





1. The House met pursuant to adjournment. The President took the Chair. Members present- The Honourable William Edward Dickson, President. The Honourable Harold Daniel Ahern, The Honourable Frederick 'Maclean Hewitl, The Honourable Alexander Ewan Armstrong, The Honourable Reginald Stanley Jackson, The Honourable George Douglas Bassett, The Honourable Asher Alexander Joel, The Honourable Colin BUy Begg, Q.C, O.B.E .• LL.B., The Honourable John Lesley Kenny, The Honourable Arthur Dalgety Bridges, The Honourable Christopher Augustine Love, F.e.A. (Aust.), The Honourable James Joseph Maloney, The Honourable Roger August Alfred Paes The Honourable Ernest Charles O'Dea, de Bryon-Paes, M.A •• M.Sc" Ph.D., The Honourable William Charles Peters, The Honourable Harry Vincent Budd; Brigadier the Honourable Thomas Alfred The Honourable Cyril , John Playfair, D.S.O., O.B.E., V.D., The Honourable John Markham. Carter, The Honourable Anne Elizabeth Press, C.RE., M.e, The Honourable Michael Thomas Leslie Colonel the Honourable Hector Joseph Quinn, Richard Clayton, B.D., B.A., LL.B., The Honourable Edna Sirius Roper, The Honourable Donald Cochrane, The Honourable Amelia Elizabeth Mary The Honourable Francis Henry Cockerill, Rygate, The Honourable Colin Colbome, The Honourable Leicester Birkenhead Sad­ The Honourable William Robert Coulter. dington, O.B.E., The Honourable Christopher Alfred Dalton, The Honourable Ian McCahon Sinclair, B.A., The Honourable Robert Lyndon Day. LL.B., The Honourable Robert Reginald Downing, The Honourable Frank William Spicer, LL.B., ' The Honourable Gavin Hamilton Sutherland, The Honourable Otway McLaurin Falkiner; The Honourable James Norman Thorn, Major the Honourable Herbert Paton The Honourable Richard Thompson. FitzSimons, The Honourable William Arthur Walmsley, The Honourable John B:ryan Munro Fuller, The Honourable Sir Edward Emerton The Honourable Walter James Geraghty, Warren, K.B.E., eM.G., M.S.M., The Honourable Thomas Patrick Gleeson, The Honourable John Alexander Weir, The Honourable Charles Hackett, The Honourable Samuel Connell Williams, The Honourable Herbert Sydney Henley, The Honourable Ernest Gerard Wright

2. PRAYER. 3. LEAVE OF ABsENcE:-The President reported and read the following communica­ tion from His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor:- Government House, Sydney, 24th April. 1962. Sir, I have to inform you that I have approved of leave of absence from attendance at sittings of the Legislative Council of being granted to the Honourable Sir Edward Warren, M.L.C., for a period of three months from 2nd May, 1962, for the purpose of proceeding overseas on a Trade Mission to South America. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, K. W. STREET, By deputation from His Excellency the Governor. The Honourable The President of the Legislative Council of New South Wales.

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4. CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEES (Formal Business) :-Mr. Sutherland moved pursuant to Notice, That the Honourable Ernest Gerard Wright be Chairman of Com­ mittees of the Whole House . . Question put and passed. Mr. Wright made his acknowledgments to the House.

5. STANDING ORDERS COMMITTEE (Formal Business) :-Mr. Downing moved. pursuant to Notice, That the Standing Orders Committee for the' present Session consist of the following Members, viz.:-The President. Mr. Begg, Mr. Bridges, Mr. Cedric Cahill, Colonel Clayton, Mr. Maloney, Mr. Saddington. Mr. Richard Thompson, Mr. Wright and the Mover, with leave to sit during any adjournment and authority to confer upon subjects of mutual concernment witl;t any Com­ mittee appointed for similar purposes by the Legislative Assembly. Question put and passed.

6. LIBRARY COMMITTEE (Formal Business) :-Mr. Downing moved, pursuant to Notice, That the Library Committee of this House for the present Session consist of the following Members, viz.:-The President, Mr. Budd, Mr. Carter, Mr. Erskine, Brigadier EskeJl, Major FitzSimons, Mr. Pratten, Mrs. Roper, Mr. Weir and Mr. Wright, with leave to sit during any adjournment and authority to act jointly with the Library Committ~e of the Legislative Assembly in accordance with the resolution of 7th AugUst, 1862. Question put and passed.

7. PRINTING COMMITfEE (Formal Business) :-Mr. Downing moved, pursuant to Notice, That the Printing Committee for the present Session consist of the following Members, v~.:-Dr. Bryon-Paes, Mr. Budd, Colonel Clayton,. Mr. Colborne, Mr. Day, Mr. Erskine. -Mr. Fuller, Mrs. Roper, Mr. Sinclair and Mr. Weir, with the following duties and powers, and to whom shall be referred all Petitions presented to the House, and all Papers laid upon the Table. It shall be the duty of such Committee to report from time to time which of the Petitions and Papers referred to them ought, in their opinion, to be printed, and whether in full or in abstract; and it shall be in the power of the Com­ mittee to order such Petitions or Papers, or extracts thereof, to be prepared for the Printer by the Clerk in attendance upon such Committee, and such Papers or abstracts shall be printed, unless the House otherwise order. Question put and passed.

8. HOUSE COMMITTEE (Formal Business) :-Mr. Downing moved, pursuant to Notice, That the House Committee for the present Session consist of the following Members, viz.:-The President, Mr. Ahern" Mr. Coulter, Mr .. Dalton, Mr. Hewitt, Mr. Murray, Mr. O'Dea, Mr. Spicer, Sir Edward- Warren and Mr. Williams. with leave to sit during any adjournment and authority to act in matters of mutual concernment with any Committee appointed for similar purposes by the Legislative Assembly. Question put and passed.

9. SITTING DAYS (Formal Business) :-Mr. Downing moved, pursuant to Notice. That, unless otherwise ordered. this House shall meet for the despatch of business at Four o'clock, p.m., on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,· Thursday and Friday in each week. Question put and passed.

10. PRECEDENCE OF BUSINESS (Formal Business) :-Mr. Downing moved, pursuant to Notice, That Government Business shall take precedence of GeQeral Business on Monday~ Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, and that General Business shall take precedence on Thursday in each week. . Question put and passed.

11. COMMITTEE OF SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION (Formal Business) :-Mr. Begg moved. pursuant to Notice,- (1.) That ·this House do appoint a Committee to be called the Committee of Subordinate Legislation. (2.) That the Committee shall consist of five Members. (3.) That the following Members shall comprise the Committee:-Mr. Cedric Cahill, Colonel Clayton, Mr., Coulter, Mr. Gleeson and the Mover. 19 MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL (2 May, 1962)

(4.) That it shall be the duty of the Committee to consider all Regulations, Rules, By-laws, Ordinances, Orders or Proclamations (hereinafter referred .to as "the Regulations") which under any Act are required to be laid on the Table of this House, and which are subject to disallowance by resolution of either or both Houses of Parliament. If the Regulations are made whilst the Council is sitting, the Committee shall consider the Regulations before the end of the period during which any motion for disallowance of those Regulations may be moved in the House. If the Regulations are made whilst the Council is not sitting, the Committee shall consider the Regulations as soon as conveniently may be after the making thereof. (5.) The Committee shall, with respect to the Regu1ation~, consider,- (a) whether the Regulations are in accordance with the general objects of the Act pursuant to which they are made; (b) whether the Regulations trespass unduly on personal rights and liberties; (c) whether the Regulations unduly make the rights and liberties of citizens dependent upon administrative and not upon judicial decisions; Cd) whether the Regulations contain matter which in the opinion of the Committee should properly be 'dealt with in an Act of Parliament; (e) whether the Regulations appear to make some unusual or unexpected use of the powers conferred by the Statute under which they are made; (f) whether there appears to have been unjustifiable delay in the publication or the laying of the Regulations before Parliament; (g) whether for any special reason the form or purport of the Regulations calls for elucidation. (6.) If the Committee is of the opinion that any of the Regulations ought to be disallowed,- (a) it shall report that opinion and the groun"ds thereof to the House before the end of ·the period during which any motion for disallowance of those Regulations may be moved in the House; (b) if the Council is not sitting, it may report its opinion and the grounds thereof to ·the authority by which the Regulations were made. (7.) If the Committee is of the opinion that any other matter relating to any of the Regulations should be brought to the notice of the House, it may report that opinion and matter to the House. (S.) The Committee shall have power to act and to send for persons. papers and records, and to examine witnesses, whether or not the Council is sitting, and all papers and documents referred to, and Minutes of the Proceedings, reports and records of the Committee of Subordinate Legislation appointed on 29th A~gust, 1961, shall be referred to the Committee hereby appointed. (9.) The proceedings of the Committee shaH, except wherein otherwise ordered, be regulated by the Standing Orders of the Legislative Council relating to Select Committees. Question put and passed.

12. TEMPORARY' CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEES:-Pursuant to. the Standing Order in that behalf, the President nominated the Hanourable Frank William Spicer, the Honaurable Lean Samuel Snider, and the Hanourable Samuel Connell Williams, Temparary Chairmen af Cammittees during the present Sessian af Parliament.

13. MINISTERIAL STATBMBNT:-Mr. Downing infarmed the Hause that His Excellency the Gavernor, with the advice of the Executive Council. and in accardance with the pravisians of Section 36 af the Constitution Act. has authorised the Honourable C. A~ Kelly, Chief Secretary and Minister for Tourist Activities, . to exercise the pawers and perform the official duties annexed to the offices af the Minister for Housing and eo-aperative Sacieties, during the absence averseas of the Hanaurable Abram Landa, LL.B., M.L.A.

14. PAPBRS:-Mr. Maloney laid upon the Table the undermentianed Papers:- (1.) Archives Act, 196D-Pirst Annual Repart of the Archives Authority of New Sauth Wales for the period 1st June, 1961 to. 31st December, 1961. (2.) Art Gallery af New Sauth Wales Act, 1955-Repart of the Trustees of the Art Gallery of New Sauth Wales for the year 1961. ::."


(3.) Broken Hill Wate.r and Sewerage Act, 1938, as amended-Amendment of BY·law No. 6-Sewerage (Rates and Cha:ge~). (4.) Constitution Act, 1902, as amended-Parliamentary Electorates and Elec· tions Act, 1912, as amended-Proclamations (2) under the provisions of Sec· tion 28A of the Constitution Act following redistribution of electoral boun­ daries carried out under and in accordance with the Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Act, 1912, as amended. (5.) Co-operation Act, 1923. as amended-I.ndem~ity Agreements entered into by the Treasurer with Building Societies registered under Section 17 A of the Act in respect of the quarters commencing 1st October, 1961 and 1st January, 1962, (6.) District Courts Act, 1912, as amended- (a) District Court Rules (December), 1961-Substitution of Rules 78, 127, 154, 287, 289 and Parts IA and II of Appendix. (b) District Court Rules (March), 1962-Amendment of Part lA of Appendix. (7.) Dried Fruits Act, 1939, as amended-Amendment of Regulation 78- Variation of travelling allowances payable to members of the Dried Fruits Board. (8.) Education Act, 1961-Secondary Schools Board Regulations-Regulations 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. (9.) Electricity Development Act, 1945, as amended- (a) Report of the Electricity Authority of New South 'Wales for the year ended 30th June, 1961. (b) The Approval of Prescribed Electrical Articles RegUlations-Amendment of the First Schedule. (c) The Overhead Line (Workers) Regulations, 1955-Amendment of Regu- lation 12. (10.) Farm Produce Agents Act, 1926, as amended-Amendment of Regula­ tion 100Advertising of fresh green peas. (11.) Fisheries and Oyster Farms Act, 1935, as amended- (a) Regulation 159-Reduction of minimum legal length of Bully Mullet and alteration of scientific name. (b) Report by the Chief Secretary on the Fisheries of New South Wales for the year ended 30th June, 1961. (12.) Gaming and Betting Act, 1912, as amended-Amendment of Regula­ tion 23-Adjustment of salary of 'Chairman of the Greyhound· Racing Board of Control. (13.) Gas and Electricity Act, 1935, as amended-Regulations relating to Gas Amendment of Schedule 3. (14.) Government Insurance Act, 1927, as amended-Report of the Govern­ ment Insurance Office of New South Wales together with Statements of Accounts and Balance-sheets for the year ended 30th June, 1961. (15.) Government Railways Act, 1912, as amended-Transport (Division of Functions) Act, 1932, as amended- (a) Statement of Contract~"quoted for railways conveyance by exercise of the powers conferred on the Commissioner for Railways by Section 24 (3), (4) and (6) for the months of October, November and Decem­ ber, 1961, and January and February, 1962. (b) By-law 1,166. (c) Report of the Commissioner for Railways for the quarters ended 30th September and 31st December:, 1961. (16.) Justices Act, 1902, as amended-Amendment of Regulation 3-Altera­ tion of rates and classifications of vehicles. (17.) Local Government Act, 1919, as amended- (a) Amendment of Ordinances Nos. 4, 24, 26 (7), 30 (2), 33, 35A, 39, 41, 42 (2), 43', 44, 45, 45A, 46, 47 (2), 47A, 48 (2), 50, 51 (4), 52, 57 (3), 61, 63, 64 (2), 68 (4), 71 (6), 86 and 107, (b) Amendment of By-laws Nos. 22, 52 (2) and 53 (2), made under the Sydney Corporation Act, 1932, as amended, and deemed to be ordin­ ances under the Local Government Act, 1919, as amended.


(18.) Meat Industry Act. 1915, as amended- (a) Amendment of Regulation lO-Increase of inspection fee per carcase of mutton originally intended for export and released for sale within metropolitan abattoir area. (b) Substitution of Regulations 7-10 inclusive-Increase in fees for inspection of meat and payment of inspection fees for inspection of meat carried out at Homebush Abattoir. . (e) Substitution of By-law No.9-Increase in present scale of charges for slaughtering cattle and dressing carcases at Homebush Abattoir. (19.) Mines Inspection Act, 1901, as amended- (a) Amendment of General Rule (42) of Section 55-Approval of use of wire rope ladders. (b) Amendment of General Rule (56) in Section 55-Safety in the instaUa- tion and operation of electrical equipment in mines. (20.) Mines Rescue Act, 1925, as amended-Regulation 54B-Rates of Owners' contributions. (21.) Mine Subsidence Compensation Act, 1961-Regulation 2A-Rate of con­ tribution by proprietor of each colliery to Mine Subsidence Compensation Fund. (22.) Mining Act, 1874-Return of authorities to mine under Section 28. (23.) Mining Act, 1906, as amended-Proclamations declaring certain lands to be private lands for the purposes of Part IV of the Act- (a) Shire of Blaxland. (b) Shire of Wyong. (24.) Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences Act, 1945, as amended-Report of the Trustees of the Museum of Applied Arts and Scienc.es for the year 1961. (25.) National Relief Fund Act, 1914-Accounts of the National Relief Fund of New South Wales for the year 1961. (26.) New South Wales-Queensland Border Rivers Act, 1947-Report of the Dumaresq-Barwon Border Rivers Commission for the year ended 30th June, 1961. (27.) PoUce Depar.tment-Report of the Police Department for the year 1961. (28.) Public Service Act, 1902, as amended- (a) Amendment of Regulations 10, 42, 48, 72, 76, 388, 391 and 429- Substitution of Regulations 61, 62, 155, 255A, 271A, 279B, 279n, 335 and 385. (b) Copy of Executive Council Minutes respecting the appointment on probation of the following persons to:- Department of Agdculture- (i) Messrs. Ralph Anthony Fischer, B.Sc.Agr., Richard Leslie Gammie, Peter Charles Simpson and William Richard Watts as Agronom­ ists. (ii) Mr. Heywood Cameron Kirton, B.Sc., as Biometrician. i.·.· (iii) Mr. Cecil Keith Hart, as Dairy Officer. (iv) Mr. Geoffrey John Lloyd, as Livestock Officer. (v) Mr. Roger David Moulton, B.V.Sc .• as Veterinary Officer. Department of the Attorney-General and of lustice­ Department of Prisons- Mr. Leonard Herbert Evers, B.A., as Educational Officer. Registrar-General's Department- Messrs. Thomas Neil Gulson and Ross Kenneth POgSOD as Draftsmen. Department of Child Welfare and Social Welfare­ (i) Mr. Ronald Moore as Educational Officer. (ii) Miss Jan Deirdre Skinner. B.A.. as Professional Assistant. Department of Education- 855 Teachers. Ministry of Housing- Housing Commission of N.S.W.- Mr. Henry Addison Martin, B.Sc .• as Engineer. , , l 22 MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL (2 May, 1962) .",... ' "" "':" Department of Lab0l!r and Industry- Misses Natalia Philadelpbofi, B.A., and Lydia Shamshurin, B.A., as Guidance Officers. Mr. David Taylor, as Clerk. Department of Public HeaIth- (i) Messrs. Raymond Lawrence D'Arcy. B.Sc., and Donald Cedric Field, B.Sc., as. Analysts. , (ii) Mrs. Jean Patricia Pickup" M.B., Ch.B., and Mr. John Stephenson, .' M.B., B.S., as Medical Officer.s, '''' (iii) Miss Marjorie Gilchrist, M.B., B.S., D.P.M., as Psychiatrist. (iv) Miss Mary Christina Tutt. B.A., as Psychologist. (v) Messrs. Jack Giles Hughes and Robert McLellan, B.Sc .• as Scientific Officers. (vi) Miss Betty Lorraine Fisher, as Social Worker, (vii) Mrs. Helene Adamson Clydesdale as Speech T-he:apist. Division of Psychiatric Services- (i) Messrs. William Louis Metcalf, M.B., B.S., and John O'Regan, M.B., B.S., as Medical Officers. (ii) Mr. Philip Hudson Macindoe, M.B., B.S., as Surgical Registrar. State Hospitals an~ Homes- Mr. Richard William Tinsley, M.B., B.S., as Medical Officer. Department of Public Works- Mr. John Harley Speers, B.Arch .• as Architect.

T~e Treasury- Government Stores. Department- Mr. Basil Charles Griffin, as Pharmacist. Department of TeDh.nical Education- 7 Teachers. (29.) Public Works Act, 1912, as amended-Notification of acquisition, appropriation and/or resumption o(land and/or easement for the purpose of police premises at Broken HiU-City of Broken Hill. (30.) Public Works Act, 1912, as amended-B'roken Hill Water and Sewerage Act, 1938, ·as amended-Notification -of acquisition, appropriation and/or resumption of land and/or easement for the purpose of- (a) South Broken Hill Sewerage (3)-City of Broken Hill. (b) Treatment Works Site-City of Broken Hill. (31.) Public Works Act, 1912, as amended-Electricity Commission Act, 1950, as amended-Notification of acquisition, appropriation and/or resump· tion of land and/or easement for the purpose of- (a) Finley~Den:i1iquin 66kV. Transmission Line-Shire of Berrigan. (b) Mulwala-Finley 66kV. Transmission Line-Shlte of Corowa. (c) Murrumburrah-BooroW,a.66kV. Transmission Line-Shire of Demon- drille. '. (d) Sydney South-Cook's River Switching Station 132 kV. Transmission Line-Municipality of Hurstville. (e) Forbes-Condobolin 66kV. Transmission Line-Sb.ire of Jemalong. (f) Vales Point~Wangi 132 kV. Transmission Line-Shire of Lake Macquarie. (g) Penrith-Warragamba 132 kV. Transmission Line-. (h) Waratah-Taree 132 kV. Transmission Line-Shire of Stroud. (i) Sydney South·Kurnell 132 kV. Transmission Lines (2)-Shife of Suther­ land. (j) Orange-Dubbo 132 kV. Transmission Line-Shire of Wellington .. (k) Munmorah .Power Station-Shire of Wyong. (32.) Public Works Act, 1912, as amended-Forestry Act, 1916, as amended­ Notification of acquisition, appropriation and/or resumption of land for the purpose of- (a) Ballengara State Forest No. 474-Shire of Hastings. (b) Kiwarrak State Forest No. 298-Shire of Manning (2).


(33.) Public Works Act, 1912, as amended-Housing Act, 1912, as amended­ Notification of acquisition, appropriation and/or resumption of land for housing purposes at- Allambie Heights Gymea Asquith Hay Balranald Hornsby Bathurst Kiama Bega Kingswood Blacktown (3) Macquarie Fields Blaxland Marulan (2) Brewarrina Mayfield Broken Hill Mt. Dmitt (13) Casino (2) Mudgee (2) eooma Nyngan Coonamble Parkes (2) Cootamundra (2) Queanbeyan Cowra Smithfield Dubho Springwood Dundas Tamworth Eden (2) Tumut Forestville Vaucluse Glendale Wyong . Goulburn Yass Green Valley Yennora (34.) Public Works Act, 1912, as amended-Hunter District Water, Sewerage and Drainage Act, 1938, as amended-Notification of acquisition. appropriation and/or resumption of land for th.e purpose of- (a) Chichester Trunk Gravitation Main-Shire of Dungog. (b) Site for a Turncock's Residence--Shire of Lake Macquarie. (c) Pumping Station at Warners Bay-Sbire of Lake Macquarie. (d) Windale Sewerage Treatment Works-Sbire of Lake Macquarie. (35.) Public Works Act, 1912, as amended-Land Acquisition (Charitable Institutions) Act, 1946, as amended-Notification of acquisition, appropriation and/or resumption of land for the purpose of the Kuringai Community Service Hospital-Municipality of Willoughby. . (36.) Public Works Act, 1912, as amended-Metropolitan Water, Sewerage, and Drainage Act, 1924, as amended-Notification of acquisition, appropria­ tion and/or resumption of land and/or easement for the purpose of- (a) Maintenance and protection of Prospect·Thornleigh Rising Main at Baulkham Hills-Sbire of Baulkham Hills. (b) Construction of Prospect·Thornleigh Water Main at West Pennant Hills -Shire of Baulkham Hills . . (c) Maintenance and protection of Prospect-Thornleigh Water Main at Blacktown-Shire of Blacktown. (d) Sewerage Pumping Station, Rising Main and Electricity Supply at Peak· hurst-Municipality of Hurstville. (e) Interceptor Sewer at Manly-Municipality of Manly. (I) Maintenance and Protection of Watermain and Stormwater Channel at Guildford-. (g) Maintenance and Protection of Watermain from Randwick Reservoir at Nagle Park-Municipality of Randwick. (h) Sewerage Ejector Station and Rising Main at Rockdale-Municipality of Rockdale. (1) Sewer Submains at North Manly-8hire of Warringah. (j) Richmond Sewerage Pumping Station-Municipality of Windsor. (k) Warragamba Dam Project-Sbire of Wollondilly. (37.) Public Works Act, 1912, as amended-Ministry of Transport Act, 1932, as amended- ~ . (a) Notification of acquisition, appropriation and/or resumption of land and/or easement for the purpose of- (i) Electric High Tension Transmission Line between. Blackheath and Lawson. (ii) Electric High Tension Transmission Line between La,wson and BIax· land (2)-. 1: 24 MINUTES OF TIlE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL (2 May, 1962)

(iii) Flood-light Tower at Port Kembla-City of Greater Wollongong. (iv) Confirming the Commissioner for Railways title to such land at Booyong-Shire of Gundurimba. (v) Constructing electric high tension transmission line between Hornsby and -Shire of Hornsby. (vi) Confirming the Commissioner for Railways title to such land at Fassifern-Shire of Lake Macquarie. (vii) Residences for railway staff at Hexhkm-Shire of Lower Hnnter. (viii) Confirming the Commissioner for Railways title to such land at "" Rookwood-Municipality of Strathfield. (ix) Deviation of Railway line between Condobolin and Broken Hill at Menindee Lakes-County of Tandora. (x) Confirming the Commissioner for Railways ti.tle to such land at Teven-Shire of Tintenbar. (xi) Locomotive Depot and Goods Yard at Griflith-Shire. of Wade. (xii) Constructing an Electric High Tension Transmission Line between Gosford and Sulphide Junction-Shire of Wyong. (b) Erratum notice regarding appropriatipn and resumption of land and ease­ ment required for railway electric high tension transmission line between Black-heath and Lawson. (38.) Public Works Act. 1912. as amended-Ministry of Transport Act. 1932, as amended-Port Kembla Inner Harbour (Further Construction) Act, 1961- Notification of appropriation and/or resumption of land for the purpose of a railway from Coniston to Port Kembla Inner Harbour-City of Greater Wollon­ gong. (39.) Public Work's Act, 1912, as amended-Public Instruction Act of 1880. as amended-Notification of acquisition, appropriation and/or resumption of land and/or easement for school purposes at- Albion Park (Terry Street). Never-tire. Berkeley, High. . Nelsons Bay (Sandy Beach).

I,f Glenorie (2): Oak Flats. Secondary. Grafton South, High. Picnic Point. Macksville. Smithfield West. Mallan. Tumut. High. Mona. Vale, High (2). Warialda. Moss Vale. High. Wyee Bay. (40.) Public Works Act, 1912, as amended-Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Agreements Act, 1958, as amended-Notification of acquisition, appropriation and/or resumption of land for the purpose of the Agreement or Supplemental Agreement referred to in the SnoWy Mountains Hydro-Electric Agreements Act, 1958, as amended. (41.) Public Works Act, 1912, as amended-Technical Education and Uoiver­ sity of New South Wales Act, 1949, as amended-Notification of acquisition, appropriation and/or resumption of land for the purpose of a technical college at Warilla-Municipality of Shellhar?our. (42.) Royal Commissions Act, i923, as amended-Copy of Royal Commission appointing The Hon. Mr. Justice Kinsella as sole Commissioner to inquire .into and report upon certain matters relating to off-the-course betting. (43.) Sancta Sophia College Incorporation Act, 1929, as amended:- (a) Substitution of By-laws of the Sancta Sophia College, University of Sydney. (b) Recission of By-law 42. (44.) Stock Diseases Act, 1923, as amended-Amendment of Regulations 1 and 54 and Form 10-Part XXI-Avian Mycoplasmosis. (45.) Supreme Court Rules- (a) Solicitors Admission Board-Amendment of Rules 3, 4, 11, 13, 29 and 48-Rule 13A. (b) Barristers Admission Board-Amendment of Rules 3, 10Cb), 16, 18 and 27. (c) Probate Jurisdiction-Substitu,tion of Rule 78.


(46.) Swine Branding Act, 1940-Amendment of Regulation 4-Use of signs or characters in formulating registered brands. (47.) Sydney Harbour Bridge (Administration) Act, 1932. as amended-Sub­ stitution of Regulation No.3-Amendment of Regulation No.4. (48.) Sydney Turf Club Act, 1943, as amended-Amendment of Regulation 49-5ubstitution of Regulation 50-Preferential voting system for casual vacan­ cies On Directorate of Sydney Turf Club. (49.) Technical Education and University of New South Wales Act, 1949, as amended-Report and Statements of Accounts of .the University of New South ~ales for the year 1960. (50.) Trustee Act, 1925, as amended-5ubstitution of Rules 314A and 315. (51.) University and University Colleges Act, 1900, as amended- (a) Report of the Senate of the University of Sydney for the year 1960. (b) By-laws. of the University of Sydney- (i) Chapter X-Faculty of Arts-Amendment of Sections 7, 11, 18, 22, 23, 24A, 39, 49 and. 68-Deletion of Section SOA-Section 72A. (ii) Chapter XA-Degrees in Divinity-Substitu·tion of Section 2. (iii) Chapter XI-Faculty of Law-Amendment of Sections 1 and 4. (iv) Chapter XIT-Faculty of Medicine-Amendment of Section 4- Substitution of Section 2-Re-numbering of Section 24A as 248- Section 24A. (v) Chapter XTII-Faculty of Science-Amendment of Sections I, 6, 7 (2), 8, 9 -(2), 61, 62 and 75. (vi) Chapter XIV-Faculty of Eugineering-Amendment of Section 1. (vii) Chapter XV-Faculty of Dentistry-Amendment of Sections 4, 6 and 9 (2). (viii) Chapter XX-Matriculation-Section 3A. (52.) University of New England Act, 1953- (a) Report of the University of New England for the year 1960. (b) Financial statements of the University of New England for the year 1960.

15. PARRAMATTA CITY COUNCIL (BRODIE STREET RECREATION AND DRAINAGE RESERVES) BILL:- (1.) Mr. Richard Thompson, as Chairman, brought up the Report from. and laid upon the Table. the Minutes of Proceedings of. aud Evidence taken before the Select Committee, for whose consideration and report this Bill was referred on Tuesday, 10th April, 1962, together with a copy of the Bill as agreed to in Select Committee. Ordered to be printed. (2.) SUSPENSION OF CERTAIN SrANDING ORDERS:-Mr. Richard Thompson moved, (as a matter of necessity. and without previous Notice), That so much of the Standing Orders be suspended as would preclude the passing of the Bill through all its remaining stages during the present or anyone sitting of the House. And no objection being taken,­ Question put and pa.ssed. (3.) Mr. Richard Thompson then moved. That this Bill be now read a second time. Question put and passed. Bill read a second time. (4.) On motion of Mr. Richard Thompson, the President left the Chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole for consideration of this Bill. The Chairman having reported the Bill without amendment,­ The House adopted the Report. 26 MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL (2 May. 1962)

.: ' (5.) Bill, on motion of Mr. Richard Thompson, read a third time. "',, Whereupon Mr. Richard Thompson moved, That this Bill be forwarded to the I" ' Legislative Assembly with the following Message:- :" Mr. SPEAKER,- . The Legislative Council having this day passed a Bill, intituled "An Act to enable the Council of the City of Parramatta to sell certain lands at Rydalmere and to transfer the same free from all trusts, estates and interests affecting such lands; to amend the Local Government Act, 1919. as amended by subsequent Acts " and for purposes connected therewith,"-presents the same to the Legislative Assembly for its concurrence, accompanied by a copy of the Report from and Minutes of Evidence taken before the Select Committee thereon. Legislative Counerl Chamber, Sydney, 2nd May, 1962. Question put and passed.

16. CORAL SEA PARX. BILL:-The President reported and read the following Message from the Legislative Assembly:- Mr. PRESIDENT,- , The Legislative Assembly having this day passed a Bill, intituled "An Act to make provisions relating to the leasing, disposing, and use and occupation, of the public reserve known as Coral Sea Park situated at Maroubra: to amend the Local Government Act, 1919, and certain other Acts: and for purposes connected therewith,"-presents the same to the Legislative Council for its concurrence, , Legislative Assembly Chamber, RAY MAHER. Sydney, lst May., 1962. Speaker.

(1.) Bill, on motion of Mr. Downing, read a first time. Ordered. That the Bill be printed.

(2.) SUSPENSION OF CERTAIN STANDING ORDBRs:-Mr. Downing moved, pursuant to Contingent Notice, That so much of the Standing Orders be suspended as would preclude the passing of the Bill through all its remaining stages during the present or anyone sitting of the House. Question put and passed.

(3.) Mr. Downing then moved, That this Bill be noW read a second time. Debate ensped. ,. , Question put and passed. i, il"; Bill read a second time. :, 'f~ ",,' ., (4.) On motion of Mr. Downing the President left the chair, and the House ", resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole for consideration of this Bill. The Chairman having reported the Bill without amendment,- The House adopted the Report.

...', .. (5.) Bill, on motion of Mr. Downing, read a third time . Whereupon Mr. Downing moved, That this Bill be returned to the Legislative Assembly with the following Message:, Mr. SPEAKER,- The'Legislative Council having this day agreed to the Bill; intituled "An Act to make provisions relating to the leasing, disposing, and use and occupa­ tion, of the public reserve known as Coral Sea Park situated at Maroubra,' to amend the Local Government Act, 1919, and certain other Acts; and for purposes connected therewith,"-retums the same to the Legislative Assembly without amendment. Legislative Council Chamber, Sydney, 2nd May, 1962. , Question put and passed. I":1' 1~ , , :~, :"', I':; 27 MINUTES OF THE ?ROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATNE COUNCil. (2 May, 1962)

17. CO-OPE.RATION (AMENDMENT) BILL:-The President reported and read the following Message from the Legislative Assembly:- Mr. PREsIDENT,- The Legislatiye Assembly having this day passed a Bill, intituIed «An Act to make jurther provision for the indemn'ification of building societies against loss .. the winding-up of and the registration of charges oj co-operative societies .. and the appointment of official managers; for these and other pur­ pOses to amend the Co-operation Act 1923-1961,' and for purposes connected therewith,"-presents the same to the Legislative Council for its concurrence. Legislative Assembly Chamber. RAY MAHER, Sydney, 2nd May, 1962. Speaker.

(1.) Bill, on motion of Mr. Maloney. read a first time. Ordered, That the Bill be printed.

(2.) SUSPENSION OF CERTAIN STANDING ORDERs:-Mr. Maloney (on· behalf of Mr. Downing) moved, pursuant to Contingent Notice, That so much of the Standing Orders be suspended as would preclude the passing of the Bill through all its remaining stages during the present or anyone sitting of the House. Question P':lt and passed.

(3.) Mr. Maloney then moved, That this BiIl be now read a sepond time. Debate ensued. Question put and passed. Bill read a second time.

(4.) On motion of Mr. Maloney the President left the chair. and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole for consideration of this Bill. The Chairman having reported. the Bill without amendment,- The House adopted the Report.

(5.) BilI, on motion of Mr. Maloney, read a third time. Whereupon Mr. Maloney moved, That this Bill be returned to the Legislative Assembly with the following Message: Mr. SPEAKER,- The Legislative Council having this day agreed to the BilI, intituled "An Act to make further provision jor the in4emnification. of building societies against loss; the winding-up oj and the registration. of charges oj co-operative societies .. and the appointment oj official managers; for these and other pur­ p{)Ses to amend the' Co-operaHon Act, 1923-1961; and for purposes connected therewith,"-returns the same to the Legislative Assembly without amendment. Legislative Council Chamber, Sydney, 2nd May, 1962. Question put and passed.

18. HOUSING INDEMNITIES BILL:-The President reported and read the following Message from the Legislative AS'sembly:- Mr. PRESIDENT,- The Legislative Assembly having this day passed a Bill, intituled "An Act to authorise the Treasurer to execute indemnities in respect Of loans by certain institutions for housing purposes; to amend the Co-operation. Act, 1923- 1962; and for purposes connected therewith."-presents the same to the Legis- lative Council for its concurrence. . Legislative Assembly Chamber. RAY MAHER. Sydney, 2nd May, 1962. Speaker. (1.) Bill, on motion of Mr. Downing, read a first time. Ordered, That the Bill be printed. (2.) SUSPENSION OF CERTAIN STANDING QRDERs:-Mr. Downing moved, pur­ i suant to Contingent Notice, That so much of the Standing Orders be suspended as would preclude the passing of the Bill through all its remaining stages during the present or anyone sitting of the House. Question put and passed. I, I l [1 .~ 28 MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COWen.. (2 May, 1962)

(3.) Mr. Downing then moved. That this Bill be now read a second time. Debate ensued. Question put and passed. Bill read a second tiine.

(4.) On motion of Mr. Downing the President left the chair, and the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, for consideration of this Bill. The Chairman baving reported the Bill withou! amendment,- The House adopted the Report.

(5.), Bill, on motion of Mr. Downing, read a third time. Whereupon Mr. Downing moved, That this Bill be returned to the Legislative Assembly with the following Message:- Mr. SPEAKER,- The Legislative Council having this day agreed to the Bill, intituled "An Act to authorise the Treasurer to execute indemnities in respect of loans by certain institutions for housing purposes; to amend the Co·operation Act, 1923- 1962; and for purposes connected therewith, "-returns the same to the Legis­ lative Assembly without amendment. Legislative Council Chamber, Sydney, 2nd May, 1962. Question put and passed.

I. 19. COMMON LAW PROCEDURE (AMENDMENT) BILL:-The President reported and read the following Message from the Legislative Assembly:- Mr. PREsIDENT ,- The Legislative Assembly having this day passed a Bill, intituled "An Act to make further provision with respect to costs recoverable in Supreme Court actions .. for this and other purposes to amend the Common Law Pro­ cedure Act, 1899, as amended by subsequent Acts .. and for purposes connected therewith,"-presents the same "to the Legislative Council for its concurrence. Legislative Assembly Chamber, RAY MAHER, Sydney, 2nd May, 1962. Speaker.

(1.) Bill, on motion of Mr. Downing, read a first time. Ordered, That· the second reading stand an Order of the Day for next Sitting Day. and that the Bill. in the meantime, be printed.

20. ADJOURNMENT:-Mr. Downing moved, That this House do now adjourn. Debate ensued-Bar Council of N.S.W'.-President ruled Member out of order. Question put and passed. The House adjourned at Twenty-nine minutes after Six o'clock, p.m., until to: morrow at Four o'clock, p.m.



THURSDAY, 3 MAY, 1962 CONTINGENT NOTICES OF MOTIONS:- Mr. Downing to move-contingent on any of the undermentioned Bills bl!ing presented by the Legislative Assembly to the Legislative Council far its con­ currence and having been read by the Council the first time,-That so much of the Standing Orders be suspended as would preclude the passing of the Bill through all its remaining stages during the present or anyone sitting of the House:- Local Government (Town and Country Planning) Amendment Bill. Ambulance Transport Service and Crown Employees Appeal Board (Amendment) Bill. Mines Inspection (Amendment) Bill. [Notice given at 12.30 p.m., Tuesday, 10 April, 1962.] Oaths (Amendment) Bill. Sydney Harbour Bridge (Administration) Bill. [Notice given at 4.51 p.m., Wednesday, 2 May, 1962.]

GENERAL BUSINESS-NOTICE OF MOTION:- 1. Mr. BEGG to move,- That the First Report of the Committee of Subordinate Legislation, laid upon the Table of this House on 29 November, 1961. a.m., be now received.

GOVERNMENT BUSINESS-ORDER OF THE DAY:- 1. Common Law Procedure (Amendment) Bill; second reading. [Mr. Downing.]

