Worcestershire. King'8 Norton
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DIRECTORY.] WORCESTERSHIRE. KING'8 NORTON. 1001 factory was built by Messrs. Nettlefold in 1862. This WYTHALL is a chapelry, 3 miles south-east. town received the gTant of a market from James I.; and TANNER'S- GREEN ii a hamlet, 3 miles s9utb-eut, near during the succeeding reign, in the year 1645, Hawkes Wythall. lev House, then belonging to the Middlemores, was burnt REDNAL, now a separateparish for ecclesiasticalpurposes, down by the Royalists; the present houAe is a modern is 5 miles south-west. building standin~ on the ancient &ite, which is -surrounded Parish Clerk, !saac Clulee. by the moat. The market is disused, but a statute fair is held on the first Monday in October. WiIliam F. Taylor, POST & MONEY ORDER&TELEGRA.PH OPPICE, Savings esq., is lord of the manor. The principal landowners- are Bank & Government Annuity & Insurance Office, ViI General Studd, James Baldwin, esq., Joseph Baldwin, esq., lage.-Josiah Hands, sub-postmaster. Letters 8lTive from Mrs. Lane, and Robert Mynors, esq. J.P. The area is Birmin~harn at 8 a.m. & 1.40 p.m.; dispatched at 10.5 12,132 acres. The population in 1861 was 13,634, and in a.m. & ~.20 p.m.; on sunday, dispatched at 1 Jl.m. Tele 1871,21,845. graph messages can he dispatched from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. LIFFORD.-A monastic estnhlislmrent existed here in very week days, & 8 to 10 a.m. sundays early ages, as is shown by an entry of the house in Domes POST OFFICE, StrutJey street.-Henry Wharton, sub-post day Book, though little of the same exists, except a-culvert, master. Letters arrive at 7.30 a.m.; dispatched at 6..50 used for carrying off the water of the river Rea to a lower p.m.; on sunday, dispatched II:t }'35 p.m level of the same: the present house was; erected about the Union Workhouse, at Selly Oak, James Lilley, master reign of James I., and the whole estate, in the reign of Mrs. EIlen LiIley & Mrs. Mary Humphreys, matrons George I1I., was the prOpel"ty of James Hewitt, Viscount BOARD SCHOOL:- Lifford, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, of whom the pres!'nt Henry Holder, master; Mrs. E. Summers, mistress estate of Lifford was purchased by Thomas Dobbs in the B1'anch (mixed), StrutIey, Miss Mary Jane Thompilon, year 1770. Mr. Thomai Dobbs took an early interest in mistress the introduction of canals, and superintended the cutting Railway Junction Station, ICing's Nori01i, Thomas and construction of the Birmingham and Worcester ami Plumb, station master Birmin~ham and Stratford canals. CA.RRIER TO BIRMINGHAM.-WilIiam Hobbis, motlllay., Lijford Railway Station, Edwin Brownett, station master thursday & saturday, returning the same days COMMERCIAL. Hands Josiah, boot & shoe maker PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Anen WiJIiam, farmer, Brandwood end Harris Edward, wheelwright, HOOnal tlfams Arthur, Holly house Ashmore Ann Maria (Mrs.), farmer~ Harris Fredk. shopkeeper, Stirchley Ash Frederick, High house Liudworth bill Haydon Ricbd. Horseshoe, MiIlpool bl Aston Rev.JohuMeredithLawrence,M.A Ashmore John, farmer, Strutley street Hems Richard, tailor Baldwin James, Breedon house Avery Isaac, Three Horseshoes, Strut Hobbis Thomas, butcber Baldwin Joseph B. Broad meadow It'v street Hobbis WiIliam, carrier & beer retailer Barnes Joshua, Bllesmere cottage Balrlwin James & Sons, paper manu Holland Henry, farmer Boyce George, Falcon hill facturers, patentees of square bot H uband George, shopkeeper,Strntleyst Bridges John A. Hawkesley house tomed paper bags, gun wadding for Hunt James, Rose ~ CrOlvn Buckley Henry C. New road all kinds of military & sporting car Jones Aaron, miller, Hurst mill Bullivant George, The Firs tridge~ &c.; warehouse, Sherborne J ones Edward, Breedon Cross inn Capon Edward George, Fair View mill, Morville street Jones George, farmer, Headley heath Cash Frederick, Brookdale Barton Thomas, farmer Jones Thomas, wheelwright Corah WiIliam Betteridge J oseph, farmer, Weather oak Kerby Eusebius, wheelwright, Strutley Crichley Henry, Brandwood end Boswell Thomas farmer, King-swood street Dawson Rev. George, M.A. Rowheath BottL) dia( Mrs.),farmer,Wythall heath Laugher John, farmer, Groveley lane Day Alexander, New road Brown Caroline (Mrs.), laundress, Lilley Stephen, beer retailer, Redoal Deakin Charles W. S. Hill top Strutley street Lucas Georg-e, farmer, Holly moor Dixon William George, Walkflr's lleatb Brown .foseph, haulier Mace John, farmer, Solihull lodge EIIis Alexndr. Adcocke, Wychall house Brown WiIliam, farmer, Walker'sheath Major James, farmer, Headley hooth Enock Arthur, Middleton villas Burgoyne Jabez,cowkeeper, Millpool hI Mason Abishia, shopkeeper, Strut!ey at Evans Abraham Burman Hichard,farmer,Wythall heath Mason Wi1liam~ bricklayer Gem Harvey, Brandwood house Burns Thomas, tailor Meesom James, farmer, Combs Gem Miss, 1 Brandwood end Bushell Johu, farmer, Walker's heath MiIlwll.rd Wm. & Son, gun barrel, sword Georges James Henry, Nine elms Capon Ellward George, india rubber & bayonet manufctrs. Hazelwell mills Gibson Alexander, The Cotteridge IIIan ufacturer Moore Mary (Mrs.), Pack Hor~e, Hadley Thomas, Thtl Dell Cash Joseph&Tbomas,farmers, Red 110 Kingswood Hirons William " Caswell Thomas, farmer, West heath MorrisFrederick,farmer,Heallley he.a.tb Horton Misses Che.;hire Chas. cattle dlr.BreOOon cross Morris Thomas, farmer, West heath Ingram Thomas Wells, Bellevue Cla.,·ton Jas. farmer, Masshouse farm Nettlefolds, manufacturers of patent Jackson Mrs. Glenfield Clulee Benjamin,coal dealer screws, Breedon cross Lane Mrs. Mouudsley hall Clulee Frederick, builder Padmore Thomas, farmer, W~toek Lapworth Rev. Rowlaud [Baptist}, Clulee Isaac, builder& registrar &0 Page John, farmer Wythall heath Clulee J 3111e3 Isaac, grocer Parkes Henry, farmer, Goodrest farm Longmore Mrs Clulee John, beer retailer Petford Charles, farmer, Hcadley heatb Lyndon George Frederick, West IJiIl Cooper Ann (Mrs.), butcher Pope H. & Sons, nurserymen )1artin William, Bournbrook Corbett Sarah (Mrs.), farmer,Hollywd PritchettJohn Suckling, llssistant over- Miller Miller J (ihn, Wharf road Davis Mary (Mrs.), beerretailer seer & rate collector, Eagle cottage Moore Charles W. B Davis William, blaeksmith Reachill Joseph, coal uealer Mynors 1\Irs. Weather oak Dedicoat Richd. farmer, Heiter's heath Rogers Mary (Mrs.), Naf:Jigntion ima Mynors Robert, J.P. Weather oak Dedicoat Thomas, farmer, l\lillpool hill Rudge Thomas, Sararwn's H-ead Orford Mrs. Lifford llOuse Dickson Thomas Atkinson, coal. mer. SargantIsaacHenry,Hazelwell tavern~ Parkes Samuel Hickling chant, M illpool hill Strutley st.reet Porter Benjamin, Oak villa Edkios Gt'orge. farmer, LilIy croft Saxelby J.ohn, farmer Pritchett Edmund, Suckling EIJis &. Sons,metal rollers,WychaIJ mills Shaw James, farmer, Grange farm Rignell Wm. Robert, Strotley street EV81lS John, beer retailer Smith J oseph, shopkeeper Ryder Charles E. Southfield Field Susannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper Smith Thomas, farmer Sargent Ebenezer, E8~le hOlJse Foster Richard, beer retailer Smith Zephinea!'J, beerTetaiJer Scurton Arthur, The Uplands Foster- Rogf'r, shopkef'Jler Smout John, farmer, Wychall farm Sherwood John, Montfield FoxaIJ ElizaLouisa (Mrs.), shopkeeper, StandJey J obn, shopkeeper, Strutley Tapley Rev. James [Unitarian],King's Strutlev street street wood Gibson A·lexander, fa:rmer &c StTeet John, shopkeeper, Strntleyl§treet' Tucker James, Middlett>n villa Gidings Henry, farmer, Rednnl Thompson J08eph, plumber & glazier WaIters Ebenezer Grosvenor, Walkers Goodwill Elizabeth(M1'8.), linendraper, Tomkins William, shopkeeper heath Strutley street Tongue Ann (Mrs.), Bull's Head Wilkinson EdwiuA. J. TheLaurels Grainger George, farmer, Dad'ltlane Vale Edward, farmer, Breedon cross Wilson George ROiWe, Liffurd GreQves AI.red, farmer, Bell's farm Wakeman Williarn, farmer Wolseley Rob!'rt, Fairfield Gri~ Samuel, fmmer, Rowhelrth Walton J olm~ farmer, For,1 house Yarranton R~. Thomas- c: M.A. Gurney John, coal dealer, Breedon cross W hitetJouse J aIIJe!l,fanner,Grange farm Wytball Hall John, blacksmith, Strutley street Wilkinson Edwin A. J. su~on Young Hugh, Walker'& befttb Hall Thollll1S, fanner~ West heath Yerriil Henry, farme!', Inkford.