28th Sunday in Ordinary Time “In the Lord’s own house shall I dwell for ever and ever?”

WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday to Thursday at 10.00am FRIDAY evening mass including Novena to Mother of Perpetual Help: 7.30pm

SATURDAY VIGIL 7.00pm SUNDAY 10.00am If you are feeling unwell, or are showing any symptoms of coronavirus, you should not attend mass. OFFERTORY PROMISE last week was £600.00, MONTHLY STIPEND £545.00 Sincere thanks to parishioners who have contributed generously to both collections.

KEEP YOUR DISTANCE For social distancing the reduced capacity of the church is 45 persons. At this time since the Sunday Obligation is suspended, parishioners can fulfil their Sunday Obligation by coming to mass during the week. SANITIZE your hands. Wear a FACE COVERING. KEEP YOUR DISTANCE: https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/articles/coronavirus-covid-19-face-coverings

Archbishop Eamon Martin, of and Primate of All Ireland has called for FAMILY ROSARY CRUSADE AGAINST COVID 19 during the month of October.

“I invite families all over Ireland to pray the Rosary together at home each day for God’s protection during this time of Coronavirus.

“These past six months have reminded us of the importance of the “domestic Church” – the Church of the sitting room and kitchen – the Church that meets every time a family stands or kneels down, or sits down to pray together!

“It has also helped us realise how important is the vocation of parents to be the primary teachers and leaders of their children in faith and prayer.

That is why I am calling for a “Family Rosary Crusade against Covid-19” during October – encouraging you to pray the Rosary, or even a decade of the Rosary, each day during the month of October. Pray for your own family and loved ones and for all those whose health or livelihood is being seriously impacted by the coronavirus crisis.”

182 Garron Road, Glenariffe, Co Antrim, BT44 ORA - Tel: 028 2177 1249 email: [email protected] www.glenariffeparish.org

SAFEGUARDING SUNDAY This year, as Bishop of the Diocese, I have designated Sunday 25th October as ‘Safeguarding Sunday’. This will be an opportunity for all the parishes to pray together and acknowledge the dedication of hundreds of Volunteers in our parishes who serve in the ministry of Safeguarding across the Diocese

. During the celebration of the Sunday liturgy we will also renew our commitment to the pastoral care of victims of abuse of every kind as well as young people and adults in our parishes. On Sunday 25th October, 7pm, parishioners are invited to join online the celebration of Evening Prayer, led by Bishop , from St. Peter’s Cathedral, Belfast. To join, kindly follow the links to the Cathedral webcam:http://www.churchservices.tv/stpeterscathedral

DECEASED: Helena Black, 22 Kilnadore Park, Kathleen Robbin 29 Glen Road MONTH’S MIND: Seamus Kerr, 170a Garron Road ANNIVERSARIES: Hugh Finnegan, Mary Caulfield

The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Fresh and green are the pastures where he gives me repose. Near restful waters he leads me, to revive my drooping spirit.

He guides me along the right path; he is true to his name. If l should walk in the valley of darkness no evil would I fear. You are there with your crook and your staff; with these you give me comfort.

You have prepared a banquet for me in the sight of my foes. My head you have anointed with oil; my cup is overflowing.

Surely goodness and kindness shall follow me all the days of my life In the Lord’s own house shall I dwell for ever and ever Amen.

182 Garron Road, Glenariffe, Co Antrim, BT44 ORA - Tel: 028 2177 1249 email: [email protected] www.glenariffeparish.org