patriotic investing - General kwast 3.100 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 08/13/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 200)

Why Patriotic Investing is Critical to America’s Survival and How You Can be a Part of Saving America.

“Americans breathe freedom like others breathe oxygen. They don’t even realize how precious it is until it’s gone. And then they’ll think about nothing else. We want to solve this problem before Americans start feeling the constriction of oxygen or freedom because it will not be a pretty story.

But the strategy of China is that they take the oxygen out of the air before we even realize it. They are stealing our freedom every day by buying influence on the board of directors of companies, paralyzing decision-making, paralyzing our economy. And they’re doing it insidiously.” –General Steven Kwast

America needs your help! We are facing a WWII-level threat with countries trying to steal our economic power and way of life.

Economic Battle Plan™ 3.99 outlined how the “Hard Left” has weaponized money towards Marxists’ anti-American views. Millions of dollars have flowed from corporations and many otherwise well-meaning Americans giving money toward positive change only to be used against their values.

Money is also being weaponized on Wall Street with ESG investment funds and globalist money managers who are using your money/investments to support their values even over client returns. Your Economic Battle Plan™ 3.95 covered this in detail.

Despite massive efforts and weaponization of money on the left, many in America still do not understand the war that is being waged against their way of life and livelihood. As General Steven Kwast stated, oxygen is being taken out of the air before we even realize it!

WARNING: If we do not act now, General Steven Kwast warns us, “China’s model will be what America receives because they are the ones competing for power over us.”

Until now, those that stand for our constitution, freedoms and liberty have not had the information for an organized approach to fight back. Economic War Room® is working with Liberty University and thought leaders in national security and investments to scale an interactive online course that gives Main Street Americans back their voice.

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Welcome to the front line of the fight to save America in this Economic War.

“The American people can win this economic war, but they need to be informed and equipped to invest their money to protect our constitution, our economy and our values. If we don’t wake up and fight, we will lose our republic.” –Gen. Steven Kwast

The goal is to help people to weaponize their money, to preserve Western Civilization’s Judeo-Christian values, and pass them along to the next generation. We are bringing together thought leaders and looking for those heroes, the investors and financial advisors, that want to join us on the front lines to win this economic war. Your Mission: To Take Action Now! 1. To understand the importance of patriotic investing. 2. Join us on the investor track, as well as ask your financial advisor to participate as an NSIC advisor. 3. Weaponize your money to preserve America’s Liberty, Security, and Values (LSV). 4. Share this and other battle plans now. We need a whole society of ambitious learners understanding that our society is at risk.

“It’s either the Chinese Communist system or it is a Western free- market system. And they cannot be both living in the same place.” –General Steven Kwast


Ep. 3-100 (OSINT) Open Sourced Intelligence Briefing. This includes quotes and summaries from Kevin Freeman and Lt. General Steven Kwast. General Steven Kwast recently retired, and last served as commander of Air Education and Training Command, Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas. General Steven Kwast is trained as an astronautical engineer and has consistently focused on driving innovation and shifting paradigms. He is passionate about releasing the creative spirit of the American individual and inspiring teams to create breakthrough.

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1. The NSIC and why Americans need to get serious about Patriotic Investing.

General Steven Kwast shares his insights on the economic war: • The global competition right now that we are experiencing with China and other countries is their strategy to suffocate us economically over time. • They want to win without a fight. And they know that economic vibrancy and economic prosperity is always at the core of long-term victory. • They don’t have to spend a lot of money on military equipment or blood if they can win through economic paralyzation of an adversary.

“This effort is foundational because if you do not teach a generation of American businessmen and financial experts how to spot the kind of insidious money that will paralyze and strangle American freedom, freedom of choice and economic prosperity, we will be the victim of this strategy.” –General Steven Kwast

Lessons in History: How America got Where We are Today:

China, was once a United States ally: • China has been an American ally in the past and the people of China are a great people. • Throughout centuries, the Chinese helped build part of the West as immigrants and they were a key ally during WWII. • Doolittle and his raiders landed in China and were protected after they attacked Tokyo. • The Chinese people are great people caught under a really bad system. Photograph, from the collections of the Naval Historical Center.

“The Chinese people today have been hijacked by a leader who is viciously focused on this existential journey where it is either the Chinese Communist system or it is a Western free-market system. And they cannot be both living in the same place.”–General Steven Kwast page 3 patriotic investing - General kwast 3.100 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 08/13/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 200)

A comparison of the two government systems is clear:

America believes in: China’s CCP Believes in:

1. Free Markets 1. Subjugation of Human Choice

2. Freedom of Choice for Human 2. The CCP party perpetuating its Beings and individual liberty power over human beings

The choice should be clear for all constitutional Americans.

China has a clear plan to accomplish their goal of economic domination and it is working! “This is something that all Americans need to wake up to. And that is when we made the decision to let the Communist China into the World Trade Organization. It was like letting the fox into the hen house and they have taken advantage of that.” –General Steven Kwast

China has a specific plan to take down an adversary and this plan was later published in the book Unrestricted Warfare. • China has entered into our stock markets. • Chinese Unrestricted Warfare states that “entering and subjecting stock markets” is one of their key tactics. • Roger Robinson and others have identified trillions of dollars invested from American investors into Chinese companies, and that’s been weaponized against us.

The Problem – How we got here: • Most Americans trusted their government. • Several decades ago, we were told it’s okay to go to China and build your companies there. • We wanted there to be a synergistic partnership with them and we wanted to evolve with them economically. • We were told that this would be good for both countries and communism would eventually go away. page 4 patriotic investing - General kwast 3.100 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 08/13/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 200)

Instead, China’s Secret Weapon has been used against us! • China used our willingness to help as a weapon against us and now they are victimizing us.

“We must understand the purpose of the Communist Party is to destroy America. And until we understand that fundamental truth, we are in jeopardy.” –General Steven Kwast

2. Surprisingly, despite China’s obvious intent to destroy America, we still see many organizations, Wall Street, politicians, and media compromised and towing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) line literally as China works to take down America.

• Individuals are investing in China funds every day. • CNBC and others continue to encourage investments in China. • Large funds will look the other way as it relates to their ESG standards in regard to China and are willing to pump billions of dollars into an adversary.

Remember ’s comments in May 2020: “China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man. They’re not bad folks. But guess what? They’re not competition for us.” –Joe Biden

In June: “Our workers are literally three times as productive as workers . . . in Asia. So, what are we worried about?” –Joe Biden

It appears China is counting on Joe Biden’s propaganda and they have it!

3. What we can do about it? We need to focus on two things taking action and educating America: A. An educational campaign is critical: Economic War Room is undergoing this right now, and that is helping people understand what’s really going on here. We need more people to see and understand the real threat and what must be done now.

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B. Taking Action – As the Mission statement stated earlier in this brief, we need you to take action to be that patriotic investor.

• America needs people that want a country that is resilient with all of the major elements of our societal functioning. • We need people that will use their money and bring the focus to make sure we are not a victim of China’s theft and unfair trade practices. • We need you to take action and weaponize your money in 3 key ways: your investments, your giving, and your spending.

4. We are in as big of Crisis as WWII and America is in trouble! WARNING- ALERT:

A. America is under major attack and many do not know it.

NSIC is formalizing a new way that investors can participate in saving America and their livelihood. It’s time to be disciplined about the use of your money.

• Invest in the knowledge that could save your life and your country. • It is about how to make your money work for you, while saving our country.

B. America today has a wealth gap that needs to be addressed. New investment opportunities are needed that allow more Americans to participate in private equity and emerging opportunities.

It is time to spread opportunities across all America, not just the Wall Street. To the average investor, the average American, and not just the wealthy elite.

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C. What America’s Investors should be able to do: You as an individual can have the knowledge to be able to invest smartly, not only to make your money work and become prosperous over time, but also to invest in things that give core capability of national security for our country.

D. Time-Starved America: Many Americans today say they do not have time or do not know how to get started.

At the same time, if they realized what is really happening, that we are in a WW III level threat, they may think otherwise.

“We have such leisure and that’s not a bad thing. But our survival is at stake here. In World War II, we refocused everybody in society, whether it was Rosie the Riveter to all the victory gardens. We understood that there was a threat and it was called Hitler and the Axis. And if we didn’t get moving, we were going to be in trouble.”

“The same is true now, but the threat is insidious. We have to wake America up and say, Okay, it’s time to be disciplined about the use of your time. Invest in the knowledge that will save your life.” –General Steven Kwast

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Economic War Room® understands many will say they do not have time to get up to speed on opportunities and read through documents. That is why we are equipping financial advisors with knowledge and circles of influence to make it easier for Americans to act.

5. The National Security Investment Consultant Institute (NSIC) Institute is equipping advisors to leverage new opportunities and help all of America. “We’ve started the NSIC Institute to train financial advisers, accountants, stockbrokers, financial planners, insurance agents, whoever people turn to help them with their money, to educate them a little bit more.” –Kevin Freeman

It is about providing Financial advisors and their clients the opportunity to operationalize investments and understanding of finance. Together, we can be successful at winning the economic war being waged against America.

How it Works: We have made Learning Easier

To do this, The NSIC is launching online and interactive classes with Liberty University. The goal is to use the latest technology to be a smart investor and know how your investments can protect our constitution, our economy, and our values. • Americans need to refocus their lives and their investments because we’re in an existential war. • It is about investing as one of the critical disciplines that we have to have. • At the same time, our research we found people aren’t ready to do that on their own. They want a little bit of handholding and guidance as it relates to what is really going on. page 8 patriotic investing - General kwast 3.100 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 08/13/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 200)

6. General Steven Kwast shares key learnings from the Air Force training background and how to ensure competency and efficiency.

(Note: Overtime, The NSIC will be striving to obtain extreme competency and efficiency in our course design. It was critical we develop online learning for scalability and mobile learning. Also, we are leveraging today’s technology to have real interaction with thought leaders and subject-matter experts helping to lead the charge.)

From General Steven Kwast:

“What I like about what you’re doing at Liberty University and with this curriculum, is that you’re not only teaching the PhD level leadership, but also how to operationalize investment and understanding of finance to be successful at winning this long-term fight.

But we also have the opportunity to chunk this education down or at least make it bite size so that any American, no matter how busy they are, can say, I want to be a smart investor and I want to know how my investment can protect our constitution, our economy and our values.”

• Today you can teach using their devices, using virtual reality, augmented reality, some of the artificial intelligence coaching, and through case studies.

• At the Air Force we focused on new way of learning. It’s all about how aggressively the human brain can learn if you optimize it. Giving control to the student to learn what they need to learn and know what they need to know.

• The need for dedicated learners. One attribute that is most important that we discovered in the military is you need to also incentivize the culture so that the people doing this are aggressive learners. Lazy learners do not do well.

• We need a whole society of ambitious learners understanding that our society is at risk. And if we don’t all pitch in and learn, we’re going to have a price tag that’s too high to pay them.

• You can do a lot online where everybody can learn and then you can find the ones that have the magic sauce, the right stuff that you bring together for the human touch to finish the job. page 9 patriotic investing - General kwast 3.100 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 08/13/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 200)

“It’s amazing how quickly the human brain can learn if it’s mechanized properly.” –General Steve Kwast

(Note from EWR/NSIC team): We expect those with the most passion in our classes will be part of an elite team that helps with strategy and leadership to win this economic war. We also believe this is a new way for financial advisors to grow their business through new client acquisition and customer retention.)

“We’re going to provide a dual track. We’re going to have a track for the investors and then the more sophisticated track for the advisors. We want financial advisors to be there to help the investors. We want to encourage everyone to take the track. Economic War Room does is focused on education, but we want to tie it down for investors and then go beyond that for advisors.” –Kevin Freeman

“As a student of history and a student of conflict and a student of winning and great power competitions, I will tell you we are at more risk right now as a nation than we were in the Civil War as we were tearing each other apart. But this time it’s from other countries trying to steal our economic power. If we don’t wake up and fight, we will lose this republic.” –General Steve Kwast

7. America is quickly headed towards a crossroad - It’s Your Choice, Your Money, Your Time. Insights from General Steven Kwast:

If we as an American society wake up and understand the economic underpinnings of this competition and we weaponize our money, we will be a prosperous, healthy society where free choice (something God gave us as a right) rules and people can pursue happiness in the way they define.

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The alternative is to let history repeat itself with many other civilizations, whether it was the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, the Babylonian Empire. You see that China’s model will be what we will receive because they are the ones competing for power over us.

So, take a look at the Uyghurs. For example, if you do not believe that the Communist Party is the only thing you worship, then you are imprisoned, and you are tortured.

If you are a middle-class person in China and you say something against the Communist Party, your child can no longer to go to the school you want them to go to. You can no longer shop at the good markets and get the good food and you no longer can get credit to buy a house or start a business that as a society we will live in.

Americans breathe freedom like we breathe oxygen. They don’t even realize how precious it is until it’s gone. And then they’ll think about nothing else. We want to solve this problem before Americans start feeling the constriction of oxygen or freedom because it will not be a pretty story.

But the strategy of China is that they take the oxygen out of the air before we even realize it. They are stealing our freedom every day by buying influence on the board of directors of companies, paralyzing decision making, paralyzing our economy. And they’re doing it insidiously.

We hope you join us on the front line to make a difference! (A personal note from General Steven Kwast on why we need you to help save America.)

Everybody in their life, everybody that’s born, they want to be meaningful. They want to belong. They want to be heroes in their own right. Whether you’re a police officer or a firefighter or a soldier, you want to be a hero or a father or mother. That’s the beauty of life.

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Being at the front line of this fight brings me great joy because it means I have a chance to make my life make a difference. And it’s not just somebody that woke up one day and died another. It’s somebody that actually took the risk to do something meaningful with my life, to give to others. This is what God intended on our earth, is that everybody wakes up and says, what can I do for you? Love thy neighbor, like thyself and obey God’s rules. That’s why I’m so motivated, excited and happy to be a part of this front line.

“I’m excited because you’ve shown us how individuals, everyday hard-working moms and dads, friends, relatives, everyday people working, whether they’re working at the post office or whether they’re working at a department store or they’re working manufacturing, they can use their money and make a difference.” –Kevin Freeman

Why should you care?

→ We are looking for aggressive learners and people that want to make a difference to save America. This is urgent! If you do not care after reading this week’s brief, you are probably not the right one for this mission and it could cost us our democracy.

In the Economic War Room®, we encourage Americans to be the “small ships that make the difference.” You cannot solely rely on the government or the president to solve America’s problems. You have to make a difference. It is up to you to help take our country back and create a voice for economic liberty. [The small ships are based on Churchill’s Operation Dynamo that rescued the British Expeditionary Forces in the Miracle of Dunkirk].

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Action Steps: 1. Your Mission: To Take Action Now a. To understand the importance of patriotic investing. Join us on the investor track, as well as ask your financial advisor to participate as an NSIC advisor. b. To weaponize your money to preserve America’s Liberty, Security, and Values (LSV). c. Share this and other battle plans now. Make it your goal to get five others to sign up for the free weekly Economic Battle Plan™. We need a whole society of aggressive learners understanding that our society is at risk.

2. Learn more about how to weaponize your money. Let’s keep America exceptional with our giving, spending, and investing. Nominate your financial advisor for Economic War Room training at 3. Call your financial advisor and make the point that you want them to help you weaponize your money to save America. 4. HELP ALL AMERICANS WAKE UP to the weaponization of money battle and be part of saving America. Send this battle plan to friends and your financial advisor and ask them to sign up for our weekly battle plan updates at www. Be sure to catch the data and footnotes below for more documentation. We want you to have access to key information to make intelligent decisions.

We need more Economic Patriots on the team! Consider what you can do now to help strengthen America or even help someone in need. Keep in touch with your congressional representatives. Choose from the list or set your own goals:

√ Get others to sign up on our website ( and review our free weekly Economic Battle PlansTM. Each of these will address critical solutions to the threats highlighted in this briefing.

√ At our Economic War Room® website, sign up to TheBlaze for our complete weekly shows. Please use our code (ECON) from that link for a discount and FREE trial. √ Follow, like, comment, and share on FB and Twitter. Look for short video segments on FB and make sure those are shared. We recognize these tools may be compromised at times, but if they are not filtered, they are the major platforms available to reach out to the public. [Know that alternatives to the social platforms listed above are under EWR consideration.] page 13 patriotic investing - General kwast 3.100 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 08/13/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 200)

√ Check out XOTV (, a new free speech video platform that Economic War Room is proud to partner with. Access is FREE but consider making a donation to EWR on that website to help with Economic War Room’s research and production costs.

√ You are welcome to share this battle plan and our short video segments with friends on FB or YouTube. We set up the Economic War Room® to be your resource for information, preparation, and mobilization.

√ Do this now! Have a financial action plan based on multiple geopolitical scenarios developed now. Advanced preparation is key. Trying to figure what to do when an economic event happens is usually too late.

√ Talk with your financial advisor as it relates to your savings/investments. Ensure your advisor understand the potential impact economic/geo-political scenarios could have on your portfolio. LOOK FOR ECONOMIC WAR ROOM’S ADVISOR AND INVESTOR ONLINE TRAINING COURSES COMING SOON.

Shareable Quote: We need to unite around the Economic War as Americans the same way we did in WWII “We understood that there was a threat and it was called Hitler and the Axis. And if we didn’t get moving, we were going to be in trouble.” –General Steven Kwast

*DISCLAIMER: The Economic War Room® and its affiliates do not provide investment advice. In cases where guests or others may discuss investment ideas, these should not be viewed or construed as advice. The sole purpose is education and information. And, viewers should realize that in any case past performance is not indicative of future results. Neither Kevin Freeman, his guests or EWR-Media Holdings, LLC suggests, offers, or guarantees any specific outcome or profit. You should be aware of the real risk of loss in following any strategy or investment even if discussed on the show or any show-affiliated materials or websites. This material does not take into account your particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs and is not intended as recommendations appropriate for you. You must make independent decisions regarding information, investments, or strategies mentioned on this website or on the show. Before acting on information on website or on the show, or any related materials, you should consider whether it is suitable for your particular circumstances and strongly consider seeking advice from your own financial or investment advisor.

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The EWR Collection Deck – From Kevin Freeman (List of resources and external links for more information)

Quick Access Links About Lt. General Steven Kwast (USAF ret.) Global Competition with China (Unrestricted Warfare) The Chinese People are Friends of America Chinese Have Entered and Subverted Our Markets Foreign Corruption of our Political Class Solution: Patriotic Investing About the NSIC Institute

[ ] - Must Read/Watch

Where to Access Economic War Room

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Our XOTV Channel

Link to all Battle Plans

About Lt. General Steven Kwast (USAF ret.) [ ]

Kwast salutes AETC team for ‘failing forward’ in learning, innovation learning-innovation/

“I want excellence.” - Lt. General Steven L. Kwast [ ] The Space Show Interviews page 15 patriotic investing - General kwast 3.100 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 08/13/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 200)

The Lever of Culture

Steven Kwast Is the General Trump Has Been Seeking seeking/

[ ] The Hall of Valor

Lt. General Steven L. Kwast, Commander and President, Air University, Maxwell AFB, Alabama

[ ] The Candace Owens Show: General Steve Kwast

‘Killer’ Kwast, a Top Gun pilot and Harvard man, takes the helm as AETC commander

Air Force, Lt Gen Steven Kwast Send Message To Mikey Weinstein weinstein/#more-42320

[ ] Kwast: Innovative Culture

Interview: Air University Commander Lt. Gen. Steven Kwast steven-kwast/

Step up: Don’t be afraid to be a Mitchell, Doolittle, or Arnold mitchell-doolittle-or-arnold/

Economic War Room Battle Plan: EMP – The Ultimate Economic Weapon | Gen. Steven Kwast

Economic War Room Battle Plan: Space Wars | General Steve Kwast

Economic War Room Battle Plan: Solutions to Securing America’s Grid, Infrastructure and Economy | Gen. Steven Kwast

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Global Competition with China (Unrestricted Warfare) [ ] Committee on the Present Danger: China

China Is Waging Economic War on America. The Pandemic Is an Opportunity to Turn the Fight Around. fight-back-51596587400

Our greatest challenge is not Covid-19, but the new Cold War with China

Xi Jinping: The Chinese Hitler leading PRC to disaster

FBI Director Wray says half of bureau’s 5,000 counterintelligence cases are related to China cases-are-related-to-china

[ ] Communist China’s Silent War Against America

[ ] China’s Three Warfares Goes Further Than Anyone Can Imagine imagine/

[ ] The Greatest External Threat is China

[ ] U.S. Dangerously Dependent on China for Our Medicines

[ ] Who Might Be Willing to Cause a Market Crash?

[ ] Why is the Virus Smiling?

[ ] WARNING ORDER: China Prepares for Conflict and Why We Must Do the Same must-do-the-same/

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[ ] Is China at War with the USA?

[ ] This is Unrestricted Warfare Whether We Admit It or Not

[ ] Unrestricted Warfare

[ ] It Is All About The Economy

FBI wishes it had acted quicker as China stole intellectual property intellectual-property-idUSKBN1XT2SJ

Thousands of US-Based Scientists Sell Research to China, Report Says says_3150130.html

[ ] C’mon Man; Why is Biden So Wrong About China?

Chief Trump science adviser moves against foreign threat to research secrets to-research-secrets

Building China’s Comac C919 airplane involved a lot of hacking

Chinese theft of trade secrets on the rise, the US Justice Department warns

Chinese IP Theft up to $600 billion per year

1 in 5 corporations say China has stolen their IP within the last year: CNBC CFO survey

Huawei Sting Offers Rare Glimpse of the U.S. Targeting a Chinese Giant targeting-chinese-giant page 18 patriotic investing - General kwast 3.100 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 08/13/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 200)

‘Forced tech transfer’ has to stop or be regulated, says EU ambassador to China to-china.html

China ‘has taken the gloves off’ in its thefts of U.S. technology secrets

Silicon Valley is awash in Chinese and Saudi cash — and no one is paying attention (except Trump) firrma-geopolitics-venture-capital

[ ] Alibaba Is Investing Huge Sums in an Array of U.S. Tech Companies tech-companies.html

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[ ] Space War Threats From China, Russia Getting New U.S. Assessment new-u-s-assessment

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[ ] China’s Quest to Dominate Space

For China, Space Is About Politics and War

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China Aiming to Establish a Power Station in Space by 2025

China and Russia are militarizing space with ‘energy weapons’ and anti-satellite missiles: Pentagon

The Chinese People are Friends of America [ ] When the US and China Were Allies

The Complicated History of U.S. Relations with China

Forgotten ally? China’s unsung role in World War II

Chinese Immigrants on America’s Western Frontier

[ ] Where East Met (Wild) West

The Incredible True Story Behind “Midway”: An Audacious American WWII Raid and the Price China Paid


Chinese Have Entered and Subverted Our Markets President’s Working Group on Financial Markets Releases Report and Recommendations on Protecting Investors from Significant Risks from Chinese Companies

[ ] Over 125 China-Backed Companies Get Millions in U.S. PPP Loans

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How China’s state-owned enterprises milk listed subsidiaries

For the U.S., the biggest financial threat from China might not be the coronavirus coronavirus

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SEC Freezes Assets of 18 Traders Over Alleged Manipulation assets-of-18-traders-over-alleged-manipulation_3119360.html

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[ ] Remarks by the Vice President at Sichuan University university

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China is using the Washington swamp against us

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Solution: Patriotic Investing [ ] Pentagon ‘Matchmakers’ Aim to Keep US Tech Firms from Taking Chinese Money chinese-money/156944/

Pentagon seeking patriotic investors to fund American small drones

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To counter China, Pentagon wants to create patriotic investors patriotic-investors/

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[ ] The Doolittle Institute: An Air Force Research Laboratory Innovation Institute

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About the NSIC Institute [ ] National Security Investment Consultant Institute

[ ] Financial Enemies Fighting for America’s Economic Collapse

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