THE AGB NEWSLETTER An electronic publication dedicated to Asymptotic Giant Branch stars and related phenomena No. 124 | 2 October 2007 Editors: Jacco van Loon and Albert Zijlstra Editorial Dear Colleagues, It is our pleasure to present you the 124th issue of the AGB Newsletter, with 25 refereed journal articles, numerous conference papers and two job opportunities in Hong Kong. This issue covers AGB-related research in an especially diverse range of stellar systems: the Milky Way disc and halo, ! Centauri, the Magellanic Clouds, other Local Group dwarf galaxies Fornax, Sgr dIrr, DDO 210 and NGC 3109, to as far as the z = 0:0237 Scd galaxy IC 1277. We also wish to draw your attention in particular to the review paper on AGB nucleosynthesis by Amanda Karakas and John Lattanzio. The next issue will be distributed on the 1st of November; the deadline for contributions is the 31st of October. Editorially Yours, Jacco van Loon and Albert Zijlstra Food for Thought This month's thought-provoking statement is: Mixing is the least well understood physical phenomenon inside red giants Reactions to this statement or suggestions for next month's statement can be e-mailed to
[email protected] (please state whether you wish to remain anonymous) 1 Refereed Journal Papers Stellar Evolutionary E®ects on the Abundances of PAH and SN-Condensed Dust in Galaxies Frederic Galliano1;2, Eli Dwek1 and Pierre Chanial1;3 1NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, USA 2University of Maryland, College Park, USA 3Imperial College, London, UK Spectral and photometric observations of nearby galaxies show a correlation between the strength of their mid-IR aromatic features, attributed to PAH molecules, and their metal abundance, leading to a de¯ciency of these features in low-metallicity galaxies.