Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western , Series 3

Volume 1 Number 2 March-April, 1952 Article 17


Trees of - tuart and illyarrie

C A. Gardner Department of Agriculture

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Journal of agriculture Vol. 1 1952 TREES OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA By C. A. GARDNER (Government Botanist)

3—TUART (Eucalyptus gomphocephala D.C.) ARLY settlers of the Swan River Colony soon learnt to value the timber of a E tree which the aborigines called "Tooart." It ranked with that of the jarrah in local importance and, because of its toughness, was used for keelsons, stern posts, bridge supports, shafts and wheelright's work—in short for all purposes where great strength, solidity and durability were needed. The Tuart is restricted naturally to shrubs, and in consequence takes on a the limestone areas of the western park-like appearance. coastal plain extending northward from The Tuart is what would be termed a the Vasse district. Its southern limits "box" tree in Eastern Australia, in other are to be found along the Sabina River words, it is a completely rough-barked near , where the coastal lime­ species with a pale grey, somewhat fib­ stone dips. To the north, the Tuart ex­ rous, close, dense bark which extends tends as a large tree in an almost un­ even to the branchlets. broken belt throughout the limestone The timber is a pale yellow in colour, country as far north as Yanchep. As a and is very hard and dense with a strong smaller tree, up to about 40 feet in interlocked grain — a characteristic height, it may be found well to the north which makes it desirable for use where of the . strains or abrasions are encountered. The best specimens of the Tuart are For this reason it is largely employed in found in the Vasse district around Won- the construction of railway wagons, and nerup and Ludlow, where individual formerly it was extensively used for the trees attain a height of 140 feet, the pins which supported telegraph insula­ trunks being up to 45 feet in length and tors. The timber is reasonably termite 25 feet or more in girth. The Tuart does resistant and is even stronger than that not grow mixed with other Eucalyptus of the wandoo or whitegum. trees except to a limited extent in the The area of prime Tuart forest is of northern parts of its range where it very limited extent, and the timber occurs with jarrah and the marri or red- growing in State forests is reserved for gum. Government requirements. In the southern areas of its habitat The flowers of the Tuart yield a pro­ where the largest trees are found and fuse good quality and Tuart a true Tuart formation exists as a forest, honey is light in colour, of a pleasing the trees are associated with pepper­ flavour, and fine-grained when candied. mints and other smaller trees which Nectar yields are affected by damage to form an under-storey to the massive the flower buds caused by the Tuart bud Tuarts. Unlike the jarrah and karri weevil which bores through the young forests, the Tuart forest has compara­ buds and causes them to fall. Tuart tively little ground covering of small leaves yield 0.03% of oil. 212

Journal of agriculture Vol. 1 1952 size)- Tf?AS',TH(E)lCa,1?ptu! e°mPh°cephala D.C.). A—Leaf: B— Buds (one and a half times natural (mlir'h - i uds-

A drastic decrease in the milk yield of your dairy herd naturally means that your profits suffer. Mastitis costs you money. Ensure now that your herd is healthy and profitable. Steri­ lise your dairying implements, after cleaning, with Sodium Hypochlorite, and eliminate infection.

| Wash udders in soapy water, dip teats and teat cups in Sodium Hypochlorite solution. Before milking, flush milking machines, coolers, 2 cans, etc., with Sodium Hypochlorite. ^ After milking, clean and sterilise all the • equipment. SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE (\2{% Available Chlorine Solution) is the recommended Steriliser. Where Sodium Hypochlorite is unobtainable, or small quantities of steriliser are required over a long period use Steriliser "C" Powder.


Please mention the "Journal of Agiiculture, W.A.," when writing to advertisers Journal of agriculture Vol. 1 1952 DESCRIPTION OF TREE tube bell-shaped, the operculum hemis­ Typically 50 to 120 feet tall, with pherical to ovoid-hemispherical much spreading or spreading-erect branches, broader than the calyx-tube. covered throughout with a pale grey, with yellowish-white filaments inflected rough, somewhat fibrous persistent bark. in the bud, the anthers versatile (cen­ Leaves alternate, pendulous, lance- trally attached), oblong, opening in shaped, curved like a sickle, the midrib longitudinal parallel slits. Fruits stalk- prominent, the lateral nerves spreading less, bell-shaped, smooth or with one at a fairly wide angle, the intramarginal faint rib, three-quarters of an inch long, nerve distinct from the leaf-margin. the disc slightly raised, narrow, the cap­ Flowers in axillary umbels or heads, sule deeply included in the fruiting the common stalk much flattened and calyx-tube with broad triangular trun­ thick, and supporting from three to cate valves almost level with the orifice seven flowers which are stalkless. Calyx- of the fruit.

Tuart flowers and leaves. Note operculum being pushed off on lower left-hand spray, prior to opening of the blossom.

4—ILLYARRIE (Eucalyptus erythrocorys F. Muell.)

JPON his return from a trip along the old stock route between Perth and y* Geraldton in December 1851, James Drummond, writing to Sir William Hooker, irector of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, mentions the discovery of a very strik­ ing Eucalyptus which he collected on limestone hills to the west of the "Valley of J** Lakes." This tree was distinguished by its brilliant scarlet bud caps and DI"ight yellow stamens expanded in a cross-shaped pattern. 215

It Journal of agriculture Vol. 1 1952 Shortly afterwards, Augustus Oldfleld, a botanist collecting specimens between Port Gregory and Shark Bay, en­ countered the same tree which the local aborigines called the "Illyarrie." It was not until 1860, however, that Baron von Mueller gave the the name of erythrocorys, in reference to its bright red bud-cap. The species remained in obscurity, however, until in recent years it was found in some abundance at Bookara Siding not far from Dongara. Today it is found in many parks and gardens both in the city and in the country, and it is successfully cultivated abroad.

ILLYARRIE.—This specimen Is growing near the entrance to King's Park, Perth —Photo. J. A. Mallett

Of no value to the sawmiller—it is a small tree and the timber is brittle and short-grained—the Illyarrie is one of the most decorative species of the genus and deserves to be better known. It is by far the most spectacular of those species of Eucalypts in which the stamens, in­ stead of being in a continuous series, extend in four radiating clusters. The contrast of scarlet, yellow and green found in the buds and flowers when the tree is in blossom make it a desirable specimen for any garden. The Illyarrie has proved its ability to adapt itself to many classes of soils and, although naturally restricted to the coastal limestone, it has proved hardy Close-up of the trunk of the niyarrle. showing in cultivation in the low rainfall areas, white bark partly covered by patches of older bark. —Photo. J. A. Mallett in heavy soils and in granitic loams. 216

Journal of agriculture Vol. 1 1952 ILLYABRIE (Eucalyptus erythrocorys F. Muell.). A—Leaf (slightly reduced); B—Portion of leaf showing nervation and oil-dots; C—Umbel of buds in various stages of development, the central one snowing the bud-cap fallen (one and a half times natural size); D—Operculum or bud-cap; E— Section of bud (almost twice natural size); F—Stamens (much enlarged); G—Fruit (natural size); H—Section of fruit showing seeds; I—Seeds (much enlarged); K—Seedling, showing expanded cotyledons. Icon, origin. 217 Journal of agriculture Vol. 1 1952 Nothing seems to be known concern­ which protrude slightly above the ing its value either as an oil-yielding general level of the operculum. It is tree or as a nectar producer, although indeed an exact replica of a biretta. the flow of nectar seems to be copious. The stamens are inserted on the margin and inner side of a four-lobed DESCRIPTION OF TREE ridge immediately inside the bud cap or The Illyarrie is easily recognised operculum, and are in four clusters so among other species of Eucalypts be­ that when the flower opens, the sulphur- cause of its four-lobed biretta-like yellow filaments expand in a cruciform scarlet operculum together with its yel­ pattern. low flowers, the stamens of which are A section of the bud shows a circular in four tufts giving the open flowers a ridge between the staminal ring and the cruciform appearance. style, and this in fruit develops into the raised summit of the disk. The stamens It is a tree of 15 to 25 feet in height have versatile (centrally attached) with spreading branches and opposite oblong-shaped anthers which open in pendulous narrow green leaves. The parallel longitudinal slits. They are .all bark is white, occasionally with older fertile. bark forming a persisent covering in patches, at other times it is clean and The fruit is widely bell-shaped, and white. The timber is pale and brittle exhibits the same ribbing as the calyx- and of no commercial value. tube when in the bud stage; the summit of the fruit or disk has four depressions The young leaves of coppice shoots or corresponding to the intervals between seedlings are broad and rigidly hairy, the tufts of stamens, while inside there and pale green or grey in colour. The is a convex elevation dipping in the narrow pendulous leaves are indis­ centre towards the . The fertile tinctly veined and the intramarginal seeds are almost black and more or less nerve (the nerve or vein parallel to. the pyramidal in shape, while the sterile margin) is at some distance from the seeds (packing) are narrowly wedge- margin of the leaf. The leaf is fairly shaped. The Illyarrie is one of the most copiously dotted with oil cavities. ornamental of the species of Eucalyptus The flowers are produced in umbels and is adaptable for all classes of soil. of three, the common stalk or It thrives inland as far as Tammin in being thick and flattened and of a pur­ heavy soils, and is equally at home in plish colour, as are the individual flower- sand despite the fact that under natural stalks or pedicels. The buds are large conditions its distribution, like that of and the green calyx-tube is four- the Tuart, is governed by the presence toothed. Each tooth is continued down­ of coastal limestone. wards as a rib on each side of which is The tree is not uncommon in various another rib which unites with the central places between the Murchison River and rib some distance below the tooth. Jurien Bay. It is common at Bookara The operculum is of brilliant scarlet, Siding near Dongara, and fairly large in marked contrast to the green calyx, trees occur on the limestone to the south and is cross-shaped and more or less of Lake Logue and on the limestone flats, transversely wrinkled or warted with a while to the south-west of Cockleshell narrow median crest. Alternating with Gully the trees are found in a reduced these four lobes are four erect ridges form on steep limestone hills.

Journal of agriculture Vol. 1 1952