University of Oregon Regular Session
UNIVERSITY OF OREGON REGULAR SESSION EUGENE, OREGON CKIVERSITY OF OREGON Bl.ILLETli\ NFMBER 140 :MARCH 1967 Second-class postage pain :tl Eltg~ne. Oregon. [s5ued eight time~ a year. Publi:shed lJy the ()"~Oll Stale Board of Higher Education, at the "Cllivcrsir)· of O,egoll, Eugone, Oro/,:oll 97403. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON REGULAR SESSION 1967-68 CATALOG EUGENE, OREGON , j Table of Contents Page OREGON STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION . 5 State System of Higher Education . 5 State Board of Higher Education . 6 Officers of Administration 7 ACADEMIC CAIiENDAR, 1967-68 . 8 UNIVERSITY STAFF . 10 Officers _of Administration 10 University Faculty ..... __ II GENERAL INFORMATION . 65 History of the University 65 Income __ . __ . 66 Campuses__ . 66 Lihraries . 67 Museum and Collectinos 70 Official Publications 72 . ACADEMIC REGULATIONS . 74 Admission . 74 Entrance Examinations . 76 Degrees 77 Group Requirement 79 Honors 81 Academic Procedure__ 82 Fees and Deposits.. 85 STUDENT LIFE AND WELFARE .,.... 89 Office of Student Affairs.. 89 New Student ''{eek 90 Student Living. 91 Student Health Service... 95 Financial Aid__ 96 Prizes and Awards._ 109 Erb Memorial Student l.'nion.. 114 GRADUATE SCHOOL . 115 Advanced Degrees.. 115 General Hegulatiolls.. 116 Degree Requirements... 119 Assistantships, Scholarships, Fello\vshilJs.. 124 Graduate Work in Portland.. 125 Research Institutes.... 126 HONORS COLLEGE 132 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS 136 Interdepartmental Course's.. -. 137 Anthropology.. 139 _Asian Studies.... 144 Biology . 145 O1emistry... , _. 151 Comparative Literature .... 157 Dentistry, Preparatory 157 Economics....._..... 158 English. 162 General Arts and Letters.. 170 General Science . 171 General Social Science . 171 Geography 171 Geology . 175 Hi-story _._ , _._ .
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