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10-22-1986 Spectator 1986-10-22 Editors of The pS ectator

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Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1986-10-22" (1986). The Spectator. 1766.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. Seattle University the LVI,No.55 (478-800) Spectator Vol. College students and alcohol Wednesday,October 22,L986 SUtask force works to inform campus By Carrie Hunkapiller "SU is only part of a nationwide obtained andapprovedbeforepurchasing "Last year, JeremyStringer, director SpectatorReporter effort toeducate students," Thon said. alcohol for an event and more ofStudentLifelooked at the proposalon TheSeattleUniversity Alcohol Task He said that SU would be non-alcoholic social events will be alcohol andother drugrelatedproblems," Force is sponsoring "Alcohol Education participating in the National Collegiate planned. Thon said and the task force was set up. Week" from Oct. 20 till Oct. 26 to Alcohol Awareness Week by sponsoring "Anexample of this (non-alcoholic The task force was set up in inform students about the issues and educational programs. events) is during orientation week SU November 1985 to change the alcohol problems concerning alcohol and drug The program's topics vary from had a non-alcoholic Finally Friday, policy set in1982. abuse. The task force also met and alcohol and the law, warning signs of wherenachos,andsoda was served. This The committee then met 12 times suggested changes in SU's alcohol alcohol and drug addiction, and the wentover very well,"Thon said. during the '85-'B6 school year toclarify policy. family ofalcoholics. Thereason the task force came about policy and procedure to protect SU at "The task force was setup to helpthe Some changes in thealcohol policy was "We haven't done much as far as schoolactivities and events,said Thon. resident students and have more made by the committc are to have alcoholrelatedproblems," hesaid. "Thereare threemajor goals of the SU educational programs," said AndyThon-^l&security guards check I.D.s at events "Our purpose isn't to have 'dry' alcohol task force," Thon said. "The S.J.,assistant vice presidentfor studerA iwith alcohol instead of over 21 year old campusonly a more knowledgeableand first is to revise the alcohol policy, life,and task force chairman. wV jtidents, alcohol permits must be j^refulone," Thonsaid. which pertains to SU events. The second is to educate students with possible alcohol and drug-related problems. The last is a recommended way todeal withalcohol anddrug-related problems." saidThon. Members of the task force are Cherry Bird, resident director of Auxiliary Services; Curt DeVere, director of the International Student Center; Anna Dillon, director of personnel; Kathy Grisham, assistant nursing professor; Laura Huber, ASSU activities board; TimLeary,associate director of Student Leadership; Anne Marie Schmidt, residence hall council;Brion Schuman, crime prevention officer, safety and security; Kate Stewart, sports medicine specialist, university sports; and Andy Thon. Accident calls attention to crosswalks

By Tim Huber given to peopleas thecross the street in touched several times by cars," added Another potentialtraffic problemat Su SpectatorReporter acrosswalk. Simmons. is fortunately only temporary. With the Even the presence of a marked Curt DeVere, director of the current construction projects in full crosswalk "still doesn't guaranteethey'll Internation Student Center (ISC),also swingthere area large number of RecentlyMaryCobelens, librarian trucks a at stop," saidSchuman. feels crossing James can be dangerous. enteringthecentralareas ofcampus. Lemieux library, was by struck a car Two majorareas ofcrosswalkconcern To get to the ISC a pedestrian must "We do havean entranceand exit while crossing in a crosswalk in the " .set in the SU area are the Campion tower cross two crosswalks. Crosswalks do up, said Schuman. Of security's efforts Seattle University area. Cobelens andInternational Student Center crossing not,according toDeVere,presentspecial to control on campus traffic problems, suffered several injuries,but after surgery areas, both of which are located on problems to the International students. "We have been in contact," said she was reported to be in stable James Street. "They'reused tostreets," said DeVere,as Schuman, "with the construction condition. well as the danger of crossing city company about on camus safety and Taking Simmons, resident, into account SU's urban Sandee acampion streets. there havebeen noproblems yet." location and Cobelens injury while said crossing James can be "very" crossing an area street brings up the dangerous. "Thecars do notstop," added question ofcrosswalk safety. Simmons, "some cars speed up and Brion Schuman of SU Security said barelymiss you,and youcan feel the car part of the problem is the "false security" whipping past." "My coat has been Trustees approve bookstorerenovation By Allison Westfall said. The university intentionally set a- Spectator NewsEditor side money in reserve to cover such problems, Sullivan said. The Boardof Trustees met last week The original budget was $1.3 set at and approved a million budget for $15,750,000 and is now set at bookstore renovation. The board also 516,400,000 after theboard approved the approvedthe release of reserved money releaseof thereserve fund. for construction currently on campus, Sullivan said the meeting consisted Sullivan, S.J., said William J. univer- primarily of reports from the vice pre- sity president. sidents andhimself. The bookstore renovation project is Sullivan said the budget setlast year (o on set begin in January and the trustees would go into effect without any The crosswalk Madison located near the International one approved theproject, Sullivan said. "significant" changesbecause enrollment Student Center is only of several area crosswalks which can plans by give "false sense to pedestrians. Chances in the construction figures met the university's goals. a ofsecurity" thecity iJKicuscdiheproject's budget,he New soccer Mail order MBA student Non-Profit Org. U.S.POSTAGE coaches: brides: speaks out: PAID Seattle,WA See pgs. 11 & 12 See pgs. 6 & 7 See pg. 4 PermitNo.2783 News Page two/October 22,1986/TheSpectator India scholarships may lose funding By Deanna Merry Elston. The scholarshipwill pay for Spectatorreporter about halfof theairline ticket. Young will appeal to the ASSU MotherTheresa'scharities inCalcutta senate for funds for next year's trip. may be seeing the last of SU's Funding this year was possible byan missionaries. Funding for the ASSUbudgetsurplus. scholarship thathashelpedfinance three Should students wish to work as out. studentshasrun missionaries next year, Youngand his provided Skandinavian Airlines Todd committee will still accept Waller with theexperiencein1985. applications. However, interested psychology professor SU Dr.Neil students must be prepared to pay their Young secured free airfare from the full expenses, should funding not be to Bangkok. paid airline Waller his providedfornextyear. own travel expenses to Calcutta from Young feels that applicants will still Bangkok. need tobe screenedregardless of the fact This year, the ASSU and Young that no potential funds have been $1200, provided approximately which provided. There asre many issues Rakesh M. Lakdawala and Nimisih Shah, members of SU's was divided amoung two scholarship inthe Indianstick dance, prospective missionaries must gave to Indian studentsassociations, participate rcccipicnts, Matt Hendricks and Clare insure they can cope with the a consists of dandia— rass during dance last weekend. The club - experience. Indians from SU, UW and the Seattle community. Briefs For further information contactCam- Himalayan slide noseparate charge withoutregard torace, MBA pus Ministry at 626-5900. color, handicap, age, sex or national show today origin. lunchplanned Crime A slide presentation, "Himalayan Parents' income determines the "Banking in the '80s: Issues and prevention reimburse Opportunities" is the topic for the Trekking" will be held today in Barman amountof money USDA will With school in session and the children. University MBA association's auditorium atnoon. SU toprovidemeals toenrolled Seattle weather still fairly comfortable, people eligibility guidelines annual fall luncheon set for Nov. 5 at The presentationis sponsored by the The income will be riding their bicycles. The crime 1p.m. SeattleUniversity schoolof education. listed below are used to determine our 11:30 a.m. to of theft is usuallyoneof opportunity,so from the USDA. Chil- Richard M.Rosenberg,president and reimbursement it is logical that inorder to reduce theft, monthly operating of Seattle-First dren from households whose chief officer must reduce opportunity. The Salvadorians to Sea-First Corporation students income is at or below these levels are NationalBank and following are some suggestions for speak Oct. 30 eligible to be counted for free or will be thespeaker. bicycle theft preventionandsafety. discussing the trends in Two University of ElSalvador pro- reduced-pricemealreimbursement He will be ♥Bicyclesshouldbeparkedinprovided deregulatedenvironment fessors will speak on "The Situation at bankingin the bicycleracks. Family the response of the University of El Salvador and its Reduced of the 1980s and "Use a goodquality lock such as one size Era. in effort to remain Relationship with the governmentof El traditional banks an of the U-shaped styles (such as competitive. Salvador" atafreepubliclecture Oct.30. 1 $581 $827 Kryptonite or Citadel) or an alloy cost of the luncheon and re- The lecture will be in Barman 2 $785 $1117 The hardened 3/8 inch chain along with a servationscanbemadebycontacting the Auditorium from noon to 1p.m. 3 $988 $1406 good quality lock which has at least a MBA Association at Albers School of Hector Canjura Linares, a math- 4 $1192 $1696 3/8 inch alloy hardened shank. The Business. ematicsprofessor,and Jose Luis Galvez 5 $1396 $1986 bookstore has the Kryptonite lock on Hernandez,a sociology and philosophy 6 $1599 $2276 sale for apricejustabove cost. professor, are lecturing throughout the 7 $1803 $2566 'Women in "Always lock your bike even ifit is United States as part of the second 8 $2007 $2856 1 set only going to be unattended for a few annual University Tour for Peace. For each the Church minutes. The University of El Salvador, the additional ♥Engraveyourbike (Operation1.D.) only public university in the country, family for Oct. 28 and registerit with Safety and Security member $290 hasbeen inconflict with the government att $204 "Women in theChurch" seminar will Services. Contact security for of the country. be held Oct. 28 at 7 p.m. in the library information. There is no charge for information, SU For more contact the believes that auditorium. theseservices. Any person who he or Panelists are Sister Kathryn Dyck- psychologydepartment at626-6378. shehasbeen discriminated againstinany ♥Whileon campus, where possible, man, SNJM, director of resources for USDA-related activity should write ride yourbike inthe streetrather than on spiritualleadership,ErinSwezey,Seattle heavypedestrian Coalition to meet immediately to the Secretary of Agri- thesidewalk. Ifthereis University campus minister, Sister traffic please walk yourbike. The Coalition for Concern culture,Washington, D.C., 20250. Human Chauncey Boyle, chairperson, arch- These tipsareprovidedasaservice to will be meeting to Meals will be provided at the SU today discuss the diocesan sisters' council, Alice Mit- the campus community. For speechesgivenby Nicaraguan Child DevelopmentCenter. educators chell-Hurley,archdiocesan women'scom- information on other services available scheduled today. mission teacher,Bellarmine Preparatory call Safety and Security Services at The meeting is scheduled for 3:15 HighSchool and LisaUrsino-Nance,SU 626-5356 or theCrime Prevention Unit p.m. to 5 Room 210 in the Stu- Flushots campus minister. at 626-5932. dentUnion Building. Flu shots are now available to the Seattle University community at the USDA approved Student HealthCenterinBellarmine107. The shots will be administered by a lunches available nurse at thehealth centerbetween 9 a.m. $3.50. Last week, Seattle University an- to4 p.m. and will cost Sponsoredby:Amnesty InternationalandCoalition forHuman Concern. nounced its sponsorship of the USDA For more information about flu Child Care Food Program. Meals will shots,call the StudentHealth Center at SolidarityNight for the bemade available toenrolledchildren at 636-6393. DemocraticRights ofIranian People. -Concert by the world famous Progressive Kurdish singerShivan. -Dr. Ahmad KarimiHakak, professorof Persian Language and literature of University of Washington and respectedmember of the Writers Associationof Irxnß in exile(artistinIslamic Republicof Iran). -Father David Leigh,professor of Seattle University and memberof Amnesty International (repressionin Iran)andother cultural program. ' We allconcerned andinterested individuals tocome to an eveningin J L l invite Wiry- "1 i\VtVJj 41, IJ Solidarity forthe Democratic RightsofIranian PeopleandtastethePersian Culture. DaterSaturdav. Oct.25, 1986 I Time:7:30 p.m. B Place:Seattle UniversityLibrary Auditorium. Tickets:$6 for generalpublic and$4 for student/faculty. Nevus Page 22, Spectator three/October 1986/The Alcohol awareness hour sponsored By Carrie Hunkapiller Hour at Seattle University sponsors the late singer Bing Crosby, to relate "dry"but not really sober. Crosby will SpectatorReporter speakers such as George Gallup, of their storiesconcerningdrugand alcohol explain the difference a12-step program The Alcohol and Drug Awareness Gallup polls and Gary Crosby, son of abuse. made for him,and his meaning of true The awareness hour was started nine sobriety. years agoby GeorgeFiddleston,aSeattle The reason the program lu.s Abrahamson speaks on businessman, and other volunteers who well-known people as speakers,Royce wanted to increase general public said, is that "the bignames attract the awareness of SU's alcohol studies generalpublic and media coverage." SDL,receives heckles program, according to James E.Royce, "It (theprogram) attracts over 10,000 Party people people are Niland Revolutionary Communist S.J. and one-third of the By Marty time." Spectatorreporter delivered a rebuttal,in which he refuted "The program helps alcoholics and there for the first several of the general's points, and thepotential alcoholic,"he said. Theprogram is held atSUinstead of Last Friday, Lt. Gen. James A. that assurance that George Gallup, Jr., president of the UW or other Seattle-area schools is Abrahamson, director for the defense charged Abrahamson's space based weapons systems Gallup Poll,is the co-author with Art because SU has an exceptional alcohol department's,strategic defenseinitiative U.S. strictly defensive was "a big Linklettcr of the book, "My Kid on studiesprogram,Roycesaid. organization, spoke to an audience of would be lie." Drugs?" He will speak at SU in "SUis the leading, oldest, alcohol about 1,600 at the University of Theheckler continueddescribing the December. studies program which is very extensive Washington. weaponsmore as "adefense against the Gallup has a long-time interest in the and wayaheadof the UW," Roycesaid. He spoke about the department's problems of alcohol and other drugs There are seven speakers scheduled for continuing raggedretaliation ofanalready decimated researchand developmentof among youth. the Saturday morning meetings.which President Reagan's strategic defense Soviet Union." Abrahamson denied several times Crosby will speak inJanuary and tell are held monthly from 10:15 a.m. to initiative (SDI) plans also known as to an offensive ofhis years as anangryperson who was 12:30 Pigott Auditorium. "StarWars." that SDI would lead calling on offensive strategy Outside the speaking hall, various weapon, Alcoholand DrugAwareness Saturdays10:15 a.m. a space based laser, "a stupid groups opposed to SDI research, that used Hour to12:30 a.m. military strategy." Abrahamson did including "No Business as Usual" and author of "HostageintheHome"is a acknowledge that he had been issued a November 22,1986 "Student Physicians Against Star Wars," Topic: "Parents:How Talk your specialist on the families ofaddicted directiveby Reagan,"to seeif to to protested the speech with a rally and President Child" persons, the topicofher regular feature we can use (SDI research findings) for passedoutliterature. RobertaMeyer,the author "Family Forum"inAlcoholism & other purposes." Speaker: Abrahamson's speech wasinterrupted of "TheParent Connection:How to Addiction magazine. In response to a question regarding several times by hecklers and some Communicate with Your Childabout March21,1987 the effects of releasing plutonium and people were removed from the ballroom AlcoholandOtherDrugs" anda Topic: "A Fiery Crash~ Alcohol explodingnuclear devicesinorbitaround fordisorderly conduct specialist dealing adolescents, Caused" earth, Abrahamson admitted that in with a his speech, the generaldiscussed the Speaker:Mike Buckingham, the In may come down to earth member of the boardofdirectors of the the history of the United States - some radiation WashingtonStatePatrolman who was that," the effects of that radiation NationalCouncilonAlcoholism. U.S.S.R.armsraceand useda videotape but nearly burned todeathas the victim ofa the effects of an all out nuclear 13,1986 presentation to illustrate the twonations' versus December drunk driver,"tellsit likeitis" about strike, offers no comparison." The Topic: "KidsandDrugs: theNational current nuclear capabilities, strategies, alcoholand the highway. general dismissed the possibility of Scene" mechanisms and technologiesrequiredfor danger involving thereleaseof radiation Speaker:George Gallup,Jr., April18,1987 aspacebased missile defense system. outerspace by saying, "There is President of the GallupPoll and Topic: "30 AAsinRussia- Was Abrahamson charged the U.S.S.R. into AA alreadyradiation inouterspace." co-founder of theGallupOrganizations Accepted?" forcing with theacceleration of the arms final question directed at Inc.,isco-author withArtLinklettcr of Speaker:Two members ofAlcohoJics race,claiming thatsince thelate 60s, the The Abrahamson,was askedbya memberof "MyKidof Drugs?" Anonymous share theirexperienceas U.S.hasactually reduceditspreparedness Washington Statelegislature,asking January 17, 1987 part ofagroupof30 who wentto for nuclear,war while the Soviets have the whatkindof assurances the general could Topic: "19 YearsDry,7 YearsSober" RussiainSpring1986andmet some increased theirs. give that SDIwould yield thelast major Speaker:Gary Crosby,ihe son of surprisingreactions. He also defended Reagan's recent defensive system, and that development BingCrosby,explainsthe difference decision not to agree to limitations on of anti-SDI weapons would not only between beinganangry "dry"person and May16,1987 testingand deploymentofSDIduringhis increase thearmsrace. ahappy sober member ofa12 step Topic: "Drugson the American recent meeting with Soviet leader The generalreplied, "Sir,Ican give recoveryprogram. CollegeCampus: Mikhail Gorbachev. He described younone. There is no such thing as a Speaker:Rick Weber executive Reagan'sdecision, collapse, February28,1987 "notasa but will finally guarantee directorof the Washington State Council begining." By making this weapon which Topic:"Co-Alcoholism: theFamily" as a the last we'll ever have to on Alcoholism,has workedclosely with decision,Abrahamson said, "SDIwill,in peace and be Speaker: StephanieAbbott,the The final solution to all collegeand universitygroupson fact,makeour worldasaferplace." invest in. ... presidentof theNationalFoundation for are human solutions not preventionprograms. Following Abrahamson's speech, these problems Alcoholism andCommunications and at weapons solutions. The problem, is the start of a question and answer we get to the point thathuman session, a representative of the how dow solutions arepossible." SfILE-SfILE JIL ALPHA SIGMA NU RECORDE wMw National Jesuit Honor Society ' p^ 1 flnnouncement Hftcj-J- ■ ■ ■-«-;

nil Seattle University juniors or seniors with a 3.5 GPR, ot LJF> TT3 E& SLOO above, are encouraged to apply for membership in Rlpha Sigma Nu, the national honor society of Jesuit Colleges & Tap Artists! M^jor Labels1 Universities. Rpplicants must have at least 30 credits left before graduation and must have completed at least 45 credits at SU Students who feel that they have made a Starts Thur-s. Out S3 significant contribution in the area of service, though they have not achieved the desired GPR, are also JB^^'tv't'J-^ Unin^ r-* s:i-t>v encouraged to apply. For applications please write: Book Bt^or-e Rlpha Sigma Nu £26-5925 Seattle University Seattle, UJa., 98122 fi FtILL service book store and more. Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Or drop into H-T, 8:45-7:B0- W-Th, 8:45-5:38 the Rlpha Sigma Nu office #208 Upper Chieftain between II a.m. and 1 p.m. Monday thru Thursday. (Deadline for F, 8:45-5:00; B, 11:00-3:06 applications is Nov. 10, 1986)." Soapbox forum

Page four/October 22,1986/The Spectator Jay was able to bringenoughpeople into the meeting on short notice to vote MBA on havingelections untilNovember. At Imagery ofBooze this meeting committees were setup to Why is itthatcollegelife andalcohol seemtogo hand in review thenewsletter prior topublication Students handor rather handand mouth? and to set up guidelines for use of the computer ostensibly The mostconvenientexcuse wouldseemtobe that studentsneed toletoff that had been purchased for production of the silenced steam. Steam from thedaily grind of classes,testsandhomework that brews andferments instudentsuntilitis finally "Miller time" orasit is more newsletter. Iam conviced that the vicepresident Tom Dukart commonly known,Friday night proposed these committees to stand in But wheredidstudents get thisuniquecork popperof stressreliever? MBA Student a ofpublication of the Therearecountlessexplanations.Peer pressure,new foundfreedomand the way newsletter. being independencefromparents,loneliness; thelistgoes on. But why dieresponse He wanted vindication for not Itstarted as a simple,goodidea. The declaredpresident by his gangof four at ofstudents towardalcohol--or for thatmatterdrugs? Whathappenedtojust MBA program has an attitude problem. thesummer meeting. dancing, justlistening tomusicor just talkingtofriends? , We both saw it. The students and the for guidelines Why?It's animage.It'scool,hip,rad, in,or whatever wordit is thatis We accepted the need professorshavereachedanimpasse. the of the computer but didnot supposed toepitomizecollegeand highschoolstudents'behavior. But, on use The students are achievers stretching understand why this vice president saw unfortunately,drinkinganddoing drugsdoesn't goinor outof stylelikeslang. their resources of mental endurance and at These vices stick aroundbecause weasa societylike think of students as fit tokeepit hishome where wecould financial well-being the limit. The to to carefree,happygolucky,people whoaresomehow immune fromresponsibility not use it. professors must present theirmaterial to andworry. The image tomanypeople ofcollegeisonebigparty. Theidea ofareview committee made roomsreplete with thefazed,glazedand of president, the What's worseis that thisimageisneatlyandhumorouslyprojected us. up the MBAA MBA etched bya dayof dressing at programdirector, faculty dazed looks Stopand try to think ofamovieabout college orhighschoolstudents that and a member upfor dressings very censorship to down. doesn't portray eitherof the followinginapositiveor manner: drunk seemed close to us The impasse is inevitable — if you humorous fraternity students, students "chugging"beer,or studentsin abareither legally however. don'trattlemy cageIwon'trattle yours. Jay wrote aneditorial that would test or illegally. Even thegood movieshave theseelements. Classesareexhibitsoflethargy. this theory and the results were sur- Itseemseasy torefute movieimage bysayingstudentsandothers realize So what do we do as individual this prising. The review committee never what'son thescreen isfiction or exaggeration. Maybe,that's thecase,but students to address this condition? I more met. The MBAA president called Jay often than not, movies tends to sentideals orfabricate desires. Movies answer thought we had an excellent solution. and told him that he and the vice thosequestionsbroughtonbypeerpressure, new found and Jay Kaiser asked me to work with him freedom president had decided he was not to be independence,lonelinessandallthose otherproblems. Thecinemas answeris on the MBA Association Newsletter. editor anymore. alcoholanddrugs. This newsletter would be the perfect They had appointed a new editor who Somehow in mixed upsociety ours, images expectations, masses, this of withits and well vehicle to arouse the to provide have additional he had never met but was we addedan stressoncollegestudents. The stress of trying to the vicepresident. The some cohesiveness for the students and keepup withan impossible, morally destructiveideal. recommendedby to ask questions that are unique to the director of the MBA program then told MBA faction oncampus. us that the dean said there wouldbe no And so wemade apresentation to the coupleof weeksof bureaucratic hassles some getting used to but Iwas able to editorial! Istill don't know if he MBA Association last spring and told we were reluctantly received in the get the layoutunderway. indicated whether this included hisown them our ideas. We werereceived witha ComputerResource Center and allowed The the MBA Association decided to article. good deal of enthusiasm. The board access to thefacultyequipment haveelections. TheMBA Associationis So that is why I'm using this forum. acceptedJay's proposal to become editor Iinterviewed David Carrithers and supposedly representative of the MBA Ibelieve there are issues of interest that of the newsletter and much to our Jay solicited editorials from Dean students. Elections were to be held in need tobe presentedand that once they ' surprise,indicated they wereconsidering Eshelman and George Reynolds (an midsummer without any attempt to are presented will begin to stir the thepurchaseof aMacintosh to useinits MBA alumnus). He also talked bringinnew candidates. students. That's the wayIseeit. production. Professor Tinius into reporting on the Weweregoing tosee the samepeople If youhave an issue youbelieve the We took our commission seriously MBAA luncheon presentation of Kent running the MBAA who have been MBA students should think about, senda anddecided that the mostefficient way to Johnson. totally ineffective getting student letter to the Spectator in care of Tom produce theNewsletter wouldbe to use Thenewsletter was beginningto take participation in thepast This wouldnot Dukart. equipmentavailable on campus. After a shape. Pagemaker and the Mac take do. Land of the not- so-free and periodically brave

America, the land of the free and the the yearshave only givenrise to more had to be allowed to enroll in highly ofour minds andremoved.We must face home of thebrave. intense feelings concerning our fellow acclaimed medical and law schools, the facts. We must remember that America,thebeautiful. human beings. Racism still exists in mainly because of economic reasons without color our world would be not America, the land of sexism and ourplaces of business, in our schools concerning the school, not the women. black and white but a hazy gray. We racism. and in our homes. Daily, millions of Not until recently have women and must see throughour sexist attitudesand Soundshocking? Itshould. The truth competent minorities are being turned minorities been able to challenge some start teaching our children that whether always shocks those who believe away from jobs that theycould preform of the economic, social and political black, white male or female we are all otherwise. And thatmaybe the problem just as well or better than white barriers that they have been faced with. humans...we are "ONE." But in our with sexism and racism in America Americans. Our "WASP" school But challenges sometimes bringconflict struggle tobecome "one," we must also today! So many people think that these systems have been set up in order that And in challenging these stereotyped remember that weareall individuals. two problems have slowly been taken competent white Anglo-Saxon kids can views ofsociety, views that are notonly We must find harmony.We must find care of and are now lost somewhere in achieve their potential. But minorities wrongbut also immoral, we must not a way to live togetherand be happy. We neverneverland. are "bussed" into bad parts of town for make themistakeof conflict. must avoid conflict. Conflicts against But,notso. schooling,programsare cut that support BeatriceBruteau writes: bigotry have onlyprovenimpotent. Racism and sexism are at an all-time minorities and their families and "When those who feel themselves Because fighting against sexism and high in America. Why? Because today opportunities arenowhere to be found.In oppressed by social patterns begin to racism in America is going to get us we no longer post signs or warnings the homes of Americachildren are taught resist, they frequently attempt merely to nowhere. But working together to inside restaurants, above drinking prejudices that effect social attitudes in move from one end of the axis to the remove the signs of racism and sexism fountains,or on the sides of buildings, thefuture. other.Those whoaredominated wish for in our minds willhave apositive impact we now post prejudice signs in our Sexism is another problem that is themselves to become dominant. It's onour societyand the World ingeneral. minds. Americans wholived through the slowly being brought to the surface in important to recognizesuch amovement So while thousands of people mount harsh times of the sixties and early America. It too exists in our places of constitutes only a rebellion, not a silent vigils outside the South African seventies are witness to the upheavels business,our schools and inour homes. revolution.Itdoes not herald anew age. Embassyprotesting whathasbeencalled that come when racism is allowed to Millions of women, with highly A significant future will not be born the mostprejudice regimein the history flourish. Riots, arrests and social havic competant skills are turned away from until theorientation ofthe axisitselfhas of man, takea momentand think about filled the TV screensnightly.Headlines jobs because of the harsh sexism that been shifted." the problems in and around "YOUR" on majornewspapersscreamed for anend stillexistsin the workplace. Womenare So to say thatAmerica has cleaned the America. The America thatisknown for to thesocial unrest. finding themselves literally "fighting" carpet of prejudice would be utterly bravery,freedom and honestynotsexism And what was done to curb the menfor therights theyhavebeen denied. wrong. Andto say that sexism is anold andracism.?' frustration? Until recently highly-regarded schools outdated concept is merely ignorance. You may want to mount silent vigils Notmuch. around the country looked upon women Our signs of prejudice and sexism that outsideof the White House. Unfortunately, the years have not asincompetent andfoundproblems with we think are no longer in existence on healed any of the problems that existed letting them enroll. But fortunatley thesides of buildings or above drinking LANCE R. TORMEY concerningracism andsexism.Inasense enrollment workedagainstitself. Women fountains mustbe brought to thesurface Letters to the Editor Page five/October22,1986/TheSpectator Pacifism their students'questionsand fears. giveeveryhomeless person ahome, every article Iwould agree that in the faceof the hungry person a meal, every penniless summit,ourchildren needabalanced diet person money? Yeah, wellneither can I. Spectator had misconceptions events, No one Iknow can take onFirst Avenue of world rather than a "mass of Editor, John Brennan Teehan; contemporary fictitious slop." Iwould single-handedly. To the Editor: News/Managing Editor, Allison justargue thatmuch of the "slop"comes If you want to be at peace with In addition to some misleading Westfall; Features Editor, Lance R. from national yoursclf(selfish or no), do what you can information in his article on "Paci- our leaders" exploitationof Tormey; Arts & Entertainment our fears. where you can and when you have ficism," Terry Roberts makes a number Editor,Lisa Banks; Sports Editor, resources. Forget this "We can't" oferroneous assumptions. Angie Babcock; Photo/Graphics Gary Chamberlain business. If you're waiting around for the First,he seems to equatepacificism Editor, Shelly Griffin; Opinion TheologyDcpt. rest of the left-wingers joinyou on a withpassivity anddefeat;pacificism thus to Editor, David Eliinger; Copy '* First Avenue mission,you've got long becomes adirty word. a Editors, Jennifer Vance, Ann Marie To the Editor: wait. You want something done, do it What he fails to show is that paci- Smith; Business Manager, Peter While the Soapbox Forum is an yourself. If youhave spare change,share ficism embraces a wide variety of ap- appropriate place for a wide range of Lam; Sales Manager, Thertsak Sac it. Have food? Share it. Words of Tang; proaches to life and the world,ranging opinions on a variety of topics, itought Darkroom Manager, Boone a withdrawal from the larger encouragement? Share them. Don'thave Sureepisarn; Adviser, Gary Atkins; so- not to publish unfounded "factual" anything? ciety, like the Amish peoples, the Say "I'm sorry." Show Moderator,Andy Thon,SJ. to claims. sympathy, ifnothing ■fromsuccessful strategies of Martin Luther else. Irefer to Terry Roberts' claim that Never say "wecan't." Say "I will." King,Jr., Gandhi in ousting the British children's worriesaboutnuclear war "are The Soapbox Forumpagesfeaturestaff from India,or the Danes inresisting the part courses, editorials and guest commentaries from for the most the result of MJ Bunger Nazis. books, or films thrust on pupils by — its readers. All unsigned editorials Pacificism is in fact an alternative public school personnel who use their [Ed.note:Nocomment. D.E.] express the opinion of the Spectator defense strategy which refuses to label authority toimpose theirpoliticalagenda editorial board;its members beingJohn anyone an "enemy" and thus to feel jus- on minor children intheclassroom." To the Editor: Teehan, Allison Westfall, Lance R. tified inusing violence against them. Public schools adopt curriculum I would like to thank Lauri Tormey, and David Eliinger. Signed Asexpressedin Jcsus's statement to materials after a careful review by a Wallerstedt for her fine article on the editorials and commentaries are the "turn the other cheek," pacificism dis- committee made up of teachers and MarksmanshipClub. responsibility of theauthor and may not . arms "theenemy" presicelyby refusing parentsfroma widerange ofeducational Unfortunately, the article included express Spectator opinion. Opinions V tocooperateinthehatredand violenceof andpoliticalperspectives. anerror. Theauthor opensherarticleby expressed on these pages are not enemy." Screening criteria include racial, stating that "three days out of each necessarily thoseof SeattleUniversityor riPacifism works at transformation of cultural, or sexual bias; failure to re- quarter atSeattleUniversity are its student body. the other rather then elimination. As present all sides of an issue adequately; shooting ranges." In fact, the AllLetters to the Editor mustbe 250 Gene Sharp has shown in his research and presentation of theory of opinion as Marksmanship Club goes shooting words or less, typed, double-spaced, and writings, a national strategy for ifit were factual. much more often than this,a total ofIS signed and mailed or delivered to the non-violent resistence could wellform a Any educator whoattemped toavoid times this school year. Those dates are: Spectator by 12 p.m. Thursday. All nations defense system withlessloss of this screening and selection process Oct. 23, Nov.6,Nov. 20, Dec. 4, Jan. letters mustinclude aphonenumber and 8, 22, life in any real armed situation and wouldbesubject todismissal. Jan. Feb. 5, Feb. 19, March 5, address. Letters will published on a certainly billions less in money IfRoberts had namedspecific "public April 2,April 16,May 7 and May21. space availablebasisand may be edited squanderedon weapons. schoolpersonnel," theclaim could be a Iinvite anyone interested in the asneeded. The second assumption Mr.Roberts matter for litigation. As it stands, it is Marksmanship Club to show up on a Postmaster: Send address changes makes is thatchildren have noawareness merelyirresponsible. shooting day in front of Xavier Hall at to theSeattle University Spectator, 12th nuclear world in which they live. 2:15 p.m. or call me at783-9535. Avenue and East Spring Street, Seattle, ftheImmersedina worldofadults worried Gary Zarter WA 98122. fcrf j)about nuclear weapons, bombarded by Simon-Pierre Smith AssociateProfessorofEducation Marksmanship television news, kids shows, toys and Clubpresident other items which discuss and depict [Ed. note: You make the system sound neclear weapons, strategies, and infallible. Then how do you explain destruction children have a very real bannedbooks?— D.E.] awareness andfear of thenuclear threat to this globe. LearnHow To They see their leaders continually Other Problems express thedetermination to usenuclear To theEditor: Take Your Documents weapons, and they take their leaders' Here is a response for which you FromBoring seriously. pleaded in "What's wrong with liberals, To fordsTheir fears areeven more honest and fromapinko" (Oct.8 Spectator). Soaring. present than those of us adults who The whole article was a big whine in repress our fears and pretend that all is black and white. Youmake it soundasif normal. allapersoncandois wallow inhedonism Quality typesetting and eye-catching graphics will say The curricular materials Mr.Roberts and self-concern or be a Peace Corps plenty. Without wastingwords. Whether a campus finds objectionable were developed in newsletter, yearbook,researchpaper, grant proposal or Volunteer. Why can't you walk down journal, response to teachers' needs to answer First Avenueinpeace? Because youcan't technical Apple Computer, Inc. has a desktop publishing solution for you. We'll have seminars, and hands-on demonstration with themost advanced hardware and software*solutions. DESKTOPPUBLISHING SOLUTIONS Thursday, October 30th,StimsonRoom Times: 10:00 am,12:00 pm,2:00 pm

11 I i I w Willamette University SchoolofLaw ;; jj II j JJ I TRADITIONAL INNOVATIVE Judith E.Basker, Assistant Deanfor Admission,from Willamette UniversityCollege of Law inSalem,Oregon,will beoncampus Friday,October 24,1986, 11am to4:30 pm,to meet withinterested students. Please contact theCareer Planning& Placement Office formoreinformation. Apple and the Apple logo are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. LaserWriter is a trademark of Apple Computer. feet' 'age six/October 22,1986/The Spectator "CherryBlossoms" :East By LanceR.Tormey SpectatorFeatureEditor InMay of19861wasprivileged tomeetandinterview "Maya andSteve"at theirhome hereinSeattle.Iagreedto useonly pseudonymsbecause oftheharshprejudice thatstillexiststowards East-Westrelationships andbecause thefeelings society of that has * jOPGISft '" Ll/r Q.ihmixsivS50 J , < ...1 r about "mailorderbrides." .MMJm*** m inI? news. -irr' V'^

came from a remoteruralhamletinthePhilippine IslandscalledCagayandeOro. Herhouse wasa small concretebuilding with no windows and only one narrow woodendoor. When theharsh windsand summerrains came Mayaandherbrothers andsisters wouldcuddleup Sheinthecorner of thebuilding andwait patiently for their parents to return from a longday oflaboriousfield work. Maya, apetite, attractive,dark-skinnedFilipino waspartof an 11member lower-class family connected tothesoilofthe Philippines like slaves were toslaveholders. Intheearly mornings of June,July and August, when the fields where her parents worked werehotter thanan African sunset, she wouldhelp her mother andfather motivatethemselves for anotherday of backbreaking labor. After preparing a small lunch for her parents tocarry into the fields,she started the day-long task of taking care of a household of children ranging in ages from four tofourteen. As theoldest family memberMaya was responsible for protecting, feeding, dressingandcleaning allher brothers and sisters, and she hated it. And yet the responsibilities of the family and her mother's pressure to marry someone in a better economic class, kept her busy a coffee table in themiddle of his living room. Steve wanteda wife. After hopping from countryto country and barstool to barstool for 15 years, Steve said that he was ready to settle down. AndinMay of 1981 at the ageof 27 something happened to Steve that changedhislife...he learned of Maya. On the surface, at least, there seems nothing unusual about Maya and Steve.Only the way that they became husband and wife seemsa little out of the ordinary. Their unlikely tale of LETTER ■t^JsliwfeowulinVEI "cross-Pacific love" started in the same fc- CAT/0.06S m (\Ylf dozen letters before Steve got on a plane Ather request, thecouplemoved thier bP*^ -_■ and went to meetMayainHongKongin East West connection mailorder business July1981. YetSteve wrote tohundreds of to an agricultural area on the island of Asian women before he got a reply from Hawaii.Andthere thebusiness grewas fat worryingand workinguntil the age of 20 Maya. as thepineapples sorrounding Broussard's as hard as any mother in thePhilippines. What made Maya's letter significant home. 5315 T»f»i a12; n *fIGH t9vJL But at the age of 21something happened was "her wayofexpressing things," Steve "This year has been tremendous," says Broussard, the that changed*herlife.* * says,in their letters,theyexchangedonly whose service has been basic information about their subject of recent reports on ABC's mm §m Steve is a tall, handsome, fair skinned backgrounds, and social upbringing. "Nightline," NBC's "Today," the "CBS American. Helives alone in a small part "Personally,Ifeel theonly way todo itis Morning News" and KOMO's TV 4 of Seattle, Washington. At theage of32, go over andmeet theperson," saysSteve. "TownMeeting." Men who subscribe to "Cherry Steve says that as an employee for the "I felt my answer to women lay on the But why does Broussard have such a Blossoms" pay $200 for six months of City of Seattle, he is not rich, but other sideof the worldand it turned outI large number of subscribers (atlast count service. They receive monthly issues of comfortable. wasright." 1000)? "The Oriental mystique-it's partly "Cherry Blossoms" and its sister A white picketfence sorrounds Steve's Steve and Maya were embarrassed and that," he explains. "Oriental women have publication "Lotus Blossoms" (also ~ pictureperfecthome.Theflowers thatline bashful thefirst time theymet face toface the story attached to them rightly or ownedandpublishedby Broussard),which the concrete walkwaylook as synthetic as in Hong Kong. Louis recalls, "we didn't wrongly -- that they are traditional, printpictures and brief information about his green grass that is cut in the same want to let ourselves out to each other,I submissive, family-oriented, what we Oriental women looking for American manner as a putting green at a country wasn'tsuresheevencared aboutme." roughlycallanti-liberation." husbands andfriendly pen-pals/. club. Theinside of hishouse isfilled with By then Broussard had a wife of his "This appeals to men. It's sort of a They also receive a booklet written by souvenirs from 36 different countriesand own--not an Asian subservient backlash against the ERA," he says, Broussard called "How to Write to 13 states. But during his travels,Steve black-hairedbueaty he wasselling toother thoughinsisting thathe upholds the equal Oriental Ladies," whichoffers tipson how hoped to bring home more than wooden men, but a blond, educated computer rightamendment bydoingall thecooking tocatchandbaganOrientalbride. . depictions ofHawaiian hulagirls toset on programmer who had advertised for an andhousework. Although the age for women r?"ge lures Page seven/October 22,1986/The Spectator meets West through the mail

Tedd Hakins, another "Cherry Bok-Lim Kirn,professorof social work Blossoms" subscriber qualified in 1982 at the University of Illinois,in testimony when he met the girl of his dreams. on Asian military wives before the U.S. "Broussardandhispublication havehelped Commission on Civil Rights, indicated mechangemy life and do acomplete 180 thatnegativereactions andattitudes toward degree turn." He says that heused to live foreign Asian wives,"exacerbates marital in Thailand and Singapore and that he is problems," and thus,could cause spouse somewhat "partial" to Asian women. abuse,desertion,separationanddivorce. "They havemore of the old fashion ways But many of the concerns and thataredisappearinginAmerica." objections that certain special interest "It's changedin the last 10 years" says groups have against Broussard are 36-year-oldHakins."American womenare involved with situations that he says he becoming more independent...They're has little orno control over. "They want getting more and morelike men. That's me to concern myself with marriage whyIwanted anAsianbride." counseling... I'm nota psychologist... I That firstmeetingconvinced Steve that merely sellnames andaddresses," headded theyprobably weren'tgoing to get along, ina heatedmanner. so hemadeplans tocontinue avacationin Maya and Steve could notagree with the Philippines. But just by coincidence, Broussardenough.Stevesays, "Everytime Maya also was going back to the Ihear about these special interest groups Philippines and only a day after they pickingallover 'Cherry Blossoms'Ireally arrived Steve proposedmarriage to Maya get mad. Imean Broussard and 'Cherry andsheaccepted. Blossoms' mademy life what it is today, Today, large bodies of water separate but after that it's our life and whatever them culturally. Yet Steveand Maya (she happensIsurely DONOT want to blame has since changed her name to help her him (Broussard) for anyofour mistakes." become more "Americanized") now are In thepast years, Steve added,Maya has trying to bridge thegap in a small house never had to raise her voice to himexcept with a white picketfence in the heart of once when she asked him to mow the Seatde,Washington.* * * lawnandhe "forgot." Steveknew that she was a little upset "because," he says, "I Steve's name andaddress werecirculated couldn'tunderstand what she was saying." in theFar East by "Cherry Blossoms," a In Asia,Broussard recruiters searchday publication that caters to American men to day for women to advertise in "Cherry and Far East womenlookingfor marriage Blossoms." The women recieve the partners. service free ofcharge.Mothers sometimes "Cherry Blossoms" publisher John offer up their "soon-to-be Americanized" Broussard isa former teacher/professorof daughtersoras inMaya's caseeven friends anthropology, sociology,psychology and encourage tomarry a "Yankee." philosophy at SeattleCentral Community Broussardsays that justoverhalf of the College.In1970, atthe age of46, heleft women come from the Philippines, with academics to live a life of a "hippie" in Malaysia running a close second. As a rural Washington. rule,Broussardsays that the wealthier the '1liP" attempts growinggardens country the fewer names andaddresses it IUlllll After three at and trying to liveoff the land,he turned to gives "Cherry Blossoms." "Filipinas the mail order business, importing come because their standard of living is so everything from burglar alarms to low, because they speak English and ERS SPELL TROUBLE "Chinese movie-houseposters." because their culture is more similar to Hedid not do very well."I'm nota very ours: Christian," Broussard says. "They good businessman," says Broussard, a seem to have a lot in common with hecan'tpossiblykeepout all the different happyman at theageof 62 who soundsas Americans." ' types of people that want a mail-order ifhe were just beginning his life. "My "Good luck finding a Japanesebride," "Hawaii *:/ 96727 44 ..Pages bride. mailorderbusiness wasreallygoing down he warned. From the women,Broussard looks out the tube until a close friend asked me to An American subscriber to "Cherry for "con artists" (women who put thier findhim aAsian bride," Broussardadded. Blossoms" has about afive percentchance .984 names on pictures of movie stars) and He ran adsin overseas newspapers,found of finding a wife,Broussard says. Since "beggars" who want Asian pen-pals to his friend a match and soon was flooded the magazine was born, some 1,000 send them cash. Broussard says that he withrequests from Americanmen seeking marriages have turned out just like Steve believes that some women are "ladies of Asian women. and Maya - happy. He added that he the night" but,he says, "we simply don't "Cherry Blossoms" was born in 1975. knows of maybe adozen divorces, though know." Broussard struggled with the mail order he admits not all of his clients give Some "Cherry Blossoms" subscribers business for the next five years while "status reports." requestprostitutes from Broussards service selling macramc to help supplement his Not unlike Maya,Broussard says that because theymakegood wives,headded. income. despite thecultural differences most Asiin Most of the time Broussard and his Then a newspaper in Washington, women wantto improve their standardof customers are only concerned with good D.C., caught up with him, and his living. "They think that American men looks. He puts the best looking Asian business began to boom, "I started to treat women better-more affectionate, nil 23X,', c sSS^s «"«*" «s women on the front of his publications; recieve so many requests from men (in more polite, treat women with mere thelessattractive women are found inthe America) that Ihad to limit subscribers to respect-which Ithink theyfeelis lacking back of thebook.Namesandaddressesof 1,000 just to afford the mailing costs," intheir owncountries,"says Broussard. lerry between 16and60, the averageageof the those who don't make the back pages are saysBroussard. Maya waslooking for an American that is of menis 37,Broussard says,and the women given for free. But Broussard admits that Butaccording to areport issued by the would "treat her with honor." From of "seem to get desperate around theage of although these men are looking for Japanese American Citizens League, Steve'sletters,she determined that he was es 11 litter 27." Broussard added that hisclientele is Oriental womenandcherish them for their American men looking for "black-haired "neat,organized.He'shonest. (also made up of well-to-do blue-collar and appearance,theydo not want them tolook beauties" maybe forcing Asian women to But questions that pertain to the professionalmen whoareconservativeand too Asian. "These men wantan Oriental live culturally uprootedlives. The report outcome of their five-year-old marriage about "relatively normal." woman who lookslike dear oldMom,"he reads: only brings smiles and laughter from rican But does he ever get an occasional said withachuckle. "These women, largely invisible and Maya as she playfully punches her weirdo? Broussard admits thathe gets his On the other hand,men are judged by scattered across the country,areusually husband intheknee. ;n by share. "Oneguy wanteda woman without their wealth not their looks. Broussard without any form of emotional support She throws her longjet-black locks in a ;e to arms and legs.He was a former Marine." says that any man who can afford a network outside of their husbands. In fury motion and lets them fall down her »how Weirdos are screened out along with "Cherry Blossoms" subscription rate, many cases, they live in communities back. inmates, because of the problem of postal and telephone fees probably which do not view these unions "It's too soon to tell. Come back in 20 communication. But Broussard says that qualifies. favorably." year." H v v U

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Come enjoy some laughs to get you through the J t| 1 VN week! It's fun and it's FREE! Featuring comedians^g I I WmM Staci Simpson & Lahigh Fahnbulleh L II Wednesday night 10/22 8:00-9:00 p.m. LJj

■^$$$$^$$$^^ffi^ssssssffi%s^s£ Pictured Ltoß: T.row:Pres.- AbbyGhermay,Exec. V.P.-Lorine Singleton, Fr. Anc|yThon, Activities V.P.-Trisha Brown, Treas.John Schwab. B. row:Publicity /^/i^^/^^ Dir.-Jeff Nicholls,Exec.Coordinator-Lorena Mayuga, Activities Assist.-Debbie |//fi/X/s^^ Sweet,Exec.Coordinator-Elisa Florendo. Not pictured- Nita Mustapha

' ' ~~ "" """ ~~ ~ ll^^^^^&lA S.S.U. presents 'v'-vv'-.s'-'^ IDouble Feature of Terror iGet ready for Halloween kids! Oooh! We got a couple of scary $ K onesforyou. &r&/#^^ 3 |te VmPoltergeist I& II m Oooooh! Sounds scary doesn't it? Poltergeist-that's like a 9B%SKI^ ■j^ Ighost and there are lots of 'em in these flicks scarin' the:-'vs:ft^ Bajeebers out of family folks. For those of you who like to see ?/%sv^^^^ "llittlekids covered inslime, you wont bedissapointed! ft£#^^ IWHERE:Chieftan Lounge IWHEN:Fri. Oct. 24 Part 17:00 & 9:30 p.m. Part 2 9:30 &11:30p.m. : ' M Sat. Oct. 25 Part 1 2:00, 7:00, & 9:30 p.m. OXOO/0/0/^/0/0/0/0/0^: jm Part 2 5:00,9:30, &11:30 p.m. WOOW^OOW^OOKMM^ MWm ALL THIS FOR ONLY $2.00 What a bargain! MMMMMtt-WMMMMMM x,y, S. sea... "^^^^

Jr^ Second Floor,Student Union Building '■■'"^^v':^^ ■pr W Come joinProfessor Taylor andthe Lit. Club as wereview ''■^vv£^^^ N^^: wm m Open to all students Discussion to follow :^sft®^^

' rwj "BEHBMD THE VEBL" a film on the history of womeninthe /^&&&&$$ / church. Wed. Oct.22 6:30p.m. Room 305 L.A. Building vl \j**^W/W '''''%&^&&t' Sponsoredby AlphaSigma Nu & Women's Resource Room 7 ''J*\jT *""££s£: Arts/Entertainment Pagenine/October22,1986/The Spectator Soap Suds Peggy Sue' is no surprise {y Lisa Banks By Kris Echigo Spectator Arts&EntertainmentEditor SpectatorReporter

AS THE WORLD TURNS: Something strange is happening in iveryonehoveredoverahospitalized Iva, the movie industry. Itis either a plague vhose legs are paralyzed. The doctor of unoriginality or a communist cons- oldIva that she might have to have an piracy-song-titles for a moviename? >pcration inorder torelieve thepressure After viewing "Blue Velvet," "Stand >n her spinalcord andregain the use of ByMe" and"Twist andShout,"Ifigured ter legs. Tompromised to crack down apositive trend hademerged. Ihad high >n organized crime and drugs if he's expectationsfor theBuddy Hollyinspired sleeted district attorney. The man with "PeggySueGotMarried." heraspy voicethreatened Tom. Brian is I'llknow better next time. nLas Vegaswith Shannon,buthecan't It's not a bad film if you haven't ceep his mind off of Beatrice. Meg alreadyseen theover-rated "Back to the confessed to Holden that she isn'treally Future." But if you have, the entire Mcgnant, die's just trying totrap Dusty night might be spentcomparing the two. nto marrying her. (Come on, Meg. It's congested with sopping wet I'hat's theoldest trick in the book and it cliches like,--"I wishIknew then what I lever works!) know now" something grandma would GUIDING LIGHT: Armand fled mutter. Andoria with the Von Halkien gold. The most disappointing figure in the India accused Alan of beinginvolved in film is Nicolas Cage. Gone is the sexy, Peggy Sue (Kathleen Turner)suddenly finding herself back in the Armand's scam. India accidentally put nonchalant cool-guy in "Valley Girl,"or classroom after 25 years, relives the typical teenage nightmare Ben's birth certificate inpapers that were the emotional Vietnam veteran in when theteacher announces a test. mailed to Kyle. Jesse walked in on an "Birdy." intruder who was ransacking her apartment. Maureen heard from her chip, nylons, solar calculator, for ex- leaves no element of surprise. It is a sister,Chelsea, who isplanning tocome Movie ample. "Think high-tech," she says, predictable film that you won't think to Springfield to get married. Mindy leaving the boy with more than a few about afterwards. contemplatedusing theone-way ticket to review projects todiscover. Venezuela thatKurtlefther. Her growing teenagesister becomes THE YOUNG AND THE suspicious of Peggy's mental health PAPERS RESEARCH16^78 to Choose from-all subjects RESTLESS: Matt discovered that Instead the audience watches Cage when she offers to play a game of Order Catalog Today with Visa/MC or COO Ashley is pregnant by Victor, but struggle with the role of a confused ChutesandLadders. mm* 800-351-0222 Ashley thatMattkeepher secret ■llißlllltar inCalif.(213M77-8226 insisted teenager,a rock-star hopeful,and aboy Her attempt to help Charlie's music Or, rush $2.00 to: Research Assistance Ashley is suffering through morning in love with Peggy Sue. Worse yet, he career is rather poignant when she gives 11322Idaho Aye #206SN.Los Angeles.CA90025 sickness,but sherefuses tomissaday of pitches a dopey nasal voice that makes him a copy of "She Loves You" by the Customresearchalso available— all levels work. Matt forced Casey to admit that him sound like Kcrmit the Frog. The Beatles. Nikki may be dying. Now everyone accent is utterly ridiculous and embar- OncePeggy stopsplaying themartyr, seems to know about Nikki's illness rassing toendure. sheridesaway on amotorcycle with the exceptNikki. Nikki cancelled herplans Luckily Kathleen Turner's innate beatnik of her dreams. But ashe makes to divorce Victor. European chemist, sense of drama and humor atones for plans to take her toUtah,raisechickens, Mr,LcGoff,cried to getmoney fromJill Cage's acting deficiency, but doesn't and practice polygamy, the dream is so hecould continue to work on her line quite save theshow. over,and her youngKerouac-to-be fades of men'sproducts for Jabot. Lauren put Peggy Sue (Kathleen Turner) is on from thepicture. the poster of Paul in his office, and the verge of divorcing her high-school The problem with "Peggy Sue" is everyone had a good laugh. Lauren sweetheart, Charlie (Nicolas Cage), but Kathleen Turner doesn't look18; Nicolas entered one of Paul's nude photos in a returns to high school for her tenth Cagemakes a lousy middle-aged man; "Best Professional Male" magazine annual reunion. She is elected home- and the movie condescends upon the contest, forginghisname on the consent coming queen by her aging peers and audience by attempting to leave a base form. Dopeoplereally watch this soap? faints intheprocess. moral. Ithought it was really boring and Her travel through time commences Francis Coppolla who directed the depressing. Lauren andPaulare theonly and she is now 18-years-old. Once she psychological thriller "Apocalypse lalf-wayinteresting characters to watch. realizes her situation, she embarks on a Now," a series of S.E. Hintonadaptions Piecoras Florence Nightengale mission to incor- "The Outsiders," "Rumble-fish,etc. and porate 25 years ofexperienceinto thelife numerous commercial failures,has yet to of an18-year-old. bob his head above water with "Peggy She begins by giving the class brain SueGotMarried." Delivers tipson the future technology; the micro- Though ithas humorous moments,it TheOriginal 17" NewYorkPizza foronly adopt $8.50, Calzones,SaladsandHotHeros. I«, of Plus afullline Delisandwiches atLunch. afriend All just aroundthecorner. Minimum deliveryorder$8.00. whosmokes." 14th andEastMadison 322-9411

Helpa friend get throughthe day without a cigarette.They might just quit forever. And that's important. Because good friends are hard to find. And even tougher tolose.

$sooffNoCash value fl^ THEGREAT Peggy Sue (Kathleen Turner) reminisces with her friends, ANY 17" PIZZA AMERICAN best limitonecoupon petpartyper visit Maddy Nagle (Joan Allen) (CatherineHicks), at Otter vahdonlyatPiecora's on SMOKEOUT and Carol Heath 14th andE Madison their25th high schoolreunion. Offer expirosNov 30, '006 II L.-Z)/ vJ ILk^l Lx->III IV -/I IL Pageten/October 22,1986/The Spectator Hunters andcollectors capture live gig sound By Baubie Paschal that are especially good slow songslike SpectatorReporter "The Finger," and thebeautifully plain- tivelove song"Stuck On You." The side'sbest track and my favorite Every now and then, a band comes song of the is the urgent, funky along that can speak of sex, power, "99th HomePosition" that speaks toone tenuousrelationships and all things fog- ofmy favorite topics: sex andpower. gy and human without looking likepre- Besides, thelyrics are sung ina cool, tentious, uppity clods. The Australian soul-man fashion with thedrums bangin' sextetHunters & Collectors proves that rightup front where theyoughttabe! theyare of thisink. The closing track, "This Morning," A tight rhythm section (guitar, bass, has a mid-song tempo/intensity switch drums) provides the undercurrents of that caughtmeoff-guardandproved tobe groove while three horns (, apleasantsurprise. , ) and keyboards lay atop and give a freshness to the groups The song closes the album in a big own formofrock androll. way and marks, that in the tensions of The band's latest album, interpernalrelationships,lies the poten- "," collects 10 songs to- tialfor expressionand goodmusic. The gether into a landscapeof human emo- .. drums lend this tune to a rocking tribal tion that never- becomes grandiose or sway! wimps out each cutis simple,basic. "Human Frailty" possesses the usu- , the band's lead ally difficult to capture 'live gig' sound vocalist and guitarist, explains that very well.It leads me to expecta lot out Hunters & Collectors work on a groove of Hunters & Collector's Seattle show "like a soul band ... except that our this coming Monday, Oct. 27, in the sentiments are far more extreme. We University of Washington's East HUB move fromdespair toelation." Ballroom. The show opens at 8 p.m. Ididn't find the range of emotions in with Seattle's own Clay Alien. Tickets this album that vast, though a lot of are $8. groundiscovered. You don't have to hunt too far tofind Side one opens with a fine narrative quality music entertainment this month. of a relationship that erodes into an arid Some shows worthy of collecting spare The Australian band Hunters and Collectors will perform silt of guilt- a man drags himself, tail change for are tonight's two set John at the HUB Ballroom on Monday, Oct. 27. Front row: Jack between legs — to his girlfriend's house Cale and Chris Spedding show at the Howard,Michael Waters,Rob Miles. Back row: Doug Falconer, where she tells himshe "doesn't feel like Central Tavern (207 Ist South, John Archer,Mark Seymour,Jeremy Smith. a womananymore." 622-0209). Only ten bucks to see and A swirl of horns and the throbbing hear afoundingmember of the legendary beast of soulful groove traverse this Velvet Underground and a talented, emotional wasteland and carry the lis- well-respectedbut relatively unknown tener into the livingroom setting of "Is guitarist (Cale and Spedding, respec- There AnybodyInThere?" tively). S.U. LIBRARY Ilove this cut since the drums are Another must-sec actis jazzguitarist right up front and the lyrics ring true, Earl Klugh who brings style and especially about television providing elegance to the sth Avenue Theater for BOOK SALE inspiration for an otherwise couch- one night only,Oct. 26. Itpromises to potatoesociety. be a classy Sunday evening for only "Throw Your Arms Around Me," $15.50 (ticketsavailable at Ticketmaster Everything's OnFire,"and "Relief com- outlets). ■"I'HURSrAV, OCT. 3© plete the first sideandaregood songs to Get out and hear something worth- just stretch outand beabsorbed by. while thisRocktober! — Side two also contains great tracks f,".oo am 5:oo Ck Second Cityneeds more spice By Randy EHxon of the 70s. Alittle more variety in the FIRST FLOOR LIBRARY SpectatorReporter material would havehelpedalot. Second City did perform some The Second City, a sketch exceptional material. One very funny comedy/improvisational troupe from sketch was about the confessions three BARGAIN PRICES! Chicago, wasbusy makingpeople laugh broadcasters made when they heard that last Saturday night at the Backstage in the world would end in eight and a hall Ballard. minutes,only to feel the backlash when The national touring company was they found out the figure was misread formed in the early 50s and has since and the world would continue for 8 Dance! Dance! Dance! produced the likes of Alan Alda,Mike million years. Nichols, Shelley Long, most of the Some other strong sketches focusedon at original Saturday NightLivecast and all arock androll preacher,Jewish comics, of the SCTV cast. The group that the Supreme Court as a 60s singing D.J.s NIGHTLIFE'S performed at the Backstage gave the group and a song about hating liver. audience a sampling of the best of The cast handled this material with too SecondCity. much ease. For me, that was the GRAND OPENING The cast was at its best when doing problem with the show. the improvisations based on audience This is not to say that the show was -king beer special ~ $2.75! suggestions. They were allowed to not entertaining. Placement saved it. size — stretch their comic muscles and fill their The material that didn't work was —dancing nightly no cover! work with energy and creativity. The successfully mixed with the sketches and -huge screenvideo- Seahawks & preparedsketches seemedsomewhat stale improvisations that did work. The MondayNight Football by comparison because the cast was audience was definitely entertained and throwing lines by rote. Many of these given a taste of what SecondCity is all sketches justdidn't hit their marks. about. 1501E.Olive Way This had to do with one However,more spice could have been (one block south ofRedRobin on Capital Hill) thing-repetition. For example, the added to bring to life the energetic, performance included five scenes with insightful quality that made Chicago's 322-6356 religious themes andseveralscenesabout SecondCity the legendithasbecome. singles that must have come straight out Sports/Recreation

Pageeleven/October 22,1986/TheSpectator

II Sports Briefs II Soccer coaches offer experience Two years ago Breedinjured her knee Ski Club playingbasketball andshe said that she The Seattle University Ski Club will I wasn'tsureif she couldeverplay soccer meetWednesday,Oct. 22 atnoon in thejl again.But sheis now able toplay with a Connolly Center. This is an excellent]! brace andsaid it feels morecomfortable opportunity for beginners to learn all duringpractice. life-time sport under close supervisionjj The Cheiftains are the first soccer Weekly skiing, inexpensive trans-1 team Breed has coached. She said she portation, lessons,conditioning, tripsJl wanted to start coachingbecause, "I've For the experiencedskier there will alsqI always respected my coaches and 1 be aski team. thought that they had pretty neat jobs. Racquetball Tournament Jobs that allowed them todo something they like to doand to work with young TheRacquetballTournament orignaUyJl people." scheduled to beginplay today has beenjl The SU team has been put through a postponedand will beginplay the weeklI tough year already. With a generallack of Oct. 27. Sign-ups will continue!I ofplayersandafew injuriesonthe team, through today for players to register fonI Breedsays thatitis frustrating at times. the Men'sOpenDivision,theMen's "ATI "It's been a struggle to get enough Division and the Women's Division]I playersout,but the ones that have come The tournamentwillbeheld atConnolly!I out are willing to learnand are there to through the week of Oct. 27 andI have fun," Breed said. "I feel like we possibly through the week of Nov.3.If]I have some things mastered so that we interested,contactConnolly. basics... Chieftain soccer coach Cindy Breed, advises her players on can do less of the and ~ concentrate more on situation type SailingTeam a sport that she is not unfamilar with soccer. Breedhas played sinceshe was12 years oldand plans tocontinue doingso. activities." TheSU sailingteamhostedits second I k But,she says, theyare starting to get annual singlehanded sailing regatta onI Coach playssoccer,basketball, softball and... a handle on things and there's a lot of LakeWashingtonlast weekend. commitment and talent on the team. SUtook third place with Tim VerharenI By Angie Babcock the time, she kept herself kicking by "We've just been talking about helming the singlehanded entry. Thejl SpectatorSportsEditor playing for the Des Moines Midway races were in shifty breezes Dirty winning a lot and winning,rather than held light, I Dozen Soccer Club. days, a sun Coach necessarily scoring morepoints than the both with little shining)! One might say that Seattle Cindy Breed hasbeen kicking throughinthelateafternoons. soccer other team, winningis playing well for University's women's soccer coachloves around balls since she was 12 Marie Harang of Western Washington old an hour and a half when we're out there 11 sports. But then, that would be an years and has participated in eight University tookfirstplace,entitlinghimII statechampionship games with theDirty for agameand there's noreason wecan't do that for all the next games," Breed to go to Alabama later this month toII This 1979 graduate of Mt. Rainer Dozens team, winning fiveof those. competeinnationals. High School lettered nine times In the 1979 state championship Breed commented. during Next her high school career participating in was voted Most Valuble Player and After high school Breed went to weekend'sraces willbeheld atll Washington College Royals "volleyball,basketball,Softball, track and that same yearshe was named theNorth Western State for Roads Military College inll . The winner will qualify toil cross-country. And although her high PugetSound LeaguePlayerof the Year one year where she played soccer and went to Southeast represent the Northwest at a regattaI schooldid nothave asoccer program at inbasketball. basketball. She then j Alaska for four years and worked in the hosted by the Chicago Yacht Club in I I Ski Club attracted to snow fisheries. lateNovember. || by Angie Babcock Fridays, Sundays and possibly ■SpectatorSportsEditor Wednesdays.Theslopesbeingconquered will mainly be Chrystal Mountain and OURSTUDENTLOANS Cool white powder. Trees glistening Snoqualmic Pass. An official schedule from thefreshly fallen white flakes.The maybe pickedupat ConnollyCenter. bright yellow sun beeming down on Vans will be the mode of MAKETHEGRADE. yourface. Your skisaresecurelyfastened transportation to the ski areas and to feet eagarlyawaiting theadventurous reservations for a spot must be made hill underneath them. through Connolly. The polesaregraspeddemandinglyby In addition to the weekly trips the club glove-drapedhands giving you stability will alsobeoffering overnight tripsover and balance on— thehilltop. Finally, your Christmas break to either Veil, Colo., ready to tackle the rope tow. Sun Valley,Ida. orRed Mountain,Can. Ahhh, the adventure of skiing for the The Springbreak trip is tentatively set first time. for JacksonHole,Wyo. Whether you're new to skiing orhave Weight training, calesthctics, ski been tackling those hills for years, the exercise drills and indoor soccer will be Seattle University Ski Club provides sponsoredby theSki Club prepare the skiiers with trips and transportation to to skiier for the slopes. The clinic will surrounding skiareas, availability of ski start Oct. 20 and will alternate every lessons, clinics to improve upper level Monday/Wednesday skiing, ski movies, other week and ski conditioningand Tuesday/Thursday. The new this year, an equipment tuning times are from noon - 3p.m. facility. There is a $25 a year fee to join the The snow-struck club will be heading GuaranteedStudentLoans forgraduates crystal flake club which covers all to the slopes as soon as snow falls or undergraduates. payments servicesoffered. and Nointerest Nov. 21. They will be offering trips untilafter graduation. Upto ten yearsto pay back at just8%annual percentage rate? Paymentsaslowas $50permonth. THISYEAR Ask yourschool's financial aidoffice for anapplication and details.Orcall thefriend PUTANENDTOYOUR ofthe family at (206) 464-4767. We^re out to makeyoureducationmoreaffordable. | DEADLYHABIT. "Thisratedoesnot necessarily apply tostudents withexistingloans. Washington Mutual -Thefriendof thefamily SSXf-~"- AMERICAN Mutual [Great AmericanSmokeout-N0v.20tssg? " iin—nun*'^ 1V,,,,.^ Xfc^j^I >*» ■—■■"/ I X**#^ Xta*^IV^.I X>«*^ I Page twelve/October 22,1986/The Spectator Men's coachand fgame IM spikers: 1 of passion : good mix By Marty Niland SpectatorReporter Participation in Seattle University's intramural programs are up from last year,particularly involleyball. According toGaryBoyle,coordinator of intramural and club sports, the number of intramural volleyball teams has almost doubled from last year, jumping from 18 to 32 teams. Boylesayshebelieves theincreaseis theresult ofagreaternation-wide interest in volleyball and in co-ed sports in particular. "That'sabigtrendnowadays, to see peopleinvolved in co-ed sports," said Boyle. "I think we'll be seeing moreof thatin thefuture." Boyle likened the interest inco-ed volleyball to the great enthusiasm SU In his first year at SU, Roy Sinclair, the men's soccer coach students show for co-ed Softball in the delivers a stem message when itcomes to the sport he wasraised spring. playing. Boyle believes interest among students is high because volleyball is a By Angie Babcock according to Sinclair,and when asked "fun" sport and is generally not taken as SpectatorSportsEditor why he thought the seasons held such seriouslyas someother sports. He notes that although the "Open" low wins he said, "The goals this school division,in which the more experienced It wouldseem that soccer isjusta way sets for itself, its sports program and participate, is very competitive of life for Seattle University's Men's players everything else is academics versus and skilled,the much larger "A" Soccer coach, Roy Sinclair. And it is. highly sports... they'reon theacademic sideand division, which consists of purely Ever since he wasa small child growing that's fine." He added that without the "recreational" players,has attracted great up inLiverpool,England thisplayer has initiative of scholarship's, the school adventuring with ball. interest among students. "It's primarily been asoccer attracts students interested more in "It's a game of passion and a game of astudent-staffleague,"heexplained. academics thanin sports. all, wanting do your best," Sinclair said, In about 790 members of the to Someof Sinclair's goalsfor the season community participate referring to his most favorite sport — SU in fall are "not to be bottom of division" and 400 soccer. intramural sports. About men and "topull off onemajor surprise." women play volleyball, while 330 men volleyball play- For 10 years before arriving in the Intramural The Chieftain coach holds a Full Badge 60 women football ers, slam, serve, and United States Sinclair played in the and compete in the spike, save with theEnglish Football Association in divisions. sink theball. English MajorLeagues.Prior to thathe coaching, which he gained in 1972. I kicked around the ball for the world (Soccerisreferred toas football in most reknown Liverpool Football Club as a European countries.) He also gained a junior. license asa U.S.S.F. coach in 1981. He came to Seattle in 1974 to play for the Sounders in their inaugural season. In 1976 the Bellevue Community During his time in the states Sinclair College Men's Soccer Team were the was a member- of the Cleveland Force State Champions under Sinclair's DRIVERS WANTED from 1978 1981 in which he earned coaching. He also coached the Foster the Most ValuablePlayeraward in1979. High School Boy's Soccer Team in 1983 JOIN OUR TEAM Currently Sinclair is coaching the SU in which they were Nisqually Division men's team.With their 1-7 record of champions and first runners-up in the the season, Sinclair said, "They've tried State Championships. hard, but unfortunately they've been In addition to coaching, Sinclair also outclassed by teams with more talent. works in the assetmanagementbusiness, ' really " will make an But we've worked hard." advising people how to utilize their YOU "t^jpT^^F^k\ Last year's season held a 2-16 record, currentexpenditures. " YOU will get mileage J&f "VV ip^^ Classified Ads compensation in cash mm? *l_^ every night. J^ WORD PROCESSING— TYPING. Professional word processing; term Free campus pick- up and delivery, fast, papers, reports, resumes. Reasonable rates " YOUwillget monthly accurate.JeanDawins367-2434. WORDS, ETC. 820-1850. sales bonus. UNLIMITED LONG DISTANCE AIRLINE JOBS $i5,000-$70,000/yr " Pension and Profit Sharing Plans. CALLING 24 HRS. Within U.S. and Hawaii Now hiring.Call805-687-6000 Ext. A-6111 SI20 per month flat rate. Free speed dialei for current joblist. " part/full time job. included.INCOME OPPORTUNITIES TOO! Excellent Seeking Representativeto offer our service tc 3000 GOVERNMENT JOBS List. " generalpublic.Call932-1052. $16,040, $59,230/yr. Now hiring. Call 50% of our managersstarted as drivers. 805-687-6000 ExtR-6111. " POSTER REPRESENTATIVE for Kaplai APPLY NOW if you are 18 years or $6°-0 EducationalCenter. Approximately12hourspc 0 PER HUNDRED PAID for older, have a car, insurance,and a good month.CallPat orLiz.632-0634. remailing letters from home! Send self-addressed, stamped envelope for driving record. PROCESS MAIL FROM HOME!'! information/ application. Associates, Box $1.00 per envelope per instructions!!! No 95-B,Roselle,NJ, 07203. experiencenecessary. As long as you know DOMINO'S how to read and writeenglish you can do it. TYPIST NEAR CAMPUS. Students, PIZZA Work part time or full time!!! For free detail; business, legal, medical, resumes, office enclose self addressedenvelope.Nikolaos, T organization,- etc. Sense of humor, some DELIVERS Thyris 74269, Athens 16121,Greece. Benius 325-3081. ,FREE. Free Campus Pick-up & Delivery Seattle University Child 9 WORD PROCESSING- TYPING. Development Center offers part and Dissertations, Manuscripts, Papers, fulltime care for ages 2 1/2- 7. Open yeai Correspondence,Resumes, PersonalizedForrr round from 7-5:30, M-F. Discounts for Letters. FAST,REASONABLE,ACCURATE scents,staff, andalums.Mealsprovided.Ca11 BUSINESS PROSE. 367-2434. 626 5394.