concerning our common across another expression of our one faith that I salvation, I found it necessary to write to you like much. In Acts 5, the apostles are thrown in exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith jail for teaching and preaching the gospel about which was once for all delivered to the saints” (v. Jesus: “But during the night an angel of the Lord 3). From this perspective, the one faith that uni- opened the gates of the prison, and taking them fies all Christians is our belief system — the things out he said, ‘Go, stand and speak to the people we believe and practice that set us apart as fol- in the temple the whole message of this Life’” lowers of Christ. (vv. 19, 20). The second commentator just as adamantly “This Life”! Who we believe in and what we stated that by one faith Paul meant the accep- believe are important aspects of our one faith. tance of Jesus that brings salvation. Paul intend- So is the life lived by each true follower of Christ. ed, I think this source would agree, to use faith This Life moves one faith into the realm of trans- in the same way he used it earlier in Ephesians formation. When this faith is real, it is life chang- when he wrote, “For by grace you have been ing: “If anyone is in Christ, saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, he is a new creature; the old it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so things passed away; behold, that no one may boast” (2:8, 9). From this per- new things have come” spective, the one faith that unifies all Christians (2 Corinthians 5:17). is not what we believe; it is our common experi- — Loren Stacy ence, each having placed his or her trust and hope for salvation entirely in Christ as Savior and Lord.

May - June 2016 • 31 Bible Advocate Periodicals (USPS 054-160) Postage Paid P.O. Box 33677 at Broomfield, Denver, CO 80233-0677 Colorado and USA additional offices

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