DETROIT TIMES APRIL . till. Yser, taking two Belgian officers Germans Hold and 100 men prisoners. In retalia- PURE FOOD LAWS The Spring's Offerings of Positions, Claim tion for French bombardment of Mother Just Sniffs At Good Reading villages behind lieausejour, the Ger- ARE ATTACKED* , (via wireless to Lon- mans have bombarded Hhelms with CASES HEW UP Truly the things of the spirit are teiprots the “seven words from the music, art and education as a living don), April 9.—"Despite enormous incendiary shells, setting fire to Son's Threat of Suicide coming into their own and the mate- many Upbraided by his mother because that Attorney Edward H. Kennedy ab cioss" and gives to human beings, and had been unable to provide losses In the fighting between the bulldlnxs. William Wolfa body was out In rialistic maelstrom In which- we ever craving sympathy The most fighting he Thursday the blddle of the tacked the legality of the pure feed and under- enough Moselle, furious in the stole $lO from her, river. have been from these sources for old Meuse and the the French . of buffeted and bruised for standing. a human fellowship with Meuse- Moselle region is going on In night, William Wolf, 19 years old, of "But It can’t be,” said the officer laws 1101 when twelve deftMd the past generation age. Our most prominent people, are attacking with fierce- charged violating lgWi and a half Is the Savior which brings his words increased the Allly forest and the Seloulse who reported the headquar- ants with the subsiding In the educational field, have given No. 119 Chamberlaln-ave., disappear- al.*alr at into a calm from which nearer home. The author, Gomer ness," according to an official state- woods, near Bt. Mihlel, according to only by selling colored demaigdiOi their support and it has been boon ed from his horns, and shortly after- ters. "The water la 18 inches great things must emerge. This, in 11. Is an Episcopal rector. a war office dispatches. Herman artil- deep, vere up for trial badme IMH Mathews, to a class of people whose sufferings ment from the war office today. At ward, two messengers arrived at and there isn’t a hand or a foot America, at least, where our Badger, publisher. Bos* lery broke up charge sticking Phelan, Friday. liter- Richard G. would bo they obliged every point the Germans are main- a French In the Wll- out anywhere in the river." al um shows more and more a tend- keenest were the boms with a note to Mrs. Attorney Kennedy nst—ded ¦! ton, 60c. uncongenial positions Seloulse woods and the Allly • • to live In surroundings. taining their in the face hclmlna Wolf. Tlyi note read, Mrs. Wolf Juat snorted ehe eucy toward a higher and subtler in- e forest the enemy only when the law under which the cases weft In these days of giving, of terrific attacks and along the St. not has been "When you receive this, my body received her note. terpretation of life's values. "Pioneers," that noble poem of ws can checked, but la being driven slowly brought, and the pollee eeurt e—- think of nothing where money could Mlhlel-Pont-a-Mousson line the will be in the middle of the River "William Is an awful liar," she “Fairyland" is an Illustration of our own Walt Whitman, who, more back. Hard fighting Is proceeding lnatlons bald, was superseded bp be transformed Into peace and Joy French are being slowly driven Rouge.” It Is signed, "William.” tcld Justice Gainey, Friday. “I don’t this striving after better things. than anyone else, baa taught us the north and northwest Fllrcy, the law of lilt, and that MM# much more easily In tbs Mary southward. of near Friday morning, police of Scotten believe be drowned himself. The name does not suggest sym- spirit Democracy, could read than lngly the case should be dismissed. the of be Fisher home. Near the seacoast. a Oernian de- Pont-a-Mousson. station discovered a coat on tha And she swore out a warrant bolic meaning of the story which Is again with this -beautiful and pa- Judge Phelan heard argnaMnOg m a spiritualising The Shakespeare Press, Twenty- tachment haa again captured Dret banks of River Rouse, with a note charging William with simple lar- matter, of the natural de- thetic atory, "Johnny Appleseed," I’rtnllnar. Ikr plain oral kind—that the and adjourned the elghth-st., New York Qrachten, on the west bank of the Is rl«h(—Times llrpt.—Main pinned to It, Informing the public ceny. sires of man when they arc not pol- which la called the “Romance of the Job 4.1X0. cases for one week for IstdelflU by luted the greed, ambition or lust Sower.’’ It Is really the story of one of the world. The theme Is after Jonathan Chapman, a nursery man the style of Maeterlinck through of pioneer days who devoted hla much simpler. ' It Is really a little life to planting and nurturing opera with all the beauty of scenery orchards for the early settlers. He ahtch goes to enhance the symbol- biases the trail Into Ohio, Indiana ism of the theme. and Michigan. “If Adam had been Brian Hooker Is the author and an American pioneer,’’ said Johnny, the Vale University Press the pub- "he'd have asked for an ax and a lisher of this choice little book. gun to improve on Eden.” » • • • Progress Opens Largest Johnny's wonderful insight Into the Another playlet, ”A Ugbt From the hungry, homesick hearts of the Another World." by C. H. MrQurrin. women and his tenderness In doing deals with the regeneration of a all In his power to brighten their hardened crook through merely hu- lonely lives Is a better sermon than man sympathy and kindness. Being most of the tracts which we select a play, the action seems a trifle rap- from the church racks. Here Is a id. The crook succumbs almost too book about our own country and readily. It lacks the art of restraint our own people In their early strug- In (perhaps gjes against Furniture the most art Detroit difficult there want and disaster. Store U). but It embodies the same Idea By Eleanor Atkinson; published of the reality of the spirit as against by Harper k Bro., New York, $1.26. the merely material side of life. • 00 The Gorham Press, Boston, 50c. "The Story of the Mary Fisher see Home" has been put Into a small Though holy week Is ovar, every volume with a little history of Its week must be holy to the/truly re- beginning, short stories of Its quaint ligious Inspection soul. A tiny book has been and Interesting Inmates and statis- For Your attractively prepared for those who tics regarding jts business affairs. needs crumbs of comfort in concrete This home, which now has two form; that Is. In the words of branches, was started for men and Jesus. "Waiting at the Cross" In- women who had followed literature, We Bid You We Prefer to Idngeman. "Each mem- Audience Charmed [Chairmanber will cast his vote In secret. The i color of the balls in the little pine By Maggie Teyte's | bot will tell the tale and no mem Welcome Sell on Credit j ber of the committee need hesitate Songs and Manner to vote according to his best Judg- spirit progress ment and without f*-ar of criticism. The of is shown not Though thla etatemnt la b|l4 ter for the first time Blnce Maggie I think the secret ballot will be a only in the architectural structure of many people to understand, It Is the Text* came to America three yearn great aid to us In our work, and It this store, but within Its four walla, absolute truth, and bars la our reason. ago to alng with the Metropolitan will stop any chance of a leak.” on the sales floors. In the merchandise, The keynote of this business la til* opera company, the profcaalonal for- In connection with the work of on the price tickets and in our busi- ume of sales and this volume neaaet rcry liquor tunes of thta charming and .the commltteo It might be ness policy. be acquired thru cash sales. young piima donna brought her to added that the saloonkeepers will ; > < • 7 '+ Not only slxe is this store dta- Detroit Friday.' for a sotyt recital not receive as muchSympathy from In That Is one .reason, but her It others, every In the Hotel Statler. aa the artist the members of the council as In tlnctlve from all but In another and more important reseat. way by store be of the second of the three Mornings former years. The aldermen. It Is other which a can When a cash sale Is made the tnme» judged pre-eminently. Musical. The ballroom of the hotel rumored, have a score to settle with It stands out action is closed, but when furniture It the Royal >raa filled with an audience made members of the Ark. an A trip thru this great store will be sold on credit we come in personal up largely of women, and fair hands organisation of saloonkeepers. an education In home furnishing. Dis- contact with our customers for at am spilt new Master gloves In enthusi- When the charter amendment In- floors are period. The frequent vlatta astic applause for the attractive creasing the salary of the aldermen tributed .about these sales tended te ¦lager —a gi eater number us furniture pattfcffig our store may suggest the need of Miss Teyte's choice of songs and ballot, the aldermen were confident than was ever shf wn under one roof some piece of furniture, which will arias proved what might have been that their friends, particularly the by any store In Michigan. naturally be bought here. saloonkeepers, rxpected from an English w oman, would support It For example, on one floor by actual a Frenchman, strongly. An analysis the wife of and was of. the vote count. 325 patterns are shown. On confined to the compositions of shows that the saloonkeepers did another floor 125 dining room tables Therefore Do Not French. Italian, English and Ameri- not do what was expected of them. are set before your eyes, every can writers. The Herman lieder "The saloonkeepers arc constant- out Hesitate About were conspicuously absent. It was ly asking favors of the aldermen," one different. g program highly said the well-chosen and one member of council. Think what this tremendous variety Asking interesting, getting away from the "They are always wanting transfers for Credit of patterns will mean to you when se- You ere under no obligation to as ordinary ol recital program- and around May 1 they are exceed- run lecting your asking frankly making. ingly anxious to stand well with furniture. Every article in for credit Wa tall plainly priced plain figure price you prefer Mias Teyte’s voice is a dramatic the aldermen. They were short- Is with that we selling on that ba» •oprano. and she sings with her sighted when they didn’t get out tickets, so that you do not need a sales- sis, even though our prices are as lew little head held high, so that her and herd votes for our salary In- man to wait on you If you wish to be as any cash store’s in Detroit tones out. and It Is good night some your own salesman. • come round full and crease. for And do not for a minute assume that clear. Os slight and girlish figure, of the four (lusher* May 1." Any you pur- the very fine furniture oannot be gowned In *simple frock of Belgian article select can be bought the blue over white, and with chased under the lowest credit terms on credit basis. One leek chlffod magnificent her heavy brown hair simply BILLPROTECTS to meet with your personal requlre- at the furniture spread out dressed, she appeared the antithesis DRY COUNTIES menta. All charge accounts are ad- before yob on our sales floors win die* of tha bejeweled and overdressed justed to meet the income of the wage- pel that thought If you ever entertnlm prima donna one la accustomed to From a Rtafl Corre*poriflent. eerner. ed it lee on the concert platform. Miss LANBING, Mich.. April 9—A bill Teyte’s biographical data state that to prohibit the shipment of liquor she Is now in her fVenty-fourth from "wet” territory Into "dry" year; she doesn’t look over 20. counties was Introduced Friday! Her voice and her method, due mr.intng by Rep. C. Wesley Kern perhaps to the fact that she was a merlin*, of Detroit. The bill. If j pdpll of Jean de Resikc and sang passed, would put an end to the for several seasons In tha Opera practice of Detroit breweries of "flooding” “dry” Comlque—are particularly artistic In counties. A pen- alty of a fine of from $26 ttrsTT>o or tha singing of French music. Her \ ji _ll Interpretation ffve songs by Imprisonment for from 10 to 60 days of H 11 •' 4 _ 6 ¦ IffHIT 1 "i 1 "**lri Claude Debussy was a treat In Itself. Is provided !ft the bill. An aria from Puccini's “Manon Lea- Thief eaut.” which she sang In French, „ Cigar Flnsd Bennon, and the “Depuls le from John porter In Fred P. Jour” Char- saloon, pan tier's revealed Miss Striker’s was convicted In ’’Louise.** Stein’s court, Teyte’s complete, equipment for op Justice Friday, of stealing cigars ratlc roles. Doth were exquisitely and Cigarettes from given. the cigar stand In the saloon, and fined days Two groups of French, English was $25, with 30 In the and American songs were charming, workhouse as the alternative. De- tectives Bnook, •nd gave Miss Teyte the opportun- Hare and who made arrest, shortage ity to prove to her audience that she the declare that a per It equally at home In the tragic, of between S3O and S6O month in the cigar stocks had caused an This Kodav the light, the graceful and the gay. Bed $00.50 Investigation, and a set Pink roses by the found watch for dostnt the thief resulted In the capture way the singer. of Kielr to Bennon. Excellent accompaniments were Davenport at ...... , Jven by I*ld Waller. ELLA MAE HAWTHORNE. Design Tcrma ra*h,| Monthly TytYRTLE ELVYN. pianist, who This Beautiful Adams $A .50 12.ft0 -L -*• gives armory. recital hr the Q Upholstered BLACK BALLS TO this evening as last number In Instead of Moving in a in Philharmonic coarse. DECIDE FATE OF Bed-Roon Suite, with Glass Tops Aware* Lasting Larger Flat, Move in a Kodav Art Leather “UNDESIRABLES” Terms Monthly Kodav Not only havt the makers sf $4.00 Cssh, $4.00 . . ... Kodav Davenports develop- Th. Bed Member* of the liquor ,ny r,,n ' * committee * h#n yOU th* and almpHs- Bed, ( , ®d convenience This Outfit Includes Glass Tops and Every 1n . i.i the Rich I, .h« m « * r*'• “«*“2 *lll ballot secretly th« m.r. P t *° *P*rt nt - y° r * b on names of m ur n Davenport, ,„ m : i Ity of their Bed to wronir In 10m# war. . largely _ ¦ndealrahle saloon keepers. .«^l wrnni r L’ VkThe ex- on the number of rootna . i,»hu The Dresser and Chiffonier Metal almpllrity remarkabler m r decree, but they Drawer Pulla Mahogany treme with which this oe.ired with n Kodav vouyou black ball system will be used. Finish Kodav operates greatly Weens desired. with a Koda hare alao devoted a great deal of getting room. In lea- By using this method to decide While the illuetratlon above These are features usually nnv chance Ita out of combine two one. of tlme Arw| mon „y to «j|,cover a dressing table, we do °nly arc these thrpe r "• n,n " y°" r m ° nth,y r #n, yo " fate of disreputable saloonkeep- includes placed on only the most ex* for *[; a fabric that would give the the serXVce very beautiful l p era o not Include i»m» In thle com- pensive furniture. Both are pieces whether you use n bnve a HRIf aervlce aa er*, the aldermen on the committee of furniture beaut 1- It a. bed Diving leather. and nlfhly desirable, the glass every or one night a Parlor or Room furniture with many large j ( P „| they nl||ht their efforts have met sue- *lll vote without fear of bedroome are not ful n i Kni but are month. It a alwaya ready, and "cosy.” the fabric they ronse- enough accommodate the four topa preventing the marring . never by day a ’’comfy*' case. for uae In to 0,80 constructed of owt of order, changing from a sleeping room at night. It Is their upholstering does not only dancer pteces Os furniture. ,> the of dreaaer or chiffonier tops beautiful piece of Parlor Furnl- the only piece of furniture In resemble the genuine In appanr- Last year, ,lr , ' through a “leak” in *™ <•»*'» ooi - 10 ture to a comfortable bed, your will give you :» “«¦>< **'¦ home that • ance. but It also woara Ilka the .hSi .•fitt.T.ssiJsii smoothly and 24-hour genuine. the committee. It became known coet If it.ris desired. Clean. feeti!?'""¦?*detail. allently. continuous service. tmong the saloonkeepers which of the alderman opposed certain sa- loons. This caused aoraa members sf the committee great annoyance. Before the committee finished Its is Inal report the tip went out that Your Credit Good Your Credit is Good eertaln saloons had been refused ll- tenses. Attorneys, brewers, saloon Cor. Michigan Ave. Cor. leepers and politicians stormed the Michigan Ave. loors of the committee room and pestered the members of the com and Wayne St and Wayne St nlttee to sach an estent that sev- iral licenses on were restored. "This year there will be no arlre- inlllng if we can help it," said