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United Republic of Tanzania Flow Monitoring Dashboard 1 to 25 October 2020 Published 20 November 2020 KENYA Mombasa Kwale 5 2,564 Flow Monitoring Points(*) Total Incoming and Outgoing Lushoto Flows Observed Mkinga OVERVIEW AND TRENDS 11.5% 88.5% DTM Flow Monitoring in Zanzibar Korogwe In partnership with the Office of the Chief Government Stascian (OCGS) of Zanzibar, DTM Tumbe team in the United Republic of Tanzania is implemenng Flow Monitoring Registry (FMR) in five Micheweni Wete Points of Entry (PoEs) in Islands of Unguja and Pemba. This report focuses on the analysis of data Wete collected from 1 October to 25 October 2020. Korogwe Tanga Urban Township Pemba Five Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs): FMPs were established at PoEs in Tumbe and Wete in Authority Muheza 54.6% 45.4% Island Pemba island, and Mkokotoni, Ngalawa, and Kizimkazi in Unguja island. Chake Chake Movements: Enumerators at the five FMPs tracked a total of 17,209 movements. This includes Mkoani 14,645 internal movements (movements within Zanzibar), 1,405 incoming movements (into the islands), and 1,159 outgoing movements (out to the mainland). This analysis only focuses on the United Republic Mkoani of Tanzania 2,564 outgoing and incoming flows. The largest proporon of travelers were in the age group of 18-39 years, covering 65 per cent of Pangani Handeni Indian Ocean the incoming and outgoing flows. Over 94 per cent of the movements were using boats to enter and leave the Zanzibar islands, with Ngalawa reporng the highest number of incoming and outgoing flows, with 26 per cent of the total movements. Reasons for movement: For both incoming and outgoing flows, movements were mostly driven Mkokotoni Kaskazini A by economic reasons (66.6 per cent), followed by persons returning to their habitual residence 84.1% 15.9% (17.3 per cent), family-related reasons (9.3 per cent), and other reasons (including seasonal Kaskazini B movements, educaon and healthcare-related reasons at 6.8 per cent). Ngalawa Unguja Awareness of COVID-19: The overwhelming majority of the people moving (nearly 80 per cent) Island Mjini reported being aware of the COVID-19 virus. 13.4% 86.7% Magharibi Kati Legend Bagamoyo ALL MOVEMENTS(**) COVID-19 AWARENESS Flow Monitoring Point Kusini 54.8% 78.9% Incoming Flow 54.8% Outgoing Flow Kizimkazi Districts Boundary Incoming Aware International Boundary 2,564 2,564 District Boundary Outgoing Total Movement 8.8% 91.2% Total Movement Observed Observed Kibaha Urban (*) FMPs were established at PoEs in Kinondoni 025 50 Pemba and Unguja islands. 45.2% 21.1% Km (**) Analyzed flows include only 1,405 incoming movements (into the DISCLAIMER:This map is for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries islands) and 1,159 outgoing movements (out to the mainland), on his map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by IOM. while 14,645 Internal Movement (Movement within islands) are Contact: [email protected] not part of this analysis. IOM Tanzania Displacement Tracking Matrix [email protected] hps://tanzania.iom.int 1/3 United Republic of Tanzania Flow Monitoring Dashboard 1 to 25 October 2020 Published 20 November 2020 REASONS FOR THE MOVEMENT VULNERABILITIES NATIONALITIES Total Incoming Outgoing 53.9% Children under five 2.8% 44.9% Economic reasons 66.6% 39.0% 27.2% United Republic of Return 17.3% 10.6% 6.7% Tanzania Pregnant or Lactang Mothers Other Naonalies Family reasons 9.3% 1.1% 8.2% 1.0% Others 6.8% 4.1% 2.7% 0.9% Other vulnerabilies 0.1% 0.3% Total 100.0% 54.8% 45.2% Incoming Outgoing DURATION OF STAY DEMOGRAPHIC MEANS OF TRANSPORT 1.4% 1.4% 2.0% Total Incoming Outgoing Age Group 0.8% Less than a day 7.5% 5.0% 2.5% 1dayto 1 week 30.2% 14.4% 15.9% 0.1% 0 ≥ 60 0.7% More than 1 week and up to 3 months 20.9% 11.8% 9.1% 0.5% 50 - 59 8.5% Boat More than 3 months and up to 6 months 5.1% 2.6% 2.5% 1.9% 40 - 49 17.1% Bus More than 6 months and up to 12 months 1.7% 0.6% 1.1% 2564 More than 1 year 5.7% 4.5% 1.2% 5.0% 30 - 39 28.8% Total Movement Taxi car I am not planning to leave 11.9% 7.6% 4.3% Observed 7.7% 18 - 29 23.5% Other means I don’t know 16.5% 8.0% 8.5% Prefers not to answer 0.5% 0.4% 0.1% 1.6% 5 - 17 1.9% Air Total 100.0% 54.8% 45.2% 1.7% 0 - 4 1.1% 94.5% KEY OBSERVATIONS More than half of the movements into Zanzibar were from the Tanga region (65.5 per cent of the total incoming flows recorded). Four per cent of registered incoming flows indicang that they had departed from Kenya. Thirty per cent of the outgoing movements stated that they were heading to Tanga and Pwani regions. Seven per cent of the outgoing flows indicated that they were going to Kenya. IOM Tanzania Displacement Tracking Matrix [email protected] hps://tanzania.iom.int 2/3 United Republic of Tanzania Flow Monitoring Dashboard 1 to 25 October 2020 Published 20 November 2020 TYPE OF DAILY MOVEMENT OBSERVED DURING THE REPORTING PERIOD METHODOLOGY 237 DTM's Flow Monitoring Registry surveys movements through key Points of Entry within the islands of Zanzibar. The purpose is to regularly update informaon on mobility dynamics and traveler 132 demographics, intenons, and movaons. Data is collected on both 117 104 internal, incoming and outgoing flows. 90 90 Incoming 69 68 67 69 FMPs are posioned at strategic Points of Entry, as determined by a 59 61 64 58 62 Outgoing 56 55 51 5356 50 52 43 47 45 46 48 45 48 42 47 47 33 40 39 preliminary assessment of transit locaons and in coordinaon with 24 26 28 30 28 31 17 14 15 18 13 5 8 5 12 the OCGS. As a result, the data indicates selected key flows and does not provide a full stascal representaon of movements to and from Zanzibar. OCTOBER 2020 The FMR methodology aims to track all traffic passing through an FMP between 8:00 and 17:00, six days a week and varies depending on ALL MOVEMENT OBSERVED each FMP. Trained enumerators collect data from either groups of DEPARTURE(Admin 1) FLOW MONITORING POINTS NEXT DESTINATION FINAL DESTINATION travelers or individual travelers, focusing on parcular demographics and vulnerabilies. Kaskazini Pemba Parcipaon in the survey is voluntary and children under 15 years are Kaskazini Pemba not directly interviewed. FMPs are not acve overnight due to security Kaskazini Pemba constraints, and operaons may be temporarily suspended in periods KusiniUnguja of increased risk, as was the case during the elecon period in the last Mkokotoni week of October. Kaskazini Unguja Kaskazini Unguja Mjini Magharibi Kusini Unguja Tanga LIMITATIONS KusiniUnguja Kizimkazi Kaskazini Unguja Geographical coverage of Flow Monitoring acvies is not exhausve and is limited to FMPs at selected Points of Entry. Informaon Kaskazini Unguja Mjini Magharibi Kaskazini Pemba provided represents only those movements observed at the selected Wete locaons (FMPs) where they were collected. Isolated FMR results are Tanga Mjini Magharibi Mjini Magharibi not indicave of movements in other non-monitored transit locaons. KaskaziniUnguja Kusini Unguja Kusini Pemba Tanga Tanga They are not representave of all flows in the geographical areas Pwani Unknown Admin 1 Tumbe Dar Es salaam Pwani Dar Es Salaam covered by the exercise. The findings must be read as indicave of the Other Admin1 Kusini Pemba Pwani Kusini Unguja Baringo Kusini Pemba trends, rather than exact mobility measurements. FMR does not Mombasa KaskaziniUnguja Other Admin 1 Kisumu Ngalawa Dar Es salaam Mombasa Mwanza kisumu Other replace, in any case, official stascs at official border crossing points. Lamu Mombasa Kilifi Kakamega Other Admin1 Other Other Nairobi United Republic of Tanzania Kenya IOM Tanzania Displacement Tracking Matrix [email protected] hps://tanzania.iom.int 3/3.