Business Address: Josef Korbel School of International Studies University of Denver Denver CO. 80208 USA [email protected] 720-748-2555 303-871-4461

Education: Ph.D.: Cornell University, 1983

M.A.: Cornell University, May 1981

B.A.: Eisenhower College, February 1976, Summa Cum Laude, Economics, Mathematics, Philosophy

Current Positions: John Evans Distinguished University Professor Professor of International and Development Economics, Josef Korbel School of International Studies University of Denver

Other Positions: Senior Economic Affairs Adviser, UNCTAD, Geneva, Switzerland. Chief International Adviser, UNDP,Arab Trade and Human Development Special Adviser,UNDP, MDG Implementation in LDCs Special Adviser,UNDP, Global Financial Crisis

Senior Visiting Fellow, UNU-WIDER, Helsinki

Visiting Professor, CIRJE, Graduate School of Economics, University of Visiting Professor , Tilburg University, The Netherlands Visiting Professor , Peoples University, Beijing, PRC Visiting Professor , Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta. Visiting Scholar, Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo 1999, 1998, 2002,2003, & 2004-5, 2006

Adviser, Asian Development Bank, Manila Assistant Professor, University of Akron

Areas of Expertise:

1 1. Economic Theory, International Political Economy, International Trade, Gender, Governance and Development Strategies: Gender-based Social Accounting and SAM, General Equilibrium and Disequilibrium, Regional Cooperation, Trade and Technology Choice Strategy, R&D and Innovation, FDI, Sustainability, Governance, Growth, Inequality and Poverty Reduction

2. Economic Modeling: Linear and Nonlinear Economy-wide Models, SAM, CGE and Econometric Models, Neural Networks and Agent-based Models.

3. Corporate and International Finance: Financial Crises, International Capital Flows, Foreign Aid and Corporate Governance

4. Infrastructure and Technology: Information Technology, Economic Growth and Distribution

5. Geographic Areas: Asia, North and South America and Africa

Administrative (selected): 1. Associate Dean, GSIS, DU (reported to Dean Tom Rowe)

2. GSIS Director, International MBA and Finance Program (Joint Program with the Business School MBA)

3. Director, International Economics Program, Masters and Ph.D. Levels

4. Director, International Development Program, Masters and Ph.D. levels

5. Chair, Admissions and Fellowship Committee

6. Chair and member, various search committees and tenure and promotion committees

7. Member, University Wide Committees on Internationalization, research funding and curriculum development

Research Positions and Selected Lectures Abroad: Invited Distinguished Speaker, UNDP, April 2019. Invited Distinguished Speaker, University of Helsinki, Tracing and Facing Our Common Future. April, 2018 Invited Distinguished Speaker, University of Helsinki, Global Ethics. April, 2018 Invited Distinguished Speaker, University of Helsinki, Towards Global Peace and Justice: Poetry and Music of Rabindranath Tagore, April, 2018 Invited Distinguished Speaker, Antonio Gramsci University, Rome La Sapienza, Global Crisis and the US, Dec. 13, 2017 Invited Distinguished Speaker, University of Naples II, Public Debt, Dec. 19, 2017 Invited Distinguished Speaker, University of Naples II, Global Finance and Human Wellbeing, Nov. 28, 2017 Invited Distinguished Speaker , British Academy Workshop on Smart Cities, Bradford University UK, July 12- 14, 2017 Invited Distinguished Speaker , Cosmos Centre, Feb., 2017

2 Invited Distinguished Speaker, Prothom Alo, Feb. 2017 Invited Distinguished Speaker, Mathematics Dept., Dhaka University, Feb. 2017 Invited Distinguished Speaker, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, March 2017 Invited Distinguished Speaker for the University of Rome and Naples, March, 2016 Invited Distinguished Speaker for the Nazrul Conference, NYC, May 2016 Invited Distinguished Speaker for the Inauguration of World Scholars Series, BRAC University, Feb., 2015 Invited Distinguished Speaker , UNDP, March 2014. Invited Distinguished Speaker for the Ministry of Labor, Argentina, Oct. 2014 Invited Distinguished Speaker, International High Level Conference on Global Finance , Bali, Indonesia, Sep. 2013 Invited Distinguished Speaker, On Development Strategies, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, Oct. 2013. Invited Distinguished Speaker Invited Distinguished Speaker, Asian Development Bank Conference in California on Public Service Delivery, June 2013 Invited Distinguished Speaker , IFPRI, Dhaka, August,2012 Invited Distinguished Speaker, UNDP, Oct. 2012 Invited Distinguished Speaker , NCAER and ADB, New Delhi, India, Dec. 2011 Invited Distinguished Speaker, UNAIF, Seoul, August 2011 Invited Distinguished Speaker, Knowledge Economy, KDI and ADB, Manila, Oct. 2011 Invited Distinguished Speaker, APEC Pre-meeting of Experts, Redlands, Ca., Sep. 2011 Invited Distinguished Speaker, GLOBELICS, Mexico City and Dakar Senior Economic Affairs Advisor, UNCTAD, Geneva, Switzerland. International Adviser, Arab Trade and Human Development Project, UNDP Invited Speaker, RMIT, Melbourne, Jan. 2010: “Globalization and Human Security” Invited Speaker, WIDER conference, Maastricht, The Netherlands, Oct.2009: “Industrialization in the 21st Century”. Invited Distinguished Speaker, Harvard conference on Bangladesh, Oct. 2009: “ Vision 2021 and Investment in Bangladesh”. Invited Speaker, WIDER conference, Kolkata, Dec. 2008: “Bangladesh:Urbanization and Development”. Invited Distinguished Speaker, WIDER, Helsinki, May, 2008: “Lessons of East Asian Development”. Invited Visiting Scholar at WIDER, UNU in Helsinki, Finland, Summer, 2007: Globalization, Gender and Development: A CGE Model. Invited Distinguished Visiting Professor, People’s University, Beijing, May-June, 2007. Invited Distinguished Visiting Professor, School of Business, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2006.

Invited Distinguished Speaker, ADBI, Tokyo, Dec. 2006 Invited Distinguished Speaker, ADBI, Tokyo, Dec. 2004 Invited Distinguished Speaker, ADBI, Tokyo, August 1999, Dec.1999 ADBI, On Poverty Reduction Strategies: CGE Modeling JICA, On Poverty Reduction Strategies and PRSPs Democratic Pacific Assembly (invitation from the Vice President of ROC): On regional cooperation in trade, technology, and finance Japan Foreign Correspondents’ Club: The Future of Japanese aid, Global Markets and Financial Crises UNCTAD: On poverty reduction and structural adjustment Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi: On multidimensional inequality and Poverty Asian Development Bank, Manila and ADBI, Tokyo: On corporate governance CentER, Tilburg University, On nonlinear models of growth and distribution

3 : On Japanese aid: modeling issues

Special Invited Courses Taught: World Bank, Economy Wide Modeling, Jakarta SEACEN, Central Banking and Monetary Policy Making, Kualalampur Costa Rica, Human Development Taiwan, Global Finance

Various years (1999-2005) Visiting Scholar, Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo

1997-1998 Economics and Development Resource Center, Asian Development Bank

Summer 1995 Visiting Scholar, Center for Economic Research, Tilburg University (NSF fellowship)

Spring 1992 Visiting Fellow, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan

Fall-Winter Visiting Fellow, Tilburg University, The Netherlands - 1991-92 (invited by the National Science Foundation)

Oct. 1992 Visiting Scholar, University of Tokyo, Japan

Spring 1991 Visiting Professor, Liaoning University, PRC

Summer 1990 Visiting Scholar, Inter-universities program, World Bank and Consortium of American Universities

Nov-Dec 1989 Visiting Fellow, Center for Economic Research, Tilburg, The Netherlands

Summer 1986 Visited and gave seminars at Institute for Developing Economies, Tokyo, and Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi; on Economy-wide Modeling and Income Distribution

Summer 1984 International Labour Office, Research Project: Choice and Diffusion of Technology in a Macroeconomic Model - the Indonesian Case

Summer 1983 Cornell University, Research Project: Technology Choices in a Macroeconomic Model for Indonesia

Summer 1981 Korea Development Institute, Seoul, Korea Field research as an external collaborator to the International Labour Office, Geneva, Switzerland.

Field Work: Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Korea, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, Japan, China, Costa Rica, Mexico, Philippines, Taiwan, Nigeria, South

4 Africa, Hong Kong and Singapore

Teaching Experience and Awards: Selected for teaching a special course on Globalization, Ren Min University, Beijing China Selected for teaching a special course on Capital Flows, Taiwan, 2002 Selected for teaching a special course on “Human Rights and Economic Justice” at UNA, Costa Rica, 1995 Lectures on General Equilibrium Modeling, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, 1990

Fellowship for Teaching Excellence, Cornell University 1981-82 (Only one awarded during the year) Courses Taught:

Undergraduate: Principles; Intermediate Macro; International Finance, Japan and the World Economy; Japanese Economy, Society and Culture

Graduate (MA, MBA & PhD): International Business Environment; Country Risk Analysis; Financial Analysis of Large Scale Projects; International Corporate Finance; International and Finance in Europe; International Money and Finance in East Asia; Global Financial Structure; Japanese Economy – Trade and Financial Issues; Advanced Issues in I.E.; Theories of Income Distribution; Research Methods: Philosophy of Science Issues; Global Economic Justice; International Monetary Relations; Special topics in Econometrics; Math. Econ. and Technology Consulting Experience: The International Labor Office, The World Bank, United Nations, Asian Development Bank,U.S. Government, Various European, Asian and African Governments

Selected Publications:

Books and Monographs: SAM-related works are marked with ***

Digital Economy, AI and Gender: Women’s Rights, Intersectionality and Socially Embedded Capabilities in Theory and Practice (in progress) Islamic Finance and Complex Economic Systems, ed. With Karamo Sonko, forthcoming 2020 Press

China in the 21st Century: A complex socio-economic system,(with A. Gabriele and F. Schettino), under review by the Oxford University Press.

5 The National Liberation War of Bangladesh: Light out of Darkness (2016), Prothoma Publishers, Dhaka

***China’s National Innovation System at the Cross-roads,(2010) LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Berlin, Germany (with Alberto Gabriele) ***Reducing Poverty:Patterns of Potential Human Progress, (2008), Oxford University Press, (with Barry Hughes et als.)

***Poverty Strategies in Asia: Growth Plus, (2006), Edward Elgar, (with John Weiss eds.)

***Global Markets and Financial Crisis: Asia’s Mangled Miracle, (2004), Macmillan/Palgrave.

***Innovation and Growth in East Asia: The Future of Miracles, (2004), Macmillan/Palgrave.

***Using Macroeconomic CGE Models for Poverty Analysis, (2004), ADBI, Tokyo

***Technology, Development and Democracy: The Limits of National Innovation Systems in the Age of Postmodernism, (1998), Edward Elgar.

***African Debt and Sustainable Development, (1997), Phelps-Stokes Fund Monograph, New York.

***Technology, Energy and Development: The South Korean Transition, (1997), Edward Elgar.

***Technology Systems and Development, (1997), Macmillan. (with Jeffrey James)

***Transitional Economies and Regional Economic Development Strategies, (1996), UNCRD, Nagoya, Japan, (edited with A. Kumssa).

***The Political Economy of Sanctions Against Apartheid, (1989), Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, CO.

***Macroeconomic Effects and Diffusion of Alternative Technologies Within a Social Accounting Matrix Framework: the Case of Indonesia, (1988), Gower Publication, CO. Aldershot, U.K. (with Erik Thorbecke). Selected refereed Articles and book chapters:

(Some of the leading Journals: Oxford Development Studies, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Policy Modeling, Journal of International Money and Finance, International Journal of Finance and Economics, World Development, Journal of Development Studies, Journal of Contemporary China etc.)

Khan, H. A. ( forthcoming April 2020), Human Capabilities in Complex Global System and Financial Governance: A Theory with Application to the BRICS, in P. Anand eds. BRICS Handbook, Oxford University Press Khan, H.A. ( forthcoming) “Nutrient intake efficiency map and optimization of foodstuff consumption pattern in Iran Using Data Envelopment Analysis, Journal of Public Health Policy(with coauthors) Khan, H.A. Income Polarization in the USA: what happened to the middle class in the last few decades? January 2020, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (with F. Schettino)

6 Khan, H.A.2019. “A post-colonial Little Prince, part II”, Cosmopolis:Revue de Cosmopolitique, Sommaire 3-4:61-64 Khan, H.A.2019. “The future of war and peace: a review essay on causal analysis via AI and Autonomous Weapons Systems”, Cosmopolis:Revue de Cosmopolitique, Sommaire 3-4: 64-72 Khan, Haider A., “Impact of Emotional Support, Informational Support, and Norms of Reciprocity on Trust Towards the Medical Aesthetic Community: The Moderating Effect of Core Self- Evaluations”, Interactive Journal of Medical Research, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 1-12, March 2019(with Jyh Jeng Wu, Shu Hua Chien,and Yu-Peng Lee ) Khan, H. A. ( Autumn 2018), “The Future of Bangladesh: ICT and Technological Superconvergence”, Journal of Bangladesh Studies. Khan, H.A. 2017. The Future of Global Society, Cosmopolis 2017/1-2, Autumn: 41-48 Khan, H.A.(2017), “US Foreign Policy”, Cosmopolis, Geneva: Switzerland, Autumn: 56-62. Khan, H. A. (2017), “A Strategy for Development as Freedom”, in Paths to Sustainable Development, eds., Robert Lensink, Stefan Sjogren and Clas Wihlborg, Gothenburg, Sweden: University of Gothenburg Haider A. Khan (2017). Structural Change and Energy Use in China: A SAM-Based CGE Analysis, The Chinese Economy, Beijing ( co-authored) Khan, H. A. (2017). Asymmetric Globalization. (2nd ed., vol. 1, pp. 6 to 16). Washington DC: Nagorik(Citizen). Social capabilities–based flexicurity for a learning economy, Sage Economic and Labour Relations Review, Vol. 27, Issue 3, 2016 (with Dario Judzik and Laura Spagnlo):333-348

Globalization and Economic Justice in the 21st Century, Protichinta(Counter-Thought),Vol. 6 No. 3, July-Sep., 2016 “On Capitalism and Racism”, E-International Relations, July,2016. Efficiency evaluation of bus transit firms with and without consideration of environmental air- pollution emissions,” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (SSCI, SCI), Vol. 50, pp.505-519. (SSCI, IF=3.445, in 2017) (Coauthored)

AIIB and Asia's Infrastructure”. Conversations, Spring 2015

“Another Marshall Plan to save crisis-ravaged euro”. (April ed., vol. 2015). Sofia: The Europost.

“ Europe needs another Marshall Plan to save crisis-ravaged euro”. Conversations, April, 2015 “ What should the AIIB’s priorities be?” Davos:World Economic Forum, April, 2015 “Do Governance Indicators Explain Growth Performance ? A Cross-Country Analysis”, in Anil Deolalikar, Shikha Jha and P. Quising eds. Governance in Developing Asia, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2015. Development and Women's Rights as Human Rights: A Political and Social Economy Approach within a Deep Democratic Framework, 42 Denver Journal of International Law and Policy Vol. 42, No. 3(Aug. 2014):101-129. Competing for Investments in Special Economic Zones? An Empirical Investigation on Indian States, 1998–2010, in Jason Miklian and Åshild Kolås (Eds.) 'Invisible India: Hidden Risks within an Emerging Superpower' : Routledge (with Krishna Chaitanya Vadlamannati), 2014:184-203. Development Strategies: Lessons from the Experiences of South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand and

7 Vietnam, in Augustin K. Fosu ed. Achieving Development Success, Oxford University Press, 2013:119-132. Basel III, BIS and Global Financial Governance, Journal of Advanced Studies in Finance, Volume IV, Issue 2(8), Winter 2013 Enhancing Economic Integration in the Asia-Pacific through the Strengthening of National Innovation Systems - Challenges and Strategies, Asia-Pacific Technology Monitor, March-April, 2012 US-China Problems: Is Revaluing the yuan the Solution?, International Affairs, Summer, 2012 Deepening Democracy During Crisis, Cosmopolis, Summer, 2012 ***Human Development and Capabilities in MENA Economies with Special Emphasis on Egypt, forthcoming in volume of selected papers from the HDCA conference in Amsterdam, 2011 “Egypt after Mubarak: History has been made, but what's next?” Christian Science Monitor, Feb. 11, 2011 “Central Bank Autonomy, Legal Institutions and Incidence of Financial Crises”, International Journal of Finance and Economics, Autumn, 2011:1-23. “Hyperconflict: Globalization and Insecurity from a Critical Scientific Realist Perspective of Causal Depth”, Globalizations, 8(3), June 2011: 385-91 ***“Lessons from Korean Development Experience”, in UNAIF, New Partners for Change: UN and the World Academic Community, Seoul, August/September 2011: 83-112. ***“Development Strategies: Lessons from South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia and Viet Nam”, in Augustin Fosu ed. Lessons from Successful Development Strategies, Oxford University Press, 2013

***“China’s Development Strategy and Energy Security”, in Amelia Santos-Paulino and Guanghua Wan ed. The Rise of China and India: Development Strategies and Lessons, Palgrave/Macmillan, 2010 ***“The Gains from Growth for Women in India: A SAM- and CGE-based analysis”, in Amelia Santos-Paulino and Guanghua Wan ed. The Rise of China and India: Development Strategies and Lessons, Palgrave/Macmillan, 2010 “Economic Growth and Environmental Degradation with Possible Implications for Climate Change:Panel Data Evidence from the BRIC Economies”, in W.H. Lee and V.G. Cho eds. Handbook of Sustainable Energy, Nova Science Publishers. (with A. Tamazian and K.C. Vadlamannati), (2009) “A Theory of Deep Democracy in the Age of Postmodernism” (2009), in Readings in Law and Society Journal, 1. (1).

“A New Approach to Modeling Early Warning Systems for Financial Crises” (2008) (coauthored), Journal of International Money and Finance,: 1098-1121. “Democracy in Bangladesh: from Crisis to Sustainability” (2008), Journal of Bangladesh Studies, 9. (2): 13- 25. “Does the Appointment of Outside Directors Increase Firm Value?” (2008) (coauthored), Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 71-85. “Ecological Economics of Water Management in China” in I. Usha ed. (2008) Global Law and Economics of Sustainable Development, IFCAI Press, (with Yi-bei Liu) ***“Regional Cooperation, Governance,Soft Infrastructure and Trading Costs” in D. Brooks and J. Menon eds. (2008) Infrastructure and Trade in Asia, Edward Elgar, 54-70. “Women’s Rights as Human Rights” (2007), CIRJE, Tokyo ***“Poverty Strategies in Asia: Growth Plus”, in H. Khan and J. Weiss, eds. (2006), Poverty Strategies in Asia, E. Elgar (with J. Weiss). ***“Trade Liberalization and Poverty Reduction in CGE Models: The Dual-Dual Approach” in H. Khan and J. Weiss, eds., (2006), Poverty Strategies in Asia, E. Elgar.

8 ***“Infrastructure and Regional Cooperation” (Nov. 2006), Paper for ADBI and IADB Joint Workshop in Seoul (with John Weiss) ***“Assessing Institutional Efficiency, Growth and Integration” (2005), Emerging Markets Review, 6 (1): 69-84 “Risk Assessment: A Dynamic Multi-objective Programming Approach” (2005), Computers and Operations Research , 32:1633-1654 ***“Assessing the Poverty Reduction Impact of Structural Adjustment Policies in CGE Models” (2004), ADBI Papers “FDI and the Performance of MNCs” (2004), Review of International Business Research, Vol. 15: 146-158 (with J. Wu and C. Kang) “Globalization: Challenges and Opportunities” (2004), Review of International Business Research, Vol. 15: 276-291. ***“Local community investments,Sen’s capabilities approach and regional development: a conceptual approach based on a social accounting matrix” (April, 2004), IJEB ***“Technology and Economic Development in Taiwan” (August, 2004), Journal of Contemporary China. ***“Towards a Field Theory of Innovating MNCs in the Digital Economy: Creative Capital in a POLIS” (2004), Review of International Business Research Vol. 15:104-116. “Does Japanese Foreign Aid Work?” in Horiuchi, ed. (March 2003), Modern Asia (in Japanese, Aichi Gakuin University Press). “ The Political Economy of Oil”, SWANS commentary. March, 2003 ***“Technology, Modernity and Development: ”, Peter Brey et al. eds. (2003) Technology and Modernity: The Empirical Turn, The MIT Press. “What can the African countries learn from the macroeconomics of foreign aid in Southeast Asia ?” (2003), Aryeetey, E., Court, J., Nissanke, M. and Weder, B., Asia and Africa in the Global Economy, Tokyo, UNU Press. “Does Aid Work ? Japanese Foreign Aid, development Expenditures and Taxation in Malaysia ” 2002, Journal of the Centre for International Studies, Vol.4: 1-20. ***“Innovation and Growth in a Schumpeterian Model” (2002), Oxford Development Studies, 30. (3): 289-306. ***“Globalization and Regionalization: Challenges for Developing Countries” (Winter 1999-2000), Economie, Ethique et Sujet (with Asfaw Kumssa).

“Aid Under Different Policy Regimes: Does the Policy Maker Make a Difference?” (September, 1999), Empirical Economics (with Ira Gang). “Corporate Governance of Family Businesses in Asia: What’s Right and what’s Wrong?” (1999) ADBI paper no. 3. ***“Sectoral Growth and Poverty Alleviation: A Multiplier Decomposition Technique Applied to South Africa”, (1999), World Development. “Democracia y desarrollo en la era del postmodernismo” in Carlos Mondragon and Alfredo Echegollen, eds. (1998), Democracia cultura y desarrollo, UNAM Press, Mexico City. “Competitiveness and Human Resource Development in Asia” (1997), Asian Development Review, 15 (2) (with Anil Deolalikar, Rana Hasan and M.G. Quibria). “Does Japanese Bilateral Aid Work? Foreign Aid and Fiscal Behavior in a Bounded Rationality Model” (1997), Regional Development Studies, Vol.3 “Ecology, Inequality and Poverty: The Case of Bangladesh” (1997), Asian Development Review, 15 (2) “Ecology, Structural Adjustment, and Distribution” (1997), African Economic and Social Review, Vol. 1 (with Karamo Sonko). ***“Foreign Direct Investment and Regional Human Development in Low-income Transitional Economies” (1997), Regional Development Dialogue, 18 (1)

9 ***“Technology Choice and Income Distribution” (February, 1997), World Development, (with Jeffrey James). “Beyond Global Distributive Justice” in Global Justice, ed. David Levine, (Summer 1996). “Foreign Aid and Fiscal Behavior of the Recipient Government” (Winter 1995-1996) Regional Development Studies, Vol. 2 (with A. Kumssa). ***“Resources, Capability and Regional Development” (1996) Transitional Economies and Regional Development, UNCRD, Nagoya, Japan. ***“Structural Adjustment and Human Development: Lessons for Asian Transitional Economies” (1996) Transitional Economies and Regional Development, H. Khan and A. Kumssa, UNCRD, Nagoya, Japan. ***“A Multidimensional Approach to Designing Effective Adjustment Programs” (1994), edited by George Shepherd and Karamo Sonko, Economic Justice in Africa: Adjustment and Sustainable Development Westport: Greenwood Press: 7-25. ***“A Further Extension of Adjustment Models: The Environment and Equity” (1994), edited by George Shepherd and Karamo Sonko, Economic Justice in Africa: Adjustment and Sustainable Development (Westport: Greenwood Press: 189-201. “Explaining the Impact of Foreign Aid” (Dec. 1994) World Development. “Impact of Aid: Reply to Howard White” (1994), Journal of Development Economics (with Ira Gang). “Impact of Japanese Aid to India: An Econometric Study of Bilateral Aid” (1994), Asian Journal of Economics and Society, 13 (4). “Macroeconomic Effects of IMF Adjustment Policies” (1994), edited by George Shepherd and Karamo Sonko Economic Justice in Africa: Adjustment and Sustainable Development, Westport: Greenwood Press: 27-40. “Poverty in Bangladesh: What Have We Learned?” in Bangladesh Economy, (1994) The University Press, Dhaka. “A Conversation with Amartya Sen” (October, 1993), Voice of Bangladesh, New York. ***“Econometrics” (1993) Blackwell's Dictionary of Twentieth Century Social Thought, Basil Blackwell, Oxford. ***“Markets, Structural Adjustment and Democracy” (September, 1993), Relaciones Internacionales. “Reply to Binh and McGillivray, 'Foreign Aid, taxes and public investment: A Comment” (1993), Journal of Development Economics, 41 (with Ira Gang). ***“The Employment Effects of Income Redistribution” (March, 1993), World Development, (with Jeffrey James).“The Surplus Approach to Environment” (1993), Review of Political Economy, (with Victor Lippit).

“Impact of Foreign Aid on the Fiscal Behavior of LDC Governments” (Dec. 1992), World Development, (with E. Hoshino). ***“Poverty and the Right to Food” (July, 1992), Global Justice. “Foreign Aid, Taxes and Public Investment” (1991), The Journal of Development Economics (with Ira N. Gang). ***“Multiplier and Structural Path Analysis of Trade Sanctions” (1991), in G. Shepherd, ed. Effective Sanctions Against Apartheid, Praeger/Greenwood. “Poverty in Bangladesh: Intertemporal Comparison and Decomposition” (July, 1991), Journal of Development Studies (with A. Ahmad and R.K. Sampath). “Some Determinants of Foreign Aid to India” (March 1990), World Development, (with Ira N. Gang). Also in H.W. Singer et al. ed. (1991) Aid and financing, Indus publishing Co. ***“The Impact of Sanctions on South Africa and the Frontline States” (March, 1990) in Merle Lipton and David Hauck ed. The Impact of Sanctions on South Africa, Investor Responsibilities Research Center, Washington, D.C. ***“Macroeconomic Effects of Technology Choice: Multiplier and Structural Path Analysis” (1989), Journal of Policy Modeling, 11 (1) (with Erik Thorbecke). ***“Impact of Trade Sanction on South Africa: A Social Accounting Matrix Approach” (October, 1988),

10 Contemporary Policy Issues. ***“Analyzing and Measuring the Impact of Sanction on the South African Economy: A New Approach.” (April, 1987), Africa Today. “Foreign Aid and Public Expenditures in LDCs” (September, 1986), Atlantic Journal of Economics, (with Ira N. Gang). ***“Technology Choice in the Energy and Textile Sectors in the Republic of Korea” (1985), in A.S. Bhalla (ed.) Technology and Employment in Industry, 3rd ed. ***“Energy, Technology and Income Distribution: A Social Accounting Matrix for Energy Modeling” (1982), Applied Simulation and Modeling, Calgary, Canada, ACTA. ***China’s Development Strategy and Energy Security, forthcoming in Southern Engines of Growth, Macmillan/ Palgrave. “Institutions, governance and growth in some transitional economies”, forthcoming, Review of Emerging Markets (with A. Pinero and A. Tamazian) “On Paradigms, Theories and Models”, Problemas del desarrollo, 34 (134): 149-155. “Social Capabilities, Well-being and Poverty”, forthcoming, K.S. Jomo, ed. Pioneers in Development Economics ***“What Gains of Growth for Women and Informal Workers in India: A SAM Based CGE Analysis”, g in Southern Engines of Growth, Macmillan/Palgrave (with Anushree Sinha).

Submitted Articles and Working papers:

“A ‘Generic CGE Model for South Asia for Analyzing the Poverty Reduction Impact of Trade Liberalization”

“A Note on Multidimensional Inequality”, revised and resubmitted to the International Economic Review.

“A Schumpeterian Model of Innovation on Abstract Function Spaces”, submitted to the Journal of Mathematical Economics.

“Conflict between Output and Employment Revisited” forthcoming in The Economic Journal.

“Corporate Governance in Asia: Which Road to Take?”, working paper, presented at 2nd high level symposium in ADBI, Tokyo

“Corporate Governance: Limits of the Principal-Agent Theory”, revised and resubmitted to the Journal of Finance.

“Corporate Governance: the limits of the principal – agent model”, revised and resubmitted to the Journal of Political Economy.

“Do Economic Sanctions Matter?”, revised and resubmitted to the Journal of International Economics.

“Digital Development”, working paper, presented at the Preparing Asia for Digital Economy workshop, UNU/IAS, Tokyo. Revised and resubmitted to the American Economic Review.

“Governance in CGE Models and Poverty Reduction”

“How Do Trade Sanctions Work? A Multiplier and Structural Path Analysis,” submitted to the Economic Journal.

11 “How Effective Is Japanese Foreign Aid? Econometric Results from a Bounded Rationality Model for Indonesia,” submitted to The Japanese Economic Review.

“Innovation and Growth: The Experience of Taiwan,” submitted to the Economic Journal.

“Japanese Foreign Aid, Development Expenditures and Taxation in Thailand: Econometric Results from a Bounded Rationality Model of Fiscal Behavior”, submitted to the Journal of Asian Economics.

“Soft Infrastructure”, CIRJE Discussion Paper

“Some Paradoxes in an Axiomatic Comparison of Multi-dimensional Inequality”, submitted to the International Economic Review (with Manoucher Parvin).

“Technological Progress with Externalities and Collective Bargaining”, submitted to the Journal of Productivity Analysis (with Manoucher Parvin).

“The Future of WDM”, working paper (with M.A. Matin).

Professional Organizations:

Member of: AEA, The Royal Economic Society, The Econometric Society, Elected Vice President and President of AEDSB, a member organization of AEA, International Studies Association..

Grants: 2007 Grant from United Nations Development Economics Research Center(WIDER), Helsinki

2006 Travel Grant to Spain; Travel Grant from ADBI, Tokyo

2005 Travel Grant from University of Tokyo

2004 Travel Grant from ADBI, Tokyo

2003 Travel Grant from ADBI, Tokyo

2002 Grant from Aoyama Gakuin University; Providence University CIRJE, University of Tokyo

1995 NSF Travel Grant

1991 Traveling Fellowship, The Netherlands National Science Foundation

1989-90 Ford Foundation, Structural Adjustment Programs (with Prof. George Shepherd)

1988 Ford Foundation, Human Rights Consortium - The Sanctions Sub- project (with Prof. George Shepherd)


1986 Summer grant from Graduate School of International Studies, University of Denver

10/1984 Project: Technology Choice and Income Distribution in Indonesia

10/1983 (with Erik Thorbecke) International Labour Office Grant

10/1981 Energy and Income Distribution in the Republic of Korea

10/1980 International Labour Office Grant; Project: Choice of Technology,

References (partial list):

Professor Y. Sawada Chief , Asian Development Bank Manila [email protected] Professor Erik Thorbecke Department of Economics Uris Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. 14853 Tel: (607) 255-2066 [email protected]

Professor A.K. Sen Department of Economics Harvard University, Cambridge, M.A. Tel: (617) 496-0084 [email protected]

Professor Ha-Joon Chang Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, UK Ha-Joon Chang [[email protected]] Ha-Joon Chang [[email protected]]

Professor Jan Svejnar Columbia University, NYC Jan Svejnar [[email protected]]

Professor Anwar Shaikh

13 New School for Social Research New York City, New York E-mail: Anwar Shaikh [[email protected]]

Professor Richard Miller Philosophy Department Cornell University Ithaca, New York 14853 Richard Miller [[email protected]]

Professor Kaushik Basu C. Marks Professor and Director, Program on Comparative Economic Development Department of Economics Cornell University Ithaca, New York 14853 Email: [email protected] Fax: 607-255-2818 Phone: 607-255-2525 Chief Economist, The World Bank Washington DC USA. Former Chief Economic Adviser Government of India

Professor Junji Nakagawa Professor of International Economic Law Institute of Social Science The University of Tokyo 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo 113-0033 Japan Phone 81-3-5841-4971 Fax 81-3-5841-4905 Email [email protected]

Professor Katsuhito Iwai International Christian University, Mitaka, Tokyo and Graduate School of Economics University of Tokyo 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan Katsuhito Iwai [[email protected]]

Prof. Iwan Azis

14 Cornell University City and Regional Planning and Asian Development Bank Iwan Jaya Azis [[email protected]]

Professor Heikki Patomaki International Relations University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland Heikki Patomäki [[email protected]]

His Excellency Ambassador Dr. Heraldo Munoz Foreign Minister of Chile and former Assistant Secretary General Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Carribean The United Nations

Prof. Alan Gilbert Distinguished University Professor, Josef Korbel School of International University University of Denver, Denver, Co. 80208 [email protected] Prof. Ved Nanda John Evans Distinguished University Professor School of Law University of Denver Denver, Co. 80208 [email protected]

Dr. Anushree Sinha Senior Fellow National Council for Applied Economic Research New Delhi, India [email protected]

Dr. Subhashish Gangopadhaya Director, India Development Foundation New Delhi, India Former Chief Economic Advisor, Govt. of India.